#a fucking photo book from said travel show!?
uhgood-girl · 2 months
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yes, hello, no one look at the dates between this post and my last, but i have come down the mountain for an extremely important announcement, are you ready? okay, here it goes:
*taps mic, clears throat*
jikook real.
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spence-whore · 5 months
Hii!! I don’t know if you take requests but if you do can you do a enemies to lovers fic with spencer? I would love if the person was best friends with Courtney too!
Summer Games
Spencer Agnew x Reader
A/N please keep in mind while reading this, I have no fucking clue how far things are in California from their office. I was just writing this as if they were traveling to somewheres that’s a good six to seven hours from where they usually locate for work. They wanted to pick up supplies and outfits for the videos but the shopping outlet that had everything they wanted was hours from where they were headed to. Also, I do not see Spencer as a dick lmao this honestly doesn’t match his personality from what we see. I don’t know if this is really an enemies to lovers but i hope this did your request justice <3 this one is a lil spicy, it alludes to smut but there isn’t smut.
It was that time of year again that everyone loved. The entire office would make a trip out to a certain location and film the most out of pocket challenges for the Summer Games. This year they were all headed out to Bonnie Springs Ranch. Before heading there, they were all making a pit stop for the night and staying at a hotel because they all didn’t have the time to get some stuff from the stores. Their idea was that it would be easier to stay somewhere close to a shopping outlet than to go there then have to travel far the next day, to go to the store. You thought maybe, just maybe, you would get lucky and get to ride with Courtney, Olivia, Shayne, and Keith but nope. You were currently in the process of getting your stuff together, to be stuck in a car with Spencer and only Spencer.
“This will give you two the chance to talk everything out, you know?” You heard a voice say from behind you. You glanced around to see Courtney standing there, arms crossed, staring at you. You knew she was right but you did not want to admit that.
“I just don’t understand how I got stuck with him.” You said, turning around to face her. “Why couldn’t we have taken a car with someone else? Why do I have to get stuck with him and nothing else but camera equipment.”
Courtney just laughed and shook her head, “Why do you hate him so badly? He genuinely is not a bad guy. He is actually really funny and really sweet.” You just snorted and shook your head right back at her. “Okay, Court, I love you to death but you gotta remember, everyone loves you. You are such a sweetheart and so nice to everyone. So, of course, you have nothing but positive experiences with him. He just hates me and is rude towards me. I don’t know what it is.”
Little did you know, Trevor and Damien were currently having a similar conversation with Spencer.
“Dude, just admit that you have feelings for them. If you do, it will make your life so much easier.” Trevor said while spinning around in an office chair.
“I don’t have feelings for them. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Spencer said while gathering his stuff into his bookbag.
Damien scoffed and in a mocking tone said, “I don’t have feelings for them. Spencer, Brennan literally sat and showed me like five photos where you were looking at her like you were a child in a Lego store.”
“I just don’t understand how I got stuck with them. I literally said I would help with the vlogs on the way there.” Spencer explained, ignoring what Damien said.
“You’re gonna be real pissed whenever you hear the sleeping arrangements at the hotel.” Spencer heard from Shayne, who was approaching the conversation. No one knew who booked the rooms exactly but Spencer had a feeling that it was Ian. Ian had been on his back about admitting his feelings towards a certain someone. He had knew before Shayne had even said it.
“Please tell me you’re fucking kidding me.” Spencer said, flopping down into his office chair.
Back at your desk, Courtney and Angela, who had now joined the mix, were helping you grab your bags to put into your car. Angela was going on about how excited her and Amanda were to be apart of one of the summer games that the fans love so much.
The three of you were walking down the hall as you approach an elevator, you heard talking coming from the hall to the left of you. You glance over to see Trevor and Spencer walking and talking with bags in their hands.
“Can I please just get one break before this long car ride?” You mumbled to yourself as they got closer.
“Oh, uh, I’ll just another elevator.” You heard Spencer tell Trevor before they turned around and walked off.
“Y/N. You and him just need to make out and get it over with already.” Angela blurted out. This comment caught you so off guard and caused Courtney to lose it while walking into the elevator.
The three of you made it out of the building and made it over to your car before Spencer and Trevor arrived. The three of you were loading stuff into the car while making small talk before two cars pulled around to pick up Angela and Courtney.
“Please don’t kill each other.” Courtney whispered as she pulled you into a hug and gave you a soft smile.
You just went ahead and got into the car and waited on Spencer to get down there. A few minutes passed by and you hear two voices going on about some video game that was coming out soon.
“And yeah, they are supposed to have-“ One of the voice cut off and you realized it was because they noticed you were in the car and were waiting for you to pop the trunk.
“Oh, sorry.” You yelled back to the guys behind the car.
Spencer, Trevor, and Damien stood there putting a couple of bags into the trunk then filled the back seat with different bags of camera stuff, different laptops, and random supplies that had already been bought.
“Well, I suppose this is where we leave you two. Please don’t murder each other. Become like best friends or something at the end of this car ride.” You heard Damien say as he approached your window. He placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a soft smile. “Drive safe, remember text if you have to make any stops or if there is anything wrong.”
Spencer got into the passenger seat and didn’t say anything to you. He just buckled in and sat back.
“Uh, you can play music if you want.” You whispered, awkwardly nodding towards his phone.
An hour passed by and the car ride was not that bad. The two of you had listened to some music till Spencer had fallen asleep. You were in an area where there wasn’t any traffic. You decided to grab Spencer’s phone to pause the music then turn on The Basement Yard’s new episode on Spotify. You glanced over at Spencer and he honestly looks kind of cute.
“What the fuck am I thinking?” You whispered to yourself and took a sip of your monster. “I’m just getting tired.”
The Basement Yard was only ten minutes in before you were losing it. You were having to constantly cover your mouth, trying to not laugh really loudly.
