#a man was lynched yesterday
every time a person is killed for the crime of being black, as a black person i feel like a part of me dies with them. it’s like i knew them personally and i mourn another family member every week. it’s terrifying that it’ll always be possible that i could be joining them next and that i’m just supposed to go about my day like my brothers and sisters aren’t being killed all around me
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zodgory · 6 months
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that anon yesterday really ground my gears so lets quickly review some historical facts:
1. white men get accused of rape, pedophilia, and incest, and more often than not escape any form of tangible consequence. this is especially true when their victims are people of color.
2. men of color get accused of rape, pedophilia, or incest, and get lynched before there's even a trial. these accusations often come from white women to escape consequences for sexually assaulting the man in question.
3. rape and pedophilia have been used as forms of colonial-imperial violence to enforce white supremacy by both white men and women who, shocker, almost always got off with any consequences. and yes, its an issue that is still incredibly, horrifyingly relevant today.
4. people of color have been systematically painted as sexual deviants, incestuous savages, rapists, and child predators by white society from the moment they met us, which was then used to justify hundreds of years of enslaving, torturing, raping, and murdering people of color across the globe.
so, to review and add it all together:
rape, pedophilia, incest, and other forms of sexual violence are, first and foremost, an extension of violence, NOT sexual desire. treating sexual violence as solely an expression of desire is a privilege of white heteropatriarchy. when people of color open admit to wanting to engage in acts of sexual violence, they get killed. when white people do it, they make a new porn category for it.
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
A New Afton - Stepfather Steve Raglan/William Afton x Stepdaughter Reader
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - sexual content, daddy kink, praise kink
Also available on AO3
taglist @yellowbunnydreams
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You’re seated in your stepfather’s car outside of his vacant restaurant.
Steve—no, William, apparently—has slotted the keys in the ignition. The white rabbit’s foot keychain swings gently back and forth, the momentum dissipating until it eventually halts.
“I want to tell you a story,” he begins quietly. “I still remember that night eighteen years ago like it was just yesterday. Torrential rain. So rare around here. Your half-sister Charlotte was playing inside this building. Only three years old. But mature for her age. Precocious. She often got bullied for it. Henry was at the bar with your mother. Creating you.
We began searching for Charlie—that’s what we called her—as soon as we realized she was missing the next day. We never found any trace of her. We kept telling ourselves she must’ve been hiding somewhere, afraid to make an appearance after being missing for so long, maybe thinking she was going to be in a lot of trouble. Getting law enforcement involved. So much commotion over one little girl. Of course, your father wouldn’t have been upset. He just wanted his daughter back home safe and sound. Maybe that’s why he tracked your mother down later on. Seeking to make amends, as it were, since he’d failed his other child. Grief makes people behave strangely.” He rubs at an invisible spot of dust on the dashboard, his features pensive. You continue to listen raptly. It’s your origin story, as inglorious as it is. The real reason behind the pizzeria closing. The fate of your half-siblings.
“The police seemed suspicious of foul play from the start, even though they never found any evidence. But the damage was already done. The first black mark on the name of the business. On me and your father.” William exhales a heavy sigh. “And then it just compounded from there when more children went missing. We couldn’t explain it. The authorities continued to press. Nothing. By then we were completely tarnished. There’s no salvaging a reputation once it’s lost. Your father went on a camping trip with the remains of his family. Thinking it would be good to take time off, to get away from all of this negativity. That vacation ended in tragedy when his youngest son went missing. After that, your father was different. Broken. Too much for one man to bear. He tried anyway, for your other half-brother’s sake, but his heart just wasn’t in the partnership anymore and I…I gave in to the pressure. Everyone wanted our business shuttered. The press. The parents. The police. A veritable lynch mob. We had no choice but to close.” His fingers slide off of their grip on the steering wheel and settle on his lap. “The only way to start over was to truly begin again. New name. New career.”
“New wife,” you add softly.
He looks at you. “Yes. I thought what I wanted was simple companionship. Someone to fill the emptiness at home. Someone to share the tedious responsibilities of a quiet day to day existence. And that’s all it would have ever been. Existing. Not really living. Not what I needed. I didn’t realize that until I discovered you, sweet girl.” His hand reaches for yours.
You look at that joining. Large calloused hand and your small smooth one. “No one else knows who you really are,” you murmur.
“No one except you. And it needs to stay that way. I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone,” he urges, squeezing your clasped fingers.
“I promise, Daddy.” You pause. “You really don’t know what happened to those children?” Your voice sounds so small. A child’s voice. Maybe much like your half-sister’s.
You want to believe him. The alternative is just unthinkable. If your real father was involved somehow, or—somehow even worse—if your stepfather was.
“I’m going to be with you, baby girl. Like we are meant to be.” He leans over and kisses you. “Spoil my Princess and give her everything she deserves. Make you so happy. My sweet daughter.” His kisses become more aggressive. His hand releases yours, resting over the heart pendant at the base of your throat. “Mine.”
You realize you’re going to be getting home later than you’d originally thought.
William Afton under the guise of Steve Raglan sits at his desk at the office, his hands folded beneath his chin.
He’d announced his desire for a divorce earlier that morning, as soon as his wife had woken up beside him. He wasn’t going to pretend that her reaction triggered anything in him. He’d never had feelings for her before. He was hardly going to start now.
That’s how he had broken the news to her, his announcement cold and devoid of any emotion. As if he was a newscaster dispassionately delivering the highlights of the day. He’d told her he was unhappy. Incompatible. The trip and her brief absence had made him realize this. He’d reassured her she’d done nothing wrong, an overly generous act of kindness on his part, he thinks. He doesn’t really care how she feels. Certainly doesn’t harbor enough passion to want her dead. She’s hardly worth giving up this alias for. So no, no killing to remove his problem this time. No attention drawn to himself. Just a tedious wait of several months for things to be finalized. It’ll go more quickly since he’s willing divide their assets, he doesn’t care about any of that. He doesn’t want anything from her.
Save you, of course.
He looks at the framed photo of his current family on his desk. So different from his first failed attempt. He very carefully has left you out of the equation when he’d mentioned the divorce. Your mother doesn’t need to know. She assumes it’s a boy at your school that has you acting so strangely. He’s letting her think that.
He’d pushed her reaching hands away; left his wedding band in the tray on the bathroom sink. He will not be pretending anymore. Not about this, anyway.
He’d told you some of the truth. Bits and pieces of his former best friend’s tragic story. Avoiding his own responsibility in that tragedy. Failing to mention anything about his own ex wife and children and the fates they had met. It was just enough truth amidst a sea of lies. As much as he was willing to risk.
The rest are dark secrets that he’ll take to the grave.
Your mother is crying when you get home from school that afternoon.
It’s not difficult to guess the reason. William had obviously announced his intention to divorce her.
You hug her and let her cry against your shoulder. She apologizes repeatedly and the irony of that is not lost on you. She keeps saying she’s made a mistake. You think about how you yourself were a mistake, how she’d lied to you about your real father for your entire life, and the guilt about your affair with her husband lessens slightly.
You’re doing homework at the kitchen table when your stepfather returns from work. He sets the briefcase and his car keys down on the counter, very slowly and deliberately.
“Where’s your mother?”
