#a gift for the mcyt community
So I have an idea on a little project for a New Years post and I'm thinking about making a tribute to the MCYT community. I want to make something to pay tribute to all of the MCYT streamers that have inspired and helped me make it through the hard times in life. Especially Technoblade. So for the New Years post that I will make, I'm gonna do a comic with the lyrics to one song that has been in my head for awhile and could be a good fit for it. It is one of my favorite songs for awhile. I would tell you what song it is but then it will ruin the surprise so I rather not say what the song is. I probably won't be able to post before Jan 1st. but who knows, I could still manage to finish it even if my art doesn't have to be perfect. And I have 15 days to finish it but it's alright, doesn't have to be perfect. This is a challenge for me but I can manage. Anyways look for it when it drops and I'll see you real soon.
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desolatediver · 9 months
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(Late) Happy Halloween
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gaspshichat · 7 months
extremely long pearl appreciation post except this time i'm maintagging bc i want her to see this. she deserves to see this
she is the kindest soul ever. every bit message, every sub message, every gifted sub, and as many chat messages as possible are read. she genuinely doesn't want anyone to be left out
pearl had a rough start to stream today with a bunch of bots saying really weird things and someone revealing private information of hers which is weird. i have choice words for them but i'll keep myself pg for this post
it resulted in her having to turn on sub only mode which she said upset her. what did chat do?
they gifted probably around 200-500 subs to the community
pearl kept saying how bad she felt that she was practically forced into turning on sub only mode but she also said she didn't want her community gifting so many subs bc of an awful situation. they still did
i will always say that pearl is the nicest person ever. anytime smth bad happens to someone in chat, she's sympathetic and kind and gives them a message. anytime smth good happens to someone in chat, she's very excited and happy for them
it takes someone who is genuinely kind and selfless to do that. pearl does not have to read every bit message and sub message. but she does
her community reflects this kindness. i got broken up with two hours before valentine's day and told chat [bc streams for me are 6am-10am]. chat was so kind and gave me ideas on what to do with the flowers [which i did what they suggested!]
i've been in fandom communities for almost ten years now. pearl's is the kindest. there are so many people in chat i recognize [secret agent, sapphicwhimsy, kawaiitron, voxkeys, cardmoney, etc] that i look forward to seeing in chat. usually i dread seeing what happens in twitch chat's
not hers. hers are so full of kindness bc she is full of kindness and it just radiates and spreads to her community. yes it's fairly no nonsense, her deleting any weird messages, but that's to make sure it's a good place to be
i've been having nightmares and flashbacks recently due to reasons i wish to keep private. very few youtubers/streamers are able to help me sleep without those issues. pearl is one of them. her community is genuinely safe
i tell everyone interested in mcyt to watch pearl. i've been spreading pearl propaganda [/silly]. she deserves so much more than she has. pearl deserves the world
this is an extremely long post but i need to get my point across to her and anyone else, whether they're a pearl fan or not [yet]
pearl, we all love you and are proud to be part of the community. you are such a genuinely sweet person who deserves all the kindness in the world. i'm so sorry you had to deal with that bullshit [pardon my language]. it does genuinely suck but i hope the ~300 subs helped make you feel better hehe 🫶🫶
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Rules and explanation.
The event is open!!
This event is focused on the horror aspect of the mcyt community, so keep that in mind when you think about participating.
Gifts may include the following:
-gore, minor or major
-reality bending
-acts of violence
-body horror
You must come into this, aware of all we mentioned. If there is a specific topic you do not wish you create or get as a gift, please do mention it when the form opens.
There is very very little in the way of content rules on this event. As long as you follow the person you are making fors dnw, and you contact a mod to ask who you're giving to if you're unsure if they will appreciate certain content.
One of the only content rules we want you to follow, is no explicitly sexual content. Toe the line as much as you please. But we would greatly appreciate it if there was no straight smut in this event.
Gifts may include
-art (one finished piece]
-writing (1.5k)
-Web weave (10 images)
-Playlist (2 hours long, or 45 songs)
You must tag both this account and the person of who the gift goes to.
Everything must be properly tagged, for both people outside of the event, and people in the event
The schedule
Sign ups open the 8th of August
Discord opens the 15th of August
Sign ups close the 31st of August
Assignments get handed out the 14th of September(flexible on how quickly the mods match them)
Posting week starts 31st of October, ends the 7th of November
The team
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lukasdoodles · 3 hours
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Hello Everyone!
This year I'll be participating in a month long art challenge of my own design! I'd like to invite all of you to join me as well for Cube-tober 2024, a Minecraft centered art challenge!
I did what i could to keep the prompts open, so whether you're a fan of classic MC, a MCYT Fan, a part of the MCSM fandom, etc, I encourage you to participate!
You can combine and skip prompts as you please, use physical medium, digital, mixed medium, etc to create your works! All I ask is to use proper tags for whatcha make!
I'm sure there are a lot of MC prompts out there already, so I'd politely ask if you want to join in then please use the tag LDSCubetober2024 for your prompt artwork/fics or tag me directly! I'll be doing my best to comment on and reblog all yall's amazing artwork/fics!
