#a functional hellsite?? imagine
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
offonaherosjourney · 2 years ago
Yet another PSA for Reddit Refugees
How to use the Search bar to find old Tumblr posts
Ok, but really, how can I track that one post that a friend showed me seven years ago?
By being VERY LUCKY and willing to invest A LOT OF TIME. If there's something you really want to find, here are your best bets, in no particular order:
If you remember specific keywords, try a google search. However, even if you get a hit, the link won't take you to the post, it will take you to the main page of the blog. Have fun dumpster diving (affectionate) in their Archive tab.
If the post belonged to a specific fandom, try finding blogs that only reblog stuff about that fandom and have fun dumpster diving (affectionate) in their Archive tab.
Plead to the void and hope the void answers. Make a post giving as much info as you can about the post you are trying to find and hope someone else remembers it and knows where to find it or has better luck than you tracking it down.
Go to r/tumblr or r/curatedtumblr while you still can and try asking there if anyone remembers the post and has a link.
Learn how to code. Get hired by Tumblr. Fix the Search engine. Submit your resignation.
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shapoopy178 · 1 year ago
"Likes don't do anything" wrong likes give me serotonin don't be a hater
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shy-mouse · 2 years ago
twitter is apparently punishing users for *checks notes* using their website too much
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borealtwilight · 9 months ago
i can now see my own posts (whether reblogged by me or created by me) in my dash again
what gives, tumblr???
....so am i the only one who can no longer see posts i've reblogged on my dash or?
like the posts are showing in my blog but they're not in my dash feed at ALL.
eta: i also cannot see this post on my dash.
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the-s1lly-corner · 15 days ago
Helloooooo my most favorite author on this hellsite we call home! I was wondering if you could do a lil thing with Slenderman and a reader who is painfully oblivious to flirtation of all kind! It took her years to realize he was flirting with her even after being hopelessly in love with him for quite a while. So maybe whenever she's out and about she might meet someone who tries to flirt with her and she has no idea, but he knows. I imagine she could be coming home after the store or something, happy and bubbly having no clue and just see him staring at her and then she realizes. I have a feeling he'd be a bit amused and mildly exasperated at the same time. I'm not sure jealousy is something he feels, but it'd be interesting to see him get a bit more...possessive. (This is...definitely not something that recently happened to me....not at all I notice when people like me and flirt with me...all the time always. Yep. ((I am lying)))
Slenderman when oblivious!reader gets flirted with
Oooouuuuugggh I really want some blackberry Dr pepper rn hisshisshiss
Notes: fem reader, short post, written on mobile, the forest creature who doesn't fully get humans has become less oblivious than you/lh
CWs: canon typical violence and stalking
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Its... a little funny... because before he had zero idea how humans flirted and- as he used to describe it, court each other
Seriously! The closest to 'normal' he got before he figured it out was leaving flowers for you..! And totally non threatening and ominous love notes on your door..!
But he's always watching you even if you don't notice, and he's... picked up on how humans work. How they act, how they function, things like that... and he's far less oblivious than you are so he picks up really quick when someone's trying to shoot their shot with you
Ans honestly... most of the time he's not that bothered. Even when you innocently tell him about a funny interaction you had while you were out (which he more than likely witnessed) he's not going to get jealous
He knows you're his, and he's yours. Nothing is going to change that, much less some person at some check out line in some store!
Though... he does get protective. If he feels someone could be a threat he will act. Be it stalking them to ensure your interaction was one off... or if need be, quietly deal with them to make sure they don't keep bothering you
And he will act like he did nothing, unless you ask. He sees no reason to hide what he's done from you. In his eyes the loss of life just ensured you'd be safe and by his side
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halfahundredcats · 3 months ago
There are so many times on here when I’ve seen a post where op is relating an astoundingly bad take they’ve seen somewhere, and I’ve always kind of been confused, like where are they even seeing this. I’ve curated my dash within an inch of its life, and I rarely see fandom discourse or drama except posts that (often vaguely) talk about it second-hand.
