#a kinda problem in some games is when you can ignore what the enemy is doing and just treat their attacks as gradual damage over time
dravidious · 1 year
You're quite neat
General idea for a turn-based combat system that I thought about like 3 years ago and never wrote down: There's an "element clock" that has like 3-6 slots on it that store elements. When you use an elemental skill, the element in the currently active slot affects it; if you use a fire skill, then having fire in the slot boosts it, water weakens it, and grass also boosts it probably more than fire idk. Then the active element turns into fire, then the clock rotates to the next slot, so the fire element that you put in will come back around in like 3-6 turns. The clock may or may not rotate when a non-elemental skill is used, or maybe there are no non-elemental skills, idk. Anyway the idea is for it to encourage you to plan ahead and improvise and consider the enemy's abilities and attack patterns.
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Heyy! I hope you’re having a lovely day/night! I would like to request a yandere ADA dazai alphabet please. Thank you :)
Yandere Armed Detective Agency Osamu Dazai Alphabet
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Author's Note: No problem! After this alphabet is done, I think I'm gonna write Chuuya's next.
Warnings: Mental Abuse, Murder Mentioned, Death Mentioned, Suicide Mentioned, Possessive Behavior, Clinginess, Masochism, Sadism, Self Hatred (Dazai), Manipulation, Minor Gaslighting, Physical Assault, Implied Torture, Torture Mentioned, Sexual Abuse Mentioned and Somewhat Implied, Possible Anime Spoilers If You're Not On Season 4, and Trauma.
Links: {Masterlist} {Alphabet Used}
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Just like in the Port Mafia Alphabet, Dazai is extremely affectionate and he's probably even more affectionate now.
He loves sitting in your lap, kissing you, buying you gifts and flowers, and he loves having all your attention.
There is some evidence in the manga that kinda implies he's a yandere in canon sooo.
He's kinda like a cat, if he wants your attention he'll get it.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
ADA Dazai is less likely to kill people now after Oda's death and the promise he made to him. Plus, he can get rid of his competition in ways that don't make him have to kill.
He can literally cut them out of the picture and they'd still be alive.
If he were to kill though, fragments of his former/true self will surface. It'll be scary.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Firstly, you and Dazai would officially be dating once his yandere tendencies sink in, and he wouldn't kidnap you. He'll slowly become more an more possessive and toxic, and that's when you realize what you got yourself into.
Dazai let's you go out on your own, but that's because he makes sure you're painfully aware that anything you do, he'll know or find out about. Dazai is way too smart to hide things from him for long periods of time.
And you're no secret to anyone. Everyone, even his enemies, know about you. So he is a little worried that Fyodor might do something to you when he isn't there.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Ehhh, depends.
Dazai is, how can I say this, extremely pushy and persistent. He's a womanizer, and the way he is with the woman he ask to do a double suicide with, he'll do the shit to you but worse.
Like, for example, if he wants a hug and you say no, he'll cling to you and whine and whine and whine, like what he does to Kunikida, and you'll eventually give in to him just to shut him up.
Due to his lazy and childish nature, it's easy to forget how dangerous Dazai is and can be. This nature of his makes it so easy to ignore his possessive behavior.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Dazai rarely lets you see how bad he's really doing. He can be crying in the living room at the thought of him losing you, remembering Oda's death, and just his own self hatred, but the moment you come down stairs he's wiping his tears and puts on his flirtatious, childish, lazy and teasing act back on.
It's hard to read Dazai because you never know what he's thinking. It's hard to know how much he's really hurting inside.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Amused. I see Dazai as a masochist with some sadistic tendencies. He'd beg you to hit him more, hit him harder. He'll pin you down to the table and beg you to hit him, to fight back, be his cute little feisty girl/boy.
You'll eventually start crying and he'll feel bad, but only a little bit. Don't forget, the worst part about Dazai is his torture methods, if you go to far you'll see why Dazai was so dangerous in the PM.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
If you were to actually escape, Dazai would've known about your plan way before you actually did it.
The thing is, Dazai as a yandere feels more like a toxic boyfriend than a capture. So I wouldn't call it escaping, I'd call it breaking up with him.
Dazai would let happened, but don't think you're free to go. I'd say the perfect time to escape is right before Dazai gets arrested by Jouno. Because 1, he won't be able to find you directly, and 2, it can buy you some time.
Dazai would've known, he'd see it coming, he just has to wait for this entire thing to get over with. Once the whole prison thing is over, you'll find him lying down on your couch, saying that he was sorry.
Dazai is so pushy and persistent that you'll eventually get back with him, but this time, it's just a little bit worse.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
If you ever push him too much to talk about his life in the PM, or more specifically Oda. It would cause him to snap.
Now Dazai in ADA wouldn't want to hurt you physically, but he never said he wouldn't.
The more the persist with him about it the more hostile he becomes. He'll eventually pin you to the ground with a gun to you head, asking you if you wanted to die. His eyes would be empty like they were in the PM, his old habits are slipping through again.
You'll scream and cry, begging him to not kill you. He wasn't even going to, he didn't take the safety off. He'd lick and kiss your tears before picking you up and dragging you to your room. The next day you'd wake up with your arms and legs covered in bandages, dried tears sticking to your face, and Dazai sitting next to you with an empty smile on his face, but you can see the cried tears on his face. Whatever he did, you don't want to know, and it's obvious he regrets it.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Dazai doesn't really see a future for himself. He wants to end his life in a double suicide with you, that's all he wants.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Dazai doesn't get jealous easily, but when he does it's hard to tell.
There's two kinds of jealously with Dazai, fake jealousy and serious jealousy.
Fake jealousy is when it's extremely obvious. Dazai is whining, clinging to you, begging for kisses and attention, this is mostly common when the two of you are with Chuuya, or anyone Dazai likes/works with. Dazai isn't actually jealous, he's just being annoying.
Now serious jealousy is extremely rare. When he's jealous he's quiet, and he has his arm around your waist or shoulders. He could feel his eyes twitch.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Annoying. He's like a really clingy boyfriend. He's cuddling with you, and if you work at the ADA, he'd beg you to do his paperwork if Kunikida said no and if you say no too he'll whine and whine.
Dazai likes to tease you and whisper the most sexual or teasing things your ear until you walk off, them he'd start laughing and beg you to come back to him. Like I said, it's easy to ignore his red flags.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Like all the other woman he asked to do a double suicide with. But then the longer he spent time with you, the harder in love and obsession he had for you fell. He'd officially ask you out in a beautiful park, it'd be so peaceful.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Dazai's true colors are both dangerous and tragic. Dazai is tragic character, no doubt about it. Rarely anyone has seen them, including you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Dazai doesn't really sexually punish you as often or really in general until his PM counter part. The reason why, eh, it just happened.
Dazai punishes you mentally, physically is rare, mental though is consistent. It breaks you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You surprisingly have a lot of freedom. The right he takes away though is the fact that he'll never let you break up with him or leave him long term.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Dazai is a pretty paitient person.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die, he'd break down. Everything he loved and cared about either left him or died, that's why he was so scared to get attached to anyone. He shouldn't have let himself get attached to you. He'd be pretty empty, he'd try to keep up his facade, but when alone he's crying and just wanting to end his suffering.
Leaving and or breaking up with him I already answered.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He never abducted you in the first place.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I'd say it gotta do with his past. I don't see him ever getting any love and care for the majority of his life. Chuuya pretty much being his first friend, or at least the first friend around his age, Ango's betrayal and losing Oda who he cares a lot about. Dazai is scared of getting attached, or too attached to anyone, because he's scared that he'd lose them because that's what happened in the past.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If you're crying because of him he'll leave you to it. If someone else made you cry he'd comfort you while your sitting in his lap, crying into his shirt while he rubs you back while saying it'll be ok.
If you isolate yourself he'll whine for you to let him in. If you continue to refuse he'll sigh and give up, he'll probably go bother Kunikida mext.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He doesn't kidnap you, lots of freedom, feels like a normal relationship most of the time.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Good luck finding those. I don't think anyone has out smarted him just yet, correct me if I'm wrong. But if you think you can successfully do it, you're funny.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Dazai worships you. He'll do anything for your attention and praise.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
You got into a consenting relationship at first. I'd say a few years.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Possibly, it depends.
