#a n d she wasn't doing the whole pushing her stomach thing
turned-on-tum-rubs · 1 year
yall got that one vid that you'd watch religiously forever ago but got deleted cuz i sure do
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Winner Winner, Stormfly's Dinner
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 6.7k
Hiiii I was wondering if you could write a fic about the dragon races? I’ve seen your fic about the Lightfury stealing a dragon rider and really enjoyed it and I loved the dynamic the Lightfury had with your oc, Toothless and Hiccup even tho she doesn’t seem to like him too much. I was hoping you could incorporate that dynamic into an x reader fic? Also, you're free to use Stardust as the name of the Lightfury since I thought it was so cute. Since I know it probably wouldn’t fit into your original story I thought it might be easier to do it as something completely new with similar characters if that’s alright? Love your work and can’t wait to see more! From Anonymous
Hiii i was wondering if u could do something like a dragon racing fic with the sheep since I thought that might be fun. I’ve seen most people have requested Hiccup so I’m just going to request him as well since that’ll be fun and easy for you. So maybe like just segments where the reader is singled out with each rider so she can have some fun banter or moments with them and then maybe she gets the black sheep and wins the whole thing and hiccup is super proud of her <33333 From Anonymous
(Y/N): Your name
(H/C): Hair colour
(D/N): Dragon name
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A loud horn rang out as (Y/N) stepped into the old dragon training arena, her Lightfury–Stardust–following behind her. The noise signalled the nearing of the annual dragon race, letting those know to start making their way over soon. The stands were empty but the pit of the arena was full of dragon riders and their dragons, applying paint to the wings and heads of their dragons.
"Running a bit late now, are we?" Astrid called out as (Y/N) passed her. She wore a smug grin on her face, coloured orange and blue just like Stormfly behind her. Stormyfly perked up at the sight of (Y/N) and Stardust, trying to take a few steps towards the pair to greet them. At the sound of her talons scraping along the stone floor, Stardust's head snapped towards her, and a flash of teeth and a wrinkle of her nose deterred Stormfly from getting too much close. (Y/N) placed a hand on Stardust's head, lightly pushing it in the direction of where a mass of darkness sat patiently and with his chest puffed out slightly as its one-legged rider smeared paint across his head. At the sight of the other fury, Stardust went gracefully over without a second question, leaving (Y/N) to fend for herself.
"Hi, Stormfly. Looking good," (Y/N)'s voice rose as she ran her hands under the Deadly Nadder's chin, earning an elated hum from the beast. A bubble of joy rose from the pit of (Y/N)'s stomach to her chest, lighting her up until her soft laughter rang out around the arena. Astrid soon joined in on the laughter as she followed after her wayward dragon. "You ready for today, Astrid? Been feeding Stormyfly as much chicken as possible?"
At the mention of chicken, Stormfly lit up. Rising from (Y/N)'s grip and stomping her feet lightly in excitement. Astrid raised both her hands to try to calm the Deadly Nadder down, shooting (Y/N) a feigned annoyed glare. "We've definitely been getting some extra practice in, though I wouldn't say… you know what is needed to beat all these knuckleheads. What about you? Got any secret flights in with Stardust in preparation for today?"
(Y/N) ticked her head to the side, the corners of her lips lifting. Her body language showed indifference, but Astrid could tell something was going on that (Y/N) wasn't telling her. "Stardust and I will do just fine without any extra help. We always have a few tricks up our sleeves."
"We'll see about that once we get in the air," Astrid comments as she leads Stormfly back to her painting station. She dabbed a small sponge into the bowl filled with orange paint before lifting her arm to run it along Stormfly's outstretching wing, leaving a trail of paint behind that she would later go over to make the colour brighter and the lines steadier. "I took the liberty of setting up your station near Hiccup's. I hope the colours are to your liking."
"I'm sure whatever you picked out will make Stardust and I stand out amongst the rest of you," (Y/N) called over her shoulder with a laugh ringing through her words, choosing to ignore any undertones of teasing that she could find in Astrid's voice. (Y/N)'s eyes now landed on a new target. A target that she wouldn't be able to reach as quickly as she would have hoped to.
"(Y/N), I need your honest opinion–well, not too honest, or I might cry–about my battle paint!" Tuffnut called out as he saw the (H/C) haired girl walking past. As (Y/N) turned to take in the mix of colours on his face, she jumped back at the closeness of the boy. Tuffnutt had run up to her and was standing with his face pushed outwards with his eyes widened. On it was a yellow skull with the rest of his face blacked out. "Is it too much? Too little? I think I should add more paint but Ruff disagrees."
"It's, uh, very you," (Y/N) said slowly, her palms extended in front of her and faced up as she acknowledged the thought-out design. (Y/N) took half a second to think out her answer before she was closing a fist and lightly punching Tuffnut in the shoulder with it, "You know, I think you should go with your heart. If you think you should add more, then by all means, add more."
Tuffnut stared at her for a few seconds before he threw both hands into the air, "This is one of the many reasons you are my favourite," He exclaimed with a large grin overtaking his feature before he was spinning around and walked back towards his sister, arms still in the air. "You hear that, Ruff? (Y/N) thinks I'm brilliant!"
A smile displayed itself on (Y/N)'s face as she watched Tuffnut happily run back over to his paint station, his half of Barf and Belch looming over as he watched Tuffnut happily smear more paint on his face. The groan that rang out did little to wipe the smile off (Y/N)'s face as she turned to see Ruffnut glaring at her with her arms crossed. "Great, now I'm going to have to deal with the aftermath of all that."
"If it makes you feel any better Ruff, you get to dunk water on his head later. Maybe even repeatedly," (Y/N)'s words got an evil grin stretched across Ruffnut's face as she rubbed her two hands together, shooting her twin brother a sideways glance as she imagines the future that awaited for her.
(Y/N) didn't stick around for too much longer after that since she was losing time. Everyone else had finished painting at least themselves or their dragons and were now either going in for more details or working on whatever they hadn't done yet while she was still yet to even see the colour of her paint. Her hope for getting started didn't stay around for long as a short Viking called out to get her attention.
"Oi, (Y/N)," Snotlout yelled as he waved a large hand at her. Hookfang stood behind his dragon rider, sporting some red and yellow paint along his wings and a little bit on his jaw and cheeks. (Y/N) quickly walked over to greet the boy, not one for ignoring anyone. "You mind helping do my face? I would use the mirror normally, but the twins shattered it earlier while trying to call dibs on it."
"Are you sure you weren't in on the shattering of said mirror?" (Y/N) questioned with a grin as she came to a stop in front of Snotlout. The shorter boy's shoulders dropped as he tried to fight to string a sentence together to defend his honour. It only ended up causing a laugh to rise from (Y/N). "I was kidding, Snotlout. I totally believe it was just those two causing their normal ruckus."
"Good, because you know I would never stoop so low to join in or whatever it is those two get up to," Snotlout puffed out his chest as he said this, earning another huffed-out laugh from (Y/N) at his actions. "Now, about that face paint?"
The laughter slowly died down as the question was brought up for a second time. One of (Y/N)'s arms was raised as she wrapped it around the forearm of her other arm. Trying to let the boy off gently, she spoke softly, "I don't know, Snotlout. I haven't even started on Stardust or my own paint, so I don't think I have the time."
"It will only take a second, I promise," Snoutlout said as he tried to push the bowl of paint into (Y/N)'s hands.
But at the sound of a second horn (Y/N) shook her head and pushed the paint away from herself and back to Snoutlouts chest. "I'm sorry, Snoutlout, but I don't have time. How about if I finish myself and Stardust and still have time afterwards, I'll come back over and help y
The offer was a good one, and the best (Y/N) would be able to give as she could already hear the first group of Vikings arrive early for the race later. Snotlout seemed to ponder the offer, taking his time in weighing it out in his head before giving a single nod of his head. "But I want you coming straight back here once your done. No faffing around with Hiccup afterwards."
One of (Y/N)'s hands shot up to her forehead in a salute as she looked down at Snotlout. "Hearing you loud and clear, soldier."
(Y/N) could hear the huffing of Hookfang, along with some muttering from Snotlout, as she turned away from the flaming duo and tried, once more to get to her desired destination. This time she thought she'd finally be able to. She had gotten through nearly all the dragon riders, and Fishlegs wasn't one to socialise much before a big race, having some pre-race ritual he had to forgo. But as she started walking once more, a Gronckle-loving dragon rider attempted to get her attention.
"Ooh (Y/N)! (Y/N)," He called as he left Meatlug behind, the Gronckle happily snacking on some rocks. Fishlegs held a card in his hand as he made his way over to the (H/C) haired girl, a nervous grin on his face as he came over. (Y/N) came to a stop even though she was a little annoyed at being stopped for the fourth time. She tried to hide that annoyance as Fishlegs hadn't done anything wrong. "I stayed up late last night trying to finish this new card I made for Lightfury's. I thought we needed a newer version since we've found out so much more about Stardust and her species."
A smile fought its way onto (Y/N)'s face as she saw the carefully drawn Lightfury on the small trading card. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she swore she could see every detail on the small picture that replicated her very own dragon. "Wow, Fishlegs, I don't know what to say. It looks amazing."
"This one's for you," Fishlegs quickly said, placing the card in (Y/N)'s hand before she could decline. "And before you say anything, I have a second one at home. I made this one just for you since I know you love everything and anything dragon related."
"Thanks, Fishlegs. I don't even know what to say," (Y/N) grinned as she stared at the small card before delicately placing it in a small pouch she had attached to her belt so it wouldn't get ruined while she was racing. As she thought about the race, she realised how much time she lost between getting to the arena late and having to talk to all the different dragon riders. "Good luck with the race, yeah?"
"I'll see you out there," Fishlegs concluded as they both turned away from each other.
This time, (Y/N) was finally able to get to where she needed to be.
"Hi, Hiccup," (Y/N) said as she trailed her fingers along the brunette's arm. The taller boy looked up at (Y/N), a soft smile on his face as he watched the girl dance around him. "And hi, Toothless. Red is such a good colour on you."
A gargling noise quickly erupted from Toothless' throat in his way of saying hello. Stardust was wrapped around the other dragon, head resting under his chin as she was careful not to smudge any of the red paint, mainly because she didn't want any of it getting onto her scales.
Before (Y/N) could take another step forward, she felt two arms wrap around her waist and pull her backwards. As she fell back into Hiccup's chest, a bubble of a laugh rose from her chest as she felt him pull her down to sit on his lap as he rested his head on her shoulder. At the action, Stardust let out a small growl. Her nose scrunched up as she threatened to take a step forward, the gentle coaxing from, Toothless stopping her from doing so.
“I was wondering when you were finally going to make your way over here,” Hiccup said as he rocked the both of them back, completely ignoring Stardust’s warning as he was already used to the untrusting behaviour on her part. He was sure he was slowly starting to get a breakthrough with the dragon. Having Toothless around certainly helped with that. “Once Stardust over there came bounding over, I knew it was only a matter of time before you would follow. I didn’t know it would take that long though.”
“All the other dragon riders seemed to want to keep me as far away and for as long as possible,” (Y/N) said as she wiggled out of Hiccups grips to the Viking's annoyance. She quickly turned around however and stood between his legs, forcing the Viking to look up at her from where he sat as he extended both of his arms so they could gently rest on her hips. “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for. So, if you could help me by painting Stardust with me, I’d appreciate it.”
At the mention of her name, Stardust stood and stalked a few steps away from Toothless, getting ready to be coated in paint. But when she heard her name in the same sentence as the Viking (Y/N) likes to keep around, her head shot around so she could watch Hiccup with a heated gaze.
“I’m not too sure Stardust likes the sound of that,” Hiccup said slowly. Rising from his seat, he followed after the shorter girl as she moved over to where three bowls of paint sat. Of course, there was the bowl of red paint that Hiccup had used for Toothless, but the other two bowls were left untouched.
“Nonsense. Stardust will stand still as you help me,” (Y/N) announced confidently as she picked up a bowl filled with light blue along with a sponge that sat near it. As she turned back around she sent Stardust a warning look, silently telling her to behave. “I want to do a sort of spiral along Stardust’s back where the colours intertwine with one another. But I don’t know what markings I want to do on her wings or face yet.”
Hiccup came up next to (Y/N), a step or two away from Stardust as he watched (Y/N) dip the sponge into the paint and slowly start to trail it along Stardust’s back. A soft purring began to emit from the Lightfury as (Y/N) worked her way down, her other hand gently trailing along with her. Hiccup took this as his chance to step up beside her now that she had gravitated further down Stardust’s body. At the sense of his presence, Stardust’s head whipped around while the rest of her body stayed eerily still.
“Easy girl,” Hiccup reassured gently as he raised a slightly shaking hand for Stardust to sniff. The dragon however scoffed a bunch of air out of her nose, the wind smacking against Hiccup’s hand as she turned away from him once more with a grumble. As if on cue, Toothless waddled over to them and stopped in front of Stardust to keep her busy while Hiccup worked.
When a hiccup got about halfway, (Y/N) left his side as she walked over to Stardust’s other side. Patting the white dragon on the edge of her wing, Stardust extended it for (Y/N)’s use. (Y/N) started to run the blue paint over the groves of Stardust's wings. As Hiccup walked over to help finish off the wing, he got a similar response to when he stepped up to her once more.
(Y/N) didn't pay too much mind to her, shushing her as Hiccup watched what she was doing. "I want this done on the other wing but in reversed colours. Also, can you fill these in with pink? And trace the back of her wing with it as well before you start on the other side with me?"
"Sure I can," Hiccup agreed, quickly doing what the (H/C) haired girl had asked him to. Again, (Y/N) was able to finish and move on to Stardust's other wing as Hiccup fought to catch up, trailing behind her as he copied her work. When Hiccup finished, he could see the girl crouched in front of Stardust's face while the dragon leant her face down low. Coming to a stop behind her, Hiccup saw the two bands of blue wrapped around Stardust's front legs while she now trailed some paint up her face. Looking at the close proximity between the two, Hiccup said, "I think you should finish Stardust off."
Once the final stroke of paint was drawn, (Y/N) turned back to smile at Hiccup. "Come on Hic, you know Stardust won't bite."
"That's the thing," Hiccup unwearily said as he cautiously stepped forward, an immediate response rising out of Stardust. (Y/N)'s head instantly whipped around at the noise emitting from her dragon. A light scowl was on her face, slowly making the rumbling calm down. "I'm not completely sure she won't."
(Y/N) took a second to think over what she was going to do before she reached a hand back for Hiccup to take, waiting patiently until she felt the steady weight of it. At the contact she pulled him forward, the light ring of his metal foot hitting against the stone floor as (Y/N) pulled him to crouch down next to her. Stardust's face twisted at the sight of the other dragon rider but tried to stand still as (Y/N) was still crouched in front of her.
Grabbing onto Hiccup's other hand, the one that had the bowl and sponge held in it, she pulled it forward before making another grab for his previous hand. Together they dipped the sponge in the paint before trailing it along Stardust's front legs, having two rings on each alternating leg. Since (Y/N) was doing most of the work, Stardust couldn't find it in herself to try and scare them off. She still however made her annoyance known as she glared at Hiccup, the boy only being able to give her a throaty chuckle in response.
As they moved onto Stardust's face, (Y/N)'s hold on Hiccup's hand loosened, giving him the chance to back away if he wanted. But the boy's hand stayed where it was, trying not to seem too keen to get closer. As the sponge dipped back into the paint before moving up to the Lightfury's face, Stardust slowly closed her eyes, allowing the paint to trail across her face. Hiccup could feel a smile slowly starting to etch across his face. Never before had he been able to get this close to the Lightfury with Stardust's willingness. Even if there wasn't much of it right now.
"All done," (Y/N) happily cheered as she pulled Hiccup's hand away from Stardust's face. The dragon's eyes instantly shot open, a smile starting to stretch across her face as she turned to find Toothless to show off the finished work. (Y/N) watched happily as the dragon bounced over to Toothless, spreading her wings as she pranced around Toothless, forcing him to turn to follow her as he showed one of his famous toothless smiles.
"Now it's time for something more important," Hiccup said as he stood. Balancing the paint in one hand, he pulled (Y/N) to her feet before tugging her slightly closer.
"What could be more important than painting Stardust?" (Y/N) questioned, smiling softly up at Hiccup as she waited to see what he might do.
"This," He said as he dipped his thumb into the pink paint and brought his hand up to (Y/N)'s cheek. He waited half a second before running his pink-coated thumb across her cheekbone, making sure he curled the paint up the higher he got. A laugh rang out of (Y/N) as she pinched close one of her eyes when Hiccup ran his thumb underneath it. Once he was done with that half of (Y/N)'s face he wiped his thumb into the palm of his hand, trying to get rid of as much of it as possible before he bent down to place his bowl down and pick up the one (Y/N) had put down earlier. "Nearly done."
"You have to let me do your paint after this," (Y/N) demanded with a grin, leaning forward as she bounced forward on her toes.
"Absolutely not." Hiccup was careful not to mess up the swirls he was painting onto the girl's face. "What I want is simple and I can do it myself. Plus, I know you're going to try and add something to the design if I don't keep a close eye on you."
"Alright," (Y/N) said as a hum in return. She stood still as she waited for Hiccup to finish. "Here, I'll take the paint back over."
At the offer, Hiccup handed the bowl of light blue over, watching as (Y/N) turned to get the pink bowl off the floor before walking over to the table it had originally rested on. Dipping a thumb into the blue paint, she let it coat her thumb before grabbing the bowl of red paint for Hiccup and bringing it over for him. "Thank you, (Y/N)."
"No problem, my love," (Y/N) said as the bowl was handed over. Hiccup's eyes flashed up at her, trying to hide a smile as he dipped his pointer and middle finger into the paint. While Hiccup was distracted by his own paint, (Y/N) reached her thumb up and smeared the blue paint she had gotten on it across her lips until they were completely covered in blue. Hiding her face by knocking her head down, (Y/N) circled Hiccup until she stood behind the dragon rider. Wrapping both of her arms around the taller boy's waist, she rested her chin on Hiccup's shoulder like he had done to her earlier. As Hiccup dipped his two fingers into the paint again so he could drag them along his face, (Y/N) lept forward and placed a small kiss on the boy's jaw.
"What was that for?" Hiccup asked as he lifted his hand up to draw on the paint, ignoring the sensation of the paint (Y/N) had left behind.
"Nothing," (Y/N) grinned, hiding it behind Hiccup's head as she moved to his other side before placing a longer, drawn-out kiss on his cheek. The blue paint wasn't as vibrate as the first kiss but still was a clear outline of her lips. "Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?"
"I never said that," Hiccup said as he twisted in (Y/N)'s arms. His eyes locked on the colour of (Y/N)'s lips too late as he had already dived forward to catch her lips with his own. (Y/N) smiled at the sensation, keeping her arms tightly wrapped around Hiccup's midsection while the boy's brows pinched together. His tongue edged forward, waiting for (Y/N) to part her lips when the taste hit him quickly. Just as (Y/N) was about to grant him entrance, Hiccup pulled back, staring confusedly down at (Y/N)'s lips. "Why is there paint on your lips?"
"No reason," (Y/N) quickly said, feigning nonchalance. Maybe she spoke too quickly or should have been quicker since when she surged forward to try and leave another kiss mark on Hiccup's face, the boy planted both hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders, a groan leaving his now blue-coated lips as he hung his head onto (Y/N)'s shoulders.
"Please don't tell me your blue kisses are all over my face." (Y/N) didn't respond, causing another groan to rise from Hiccup as he lifted his head again, scowling lightly at the shorter girl when all she could do was smile. "You know what?"
"What?" (Y/N) asked, her brows furrowing at the lack of reaction from Hiccup. Once she saw Hiccup's thumb dip into his red paint, her eyes widened at what she knew was coming her way. Dropping her hands from Hiccup's side, she tried to wiggle back and out of his grip.