Well, I understand now, y’all. You probably weren’t seeing it on this hellsite. You were seeing it on a different, worse hellsite (namely, Twitter). Because I’m on Bluesky now, and while it so far seems to be much better than Tweeters, I haven’t yet had the chance to wield my block and filter functions as robustly, and I’m now coming into contact with some of those astoundingly bad takes.
I’ve seen comments on the DJenks Holiday Special Thread saying things like “Oh Stede understands now why Izzy was so mad all the time” and “managing Ed’s whims really is a full-time job,” and just. Fucking. No. No, Stede doesn’t relate to Izzy now because they are very different fucking people with very different fucking relationships with Ed. Being an angry dick has never been Stede’s way of doing things, with anyone, much less Ed. Stede’s brand is Sassy Bitch, and I feel like Ed isn’t even on the receiving end of that very often. Let’s not forget, it’s been two years, and they’re running the inn successfully. Ed is taking joy in setting up a beautiful dining table. He’s bragging *about Stede* when Stede breaks in to ask for his help. This is not a relationship plagued by constant disagreements. It’s not “trouble in paradise.” Ed saying he’s more of a “front of house guy” is clearly Dad slipping in a callback to the bts we all enjoyed so much. (Now it’s true that Ed is kind of ADHD-ing it in these scenes, hyperfocusing on setting the table and getting distracted in his storytelling instead of noticing Stede is slammed. I did see someone say that Stede is going to use his Captain Voice, and that definitely feels like the vibe to me.) It’s not like they’re never going to have little disagreements, but these two didn’t literally fight their way back to each other to be undone by the mundane pressures of running a small business together. And why would you want them to? Why would you want to look at this grand and beautiful love story and think “but consider how cool it would be if they ended up hating each other?” Do you watch The Princess Bride and enjoy imagining Westley and Buttercup’s eventual divorce? Not everything has to be drama and cynicism and people being terrible to each other. I especially do not think that David Jenkins is taking his Barbies in that direction in his fanfic of his own show.
I’m putting this here instead of responding to ppl on Bsky because I really *don’t* want to get involved in the Disc Horse. I’m just blocking ppl on there whose takes I don’t like. That is ultimately the way to enjoy your fandom. Focus on the stuff you like, don’t get bogged down arguing with haters. So this is probably the only thing I’ll say about this. Anyhoo!
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riacte · 1 year ago
Funny how Tumblr is usually more "positive" compared to Twitter and Reddit when it comes to fan reception of things such as Hermitcraft / Life series / MCC, yet most CCs (naturally, and rightfully!) do not come here often because they have to brave the waters of shipping and other Tumblr "weirdness". Tumblr is for fans by fans.
Maybe some MCC participants don't like seeing predictions and tier lists on Reddit. Hiii, we don't really have that on Tumblr. Just fanart and clips of Scar saying "dong" and people unable to get over teams from 2020 and writing found family fanfiction. And Tumblr usually has overwhelmingly positive reactions to HC / Life series stuff. BUT we have the fanfic and the shipping etc etc.
Tumblr may be a hellsite, but the discourse / negativity is kiiiiiiind of more contained compared to Twitter and Reddit. Like, it exists. Of course it exists. But it appears less frequently on main? And the blocking function is better here compared to Twitter.
Pick your poison! Tumblr has the shipping and fanfic and all of that, but Reddit has the criticism. Reddit has some fanart, but basically no fanfic and God Forbid, shipping. Here on Tumblr, we love your stuff so sincerely and deeply that we sometimes make the block people kiss and are inspired to write novels. But please do not see our kissing fanart or our fics or else we'll die.