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sweetingtea · 16 days
The Sonic Movie 3 trailer came out and it is awesome!
I know it came out a week or so ago and I might be late into talking about it but rest assured I watched it 30 minutes after it came out.
I decided to start talking about it now because I want to put in my two cents about a certain topic.
At some point in the trailer we get this image of Tom:
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He’s screaming “Sonic!!” and then it immediately flashes to this image of Shadow:
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There is also this interaction with Sonic and Shadow:
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“What did you do?”
“What I had to.”
First of all, f🤬cking aura Shadow, holy sh💩t. That “what I had to” sent shivers to me timbers.
Second of all, why I’m making this post:
This has led people to believe that Shadow might harm Tom in some way or even killing him.
And I don’t think that is true.
Do I think that they might tussle around? Yeah. Do I think Shadow will straight up assassinate him? Hell no!
Now, I have seen people believe it and draw it but more as like a “this is a cool alternative but I don’t actually think it would happen”, but then there are others who genuinely believe that Shadow is going to kill Tom.
While there is nothing wrong with believing that, it raises a problem for Shadow’s overall character.
We all know Shadow is just misunderstood. Especially from Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. Keep in mind that they are working with the very people that killed Maria—a little girl, Shadow’s best friend, and they have no idea 😀
I feel like if Sonic finds out about it, then there will definitely be conversations yet to happen, and not very friendly ones.
I kinda think this might be an image of Sonic looking around the Ark. Maybe this is when he finds out? However, that is not something I can really prove:
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One thing I will say: even though if we were in Shadow’s position and we might try to kill humanity too, I think we should all acknowledge that even though we can understand him it doesn’t mean we should agree with the path he has walked down on.
Anyway, Shadow = misunderstood. Got it. That is all a story for another time, I’m still here for something else.
I think we can all agree that Shadow has been through a lot, and I think some of the games do him justice for the way he makes up for his actions; finding out who is he is and honoring Maria’s wish, sacrificing himself and falling down to earth, going against Black Doom’s wishes, fighting Memphis, saving Sonic (multiple times), him and Team Dark, the Archie comics, and more.
We’re gonna ignore the Boom!Shadow for this one boys. He’s irrelevant. (lol)
While Shadow and Sonic aren’t friend or enemies. They’re by each others side to do the right thing. All Shadow wanted to do was the right thing and at the time he believed it was killing humanity.
I think what I’m trying to say is that Shadow has done some villainy sh💩t under the influence of what people showed him back to the accident of the Ark. However, he is not a bad guy and he doesn’t deserve to be the bad guy.
If they do this, if Shadow kills Tom, he will be an irredeemable monster to Sonic and even to me, and Shadow doesn’t deserve that treatment.
I don’t want to look at Movie!Shadow knowing that he killed an amazing character and the father to Sonic.
I also want to say, that when Sonic is talking to Shadow and asks him what he did, he sounds mad but he doesn’t sound mad enough to the point of Tom’s death kind of mad. Sonic would be f🤬cking furious. He would fr say “screw the power of friendship I’m about to END this B🐶TCH”.
I can’t say for certain that Tom isn’t going to die, but I really don’t think and want to believe that Shadow is going to be the one to kill Tom.
Like I said before, it’s tragic for what happened to him but we shouldn’t justify the path he’s walking on. Killing Tom is no excuse either.
I just don’t want to be disappointed. I have been looking forward for this movie for too long. I really just want Shadow to be the sweet little anti-hero he truly is.
While I’m here, I wanna circle back around to Tom screaming Sonic’s name. First of all, Tom is in a G.U.N uniform. Either he’s going in disguise or maybe the commander guy whose name I don’t care to remember gave him a position in the G.U.N forces.
In the first Sonic Movie, Maddie did say that there has been a Wachowski serving and protecting for 50 years. The same amount of time Shadow was in a coma. Maybe the commander recognizes Tom’s last name and offers him a position.
Maybe Sonic and co. find out about what they did to Maria and the Ark, and when confronting G.U.N, G.U.N decides to turn on them. Maybe that’s why Tom was screaming Sonic’s name, because he was about to get hurt. Remember, even though Sonic saved the world in the 1st movie, in the 2nd movie G.U.N still believed they would be a threat. Maybe G.U.N is using them in hopes they won’t find out about what happened 50 years ago. They’d be perfect against Shadow, they’re the same species! (Kinda…)
If G.U.N can’t defeat Shadow, maybe another powerful being can.
Anyway, those were my two cents.
Don’t take this post too personally please, if you wanna believe Shadow kills Tom, then by all means go off! I just wanted to show my perspective of things and how I see Shadow as a person.
Remember, opinions are opinions and we shouldn’t devalue anyone’s just because we don’t agree.
Take care! 🫶🏻
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mytragedyperson · 5 months
Dabihawks X super psycho love headcanons
Okay, I was in a music mood and now this song came on and it gave me DabiHawks ideas so, let's go with it.
Song is super psycho love by Simon Curtis.
Hawks actually becomes a villain AU? I think so. Why not?
So, it starts how it did in canon, Hawks is originally trying to join the League to spy on them for the Hero Safety commission.
He meets Dabi and is attracted to him but is also like but he's a villain and nothing's gonna happen
He is wrong
First encounters are the usual mix of threats and sexual tension that i've seen in the few DabiHawks fics I've read. Very much I'm attracted to you but I don't like you as a person, you know.
Hawks manages to join the League
This is when things start to change
Dabi is still suspicious of Hawks but is also horny and attracted to Hawks so he starts flirting with him, but only when it's just the two of them. When they're around the League he teeters between dismissive and insulting. He's either ignoring him or arguing with him.
Hawks is naturally confused but decides two can play at that game and starts returning the same energy
Naturally this results in them sleeping together
What does that mean it's friends, or in this case enemies, with benefits time, with a dash of secret relationship because Dabi does not want the League to know he's fucking Hawks.
Hawks is fine with keeping things a secret too because he doesn't want it to get back to the Hero Safety commission, because this is so not the mission. He was told to infiltrate the League. At no point was he told to sleep with one of the members. In fact, it was strongly discouraged
Meanwhile around the others, they still act like they hate each other. It's only partially an act. They still don't really like or trust each other but the sex is amazing and they just keep accidentally turning each other on, or maybe not so accidentally, and then dragging each other around to fuck.
This is a League of Villains are like family thing as well so at the same time, Hawks is slowly bonding with the League and starts having doubts about his mission.
Also some of the League kinda know or have a feeling something is going on between Dabi and Hawks but choose not to comment because they feel it's safer to just not know.
Anyway this continues for a while and slowly, it goes from enemies with benefits to friends with benefits. They start talking and very slowly, very cautiously start opening up and showing their softer sides.
This is a slowburn because trust is a very big problem.
And then Hawks starts developing feelings for Dabi
Dabi may or may not return these feelings yet, but if he does feel the same, he doesn't tell him.
And they're still pretending to hate each otehr around the League so Hawks feels even more confused and it slowly starts driving him insane.
Every day he cares a little less about his mission and his hero career, starts cring about the League members because he sees them just being normal (or as normal as they can be) people, falls in love with Dabi, starts blowing off hero stuff to hang out with the League, using the mission as an excuse.
Hawks finds out who Dabi is and what happened to him and how Endeavour treated him.
And he loses faith because, if that's their number one, and he's a child abuser and it was covered up
So Hawks returns honesty with honesty and admits his mission and how he doesn't want to go through with it anymore.
They both tell the League everything as well and, while there may be some distrust and negative reactions initially, they end up making up.
Dabi and Hawks get together.
The League exposes Endeavour and the Hero Public Safety Commission.
Todoroki Shouto surprises everyone when he backs up Dabi's story and shares his own experiences with Endeavour
turns out he knew Dabi was his brother all along
Maybe Shouto is the UA traitor in this one or maybe he just loves his brother, and hasn't forgiven his dad.
either way after this changes to the society are rapidly made, any corrupt heroes are rooted out.