You set your pen down. “Upstairs. She said we’d have to manage dinner without her. She’s been crying all afternoon.”
The bearded man sighs. It doesn’t sound sympathetic; more like annoyed, if anything. He moves to stand behind you, bending near your face to whisper in your ear. “I did it for you, baby girl. For us.”
You nod. You’re not sure how you’re supposed to feel. You want him, more than anything. The thought of being his, only his, the two of you alone together at last, bonded…it helps to push away the doubts. This is what you both want. You need each other.
You keep trying to justify it in your mind. It was so much easier when your mom was away. Now that she’s back you’re continuously forced to confront the ugly feelings directly.
You know it’s unfair to your mother. You love her. You don’t want to hurt her. But her staying married to someone that’s wrong for her isn’t the answer.
Don’t think about that. Think about being with him.
“What are you feeling for dinner?” You’ve picked up your pen again to begin writing. You honestly aren’t that hungry, merely asking to make conversation. Establish some sense of normalcy.
“I can’t be in this room and not think about you. About you on the island spread out in front of me. Taking your virginity. The taste of your blood and your cum lingering in my mouth. I need that pussy in my mouth, baby girl. So, so badly,” he rasps beside your cheek. You drop the pen again. Your heart is pounding.
Your stepfather kneels in front of you, shoving at the uniform skirt and reaching for you panties patterned with little red roses.
Your mother is upstairs. Heartbroken. She’s lost her husband. Because of you.
William’s face moves between your thighs, kissing the soft skin inside of each leg. Your underwear is pooled at your ankles. Your eyes keep darting nervously to the doorway. What if your mother walks in?
The kneeling man seems to sense your reluctance and distraction. “I love you, Princess.” He says it so rarely. Far less than you do. It makes you wonder. You want to believe in the truth behind the words. That he does feel something.
He’d told your mother he loved her, and look where that has gotten her.
Your body is responding of its own accord. Spreading for him. Exposed. His tongue begins stroking. It feels amazing, like always. Sharp little flicks. A knife striking flint, trying to start a fire. You’re already burning. He knows your body so well. His lips are greedy, kissing you everywhere. Your fingers rest in the graying crown of his head. “Cum in my mouth.” His breath is hot against your skin. You can’t deny him. You’re his. Melting. His hand rests against your lips to mask the moan of your surrender.
No dinner. Your bring your homework to your room. You sporadically hear the shaking inhales of breath one has after crying for an extended amount of time from the master bedroom.
You’re seated on the couch beside William. A horror movie is on that your mother doesn’t care to watch. She declares she’s going to bed early.
Your stepfather doesn’t sleep beside her anymore. You’re seated in what now serves as his bed.
You know exactly how many steps there are leading upstairs. You’ve counted them several times to make certain. Fourteen. You think William knows this as well. You can almost see the hand draped so casually on the armrest tallying each step with a slight dip of his index finger. A heartbeat past that, he’s reaching for one of your hands and shoving it inside his pajamas.
Your fingers curl around his erection and you begin to stroke him. “That’s it, sweet girl. Rub Daddy’s cock,” he encourages in a low voice. On television there is a man chasing a woman. He’s carrying a wicked looking butcher knife. You see your stepfather’s eyes glued to the screen. The increasing rise and fall of his chest. The man in the movie has caught up to the fleeing victim. The knife slices through her flesh, painting her pale skin red. William worries his bottom lip. Precum has spilled from the swollen head of his cock and you massage it into his skin, drawling circles around the frenulum. Your lax fingers tighten. Move faster. Roll over the top of his dick. Sneak down to massage his scrotum. Work along the shaft. The woman on the screen still clings to life, but barely. The final killing blow, the blade sunk to the hilt. The eruption of blood. The man beside you groans softly, spilling semen over your fingers.
You visit William at work again, at the job where he’s known by his alias Steve Raglan. You kneel at his feet and he pushes his cock into your mouth. Leaves it there through a lengthy phone call. Your jaw is getting tired. Saliva oozes over your bottom lip. He manages to maintain his composure throughout the conversation.
You hear the call disconnect, the dial tone humming before the phone rests on its cradle. “You’re so fucking pretty, baby girl. Such a good girl coming to see me.” The praise makes you tingle like always. You gag yourself on his prick enthusiastically. “Look at you. So hungry for Daddy’s cock. For my cum. I’m going to give it to you baby. Just keep going like that.” His breath is dragged through clenched teeth. The swivel chair he’s seated in creaks. His hips piston against your mouth. “Fuck, here it comes. Swallow it, Princess. Every last drop.” The bitter liquid fills your mouth. You manage to send it down your gullet in one go.
The carpet’s fibers are imprinted on your bare knees.
Night. You can’t sleep.
You’re glad William is no longer sharing a bed beside your mother, but you hate having him so far from you, on another floor. Your body has gotten so conditioned to being intimate with him daily. It has been a few days without statisfying those desires. He’s told you that you need to be more careful. You’re so close to your end goal. He doesn’t want to risk getting caught.
You’re craving him. An addict suffering withdrawal.
You toss and turn and look at the shadowed shapes of the plush animals lining your shelf. The yellow rabbit he’d won for you in the crane machine. The large white plush with the pink bow that you’d used in front of him. Washed and ready for another time if there would be such a thing. The space between your legs aches.
You fling back the covers and pad barefoot downstairs. You’re wearing an oversized tshirt and panties. One of the newer printed ones William had gotten you during your shopping trip. Scalloped waistband. Tiny lavender satin bow.
He's too long for the couch. You can just make out his ankles crossed over the arm rest. You’re beside him now. “Daddy.” A whisper of sound. The title has you throbbing already. You need him, badly.
The man awakens immediately. “Princess.” He shifts positions, sitting upright, legs swinging around. His voice is low, urgent. “You shouldn’t be down here. We’ve talked about this.”
His hands reach out in the darkness to cup your face and his body lifts so that his mouth crushes yours. You can’t stifle a whimper. You feel like you haven’t kissed him in ages. “Baby girl, you have to be quiet.” His voice is barely audible.
“I know, Daddy. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I need you.”
“You want Daddy to fuck you? Fill his little girl up with cum?”
“Yes, Daddy, please,” you gasp between kisses.
“Come ride Daddy’s cock.” You feel him leaning back against the cushions and you straddle his thighs, pulling his erection out of his pajama pants and briefs. His hands are already underneath the hem of your shirt, running over the fabric covering your sex before he tugs it to one side and positions his cock against your drooling pussy. “Push down, baby. I’ve got you.”
He immediately has to clamp a hand over your mouth, barely able to mute his own sound of pleasure at the feeling of being inside of you again. Your cunt sucks his member eagerly each time you lower yourself down. Your fingers rest on his shoulders, run through his hair. He kneads your ass cheeks. You control the pace until he gets impatient, his hips jerking upwards to shove into your leaking hole.
It ends very quickly. You’ve been on edge for so long it doesn’t take much to shove you over, the contractions around your stepfather’s cock milking out his own release. You feel it inside of you. So much. So warm. Oozing back down. His breathing so harsh. He finally removes his fingers from your lips. You rest your forehead against his.
Climbing off William’s lap leaves you feeling empty. You miss him already. You’re still leaking his seed. It drips down your thighs. He kisses the inside of your wrist. “Go get some rest, baby girl.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You climb back up the stairs and settle under the covers, falling asleep immediately.