You know how some MCC participants don't really like tier lists / predictions because it adds stress? Imagine if that entire genre moved off Reddit to Tumblr so fans could still continue to do that and have fun with each other away from CCs' eyes (yes, exactly like how shippers do with shipping). And the MCC Reddit becomes the equivalent of the Tumblr maintags with only appreciative / helpful posts and fanart and skins (but still no fanfic lol). And maybe all the unconstructive criticism / bashing from the Life series Reddit can get moved to dedicated tags on Tumblr, so fans could still discuss that with less risk of upsetting CCs (yes, once again exactly what shippers do, or like how people bitch about petty things in private circles as not to bitch on main). Idk, just throwing thoughts out here on this fandom hellhole of a webbed site.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm currently doing my MA in archaeology (European Prehistory specialization) and I love it. I always thought I'd get my Masters and dip, but lately I've been seriously contemplating getting a PhD. I love learning and studying my topic and I'm having so much fun at my uni and suddenly starting my working career at 22 doesn't sound very appealing anymore. However, the idea of applying to a PhD program is very overwhelming (luckily where I want to apply has a pretty cohesive sign up step by step), still the idea of funding (especially) and having to write a proposal and possibly getting rejected from the place I've spend the last three and half years walking around is very overwhelming. How can I have that be not so overwhelming to the point of giving up bc if sounds like too much? Do I need to worry about funding that much? Is it expensive?
(I tried to find your advice masterpost before sending this ask to check if you'd already talked abt it, but I couldn't find a working link, sorry)
Thanks in advance :D
Hi dirtling,
First, here's a link to my advice master list—sorry that wasn't working for you. Our blue hellsite is fickle like that.
From what you say, it sounds like you have a great attitude for starting the journey to a PhD. Ultimately, the love of learning and a dedication to the field are the most important parts. The application and the proposal and the funding are daunting for everyone, but they are doable. I find that breaking things down into bite sized pieces and establishing your sense of self worth outside of academia are critical.
Now I feel the need to point out that my experience and advice come from a uniquely American viewpoint, and may not be applicable to European schools at all. Europeans please feel free to chime in with your own advice!
The very first thing you should do is talk to your advisor. Please send them an email right now if you have not already done so! Your (potential) advisor is going to be your champion in any sort of application process going forward. If you want to continue at the same university you're already at, your advisor is the single best person to help walk you through that process. Even if you wind up going somewhere else, you're going to need to make inroads with another advisor at a new program.
Finally: grad school is expensive (at least in the United Stated). However, many programs will have tuition waivers and assistantships that they offer their grad students because if everybody had to pay for it, nobody except the very rich would be able to afford to go to grad school. Exactly how affordable it is depends on the cost of living in your area and how much the school pays you (and whether you're able to work outside to supplement that income if need be).
Honestly, I think you've already done the hard part by getting into (and nearly completing) a Master's program. That's a great step towards proving to PhD programs that you have what it takes, and it should give you a decent idea about finances. What are yours like right now? How about your peers? I would imagine there isn't going to be a vast amount of difference from a MA to a PhD, and in the US a PhD is sometimes cheaper because they're funded while MAs often are not.
There will be differences from a MA to a PhD. Doctoral students are going to be expected to take on larger magnitudes of their own research and function more independently, but a good advisor and program should help you through that process. Again, the key is to take things piece by piece. Start with talking to your advisor and maybe the graduate program director. Take a look at that step by step guide with them and break it into separate tasks you need to do.
Don't psych yourself out about this too much. One thing at a time.
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computerafterlife · 25 days ago
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“decay of telepathy”
Hi! My name’s Juno. I’m a non-binary fluid transmasc tomboy (they/them pronouns, please). I’m 27 years old, kinda neurodivergent (AuDHD), and I consider myself a veteran member of otaku / anime subculture.
@romantickowloon is my sunshine, my partner, and my beloved Pookie Zero Custom since 9.17.2020! I am THE #1 FAN of their yumeship (AceYue my OTP 5ever)!
please read below before following! ↓
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about me!
I’m most prominently a profic yumedanshi / selfshipper that absolutely loves to share, yap, and brainrot about my fictional pookies. This blog functions both as my multifandom main tumblr and repository of my nonsense as a yume. Please note: I don’t really mind who follows me, but I ask that fandom “antis”, fancops, and anyone adjacent to that philosophy please do not interact, and feel free to block me if you want. I will not usually follow back anyone under 17 and accounts without any indication of general age range.