The League of Villains do still recieve consequences for their crimes but they also get the help they need in terms of mental health.
And they kill All For One for using and manipulating Shigaraki
Okay I'm about done. If you liked this, my asks are open. Send a song and any character or ship from BNHA or one of the other fandomes in my pinned post and I'll do the same for them. I say ships meaning general relationships, not necessarily romantic ships
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Complicated feelings about new COTL update. The one where you get to heal the Bishops.
I'll admit, I had complicated feelings about the Bishops being resurrected in the first place. See, Narinder has this whole questline about him grieving, but now it's kinda been rendered moot? But not really, because now he has to actually CONFRONT his siblings after... well, everything, and there was a lot that was lost and will never be the same even if they ARE back, so it's not like there's nothing to mourn.
Then there's the bishop regeneration quests in the new update, where you heal their maimed bodies, restoring their eyes, ears, throat, skull, whatever. Leshy can see, Heket can speak, Kallamar can hear, and Shamura can think straight again.
Somehow, this feels like it cheapens the experience. Part of the reason it was such a big deal was because it was irreversible. This family did things to each other that couldn't be undone or taken back. But now that it HAS been fixed, it makes the problem seem trivial, which in turn makes the solution seem trivial.
But I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. I don't think it's a bad thing at all, when I think about it some more.
You hear a lot of people talking about how sad they get after losing their favorite followers, and I experienced something similar during my playthrough, but... I noticed something interesting. Once I got the resurrection ritual, I sorta stopped caring when my followers died. Before, I'd think "just you wait, I'm gonna bring you back as soon as I can." but now that I CAN, it doesn't seem important to do anymore. I just love that psychological effect, how godlike power makes mortality seem so trivial and inconsequential.
See, the Lamb is a god. Doing things like this is a godly thing to do, and this casual mindset about it is... divine. This game has gods coming to grips with newfound mortality, sure, but that's not what it's about. It's about the Lamb losing their mortality. Seeing these once profound moments rendered hollow by their own power is the POINT. This is a game where mortal limitations and restrictions are meant to be overcome. Time and time again, the Lamb overreaches what was allotted to them, and time and time again, they find that what seemed so high above them is not only within their reach, but right in front of their face. Like the opposite of Tantalus, the highest boughs bend down to allow them to harvest whatever fruit they crave, and the tide rises to quench their thirst.
Another thing I have a love-hate relationship with is the comparison between the questlines that you've got. You bring the bishops low, sure, that's your job now. But then, you're charged with saving your mortal enemies, offering your own followers lives as payment to do so.
Now, I liked the variable nature of most sidequests. You can be the salvation or doom of... basically anyone. You can help Sozo poison himself to death and then rehabilitate him. You can protect Plimbo's ship from the angry Witnesses. You can reunite Forneus with her kids. You can reignite a lighthouse, preventing people from being lost at sea. On the other hand, you could offer your followers to Midas, or become a cannibalistic slave trader's favorite customer. There is the infamous Fox questline, in which you sacrifice your followers and Ratau.
What I have complicated feelings about is that... we have the option to save our foes, and we have the option to betray our faithful. If we choose to be vindictive to our foes or loyal to our flock, that's not a quest option, that's just non-progression.
What I mean is, we can't choose to protect our flock, or the lands of the old faith, from these other threats, we can only choose to either do business with them at the expense of our allies or other innocents, or simply ignore them. Likewise, we can't hurt the bishops in a way that isn't DIY follower interactions. Sure, we can keep them in a pillory forever, or permakill them in a horrid way, but that feels more like torturing a Minecraft villager than actually taking revenge against the character.
What's more is, to fulfill the "good" sidequests, we have to betray our followers by feeding them to doors, or sacrificing them to resurrect Aym and Baal.
It's like... I'm oversimplifying, but the choices we have are: Being good to our enemies, being bad to our allies, or just choosing not to do those things. (Sure, there are follower quests, but I'm not putting "pick ten flowers for me" on par with "end a life to get me out of hell.") This peeves me off a bit. But I understand this too.
Remember what I said earlier about the Lamb going through an arc about not being mortal anymore? This is another result of that. These quests represent that, even with the "you can't turn it down, you can only decide not to do it yet" thing. See, you might decide not to betray your followers now, but... time will pass. With infinite time, infinite things will happen. You will outlive your own willpower, and eventually cave in even to the least appealing temptation.
The Lamb values saving the bishops for the same reason the player does: Because they're actual characters with significance to the player. To us, the followers are random NPCs, and to the Lamb, they'll eventually wind up feeling the same way. After so much time, their faces blend together, their voices fade to unintelligible babble, etc. But the Bishops were a Big Deal to the Lamb once upon a time. Even if it was because they were enemies, they were IMPORTANT. It's someone that still means something. I figure it's sorta like how AM in I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream keeps a handful of humans alive so that it still has something to do stuff to, and freaks out when they die. It's not about mercy, it's not about forgiveness, it's not about affection, it's about having something around that can make you feel something after all this time.
Complicated feelings, but it's a good game.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks @the-golden-comet here and here, @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife here, @happypup-kitcat24 here, @mrbexwrites here, @museandquill here,
@the-golden-comet here, and @drchenquill here!
Rules: answer the questions in the POV of an OC, then provide three more questions!
I thought I'd catch up finally with this game, but alas.
Previous Questionnaires:
Rounds One and Two
Round Three: Maddie, Ash, Noelle, Ewan, Jazlyn, Lexi, Alex, Carmen
See below for: Gwen, Gabriel, Liam, Xitlali, Akash, Jedi, Rose, Sam
#1- Gwen
Do you celebrate birthdays?
“Of course I do! I sometimes have a party, though it's usually small. We have a tradition that over the weekend of my birthday, whenever it is, we visit where we buried my twin sister, who was stillborn. As a way to honor her.”
Where do you go when you need to unwind?
“My room has this corner that feels hidden. It's where I put a bunch of beanbags and pillows and curl up in there to read.”
Have you ever meditated?
“Yes, I have! It's a good way to unwind sometimes, but I prefer reading to do that. Clearing my mind is really hard.”
✨ Gwen intro ✨
#2- Gabriel
What would you do if your enemy asked for help?
“My enemy? I don't have enemies. The closest I have is Parker, and I'm not giving him any title that fancy. He's just a nuisance. If he asked for help, I wouldn't ignore him, you know? Unless it's a situation he could just get out of if he applied himself just a little more.”
Would you ask your enemy for help?
“Ugh, if I must use Parker again, then: no. He's unreliable. I'd never ask for his help.”
Do you act on impulse, or do you think before you act?
“Finally, a question about me. I think before I act, and pretty efficiently, I may add. I am very proficient at identifying a problem and then offering a solution to it. I've been told that I act too quickly, but that's a load of bullshit. I don't act on impulse, but I also don't take too long analyzing every single possible option. Like Liam, for example. *Sigh* Whatever, are we done?”
Other Gabriel: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#3- Liam
What’s, in your opinion, the worst way to die?
“Oh, my opinion, you say? Haha, okay. The worst way to die is doing something you love. Okay? I keep hearing some shit like that, it's very annoying. ‘Oh, the guy who loved mountain climbing died mountain climbing! At least he died doing something he loved!’ No! If I'm doing something I love, I want to see the end of it! I want to keep living so I can DO IT. I would hate to die in the middle of a debate. I'd lose the argument by default! Either that or they have sympathy for me and decide to declare me the winner posthumously, but what kinda bullshit win is that? I didn't earn it? What if I died in the middle of shooting a movie? Then some other director takes my place and makes it awful! No, I want to see my movie in theaters. I want to see it go to Blu-ray. You want me to die doing something I love? Screw that mentality! I'm not gonna die until I'm old enough to not be able to do the things I love!”
How fond would you say the local authorities are of you?
“Well, I got my dad out of a ticket by arguing with a police officer. Despite my win, I don't think he liked me. I was...fourteen? So I feel like they have this begrudging respect for me.”
Are you capable of murder?