Thanks for reading, I can't wait to see all the amazing pieces yall come up with!
Transcript Below!
The photo above contains a prompt list for a MC inspired month long art challenge. The Title is Cube-Tober 2024, and the prompts sit below it in a box. The prompts are numbered 1 to 31, and are listed as follows:
2. Friend
3. Pet
4. Entity
5. Enemy
6. Monster
7. Base
8. Garden
9. Biome
10. Structure
11. ARG
12. Community
13. Spin-Off
14. Toy
15. Forgotten
16. Molten
17. Saturated
18. Poisoned
19. Enchanted
20. Portal
21. Armored
22. Battle
23. Rumor
24. Gift
25. Legend
26. Nostalgia
27. Mod
28. The Overworld
29. The Nether
30. The End
31. Halloween
If anyone has any questions about Cubetober 2024, feel free to shoot me a message!
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mcyt-drabble-exchange · 5 months
MCYT Drabble Exchange: Overview and Rules
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Do you like writing? Do you like Minecraft youtubers? Do you, perhaps, like writing about Minecraft youtubers? Well, we do too! Only problem is, we often stay up late wagging our fists at a half-finished document, cursing the fact that writing is hard, life is busy and there's just not enough time in the day to sit down and make a good fic. Well, if you’re looking for a quick little block people centered writing challenge, then boy, do we have just the mini-event for you!
Welcome everyone to the 2024 (first ever!) MCYT Drabble Exchange!
TIMELINE: May 6th - sign ups open May 17th - sign ups close May 24th - all assignments sent May 25-26th - posting period May 26th 11:59pm BST - posting period ends [What time is it for me?] May 27th-June 2nd - treating week
SIGN UPS: [closed]
RULES: 1. As per Tumblr and AO3 TOS, you must be over 13 to participate. 2. You agree to create a work of exactly 100 words by the given deadline, or contact a mod on Tumblr for your giftee to be reassigned. 3. You agree to abide by your giftee’s DNW. 4. Your work must focus on at least one requested character, but can include non requested characters. 5. All works must be MCYT-centric. 6. This is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed. This applies to sexual content as well as extreme (e-rated) gore. 7. Make your gift in good faith - something that you think your giftee would like. 8. All violent/dark/triggering topics must be tagged appropriately. 9. No AI generated content.
POSTING: You can post your work to Tumblr or AO3, we don’t mind either! We do however require you make a Tumblr post tagging both this blog and your giftee. We have an AO3 Collection! Works posted to the collection might take a while to show up, so please don’t panic if you don't see yours! They need to be manually accepted.
So, what is a drabble?  A drabble is a written work made up of exactly 100 words. Typically viewed as a challenge, drabbles are often meant to test a writer’s skill in brevity, seeing how efficiently they can communicate emotions or ideas through such tight restrictions. For this event, we are using this unique format to bring the joy of MCYT into the world! Think, how would a lighthearted interaction between Tubbo and Tommy play out? How many insults could Grian hurl at Jimmy? How much emotion can you squeeze out of QSMP Jaiden if you’ve only got her in your little writer hands for 100 words? For this event, we encourage you to be creative, try some new things, and most importantly, have fun!   (To get a feel of what you’re working with, keep in mind that the previous paragraph has a word count of 120, twenty words over your limit!)
Are violent/triggering topics allowed? As MCYT content can often include violence, character death, murder games, and other such themes, we do allow them. However those are opt-in - if your giftee hasn’t asked for it, then don’t write it. If you do end up writing about these topics, make sure to tag appropriately! 
What if I can’t finish on time? Contact us on this blog as soon as possible! A pinch hit will be sent out, and your giftee will be reassigned. If you do endup requesting a pinch hit, you will still get your own gift!
How will the matches be made? After the sign ups are done, the event mods will match everyone to ensure everyone gets to write what they signed up for! Once matches are made, you will receive your assignment via Tumblr DMs.
Can I make more than one gift? Of course! As long as it complies with your giftee’s requests you’re welcome to write as many drabbles as your heart desires!
I have a different question? Send us an ask or a DM!
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mcytrecursive · 8 months
Come Tell Us About Your Favourites
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MCYT Recursive Exchange is live, and we are now taking nominations! We are an exchange focused on fic of fic, fic of art, art of fic, web weaves of fic, and more, celebrating the creativity within this community by making yet more.
Ever had a fic that you wanted to draw something for so bad? Ever saw a piece of art that you wanted to draw the sequel to? Ever looked at a web weave and thought "the fic I wrote about this would go crazy"? Ever read a fic and thought "this is crying out for a podfic"? This exchange focuses on gifts made inspired by other fanworks, and we are now taking nominations.
If your favourite fan work has a permission statement (or a comment from an author, you can always (politely) ask), you can nominate it here today as a fan work for people to make more fan work inspired by it. And then you can sign up yourself. Come! Help us make things inspired by other things in the community! It's mutual creative inspiration all the way down!