"No, you don't," Hiccup quickly exclaimed as the bowl of red paint dropped from his hand and spilled across the stone floor. Not to matter though since Hiccup's lips were already coated red. (Y/N) tried to fight Hiccup's arms off her as she backed away with a laugh. Hiccup's arms shot out and tightly secured themselves around (Y/N), trapping her arms to her side in the process. (Y/N) tried to lean back as far as possible but Hiccup only followed after her. Leaning up and forward, Hiccup placed a large kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead, marvelling at the red that was left behind. "There. Now we match."
(Y/N) pretended to be annoyed as she felt Hiccup's arms loosen around her. She wasn't doing a very good job at hiding her true emotions as a large smile blossomed across her face. At that moment, (Y/N) didn't have to worry about anything. Certainly not about the betting that was going on above her.
“My money’s on Snotlout,” Spitelout said as he stood neck to Stoick. Spitelout was looking down at his son as he pointed an all-knowing finger towards him.
“You sure he ain’t gonna throw it all away again?” Gobber asked from the other side of their chief as he scratched his beard with his fake wooden hand, looking down at Snotlout with a less then keen eye.
Spitelout flashed Gobber a glare, both of his arms crossed tightly over his chest as he said, “I’m sure he has it this time around.”
"What about you Stoick?" Gobber asked, turning Spitelout's glare away from him as they both turned their attention to the man sitting down. "Who have you got your eyes on for today's race?"
Stoick didn't even need to think about his answer as he brought a large hand to rub against his chin while saying with a bellowing voice, "My golds going towards my daughter-in-law."
"Oh? Hiccup's popped the big question?" Gobber asked he turned back to look at the pair still wrapped in each other's arms. He could see the splatter of paint they had been leaving on each other's faces, but Gobber was more than content to let them stay in their own little bubble for a bit longer.
Stoick's face pulled downwards at the question. In a grumbled-out response, he said, "Not yet."
"If that boy doesn't hurry up, she's going to do it for him," Spitelout stated, getting silent agreement from the Vikings he was conversing with."Now, back to business. Not putting your gold on Hiccup, eh?"
"Not today, no," Stoick shook his head. "(Y/N) and her dragon have been looking promising recently."
"We'll see if your judgement has grown clouded soon enough," Spitelout teased, grinning as he heard the final horn ring out. Some of the dragon riders got on their dragons as soon as possible, flying up to where they stood on their baskets, waiting for the race to begin. "Normal amount?"
"Hm? Sure," Stoick absentmindedly said as he stood from his seat and walked a few steps forward, gaining the silence from the crowded arena stands. The silence urged the remaining dragon riders to mount their dragons and get to their starting positions. "Vikings and dragon riders, today we join for the first race of the year. On the Gronckle we have Fishlegs, the Monstrous Nightmare being flown by Snotlout-"
Stoick was cut off by a loud cheer from Spitelout, the man yelling, "That's my boy!"
"Yes, thank you for that wonderful display Spitelout," Stoick deadpanned as he turned briefly to face the other Viking as he calmed himself down. "The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut of the Hideous Zippleback, Astrid on the Deadly Nadder, and my son of the Nightfury."
Stoick paused as he got to (Y/N)'s part, drawing the crowd into suspense. "And on the Lightfury we have my hopefully soon to be daughter in law, (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) turned and grinned at the Viking chief, her face light and full of joy as she laughed along with the other Vikings watching from the arena stands as Hiccup gave off a slightly sheepish smile. At his smile, Gobber banged his wooden hand on the arena's railing before pointing accusingly at Hiccup and saying, "We see you, Hiccup and we're all waitin' for that question to be answered."
"Moving on," Stoick yelled as Hiccup threw his hands in exasperation. "I hear now begin the first dragon race of the year! Release the sheep!"
Once the horn rang out, all six dragons took off. At first, it was a battle of speed as they all raced straight up before breaking away from each other so they could scower Berk for any of the painted sheep they needed to win this. There were twelve sheep that they needed to find before the black sheep worth ten points would be shot to the sky.
As (Y/N) guided Stardust a bit closer to the huts when she noticed another fury trailing behind her. Looking over her shoulder with a grin, she saw Hiccup flying not too far behind them, the paint from earlier still smeared across his face and lips. "Love that colour on you. Is it maroon?"
"Oh, laugh all you want," Hiccup waved her off as he leaned forward on Toothless's back a bit more, his hands tightening on the saddle as Toothless tried to speed up.
(Y/N)'s head quickly turned back around, copying Hiccup's movements as she leaned down to Stardust's ears. "Come on girl, it's time to disappear."
Stardust let out a soft mew at (Y/N)'s words. Spreading her wings wide, speeding up as much as possible in the time to heat up a plasma blast in her mouth. Without warning her wings shot inwards towards her body as she turned into a nosedive. As the shot rang out, (Y/N) buried herself as close to Stardust's body as possible. As the both of them dived through the blast, the same cloaking that took over Stardust danced across (Y/N) and the few white scales she had woven into her clothes.
"Whoo!" (Y/N) yelled as they vanished without a trace, the only lingering part of them being her voice. It took a while for (Y/N) to spot her first sheep, the fluffy animal trying to hide under the hut of some Viking. But when both her and Stardust's eyes landed on it, they changed paths without a thought and swooped down. Twisting her body so (Y/N) sat upside down on her back, Stardust flew upside down so (Y/N) could hang down and pick the sheep up from where it lay. Pulling the sheep to her chest, Stardust helped to right them up as they burst back into the sky.
To everyone else, it looked like a sheep had somehow been granted the ability to fly but those who truly knew could just see the ripple in the air as (Y/N) and Stardust tore through the air.
Taking a sharp turn, the two of them with their extra passenger dived back towards the training arena, careful to keep out of sight of any other dragon riders. As they swooped in, the crowd cheered as they faded back into view to drop the sheep into the Lightfury's basket. Taking a quick look at the other baskets, (Y/N) could see that Astrid already had two sheep while Hiccup had three, meaning there were only six more sheep to find before the black sheep was released.
Pulling back on Stardust's saddle, the whistle that commonly was handed to the Nightfury rang out, filling the air as she shot away from the arena. The two of them didn't have time to waste as Stardust looked out for any stray sheep while (Y/N) looked for any dragon riders in the air with sheep.
As her eyes landed on Berk's Nightfury, a grin spread across her face. "Stardust, we need to go after Toothless. Make sure he doesn't see us coming."
Stardust shot out another plasma shot, cloaking them as Toothless looked back as the noise echoed. The dragon's eyes narrowed as it searched for Stardust but eventually had to look away when nothing turned up. Hovering above him though was Stardust as (Y/N) began to climb from her back. (Y/N) kept a hand situated on the saddle as she got ready to drop. Her feet touched down on the leathery back of Toothless, a confused yelp escaping him as his head shot back once again. As the feeling began to climb along his back, he tried to hiss out a warning to Hiccup.
"I'll be taking that," (Y/N) yelled as she tore the sheep from Hiccup's hands before launching herself off and over Toothless's head. Toothless gargled as (Y/N) went falling off of him, diving through thin air as she waited for Stardust to catch her. She continued to fall for a few seconds before she saw a floating sheep hurtling towards her in the claws of Stardust as she faded back into existence once more. (Y/N) landed on Stardust's back harshly, her bones rattling as one of her hands unlatched from the sheep to grab onto Stardust as she turned to the arena, a Nightfury on her tail.
"I'm going to need that back, (Y/N)," Hiccup called as he tried to keep up with (Y/N) and her Lightfury. Adjusting his metal foot, Toothless's tail changed directions, giving them a gust of speed. The soft grunts of a Monstrous Nightmare behind him were slightly startling with how close Snotlout and Hookfang were to catch up to them. Stating his thoughts, Hiccup said, "We can't let that happen, bud."
Toothless made his agreement known as he flapped his wings once, shooting away from Snotlout as they grew closer to Stardust. But no matter what they seemed to do, Stardust had an impossible lead on them. So there was no stopping it when Hiccup watched as both sheep were dropped into the Lightfury's basket. Hiccup and her were now tied. Astrid still had two but the twins had been able to score themself a sheep of their own. Nine sheep found, three to go.
(Y/N) and Stardust shot up once more, hoping to make one final round before the black sheep could be found. They didn't bother to vanish again, shooting through the sky as they tried to find more sheep. It was when a commotion could be heard above them. Meatlug had a sheep clutched in her claws while Stormfly and Barf and Belch tried to herd the sheep towards them. Fishlegs was panicking from atop the Gronckle, a perfect opportunity for (Y/N) to steal it.
Barf and Belch slammed into the side of Meatug, making the Gronckke growl as the sheep was dropped from her to retrieve the fallen sheep already gone after it. Stormfly was close to grabbing it within her claws when Stardust shot forward, sweeping the sheep from the air as she spiraleD up. “You’re going to have to be quicker than that if you want to win this!”
"Stormfly fetch!" Astrid yelled and the excited growl that erupted from Stormfly was anything to go by, (Y/N) was going to be in trouble.
"Fly Stardust, fly," (Y/N) screeched as the Deadly Nadder's eyes locked onto the both of them. Stardust's head shook as she shot forward, taking sharp turns to try and lose Stormfly as they were chased down. (Y/N)'s eyes landed on the last two remaining sheep. Patting on Stardust's neck, the Lightfury's eyes also landed on where (Y/N) was looking. "This is going to be a close one."
Dropping down, Stardust got all of her claws ready, planning on holding one sheep in each pair. As they reached the sheep, Stadust's front claws were able to score the first sheep but as she started to lift, her black claws pointing out to latch onto the sheep's fur, something snatched it out from under her. "I think it's only fair that I get this one after what happened earlier."
It was Hiccup. Both Stardust and (Y/N) were left slightly dumbfounded as they followed after the Nightfury. The others had caught onto their catchings and were trailing after them, making a train of dragons and dragon riders. As Hiccup threw his sheep down, followed by (Y/N) and her two, a final horn rang out, signalling the black sheep as the scores rested five to (Y/N), Hiccup at four, Astrid at two and the twins at one. Whoever grabbed this sheep would seal the victory.
"It's just one more sheep, Stardust," (Y/N) whispered to her dragon, the two of them shooting away from the arena along with all the other dragon riders. (Y/N) could hear them also muttering encouragements to their dragons. "We've come far enough to win this all."
As she spoke, she heard the launch of the sheep, the subtle clank of the chains smacking against wood as the black sheep went flying. It was a fight of flames and talons as all eyes locked onto the black sheep. It was a certain Nightfury that was able to shoot forward and steal the sheep into his clutches. That's when the chase broke out again.
Toothless had an advantage with speed, taking a small lead as Stormfly and Stardust were close behind. Both dragons were trying to shoot forward in front of the other, the riders on their back yelling jeers at each other as their dragons did the work. It was only when Stardust was able to push herself forward in a burst of speed that Astrid let out a frustrated yell. "He's right there Stardust. It's now or never."
As her agreement Stardust flew under Toothless, getting close enough that (Y/N) could reach up and snatch the Blacksheep from his claws, earning a snap from the dragon. "Right, let's go."
As they lowered themselves even further, Stardust let out a roar as they flew. The arena could be seen coming up, crowds of Vikings hitting each other and jumping up to see who had the black sheep as they all rode in.
It didn't stop there though. As they began to dip into the arena, Snotlout came hurtling around from the other side of the arena, an axe in hand as he tried to swing it toward (Y/N)'s head. Stardust already acted as (Y/N) yelled, "Dive, dive, dive!"
Nearly falling from Stardust's back because of the lost grip she had, a not-very Viking-sounding squeak as she fought to grip onto Stardust's saddle. Stardust rumbled from below her as she knocked her tail up, bumping (Y/N) further up her saddle as she swung around the arena, weaving in and out from the different dragons as they tried to steal what was theirs.
As the black sheep made contact with the Lightfury's basket, the sheep getting squashed in with the other ones, a ripple broke out through the stadium as the race ended.
"Yes," (Y/N) yelled as she threw both her arms out, Stardust throwing her own call to the wind as they sailed across the arena perimeter, close enough to the stands that some of the Vikings could read out and congratulate her.
"That's my girl," (Y/N) heard the yell from Hiccup as he flew up next to her, the tips of Toothless and Stardust's wings overlapping. "I almost thought I'd be able to win one over you."
"That is where you must have gone wrong," (Y/N) called back before Stardust was steering her to Stoick's seat, the man waiting happily with a grumbling Spitelout not too far away from him. "Have I won you enough gold, Stoick?"
His booming laugh shot around. "You have this time."
"Placing bets again Dad?" Hiccup questioned as he fell from Toothless's saddle, climbing over to (Y/N) where he pulled her from Stardust's saddle and placed a kiss on the side of her head.
"Of course I was Hiccup," Stoick said as he watched the two. "Picked the right dragon as well."
Turning around to face Hiccup, (Y/N) grinned up at him. "You want to go on another race?"
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for the valorant agents: Gekko, Neon, Yoru, Phoenix with sova and chamber or whoever you feel with an s/o that when they’re in danger is able to kill whatever or whoever’s endangering them wether it’s like 15+ people or so (like Millie with moxie from helluva boss)
hi anon! tysm for the request!!!! this was a blast to write ahhh!!! :D (also i love helluva boss omg)
but i hope i wrote this right!!!
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the two of you were on a mission at bind, it was simple. you go difuse the spike while he was assigned to watch your back.
he had to walk a few feet away to pick up wingman for five minutes, you would be fine right?
once he picked up wingman, he heard a loud bang behind him and a loud celebratory woop
"oh fuck."
he turned around and saw the familar wild colours from raze's showstopper.
"no no no! shit you good?" he called through the smoke
he hated the silence he recieved back. as the smoke cleared he saw your paint covered and burnt body.
"...cariño?...shit, wingman, go get the others. i got these guys."
he pulled out his customized spectre as he prepared to fight. he detained as many as he could before swiftly wiping them out one by one.
when the team arrived with wingman, sage quickly rushed to your side to aid you.
once he finished taking care of the enemies, he ran to your side
"i am so sorry...i thought i could go grab wingman but you got hurt...i am really sorry.."
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a/n: this is small bc i wrote a whole ass essay for neon and it deleted....im so mad...im just trying to summarize it
that was the last thing before you felt a sharp pain in your stomach as your vision went black.
you don't know what happened, but somehow yoru had gotten behind you. it was supposed to be a quick and simple mission. neon took A-site and you took B-site. unfortunately, right when neon approached B-site to check on you. she saw it.
red. the snow was covered in a beautiful shade of red. and it wasn't from your attacked. neon could feel electricity enter her fingertips as she lost control of her abilities.
you felt neon carrying you before falling uncomcious.
neon carried you to the jet and brought you to sage.
"im sorry...when i saw them like that i just...lost control of my abilities.."
"its ok, you did it to protect them. you saved them."
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he was just returning from his "run it back" when he opened his eyes to see the enemy phoenix staring back at him, aiming his ghost at his own forehead.
he went to grab for his ghost but he found an empty holster.
"ah shit."
"you really thought i wouldn't just take your weapon? i'm not as foolish as you are."
phoenix braced for impact as he heard the gun fire, but the shot never came. he nervously opened his eyes to see you standing infront of him, a gunshot hole through your shoulder as you pushed the enemy phoenix away.
"dear?! what the-"
he watched as your limp body falls to the ground, feeling worry and rage overtake him.
"oh fam...your gonna regret that." he says to the opposite phoenix as the rest of his team approaches for backup.
when skye arrived at the site to treat you, she did not expect to see 5 charred bodies sprawled across the ground.
"mate...what happened?!"
"they ambushed us. (name) saved me cause i made a dumb mistake. go heal them, i am fine." he said with a dark tone to his voice
when skye healed you and you awoke, you were immediately greeted to the smell of burning. you turned your head towards phoenix as you saw him crouch beside you.
"thank god...why would you do that?! i'm sorry if i had checked my surroundings better you would have-" he rambles
you cut him off with a kiss as you feel his tired body begin to relax.
"no. i should have thought of a better plan. i am sorry i worried you."
for the next few days of your recovery, he will be by your side assisting you with anything you need. both of you content to try and ignore what happened that day.
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prior to meeting you, he was an extremely anger filled person. he still gets angry easy, but not as badly as before. you taught him how to control his emotions
but if he were to see you ganged up on in a mission, he would just lose control.
he was over at A-site at haven preparing to extract the radianite, before hearing your frantic voice shout through the comms for backup.
his heart dropped, he realized why his site was so empty along with the others. they had five-stacked onto one site. you had gone to C-site all alone. shit.
he immediately threw the spike towards Astra who had accompanied him to the A.
"stay here. i will go provide backup."
"alone? alright...stay safe."
he quickly teleported to your C-site to be met with a shocking sight. your battered and blood covered body lying down on the rough ground. burns and scratches littered your arms and legs. phoenix..
he looked up from your body to see the enemy phoenix, jett, chamber, astra, and skye staring at him with bloodthirsty gazes. they had teamed up on you because you were alone... how fucking sick could they be to attack a helpless sentienel.
he felt himself snap as he caught the enemy phoenix's cocky smirk. the cunt was proud of what he did.
when you regain conciousness, you are lying on the ground surrounded by the shredded corpses of the omega agents, a stained red yoru standing above them with his famous butterfly comb stained.
he turns around and immediately runs to your side.
"shit...thank god you are awake. don't move. help is coming ok?" he softly whispers while carressing your blood matted hair.
"are they...?"
"don't worry about them, you are safe now darling..."
when you make it back to base, you find out he took them all down on his own. when astra arrived at the site she had to practically tear yoru off of where he was mauling the corpses of the omega agents bodies.
he was ordered to talk to sage about his anger, but he never regretted what he did. he did it to save you and all that mattered was he had you back with him.
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he is used to killing to protect those he loves, this is nothing new to him.
he might be a cold killer, but you always knew he would never hurt you.
if someone was threatening you, he would keep them away using blackmail, but if it was more serious, he was prepared.
he sat waiting at the doors for the agents who had gone on your mission to come back. he was ready to greet you but he never thought he would have seen KA/YO holding you slung over his shoulder covered in blood.
he immediately freezes as he watches KA/YO rush to Sage's office. but he quickly recovers and follows quickly behind silently.
when sage caught sight of your body, she grimaced knowing it was bad. she ordered everyone out and allowed her space to work.
cypher was left with no answers as to what happened, as he sat anxiously outside Sage's office he hears KA/YO's robotic voice informing Viper of what happened.
"they went to go flank A alone, but their cypher must have seen her coming. when we arrived at A-site they were gone with the spike, they must have ambushed y/n and left her there for us to find...it was..bad. skye was able to help a little bit but...when we got there, they were missing their hand. im pretty sure they were awake when they did it."
cypher could feel his blood BOILING. it was one thing to knock someone out, it was another to mutilate someone while they were awake. that wasn't fighting, that was mere torture.
he knew in this job people would get hurt. but he never thought they would ever go this far.
he was greatful you had lived, but he felt a burning feeling in his body.
as viper walked by, she stoped and turned to simply say.
"i know she was special to you Cypher, but don't do anything stupid. we don't need two people to revive."
he stood in place before walking to his room, he would make sure they couldn't hurt you. EVER again.
at the peak of night, he slipped out of his room and headed towards the armoury. he grabbed a ghost and a phantom before quietly walking towards the loading dock. he would make them regret ever hurting you.
in the morning, you were awoken to a tired looking sage.
"welcome back my child. you sure gave us a scare there. how do you feel?" she smiled wistfully
as she filled you in, you couldn't help but wonder where your partner was. typically he was by your bedside until you woke up.
"Ling...where is Cy?" you softly asked
she grinned at the nickname "don't worry, he is in brimstones office. your little boyfriend pulled a stunt to avenge you."
