#a journey of reflection and healing n all that
dazesanddoodles · 4 months
i don't even go here but like everyone i too have "tommy's abysmal relationship with his parents" thoughts that i am choosing to express through some baby tees i saw online
with mom:
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with dad:
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starshipsofstarlord · 6 months
lap girl (2)
summary. daryl needs comfort at the greene farm after he fails to find sophia again. luckily his girl is willing to give him exactly what he needs; her in his lap
warnings. fluff, angst mentions of daryl’s childhood abuse, mentions of death, swearing
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
greene farm
It was a new place, and they didn’t belong, and were only welcome due to the miss-aim of Otis. If he had hadn’t ricocheted a bullet into Carl, then their group that had travelled from Atalanta to the CDC and then some, would never have found this little piece of solace. Daryl’s eyes squinted beneath the glaring sun as he sought out the figure that had brazen themself to be absorbed in the daylight, feeling safe since there were barbed fences separating them from the wilderness in which the dead freely roamed. Y/n was enjoying the quiet that surrounded her, sitting upon the blades of grass that handed no threat in her direction.
It was pleasant to see her so peaceful, she wasn’t running for her life, or scavenging for scraps to replenish her hunger, she was instead still, and content in being so. But feeling secure wasn’t enough; it wouldn’t last, it never did. They’d eventually be sent on their way back to the trailing lands that had lead them here in the first place. The road was cruel, and it would only get worse when winter devoured them with the hardships of its crisp air.
And Daryl resented the foreshadowed thought, as they would need more supplies and warm food, and a fire big enough to bring heat to them all. The embers would only attract the undead and threaten them with even more loss, and whilst Daryl wasn’t particularly fond of many people in the group, he had somehow integrated within its ties after Merle’s absence.
Merle had left him before, in the worst possible way - alone with their father William Dixon. He understood that his elder brother had wanted to escape from the abusive entrapment, and thus he had allowed Daryl to be single-handedly foreseen by their parent as a punching bag; and worse. He still had the scars that were far too prominent over his body, they were askew like lines in a map, permanent and hadn’t faded since the sharp indents that had once been bloody had healed.
He resonated in a ying and yang parallel with Carol, the mother of Carol. She was distraught with Sophia’s fleet, already grieving her loss when there was nothing sufficed to state that she was either dead or alive, and Daryl felt responsible to uncover the reality that encased the child, to bring comfort to not only her mourning mother, but the rest of the group. It was an unsure journey that he had already been scathed from, a bullet that only with luck grazed his temple, and an arrow that was plunged from the long fall into his side, but he needed to do this.
Daryl knew what it felt like to be alone when he had been of the same age as Sophia, however he had discovered a loophole through the tormenting years prior to the contagion that infected the human vessel; there was a girl. He had been instantaneously drawn to her, although at first he had wanted to keep his distance, he’d never allowed anyone close. But she made him see the sun shine in every smile that composed itself upon her face and each glimmer that reflected in her eyes.
She made him feel safe. And so here he was, seeking her out as the gauze remained attached to his head, and if anyone saw him he was sure he would look like a fool. The normally obscure and grouchy Daryl appeared giddy as he stepped towards his human lifeline, his footsteps uncoordinated as he felt the ache in his side brew.
At the sound of shuffling fabric behind her, y/n’s head whipped around, she knew better than to just assume that there was no danger that could appear out of nowhere. Even with the serene tranquility that was deranging her viewpoint from the world that had began feasting on itself, there was always the risk that getting too comfortable would end in death. And Daryl smirked at the sight of the blade that shone from the sun in her hand.
“Thought you were a walker you ass!” She exclaimed, her mouth widening in a teeth baring smile. Her blade was placed back in its hiding spot as she felt the need to aid Daryl in seating himself next to her, her palm remaining against his bare arm. “I kicked Andrea’s ass after her shit shot, told her to get Herschel check her eyesight.” Daryl shook his head lightly as to not cause any more disturbance to his injury, promptly nudging her with his shoulder as he allowed himself to laugh at her protective demeanour towards the blonde.
“Yer real funny sunshine.” His rare smile was prominent as he endearingly looked at his girl, wrapping his arm around the back of her relaxed shoulder blades as he brought her closer. But close was still not close enough. “C’mere.” Daryl agilely helped her climb onto his lap, the place he reserved solely for her, his rough yet tender hands remaining on her hips as he brought his face near to y/n’s, rubbing their noses together in a sweet eskimo kiss.
He was exhausted, and he felt like a failure, but she was the only comfort that he needed. Her form was facing his own, and she brushed her featherlight fingertips against his cheekbones, sparing a glare to the dressing. “We’ll find her.” She whispered gently, shutting her eyelids as she melted into him. “But for now you need to rest honey, I’m not having you wear yourself into the ground.” His head rested against her collarbone, inhaling her presence as he tried not to be frustrated with himself.
It wasn’t his fault that Sophia had ran for her life off of the highway, and he wasn’t guilt for being unable to find anything other than her stuffed toy. His hands ran up and down y/n’s back as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, finally taking a break from his daily searching. He just needed his girl planted in his lap, and all his qualms and insecurities became minor.
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brainrotbabe24 · 2 months
Ways Thorin’s company will remember you while they are on an adventure!
Balin: In the art books, it said Balin has a lectern he would write on while traveling. So in keeping with that idea, I would say his quill pens would remind him of you. I imagine he has a busy life and tends to forget about the little things. So when he is on a journey, he will curse himself for forgetting quill pens. But lo and behold in his bag would be a new set. He would chuckle to himself knowing that you always looked out for him. 
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Dwalin: Dwalin seems like the type of guy who would get a tattoo for you. Not your face or a heart saying “I love y/n” but something small and sentimental. For example, if you were into gardening or the outdoors, he would have a tree sapling on his leg. If you were into baking, he would have a bread knife on his forearm. If you were a singer, he would get lyrics across his chest. Each night he would take some time to look at the tattoo, and images of you would flutter in his mind. 
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Óin: You know his skills of healing are important on any adventure. So in the months leading up to it, you see him gathering herbs and other medicinal supplies to bring. To help him out, you would’ve bought a pouch to hold his supplies in. Oin loves it and regularly puts his most precious herbs in there. He doesn’t let anyone touch it and makes sure it’s secure to his body at all times. Oin loves feeling the material and will unconsciously run his fingers over it when thinking about you. 
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Glóin: Isn’t it obvious he will have a picture of you in his pocket lol. He can’t stand not seeing your lovely face while on the road and basically demanded a portrait of you made. He made sure on the day of the portrait he adorned you with the most beautiful jewelry, beads, and braids. You loved it! So when he looks at the picture, he sees all his work/love was being worn proudly by you. He likes having your face be the last thing he sees at night and the first thing he sees in the morning. 
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Bifur: Such a sweetie! He would’ve kept a wooden toy you tried to carve… and failed at. Back before he left, you would’ve tried making a toy. You had seen him do it a hundred times, so you didn’t think it would be that hard. A little surprise for him would be perfect. Welp, you messed it up and got so frustrated you threw it out. He found it of course and kept it. He carries it everywhere and takes it out when there is free time. He would never tell you he kept it, knowing you would be embarrassed but loves you for trying his craft. He is beyond proud! 
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Bofur: Bofur knows you long for adventure and would feel bad when he couldn’t take you on trips. So to help you “see” the world, he makes sure to learn a song from the area. You guys have a tradition: he leaves, learns a song, comes home, and sings to you. I imagine when he is out in the wild he will keep the song stuck in his head thinking of your reaction to it. 
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Bombur: Oh, you spoil him!!! Once you heard he was going on a journey, you would instantly go out and buy him new cooking utensils. He would cherish it, though. He would delicately bring them out every evening and refuse to let anyone else touch them. He would clean the utensils until he could see his reflection thinking of you all the while!
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Ori: Before he leaves on a journey, He will set up a knitting date with you. You will both make each other socks, a hat, a scarf—whatever comes to mind! Before you give each other the gift, you make sure that your initials are sewn into them. In times when he is uncertain of his journey, he will look to your initials and think of you. 
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Dori: I would imagine since he prides himself on appearance he would have jewelry, and one ring (lol) would stick out to him. You can find him fidgeting with it and even staring at it for long times. It was your present to him, and even if he is covered in mud and his appearance is less than perfect, he will make sure to clean his hand/that finger with the ring first.
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Nori: He stole something of yours, but you have to guess. It’s less about the object and more of the joke/tradition that reminds him of you. He will look at whatever trinket he stole and think about you looking all over the house for it. He will chuckle at the thought and will smile, knowing that once he returns and shows you the missing object, you both will giggle. 
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Thorin: In the book, Thorin had a harp. I feel the rough and tumble adventure would occasionally get the strings to snap. So when he sees a neat bundle of wire in his bag, he would be thinking of you. His face would get red and a small smile would appear on his face. He loves knowing you think of him! I guarantee when he gets home he will play the harp for you, as a thank you.
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Fíli: While I want to say a knife... because it fits him perfectly. I would have to say pipe weed. Fili would be the type to enjoy a smoke while by the fire, and since his trips are always long and filled with danger, he savors the nights he can relax. He would sit back, relax, watch the fire, and “inhale you." The pipe weed would remind him of you, the smell bringing back memories of your hands, hair—anything really. And if he was able to share this precious weed with everyone, he would thank you secretly for helping everyone relax. 
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Kíli: Kili seems like the type of dwarf that brushes his hair. It’s less in braids, so it probably gets knotted up more. So having a small comb/brush gifted by you to help detangle after a long day is exactly what he needs. Kili uses it so much and will ask Fili to help brush his hair. He will then close his eyes and imagine you are brushing his hair…His dream would be interrupted, of course, by Fili saying, “Brother, please tell me why you have mud in your hair…”lol
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Bilbo: He will keep a book! Maybe one of your favorites that you wrote your notes in. He loves looking over your scribbles, ideas, and thoughts you wrote in the margins! His favorite lines are ones he isn’t supposed to know. For example, he once found a note saying, "Bilbo’s birthday surprise will be on Tuesday. Get Cake!” He would blush and think about how much he loves you. 
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Gandalf: He was a tough one to think about....Out of everyone, I feel like he will be gone the most. So, he would love it if you helped him sew up any holes in his outfit. When he is out in the world the stitching will remind him of you and how much you care for him.
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mika-mp3 · 3 months
The treasure is all mine
-chapter three-
(Prologe, chapter one, chapter two, chapter four)
Genshin Impact x Creator!reader
warnings: no y/n used, slight yandere behavior, possible spelling errors, rain lol
summary: Tighnari leads you to his home; Gandharva Village, where you meet Collei. However.. they are starting to take note of the strange things happening around you and suspect there is more to who you are then what meets the eye....
characters: you, Tighnari, Collei
word count: 2159
wattpad story here
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As the fire crackles and the rain continues to fall outside, you close your eyes, allowing yourself to drift into a restful sleep, your heart filled with hope and determination. The journey to uncover your past and discover your true identity has only just begun, and you are ready to embrace it, one step at a time.
The journey through the forest was both arduous and enlightening. Days melded into one another as Tighnari led you through the vast, dense woodland. The sun filtered through the towering trees, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor, while the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves provided a serene backdrop. Along the way, Tighnari shared his knowledge of the flora and fauna, teaching you about the medicinal properties of various plants and the habits of the forest's creatures.
One morning, as the first rays of sunlight pierced through the leafs above, Tighnari turned to you, his eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and relief. "We're nearing Gandharva Village. It's a place of respite and learning for the Forest Rangers, often referred to as 'The City Above the Forest.' It's an important outpost, frequented by travelers, merchants, and adventurers."
Your heart quickened at the prospect of finally reaching a place of relative civilization. The forest had been beautiful, but the constant uncertainty of your situation had left you yearning for some stability.
"City Above the Forest?" you echoed, curiosity piqued.
Tighnari nodded. "Yes. Gandharva Village is built on a series of platforms and walkways suspended above the forest floor. It's designed to blend harmoniously with the natural environment, minimizing our footprint and maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem."
As you walked, the forest began to change subtly. The trees grew even taller, their trunks thicker and more ancient. The air felt different, fresher somehow, as if you were ascending into a different realm. You passed by shimmering waterfalls and crossed crystal-clear streams, each sight more breathtaking than the last.
Tighnari paused occasionally to point out interesting plants or animal tracks, his passion for the natural world evident in every word. "This is a varuna tree," he explained at one point, gesturing to an enormous tree with roots that seemed to span across the forest. "Its sap is highly prized for its healing properties. The rangers often collect it for medical use."
You nodded, absorbing the information. "It's incredible how everything in the forest seems to have a purpose."
"Indeed," Tighnari agreed. "Nature is a masterful teacher, if only we take the time to listen."
As the sun climbed higher, you finally caught sight of Gandharva Village. True to Tighnari's description, it was a marvel of engineering and nature. Wooden platforms connected by rope bridges and ladders formed a network high above the ground, blending seamlessly with the surrounding trees. Lush greenery draped over the structures, and colorful flowers added vibrant splashes of color.
"Welcome to Gandharva Village," Tighnari said with a smile. "Let's head to my house. I want to conduct a thorough medical checkup to ensure you're alright."
You followed him across the swaying bridges, marveling at the ingenuity of the village's design. The air was filled with the scents of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the forest. Villagers greeted Tighnari warmly as you passed, their smiles reflecting the close-knit community spirit.
Arriving at Tighnari's house, you found it to be a cozy, well-kept dwelling, filled with books, herbs, and various scientific instruments. He gestured for you to sit on a comfortable chair by a large window that offered a stunning view of the forest canopy.
"Let's see," Tighnari began, retrieving a medical kit. "I'll check your vitals first."
You nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and nervousness. As he worked, his touch was gentle but precise, his eyes focused and attentive. The sense of care he exuded was reassuring.
As he examined you, Tighnari continued to share more about the village. "Gandharva Village serves as the main hub for the Forest Rangers. We monitor the forest, ensuring its health and safety. It's also a place where travelers can rest and resupply. The community here is diverse, with people from all walks of life coming together to protect and learn from the forest."
You listened intently, feeling a growing sense of connection to this place. "It sounds like a wonderful community. I can see why you love it here."
Tighnari smiled warmly. "It is. The forest is our lifeblood, and we do our best to live in harmony with it. Speaking of which, your readings are normal, but you need to stay warm and dry to avoid falling ill."
Before you could respond, the door to the house burst open, and a young girl with green hair and a sturdy looking bow rushed in. "Master Tighnari! You're back!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with relief. "I was so worried..."
Tighnari looked up, a mixture of surprise and warmth in his eyes. He fixes his clothing and walked over to her "Collei, it's good to see you. I didn't mean to worry you. We had an unexpected journey."
Collei's gaze shifted to you, her curiosity evident. "Who's this? Are you alright?"
You offered a small smile. "I'm fine, thank you. Tighnari has been taking good care of me."
Tighnari placed a reassuring hand on Collei's shoulder. "This is our guest. They've had a rough time but are safe now. Collei, can you help prepare some hot tea? It'll help them warm up."
Collei nodded eagerly. "Of course, Master." She hurried to the kitchen area, her movements quick and efficient.
As you sat there, enveloped in the warmth of the blanket and the kindness of your new companions, a sense of belonging began to take root. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but for the first time since you woke up in the forest, you felt a glimmer of hope.
Tighnari's house, with its mix of natural elements and scientific tools, seemed to reflect his dual nature as both a guardian of the forest and a seeker of knowledge. The walls were adorned with botanical drawings, and shelves were lined with jars of herbs and curious specimens.
"Tighnari," you began, feeling a need to understand more, "It must be incredible to live in a world where such beings as gods and elements exist."
"It is," Tighnari agreed. "But it's also a responsibility. Those who receive visions often feel a duty to use their powers for the greater good."
Before you could ask more, Collei returned with a steaming pot of tea and cups. She poured the tea with practiced ease, and the fragrant steam filled the room, adding to the cozy atmosphere.
"Here you go," she said, handing you a cup. "This should help warm you up."
You took the cup gratefully, feeling the warmth spread through your hands. "Thank you, Collei."
As you sipped the tea, its soothing warmth spreading through you, you realized that despite the mysteries surrounding your past, you had found a place where you could begin to seek answers. Gandharva Village, with its unique blend of nature and community, felt like a stepping stone on your journey of self-discovery.
Tighnari leaned back, his gaze thoughtful. "Rest for now. We can talk more in the morning. There’s much for you to learn about Teyvat, and perhaps we can uncover more about your past as we go."
You nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude and anticipation. "Thank you, Tighnari. And you too, Collei. I don't know what lies ahead, but I'm glad to have met you both."
With that, you settled into the warmth of the blanket, the fire crackling softly nearby, and the gentle murmur of the forest outside. The rain continued to fall, but within Tighnari's home, you felt safe and hopeful. The journey to uncover your true identity had begun in earnest, and with the support of your new friends, you felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.
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As you drift into a deep, much-needed sleep, Tighnari and Collei moved to a corner of the room, their voices hushed but urgent. Tighnari’s sharp ears twitched slightly, always alert even in the safety of his home. He glanced over at the sleeping figure, then turned his attention back to Collei.
"Master, what happened out there? Who is this person?" Collei asked, her green eyes wide with curiosity and concern.
Tighnari sighed, running a hand through his dark green hair, his fennec ears flicking with agitation. "It's a long story, Collei. I found them wandering in the forest, disoriented and with no memory of who they are or how they got there. But there's more to it than just amnesia."
Collei tilted her head, her fox-like ears twitching in interest. "More? Like what?"
Tighnari leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a whisper. "The forest itself seemed to react to them. Flowers bloomed in their presence, and the trees seemed to bend to offer protection. It's as if the forest was… welcoming them."
Collei's eyes widened even further. "Welcoming them? But that's… I've never heard of such a thing happening."
"Neither have I," Tighnari admitted. "But that's not all. They don't smell like a normal human. In fact, they don't have any scent at all, which is highly unusual. Every living being has a scent, but they don't. It's like they exist outside the natural order of things."
Collei frowned, trying to process the information. "Do you think they could be… a god? Or some other non-human creature?"
Tighnari sighed again, his expression thoughtful. "It's possible. Their presence feels different, almost otherworldly. There's a calmness and a sense of belonging that I can't quite explain. It's like they are part of the forest in a way that goes beyond mere human understanding."
Collei hesitated, then spoke up. "I remember an old tale I heard as a child, a legend about the Creator. It was said that the Creator would one day return to Teyvat, bringing harmony and balance to the world. Could it be possible that…"
Tighnari's eyes widened slightly. "The Creator? It's a tale I've heard too, but always dismissed as myth. Yet, the signs… they can't be ignored."
Collei nodded slowly, her mind racing. "If they truly are the Creator, or even something close to that, it could explain why the forest reacted the way it did. The forest, the plants, even the animals – they all recognized them."
Tighnari looked back at the sleeping figure, his expression softening. "If that's true, then their presence here could have far-reaching implications. We need to keep them safe and help them recover their memories. Only then can we understand their true purpose and what it means for Teyvat."
Collei agreed, her determination matching Tighnari's. "We'll do everything we can to protect them and help them find out who they are. This could be the start of something incredible."
Tighnari smiled, careful not to touch her, knowing how much she disliked physical contact. "Thank you, Collei. Your support means a lot. For now, let's focus on keeping them safe and comfortable. We'll figure out the rest as we go."
They both turned their attention back to the sleeping figure, their minds filled with questions and possibilities. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with the bond they shared and the resolve they held, they felt ready to face whatever challenges lay in wait.
Tighnari then spoke again, a new idea forming in his mind. "Collei, there is someone who might be able to help us. The Dendro Archon, the God of Wisdom. She has knowledge beyond our understanding. If anyone can provide answers, it's her."
Collei's eyes lit up with hope. "The Dendro Archon? Yes, she would surely know what to do. We should take them to her."
Tighnari nodded. "It's settled then. Tomorrow, we'll prepare for the journey to meet the Dendro Archon. Let's hope she can shed some light on this mystery."
The sun rose gently over Gandharva Village, casting a warm glow over the intricate network of platforms and bridges. The village was already bustling with activity as Forest Rangers went about their duties, preparing for another day of safeguarding the forest.
Inside Tighnari's home the air was filled with the scent of fresh herbs and flowers. You stirred from your sleep, blinking slowly as you adjusted to the morning light streaming through the windows.
Tighnari and Collei were already up, speaking quietly near the door. They turned as the reader awoke, their expressions softening with concern.
"Good morning," Tighnari greeted with a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"
"A bit better," you reply, still feeling the lingering warmth of the blankets. "Thank you for everything."
"You're welcome," Collei said, her voice gentle. "We're here to help you."
As they prepared for the day, you couldn't shake the feeling of being part of something much larger. The forest, the village, and the people around them all seemed to resonate with a sense of purpose and connection.
Tighnari's words from the previous night echoed in your mind. The journey to uncover your true identity was just beginning, and with the support of your new friends, they felt ready to face whatever lay ahead. The path forward was uncertain, but it was also filled with hope and the promise of discovery.
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Thank you so much for reading! Fell free to give me feedback and ideas how to continue this!
P.S. I fixed the pov in the end!!
- @wutap - @saternsky - @vianitry - @fantasyhopperhea
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
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rosemary part six: harry goes home for the first time.
wordcount: 14.9k+
The green sign advertising the city limits glinted in the sunlight. Thirty-six hours of driving with two overnight stops had finally brought them home. 
Over the center console, Harry had his arm stretched out with his hand in (Y/N)'s lap, their hands tangled together. 
A sense of deja-vu washed over him at the familiar sight despite the unfamiliar circumstances. The first time he saw this sign, Harry was numb. This was just another stop on the endless journey he had embarked on before he even really knew what it would mean to run away. He'd shut every meaningful part of himself away, ensuring the pain and guilt and sorrow wouldn't have a chance to strike him. 
This time around, despite the same sign in front of him, the same sun shining over him, the same town welcoming him in, everything was different. That solid facade now held irreparable cracks.
The soft parts of him that held happiness and healing, vulnerability and contentedness, were finally being exposed after so long of being hidden away from the light. In trying his best to keep everything from hurting so much, he eliminated every chance of happiness or redemption. 
While the cracks were raw and sore, the fact he could feel them was enough for Harry to find the bright side of the pain. More and more of the positives began to seep in even if he had to dig through the tunnel of hurt still. 
(Y/N) squeezed his hand as the view of the town came over the horizon. It was odd seeing it look so normal; nothing had changed since they left, despite the fact everything had changed. Even the way he saw the small village had changed. This was no longer a single stop on the way to another hiding place. There was no reason to run any more if he didn't want to. This could be his home. 
Harry's house was the first stop they made. It was quick and quiet, Harry only stopping off to see if he even still had a home here. 
(Y/N) followed him through the apartment, their hands entwined with her behind. Everything was just as Harry had left it. His sheets were still a mess, his closet doors thrown open, and his kitchen sparsely stocked with canned food. He never thought he'd see this place again; no matter what had happened on the road, he never saw himself coming back here for any other reason than to return (Y/N) to her life before he was gone again. Now, this place held a small sense of permanence as he made plans on how he was going to have to fix up certain areas he messed up in his quick escape and what kind of fixtures he would add to his limited furniture. 
But all of that could wait until tomorrow. Tonight, he would be at (Y/N)'s—at her request. She had wanted to take a shower in her own bathroom and sleep in her own bed, but she wanted Harry to be there as well. He had no qualms about that plan. (He wouldn't be able to admit it, but he didn't think he would have been able to drop her off and go their separate ways anyway. Not after everything). 
Other than the key he plucked from the door jamb and the clothes he dropped off to be washed later, nothing was changed in his apartment in their wake. 
Harry drove slowly through the town, as if becoming familiar for the first time with the place he had called home for almost nine months. Her gingerbread neighbourhood was just as perfect as when he left it last, though things looked that much sweeter now without the veil of panic and lies. 
With their bags packed over his shoulder, (Y/N) led him inside with her. Everything felt pleasantly mundane as they shed their shoes just like they did the night they kissed, their bags being deposited in her bedroom after. Her kitchen was the exact same, his memories being refreshed instead of being reflected through the photographs he still needed to burn. 
They were settled for less than two minutes before a frantic knocking on the front door sent his heart rattling behind his ribs. He could hear (Y/N) gasp from the kitchen, her steps stilling. A moment passed before he saw her creep down the hallway from the corner of his eye. He figured he looked a lot like her then: wide eyes, tense muscles, and too many memories filling in the background. 
Another round of pounding knocks along with muffled voices started again, Harry wincing as he was transported back to the motel for a split second. He rose to his feet from where he sat on the couch, those lingering protective instincts awakening. His imagination ran too wild as it filled in the gaps of who could be waiting on the other side of the door. 
(Y/N) recovered faster than him, her gaze turning to him. It was the sight of her, eyes softened, muscles relaxing, that had him remembering that there wasn't anything for him to fear on the other side. 
Everything was over. It was done. He was safe now. 
A careful smile spread across her lips when he met her gaze. That was all he needed to relax, his shoulders falling as he stayed on his feet. 
He watched as she approached the door, another batch of frantic knocking being cut off when she turned the bolt. Pulling the knob, (Y/N) had her free hand bundled into a fist at her side; no matter how calm she tried to portray herself, he knew she felt some of the same tremors he did. Harry kept his eyes trained onto the widening gap of the door, readying himself despite the mantra he tried to remind himself. 
Standing in a pair on the porch were friends of (Y/N)'s Harry recognized from the bakery. They were restless, hands shaking and feet rocking. Her hand was raised to knock once more on the door, but the limb was dropped when she caught sight of (Y/N). Their faces broke into bubbling grins and sparkling eyes the second the door opened. 
In a blink, the pair was climbing all over (Y/N), exclaiming her name with wavering voices. 
"Where were you?" one of them called, voice muffled by their embrace. 
"Everyone has been so worried. People started searching for you," the other bubbled off, just as teary as the first. 
The moment melted into a teary reunion full of tangled limbs and bubbling joy. Through the chatter, Harry was able to suss out that one of (Y/N)'s neighbours had spotted their return and a single text had started a chain reaction. Half the town was now apparently making plans to stop by and see them. That's what happened when someone like (Y/N) worked at one of the most popular spots in a small town; it was hard not to get attached to her, Harry could attest. 
Rising over the noise, he could hear the dips and curves of (Y/N)'s laugh. She was being covered in love and affection, small tears of joy highlighting the round of her cheek as her friends wiped them away. Harry could only stand back and watch, a cautious smile tipping his lips. 
This was what he had pictured every time he didn't see an end to the motels and the hours on the road. This was the moment he had been working towards the second he stole her away in the middle of the night. 
He'd kept her safe. He returned her to her home and to the people who loved her. 
Harry kept his promise. 
A head of long, dark hair popped up over the teary puppy pile, watery eyes looking right at him. It was Sabrina, her familiar features glimmering in tears with a bright smile stretching her lips. 
"Harry!" Breaking from the group, Sabrina barreled towards him with open arms. 
Taken aback, Harry hesitated with his arms hovering around her while her own looped around his middle. From the corner of his eye, he saw (Y/N) looking to him with a beaming smile. He relaxed at the sight, reciprocating Sabrina's hold. 
"We were all so worried," she told him, voice muffled against his chest, "When you didn't show at the grocery store and no one had heard from (Y/N), we all panicked." 
"I—uh—," Harry stumbled around his tongue, unable to find the words. He didn't know how to respond to a reaction like this. He knew (Y/N) would have been missed, but this was unexpected. He never thought it would matter if returned to this town or not. "'M sorry, Sabrina. We—uh—We didn't really have a chance to talk to anyone," he settled on, sounding just as overwhelmed as he felt. 
Sabrina pulled away first, giving Harry a joyous smile. Before much else could be said, another light knock sounded from the front door. 
(Y/N) answered it once more, having barely made it out of the front hallway before being attacked in clinging embraces. This time waiting on the other side was a face much more familiar to Harry: Ms. Klarke from the library. 
Instead of her usual librarian attire, she had a pair of dirty, ripped jeans on with a button-up top in yellow gingham. The high points of her face were highlighted with a warm flush, her hair tied back in a twisting braid. Her eyes lit up once she spotted who was waiting inside (Y/N)'s home. 
"You really are back!" she beamed, "When I got the phone call, I was scared to believe it." 
"Ms. Klarke!" (Y/N) greeted her, sweeping an arm to her side in a gesture to let her in. The bakery girls joined Harry in the living room while the new addition entered. "We didn't mean to worry you, I'm sorry." 
Waving them off, Ms. Klarke shook her head. "I'm just happy you're alright," she started, her gaze landing on Harry, "And, you. I've been saving all these books in the back for you—you can't leave me waiting like that!" 
Rolling his lips between his teeth, Harry bit back a smile while his eyes began to warm. He didn't know what to say, his voice feeling lost in his throat at the kind of attention he was earning. 
Talking for them, (Y/N) piped up as she stepped into the living room, "Harry had a family emergency a few hours away and we didn't have any time to tell anyone before we had to leave, then my charger broke, and it was a whole mess. We're sorry we scared you guys—I wish I had been able to reach out." 
Harry couldn't tune into the chatter that erupted then, his heart too big for his chest. He felt as if he were floating in this room, weightless as he tried to anchor himself to the moment. More and more faces appeared as more people came through to celebrate their return. 
Patrons he remembered from the bakery came by ("We left your table free for you, where did you go?"), coworkers from the grocery store ("We tried to beat your stocking times, but it's not as fun when you're not there to give us a grumpy look!"), and people Harry didn't even know were there to rejoice in seeing he and (Y/N) again. A scene he could only recognize out of a movie scene or a passage in a book began to form in (Y/N)'s living room.
Standing in the middle of it all, bruised and overwhelmed, Harry couldn't think of any time he'd been happier,
Meeting (Y/N)'s smiling eyes across the room, he knew today was always going to be one of the best days of his life.
"Are you not tired?" 