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about my yumeships / sharing / content!
My main fandom is Mobile Suit Gundam – specifically The Witch from Mercury and Wing. I yume / selfship with both Shaddiq Zenelli (WfM) and Duo Maxwell (Wing). I’m extremely normal about them. My tags for them are “pookie 1” and “pookie 2”, respectively. I admittedly am very unserious and casual about my fictional pookies – sharing is fine, and most CxC or yume doubles don’t invoke insecurity in me. I do also reblog some ship or non-yume content if I like it!
I will absolutely hype up others’ yumeships, especially if they’re my friends or mutuals (if they’re cool with it). I do actively try to give my homies’ askboxes lots of love! I am a bit of a writer of readerfic, I have previously run “imagine” gimmick sideblogs, and I have done a lot of short paragraph yume RP. I rarely allow my most self-indulgent stuff to see the light of day, but I will (hopefully) post some relatable, organic, and mostly original yume content.
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connect with me on any of these other things!
Muskrat’s Hellsite (twitter / X)
please note that i don’t use the last two (willingly)! the first ones + this hellsite are where i’m most active!
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Mutuals can absolutely add me on Discord. (Just blease tell me who you the hell you are after friending me! I don’t accept random friend requests!)
I’m in a few of my friends’ own personal servers, adult yumeship servers, and a lot of big public or official servers of my interests! I also have a wee bit of experience as a moderator on small servers.
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if you’re still here uhhhhhh thanks for reading lmao
pookie 2 will now glomp you 🖤
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( credit for the divider goes to @/kodaswrld )
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redhead-reporter · 10 months ago
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
º ✧ 。 @reputahtion had a question for the mun !
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oh GOD. talk about ancient history ... i first joined the tumblr rpc back in the early 2010s. in the GLEE fandom of all places (hi @theoriginalbadass icb we found each other again) so i'll preface this answer by saying a LOT of the "trends" i remember were heavily influenced by where on this hellsite i was. and if you can't tell by the tone of my disclaimer? most of them were BAD. but i'll try and be balanced here by giving one negative and one positive 😊
the GOOD: 👏 magic 👏 anons 👏 HELLO ??? i will never forgive the hate filled assholes who forced most people (myself included) to turn off the anon function on their blogs for their own safety because this was the one true JOY of the rpc. i remember having so much fucking fun being on BOTH sides of the equation when silly hours popped off - spamming my mutuals AND being spammed by them. it was deeply UNSERIOUS and led to all kinds of crack filled chaos and i just miss it a lot okay ???
the GROSS: bruh, the whole era of celebrity rp. not VERSES, which are fine (hey i have one). i mean where like, people weren't playing the characters from a show they were playing the actual real life ACTORS. i came across so fucking many rp blogs of the glee cast members where they were shipping with other cast members and. dude. i shouldn't have to tell you that you don't get to write REAL FUCKING PEOPLE in rp ?!?! that's so gross and creepy and i can't imagine how these poor people would feel if they EVER found out about it. i mean it was bad enough that it happened in speculation in the tabloids but people PRETENDING TO BE THEM ON THE INTERNET WRITING SMUT BETWEEN THEM AND THEIR COWORKERS ??? 🤮🤮🤮
fuck, i still see it sometimes and it needs to DIE.