“I got you something.”
You look at your stepdad. You’re meeting in the rear parking of Freddy’s again, nearly a month and a half since your last visit. Still trying to be cautious. Your mother has quit her job at the social services department. She seems a little more content now that she’s started working somewhere else. There’s a strange kind of placid truce at home. Waiting. Biding time. The house will be sold soon. You’ve already got a dorm room waiting for you in the fall at the local college. Your stepfather has been seeking a new apartment. It will be another place for your clandestine meetings. More opportunities to be intimate. Closer to what you both want.
William had left work early today. You’d just gotten out of school. “What did you get me?”
“You remember I said I was going to get you a toy once I’ve had you?”
You nod. Your pussy tingles in anticipation as he presents you with a small rectangular unmarked black box. You lift the cover. A purple vibrator in the shape of a penis. Not quite your stepfather’s length or girth. Molded veins. A protruding portion with twin extensions that you think are called rabbit ears. A pair of buttons on the base. A small printed insert that claims it’s rechargeable and water proof. Five different settings for your pleasure. Guaranteed to stimulate your clit and g spot simultaneously. Another pulse in your cunt. It’s interested.
“You want to go try it out, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“That’s my good girl.”
You’re the one to lead him once you’re inside. You already know where you’re heading.
“Take everything off, Princess. Mmm, except the knee highs.” You know he has a fetish for those. You obey and remove your blouse and bra and skirt and panties. He bunches your clothing up to make a makeshift pillow and indicates you should lie on top of the desk. “I can’t wait to get my own place. Going to do it soon, baby girl.”
“I know, Daddy.”
His calloused fingers stroke over your nearly nude body. Breasts, ribs, belly, hips. Your legs unfold and bend and he pushes them back, then dips between the pink petals of your labia. You’re wet. Always so wet for him. He licks that wetness. You keen, writhing. It’s so much better when you don’t have to keep silent. One finger inside. Two. You grind yourself against him. He removes the pair of digits and sucks them clean.
“I’m going to keep it on the first setting and lowest speed to start with, okay?”
You nod. There’s pressure at your entrance. He pushes the dildo into you, easing gently. The rabbit ears rest against your clit. You hear the button click softly.
Your body instantly reacts, jerking in surprise. The vibrations are intense against your clit, an echo of it inside of you. You bite your lip and squirm. William withdraws the vibrator and you get a brief reprieve from the stimulation on your bundle of nerves. Back inside again. You hear your pussy squelching around the fake cock slotting inside of you. The feeling is so strong that you almost can’t tolerate it. Pleasurable, but on the verge of being nearly too much. You can’t keep still. Your body alternates between trying to get away from it while simultaneously sucking it back in.
“You look so gorgeous, baby girl.” William’s eyes are black, watching heatedly as his hand pumps the purple synthetic device in and out of your pussy. Your clit feels strange. More swollen and harder than usual. You’re starting to enjoy the sensation, finding a kind of rhythm. He increases the pace and lets the rabbit ears linger for extended periods of time. “Want to take over? I would really like to fuck your mouth right now. Top button to change the speed when you’re ready, baby girl.” Your hand reaches for the base while the vibrator is fully plunged inside of you. Your stepfather unfastens his belt. The button and zipper are undone. He pulls his flushed, leaking cock from his briefs. Your mouth waters, your head turning to take him between your lips while you push the vibrator more firmly against your clit.
“Oh, baby girl. I’ve missed that mouth on me.” He knots a hand in your hair and begins fucking into that wet opening gently. You depress the button on the dildo by mistake and moan at this new intensity. Almost too much to take, but you decide to stick with it. “Look at you. So fucking hungry for it.” His thrusts are rougher now, bruising your throat. You gag around him as he pummels you. He abruptly jerks your head off of him and you gasp for air. His cock is completely soaked in a layer of your saliva. “You like sucking Daddy’s cock, don’t you baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you pant as you find a new angle with the vibrator that feels especially good. It just takes practice. You can see why people find these appealing. The artificial cock hums against your pussy as the real one is rammed back inside your mouth. The pressure inside of your core is building. You’re going to achieve orgasm any moment now.
“Let go, baby girl. I want to see my daughter cum.” You moan around his cock and your body shakes violently. Your cunt massages the vibrator as if it was a real cock, trying to draw seed up into it, your nub pulsing. You finally fumble to switch the sex toy off, removing it from your body. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl.” His cock slips from your mouth and is replaced with his tongue as he bends to kiss you. “I’m going to make you cum again in my mouth. And then on my cock.”
You can still feel the residual effects from the vibrator use, a kind of phantom sensation that you’re still in contact with the device. You’re overly sensitive when William’s mouth finds its way between your thighs, sucking your swollen clit into his mouth, his fingers back inside you. You’re surprised when the feeling builds again so quickly and you climax against his relentless tongue.
You’re dragged closer to the edge of the desk when your stepfather enters you. You’re so sloppy wet. His thumbs dig into your abdomen. You wrap your stockinged legs around him. He fucks you hard and fast, impatient for his own release. The vibrator is now seated against your clit, the tip of the fake cock resting there pulsing against you and reaching through to William inside of you. “You’re going to make me cum, baby girl.”
“Daddy, yes, I want it, fill me up…”
“Fuck, take it Princess.” You feel him flood you. Your body surrenders to another wave of pleasure.
William’s barely glanced at the file folder in front of him.
He’s looking instead at the little countdown calendar he’s created, the moment of freedom from his second marriage rapidly approaching.
The start of his next chapter with you.
The social worker’s next client disturbs his reverie as he gently knocks on the door before entering his office, looking a little sheepish and uncertain. Short, young, probably around mid twenties. Brown curly hair and brown eyes. The business casual attire looks second hand. He appears very uncomfortable, as if he’s unaccustomed to wearing it. Nervous. He slouches uncertainly in the seat across from the career counselor.
The older man now glances through the file folder. This man’s track record was atrocious. He could barely hold down a job for more than a few weeks before he’s fired and moves on to the next. A history of violence. His most recent employment venture had concluded when he’d attacked a man in front of his own child at the local shopping mall.
“I’m going to be perfectly honest here with you, Mike. Your options are extremely limited.” He looks up at the young man, adjusting the glasses that have slipped down the bridge of his nose.
“I’ll take anything. I have to work,” the younger man pleads.
“I don’t see how anyone would be willing to hire you after all of this. You’re not giving me much to work with, here.” He begins reading the employment history out loud, noticing the droop of the other man’s shoulders as the offered protests and excuses fall on deaf ears.
William’s eyes flick back down to the paper in front of him. He’s about to shut the folder and seal the man’s destiny when the client’s surname suddenly stands out to him, practically leaping off of the page towards him.
So. This was the eldest son, then.
How interesting that fate had brought him his way.
The Emily girl cowering in the rain, looking so lost.
The youngest brother, standing so small in the cluster of tall trees around the campsite.
Henry’s secret daughter. Now you were his own. He’d taken each child one after the other. He’d lost track of this one after the last name was changed. How ironic that they both were using aliases. An effective way to hide Mike from him. Well, it had been. Not anymore.