(Y/N) looked at him through the fan of her lashes, eyes exhausted after the night they'd had. Her home had become a revolving door of townsfolk coming in and out to greet them upon their return. More than a handful of times, (Y/N) had to reiterate their cover story, doling out extra details only when asked—more than once, she shared a look with him across the room as if to ensure he was on board with their story. After a dinner of pizza that was brought over by one of Harry's coworkers had been shared, the groups began to filter out. The house had been quiet since the last friend—one of (Y/N)'s old managers at the bakery—had said their final goodbyes before they were left alone. 
As much as he appreciated seeing all of these people, those who he didn't even know he could have an impact on, now that he'd had a chance to shower and nestle into a real bed, he was finally able to decompress. It was overwhelming to be around so many people at once, lingering instincts trying to bubble to the surface and urge him into keeping an eye on everything with every exit assessed. More than once, he had to remind himself that no one was lurking in the shadows anymore, which only overwhelmed him more; the freedom hadn't sunk in yet and he wasn't sure when it would. 
(Y/N) looked just as exhausted as he felt. It was a familiar sight to see her with damp hair and tired eyes, but everything was just a shade different. Now, he shared the bed with her, those self-appointed boundaries he put in place now dissolving to leave them sharing a pillow. They laid close enough to one another for body heat to be shared under the frills of her swirling, peach colored comforter; if he wanted, Harry could tangle their legs together with just a stretch of his knee. At this proximity, despite the fatigue on her features, he could see in her eyes she was just as relieved and happy as he was. 
Harry couldn't help the smile that tipped his lips the longer he looked at her. It was an interesting feeling, the want to smile and share his happiness like that; it was the first thing he wanted to do when he looked at her. 
Dimples denting his cheeks, he allowed his gaze to wander down her features. "Yeah, but I want y'to be able to sleep." 
A pout tugged at (Y/N)'s own features, her bottom lip puffing out more than he was sure she was even aware. "Why can't we sleep together?" 
The lighthearted air in his chest deflated some at her question. "I jus'... I don't want to wake y'up if I have a dream," he murmured, his explanation coming easier now that she knew things about him he never imagined he would have the courage to share. What more was the admittance of a nightmare to her after everything else? 
"I don't care," she told him, inching the much closer to him with the sheets shifting around them, "If you do have a bad dream, I'll be right here." 
Maybe it was the fact he was still recovering from the last week and a half, or the impromptu party they had tonight, or just the realization that his life had changed so much in the last few days, but (Y/N)'s words plucked at his heart just right in the dark of her room. Everything soft in him had been poked and prodded, enough to cause a pool of tears to spring into his eyes. He didn't know when he started getting so emotional, but it was as if all those years of suppressing it had only caused a build up that he was draining now. 
It was (Y/N) that reached out to him first, closing that small distance between them until she had him bundled in her arms. Harry didn't hesitate to cuddle her to his chest, face buried in the crown of her head. He held her with his arms looped around her shoulders, her cheek smushed against his neck while her own arms were wrapped around his middle. 
"Thank you," he murmured into her hair. (Y/N) only hugged him tighter in response. 
He wasn't sure if (Y/N) would ever understand how therapeutic it was to just be had the way she did for him. After years of bare minimum contact with others, to be received with open arms and free affection, it put him all out of sorts knowing that he could be included in that kind of kindness. He still didn't believe he truly deserved her trust and care, but he wasn't going to be the one to stop it. She knew who he was and still wanted him to feel her touch and hear her soft words. 
"(Y/N)?" he whispered, pulling away from their snuggle though he didn't go far. 
Peeling herself away from her hiding place in his neck, she gazed up at him with forgiving eyes. "Hm?" 
Harry couldn't help but to allow his gaze to shift over her features, noting the slope of her nose and the height of her cheekbones. Her lashes were a gentle fan, brushing her brow bone with every blink. Her skin was dewy and scented after her luxuriously long shower, drawing him in like a moth to a glimmering flame. The pillows of her lips were the main draw, his eyes struggling to stay away for long before he was mapping the curve of her cupid's bow and the dips of her mouth. 
Forcing himself to draw his eyes back to hers, Harry blinked with his throat bobbing in a heavy swallow. "Can I—... I-I want to kiss you," he crooned to her, his voice falling among the folds of the sheets. 
He watched as (Y/N)'s face broke out into a grin, soft and just for him. He got to bask in the sight just before she closed the distance herself and pressed her lips to his with a tilt of her chin. 
Her kiss was just as gentle as he remembered, the contact kind and giving. This time, though, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that this moment was for them alone. No one could take this from him. That made the slotting of their lips that much sweeter. The kisses he placed upon her top lip and the taste of her minty toothpaste that much more special. (Y/N) melted into his hold, giving herself into their kiss with his bottom lip between her two. Sliding his hands over her shoulders, he was able to cradle her cheeks in his palms, thumbs brushing the length of her bottom lashes. Every tip of their heads had the tips of their noses brushing, a small smile touching at (Y/N)'s lips every time. 
The kiss was lazy. It was long and lingering. No implications were implied other than the need Harry had to know her in this sense—how much he wanted her to know him. He could still be gentle for her. 
It was with the way she had pulled back just enough to get a good breath, brushing her nose against his in a minute puppy's kiss that had a stray thought entering Harry's head by the time another kiss was smeared upon his lips: he was kissing the love of his life. 
This was where he was supposed to be. There had to be a reason why he was pulled to this town, and (Y/N) had to be that reason. There were plenty of things in the past years that he wished he could take back, that he wished he could change, but if everything led to making this possible—making him into the kind of man that (Y/N) was able to love—he wasn't able to argue with the road that took him here. 
Before long, (Y/N) pulled away with a smattering of kisses pressed against his mouth. He couldn't help the smile on his face when she drew away to look at him. 
He was sure his pupils were seconds away from turning into hearts or just welling up from the amount of devotion swimming in his heart for her. 
"Wake me up if you need me, okay? I don't care what time, or anything," she told him, shifting on the sheets to get comfortable. 
"I will," he promised her, allowing her to cling to him until they were wrapped in a similar cuddle like the one they had the last night in the motel. 
Harry fell asleep with her head on his chest, their even breathing syncing up like the bass of a heartbeat. He doesn't wake again until the sun is shining in the sky, only pleasant dreams left behind. 
Lips thinning, Harry re-read the building instructions for the side table he was building for his apartment. (Y/N) had joked it would take him hours to piece together, but he hadn't thought it would really be this hard. 
But, she'd probably laugh if she found out how hard he was struggling with the directions, and he always liked to see her happy.
As much as he may have wanted to bother her, she was too busy doing her part of trying to cozy up his apartment. He had told her it wasn't necessary, that it wasn't any of her responsibility, but that didn't stop her from insisting she tag along with him. While he was busy putting together more permanent items to fill the space (including the stupid end table), she was in the process of making his bed something pleasant to sleep in.
Tucking the corners of a fitted sheet around the dimensions of his mattress, (Y/N) piped up, "What's next then, H?" 
"Hm?" he hummed, his attention primarily on the fold out of instructions on the tall box beside him, "Um—I think I need to change the bulb in the kitchen, but I jus' want to finish this first." 
A peal of laughter left her lips, drawing Harry's own lips into a small smile. "No," she sang, "I mean, what's the next adventure for you? You have all this freedom now, do you have any kind of plan?"
Harry's brows cinched together in the middle, his hands slowing as he worked. "I—um—I don't know," he mumbled, "I jus'... I don't think I plan on leaving." 
A pause sounded in the room, just the sound of (Y/N) rustling the sheet over his bed. "Oh?" she said after a beat. 
Giving a small nod, Harry drew his attention away from the nonsense table and trailed his gaze to where (Y/N) was stretched over his bed. She was looking at him over her shoulder, her eyes tender. 
"I want to stay here," he told her quietly. 
Her own task at hand was pushed to the wayside as she settled to sit down on his bed, sheet free of any other dressing as the folds and creases pulled towards her like waves. "You do?" she pressed, a small smile itching at the corners of her lips, "No big town or anything in the works?" 
"No," he said simply, "I want to be here." 
(Y/N) seemed especially content to hear from him about this with the way she lent towards him, her elbows being planted on her knees. "Any plans for what you want to do here then?" 
Lifting his shoulders, he gave her a shrug. "Not sure, but I should probably get a better job; I don't really need to keep being paid under the table for an overnight position," he laughed off, realizing the amount of roots he could actually put down here if he wanted. 
"Not if you like it, thought," (Y/N) quipped, ever positive in the wake of Harry's evolving attitude, "But, I bet you'd do really good at the library or something like that." 
That was a train of thought Harry had never allowed himself to go down. It would be rather nice to spend his days around books, he thought. Ms. Klarke would be good company too. Maybe, he'd look into something like that. 
Before he could think better of it, more ideas rolled off of Harry's tongue, possibilities he'd never let himself consider before now taking shape in reality. "I-I think I want to get a cat, too." 
Perking up at his words, (Y/N) broke into a bright grin as she looked at him. "Really?!" she bubbled, "That would be perfect, Harry! You'd be the best cat dad, I can definitely see that." 
Harry crossed his arms across his chest to hide the shaking of his hands as he considered the next plan in his list of possibilities. From the corner of his eye, he could see the photo of his family set up on the brand-new coffee table decorating the room. He kept his eyes facing his feet as he spoke, "I think... I want to try to find my mum and sister, too." 
Silence filled his apartment for a moment, (Y/N) having paused before the gentle sound of her voice floated between them, "Harry, that's a wonderful idea." He could hear the creaks of his mattress as she assumedly hopped from her position. His sense of her presence shifted as she came closer to him though he still didn't know if he had the willpower to meet her eyes and not break down. "I can help if you want?" she offered, "I don't really know how to find anyone, but I'll help any way I can.
"I think they'd love to hear from you; I'm sure your mom misses you so much." 
Her final statement hit him just right, every newly revealed tender bit inside him feeling the effect. Choking up with a lump in his throat, Harry whispered, "I miss her, too." 
(Y/N) didn't wait to cradle him in her arms, the embrace something Harry was now familiar with. She gave affection so freely, always there for him the second she felt she was needed or even when she was the one in need of his touch. Every day her arms felt more and more like a home. 
With her arms looped around him tightly, (Y/N) spoke into his chest, "You're a good person, Harry, I know that." 
An argument was ready on his tongue, the same one that he and (Y/N) had gone back and forth on since they returned home. Before he could get anything out, he was cut off by a muffled voice. 
"I know you don't agree with me," she rushed out, not wanting to hear a syllable of his protests, "but, I don't care. That's how I feel, and I'm right." 
A breathy laugh fell from Harry's lips, the sound of his joy fanning across the crown of her head where he had his face nuzzled into. The sound caught in his throat the longer he let it process. 
The way she talked to him was always with such great care. Even before she knew the truth, there wasn't a time he could remember her being any harsher than a tease with him—and when she would play with him as such, she only made him feel normal. He knew what it was like to be looked at as if there was nothing to him, that he wasn't a person worth knowing; Trevor had looked at him like that every time he offered him a job, every time he had effectively pushed someone away they had given him those eyes. (Y/N), despite his best efforts, was there for him. 
He knew she meant every word she'd just said to him. She truly believed he was a good person—someone that deserved her touch and to stand beside. No matter what he put her through, at her core, she believed he was a good person whether or not he could make a case otherwise. 
Squeezing his eyes shut, Harry allowed his mouth to move before he could shut himself down: "I love you." 
Her nose buried in his shoulder, Harry felt her voice as much as he heard it when she said, "What?" Pulling away from their embrace just enough to look up at him, (Y/N) reached up with soft hands and pushed his hair back, gaining a look at his eyes. "What did you say?" she repeated.
A pinch of fear plucked at the raw edges of his heart. "I said I love you," he murmured, his gaze dropping down her features, too afraid to see what swam in her eyes at his declaration, "Y'don't have to say it back, or anything. You jus'... I feel better with you." 
Harry saw her smile first, the way it broke across her features and had her lips pressing into her cheeks and lines appearing by her eyes. Her hands settled on his jaw, palms following the line with her fingers dipping into the baby hairs of his hairline. 
Pulling him in for a kiss, Harry barely had time to register before his lips were smeared across (Y/N)'s. There was an intensity behind the contact, as if this were her way of clinging to him without climbing all over him in the middle of his apartment. Before long, she could hold the kiss against the smile that was inching back over her features. 
Drawing away, Harry was rewarded with the sight of her bubbling smile, the same one he tasted in her kiss. "I love you too, Harry. So much," she crooned, her voice a song as if floated to his ears, "You're the strongest, smartest person I know, and I'm lucky to have you in my life." 
That genuine intensity in her eyes didn't allow a single doubt to creep into his mind. 
Over the last few days, Harry had become a bit accustomed to bursting into tears every time something overwhelmed him or a realization pinged in his head. But, now, looking at her and knowing she felt the same way he did, Harry could only smile. He was so happy he could laugh, and smile, and scream, and hold her. No tears were on his mind, no lump in his throat, no pressure behind his eyes. 
Only joy. 
When he found his mom, he couldn't wait to tell her all about (Y/N). 
Gasping, running, Harry knew someone was behind him. He couldn't turn around to be sure, but he knew that if he slowed down for even a second, he would be caught in a grasp he wouldn't make it out of. The gun in his hand was heavy, but there wasn't a single shot of ammunition left. He hadn't been such a bad shot since he was first commissioned for this lifestyle. Now, he would have to pay for that. 
Over the horizon, a sunbleached motel appeared the longer he ran. (Y/N) was there—he didn't know how he knew that, but it was a fact he couldn't let go of. He needed to get to her in time, tell her to run. She wasn't supposed to still be here; she had promised him that she would leave if he didn't come back last night. She wasn't supposed to wait for him. 
They were going to kill her next if he didn't get to her in time. After they took care of him, she would end up collateral in a war she didn't sign up for. 
But, Harry was running out of time. He knew that in the way his lungs burned and legs ached. He couldn't outrun them. 
As if he conjured her himself, (Y/N) chose that moment to step out of the motel. Underneath the blinking sign, he could see her spot him in the distance. She opened her mouth to say something. 
She didn't know someone was behind him—she didn't know she couldn't be here anymore. 
Just before the sound of a gunshot could ring out in his dream, Harry jolted awake. 
That burn in his lungs he felt in his dream was very much real with the way he sucked in air as if he couldn't get enough, inflating his lungs past capacity before he deflated too fast. Coming back to the surface with every labored blink of his eyes, Harry pieced together his surroundings. 
A peach bedspread was tucked around his chest, the fluff suddenly feeling too warm around him, with a grey bed frame behind him. A green, fuzzy pillow was pushed to his feet, the extra cushion taking up too much space for two people to fit in one bed. 
His heart rate slowed as he remembered. This was (Y/N)'s bed. He was in her room, in her gingerbread house, with her snuggled into his side. 
Hints of the peach bedspread reminded him a bit too much of the motel in his dream. He cringed at the reminder, his hands stilling where they had been about to push the fabric away from him. 
"Harry?" (Y/N) chirped again, her sleepy voice growing firm. 
Blinking the nightmare out of his gaze, Harry turned to face her with a slew of messy curls draping themselves over his forehead. Reality came back to him in pieces, her room feeling more and more real with his dream fading to the background. 
(Y/N) laid beside him, propped up on her elbow as she looked at him with concern in her eyes. Her hair was sleep-mussed with puffy under eyes. Every blink she gave was slow and lingering, fighting back the urge to sleep. 
She saw him, that much he knew. Even in the wake of the ticking in his head, Harry knew that. (Y/N) loved him, that was true. That was one of the only things he could keep track of through the muddy waters he was still attempting to shake off. 
She had promised him that he wouldn't have to fend off his nightmares by himself, and there she was. At his side. 
Reaching out, (Y/N) grazed a hand across his chest, a grounding touch. "Harry, can you hear me?" 
Nodding frantically, Harry clutched her hand in his. His breathing was beginning to shudder in his lungs, coming in uneven paces. Using his hold on her hand, he tugged her down to him, laying her form against his chest. (Y/N) moved wherever she was needed, happy to give him any kind of comfort he was seeking. 
"You-You were trying to help me," he told her, swallowing around his dry throat, "But, we-we were back at the motel, and y’didn't know that they were—" 
(Y/N) didn't wait for him to finish before she was reaffirming her hold on his hand, lacing their fingers together with her other hand tangling in the fabric of his shirt. It wasn't a new dream, this scenario. Most of his older nightmares of his days on the job had been left on the back burner while these memories played like a reel of the worst moments of his life on replay. Every time, they started like a real memory from the days in the motels, but this time Harry wasn't strong enough or smart enough to save them. She knew how to talk him down from these at this point. 
"I know," she told him in a gentle croon, "But, it's not real. It was just a dream. We're here. You kept me safe the whole time." 
"Y'were so scared, (Y/N)," he told her, his voice thin. 
Blinking at him, she pulsed her hand around his. "I was, but I knew you wouldn't let anything happen to me. And, you didn't." A small smile grew on her features as Harry calmed under her words. "That's what I'm doing for you now," she told him, "I'm making sure nothing happens to you while you're with me. It's my turn now."
On instinct—one he didn't really understand or was used to yet—Harry couldn't help but to smile at her. She was the only one that knew how to draw that out of him. 
Harry shifted, one of his hands clutching her bedspread unfurled only to land delicately on her cheek. (Y/N) lent into his warmth, the length of her lashes grazing the tip of his thumb as she hovered over him. Firming his hold on her, Harry pulled her in for a kiss. 
The press of his lips against hers allowed him to pour every word of devotion he couldn't dig out of his throat. The taste of her raspberry lip treatment lingered on his lip, grounding him to this moment. She was his anchor, her kiss his tether to the real world that was suddenly brighter than even the best dreams his mind could conjure. 
Every pressing of his lips against hers, whether slightly off center or with either lips slotting together, was an expression of the love he felt for her but couldn't choke out right then. 
(Y/N) was more than happy to let Harry sink into her with every joining of their lips. She didn't stop him when he dove back in after breaking for a breath, not when he loosened his hold on her hand to cradle both cheeks. She allowed him to devote himself to her, find his own redemption with every linking of their mouths. 
Soon enough, (Y/N) drew away just far enough for the tips of their noses to brush, hooded eyes meeting in the dark of her room. "Are you feeling better?" she asked, breathless. 
He paused before he answered, flashes of the nightmare returning in quick succession. "I jus'—," he started, cutting himself off as he floundered, "It could have happened. I know it wasn't real, but it could have been." 
Nudging her nose against his, (Y/N) spoke earnestly with the pillows of her lips brushing his with every word, "But, it wasn't; it didn't happen. I'm here. You kept us safe and now you're done. Forever." 
Harry's throat bobbed with a thick swallow as he listened to her words. He knew it was true, that he was done and everything he had done had protected them both in the long run, but it was hard to accept. He still didn't view himself as a savior, and he wasn't sure he ever would. 
Shifting on his chest, (Y/N) grabbed his hands that cradled her cheeks, her palms pressed to the tops of his hands. 
"I'm here, Harry," she murmured, "I'm okay. Because of you." 
Using the hold she had on his hands, she glided them down the slope of her neck, and cuffs of her shoulders as if to prove her point. She was solid and real. No injuries or accidents. She was safe. 
One of his hands was pushed to rest just over her heart. Through the fabric of her sleep shirt and cage of her ribs, he could feel the pounding of her heart in her chest. She was warm, that heat emanating into his palm. The more he tuned into the beats of her heart, he found it matched the same raised pace of his own. 
With his hand still pressed to her heart, (Y/N) surged forward, pressing her lips to his in another kiss. "See? I'm here, Harry," she murmured into his mouth, her words tasting sweet on his tongue, "You have me." 
Taking over control of his hands, he slipped them out from under her own as he pressed another lingering kiss across her mouth. Gliding his palms over her sides, Harry felt every line he had seen since that night in the grocery store, documenting every crease and curve, every plush dimple and rounded edge. His fingertips made dents in her skin as he passed over her form, her body giving under the strength of his touch. 
Every catalogued touch grounded Harry more and more. She was here with him, right now, he knew that. He couldn't be more grateful. 
He may have been able to keep them safe while on the run, but she was the reason he was whole right now—if with a few frayed edges. Without her, he would have ended up in another unpolished town, wondering when or if he would ever have a chance to live. Without her, he wouldn't have had a future stable enough to purchase even just an end table. 
Harry knew well where he would be without her, but that only made it easier to appreciate everything she'd done and changed for him. It made it easier to devote himself to her every whim. 
His hands wandered around her body further, his kisses deepening with every twist of his head and tip of his chin. (Y/N) reciprocated with her hands on his chest, curling and unfurling the material of his top every time he pressed against her mouth that much harder. Skating over her body, his palms pressed into her thighs, bypassing the length of her sleep shirt. Her skin was soft and perfumed, fresh from the shower she had luxuriated in before snuggling into bed with him.  
(Y/N) was soft, so soft Harry didn't think anyone could be that way. There were still bumps and ridges, texture to her skin just like any other, but none of that registered in the same capacity as he sunk his fingertips into the flesh, her body giving way under his touch. The press of his lips over her pushed harder, taking more and more of her with every cant of his head and tip of his chin. His hands on her legs slipped under the hem of her top, grazing the end of her shorts as he tried to scope out if she was that soft everywhere. 
A particularly heady grip of his hands on her thighs had (Y/N) sighing into his mouth. The noise only made him want to cling to her harder, see what else he could draw out of her. 
"You're here," he murmured against her lips, repeating her earlier words as they sunk into his bones. 
Breathless, (Y/N) told him again, "I'm here." Her words fanned across his skin before he sealed his lips over hers once more, warm and dripping like nothing else he'd heard come out of her. "I'm yours." 
Harry could feel muscles in his abdomen start tensing at her words. Maybe it was the way that he could feel her speak them against his mouth as much as he heard them, or the fact her voice was wrapped around the sentiment at all, but he was far from unaffected. His stomach was tight, his chest boiling with his heart pounding and burning. God, he was getting hard from a makeout like he was some kind of college idiot. 
He couldn't even blame himself for the way he dug into her, hands and all. Everywhere he pushed, she gave away and cushioned his touch. She moved that much closer with every shift of their bodies, sinking into him. Harry felt her with more than just his hands. 
(Y/N)'s hands found their way to his hair, sliding between the curls and flexing into the strands. She parted her lips when the first swipe of his tongue grazed her mouth, her hands tightening and tugging in his hair. 
The sting against his scalp was more than Harry's brain could process in that moment. All he knew was that he wanted to be closer to her—needed to be closer, even. That touch had him pushing against her, grazing his hands up her sides until he was gripping her waist. He pushed until she was rolling back for him, Harry hovering above her while she clung to him.
"(Y/N)," he sighed against her kiss, pulling away enough to speak, "I—" 
"Please," she whined with a nod of her head to the question he hadn't asked. Her palms slipped out from his hair and sat on the broad of his shoulders. She used her leverage to tug him to her, trying to convince him to give in and let her feel him again. 
Between her spread legs, Harry was pulled to lay above her. Those thighs he had documented with his hands were now cushioning his hips. The soft edges he could draw from memory were now his landing pad for all the hard angles and solid ridges that made up his body. Their chests were pressed together with heart beats rattling rib cages. Her body welcomed him with every curve and soft pad; Harry pushing where she pulled. The sticky sound of their mouths meeting and parting lingered in the small space between them.
Laying there in a mess of peach colored sheets and a plush body that had just been declared his, Harry couldn't think of anything or anyone he'd ever been more devoted to. He would do anything for her. 
Right now, he wanted to give her that pleasure that had her sighing into his mouth and clinging to his touch. He wanted to do whatever it took to have her melting into the mattress, sinking into her sheets with a blissed out smile on her face. He wanted to hear those noises that had his chest rattling and his thighs aching from how bunched his muscles became. 
"Harry, I..." (Y/N) started, her voice trailing off as she pulled in a heavy breath. The length of her lashes reached for his own, the tips tangling among his. 
Smearing a kiss over the corner of her opened mouth, Harry tightened his hands on her waist. "I know, peach, I know." 
That heavy intake paused in her lungs. "Peach?" 
He smiled against her skin, a little too smug over her reaction. "Yeah," he crooned, "You're soft like one. Sweet, too." 
A gentle laugh was felt against his kiss before touching his ears. "I like that," she told him, tipping her head just enough to pull him in for another lingering kiss. 
"I like you, peach" he told her, reservation be damned as he shared the first thought on his mind. 
(Y/N)'s thighs tightened around his hips at his words. Not much else could be said when Harry sealed a kiss to her mouth, parting her lips and taking her top one between his two. Her sighs came more freely now with his weight pressing into her, the slick sounds of their mouths mixing in to create a soundtrack. 
With a bubbling in his stomach, Harry's body moved instinctively, pressing his hips heavily into hers. The apex of her thighs welcomed him readily, the bulge in his sweats pressing into her softest spot. A shivering moan left (Y/N)'s lips then, hands in his hair tightening.
 If not for the fact his eyes were already closed, he knew they would have rolled to the back of his head. Harry had never been more grounded in his entire life; he was anchored to this moment. More often than not, he couldn't get his brain to shut up—he was constantly considering every outcome of a given situation, his next move, his next words, everything. But, here, none of that mattered. There was nowhere else in this world that he wanted to focus on, no other person that could pull him from his living daydream. 
This place—a frilly peach bed with fluffy pillows in the middle of a nowhere town—was what he had been searching for all these years since he left his past life behind. This feeling was the goal when he had fantasized about getting out of his line of work. 
Now, he had it. He had a soft woman underneath him, her heart just as welcoming as her body, with his brain quiet. She had him in the palm of his hand, and he knew he was safest there. 
Sinking into her, Harry just wanted to show her. Everything brewing in his chest, caged back by his ribs and squeezing his lungs, he wanted her to feel and know and see. 
Another push of his hips, a physical show of her effect on him, had another moan rolling off of (Y/N)'s tongue. The sound tasted sweet to Harry; the taste of redemption and something too holy to explain. 
"Harry," she murmured, the call coming out messy and smeared against his mouth. 
"I've got you, remember?" he soothed, "All mine." 
Surging forward, (Y/N)'s kiss was desperate against his own, the tip of his nose grazing her cheek. "All yours," she cemented. 
Between her legs, Harry could feel the heat through the layer of her shorts and his sweats. His hands on the curve of her waist pulsed like the shot that went down his spine as he mind wandered a little too far, his imagination slipping under the waistband of her shorts. 
"Are y'sweet everywhere, peach?" he asked, his alluring words skipping over her tongue.
A beat passed as (Y/N) opted to instead keep kissing him instead of giving any kind of answer. "What do you mean?" she breathlessly asked, sounding dazed. 
A smug smile tipped the corners of his mouth. A heady rock of his hips was delivered against her own. "You know what I mean," he drawled, "Are you sweet everywhere?" 
Having drawn away just enough to match her eyes, he saw the way they rolled to the back of her head. Her grip on his hair and the vice of her thighs around his hips had him sinking with her as she melted into the mattress. 
Grazing the tip of his nose over the curve of her warmed cheek, Harry let her cling to him. "Do y'want me to check?"  he asked, lips brushing over her skin, "Can I, peach?" 
(Y/N) eagerly nodded her head to his proposal. "Yes, yes, please." 
Pulling away, (Y/N)'s grip loosened on his hair despite Harry knowing that was the last thing she wanted to do. But, he had another proposition for her. He needed to see her when he asked. 
"Can y'do something for me, then?" he said, their hips still nestled together as he hovered above her with elbows planted on either side of (Y/N)'s head. 
It was an automatic response the way she immediately agreed, no hesitation. "I can do that for you," she said, no knowledge of what she was agreeing to. 
Dipping down and pressing a kiss to her chin, Harry couldn't help but to breathe out a laugh across her skin. "Y'don't even know what I want, and you're already promising. Thought y'were smart, peachy?" 
(And, she is very smart, he knew that. He just wanted to tease her a little, see if she liked that). 
(Y/N)'s breathing hitched in her throat, but she didn't make any move to deny him. He couldn't blame her, either. If she had said something similar, even if they were just in her kitchen, he would have agreed the same way. Devotion was the only way he could describe it. 
Carefully balancing his weight, Harry used one of his hands and collected her wrists from where she had her hands buried in his hair. The length of his fingers acted as manacles as he pulled her hands away from his form. She looked at him with wide eyes, a pinch appearing in the middle when he guided her hands to lay above her head. 
"I want you to keep these here," he instructed, pushing her hands into the pillow as, "Is that something y'can do for me?" 
Gazing up at him, head and now hands cushioned with plush peach pillows, (Y/N) couldn't help the pout that pushed out her bottom lip. "But—I don't get to touch you?" 
Looking at her like this, hearing those words wrapped in the delicate thrall of her breathy voice, Harry was almost surprised that a halo wasn't crooked on her head. He had expected flowers to sprout around her, a peach tree to shade them in the privacy of her bedroom. This gingerbread house should have even been a castle as far as he was concerned. She was too much to be just a baker in a small town; there had to be a secret stash of angel wings somewhere or a small country searching for a lost princess. 
"You will," he soothed her, his thumb sweeping across the bone of her wrist, "I jus' want you to do this for me first. Is that alright? Can y'keep your promise?" 
Stretching her fingers, (Y/N) was able to curl them around Harry's just enough. "I can. For you," she murmured to him, glittering gaze stitched to his features. 
A lopsided smile pulled at Harry's lips, only a single dimple pressing into his cheek. "I knew you could, peach. You're so good, huh," he praised. 
(Y/N) features bloomed into a fruit-sweet smile. "Kiss?" 
Harry didn't hesitate before he was pressing his lips to hers, a warm kiss over her already-swollen mouth. (Y/N) happily sunk into the contact, her arms going lax under his hold. Skating down the length of her arms and down her body, Harry allowed his palms to luxuriate in the feel of her form. 