You heard stirring from beside you and could see Spencer sitting up slowly in his seat. “What are we listening to?” Spencer asked while rubbing at his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry if I woke you up. It’s the Basement Yard,” You tapped your phone and held it up to show him. “If you want, I can disconnect this and you can go back to playing music.”
He shook his head no while grabbing his Mountain Dew Kickstart. “It’s okay, you didn’t wake me up. We can listen to the rest of this episode. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them before.”
There was something lingering in the air once he woke up. It went from really relaxing to really tense and awkward. It’s like the elephant of the two of yours relationship was sitting in the backseat.
Thirty more minutes had passed by and you couldn’t handle it. You just wanted to ask the question that had been lying on your chest. You just leaned forward, grabbed your phone, and paused the episode.
“Why do you hate me?” You asked bluntly before glancing over at Spencer.
Spencer looked like he had been shot at and was just staring at you blankly. He was quiet for a minute before speaking up, “I don’t hate you.”
All you could do was laugh. “That’s pretty funny because you are so nice to everyone else at the office. You crack jokes with everyone and everyone has nothing but nice things to say about you. You avoid me at all costs.”
Spencer took a big chug of his Mountain Dew Kickstart before turning in his seat to face you. “It’s because you honestly infuriate the shit out of me sometimes.” He says while staring at you, again with a blank expression.
“Please, tell me how I make you mad. If I’m being quite honest, I have been nothing polite to you till I got tired of your shit.” You said with a scoff and turning your head to make sure there was no traffic coming before making a turn.
“How in the hell could you not make me angry?” Spencer said before laughing. “You’re little miss perfect. Everyone in the office loves you. You could never do anything wrong. Hell, even the fans are absolutely obsessed with you.”
You were on a straight shot road, so you just turned your head to stare at him for a few seconds before shaking your head. “Little miss perfect? Seriously? Do I need to tell you how many times I hear about how much everyone loves you at the office? Don’t get me wrong, you are good at your job but oh my fucking god. It is praise after praise from everyone.”
Spencer just laughed before shaking his head and grabbing your phone. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Just keep driving.” He said and continues to podcast episode.
A few hours passed by and finally, you were approaching the hotel you all were staying at for the night. The second you pulled in, you jumped out of the car to see Courtney and Shayne standing by their car talking.
“Oh my god, hey you two didn’t kill each other!” You hear Courtney shout from across the parking lot. You just grabbed your bags and quickly walked towards them to head inside.
“Yeah, well I’m about to fucking wring his neck.”
You got inside and grabbed your key to your head then headed up the elevator. Before the door could close, Tommy and Ian were stepping in.
“How was your car ride?” Tommy asked with an innocent smile on his face.
“Oh, me and him are just absolutely besties now!” You said in a sarcastic tone and gave Tommy and Ian a fake smile.
“Hopefully it wasn’t too bad because you two share a room.” Ian said before giving you a soft smile and stepping out on his floor.
It was just you and Tommy left in the elevator as it went up a few more floors. “If it gets bad between you two tonight, you can always come to my room.” Tommy offered and placed his hand on your arm, giving it a soft squeeze.
“It’s just so tiring because I don’t understand why he hates me.” You said giving him a frown.
“Sweetheart, maybe you need to take a moment to think about why it bothers you so much.” He said before giving you a knowing look.
You would never admit it out loud but you had feelings for the person he is whenever he isn’t around you. How could you not? You see how he is with everyone whenever you aren’t in the room. He is always so happy and laughing. God, his laugh was like music to your ears. He is such a beautiful man. He is just so nice to look at. Whenever you enter the room, it’s like seeing a little kid who had their favorite toy taken away.
You and Tommy stepped out on the hotel floor and gave each other polite goodbyes before heading towards your rooms on the opposite sides of the hall.
You entered the room, looked around, then decided to get settled in for the night. There were two seperate beds and a bathroom. You placed your bags onto the bed you planned on sleeping on then grabbed your stuff you needed to shower. You figured Spencer wouldn’t be there for a while, so you would just grab your clothes whenever you were finished. You were wrong though.
A few minutes into you showering, Spencer entered the room and just flopped down on his bed. He laid there for a few minutes before sitting up and scooting to the top of the bed and got on his phone. Neither you or him knew the kind of night that was ahead.
You turned the shower off and dried off, standing there for a few minutes to see if you ever heard anything. “I guess he’s sleeping in another room or staying with someone till late as possible.” You whispered to yourself while wrapping your towel around you. You grabbed the door handle and swung the door open to see Spencer sitting on his bed, scrolling through an app.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t think to grab my clothes cause I didn’t think you would come straight here.” You said awkwardly apologizing while stepping out of the bathroom. You quickly shuffled to your bag to grab your pajamas for the night.
“Why did you think I wasn’t coming here? This is my room too, you know.” Spencer said, glaring over at you.
All you could do was laugh, “I’m not arguing with you while I’m naked Spencer. Can we actually have a civil conversation for once and figure this the fuck out?” You were so tired of him throwing hateful comments your way.
He didn’t say anything, so you went back into the bathroom to change into your clothes.
Little did you know, Spencer wasn’t saying anything because he was fighting not telling you why he couldn’t stand being in a room with you for more than a minute.
“Okay, can we please just talk about this?” You said turning the corner and sitting atop your bed.
Spencer felt like he couldn’t breathe. You irritated the shit out of him but god, there was something about the way you looked right now that was making him melt. The way your hair looked pushed back out of your face, the way your sweatpants hugged your hips yet were so baggy, the way your shirt was so baggy. You just looked so soft and comfortable. He was fucked.
“I’m really not in the mood to talk about this right now, Y/N.” Spencer said before rolling over and turning the light off that was sat on the table beside his bed.