"oh god, is he ok? what did he do?" you sigh
"oh don't worry, he is fine! the agents who ambushed you on the other hand.."
you and sage converse for a while, before you see cypher nervously walk into the room
"my darling! how are you feeling? do you need anything?" he asks worriedly
"i feel good amir. don't worry. sage is taking good care of me!" you chuckle
he sighs in relief, he may have gotten a lecture (and maybe some cleaning duty...) but it was all worth it to see your face again.
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☤ Sage ☤
full battle sage mode
she would grab an odin off her copies body and just start spraying.
"you will not kill my allies!"
the second the enemies were down, she rushes to your side to heal you.
she will work all night if she has to, as long as it brings you back to her
"please wake up dearest...i can't live without you."
sorry idk what to write for sage HELP
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a/n: aaa tysm for the support on my last posts!! im so glad that people are enjoying these! :) im currently working on some other requests so stay tuned ^^!!
also i apologize for the delay!! i have kinda had a lack of motivation lately so i struggled to finish it...
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thoninohere · 7 days
Childhood Crush - Donna Troy
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Donna Troy x Neutral Gender
Warnings: None, just some teenage kisses.
Summary: Donna has her first crush since she arrived from Themiscyra and unfortunately it is your best friend Roy. You have spider powers here, but I give no hint of your backstory c;
You two are around 15-16 years old.
Song: Enamorado Tuyo-Cuarteto de Nos/Meaning and Lyrics :D(Don't worry, the video has lyrics translated into English)
A/N: Currently this is part of a new ff series that I am doing with the Titans, if you want to learn more about it you can enter here.
Word counter: 2055.
Donna's arrival was unexpected but not at all poorly handled. She was a new friend and companion who was as strong or even stronger than everyone else there, which wasn't so good for your age.
You reached the age where the issues of sexuality and attraction to anyone could arise out of nowhere; something that had you stressed because even though it was stupid for you that cliché of love at first sight, you could falter a little when shaking her hand to introduce yourself to her.
You tried to avoid her because even though at school didn't care much about liking one person or another, you completely avoided the idea of like Donna, and you weren't going to ruin your group of friends with that shit.
But the way Roy dragged you into talking to her and trying not to avoid her, couldn't avoid it. Also couldn't avoid her radiant (and strong) personality when she was in any case that could never truly evade her. You two slowly became what would be great best friends, it was weird in a way, you have Roy as your best friend -Male- not a girl, so you didn't avoid feeling that either strange tingling in the stomach.
Donna liked photography, she said that the next time came back to Themyscira she would show her sisters everything she had learned these past few months. Her eyes sparkled more than ever when you gave her a new camera... Which was definitely NOT the camera you saved all your allowances for a few weeks. You and Roy took her on a tour of many museums and places in Jump City after that.
Your feelings grew more and more as watched her photographing those times Roy wasn't with you both. She's photographing a brown squirrel and a black one, and you; are photographing her a few meters away, keeping that photo in your wallet since that day with the excuse you imposed on yourself that you were actually too lazy to get rid of the photo. (Cuarteto de Nos Reference) . . .
One time you both were sitting on her bed, you were confused to see how she had a little album of the whole team... Although well, were actually confused to see how had a few pages dedicated only to Roy, and only because she didn't agree to show you the other thing; which didn't push since you definitely didn't want to see how she had pages dedicated to Roy.
You understood that it was possibly some kind of first teenage crush or some shit like that, but it disturbed in some way that made you feel weird. Wondered why she didn't have a page dedicated to you if you were supposed to be her best friend, you even had a little album dedicated to her and only her, why doesn't she have one for you?
She stayed silent with a slight blush as she watched you stare at the already closed album she dedicated to Roy, knew that you two were quite close so she asked with a very soft voice which used when you went into little trances where had to be treated gently.
"Do you... Like Roy? " She looked into your eyes, looking for a mild answer while maintained a calm position.
You jumped a little and looked at her with a raised eyebrow "What?" You asked confused, to which she repeated the question a little slower. Immediately shook your head at that fact because no, you definitely didn't like Roy.
"Well, I was just a little alarmed when you stood there static when you saw my... Personal albums" You knew slightly and explained to her that you were just a little surprised, and explained to her that didn't expect her to like him. Although well, Roy was handsome, intelligent and too helpful, even more so with Donna than he was with any girl you two knew.
She smiled slightly at your correct assumption, so began to ramble about her crush on Roy almost the entire sleepover. And you? You couldn't understand why your chest burned in a strange way and why in the morning when you looked at Roy you avoided him.
Your friendship with Roy faltered every time you just avoided him after every sleepover with Donna (which were frequent) where had to force a smile every time she talked about how Roy gave her a new flower every week. While you just photographed her from afar and portrayed her in your notebook every night; but she, she was not aware of this, you thought.
Donna had noticed how every time you went out to take pictures you always kept a special roll for her. It was not worth hiding the fact that you took many photos of her, she mentioned it to you at some point and told you that it was a very nice detail; and friendly.
At 16 years old you and her were at one of your sleepovers. She told you about how Roy finally took a step and decided to ask her out on a date. She spent about two hours telling detail by detail, until stopped and looked at her special album and did not continue telling, you gave her space and she whispered to herself.
"I didn't know what to do at that moment. I imagined it a lot but I just couldn't take the step and I don't know what stopped me." You heard perfectly and stayed quiet for a few seconds before laughing softly. "Oh my God Donna, have you never kissed anyone, seriously?" Your laughter faltered when she raised an eyebrow and laughed in a sarcastic way.
"Sorry, yes, I forgot." It was obvious, she had never had anything with anyone and Roy was really the first person she had really experienced something close with; and your chest burned again. "Well, you know it's normal to be nervous when you don't know how to do something, don't force yourself Troy, it's something that must be 'magical' as some say."
Donna knew that you weren't a big fan of love and stuff like that, after all never heard anything about romance itself come out of your mouth. She sighs and then stares at you with a hint of fear at the situation "What if he tries to kiss me and I ruin it?" Your expression softened a little, even if you knew that Roy wouldn't try to be rough with her or anything like that.
But couldn't help or control a small thought that crossed your mind. Could have perfectly told her something else about friends like a "Donna don't worry it's something you'll learn in a moment" or something more like "Roy will teach you all those things don't worry I doubt it will go any further" instead, but your mouth opened involuntarily and whispered something lost in the thoughts, almost dissociated...
"I can help you with that."
She raised an eyebrow confused. You thought had thrown everything away until a small smile formed on her confused expression and a small crimson adorned her cheeks.
"Well I-... I really didn't mean to-" And silenced you with a slight -Shh-, laughing quietly. You thought she could make fun of you or even laugh so as not to feel uncomfortable, but Donna wasn't like that, much less with you. "It's fine with me Y/N."
Now it was you who had a confused expression and a nervous laugh. You wanted to tell her it was an intrusive thought or even a joke, but with her cheeks painted and eyes shining like that, because you or maybe for you... Were unable to back out. She sat up and patted the bed so you could sit down too, it was funny, it was you who came up with the idea but the way it is with her gently taking your hand makes it seem like the roles are reversed.
She knows how to read you, and you know how to read her. Your eyes telling that she can back out if she wants to, and her eyes telling that it's okay, that she gladly accepts your help. Even if don't know that she actually accepts it for some other thing she keeps inside herself.
Swallow and try not to get nervous as you bring your hands up to cup her cheeks. You had kissed other people, yes, but no one, definitely no one, even came close to the shadow of what Donna Troy was, no one.
Then you caressed her soft cheeks, wanting to save the feeling of her skin in your hands until you slowly approached her, being able to hear the breathing and even her heart beating rapidly.
The anxiety didn't let you move when both of your mouths were centimeters away, had already closed your eyes and your hands trembled a little until Donna took you by the shoulder and closed the gap between you. Her lips were somewhat sticky, possibly because of her lipstick, usual gloss or because your mind couldn't formulate the sensations well at this moment.
You gasped slightly at the contact and without thinking twice began to kiss her slowly. Donna got a little lost the first few seconds and when you tried to move away she pulled you in so you couldn't get out of the way. Then you did what your only functional neurons could at that moment, slide your hand down the back of her neck and melt more into the kiss.
Her hands traced your chest until they reached your waist, where she pulled you into a tight hug with a firm arm, which made you let out a slight gasp and she, without prior permission, slid her tongue in a slightly messy way. You pulled away a little when she did this and couldn't contain a slight giggle at that.
"That's not how it's done, Troy." Murmured against her mouth before moving away to stare at her and whisper to with a softness as if she were made of glass, how she should do it.
She smiled slightly blushed and nodded. At that moment it didn't even seem like you were just best friends, it felt strange but comfortable enough that neither of you had to really say anything.
Donna sighed and roughly pulled you back by the shirt, you were used to her being enormously stronger than you, so there really wasn't any complaint at all. But at this point, you're the one who melts when she merge her lips with yours like a puzzle. You open your mouth slightly for her to slide the tongue in, and this time in a more orderly manner.
After a few minutes you had gotten too used to Donna's mouth, the taste of her lipstick and how it can be a little sticky because it's combined with a bit of gloss. It was intoxicating, enough to make you stare at each other with your mouths stained a faint red after a somewhat heated session for two teenagers.
No one could say anything, and when one tried it only let out a small ecstatic sigh. Donna felt strange, she had imagined one or another scenario like the one that just happened, where she has no other option than to fix her lip gloss and be happy with the situation. But this is definitely different, she never imagined a possibility in which you would be the person who had her lipstick stained on the lips, nor the person she would have a session with, didn't even imagine that it could go further than giving you a chaste kiss on the cheek.
"Donna, I-." Whisper, but the tower alarm started ringing and you both became alarmed. Didn't bother to wipe your mouth as you rushed to put on the mask and go out with it to the call.
Saved by the bell some part of you would say when you threw spider webs between the buildings of Jump City while Wally ran beneath you and the boys ran between the buildings to go save the day... Or the night already "Crime has no time" as Robin usually says.. No ones hadn't seen Donna come out behind you.
You sigh lightly and banish any thoughts from a few minutes ago, it was time to be heroes.
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levisgirll · 3 years
Oh can I request a scenario? I've read that some people headcanon Levi as person who isn't really into marriage. And that got me thinking about this. A scenario in where Levi and his s/o mutually break things off because she always wanted to be a wife and have a lovely wedding and to have her husband's last name and he didn't want any of that causing her to think there was no future with him . So they become distant friends and she does get married years later and he is invited. And it's bittersweet since he feels like he might have missed out on a future with her but seeing her so happy he's content with her living her dreams even if it wasn't with him.
I'm here for some bittersweet love ❣️
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
➧text: hello there!! oh my god this is such a unique request I got and I love your ideas in this request?! aHH WELL HERE WE GO! but oml- we do need some drama/angst and some bittersweet love with Levi and Y/N so I will happily write this request out for you (was lowkey wanting to do one) so I hope you enjoy this request and I hope its not that bad!! 😭 but once again, thank you so much for sending me your request and for supporting my blog 🥺❤️❤️ I am so sorry this took a while as I got this request while I was starting my new job and it was hard to balance out my personal life and work life! but I am kind of getting the hang of it so feel free to send another request, I really do love your ideas! <3
synopsis: after a long time being in a relationship together, with Levi. Things start to slowly drift apart and shatter. Levi although, tries to keep it stable, but it has eventually been called and broken off by Y/N, as you were not able to handle the situation anymore, thinking there would be no future with Levi had made you upset and making you want to get out of the relationship. Y/N ends up finding the one, and marrying them. How does Levi react and feel? His one and only love taken away by a stranger leaves him devastated. What does Levi do? What does Levi say to Y/N.
angst, sad/happy love, modern au world, headcanon fanfic ♡ —
After the war, and everything they have been throughout the years, Y/N and Levi decided to move and live together outside Paradis and start a new life there.
It has been a year, and Levi and Y/N have been dating for rather a pretty long time. Things have been pretty good in their relationship, both were happy and living their lives.
Y/N has been thinking a lot lately about marriage though, and especially with her one and only, Levi. Y/N would get lost in her thoughts of how they would officially live together as a married couple, how she would finally be Levi’s wife instead of his girlfriend. She would also wonder and think how lovely and special their wedding would be, how Levi would propose to his girl, and for Y/N at long last have her husband’s last name, being called Mrs. Ackerman would get her all blushed up.
Levi noticed for a while how his girlfriend would zone out, thinking about something and he would wonder what it is that is making his girlfriend so happy and squeal. Y/N was on the coach, while hugging around the coach pillow so tightly and then giggle.
“What’s making you smile like a cute idiot?” He said with a small smile and ruffed his girlfriends hair as he sat beside her on the coach and Levi put his arm around her waist, bringing his lovely girlfriend closer to him.
Levi would not complain though, seeing his girlfriend in this mood, made him think of nothing else but her, and it made him so happy too. He just wanted to cuddle her up and smooch her whole face up as she laughs.
Y/N then wondered and though, ‘Maybe, maybe it’s the time now!’ Y/N then thought of brining and slipping in the topic of marriage into their conversation. 
She said turning her face around to face Levi’s handsome looking face and she said in a cheerful tone, “Welll, I was thinking about the future lately.” Levi then frowned, indicating with his expression that he was confused as to what his girlfriend meant by future.
“What do you mean love?” Levi was direct and straight-forward, he wanted to know what his lover meant by what she said. Was she going to leave him? Did she had other plans for the future? He was starting to overthink.
“Y-You know!” Y/N said all blushed up, and as she was about to get up, he held on her wrist. “Nope, you are not going till you tell me love.” Levi was determined to know, and that lead to Y/N sighing and finally speaking her thoughts. She started to then throw him a marriage hint at him.
“I just, want us to be more serious about our relationship.”
“And, that is?”
“Like...I was thinking, of how great of a family we would make. Along with one day if I will take your last name!” Y/N said all in a cheerful and shy tone, his girlfriend was clearly all happy and her smile doesn’t seem like it would go away on her pretty face. She then was excited to hear his response, about how instantly he would prepare marrying Y/N.
But...Levi picked it up right away what she meant, and stayed quiet. Y/N’s confidence and love towards Levi showed that you were ready for a married life with him, and having his last name, clearly indicated this was the kind of a serious relationship she meant.
Y/N took in with the way how he did not respond and thought of him being worried, “D-Don't worry! I am sure you will be a great Father, I mean you are such a great boyfriend to me and-”
But Levi got up and put both of his hands on her shoulder which made her jolt, this made Y/N have a sinking feeling in her stomach, something felt wrong, the mood and vibe wasn't right and she started to feel anxious. “I, don’t think I can.”
Now, she felt as if her heart skipped a beat, her eyes widen and she gasped and was now speechless. She couldn’t believe it, and now her whole expression, happy vibe and her cheerful mood she was at a while ago, disappeared dramatically.
“I’m not into.....marriage.” Levi finally spoke, not thinking straight of what he just said, and of how sudden this topic was. Levi said this as he did not want to make her feel distressed, in fact himself feeling distressed. But, he had no idea how those words, completely shattered the Y/N he knew that was once cheerful, lovely and happy, gone.
She wanted to be with the man she first loved in her life, ever since she met him, and be his wife. But, she was lost and confused, didn’t Levi want her by his side too?
“Levi, Is that what you really think?....Don't you want me too? I though I meant something to you.” All her spirit was now gone, she looked down and had a very sad expression, her eyes soon to tear up.
Levi again, was speechless, he did not know what to say to her for once. He was caught off guard. That’s cause, he never really talked about this topic with anyone actually, unlike other people who have close friends or families who may have talked about marriage, Levi did not and it was just Y/N in his life he trusted and shared many things to.
So, when this was brought up in the conversation, this caught him really off guard and he just...stayed quiet, not sure what to say.
But to Y/N, that was an answer to her already, and without giving Levi any more time or in fact, not wasting his time, she slightly pushed his arms off her shoulders and walked away from him, going to the bathroom.
Y/N took this as a way he never wants to marry her and that shattered and broke her heart.
After a couple of weeks, both Y/N and Levi’s relationship kept falling apart, and as Levi tried his best to keep the relationship stable. Y/N, could not keep up with it, with her overwhelming mixed feelings of shame and sadness. This lead to Y/N having her feelings hurt.
One day, Levi enters their shared flat after coming back from a grocery store. He decided to cook dinner for his girlfriend tonight and have a romantic dinner with her, he wanted her spirit back, her love back, and after some time thinking, sorting out his emotions, Levi then knew that he would be willing to do anything for her happiness.
But, as he entered the living room, he saw Y/N with a suitcase and her backpack.
“What...” Levi said with a gasp, and his eyes widen, he stood there being shocked. Surely he was misunderstanding the situation...right?
“I am leaving, I can’t do this anymore.”
Levi dropped the bags he was carrying, on the ground, and he felt his heart skipped a beat. Did he hear it right? Did she actually say that?
“No, No. No!” He approached his girlfriend and held on her shoulders.
“Babe, we can fix this. Please stay with me, You don’t need to leave...I-I can’t lose you too.” He started to tremble slightly. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing!
“Stay with me, my love?” Levi then said once again, looking at her face who was now emotionless and she slightly pushed him away and that was the last time he ever saw her again.
Levi and his S/O mutually break things off because Y/N has always wanted to be Levi’s wife, having a lovely wedding and making a great family with him. But Levi didn’t seem to want any of that as he never spoke to her after that time and that caused his girlfriend, well now, ex-girlfriend, to thinking he didn’t want any of that and thinking there was no future after all with him.
Levi did not expect any of this, his ex leaving him after what he told her, and this leaves Levi all heart broken and being emotionally damaged. An emotional rejection from Y/N that damaged his mood and self-esteem. But, he still moved on and continued on with his life. He took most of the blame because he had to let her know sooner that, he would actually do anything for her happiness and love again, but he was apparently too late.
He would still be in their same shared flat, he cleaned it everyday and still kept two plates whenever he had breakfast or dinner, thinking one day he might see her. “She will come back to me...right?” He would mutter sometimes as he sat on the same coach they once shared and cuddled on, alone as the evening was approaching.
After what felt like forever, Levi was on his way to this well-known café that was mentioned by Hanji and he decided to check it out. But, to his surprise, he saw you, sitting inside the café, all alone drinking some tea. His heart fluttered, and his cheeks went red. Is it her?! Is it actually my Y/N?
After such a long time, he finally found her, and as soon as he wanted to approach Y/N, and thinking today is the day he will tell you how much an effect you had in his life and when you weren’t by his side, how he never realized that it took him long to figure it out that he would absolutely do anything to win you, your love and happiness back. He wanted to tell you all that, anything you wanted he was willing to give it to you now that he has finally found you. And explain to you also how, during the time you both lived together, he was actually trying to figure out with that time to make everything work out for you.
But, Levi stopped.
His heart sinking once again, that feeling he felt after such a long time.
He saw a guy, approaching you instead and....you were with him? Y/N’s face then brightened up, and she looked much happier, you smiled even more. Y/N got up from her seat and the man hugged her so tightly while caressing her back, and she was chuckling. And the man himself, seemed to be also deeply in love with you.
He then, noticed their rings, were they perhaps engaged, in their honeymoon, or perhaps they weren’t married and it was just matching rings...right? Levi wondered, begging that what he was thinking was true.
He then saw, his and Y/N’s old friends entering the café, and greeting both of them, one of them was Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie and Historia. He overhear how they were saying that they were such a happy couple and they loved and shipped them a lot. Happy for Y/N finding happiness once again. 
“I am out of time.” Levi muttered, now reality hitting him. He never had time to begin with, he knew ever since she left him. Time was lost and didn’t wait for him.
"What is this feeling?" it felt like as if someone clenched into his chest, his heart is being pulled out of his chest, his stomach having a sinking feeling. Now, he really did lose her.
But wait....maybe he has a chance? he decided to just wait, just maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Having that small hope, that everything was just an assumption, and jumping into conclusions.
After what felt like forever, he waited for them to get out of the café and approached them, to Y/N.
Her eyes widen, she couldn't believe she was seeing Levi after all these years. “Could I speak to Y/N alone, please?” Levi said sadly, and was looking at Y/N instead of the guy. 