While she could never be anything but a good distraction, Harry could now be acutely aware of every shift of her body, everything the curves of her form could offer. He was no longer muddling through how good it felt to be touched by her, how she made his skin come alive with every brush of her fingertips. He could commemorate every swath of skin, every cave and hill, everything that made up his safe place. He felt starved for her; he couldn't get enough, feel enough, touch enough. 
This was worship to him. She was the only deity he could devote his life to, be a dedicated follower of. 
"I love you," he told her, his brows dipping into a furrow as he sealed the words across her kiss. 
"I love you, too, Harry." 
His heart fluttered at the reciprocation. His hand stationed by her head twisted to bury itself among the strands of her messy hair, his fingertip tenderly grazing her scalp. The other was traveling down her body, tucking under the length of her sleep shirt. The loose legs of her shorts was his goal, the pads of his fingers brushing the soft skin of her inner thighs. She was wide open for him with his hips keeping her from getting shy and closing up on him. 
The higher up he grazed, Harry awaited to be stopped by the hem of a pair of panties, his access to her skin cut off. But, that never came. 
Instead, he was beaconed in by the heat that he had felt against his cock, now luring in his touch. Sticky wetness greeted him first, the slick having dipped over the crease between her thigh and her pussy. She was messy and warm, just for him, 
(Y/N) shuddered at the first pass of his fingertip through her slit, her lips stuttering over his own. He couldn't help the smug smile that tugged at his lips at her reaction, especially when he chanced a graze of his thumb over her clit. Mouth parting, a tiny whimper fell from her lips. Harry swallowed the sound, allowing his slicked fingers to play through her wetness, brushing her clit and parting her slit until he felt her pulsing opening. Every touch made her that much stickier, he felt, every reason to keep him there, keep him touching. 
Once his digits were coated, Harry tugged his hand out from between her legs, following the path through the leg of her shorts. He could feel her eyes trained on him as he brought his index finger to his mouth, the pad grazing the pillow of his bottom lip with a shine being left behind. 
Harry couldn't help but to make a show of it when the first taste hit it tongue. His eyes fluttered closed on instinct, a moan rumbling through his chest. He could only imagine what kind of reaction he would have if he was ever given the chance to lick directly from the source. His eyelids tugged open to find her watching him with blown pupils, her cheeks warm and lips swollen. Her hands were still obediently placed above her head, but the fisting of the pillow case showed just how much effort was being put into the action. 
"So sweet, peach," he crooned, pulling his shining finger from his mouth, "Jus' like I thought you'd be." He watched as her mouth parted, eyes trained on his hand. In the minimal light, a glaze could still be seen on his middle finger. 
"Wanna try?" 
Her reaction came in the form of an eager nod, her lips parting that much more as if an invitation. 
There was no reason to keep her waiting as he gave in, slipping the slick digit between her open lips. The pad pressed against the dip of her tongue as she got her first taste, lips closing around him. She sucked with a gentle lave of her tongue over her skin, cleaning him off. 
"Sweet, right?" he pressed, flexing his finger in her mouth with a press against the flat of her buds. 
"Uh-huh," (Y/N) answered, mouth full and eyes half-lidded. 
Slowly withdrawing from her mouth, a soft pop sounded in the room when Harry's spit-slick digit was freed. A thread of salvia clung to the tip of his finger, tying him to her for a lingering moment before the string bowed and broke. 
"Miss me touching you?" Harry asked, noting the squeeze of her thighs around his hips. Her response came in a soft nod, a heavy breath fanning between them. He gave her a smug smile, dipping closer to her as his hand retraced a path between her legs, "I shouldn't keep such a sweet girl waiting then, should I?" 
"No, please," she whined out, instinctively moving to touch him before she reminded herself to keep her hands just where they were. 
Harry didn't linger too long this time, giving into her pleas by slipping his hand inside her shorts as soon as he could maneuver the fabric out of the way. His tender touch parted her slit, feeling just how slick she'd gotten when she gave herself a taste. The middle of her shorts were almost drenched, a damp spot beginning to show on the outside. He traced every dip and curve, feeling her clit in teasing circles before he was playing through her wetness. Without her hands, (Y/N) used her nose to nudge at Harry's jaw, catching his attention and drawing him into a messy kiss. A shiver had her thighs aching to be closed when he nudged at her opening. 
Flattening his slicked hand against her hip under her pajamas, (Y/N) keened at the loss of his contact. His hips blocked her legs from closing and attempting to trap his hand between. 
"Want me inside?" he asked her, his words being sipped through her puckered lips. 
Shifting her hips under the palm of his hand, she bucked against him, urging his touch to return nowhere she needed him. "Please," she had whined again. 
As much as he liked playing with her, he couldn't find any good reason to deny her. He was greedy for it too, anyway. 
His hand swept across the small of her stomach until he slipped through her wetness once more. In a moment he was sinking into her, his middle finger parting the clench of her walls. She was warm and wet, snug and clinging to him before he'd even given her anything to properly cling to. 
Lips parting, (Y/N) made to moan out his name, but Harry cut her off with a smear of his lips against her own. He swallowed down her whining, instead giving her that much more to focus on, more of his skin against hers to take her mind somewhere else. 
She was restless against the sheets, her hands staying steady against the pillow despite how much he could feel her aching to reach for him. 
"Keep them up, (Y/N)," he crooned, "Be good, peach. Like you promised." 
"I promise, I promise, I promise," she babbled, breathless and just a step above incoherent. 
(Y/N) was rewarded with a heavy kiss to her lips, the pad of his thumb pressing against her budding clit. Drawing his finger out of her, Harry felt every ridge and crevice, her walls molding around him. Her mouth against his melted, sticky and sweet, while her thighs around his hips tightened. Her body clung and bowed, different reactions pulling from everywhere. 
The rhythm Harry created with his hand, finger sinking in a pulling out of her with brushes placed on her clit, was more than a reward for her, but was becoming a slight punishment to him. His imagination ran too fast and too wild thinking about what it would feel like to replace his hand with his cock between her legs. He could feel every rock of his hand against her, every rear back was now pressing against his bulge in a teasing pressure that disappeared too soon. 
God, he wasn't going to last. He knew that from the second she had deepened their kissing, but now with her splayed underneath him and the heat of her pussy wrapped around his finger, that fact needed no other reassurance. Even the lack of her touch was enough to get his cock throbbing, knowing that she wasn't touching him all because he asked her to. There were no bindings keeping her away, all it was was a murmured request, and she was pliant for him. 
If she bucked her hips just right, he feared he would be getting out of her bed with stained sweats.
"Harry," she whined against his lips, mouth falling open as she threw her head back into the pillow. He had curled his finger inside of her, pressing against his walls, finding the sweet spot inside her that gave way under the pressure. 
More than anything, hearing her call out his name was almost enough to have him letting go already. This was one of those moments he still couldn't believe was properly happening; she was letting him touch her and she loved it enough so that she was slicking down his palm, bucking against him, and calling out his name like a prayer. This was better than any fantasy, any video, any previous encounter and he still hadn't even gleaned sight of her properly naked between the sheets. 
"More, p-please," she sighed, her voice carrying between them humid and heavy, "I need you, Harry." 
The front of his sweats soaked the first blurts of precum that leaked from his tip as Harry's stomach tightened at the sound of her plea. He was hard enough already, his muscles bunched and hard, cock heavy and balls tight. Turning his head, his breathing came in heavy blows as he smeared his lips across her cheek. He couldn't concentrate like this, not enough to give her a proper kiss. 
Harry focused on giving her everything she wanted, pushing another finger inside her. The widened girth had her back arching, pressing her chest against his with soft breasts and a hammering heart. He thrusted them in at a lingering pace, long and deep with the reach of his fingertips against her farthest wall. 
As much as he quelled that whiny part of her, there was still more she needed from him she could tell. She kept her hands cemented above her head, even with her squirming and wriggling.
"Please, please," she whined to him, voice dipping and dazed. 
"What do y'want, peach? Tell me how to help you," he murmured, lips dragging over her skin. 
Her response came out bubbling and rushed, without a thought, "I want to touch you, please, please. I promised I would keep them up, but-but I don't want to anymore." 
They both knew there was nothing holding her back from doing just that, but she wanted to keep her promise to him. She wanted to wait until he told her it was okay, that she had fulfilled her promise. That was all he needed to hear. 
"C'mon then, peach," he crooned, sinking heavily into her with his cock pressed against his thrusting hand. "Touch me." 
Almost immediately, he could keep her touch skating over him. Fingers raked through his hair, swirling through the curls and scratching down his shoulders. Her fingertips made dents in his skin as she dragged them down his chest, feeling every cubed muscle and hard angle that made up his heavy body. He knew there were lines of scars she could feel through the thin material of his shirt, new and old, but just like when he had tugged her into the shower with him, she didn't pay them anymore. She focused on him only, none of the battered packaging;. 
Soon enough, her fingers hooked on the waistband of his sweats. He was sure a dark stain was now sported across the front—whether it was from her or him, was to be decided. 
"Can I touch you here, Harry? I want you to cum with me," she babbled, Harry feeling her voice in her throat against his mouth as much as he heard her. 
A heavy, lopsided smile had his kiss going messy against her neck. "I can't say no to you when you've been so good, can I peach?" 
That was all the permission she needed to slip her hand underneath the elastic waist of his sweatpants. Her fingers dipped through the swatch of curls around his base, a shiver heading up his spine at the touch of another over his skin. She didn't tease him the way he seemed so fond to do, her hand forming a fist around his cock with a heady grip. Precum had dripped down, making him slick enough to allow a few cursory pumps over his shaft. 
Harry's own rhythm, his hand still tucked inside her shorts, stuttered. His mouth parted in a breathy moan, the sound painted across the column of her throat and sinking into her pores. He kept his thumb circling her clit, but there was nothing else he could maintain when he felt her sweep her hand up his length, thumb twirling around his head and collecting pearls of precum. She slicked his length with the beads, giving a wet sound to every stroke of her hand. 
A real rumbling moan left his mouth then, (Y/N) using her free hand to cradle his cheek in her palm. She guided him into a kiss with her, taking on the taste of his pleasure just like he had before. Harry's eyes squeezed shut as he began to curate a messy rhythm inside her shorts, fingers sinking in and out, stretching her with every pass of his knuckles. 
Tucked in cherry-scented, peach colored sheets, a fantasy Harry hadn't even known he had, came to life. His hand was soaked between her thighs, slick with every gush of wetness he was able to draw out of her with a puffy clit at the top of her slit. (Y/N)had her own hand tucked inside his sweats, taking advantage of the kind of reaction only she could have drawn out him, his length heavy and hard with enough precum to wet her hand and the front of his sweats. 
In some ways, it felt juvenile, getting handsy the way they were. It was as if they were hiding from a dormmate, or hoping a parent didn't walk in on them after curfew. But, in many more ways, it was the hottest thing Harry had ever experienced. He just hoped the experience would last a bit longer than a handful of minutes. 
(Y/N)'s bedroom was filled with the sound of their mouths parting and meeting, slick and messy, skin slapping and wet pumps. Harry's thighs felt tight, bunched muscles in his stomach hardening the bricks of his abs. He knew he had to have been pulsing in her hand. 
"G-Gonna cum, peach?" he breathed against her mouth, "Said y'wanted to cum with me, right?" 
"Uh-huh, uh-huh," she bubbled out, mouth parting against his with the tip of her nose grazing his, "Are you—oh my god, Harry—Are you almost?" 
She pushed her thumb over the crown of his cock, the tip pressing into his sensitive slit and pulling more pearly precum out. Harry had to draw away from her messy kissing then, his breathing too short and head too scattered to concentrate. He wanted to make sure he could make her cum with him, if not soon after. 
Dropping his head to her chest, bridge of his nose gliding over her collarbones as he nodded absently. "I love you, (Y/N). I love you, so much, okay?" he breathed out, the declarations decorating her skin in honey thick drips. 
His head was watery and muddy when her own strokes increased the match the pace of his over, the strength of her fist causing him to twitch in her hand. He made a point to find that spongy spot inside her with every pass of his fingers through her walls. He needed her shuddering and aching, eyes scrunched and throat filled with his name. 
"I-I love you, too," she whimpered, pressing her lips against the top of his head. 
Silly enough but true to the sensitive mess he'd become, that was all Harry needed to hear before he could feel himself emptying into her hand. Ropes of cum landed on his sweats, the fabric dampening and sticking to (Y/N)'s hand. She worked him through the throes, allowing Harry to sink into her, hand stuttering in her shorts, with his breath coming out lingering and humid over her skin. There was no word he could form, nothing he could say, nothing that could come out as more than a jumble of noises. He was too lost in space then, experiencing every pull of her hand over his length, thumbing at the tip of his cock and sliding through the mess he made just for her. 
Instinctively, Harry sunk his teeth into a gentle bite on her collarbone. If he couldn't kiss her, he needs to do something, he thought. This was the only thing that his brain could process, the only thing that would claim her in the same way as a deep kiss could do. 
As his peak began to wane, teeth nipping at the ledge of her collarbone, Harry felt (Y/N)'s thighs begin to fight to close around his hand over her center. She was pulsing now, her heart rate picking up with her hand stilling at his base. In his hair, her other hand fisted his curls, his scalp stinging. Every thrust of Harry's fingers was slowed with the way her walls shuddered around him, sucking him in and clinging to him until he stopped trying to leave her. 
Wetness gushed around his digits, leaking out and wetting his palm. His thumb was heavy over her clit, matching the pace of his fingers pressing into the delicate spot inside her. 
She was cumming for him, falling into him without a care. Harry's cock twitched, a lone spurt of cum pushing out, as he imagined what it would have been like to experience her orgasm with more than just his hand down her pants. If it was this intense, enough so that he almost felt as if he were experiencing aftershocks, he couldn't even begin to think about the pleasure that they could experience together properly. 
But, Harry had a feeling he had a lot of time to try many different things with her. 
The come down came slowly. Lazy touches were shared between them, nothing more than an excuse to feel one another. Soon enough, (Y/N) gave him an oversensitive whine. With a sleepy laugh, Harry slipped his hand out from her shorts, fingers wrapping around her wrist to follow suit.
(Y/N) laid heavily against the mattress, sheets rumpled around her with pillows haphazard around their heads. She was weightless just as much as she was planted in the moment.
A beat passed, Harry sitting up between her legs with his knees folded, that (Y/N) turned her glistening hand. Her eyes met his a moment later, a quiet pout puffing her lips. 
"Sticky," she said, a limp whine to her voice. 
Harry couldn't help himself, he had to dip down and press a kiss to her swollen lips. "I know, peach," he laughed, taking her wrist with his clean hand, "Let's get cleaned up." 
Pliantly, (Y/N) followed right after him to her bathroom. He used his forearm to flick the lights on, sure his peach wouldn't love the idea of her orgasm being slicked around her house. 
"Go ahead and wash your hands," he instructed her, pulling her boneless form to the sink. 
(Y/N)'s movements were lethargic as she followed his directions. Pumps of sweet smelling soap scented the bathroom, Harry watching from where he stood behind her in the mirror. More than once, she met his gaze, hands under the warm water though it didn't rival the way her blood fluttered under her skin. She gave him a shy smile every time before she was directing her attention back on her hands. He thought it was sweet the way she was bashful now, even after what had just occurred in her room. 
Harry kissed her shoulder when it was his turn to clean up, replacing her spot at the sink. The silence was a change to the mess of sound that had filled her bedroom, but it was nice to stand there with her, washing up so casually after something Harry was sure was going to live in his brain for quite some time. 
Drying his hands, he bumped (Y/N)'s hip, a breathy laugh falling from her lips as she gazed up at him. "I'll pick out some clothes for us to change into," he told her, "Did y'want to clean up any more?" 
"Yeah, I think so," she said softly, "You know where my pajama stuff is, right?" 
"Mhm," he hummed, a quiet smile on his lips, "I'll pick something cute out for you, don't worry." 
(Y/N) only laughed at him, moving around him before pushing him back to her room. With the door shut behind him, Harry left his smile to be seen by the floor. Making his way to his dresser, he felt incredibly light. 
Finding the right drawer, Harry rifled through big t-shirts and soft pants to find a new pair of shorts for her to change into, a pair of panties being plucked out after from a different drawer. His own clothes were confined to a duffle bag that only left her room to be washed at his before returning with another set of clothing to get him through the week. (As much as he reveled in the feeling of having a home, a place just for him, he loved being at (Y/N) just a hair more. She liked having him there, too, she'd told him). 
Placing her curated clothes out on her bed, he moved to change out of his sweats and into a pair of briefs he had pulled from his bag. Just as the waistband settled over his hips, (Y/N) emerged from the bathroom, light being flicked off behind her. She held her dirty shorts in her other hand, being left bare under the hem of her t-shirt. If not for the fact Harry was halfway sure he was going to be drained out for the next week, he would have gotten hard again, he was sure. 
"Better?" he asked, a light smile on his lips.
"Much," she sighed, her own expression dreamy as her gaze landed on the clothing left out for her. 
"Those okay?" he asked, rounding the end of her bed to stand beside her. 
Her eyes lingered on him for that much longer, a smile blooming across her features. "They're perfect. Thank you." 
It was so comfortable the way she stepped towards him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before she took the clothing. She redressed with him right there, boundaries he thought would always be in place for someone like him, dissolving even without the promise of (Y/N) gaining something from his touch. 
He didn't even realize he was still smiling until he was sharing a pillow with her once more. It felt normal to him. 
He only noticed when (Y/N) finally said: "I like it when you smile." 
Harry nestled that much closer to her over her rumpled sheets, their "sides" merging until there was little space left between them. "Yeah?" he breathed, smile widening without permission. 
(Y/N) nodded her head, lifting her hand out from under her covers to prod at a dimple denting his cheek. "Yeah. I feel like I never saw you do it before, and now it's like you're smiling all the time since we came home." 
He couldn't even try to fend off his grin then. He loved smiling for her; every one of these curls was for her, because of her. 
"It’s all for you," he murmured. 
(Y/N) simply kissed him.
"Is this the place?" 
Harry nodded from where he sat in the passenger seat. "Mhmm. I think we need to check in but after that, 's up to us on what to do." 
Shifting the gears into park once she was boxed within the white lines, (Y/N) gave him a patient smile. "Ready, then?" 
This time, his shaky hands were from giddy nerves instead of bottled up emotions. "I think so, yeah." 
By the time they were out of her car and pushing through the front doors of the sanctuary, Harry had (Y/N)'s hand bundled in his own. He needed that anchor. He couldn't do this without her. 
"Hi, how are you two?" The receptionist up front greeted them, hair messy on the top of their head with a fitted t-shirt on, sporting the company logo. 
"We're good, thank you," (Y/N) spoke for them, "We don't have an appointment today, but we were hoping we could browse around, if that's alright." 
The receptionist brightened from behind her makeshift desk, pulling a clipboard of paperwork out from a compartment in the podium before her. "Perfect! Was there anything in particular we were wanting to take a look at today?"
Harry squeezed (Y/N)'s hand. He piped up, "I—uh—I wanted to get a cat today. If y'had any." 
A bubbly grin stretched the receptionist's lips. "I'm so happy you said that! We actually took in a few new girls this weekend, so you came on the best day!" 
Before being allowed back, they were handed a clipboard with a set of forms to fill out. (Y/N) sat steadily beside him as he filled out all his info with a shaky hand (he was too excited and nervous to sit still and fill out paperwork), her own address and contact information filling in the second set of lines. 
As soon as they handed back the info, a quick glance being delivered over the form, they were led back with the receptionist—Molly, she introduced herself as—acting as their guide. At the end of the hall, they stopped in front of a closed door with a sign pasted saying "Kittens at play! Be careful when opening!" alongside a simply drawn cat head. 
Molly led them inside, the area filled with various cat toys and posts. Soft beds were littered about, a clean pee pad pressed in the back. Though, the room was void of any kittens for the time being. 
"So, we usually start with letting in our adult guests first before we bring in any of the babies. Unless, you had a preference anyway?" Molly started, her eyes glancing up at Harry from where she was filling out another sheet of paper tacked to the wall. 
"No, that's okay," he said, a tight smile on his lips. It was still a bit hard to give much away to anyone that wasn't (Y/N), but he was learning.
"Perfect!" Molly beamed, moving towards a door stationed on the opposite side of where they entered through, "I'm going to go help get everyone gathered, then they'll be in after. I'll leave you guys to bond with them and see if anyone stands, but just let me know if you need anything. I'll be by to check in and see if you're ready for the kittens soon." 
With that, Molly left with a beaming smile. (Y/N) pulled him to a small ledge that acted as a bench in the room, the cliff painted a matching white to the walls. She allowed him to sit in his quiet, always so patient with him when he knew it was in her nature to give more conversation. 
Soon enough, a sliding cat door was lifted with furry little bodies bursting through. All of those toys that had been lying limp on the floor were now being batted around or sniffed at, features and glittery strings being plucked and pulled. Claws scraped down scratch posts, chins rubbed across with purrs erupting here and there. The shier varieties were lured in by the plush beds, toes digging into the down as if the cats were kneading bread. 
Harry didn't know where to look first. This was a shelter, so he wasn't surprised to see some of the creatures with bitten ears or mangy tails, some even had a lack of claws that made Harry want to cringe for them. Not all of them were perfect, having made it here from so many different places and lives, but seeing them interact with each other and their environment, they all looked so happy.
"(Y/N), I don't know if this was a good idea," he murmured to her, keeping station on the ledge in the room as he observed. 
"Why not?" she blanched beside him, her features twisting. 
Eyes skipping over all of the stripes and speckles, long hair and other clipped short, Harry's lips thinned. "I want to take all of them." 
(Y/N)'s expression loosened into a bright smile, a peal of laugher mixing in with the padding of soft feet over the linoleum. "I knew you would! I told you this was going to be hard," she teased him, pulsing her hand in his, "But, we'll find one for you. The others will understand." 
The latch to the kitty door was still open, a lingering cat walking through a few moments later. By then, the others were happily lounging and playing, some even daring to inch towards where they sat to get a sniff of the guests. But, the newcomer stuck close to the sides, observing the others more than anything else. Harry's gaze stuck to her. 
Her fur was a dusty black, almost grey in the light, with speckles of white throughout. She had a white little nose, white toes, a patch the shape of a wonky bow on her chest, and a single white ear. Her tail was alert behind her, swaying with every cautious step. Observing her, he saw the way her eyes darted around the room, taking note of every noise, every creature, everything. 
She was scared, Harry could tell. She had to be one of the newer ones brought to the shelter. 
"Go say hi," (Y/N) encouraged him with a whisper, letting go of his hand only to nudge his shoulder. 
Hesitantly, Harry crossed the room, feeling a bit guilty when he distracted any of the babies from their games or their precious sleep. His little black and white friend stopped by a cactus shaped scratch post, the structure short but still taller than her as she sat on the base. He moved carefully, not wanting to alarm her into hiding, or even leaving through the still open hatch. 
Though she didn't skitter away, she still eyed him with a sharp blue gaze. 
"Hi," Harry offered, reaching his hand out for her to sniff. Even with the rest of the noise happening, he could still hear the small huff of her breath as her nose twitched with every intake. 
His new friend didn't back away, even when he grazed his fingers over the top of her head, ears flattening as if to give him room for a bigger pet. Inching closer, Harry happily continued smoothing his hand over her fur every time she leaned into him. More and more, she embraced his touches, showing him just where she would prefer to feel his fingers. She loved a pet under her chin, he learned, but would really accept scratches anywhere as long as he was gentle. 
Soon enough, she was keening into his hand, pushing the top of her head into his palm with a graze of her wet nose against his skin. Faintly, Harry began to hear a purr. It was crackling and low, but genuine. Looking up at him, she even gave him a flutter of her eyes, lingering blinks he had learned in his research was a cat's way of reciprocating affection. 
She was happy with him.
From behind him, he could hear (Y/N) stepping over the others in the room, cooing to some that sniffed at her while apologizing to others she bothered in her trek. He felt the static of her presence at his side though he didn't take his eyes off his furry companion. 
"She's so pretty, H," she told him, a smile in her voice. 
A little emotional, Harry nodded as he kept his gaze concentrated on his cat while he smoothed his hand down her back. "I think she's new." 
"Me too. She seemed a little scared at first, so I figured." (Y/N)'s voice lingered between them, the black and white cat seeming to finally take note of the new person as she cast a glance towards Harry's peach. "I know you like them all, but she's special, huh?" 
(Y/N)'s hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing the cuff as she leant into him. "Do you want to go out and talk to them? See if there's anything they can tell us about her?" 
As much as he would have loved to waste his day laying among all of these little creatures, he didn't want to linger for too long and end up really taking home more than one of them. (There was one that was very interested in his shoes, and if he played with his laces for even a second, Harry was going to break down). 
"Yeah," he answered (Y/N), making the difficult choice of leaving his friend without any pets even when she stretched up to meet his hand. 
He followed (Y/N)'s lead as she pulled him towards the door, knocking on the inside before someone came to help them out without a bunch of critters trying to sneak out after. Molly gave them a beaming smile as she shut the door behind them. 
"Anyone you connected with? Or, are you ready for some of the babies to come in?" 
Harry shook his head, his hand instinctively reaching to pluck for his cuticles until (Y/N) bundled it in her own. "The black and white one, with the white ear and toes—um—, what was her name?" 
Molly brightened further. "That's one of our new girls that came in this past weekend," she started, leaning against the wall behind her, "She was rescued from a house of about five other cats. The owner wasn't taking proper care of them, so a few of them, her included, would go out and try to fend for themselves a lot. She's a little quiet and had a harder time socializing with the others, but we like to think this is her second chance. We never got a real name for her, but we've been calling her Rosemary." 
(Y/N)'s hand tightened around his the second Molly had brought up a second chance. That was all he needed to know about who he'd met back there. 
Glancing at (Y/N), Harry gave her a soft smile before looking to Molly. "I think I'd like to have her, please." 
Molly almost squealed with excitement, her hands clasping together at her waist. "That's wonderful! She seemed to really like you from what we saw on the cameras, I think she's going to be so excited to go home with you!" She started back up the hallway, back to where they were checked in, Molly waving at them to follow over her shoulder. "We just need to go over some paperwork while I let the guys get her all squared away for you to travel, then we'll talk a little bit more about what'll be needed to care for her." 
Taking them up to an office just off from reception, Molly left them for a moment as she went to collect the needed paperwork. 
Sitting beside one another, (Y/N) looked up at him with glimmering eyes. 
"You're going to take such good care of her, Harry," she murmured, her voice a quiet secret for only him. 
Taking in a deep breath, Harry tried to stabilize the rattling in his chest. "Everyone deserves a second chance, right?" 
Scooting that much closer to him, (Y/N) brought their linked hands up to press a kiss to the back of his. 
Harry didn't think before he smiled at her. 
vervain represents healing; forgiving mistakes from the past and staring over
eeeeeek thats it guys! now you know all the things ab rosemary h! thank you so much for sticking w me through his story and sending so much love and support:( this story has been so close to my heart for so long so it makes me so happy you guys have enjoyed how it turned out! lmk what you guys thought and if you have any fun blurbs or think like that please send them in!
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srvbryn · 7 months
i have been in severe luke distress after rereading titans curse. maybe like you could some reassuring luke? bc him and thalia used to have something and now reader and luke are together but not officially and she’s afraid he’s might still like thalia but he doesn’t ?
Luke Castellan. So if you need to be mean (be mean to me)
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Luke Castellan X f!reader
Summary: wherein it is impossible to simply forget the past as if it never happened
Warning: none! I'm literally Shakespeare, “I love you”, there's barely any plot because what??, my grammar is veryyy bad
A/n: 😭 Pls I'm running out of ideas and this probably isn't the same as what you request I'm sooo sorry 💔💔
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Luke stirred, caught in the vicious grip of a gruesome nightmare, as the night unfolded like a tapestry of sorrow.
Instinctively, you drew him in closer as you tried your hardest to protect him from the sinister figures that prowled in the corners of his disturbed dreams..
"Luke, it's all right. You're safe here," you whispered, your voice a fragile rhythm in the deep silence that enveloped the room.
You felt the tremors going through his body as you held him, they were all evidence of the nightmares that continued to haunt him while he slept.
His eyes revealed a deep-seated agony that defied description in the soft, ethereal glow of the moonlight peeking through the curtains. "The memories of what happened with Thalia follow me everywhere. (Name), She haunts me."
Your voice was like a soft stream trying to wash away the scars of the past, and your heart was aching for him as you continued to murmur words of consolation.
"The past is something we cannot change, but despite everything, we have created something lovely together."
He let out a trembling breath and his voice showed the weakness he rarely showed. "Do you ever think I still have feelings for Thalia?"
Cupping his tear-streaked face, you held his gaze, the depth of your love reflected in your eyes. "Luke, our journey has been marked by pain, but it's also been defined by our healing. I love you for who you are now, not who you were."
The room hung heavy with a somber silence, broken only by the echoes of his sorrow. "I love you too," he admitted, the weight of lingering doubts evident in the sincerity of his confession.
The room seemed to get colder and the shadows darker as you clung to each other in the stillness, showing the scars of the past every second that went by.
You two unintentionally turned into warriors against the approaching darkness in that moving moment; your love was a weak but resolute light trying to mend what the world had broken.
The night lingered, and so did your embrace, a bittersweet refuge against the haunting echoes.
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kingofbodyrolls · 7 months
My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | series masterlist
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Hi, and welcome to Bora Ranch!
At Bora Ranch you will rediscover who you are, reconnect with your sister, and your childhood friend, Park Jimin, that will stir old feelings back. There's a lot of ups and downs, a lot of heartbreak, misunderstandings, what ifs, bad timing, but in the end, you will know what truly makes your heart beat, and where your heart's home is.
It's a story that will take you on a heartbreaking journey to find out what love is and the meaning of 'home', coming home and finding love. There's a lot of angst in it, I'd call it HEALING ANGST. Everything will be good in the end! Just have to go through a lot of heartbreak before the sun truly shines. There's a lot of soulmates vibes/undertones in it, and it's a lovestory at it's core. It's very romancey (Why do I suddenly feel like I wrote a YA but with mature language???).
