#a need for tutoring;; asks
ai-kan1 · 11 months
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Anywayy Jamijun childhood friends au in modern setting...
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crushedsweets · 2 months
Does nina know that kate is sensitive to lights?
yes! everyone's pretty aware of it. kate is constantly covering her eyes and squinting and cussing at people for suddenly turning on the lights around her with no warning. she's grateful the forest is so dense and blocks out so much sun. eventually toby gets her a hat... he tried sunglasses but she said they look stupid. eventually, her eyes get less sensitive as slendy has less of a chokehold on her, but theyre still sentitive.
as for nina, she's generally pretty careful about it. gets a privacy screen so she can scroll on her phone with kate besides her, but her screen appears dark/black for kate. her apartment is littered with dim lamps, fairylights, and candles, rather than the big lights. she prefers evenings/night life anyway, so if she wants to take kate somewhere, she picks places that are 24/7 or open late. she has had to frantically apologize for accidentally taking pictures with flash, though
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damiansgrayson · 1 year
i see your "dick grayson doesn't have a Super" and "dick grayson has All the Supers" and raise you....
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Donna Troy took one look at Richard 'Dick' Grayson and decided he was Wonderfam property only and the Supers don't have rights to this batbird, actually
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drugsforaddicts · 24 days
I see this fucking school really is trying to get on my nerves and kill me
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hey-hamlet · 4 months
wha!!! hope everyone is safe, including your mutual. Also, good on you for taking a break!! I have missed you but I'm glad you're being healthy and studying<33
actually i didn't tell that mutual story because i forgot to, but i will because it's kind of hilarious. i wont @ them just bc i've been rather loosey goosey with my personal information here and don't want to dox them by proxy (not that i think i would, but anyway! most of this story is actually just my complaining about the field trip but anyway. hang in there.
so! i have to take this one first year course because i only just picked my minor. people playing along at home will know im a second year who already has a degree, so this first year course is kind of killing me because its just the same content i've been taught before. nothing wrong with the course itself, im just not the target audience here.
there was a compulsory field trip which no one was enthused about, especially given it was 125 dollars and our course coordinator was kind of bitchy about it like "just don't buy bubble tea for a month and you'll be able to afford it" which. still mad about but not relevant here. we arrive and its pissing down rain. like, we are swimming in it. this rain continues the whole time.
and then as we eat lunch, the power cuts out. this is an over night trip. the power does not come back on until the next day at about noon, so we all have to hang out in the dark and take freezing cold showers - the showers were also full of weird bugs and smelt terrible. we are also in a 10 people per room situation on terrible terrible beds, and they make us wake up at 6am which is extra lame.
ANYWAY, through out all of this, we had 2 major activities, done in groups of about 8 with one tutor to each group. our tutor is basically group adult (this is a first year course and most of the people in it are like 18) and the person who knows what is going on. my tutor, who i get randomly assigned, is a delight. very funny, nice to work with, explains things enough to make sense but not enough that i get impatient, 10/10 great at their job. as a group, we all chat to eachother and the tutor.
i, as a person who has default scripts for small talk(ish) talk i run through, only have so many fun anecdotes i can tell about my life. it turns out that this is a problem.
at the end of the trip, we are sat in a room waiting for the bus, just vibing. not relevant to the story but like 3 people stacked it falling down the hill just getting to the room bc of how steep and muddy it was, i felt terrible for them, but it was also kind of funny. my tutor turns to me.
"so. do you like, have a tumblr? because i think you do."
i turn, torn between called out and impressed at the accuracy of this burn. "yeah i do - why?"
"i. think we're mutals." i blink. i do not know how to process this. they lean over.
"hey-hamlet, right?"
my soul leaves my body, then i have a moment where i am violently grateful the stuff i post here isn't *that* weird. like its weird. but. it could be so much worse.