For more information about the nomination process, seeing what else has been nominated, help with signing up, promoing your favourite work, asking questions, or just enthusing with people about your favourite work, join the discord today!
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dabble-dabble-dabble · 4 months
Walking after Falling
Sup y'all last minute gift for @indigoviolet311 for the @mcyt-drabble-exchange. (Sorry it was so quick, hopefully I can do more doing treat week :D)
Grian Wakes up after the Life Series, and calls the last one that was there with him.
Grian woke with a gasp lying in the home of family, that were absent as he clutched his heart.
He's free, the watchers let them go. His heart pounds as he looks around his old room. A world held by family and kept just the same. 
"Scar," Grian rushed to his communicator, just as it buzzed, with the familiar green and gold icon. He didn't know how the magic worked from the games or the lingering effects but he would find out.
"Grian you won't believe the dream I had!" Grian chuckled, silent tears falling as he listened to Scar. 
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princeandreis · 2 years
one thing that i think sets wilbur soot apart from a lot of other mcyts is he’s extremely mature in the way he goes about content creation. not in terms of the content itself, but in the way he goes about his career and how he interacts with other creators. he’s not close with many of them, but have you ever heard of wilbur soot having earnest beef with somebody online? nope, you haven’t, because he’s bigger than that.
there are so many petty squabbles and controversies that crop up online, and wilbur is always notably silent. that speaks volumes about his priorities. he seems to understand that jumping into those arguments serves 0 purpose and only fuels things further. (he’s also probably aware that joining in on controversy of any kind tarnishes his brand, so it’s a smart move from a purely PR standpoint.)
still, when things get really ugly and involve his friends, he encourages his community to show kindness above all else. take, for example, dream’s sexuality controversy on twitter in april. wilbur didn’t address it explicitly, but he went live (for a regular stream) perhaps a day or two after everything exploded and spoke about how important it is to be kind to other CCs (clip here). maybe i’m showing my bias because i’m primarily a dream team fan at heart, but it meant so much to hear someone who ordinarily is silent during controversy speak up in defense of his friend.
that’s another thing: wilbur and dream don’t even seem to be close friends, and wil still spoke in strong defense of him, in the name of decency and kindness. this wasn’t one of wilbur’s closest pals who was being attacked, but someone who’s a fellow content creator and friend. wilbur and dream have worked together many times and seem to get along well, and clearly there is a high degree of mutual respect between them. wilbur didn’t have to address the controversy, but he saw his friend’s name being dragged through the mud; so he asked his own audience to treat dream (without using his name) with respect. just as wilbur does. and that’s something he does with every CC he interacts with.
it’s sadly uncommon to see a mcyt who is so well-liked across the board, and who gets along with everyone he meets. if you ask me, it comes from wilbur’s experience in the industry. he’s been doing youtube and streaming for many years at this point and in many different circles, like soothouse, smplive, smpearth, the dream smp, etc. he’s educated in his field, and he’s now also working in music— i can tell you from personal experience that musicians who expect to go anywhere with their career have to be able to work with anyone, even the most difficult and insufferable kinds of people. you truly can’t expect to succeed in any creative field if you can’t adapt to your environment and work well with others. (wil is also just a naturally charismatic and funny guy, so he sets others at ease right away. not everyone has that gift!)
anyway, i just think it’s so neat to see a creator who does exactly the kind of content he wants (be it the most batshit-insane thing you’ve ever seen), succeeds at it, and also is held and holds others in high regard. it’s a testament to his passion for his work, as well as his love for others. i’m sure there are mcyts wil has worked with that he might personally dislike, but you’d never know because he treats everyone around him with the same kindness, decency, and authenticity that he does his closest friends. i love wilbur soot the end
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Isa my darling! Happy Birthday, albeit a couple of days early.
Seeing you screech in Philza's streams because Apollo hit you with that dodgeball yet again makes me giggle a lot.
How about since headcanon's for qPhilza's past/pre island relationship with qFit. How they got to know each other, and how quickly they became friends?
Idr if I said this on Tumblr yet but deadass I asked Apollo on my pendulum if qPhil is his blorbo and he said yes. He's been as invested in shit as me and it's been hilarious. I literally have crows yelling at me irl to keep writing rn but I'm answering headcanons first.
The entire time I've been distracted between writing these, crows have been yelling at me about it. Which. Is how Apollo communicates with me when I'm not actively talking to him through readings LMFAO.
Also thank you for the birthday wish :D [desperately hoping nothing else horrible happens this weekend please god]
Anyway qPhil headcanons masterlist let's go
Disclaimer that I didn't know of Fit before QSMP (I've only been in mcyt for 4 years monkaS) so these are gonna be largely pulled out of my ass and a lil repetitive.