This story is HEAVLY inspired by McLoed's Daughters (both the world/setting/plot), some plot points follow that story, but most of it doesn't.
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“It will take some time To find your heart And come back home You could walk for miles Cross every river And find your not alone ‘Cos I'll be there” - From McLeod’s Daughters theme song
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🐴 Summary: You’d never thought you’d step foot back at the ranch– a place you used to call home a long time ago. When you are forced to go back, reconcile with your sister and a certain childhood friend that you had long forgotten, will sparks reunite? 🐴 Pairing: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter)*, jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc *I also want to clarify some things about the tags/pairings! Jungkook x reader only happens once, it is crucial for the sake of the plot, but please don't let that stop you from reading it (I take it you want to read it because of Jimin x reader). Jimin x reader is the main couple! 🐴 Characters: female reader (she’s more like an OC, but isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴 AUs: ranch!au, slice of life!au, childhood friends to lovers!au, cowboy!au, soulmate!au 🐴 Genres: smut, humor, fluff, slow burn and angst (yes, it’s got everything lol!) 🐴 Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact! 🐴 Word count: 230k (epilogue excluded) 🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴 Warnings/tag: will be tagged for each individual chapter. But it does contain sexual themes, smut and a lot of sexual tension and a hell of a lot of angst! Like series is an emotional rollercoaster ride, it will leave you both happy, sad, frustrated, mad, angry and oh so in love. All through the series. You have been warned, lol. 🐴 Status: completed 🥳 🐴 Fancy reading on AO3? It is cross-posted there! 🐴 Do you want to see the book cover (there's a teaser too)? [it's here] 🐴 Author’s note: this series is heavily inspired by the TV show McLeod’s Daughters. Some plot points will feel familiar, while others won’t (because I don’t follow that story structure to a tee). But If you love that show that I do, I’m 100% sure you’ll love this story too! Also, I don’t expect people to really be interested in this… this is more of a story about coming home, finding home, finding love and such… and I don’t know if you want to read that sort of thing? But I fucking love it! ✨
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Chapter #1 - Inheritance | word count: 8.2k | read → chapter one
Chapter #2 - It’s a Long Road | word count: 9.1k | read → chapter two
Chapter #3 - Sometimes | word count: 11.8k | read → chapter three
Chapter #4 - It Comes to This | word count: 7.5k | read → chapter four
Chapter #5 - Our Home, Our Place | word count: 11k | read → chapter five
Chapter #6 - Wild Horses | word count: 11k | read → chapter six
Chapter #7 - We Got it Wrong | word count: 9.5k | read → chapter seven
Chapter #8 - Love You, Hate You | word count: 9.5k | read → chapter eight
Chapter #9 - Take the Rain Away | word count: 8.2k | read → chapter nine
Chapter #10 - The First Touch | word count: 16.4k | read → chapter ten
Chapter #11 - This Perfect Day | word count: 14.4k | read → chapter eleven
Chapter #12 - Broken Dreams | word count: 14.4k | read → chapter twelve
Chapter #13 - Love Letter | word count: 13.4k | read → chapter thirteen
Chapter #14 - I Wish the Past was Different | word count: 10.5k | read → chapter fourteen
Chapter #15 - Did I Tell You? | word count: 13.7k | read → chapter fifteen
Chapter #16 - The Stranger | word count: 14.1k | read → chapter sixteen
Chapter #17 - Love of Your Life | word count: 13.3k | read → chapter seventeen
Chapter #18 - By My Side | word count: 14.7k | read → chapter eighteen
Chapter #19 - Home [END] | word count: 18.2k | read → chapter nineteen
Chapter #20 - My Heart's Home [Epilogue + Q&A] | word count: 7.4k | read → chapter twenty
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Please let me know if you're excited for this??? I'm still writing it, and honestly... I love it! But it's tough to write such a long series without any feedback or knowledge whether it's good or sucks... so.. yeah....
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maiochiruhanabiraaa · 2 months
Me After You (Pablo Gavi.)
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A/N: This story is based from the song Me After You by Paul Kim. However, 'Me After You' also acknowledges the challenges that come with love. There are moments of misunderstanding and emotional pain, but these are met with a desire to overcome and grow together. It also expresses gratitude for their partner's patience and warmth, which have helped them become a better person. The song concludes with a hopeful note, and asks if their partner is also happy and expresses a desire to continue walking through life together. 😊
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Gavi POV:
After I met you, everything changed in ways I couldn't have imagined. It was a fresh autumn day when our paths first crossed at a quaint café downtown. You were sitting by the window, lost in a book, a soft smile playing on your lips.
I remember being struck by how effortlessly beautiful you looked, the way your eyes lit up when you turned towards me as I approached.
"I'm Gavi," I managed to say, feeling a rush of nervous excitement.
You introduced yourself with a warmth that instantly put me at ease, and from that moment, our conversations flowed effortlessly. We talked about everything under the sun—our dreams, our fears, the little joys and sorrows that shaped our days.
It was during those early mornings, sharing breakfast at that same café, that I realized how much I looked forward to seeing you, to hearing your voice fill the air with laughter.
In the dazzling mornings, I found myself waking up with thoughts of you. Your smile became my motivation, your laughter my favorite melody.
Sitting face to face at our table, I'd eagerly ask about your day, hanging onto every word you said. And when you asked about mine, my heart would swell with happiness knowing that you cared.
As time passed, I marveled at how we grew accustomed to each other's quirks and habits. We developed our own inside jokes, our own rhythms that felt perfectly in sync.
I began to understand the depth of my feelings for you—the way I wanted to protect your happiness, to share in your successes, and to comfort you during your lows.
"I love you," I finally confessed one evening under the stars, my voice barely above a whisper. The way your eyes sparkled in response, filled with the same affection and devotion, was all the confirmation I needed.
Just like that peaceful moment, I knew I wanted to be with you forever.
There were challenges, of course. Moments when our words unintentionally caused hurt, or when misunderstandings briefly drove a wedge between us. Those times were agonizing because I couldn't bear the thought of us being distant.
I'd apologize, and you'd forgive, and together we'd reaffirm our commitment to understanding and supporting each other through it all.
"Even now, when I'm anxious," I admitted to you one rainy evening, "I only want to be with you."
We walked through seasons together—hot summers and rainy days, each moment etching itself into the tapestry of our shared journey.
With each passing day, I found myself falling deeper in love with you, cherishing every smile, every touch, every whispered "I love you."
And now, here we are, sitting across from each other, our fingers intertwined. As we gaze into each other's eyes, I think back to that first day at the café and realize how profoundly meeting you has changed my life.
You've embraced and understood my young, sometimes immature mind with a warmth that has healed and nurtured me in ways I never thought possible.
"After I met you," I whisper, my voice filled with gratitude and love, "I've been so incredibly happy."
"And I, too," you reply softly, your eyes reflecting the same depth of emotion.
"I thought about being with you forever the moment I met you."
We sit in comfortable silence for a while, the weight of our shared feelings hanging in the air like a promise.
It's during these quiet moments that I find myself marveling at the journey we've been on together—the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
"Are you happy after meeting me, too?"
you suddenly ask, breaking the silence with a vulnerable honesty that warms my heart.
I take your hand in mine, gently tracing circles on your palm with my thumb.
"More than I could ever express," I reply sincerely.
"You've brought a joy into my life that I didn't know was possible."
You smile, a mixture of relief and adoration spreading across your face.
"I'm sorry that I have more that I couldn't give you," you confess softly.
"I've been selfish and unstable at times."
I shake my head gently, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
"You've given me everything I've ever needed," I assure you.
"Your love, your kindness, your unwavering support—it's more than I could have hoped for."
Your eyes glisten with unshed tears, reflecting the vulnerability of your confession.
"I think I found a perfect love that I've been waiting for a long time," you continue, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Because you held me and gave me energy, because you hugged me by being considerate lovingly, after I met you."
I pull you close, wrapping my arms around you in a comforting embrace.
"And I've loved every moment of being loved by you,"
I whisper back, my voice filled with gratitude.
As we sit there, embraced in each other's arms, I realize how lucky I am to have found you. Through the uncertainties and the challenges, our love has grown stronger, our bond deeper.
And in this moment, with your heartbeat against mine, I know that I want to spend forever with you.
"After I met you," I murmur softly against your ear,
"I knew my heart had found its home."
Years passed, and our love continued to bloom, weaving its way through our lives like a gentle breeze on a summer's day.
The decision to marry came naturally, an unspoken agreement that our hearts had already made long before we voiced it aloud.
Surrounded by our closest friends and family, we stood together under a canopy of flowers, exchanging vows that resonated with the depth of our journey.
Your eyes shimmered with tears of joy as you promised to stand by my side through all that life may bring.
And as I spoke my vows, I felt a profound sense of gratitude knowing that I was promising my forever to the person who had become my everything.
The ceremony was filled with laughter, tears, and moments that seemed to suspend time itself.
In that magical space, we became husband and wife, sealing our union with a kiss that spoke volumes of our love and commitment.
As we danced together for the first time as married partners, I whispered in your ear, "After I met you, I knew my heart had found its home."
You smiled, your hand resting gently on mine, echoing the sentiment that had become the anthem of our love story.
And so, our journey continues, intertwined in a tapestry woven with laughter, tears, and the unwavering certainty that we are exactly where we are meant to be—side by side, hearts entwined, forever grateful for the day our paths crossed in that quaint café downtown.
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hwaightme · 8 months
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(masterlist) (taglist)
🔥 pairing: best friend!mingi x gn!reader 🔥 genre: fluff, healing, friends to lovers, slice of life 🔥 summary: down winding roads, through the golden fields and into the shimmering night, you and mingi embark on a journey to live and love once again 🔥 wordcount: 5.5k 🔥 warnings/tags: editing??, language, indie film style, loosely inspired by murakami's 'barn burning' + youth mv, injuries/scabs, band aids/treatment, escapism, restarts, running away, love through hardship, healing, implied trauma, food/eating, reflecting on the past, mingi would do anything for you, arson 🔥 taglist: at the bottom of the fic 🔥 a/n: happy birthday to @byuntrash101!! my most wonderful cat, i love you, thank you for every moment and here is to many more <3 hugs to everyone, all reblogs, notes and comments appreciated! 🔥 playlist: the last stop of our pain - hanroro, the setting sun - the poles, bye - car the garden, summer night - jeon jinhee, 14:30 - damons year, silence - sunwoojunga, so life goes on - heo hoy kyung, dear my all - mingginyu
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You looked down at your hands, spreading the fingers out and relaxing them again, watching the movement of every line and wrinkle. Band aids bent and took on the shape you commanded; the one in an off-white shade after having taken on the brunt of the physical burdens, - a ring that was wrapped around the middle finger of your right hand was frayed at the edge, having had to through the test of the elements and of haphazard lugging of items in and out of the white car on which you were sitting. The other, skin toned, sturdy and strictly not letting anything dare infect you, hugged the side of the same hand and spread a little to your palm. The markings of a person who ‘could’, and a person who ‘did’. 
Gaze travelling downwards led you to a leather bracelet with a silver charm - a simple accessory, but one that held years of history, meaning and memories that tied you to the original owner. You were never one for big celebrations, having gotten used to treating every day the same as the rest - a uniform, dark reality where you were nothing but a little cog. The only mission you had ever had before this moment was to keep on turning. This bracelet was a promise, and a hope for a new beginning. 
Golden fields and a warm grey sky blending into a hazy blend of yellowish green and burnt sienna. A tired breeze that had long lost its fight reminded you that you could still feel, running through your hair, dancing across your skin. The sweater you had borrowed was much too loose at the shoulders, and thus offered little to no protection from the elements. Nonetheless, the comfort it offered, along with the aroma that had permanently intertwined with the threads of the cotton fabric brought more than enough warmth to your heart, and caused a blush to rise on your cheeks. It was a considerable contrast to your still slightly tear-stained, exhausted eyes around which the signs of last night’s terrors were still remaining. But even then, the despair that had come with the sensation had been washed away by a caring thumb, a loving hand, a single impression that solidified that you were never going to be alone.
You moved to run a finger across the plasters, curious as to how the cuts beneath were healing. Little scars of a warrior. You had fought for your way and for your life and for your right to smile and breathe and enjoy the earthly wonders. The last days before your final decision to escape were somewhat of a whirlwind, tainted by persistent insomnia, demons that haunted you day and night and the yelling of far too many people, projects and parasitic ponderings. Even the things that had been under your control grew minds of their own and searched for ways to destroy you, be it in hiding a mistake in a word, an error in a table or a fiendish administrative problem. Those days were a countdown, until in one last effort to survive, you cried out for salvation and admitted that it was all too much. And in that chaotic flood that was threatening to swallow you whole, one person had been waiting, and before you knew it, you were safe, had someone cheering for you, sharing your anguish.
“Hey don’t do that. We don’t have any band aids left and I’m not about to go Rambo mode and go picking grass to wrap you up,” you turned to follow the sounds of the low, raspy voice, smiling softly as you met your friend’s mildly concerned expression. Black hair, softly tousled; you barely could restrain yourself from reaching out and ruffling those locks. Beauty marks like stars on that wonderful, charming face. Slightly parted lips that appeared to be holding back sagas and everlasting tales. Lips that you could watch move forever.
“It’s fine, Mingi, I was just checking.”
“That was some intense checking you’re doing, refrain from it,” he retorted and crossed his arms while pinching the sleeves of his black knit sweater so as to not let them slide up.
“Says the person who keeps picking at their face like no tomorrow. Without bandages, mind you. At this rate-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll sort myself out, alright?” Mingi winced as his tongue darted to the scabbed over gash on the side of his mouth, making you exhale sharply, bemused. You could sense him taking his words back with a shake of the head. One step back, another, and in a quiet mumble he added: “...at the next rest stop we’ll fuel up the truck, fuel ourselves and maybe get a proper first aid kit.”
“Sounds good.”
Turning one of the many rings on his fingers, your friend could not hold your gaze and resorted to studying the ornate silver patterns and precious embedded stones. It had been the same when he had first offered this way out for you. A man, supposedly tall and impressive in physique, but appearing so small as he stumbled over his words, one idea pouring and drowning another out until they connected like a puzzle and formulated a vision that was somewhat concrete. Though, even if there was no final agreement in his mind, you would have agreed anyway. All that mattered was that each sentence carried a ‘we’. And with that, you were more than happy.
Was it long ago that you had met him? It felt like eternity. You could not imagine any other life, at least not one where you had a chance at happiness. Sure, you had your fights and squabbles. It would be a big lie if you were to say everything was sunshine and rainbows. Both snappy and hot headed at times, you had each said a fair share of things you did not want to say. But it was the awareness and growing from mistakes that had led you to where you were now. You had both walked through some dark times, and ended up in the golden hour, surrounded by an equally glowing expanse of flora, reaping what you two had sowed.
“What are you looking at me like that for?”
“I don’t get it, I know I have the thing on my cheek but… hate to break it to you, you don’t have healing powers,” ever so logical, Mingi was, once again, trying to establish a chain of thought. You had gotten better at explaining your thinking out loud, as did he, but in times where you were particularly wistful, words escaped you.
“I don’t know…”
“As if I do. Are you hungry?”
“I’m not a cat-”
“Then why?” he chuckled, lips automatically stretching into a toothy grin as you chuckled.
“‘Cause I can.”
“Okay then,” a breath escaped you as you stared at his hand, suddenly falling to meet the car’s surface and looked up to see him leaning over, staring intently at you. Through you. Like he could read you. Any courage you had disappeared, and you shook your head in defeat.
“Fine, fine,” how could someone put into words the feeling of wanting to picture an individual in everything and everyone? 
How could you say that even in the grass that surrounded you, in the long winding roads, in the cloudy skies you were glad to be able to see Mingi. It had been a lifetime indeed. A lifetime of seeing him without realising it, a lifetime of looking forward to being together with him and falling apart when you weren’t, and now, when you were side by side with only the sun, moon and empty fields to bear witness, you were scared to blink. Like all this time would disappear. Priceless seconds. Mingi was merciful enough to note a tinge of nervousness, and backed away. It was obvious enough that he did not quite let your reaction go, but neither you nor him were ever ones to push further than necessary and beyond the other’s personal limits. 
“Right, time to get going if we want to make it to the barn by midnight.”
“Want to ride in the back or-”
“With you,” you did not mean to sound so ambiguous, but thankfully as Mingi was busy opening the door to the driver’s seat, he did not catch on, or courteously did not pry.
“Ah, you’re right. It’ll be getting cold pretty quickly, won’t it?” 
As if you were not wrapped up and huddled in the bunch of blankets, backpacks and crocheted pillows just last night when you were parked at the last rest stop, silently accepting your friend’s reassurance as you mourned a past you were not going to miss. He knew what you were going through, and so he stuck beside you instead of heading for those plasters when he technically could have. 
“A few hours won’t change these little cuts, but they can change you, and I’d rather be here so you’re not alone.”
The phrase resonated in your heart as you took your place beside Mingi, staring out at the windshield. With a quick glance to your left you could just catch his reflection in the glass, and with another tilt, the man himself. His plush lips, the beautiful curve of his nose, how the black-framed glasses that he had fished out of the cupholder between you suited him so well. Focused, he turned the key until a satisfying rumble consumed the vehicle, signifying its awakening. On instinct, Mingi’s arms flew to their respective positions, and he drove out of the improvised parking spot back out to the infinite line of cement - the one sign of civilization that had the ability to assure you that you were indeed going in the right direction. Since Mingi was familiar with this part of the country, however, you would not have minded even a sudden, more wild change in the scenery. 
Choosing to not surf the radio stations in search of something remotely tolerable, you drove to the sound of your musings and let the last of the grey haze wash over you before the sun that was concealed by the thick cloud would inevitably fall into a slumber. For the first time in a while, you could enjoy the quiet without it being interrupted by a cacophony of inner qualms and disturbing rage. You could catch the occasional note from Mingi’s humming - a habit of his that you had grown to love. Every time, it was something unexpected. Be it a tune he was making up on the spot or one that you were familiar with, you never tired of how his thoughts travelled, and were delighted by the soundtrack which he was subconsciously crafting for the life you just so happened to share. Serendipity, writing a future that Mingi was taking you towards.
The idea he had proposed might have been radical, but it was the only one that made sense. Besides, it was not going to cause any harm. At the end of the day, the property belonged to a distant relative, said relative had no use for it, so… the conclusion and final decision basically made itself. The act to mark an entry into being your new self had to be grand, a lot more grand than what you had already done, and Mingi, being a creative mind, of course could be trusted to invent a performance of the century. Just for you.
A dreamlike day turned into an equally surreal evening as you halted at the gas station attached to the last rest stop of your adventure, with Mingi’s call dragging you out of your thoughts. You confirmed to him that you were fine with a quick smile and followed him out of the trusty Dodge. Patiently, you idled about as Mingi unscrewed the opening to the fuel tank and reached for one of the nozzles, rolling a stray piece of gravel under your shoes. Crickets, a myriad of crickets hidden under the cover of nighttime launched into a crescendo of their trill song, so much so that the buzz of the fluorescent lamp that illuminated the lonely station was almost completely drowned out. A light touch on your upper arm alerted you that Mingi was done, and you promptly followed him to the convenience store.
As though by newly found habit, he gravitated towards the bright red canisters lined up by the register, while you gave him a wary glance before ambling towards the ready to eat meals. Soon enough, Mingi joined you, satisfied by his quick perusal, and with a basket in his hand. Without a word, he picked up your favourite snack and was about to toss it in:
“This one, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
It never failed to be amusing how, despite the innumerable occasions when you two had eaten together, Mingi still liked to check with you that your favourite foods were, in fact, still your favourite foods. You had to admit that it was very endearing and comforting to you. Without even considering it, he always gave you room for change, in every way you could imagine. Or maybe you were exaggerating and letting your fantasies speak for themselves. You could not help but dart your eyes at Mingi when he turned his back to you, spotting the two beaded necklaces you had made for him some time ago still being a part of his usual outfit. And so, you wondered, how large was the room for transformation? What could this brand new future of yours include?
“Ah… wait… band aids… should we get that… What was it? Antiseptic-”
“You said a whole kit.”
“Right. Let’s go try and find it… wait what if they don’t stock one?” eyebrows weighed down with doubt, Mingi looked at you like he was about to apologise. You sighed, moving to run a hand down his back. The gesture startled Mingi, but he did not stop you, instead choosing to wait it out and see your intentions. You noticed him lightly biting his lower lip as he stared back at you, perplexed.
“We’ll find the essentials then. It’s not like we are disappearing from society for the rest of time, yeah?”
“Yeah…” had he continued, you swore he would have expressed his wish for what you had joked about to be the case. Luckily, you were pleasantly surprised by the wide selection of items to pick from, and left confident in the remainder of your trip.
In the fluorescence of the small store, and then inside of the parked car as you devoured your pre-made dinner, you were suspended in pure bliss. To your right was your partner in everything, friend or however your silly racing heart wanted to call him. Above you, the stars - a vista worth driving further out from the rest stop for. Propped up on the cushions, this was your definition of heavenly and healing. Colours had regained their vibrancy, and finally, you were no longer too fatigued to notice the intricacy of things that had previously passed you by. Who could have guessed that the packaging of the sandwiches you used to buy before work to throw in the office fridge had changed? And apparently a bit of time ago, too? What else have you been missing? For certain, you had been missing out on times like this, where you could hold a comfortable pause with Mingi, simply enjoying each other’s company while digging into your meals. It was astonishing to think how many breakfasts, lunches and dinners that you could have had with the one person who always believed in you were ripped away from you by obligation and unwanted routine. Not for longer. 
“Hm?” he hummed while chewing, eyes widened as he turned towards you. Quickly enough, he swallowed the bite, and waited for you to continue.
“I’m glad… that we can be here like this.”
“Oh… I…” at a loss for words, he let himself swim in your spontaneous confession.
“I am just… happy. Very happy. Thank you. Thank you for being the one who I can trust, thank you for sticking with me through complete and utter chaos, thank you for being you,” the words came naturally, buried under layers of hurt that needed time to evaporate. But now, the ritualistic expedition was wondrous in combating your inner demons, and in turn, let you speak for yourself, for your own feelings rather than those of illusory authority that had previously spoken for and was in charge of your every action, whether you were aware of it or not.
“No biggie. Things get in the way sometimes, but we’re here now, aren’t we?”
“Yes, that we are.”
“It’s going to get even easier soon, just you wait.”
A hand in midair, waiting for you to lift yours and meet it. Confused, you did so automatically, yelping when Mingi moved it closer to himself, and in a swift motion planted a soft, almost shy kiss on the back. He was careful to not put any pressure on the cuts which he had just re-cleaned and covered, along with the miniature wounds that only found themselves under the stinging alcohol solution, but kept on holding onto you, debating whether you would let him stay like this to his heart’s content, or if you would pull away. The tips of his digits reached the bracelet, and you could imagine a thrum of kindred energy reconnecting the item and the man. Shock prevented you from acting rashly, and so you simply read the fire in Mingi’s sparkling eyes, your favourite blaze that helped you out of a chasm, one that you would protect with your entire being until the world collapsed on you. And even then, you would stand up and try again.
Relief was evident in his features, from the curling of his lips to the relaxing of his shoulders. Clearly, an unfathomable pressure was lifted from his exhausted body. Every mile travelled, you were making revelations, it seemed. Venturing into the unknown, you were not quite sure who you were looking at anymore. Of course, you were confident in his name, in his presence, in his significance, but the many roles which he played in your years on this tiny planet left you struggling for words. Who was Mingi to you? Who were you to Mingi? Long gone were the days where you two had been moderately content with a distant and rapidly cooling friendship separated by glass and busy schedules. You were close. So close, that if the recklessness of acting on instinct caught up with you, you would get burned. 
Burning, like your hand despite Mingi having let it float in solitude some time ago to stand up and hop out of the back of the pickup truck. Set ablaze like your heart and soul that were feverishly awaiting a shining dawn. Your tired eyes could only watch your one wish turn the key in the ignition again, determined to help you start over. Could he be your sun? If you were to say anything more than a hollow whisper to the moon, would you fall away and lose him? You were about to bring the fingers of your left hand to run over the other, but you stopped, remembering Mingi’s comedically stern words. Instead, you imagined him pressing his lips against it again, heat rising to your cheeks upon recollection. A quick glance to the driver’s seat, and you could swear you caught the ghost of a smirk dancing across your so-called friend’s face, but chose not to comment so as to not spark a conversation you knew you would not be able to continue. 
“We’ll be there soon. There’s a neat shortcut we can take so it shouldn’t take us more than an hour.”
You nodded, trusting his judgement. Your thoughts were elsewhere, anyways and could not offer many suggestions in terms of the journey. These parts were foreign to you, and your decision-making here was as good as whenever you had a professional point to prove or a dream to follow; both flew out of your hands to be smited. At least in the case of the meandering roads, you had Mingi to shield you, letting you wander in your own mindscape for as long as you needed. The mind was a mysterious place, traversing memories both from years ago and ones that documented your most recent escapades much the same, though, maybe now they were all in brighter hues. The last of what was tying you down was packed and stashed right behind you and Mingi, both in the tiny space between the seats and the back of the cabin as well as in the exposed trunk outside. The monochrome madness stuffed into rucksacks, swaddled in sheets like a crying infant manifesting your prayers for the noise of a prior existence to cease demanding your attention. You were ready to let it all turn to ash, and be reborn.
It was fascinating how quick Mingi was to jump into action. Part of you wondered whether it was due to the times you had helped him, and he wished to somehow repay you. Or was this a genuine devotion? As the road turned into an unruly dirt path, you were certain it was the latter.
‘It’s our journey. I might not know everything that’s going on behind your forehead, and you would not know that about me, but the least we can do is stick through the worst storms.’
The grumbling of the engine turned into a roar as Mingi’s heavy combat boot pushed down even stronger on the accelerator. When people spent enough time together, they were bound to become more and more similar; such was the case with you and him. Parts had been exchanged, parts blended, and it was hard to think of a picture where there was a lack of the other’s presence in some form. Be it in behaviour or in little bits of jewellery. Mingi was driving selfishly, because he was driving for you and for the few breaths of air you had remaining in your lungs after holding up boulders of others’ opportunities at the cost of your own passions. There was experience, there was development, but there was also a need for self-preservation and a necessity to stop for the sake of health and mental clarity, and Mingi was not about to lose you. 
“D’ya want to roll the window down? You…” used to do that when you and him were teens. He did not have to say it. No matter the weather, even if for a few seconds, you wanted to be one with the air, a flightless bird that finally got a chance to glide with the wind, pleasantly lost in the elements. Maybe one day you could return to that same carefree nature. You shook your head.
“It’s a little cold outside.”
“How about this…” while slowing down a little to not lose control of the car, Mingi reached around and behind his seat, fishing for something. Finally, having found what he was looking for, he flashed a triumphant grin and produced his dark grey denim jacket, letting it land on your lap.
You raised an eyebrow, unsure of what your friend was implying. But as soon as the first hint of a breeze hit you and you saw the window start its slow descent under Mingi’s command, a chuckle escaped you. So it was not a question after all, but an encouragement, perhaps even a challenge. Giving in, you pulled the jacket over yourself like a blanket, and stared at the all-knowing constellations that decorated the cosmic expanse - the best reminder of just how small you really were, and to what priceless insignificance your troubles amounted to. In the grand scheme of things, nothing really mattered, and so, you did not see anything as ‘too out of pocket’ anymore. Might as well enjoy life instead of letting it race past you for once.
It was a mystery to you when you fell asleep; you could only recall the ghostly pale silver and ashen blue that spread over the wheat fields and another serene, barely audible serenade hummed by Mingi. But just as quickly as you had drifted into a dreamless slumber, you jolted awake at the sound of your name being repeated once, twice by your best friend. Momentarily lost, you waited for your vision to focus before following the sounds of the truck door clicking shut and of rubber soles hitting gravel by fumbling for the handle. As soon as you opened the salon, you were embraced in full by the omnipresent hum of wildlife and distant rustle of leaves and tall grass, the field at which you stopped having been long abandoned and left barren, with only dirt to present as a fruit of labour.
Stepping onto the soft earth, you could feel the cool dampness beneath your shoes, a tactile reminder of the quiet countryside that surrounded you as far as the eye could see. Mingi, his presence like a comforting shield in the stillness of the night, paused in his search for the tools he had packed. A profound hush settled over the landscape, prompting you to tilt your head and look on further, to spot the target barely a couple hundred metres away. So this was it. The promised sacrifice. The place where the past could finally quit holding on to you and tearing you apart. The abandoned barn loomed ahead like a relic from another universe and a time long gone.
The moonlight painted the barn in ethereal shades, casting a melancholic beauty upon its worn facade. Mingi's eyes held the weight of a thousand untold stories and observations, and in the quiet exchange of glances, you detected a shared understanding – a recognition that you had the right, and more than deserved to forgive yourself, and throw away the hurt you had accumulated over the years with a light heart. He stood beside you, holding onto the sacks that you had stuffed full of items that haunted you, mutely berated you and induced agonising ruminations. Papers, trinkets, utter garbage that you had never been able to throw out on your own, all collected like nightmare capsules and you were more than elated to bid them farewell.
He had not yet taken off his glasses, eager to move onwards and upwards. One of these days you might muster up the courage to tell Mingi just how handsome he was in whatever style he chose, but that was a mission for a more courageous you. From tonight into the myriad of tomorrows. Your partner in self-revolution stretched his arms towards you, gingerly passing the hefty items over and waiting for you to get a better grip. To think that there were clouds of buzzing paranoia and dread attached to either one - suffocating, persistent.