The guy seemed to have read the mood and he let Y/N to talk to him in private, to sort out whatever was going on.
“How...have you been?” He finally said, after breaking the silence between them. Y/N nodded and looked back inside the café, “Do you wanna talk and perhaps, catch up?” Y/N uttered, and open the door to the café, she was still the friendly woman he loved and she still looked absolutely even more beautiful to his eyes, he just didn’t want this moment to end.
They then, started to catchup, how things were going for both of them, how they both were and then Levi asked if she was alright. Y/N finally told him that she has been engaged and she would be getting married soon, she let all their friends know about it and to be invited, and she said she would be happy if he would be able to come too, inviting him to her wedding. Levi was now having mixed of emotions, sad but also happy that she was not in a terrible state, and not sad after what has happened. She has picked herself up and lived her life, and finally her dream becoming true and a nice man who loved her, also wanting to marry her too.
They decided to be distant but in good-terms friends, and she was hoping that one day he could meet her fiancée properly. Levi just sat there, smiling. Smiling because he was actually happy to know that there was someone out there to love her, and not treat her bad, and give her what she wanted, which he could have done if he had done it earlier. But of course, it was Y/N, who wouldn’t love her?
He was actually happy for her, seeing her smile, and happy, and she had grown and matured to be such a beautiful woman. “You...will be such a great Mother.” He finally, said with a smile, and that warmed Y/N’s heart. Hearing that, especially from him, made her so happy and glad to hear that since she always wanted to be, but afraid she wouldn’t be. She looked down, at her teacup and tears were running down her cheeks, she was crying happy tears. Y/N never knew how his words would actually be heart warming for her, and he was ready to even support her anytime.
On the day, finally the wedding day, it was filled with love and laughter form everyone, and everyone congratulating them, all their friends crying and cheering for Y/N and the man she was gonna marry.
Levi of course came, and sat at the back, away from the crowd, and he was feeling heart-warmed seeing Y/N being happy once again and her smile and her sight was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, he found it breathtaking, capturing every moment.
“That....could have been us.” He uttered to himself and got up, leaving the wedding as it almost came to an end, he thought his presence wouldn’t really matter to him much now and he left the wedding. 
“Hm, where is Levi? I still haven’t thanked him properly.” Y/N said looking around, and her husband held on her hand and gave her a sweet smile, “Don't worry, I am sure we will see him soon. But he left this for you.” Her husband, handed to her a bag filled with gifts, and a card saying ‘Congratulations, Wishing you a long and happy marriage Y/N.’
After a long day, Levi finally got back home. When Levi goes back to his flat now, no longer calling it ‘our flat’, he still had Y/N’s stuff that she left behind and haven’t thrown them away or moved its position. Y/N really did have a big impact in his life.
He looked through their old memories, gifts she gave him, pictures they took together, letters she wrote for him that was all placed inside a box and he was taking them out one by one. Smiling at them, as how great of a person she was to him.
But, he did really just wanted to grab your hand one last time, say that he always loved you, kiss you one last time, and have you by his side in the flat one last time, looking at your sleepy face and waking up to see your lovely face and sight every morning. He missed it and those days would warm his heart, Y/N did made Levi feel so special before and he was grateful to even be her boyfriend for that period of time. She showed him and gave him love which he thought he would never get, but because of her, he did.
Levi really thought from now, he won’t be able to find that kind of love anymore that he had with Y/N. But, he was very thankful to even have it in the first place. Because to him, Y/N was his everything and he did still care for her. Levi felt convinced though when he met Y/N, it was her and the last relationship he will have and he would be proud to say that she was once his lover and girlfriend.
He stayed still, sitting on the coach and laying down, looking at the ceiling. Levi was smiling, but his eyes then started to tear up slowly. “I promised her that, whenever she is happy....I should be happy too. So why am I like this? Fuck, I am terrible.”
Levi deep down just wanted to know, and he thought to himself saying, ‘Does Y/N even remember our past relationship, Did I have an impact in her life? Did I mean something in her life? Did she forget all our memories and moments together?’
After questioning himself this, he then realized that...when he said to Y/N he was not into marriage. It was a lie. He was actually lowkey scared and in that moment, it was said out of fear. Fear of how he might not be a great father or husband and might fuck things up, and he wanted to be ready and prepared he was the man for you, the one and only for you. He then, whimpered silently to himself in the dark, letting out all of his bottled up emotions.
It’s their bittersweet love, and it’s bittersweet since whenever he thought of the past, it would involve a feeling of happiness and sadness at the same time. But, he finally was at peace now, after seeing you for such a long time, and now knowing you are doing well and great, being taking care of by a great man. He does feel like he has missed out that future Y/N was talking about before, but seeing her cheerful and joyful, he was now content with Y/N and satisfied with her living her dreams, even if it was not with him, he would still support her with all his heart.
okay I did not expect to make this fanfic so sad but a little heart warming at the same time??! I definitely did not tear up while writing this- ANYWAYS! This is my first time to write something like this so please, let me know what you think of this and I hope you somehow liked the bittersweet love between Levi and Y/N!
If you enjoyed and liked this hc fanfic, please let me know by leaving a like, reblog or a message! I love you all and thank you for the support <3
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yunho-es · 4 years
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Member/s: Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
Genre: soft
Warnings: swear words
Words: 2043
Before reading, I want you to know that I don't use any names or Y/n's because I know many people don't really insert their names, they read it as Yin 😂 I also write in first person pov because I think it's easier to read and imagine yourself in that situation
Beads of sweat slowly rolled down my forehead as I pulled out a piece of paper from my sleeve. I knew that the exam would be hard, but I wasn't expecting it to be this detailed. Thank God my friend made me write it all on a small piece of paper. At least I will get a positive grade. Of course he made me do it, he passed the school with those. Thankfully, he didn't go to medicine school. If I ever ended up on his surgery table, I would die.
Three more minutes until the end and one more question unanswered. The teacher noticed me shifting in my seat, but she knew I always get good grades. She finally stopped looking at me and gave her attention to a group of boys trying to switch their papers. I glanced one more time at the piece of paper and put it back in my sleeve. Just as I finished the answer, the bell rang. Half of the class groaned, probably because they didn't manage to finish in time. I took my backpack and left the paper with my name on the main table.
"Good job! Honestly, your exams are always my favorite to grade. I'm really happy to have a student like you."
"Thank you, Mrs Johnson. See you on Monday."
Once I got outside I noticed the sky already getting dark. It was just 5 pm and winter was already doing it's job; the roads were wet and slippery from mixed rain and snow and it must've been under 0 Celsius. Usually I walk home because it's not far away, but my school uniform, rain and cold weather didn't go well together. I was just about to call my roommate when I felt car lights on me, followed by a familiar voice.
"I think quicker than you do." Wooyoung smiled as he opened the door. "Get in please I don't want to spend the next week taking care of an annoyingly picky roommate. I have plans to get drunk and do something stupid."
"You do stupid things anyway without drinking. So save the money and the time. And oh, save me from embarrassment." I get in the car sticking my tongue out at him. "Did you cook anything? I'm starving."
"No, of course. I slept the whole day." I look at him, hoping to see a smile on his face that would give me a sign that he's joking. "Don't look at me like that, I was tired from the night shift. I'll take you to McDonald's." he drove out of the school parking.
"I don't want trash, Wooyoung. I want food." I groaned. He told me that he would try cooking something, but it's been a week and he didn't do anything. "Please buy some pasta and tomato sauce I'll make something."
"Honestly, I really don't feel like waiting. And McDonald's is f**king awesome!" his hand reached out to turn on the radio. "How can you not love the little purple box full of 12 golden beauties?"
It did sound good, but we haven't eaten any "real" food for a month and my stomach started to ache. Living with Wooyoung has its bad and good sides, the bad sides mainly being his laziness and stubbornness. Speaking of stubbornness, of course he took the left turn towards McDonald's.
"What do you want?"
"What a polite way to ask me. You've loosened up I see." I frown at him. He rolls his eyes dramatically and turns towards me with his whole body.
"Your Highness, what do you wish to consume today?"
"That's just too much."
"What the h*ll do you want? I'm taking 3 burgers and fries and you aren't touching them." the brown haired boy points his finger towards my face. I squint my eyes at him, then bite his finger. "Crazy woman."
"Hello, may I take your order?"
"Hello, yes. I'd like a..."
"Is this place good enough for the Queen?" Wooyoung spoke with his mouth full of fries and ketchup. We sat on the roof of his car on a parking lot near a river. The place is good enough for the Queen.
"Eat before you speak, what's wrong with you?" I laugh at him, seeing that he spilled the ketchup on his t-shirt. "No girl will want you like this."
"To be honest I'm not interested right now." he replied immediately.
I'd lie if I said that my heart didn't sink a bit. Whoever said that boys and girls can't be friends was right. One side always catches feelings, big or small. In my case, I believe it's a small crush. He's the only boy I hang out with, so that must be why.
"Why?" I allow myself to ask.
"I had a little crush on a girl but I had to give it up." he kept stuffing his mouth with food, trying to avoid the conversation.
"And...?" I look at him expecting more. But he keeps his mouth shut and folds the paper of the burgers in his hands.
"Are you thirsty?" Wooyoung offers a can of soda, still looking at his fingers.
"Yes, thank you." he opens the can for me, first taking a sip himself, then giving the green beverage to me. I drink the whole can almost immediately.
"You could've said earlier that you were thirsty, I had water in the car." his tone visibly changed. He sounded more serious now, as if he just wanted to go home and lock himself in the room. "Want another one?" he reaches for another can.
"I think I have one more sip here." I throw my head back trying to drink every single drop of the refreshing juice. I slowly started to lean back, forgetting that I'm not in the chair but on the roof of the car. "Sh*t!" I curse as I almost fall on the rocky floor.
"Hey!" Wooyoung quickly reacts and grabs my hands, pulling me towards him. All the empty cans rolled down on the floor, making loud noises. "You good?" he asks, eyes on my face.
His hands felt so warm around mine. I really didn't want to let go. "I'm good." I pull away, trying to get down to collect the cans.
"Leave the d*mn cans there. You almost fell down. Do you see those rocks down there? What if you hit your head? What would I do?"
"I'd pay to get your car cleaned from my blood, Wooyoung." I laugh, but when I notice that his face didn't change, my smile drops. "What's wrong? Why isn't it funny when I say something like this?"
"Behind all these jokes you have to understand that you are very important to me and I have a soft spot for you. If anything happened to you my life would stop. I'm a serious man behind all my sarcastic jokes. Please watch yourself, because I can't do it all the time. It takes a second to turn a peaceful situation into a disaster."
I stare at him with my mouth a little open. I'm surprised at his words, I never heard him talk like this. I manage to say a sorry, turning my head away from him.
After a few seconds of silence, which seemed like hours, he got down and picked up all the cans, then offered me his hand. "Be careful." I put my hand in his, slowly getting down on the floor. "What dumbass even puts these rocks on the parking lot?" he picks up a few of them and pushes them away, leaving the bigger and heavier ones where they were.
"I think because they don't want someone else to have the spot." I watch as he tries to move a few more rocks. "Leave it, you're gonna hurt yourself. Let's just go back home, please?"
"Alright." he leaves the rocks and opens the door for me. Then he proceeds to enter the car himself. "But just for the record, I could've moved those rocks." his lips curved in a small smile. He can't help himself.
It suddenly became quiet in the house. Wooyoung layed on the sofa, watching the TV, and I sat on the floor behind the coffee table with my back leaning on the sofa.
"I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't take any photos." I pouted, scrolling down my Instagram feed. He didn't respond. I kept quiet for a few more minutes, then broke the silence again. "Do you think you could pick me up tomorrow from school again?" again, no answer.
I turn around towards him and see that his eyes are closed. He fell asleep while watching the TV. I took a blanket from my room and layed next to him under it. It's not my first time napping with him, but most of the time he refuses. He says that he is a kicker in his sleep and that he doesn't want to hurt me.
The sofa in our living room is quite small so I have to basically lay on Wooyoung. Just as I close my eyes, I feel his hand around my waist, bringing me even closer to him. Now my head was on his chest and I was surrounded by his scent and warmth. This must be what heaven feels like. Usually when we sleep like this together, it takes us a few hours to fall asleep. Mainly because he can't stop making jokes and I can't stop laughing. But this is different. It's calm. It's beautiful.
I couldn't tell if he was asleep or just pretending. He held me close and rubbed my back slowly. "Wooyoung?" I tried calling.
"Hm?" he responds sleepily.
"Are you okay?" I look up at him. His eye are still closed, but his fingers are still drawing tiny patterns on my waist and back.
"Mhm." again, I receive a short answer. When I try to move and give him some space so he can sleep peacefully, he opens his eyes to look at me. "Please don't move. I want to sleep like this." one of his hands moved my hair from both of our faces. "Please?" he asked, almost whispering.
I have never witnessed this side of Wooyoung. His voice was different, his movements were different, his eyes were different. This is the Wooyoung I wanted for myself, but couldn't have him. It took me a few longer seconds to realise that we are staring at each other, doing nothing but breathing quietly. Once his hot breath fell on my lips I couldn't help but close my eyes and sigh. Right now, I hoped for one thing to happen.
"Why can't I have you like this every day?" his soft voice whispered. I try to speak, but as soon as I move my lips, I feel something soft brushing against them. My breath stops and I force myself to open my eyes. He's looking down at my lips as if thinking if the next step is smart to do. I allow myself a moment of bravery and I put my hands on his chest, getting closer to him. "F**k it." he mutters, finally putting his hands on my cheeks and pressing his lips against mine.
His lips must've been the softest thing to exist on this planet. I tried to move, but my body was frozen. I couldn't do anything, just lay and enjoy the softness and the warmth of his lips. He pulled away for a second, trying to say something, but when he didn't succeed, he went back to the older position. Then, again, he pulls away.
"You are so sweet. You taste like I always imagined." the red cheeked boy whispers, brushing the tip of his nose against mine.
"More, please." I manage to say. My lips and throat are dry, my mind is going crazy, and my stomach is witnessing fireworks. Wooyoung smiles, still not letting go of my cheeks. "Please." I get impatient.
He leans in again, this time kissing me with more passion. It stopped being sweet and soft, now only one word existed in my mind: more. And he happily listened.
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yongjaeten · 4 years
Phone Prank {Nakamoto Yuta}
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Genre: One-Shot, Smut
Pairing: Dom!Yuta x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex, choking, rough sex, cursing
Word Count: 1,708
Disclaimer: Gif does not belong to me. Credit goes to the owner. I just found it on Google and it was what made the idea to this one shot happen.
A/N: This is NOT a request. I am only writing this one shot, because I have this annoying obsession for Yuta for some time now and he does not want to go away. I don’t mind taking requests as well. If you want me to write something for you, these are the bands I would write for: NCT, EXO, GOT7, Seventeen, Ateez, Monsta X, & Golden Child.
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You continued to slowly walk down the entrance with your best friend next to you when your phone vibrated in your hand. You clicked the lock button and the message preview flashed the screen name of: 😍 Toto ❤. You smiled to yourself and immediately felt the butterflies floating around in your stomach. You unlocked your phone using your fingerprint and went into the message folder.
😍 Toto ❤: Hello my princess
Y/N: Hi Yuta.
😍 Toto ❤: Yuta? What happened to calling me Toto? 🙁
You paused before answering him. Yuta noticed that you were taking a few seconds to answer and he shifted in his chair getting a bit agitated. You smiled again and decided to pull a prank on him to see how far he would go with his emotions over you. So, you let your fingers and brain do their magic.
Y/N: I don’t know. I mean…Yuta is your name, right?
You grinned at your sarcastic side and Yuta put his phone down. He removed his jacket and hugged it under his right arm. Mark and Johnny who were on either side of him, glanced at him, then returned to their phones as well. He sighed, picked up his phone, and replied back.
😍 Toto ❤: You're late. Do you know what time is it?
Y/N: Yeah I do. According to my phone it is…11:04AM. 
Yuta clenched his jaw in annoyance, leaned back in his seat, and ruffled his hair. He got up from his seat, strolled to the other end of the room, and decided to sit by the table that only had one chair. "She thinks this is fucking funny," he mumbled under his breath as he went to type a message. You saw the three jumping dots appear on your screen and you smirked.
😍 Toto ❤: I need those photos baby. Stop acting like you don't know what time it is. We've talked about this before.
Y/N: No.
😍 Toto ❤: What?
Y/N: Yuta, I…
😍 Toto ❤: You, what?? 
At this point you was fighting back the urge to laugh out loud. You could picture him clearly in your head – either sexually frustrated or pissed off. But by the way he was replying, he was definitely pissed off. You waited a few seconds, just for the fun of it, and to make him feel more on edge.
Y/N: I don't think we should do this again.
He let out a single laugh: the angriest and most cynical one ever known to mankind. His brows creased downward and he was fighting the urge to fling his phone against the wall. Instead, he took out his frustration at the phone's keypad as he angrily typed a reply.
😍 Toto ❤: What do you mean by 'not do this again'?
Y/N: This. Us. What I do every morning for you. You and me. I would like it to stop, Yuta.
😍 Toto ❤: I don't think I follow along. You're not making any sense baby. 
There was a long gap in between your messages and you giggled as you and your friend came out of the elevator. Yuta hated the sudden silence and he combed his hair back with his fingers. His hand glided down his face and he rubbed it. He cupped his chin with his right hand and sighed.
"Come on baby," he pleaded to himself, shaking his leg up and down impatiently. "Don't stop please. I need to see you. I need you." He slightly jumped in his seat when he saw the dots appear on his screen.
What followed next made him completely lose it.
Y/N: I want to break up with you.
The words smacked him right in the face. He got up from his seat and stared blankly straight ahead of him. The rage building up inside of him. He rotated the upper half of his body and viciously threw his jacket against the mirror. Mark and Johnny quickly looked up and watched as he stormed towards the door. He yanked the door towards him angrily and left the room.
"What was that about?" Mark asked Johnny with wide eyes.
"No~ idea," Johnny replied.
Yuta banked the corner of the hall and it wasn’t until your best friend spotted him first. "Oh look. It's Yuta," she said to you. Yuta and you stopped in your tracks when you noticed each other.
"Shit," You muttered and subconsciously grasped tightly onto her left wrist.
"What?" she asked, unaware of what was going on between Yuta and you.
"I am so screwed," you told her as you saw him standing a few feet from the both of you, seething in anger.
He marched his way over to you and your friend and your heart pounded in your chest. "Hi Yuta," your friend casually said.
"Hello B/F/N," Yuta said to her with a forced smile and bow. "Would you excuse us for a while."  His smile left his face as quick as it came when he glanced in your direction and grabbed a hold of your arm. "We need to talk," he said to you through gritted teeth and dragged you into the empty room two doors down. He pulled you in first and slammed the door shut behind him. "Break up with me?!" he angrily asked you and roughly pushed you against the door. "I don't think so princess. That's never going to happen."
He yanked the one side of your leather jacket away from your neck and placed his lips harshly on your neck. He sucked on your skin and crawled his right hand up to your neck as he put a firm pressure on it. It was enough to partially cut your breathing circulation, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. He moved to another section on your neck and bruised it darkly just as he did to the first spot.
He nipped at the skin between his teeth, let it go, and sloppily littered your neck with wet kisses. He moved away from your neck and you bit your lower lip from the electric feeling running through your body. You moaned from the sensation and he planted a rough kiss on your lips. He removed his hold from around your neck and proceeded to take off your jacket.
"You are fucking mines forever," he hissed and began to unbuckle his belt. "I am never letting you get away from me that easily."
He undid the button on his jeans and pulled down his pants along with his brief. He reached for under your skirt and stripped his favorite black laced panty down your legs. You wrapped your legs around his waist and embraced his neck with your arms. He held you in place against the door with his left hand on your waist and positioned his cock into your entrance.