These two both have experiences in anarchy and war, they've definitely brushed shoulders a couple times bc of it
They admired each other's work ofc. Phil is a macro scale kinda guy, total annihilation and victory that makes a statement. Fit's more of a micro scale kinda guy, zeroing in on one person or group individually and making their lives hell until the end in the name of surviving a little longer
On that note, I think we all sleep a little bit on the fact that Fit is Also a survivalist like Phil, just in a very different set of high stakes conditions. These two are equally skilled in it and equally sharp strategists
On that note, anyone who knew them from the past would fear the idea of them coming together to create a plan of any kind, especially of the anarchist-fueled variety. If the Federation has done their research right, they should know full well how terrifying this duo could be in an effort to dismantle their authority
Btw by brushing shoulders I don't just mean brief passings by, I mean they've like. Camped out for a night together, temporarily truced for the sake of safety in numbers, etc. More than a few conversations have been had even if the time they've spent together totals to less than a week.
However, even when they weren't actively paired together, they'd still occasionally trade or gift each other surplus resources. It was a genuine kind act, even if it simultaneously served as a reason for each of them to not come after the other. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Like why do you think Fit was one of the first threats on Phil's mind in Purgatory. He Knew(tm). And he knew Fit has an affinity for picking off the weak first, like a lion after a herd of antelope. To him, Purgatory was the awakening of a monster who'd been dormant for a long time.
See, present day they're QPR as fuck, they'd never do this now without 10x the pressure Purgatory put on them, but back in the day they took close notes on each other's strengths and weaknesses. Just In Case, yknow? They could very much kill each other. Back in the day they would've if it came to it, no matter how good an ally they were.
Something about how these two used to be so cold and hard to the world. Be it to self-preserve or some other reason. Something about how now they've both softened and warmed after becoming parents. They never could've imagined the other would "weaken" like this, especially back then.
Phil 🤝🏻 Fit - Phil being a historian of the deities/builds of his Hardcore World, Fit being a historian of 2B2T
A lot of this boils down to mutual respect, common interests, and secret admiration tbh. And what's more homoerotic than that?
They're both crisis preppers. Not doomsday type shit, just. Being ready for shit to hit the fan. They both come from places where life is significantly more dangerous than it is in other realms.
The crazy thing is though? Despite the above, they can't imagine being from each other's realms. Phil would LOATHE 2B2T and Fit would hate the absoluteness of Hardcore. Isolation is absolute, death is absolute. There's no wiggle room or margin for error.
With how adaptive the two of them are due to their origins, they could probably acclimate to any conditions. They'd complain about having to, especially if it was inconvenient, but they could. They used to swap tips & tricks with each other on how to improve their adaptability too.
Fit would've 100% been down to join Phil on Doomsday in DSMP. He was thoroughly impressed when Phil told him the story.
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therizino-ao3 · 11 months
2023 Halloween Gift Exchange
My gift for @greenscreen-dress for @mcyt-halloween !
Summary: xB is invited back to his home server for a ceremony. Joe and Cleo come along to make things more bearable.
“Ohh, son of a…”
“What is it, man?” says Cub, sliding over to xB to see what he’s reading on his communicator.
“It’s just a family thing, kind of annoying though,” he scrolls through the message, taking in the details. Cub glances at it, but looks away as soon as he realises this isn’t something he’ll understand.
“What sort of family thing?” Gem asks, from across the Decked Out hallway, where she and Cleo are doing… something. xB doesn’t know what it is, but it involves wooden swords and their decks on the floor and an armour stand that he thinks is supposed to be Tango? They used a blue bath-towel instead of a robe.
“Guardian coming of age ritual, involving one of my cousins,” he sighs, flicking his tail back and forth, “The point is I’ll have to go back to my family’s server and meet everyone and it’s going to be a whole Thing.”
“I mean, xB, if you don’t want to do it, just don’t go? If you don’t like your biological family, you shouldn’t feel obligated to visit them,” Cleo says, messing with the Tango armour stand as they speak.
“I like some of my family. Not all of them are bad. But yeah it’s, mm,” he purses his lips together, thinking of what to say, “I do want to stay in contact, but as long as I do that, they’ll expect me to go to coming of age rituals. And it isn’t that bad on it’s own but some of them are just very… traditional. And judgemental. But, it isn’t the end of the world? It’s just… a Thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get that. The Vex sometimes can sometimes be, uh, very overbearing,” Cub says, from his spot, crammed into an indent in the wall.
 “Hm, yeah,” Cleo pauses, either pondering what she should say or whether she should stab the Tango armour stand, “Maybe, if you want, one of us could come with you? Just to make the whole thing more bearable. I wouldn’t mind. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guardian city in-person before.”
“Yeah, that actually sounds like a good idea,” Cleo’s presence is calming - in a no-nonsense, sarcastic way. The only time he’s ever brought someone with him to his home server was Keralis, ages ago on a holiday, which looking back on, was a horrible decision. Cleo, however, he thinks is far more mature than Keralis, and will only steal people’s possessions if necessary, “I mean, will you be free this Saturday afternoon?”
She smiles.