“I believe so. At least manslaughter. And I'd get away with it, too. I took a forensics class in high school, so I learned which crimes got solved and which ones didn't. Gotta make sure the police tamper the hell out of the scene, though. Make it impossible to find evidence. Also, I could be misgendered as a woman either through visuals or DNA. Usually that'd be very annoying, but to get away with a crime? Honestly, it's a benefit in this case. I will admit that. Now, because I've never murdered anyone, I have no idea what would push me to that point in the first place. There is absolutely no precedent. However, knowing myself, it would take a while to truly piss me off. But I'm not gonna say I'd never do it. I believe everyone is capable of murder if you get them to a certain point in their life. It just varies on what the degree is. I do hope I never get to my point, but it would be stupid of me to claim some moral high ground on something I don't actually know for a 100-percent fact.”
Other Liam: OC in three, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, interview
#4- Xitlali
Imagine this: An entity appears in front of you to grant you one wish, what would you wish for?
“One wish? Okay, fine. That's not too hard. I wish prejudice would go away! I am tired of working twice as hard to get half as far as everyone else simply because I don't have powers!”
If you had the power to change one law of your world, what would it be?
“There are so many laws against Inutilia, it's literally impossible to pick one. I suppose I'd change the law about powers being on our applications. It's crap that I'm passed over for any team I try out for unless I prove I am the best.”
In your opinion, what is more important: sympathy or empathy?
“Unironically, sympathy. Yeah, yeah, empathy means that you feel what the other is feeling, but some people who genuinely struggle with empathy are the most sympathetic people I know. I don't need anyone to know my pain, I just need them to see that I'm in pain. Me and everyone else like me. I don't need anyone taking pity on me, but maybe if one higher-up just felt a little bad, then I'd have more rights.”
More Xitlali: questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
#5- Akash
Do you have a stuffed toy/plushie/toy that you have fond memories of? Do you have it, and if so/not, then why?
“Huh. I guess I do. Robbie and I, when we were in...I think fourth grade, went on a day trip to Houston with our families. Ha, I wonder if we actually were in the same general area as our friends now! That'd be sick. Anyway, we went to the Science Museum, and honestly it was dope. Thankfully our moms loved taking pictures of us so we have a lot of memories, but the toy part comes in during the gift shop. I got this green brachiosaurus and Robbie got this orange triceratops and Sammy somehow ended up with a pink sparkly T-Rex. I still have the brachiosaurus. I named him Steven.”
Do you have a nervous habit/quirk, and what is it?
*runs hand through hair, laughing awkwardly* “Well it's-- Oh no, shit, I just did it.”
What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
“Neapolitan. It's three flavors in one?! How is this not everyone's favorite, I don't get it.”
Other Akash: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, kiss, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, outfit, fun facts
#6- Jedi
How do you celebrate your birthday?
“I do not do much for my birthday. But Carmen always gets me something.”
Do you have siblings and if so who are you closest with?
“I have one sibling, Kirstie, who I suppose is who I am closest to by default. We talk as often as we can.”
What job would you hate the most?
“I suppose a job where I feel like I'm not making an impact. [Suspicious pause] Or maybe it's just if I couldn't do any science!”
Other Jedi: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, smash or pass acearo version, art, fun facts, Picrew
#7- Rose
What is your happiest memory?
“That is a pretty hard question. I guess the first time I hung out with Lexi one on one. Usually she wants larger groups to hang out in, but she invited me to the art museum downtown once. Her mom went with us, obviously, but we were free to roam the actual museum. It was incredible.”
What do you wish to achieve?
“One day, I hope to become a fashion designer. I'd love my own studio. Mainly I just want to hold my designs.”
How far will you go to reach your goals?
“I'm not sure. I don't think I'm that ambitious. If it doesn't happen, I'm sure I'll cope and just find something else.”
✨ Rose intro✨
#8- Sam
Are you petty?
“Hold on, let me think about it. [Several seconds of silence] Oh, no, I think I am! I compete with Kaitlyn over stupid things all the time and I'm annoying to her on purpose when she's annoying to me!” *throws her face into her hands* “Ugh!”
Do you forgive easily?
*face still buried* “Obviously not.” *raises head* “Actually, I think I do. I move on pretty quick. If Kaitlyn apologized, it'd be pretty hard to forgive, but I might eventually, y'know? What if she changes? The first few times it happened, I did forgive her when she apologized. But I also wasn't afraid to storm off when it happened. Am I easy to forgive? Ugh, it feels like I'm running in circles! Please ask me another question!”
Would you describe yourself as very emotional?
“I'm almost crying now, what does that tell you?” *wipes her face and shakes it off* “It's okay! I'm totally fine actually! Nice meeting you, byyyyye!”
Other Sam: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
Tagging @urnumber1star @somethingclevermahogony @buffythevampirelover @nailamoonsi @finickyfelix
Your questions: 1) Is there a part of your personality you wish to change? 2) What is something you know that many people don't? 3) What does love mean to you?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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Thinking about it? I feel like while Toriel and Asgore are both flawed. A lot of their flaws are actually a lot more similar than most people act like they are--it's just that, when faced with hard decisions, Asgore prioritizes his duties while Toriel prioritizes her integrity. But with enough time, both do show that they care immense for both duty and integrity--in most endings, Toriel will try reclaiming the throne after Asgore's death(reclaims her duties), meanwhile Asgore eventually decides enough is enough, and sacrifices his own life rather than Frisk's (reclaims his integrity).
But I'm just going to run through some flaws that both have, briefly--
Self-isolation: Both do this. Yes, Toriel was the one who exiled herself and shut out all monsterkind, but I'd actually argue that she actually self-isolates LESS than Asgore does. She still talks to Sans as a genuine equal and friend, and trusts him to protect a human in her stead. I'm...genuinely uncertain Asgore has anyone he can have a true heart-to-heart with and speak to as an equal. Yes, he offers to lend an ear to anyone in the Underground with troubles, but it sounds like no one in the Underground(except maybe Flowey) would even consider for a second that Asgore DOESN'T want to break the Barrier. Has he...actually told anyone about how he regrets his decree and no longer wants to follow through on it...?
Even Gerson seems to feel a bit betrayed that Asgore made that decree. Does even Gerson know that Asgore doesn't want to? Does anyone?
Avoids Problems by Solving Others' Problems: Again. Yes, Asgore is the one who's incredibly involved in the needs of his kingdom and is constantly crushed by the needs of his subjects, asking them to stop by and talk to him if they need help...but isn't this also kinda what Toriel does with the humans? Neither feel at all ready to confront their own emotions, so they bury those emotions under attempts to fix the problems of others. For Asgore, it's his subjects. For Toriel, it's the fallen humans. Yes, this is Asgore's job, and yes, Toriel is trying to save lives and avoid a war. But the game presents both these things as ultimately bad for Toriel and Asgore's mental health--Toriel is overprotective to the point of being smothering, and Asgore is known as being a pushover.
Denial: Both of them really, really, really want to ignore the tragedies they've experienced and just see their children again. It's not stated outright in the game, but considering how she acts, as well as how she talks in the Winter Alarm Clock Dialogue, it's easy to read Toriel as trying to 'fix' what happened with Chara and Asriel by saving the humans who fall, or even replace her kids. (Flowey certainly seems to read her behavior in that way.) Asgore says as much about himself more or less outright. He thinks about raising Frisk himself, quickly realizes this is just an impossible dream, then says he just wants to see his wife and son again.
Avoidant of Conflict: Yes, yes, Asgore is a big fluffy pushover. But this also applies to Toriel too, I think, if you read between the lines. Toriel seems to despise Asgore when you first talk to her, and judges him overly harshly. So if she hates him so much, why doesn't she just march out of the Ruins, and talk to Asgore, and scare him straight?
I once proposed a theory that, because Toriel doesn't teach you to spare enemies, only to stall until she scares them off, and because she demands that you 'fight or run away' rather than 'survive and show mercy'...she doesn't REALIZE it's possible to resolve things peacefully, even if she wants to avoid the deaths of innocents. So why doesn't she just march out of the Ruins and murder Asgore so she can do away with his decrees? Personally I like to think because she doesn't want to have to choose between watching her ex-husband die, and watching her adopted child die. Even if she does that before a human falls, she's still being asked to kill her ex-husband. And I don't think she wants to do that if it can be avoided.