Something just snapped in you and you started tearing up. You don’t know why but god, it made you feel like an idiot. “I just want to know what I did to you, Spencer.” You whispered trying to not start sobbing. You noticed whenever you said this, his entire body tensed up. “It’s so stupid but I have this thing where I want everyone’s approval. I know I shouldn’t care if someone doesn’t like me. I guess it’s just tied to my trauma or whatever.”
He turned around slowly on his side and he had some hesitation in his movement. He just pushed himself up and stared at you. The look on his face just made you ramble even more.
“I have never felt good enough for people. So, I put on this huge persona. I guess you could compare it to masking. I feel like I have to be this upbeat, perfect person that is never allowed to be tired or depressed. I always think maybe my personality will make up for my looks because I absolutely hate myself. Maybe if I always make others laugh or smilie, they’ll overlook my weight or my hair or-“ Spencer cut you off by laughing and you felt like a complete idiot.
“Do you realize how stupid you are?” Whenever he said this, it felt like someone stuck a knife into your chest. “Shit, I worded that so badly. You are not stupid. You’re actually one of the smartest people I know.” He started to stand up from his spot and come towards you, “Is it okay if I sit here?” He said softly, pointing to a spot beside you.
At this point, it was like the damn in you broke. You couldn’t stop crying. It was like seeing you cry made that spot soften up so much for you in him.
“I don’t hate you. I should’ve just swallowed my pride and just talked to you.” Spencer whispered before laughing.
“You don’t have to lie, Spencer. I don’t blame you for avoiding me and never talking to me. I’m literally the most obnoxious person. I’m just always so ov-“
Spencer didn’t think. He just grabbed your face and kissed you. You didn’t kiss him back, you just froze. You never thought there was at any point in this world he would do something like that.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” Spencer said standing up really quickly and grabbing his jacket off his bed.
You jumped up really fast and grabbed his wrist before he could run. “Please don’t leave me.” You whispered. You couldn’t get any other word out than that. He just stared at you for a minute before talking. “I think I’ve avoided you all of this time because I never wanted to admit to myself how in love I am with you, you know? I thought maybe if I avoided you, I wouldn’t have to face these feelings and deal with the potential heartbreak of getting rejected.” He said as he sat slowly on his bed with you still holding onto his wrist.
“Wait, what did you just say?” It was like your brain shut off the second you heard him say, “how in love I am with you.”
He started to repeat himself but he stopped talking because you couldn’t stop laughing. He was just staring at you like you were crazy. You were stood in front of him, just cracking up, still holding onto his wrist. You let it go and just stepped closer to him, between his thighs. He stared up at you with this confused look.
“Spencer?” You asked, still giggling.
“Yes?” He responded, scared of where this conversation was about to go.
“You’re telling me, we have avoided each other for years because we both started to develop feelings for each other. We acted like literal school children and became hateful towards each other because we have feelings for each other.” You explained still chuckling over the situation.
“Wait, excuse me?” Spencer asked leaning back a little to look up at you with this bewildered look.
You just did the only thing you could think of and that you wanted to do. You slowly tested the waters, placing one knee on one side of his thigh and looked at him. He realized what you were doing and his hand immediately went to the side of your thigh. You placed your hand on his chest and pushed him back on the bed before placing your other knee on the other side of his thigh.
“Say the word and I’ll stop.” You whispered looking down at him.
“Please don’t.” He responded, leaning upwards to wrap his hands around your neck and pulled you down on top of him.
Hours passed by and before you knew it, it was morning.
You were woke up to your alarm going off and you slowly sat up in your bed. “Noooo.” You hear a voice groggily say beside you before you pulled back down.
Spencer was immediately glued to your side and stuck his face onto the side of your neck, placing soft kisses down your neck and down to your collarbone.
You reached over to your phone while giggling, trying to push him on. The second your phone hit your hand, it started blowing up with notifications.
It flashed and all you saw was a text from Courtney
when i said become friends, i didn’t mean keep us up all night banging LMAO
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middlingmay · 2 months
Request because I’m dying of near triple digit heart. Gale taking his shirt off and splashing himself to cool off and not realizing he has broken the rest of the 100th … especially Bucky
Hello! I don't know what 'dying of near triple digit heart' means, but I hope you're okay!!
I really enjoyed writing this one! It let me revisit my Recruiter!Gale and Student!Bucky AU, which is a very fun universe. Hope you like it!
John had spent the past few months in a sort of dazed acceptance of his unbelievable good luck. Not only had Major Gale Cleven of all people been chosen to do the recruitment drive at his college, but he’d actually said yes to John’s advances, more than delivered on the very high expectations John had set in his head, and had graciously accepted John’s number in the morning.
John had promised himself (not Curt; Curt knew he wouldn’t last) that he’d wait a whole three days to abuse the privilege of Gale’s number, but he’d cracked by sun down.
Not having as much fun tonight as I did last night. Thanks for making my college experience feel like a drag, now…
If he’d expected something flirtatious or raunchy in return, he would have been gravely disappointed.
You’ll survive.
Someone else may have been offended, but John just snorted into his pillow and gamely stuck his hand down his pants, reliving their night together.
They texted and and off; not every day, but a few times a week. John made increasingly ridiculous attempts to flirt to see if he could get Gale to break (he couldn’t), and Gale sent brief messages wrought with dry humour, and to John’s surprise, photos. He may not be a verbose man, but Gale always sent John a photo from his day: the front cover of a book he was reading, a seriously fancy dessert at some swanky joint, a particularly pretty sunset, and, a few weeks in, a photo of Gale in the mirror, focusing on his long legs with the message: Goddamn hate ironing. Are my seams straight?
John had nearly called off his night with Curt and the rest of the team after that one.
They escalated to phone calls once every week or two, depending on their schedules. Gale had trouble sleeping sometimes and John’s voice lured him to sleep more than once. And Gale had a way of pulling Bucky out his own head and making him forget all the stresses of college and the team just for a while.