World hopping has developed a lot over the past century, which is nice. xB remembers when a trip across a galaxy would take a few weeks, but now, it’s only a few hours. It’s incredibly convenient since, in true hermit fashion, they always choose very distant planets for their worlds. His ship’s on autopilot and the estimated arrival time is two hours, fifteen minutes. He can chill. He watches the little map on the GUI, the ship zooming past various named star systems. His passengers, behind him, are also chilling. Passengers, plural, because Cleo wanted to drag Joe along too. Which, wasn’t the plan, but xB couldn’t say he was too surprised when Cleo and Joe both showed up to his ship. Like, you can’t get one without the other. They’re sold as a pair. He hears them arguing, something about the difference between a gravestone and a cenotaph. Cleo says they’ll break Joe’s legs. Joe starts talking faster, pleading for his life.
At the very least, xB’s home world is beautiful. As they approach it at last, it turns from a perfect blue circle to a painter’s dream – miles and miles of beaches and sea. There’s no considerable landmass on it greater than a few square miles, and all that’s on those are ship docks and tourism centres, everything else is in the water. He parks, opens the doors, and breathes in the salty sea air. It burns his nose, but in a refreshing and nostalgic way.
“We’re here! In case you haven’t noticed,” he says, but he knows they have, especially since Joe has spent the last twenty minutes trying to take pictures of the planet through the tiny windows.
“Oh wow,” Cleo steps out, “I will say, in terms of places to visit, this certainly isn’t the worst for looks.”
Joe steps out after, running out a bit further to take pictures of the sea. xB giggles, “Now the question is, will your opinion change when you meet the family.”
“Oh gods yeah, that’s gonna be, uh,” she laughs and shakes her head, “Well, we’ll be here for you, xB. And on that note, what is our story going to be?”
“Our story?”
“Yeah, like, why we’re here with you. Are we just saying we’re friends coming along because we wanted to visit?” Cleo pauses, before gasping, “Oh! I could pretend to be your annoying girlfriend! That would be fun.”
“Hey now, if you’re xB’s partner, what would that make me?”
“Oh Joe, you can be with xB too. I’m sure we can share him,” she ruffles Joe’s hair, “I mean, if you’re alright with that, xB.”
“No, no, that’s fine,” he’s laughing, “That does sound interesting.”
Whilst Cleo and Joe are arguing about the details of their very real relationship with xB, he is busy sorting out actually important things, like how Cleo and Joe are going to get to the monument. Every urban area has conduit-powered water, but for such a deep and lengthy swim, they’re still going to need equipment. He’s packed hour-lasting water breathing and resistance potions, to reduce any issues with suffocation and pressure; specialist helmets with goggles for seeing in dark environments, enchanted with aqua-infinity, and with built-in translation software so they can both understand and speak water-tongue; and flip-flops enchanted with depth strider for easy movement. It takes a further ten minutes for xB to get them to properly equip the stuff and acclimatise to breathing in the water. Then, they’re ready to go.
xB leads them down, following the currents to the monument. It’s mainly a smell thing, because the monument is the most populated thing in this area of the ocean, and you can definitely tell, but he also knows the way off by heart.
“Alright, just checking you can hear me alright?” he asks in water-tongue – a deep, chittering language that works solely for water – now they’re a decent bit down it’s worth checking Joe and Cleo actually know what’s going on.
Cleo gives a thumbs up, whilst Joe responds, “Loud and clear!” through the robotic voice from the helmet. It sounds a little crunchy. xB wonders if that’s it struggling to translate Joe’s accent.
They keep swimming down, until the monument leers in front of them. It’s far more impressive than the ones inhabited by regular guardians, with this one being twice the size with twice the colours and covered in flickering neon lights. He feels Joe and Cleo stop, presumably looking on in wonder. He supposes it’s pretty impressive if it’s your first time seeing one, but given he’s spent too many years living there, and has seen some five times more impressive in bigger cities, it’s just a regular building to him. They start swimming again, xB careful to keep the three of them in the “incoming” current. Small settlements and businesses rest on the seafloor below them, branching out around the monument, but most people will be living inside it.
They take the top entrance, xB telling the guards they’re here for tessC Crafted’s ceremony and the three of them are let in without trouble.
“The guards are more for display, than anything,” he says to Joe and Cleo once they’re inside the monument and alone in the winding corridors, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen them refuse anyone in, they just deter criminals by being there.”
“Right,” Cleo says, glancing around, “Good to know! I’ll just be staying right by you, so I don’t get lost, because this place is an absolute maze.”
“Yeah, I mean, yeah,” he laughs, “There’s no structure, you just learn where everything is by living here.”
“So where are we going now?” Joe asks.
“The main hall, it’s got like, a big platform in the centre and a bunch of seats,” he takes a sudden left turn, making Joe and Cleo quickly swerve after him, “You just kind of wander around and talk to people, and then everyone sits down, and the ceremony begins.”
“So, it’s like a wedding?” Cleo says, slight uncertainty in her voice.
“Um, I guess?” xB says, about to elaborate further, before the hallway opens up into a massive chamber. Several rows of flat seats wrap in a horseshoe shape around a long walkway, raised several metres above the seats nearest, leading into the back of the wall where there’s a door for the ceremony participants to emerge.