He slammed his dick into your pussy and you gasped out loud from the pleasure. "Oh my – mm!"
"That's right angel. Scream my name. Let everyone know who's making you feel good right now," he said and continued to thrust deeper in you.
He hit your sensitive spot over and over and you tangled your fingers in his hair, slightly pulling on it. He growled in your ear when you pulled his hair and held onto your waist with his other hand as well. Doing that only made his penis slide further up and he rammed himself into your vagina deadlier than before. With the consistency of him pushing against your g-spot and the feeling of his cock pulsating against your walls, you felt the familiar burning sensation in your core building up.
"D-don't stop Yuta," you begged and moaned his name as he kept assaulting your womanhood with his girth and length. "I'm so close baby."
"Oh no. You don't get to fucking cum on my cock princess unless I tell you to," he demanded.
"But Yuta~" you whined and he chuckled darkly at you. "I…I can't hold it in any longer."
His penis twitched and the thick vein on his long member throbbed against your uterus. "Fuck baby," he whispered. "I think I'm going to fucking cum now." His strokes became messier and you whimpered as it drove you over the edge. "Go ahead princess. Cum with me."
As soon as he gave you the go, you released your juices all over his shaft, and he squirted his warm, stringy white seed in you. You both hungrily tangled your tongues together, fighting for dominance, until you both came down from your high. Yuta and you separated your mouths and he trailed several kisses from the center of your chin to your neck and down to your collarbones. You removed your legs from his waist and he took out his penis. You unhooked your arms from around his neck and made to grab your stranded panty from off the floor, but he stopped you. He cupped your cheeks in his hands and pressed his forehead against yours.
"Please don't leave me Y/N," he said and you heard the vulnerability in his voice. "I-I don't know what I'd do without you."
You smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "I wasn't planning on it. You mean the world to me Yuta."
He let out a relieved laugh and said, "Aishiteru."
You grinned stupidly at him and replied in a baby voice with an, "I love you too, Toto," while grabbing onto his chin. "I was just messing with you about the whole break up thing, by the way," you told him as you picked up your panty from the floor. He pulled up his brief and pants and fixed his clothes. "I think you know what I'm wearing underneath," you said as you twirled the underwear around your index finger and winked at him. “Do you still want those photos?”
He smirked seeing the material being ridden up your bare thighs and felt himself getting aroused again. “I do baby,” he said. “So I can look at it when I’m alone.” You adjusted your skirt and he helped you into your jacket. “Let's go," he said grabbing hold of your left hand and intertwining your fingers together.
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She’s Gone
Lena Luthor x Reader
Requested by Anon-
Hi, I really like your angst imagines on lena luthor x reader. Can you do more of them? Please.
(Y/N)- Your Name
Warnings- Angst, Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Self-Harm, Blood
A/N-If you are ever struggling my messages are always open.
Also I know I said it would be a Maggie x Reader story that was coming out but I just happened to finish this story a little bit before that one so I decided to post this one.
Things had gotten bad again but you refused to tell anyone. Not even your wife Lena. You didn't want to put anymore problems on her plate. She already had enough to deal with. Lillian and Lex were both up to their usual bullshit and Lena was trying to clean up their mess. You stared into the mirror but you didn't recognize your reflection. You felt tears begin to pool in your eyes as you brought out your razor. Your bottom lip trembled as the tears began to fall. You pressed the razor against your wrist and pulled the blade from your wrist to the inside of your elbow. You repeated this multiple times until you felt yourself become lightheaded. You collapsed to the floor as you went unconscious from the blood loss.
Lena had decided to leave work a little early today. She knew she hadn't been around as much due to having to clean up after her family and she felt bad. She was just so grateful that even through all of this you stayed with her. She truly didn't believe that she deserved you and all your love and kindness. She quickly made her way from her office of L-Corp to her car. She wished Jess a goodnight and made sure that she wouldn't be staying there for too long. As she got into her car she tried calling you but you didn't pick up your phone. A small frown appeared on Lenas face. She tried calling you a couple more times and each time it went unanswered she could feel a slight panic begin to build. It was unusual for you to miss a call from her much less multiple. She tried to shake off the bad feeling though. Maybe you were just taking a nap. She started her car and began to make her way home. You had seemed to be a little more tired lately. She couldn't blame you though. She knew that you didn't sleep well without her and she hadn't been getting home until 2am lately and leaving again at 6am. She could feel the guilt begin to gnaw at her heart. She hadn't been there as much as she should have been. She tried calling you a couple more times on the way home but she had no luck. She put her phone back in her pocket. Maybe you had finally come to tour senses and realized how much better you could do. Lena felt her heart drop to her stomach at that thought. She didn't know what she would do without you in her life. You made all the hard times bearable. Without you she knew that she would fall apart at the seams. She pushed her car to go faster as the panic began to consume her. She barely managed to completely stop her car before throwing it in park and jumping out running into the house she shared with you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" She screamed.
"Please don't be gone please don't be gone please don't be gone." She whispered to herself over and over again. She checked all the rooms on the first floor before she took off upstairs. Every room that she came to that was empty just fueled the panic inside of her. What if you were gone and she never saw you again? What if she never got to show you how much she loved you? What if she never got to make up for all of this? All those what if's and more ran through her mind. She felt the tears building in her eyes and tracing trails down her cheeks. She couldn't lose you she just couldn't. Her life would be incomplete. She would be incomplete. The first room she checked upstairs was the bedroom she shared with you. All of your stuff was still there. That should have calmed her down but it only made her panic more. She knew you had a history of depression but she had thought that you knew you could come to her no matter what. You always had in the past and she had always tried her best to make sure you knew that she didn't mind helping you however she could even if that meant just sitting with you in silence. The tears began to come faster now as she realized that something much worse than you leaving may have happened. She quickly checked the bathroom in your room but you weren't there. She had checked all the rooms downstairs and the only rooms left for her to check upstairs now was the guest room and bathroom. Lena has never ran so much or so fast in her life. She opened the door to the guest room. She didn't see you anywhere. She immediately ran to the guest bathroom. When she tried to open the door she found out it was locked. She immediately began screaming for you to open the door as she began to try and break it down. She felt her heart begin to completely shatter at the thought of you being gone but in a more permanent way than she had originally thought. The sobs began to make their way from her chest. She grabbed her phone with shaky hands and dialed the only number she could think of that she knew didn't have her blocked.
"Please answer please answer." She begged whoever would listen. Thankfully the person on the other end of the phone answered.
"Why are you calling me?" Maggie asked with anger in her voice. Lena wasn't on good terms with the super friends squad currently due to her just finding out that Kara was Supergirl. Lena didn't even care right now.
"Ple...please d...don't ha...hang up. It's...it's (Y/N). They...they tried to ki...kill themselves. Pl...plea...please. I n...need he...help. Please Maggie please." Lena begged her as she sobbed. She didn't care that she was begging something she never did. She just knew that the only people who would be able to help now would be Kara and Alex. They both had her blocked though after everything that had gone down. There was a moment of silence on the phone. Maggie couldn't believe what she just heard and all the anger she held in that moment completely vanished.
"I will have Kara and Alex head you're way immediately. I need to know how bad it is though. What did (Y/N) do?" Maggie was trying to stay as calm as possible.
"There are cu...cuts from th..their wrist to the..their el..elbow. I don't... I don't know how many. There's so many. Maggie please please I can't lose them." Maggie's heart broke at the sound of the younger Luthor breaking down. She may have held anger against her for the way she dealt with everything but she wouldn't wish this on her. Maggie knew how important (Y/N) was to Lena. She was honestly scared of what would happen to Lena if they were unable to save you.
"Alright, Alright. Alex and Kara are on their way right now. They should be there soon." As soon as Maggie finishes saying that Kara appeared in her Supergirl suit with Alex in her arms. J'onn was right behind them in full Martian appearance. The sight that greeted them would haunt them forever. There was a pool of blood around you and Lena was kneeling in it. Lena has your blood all over her and she wasn't even sure how it had gotten on her. Alex and Kara locked eyes and no words were needed. Kara picked you up as gently as she could and before Lena could even say anything Kara had taken off with you. J'onn picked up Alex and left with her following shortly behind her. Lena was left alone in the pool of your blood. She knew she should do something, anything but she couldn't move. She was frozen in that moment. She had no idea how long she was sitting there before Kara had appeared in her vision. Kara held out her hand and Lena just stared at it for what felt like an eternity before placing her hand in Kara's. Kara lifted Lena up and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. That's all it took for Lena to completely lose it. She held onto Kara like she was her only lifeline in this world. She sobbed into Kara's shoulder. Her whole body was shaking and she held onto Kara a little tighter. Kara felt her heart break at the state Lena was in right then. She wasn't sure how she was even supposed to tell Lena the news now. She didn't feel like she could.
"Let's get you cleaned up alright?" Kara spike calmly to Lena. The news could wait until Lena at least no longer had your blood all over her. Lena nodded her head slightly but refused to let go of Kara. She felt like if she let go she would break apart into a million tiny pieces. Kara was the only thing holding her together in that moment. Kara could tell Lena wasn’t going to be letting go anytime soon so she picked her up and carried her to the bedroom she had shared with you. She set Lena down in the bathroom and Lena slowly let go of her.
“Take a shower and I’ll set out some pajamas for you.” Kara spoke softly to Lena. She knew she had to be gentle with her actions and words. Lena just nodded her head slightly. Kara took that as a yes and left Lena to herself. Lena couldn’t even look at herself in the mirror. She knew she wouldn’t be able to handle seeing herself covered in your blood. She slowly stripped herself of her bloody clothes before stepping into the shower. She turned it as hot as she could possibly stand. At first she just stood there under the water and watched as it turned from clear to red from your blood. She turned and grabbed her loofah and began to scrub her skin raw. She scrubbed every inch of herself and she still felt like she wasn’t clean. She could still feel your blood in her hair and on her arms and hands. She slowly sank to the floor of the tub and wrapped her arms around her legs. She buried her face in her arms and tried her best to muffle her sobs. She stayed like that until the water ran cold. She probably would have stayed there all night but Kara knocked on the door and she knew she had to get out and get dressed. She let out a quiet coming and quickly dried off before dressing in the pajamas Kara had left for her. When she walked out of the door Kara didn’t recognize her. She looked nothing like the strong empowering boss that Kara knew she was. She looked like a scared little girl lost in the world. Kara immediately wrapped her in a hug. Lena did nothing. She no longer had the energy honestly. She just wanted to know what had happened to the love of her life. She pulled back from Kara slightly and cleared her throat before asking,
“How’s (Y/N)?” Kara’s face immediately fell and that’s all Lena needed to see to know. She ripped herself away and began to pace back and forth as she shook her head.
“No. No. They can’t...please don’t...Kara please.” Lena couldn’t even get out a full sentence. Kara felt tears gather in her eyes at the state Lena was in.
“I’m so sorry Lena. Alex....she tried everything. There just...there was too much blood loss. I’m so sorry Lena. I’m so sorry.” The scream that came from Lena as she fell to her knees wasn’t human. Kara had never heard a sound like it in her life. Lena began to pull at her hair and punch the ground.
“NO! NO! NO! NOT THEM! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!” Lena screamed through her sobs. Kara felt her heart shatter as she watched one of the strongest people she knew crumble in front of her eyes. There was nothing Kara could do. There was nothing anyone would ever be able to do. Lena has just lost her entire world and nothing would ever be the same. Lena would never be the same.
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jk9bangtan · 4 years
Jealousy or Hate 2
Genre: ♔ / ♕ / ♤ / ♘
Warnings: Jealousy, +17, your heart [and other places ;) ] may clinch at some point and you probably would feel butterflies in you stomach, a little bit toxic, jealous Jk, mention of ex.
Word Count: almost 3k
Part 1 - part 2
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Y/N: "Wait!! No!! I changed my mind." I said as I pushed Jungkook of off me. Thinking of it, I think that I am not going to leave this idiot without a punishment. I am going to have a revenge on him.
Jk: "You changed your mind about what??" Jungkook asked in confusion. He was still on top of me, his hands placed on the pillow on each side of my head.
Y/N: "You will sleep on the couch for tonight..... and tomorrow as well." I said moving my head to the side acting all cold.
Jk: "W-what?? Weren't I forgiven. You just said you forgave me. How can you say this if you forgave me. This is not how people forgive each other. Forgiving someone doesn't mean to make him sleep on the couch. You are really not good at forgiving!"
He blurted every thing out so quick, to the point that I almost missed everything he said. Well of course except the word forgive. It actually kept ringing in my ears.
Y/N: "I forgave you, but still you need a punishment." I said as I looked in his eyes.
Jk: " Well..... Can you give me another type of punishment. One that will make you feel good. Or pleasure in other words." He said wiggling his eyebrows as he moved his right hand towards my belly. He grabbed the hem of my shirt as he slowly lifted it up. His fingers touching my skin. I shivered at his touch. But no, I am not gonna step back from my decision.
Y/N: "NO!!" I yelled making Jungkook quickly take his hands off of my shirt hiding it behind his back. I pushed him taking advantage of his hand. He fall on the bed sheet, his body bouncing for a bit and then finally stabilizing on it. He kept locking up the ceiling for a bit, then he quickly looked back at me
Jk: "Ok, anything for you babe." He said winking at me and then standing up walking towards the closet. WTF?! What was that just now??!! I looked at his broad back as he looks for a blanket in the closet.
Y/N: " One more thing!" I said making him turn around to look at me. "You are not allowed to call me by my name. Not only my name but also other names that couples use to call each other. Like babe, sweetie, honey and etc. You are not allowed to." I said moving the blanket that was placed on my bed and slipping under it, letting it warm my body.
Jk: "You're cruel! Then what am I supposed to call you." Jungkook yelled and then a  pout appeared on his face.
Y/N: "This is what you deserve and you can call me 'My friend' " I said turning off the lamp that was placed on the nightstand beside the bed. hehehe he will definitely get angry.
Jk: "Wtf? We are not friends we are couples, and turn the light back on. I still need to choose a blanket to cover myself with it at night. AND that is Because some cruel people forbid me from sleeping with them which means that no natural warmth will be provided tonight." Jungkook said as he kept glaring at me while his hands were searching for a blanket.
Y/N: "First of all, just take a blanket already I don't have enough energy to turn the light back on. Second of all, I didn't ask you Why so no need to explain. Third, is that I am only cruel with cruel people and thank you." I said closing my eyes, not caring what he is doing and what will his respond be.
Jk: "Fine!! But when will this punishment end. Please don't say for too long. I can't handle it!" He whined throwing the blanket on the couch. I didn't see him doing it, I just felt it.
Y/N: "I don't know yet.... it might be two days. It might be three days. It might also be one week or even one month. I don't really know." I said my eyes still closed.
Jk: "uhhh. You know that I can't do that. I can't stay away from you for to long." He said laying down on the couch and then wrapping himself with the blanket. I also didn't see that, I just felt it.
Y/N: "Come on! You stayed away from me for a month you liar. So please stop acting innocent."
Jk: "u-ummm that was a different thing. I actually used to wait for you to sleep and then try to steal few kisses." Jungkook said giggling afterwards at hi actions.
Y/N: "I don't care! for me it is the same thing." I said a small smile on my face. Even though I said "I don't care" but somehow his words made me happy.
Jk: "Aye, Aye Captain. " Jungkook said in a fake sad tone, acting all hurt.
Y/N: "Now stop talki-" I suddenly got interrupted by the bell ring. I looked towards Jungkook. Wondering if he invited someone at this time, but he looked surprised as well.
I stood up from the bed walking downstairs and straight towards the main door of our house. But Jungkook suddenly grabbed my arm telling me to stay there and that he will check who's at the door.
I stood there not moving, my eyes glued on the front door wanting to know who was behind it.
As soon as it opened I saw my parents coming in, greeting Jungkook and then walking towards the living room.
Y/N: "Mom, Dad! Hi!" I said making them look at me. They didn't look that happy.
Mom: "Y/N dear. We have to talk. Your father has something to tell you." My mom said making me turn towards my dad.
Dad: "Y/n sit down!" My dad said motioning for me to sit down on the couch opposite him. "you too Jungkook" my dad further stated as he looked towards Jungkook.
Jungkook nodded as he sat beside me on the couch.
Dad: "There is something important I want to tell the both of you. That's why we are here today and at this time. I know that it's 11:30 and it's almost mid night but this is really important." My dad said looking to the both of us.
Dad: "A couple of hours ago we were attending a dinner party at our friends house. We were talking about business and other stuff when Mr.Park suddenly started talking about his son's marriage plans. And ..." my dad stopped for a second moving his gaze from us towards my mom and then to the floor.
Dad: "He said that he wants my daughter y/n to get married to his son Chanyeol." My dad said finally moving his gaze towards us.
Jk: "W-what?! Y/n's ex-boy-boyfriend? D-did you tell him tha-that she already has a boyfriend?" Jungkook asked his voice cracking. He wasn't on the urge of crying. His voice was cracking from the sudden anger and shock that rose in him.
Dad: " I told him that and he said 'Let them break up, this marriage will be good for our kids and for our companies'. He actually told me about everything he will do if my company becomes partner with his. And they were amazing ideas. So I-I"
Jk: "You agreed?!" Jungkook suddenly cut my dad of with his deep harsh voice. He is trying his best to not end up attacking my father. He is controlling his anger.
Dad: " Yes, so you better break up with her as soon as possible. I will leave you to decide until tomorrow."
Y/N: "Dad please you can't do that you know how much I love jungkook. Please don't force me into this marriage." I finally blurted something and all of them turned towards me.
Dad: " I don't care! I said what I wanted to say so end everything as soon as possible."
Jk: "What do you mean? you know that I can't leave y/n. You clearly know that I can't live without her by my side. And especially if she is in another mans arm!!" Jungkook yelled standing up the couch and walking towards my dad quickly.
Y/N: "Jungkook?!" I yelled his name indicating that what he is doing is wrong. What ever happens this man is still my dad.
Jk: "What?! Can't you see what he is saying!" Jungkook yelled looking straight to my eyes "he will take you away from me. You will no longer be mine." he moved his gaze a way from me as he further stated. He walked away from my father standing in front of the kitchen door. His back towards us.
Dad: "I am waiting for your breakup news tomorrow. We are leaving." My dad said as he and my mom walked out of the house slamming the door shut behind them.
Y/N: "Jungkook look we-"
Jk: "We what?! Work things out?! Of course we can! I am not giving you to that fucker." Jungkook stated as he walked in heavy steps towards me. 
Jk: "I have told you that you are mine before. I have told you that you are fucking mine. No one can take you away from me. Literally no one. I told you all of this when you were talking about sleeping with other basters. You are mine." Jungkook said looking deep into my eyes. He was breathing heavily he looked as if he was running a marathon.
Jk: " How am I supposed to give up on you. How am I supposed to feel when everything is done between us. How am I supposed to fucking feel when I will see him holding your hand again instead of me." Jungkook said as he held my hands between his owns.
Jk: " How am I supposed to feel when I see you between his arms as he holds you. He is going to fuck around once more. He took you from me once, and I am not going to let him take you one more time." He said grabbing the hem of my shirt and taking it of. He looked at my eyes then my waist. He grabbed me from my waist with both of his hands, and pulled me towards him. Our faces where inches apart.
Y/N: "J-Jungko-"
Jk: "You know your first time was supposed to be mine not his. I wanted to be the first man that will make you feel loved. I wanted to be the first man that will make love to you, not him. I was supposed to be your first kiss. he took all of that from me. and now after I finally got you between my arms I cant let you go. I can't!" Jungkook said his hand touching my waist as his face nuzzled into my chest. Shit I didn't know he felt like that all of this time. MY breath quickened as I felt small kisses on my chest.
Jk: "Each time I trace my fingers on your skin my heart would start beating really fast and my whole body would shiver. I can't even imagine another guy doing this to you. you know every time I imagine that he used to do all of this to you. I feel like there is someone choking me. As if someone is grabbing me from my neck." He said his eyes wondering on my face, searching for my eyes.