William hears it, then. For the first time in a long while. That strange humming frequency. Blood calling.
Mike starts to rise from his chair. “Ok, well, I appreciate you taking the time to see me.”
“Not so fast. Get comfortable. I’ll make us coffee. It seems I have a job for you after all,” Afton says, grinning.
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
An black man got lynched and strangled in bus yesterday
But "male violence" though lol
And 4 to 7 Black women in America are murdered every single day almost exclusively by Black men, if this is competition now
5 women and girls are killed every hour globally from femicide
I'm Black. Fuck off. Come back with a less remedial " counter ". You lot genuinely think racism cancels out misogyny and will use the death of someone to do that because you're dumb, desperate and probably unemployed
You lot never have anything to say about issues that impact Black women because racialised misogyny scrambles your little brain. Even if we spun Black female issues as a race only issue, you still wouldn't care because you're a misogynist who's pissy that I'm posting words on the internet.
What a massive loser. Which one of my posts sent you over the edge ?
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justinssportscorner · 1 month
Elise Carson-Holt at LGBTQ Nation:
In the wake of her gold medal win, Algerian boxer Imane Khelif has filed a legal complaint in France after being faced with a wave of online harassment brought on by false claims that she is transgender. The complaint was filed Friday with a special unit in the Paris prosecutor’s office focused on stopping online hate speech. Khelif’s lawyer, Nabil Boudi, said Khelif was the victim of “aggravated cyber-harassment,” which he described as “a misogynist, racist, and sexist campaign” in a statement.
Khelif, who is a cisgender woman, has been victimized by anti-trans bigots, including prominent people such as Elon Musk, JK Rowling, and former president Donald Trump, all of whom have shared baseless claims that she is secretly a man or transgender. She is neither. The statement reads, “After the sporting time, comes the legal time. Having just won a gold medal at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, boxer Imane Khelif has decided to lead a new fight: that of justice, dignity, and honor. Ms. Khelif contacted the firm which filed a complaint yesterday for acts of cyber harassment aggravated by the anti-online hatred center of the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office.” It continues, “The criminal investigation will determine who initiated this misogynistic, racist, and sexist campaign, but will also have to focus on those who fueled this digital lynching. The unfair harassment suffered by the boxing champion will remain the biggest stain of these Olympic Games.”
Good to see Algerian boxer Imane Khelif file a legal complaint against the online harassment she received as she was falsely labeled a “man”, amplified by right-wing and anti-trans bozos like J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk, Riley Gaines, and Donald Trump.
See Also:
The Advocate: Imane Khelif files legal complaint for harassment over gender controversy
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pumpkinfreak · 8 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E9-E10
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Let's take a moment to assess what in the Kentucky fried hell is going on in this story. So Far.
Hannibal knows that Will knows he's the Ripper. Will is trying to play the player by allowing Hannibal to manipulate him. Under the guise of Will accepting the fact that he and Hannibal are the same kind of monster. Everything Hannibal does to Will at this point in the story is to test him and get him to accept his true nature, so they can be friends. In reality, Will and Jack are working togother to catch Hannibal, so everything Will is doing is just an act. Hopefully.
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I need a nice no-think palate cleanser after this. I better now have to use any brain cells when I watch Yellowjackets, or I'm coming after everyone who voted in the poll and backing them into a pie, I will then feed to their families. Just one giant people pie. I'll break hearts and world records.
Back on track episode 9
Long story short, someone takes their Freddie Fazbear cosplay too far. Makes a suit out of prehistoric cave bear bones, and goes postal on some random people. Hannibal then directs this person, who was a former patient of his to attack Will. Will beats the holy hell out of this guy and brings his dead body to Hannibal. Stating that now they're even after having both sent people to kill the other.
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This episode opens with Jack and Hannibal having dinner togother. I feel like we need to acknowledge that Jack and Will are knowingly eating Human meat and organs. I would be so pissed if I was Jack's wife. I'm laying in a bed dying of cancer, and my man is out eating gourmet human meals with a serial killer. You are out of Will I'm leaving everything to my cat.
Margot and Will also meet in this episode. Margot is quick on the uptake and is just like "Wow our therapist is a psycho!" and Will is like, "Sister you do not know the half of it."
One of Will's dogs escapes in this episode and his little sausage body barely clears the snow he had to run through. It was much much-needed moment of levity.
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Pookie is going a little bit off the rails. He is devolving, and Hanni is super into it. I'm not, I want my sweet baby boy back, but I don't think he can hear me over the sound of his own psychotic breakdown. Will admits that he felt more alive than ever when he killed the bear suit guy, and Hannibal says that he should honor the bear suit guy. So Will mutilates the body and merges it with a cave bear skeleton in a museum. It...it's something...
Then Will is of course called in by Jack to analyze the crime scene Will Made. Will has a hallucination that the bear suit guy thanks him and that this event is a part of their becoming.
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Also, I hate that there's more, Margot's bother, Mason, shows her his pig pit. Where he attends to feed living people to pigs, and he fully attends to feed her to said pigs, if she doesn't get in line.
Hannibal's right. Mason needs to die. Like yesterday. Unfortunately, Magot cannot just kill Mason, because all their family's wealth would go to the Southern Baptist Convention. So Hannibal tells her to go get pregnant then. Who does she pick to be the daddy, Will of Course?
What proceeds is the weirdest sex scene. David Lynch would be proud. Will knows this is Hannibal's doing because Margot already told him she's gay. This scene is intercut with Hannibal and Alana having sex and Will imagining Alana and Hannibal having sex. Except Will sees Hannibal as the goopy deer man. I'm really glad this show was produced for NBC and not HBO.
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Some poor bastard had to put on a mask of Mads Mikkelsen's face. Plus other makeup and had to simulate sex on some other poor bastard. Imagine having to lay in a flesh-toned body suit, or worse be actually nude, and staring up at this lifeless replica of your coworker's face. Now add like twenty other people on set watching it happen. People left work that day changed forever and for the worse.
One more thing, one more. Freddie is getting suspicious of Hannibal. So she goes to Will's house. Goes to his shed, because she has more hair than brain, and finds a bunch of body parts in a freezer. Will shows up, and this encounter does not go well. We cut to Jack telling Will that Freddie is missing, and then Will and Hannibal go home and eat Long Pig.
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I'll probably post again later. Stay safe, and don't sleep with goopy dear men. Do not investigate sheds, ever. You have a fifty/fifty shot of it being lawn care equipment or something from the pits of Hell.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Rosie, new fan and follower here. Really like your rational approach. Not an ask, but just a thought: I have been around shipping Jikook from 2018 or so. And as I watched yesterday’s live, I exactly imagined for this to happen. The largest shipping fandom being thrilled about J being Jungkook, the Vkook live being the epitome of true love or even a stepping stone to their coming out defying Hybe and Jkkr folks fully having a meltdown because J above M isn’t for JM.
I have nothing to say about Vkookers. I don’t mind any ships really, I find some of them adorable actually- like Taegi makes me crack up and Minomoni energy is so FREAKING cute. Ship whoever man. It’s a fragment of your imagination any way. What we think isn’t influencing reality in any way. But I draw the line at hating on another person to make your ship valid. So if you are gonna tell me JM is the reason Vkook isn’t together and you have to paint him in the most horrendous paint to sustain your ship, miss me with it. I can’t stand that. They have all been friends for a decade. And while I agree that they might not be as thick as they were once, they still are what you call second family. You don’t live together for 7 years and not have some kind of fondness for the other person. None of them are actively trying to cause damage to each other.