The noise is the most prominent thing, chittering bouncing off the walls and coming back in an incoherent blabble. He imagines Joe and Cleo won’t even be hearing this, it’s so indecipherable the software won’t bother to translate it. It’s no surprise it’s so loud, with hundreds of people in here. Technically, its only mandatory that the family of the person involved come, but everyone living nearby tends to, both as an act of community support and because free food is served throughout. Since xB is family, they’ll be right at the front on the bottom seats. He leads his friends down there, picking out a free-ish spot for them. With less people being at the bottom of the hall, it’s easier to hear things.
“Why, xB, you came,” a voice booms from behind him, belonging to none other than his biological mother. Great.
“Uh, hello. Joe, Cleo, this is my mother, beK Crafted,” he grabs his friends’ arms, making sure they’re here for this conversation, “And, mother,” he pauses for a second, wondering if he really wants to go this route, before remembering he has no fucks to give, “This is my girlfriend Cleo, and her partner Joe.”
“Oh, don’t be so humble, my Angel Pie xB! Joe is your boyfriend too!” for good measure, she even ruffles his hair as they say it, and it takes everything he has in him to not burst out laughing. She turns to his mother, holding out her hand, “Hi! I’m Cleo! I’ve heard so much about you!”
“Right,” his mother tentatively shakes Cleo’s hand, looking down on it like she might catch a disease. This is going far better than xB ever imagined.
“I – on the other hand – have heard nothing about you! xB has never mentioned you to me! This is a wonderful night to meet!” Joe says, grabbing his mother’s other hand to shake at the same time. He’s doing it far too fast, jerking her arm up and down.
His mother wrinkles her nose and steps back, flicking the hands off her, “Right. It’s good that you’re here and that you’ve-” she does nothing to hide the disappointment in her tone, “Brought some other people around. Make sure to introduce yourself to everybody, I’m sure your uncle rK would love to see you.”
His mother quickly swims away, to nearly the other side of the hall.
Cleo turns to him, “Was that a success?”
“Oh yeah, absolutely. Usually she goes on super long rants to me, or brings up about when I’ll be having grandkids, so it’s nice to have skipped all that.”
“Oh geez, are you sure you want to come to these things?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I don’t take any of it to heart, it’s just annoying,” they both nod, but still look rather unconvinced.
They continue talking to xB’s other family members, in a way that has made this kind of thing far more enjoyable than it has been in a long time, with everyone reacting to Cleo’s ridiculous pet names with either obvious distress or approval, some even finding her charming, somehow. It’s nice to be able to catch up with his more reasonable family members, and anyone annoying Joe scares off with his passionate talks of eighteenth-century poetry. They have a good time.
The lights begin to dim and xB ushers Joe and Cleo to sit. Whilst the rest of the chamber grows dark, the walkway lights up and the door slides open. Stumbling and shambling, xB’s cousin emerges and makes the harrowing walk to the end of the platform. If he didn’t know better, he’d say she was sick: desaturated skin, tattered fins, and dead eyes. It’s obvious she’s just about to undergo metamorphosis though, with her juvenile external fins fluttering in the water.
She collapses as soon as she reaches the spot, body completely relaxing until she looks like a ragdoll. Some soft tearing sounds echo through the water.
“What’s going on?” Cleo whispers to him.
“She’s about to grow into her new body,” he says,” Just… watch.”
Cleo turns back to tessC, transfixed. At her back, a new, pale growth emerges from the ripped skin. It grows and grows, until it becomes evident it is, in fact, her back, and her arms and legs come with it too. She’s covered in spines and the tail that forces itself out of the body is far longer than it once was. Eventually, her head frees itself too, and there are no signs of the external fins anymore. She pushes herself onto her feet and makes a noise, somewhat like a growl, triumphant over her old body. Her limbs still look so wobbly and crooked and her tail hasn’t quite filled itself out yet, it’ll take a few hours for her new self to settle into shape.
“Oh wow,” Joe murmurs, “I didn’t know guardians did that.”
“Yeah, metamorphosis into adult form,” xB says, looking around for the elders, “I remember mine. It really hurt. They’ll just need to choose the sacrifice and then we should be done.”
“Hold on, sacrifice?” Cleo whips her head around.
“Yeah? After someone sheds their skin, another person is chosen for them to test their claws on. Like, they don’t die, most of the time, but it is pretty brutal.”
“That, feels like something you should have mentioned before coming here? Some guy just gets ripped to shreds every time this happens?”
“I- Oh yeah. It completely slipped my mind. Um, if it makes you feel better, you won’t get picked? They won’t have your name down, it’ll just be me. And in all my years, I’ve never been picked, it’s really unlikely.”
The elders, on a balcony looking over everything, read out from a piece of paper, “This year’s sacrifice shall be… xB Crafted!”
Joe hums, “Wow, way to jinx things!”