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
me as a kid: i have all these problems
every adult around me: you're not old enough to know what's wrong with you, you're fine
me as an adult: i still have all these problems
my doctors after i finally got the opportunity to choose them myself: oh my fucking god why have you never gotten help for all these problems. you should have seen me 10 years ago
#problems i have finally gotten help for that i was told i was not old enough to know about:#AMPS (was told it was anxiety and then when i kept coming back they said it was fibro Quite Literally just to get me to shut up)#(like the doc i just saw literally said 'they diagnose fibromyalgia here when they dont know what the problem is but dont feel like testing)#multiple food allergies (was also told the stomach pain and vomiting was anxiety)#seborrheic dermatitis (i was told 'youre just stressed thats why you have a rash')#(which- if im so stressed my skin is literally dying MAYBE I STILL NEED HELP?????????)#autism and adhd (my father knew! but refused to get me assessed bc if i dont have a diagnosis theres no problem right :)#anxiety disorder (oh so when I'm in pain i DO have anxiety but when i say i have anxiety I'm overreacting okay)#dyscalculia and possibly dyslexia ('you just need to try harder' I've asked for a tutor five times)#some of my doctors don't actually believe me about some of these problems BECAUSE i have no records from when i was a kid#they're like 'it just popped up at 18? seems suspicious......' like I WASN'T ALLOWED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR'S UNTIL THEN#there's definitely more but I'm still mad abt it#i might not be in a wheelchair Almost All The Time if i had gotten help BEFORE i lost half the feeling in my legs#i KNEW the fibro was a BS diagnosis#i tried to get assessed for autism at 16 and was told i have schizotypal personality disorder instead with literally zero testing#like my psych just refused to allow me to get tested for autism she was like 'no you have spd i Just Know'#same psych that said there was zero way i had anything like DID because my symptoms didn't present Exactly like the Only other#patient at the clinic with DID. i want to note that that was a 14 year old boy still being actively abused#and i was a 20 year old who was in a safe environment and had distanced myself from my abusers and stressors
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goldenliartrash · 4 months
oh btw guys re: my internship!! i found out why it hasn't been validated yet, it's because the lawfirm sent literally all of the paperwork wrong. things are looking great for their clients
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
Man, I sometimes wonder what the brothers would think if they ever find out that I have a crush on the Organic Chemistry Tutor's voice.
I had to look this up because I have never heard of the Organic Chemistry Tutor before. But I'm assuming you're talking about the youtube channel?
Lucifer's just glad you're learning something. Mammon thinks you're a major nerd. Levi appreciates what it's like to have a crush on someone's voice. Satan doesn't care about your crush but he wants to listen too because this is some interesting information, actually. Asmo records his own voice in an attempt to get you to crush on him instead. Beel's cool with it, whatever makes you happy, MC. Belphie likes to sleep while it's playing because the soothing voice puts him right to sleep.
That's how I think that'd go for you lol.
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bakafurai · 5 months
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yeah that's fine I didn't need my heart anyways
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mariatesstruther · 8 months
man man man imagine like, still!outbreak AU tommy finds ellie outside jackson needing safety, his dad mode wakes 100% and he brings her inside jackson to live with him and maria cause he always imagined having a daughter with maria🥺
maybe an au where marlene KEPT ellie with her????? where she was raised among the fireflies???? maybe marlene told her she was the daughter of her best friend, a fellow rebel that got killed, but never that her mom was bit?????? so ellie doesn’t know she’s immune, and she’s sort of raised as marlene’s goddaughter with other children of firefly rebels
and maybe marlene tells herself that ellie’s immunity will eventually save them all, that she has to keep her safe, that she has to keep her alive and away from fucking everything long enough for them to figure out a cure. she doesn’t know or even suspect that it would take killing ellie to get their way—by the time they do figure it out, ellie’s like a daughter to her. she’s watched this kid grow up to hate tuna like anna and laugh like anna and love terrible puns, just like anna. before marlene’s eyes, ellie turns into anna’s mini-me without even knowing it; so what else is she to do but grow to love her too? that’s anna’s baby, anna and marlene’s baby. she loves her more than the world, more than the anything, more than the fireflies. more than a cure
so maybe when marlene finds out what abby’s dad has planned, she makes a different choice. she tells ellie the truth, that she’s sorry, and that she needs to go. ellie (who is blessedly not burdened by survivors guilt from riley and company) wants to live, of course she does. even if she hadn’t, marlene wouldn’t have let her die. she couldn’t
instead, she finds the most trustworthy yet capable and dangerous man she knows: tommy miller. what she hears of him is plenty, but what she knows for sure is this: he’s a great soldier, he’s a good man, and he used to have a neice named sarah. him and ellie already get along, luckily, because he teaches math to the firefly kids a few times a week. she tells him what is planned, and he’s horrified. she tells him how to stop it, so he does (kills a few people along the way, which she covers for. theyre good.)
then at this point, i actually think it’d be fun if joel and tess run into tommy and ellie somewhere random in the woods of wyoming 😭😭😭 maybe when joel and tess break into that old couple’s house from 1x06 and he asks if they’ve heard of a tommy, they actually go “you know what… some guy named tommy was here with a twelve year old not even two hours ago. little one cusses like a sailor. they went that way.”
im tagging in a-level marlene appreciator @clickergossip bc i want her to see this. anon thank u so much.
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gwensy · 4 months
desperately need to start studying for my ged on a completely unrelated note i have never been more productive in literally every other area of my life
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solradguy · 6 months
Sol I gotta ask, when you read japanese, are you at the level where you can read it casually, or does understanding it still take effort? Because even though I've got the basic gist of my second language down, I still would struggle with picking up a novel and consuming it, actively translating the text in my brain takes so much extra effort than skimming words in english 🥲
If it's baby level I can read it just fine haha but longer stuff is impossible without Yomitan because there are just so... many..... kanji......... Picking up a physical novel or newspaper and being able to understand 100% of it is still beyond my skill level, but I am probably at least to a point where I could give like a vague summary of what's happening.