While regarding Mingi’s tranquil resolve, you discovered a sliver of a near-boyish excitement, so characteristic of him before growing pains had changed your relationship and all that came with it, that your heart ached, and a prickly sensation made itself known on the back of your hand where he had left a solitary peck. And yet, he still was not giving up on you. From the pocket of his jeans - appearing to take on the shade of a washed out chrome under the shining skies, Mingi produced a box of matches, and upon leaning closer to the truck, grasped the handle of a stick protruding from a miniature canister. More than enough to carry out the impending transformation. Mingi’s stunning orbs met yours, and without words, he conveyed a mixture of determination and sorrow, a silent promise and cheer for the grand finale.
"Here’s to letting go, and to holding on to the things that make us right," he uttered, his voice carrying the power of a truth that echoed in the night air.
“Then… I’ll be right back.”
“I will be here. Cousin said everything’s unlocked. Put things in places where the fire’ll reach.”
One step. Another. Walk turning into run, you chased after who you wished to become and propelled yourself with unprecedented pride. You could do this. With one quick push the door to the barn creaked open, and you made haste in lining the walls with who you used to be. You could taste ash on your tongue and see the fire in your pupils even though you were consumed by pitch black; here, you had the final say. Upon throwing the sacks into whatever direction, you felt your way back out, and returned to Mingi who, apparently, had the time to reposition the car a little to have the back be facing the barn. With a mischievous grin he greeted you, and pulled you into a quick embrace before giving you a matchstick and the box and leading the two of you to the structure one last time.
This had been an agreement between you - you were the one to light the first flame, and he was the one to do the rest. Though this was a journey of healing, he did not wish for you to delude yourself into a guilt-ridden state. Mingi could bear the brunt of that for you and wear it like a badge of honour. As though patrolling the grounds, he went in a circle around the barn, leaving behind the acrid stench of splattered gasoline. Suddenly, the act felt more and more real. A yelp caught in your throat as Mingi shoved the empty canister inside through a loose wooden board, now only holding onto the unlit torch. Gazed at you, awaiting the monumental execution. 
Trembling just a little, on the third try you managed to light the match, and stepped to the building full of your painful memories. the flames danced in the blackness like whispers of farewell. As you approached the ancient barn with Mingi in toe, the match's glow illuminated the grains of wood that had weathered countless storms. The night seemed to draw its breath, as though it sensed the profound act about to unfold. Outstretching the judgement between your fingers, you hesitated for a fleeting moment. The gravity of the act hung heavy – the acknowledgment that setting fire to the past was a painful necessity for new beginnings. Nevertheless, you were certain. The barn, with its history that you will never learn, became a symbol of surrender, resilience and perseverance. Holding your breath, you dropped the match, but when the result did not satisfy you, you sensed a wave of rage. You wanted more, you needed it all gone from sight and experience. 
“The torch, please.”
With a silent understanding, Mingi raised the torch, the flames licking eagerly at its edges, and passed it to you. The blade that would slash through it all. The full stop at the end of this turbulent chapter. As you touched the fire to the barn, a crackling symphony echoed through the night. The dry wood, with the base generously coated in gasoline caught quickly, and soon the barn was ablaze, a kaleidoscope of oranges, reds, and yellows against the backdrop of the moonlit fields.
The flames danced with an insatiable hunger, consuming the old wood with a fervour that mirrored the intensity of emotions in the hearts of the witnesses. Shadows flickered and danced on the ground, casting ephemeral images of what once was, each crackle of the fire a poignant reminder of the release happening before your eyes. Mingi turned to you, his eyes reflecting the blaze that mirrored the intensity of his and your emotions. In that poignant moment, the warmth of the fire contrasted with the chill in the night air, echoing the bittersweet nature of letting go.
"We are making room for something new," he whispered before pulling you into a long-awaited kiss, as searing and filled with longing as the soaring flames that illuminated your bodies. The crackling fire served as a cathartic release, and in its glow, you saw promise. As soon as you parted, the two of you rushed to the truck, climbing to take the front seats to admire the masterpiece, not daring to sit apart, holding onto each other through it all.
As the fire continued its dance, the night bore witness to the act of relinquishing the old, a solemn ritual that paved the way to more and more. Together, you and Mingi stood amidst the mesmerising spectacle, your hearts intertwined with the rhythm of the burning, ready to step into the unknown and shape a destiny yet to unfold.
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Harmony of Hearts || Bucky Barnes
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Character: Bucky x SHIELD!Reader
Summary: A new SHIELD agent with a troubled past struggles to escape the shadows that haunt her. Understanding her pain, Bucky becomes a steadfast companion, offering support and encouragement.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my follower @winterwitch-trash. Life's journey often takes us through challenging times. You are stronger than you know, and I believe in your ability to overcome. Keep moving forward, and know that brighter days are ahead. To all my followers and readers, Happy New Year 2024! Wishing you a year filled with joy, success, and beautiful moments. Here's to new beginnings, shared stories, and the coming year's endless possibilities. Cheers to growth, laughter, and the adventures that await. 🎉🌟
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Within the bustling corridors of SHIELD, Y/N navigated the ebb and flow of her new life. The camaraderie among her colleagues provided a sense of belonging, yet there were moments when the shadows of her past cast a subtle veil over her determination.
One evening, after a demanding mission, Bucky approached her with a reassuring smile. "You held your ground out there, Y/N. Impressive."
A grateful smile graced her lips. "Thanks, Bucky. But sometimes, it feels like my past is a shadow I can't escape."
Understanding flickered in Bucky's eyes. "I've been down that road. You're not alone now. We're a team."
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N faced challenges that tested her resilience. Bucky, a steadfast presence, offered encouragement and shared his own experiences of triumph over inner demons. He reminded her that strength flourished in vulnerability.
Strolling through the helicarrier's corridors one day, Y/N confessed, "Finding someone who gets it is rare."
Bucky chuckled warmly. "Life surprises you, and you're one of the good surprises, Y/N."
Rooftop conversations became a haven where words flowed freely, carried away by the night breeze. It was during one of these moments that Y/N, vulnerability in her gaze, expressed gratitude.
"You make the load feel lighter," she admitted.
Bucky's response was a reassuring smile. "We're in this together, Y/N."
Struggles persisted, and Y/N found herself wrestling with the demons of her past in moments of solitude. Despite her efforts, the haunting echoes threatened to undermine her progress. Bucky, keenly observant, noticed the subtle changes in her demeanor.
In the helicarrier's kitchen, shared meals became a ritual of companionship. Bucky, sensing her struggles, became an unwavering pillar of support.
However, the weight of her past sometimes proved too heavy, and Y/N's attempts to articulate her pain often ended in frustrated silences.
"You're trying too hard to carry it all alone," Bucky gently remarked one evening, his eyes reflecting concern.
Y/N sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I just don't want to burden anyone."
Bucky shook his head, "We're a team, remember? You're not a burden, Y/N. Let us help carry the load."
Despite her efforts to make it work, Y/N found herself grappling with feelings of inadequacy. In the face of mission failures or personal setbacks, she retreated into a self-imposed isolation, convinced that her struggles were a testament to her perceived shortcomings.
One day, as they walked through the helicarrier's corridors, Bucky gently nudged her shoulder. "You're not defined by your mistakes, Y/N. You're defined by how you rise from them."
His words lingered, sinking into the recesses of her heart. Y/N realized that her journey toward healing wasn't a straight path. It was a maze of ups and downs, and Bucky was there, a guiding presence in the labyrinth of her uncertainties.
As they faced new challenges, Y/N's struggles persisted, but so did Bucky's unwavering support. In moments of doubt, he became the anchor that steadied her, the voice of reason that countered the whispers of self-criticism.
One evening, after a particularly trying mission, Y/N again found herself on the rooftop. Instead of bearing the weight alone this time, she turned to Bucky with a vulnerability that transcended words.
He listened, not with judgment but with a genuine understanding that only someone who had walked a similar path could provide.
"You don't have to have it all figured out, Y/N," Bucky reassured her. "We're all works in progress. And you're doing better than you think."
As the helicarrier hummed with activity around them, Y/N felt a shift within herself. Bucky's support, coupled with the realization that she didn't have to navigate the journey alone, infused her with a renewed sense of resilience.
Their friendship, born amidst struggles, became a testament to the transformative power of genuine connection. Y/N's path, once marked by solitary footsteps, now had the imprint of a companion who shared both the highs and lows.
In their shared moments, amidst laughter and shared vulnerabilities, Y/N discovered that the journey toward healing wasn't a destination to reach but a continual growth process.
With Bucky by her side, the echoes of her past became softer, replaced by the harmonious notes of a friendship that thrived in the face of adversity.
And so, within the heart of SHIELD, where the complexities of duty met the warmth of camaraderie, Y/N and Bucky continued navigating life's intricacies.
Their friendship, a symphony of shared struggles and unwavering support, played on a melody that resonated with the promise of brighter tomorrows.
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Author Note :
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
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Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
I'm now offering faster release and bonus chapters for Ko-fi members. If you enjoy my content and want early access, consider supporting me on Ko-fi!
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Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
I'm open for business! What should I create next? Share your prompts in the Ask Box!
151 notes · View notes
marvelouslizzie · 2 years
unconventional methods - chapter 3
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Summary: Bucky and Bunny finally find some time to talk and clear things up. Will communicating solve their problems?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader (SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes x Adult Content Creator SHIELD Agent Reader)
Word Count: 7.6K
Warnings: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI, sex deprivation, touch-starved couple, pet names, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering, p in v sex with no protection (both parties are clean and she’s on birth control), slight dirty talk if you squint, having a hard time to vocalize wants or needs, mentions of past trauma, mentions of forced sex work, overthinking, emotional support, no mention of y/n.
A/N: Once again, thank you so much for showing interest in this story. This is the last chapter but if you wonder something about this couple, if you want some headcanons or you have ideas about them, you can always send me a request. Not just about this story, don’t hesitate to message me or send me a question. Unless it’s a hate message. They are never welcome.
If you didn’t read the first or the second chapter, you definitely should before reading this one.
unconventional methods - chapter 1
unconventional methods - chapter 2
marvelous lizzie’s masterlist
Once again a big thank you to @notafunkiller and @es1dit for everything. They helped me so much. I can’t thank them enough for supporting me during this journey.
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission. Every like, comment, and reblog is highly appreciated.
Read more tag starts after the first paragraph of the story.
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<<< Previous Chapter
As she promised, Agent Elvisa was waiting for Bucky at the SHIELD headquarters when he returned. Despite being tired and wounded, he was much calmer than before. Taking some time to reflect made him realize how harsh he was. He just felt betrayed and humiliated before, but after seeing what she had been working on, seeing those people suffering in the hands of HYDRA and having the privilege to help them made him understand this wasn’t about him. This whole thing was a critical mission, and they were just caught up in the mess. 
The problem was that he didn’t know how to proceed anymore, but luckily Agent Elvisa approached him at the first opportunity.
“Hey,” Her voice felt so soothing to his ears. He always thought she had a silky tone, and enjoyed it in the videos she shared, but hearing it in real life was a completely different experience. Especially when they weren’t fighting.
“You are bleeding.” Her eyes were fixed on his left eyebrow. It was a simple cut, one that would heal by itself, but she looked concerned nonetheless.
“It’s fine.” His response came instantly. “I will be healed soon.”
“No.” She shook her head, rejecting his oversimplification. “It needs to be cleaned.”
“Believe me, I have had worse wounds that healed by themselves.”
His response made her grimace. “You thought that would convince me, but it made it even worse.” She gently grabbed his arm and steered him to another room. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m just gonna clean the cut, okay? I don’t wanna hear any complaints.”
It was impossible for Bucky not to smile a little. It’s been a while since someone was worried about him. The fact that someone cared about him enough to make a big deal out of a simple cut made him feel... cared for. That’s why he followed her without saying a word. Agent Elvisa made him sit down while looking for a first aid kit.
“We should talk,” she said while opening and closing some drawers.
“Is that why you insisted on cleaning the wound?” 
“Yes and no. I think it should be cleaned, but I also wanted to talk. I’ve been thinking a lot since you left.” 
“Me too, but I don’t think we should do it here.” Bucky didn’t want someone to eavesdrop. This was an extremely private thing to talk and SHIELD headquarters weren’t the place.
“Okay.” She finally looked back at him. “There’s no first aid kit here.”
Bucky looked around, making a point without saying anything. It didn’t look like this particular room would have any first aid kits.
“Fine.” She accepted the defeat. “You are right, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna give up. Wait here until I find a first aid kit.” She raised her index finger. “Do not move.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
She smiled at him before leaving the room. 
Bunny struggled to find the medical kit she needed, but when she finally did, she quickly made her way back. She stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard Natasha's voice when she got closer to the door.
“So that’s it?” She heard Natasha asking.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Natasha.”
“Just don’t hold this against her. She had no idea.”
“I’m aware of it. That’s not the problem.” Bucky sounded a bit defensive.
“Then what is the problem?”
“I just…” He stopped for a second. “I just don’t know what is real and what’s not anymore. That’s the problem.”
Hearing that last sentence just shattered her heart. She didn’t even know who he was until that video call yet he was questioning everything, every conversation they had. It made her feel like crap. Like he was no different from the men who treated her like shit just because of what she was doing. It was foolish of her to believe that he was different.
Harshly, she pushed the door all the way and stormed inside. Bucky and Natasha looked in her direction, completely blindsided by her presence. 
“Oh, hey. I was just talking to–” Natasha tried to talk, but she didn’t even glance in her direction.
“You don’t need this.” Slamming the first aid kit on the table, she looked directly at Bucky. “You don’t need me and believe me when I say, I don’t need you. I just wanted to talk and make things clear, but now I understand that’s not what you want at all. I don’t need to explain myself to you. I don’t need convince what part of me is real. If you're questioning this... this thing between us or what we shared, you can go to hell.”
Her rage caught them off guard. And before he could say anything, she stormed out of the room. Bucky and Natasha stared at each other, feeling completely lost.
“Go after her, you loon!” Finally, Natasha snapped him out of his shock and he quickly took her advice. When he finally caught up with her, she was about to hop on her motorcycle.
“Bunny!” Hearing him call her Bunny again made her stop. 
“What the fuck was all of that?” He looked confused and angrier than before. “You are gonna tell me to go to hell and just leave?”
“I heard your conversation, Bucky. What’s there to talk about if you think some things we shared weren’t even real.”
“I didn’t say they were not real.”
“You said you don’t know what was real and what was not.” She repeated what she remembered from their conversation.
“I’m just confused, okay? I didn’t do this for a long time. Why do you think I started to follow you to begin with? I’m socially awkward and anxious. I’m clueless and after learning about your mission, I’m confused. I just don’t know what to think anymore.”
“I waited for you to return. I tried talking to you back there and you didn’t want to. And then I come to hear that you are questioning what was real. How do you think that makes me feel?”
“I didn’t say I don’t wanna talk, did I? I just didn’t want anybody else to hear what happened between us.”
His explanation made her stop for a second. “Then why didn’t you just say that?”
“I just told you. I’m awkward and anxious, okay? But I do wanna talk. I wanna understand. I’ve just come from the mission you’d been working so hard for. I saw how important it was. I understand this whole thing wasn’t about me, but you have to stop and think about how things look from my perspective when you say this was just a mission for you. I deserve some explanation. I think I deserve that much.” 
He was talking much calmer than before, trying to explain what he thinks. It made her notice how different things could be from his side. He simply had no clue. Just bits and pieces.
“Fine, let’s talk then.” She sighed deeply. “Your place or mine?”
“Yours. Mine is a mess.”
It didn’t take them long to arrive at her place. Bucky couldn’t help but look around carefully the moment he stepped inside. It was a small apartment with a single bedroom. The door was open, so he could actually see inside her private space and nothing seemed familiar. Which made him realize she did not do her photoshoots here. None of the content she shared was taken here. Nothing besides the photos she sent him privately. From day one, he was allowed to see her, in a vulnerable state, in her own home. If that wasn’t a sign of trust, what was?
“Do you wanna drink something?” Her question brought him back to reality. 
“I don’t think so.”
“Maybe a glass of water?” She suggested, thinking he must be exhausted from the mission.
He answered after considering the offer. “That would be good actually.” 
She quickly made her way to the kitchen, drinking a glass of water herself and then bringing him another. Bunny was sitting across from him when he finished drinking.
“So… What do you wanna know?” She asked as Bucky places the empty glass on the coffee table, getting right into the conversation.
“I just wanna know…” God, there were too many questions on his mind, but nothing was more important than this one. “Why did you start talking to me?”
“I answer almost every DM. It was a part of my mission: finding potential HYDRA hunters.” Her answer disappointed Bucky, but he just nodded quietly. “Yet I don’t keep talking to every one of them. I told you before.”
“You told me you end the conversation when it gets too far.” 
“Yes, I don’t entertain people in my DM’s. I just try to act like a normal adult content creator so they won’t suspect anything.”
“Is that what you were doing when you answered me?” Bucky wanted to know more details. He wanted to learn what changed and when.
“I was just answering a cute DM and you kept talking to me, differently compared to others. You were concerned while they were just wondering about the lack of content. I was sick, and feeling lonely. It was a huge mistake sending you a photo, but I’m lucky it didn’t jeopardize the mission. If it was someone else, it could’ve been a big problem. Not only HYDRA hunters, but there are also stalkers you know…” She noticed he was getting concerned about her safety. Then she quickly added, “Most of them are just shooting their shots, trying to see if they can score with me or if they can get some private content.”
“Right.” He sounded so uncomfortable, thinking about how hard it must be. 
“I’m good at detecting when they try to steer the conversation that way, so I do something before it’s too late. And you…” She took a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts. “You never tried to do that. You kept talking to me like I’m a normal human being. You asked regular questions. I wondered how long it would take you to say something inappropriate, and you never did.”
“And that’s why you kept talking to me.”
“Yes. I liked talking to you. And then I found you extremely hot.” Bucky gave her a puzzled look. “When we exchanged photos.”
“Oh, right.” Extremely hot? he wondered, but didn't say it out loud.
“Talking to you was the best part of the whole operation, other than finally catching those bastards. You made my days bearable. I was looking forward to talking to you, getting to know you while trying not to get too invested because god knows how many married men use those platforms.”
“Best part of the operation?” Bucky repeated her words, his tone indicating he was having a bit of a hard time believing that was possible.
“I was lonely, Bucky. Isolated. Mistreated. After a long time, someone was talking to me like a normal human being. He was also a good-looking guy as far as I could see. I just let myself enjoy it, it shouldn’t be a crime.”
“I enjoyed it, too, you know.” He was trying to take everything in. “That’s why it hurt so much when I saw you in that meeting. I was shocked.”
“I didn’t expect to see you in that meeting. If I’d known, I would’ve talked to you during the video call. I was sure that we’d have time to speak face to face and explain that this was a mission, but you were the real part of this for me.” She was getting emotional, but she tried to hold her tears back. It was really hard to explain herself like this because she was always blamed for most of the stuff. Especially what happened to her in the past when she was captured by HYDRA. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. Just believe me, it was unintentional.”
“I wish you just explained everything to me when you saw who I was.”
“I was scared,” she admitted. “I was talking to my work crush the whole time, without knowing. I was afraid to mess it up. I thought you would get mad when you learn that the whole thing was an undercover operation and I’d lose my chance to explain everything.” She took another deep breath, trying to calm herself down. The fear of rejection was growing in her belly. A part of her was certain all the clarifications in the world wouldn’t be enough to make him stay. 
“Bunny...” She tried hard to hide her tears, but it was in vain. It was no surprise that Bucky noticed them right away. A second later, he moved right next to her, closing the distance between them. “Are you crying?”
“No.” Even though it was obvious, she tried to deny it at first. “I’m fine.”
Bucky gently touched her face, afraid to startle her, then carefully wiped a tear away with his thumb. 
“Please, don’t cry.” His hand remained on her face, and she leaned into his touch immediately. “Especially not because of me.”
“It’s just...” Bunny sniffed. “I know I ruined everything. No excuse will be good enough to fix things.”
“What are you talking about?” He was still gently caressing her cheek.
“I know that… you won’t forgive me, Bucky.”
Her words were clear enough, but it was the way she said those words that broke Bucky. Her pained voice and watery eyes… The realization finally hit him. She was really afraid of losing him. She actually thought they wouldn't be able to put this behind them. She assumed he would just decide to move on with his life after clearing things up. That was the exact same thing he was worried about all this time. He thought Bunny didn’t need him, that she could just continue her life without him.
He had no idea how long it had been since he felt someone actually cared about him this much and wanted him to stay after everything that happened. The feeling of being wanted by her was strange but so very welcome.
“You didn’t.” He slowly closed the distance between them, and his lips lightly brushed against hers. For a second, she had a bit of a hard time registering what’s just happened, but when she finally did, she started to kiss him back. He moved his lips as if he was afraid to break her, but in reality, he was afraid of his own reaction. It had been so long since someone touched him or kissed him. Her lips moving against his own made him whimper. He had no idea what to do with his hands, while Bunny angled her head a little and deepened the kiss. Her lips started to move more hungrily, letting out low moans as she kept on tasting him.
Bucky closed his eyes and let himself go. He was so lost in this, he didn’t realize Bunny was moving until he felt her weight on top of him. He opened his eyes just to see her wrapping her arms around his neck as she was tightening her legs around his torso. His head fell back, his mouth gaping as he let out a deep moan. Feeling her whole body pressed against him was simply too much. 
“Touch me, Bucky.”
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but it was the hardest thing he’s ever done so far. Looking into her eyes, he tried to get used to their proximity and her softness. His hand slowly moved back on her face, fingers gently grazing her skin as he tried to convince himself this wasn’t a dream. Bunny closed the distance between them and started to kiss him more hungrily than before. Lips moving fast, tongues and teeth cluttering... Bucky’s hands moved down to her neck, then to her collarbones, and kept on moving until he settled them on her waist. His mouth moved to her neck, slowly nibbling to see her reaction. Bunny’s loud moan was enough to make him start tp suck on her skin.
“God, please…” She sounded so desperate. “Please touch me.”
Bucky tightened his grip on her waist, reminding her that he was actually touching her, but that wasn’t enough. Impatiently, she grabbed both of his hands and pushed them against her breasts. All he could do was just blinking a couple of times before squeezing them a little bit harsher than he intended. He was so afraid of how rusty he would be at this, but Bunny let out a satisfied moan, proving him wrong. That was all he needed. His warm hands left her breasts, just to slip them under her top, making her gasp. Her skin was soft and welcoming as he moved them up to her breasts again. 
“Can I?” He lingered on her bra, wanting it off. She nodded eagerly.
It took him several tries to finally unclasp it, but Bunny didn’t offer her help, just waiting for him to get rid of it. As soon as it was unhooked, she removed her top and bra simultaneously, revealing her bare breasts. He looked mesmerized by her like he didn’t see her naked before, and it made her smile.
“Remember when you were talking about my nipples?”
“Yeah?” Bucky’s eyes didn’t leave her breasts, not for a second.
“You can do all of that now.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He cupped both of her breasts, perking them up. One hand was colder than the other, but she didn’t care one bit. If nothing, that was proof the man in front of her was Bucky Barnes in flesh and blood and not a wet dream. He leaned in and started to leave soft kisses at first, then his lips wrapped around one of her nipples, and his tongue swirled around. He took his sweet time as if he was tasting the most delicious dessert on earth. He used his free hand to massage her other breast as he kept licking her nipple. Unable to control her reaction, her back arched. 
“Oh fuck!” Everything he was doing with his tongue was sending waves of pleasure through her body. She could feel the wetness starting to pool between her legs. She was more ready for the next step. His rock-hard erection poking at her core made it even harder to stay in control. She started to move her hips, trying to get a little friction, and that finally made him break away from her nipple. The loud wet sound caused her to bite her lower lip, his hands quickly wrapping around her body before he unexpectedly stood up.
“What are you doing?” She sounded so surprised, and Bucky chuckled in response. Her legs tightened around his torso while he started to walk towards her bedroom.
“Taking you to bed.” As soon as he was done speaking, he dived back into her neck, kissing her lightly while walking.
In a few seconds, Bucky layed her gently on the edge of the bed, and she quickly raised herself up on her elbows to watch him grabbing her pants and underwear without losing any time and tugging them down. He looked at her with utter hunger while trying to convince himself this was really happening. Slowly he kneeled, gently placing his hands on her tights, and looked up at her.
“Can I taste you?” How he asked this question felt like he was asking for a glass of water after a long day.
“We can do that later, come here.” She wanted to feel his skin against hers, already missing his warmth.
“I promise I will do whatever you want, just please, let me taste you first.” The desperation in his voice was making it hard to say no, so she nodded. For a second, he looked like a kid on Christmas morning, giving her the biggest smile.
Bucky’s hands slowly moved on her legs, trying to feel every inch of her. The motion was also helping him to ground himself. Slowly he leaned in, but instead of doing what she was hoping for, his lips landed on her thighs, leaving a wet trail of kisses. As time passed, the wetness started to drip from her center, making it even more evident. Not only could he see it, but he could also smell how intoxicating it was.
Finally, when he was satisfied with his work, his tongue lightly brushed directly against her clit. They both moaned at the same time for different reasons. While she was electrified by the feeling of his tongue, he was getting lost in her taste. It was so good, he couldn’t help but lick a couple more times in a row like he was starving.
“Fuck, yes!” She whined as the pleasure started to spread. “Oh god, yes!” 
Bucky was busy licking her from bottom to top, and every time his tongue brushed against her clit, Bunny was making the most delicious sounds. Unexpectedly, he pushed both of his hands under her ass and pulled her close to his mouth.
“Bucky!” Her yelp amused him, but he didn’t stop. By focusing on her clit, he was able to deepen his licks and elevate the pleasure by flattening his tongue against her clit fast. This new sensation made her legs buckle, and she grabbed his hair way more harshly than she anticipated.
“F-fuck, Bucky. Keep going, p-please.” He had no intention to do otherwise. As his tongue continued to work, Bunny kept on begging. “I-I’m close. Please, don’t s-stop!” 
When she finally reached the climax, her entire body was burning with pleasure. She was mindlessly moaning and gripping his hair as he continued to work through her orgasm. After a while, her hands let go of his hair, and that’s when he started to slow down.
“Are you okay?” His chin was resting on her lower tummy.
She took a deep breath before answering. “I’m more than okay.”
Before moving his head back between her legs, Bucky chuckled. Her eyes instinctively lowered when she felt the shift just to see him pushing his middle finger inside her without any warning. She jerked back while gasping for air.
“What?” He asked with a smirk. Before she could even open her mouth to respond, he started to move his fingers, and whatever she was going to say did not matter anymore. Soon, his finger was already soaked with her arousal, so he didn’t wait long to add the second finger.
“Shit, Bucky, this feels so good.” She moved her hips up to increase the friction as she spoke.
“Stay put, doll.” His metal hand settled on her tummy, pushing her down as gently as possible. “Just let me…” He thrusted his fingers harder than before, pressing against the upper walls.
“Oh my fucking god…” She cried out while he felt how she started to squeeze his fingers. She was getting closer, but he wanted this orgasm to be much better than the previous one. After licking his lips at the thought of tasting her again, he leaned in to give her another lick. Suddenly, Bunny’s hand was back in his hair, gripping harder than before.
“Yes, yes, yes. Bucky, yes!” He wanted to smile so badly, but he had something more important to do. As he continued to lick her, he added a third finger, hoping this would push her over the edge. The way she moaned was the most sinful thing he ever heard, and he was already dying to hear it again. He kept moving his fingers quicker and felt her grip tightening in his hair.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, Bucky… Please, don’t stop!”
He wanted to say he won’t, not until she comes again, but he couldn’t. He knew better not to change anything when she was begging for more. Bunny's second orgasm ripped her apart as he kept moving his fingers in and out relentlessly. She kept repeating his name like prayer until the pleasure turned into overstimulation.
“Oh my god,” She spoke after taking another deep breath. She felt like she was floating as her recent orgasm still made her lightly jerk a little. When Bucky finally removed his fingers, she trembled one more time.
“How are you feeling?” She felt Bucky moving onto the bed..
“Great.” She had a huge smile on her face, which made his heart swell with pride.
Bunny jumped on top of him as soon as he lay next to her. Although he was surprised by the sudden change, he moved his hands to her hips and began to caress her.
“I think it’s time to get you undressed, Sergeant Barnes.”
For the first time, she saw how her words affected him up close as his gaze changed into something darker. She kept on looking in his blue eyes while she leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips before bringing her mouth right under his ear.
“Will you take your clothes off for me, Sarge?” The way she was talking sent shivers down his spine.
“As you wish.”
Bucky rolled her over so suddenly, she couldn’t even understand what was happening until her back touched the mattress. He quickly stood up and started to undress under her glare. Her eyes focused on his upper body until it was time to take his boxers off. His erection sprung out, and she could already feel her mouth watering at the sight.
“Is this better?” He raised both of her hands with a smile on his face.
“Much better. Now come here.” She gently patted the empty space right next to her, and he silently obeyed. As soon as he sat down, Bunny was all over him. She gently pushed him down. Her hands slowly moved down to his body, enjoying how his skin felt against hers. Firm and warm. She drew circles with her hands, caressing the same places over and over again until Bucky couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. 
“You like that, baby?” The way she was speaking, that fucking tone… God, he was melting inside. 
“Yes.” He breathed out. “So much.”
“Want me to touch you more?”
He nodded so eagerly, Bunny couldn’t just look at his beautiful face. She leaned down to give him a kiss. His hands quickly wrapped around her body, pulling her closer. It was messy and wet until Bunny moved her lips to his cheeks. He huffed with disappointment, but she didn’t stop. She covered his face with kisses. He felt her soft lips on his cheeks, eyelids, and jaw until she decided to move to his neck.
“I need more,” Bucky whimpered as she kept kissing.
“Tell me what you need.” Her hands were moving on his chest, fueling his hunger.
“More. More of everything.” He took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but it had been such a long time since he was touched like this. He was craving for more, it didn’t matter what. “Just… touch me.”