My bone to pick with is with JKKRs: I am sorry what? What did you all think he will do when he started explaining his tats? Even if it was meant for JM (which it isn’t from what he said), he would scream it out to the world? Yes, I am mentally married to my bandmate from the biggest music group that’s responsible for at least tens of billions each year? My country(which is extremely homophobic) thinks of us as the proud sons of Korea and we are considered a national treasure, we are a part of the President’s convoy, our everyday life is deeply intertwined with bureaucracy, business and even national GDP, but screw it, let’s throw caution in the wind? I am a south East Asian dating an East Asian in a very Queerphobic country. I live in Asia and I can promise you, despite how powerful you are, you just can’t ever admit to being Queer publicly without ultimately getting your ass whopped. In this case, there are 5 others and a whole ass company they love and want to protect? What’s with these expectations? Do we all think coming out as typically as you would see in a Netflix movie is the way it works? This isn’t a western centric situation where you get out pours of support when you come out. I don’t think the fandom even fathoms the scale of reaction that would erupt if any of them announce they are queer. I come from a very progressive family, they still don’t know my sexuality. Only my closest friends know, that’s it. Unless I am moving to a a country where queer relationships and marriages are legal and is safely tolerated, I will never be able to say it loud. I can get lynched, mobbed, honour killed. I will for sure be an outcast, I will lose relationships over this. I know BTS will never face any of these, they will get protection and all that, but man, I can’t believe that’s what we are expecting. Sure he could have not talked about his J tattoo, would that leave more room for confusion though? That boy wanted to show off his tattoos. Let him live Jeez.
We don’t know a 100 percent if they are/were together. We see some things that we relate to and make our assumptions. I love them together. They are my comfort space, I appreciate that they share little nuggets of their lives with us. But that’s all we have, little crumbs they left that has since been edited , proofed and vetted. Or things that slip out of them while on lives. We don’t know the full picture, we don’t even know one hundredth of it. They don’t owe us anything, they don’t do things to appease us. That man sang Vibe and only knew JM’s part (lol me), he did the signature move, dropped honorifics with JIMIN when he saw the poster and said he was cool. None of this registered, we couldn’t be happy because he didn’t tell us his tattoo on his ring finger stands for his supposed partner? Let’s please do better. Also the whole bunch complaining about he lives alone with Bam. Yes, folks have their own places that they can go back to routinely, because they are adults? Especially in a country where property ownership is public information? Also, you saw an empty room with hangers and a karaoke machine. How do you know he’s alone? I truly believe we will never catch them together in their houses or whatever reflections on TV. If they are together, they would be SOOOOO very cautious about even remotely creating suspicions. They know to tread the line of carefully of being implicated and deniability. Please just chill y’all and enjoy the moments. Not everything they do is to validate what we think. Please let’s just take a breather and be sensitive yeah?
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. I am tired of them being treated as drama characters who need to have an ulterior motive for everything they do. They deserve to just exist.
Anon, THANK YOU for your ted talk. More than one needs to read this. Welcome to my blog, we are cool over here, I promised.
Please just chill y’all and enjoy the moments. Not everything they do is to validate what we think.
Yes to this and to everything you said, thank you!
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hxh Chapter 395: Founding: Part 1
Ohm yg od oh my god I love this chapter!!!!!!
So let’s get started
Spoilers... What else??
I’m deciding to use the viz translations since I didn’t review yesterday and they come out on sundays so yeaaa
Ok so we begin with Hinrigh who has Cracked The Code on the Heil-Ly base thing
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They’re gonna go after those two guys and...... To be honest I don’t care if they end up dying!!!! Go ahead!! I forgot their names already and Togashi’s going to need to manage the like 60 new characters that he’s made this arc...
Man, I miss Kurapika and the Zodiacs and the Princes and Beyonds team... hm... 
Like these characters I love and all like Lynch and Zakuro and Tserriednich’s Militia people and Hinrigh but Man where did everybody else go????
Well good news is later this chapter we at least have the troupe!!
(Togashis trying to tell us to enjoy the little detours-- to the fullest)
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Volksen ever. Apparently her officially translated name is like Bork something but Volk is a lot better in My opinion and people spell Giuliano like Juliano all the time so does it Really Matter?
Volk makes me think of a Volkswagen car and Bork makes me think she has an acidic reflux I’m sorry.
Also Otocin = Otoshin (doesn’t really matter to me) and Momolly = Momori (Momori is way cooler sorry so I will also be saying Momori) 
I also permanently associate Volksen with octopi now but that’s besides the point.
Anyways enough about the 6 People from last chapter let’s move on. 
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Fun fact I still cant remember his freaking name What Is it Somebody please say It nobody has said it in the past 5 chapters and I’m confused but anyways. 
He says the Phantom troupe are checking out 3102 (next to the trap room 3101) because they think there might be a Hideout behind rooms 3101-3103 and of course they’re being insane about it, since to them it doesn’t matter if they have a plan or not. 
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He’s been talking a lot about people being captured..... Togashi? Is this going to be another big theme??
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He needs some water or some skin moisturizer or something He can’t be living like this dude look how dry that skin is...
Anyways they're threatening this guy to get in the room as you do.
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I’m going to thank Togashi forever for visuals because without them in this arc I would be entirely lost.
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I really don’t have any sympathy for this guy but Imagine if three guys just came into your room and then cut a hole in your bathroom.
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I’m sorry but in this panel he looks so emo it’s... It’s the hair and the... The everything looks extra emo.
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I love this conversation cause it opens new parallels between the mafia and the troupe, which Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga are already involved with and it gives some more insight, but also What is Nobunaga holding right now.
Is that like a ball of light or something
And why is it the only one there
Anyways enough of looking at random details its its
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When I saw this page spread I kid you not I think I went crazy for a second. It’s a callback to the flashback in chapter... 102 (the panels were redrawn!!!!!!@2442454##$#%^$#)
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I was right with Chrollo being the one on the left and Franklin being the one on the right closest to the tape, but I thought Shalnark would be the one sitting in front of the elder, and Phinks was the one running at the bottom..... However..
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THE ONE WITH THE CURLY WAVY HAIR IS SHALNARK.......... (broken heart crying emoji /pos) 
God I love this Flashback Look at them all. Shalnark and Chrollo are my best guess at like 9 years old and Franklin is probably like uhh 16 or something.
Franklin has a Oldest-brother-that-is-cool-and-is-in-college-while-you-are-in-middle-school vibe which I’m not being super specific about you guys have to know what I’m talking about right.
Tbh this part felt a bit like I was on something but it’s ok it works out!
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I love how they have Territory like its warrior cats. Like theyre those kids on the playground that would play warriors (definitely not me /s) But its taken to the actual extreme and they actually fight.
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I’m guessing Uvo is also 16 but Puberty just hit him in the face with an iron bat. He’s like the Average bully archetype but also taken to the extreme because they live in a dump city.