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emrysthirteen · 2 years ago
ive seen many complaints about the way the new Tumblr mobile update has handled pictures. but i have only seen a couple people talking about how deeply inaccessible it is. and i want to go through it.
first I'll explain the changes for anyone who is new or who uses desktop because I'm fairly certain it's different there.
before when you were scrolling on your feed and you tapped on a picture to view it, if there was a margin around the picture it was black. if you double tapped the picture, it would zoom in. you could do this twice and the third time would return it to normal zoom. if you scrolled up or down, it would close the image and put you where you were on your feed before opening the image. if you scrolled to the sides, it would scroll through any other images that were on the same post.
now when you open the image, the margins are filled with a zoomed, cropped, and blurred section of the image. when you double tap, it likes and zooming is difficult. when you swipe up, it gives you a different post, generated by an algorithm to be similar. if you scroll to the side, it brings you to the posters blog. both of the swipe functions also do this when you are zoomed in as well.
i can only speak to my own accessability needs, but there are several and i know i can't be alone in any of them. for context the relevant things are that i have low vision which requires high contrast and photosensitive migraines which require low brightness. as you can imagine, this is a very specific balance of things that is easily made difficult.
firstly, the background of the image. i used to open the image specifically because of the background. increasing the contrast around the edge of the image and removing irrelevant details made it significantly easier to see. there were frequently posts that i straight up couldn't see properly until i opened them. with the new background feature, images that i have opened are impossible to see clearly. i can barely tell where the actual image is and where the background is. i functionally understand the aesthetic value of the change but there are regularly posts that i straight up can't see anymore because of this. there should be an option for high contrast backgrounds available so that people who need it can still have it.
next is the zoom. the double tap to zoom was one of my favorite features. because when something was small or hard to see it was easy to make it visible and i didn't have to change how i was holding my phone. now if i need to zoom, i have to shift and the pinch to zoom is very buggy. it is difficult to get the zoom where i need it on the image and it regularly causes glitches that alter the image. and i have to zoom out and back in to move when i am zoomed in to or else the new swipe features engage. this is hard on my eyes and hard on my hands that have fucked up joints because it requires a lot more small repetitive motions to do the same thing. this change seems to be mostly conformist to be more like other sites which is disappointing for the hellsite, bit it could easily be made at least accessable if there were an option to have the double tap zoom or even if the bugs on the pinch zoom were fixed.
lastly is the swipe feature. while this is mechanically and aesthetically obnoxious to me i will hold my focus on accessability. it interacts very poorly with the zoom feature, making it hard to navigate the image viewer when zooming is needed. from a dexterity standpoint, it also makes it more difficult to see what i want to see. if my hands a shaking i will sometimes open an image and get an entirely different one because of the algorithm swipe. I've had to scroll back up to three times to get what i actually clicked on because the swipe function is so sensitive and buggy. it is also more difficult to close the image. i often have to give it multiple attempts to close the image because when i swipe down, it doesn't go away and i can't get my back button to come up without it going to a new post. the bugs should be fixed and it needs some mechanical fixes, but this should also be made optional.
tldr for @staff: the new image viewer is deeply inaccessible for visually impaired people and people with dexterity issues and the bugginess makes it so much worse. all of the new features around the image viewer should be made optional for both accessability reasons and aesthetic reasons. i understand the attempt to streamline the site to look and feel more 'modern' but please don't forget that disabled people still want to use this site
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schismusic · 1 year ago
I've done some pretty stupid shit in my life but this, this whole thing (imagine I'm gesturing around indistinctly with a ghastly look on my face), totally takes the cake. Is it funny if I do the tapping-the-mic-to-check-if-it-works gag in a written post?
It started when I was about to turn fifteen and trying to bed a girl - she honestly dodged a bullet when she said no, I cannot lie to you all. Anyway I guess I absolutely had to find an outlet for being an annoying teenager and being an asshole irl simply didn't cut it sometimes, you know how it is, most of us are here for that exact same reason.
A number of things have happened since I last posted on this hellsite. The short version is as follows:
I had an identity crisis, or two, or five;
I got a driver's license, somehow;
a worldwide pandemic hit, but I guess this is another one of those things that make us equal on this postapocalyptic landscape of a microblogging platform;
just as inexplicably as my driver's license, I also got a beautiful and lovely girlfriend of almost three years now;
who knows, I might even get a degree before 2024 is over.
This is all fine and dandy, of course, but sometimes a dude just needs to scream into the void, wherein "the void" in this case is about two hundred (!!!!) strangers on the internet, which probably includes you, dear reader. Thanks for sticking with me over these troublesome years of absolutely nothing happening on this blog.