Likewise, as we see. Asgore is fully capable of taking one soul, passing through the Barrier, and claiming a final soul. That's what his kids did. It's common knowledge that his kids did this. He HAS to know that was an option. But he delayed as long as possible, not wanting to start the war, not wanting to tell his people no. Even when he decisively chooses 'No, I'm not killing this kid'--he doesn't tell anyone aside from Frisk of his choice. He doesn't ask them to free the trapped souls. He doesn't make an announcement of who will be leader in his stead. He just...entrusts Frisk to find a third option, like they seem to have a talent for doing.
I feel like they both have a nasty case of decision paralysis.
Expectations and Remaining Behind: Not quite a flaw, more just a sign of how neither is really ready to resolve all their traumas and depression they've been struggling with for years. But the way they say goodbye to you after their boss fights just reads...the same.
Despite being demanded that they prove themself and Fight, Frisk insists on showing mercy to Toriel or Asgore. Toriel says she'll put away her fears, anxieties, and loneliness, and lets Frisk leave through the Ruins doors, asking them not to come back, trusting that they'll find a way to get past Asgore. Asgore tells Frisk that if anyone can find a way to peacefully break the Barrier, it'll be Frisk, out on the Surface, and asks them to take his soul and leave. Making this parallel even stronger is how Toriel giving Frisk her own soul was something Toby considered, but thought would be far too dark for the first area of the game.
I dunno. They're both messed-up and horribly lonely and depressed. To the point where Toby considers one or the other comitting suicide to be interchangeable. I feel like that says something it bothers me that people seem to miss it.
Of course, these aren't their only flaws as characters. I feel like Toriel's biggest flaw is that she's unwilling to compromise. She draws boundaries and refuses to compromise them. Meanwhile, Asgore has issues enforcing his own boundaries and delegating. The influences which each prioritizes: duty or integrity. But overall, I feel like they're just. They're similar. It's kinda silly to say one is irredeemable and the other's a good person, because at the end of the day, they're similar.
They're must've been a reason they were such a happy couple, once upon a time.
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shrekyaoi · 22 days
It's a pickle isn't it? There's so many ways to combine me and cw together it really depends on what you want out of it. Despite all the faults in cw I like Bell so ideally I'd say keep Bell but shuffle them forward in time to mw. Another part of it is that I love tragic yaoi and am now having serious thoughts about Gaz and Bell. It's all about putting characters together and forcing them to interact you know? The dynamics.
You bring up a very good point about having Bell just be an Ultranationalist since at least for the reboots there's a connection between the two. Zakhaev was originally a Perseus member before leaving due to some disagreements over ideology and methods. Which brings me to another point. What do you think is the difference between the Ultranationalists and Perseus in terms of goals and ideology.
Theres a lot of different directions you can take this. This is fun!
you get me. i love sticking little guys in a room together and seeing what comes out of it. it’s really funny to me that some of my favourite ships are shit that no one on the PLANET would enjoy but me (yuri/nikolai nation we are few which is to say completely nonexistant but proud. nikolai/price/kamarov it’s lonely out here). bell and gaz has a certain je ne sais quois that’s so bitter and so fantastic. this person that listens to you when you talk and laughs at your jokes and is so deeply perceptive and seems to genuinely care but they’re only like that because you want them to be. everyone else is either dubious or outright aggressive to them and for good reason because yeah, they were the enemy, but so was nikolai and he’s our primary pilot now. it’s easy for these lines to blur in your head.
gonna be real perseus is not really in my wheelhouse nor pre-cod4 zakhaev so i’d have to guess and take a couple stabs in the dark about it. ultimately, the thing about the ultranationalists is that their ideology is fucking vague. it’s impossible to really pin anything down other than “former soviet” and “mean :(“ and everything else is usually perscribed to individuals rather than the institution (this is a BIG problem with cod in general). it’s hard to say if any of the differences in leadership had anything to do with levels of violence though who they deal with, maybe. from what i can tell perseus wasn’t too picky aside from being anti-western, whereas the ultranationalists were largely russian but even then it’s more of a “yeah kinda if you squint and ignore some things.” it’s times like this when i have to pull out my own speculations of motive based on the very blatant real-world coding and reverse engineer what the hell the point of this shit’s supposed to be. so, short answer, depends on your mood. long answer, i’m 80k words deep into a fic still trying to figure this shit out so your guess is as good as mine. cod games love obfuscating the actual truth of what they’re saying. it’s fun for them it’s enrichment
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years
Ruby: The main four factions of Fallout 4 are all garbage!
Ruby: The Minute Men? Militaristically the weakest when you start, being literally One Guy, and the group of survivors that are sticking around him! Then you save One Little settlement of TWO PEOPLE, and ALL of a sudden he thinks you're hot shit. And y'know what? They can become arguably the strongest faction in the game. They get Artillery, you can build robots, and they get access to the Mechanist Facility, which one could feasibly just Reprogram the robots idea of 'Safety', but Bethesda are cowards, and same could be said of Nuka-World, but like. Whatever, even without that, you can build the Minutemen up anyway!
Ruby: The problem is that it's UP TO YOU!
Ruby: And their also just 'Generally Good Guys' with nothing more than 'I wanna Help People' as a motive, but I suppose I'm one to talk, but for all those settlements to just agree? Kinda lame.
She drinks a glass of water, before taking a deep breathe.
Ruby: Now, the Railroad? Ignoring the very blatant and very poor - I can't Even call it a Ripoff! It straight up is just taking directly from the actual, historical underground railroad! But ignoring that major, somewhat probably racist copying of an important part of history, They just suck.
Ruby: Tunnel-Visioned on, yes a noble cause, but wholly uncaring about the after effects of their actions on those they save, or making the Commonwealth better so they can really give the synths a new life, BUT NO!
Ruby: They sit in their little hovel, preaching about freeing slaves, but not helping anyone around them, and as such making themselves weaker. Now I get that they need to be stealthy, but they are just so bad in terms of effectiveness, and you know, changing their keys and Signs, and passwords, that they aren't good at the whole espionage thing!
Ruby: They don't even operate in cells! A big part of resisting something is being able to survive despite a section missing! Like splitting an army to force the enemy to fight on two fronts! But they maintain a generic centralized power structure, Severely Weakening their ability to recuperate from any losses of leaders!
Ruby Groans, pinching her nose, preparing for another rant.
Ruby: The Brotherhood, I refuse to waste much breathe on. They are just a racist, selfish military force, effectively the goddamn Imperium of Man from Warhammer, but like, way lamer.
Ruby: They live in a goddamn Zeppelin -
Ruby: and it is a Zeppelin due to the rigid structure that maintains its shape-
Ruby: filled with Hydrogen. I suppose large supplies of helium would probably be hard to come by in post apocalypse, but, bearing in mind I'm not a particle physicist, when you have FUSION TECHNOLOGY, Could you possibly fuse Helium into Hydrogen? Maybe try something like that? or possibly not keep your Elder in a ticking time bomb? If a storm rolls in, and some grounding equipment fails, KABLOOEY! DEAD! GONE!
Ruby takes another sip of water
Ruby: Honestly the biggest fault of those three was the fact they decided to blow up the Institute, instead of using it's teleportation tech, it's computer and medical resources, or even just taking fresh clothes?
Ruby: *Sigh*
Ruby: Which leads into the worst of the factions.
Ruby: The Institute. The Cowardly, Self-Centered, Hypocritical, Ham-Fisted, Hot-Headed Institute.
Ruby: The first attempt at communication and working with the Commonwealth fell through, so they kill whoever, they want to take over the commonwealth so they start replacing people with high-quality synths, they're supposed to be smart, but can hardly work together, They rely heavily on using force to communicate with the outside, while relying upon outside resources to stay alive.
Ruby: And the worst part?
Ruby: They constantly Contradict themselves.