He also had the single most delicious, sinful voice John had ever heard, and because he had very little filter to begin with, he told Gale that. He’d chuckled low and rumbling down the phone.
“Is that right?”
“Well what you gon’ do about it, then?”
John’s friends were sick of hearing about Gale, and only Curt’s assurances had them believing he was even real, he sounded so perfect.
“I’ve never been so single,” Crosby had lamented one day. “And you’re not even in a relationship.”
And that had been a thought. It had stuck with John for days until he next spoke to Gale on the phone.
“Hey, uh, can I ask you something?”
“You do. Frequently and often.”
“He’s hilarious,” he said as Gale laughed. “No, but, uh, what—um, what do you—oh for fuck sake John—”
“John.” Gale cut off his flagellating rambling. “I’ve never heard you struggle to say anything. Just spit it out.”
So he did. “What do you want? From this? Is it just like, flirting, or friendship, or…what?”
Gale gave a thoughtful hum on the other end. “Well we are friendly.” John’s stomach dipped in disappointment. “But I also don’t tend to listen to my friends come as I talk to them on the phone, so.”
John shoved a pillow over his face and moaned. “’uck ‘oo.”
“Right back atcha,” Gale drawled happy. “But I, uh…wouldn’t mind, you know. Taking you on a date, this time.”
John threw the pillow to the floor, revealing a beaming grin showing nearly all his teeth. “Yeah?”
So, whenever Gale had a pass from base or a day or two off, he and John would try to spend time together. Sometimes Gale travelled to him, sometimes John came closer to Gale, but they’d find some time to go on honest to God dates: the movies, long walks, dinner. When John learned that Gale loved animals, he arranged for them to go down to a local shelter to spend the day meeting the animals and helping out. Curt had looked at him like he was crazy (“That ain't a date, Bucky, that’s a shift.”). But Gale didn’t stop smiling the whole time and had looked at John like he was the stars in the sky. When Gale admitted he knew nothing about baseball and John had been legitimately speechless, Gale had bought them tickets to a game and let John narrate the whole thing to him, patient as a saint.
But, one thing they hadn’t done since that first night, was sleep together.
In a rare moment of insecurity, John had asked Gale if anything was wrong, and of all things, Gale got embarrassed. But he rushed to reassure John all the same.
“Nothing’s the matter, John, I promise.” He looped one of John’s curls at the back of his neck around his finger. “It’s just—”
“Just what?”
“Just, now this could really be going somewhere, I want to do it right. Court you proper.”
Curt would have laughed himself sick if he heard, but all John wanted to do was climb this man like a tree and kiss the life out of him. But he wouldn’t He couldn’t. He would be respectful, because he was being courted.
John had invited Gale for the weekend to his folks’ place on Lake Michigan. They were away for some kind of work trip, and he and his friends were travelling up there to relax and get away from campus. They’d teased John when they found out Gale was coming (“Sure you want us there, Bucky? Not prefer a romantic evening for two?” “Gonna cockblock the hell out of you, I promise.” “I still don’t think he’s real!”). But they all shut the hell up when Gale had walked through the door of the Egan’s summer house, all golden skin, swept back hair, a well-made, well-tailored linen shirt, shorts that hit well above the knee, and a set of aviators on.
“Fucking Christ.”
“That’s what I said.”
“Is he real?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Can I touch him?”
Gale took it all in good stride, and was hastily introduced to everyone as they all scrambled to get ready to head down to the beach.
Gale, it turned out, loved the beach. Although shyer in front of others, he’d been almost solicitous on the way down. His hand brushed against Bucky’s back, he asked after his classes and practice. He even made sure John was happily situated on a towel with some shade to protect his pale, freckled skin when he’d demurred off heading into the water right away.
“You mind if I head in? Hot after the drive and the water looks nice…”
It cost Gale a quick peck, but John allowed it.
And because no man went into the water fully dressed, Gale made swift work of his shirt and his shorts, stripping down to a very nice set of pale blue swim shorts. He scrubbed John’s head once with his hand before diving into the water.
John was still recovering from the minor striptease when Gale emerged from under the waves. He watched the muscles in Gale’s strong back and broad shoulder flex and glisten as he glided through the water.
“Damn it, Bucky,” Crosby grinned next to him. “People literally write books about guys like him.” And being an English Lit major, Crosby would know.
Laying next to John, Brady had slid his sunglasses down his nose for uninterrupted viewing. “You kinda just want to lick him.”
Benny hummed, and at that moment Gale—who’d swam a bit further in—stood up so the water just tickled his waist. With both hands he swept the wet, clinging strands of hair off his face, showing off his biceps and the taught lines of his waist and stomach.
Curt whistled. "You lucky bastard, Egan."
Droplet after errant droplet tumbled down from those locks. They dripped off long golden lashes, over plump full lips. They ran a teasing line down his strong, angular neck and into collarbones that had no business being so damn biteable. They pebbled the skin of his chest and led down, down, down to that golden trail, and to…
“Oh my God. He needs to stop. Is that illegal? It has to be illegal?”
John had never agreed with Benny more. Maybe it was having that first taste of Gale and then going so long without it, but John didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so attractive and beautiful and brain-meltingly alluring in his entire life. The things he wanted to do.
“You coming, John?”
“Hm, what?” John snapped his eyes back up to Gale’s.
“Water’s real nice. Come join me.”
That damn smile. John wanted to leap off his towel and run full pelt down to the water and tackle Gale until they were both wet through. But, thanks to Gale’s display and John’s traitorous body, he’d have to wait. Because this was a public beach, and if he stood up, John would get arrested.
“Uh…” he crossed his legs, carefully. “Just gimmie, like, five minutes?”
They boys didn’t let him forget it for the rest of the day; wouldn't for the rest of the semester.