Jk: " You know that reaction of yours when you're submissive to me. When you look all innocent and weak between my arms. You know that expression of yours when I whisper in your ears how good you are for me." He said making me lower my gaze to the ground so that he couldn't see my red cheeks.
Jk: " Yes! This fucking expression. This makes my whole brain stop functioning. You know what's the best? When you keep your eyes open looking into my eyes while letting euphoria take over you. Your lips parted, moans escaping from them." He said as his fingers touched my jaw lifting my head up to look at him.
Y/N: "I-I think we have to talk about what we have to do about Chanyeol and the marriage." I said moving away from him.
Jk: "Don't fucking say his name! Don't fucking mention his name!" Jungkook said gritting his teeth. he looked so angry. He suddenly grabbed me from the arm and slammed my body against the wall.
Y/N: "J-Jungkook. Please c-calm down. We can solve this.  I am not going to leave you alone. I can talk to Chanyeol." fuck I wasn't supposed to say his name.
Jk: "It looks like you want me to teach you how to fucking stop saying his name. Or you know what? I am gonna make you forget his name and forget that he have ever existed in this world." Jungkook said as he lifted me off the ground and throw me on his shoulder.
Y/N: "Y-yah! Jungkook stop it! You cant do that." I said wiggling my body to get off of his shoulder. But Jungkook's grip on my waist tightened letting me know that I can't move.
Jungkook throw me on the bed as soon as he entered the bedroom. He grabbed my legs as he pulled me towards him. He hovered on top of me. His hands grabbed my pants as he tried to push them down.
Y/N: "Y-y-Yah! Y-yah! S-stop! No I don't want this! I don't want it." I said pushing his hands with my right hand and pulling my pants with the other one.
Jk: " You are mine!! I am gonna teach you who you belong to. I am not going to let you go. I am not going to let him take you away from me." Jungkook said pushing my pants down. My hands didn't have that much of power to pull my pants back on. He was stronger. This was the first time Jungkook acted this way. He looked scary.
Y/N: "Jungkook please! P-please stop!! It's a test. I won't leave you. Nothing is true I swear. The marriage thing was not real!" I yelled tears streaming from my eyes, and down my cheeks.
My pants were down my knees when Jungkook stopped. I looked at him and that was when my heart shattered into small pieces. He was sobbing hard. Tears streaming like waterfalls. His nose red as his hair was stuck on his forehead. His eyes were red as well. His hands shaking as he took them off of my pants.
Y/N: "Jungkook" I called his name as I sit up pulling my pants up quickly.
Jk: "Aaaaahhhhh" Jungkook yelled and suddenly hugged my body. "What have I done. What was I about to do to you?! I am so fucking messed up. I messed up everything. I am sorry. I do t want you to go. Please stay. Don't go to him." His head was on my shoulder as he shut his eyes tightly. Tears still visible on his cheeks. His lips were trembling.
Y/N: "Shhhh calm down. I am sorry! It's my fault. Don't worry I won't leave you. I won't let go of you. I am sorry!" I said caressing his hair. He was breathing heavily as well as me. Our sobs were mixed with each other.
After few minutes we calmed down. Jungkook's face was now on my chest. His hands were between his thighs as his breath was coming out steadily. He looked like a small baby.
Aish!! I really feel sorry about what I have done to him. I wasn't supposed to go this hard on him.
Jk: "You aren't lying right? You are not going to marry That dude. This was all a plan right?."
Y/N: "Yes I planed all of this. I texted my parents when you were searching for a blanket and told them to come and tell you those things. I just wanted you to feel what I have felt. I am sorry I went to hard."
Jk: "No, I deserve this. You know if you didn't stop me what would of happened. I would of raped you. You would of have left me after that. You would of have gone back to him once again." Jungkook said looking to my eyes. Tears willed up in his eyes as he remembered what he was about to do to me.
Y/N: "It's ok! Nothing happened! I am still yours. I will always will be." I said placing a peck on his dry lips.
I just understood how crazy can he become when he is jealous. I don't deny that I was really scared when he through me on the bed. But I know that I over did it. I wasn't supposed to gather every bit of his weaknesses and throw them on his face. I really did over doesn't. I think calling me 'my friend' was a fair punishment.
Jk: "I love you!" Jungkook said taking me out of my thoughts. His hands hugged my waist as he nuzzled his face into my neck.
Y/N: "Love you too" I said closing my eyes afterwards.
I love him and he loves me that's all it matter.
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Ocean Eyes pt.3 (Cliff Booth)
Summary: It seems like Cliff Booth was the love of your life. However, the relationship didn't work out and all you're left with are painful memories.
Author's Note: I'm sorry it took so damn long to post another part but I've been really sick. Requests are still open! Feel free to request anything! Hope you enjoy! ♡
She was having the time of her life. Everything was simply perfect. She had a perfect job, perfect best friend and perfect boyfriend. It seemed almost surreal. But the thing was that moments like this don't last long. And Y/N was not an exception.
It all started in the middle of December 1969, almost after 5 months of the happiest time in her life. 
She was sitting in her apartment watching the night through a window, with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. A little smile appeared on her face when she heard the phone ringing.
"Hello baby."
Even only these two words sent shivers down her spine and her smile grew bigger. "Hey Cliff. What's up?"
"I'm really sorry but I can't make it tonight. I have a lot of work with Rick on the set. We can't film this one scene right."
"Oh, okay. Don't worry about it. We can have dinner next time."
"I knew you'd understand. Promise I'll make it up to you, baby."
Her excitement faded a little bit but she was glad she could at least hear his voice today. She threw the cigarette butt out of the window and opened a new beer. A nice night off was really something useful now.
But the phone rang again. She was confused a bit but picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey Y/N! What y-you doing tonight? I h-have a free day in w-work. Wanna meet up?" 
It was Rick. She felt like someone stabbed her in the stomach and then twisted with the knife in the wound. 
"Maybe another time, mate." she said quickly and hang up the phone. She didn't want to make any accelerated desicion but she just couldn't stop a few tears from falling. Apparently, something was wrong in her perfect life. 
She wasn't sure if she should call Cliff right away or just wait and ask him about it later. She looked outside for an answer but the moon was jut blankly starring at her and the city seemed somehow calm and quiet. And then, out of the sudden, it started snowing. 
She always got so happy when the winter was coming but now, she just wasn't able to. 
After a long and exhausting day at work, she thought it'd be nice to sit down in some little cafeteria and relax a bit. She needed this more than anything. 
Y/N got out of studio and when she wanted to cross the road, she heard someone calling her name. Rick ran to her all so sweaty while heavily breathing. "What's the matter, man?" she laughed and stepped back a little. Rick raised his hand as a sign to give him a few seconds to catch a breath. "Cliff didn't show up t-today and I don't have anyone to drive me home. Then i saw you and i thought w-we could spend a day together or something. We h-haven't done that in a long time." the actor suggested. 
Cliff did not show up to give him a lift? What the hell is going on?
"Why not? By the way, what's up with Cliff?"
"You don't know? I-i thought you'd know."
That was it. That was the last drop. Cliff should be right here, right now, picking her and Rick up and then they should all go to have some dinner and have a lovely time.
But he wasn't here and she knew there's a chance he might never will be again. 
As the night went by, she and Rick were blind drunk, like the good old times. "Oh Rick, I've missed you so much." Y/N breathed out and took a drag from her cigarette. "Me too! We haven't been doing t-these fucking  parties since you got together with Cliff. You were both oh so f-fucking in love and i didn't want to i-interupt that."
After these words, she took a long drag from her cigarette, it almost seemed like she wanted to bury all the pain deep down inside of her. Because the thing was, they probably weren't in love anymore. It was just her.
"You know what? Let's go visit Cliff!" she suggested lively and jumped out of her chair. "W-woah, Y/N. You sure you wanna do t-this? Apparently, there's something wrong." Rick said kindly and took her hand in his.
"That's exactly why. This whole ignorance is killing me. Rick, i deserve to know what's fucking going on. He can't just push me out of his life without a word, not after what we've been through."
"I know. It's just- i don't u-understand what this is all about. This isn't him, Y/N. He's not like that. Fuck, i can't e-even count how many times he's told me how much he l-loves you and how he doesn't want to fuck things up."
"Oh dear Rick, he already did that."
They were standing in front of Cliff's trailer and neither of them dared to knock. They were scared of what they might find inside - the most ridiculous scenarios were rushing through Y/N's mind one after another. "I'll wait over there, d-dear." Rick whispered and began to walk away. Now, it was only her.
Y/N knocked on the door and walked in. She froze right in the middle of her movement. Cliff was laying on the small bed, cigarette hanging from his lips as usual as his ocean eyes wandered on a beautiful woman's body - she was standing in the little kitchen trying to cook something dressed in one of Cliff's shirts - Y/N's favourite and she was sure Cliff knew. 
"Look, it's not-" Cliff began to explain quickly and tried to get out of bed.
"Just shut up! I've had enough of this! I just don't understand why you haven't told me earlier and kept on going doing... this!" 
They were staring at each other and she thought that his ocean eyes are still the most beautiful ones she'd ever seen. 
"Hey! I'm Cassidy!" the woman broke the silence and smiled sweetly at her. Y/N just rolled her eyes and turned back to Cliff: "After all we've been through? I think i fucking deserve at least to know why!"
"It's hard to explain." he said quietly and threw his cigarette away.
"What the fuck, Cliff? Hard to explain? For you? I'm outta here."
She heard Cliff calling after her but she wasn't listening to him. She needed to be as far as possible. At this point, she wasn't able to stop the tears from falling. At least, she still had Rick to take care of her now.
It'd been one week now, one long week without him. It was harder than she thought, so damn harder. No calls, no messages, nothing and Y/N started to wonder if she has ever meant something to him. It was still breaking her heart but she finally realized the truth - Cliff hadn't cared, obviously. And she wasn't able to handle this fact. 
The next day, a postman left a letter at her doorstep. This was rather strange since she hadn't been receiving any kind of correspondence.
She sat down in her living room and finally looked at it for the first time. Her heart skipped a beat. She could recognize this handwriting everywhere. 
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famishedfeline · 5 years
Aaagghh I didn't mean to spill it!!! Maybe a comically huge cup of coffee wasn't such a good idea... care for a straw? *I push a huge straw into the cup as it leans heavily against Meu, sweating nervously...*
Meulin doesn’t wait for a reply before sticking the straw into her mouth and sucking with all her might. It’s quite an endeavor, but as soon as the coffee reaches her mouth she goes totally ballistic. Her eyes shoot wide as she tries to suck up every last drop of the thing, with gallons upon gallons causing her already massive stomach to inflate considerably, even with its insane girth.
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forkanna · 6 years
NOTE: Maybe we can think of this as a sort of Halloween celebration? Whatever, enjoy!
The dungeon was no brighter or cheerier when Glinda tromped down there early the next morning. She tried to put her bravest face forward, walking with a confident stride and a smile on her face. It felt a bit farcical to be so chipper in such a ghastly location, but she did her best not to think about that.
"Hello, hello!" she called out as she carried the shallow basin closer to the cell in which the lion slumbered. Ignoring the other prisoners stirring nearby, she kept her full attentions forward. "Bet you've had a pretty heavy nap, now, haven't you?"
A dull roar rattled out from the lion… who turned out to be a Lion. "Leave me alone, willya?"
"OH!" Glinda nearly dropped the bowl. "Y-you can speak! Goodness, why didn't you say anything before?"
"You didn't give anybody enough of a chance! Captured us, and carried us through the air — and Lions ain't meant to fly, you know! All that… air, and the ground below was so tiny…" His great head shook his shaggy mane as he rolled over onto his stomach, eyes baleful as he glanced at Glinda and then away. "And I knew you were gonna hurt Dorothy, and I had to do something!"
Pursing her lips, she finally did set the bowl down. "Now, now, don't kid a kidder; we both know you were coming here to melt Elphie, and that's not any better than what you thought we were going to do to you! Right? Isn't that so?" When he didn't answer, merely looking sad and forlorn, she sighed. "Can I put this bowl in there without you pouncing on my hands?"
"I suppose so." She was just able to slide it through the gap under the door, though she winced when it scraped against the stone floors loud enough to rattle her nerves. "Thank you."
"Isn't much, just milk from the cow we keep in one of the spare rooms; we weren't expecting to need to feed any Lions." Then she turned back toward the other cages. "As for the rest of you… well, I haven't any idea what a scarecrow or tin man eat, so we'll figure you out soon enough. Dorothy…"
The little girl was balled right up into the corner of her cell. Her head poked up when her name was said, but she made no other move to answer or approach the bars.
"Go easy on her," the scarecrow pleaded gently. "I might not be able to think, but I think I can recognise a pure heart when I see one."
As Glinda passed his cage, she squinted for a moment at his lumpy visage. "Don't I know you?"
"Oh, I don't know. Do you know?"
"No, I don't know. Calamity and woe!" Shaking off the vague feeling creeping around the back of her neck, she went on to the cell the girl was in. "Alright, listen. If you promise to be good, we can take you upstairs, get you washed and a hot meal. But it's… well, there are a few conditions."
When the girl's wide eyes caught sight of the manacles she produced from behind her back, her face turned white. "O-oh… oh, I really am in a pretty pickle…"
"You did try to kill my best friend," she reminded her in an easy tone, though her eyes narrowed very slightly as she spoke those words. The girl retreated behind her grimy arms. "Do you want to come out here or not?"
She did. It took a minute or two of gentle prodding, but she got her to agree to the terms. Glinda tossed the manacles through the bars to land near her feet and told her to close them around her own wrists behind her back, which she did. Then Glinda unlocked the door, strode in, and helped her to standing.
"Ohhhh," the scarecrow moaned anxiously as they headed toward the stairs.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her," Glinda promised with a polite smile. "And then maybe you and I can have a little chat afterward, hmm?"
"I'll hold you to that. Both of those, really." Again, she glared at him as if she could bring the memories back by pure force of will. Giving up on finding out for the time being, she prodded Dorothy up the stairs.
Neither spoke until they were on the landing for the next floor. Then Dorothy asked in a meek voice, "Are you really going to feed me? Or… or d-did you just not want my friends to be worried? Am I gonna be hanged?"
"Why are you so ready to die?" Glinda muttered to herself as they walked. However, the girl seemed to have excellent hearing, and didn't seem to realise the question was rhetorical.
"Because it's m-my own fault. All of this." When she got no reply, she pushed onward, "Didn't you say a feller of yours was under my house when it fell? He died. I…" Another sob. "Oh, he died, and it's m-my fault, and all the crows, and y-your friend with th- with the water…"
"Calm down," Glinda soothed her as they found their way into the kitchens. "Just… what do you mean by any of this? I thought you said the cyclone wasn't your fault."
As she was manoeuvred into a chair and gently pushed to sit, Dorothy collected her thoughts. "I… well, the twister came, and… and I wasn't paying it any mind, see, because all I could think about was far away things. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em are always after me b-because I can't keep my head out of the clouds, you know. And I w-wanted…" A hiccup as she tried to keep from being too emotional. Without success. "I wanted to see the rest of the world! To make it out of Kansas and really see it, maybe China, or France! Those fancy places you hear tell of!"
"So then, why don't you go to one of those? I've never heard of any of them, but they have to at least be as interesting as Oz." As she spoke, she began to collect the ingredients for a light breakfast, to cook and serve to their "guest". She wouldn't dare be accused of poor hospitality, even to a prisoner!
"B-but don't you see? It's my fault for wishing for such things when I h-had a perfectly nice life at home with my aunt and uncle! What a horrible, ungrateful girl I am!"
She began to sob afresh, and this time she couldn't even bury her face in her hands; her shoulders jerked as if she had tried, and when she failed the sobs only got louder. Sighing, Glinda gave up the food for a moment, instead striding over to clap her hand on the girl's shoulder. As she might have expected, she flinched away, so she had to redouble her grip.
"What kind of preposterosity is that, now? Nobody ever killed anybody just by wishing for something; it takes wishing and action. Do you have any power to summon a storm? Even a light drizzle?"
"W-well, I… n-not that I know of…"
"Then there you go. It was just that you were in an accident. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if you had wound up dead from the house falling — you're both victims!" Dorothy nodded. "As for the rest… I don't know anything about the kingdom of Kansas. Why don't you tell me a little about it while I cook?"
So she did. As Glinda put the tea kettle on and fried up some potatoes and sliced tamornas, mixing the later into some griddle cakes, she listened.
Dorothy Gale came from a very rural region of Kansas, which sounded a lot like Munchkinland or Quadling Country. It was not a kingdom, as she explained, but a "state", which led to some brief misunderstanding when Glinda asked, "State of what? Confusion?" But the girl went on to explain that it was a small region of a very large country. Their king, called a "president", was content to let each state rule itself, only owing them some taxes and allegiance to the country as a whole. That was an interesting political system, and she resolved to ask her about it in more detail another time.
As she had mentioned once before, Dorothy had been living the life of a simple farm girl, hanging around and helping with the chores. She was of marrying age, or nearly so, but her aunt and uncle — who seemed to have adopted her when her parents died, and Glinda quickly discovered that pushing into that subject made the already-anxious girl nearly catatonic so she refrained — seemed content to keep her around to aid them with work and provide further company. Apparently, she was only allowed to go to school with the other children, and otherwise discouraged from straying outside the farm; once her classes were complete, she might not even get to go to university. Privately, Glinda thought that was a bit selfish of them, but she tried not to say as much.
Having finished eating and moved on to their tea, Dorothy went on about her chores around the farm, the few people in town she knew. Glinda found herself a bit bored by the minor details, but also charmed by how sweet the girl was once she got to talking. More importantly, she seemed a lot less terrified of her surroundings when given freedom to babble.
"...and I wish the house had more food stocked up when I was thrown here," she wound up as she reached the bottom of her cup. "All we had was some bread and butter, a few eggs — and there wasn't time to cook them or anything, so I left them behind. Probably gone rotten by now."
"Oh, it's only food," Glinda tried to reassure her. "Just be grateful you survived! A falling house, and you came out without a scratch!"
Dorothy flashed a nervous smile. "W-well, I suspect that's because I was in bed asleep. You see, I was awful scared for a long time, but when nothing else happened… even a twister starts to be dull if you're in one for hours and hours."
"Suppose it would," she chuckled as she set her cup down. "Now, let's get you into a bath. Is there any special thing you Kansasians do when you bathe?"
"We use water and soap. In a washtub. Is… is that special?"
Once the plates were drying on the rack next to the sink, Glinda put the irons back on her wrists and took her "guest" down the hallway to a bathing chamber, where she began to heat up a large pot of water upon the stove in the corner. She asked Dorothy to undress, but the girl balked.
"What's the matter? You haven't got anything I have, I'm sure!" Then her expression turned more serious. "Unless people really are different in Kansas in more ways than I expected…"
"I… w-well, it isn't decent, is it?" she whispered fearfully. "Even Uncle Henry turns away when I'm dressing, and he's kin to me!"
Laughing despite her best efforts not to, Glinda came over to pat her on the shoulder. "But we're both women! Anyway, I'm sure Uncle Henry wouldn't have cared about his niece, either. Didn't he ever help you bathe when you were little?"
"When I was little, yes! Not when I'm a… almost a full-grown lady! And… and well…" Her eyes turned away, cheeks flaming hot as she tried to feign that she hadn't left a sentence dangling. But when Glinda only stood there, staring at her expectantly, she finally whispered, "Y-you Oz women aren't like American women."
"What's that supposed to mean? And what's an American?"
Ignoring the second question, Dorothy whispered, "The Tin Man told me. H-how you and the Wicked Witch of the West are."
"The who?!" Thinking about that for a moment, then she gasped, "Do you mean Elphie? Because she's been living here in the Vinkus?"