I'm not sure how many kanji I have memorized exactly... When I started the Begin translation a few years back I probably knew maybe 200 (what was I doing translating books at just 200 kanji?!?) and I'd be surprised if I knew less than 800 now, which is nearly a third of the recommended number needed to fully understand a newspaper (~2200). That's just kanji though, my actual vocabulary is a lot higher than that lol
I'd love to take an actual Japanese class some day... Self study has gotten me REALLY far but, like you, there are a lot of times where I have to translate it into English before it clicks with my brain, and I think I would be a lot more efficient at translating in general too if I had more professional studying. Maybe some day!!
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silvermeww · 26 days
fic ask game- 9 and 12 for Ash OR any other character of your choice?
Going to go with the oringinal boy (tm) since I can't think of anyone I can ramble about WITHOUT going off-topic rn. I can also go off-topic with Ash but I'm more restrained today bc of this horrible reaction to the worst coffee-based drink I've tasted. ANYWAYS:
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Woo, boy, I have no idea if I can survive an encounter with Ash, let alone bunk out with him. I feel like he would be out of the room most of the time anyways, but still. His side would be a mess and so would mines (because I can get so lazy sometimes, it's a problem lol), and a few days later we would have Trubbish spawning in our room. And then he would befriend them. And then we would have another problem, because there would be too many Pokemon plus these Trubbish, and because they look cute I can't say no, but they still stink and you get the gist lol. And that's not even accounting for the crazy adventures that he would go throigh. Great stories at night? Definitely, but being a part of them? Will I be able to live a normal life afterwards? Is it worth the cost of meeting Legendaries and possibly even befriending them? It depends heh. But also Ash does seem pretty dependable in a pinch when it comes to situations like that, so maybe I can deal. Also I would get to be with so many Pokemon which would be a dream come true (tell me you wouldn't hug half of his team just to know how it feels).
(he would still need to clean his side of the room though, I'm not responsible for that)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Hmm I don't know if I have anything definite yet since I just finished mindlessly going through every season ever, but I definitely feel like Ash would go on to try out some contest circuits after Journeys. Expand his reach a little, play around with his Pokemon in a different light, learn about the different battling style in more depth (also get bombarded by all of his coordinator friends lol). I think a lot of people forget that he's not only just a League battler guy, but a Trainer that wants to try all sorts of stuff to bond with Pokemon (he even tried Pokemon fashion at one point!). And c'mon, it would be super fun to have him run into the contest hall with that funeral cowboy suit all dusty and then he just proceeds to call out Melmetal, who starts doing an improvised fortnite dance complete with dabbing for their appeal round. He gets eliminated of course, but in my heart he won and it was very close anyways. Also imagine the rivals!! Man this is getting me inspired. Anyways Coordinator Ash ftw.
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lottiecrabie · 7 months
hello it is i again, friends w the tutor couple. I am living with them while my apartment gets fumigated & I have learned how tutor au they truly are after spending three days w them so far.
-he said she had a weird noise on her car & what he thinks that is & she said “babe I don’t need to know what that is, I am hot”
-he came with us to our weekly wine night again & he listened to her explain every single plot line of real housewives of Beverly Hills like she was telling him the most important information of his life. plus she handed him her Nintendo switch when she thought he was getting bored & he said, “oh no, babygirl, I’m enjoying this”
-she said “who even uses trigonometry?!” & he goes “me, I’m an architect” & she goes “oh yeah that’s what you do” & then proceeded to make out with him
-she fell asleep on the couch with me & this morning he kissed her forehead before work & said “I love you, you’re the best girl” & her response was “ew you fucking dweeb… I love you too”
I’m brainrotting while living with them. I’m gonna go hang around a library or tech company & get a nerd too
awww i could definitely see tutor matty and reader in all these situations😭 i hope your apartment gets fixed and u do not suffer too much brainrot in the crossfires🫡
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2sidesofthesamesoul · 8 months
im having so many issues with my reading list because i want to go through my massive tomarry TBR but i also want to finish/catch up to the 20 severitus fics i started reading but also i want to read more theo fics but also i want to read a dozen sirius fics but also i want to read -
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touchstiel · 1 year
So im the anon from before (the one with the dude that looks like misha in my humanities class lol)
And id like to update that on monday he asked me to be his project partner!! And I QUOTE
"Since you keep staring at me, i might as well talk to you" !!!!!!! God i am so gay- It took all my power not to faint. I swear to god this class will be an F
Wish me luck because god knows i need it.
thats awesome!!!!!!! omg i wish you the most luck in the world you got this!!!!
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