Ruby: The Institute wants to be "Mankind: Redefined" But when the very human Synths begin to show humanity, they kill those synths.
Ruby: The creation made with the express purpose to be a better mankind, is often destoyed, because they show signs of humanity.
Ruby: So that's mostly what's wrong with the Fallout 4 base game Factions.
Weiss, Tied to a chair and Crying: Please! I Just wanted to play a Dress-Up game in the computer!
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cerastes · 1 year
hey, so i got skadi (intentional) and ch'en (unintentional), from the current global pool, and while i kinda understand what skadi does, can you explain ch'ens niche? what exactly seperates swordmaster guards from other damage dealers?
Swordmasters specialize in Burst Damage specifically.
Swordmasters charge all their skills through Offensive, meaning, 1 SP per attack, and they hit twice each normal attack, but it still counts as one attack for SP charge (note I say 1 SP per attack, not per hit). Meaning, if they don't have enemies to hit, they are dead in the water in terms of charging. Additionally, their Attack stat is a tad low to compensate for the fact that they double hit, meaning that high Defense walls them harder than it does others, at least when it comes to their normal attacks... But certainly not when it comes to their Skills, because hoo boy, they get fat multipliers on those. Swordmasters are all about their Skills. Swordmasters are also one of the few types of Guards that has 2 Block instead of 1 (most of them) or 3 (Centurions, Liberators when skill is active), giving them some measure of lane utility. Swordmasters live or die by their Skills.
Now, how does Ch'en specifically work? She's the first Swordmaster in the game, actually, and it shows to some degree: Her stat Talent is not noteworthy, just a bit of Phys Evasion and some minor stat ups, but her other Talent is the important one: Every four seconds, all Operators on the field that charge their Skill Offensively or Defensively get 1 SP. That makes her and other Swordmasters like her Not Dead In The Water SP-wise, but it's also not really a replacement for attacks as much as a little balm to soothe the edge off during off-time. Ch'en's use will depend on what Skill you equip her with: With S2M3, you can helidrop her and use it instantly for a big burst of damage that also hits air units, and I'd say this is the best use for Ch'en, as a heavyweight helidrop burst. Her S1 is a short charge steroid hit (every 4 hits at M3) that deals decent damage and Stuns, but this usually does not see much use. Her S3, which was definitely what they intended to be her big breakout skill, is the flashing one thousand cuts kind of move that deals several heavy hits and finishes with a Stunning hit. The only problem with it is that it takes a year to charge, even at M3: 30 whole SP (with 20 pre-charge on deploy).
Now, this all sounds great on paper, right? Huge hits at the cost of some difficulty charging these huge hits, right? Well, the problem is, Ch'en is kind of unwieldy, and this is what I mean when I say it shows she's the first Swordmaster: Cutter, the 4* Swordmaster, is just perfectly crafted, with less damage potential but the ability to shoot it MUCH more reliably thanks to low SP costs and her deceptively good Talent that sometimes gives her extra SP per attack. Her Module also gives her a Flat DEF ignore per hit (not attack, hit), meaning that her autoattacks are also significant and she's less walled against higher DEF foes. Bibeak trades damage potential for Crowd Control, and is indeed an incredibly interesting Operator in that she's weaker the easier the map, because her Crowd Control isn't really valuable in general content, but on high-end content? That's where she shines, because her ability to constantly fire out Stuns makes her a VERY reliably diagonal deploy or supported cornerstone. Irene, the second 6* Swordmaster, has a 50% chance of ignoring half of the enemies' DEF on every instance of Physical damage she deals, so not only on hit, but also on ALL of her Skills, and this chance increases to 100% if the enemy she's hitting is aerial, meaning that the second hit of her S1 ALWAYS ignores half of the enemy's DEF since her first hit makes the enemy Float (unless the enemy is one of the perhaps 3 or 4 enemies immune to Float), and the entire first half of her S3 barrage will also ignore half of the enemy's DEF. Irene also gets to choose if she wants to rapid-fire skills (S1 and S2), hold charges so as to not waste attacks (S2) or if she wants her big fuckbomb attack (S3), making her an easy M9 Operator that's as versatile as you can make use of her, without sacrificing her huge damage potential.
You could very much say that Ch'en walked so every other Swordmaster could sprint and win Olympic Gold. This is a very common thing with launch and near-launch Operators, mind you: Eyjafjalla was the other way around, being so stupidly overtuned that she made sure no other 6* Core Caster could conceivably exist unless made radically different (Ceobe and Ho'olheyak) as well as just invalidating the entirety of the Splash Caster archetype.
In any case. Ch'en. Nowadays, if we're strictly speaking about highest level play and, ahem, The Meta, then Ch'en sits at the very top of that mountain, boasting high usage and being a core member of a lot of teams when it comes to the highest level con-- Oh, oops, sorry, all of that just now concerns her highly reviled limited swimsuit alternative version, original Ch'en Forma Well Drawn is, unfortunately, not particularly strong. She's far from weak, and in fact her S2M3 was a popular meta skill back then, for helidropping and static purposes both! But as the game went on, her split Phys and Arts damage became more of a liability than an advantage. Not only that, but, well, the mother of all helidrops was released not too long after, Surtr, whose S3 is... Well, it still defines the way Hypergryph has to design enemies nowadays because of how strong it is. And as more options became available, Ch'en fell off: She didn't have the Specter Factor, the Ptilopsis Factor, the Perpetually Relevant Factor, if you will.
Of course, she's not weak, she can still pack a punch with her S2 (used in Helidrops or as a static skill when you need faster firing rate than S3) and S3 (her big, slow skill that'll deal insane damage to a single target, provided you can make sure only they are in firing range, as it distributes hits randomly to targets in range), it's just the natural progression of the game, both in terms of enemies and Operators, have left her behind and out of top level play, but if you like her, she'll still do her job pretty damn well if you can put up with her high maintenance, such as high SP costs, split damage typing, and not a whole lot of bulk to actually tango with the things she'd want to charge up a Skill against, meaning that usually she'll only get a single pre-charged skill off (mind you, this is a problem all Swordmasters face, but Ch'en has the worst of it whereas the other Swordmasters, particularly Bibeak, have means to mitigate this) before exploding violently unless you use her as a diagonal (and whether you can use her as a diagonal depends on the map). I personally find her Auto Offensive/Defensive SP Charge Talent fun to have in the team, as it enables plenty of other powerful Operators to be even goofier: You've never seen an episode of Beyblade as exciting as putting Ch'en, Blemishine and Mudrock on the field and letting Mudrock do like a Dark Soul 1 player and spin to win, or watch as your Blue Poison's S1M3 fires notably more often thanks to that little oomph that Ch'en gives her with that Talent.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 4 months
name. Nabbit.
nickname(s). Nabbs, Nabby, but only by him.
title. The bunny bandit of the Mushroom Kingdom. (Gave himself that title.)
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Same as anyone else really, after life when your game ends and wishing to star spirits for good things to happen, or “However it works.” In his own words.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience/ justice
primary goals in life. To have fun and play jokes, also steal stuff. Honestly, he doesn’t really know what he wants out of life so, he’s just doing what he wants, when he wants. Although, having some friends for once would be nice…
languages known. He does know a good few languages, but mostly learns how to speak them to sell something off, so he doesn’t know how to have a true conversation in any of them.
quirks. - Nabbit is actually a huge book nerd, so when not messing with people, he likes to crack open something to read. He has the habit of calling people nicknames instead of their real ones. Also, he weirdly holds back on stealing when in fights or on adventures.
savvies. - Speed, stealth, quick learning skills, plus a whole bunch of other tricks at his disposal!
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 4’11
weight. 110lbs
scars/birthmarks. He does have a burn scar on the back of his right hand, but that was from learning how to cook.
abilities/powers. - Nabbit is incredibly fast, he’s able to outrun most, if not all danger he comes across. He’s also much stronger than he actually looks, that bag of his is anything but light! Well not really a power, he seems to have pretty expansive knowledge of different things, including various kingdoms, artifacts, and Mario, plus a few of his more interesting adventures. Plus, his seemingly invincible nature, being able to run of spikes and enemies seemingly ignoring him. (Take that, Mario!)