What's new then?
Number one: "what the fuck kinda name is schismusic?"
Hi, my name is schismusic. I thought of this ungodly name when I was, as mentioned, a very pretentious fourteen-year-old, and it absolutely shows. However,
one could argue it's part of the charm in a way;
it grants a bit of relative anonimity compared to my other, more beloved Internet alias (which will inevitably come crashing against my inevitable post concerning my band and the record we made a while ago - more on this later);
somehow, it stuck. You people will eat up just about fucking anything, really!
(Another thing that happened: I learned a tiny bit of HTML, because Letterboxd is yet another hellsite I'm not-quite-proudly a part of. Gotta catch 'em all. I love being annoying with HTML formatting as a matter of fact, it's quite liberating to pretend to know that you can code in front of a billion strangers on the Internet.)
Number two: "so is this asshole gonna post fake hipster music on my timeline yet again?"
Not really, or at least not just that. First order of business is that reblogging is fun, but it overstays its welcome when you do it irresponsibly. It also quite literally goes contrary to this blog's original self-appointed mission and this cannot go unchecked. Pretension is law! Bad taste is every single one of this blog's ten commandments! I hate you all more than I hate myself!
Jokes aside, my point is exactly that I want to be a bit less annoying on the Internet for once. Consequently, I have decided to extend the range of posts on this blog beyond the relatively usual songs and reach into short- and medium-form writing (fiction, nonfiction, maybe even reviews: anything goes), pictures I take (the true OGs might remember I used to post my own drawings from time to time: that's not entirely out of the question for the future, it's just that it's been a while since I've last drawn anything worthwhile) and obviously shameless self-promotion (remember me mentioning my band a couple paragraphs above? Well, here is our record on Bandcamp, Spotify and YouTube; and no, my dear OGs, this is not the same band I used to talk about back in the day! This is a whole new project for you to check out), both in Italian and English, and maybe even some Spanish if I actually take my Spanish to a functional level.
As a corollary of this final point, I will not be deleting my old content, so that the new people on here can get to enjoy a whole cornucopia of cringe circa-2014 content.
Finally, since this is primarily a music blog, the obligatory soundtrack to the writing of this post:
Shoutout to literally every single one of you people for somehow not getting tired of waiting through these years of inactivity, or maybe you just forgot that I existed. If it's the second one, I hope this post was a fun throwback, and that this time you remember to unfollow me for good like you probably wanted to do back when I was active and annoying on here.
It's good to be back.
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snugglyporos · 2 years ago
@poisonflowrs [[It's even funnier to me that even the people who pay for it are limited. It's a large limit, but for someone whose job is directly related to twitter (or someone who just likes to scroll all day) this is still going to cause problems. One would think that their paid users of all people should be exempt from the limit, but no.]]
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// see, here's what gets me.
I've been on Tumblr for ever. I was on tumblr back before it had an actively page, and we rped by tracking posts on the post page and looking in the notes.
I've seen owners come and go. I was here when it was sold to yahoo, and then verizon, and now the guys who own wordpress.
And through it all, I have seen a lot of incompetence. I mean, we call this a hellsite, because lots of things are poorly implemented and aren't really well put together.
But at no point have any of the owners of tumblr been actively malicious towards their own users.
Even the porn ban, which was poorly implemented and barely functional, was only brought on because tumblr got kicked off the app stores, so it was an 'in case of emergency break glass' moment.
But twitter is actively malicious towards its users. It hates them. It actively thinks they're idiots for using it, and increasingly punishes you for doing so. Its owner actively hates the people who pay for it.
I've been here a long time, as I said. And tumblr's various owners have usually ranged from dispassionate to incompetent; even Verizon didn't really care about the site beyond having it. They only cared briefly when it got thrown off the app store, and once that died down it went back to ignoring it.