Machi... She’s just... She’s like 5 or 6 years old oh my god she’s a literal baby actually... and she’s just handing Uvo a “Murder Weapon” they would probably call it. 
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Baby Syanorke being a little smartass and then Immediately getting hit in the head with a plank of wood and passing out This was like the funniest part ever
Look at him tumble
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...Anyways let’s move past that...
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Fist fight Immediately 1 v 1
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The low quality running of the little guy I can’t believe he’s a little guy
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He is also Average bully archetype No. 2 but a different flavor for sure...... His hair looks like a walnut Phinks what are you doing.... 
Umm ok so Age guesstimate... the first appearance Phinks looks older and then he looks smaller in the other panel... So I’m gonna say he’s like 13 and Feitan... 
Yea I have no Idea let’s just say 13 as well.
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Get wrecked. I only noticed the arrow now so hopefully you see it too now.
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The little guy the little thief 
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Meteor city civilization real
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Ok so Basically 
Since Meteor city residents technically don’t exist since they don’t have any form of identification, that means it was legal to kidnap them, kill them, commit crime against them etc since they technically “weren’t human”...
A while later to prevent this, Meteor city allied with the mafia to be safe, but before that there were hundreds of victims and 70% of them were under 15.
Their ties with the mafia grew stronger, and Nen abilities came about the elders, and a pledge was made (The law of retribution): 
“Only life can compensate for a life.”
“We’ll accept anything you leave here, but don’t ever take anything away from us.” (a note left at the kurta massacre, if it rings a bell) 
And so with all this going on the Phantom troupe formed 12234543
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PAKUNODA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love her hair so much here its real 
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This is so adorale im cyring .........
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Ddue just became a part of the council at 9 years old I guess!
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Tiny Just tiny little ones
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He also created dubbing wow /s 
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IM CYRING AGAIN ........ So Paku must be like 8 or something but they have an Older sister Younger brother dynamic lol 
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SHEILA?!?!?! You mean the lady in volume 0 who looks uncannily similar to Pariston Hill? 
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...*snif* *sniffleef* eu......e.ue ,, 
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Omg its Sheila and Sarasa... Sheila still has her silly rat ears...
I like Sarasa she’s a little silly and I wonder if she’ll be relevant too but as far as I know I dont remember her.
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hehe im just imagining all of them just sitting down and watching a really badly dubbed but endearing episode of the power ra-cleaners.
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D Hunter.... 
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I live them that’s all I have to say
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Oh god More human trafficking 
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Even worse child trafficking... Yea this is going to be relevant 
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And then It just skips back to them peacefully HELP 
To be continued!!! Yea nothing bad happening here totally
I’m guessing since the Title of the chapter is Founding: Part 1 that we’re still going to be in the flashback in part 2 since there’s still stuff that needs to happen.
I mean we still have yet to see 12 year old Nobunaga and what about the whole Council thing?? 
Oh god wait somebody may get captured during the screening NO 
And why is it called founding?? The troupe is officially founded I think when they’re like mm... I wanna say maybe 6 or 7 years older so maybe there’s a time skip idk.
Anyways keep being silly Goofer man Behave yourself.
(remember the hunter exam applicant form or wtv in the 1999 version well I wanted to draw them so here ignore the bad coloring and shading i made this at 2 am) 
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friend-of-wisdom · 3 days
98/100 days of productivity
Monday, September 23rd 2024
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For once I went out during the weekend twice and had a lot of fun with my friends. I'm having trouble with waking up early now, though. I was unable to go to class this morning cus I went to sleep at 3am yesterday. But I was very productive today! Here's what I did:
read one academic paper
did the Intro to philosophy graded assignement
did this week's readings for the same class
ate healthy
went to the gym!! it lasted 40min which is a big progress already
Yesterday I watched David Lynch's The Elephant Man. Great movie, hadn't seen something like this in a while. Today I've also played some Papa's Freezeria. Also, to add to my nostalgia crisis with childhood games, I'm rewatching Winx hihihihihi Being old and watching Winx makes you see that Riven is even worse than I already thought. He's so toxic omg
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alarrytale · 3 months
Have you seen Troye Sivan's performance of the song "one of your girls" in London with Ross Lynch? I never paid much attention to Ross because I had assumed he's just looking for attention. But it was kind of interesting because he was willing to perform it live with an openly gay man even though he is known as a straight man. And of course people started flooding everything with comments like "eww I've lost my attraction" or "never knew he was gay :/"
Then I saw that Ross also wore Troyes merch, made a video with Troyes mom and also commented on one of Troye's instagram posts with "you're my only girl". It's probably just a joke and pr but I feel it's nonetheless a small step in the right direction of openness. In a perfect world, they'd become a power couple lol. But it's better than nothing
Hi, anon!
Yes, i've seen 🙈. My twitter timeline yesterday consisted of tweets from that performance from every angle, a bit of Louis at Glasto and a couple of Chapell Roan tweets, nothing else lol. People are loving it!
I'm not sure if Ross is queer or not, but i think Ross saw how much positive attention he got from the video appearance and he's again gaining alot of praise and attention from this, so he's playing into it regardless of his sexuality. I saw several people say it's queerbaiting. It's thirstrapping at least. I don't mind this at all, and i'm loving it too. They would make a really good power couple!
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dailycharacteroption · 7 months
Pop Culture Builds 13: Guts (Berserk)
It is a known truth that we are shaped by our history. Like the hammer and flame of the forge, our experiences make us who we are today.
Of course, sometimes those experiences are far too much for any human to safely bear. Some traumas are so great that you cannot endure them without something breaking. The only question then becomes whether you break entirely, or only in vital places, turning you into someone… something else.
In the case of Guts, the hero of the Berserk manga and anime, he was subject to such horrors since literal day one, born from his lynched mother’s body, raised by an abusive mercenary that he was forced to kill in self-defense, and even betrayed by his closest friend and mentor in a way so utterly violent and gruesome that I won’t recount it here. It’s safe to say that Berserk as a work of fiction is one that you pay attention to the age rating on. It is not hyperbole in the slightest.
These traumatic events, however, forged Guts into a vicious warrior with only one thing on his mind: killing the friend who betrayed him and every single demon he could find. Every last one.
And with that determination and an arsenal of weapons and tools, (greatest of which was his massive sword: Dragonslayer), he set out to do just that. However, the darkness in his heart festered, and threatened to turn him into a monster not unlike the very demons he hated so much, but he found friendship and purpose in others again, and found that his strength, and the path to a lasting peace, was in his bond with them.
Just as yesterday’s entry was an icon of a genre, today we’re looking at an icon of a trope, specifically of the stoic anime badass with an absurdly large and heavy weapon. Such characters throughout fiction often owe a lot to this man, the warrior in black with a fury behind his remaining eye threatening to go Berserk at any moment.
Guts is human, though at times he can seem to be much more than that. It’s not super important to the build though, though the extra feat will help with the build.
For this build, I wanted a class and archetype combination that rewards you for wielding a massive greatsword, but also has an edge of a dark side, lurking under the surface. To that end, I decided on a multiclass build. The first class is fighter with the two-handed fighter archetype, which turns Guts into an absolutely destructive attacker with his greatsword.
Meanwhile, the second class is at least five levels of barbarian with the fearsome defender archetype, making him resistant to pain and bolstering his intimidation factor, in addition to how the rage simulates the influence of the Black Beast side of his psyche.