"I s-suppose, if that's the green one's name. It's what they call her in the Emerald City, didn't you know?" Glinda shook her head, so Dorothy ticked off on her fingers, "You're the Witch of the North, and the one with the shoes like m-mine is the Witch of the East."
"Ohhh. Wonder who would be the Witch of the South." The Witch of the North took a moment to ponder that as she filled the washtub partway with cold water; the boiling water from the stove would mix with it to make it a pleasant temperature. "Well, I don't see what difference there is between Ozian women and Americal women. You look like you have two eyes and ten fingers to me."
"Not that difference. That… that you…" But Dorothy couldn't continue. She looked both as shy as ever, but also as if she felt a bit ill.
"What did the Tin Man say? I'm very curious now, for reasons I'll explain once you tell me."
"That you're a queer folk. That y-you don't hold with the Good Book, and… and you and the Witch of the West… are together like a m-man and woman w-would be!" she managed to stammer in the end, turning away entirely and hunching her shoulders.
That brought Glinda up hard. She had been about to flippantly ask which book was the "good" one, but she found herself distracted by the notion Dorothy had heard from Boq. Was it that obvious? No, it couldn't be! The few times they had even come close to displaying such feelings toward each other were in very private locations, and nothing had come of them, anyway. The much more likely scenario, which made her blood boil as much as the bathing water, was that Nessa's unwilling target of affections had felt so spurned by her own rejection of his advances that he decided concocting a rumour like that was the easiest way to make himself feel less maligned by her disinterest. She wanted to walk straight downstairs and thump him soundly, but in the end, it didn't really hurt much to spread a rumour. Not that one, at any rate.
Especially when it might be true, a quiet voice in the back of her head whispered. But she ignored it for now.
"And what did the others say about that?" she asked idly, watching the water boil. Trying not to let on how much she cared about Dorothy's answer.
"Well, the Cowardly Lion didn't seem to care one way or the other," she admitted, voice still quavering. "Which w-was strange, since I thought animals didn't do those k-kinds of things! With the same sex, I mean. But he says he's s-seen it with Tigers, and Bears, a-and all sorts of Animals, s-so… so I guess to him, it's not as peculiar as it is to me."
"Oh my," Glinda tittered, bemused by the girl's views on the topic. "Lions and Tigers and Bears! And your straw-headed friend?"
"He mostly always says he doesn't know anything, and that's what he said about this, too." Their eyes met again, and Dorothy gulped. "W-well, I… I know it's not Christian to believe any rumour, so I'm sorry if it isn't true, and… and oh, you've been so nice to me, always, and maybe it seems ungrateful for me to repay you by saying so! But I'm just t-telling you what I heard!"
Nodding for a moment, she walked over toward Dorothy. The girl shrank back against the wall, but when she felt her hands trapped between herself and the cold stone, still manacled, she arched her back and turned her face up toward Glinda, breath coming in shallow gasps. She was definitely getting close to a full-blown panic - and it wasn't only the threat of physical violence.
Did she really think she was about to be assaulted in such an unseemly, scandalous manner?
"Listen," Glinda told her in as gentle a voice as she could manage. "Nobody's going to hurt you. We're still trying to decide what kind of punishment you deserve, but… gosh, I don't know how else to say it without sounding crass!" When she laid a hand on Dorothy's shoulder, the girl squeezed her eyes shut. "Whatever you might think of me, I'll never hurt you, okay? Or… well, do anything you don't want me to do. In any way."
Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as she cringed away from Ginda's nearness. "B-but you're a… what's that word? Deviant! You're a deviant, a-and I've heard about what they d-do from the preacher, th-that they'll take a girl a-and… I know y-you've been so nice to me, but I've n-never met a deviant before myself, and don't know w-what they will and won't do, I don't know, I'm s-so scared, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
At that, Glinda couldn't help catching her up in a fierce hug, petting her hair and shushing her very gently, rocking back and forth. Once she had thrashed around for a few seconds and come to realise she wasn't being hurt, the girl began to cry in earnest, and slowly the thrashing tapered off as she began to sniffle and lean into the contact, glad for the comfort after so much coldness. Her own heart felt tight and sad, but she knew that was more empathy than anything else.
Also, she was having a much harder time maintaining her impartiality. How in Oz could a girl that fragile and weepy ever pose a threat to them? She had made a bad choice in putting her trust in the Wizard, but it also had been the only choice open to her at the time. No one else had a way to transport her back to the land of Kansas that she called home, so far as she knew. Between that and the popular opinion that she and Elphaba were the worst kind of villainous witches, it was easy to see how she had decided she was on a holy pilgrimage instead of an assassination mission.
Even more intensely, she felt fury that her companion had filled her head with so much nonsense as they journeyed together. Boq would have to be addressed as soon as was humanly possible.
When Dorothy was only sniffling and no longer sobbing, she pulled back and left a gentle kiss on her forehead, earning a quiet sigh as her eyes closed. Then she whispered, "Listen. I promise you're safe with me, but if you'd rather, I'll step out after I pour the hot water in, and you can bathe yourself. I'll come back with some clean clothes for you. But you absolutely have to promise me you won't run away."
"Gosh, I do, I do! Cross my heart and h-hope to die!"
"That's all well and good, as far as it goes," Glinda said, raising her index finger. "But it sounds a little vague, doesn't it? I need an actual promise. Maybe you didn't have much choice, but one way or the other, you did try to kill my-"
"I know," Dorothy groaned out, still as bleary-eyed as before. "And I'd apologise a million times if I thought it would put everything right as rain, but I know it won't! So… so I don't know how else to…"
Cupping her apple-cheek, she said in a firm but kind voice, "Earn our trust back. That's what you do. If you try to escape the first time we give you a chance, then that's it — back to the dungeon, since we clearly can't trust you!" Dorothy let out a little squeak, and Glinda felt bad that it came out sounding like a threat, so she shushed her and petted her face again. "But you won't do that. I don't think that's the kind of young lady you are at all. You're a promise-keeper. So promise me, okay?"
A glint of determination crept into her eyes, and she stood the tiniest bit straighter as she said, "I promise I won't run, a-and I'll clean behind my ears, and… and then I'll wait like a good girl for when you bring the clothes. Is… is that what you want?"
"That's all I need to hear, yes," Glinda laughed, patting her again as she backed toward the stove. The "clean behind my ears" bit had been unnecessary, but she assumed that was something her aunt demanded of her on a regular basis. "And I hope you don't mind, but unlocking your wrists will be the last thing I do before I leave. You understand."
"Yes, of course," Dorothy sighed glumly. "Earning trust."
So Glinda poured in the hot water, testing it to make sure it was just about right. Then she unshackled the prisoner and asked her to do the same; she dipped a finger in, hissed, and said it would probably be alright in a few minutes, once the heat begun to fade.
"Good. Now then…" She picked up her hand and patted it, and that time, Dorothy flinched a lot less. "I'm going to lock the door, just as a precaution. Not because I really think I need to — and I'm hoping soon enough, I won't have to at all."
"Y-yes, ma'am." As Glinda turned away, she said in a soft voice, "Is it alright if… your name is Glinda, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is."
"May I call you 'Miss Glinda'?"
Her smile was faintly enchanted as she said back, "Yes, you may, Miss Dorothy."
It wasn't until she was off down the hall to confer with her fellow "witches" that Glinda realised something odd. Though she had turned aside Dorothy's accusations, said a few reasonable things in response to allay the girl's fears, she had never outright denied that she and Elphaba were illicit lovers. Out of everything, that may have been the most telling.
~ o ~
"So you trust her that much?"
Glinda shrugged as she watched Nessa and Elphaba struggle with the chickens. They had been a recent addition to the "farm" they were keeping against all reason inside the castle, and a large part of the reason they were considering moving all the animals to the courtyard. It would be more trouble to go down there and deal with them due to the extra distance, but animals really did belong out of doors rather than in.
"She's a sweet girl, really. Everything I've learned about her this morning tells me that she has no idea what to make of Oz, or the Wizard or any of it!"
"But she tried to kill me!" Elphaba protested as white feathers flapped in her face. "And Fiyero, and the Crows, even if they weren't by her own hand! Motives aside, do you really expect me to just let all of that go without a second thought?!"
"No, of course not! But maybe after a second and third and fourth thought, you can see that she didn't think she was hurting Elphaba Thropp, the saviour of the Animals, good chum to me, sister of Nessarose!"
With a nod, Nessa came up next to them, wiping sweat from her brow as she put a few more eggs into the basket Glinda was holding out. "It's true. She thinks of us as the Wicked Witches of the Insert Region Here."
"Or she did," Glinda added. "Now…"
"Now she might not." Elphaba grunted as she tossed one of the chickens over her shoulder, where it flapped frantically to slow its descent and succeeded. "Well… I suppose you have a point. The other prisoners, however, do not have the same excuse."
"By 'other prisoners', you mean Boq. And I quite agree; he knows us too well to justify the… oh, what he told her! It's none of his beeswax!"
"Yes," Nessa murmured, eyes narrowed at the two of them. "But I have to admit, I wondered a time or two myself whether or not you were… 'companions' in more than one sense."
"Nessa," Elphaba grunted in warning.
"What? You have to admit, it's not as platonic as it could appear! I can't imagine running off to live with anyone for two full years! How should I know what happened in all that time?"
"Nothing happened!" Glinda burst out, a little too shrilly. When Nessa's eyebrows went up, accompanied by a very low chuckle, she pursed her lips and tried not to think about how much warmer her face felt. "And besides, that isn't the point! The point is, your former boy toy and our former classmate sees no problem filling her head with nonsensisness and taking a swing for your neck with blade!"
At that, all her bemusement faded away, and she looked down. "You're right. I… shouldn't be teasing, it's not helping anything right now. Clearly, we are too late to win Boq over, and… and I have to…" She took a breath to steel her resolve. "He'll never be mine. And I need to let go of the idea that he ever was, really."
"Good girl. A man who tries to murder you is a man you can do without!"
"By that logic," Elphaba interjected as she struggled to close the pen they had fashioned, "we can do without Dorothy, too. They both attempted murder yesterday!"
Rolling her eyes, she snapped, "She threw water on you! Unless you're a sugar cube, I highly doubt that was going to do a twigging thing!"
"Not that she knew that. I'm talking about the intent, not the act itself. That girl marched right in here with what she thought was a weapon that could kill me in cold blood, and she used it."
"Well, as I was trying to say before, she knows you as evil personified. The Wizard had her totally convinced that it was the right thing to do, and she wanted to go home so badly that she was even more willing to believe him. Can't you see that if she knew who you were, she'd never-"
"No, I can't see that. Do you know why? Because we don't really know anything about her!" Throwing both arms up, she said, "She's not even from Oz! How can we know what the people of this Kansas think? How they feel or behave? She might be capable of lying right into your face and sounding as earnest as you and I right now!"
Glinda strode right up to her, hands on her hips. "Really, you could be right. I'm not saying you're wrong. But you didn't feel that poor girl sobbing onto your shoulder this morning! She doesn't seem that different from you and I, and I'm going to choose to believe her!"
Her two-year companion's green features didn't flinch at all. "And I'll choose not to. Not yet."
"Fine!" Turning away, she pursed her lips in thought, then gave a slight toss of her head. "Maybe that's the best thing. You can stay skeptical, so if she really is pulling the wool over my eyes, you'll catch it. Though I really, really believe she's not!"
"And I'm impartial," Nessa put in, as if feeling a bit left out. "So… I can help support one of you if I've noticed something, one way or the other."
"It's nice to know her attempt to kill me has shaken the both of you so deeply," Elphaba said with a scowl. But when they merely glared at her, she rolled her eyes and admitted, "With water, I know. You're right, I'm perfectly fine, but I still don't like anyone trying to shuffle me loose the mortal coil!"
"The Wizard and Morrible are the ones truly to blame, Elphie. Be mad at them, not at the poor girl they duped into doing their dirty work."
A green index finger jutted up at her. "Now that I fully agree with. Alright, go give her the clothes, we'll finish up here. And… she can eat lunch with us. Afterward, she goes back to the cell-"
"And we'll try speaking with the scarecrow," she pushed ahead forcefully. "You said you already traded a few words with the Lion, so I'd like to try him next. Boq… well, we'll figure out what to do with him eventually."
Nessa didn't say anything as Glinda gathered the eggs and the small bundle of fresh clothing and left, but neither did she look all that cheerful.
~ o ~
"And you mean it?" Dorothy asked through the door as she changed into the clean clothes. "They won't mind me eating with them? Y-you don't mind?"
"Not at all! Though… well, I'm sure you can understand Elphie is a bit less thrilled with you than myself and Nessie, but just mind your manners and… y'know, don't throw any more water at her…"
There was a mild thunk! from beyond the door, a muttered oath, and then she panted, "I w-won't, of course! Even if it did work, I'd never do it again, knowing that now you're my only hope to get home!"
"Right! Um… about that…" Twisting her fingers, she said, "It's not that we have any way to get you home that we know of, you know? I've been working on a floating bubble charm that gets me a few feet off the ground, and we could try that out on you, but it's still a little… funny…"
"Oh, that's alright!" she said in a cheery voice. "I meant that you'd try! The Wizard said he would, but he also said I had to hurt people to do it — people he said were evil, but aren't very evil at all. So… so I'm still not sure I'm any better off than I was before, but as my Aunt Em always says-"
"Lurline Above, here we go again," Glinda muttered under her breath. She seemed to parrot anything her caretakers said as if they were messages from divinity.
"-she says, 'You make do with what you have.' And what I have is you and the other witches, since I can't very well try and kill you while I'm a prisoner, and you've been so kind to me anyway, s-so the Wizard won't help me anymore. And if he wants me to hurt people who haven't done anything wrong, then he isn't a good Wizard at all, is he?"
"No, I suppose he isn't," Glinda chuckled pleasantly. "Elphie and I really used to think he was, you know. Simpler times."
The door was thrown open the next moment, and the first thing Glinda's eyes were drawn to was the twinkling golden shoes, of course. The rest of her outfit was one Glinda had worn herself; a ruffly blue dress with large white bows on the front and back, and puffed sleeves. The hem had just touched the ground on her, but on the other girl, it was a little higher. Such a garment wasn't exactly fashionable now, especially not at that length, but it would do for the time being and was quite nice compared to what she had on before.
"Splendid," Glinda said with a little clap of her hands. "You look lovely!"
At that, Dorothy's somewhat tired and confused look turned into a shy, pleased one as she dipped her head and curtsied — much more successfully than her last attempt. "Thank you, Miss Glinda! I… oh, it's far too nice for me, I don't own anything like this! Just the gingham dress I left at the Royal Palace."
"Well, you look lovely, all the same. And now, I am sorry, but…" She raised the manacles again. Dorothy's smile vanished, but she didn't protest or get any more upset than that. "Sorry."
"It's alright. I'd be doing the same thing if I were in your shoes." Once they had been snapped shut, she cleared her throat and asked, "Speaking of which… do you… know how I can get these off?"
"Get what off?" Glinda asked as they started off down the hall.
"The shoes. I've tried everything, and so did the Wizard and his secretary, but they won't budge for anything! She even tried to pierce them through with an odd, shiny little bodkin, but it broke in two!"
"We'll see what we can find. I expect it's- wait." Her eyebrows knitted as they walked. "Do you mean to tell me you bathed in your shoes?!"
Sighing, she glanced up at Glinda briefly before answering, "I kept my feet out of the tub. If I can't get the shoes off, then the water would just get trapped in there with my socks, and nobody wants soggy feet if they can help it!"
"Of course not! Gosh, that must have been a real trial! I'm sorry… but perhaps Elphie's seen a spell in her book that can get them off of you. After all, you can't wear the same pair of shoes forever, even if they are golden!"
In what seemed like no time at all, they were at the kitchen, and Glinda knocked three times. Then she barged in to see the two sisters busy with lunch. Dorothy didn't speak, her easier manner gone and replaced with the nervousness that they had come to expect from her. When Glinda cleared her throat, it was only Nessa who glanced up from the stove.
"Afternoon. You can have a seat, we're almost through here."
"Y-yes, ma'am," Dorothy whispered, curtsying again as best she could and walking stiffly to the table, perching on a chair as soundlessly as she could manage and sliding into it. Her damp brown pigtails even seemed to hang more limply, though Glinda knew that was probably her imagination playing tricks on her.
When Elphaba turned back, she didn't say anything to Dorothy. Merely looked to Glinda and said, "How will you take your tea?"
"A little lighter, I think; I've had a cup with our guest this morning already." She turned to look at said guest. "And you?"
"I-I'm fine," she breathed.
"You are not," Elphaba said shortly. "How do you like your eggs?"
"My… eggs? I haven't got any eggs." The withering look made her squeak, "S-sunny side up! Sir! M-ma'am!"
As Elphaba began to flip the eggs in the skillet, Nessa brought over a plate laden with buttered toast and a pot of jam. It seemed their lunch was to be a second breakfast. Dorothy bit her lip but said nothing as Glinda put a couple of pieces on each plate.
"Jam?" she asked Dorothy, hand just taking up the spoon in the jar.
"Me? Oh, goodness, if I'm allowed it, then yes, thank you."
In short order, they all had their plates full. Neither Glinda nor Dorothy dared ask Elphaba if she minded Dorothy regaining use of her hands. Perhaps they all knew that their prisoner was past the point of flinging substances at the witch, but with Elphaba already in a sour mood due to the attempt on her life, it seemed unwise to press the matter. Therefore, it fell to Glinda to spoon-feed her, being the one who had adopted her as a sort of surrogate little sister for the time being.
"Very well," Elphaba said once their plates were nearly empty. "I have to ask you a few questions, now that we're all full and… calmer than yesterday. I should hope you'll answer truthfully, because it is not in your best interests to lie anymore." The girl nodded, and Elphaba nodded in turn. "Good. Why have you come here to Kiamo Ko?"
Only the first question and Dorothy had to look away. "T-to… to vanquish the Wicked Witches, especially the Witch of the West, and to bring back proof to the Wizard."
"Alright. And why would you do this?"
"So that th-the Wizard might send me home, to Kansas. I haven't the foggiest clue where I am, so how can I get home without the help of someone so powerful?"
"Yes, of course." Folding her arms as she leaned back from the table, she cut such an impressive figure that Glinda had to suppress a shiver. When did her Elphie learn to be so bold? "I think you should know that the Wizard, despite all of his promises, is a humbug and a swindler."
"R-right, he may be. I reckoned as much when I met you all again, and… you do frighten me something awful, but you can't be anywhere near as foul as he had me believe! Not when I did what I did, and you didn't even tan my hide!"
"We frighten you?" Elphaba almost seemed to relish that concept.
"Oh, yes! Why, I haven't ever seen a green-skinned woman before! Brown-skinned, I've at least heard of, or seen while in the city, but… green?! It's a shock to me, ma'am, meaning no offense t-to… to who you are, or anything! I'm just not used to anybody being green when they haven't been wearing cheap jewellery!"
At this, Nessa tittered, but tried to turn it into a cough when Elphaba's eyes narrowed in her direction. Dorothy and Glinda exchanged a glance; that remark may have been true, but it wasn't going to help convince the Witch of the West that the little would-be assassin could be trusted.
"Well, just so that you don't think it's common in Oz, I'm the only artichoke around here so far as I know," Elphaba told her firmly. "I'm used to the remarks, they follow me everywhere."
"Oh? Well… I had guessed you were from the Emerald City," Dorothy said.
"Afraid not. Though it was nice to be in a place where I matched, truth be told." Tapping her fork against the side of her plate for a moment, she sighed and said, "You don't seem to have learned much about Oz since you landed here, but then again, I've never been flung into a foreign kingdom, so I guess I can concede that much. Did you see any green folk when you visited the Wizard?"
"No," she admitted uneasily. "Lots of folk dressed in green, but not green themselves. I just… well, I didn't see the whole city, now did I? B-but of course, if you say you're the only woman like you, th-then I believe it."