But the joke was on them. Because when they finally went to bed, Gale bunking in with John, and John had offered to take the little couch in the room, Gale had shut him up with a hand in his hair and a kiss so thorough he’d literally gone weak in the knees, and Gale’s other hand cinched around his waist was all that kept him standing.
Gale kissed his lips to John’s ear, placing tiny, sparking kisses all along the shell until he reached the lobe and traced it with his tongue and sucked on it and gave it a little bite, before he murmured, “Oh, I think we can share, tonight. Don’t you?”
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k-germsworld · 1 year
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Sowon x M!reader
Double penetration
1.6k words
One day, Sowon goes on a trip to Thailand to relax. But in fact, she wanted to come to Thailand to see if she could find any special event there.
When Sowon arrived in Thailand, she hurried to take a taxi to the hotel. When you come to a tropical country, you must swim to cool off the heat. So Sowon changed into her swimsuit.
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Sowon took photos of her most beautiful moments while sitting under a sun lounger by the pool. A man sitting on the side saw this beautiful woman and wanted to strike up a conversation, but he looked carefully and found that she was Sowon. The boy shyly tried to say hello to Sowon. "Hi, Sowon ssi. I'm Paul from Malaysia. I've been supporting you since you were Gfriend. By the way, are you traveling alone?" Sowon also replied politely to Paul. "Thank you for your support. Yes, I am traveling by myself, how about you?" "I am traveling with a friend of mine." Sowon nodded with a smile. Sowon kept his eyes on Paul's figure and his slightly bulging trousers. Sowon noticed Paul's pants and noticed that Paul was starting to get an erection. Sowon knew that Paul had an erection because of her. After a simple conversation, Sowon would like to invite Paul to her room tonight for a meal and chat. Just when Paul wanted to agree, Paul's friend came over.
"Hey Shawn, I'm here," Paul said to his friend. Shawn walked in their direction. Paul introduced each other to each other, but Shawn didn't listen to what Paul was saying at all, he only heard this beautiful woman named Sowon. Because the moment Shawn saw Sowon, his eyes began to squint at Sowon's Body. Sowon didn't mind Shawn looking at her body, because Sowon was also looking at Shawn's body. Sowon looked at Shawn's figure up and down, and told Paul that he could also bring his friends over to have a meal and chat tonight. Just after Paul shyly agreed to Sowon's invitation, Sowon left.
"Eh.... Paul, Sowon is so beautiful and has such a hot body!! If I could, I would love to know how horny Sowon would be in bed. I really want to fuck Sowon!!! Don't you want to, Paul?" Shawn Said.
"Don't talk nonsense, she is an idol, not just someone casually." Paul retorted. Not long after the two quarrelled, the time also ushered in the evening.
In the evening
"Ding dong..." The doorbell at the door of the hotel room rang. As soon as she opened the door, the beautiful Sowon stood in front of them. Sowon is wearing sexy black lace lingerie. The sexy lingerie showed Sowon's body very sexy, and the lingerie held up Sowon's tits very big, and it also made Sowon's feet very long.
Sowon woke up the two who were fascinated by her figure, "Have you seen enough? Come in!"
After being reminded by Sowon, the two men who came back to their senses followed Sowon's footsteps and entered the room. Entering the room, Paul observes the whole room, which is very beautiful and bigger than the room he booked himself. Shawn didn't care how beautiful this room was, because the most beautiful thing for Shawn was Sowon. Shawn's eyes never left Sowon after he stepped into the room. Shawn kept looking at Sowon's ass shaking from walking and her beautiful long legs. It can be said that Shawn's mind is now thinking about how to fuck Sowon.
Although Sowon invited them to her room to have dinner and chat together, Paul noticed that there was no food on the table. Just when Paul wanted to ask, Sowon said, "Do you want to fuck me?" Paul was startled by Sowon's words. Paul doesn't want to fuck Sowon out of respect since he's always been a Sowon fan. Instead, Shawn couldn't wait to take off his pants, because he wanted to fuck Sowon from the moment he saw Sowon in the morning. Right now for Shawn.
Paul has been trying to stop Shawn from doing this, but Shawn is already trapped in Sowon's body. Shawn's hands went from tits to waist, and from waist to pussy. Shawn's cock hardened as he touched Sowon. Of course Sowon didn't miss the chance, and Sowon's hand started to touch Shawn's fully erect cock.Sowon's slender fingers touched his thick cock, and Shawn felt great. Afterwards, Sowon knelt down and started giving Shawn a blowjob.
When Paul watched Sowon blowjob Shawn, Paul's cock was already erect, but because he liked Sowon so much, he didn't feel any lust at all. Shawn saw that Paul was still in a daze, so he brought Sowon to Paul. Sowon also wisely took off Paul's pants. Paul's fully erect cock was displayed in front of Sowon. Sowon took Paul's cock in his mouth without hesitation. And Shawn watched Sowon's mouth already blowjob Paul, so he thrust his cock into Sowon's pussy from behind. Now two men are stuffing both of Sowon's holes. Since Shawn just wanted to fuck Sowon, when he fucked her hole, he thrust very hard, causing Sowon to make frequent lustful moans while sucking Paul. With Paul's lewd eyes and sexy moans as he watched Sowon suck him, Paul couldn't care less about respect. Paul's sensuality completely overwhelmed his rationality now, and he started fucking Sowon too. Paul put his hand on Sowon's head and began to move his cock back and forth to thrust Sowon's mouth. Paul also finally experienced Sowon's powerful blowjob skills.
Sowon looked at Shawn who was masturbating, she motioned for Shawn to come over to her side. After Shawn heard this, he walked up to Sowon. Sowon kissed Shawn and started to help Shawn masturbate. Sowon is now sandwiched between two men, Shawn kissing her in the front and her hand helping Shawn masturbating; Paul in the back is fucking Sowon for his final sprint, and his hand is still in the touching Sowon's tits. After Paul fucks a few more times, he cums a lot of cum in Sowon's pussy. After Paul got his cock out of Sowon's pussy, Shawn quickly pushed Sowon onto the bed. They were still kissing passionately. Shawn put Sowon's legs on his shoulders to get better access to Sowon's G-spot. Every thrust of Shawn can hit Sowon's G-spot, which makes Sowon feel very good.
