#a minor annoyance but still
shippinghazards · 3 months
"click the source link to--"
my jonas brother in christ, i would, but your blog layout does not show the source link. can you please just link it in the post body?
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ginger-bread-cow · 10 months
So, I went to the gynocologist for the first time about a month ago. the doctor was super nice, and i felt listened to. 10/10, great experience.
During the appointment, I brought up a concern that I may have PCOS. I have historically AWFUL cramps. I know everyone says that, but mine are genuinely debilitating. Naseua inducing. The kind of cramps that will wake me up from a dead sleep. Nothing wakes me up-- I am a HEAVY sleeper.
It's also a disgusting amount of blood. Like, I use super size tampons and still have to change them every two hours kind of heavy. AND it ALWAYS lasts a full seven days. My period is AWFUL.
So anyway, Dr. tells me its unlikely that i have pcos, but she wants to start me on birth control. I, being a mormon raised Lesbian, never considered trying birth control. what would be the point? but okay, ill trust the doctor.
she tells me there may be some spotting as i adjust to the birth control and it levels out my hormones.
A month passes, Im living my merry life when I notice some blood. "this must be the spotting", I thought.
it wasnt.
It was my period.
It only lasted for about 5 days. 5 days of minimal bleeding, some discomfort, and bloating.
what the fuck.
i. feel. CHEATED.
Moral of the story: If you have super awful periods, ask about birth control.
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thornshadowwolf · 3 months
You're such a crybaby lmao
What is this even about
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ah, so the misophonia is part of the sensory processing disorder + etc. of course.
#misophonia#okay now that im where im coming from here:#does anyone else get Murderous when they hear lawnmowers/leafblowers/etc#like instant anger. not minor annoyance but This is about to Ruin the next few hours for me#like if someone was trying to get me to join the dark side or whatever but i was in firm disagreement until That Motor revs up#i want to enjoy the sounds of spring and summer but instead its fuck BRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRRRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRRRR#ALL THE DAMN DAY#its fucking night time rn;#its fucking RAINING#and i have a neighbor whos mowing her lawn#shes about ot get evicted out of this house w this giant ass lawn that only she lives in but shes MOWING HER FUCKING LAWN USING OUR POWER#i want all mowers and leaf blowers to explode forever#SHES FUCKING SITTING STILL ON HER PHONE RUNNING THE WORLDS LOUDEST SINGLE PASSENGER VEHICLE#AND I CANT FUCKING TELL HER TO HAVE A LICK OF SELF AWARENESS BC I HAVE FUCKING COVID SO I CANT LEAVE MY ROOM OR CLOSE MY WINDOWS#i swear to fucking god pls get me out of hereeeeeeee#my ears hurt so bad rn i wanna cry#thats all its been for htese days of isolation: mower after mower after mower after mower#i just wanna hear the wind! or the rain! or the birds! or the frogs! OR NOTHING!!!!#i cant fucking sleep thru it either ;;;;;;;;;;;;;#and whenever i describe this frustration no one in my family really sympathizes#they ask if ive tried my headphones which is would be helpful if i hadnt tried and failed w that for years#they just shrug and say 'well it has to be done' BUT WHY DO PPL 'NEED' TO MOW THEIR LAWNS EVERY FUCKING DAY#okay shes done now. at 9 fucking pm. ill be done now
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shopcat · 1 year
also whenever i joke about going to america and getting cheeseburger that is obviously in a loving way i never had a cheeseburger when i was there and it ruins me. and the joke is funny but like that post that's like americans live to say brother this one's on the house. which kills me. but it's not hateful ☝️ OR in that way those wet eyed losers who call all americans dumb and stupid and are like insane and classist and racist abojt it. also apparently when i was there we also went to a diner where the waitresses were on rollerblades and i didn't even fucking notice because i had a cold and was zonked out of my mind which also is just crazy. Land of dreams