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Veggie stew, especially if he’s got some fresh grown vegetables from his garden!
favourite drink.  Strawberry lemonade.
topping. Mushrooms and peppers forever, baby!
favourite colour. Purple.
favourite music genre. Anything high energy and catchy, but he does have a preference for jazz when it’s an option.
favourite book genre. Normally he’s reading books on history and old legends, but when he’s not, mystery is the go to!
favourite movie genre. Nabbit doesn’t really watch enough movies to have a favorite genre.
favourite season. Fall, not too hot or too cold, to him it’s perfect, Halloween is a plus because of all the candy he can score.
favourite curse word. Doesn’t actually curse that often. Probably f-bombs though.
favourite scent.  Cinnamon.
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.
loud burper or soft burper. Soft, Nabbit try’s to keep attention off of him whenever he’s out in public so, it just kinda became a habit.
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no
their opinion on the mun. "She’s way too nice for her own good, but her friends like her so, i guess that’s just a me problem."
Tagged by: @red-man-of-mustache thanks!
Tagging: @brokenpathways , @lultimagoccia , and anyone else that sees this!
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lena-cant · 1 year
I kinda get sad whenever they make a remake of a game that is similar enough in enough aspects that people begin to view it as a replacement for the original game.
Let's take the example of Resident Evil 4, since its remake came out at the beginning of this year and it's fresh in my mind. The Resident Evil 4 remake (let's call it RE4R for brevity) is a pretty great game and in a lot of ways it's a noticable improvement from the original. It rewrites the plot in such a way to shuffle around the order of events, and I'd argue that the result does flow better. The game feels really good to control (I never really had a problem with the original's tank controls but RE4R is still a noticable improvement) and the enemies that you fight are generally more responsive. The game is better (though still not perfect) in the way that it treats women, and avoids (some) of the overt male gazey-ness of the original. A lot of the characters have been redesigned and they generally better suit my taste. They removed (most) of the god awful quicktime events and managed to make interesting sections of gameplay to replace them. All of these improvements make it, in my opinion, a better game than the original and I would probably recommend RE4R over the original if I was asked a question like "if I could only play one of them, which should I play?"
But the thing is, I still love the original RE4 and it is different in enough ways to make it a distinct game from the original. Ignoring the changes that I referred to as improvements previously, the remake also made a lot of changes that I think of as lateral moves. The tone is darker and it leans less into campy vibes than the original. The level design is different and can often feel more sprawling than the original. The voice actor for the merchant just isn't nailing the vibes. You can upgrade the knife but it has durability. It's a whole bunch of little things, really, that make RE4 a different game from its remake that's worth going back to and playing, even when the remake is out and (I would argue) better.
And even the little, shitty annoying things about RE4 are still things I like about it. The quicktime events are bad, sure, but their existence as an early implementation of the concept is charming to me, I see them and roll my eyes. "Oh, those quicktime events, god bless 'em." Sometimes I fuck up with my movement because the controls are less than ideal and I die for it, but that feels to me like a bit of texture in the wall, that subsequently was sanded off. Like, yeah it was giving people splinters, but it just doesn't feel the same with it gone.
I'm not really sure what the point of this post was, I guess it's just "if you liked the RE4 Remake you should play the original too." And more broadly "if you liked a remake of anything you should play/watch/read/etc. the original." If nothing else it'll be an instructive experience in how far that medium has come. I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting old (I was 4 when RE4 came out but shut up) but it just seems really sad to me when a remake like that replaced the original. Especially when it seems like the creators behind them (like with the case of RE4) seem to be wanting to actively revise the history around the game.
When RE4R came out, they just called it "Resident Evil 4," and they retroactively retitled the original to be "Resident Evil 4 (2005)." It feels to me like Capcom wants us to forget the original came out at all. Which would be a shame, because the original is such a fun and interesting and unique game that I'd hate to lose it in the stream of time.
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rei-makes-big-robo · 1 year
Project HD Devlog #1: Late to start writing
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Project HD was the second of my late 2022-2023 VR game prototypes, it progressed far within the first month of development until I lost track of what I wanted it to be and started to develop Project CWD. Project HD was sort of a half accident half intentional mix of goofy action oriented gameplay mechanics for a VR action platformer, mostly revolving around having hammers for hands and needing blood to heal (Very original I know).
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The blood part was sorta vaguely because I wanted that sort of blissful ignorance for how much health you have in games like Ultrakill, need health? just kill an enemy and bathe in their blood! I still have not implemented any method of this as in it's current form it lacks any organic entities, just the Squeakers which are named from their early prototype form (and the rubber domed tutorial version) producing a squeak from a dollar store Halloween rat decoration.
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Originally they were just a red block with a knife that would either stab or do a spin attack, they have since grown to be weird stabby trashcans that slide around and if you're unfortunate enough to be sitting when it attacks you might get stabbed in the eye. The big conflict with the Squeakers is that their current version uses a character controller instead of a Navmesh agent and it can be very derpy (video below), which has been causing me to consider reverting them to the Navmesh version.
So now that I've infodumped about stuff nobody will care about or find interesting here's the real shit! Project HD relies on the ability to adjust how much mass your hand hammers have with the analog triggers which allows you to jump very significant heights and distances. The problem with this is that my headset uses inside out tracking which I thought caused a lot of inaccuracy and inconsistency in these jumps, however that was not the case. My partner (romantic) has a Valve Index which uses lighthouse tracking which is pretty much the best kind of tracking if you have space for it. So after 3-4 months of leaving Project HD dormant I opened it up in Unity and prepped the testing scene for a build.
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After I sent my partner it I immediately had to rebuild it with proper controller configurations for the Valve Index controllers which was as simple as clicking a button or two. After trying it for a bit her takeaway from it was that it's movement and mechanics were "counter intuitive and inconsistent". Both things I didn't expect but now I was filled with glorious purpose, a reason to pick up the hammer and smack some C# with my crappy oem keyboard. In hindsight I should have seen both these problems coming, most weird movement mechanics in VR are sorta the inverse off a mass jump leading to the counter intuitiveness of it. The inaccuracy however was just me being a moron, an absolute hamster pressing the buttons and waiting to see a red error telling me to try that again. However in this case everything worked, not well but I didn't know any better at the time I wrote a lot of it. The entire hand controller script was updating with the framerate, sounds pretty normal for most things. Until you consider the fact that half of it was controlling physics objects.
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So back to the purpose stuff, today (technically yesterday but hey that's what happens when you don't sleep till 6am like some kinda vampire gremlin) I started to change some stuff around to try to fix some of these issues. I started by adding interpolation to the rigid bodies of the hammers, which makes them feel a little sluggish but they almost come out feeling better like this. I then changed the entire hand script to run off FixedUpdate, meaning it updates with the physics tics which are consistent rather than the frame rate. Clearly having a wave of inspiration from the time spent on Project CWD I started to work on implementing post processing effects to get it closer to the visual style I wanted. I also set it up to change the effects based on health which ended up working really well with the existing effects of your energy hammers fading away more and flickering.
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After two gameplay tests by myself the inconsistency of the mass jumps had been resolved feeling smooth and vastly more precise to respond to my intentions. The bloom and other post processing effects helped to really make things feel a lot more alive and even made me reconsider my stance on scrapping a certain parry indicator (story for another time). Thus I have begone developing Project HD again by accident and this time I wanted to share it somewhere other than Discord creative channels. I'm still very uncertain of what I want to do, I really like to make stuff like this and I really think it's a very fun game concept but my financial situation forces me to consider it as business and I'm not sure I'm good enough to ship a product worth paying for. My skills are varied across so many fields and none of them have a diploma to my name or are relevant to my existing job experience. That's part of why I post to accounts like this to serve as a sort of portfolio to prove to myself that I am capable of making things. That the years I've invested into this haven't been a waste. I've been considering trying to apply for a digital art position at some game development companies, but I'm also very much afraid of losing my time to projects I have no passion for and not having time or energy on the side to do what I really want to be doing. To anyone that read this far thank you and sorry. Writing this has given me some confidence that this is what I should be doing, that I should keep crawling like the worm I am.