Her fingers grazed over his nipples, making their way down as she opened up a bit more. 
“What if I…” She gently wrapped her hands around his cock. “did this?”
Bunny slowly moved her hand with a smile on her face. “What about this?”
He choked on his words, just letting out an unintelligible sound.
“You like that, don’t you?” He managed to nod as she kept moving her hand up and down. Before he could even realize it, she moved all the way back. When she removed her hand from his hard cock, he wanted to protest, but the moment he looked down, the sight of Bunny between his legs welcomed him.
She didn’t say a word, just looked into his eyes before lowering herself and taking the tip of his cock into her mouth.
“Oh, fuck!” His head fell back onto the mattress. 
Her tongue swirled around the tip, grazing over the sensitive spot. Her wet mouth and her hot tongue were driving him crazy already. He could feel the pleasure bottling up. 
“Bunny…” He hardly managed to say it out loud. She didn’t stop, just looked up to see his pretty face. “Baby, you gotta stop, please.” The words came out as if he was in agony. She had no choice but to release his cock.
“Am I hurting you?” Her wrinkled brows were enough for him to understand how truly concerned she was. 
“No, no, no. God, no.” He quickly tried to explain. “I just… don’t wanna come inside your mouth. Not this time. It has been a long time. Very long. I just wanna feel you come around my cock as I come. Is that okay?”
The relief on her face turned into a smile. “It’s more than okay.”
“I don’t have a condom with me though.” 
“I’m clean and on pills.” He knew what that meant and the question she wasn’t vocalizing.
“I’m clean, too, according to the regular SHIELD check-ups.”
“Great.” She bit her bottom lips as she moved closer to him. “So what now?”
Once again, Bucky wrapped his hands around her and rolled her over. 
“This is turning into a habit, Sarge.”
“You have any complaints?” His playful tone put another smile on her face.
“Nope, not yet.”
“Not yet? Hmm…” He didn’t say anything else, just grabbed his cock and looked back at her to see if she changed her mind, but instead, she was staring at him with wide eyes and parted lips.
Bucky rubbed the head of his cock between her folds and her slick arousal started to cover it. After a couple more rubs, he finally pushed himself inside. It took only one swift thrust and he was all in.
“Fuck, baby.” He gasped at the sensation as his head fell down on her shoulder. It was so overwhelming to feel surrounded by her wetness and warmth. So intense. “You feel so good, my god.”
When he pulled back to look at her, Bunny’s hand went to his face. She pushed a strand of hair that fell on his forehead.
“Are you okay?” The question came after standing still for a while.
“I’m good, don’t worry about me.” Bunny’s dismissive answer didn’t sit right with him.
“You are my main concern, all the time, okay? Tell me how does this feel?” His voice was so soft and caring, she didn’t even realize she was tearing up. “Please, tell me I’m not hurting you.”
“You are not.” She quickly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. “Nobody ever asked me that. That’s all.”
Bucky cupped her cheek with his flesh hand. “I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault.” Her bittersweet smile made him want to kill every single man who recklessly hurt her.
“Just tell me to stop if you don’t want something, okay, doll? That’s all I am asking from you.”
“I will try.” She gulped down. “It’s gonna be hard, but I will try.”
“Maybe we should stop.” He didn’t wanna push her to do something she wasn’t comfortable.
“No, no. It’s my problem. Sometimes… I have a hard time vocalizing what I want or don’t want.”
“Do you want this?” Bunny eagerly nodded. “I need you to use your words.”
“I want this, Bucky. Please move.”
He slowly and carefully started to move. “How is this pace?”
“It’s good. Very good.” Her words made it clear that she was enjoying it, but the way she said them… moved something inside him. It was full of need.
He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and starting to kiss her as he kept moving. Quickly, it became really messy. Lips crashing, tongues dancing, hands moving all over… In the blinking of an eye, she was on top of him, desperately moving her hips against him. It didn’t take her long to shutter. Watching her orgasm so up close was something else. The blissful expression on her face, her open mouth, and the way she was moaning mindlessly stunned him. 
“God, you are so beautiful.” His thumb moved from her cheek to her bottom lip. He closed the distance and gave her a hungry kiss. His tongue brushed against hers, making her moan again. “I don’t think I can hold back more.”
“I don’t remember asking you to hold back.”
Bucky tilted his head while pursing his lips. “True, but you didn’t have to.”
Bunny started to rock her hips again as she talked. “Please, stop holding back. Stop being so careful. I’m not made of glass.”
“I know that.” The way she was moving made it hard for him to speak. “God, tell me, what position do you want next?”
She didn’t say anything. Instead, she moved away from him and lay down on her back on the edge of the bed. Bucky silently followed her, and in a second, he was back inside her as she pulled her knees back to her chest.
“Does this feel good?” 
“Yes.” She seemed pretty content. “Just put some pressure on my legs.” As soon as he did that and started to move, they both felt the difference. It felt like she was much tighter than before and he was touching all the right places.
“Oh, fuck.” Bucky growled. It was much harder to hold back.
“Faster, Bucky, please.” She pleaded, already feeling drunk on pleasure. As he fulfilled her request, her moans became erratic. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“God, I’m so deep inside you.” 
“It feels so good. Please… Please, baby, faster.” Her words encouraged him to finally take what he wanted. He started to pound into her. Long yet fast thrusts started to consume her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Bucky, Bucky…” She gripped the sheets, trying to keep her eyes open.
“God, look at you.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “My pretty girl, look at yourself. Taking me so deep.”
“Oh, fuck, fuck Bucky!” She took a deep breath. “You are gonna make me come again!”
His response was a loud groan, finally feeling free to come himself. 
“Yes, let yourself go, yes.” He keeps talking between thrusts.
Bunny’s eyes roll back with pleasure, her legs trembling while she lets out a cry. He keeps fucking her through her orgasm, thrusting harder than before and allowing himself to follow her. Bucky let out the most broken cry she’s ever heard coming from his mouth as he started to come, but he didn’t stop. He kept on thrusting, ignoring the feeling of overstimulation until she was done coming.
He pulled himself out with a hiss, and neither of them said a word as they lay together. They feared they'd spoil such a blissful moment, knowing there was other stuff they needed to discuss. Bunny began to feel cold as their breathing returned to normal, so with a quick movement, she got under the duvet, keeping it open while looking directly at Bucky. She was silently offering to cover him as well, and he didn’t wait to comply. When he finally settled in, they were facing each other.
“Can we stay like this? Just for a while?”
“Of course, we can.” Bucky wanted nothing more than to just stay in the bed with he, in their own bubble. And they did for a couple of minutes, but little by little, reality slowly filtered back into their minds as the fog of their orgasms got lifted.
“Just so you know, just because we had sex, it doesn’t mean everything is perfect now. We have a lot to talk about that we haven't figured out, but I still want you to stay.”
“Believe me, I know, but we can figure it out together.” A smile spread across her face. That was all she wanted to hear. 
“Sounds like a good plan.” Bucky moved his hand over her exposed arm. It was a thoughtless movement, but his touch helped her relax. After a couple more strokes, Bucky felt some kind of patterned bump on her skin, and as he explored it, he instantly recognized it.
“Is that…” His question remained unfinished because he already knew the answer.
“A property tattoo.”
“Property of HYDRA?” The words came out like he couldn’t believe it.
Bunny squirmed uncomfortably. It was never an easy topic for her, but there was no way out of this conversation. Maybe it would be better to talk about it now. Like pulling a band-aid off.
“Do you remember when I said maybe I can tell you how I can be so sure about you one day?” Bucky nodded, remembering what she said when she first saw his face. “I guess that day is today.”
“I think I already know what you are about to say.” It was clear. Bunny was the property of HYDRA for god knows how long and somehow she managed to get out of it. “Look, we don’t have to talk about it now if it makes you uncomfortable. You don’t owe me an explanation.”
“I know that, but I want to explain anyway.” Bucky narrowed his eyes. “And it’s never easy to talk about this. So…” Her voice was trembling as she was talking.
“I’m ready to listen, whenever you want.”
Bunny took a deep breath, trying to brace herself. “I was captured by HYDRA when I was young.” The sentence came out as a whole like she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to finish it if she didn’t hurry up. “I was forced to be a part of their human trafficking network… satisfy clients to bring more money or please the higher-ups so I can stay alive. It went on like this for years until one day… I was in the right place at the right time.” She rubbed her face, trying to focus on her words instead of the lump in her throat so she could continue. “That day, SHIELD was attempting to capture some higher-ups and… I happened to be there just because someone requested my presence. Can you believe that? That was all. I was lucky enough to get saved by Nick Fury.”
“And you wanted to help the ones who weren’t lucky enough.” Bucky finally started to put the puzzle pieces together. He couldn’t believe she also suffered at the hands of HYDRA, already feeling guilty that he couldn’t be the one to help her.
“Yes. Director Fury helped me. He even gave me my name, Elvisa. Do you know what it means?” Bucky shook his head. “It means safe.”
“Because you were finally safe.” Bucky felt the weight of the word as he was speaking. This time, Bunny shook her head in agreement. That name meant a lot to her. 
“I am so sorry, doll. So sorry I didn’t notice why this case was so important to you. Why you said you can’t always express what you want during sex.” He felt like shit because finally, her harsh reaction at the SHIELD headquarters was making sense. He wondered how many people in her life thought she was just faking stuff.
“How could you even know, Bucky? You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong.” Her eyes were watery, but she did not cry. All this time, whenever she talked about this, tears would fall down, and she had no intention to let that happen again. She wanted to stay strong. She wanted to prove to herself that she was healing.
“I wish I could-” Bunny already knew what he was about to say and she didn’t let him finish.
“No, there was nothing you could do to save me earlier. Even if our paths crossed, you were a captive yourself, remember?” Focusing on Bucky was helping her to surpass all the emotions she was feeling. 
“Sometimes I think I just could’ve done more… Maybe I could’ve save myself and others… Others like you.” He sounded so broken, and Bunny couldn’t take it. She grabbed his face and forced him to look into her eyes.
“Stop torturing yourself with maybes and what-ifs.” Her voice came out harsher than she intended, so she tried to soften it as she went on. “What’s done is done. We can’t change the past, but we can shape our future.” Bucky nodded, still looking emotional. He knew that, but he couldn’t help but think about how different thing would have been if he could have just broken free. If he’d been strong enough… Bunny noticed he was getting lost in his thoughts and tried to get his attention. “Just focus on the present and the future, okay? 
“It’s not that easy.” Bucky finally found his words to answer her. 
“Believe me, I know, but we have to try. Just stop for a second and think about what you want your future to be like. Try to imagine how different things can be.” Bucky didn’t know how to keep his focus on the future. He’d been living day by day for so long, not daring to think about what the future might bring because a part of him was afraid that the moment he started to think about it, the moment he let himself hope for a future, everything would go down in flames. 
“I- I don’t know.” He sounded completely lost. 
“Just one thing. Tell me one thing you want in your future. That’s enough for now.” She tried to simplify it as much as possible. “That should be enough to keep your focus on the future.”
After thinking for a second, Bucky finally came up with a response. 
“I want to have you in my future.” He wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line or not, but he didn’t feel like keeping that thought to himself. “Is that okay?”
A warm smile spread across her face. “I think we might be able to arrange that.” 
In the middle of a boring day at work, Bucky found himself at a co-worker's birthday party after doing a lot of boring paperwork. He would rather be at home, cuddling his favorite girl, but they compromised on stopping by the party first and then cuddling at home. Normally, nobody could persuade him to socialize like this, especially since he had much better options, but Bunny was another story.
Not only that, but this time Bucky actually knew whose birthday it was, and instead of hiding in the corner, he was chilling on the big couch, with his arms around Bunny’s upper body. She was restin her head on his shoulder while talking to another agent. Although he didn't know her name, he saw her talking to Bunny numerous times. His assumption was that they were in friendly terms with each other.
Since their conversation was about a minor work misunderstanding, he didn't pay too much attention. Besides, his focus was slowly drifting toward Bunny's warmth more and more, just thinking about all the things he could be doing if they were at home. They both agreed on keeping a civil level of PDA at events like this, meaning there would be no doubt that they were a couple, but nothing inappropriate.
Bucky wasn't sure when their relationship had become public knowledge in SHIELD, but they were able to express affection for each other gradually. It wasn’t like they were ever trying to completely hide their closeness. They just tried to keep it as lowkey as possible. But it was a hard task since Bucky grabbed her arm after that meeting. People were nosy and wanted to know what happened between them, but somehow Bunny managed to dodge their questions. Bucky’s experience was much different than hers. Except for Natasha and Sam, he couldn't recall any particular moment when he was asked about his relationship with Bunny. Not that he would ever call her Bunny around co-workers. That was a private nickname. She was Agent Elvisa and he was Sergeant Barnes whenever they were at work.
I guess they put two and two together, he thought, not knowing that most of the people were actually afraid to ask him a personal question like this. 
“Can I ask you something?” Bucky's attention was caught by her wary tone.
“Of course.” Bunny raised her head, but didn't move away from his touch. His arms were still around her body.
“I don’t think you’ve ever told the story about how you two actually met.” God, she must be really curious since she is asking this nervous as fuck, Bucky thought.
They both knew it was only a matter of time before people started to ask about their relationship and how it all started openly. Everybody knew they had two different divisions. It wasn’t likely for them to work together for an extended period of time or see each other regularly. That was why they came up with an acceptable version of their story. Not a lie, but not the complete truth, either. Just something that gets people off their backs.
“Oh, that was Natasha’s doing.” 
“Really? I didn’t think Natasha Romanoff would be a cupid.” She was genuinely surprised.
“Oh, you have no idea how nosy Romanoff can be.” Bucky couldn’t help but comment for the first time. As he spoke, the girl's eyes moved towards him in surprise.
“She is only nosy when it comes to her friends, and I guess she just had a feeling about us.” Bunny quickly explained in a cute tone.
Her words made Bucky look into her eyes. They didn’t know if it was just a feeling or if she was just simply bored, but they were grateful nonetheless.
taglist (I tried to tag everyone who showed interest in chapter two. If you would rather not be included please let me know.)
@geminiflanagansblog @sadg1rlsei @lia-winther @nanikio @barnesboo1967 @chinaza444 @kaitlin013106 @ryanmxrie @steverogers-wife @weaselbeedisneygeek @tilltheendofthelinepal9950 @happyxdayxbitch @marvelogic @wintasssoldier @buckybarnessimpp @marvelsbitchh @alright-i-guesss @almosttoopizza @rabbitrabbit12321 @cookielovesbook-akie @whalien52bbgrl @cjand10 @scifinerd1818  @dellalyra @capswife @netherqueen23 @beware-my-thorns @freegardenbanananeck @iamstevessmile @raven1234321 @divadinag @noisesinthedark @amanda-says @ozwriterchick @sleyeveryday @arsonfrogger @lfaewrites @alana4610 @splendidreads @acatwriteshere @weirdothatwritess @spider-boyy @shelbygeek @doublevirgogirl @tarotwitchy-main @r02eg0ld @raelorns21 @amberpanda99
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itsjustrosee · 5 months
Stranded (Minho x fem!reader (one-shot))
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pt. 1, Pt. 2
ok so this is my first time writing any sort of fanfic but I thought I would give it a shot!
Warnings: contains spice and mild cursing
Context: high school au with everyone from the glade plus people from the other mazes like Sonya, Aris, and also Brenda. Minho's on the track team (obviously) and reader is on the debate team. Enemies to lovers
Word count: 4.4k
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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You were in your junior year in high school, and you had already gotten a couple months into the school year. It was early October and the weather began to change, becoming slightly colder and colder each day. You could feel a cold gust of wind hit your face as you walked out of your school's double doors. You walked over and lent on one of the pillars your school had built in front of the main entrance as you began to slip your phone out of your pocket.
You only had one new notification from Brenda which read,
'sorry girl I won't be able to pick u up tdy. I got an email a couple of hours ago from my mom saying that I needed to pick her up from work because her car broke down, so I wont be able to work on our social studies project. Sry!'
You honestly didn't bother to read anything after the 'won't be able to pick u up tdy' part. What were you supposed to do now? You didn't have that many other friends you could just text and get them to pick you up. It's not like you were unpopular or didn't have many friends, you actually were quite known around school. It would be relatively hard for someone to hear your name and not know who you were. After all you were head of the student council, captain of the debate team and on your way to being valedictorian next year. So needless to say, you were far from being unpopular. Although you always preferred having a small group of really close friends, though you were friends or friendly, with many other people in your grade.
Unfortunately, you weren't quite close enough with any of your other friends to just text them and ask them for a ride out of the blue.
And almost as if being stranded at school couldn't get any worse, you look at your battery percent and see, oh great, 1 percent. You shut your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, taking a second to curse at yourself for forgetting to charge it last night while you were sleeping.
But you calm yourself, thinking that it'll be fine. You'll get a ride home someway or another, right?
Well you thought wrong.
Right when you look back at your phone screen, its black. You stare at your phone, jaw dropped, continuously clicking at the power button, but to no avail the screen stays pitch black, leaving you to stare at your reflection wondering, 'how the actual fuck did I manage to be this unlucky.'
You tuck your phone back into your bag and you realize you really only have one way of getting home. Walking.
Wow this is just so amazing because of course this happens the day you get out at 5:30 because of a debate competition. Meaning you had to wear black heals and tights, paired with a tight pencil skirt that only went up to your mid-thigh, and a black blazer with a white undershirt that revealed more of your chest than you wanted it to.
Majority of the outfit was borrowed from Brenda, and you had changed into it at the end of school. Giving the clothes you were wearing the whole day to her because you didn't want to carry them around. The plan was for her to bring the bag of your clothes with her as she came to pick you up after your debate comp and drive you both back to your place to work on your project, where you would swap the clothes back.
Was it a semi overcomplicated plan? Yes. It definitely was, and you were now cursing at yourself once again because of it.
However, right as you come to terms painstakingly long and difficult journey you're going to have ahead of you, someone behind you speaks up.
"Hey (Y/N). What are you still doing here?" A familiar voice says, sending shivers down your spine. You could recognize that voice anywhere and you didn't have to turn around knowing that the person behind you was Minho. Godamint of course it was him, the dude who had been picking on you since kindergarten, the dude who you hated, and also the dude who got surprisingly hot over the summer. He was by far the last person you wanted to run into after your day was already totally trashed.
You turn around slowly so you can face him and as you do, you see him towering over you. He looks like he'd recently stepped out of the shower with his wet and slightly towel dried hair. Minho was on the track team and you were aware that on Friday's and during most days of the week, he would stay at school late because of practice. And based off of his hair, you could assume that he showered in the locker room before heading home. You gave yourself another moment before responding, as you look at the grey sweatpants he's wearing as they lay low around his hips, and at the black compression shirt he had on which complimented his physic quite well by it's ability of defining his muscles.
God what were you thinking? You couldn't help but think he was hot. Even though he had made it his mission to annoy you ever since he laid his eyes on you.
"My debate competition just ended." You say dryly while snapping back into reality, shaking off what you were thinking of moments before.
He checks his watch before responding, "Oh right. But didn't that end like ten minutes ago?"
"Yeah.. it did." You confess, realizing that you had stayed here sulking for ten minutes when you could've just accepted your fate and given yourself a head start on walking home. And maybe then, you wouldn't have had to run into this guy.
"why are you still here then?" He asked in a confused tone that lacked little to no concern.
You glare at him for a second but before you can give your embarrassing answer, he speaks again.
"Hey I'm just wondering, no need to get all mad. I just thought that you would've had a ride by now, princess." He says with a grin forming on his face while he puts both of hands up as if he's surrendering. He's clearly trying to do anything he can to get some sort of reaction out of you, and he knew that by using his little nickname he'd made for you at the start of the year, he'd get just that.
"Well actually if you could just shut up for a second then I would've been able to answer you." You snapped at him before continuing, your voice much softer now out of embarrassment, "I um, I don't actually have a ride. Both my parents are out of town for the weekend and Brenda bailed on me so I'm probably just going to walk."
"Really? Dressed like that?" He questions with a chuckle while teasing you and gesturing to your outfit. However he can't help but blush when he see's you dressed the way that you are. Most of the time you tend to wear sweatshirts and baggy clothing, but seeing you in clothing that complimented you curves- wow- It didn't fail to catch Minho off guard.
"Well, what other choice do I have?" You say as your words come out slightly more desperate then intended.
"I could give you a ride if you want." Minho responded, and Minho shocked himself just as much as he had shocked you by saying this.
You and Minho I have seen each other a lot this year because you both actually shared a decent amount of classes together. Although everybody knew him as being super athletic and really popular, he was a lot smarter than people, (a.k.a, you), gave him credit for. And even since you both had known each other since forever, the sudden offer was still odd. Considering how hostile you were to each other obviously.
"I'm not sure. I bet I can just walk home."
"Seriously? You'd probably give up walking home in those heels a mile in." He said with a chuckle, slightly mocking you but you choose to ignore it.
You roll your eyes at him, "Fine." you say with a huff while you both begin walking into the parking lot. "where's your car?"
"Who said I'd be driving you home in a car?" He responds as he tries to fish something out from his sweatpants' pocket, and when he finally pulled out what he was looking for, you see him hold up a key.
You look at him confused until you keep walking with him and see that you're headed towards a black motorcycle.
"Oh absolutely not." You say as you immediately stop in your tracks and Minho walks over a couple more steps and unlocks it.
"Come on it's just a motorcycle."
"Dude are you serious. Do you know how many people die on those things yearly?"
"No, how many?" he asks while looking at you with a smirk, already able to sense your bluff.
"I don't know- but probably a lot!" You answered because of course you don't actually knowing how many deaths motorcycles cause, but you thought it was safe to assume that they caused many.
"Thank you for the offer, but I think I should just start walking home now if I want to make it before it gets dark out." you say while walking past Minho and his stupid motorcycle. But Minho grabs your wrist before you can walk away any further. Feeling his skin on yours sends a jolt of electricity through your body. You turn around to face him and he keeps his hand on your wrist but his grip softens.
"Do you even know the forecast for today? It's supposed to start storming around six, and I don't think you want to get caught walking home in the rain right?" After he says that you look up at the sky and see that it's already being filled up by dark and angry clouds that could start raining down on you and Minho at any second, then you look back at his motorcycle.
Minho takes in your silence and speaks again, "Look, if you don't make your decision in the next five seconds then I'm leaving with or without you alright? I really can't be driving while it storms so I'll need to drop you off as soon as I can if I want to be able to make it home too."
"Alright fine." You say as you sigh, clearly defeated.
Minho leads you back to his motorcycle and sits down, his bag slung over his shoulders and onto his chest rather than on his back so that you can sit behind him. You tell him how to get to your house and you mutter a silent prayer as you sit down behind him, hoping he doesn't notice how far your skirt is riding up your thighs.
You aren't quite sure where to place your hands so you opt to cross them at your chest. Minho adjusts himself and turns his head slightly so you can here him better, "You know, you might want to hold onto me while I drive."
"I think I'll be fine." you snap at him.
"Suit yourself then." He shrugs as he faces forwards and presses on the gas, much faster than you expected.
You let out a yelp and immediately you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer into his back, and you basically cling on to him as if your life depends on it. You dig the side of your head into his back and shut your eyes.
You can already tell he has a wolfish grin spread across his face as he says, "What did I tell you?"
"Yeah, ok whatever I-I get it I should've listened." you blurt out quickly, not trying very hard to disguise the fear in your voice. Minho slows down as he leaves the parking lot of your school and he realizes that he can feel you trembling.
"Hey, hey, its okay. I'll be more careful alright?" He says in a caring tone while he places one of his hands on your knee.
"Just... please go slow Minho." You reply as you hug onto him even tighter.
"I will princess don't worry. I promise I'll get you home safe." He says while thanking god that you can't see how red he's getting. Something about the way you had said his name altered something in his brain chemistry and he would do anything to hear you say it again. And you on the other hand felt that he was being genuine when he said that he'd keep you safe, and it really did sound like he cared. It only took seconds for your face to get as red as a tomato and though you were glad he couldn't see you, you were praying he couldn't feel how hot your cheek was getting on his back.
Your grip on his stayed just as tight and if not tighter for the remainder of the ride home. Although, during every stop you would loosen your grip slightly and Minho would place his hand down by your knee or lower thigh again, rubbing his thumb in circles on your skin which never failed to give you butterflies in your stomach each time he did so.
The silence between the both of you hadn't been awkward at all, if anything, it was quite comforting. Being in each others presence was enough for the both of you. And if anything, the quietness allowed you to think about Minho and how you felt about him now.
Though you didn't really want to admit it, something about the way he was acting towards you now, made you see a very different side of him, and it gave you a reason to like him. But then again this is Minho your talking about. He could have any girl he wanted, practically the entire female population at your school flocked to him. But you are thinking about this as if you don't have boys coming up to you, trying to talk to you at your locker every day. Or like Gally in particular hasn't been begging for you to tutor him since freshman year.
Regardless of the amount of times boys came up to you, you always rejected them, because you had never really felt that way for anyone. Except right now. Because you could practically feel yourself falling harder and harder for Minho every second.
Little did you know that Minho was thinking the exact same way about you, and though he would rather die than admit it to anyone, he's liked you for the longest time.
Do you guys ever remember getting bullied by a guy back in elementary school, and when you told your parents about it they were just like 'oh its just because he has a crush on you!' well that was Minho. Minho was that little boy tormenting you all those years ago because he had the fattest crush on you and just didn't know how to express it. And he never grew out of that habit either. Sure when you guys grew up he would still pick and tease on you but he'd kept getting bolder and bolder, hoping you'd pick up on it one day.
A sudden drop of water on your heads knocked you and Minho out of your thoughts and snapped you back to reality.
"Shit." Minho mumbled under his breath. You finally peaked for head up a bit and opened your eyes to see that he was driving into your neighborhood but it was too late. The light sprinkles of rain soon turned into a downpour after mere seconds. Minho quickly pulled into your drive way and you unbuttoned your blazer and put it over your head to try and keep you at least a little dry until you reached the front door. You got up from your seat and only made it a couple steps forward towards your house until you realized Minho wasn't following you.
"What are you waiting for? Do you want to stay out in the rain and get drenched?" I asked him.
"You don't want me to leave?" He questioned, a bit of hope surged through him, making him think that maybe you didn't hate him as much as he thought.
"Leave? You can't leave now, do you see how hard it's raining? Never mind that, you said that it was going to storm and I can't let you drive home knowing you could just get struck by lightning or some shit." You explain, trying to make it seem as if you didn't care about him, but you definitely did care and you sucked at not making it obvious.
Minho couldn't even respond, he just stared at you, a grin forming at the edge of his lips.
"Can you- stop looking at me like that! Just come inside before I change my mind." You say, turning away and heading straight to the door because you can already feel your cheeks getting red and you don't need to hear Minho's snarky remarks over it.
Minho wouldn't be lying if he said he was a bit flustered too because he hadn't expected you to say what you just said- I mean, inviting him into your house? Minho was absolutely over the fucking moon.
He dashed into the house and got in right after you did, shutting the door behind him. You set down your bag and began taking off your heels before facing Minho. He also dropped his bag and took off his shoes. He looked at you as you cleared your throat.
"Thank you, for um, driving me. Sorry I got kinda freaked out." you say, the redness in your cheeks this time weren't because you were flustered but rather because you were embarrassed. As you looked down, expecting Minho to make fun of you over the way you clung onto him, he takes your chin in his hand and moves it up slightly so that you're now looking at him.
"There's no need to apologize princess."
you just stared at him, too shocked to move because of the contact he'd made with you. Even though you both could've stayed in that position forever, you moved your head to the side, severing the eye contact you and Minho were making, and making him take his hand from your chin.
Immediately Minho began cursing at himself for being so bold. I mean it was amazing enough that you invited him into your house but he totally just ruined it. He just couldn't wait any longer for you, but he got impatient. At least that's what his overthinking ass assumed.
"Minho, I-" you started. You were taken aback by the action but it's not like you didn't like it. In all the years of teasing he had never been that bold or genuine. You couldn't tell if he was still just messing with you for fun.
"No, that was- look I dunno why I did that. I didn't.." He scoffed while looking away.
"Minho look at me." you said while turning your face to look at him again.
He just silently took his hand away from his face and looked at you.
"What's been up with you this year? It's like, you keep teasing me, but then you call me princess and do things like this- It's just- what's your deal? I can't tell if you still hate me, or if you like me or something." You blurt out, way more intensely then you had expected. You couldn't tell if this was just a whole joke or not, like if he really just found pleasure by getting some sort of reaction out of you. Whether that be you getting flustered, or annoyed at him.
"No I don't- I don't hate you at all (Y/N)." He paused while sighing. "This is going to sound stupid but I've liked you since before I can even remember. I just never knew how to tell you, so I just tried to get more bold, and hope that maybe you would catch on, I guess."
You just stared at him with a dumbfounded look on your face, not quite too sure if you were hearing him correctly. But he seemed so sincere, you really wanted to believe he was telling the truth.
"God okay I never should've said anything. I'm sorry, that was all so stupid. I'll leave right when the rain lets up-" Minho barely finished what he was saying as you leaned in and grabbed his shirt, pulling him into you as your lips merged with his.
After a moment of him not reciprocating you pulled away, "I'm sorry I thought-" But before you could say anything else Minho began kissing you again.
You melted into his touch as he slid his arms around your waist and pulled you into him closer. His grip around you was firm as he held onto you as if you could just slip away if he didn't hold on tight enough. You flung your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss between the both of you. It had started out gentle and soft but it only got more and more desperate and passionate as time went on.
"I like you too." You mumbled against his lips between kisses, and at this Minho only became more and more hungry for you. You allowed his tongue to explore every inch of your mouth, and he grew desperate for your taste.
All while holding the kiss he lifted you up by your hips and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed you into a nearby wall in your house.