With these classes comes some customization, so I recommend that your weapon training immediately be put into the sword weapon group, though you can probably spare one to take the advanced weapon training ability armed bravery, which improves the bravery ability to function with all will saves, not just those related to fear, as well as defensive weapon training to buff his defenses, focused weapon to improve the damage dice with mastery, and the like.
Meanwhile, we’ve also got about two rage powers to select as well. I recommend strength surge and powerful blow.
As for feats to give Guts, you’ve got the obvious stuff like power attack, cleave, vital strike, and all those lovely options, but don’t forget things like great fortitude, iron will, and even toughness, things which can go a long way to improve his endurance in the face of overwhelming odds.
Equipment is where things get really interesting for Guts. Firstly, the Dragonslayer sword, which is easily an adamantine greatsword to start off, with ghost touch and demon-bane at minimum for enchantments. Additionally, you can also load him up with the unique weapons of his repeated crossbow and the hidden cannon (probably based on a hand culverin or double hackbut) built into his prosthetic hand. Don’t forget that he also packs throwing knives and a small supply of alchemical explosives for emergencies.
The real kicker, however, is designing the berserker armor, a suit of armor that in the source material, subdues the sense of pain and all other emotions other than bloodlust and literally uses internal spines to hold the user’s body together and keep them in the fight. Staunching and fortification are a must, but the berserker armor is likely a unique cursed set of armor of the “can be used normally at great cost” variety, letting the raging warrior fight on past the edge of reason at the risk of killing them as they push themselves futher beyond their limits.
Of course, other builds are possibly. You could go full fighter or full barbarian if you wished, or even experiment with a variant of the amoral corruption (hey, that thing I wrote!) that plays up the struggle with the monstrous side of the character.
The haunted warrior with a massive blade is so ubiquitous that this build transcends the original source, though you certainly can never claim that it has no connection to Guts or his many imitators over the years.
That does it for today, but tomorrow we’ll see our final subject!
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dannyreviews · 3 months
Ordinary People (1980)
Yesterday, news came out that Hollywood legend Donald Sutherland had passed away. In a career lasting 60 years, he played a myriad of roles, leading and supporting, comedic and dramatic and everything else in between. Out of the wide breadth of his filmography, his best performance came from Robert Redford's Oscar winning masterpiece "Ordinary People", probably one of the best tearjerkers since the Golden Age of Hollywood.
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The plot revolves around the Jarretts, an upper class family living in the Chicago suburbs. They seem like the normal family next door, but are marred by a family tragedy, the death of the eldest son Buck. Mom Beth (Mary Tyler Moore) copes by acting as the dutiful housewife to her attorney husband Calvin (Sutherland) and their surviving son Conrad (Timothy Hutton). When Conrad is released from a mental hospital due to a suicide attempt, he is referred to psychologist Dr. Berger (Judd Hirsch). It is through subsequent therapy sessions that Conrad opens up about the demons that plague his family in the aftermath of Buck's death, such as blame that he puts on himself for the tragedy, how his mother favored Buck over himself and his father's unwavering love and attempt to keep the family together. Over a one year period, the Jarrett family is pushed to the breaking point and their lives are irrevocably changed.
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"Ordinary People" is a rarity as it treats its characters like human beings and doesn't trivialize their plights. The dialogues, the fighting and the tears are all realistic, almost to the highest degree. Redford, in his directorial debut, puts together a top notch ensemble that not only play these roles, but live and breathe the trials and tribulations of a grieving family. At times, when it's just the three main characters on screen, the drama is at its rawest the tension is as sharp as a knife. This isn't a Lifetime Movie of the Week, or an After School Special, where you can predict the next line in some paint-by-numbers scenario. It isn't even like a Douglas Sirk melodrama where the performances are too theatrical in nature. "Ordinary People" is a whole different drama that removes itself from the sugar-coated cliche factory and makes the tragedy of losing a child relatable.
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As stated before, the ensemble of "Ordinary People" is at the highest level of acting. Mary Tyler Moore as Beth runs the gamut of emotions that make you both hate and empathize with her at the same time. To see this actress, best known for her comedic performances on television, transform into a character without a funny characteristic in her body goes far and beyond ones versatility. Timothy Hutton, in his Academy Award winning performance, portrays Conrad not as a pathetically over-emotional mess, but level-headed in the face of strife. There are moments of calm where he rolls with the punches, and then there are the gut-punching scenes where the loss of his brother is still fresh in his mind. Judd Hirsch's provides the perfect balance as the stern but caring psychiatrist who gradually unravels the root of Conrad's issues. And then there is Donald Sutherland, in the role of his career, as the almost too controlled Calvin, whose vulnerability slowly seeps out and culminates in a heartbreaking monologue that puts everything in perspective.
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"Ordinary People" won Best Picture in a contentious race with Scorsese's "Raging Bull", Michael Apted's "Coal Miner's Daughter" and David Lynch's "The Elephant Man", but nonetheless a well deserved honor. Timothy Hutton won Best Supporting Actor in an indisputably amazing performance that is still talked about positively to this day. Robert Redford's win for Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay round out the film's 4 Oscar wins. Unfortunately, Mary Tyler Moore was nominated in the wrong year for Best Actress because Sissy Spacek's performance as Loretta Lynn in "Coal Miner's Daughter" was too great to beat and sadly, Donald Sutherland would never get an acting nomination in his career, and was robbed of a nomination for Best Actor. "Ordinary People" is the kind of film that once its over, you feel the impact of its characters for hours on end and that is a credit to the 4 main actors. The only other films to rival this in a non-melodramatic, and realistic intensity is Mike Leigh's "Secrets and Lies", and Michael Haneke's "Amour". As far as I'm concerned, drama has yet to reach heights like these masterpieces.
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chargoeson · 8 months
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to begin my noble quest of being more annoying (a neutral term for me meaning: efforts to be more outspoken about my interests)
i literally just want to make lists of shit i am into so you all can get a better feel for who i am and why i write what i do and hopefully find things in common <3
music: not to be that guy but i genuinely do listen to everything. though not in a "play whatever it's nbd," but in a "music has been a special interest of mine since childhood and i have made hours long multi-genre playlists every month since my senior year of high school" BUT some current favorites include: Blondshell Searows Elton John (and by extension George Michael, duh. friendship of the century. Elton just came first and led me to George) Simon and Garfunkel Faye Webster Dijon Eagles Feist The Sundays Prince Chappell Roan Gorillaz Fiona Apple i am cutting myself off now, but trust there are many more and they are swirling in my head at all times.