Shawn felt Sowon's pussy was so tight while fucking Sowon, causing him to cum inside Sowon not long after. Sowon wanted to stop Shawn from cumming inside, but his mouth was fucked by Paul's cock, so he couldn't stop him in time. After Shawn cums for the first time, he sits on the bed and rests. After Paul also stopped fucking her mouth, he walked behind Sowon and put his dick into her pussy from behind. Since Shawn had just creampied Sowon, Sowon's pussy was filled with Shawn's hot semen. And the hot cum made Sowon's pussy extra wet, so it was very easy for Paul to thrust deep inside.
Paul's restless hand began to touch Sowon's very hot body until he touched Sowon's tits. Paul freed Sowon's tits from the constraints of her pajamas. Paul's hands kept ravaging Sowon's tits and teasing Sowon's nipples. Paul's frenzied behavior got Shawn's cock hard again when he should have been tired. Shawn masturbates while watching his friend fuck Sowon. Sowon moaned loudly with every thrust of Paul's.
And Paul didn't just sit around and wait any longer, he put Sowon's hand on his cock and let Sowon stroke Paul's dick. Soon, Sowon squirted. Shawn stopped thrusting and let Sowon completely shoot out her squirts. Sowon's squirt drenches the hotel bed and Shawn's cock unsurprisingly holds Sowon's squirt. Both Shawn and Paul started putting the cock in front of Sowon. Sowon also gave them both blowjobs without any fatigue. Shawn's cock was full of Sowon's urine smell. Although Sowon was a little concerned at first, she didn't mind so much after giving Shawn a blowjob. While Sowon is giving a blowjob with her mouth, she'll be touching the other's cock with her hand. Sowon is so skillful making both of them want to cum very quickly. Before long, Paul and Shawn are about to cum, and they start taking where they want to cum. Paul aimed his cock at Sowon's horny face and stroked it quickly. Finally, a load of cum shot from Paul's cock onto Sowon's face. Shawn, on the other hand, aimed at Sowon's body. Shawn cummed so much that in addition to Sowon's body, even Sowon's tits had Shawn's cum. Sowon licked both of their cocks clean to repay them both for giving her so much cum. Although it was said to help lick it clean, Sowon got them to cum again. This time both of them cum in Sowon's mouth.
The two of them fucked Sowon all night and both of them cummed 4 times or more. Sowon lay limp on the bed, while Paul and Shawn had already returned to their room. Sowon's body was covered with their semen, and a lot of semen flowed out of her pussy. There was also a little semen coming out of the corner of the mouth. If you smell Sowon carefully, you will smell the sweat and semen all over Sowon.
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dirtywrestling · 2 years
Special Memories - Rhea Ripley (18+)
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Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Female!Reader
Summary: Rhea has a special day planned out for your 5 year anniversary.
Warnings: 18+, Cussing, Smut, Pegging, Strap-On, Mommy!Kink, Public Sex, Fingering, Oral, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,719
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
Note: This is not proof read, I had no time!
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Airports. Not your favorite place in the world. People were rushing with their suitcases in hand, cargo trailers swerving in and out of every other direction to pass people. Not to mention the large families pushing past others so they could rush through security and onto their flight. 
Airports were not fun, but you were only here to pick up one person and that was the love of your life, Rhea Ripley. Rhea has been traveling the world for nearly nine months now for the company she wrestles for and she finally had time off to spend with you. 
“Where are you, Rhea?” You grumbled to yourself as you looked down at your phone once more, checking the screen there were no new text notifications from your lover. Rhea just messaged you saying how she just landed and was about to see you soon. 
“Hey dude, watch it!” You snapped at someone who ran into your shoulder from behind, running. “What the fuck.” You mumbled, seeing now that there were more people rushing inside the airport. 
“I heard she just landed!” Someone yelled. 
“Oh my god, I hope we can catch her.” Another person spoke up as their feet trampled the marble floor where you stood.
You went up on your tippy toes, trying to see who everyone was excited to see. Looking around you could only see the back of people's heads and somewhere holding up their phones trying to take pictures of whoever it was. It wasn’t until when someone yelled out her name that made you freeze.
“I fucking LOVE Rhea Ripley! I have to get a picture!” A male voice boomed. “Rhea!” Everyone started to chant. 
“Oh god.” Your heart rate started to escalate as everyone was now pushing and shoving trying to find Rhea, you knew you needed to find her first and get the fuck out of here but since she was the most popular woman in the WWE she was most likely deep in autographs and pictures with fans already.
You looked around trying to find her but it was getting hard to stay in one place with everyone pushing and shoving. How the hell was this possible? How did they know she was here? Grabbing your phone you quickly went on twitter and looked up ‘Rhea Ripley’ 
There were multiple images of her, Rhea was either sleeping on the flight, eating or just reading a book with headphones in. Fans took pictures of her and posted them on twitter right when they landed announcing her flight and location. You really disliked the fans that were out there exposing her privacy like this.
You frowned to see one photo that was just published two minutes ago. It was of Rhea smiling at the camera with a fan next to her and the caption read. ‘Just met Mommy Ripley, my life is complete!’ 
You knew that you were going to be waiting at the airport for hours of Rhea trying to get through the crowd to leave along with photos and autographs. You noticed security running by trying to get people to leave that weren’t supposed to be here so that the regular traffic could flow and not be blocked by crazy fans.
You collided shoulders with another person, this time they had a black sweatshirt on and their hood over their head, hiding their face. “Hey!” You barked, nearly stumbling backwards until they gripped your arm from making you fall. 