He kept one of his arms on your waist while the other slid down your shirt and up your back, his cold fingers traced around your spine which only made you arch your back further into him. A slight moan escaped you which only made Minho tighten around his pants. You could feel him harden between your legs, and considering your skirt was far up your thighs by now, and your tights and panties only provided a thin layer of clothing between the both of you. You could feeling yourself throbbing down there as well.
Minho could tell by the way you were fiddling with the hem of his shirt that you were trying to take it off him. Minho pulled away and removed his hands from you and tossed off his shirt, leaving you to stare at his amazing physic.
I mean come on, the guy looked like he had been carved out of stone.
You both took no time at all to crash your lips onto each others again as your hands began to roam all over his chest. He took both of his hands and placed them on your ass in order to keep you propped up on the wall as he continued to pepper your lips with kisses.
He bit against your bottom lip causing you to moan again, but a phones ringtone of the song 'Eye of the Tiger' interrupted you and Minho from continuing.
He murmured a curse to himself and you giggled as he took his phone out of his pocket and answering the call and putting it on speaker. He used one hand to hold his phone as he kept the other on your ass.
You took this as an opportunity to start kissing down Minho's neck, moving down to his collar bone and sucking on it, making sure it would leave a mark. This caused Minho to make a soft groan but since the call was still connecting, the other person wasn't able to hear it.
"Dude where the fuck are you? You were supposed to come over after your practice to help me with our Latin assignment." The very clearly annoyed boy with a British accent questioned. You could tell it was Newt immediately, I mean, not many people have who go to schools in America have British accents.
"I'm sorry I got kind of caught up with something." Minho huffed out. Clearly trying to hide his moans as you continues to leave a trail of kisses and marks along his chest and neck.
"Holy shit you sound like you've just ran a marathon. Wait are you even at home right now?" He asks, this time much more confused then he was before.
"Uh no- I'm not at home right now."
"Then were the fuck are you?"
"At a- friends house."
"Which friends house?" Newt was interrogating Minho as if they were a married couple and Newt caught Minho coming home at 3am smelling of liquor and another women's perfume.
"I'm at (Y/N)'s house.." He said softly, hoping his friend would maybe keep his cool after he said this.
"Hi Newt!" You chime in after leaving several knew hickeys on Minho's neck.
"Jesus Christ I knew it. You've liked her for years! Good job Minho, you finally had the balls to tell her." You hear Newt laugh along with several other people in the background.
"Godamit Newt who else is with you?" Minho says, his face growing redder every second.
"Oh you know, Thomas, Gally, Fry, Alby." He says while trailing off.
Just then you can hear someone grab Newts phone on the other line, "Just letting you know (Y/N) you could do so much better." He says while everyone else with him chuckles, and you can tell it was Gally who said it.
"Oh shut it Gally. Your just mad because she chose me over you. And maybe this way you'll finally get the hint and stop asking her to tutor your dumbass." Minho snaps at him, his protective and jealous tone turning you on way more then you thought.
After Minho says that you can hear everyone on the other line burst out laughing, and even you let out a bit of a laugh afterwards as well.
You can hear Newt take back the phone and say, "Alright we'll leave you to it." as he hangs up the phone.
You look back at Minho as he puts his phone away. "What if I do want to start tutoring Gally?" You say with a smirk as you tilt your head to the side, teasing Minho.
"Oh please. Your mine now princess and I'm not letting Gally, or anyone else for that matter, anywhere near you." He says, and even though he's ginning while he says it, you can tell that he's being completely serious. "Now where were we?"
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ok guys this is it!! plz lemme know if u liked it or if theres anything you guys think I should work on/ do better whenever I write these in the future. Also if u guys want to give me any other prompts for me to write, or if yall want a pt. 2 with yk smth a lil more spicy then tell me
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solselah · 8 months
Pick a song ?
(Channeled messages)
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PILE 1 - The less I know the better
Your spirit guides are holding messages from you because they feel it’s the best you don’t know at this time !!! There are other things that should be taken care of right now by you !! They don’t want you to be obsessively thinking about what happened or why it happened!This separation or Disconnection between you and these people/person just know It’s not up to you to beat yourself up , you don’t deserve that !! It’s time to Put away the excuses & pick yourself up , don’t treat yourself like you aren’t worth a relaxing bath & a face mask or even a beautiful candle lit dinner. There is someone out there for you & this could even be solely friend based for some of you ! Like the people coming in your circle will be so supportive of your new life & new business ventures! They are here to support. Let them in ! Try not to pussh away!
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You’re now starting to notice the mental state you were in when your started a relationship, was not healthy it wasn’t even close to okay! You are actually baffled this person is still willing to stick it out and rock with you. They see the you , you haven’t been able to get in touch with ! I’m hearing they are acting as your mirror at this time !You may really be shying away from this person for that reason! It’s crazy how fast you Snap on this person sometimes ! They forgive and love you either way but they deem you a bit as snappy , but they really do chalk it up as like a “you” thing. They really would rather be with you than alone any day! You have a good one on your hands but I feel for you , you may need a mental break to find yourself ! Something is off here for you & it’s okay to admit it ! I would recommend being open about it by any means ! It helps to bring understanding into the dynamic.
*Especially if the transparency is private*🤫
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Now that you have discovered who you are outside of others perspective!! You are learning how to fall in love with your soul! You could have had your self esteem broken down BAD as far as 8/10 years ago , you’ve come this far on your journey understanding the things you’ve practiced have come in to action, landing you success in finding the reflective part of your soul! people tend to us others as mirrors … you chose to look within your own body to see who you are to YOU. You could be someone who does Acid or even takes your occasional shrooms , there is an emphasis on micro dosing!
So that could totally be your thing ,it helps you to be one with self! Especially after all of your broken moments regarding the relationship you built for / With self!!
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Right now you’re so closed off !! I would go as far as saying you’re done with what life is offering right now (over it ) You could be feeling very protective over your heart at this point ! You’ve even relocated to grasp a bit of peace !! Someone could’ve really Took your heart out your chest and stepped on it ! Like they are so truly sorry and they just don’t know how to show that to you ever! It’s such a sad thing for this dynamic because it could’ve been something. you feel that you being closed off & cold is your answer! In reality it’s really numbing your true feelings… so bad. Your angels really need you to be honest with yourself about the track record of this relationship ! Was it bound to happen ? Were you numb to them ? Are you still ? There are so many question that need answers & that being hidden from you sometimes really devastates you because you desire to know more. You’re hurt and don’t know why ! That’s how it feels. You are not alone in this trust me. Your heavily heavily surrounded by Grand teachers & angels that are ready to go to war for you & are willing to teach you about how you can start to heal , it’s so time for you to begin to Build your strength back. It’s so necessary for the next steps for you and your opportunities ! I know this connection had you so emotionally attached. You were not the only one I promise !!!! They may hide it and throw it out the window but I guarantee you they are running in circles. It’s indeed time for you to
“criss cross apple sauce” ( very specific)
in the middle of the circle and elevate your energy right in their face at that!!!
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Hope you enjoy 💜
IG: @Soleccentric
1: Tame impala - the less I know the better
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no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to her
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A Baldur's Gate 3 Reader Insert Fic by scarredwithcruelintentions
(crossposted on AO3 here)
Rated: E
Pairing: Astarion/Tav, Astarion/Reader
Current W/C: 37,694
The memory of clawing his way out of his own grave was among the worst he'd collected over his long life. He'd never imagined being turned would lead to nearly two hundred years of enslavement at the hands of a cruel master; but then again, he'd never even imagined being turned in the first place. All of his days as a spawn had blurred together, so much the same as they were in their infinite torment and shadow.
Until, one day, they weren't.
He knew one thing for certain, though.
If he had to do it all over again, crawl from his grave and live another two centuries of endless night, he would without question.
For after the darkness, he would come to find the light. He would come to find you.
A/N: Hey everyone! I went into Baldur's Gate 3 completely blind, knowing nothing about any of the characters, story, or gameplay. And, of course, I was immediately drawn to Astarion with his striking beauty, heavy flirting and aloof cockiness. Totally let the horny rule my brain (because GODS DAMN he's hot) and pursued a romance with him. And then I learned more about his story as I progressed in the game, and I was completely disgusted with myself. See, I did to Astarion exactly what so many people have done to me: I looked at him as an object, as a pretty piece of arm candy that was happy to cater to my *ahem* more lascivious whims. My heart broke a little (okay, a lot) because I feel much the same way as him about being treated like a piece of meat, something to be consumed and discarded in one fell swoop. I recently started Cognitive Processing Therapy for my trauma, and because I really connected with his character and storyline, I was compelled to write an apology to him in the form of this fic. Equally, in turn, it acts as the love letter to myself in accepting and moving forward from my own traumas. As I'm sure you can tell by now, there is a lot of heavy and uncomfortable subject matter to come in this, and I don't blame anyone for needing to click away. The story is meant to be an exploration of relearning the full spectrum of human(oid) emotions, so it will be a bit of a rollercoaster. Big shoutout to my Skwid Sis for cheerleading and my best friend and partner in crime, Big Daddy E, for reading it out loud with me in character and helping me (try to) edit my unnecessarily verbose run-on sentences. I cherish you two more than words will ever come close to expressing, and just want to say thank you for being patient and understanding with me during this very painful and difficult process. And lastly, I want to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to share in my healing journey by giving this silly lil brainchild of mine a chance. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I've been enjoying writing it. :) Likes, comments and reblogs much appreciated! Will be updated weekly (unless, yk, I am particularly inspired to share)!
chapter 1: this is a gift
chapter 2: the hunted
chapter 3: a desperate revelation
chapter 4: a reflection in another's eyes
chapter 5: a lament for all things lost
chapter 6: ruination and regret
chapter 7: sorrowful lash
chapter 8: scorched earth and rebirth
chapter 9: the four tenets
chapter 10: the fungal crusade
chapter 11: arcane collaboration
chapter 12: of cursed shadows
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deandoesthingstome · 2 years
a waiting place
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A/N: In honor of @sillyrabbit81 and her milestone event. Congrats friend! I don't know if this is cheating but I took two screenshots, sent one and kept one for myself. I thought it would take me days, but I sat down and this feeling just poured from me.
Her event masterlist is here.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader (my first time with writing him, please be gentle)
Prompt: Slow & Romantic // Geralt // Mirror Sex
Summary: You have finally found a place of your own
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: there is sex in this story so NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI
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It was rumored to have been made with magic, but when you finally stumbled across the mirror tucked deep in the recesses of the farmhouse abandoned in Ebbing after the start of the Northern War, it was draped in a dusty cloth and looked anything but.
Still, the vibrations were calling, remnants of your ancestors, whose mastery of craft had placed the various pieces of skillfully forged metal and intricately carved wood together around the silver-backed glass. When you touched it, a warmth spread from your fingertips to your toes, and you knew you were home.
Exactly what kind of home had yet to be determined, since your skills were still newfound and you’d yet to master any sort of transformative spells. Backbreaking hard work was all you were able to put into it, but the efforts were worth it once you were able to lay down in a bed of your own making, the mirror standing in a newly prominent place of honor against the wall across the room.
In the morning, you readied a hot bath, filled with nourishing herbs and healing tinctures, and placed a tray of fresh bread flanked by cured meats and cheeses on the small table beside the wooden tub along with a bowl of warm stew and pitcher of ale. 
And exactly three years after your initial meeting, you called out to him, desire coursing through your veins and energy pulsing in your reflection, clearly bound with the mastery of your ancients.
“I am here. I made it. I need you.” You repeated the words in thoughts through the spells you chanted so that when he arrived, he would know why. Pulling someone through space and time was never easy, on them or you. But the yearning was too great, fueling the need to feel his skin against yours, his breath in your ear. 
You helped him out of his clothes and into the water and waited for him to invite you in next, knowing full well the need he’d feel when he’d recovered from the journey. He held your arm and wouldn’t let go, even as his grunts and groans indicated his agitated and depleted state. So you sat next to him as long as you could before it became apparent you’d need to replenish the hot water in the bath soon. 
He reached for you once the steam was rising from the tub once again. You dropped your sleep shift to the ground and let him guide you into the water with him. “The floor will dry”, you told yourself. “This moment may never come again.”
His gaze was tender and grateful and you smiled back at him, pleased at his reaction to being called here.
“Were you finished?” you asked. “Did I time it right?”
“Just,” he grunted.
“I’ve missed you. So very much.”
“I’m glad you survived your trial. Is this where you’ll stay from now on?”
“Need to know where to find me?” you smirked.
“And when. Yes.”
“I imagine there’ll come a time when I’ll need to go back. I can only learn so much more from books; I’ll need another mentor soon.”
“But for now?” he trailed off with a quirked brow.
“For now you find me here.”
With the water cooled and your bodies’ heat risen, Geralt stood with your legs wrapped around his waist, lips still locked against yours, a hand cradling your ass while the other pressed against your back to keep you tight to his chest. He stepped with ease out of the tub and to the bed, where he laid you down and peeled your limbs from him.
“I want to see you.”
“You’ve seen me. We’ve been in that water together for ages. Please,” you reached for him, but he stood still, head cocked to the side regarding your naked form. You watched him breathe in deeply and sigh the air out as he closed his eyes in contemplation. When he opened them again, you could swear you saw sparks as he acquiesced to your desire.
He crawled over your naked body, drops of water from his long silvery hair landing to cool the fire on your skin. But that flame for him would never douse, not in a million years. And while he had given in to your need to touch him and hold him in bed immediately, he wanted to take you apart slowly.
“Is that it?” he asked, head turned toward the mirror where he could make out his image poured over you, your leg draped over his thigh.
“Yes. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
He pulled back, taking you with him as he shifted to his knees and deftly turned you away from him, facing the mirror.
“What it reflects, certainly.” His voice was low in your ear as you watched the backs of his fingers caress your arms and down your sides. You knew his cat eyes could see more details in that image across the room than you ever could, but he did a good job of putting on a whole show of movement you could see as well as feel, placing kisses along your shoulder as a hand returned to cup your heaving chest. He slid his other hand forward around your waist and down over your belly, reaching for the heat between your thighs. Your eyes closed involuntarily when his fingers found their way inside you.
“Please watch. I want to see all of you, especially your eyes, while you come undone for me,” he whispered in your ear.
You wanted to feel all of him inside you immediately; you were practically bursting with the heat of your need for him but since you knew that would never wane, you gave in and watched the mirror while he slowly and methodically stroked you to orgasm. 
You felt yourself floating back to the bed and watched him peer down at you again while he took himself in hand and lined up at your entrance. He let out a long, low groan as he lowered himself to pulse into you slowly. 
“Fuck, you feel good.”
“I’ve missed this too, Geralt. I wish it would never end.”
“I’m going to make this last, alright?” he asked, head pulled back to gauge your interest.
You nodded and smiled, pleased he felt up to a long night after such a journey. You’d absolutely have to place a mark next to the entry in your spell book you’d used to prepare the bath, as the concoction had clearly done its job.
He didn’t lie. For hours, he teased and tortured you with his cock, grinding you deep and slow into the mattress while he caressed your mouth with his. His tongue tangled against yours, leaving only to trace lines of lust along your neck or chest. Sometimes, he’d roll you over him and urge you to take one of your many releases while riding him upright, his hands firm around your waist. 
You lost count of how many ways he brought you pleasure before he finally pulled you to hands and knees in front of him, once again facing the mirror. Once he was fully sheathed inside you, he gently lifted your torso against him, hand gripping lightly at your neck.
“I want you to watch again. Let the source of your true power soak up every bit of ours together,” his voice rumbled in your ear and vibrated against your back. When you nodded, he pressed you back down, chest all the way to the bed while he gripped your hips tight and rocked into you.
Even now, in this position usually reserved for wild abandon, Geralt made love to you. His movement was calculated, his strokes long and deliberate. His eyes sought yours in the reflection, though it was hard to tear your view away from where his hips disappeared behind your ass.
“Will you come with me one last time?” he begged, completely out of character and for a moment, you felt a sadness you hadn’t expected. Surely he wouldn’t let this be the last time you found each other across this vast lifetime?
“If you promise to come back,” you answered, as if you could ever hold back your release once he began to pump in earnest.
“When I can, yes.” 
With that most useless of promises secured, you smiled and nodded again. “Come for me, Geralt.”
It only took a few more strokes before he came with a growl, and you were lost in a blinding explosion of lights. Collapsed next to one another, you steadied your heart rate and burrowed into him as he curled himself around you. His sustained heat would never allow you to sleep long like this, but you sighed with content anyway. 
You had a home to call your own, and Geralt was willing to follow you here when he could, and that was all you cared about for now.
Taglist: Everything Henry - Please don't hesitate to let me know if you want on or off, though remember sometimes Tumblr won't let me tag you.
@kittenofdoomage @mayloma @fvckinghenrycavill @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @kebabgirl67 @beck07990  @itsrubberbisquit @feelmyroarrrr @dedicated-to-mr-cavill @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1  @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry  @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25
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recklessramos · 7 months
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Will Ramos x plus size fem reader
So the other day I had a thought about Will that just wouldn’t shift from my mind so I decided to take it to my blessed notes app, which made the thought turn into a writing idea. Suddenly I have almost 10,000 words and if I don’t post this I think I’ll go crazy. I’ve put my whole pussy into this (lmao) and it’s ma cursed baby however this is the first smut I’ve written since 2021 so be kind:))))
9,692 words of absolutely feral smut I am disgraceful!!, mentions of negative body image and reader being on a healing journey, sickening fluff, mentions usage of weed, PIV sex, unprotected sex (all together now ‘wrap it before you tap it!’) oral (male and female rec), Will is PACKING, soft dom(?) Will, use of ‘slut’, lots of dirty talk, flirting, hair pulling, cum play, clit spanking, light choking, spanking, spit, edging (fem rec), overstimulation, pet names, use of ‘y/n’ I think that’s everything but let me know if I’ve forgot anything!
This is completely self fulfilling lmao😭😭 Also the whole writing process of this felt so blissful(ly frustrating😭😭) so ofc I had to call it blissful. Also because it’s Will duh.
Even though this was written with a curvy reader in mind, this is for everyone!!! We all deserve love and appreciation (and earth shattering pleasure)!!!!
Also please excuse the low quality collage I made, I tried my best💀 Anyway I’m going straight to hell and I’m going there happy and horny🤍
GIF credits: julien-mayfair and all the pics in the collage are from Pinterest so dm me for removal!
You’d been struggling with your body image recently and even though you persevered with your affirmations, vigorous self-care and weekly therapy the thoughts still clouded your mind throughout the day. Will was aware of the fact you were on a healing journey and you couldn’t ask for more from him.
He was there with you on the easier days when you flaunt all your curves and see no issue on having your stretch marks peeking through your crop tops, or how your back rolls are hugged by your shirt. He loved seeing how your outfit hugged your curves, how you smile at yourself while repeating your affirmations in the mirror. He would even repeat them back to you, ‘you are so worthy, so loveable and so fucking beautiful’ he’ll say to you as his hands sneak from your waist to cup your stomach with soft fingers and his adoring grin that never failed to make your stomach flutter.
On the days like today when the thought of standing in front of a mirror causes your stomach to spin with anxiety, eyes brimming with tears, he’d wrap his arms around you so you could hide your face in his chest as he spoke your affirmations to you. It may take five or ten minutes of staying with your back to the mirror and your face in his chest before you can turn to face your reflection but when you do the bright, warm smile Will showcases is enough to make your chest swell in love and appreciation.
He whispers gentle words of unconditional love in your ear as your eyes scan over your body, you breathe through the discomfort and focus on staying calm and centred. At first the affirmations you repeat feel ridiculous, but after five minutes your shoulders have released their tension and you're beginning to ease into your body.
There’s gentle music playing in the background of your conversation with Will, which only consists of sweet words and soft laughter as he tickles over the sides of your torso. You move from standing in front of the mirror to sitting on the floor, crossed legged with Will behind you. His legs are out on either side of you giving you easy access to lean back into his body, his clothed chest pressing into your back. You can sit comfortably like this for hours, just you and him and the reflection of you you're learning to become acquaintances with. Luckily for you this was both your day off from work, so it can be spent with just you two in your home, smoking weed, cooking your favourite meals while singing along to some of your favourite songs together.
With a full belly and a blissfully cloudy mind from the joint you shared after the time spent in front of your mirror, you end up on the couch cuddled under a blanket watching one of Will’s favourite movies. Your bodies are intertwined, your mind at ease from any negativity. When you’re together like this, nothing else matters.
After a couple hours you start to fidget through boredom, tapping your foot to the sound of nothing and letting out exaggerated sighs every now and again. It’s not that the movie that Will chose for you to watch was boring, it was just that you couldn’t stop thinking about all the other things you could be doing together. You saw yourself on your knees, arms pulled back and pinned to your back by Will, face pushed into the sofa while Will rammed into you at a torturously slow and hard pace. You picture how your ass will slap into the ending dip of his v lines, how deep the tip of his cock will land in your throbbing pussy.
‘What- why can’t you keep still?’ you freeze in reaction to Will’s question, not even realising you’d been shifting your hips around in an unknowing effort for some relief from the ache on your clit. ‘Uh- I’m not even moving!’ you try to argue back but he drops his eyebrows, slightly squinting his eyes suspiciously. ‘I’m just trying to get comfy.’ You try in hopes that he doesn’t figure out that the movie he’d chose just wasn’t keeping you distracted from the lustful thoughts that burned into your mind, but to no avail as a smirk pulled at his lips. Will could read you like an open book, there was no hiding when you were sad or feeling insecure or so horny you were about to start grinding the couch cushions.
‘Hmm is that true?’ his tone dropped, he knew you were lying and that you were really aching for him to touch you, but it’s Will- of course he’s not going to give you what you want right away. You only replied by slightly nodding, you could either give in and tell him what you want, or you could be the stubborn brat you often chose to be in these situations just to find out what could happen on the other end of things; the grass is greener on the other side after all.
‘Yeah, we might have to think about getting some new cushions for the couch. These ones are awfully uncomfortable.’ you mutter back, jutting your hips around at the end of your sentence just to back up your case. Also so you can try and ease the throbbing that was making your stomach ache and pussy clench around nothing. You needed to be filled up by his cock right now.
For a long moment you both stare at each other, waiting for the other to say something. The air was becoming heavy, your body was curving into him as a reaction to the thought of having his cock in you. He noticed this change in your body, chuckling slightly and shaking his head.
‘We could always go to bed if it’s that much of an issue that you can’t focus on the movie.’ He nodded his head towards the stairs, you manage to hide the raise in your eyebrows as the idea makes you press your thighs together.
‘It’s only eight.’ You glance down at his lips as you continue your exploration on how far you can take it till you give in. Will could never give in, he’d happily tease you for the rest of the night if you choose to go along with it, he had before and he’d do it again, so it all came down to how long you could hold out for.
‘I can think of a few things that’ll keep us busy for the next couple hours.’ His fingers trace your jawline ever so slightly, your lips parted and he took the opportunity to slip the tip of his thumb between them. By automatic reaction, you sucked it gently as your tongue skimmed against the pad of his thumb and as quick as it was there, it was gone with a pop of your lips. Any chance of you holding out was thrown right out the window when his lips part in a shit eating grin and you take in a hurried breath as you act on pure impulse and slam your lips against his, catching him off guard for a mere second before he gains composure again. His lips move against yours, matching your rhythm and your tongues are quickly passing over one another.
He grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap so you’re straddling him, your lips never disconnecting. You don’t waste a moment as you begin to grind against his crotch furiously, letting your soft whimpers get lost in the kiss that had your chest burning and your panties soaked.
With one of your hands on the side of his head and the other threaded into his curls, your chests pushed together so he could feel your hardening nipples through the thin layers that separate you from him, you thought you couldn’t be closer to him. You were proven wrong when he grips your body closer to his, easily flipping you over so you were laid on the couch with him above you. The kiss broke for a moment so you could both take a breath, and you took the opportunity to wrap your legs around his hips, his crotch meeting your centre as his lips meet yours again.
Your hands gripped his shirt, pulling at it desperate to lose the fabric from his body. He noticed immediately and leant back onto his knees, pulling his shirt from his tatted body. He tries to lean back down but you place a hand on his chest to stop him, his eyebrows twitch in confusion. You take your time as you scan your eyes from his neck, down his chest and toned torso, his deep v lines (oh my god don’t get me started on the v lines) to where his waistband sits lowly. You try to squeeze your legs shut because of how his Godly body makes your pussy ache desperately for attention, only pulling him closer to you in the process and finding no relief. When you meet his eyes again, they’re darkened, so much so that his dilated pupils blend with his usually brown eyes and that same shit eating grin is plastered on his face.
Although Will could be shy at times that didn’t change the fact he was aware of how hot he was, how the sharpness of his jaw line, the movement of his Adams apple when he swallows, the toned exterior of his abs all make you weak in the knees and immediately desperate to feel every inch of him deep in your guts.
One of his hands move from your hips to cup your jaw, your gaze faltering under your eyelashes. Your breaths both pick up when your soft, pleading gaze meets his dark, lustful one. His thumb softly pets over your bottom lip, you wait impatiently for it to pass into your warm mouth. When he doesn’t give you what he knows you want, you wrap your lips of the pad of it and begin to suck down onto his thumb wishing it was his cock. Your eyes plead and he knows exactly what for.
His mouth is agape and his hair is slightly dishevelled from your tugs at it, all you can think about is the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat, his hands in your hair as he fucks your mouth mercilessly. ‘Just like that angel, suck it like you would my cock.’ you let out a whimper from his dirty words, words that make you lift your hips up to him in hopes he’ll listen and give you what you want. When instead he chuckles, you begin to whimper again but he cuts you off.
‘As pretty as those noises are, they aren’t gonna get you what you want.’ your eyes look up at him with pleading and desperation, your hips trying to shift closer to his. Just as you graze his crotch with your clothed centre, he pulls his thumb from your mouth and pushes your hips down to meet the couch. ‘Look at how desperate you are, I bet your panties are soaked aren’t they?’
‘Will-’ you begin but are cut off by your own gasp as he places the ball of his palm over your clit, pushing with barely any pressure but it’s enough to earn an ‘oh my’ from you. ‘I bet you could cum in seconds just like this, when I'm barely even touching you.’ he mumbles lowly, eyes locked between your legs as you begin to grind your hips into his touch.
Soft moans tumble from your lips, your head rocks back making your chest pop up slightly, welcoming Will in when he twists your nipples between his fingers over your shirt.
‘How about we see if you really are that desperate? Hmm?’ his tone is slightly cruel and completely unhinged, but you’re so focused on how you’re finally getting some relief after what feels like hours of yearning that you don’t even acknowledge his words.
His hand begins to grind against you in circles and your hips match his rhythm in all directions against his palm. Up, down, side to side, in circles and random jolts. You don’t care how desperate it is, the fact Will is letting you get off this soon is enough of a shock for you to grab it before it may be taken from you. You flick your eyes open to see Will readjusting his crotch just as your orgasm begins to threaten to take over. ‘Fuck, you don’t know what you’re doing to me, baby.’ His nearly breathless words are enough to knock you over the edge, but just as your eyes become cloudy and your clit is throbbing so hard it feels like your pussy is going to explode his touch is lost and you literally cry out in frustration.
‘Fuck Will! Why’d you-’
‘Shhhh, don’t worry angel imma give you what you want you’ve just gotta wait a minute, okay?’ his tone is soothing and genuine, but you’re raging from the lost orgasm and your pussy is throbbing harder than ever.
‘No Will it’s never just a minute, it’s hours and I'm fucking desperate. Please I need to cum so bad.’ you’re begging for anything and Will feels the tension in your body, so he leans down to kiss you in an effort to calm you down. At first, you’re stiff and pulsing with anger, but you can’t stay too angry at him when his lips are so soft against your mouth, and his warm tongue gets you thinking about its wetness soaking your clit in languid strokes. Your body softness and you ease into the kiss before pulling back to speak.
‘Please, Will, I need it so bad.’ you beg again, hoping your soft tone and puppy eyes will get you what you want.
‘I know and I'm gonna give you what you want, just not yet okay? When have I ever left you hanging?’ at first you pout at his words, but you know he’s right. Even on nights where he’s edged you for what feels like hours, he always gives you back every orgasm he denies and sometimes more if you ask him to.
He begins to kiss down your neck, his hands tracing the hem of your shirt. His lips are soft and gentle, his tongue kitten licking over the warm skin he litters with soft pecks. His hands find their way under your shirt passing over your tummy and to the curve of your breast.
‘Can I take this off?’ he questions while tugging the fabric of your shirt, you nod in response and lean up to help him and the cool air hits your chest immediately making your nipples become harder than they already were. You return to your prior positions, his kisses finding their way down your collar bones to your chest. His eyes are closed as he savours the feeling of your soft flesh against his lips which have begun to follow over the top of your breasts.
He begins to suck on your breast and create light hickies on the skin, you feel his hand move from your hip up to your other breast and his fingers begin to twist and pull your nipple. He begins gently tugging on the tight bud causing you to gasp from the sensation. Your nipples are sensitive from the cold air and his tugs become sharper, creating goosebumps over your skin. One of your hands thread into his hair to keep it from falling into his face and the other rests on his shoulder, tracing small circles over his tattoos.
Suddenly his mouth is on your nipple, sucking and flicking his warm tongue over the cold, tight bud and your back curves, making him suck harder. Your other nipple is beginning to burn blissfully from the tugs and pinches that never end, your thighs squeeze around his waist. He hums on your nipple, releasing it with a pop but not giving you a moment to breath when he moves over to your other nipple. His fingers are now tugging at the wet, puffy nipple that’s covered in his spit, he mimics the same pinching, tugging and swiping that once accompanied the nipple that his soft tongue is working on to ease its soreness.
His name falls angelically from your lips, you begin to think you could cum just from this. Almost as if he knew your thoughts, all of his touch retreats and you whimper as the cold air hits your bare skin. His lips continue down your stomach, kissing over your stretch marks with so much love and care. He stops when he reaches your waistband, and you cut him off as he begins to speak.