film similarly i have such a taste for movies that's all over the place and often go against people's perception of me (i am a lesbian with a philosophy minor whose primary focus was feminist theory and i fucking loves James Bond) but that's what makes it FUN! film and fiction in general is literally a playground. So this is gonna be a mix of specific movies and directors! James Bond (2006 Casino Royale is the best, you can fight me on this but i won't listen) Memento Only Yesterday and Porco Rosso (by Studio Ghibli) Emma (2020 version by Autumn de Wilde) But I'm a Cheerleader Say Anything Rocketman Kingsman: The Secret Service You've Got Mail The Usual Suspects Eyes Wide Shut and our newest addition, Saltburn <333 David Cronenberg (Crash and Dead Ringers especially) David Lynch (Fire Walk with Me and Blue Velvet especially)
tv let's just go simple here The X Files Twin Peaks The L Words Buffy The Vampire Slayer John Doe Bob's Burgers King of the Hill Futurama
literature listen, i have a lit degree but i am also who i am, so my favorite books are usually the last good ones i read. that being said, my most longstanding favorites and the authors i return to are: Haruki Murakami (1Q84, Norwegian Wood, After the Quake, etc. i have genuinely read 80% of this man's 50 years of writing at this point) Melissa Febos Sally Rooney James Baldwin Ottessa Moshfegh Oliver K. Langmead Iain Reid Sean Hewitt hobbies i collect 'em! acoustic and electric guitar crocheting, knitting, embroidering quilting jewelry making collaging indie perfume (i will no doubt be gushing about this more on this account because i also connect perfumes to my characters/projects and i have upwards of 100 scents in my collection) if you are still here you rock i have also thought of starting a youtube channel for literal years (like many of us late 90s-early 00s kids i have tried several times throughout the worst years of adolescence lol) to just talk about writing and also alllll of that. idk if it will happen but if it does think of this as a sort of primer!
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solarsonicsoda · 6 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Final Rankings!
And with that yesterday, all 43 matches have been watched, rated, and reviewed! I hope you all enjoyed this series and be sure to check out the tag if you missed any!
But there's one thing left to do before Wrestlemania XL tonight, and that's to rank all of these matches from worst to best! Here's my rankings! Let me know where your favourite finished.
43. Wrestlemania VIII: Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice
42. Wrestlemania IX: Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji vs. Bret Hart (c) for the WWF World Championship/Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna (c) w/ Mr. Fuji for the WWF World Championship
41. Wrestlemania VII: Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter (c) w/ General Adnan for the WWF World Championship
40. Wrestlemania X: Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna (c) w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette for the WWF World Championship with special guest referee “Rowdy” Roddy Piper
39. Wrestlemania II: King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan vs. Hulk Hogan (c) in a steel cage match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
38. Wrestlemania XXVII: John Cena vs. The Miz (c) w/ Alex Riley for the WWE Championship
37. Wrestlemania XXXII: Roman Reigns vs. Triple H (c) w/ Stephanie McMahon for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
36. Wrestlemania I: “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff w/ “Cowboy” Bob Orton vs. Hulk Hogan and Mr. T w/ Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka
35. Wrestlemania XI: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor with special guest referee Pat Patterson
34. Wrestlemania XXXVIII, Sunday: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns w/ Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, & Paul Heyman for the WWE Championship & the WWE Universal Championship
33. Wrestlemania 25: Randy Orton vs. Triple H (c) for the WWE Championship
32. Wrestlemania XXXIV: Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul Heyman for the WWE Universal Championship
31. Wrestlemania 13: The Undertaker vs. Sycho Sid (c) in a No Disqualification Match for the WWF World Championship
30. Wrestlemania X8: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho (c) w/ Stephanie McMahon for the WWF Undisputed Championship
29. Wrestlemania XXXIII: Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker in a No Holds Barred Match
28. Wrestlemania III: Andre the Giant w/ Bobby Heenan vs. Hulk Hogan (c) for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
27. Wrestlemania IV: “Macho Man” Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth vs. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase w/ Andre the Giant in a tournament final for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
26. Wrestlemania XXXVIII, Saturday: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Kevin Owens in a No Holds Barred Match
25. Wrestlemania V: Hulk Hogan vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage (c) for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
24. Wrestlemania 21: Batista vs. Triple H (c) w/ Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Championship
23. Wrestlemania XXXVI, Sunday: Drew McIntyre vs. Brock Lesnar (c) for the WWE World Championship
22. Wrestlemania XXXVII, Sunday: Edge vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns (c) w/ Jey Uso & Paul Heyman for the WWE Universal Championship
21. Wrestlemania XXXI: Roman Reigns (vs. Seth Rollins) vs. Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul Heyman for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
20. Wrestlemania 22: Triple H vs. John Cena (c) for the WWE Championship
19. Wrestlemania 2000: The Rock w/ Vince McMahon vs. Big Show w/ Shane McMahon vs. Mick Foley w/ Linda McMahon vs. Triple H (c) w/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley in an elimination match for the WWF World Championship
18. Wrestlemania XXXIX, Sunday: Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns (c) w/ Solo Sikoa & Paul Heyman for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship
17. Wrestlemania XXVIII: John Cena vs. The Rock
16. Wrestlemania VI: Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship and WWF Intercontinental Championship
15. Wrestlemania XXXV: Becky Lynch vs. Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Charlotte Flair (c) for the WWE Raw Women’s Championship and WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
14. Wrestlemania XXIX: John Cena vs. The Rock (c) for the WWE Championship
13. Wrestlemania XV: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. The Rock (c) in a No Disqualifications match for the WWF World Championship
12. Wrestlemania XII: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart (c) in a 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWF World Championship
11. Wrestlemania XIV: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels (c) for the WWF World Championship with special guest enforcer Mike Tyson 
10. Wrestlemania XXXIX, Saturday: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) for the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championships
9. Wrestlemania XXIII: Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena (c) for the WWE Championship
8. Wrestlemania XXX: Daniel Bryan vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton (c) for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
7. Wrestlemania XXXVI, Saturday: AJ Styles w/ Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The Undertaker in a Boneyard Match
6. Wrestlemania XIX: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle (c) for the WWE Championship
5. Wrestlemania XXIV: The Undertaker vs. Edge (c) for the World Heavyweight Championship
4. Wrestlemania XX: Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (c) for the World Heavyweight Championship
3. Wrestlemania X-Seven: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. The Rock (c) in a No Disqualifications Match for the WWF World Championship
2. Wrestlemania XXXVII, Saturday: Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks (c) for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship
1. Wrestlemania XXVI: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker in a No Disqualifications, Streak vs. Career Match
So there's my rankings. I think about 31 out of the 43 are at least decent, which is not a terrible track record! Now, let's see how #44 and #45 are this weekend!
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fierybratx · 1 year
Let's dive in.
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Becky Lynch, 36. Fighter with a heart of gold. Mom first. Wrestler second. More determined than ever.
Roux does exist. Marriage does not as of now. That could change depending.
Will be the first to tell you that everything she does is for her daughter.
Man, woman, Idiot. Doesn't matter. Will fight you if you even look at her or her daughter in the wrong way.
Currently single. Determined to raise her daughter to be fiercely independent.
While she'd give her all for this business she'd give even more for those close to her. And she makes sure they know it.
A little on the mun,
Stole this from Faye but she don't mind. Love you Faye. Anyways I've missed Tumblr rp. I've missed it a lot actually so I'm very happy to have found a place to dive back in per say. I used to be good then I fell off and now I'm back. I love to write so I'm usually always down. Also sorry this took so long I am working on getting my life together so yesterday was kind of a day. A long day. But today I'm here and ready to mingle. I want to talk to you all and I can't wait to see what kind of trouble we can all get into! Let's get it going!
By the way.. If I ever leave you hanging. I don't mean to. Nudge me. If you want my discord just let me know. You may get it.
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