Elphaba's grin was poisonous. "Really? You believed what the Wizard told you, too. Do you believe everything you hear?"
"Well… yes."
The admission surprised them. Nessa broke her relative silence to ask, "Really? Just like that?"
Nodding emphatically, Dorothy said, "Sure. See, girls aren't supposed to know things, anyway — that's what the farmhands tell me when I complain about my schoolwork being too hard. So I figure, if a woman older than me or a man tells me something, I may as well just believe them, and then change my mind about it later on if I'm told any different."
All three former attendees of Shiz University recoiled at this mindset. How could anyone let themselves grow up to think any man's opinions held absolute sway over their own? But the girl certainly seemed to be in earnest. Blissfully ignorant.
"Fine," Elphaba said at length, seemingly exhausted. "Well, I… think that's enough for one afternoon. We'll return you to your cell. Perhaps we'll send for you again tomorrow morning."
"Oh!" Dorothy gasped, surprised. "W-well, I would be glad of the company. I do like talking with the Lion and the Scarecrow, but Lion's so blue all the time, and the Scarecrow doesn't know much, so the chatter starts to go stale after a while."
"Very well. Glinda, if you'll esc-"
"Can I ask you something?" Then she seemed to realise she had interrupted and cast her eyes downward, whispering, "S-sorry."
"Go on."
"Well, two somethings." Elphaba's eye twitched. "First, c-can I have some scraps for Toto?"
"Who is Toto?" Then she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Ah, your strange crossbreed pet. That's fine, I wouldn't dream of starving him. What does he eat?"
"Oh, any old thing. And… w-well, I don't want to press my luck, but Glinda s-said… something about h-helping with…" She got so flustered with all of them looking at her that she couldn't finish her request.
"The shoes!" Glinda yelped, remembering with a slap of her palm against her forehead. "Goodness, in all the excitement, I almost- yes, Dorothy can't seem to take off those golden galoshes of hers. Had to bathe with them on and everything!"
Elphaba's mouth turned down into a frown as she thought about that. "Really? That's rather odd. And obviously uncomfortable! I'm not sure the Grimmerie has a spell for unwanted footwear, but I'll see what I can do."
"Doesn't sound like much of a problem to me," Nessa muttered under her breath. Glinda had to fight to suppress a grin; though she probably partly meant because the magic shoes granted her mobility, any reaction could also have betrayed that Elphie told her something which was not supposed to be told. So she carefully kept her silence.
~ o ~
"Thank you for all your help today," Dorothy told Glinda as she led her down the steps into the dungeon once more. "I… I can tell Miss Elphaba is the only one who's really cross with me, and it makes sense, on account that I… oh, I never thought I'd be anything like a murderer!"
"You aren't a murderer," Glinda said patiently, patting her shoulder. "The more I think about it, the more it's almost like you were… a deputy Wizard. You know, being asked by the official governmental person to do a task! Almost like you're in the army, or the royal guard! How were you supposed to guess that Elphie's innocent?"
Dorothy squirmed as they reached the bottom. "Well… I still don't know about that. She screamed at me an awful lot when I first met her, and she still looks so…" Clearing her throat, she whispered more quietly, "I am sorry for saying these things, I know you're her friend. But she scares me out of my wits!"
She couldn't help the gentle laugh that rolled out of her as she gently nudged Dorothy back into her cell. "Looking at it from your direction, I can't say I blame you! But… oh, I wish you could get to know her the way I did. She's just so passionate about what she believes in, and her friends, and… oh, can't you see how your house falling on our Fiyero upset her? If one fell on little Toto, you'd be furious at anyone inside, whether or not they were in control of the landing!"
"No!" she gasped out, mouth slack and hanging open. "Not little Toto!" The moment the shackles were off, she scooped up the squirming puppy, holding him close. After a few seconds of his nervous licking at her face — and sniffing at the smells of food coming from her closed fist — she turned her face back to Glinda. "I… I know, and I can see your point clear as day. Do you think she'll ever forgive me? Maybe, once she knows I didn't mean to hurt him?"
"Maybe. He… meant an awful lot to both of us. But that's another story for another time." Locking the door, she turned to toss the cuffs to the scarecrow through the bars. "You're up next, straw man."
As she began to unlock the door and he snapped them around his wrists behind his back, he said, "You probably ought to know that I can slip out of these pretty easily. I'll wear them, if that's what you want, but what good will it do?"
"Oh. Well… thank you for the tip." Something about the way he spoke was bothering her quite deeply, but she shook it off as best she could while leading him out of the cell. "Don't forget, I can magic you into being a tub of goo if you cross me, and that goes for the rest of your travelling troupe, too!"
"Even Toto?" he asked with a theatrical gasp. Dorothy's gasp was markedly more genuine.
"Yes," she grumbled. "Though I suspect he's only an animal, so I don't think it'd be necessary; it's not like he's going to come after us for revenge. Now, move it, you!"
Once they were halfway up the stairs and away from earshot of the others, the bumbling sack of straw leaned in to whisper, "Thought I'd never get a moment alone with one of you!"
"Don't get any ideas, buster."
"No, no," he chuckled gently. "Glinda… it's been a long time since the Ozdust Ballroom, but it's still me."
And it was him. His voice was different now, sweeter, and too familiar to be denied. Much though the poor witch's widening eyes couldn't believe it, given the lumpy cloth edifice they were focused on, it was Fiyero.
To Be Continued...
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rememberstilinski · 8 years
it wasn't my fault || stiles stilinski
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word count: 3201
warnings: lots of angst. dealing with death.
prompt: “they said it wasn’t my fault.”
author’s note: posted before, but my blog was deleted, so here it is again! Y/D/N means Your Daughter’s Name.
It's 1:00 am and I can't for the life of me, fall asleep. Tossing and turning. I am exhausted but I am so uncomfortable. Not only am I uncomfortable, something just… something feels off. Don't you think a baby very close to it's due date would be moving all over the place? Because I do.
I haven't felt the baby move in since last night while I was in the bath and I was a little worried. I haven't told Stiles because I knew for a fact he would be freak out. I'm sure I'm fine. Maybe the baby is just at position and doesn't need to move anymore. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. Hell, maybe she's coming tonight.
It was just me and Stiles at this point. Our parents were disappointed I'd gotten pregnant, but they were very supportive. Especially Stiles’ dad. He even offered to let me move into their house. Although, both of our parents decided together that it would be best if Stiles and I had our own home. We're going to be parents, and we need our privacy. So in this decent sized town home, Stiles and I began building our life together. We're even engaged. There's a nursery down the hall. It's perfect. The timing may be off, but we're beyond happy.
I pushed the blanket off my body and sat up, pushing myself to lean against the headboard. I put my hands on my belly. Thinking about how much I couldn't wait until our daughter was here. I smiled at the thought of Stiles rocking her to sleep. Or us bringing her home, not knowing what to do with a kid when we're just kids ourselves.
Then my mind went to where it was earlier. Not thinking about the wonderful memories that we are going to build as a family. The fact that something felt wrong was scaring me. I turned on my lamp and looked to Stiles. He was in the middle of the bed, as always. I don't know why but he sleeps with a soft smile on his face. He looked perfect. Would Y/D/N look like that when she slept?
I softly shook Stiles. “Stiles.” I whisper, but clearly not enough for him to hear. No response. “Stiles!” I said louder.
“What? I'm up!” Stiles immediately scrambled up, his eyes looking around the room before falling in me. “What's going on, baby? Are you and Y/D/N okay? Do you need water, ice cream--”
“Stiles!” I cut him off. “I don't need anything.” He visibly relaxed. He let out a long breath, relief evident in the way it came out.
Stiles put his one of his hands on mine, as he moved to sit like I was sitting. “What's wrong?”
My eyes moved from my fiancée to my swollen stomach. The sight of his left hand over mine made me happy. We were both wearing our wedding rings. Mine, a shiny silver with a small white diamond in the middle. His, is just a simple black band on his long, slender fingers.  “Something doesn't feel right.” I sighed.
“Well, do you want me to call the doctor?” Stiles asked. His thumb moved to my knuckles, rubbing softly on the skin. The action was simple yet affectionate and caring.
“No, it's the middle of the night, she's probably asleep. Let's just go the hospital, yeah?” I said smoothly, looking to him. His amber eyes bore into mine. They seemed to shine as he looked at mine.
A big smile made its way onto his freckled face. “We're having our baby?” His tone was full of bliss.
“I think so, Stilinski. I think so.” A soft smile made its way onto my face as he smiled.
“We're gonna be parents, Y/N.” Stiles softly pressed his lips to mine. We both smiled into the action.
I got out of bed putting on sweatpants and one of Stiles’ flannels after putting my hair in a messy bun. Stiles put on a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Sweatpants that made his ass look great if I do say so myself.
“Staring at my ass again, babe?” Stiles said, turning around to look at me, smile plastered on beautiful face.
“I thought we had a mutual understanding. I stare at yours and you stare at mine.” I smiled, shrugging. Stiles walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist as his free hand rested on my belly.
“It's a good understanding.” Stiles said making me laugh. We shared a quick kiss and finished getting ready to leave. Stiles made sure to grab the overnight bag next to the door. That bag has been there for a month, if I happened to go into labor, the bag was right there for easy leaving. I grabbed my soon-to-be daughters blanket from the white rocking chair in her and looked around the small room as Stiles grabbed the keys to his jeep.
“Let's go have this baby.” I whispered. Stiles smiled and we were on our way out the door. We called the hospital while we were in the jeep. I called our parents. Stiles’ dad and my parents picked up immediately. I informed them that we were going to the hospital. Stiles dad said he would meet us there after he grabs coffee for him, Stiles, and my parents.
I sent texts to Scott, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Malia, Kira, and Liam. I didn't expect them to be awake at this time, but Scott, Lydia, and Allison were all first to text back. Those whole pack was excited about the baby, but those three in particular couldn't wait for her to get here. Each of them sent a text, saying they'd be there since it was a weekend and there was no school tomorrow.
We arrived at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital and were greeted by Melissa. She took us to our room immediately after we checked in. She asked me if there was anything she needed to know. I told her that I felt a little strange. I was a little dizzy and had some abdominal cramps.
As I told her this, the room got a little tense. Stiles’ head snapped to me. Melissa got this strange look on her face as she wrote things on her clipboard. The facial expression made me nervous. She told us she'd be back when she finished talking to the doctor and then she left.
“Why didn't you say anything?” Stiles asked right away. His voice full of worry.
“Because you worry too much. I don't want you to worry about me.” My eyes planted in the floor as I spoke.
I heard my fiancée sigh before hearing his footsteps come toward me. Stiles put two of his fingers underneath my chin lifting my head up so we could make eye contact He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. “Hey, it's my job to worry about you. I get why you didn't say anything but I wish you would've told me you weren't feeling good.” He smiles softly, making me feel a little more at ease in this situation.
“I know. I'm sorry, Stiles.” I whispered.
“It's fine. I forgive you.” He said. Stiles kissed my forehead. The doctor came in along with Melissa and they asked me to change into a hospital gown. I went into the bathroom stripping myself of the comfortable articles of clothing I was wearing. I came back into the room and they had me sit on the bed. The doctor and Melissa checked my health and I had a slight fever, but nothing too serious. Overall, I was fine.
Now it was time to check the baby. They were going to listen to the heartbeat to make sure everything sounds okay. Melissa put the cool gel on my stomach and used the handheld ultrasound device to prodd around my stomach. Stiles held onto my hand as we watched what was happening.
I could tell he was worried by how his eyes focused on every moment the doctor or Melissa made. I was pretty nervous my self. What if something is wrong? The nurse and doctor heard no heartbeat. I could've sworn I felt my heart break.
“We didn't hear a heartbeat. We're going to do a full ultrasound that you've had at your monthly visits to get a better understanding of the situation.” My mouth couldn't form words so I just nodded. Stiles gripped my hand tighter and kissed the back of it in a calming manner. I could see the nervousness in his face and I'm sure mine looked the same. I felt hot tears in my eyes, and the blur blocked my vision.
There was a knock at the door and Melissa went to open the door. As she opened the door, we saw the faces of Stiles’ father along with the faces of my mother and father. Their faces were lit up with smiles. They didn't see Stiles and I, I'm sure their smiles would've faded if they saw the state we were in.
“Um, we can't have anyone else in the room at the moment, but let me step outside to explain what's going on to you guys.” Melissa said softly. They all nodded and backed up so Melissa could exit the room.
The door closed and it was just the doctor, Stiles, and I in the room. The doctor began the ultrasound and once again, nothing was heard. I didn't need words to confirm what happened. The silence that filled the room was enough.
The doctor wouldn't even meet mine and Stiles’ gaze. She wouldn't look at us. She looked everywhere but us. The sigh she let out spoke much louder than any words could.
“I’m going to step out real quick. I'll be back in a few moments.” The doctor said, our gaze finally meeting. She nodded slowly and stepped out of the room. Neither I nor Stiles said a word in her absence, but we both knew what the other was thinking. It was only a matter of time until our thoughts were confirmed.
True to her word, the doctor and Melissa stepped back into the room. Melissa's face had ‘I’m sorry’ practically written on it. “Y/N, Stiles. I'm so so sorry to tell you this,” the sigh she let out shaky. “Y/D/N didn't make it. It was a stillbirth. You will be prepped for delivery as soon as possible.”
After those words, I felt my heart break. I actually felt my heart break. Every breath after that moment felt like an effort instead of an automatic thing everyone does. Suddenly, all the vibrant colors of my life faded into shades of grey. My world ended.
I let out a soul shattering sob. Stiles moved so he was holding me in his arms. I leaned my head on his shoulder, hand against his collarbone. The sobs coming from his mouth almost as bad as mine. I couldn't bare how I felt. I felt this overwhelming sense of failure.
About an hour after the news we had received, Stiles and I were bringing our daughter into the world. A world that she would never experience. Before giving birth, the medical staff asked if they could analyze some samples of tissue from her body to determine the cause of death. I couldn't say anything and I couldn't move but Stiles just nodded. The whole time we were in there, they never once said the word ‘death’.
I gave birth to my daughter. Our daughter. The medical staff gave us permission to hold her before they took her to the morgue. She was so small. Her skin had a tint of purple but her skin was warm. Y/D/N had softened strands of brown hair that she acquired from Stiles. Her nose was shaped like his as well. She had the same soft smile on her face that Stiles does when he sleeps. I didn't get to see her eyes because they were closed.
I gently put her in Stiles’ arms. He choked out a sob as he felt the weight of her small body in his arms. He just looked at her as he sobbed. Tears falling down his face like a waterfall. The look of heartbreak on his face was gut wrenching. Each sob I let out hurt my body more than the last.
After an hour, they took her from us. And all I wanted was to have her back in my arms. Stiles and I didn't say any words. He once again bundled me up in his arms, laying in the bed with me. He rubbed my back soothingly. I was so tired. All I wanted was to fall asleep. So eventually I did.
Our parents came into the room while I slept. Stiles stared blankly at the wall as they walked in slowly and carefully. My back was pressed against his chest as our hands stayed intertwined. Stiles’ dad came over to him. He slowly put his hand on Stiles’ shoulder. At the contact, Stiles started sobbing again. He buried his face in my hair, unable to deal with all of this.
He got up and hugged his father. The tears that fell from both of their eyes landing on the other’s shirt. “I'm so sorry, Stiles.” Sheriff spoke as the sobs racked Stiles’ body over and over again. My parents looked at me as I slept. The tears on my face were dry and my eyes were swollen. After Stiles hugged his father, he embraced each of my parents. Sheriff Stilinski walked out of the room and into the hall.
I woke up after being asleep for about 20 minutes. Stiles was still in the room with me, along with my parents. The silence filling the room was almost deafening. Upon my awakening, my parents and Stiles looked up to me. The sadness written in my face broke both of their hearts. My mom came and held me when the tears started again. Stiles sat on a chair next to my father, face in the palm of hands. The sobs he let out were muffled by the large hands that had held our beautiful daughter. Each cry he heard from me broke his heart like mine broke when I heard his cries.
Everyone in the pack came strolling in. Scott with Isaac, both holding pink ‘It's a girl’ balloons they got from the gift shop downstairs. Allison came in holding flowers and a bag of small clothes they'd bought for Y/D/N with Lydia, Malia, and Kira. Even Liam, Hayden, Mason, and Corey came along, each of them holding a teddy bear. They all had huge smiles on their faces. They saw Sheriff and smiled. The large group walked up to Mr. Stilinski.
“Sheriff Stilinski?” Allison spoke. Her voice caused him to turn around to see all the teenagers in the small hallway. The pack was shocked to see Sheriff’s eyes were swollen.
“E-everything's okay, right?” Scott asked, his voice breaking when he smelt all the distress and sadness in the air. Mr. Stilinski just shook his head.
“Y/D/N didn't make it.” Mr. Stilinski told the pack, tears overwhelming his eyesight.
Allison, Kira, and Lydia looked at each other and began sobbing. Scott and Isaac let tears fall from their eyes. Malia even started crying. Hayden fell into Liam’s arms and Corey and Mason grabbed each other's hands.
Stiles came out of the room with my parents. Stiles didn't look like his normal self at all. He looked sluggish, depressed, and he could barely breathe. Stiles saw Scott, and Scott walked to him, pulling his best friend in his embrace.
“She was okay yesterday. The baby was fine. She was really healthy.” Stiles said shakily as he held onto Scott.
“Stiles, what happened?” Scott whispered.
“I held her, Scott. I held m-my, my…” Stiles couldn't get the words out of his mouth. “My daughter. My beautiful daughter.” Everyone cried as they heard Stiles speak of the only other girl he loved as much as Y/N.
“Can we see Y/N?” Allison asked Stiles as tears fell from her eyes. By ‘we’, she meant her, Lydia, Malia, and Kira. My parents nodded and the girls walked towards the wooden door.
Malia automatically smelt every terrible emotion. Every emotion that had grief or pain filled the room. As as soon as they walked in, the sobs of their best friend overtook their ears. The heartbreaking cries of loss and misery that came from my mouth hitting each of them deeply. Lydia and Allison were the first to approach me. I looked up to them with teary eyes.
They embraced me and I cried into their shoulders. “I didn't do anything wrong. They said it wasn't my fault.” I cried. My voice was raspy from not talking but screaming. “It wasn't my fault.”
“We know.” Lydia said. Her shaky hands stroking my disheveled hair. “It wasn't your fault.”
Scott and Isaac eventually came into the room. They both embraced me comforting me while I was in this horrible time of life. Everyone left around 3:00 am to get some sleep, so it was just Stiles and I at the hospital.
Stiles and I were back in the same position from earlier before I fell asleep. I don't think there was a time we weren't crying that night. “I feel like a failure, Stiles. I failed you. I'm so sorry.” I eventually uttered out.
“You didn't fail me, baby. Don't you ever think that.” He said softly. His thumb started rubbing over my fingers. “She wasn't ready to be here.”
“I don't know how I'm going to get through this, Stiles. I lost a child. I lost our daughter. How do you not hate me?” I whispered.
“I could never in a million years hate you. I love you so much. It wasn't your fault, I promise.” He held onto me tight, afraid he would lose me too. “Even though we're young, I wanted her. I want to have a family with you.”
“All I can think right now is that I'm never going to hear her laugh. I'm never going to see her beautiful smile. I'm never going to be able to rest my hand on her chest and feel her tiny heartbeat, Stiles.” My words were making the tears that never left my eyes sting. I felt my throat tighten and my mouth dry. Tell tale signs I was in the verge of crying again.
“I know, baby.” Stiles kissed my head. “It's going to take time but we'll get through this. We'll get through this together. For the rest of our lives, we do things together.”
There's not a day that goes by where Stiles and I don't think of her. Not one moment passes where we aren't loving her and wishing we could have those mommy and daddy moments with Y/D/N. Every single day we want her to be with us. She made mine and Stiles’ relationship stronger. After getting through that, there's not anything we can't go through. 
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