‘Yes Will,’ he smirks at your impatience, knowing just how desperate you are for his mouth to devour the pool that's been created between your legs. You lift your hips as his warm hands pull off your shorts, leaving your panties on.
You feel like crying through relief when instead of teasing you anymore, he finds his place lying on his front with his head between your legs and arms wrapped around your thighs.
He kisses up the inside of your thighs, getting further away from where you need him most. One of your hands rests on the back of his head, your other squeezes one of your breasts. Will doesn’t notice this until you tug on your nipple, causing you to gasp and his eyes shoot open.
‘There you go baby; you keep making yourself feel good, okay?’ his dark eyes burn into you, making your cheeks flush but you nod in response and continue to play with your swollen bud. ‘Fuck you’re so hot, y/n.’ now it’s his turn to blush just from the sight of your eyes rolling to the back of your head from an especially hard tug on your puffy nipple.
His fingers hook under your panties to pull them to the side and the anticipation is killing you as, finally, he licks a small stripe along each of your folds- still avoiding your swollen clit that is burning for attention.
As you open your mouth to begin to beg for him to give you what you want, a heavy heave leaves your chest as he sucks your clit into his mouth. Your back curves, head digging into the couch. Both of your hands hold his head in place as his mouth begins to work on the swollen, pulsing bud in small, soft sucks and kitten licks barely on the tip of it. Moans escape your mouth endlessly, his eyes open to see yours already on him.
Will is very aware of the fact that eye contact while he eats you out drives you insane, and he uses this to his own advantage. Just a slight darkening to his eyes can push you right over the edge and with how dark his eyes already are you don’t see how they could get darker. You close your eyes, not wanting the feeling to end just yet.
He begins to move his head to meet the movement from his tongue that have become longer and harder, this sends a spark down your legs making them jolt shut on his head. He pry's your legs open and releases your clit from his mouth so he can speak with his face still stuffed between your legs.
‘Wanna hear your beautiful moans, angel.’ his words are muffled but you try your best to keep your legs open as he begins to flatten his tongue against your clit, adding a new sensation into the mix.
You moan his name over and over again with a mix of curses and ‘oh mys’, his arms now having to hold your legs open because you couldn’t stop your body as your legs begin to kick out and attempt to close on his head.
His tongue slips down between your folds to meet your pussy with a soft stroke before slipping it into your hole, collecting your sopping wetness onto his tongue and carrying it up onto your clit.
‘Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me.’ his mouth doesn’t leave your skin, so his words vibrate against your clit, you gasp out at the feeling and your orgasm begins to build in your stomach.
‘Fuck, Will I’m so close. Please don’t stop’ your words get lost through the never-ending chant of his name and the gasps you can’t hold back when he slips his tongue into your pussy again and begins to fuck you with his tongue.
His thumb finds its place on your clit in small, tight circles as his tongue begins to fuck you faster, curving up and swirling around in your dripping pussy. His eyes open to meet yours, looking up at you with complete focus on making you feel as good as you possibly can and he flashes you a slightly playful, completely smug wink. The coil in your stomach broke and with a scream of his name you come all over his tongue, mouth and chin, your legs shaking and thrashing as your nails dig into his hair. Your head is thrown so far back it aches your neck, your eyes screwed shut as flashes of white and an array of colours fill your mind. Your moans are strained and sound almost pained, the way his tongue slips in and out of you makes you come so hard it feels like you’ll never come back down.
But alas, your vision unblurs and your legs flop onto the couch, your hands unclutching his hair. His thumb moves from your clit and his hand slips up to stroke over your tummy lovingly. His tongue finally slips out of your pussy after pulling you down from your orgasm and it begins to ever so slightly lick your clit.
Your chest heaves up and down when he finally pulls his mouth from your pussy, kissing up your body until you’re face to face while his hands work to pull your underwear down your legs. You finally open your eyes to meet his heavy gaze, his beautiful (and rather fucking magical) lips are pulled up in a smile that makes your stomach flip again.
‘I love you so much.’ you manage to force your words out between your heavy breaths, your lips connect for a small kiss. ‘I was beginning to think you may hate me after the look you gave me when I didn’t let you come.’ he laughs slightly as you begin to kiss down his neck, you feel his chest rise sharply when you suck on his pulse point. ‘I could never hate you.’ your words mumble against his neck.
‘I know. I’m not done making it up to you yet, though.’ his words are daring, if you were smart you’d take the opportunity to get out while you still can. You’re too fucked to consider that though, especially when Will begins to palm himself through his jeans that he must’ve unbuttoned without you realising. He grins down at you from his knees when your eyebrows raise at the change in tone.
‘On your knees.’ his sharp words go straight to your core and you know you’re making a mess of the couch; you immediately find your place on the floor where his head nodded toward. The hardwood is cold against your skin, making you hiss through your teeth. Will notices this and directs you up so he can place a pillow below your knees. You appreciate his kindness, especially knowing what’s coming next.
‘Listen closely babe,’ you nod attentively and he continues ‘tap my leg twice and I’ll slow down, three times for me to stop completely. Okay?’ his hand cups your face, softly stroking your cheek.
‘Twice to slow down and three times to stop.’ you nod along with your words; he smiles down at you while tucking your hair behind your ears. ‘I’m ready.’ you eagerly flutter your eyes at him, the anticipation eating away at you.
‘You’re such a good girl, you want me to fuck your mouth that much?’ his tone is slightly teasing, but you’re not embarrassed. You love having his cock in your mouth, you love it even more when he cums on your tongue and directs you to stick it out so he can see the mess he made before you swallow every drop down. Maybe if you’re good enough he’ll give you exactly what he knows you want.
You nod in response to his question, your hands pulling at his jeans. He pushes them away while talking ‘Keep them behind your back, only patient girls get what they want.’ you huff in response which makes him shake his head and smirk to himself. ‘You never have been very patient, have you? Maybe I should teach you a lesson, make you wait all night just to have my cock in your mouth. Maybe make you wait all week to have it stuffed in your pussy. Make you so cock starved that you never get greedy again, you just appreciate anything that I give you.’ The idea terrifies you, literally. The thought of having none of him for one night, let alone a week makes you want to cry. It also ignites a fire in you that you didn’t know existed.
‘Or maybe I’ll be nice, give you what you want.’ he pulls his jeans and boxers down, letting his cock fling up and nearly hit his stomach while he kicks his clothes to the side. Your mouth immediately begins to water from the sight of it, your thighs squeezing together as tight as possible. His cock is long and thick and heavy, so thick that the sight of it already makes your jaw ache. It used to scare you, how big it is, but now you love the fact that you’re left with a sore jaw for days after he’s fucked your mouth; a constant reminder of the feeling of his length slipping down your throat.
‘Please Will.’ your eyelashes flutter as you plead, desperate to have his beautifully shaped cock slip into your mouth and down your throat. You want to feel the veins that line his length slip against your tongue with every thrust he delivers deep in your mouth. ‘Such a good girl begging for my cock in your mouth.’ his words send a rush to your core as his hand cups your jaw, tapping your bottom lip and you quickly open your mouth.
Your jaw loosens as the swollen, leaking tip of his cock slips between your lips. You both hum in satisfaction, his salty precum lathers your tongue deliciously. Slowly, torturously so, he begins to slowly fill your mouth. The heaviness of his cock weighs down on your tongue, your lips stretching to fit around the thickness of it. Your hands are balled in fists behind your back, your thighs squeezed together as your knees dig into the pillow below them.
‘Good girl,’ he speaks in a low raspy tone as a deep grunt escapes his mouth. His hips shift and tense, sharpening his gorgeous v lines even more. You’re completely mesmerised, even through blurry and teary eyes as you feel the tip of him hit the back of your throat. ‘Now I need you to open up for me, angel.’ he taps your throat and your blink a tear away as your throat opens for him, giving him complete access to do as he pleases to you.
His chest is tight as he pulls out of your mouth till just the tip is left between your lips before slowly pushing back in, only this time he slips down into your throat. His hands hold onto the back of your head to steady himself as he begins to gently fuck your mouth. You're grateful that he eases you into it, but so eager for more. His strokes are so slow and soft, your stomach flips with butterflies.
After a few strokes in your warm mouth his breathing is heavy and his hands clutch onto your head.
‘God, you look so good with my cock in your mouth.’ you hum as your cheeks blush from his sweet words about such a dirty thing. ‘Blushing with my cock in your mouth? You really are an angel, aren’t you?’ he chuckles at the irony and the obscenity of his words causes your cheeks to flush harder, you manage to stop the laugh that was about to escape his chest again and it's replaced with an animalistic moan when you take initiative and push his cock further down your throat. It tickles deep in your throat, your eyes burn and you gag painfully, but it’s enough to make him begin his sharp thrusts down your throat.
You try your best to keep your hands behind your back, but you end up with them gripped onto your thighs to keep yourself stable as his thrusts become faster. His cock is heavy and warm down your throat; the stretch burns and aches, but blissfully so.
Your name falls from his lips through a mix of grunts, curses, moans and gasps as your tongue pushes up against his shaft and your cheeks hollow. You finally take a breath when he pulls out of your mouth completely, both of your chest rising rapidly.
‘Come on baby, gonna fill you up now. You've earnt it.’ he grips your hands and pulls you to your feet, pressing a kiss on your forehead before guiding you over to the couch. He directs you to sit on your knees facing the arm of the couch before finding his way behind you.
‘You did so well for me, angel.’ his hands begin to stroke over your back, round to cup your breasts and gently upward to ease over your neck. ‘You took me so well.’ His praises earn a soft whimper from you, his hands now pinching your nipples again in the same torturous way as earlier. You clutch the arm rest in front of you, making your back curve and your ass pop out. You gasp as you feel his hard shaft slide against the inside of your thighs, head tilting back as the thought of having him stretching you out sends a hotness across your body.
His hands move back around to stroke up and down the length of your back lovingly, even massaging your shoulders for a moment or two. You feel his hand meet the centre of your back applying enough pressure to guide you down, so you are now leaning with your fore arms holding you up and your ass is perched up- giving Will a delicious view.
‘Fuck you’re so gorgeous.’ his words are accentuated as his fingertips graze up your curved back gently, passing over all your dips and curves. Rose tinted stretch marks litter your skin and as his slightly coarse fingertips pass over them you let out a deep breath that you’d held in, curving your back and sticking your ass out even more in the process. This slight action earns you a satisfied groan from Will and you feel his length slip between your folds teasingly, as you try to push onto the feeling his length is gone and you feel it tap against the inside of your thigh.
As his fingertips continue their passing over your flesh, back and forth over the middle of your back, dipping down onto your hips where your curves accentuate, he hums to himself while his fingers spread over the soft flesh and squeeze slightly. Your head rocks down, a warm breath slipping past your lips, the soft squeeze on your flesh is filled with so much love and affection. You can feel the passion pass from his fingertips into your body- sending another warm, wet rush to your core.
Every touch from Will causes a shudder in your stomach that sends your head nearly spinning, your pussy dripping with a mix of your wetness and his saliva. Just his fingers gently digging into your hip is making you desperate for more of him.
All of him.
‘Please, Will.’ slips past your lips in a near whisper, a light shudder spreads over your body as your core clenches on nothing again. You feel the loss of one of his hands, only for it to return to your flesh in a sharp, quick spank on your cheek. You gasp slightly, letting out a breathy moan as his hand grips the now reddened flesh, soothing the skin with his gentle caress.
‘You like that, Angel?’
His voice is quieter than usual as if he was lost in the sight of you, lust spewing from his raspy tone. You hum in response but gasp again when his hand returns in a harsher spank to the same spot that only just began to cool after the last hit. ‘You know you need to use your words, angel. Try again.’
‘Yes Will, I like it.’ Your chest is heavy, you feel your wetness slick against your inner thighs, especially after the last spank.
‘Hmm, good girl.’ He mumbles, almost to himself as he works his thumb over the sore flesh of your cheek, admiring his work.
Finally, you feel his tip slip through your folds, collecting your wetness onto his shaft and swirling his hot tip around your clit. You hold your breath tight in your chest as his tip finds your aching pussy gently, teasing your entrance cruelly.
Just when you thought he’d fill you up, another spank arrives harshly against your flesh. This time you can’t hold back the deep, guttural moan that escapes you.
You gasp out in a mix of shock and pleasure when his tip pushes into you and he eagerly fills you up, giving you no time to prepare for the stretch. It burns you deep, aching when his tip finds the deepest spot in you. ‘God, Will. Fuck, it’s so tight.’ You cry out as your eyes fill with tears from the pressure of the stretch.
‘So fucking perfect.’ you mumble, mostly to yourself as he adjusts his position so you feel his thighs against your own. ‘Jesus christ,’ he grunts breathlessly as you try to squeeze around him but fail from how much he’s already stretching you out.
The first stroke is painful, his hips slowly drawing back only halfway before filling you up again just as slowly, and you feel like you could cum already from how blissful it is. Both of your moans intertwine as he repeats the action, this time pushing into you harder. Your hands grip the couch cushion so hard your knuckles ache, his hands still digging into the flesh of your hips.
He circles his hips, the swollen tip of his cock pushing against you deeply while one of his hands retreats from your hip to slide up into your hair roughly. You feel him adjust his position again and you grip the cushion as hard as you can, preparing for what comes next.
‘Please Will, I want it. I need it.’ Your words are faint; he’d have to listen closely to hear them. Luckily for you, there’s not a day that goes by where Will never fails to listen to you as attentively as possible.
‘Angel always gets what she wants, doesn’t she?’
With one last soft stroke, his hand grips your hair roughly, his fingernails nearly piercing your skin and his cock retreats almost fully before slamming back into you. Your gasps get caught in your throat as he creates a rapid, rough pace that makes your ass slap against his v lines sharply. The sting of his cock as he pulls out, the pressure as he rips back into you- his hand gripping the roots of your hair so tight it feels as if your hair might rip out, his nails digging into your hip as his grip bruises your flesh.
All of it sends your head spinning, eyes pinched shut as his thrusts become harsher with every one that passes by, his deep groans get caught between your own gasps for air and the lewd noises of your flesh slapping together.
You can’t think of anything else as the feeling of his cock ripping into you overwhelms all your senses, your mind zoned in on how his length drags so perfectly against the deepest parts of you. You feel it in your gut when his hips meet your ass, hitting the reddened flesh creating obscene noises that make your pussy gush around him.
‘Fuck you’re taking me so well, angel- so fucking well.’ his words blur together with the sensation that builds throughout your whole body as you mutter out incoherent words and pornographic noises that you have no control over.
The earth-shattering pleasure Will is giving you makes your body burn all over, your thighs shake every time his tip meets a space deeper than your g spot, past your cervix into what feels like is in your guts.
‘Imma make you cum over and over again, baby, give my girl what she deserves. How's that sound to you?’ you moan in response, nodding your head as best as you can. He pulls at your hair harshly making your head tilt upwards.
‘I can’t give you what you want if you don’t use your words, angel. You should know this by now.’ his tone is arrogant and it makes you whimper as he leans over your body to grab your arms from under your head. He drags them behind you, pinning them against your back with the hand that was just in your hair, his other hand leaving your hip to grip the sofa to steady himself.
His thrusts transition from fast and long to short and sharp, drilling into the part of you that he knows you love the most. Your thighs tremor, it’s becoming harder to hold yourself up from how the aching in your pussy spreads over your whole body, leaving it weak. A thin layer of sweat coats both your bodies, beads slipping down the back of your thighs from where your bodies connect.
You feel your orgasm begin to approach, crying out from the sensation that tightens in your stomach.
‘Let it happen, baby. I've got you.’ Will’s words almost get lost in the feeling of your stomach bursting, but the reassurance lets you slip over the edge completely. You gasp as your head spins and your thighs shake ruthlessly as they try to hold you up through the intensity. Your ears ring, your vision blurs, your moans come to a momentary halt before a cross between a wail and cry breaks in your throat. Will fucks you through the whole thing, his grip on your wrists that he pins against your back grounding you back to the moment as you come down from your high.
You're left a breathless, teary mess as he pulls out slowly to ease any discomfort.
Your minds still so blurry that you don’t realise Will has laid you onto your back until a couple minutes later, which is also when you finally take a deep breath that cleanses your lungs from the restriction your gasping created.
When you open your eyes, Will is kissing down your neck, face flush and a bead of sweat is rolling down his forehead.
‘You okay my love?’ his words are tender, a contradictory from the orgasm that just crashed down on you. You mumble a reply, smiling to him as a gentle wave of joy rushes over you. ‘You okay to keep going?’ he asks, you mumble another yes as you connect your lips with his.
The kiss is sweet and as tender as his concern, but when you slip your hand down to wrap around his pulsing cock he bites down onto your bottom lip with a groan. You feel your release slick around his cock, collecting it on the pads of your fingertips with a mix of his own juices, breaking the kiss to slip your fingers into your mouth while still holding eye contact with Will.
His eyes are wide, lips swollen and parted in shock at your dirty action. You suck your fingers clean of both of your juices before connecting your lips again, Will’s tongue pressing against your own to get a taste of your sweetness. Your hand returns to stroke his cock painfully slow, flicking your thumb over the tip that furiously leaks his juices.
‘You sure you can handle it again, babe?’ his tone is slightly smug but filled with so much sincerity, not wanting to push you past your limits. ‘Wanna feel you in me again, Will. I miss it.’ your words merge into the kiss and you feel his fingers trace gently over your swollen clit. You part from his lips to release a soft, airy moan when he circles the bud in tightly and his forehead meets yours.
‘You sound so beautiful, y/n. So fucking beautiful.’ your eyes flutter shut when his fingers push harder, the same airy moans slipping past your lips softly and his compliment sends your cheeks pink. He kisses along your exposed jawline, sucking gently on the skin.
‘Is it all for me, baby?’ his words vibrate against your throat, his fingers exploring down through your folds to collect your wetness and swipe it over your pulsing clit again. You feel another orgasm approaching, the floodgates already open from your last orgasm, and you struggle to form a reply from the pressure that’s building.
‘Fu- yes, Will- it's- ah- it's all for you.’ you force the words out between moans, your eyes fluttering open to meet his that swallow you completely in admiration. He kisses down your chest and sucks your nipple into his mouth, your hand finds its way into his hair as to ground yourself in the feeling that’s threatening to push you over the edge again.
He hums against your nipple causing you to gasp, his teeth grazing the bud deliciously as you finally muster up the strength to talk.
‘I’m gonna cum, fuck I'm gonna cum.’ your words are rushed as you grip his hair, pulling his mouth harder against your nipple as your orgasm washes over you, your head rocking back into the pillow beneath you. Your back arches up, pushing your nipple against his teeth daringly and he bites down causing another shudder to travel down your legs.
This orgasm isn’t as intense as your last but it’s just as beautiful, hitting you in multiple waves, each earning a louder gasp and a toothy smile to appear on your face. Your eyes are rolled into the back of your head, your legs tremoring on either side of his hips as you begin to come down with a heavy gasp and a whimper that pulls Will’s lips away from you with a smile.
It dawns on you that he hasn’t came yet and you begin to feel guilty, not being able to hide the worry from your face.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asks concerned and you ease his worry with a smile and shake of your head, still catching your breath as your play with his curls that hang messily from his head. ‘You haven’t came yet, babe.’ you try to hide your guilt but he catches on immediately.
‘I’m waiting, baby, wanna give you as much as possible before I come. Don’t worry about it my love.’ you may have over thought it any other day, but his genuine smile and tone makes you nod and let go of that stress.
His lips are on yours again before they trail across your jaw, under your ear to suck the sensitive skin between his lips. His tongue laps over the skin, his teeth grazing so gently it sends a shudder up your spine. He moves across to find your pulse point, humming against the skin to send a wave of vibration through your body. He mimics the same sucking as before, only this time his teeth dig into your skin to send your head rocking back into the couch.
All your senses are heightened. Suddenly you can smell traces of weed in the air from earlier, coconut in his locks and his musky cologne along his collar bones. Goosebumps cover your arms, your nipples peaking and poking into his warm chest. The TV glows, a low lamp keeping the rest of the room lit. A mix of your and his juices tingle on your tongue, your thighs clench at the taste; a reminder of the orgasms that leave your body flushed and aching perfectly.
You don't realise one of his hands had moved until you feel a finger slip into your cunt, a pool of warmth coating his finger and palm slick. Your breaths flow mindlessly through your soft, plump lips when he curves his finger into your g spot, your chest becomes tight from the repetitive action.
His finger leaves you, his mouth disconnects from your neck and he positions himself between your legs. He holds his soaked palm up between you both, grinning proudly to himself.
‘Making such a beautiful mess, angel.’ his raspy tone alone makes you desperate, burning with anticipation when you feel is swollen tip poking at your entrance teasingly, and when he slips his finger into his mouth, your juices pushing up to his knuckles in a ring before collecting on his lips you genuinely think you’re going to hyperventilate from the sight alone.
He finger slips from his mouth and before you can react his lips are pushed against yours, lathering them in your own juices. He pulls back, your tongue pokes out to collect the mess from your lips but his hand quickly catches you before you can, his fingers on either side of your face pushing your lips open and out in a pouting motion. His tongue licks your lips clean of your juices, not letting one drop go to waste.
Your chest is so tight it aches your ribs, you don’t think you’ll ever let your breath go until you feel his tip slowly slip into you. Will groans and even though you’re dripping wet, it still stings slightly from the stretch; but you wouldn’t have it any other way, the feeling of just the tip of him alone makes you suck another long breath in.
His hips continue forward, his cock slipping halfway in all at once making Will let out another deep groan and you wince. Not only is his size already a stretch, but you’re also still sore from being filled by him and fucked into the couch.
‘I know it’s so much angel,’ his hand rests on your throat without applying any pressure yet, your eyes flutter open to meet his. You must force your eyes to stay open, you’d be stupid not to watch how his face contorts as his tip finally rests against the deepest part of you. His girth stretches and fills you up sublimely, you moan deeply at the feeling that you can never get enough of.
Before moving his hips, he hooks an arm under your leg closest to the back of the couch and directs it to hang over the top of the couch. This sends your hips upwards, giving him perfect access to fill your guts.
‘Keep your leg up here for me, okay?’ you nod at his request, still so zoned in on how he fills you up. His body is inches away from yours again, his cock slipping against your sweet spot just from his readjusting.
He plants a small kiss on your forehead before pulling his hips away slowly, your chest rises with his stroke when he guides himself back into you. Both of you moan out together, your hand latching onto the back of his neck. Curses slip from both of you as he creates a slow, deep pace; drawing his hips back almost completely before pushing back into you at an agonising speed. When he fucks you like this, slow and deep, you can feel the veins on his cock as he pulls out, the slit on his tip grazing your upper wall as he pushes back into you. Both of you are already a panting mess, his hand beginning to add the slightest bit of pressure on your neck that makes your mind soft and cloudy.
‘Fuck, you’re taking me so well, y/n.’ his words nearly get caught in his chest when you squeeze around him, his tip edging against your cervix gorgeously. ‘Shit baby, you wrap around my cock perfectly. It's like your pussy was made for me.’ Your cheeks flush at his words, also because he adds more restriction to your throat, the tips of his fingers digging into the skin softly.
His thrusts start to become harder, dragging along your tight walls in languid strokes that send your head tilting back into the pillow beneath you and your other leg to hike up at the side of his hip.
He leans up onto his knees, pushing your leg that is folded up against your side out and gripping your knee that rests on the top of the couch, watching his cock as it stretches your cunt that squeezes its thickness every time he hits your sweet spot.
‘Jesus- fuck-’ he can’t form a coherent sentence, his eyes still shamelessly gawking at the sight of him fucking you as he mumbles something to himself that you can’t make out. His hand leaves your knee and begins to stroke over your folds, staring intently as his fingers slip across your swollen clit and his fingertips graze over your folds intently. Your breathing is becoming heavy, feeling another orgasm approaching you at a rapid rate.
Will notices this and pushes against your clit, only flicking his eyes up from between your legs for a moment to glance at your face as a you whimper; the pleasure nearly becoming too much.
He knows that if you don’t cum soon, you’ll become a whimpering, crying mess and that thought makes his cock twitch in you. His finger strums your clit slowly before switching up completely, flicking over the pulsing bud with his thumb frantically making you shout his name in shock. Your orgasm begins to shake your legs and just like that his thumb is gone and you cry out, sounding pained and awfully hot; Will lets out an animalistic moan as he leans down and uses his arms to cage you in and keep you in place.
If he didn’t do that you’d be thrashing around, which your body still tries to do when he begins to fuck your harder, picking his pace up ever so slightly but it’s enough to make you cry out again.
‘Take it, angel,’ his words drill into your ears, his hips rocking into you harder with every word ‘take it like the good girl you are.’ Your moans become high pitched and strained, having no control of the curses and chants of his name that leave your chapped lips. You gave up trying to keep your eyes open, letting them pinch shut as the pleasure sends your mind spinning.
‘Eyes open.’ he demands, to which you quickly comply and open them as much as you can. You take in the sight of him; his dishevelled hair that brushes against your forehead with his thrusts, his agape mouth, those fucking lips that can make you crumble in moments. You can’t stop yourself when your eyes find his defined jawline, leaning up to peck it before grazing your teeth across it, earning you a low groan from Will. His dark, deep eyes bore into you and you squeeze tightly on his cock again, this time mainly so you can see how his eyes roll into the back of his head.
When his eyes open again, your hand finds its way onto his back, your nails digging into his skin and dragging across his flesh. Just as you do this, you squeeze on his cock again, wanting to push him to the edge; hoping you’ll get a raise out of him. His eyes roll to the back of his head again, he groans deeply- sounding slightly pissed off.
‘I know what you’re doing, y/n.’ his tone is sharp, making your heart jump for a moment and your pussy drip along his cock. His eyes pierce into yours, you bite your lip nervously. ‘If you want me to fuck you, you should’ve just asked instead of being a slut about it.’ His words make you smirk through excitement, he chuckles to himself and shakes his head while speaking.
‘You really are a dirty slut, aren’t you?’ his words send another wave of pleasure through you and before you can stop it you let out an ear-splitting pornographic moan, maybe you should be ashamed of how this turns you on- but you couldn’t care less about shame when his cock hits you in the place that makes you giddy with satisfaction.
‘Eyes open, y/n’ his words are sharp, scolding you with a light spank to your clit making your eyes shoot open and the same shameless moan erupts from you- this time somehow louder. Your legs begin to tremor slightly, this warning both of you that you’re going to cum soon.
‘You just want to be treated like the dirty girl you are, don’t you?’ his words make your stomach twist, his hips now beginning to pick up their speed- giving you exactly what you need to take you over the edge again. ‘Say it.’ his demand makes your eyebrows twist in shock, feeling your cheeks flush in embarrassment.
‘Come on baby, if you can say it, I’ll give you exactly what you want- what you need.’ he teases you, knowing that you’ll do anything to cum all over his cock will he fills you up and fucks your juices together.
‘I- fuck, Will!’ you begin but cut yourself off when his speed picks up rapidly, still drilling into you at a torturously hard rate. ‘I just-’ your words are cut off again, this time by a whimper you can’t stop. Your tits bounce against Will’s chest every time he fills you up to the brim, it’s becoming a ridiculously hard task to keep your eyes open too. His moans make you clench on him over and over again, desperate for him to take you past the edge.
‘If you wanna cum I’m gonna need to hear the words come from your mouth, angel, so get to talking.’ he torments, his hips drilling into you. Just when you think he couldn’t get any obscener, he leans back to spit onto your tits, his hips never stopping their beautiful torture; he’s doing this not only because it drives him crazy, but because it’s always the last straw before your pussy explodes around his cock.
You know if you don’t get the words out ASAP he’ll deny you of your orgasm again and you wouldn’t be able to take it, so you hurry and manage to force the words out.
‘I just wanna be treated like the dirty slut I am! Will- please- I can’t-’ a tear rolls down your face, the pleasure overwhelming you. His fingers find your clit in slow, smooth strokes in contrast to his cock and finally he lets you crash over the edge.
‘There we go angel, let it all out. Cum all over my cock, doll.’ is the last thing you hear, his pleased grin being the last thing you see before ringing fills your ears, your eyes pierce shut and your head digs into the pillow below you. Your legs shake rapidly, your pussy convulsing on Will’s cock as you squirt on him, not hearing the obscene strangled moans that never stop leaving you or the noises of your juices that fill the room as he fucks you through the whole thing.
Will can’t hold back anymore and with a deep, guttural moan he slams his hips into you, his forehead resting against your own as his orgasm crashes through him in reckless, violent waves- just as yours did to you. Your pussy pulses on his cock, milking every drop of cum from him as you’re still encapsulated by your orgasm, practically screaming through the whole thing.
You both come down, thrown from the heights of your orgasms back to reality. Your breathing is rapid, trying to catch up with the lost breaths due to how much you were moaning, you’re unable to force your eyes open just yet. Will is in the same state as you, wrapped up in the blissful after math of such an intense orgasm.
You stay with his cock in you for a minute or two, coming back to your mind and opening your eyes tiredly. Will lifts his head from your neck to meet your loving gaze, both of you staring in complete awe and love for each other.
Slowly you both begin to untangle your limbs, him pulling out from you gently. Still lying on your back, so fucked out you don’t think you’ll be able to move for another hour, he kneels between your legs and watches as his cum drips out of your puffy pussy. He collects the fallen juices and gently, as to not hurt your sore entrance, fingers it back into your pussy; not letting a drop escape you.
Finally, you catch your breath, pulling Will down into a soft, slow kiss.
After a while of cuddling on the couch, talking about the events that just took place, Will convinces you to make your way upstairs so you can share a bath. When he helps you up to your feet, you gasp at the puddle of your juices that has sunk into the couch, Will widening his eyes with a devilish glint and proud grin.
‘Look at all the mess we made.’
Thanks for reading💋💋💋
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