“Keep walking.” The girl said, her head being low as she dragged you away from the fans. The woman was hunched over, not showing off her true height as she dragged you away. 
“R- Rhea?” You whispered.
“Shh!” She snapped, not wanting the fans to hear. 
You had a large smile on your face as you let Rhea guide you out of the airport and towards the parking garage. Once no one was around, Rhea straightened up, becoming her full height and pulled back her hood, smiling down at you.
You grinned stupidly up at her, blushing as if this was the first time you two ever met. “Hi.” You greeted.
“Hi yourself.” Rhea’s lips twitched up into a smirk. Her dark hair was slicked back with a baseball cap covering it, her lips were dressed in black lipstick. “You just gonna stare at me starstruck or do you wanna hug me?” 
You blushed harder, running to her you wrapped your arms around her form as she draped her around you. “I miss you.” You mumbled into her chest, your face pressed against her breasts, inhaling her scent. 
“I missed you too, love.” Rhea mumbled against the top of your head, squeezing you tighter. 
You pulled away from her, hands still resting on her waist. “I got the hotel, it’s just a few blocks away.” You tried to pull away from her to walk towards the car but Rhea gripped your wrists, making you stop. Looking up at her confused you cocked your head to the side. “Baby?” 
“You think we’re just gonna leave before you give me a kiss?” She laughed. “Come here.” Her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to her. Her lips crashed against yours. Moaning against her lips, your arms slipped around her neck.
You pulled away from the kiss first, licking your lips as you stared up at her. “W- We need to get to the hotel now.” You whispered. 
“Fuck the hotel.” Rhea breathed out, pushing you up the nearest pillar, pinning you against the cement. 
Your eyes widened, looking around to only see cars parked in their spots you broke out in a cold sweat. “R- Rhea, someone could see us.” 
“I don’t care, let them see us.” Rhea’s lips attacked your neck, suckling and biting down on your flesh you let out a yelp. 
This could ruin Rhea’s career, her reputation she built over the past years you two have been together. “Oh f- fuck, Rhea.” You choked out a moan as Rhea’s talented fingers slipped in your pants and toyed at your cunt. You tossed your head back against the cream color wall.
“There she is.” Rhea whispered. “You feel so tight around my fingers.” Rhea hummed, she left pepper kisses up and down your neck causing you to break out in goosebumps. “You’ve been a good girl, I can tell.” Rhea darted her tongue out, licking your neck upwards, moaning. “Your sweet pussy is fluttering around my fingers, you haven’t come in such a long time.” 
“I- I’ve been such a good girl mommy.” You whined. “I haven’t come since the last time we had sex over facetime.” 
“And how long ago was that sweet girl?” Rhea’s two digits pumped in and out of your cunt, your juices coated Rhea’s fingers making it easier for her to pump in and out of your pussy and diving them deeper against your sweet spot. 
“Fuck!” You sobbed out. “Three- Three months, mommy. It’s been three months since I’ve creamed on my toy.”
Rhea hummed, her fingers spreading, the palm of her hand grazing against your clit as she scissored your wet channel. “You’ve been such a good little girl.” Rhea watched how your breasts rose and fell with each deep breath you took. 
Tears threaten to spill as the coil in your lower stomach tightens and your cunt squeezed Rhea’s fingers so tightly. “R- Rhea- Come- I want to come.” You begged, grinding your hips against her touch, your eyes were focused on her, nearly forgetting that you were getting fingered in a public area. 
“You wanna come?” Rhea’s tongue dragged along her lips as she chuckled. 
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you nodded. “S- So badly, please mommy.” Rhea’s ring finger squeezed past your walls, making it three digits stretching your walls, making you feel full. “Oh god, please!” You sobbed.
“Come sweet girl, come all over my hand.” Rhea demanded.
Stars appeared behind your eyes as your orgasm washed you over, arching your back off the pillar you cried Rhea’s name loudly as she quickly covered your mouth with her free hand, her fingers still thrusting inside of you.
“Did you hear that?” Someone in the distance commented on your loud moans.
“Probably just a bird or something, come on mom said she landed.” Footsteps continued to echo in the lot making their way to the exit. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you exhaled a shaky breath through your nose, staring at Rhea. Her dark pupils stared back at you, she slowly pulled away her hand. “Good girl.” She repeated in a softer tone. Rhea pulled her hand back, showing off her drenched come covered fingers she stuck them in her mouth, moaning as she cleaned them off. “Fuck, I nearly forgot how good you tasted.”
Leaning against the pillar, you didn’t trust your legs to move yet as you tried to catch your breath in soft pants. Rhea just laughed at your flushed face and tired body. “Come on my love, let's go to the hotel because I have so much planned for us.” Rhea held your hand while you wrapped your arm under hers, leaning on her for support. “Happy five year anniversary, Y/N.” Rhea kissed the top of your head as you nuzzled against her while making your way to the car.
Rhea indeed made the anniversary unforgettable. Rhea insisted that you book a 5 star hotel and she’d pay all expenses. You tried to deny it before booking the expensive hotel saying how a ‘Hotel 8 is fine for your liking’. But Rhea wasn’t having it. After spending years with Rhea, she trusted you with her credit card so from time to time you either used it for reserving hotels and restaurants and when Rhea knows you’re low on groceries she insists on you to go shop with it knowing your 40 hour job can only pay for so much.
You were grateful for Rhea and everything she has done for you.
After settling in the hotel, unpacking and showering Rhea took you to the city national park, walking around and enjoying nature. You weren’t surprised when people instantly noticed her and asked for photos. Rhea would look at you apologetic and about to deny the people until you spoke up. “She’d love a photo with you guys, want me to take it?” 
Rhea gave you a soft smile as the fans were excited to get a photo with their favorite wrestler. Taking the phone from the fan you pointed the camera at them. “One, two, say cheese.” You clicked the circle snap button a few times making sure to get a good photo. 