#🐾#and then they went off menu to make me a chicken soup which was really sweet and makes me cry a little thinking about it#anywya i love america any hate i have is for individual idiots who americans would also hate#ans anyone not from there can probably relate it's all just minor annoyances that stack up over a life time but that they don't even think#abt. like the centralisation of american media and news#RMR WHEN j posted about drinking alcohol when i was 18 and someone was like but that's not the drinking age#and i was like no it is where i live and thy were like well you should still abide by the 21 age bc that's there for a reason and ur#setting a bad example. BRAH#or when the election comes round and people forget there are ? 😭 other countries#honestly politics is such a big one the audacity to be mad that we don't CARE at all about american politics like that#i don't care who the president of a country 15000 miles away is 😭 name one australian state#but i dunno like yeah it's all petty shit but i think we're allowed to be annoyed 🤨#also when americans in particular but europeans as well try and have opinions on things happening HERE#still mad that one time i saw a callout for someone for race faking bc they were whitepassing and said they were indigenous australian#like you have to be actually fucking stupid to ignorantly comment like literally do one google search#or when they make fun of city and town names here sounding silly or made up 😭 wild#anyway. way too much to even go over but this is still all individualised annoying cunts#i think america is a cool place 👍 with as many flaws as every other country and as much history of covering them up as them as well 👍
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rincewindsapprentice · 10 months
One of my extremely specific pet peeves with art is when someone draws high-top converse and puts the ankle patch on the outside of the foot rather than the inside
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mrslittletall · 8 months
I have my court appointment tomorrow and for some reason my mind went to the time when my husband was still mostly unresponsive... when I got to the hospital and felt like I was talking to a wall... and could only get minimal reactions. Where a squeeze of my hand felt like a milestone. Where I was so emotionally and physically exhausted that I wished my husband would die so I could be free from this uncertainty... Yeah, not a good emotional state to be in right before the day of a court appointment.
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after-perfect · 9 months
Lost my game of thread chicken by all of 6 stitches.
How's your Sunday evening going, tumblr?
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backslashdelta · 2 years
people stop reblogging my posts if you have me blocked challenge 😀
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sevarix-blogs · 2 years
it is getting hot outside. and i just got back from a long walk with molly. and i just got a notification that a package was delivered at the mailbox. so now i have to go back out and walk all the way to the mailbox in the hot sun 😔
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ascendandt · 1 year
I DO NOT LIKE THIS THING MOBILE BROWSER TUMBLR HAS RN. it used to show a notification symble on the top of the screen when i got notes. but now its blue whenever the dash can be updated its driving me CRAZY. i fucking know that the dash updates i want to know when my beloved mutuals reblog my posts.
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lttleghost · 10 months
ya know I'm glad that the comment itself isn't aggressive or anything and ultimately the guy who left it seemed to listen to me to some extent but it is frustrating how quickly I got a comment about how "transmasc headcanons are always left out" and "transmasc issues are ignored by people including transfems" on my trans(fem) Jesse video essay and how when I replied to them explaining how that isn't true they did that thing where they brought up sexual abuse experienced by transmasc ppl and disgusting comments they had received personally in a way that had this implication behind it that either transfems don't experience those things or that transfems don't THINK that we as transmasc ppl experience those things as well, and like at least they seemed to back down when I mentioned "hey that happens to all of us" but it's like..... c'mon, I expected this at some point or another but still
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dummerjan · 10 months
i wonder how long it will take me for sewing not to seem like magic
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aniseandspearmint · 1 year
aw dang it my soup scorched.
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werehamburglar · 1 year
you could be the most progressive person in the world, but if you're annoying about it? i am getting in the hole
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casbitchh · 2 years
my flatmate is super great and we get along really well but the rubbish bin fills up so quickly living with her??? she wfh and doesn’t have a bin in her room so it all goes in the main trash bin which is HUGE and needs emptied every week, but it used to take me 2 - 3 weeks to fill up a supermarket bag of trash when i lived alone 😩 we take turns to empty the trash and everytime it’s my turn i ☹️😞😩🤬
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