Cleo grabs his arm, “Yeah, no way am I letting you get hurt because of these idiots, come on!” she tugs him upward, kicking as much as she can.
xB doesn’t falter, the survivalist in him knowing he has to escape now if he wants a chance. He snatches Joe’s hand and starts swimming, thrashing his tail as hard as he can. He can feel the water ripple around him, others trying to catch up to them and catch them, you weren’t really supposed to try and escape, and all. He couldn’t bring his usual guns, being under the water and all, but he does have a rather nice harpoon gun, however, he doesn’t really want to attack his family members and former friends unless he has to. Cleo, on the other hand, managed to smuggle in her sword and doesn’t hold back swinging at people in her way. They escape the great hall, diving into the corridors, and xB takes special care to not let go of Joe or Cleo as he takes twisting routes to cover their tail. They zoom out a small, unguarded exit xB discovered himself many years ago, near the bottom of the monument. He doesn’t dare slow their pace, charging through the water, practically carrying a panting Joe and Cleo, until they reach the island they landed on.
“We’re out,” he says, flopping onto the surface, “Don’t bother to take your stuff off now, just hop in and I’ll take off. They’ll give up pursuit once we leave the surface.”
They both nod in response and xB hops inside, fiddling with the controls and inputting the co-ordinates of their Season 8 planet. Thankfully, they take off with no issues.
“xB,” Joe says as soon as he’s got his helmet off, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m… fine.”
“Really?” Joe tries to raise an eyebrow, but he can’t, so he just makes a weird face.
“Yeah, well, a little sad,” he admits, “I definitely won’t be able to return now. I mean, I know it’s probably for the best? But, like, there’s still that feeling that I’ve lost something, y’know?”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Joe isn’t following the correct safety protocols for space travel, instead opting to stand behind xB and rest his hand on his shoulder.
“Just remember that we’ll always be here for you, alright?” Cleo says and the thought does cheer him up, because they’re right. He’ll give himself a little time to grieve, but really, there isn’t anything those stuck-up guardian folk could’ve given him that his friends can’t. He probably had more fun today, because of Joe and Cleo, than he has had in every other family gathering combined. He hears Joe recount some lines from a classic and Cleo groans, and, well, maybe it isn’t beautiful blue planet with gorgeous underwater cities, but it still makes him pretty happy.
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mcyt-summer-of-yuri · 5 months
Hey there!! Bet you weren't expecting to hear from me until later this week, huh? Well, my mods and I have decided to open the official discord a few days early!! Feel free to stop by, or don't, whatever you're comfortable with.
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candy-applers · 2 years
Home at last
Fandom?: Hermitcraft/MCYT
Who?: Rendog
Extras: Winged reader, Werewolf Ren, other hermits origins included. 
‘Here’s the copper you needed!’ 
Your voice echoes through the air of his kingdom, the atmosphere calming you.  
‘Aww, thank you Y/N! I’ve been needing this for a future project of mine!’ 
Sausage had been talking about trying to get copper, but always coming across areas the other rulers have mined before. You had put it upon yourself at the beginning of the season to become the ‘Gift’ kingdom, doing favors and collecting ores and minerals for the other emperors. 
‘No problem Sausage! But if you don’t mind, I do have to go so I can get some other batches of copper and other things to the other empires, so I guess I’ll come around later!’
You flex your wings, bending your knees and taking off, flying off, but not before Sausage yelled a farewell to you. 
Finally getting home from Jimmy’s kingdom, you strip your armor off from your body, shoulders and wings sagging, happy to be out from their prison made of enhanced diamond. Trudging towards your kitchen, you pull out a cup and some tea bags, beginning to heat up some water. As you're pouring the water into the cup, your communicator beeps, startling you slightly, spilling the boiling water into the floor, splashing your feet. Grabbing a towel and escaping from the hot water, you manage to finish making your tea without spilling anymore, finally grabbing that, some snakes, and your communicator, curious on who messaged you and why. 
Getting to your quarters, you set the tea and snakes on the table next to your bed, and plop onto the bed with your communicator open and active. You check your contacts replying to any messages sent by Jimmy and Scott, and sending a quick goodnight or two to a few others. You close out of the server chat and check the universal chat, where you have a few hermits saved to. You realize that Grian had messaged you, which confused you since last you heard he was busy with trying to negotiate the retirement of an emperor to the server again. 
(Text from Grian: [**] Text from you: {**} :])
[Hey! I’ve talked with a few people, and I’d like to ask how you’d like to join back onto hermitcraft?]
You freeze, overloaded with a multitude of emotions. Happiness, anxiety, surprise, and most of all, excitement. You’d be able to finally see Ren again! You make your decision and type out a reply.
{Of course! I’d love to join back and stay with you all! Me and Pixel were just talking about that! When should I come?}
You sit and wait, anxiety creeping up on you, making yourself doubt if Grian was pranking you or not. Before your mind could begin to spiral, your communicator dings, signaling someone had replied to you. 
(Time skippe)
You enter the hermitcraft server for the first time in a while, having left to join a new multiplayer world a friend you had met made. You look around, realizing that there had been some new players, such as Pearllecentmoon and Geminitay. You were excited to see everyone again, with the exception of finally meeting Pearl and Gem. 
