#a larger pot
egoschwank · 1 year
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1181
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first posted in facebook april 14, 2022
judith linhares -- "cook" (2005)
"always start out with a larger pot than what you think you need" ... julia child
"her improvisational narratives, with their amazons and their witches, draw on the mythic and the metaphysical" ... andrea k. scott
"all right, i'll take a chance, i will fall in love with you if i'm a fool you can have the night, you can have the morning too can you cook and sew, make flowers grow do you understand my pain? are you willing to risk it all or is your love in vain?" ... bob dylan
"the american painter renders flamboyant still-lifes and fantastic scenes of a mythic all-women realm" ... johanna fateman
"i always start with a larger post than i think i need, and then slice and dice it down" ... al janik
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whats-that-teacup · 18 days
Hey! I’ve been trying to identify this tea set that my mom got at an antique mall. I’ve been combing the internet but I haven’t come up with anything yet. I was hoping you might have better luck :)
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WOW this is a gorgeous service!! Right off the bat I was thinking Limoges, and it turns out that isn't too far off!
I am getting some conflicting information on the studio itself, but overall I believe this was produced by the company Bawo & Dotter. Some databases online are connecting this backstamp to their studio in Austria, some are connecting it to their New York studio that imported and painted Limoges pieces. Regardless, this service would be around 90 to 100 years old, so long as the backstamp is authentic!
Unfortunately I don't think the company would have named and documented all of their patterns, especially not from the Limoges studio. They've got a Replacements page, but I didn't find this set in it, and Replacements is far from the end-all-be-all of everything a company ever produced. Still a beautiful service though and very reflective of popular styles coming out of Europe at the time!
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pancakeke · 11 months
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I'm trying to give this thing better stakes cause it's getting wild, but I'm hitting so many big roots as I search for a spot where the new stakes can go in without tearing anything up. does this mean the monstera is starting to outgrow its pot already?
this pot is 14 inches in diameter but the only size bigger that the hardware store carries is 16 inches. idk if I should shell out the forty bucks for that if it'll only accommodate this monstera for another 6 months or instead go to a nursery where I can get something that's 18 inches across.
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arcenergy · 1 month
my tomatoes r coming in this is not a drill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cantankerouscatfish · 1 month
it is succulents propagation time, as it is every year. it never gets old, turning one plant into 100 (or 50, or 10, depending on the stock plant) and watching the little unrooted cuttings take and grow new leaves and eventually go to happy homes. :'3
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milkconfetti · 5 months
really love when i try a New Product and really like it and then it ends up having either zero quality control or the quality control gets drastically slashed after they determine enough people have tried it lol
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izzyspussy · 5 months
so sick of the fucking eternally expanding subdivision like the fucking winchester house of neighborhoods waking me up with construction noises every fucking day of the year, i sent my alderman an email demanding she change the local noise ordinances from my phone in bed.
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frankboeijen · 1 year
My monstera put out 4 new leaves so far this summer 🤗 wonder if it will put out anymore by the end of the month
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door · 1 year
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got this wood fern from the native plant person at the tuesday farmers market and it’s been looooving the humidity. look at it unfurling, look at the spores!
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vvelegrin · 5 months
feeling like a Whole Person tonight despite feeling so tired that i could pass away. that's always nice! i don't care for the alternative (feeling so tired that i could pass away coupled with wanting to pass away).
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doctorweebmd · 7 months
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My morning glory flower is looking so healthy and beautiful 🥺
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
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also. me and my sons
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pancakeke · 2 years
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this is either a lie or there are a lotta houseplant georgs like me who have 73+
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adarede · 1 year
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
my dad took me to a teashop this afternoon. please be proud of my restraint in not buying every single piece of ceramic in the store
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overthepapermoon · 1 year
Today is a national holiday and so I'm gonna go buy myself a plant!
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