At best, the various owners have believed, perhaps rightly perhaps wrongly, that the only way to really manage this site is benevolent neglect. As long as you're not running a crime ring or posting hardcore porn, they don't care. They understand that their bread and butter are weirdos like us. That's the niche.
Twitter, by contrast, seems to actively believe that its users should be directly subsidizing the site, which is sorta the opposite of how a content create model works. There's a reason why youtube doesn't charge you to post videos.
It's kind of wild, really. They're going to be studying this idiocy in business classes for decades.
If you had put a gun to my head and said 'come up with the worst business decisions' I could not have imagined this.
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clown-around-and-find-out · 2 years ago
i know it's probably been said a million times but please please please stop trigger tagging your posts as some unreadable jumbled mess of letters and numbers and symbols. there is a way to block specific tags on tumblr and many users utilize that system. however, it becomes useless when people try to... censor their trigger tagging? i cannot tell you how many times i have had to see a post i specifically have blocked in tags because somebody came up with bullshit tags. and even with the content filtering system, it tends to be wildly inaccurate and feels as though it's barely functional. therefore, i have to rely on tags.
let's say for example you really hate the mayor from powerpuff girls. seeing his fuckass mustache brings you nothing but rage and agony. but your entire dash seems to be filled with him even after youve blocked the main bloggers of him. so, you go to your beloved tag filtering system and hope to never see that shitty ass mayor again. problem solved, right? no. because theres another mayor-hater in town who hates the mayor SO MUCH they cant even bear to truly spell out his name. so all mayor-related hate posts are tagged with shit like 'm4y0r'. well, easy enough. you dont want to see any mayor content (both malevolent and benign), so you just filter out the 'm4y0r' tag. but what's this?! suddenly the mayors number one fan has begun to 'tag him' for mayor haters thinking that if they censor his name, mayor haters wont be so upset. so now theres hundreds of different combinations of tags. m4yor, may0r, mm44yo0r. all this weird shit you couldnt ever imagine. you try your best to tag all of these influx of mayor posts with tags that try to censor his name, but to no avail. the content settings dont help, because now every post about your favorite character (the mayor from nightmare before christmas) is censored!
i know it's a silly example (honestly) but it's a representation of what i go through almost every single day on this hellsite. i know this was longwinded but. please. for the love of god. just trigger tag your posts normally.
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aro-rambles · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm new to Tumblr and found your blog relatable and entertaining.
I still don't really know what I'm supposed to say in an ask, so uhh... questions, that's a safe bet. Um...
Are you by any chance neurodivergent? I noticed some recent posts of yours that remind me of my ADHD-related difficulties with executive function. I'm curious what other causes there are for that kind of thing, so that'd be interesting to hear about. Only share if you're comfortable doing so, of course.
On the topic of ADHD, I've heard some accounts of allos with ADHD hyperfocusing on their crush, and that it's really distracting or something, idk I can't relate. I don't have a point bringing this up, I just think it's an odd little thing that I'm kind of glad I never had to experience. Aro ftw!
Some tidbits about asks would be appreciated too, if you have any helpful or interesting ones.
hello!!! glad you like my blog :3 also welcome to the hellsite!!!
ok so whether I'm neurodivergent or not I straight up don't know, no one does. my brain works in mysterious ways....
now onto the next part of the ask: huh????? the allos hyperfocus on crushes??????? omg????? that's wild can you imagine
also things about asks: uhhhh they are scary but they are fun. I can't speak for the entirety of tumblr but like. I love getting asks. it's great. people usually either have questions (hence asks being called asks I guess) or they just say whatever really it's fun either way!! I don't really have any wisdom to share about asks tbh so that's it
thank you for the ask!!!
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xx-invadr-ellie-xx · 2 years ago
Holy shit, elon is so mad at people blocking him and his twitter blue losers that he's literally removing the block function from twitter.
Glad I left that hellsite, I had tens of thousands of accounts blocked and yet it was still so hostile that I ended up deciding to delete my account, I can't even imagine how unusable it's gonna be without the ability to block people.
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