You can hear the beats of wings through the air, and before you could react, a body slams into you, knocking you to the ground. As you try and process what just happened, you could hear the signature giggles of Grian, the failed suppressed laughs from Scar, and the hearty chuckles from Mumbo. 
‘Wow, thanks for the welcome party’ 
You sarcastically remark, chucking slightly as you push Grian off you, Standing up to dust yourself off and stretch your wings out. 
‘Well I’m sorry I have such good ideas!’ 
Grian pouts, all while Scar bursts into laughter, while Mumbo helps you dust off the dirt. You take a good look at Grian, realizing that he had wings! Looking at mambo and scar, Scar had elven ears, and Mumbo had moth wings and antennae, you were surprised. Grian’s wings were multiple shades of red, yellow, and green (Reminding you of parrot wings), Scar had ears that were highly pointed at the top, and Mumbo had beautiful copper colored wings, oranges and greens mixing together to create a beautiful artistic masterpiece. You wondered how all of the other hermits would react to seeing you back, especially considering how grian reacted..
After a tiring day of catching up with the other hermits, Grian is finally taking you to see Ren, who was currently with Doc, helping him with some kind of build. As you and Grian make your way towards where Ren supposedly was with Doc, Grian’s communicator pings. He slows down a second, peeking a look at the device.
‘Aww, I'm so sorry Y/N, but it looks like Tango needs some help with something. Ren should be right over there, by the giant hole with the flagpole in the middle of it’
And with that information, he took off in the opposite direction, towards Tango’s base of operations. You continue in the way he had motioned to when explaining where, only to come across a giant sign saying:
The sign pointed towards a patch of land not too far from where it was posted, so you spread your wings, and took off in that direction. Upon reaching the patch of land, you could see something that looked like a lump of fur on top of a pillar, only to realize it was just Ren, with…Ears and a Tail?!
You fly down to him, and you look up to see him, having noticed your presence, with eyes of admiration. 
Before you could get a word out, you’re engulfed into his body, arms wrapped strongly around you, making sure you wouldn’t leave. You lean into it, placing your head onto his chest as he brings you both down to sit on the cloth laid out on the floor. 
Sitting there for the next few hours, you and Ren both sit there and enjoy each other’s presence, no words being said. But one thing was clear, and that was:
You were finally home
Hey! Author here! Once again this was not proof read, so if you could point out any mistakes, I am open to correcting it! Enjoy! Also, requests are official open! Head over to there and submit a request! Make sure to read the rules before requesting!
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foxxology · 1 year
Hi! I'm looking forward to seeing your OC stuff, even though I'm going to miss seeing MCYT stuff from you after It Spreads is finished. Do you think you'll ever come back to MCYT art at some point (since your voluntary exile AU sounded interesting) or still make it ocassionally or are you done with it unless commissioned?
Regardless of your choice I love your art so I'll be sticking around for whatever comes next :D
Ehhhh???? Maybe?????? I'm still watching all the same creators and like..... I'm so excited for the next life series.... maybe if something SUPER inspires me to i might! This isn't me saying NEVER AGAIN AND ILL BLOCK YOU IF YOU ASK more just "ive got other things i can draw now that i don't have the pressure to be a monolithic artist"
Voluntary Exile is something ive been trying to figure out.
I have a whole comic chapters and several fics stewing in my head, but i might just make a couple of doodles, write the ideas down and gift it to the community for whoever wants to play with it!
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Hello, and welcome, to the mcyt horror gift exchange
If you would like to join, go to the following link in order!!
We're deeply sorry for how long it took, but we're happy to tell you all, the event is now open!! And we hope to see you there. Make sure to read over the rules in the discord and such!!
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (for this internship at least)
Also, Bee, be proud of me. I went to a bookshop today to get a gift and I did NOT buy 'A day of fallen night' even thought the cover looked really good because I haven't even started Priory yet. Also, I saw Babel and She Who Became the Sun. So when I want to read those, I know where to get them. (Also, the temptation was real, but I have so many books I still need to start, I cannot buy another 800 pages something book and that pains me greatly.)
P.s. I read your summary post and I missed so much drama. Like the QSMP stuff I kinda knew, but haven't really been following, And you mentoned #fuckthatguynummer2, but I hadn't heard anything about number 3 and 4. Good on all these women for speaking out! I hope they get their closeur.
-Spruce (rip I'm on my laptop, I can do my funky little tree, that's what I get for being impatiened.) (Coincidentally, I also get squigually red lines under almost every word because the Dutch-spellcheck is having a crisis with all this Engilsh and not being very helpful at all.)
I am very proud of you the cover for a day of fallen night is gorgeous and so so tempting. also babel and she who became the sun lets gooooo!!! I have yet to read babel (though I want to) but she who became the sun is so good I can't wait for you to eventually get to it
god yeah if you weren't fully tuned into the mcyt community that week it was so easy to miss stuff because so much was happening at once. I hope all the women who spoke out are all on their journeys to healing
(oh no not dutch spellcheck 😭)
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