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 2 years
Problems Solved
I touched on this yesterday when talking about Path of Exile, but it’s an interesting and useful vector for investigating characters in general. What problems does the character solve, and how?
In terms of mechanical theorycrafting, this gets into the kinds of questions I asked there: What do I do about getting charged? How do I handle enemy crowds? How do I contribute to a fight against one big tough enemy?
This kind of thing is useful to TTRPGs as well, but in that space you get into other questions because “problems solved” is a lot broader. Additionally, you might be better served to think in terms of “how do I interact with this space” rather than “how do I solve this problem,” because a) not all encounters in TTRPGs are actually problems and b) often the answer is “I trust my friends to do it” if there is a problem. At the state dinner where your barbarian has been told by his friends that he needs to behave, how does he interact with the space? Does he raid the dessert table? Does he withdraw and try to contact his animal guardian, ignoring the human dancing in favor of imagining himself out in the woods? Does he determine the best way to “behave” is just to bail on the party and try and meet up with everyone after? Does he flex and flirt with the guards on duty? Does he try to engage in statecraft in the way his people do it? Does he try to engage in statecraft the way he sees the locals doing it? All of these are valid within the broad “barbarian” archetype but say very different things about who your barbarian is.
The other piece with TTRPGs that I really enjoy is that there’s a wide array of problems to be solved and not all members of the party need to be able to handle them at all. It’s nice if two of your characters can do some healing so that one healer getting KO’d doesn’t mean you’re spiraling down, but it’s rare you get value from two characters with Knowledge: Arcana rather than just one. This makes the above “b” not a problem, as “I trust my friends to do it” is honestly a viable strategy. I’ve played a game with a knowledgeable and gregarious character who by and large just wasn’t good at combat and we still brought him along on quests because having someone who was sorta-kinda okay at combat but could identify magic items, find traps, tell us what the evil runes said, patch people up after battles, and befriend noncombat NPCs in the dungeon...That was super worth it. That’s still a good character to have along, even if you only care about strategy.
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dianight · 2 years
Been playing a lot of DS2 these days and holy shit is Shulva the best DLC by far.
Like outside of how useful it is for speed or any twink/bone route, the 3 bosses are the best at what they are. Elana is the best caster boss, Sihn is the best dragon boss and gank squad is the best multi enemy boss.
Level design is pretty good, puzzles unfortunately require bow (or free aimed knifes) and the imperfect enemies are... questionable I guess.
But when you compare it to Brume or Eleum Loyce is when you can see how good it is.
On Brume iron passage is just a meme area, thankfully yearn works so you only have to dodge a single enemy. Same for the Alonne memory. The main “puzzle” is the verticality and all these doors guarded by enemies that you can ignore with some jumps (like 80% of the level). I’m kinda neutral on the Nadalia statues buffing them, not a fan but I can see the appeal.
As for bosses: blue smelter is a cool way of reusing the same one but making it harder, Fume is a great boss with minor hitbox problems (handle memes that I despise, it doesn’t happen often) and Alonne has two very fast attacks that are annoying, but otherwise it’s a great boss.
Overall it feels like an inferior (to Shulva) DLC, but the bosses are good.
Then you have Eleum Loyce and despite how big the area is, it is almost completely linear.
Progress and get eyes of the priestress, kill Aava and dispel blizzard. Repeat the same path with 4 detours to free knights and get the key for the optional boss. The whole time you just have random ice dudes in the way (yearn works) and the like a few dogs.
There are 3 invasions: barrel troll, miracle caster and Mauldron.
Barrel troll can be ignored with homeward and he is pretty weak, funny concept tho. Miracle/hex caster is on the rabbit area, so it is hard to be objective here. The concept of enemies that damage you just for being close is annoying, and that whole area is designed in a very VERY “ha ha look how you get attacked from every angle” way. I get what fromsoft were going for, it still feels silly. Mauldron is so so so good, actual invader behavior as far as NPCs go.
Then you get to the bosses and it just crumbles. Aava, Lud and Zullen are the exact same boss (yes dual cat buffs, same boss) and they are not particularly complex. Dual cat can be a fairly difficult fight on low damage, but even at +0 you can kill the first one in a couple openings on second phase. Ivory king is great as a boss, but the battle royale is a bit redundant if you have to do it more than once. Also if you have too much damage the extra knight will not freeze the portal in phase one, so you get some more burnt knights while fighting the main boss.
Special mention to horsefuck valley, the worst area in any souls game. The only way to not get horses is finicky as fuck because the whole place is full of triggers for the spawns and they are a terrible enemy in general.
Eleum Loyce is subpar because there’s only two bosses, the main map is linear and not interesting enough, horsefuck valley exists and rabbits are annoying.
Anyway, Shulva >> Brume >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eleum Loyce.
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retphienix · 2 years
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I noticed this, but this quest really confirmed it for me.
Experience is pretty "stable" and unrelated to how the fight went, it seems.
I just get 60 every time, and then a bonus based on MVP stuff which, just like previous games, highly lean towards killing blows while uniquely ignores other contributions. Also the bonuses don't seem to be much at all, I mean, this was a battle with a ton of healing and actions in general but the highest bonus is 20 from the guy who got the most killing blows, or maybe he did the most damage, I'm lost in the sauce- it's offense leaning since my healers were doing MILES more. It's REALLY low returns and doesn't care at all about what I do in battle beyond if I killed a thing it seems.
I bring it up just to bring it up honestly.
They appear to have wanted to "fix" the "issue" of over-leveling or over-grinding in previous FFT games, and I get it, but also I don't think that's a problem that needs fixed exactly (or needs a grander, more thoroughly planned out fix that involves more systems than just what grants xp), and I think flattening the curve like this is kinda just boring- especially when I highly doubt they "patched out" grinding or over-leveling.
I mean the first thing I saw about this game was when I was looking up if Hard mode would be too hard, and they immediately mention how you can just over-grind out of it mattering, so clearly this didn't fix grinding too much, it appears to have just made it different than it used to be.
I'm slightly disappointed that I can't just surround an enemy and power level a class for fun in one battle, but also the rest of the game mechanics around abilities in general already removed that as an option and instead make me slowly and tediously cycle through my inventory to learn moves.
Man, I feel nothing about this experience flattening. I'm just more annoyed with having to accept this is another game with the dumb ability-equipment system lmao
At least I'm having more fun than FFTA so far, not to make this entire post unfocused and rambly but like, so many of my issues from FFTA just don't seem to be here- though there's certainly time lmao.
Already there's the reconsideration for accuracy- in FFTA accuracy as a whole was just REALLY LOW for no real reason.
As far as impacting gameplay, it kinda just, didn't? Because both you and the enemy were inaccurate, but also the accuracy seemed to just be lies as you'd be hitting all those 70% hits anyway, it was weird.
In this one accuracy seems a bit over-corrected in the other direction with 99% being the expectation, at least without shields involved, buuuut, it seems like they really doubled down on positioning mattering for the actual damage done which is genuinely nice.
Back hits seem to hit like a truck while front hits are (at least currently) reliably accurate but weaker. I like this so far.
It's nice to have positioning matter without making all hits to anything that isn't the back be stuck in 50% accuracy hell lol
The bazaar is really neat. Classes "appear" to have identity again, I really need to learn some more moves to confirm, but already I've got the makings of some actual CLASSES instead of the disgrace that FFTA did where every "class" was the same with different names for their same 4 moves.
This really might be hopeful thinking that's proven wrong, but I mean, the animist is doing unique self buffs, soldier is doing Knight break skills, hell, even the race specific versions of the same class like the Fencer are doing something different than Soldiers since Fencer's do status melee swings instead of Break style stat debuffs it seems.
I mean, abilities are still a pain in my ass since I don't understand the infatuation with equipment-learning, but classes actually being different is a million times better than what FFTA did lmao
Still gonna miss just spending JP to learn class skills instead of seeking out random pants that teach me how to cast ultima- it's so annoyin' to me.
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