“Oh my god, thank you so much.” The girl said as you handed the phone back to her. 
“No problem, enjoy your day guys.” You waved at them as the girl and her friends rushed off down the trail.
“It’s okay to say ‘no’ ya know?” Rhea spoke up as you both started to walk down the trail.
You wrapped your arm through hers, resting your head against the side of her shoulder. “I know, but it’s not every day you run into your hero.” 
Rhea tossed her head back and let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t say I’m anyone’s hero, I guess an idol?”
“Fine, idol. It’s still not every day you run into your favorite idol.” You squeezed her hand tightly. 
“I suppose not, but this is our anniversary date. I’m trying to make it special.” She sighed.
You watched the branches on the trees slightly sway as a breeze rolled by, it felt nice while the sun beat high in the sky. “We’ll have plenty more anniversaries to make special.” You reminded her. “I’m fine with you taking pictures with fans, Rhea, really.” 
Rhea stopped in her tracks making you stop as well and look up at her. “Fuck, how did I get so lucky.” She whispered, cupping your jaw.
“You have someone that understands the business.” You chuckled. 
It was true, you trained for a while a few years ago, even did some indy matches but unfortunately one big nasty bump ruined your chance to move on with your career. 
It was an intergender match against a guy you knew very well, Timmy Titan, and it wasn’t your first match together. It was where you met Rhea too when she was still in her indy days. She just came to the States to see all the fuss was about trying to try and make it big in America. 
Timmy went for a drop kick while you were getting distracted with Timmy’s manager, his feet collided on your spine, doing a drop kick. Tthe spot was for you to go over the top rope and lose by a ten count. But the plan failed as you felt numbness went up your spine and you weren’t able to feel anything. Dropping to your knees, a cold sweat went through your whole body as you weren’t able to move your fingers or toes, worrying you went paralyzed. 
The ref quickly slid over to you asking if you were alright you quickly whispered to him something was wrong and to take the match home. Timmy quickly scrambled over to you with a pin. “You okay?”
“I can’t fucking feel my legs.” You wanted to cry, trying to be strong so the fans wouldn’t worry.
After the match an ambulance was called, carrying you out on a stretcher while fans asked if you were going to be okay and what the hell happened. A warm spark shocked up your hand as you looked to see Rhea walking besides you as you were getting rolled out, she was holding your hand.
“I’m right here, Y/N. I gotchu.” Her Australian accent is thicker than ever.
You exhaled a sigh, resting your head back on the uncomfortable stretcher pillow knowing you were going to be alright since you could now feel Rhea’s hand gripping yours.
As if Rhea knew what you were thinking she spoke up. “You fucking scared me that day.” Rhea said.
You looked at her dark eyes, remembering how worried she looked. You smiled at her. “Aye, I lived.” You tried to joke.
“You could have been paralyzed, Y/N.” Rhea’s fingers twirled around your hair, playing with it. 
“I’d do it all over again, to hear the crowd one last time.” 
Rhea stared at you while you looked away trying not to cry. Sometimes, when watching Rhea every Monday Night Raw, you grew slightly jealous hearing everyone cheer for her, whistle and applaud. You craved the aching feeling along your back from hitting the ropes or taking bumps from a shoulder tackle, you missed the smell of the wrestling mat. 
You sniffed, feeling the pad of Rhea’s thumb wiping away a tear that escaped your eye, you didn’t even notice that you were crying. “I know, baby.” She whispered, leaning down she pressed her lips against yours to make you feel better.
As the rest of the day went on, Rhea kept having surprise after surprise after surprise and of course while doing so she took photos of fans wherever she took you. “That was really nice of that family to pay for our meal.” You said walking alongside Rhea down the beach shore. 
“Yeah, it really was.” Rhea held your hand tighter as she swung both of your arms. Rhea took you to a five star restaurant that had strict dress clothes along with a wait list that lasted for months.  Rhea wore a black button up shirt along with black slacks and dress shoes that were now in her hands.
You wore a black skin tight dress that made your breasts push up perfectly to which the waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off. Rhea had to keep clearing her throat making sure the boy didn’t over spill the wine he poured. He’d meekly apologize and rushed away to another table with a blush dusted on his cheeks. 
Your dark heels dangled in your left hand, the sand squished in between your toes as the softness of it brushed up against your feet with each step you took. “Do you have any more surprises I should know about?” You teased. 
Rhea chuckled looking over at her, you noticed the top two buttons of her shirt were undone, the cool night breeze made the cloth slightly move. Your eyes dragged down seeing her breasts peeking out.
“I do have one more surprise to end this perfect day.” Rhea looked straight ahead. “It’s right here.” 
You looked where she was looking to see a blanket with a picnic basket on top of it and a dozen candle lit lanterns around the blanket. “Oh, Rhea. This is perfect.” You smiled at her. 
“Perfect way to watch the sunset.” Rhea hummed, pulling you towards the romantic set. She laid down on the large blanket and tugged you down. You laid down next to her, head against her chest as you watched the waves roll in and the orange sun setting leaving behind a pink, purplish, blue sunset. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” Rhea hummed, her hand rubbing up and down your back as she posted herself up along with you on her breasts. You could hear her heart thumping a million miles per minute. You knew she was nervous about something. 
You watched as the sun crept below the horizon until it was fully dark and the stars replaced the pretty sunset and the moon was in the sky. You sat there, watching the waves wash onto the beach and roll back into the ocean. “Well, should we start heading back to the hotel?” You sat up looking at Rhea. You slightly squinted at her, confused by her grinchish grin. She has something up her sleeve. “What?” You broke out a smile.
“I want to do something before we leave.” Rhea whispered, grabbing you by the waist she rolled you over, making her on top.
“R- Rhea?” You swallowed, slowly getting the idea she had in mind. 
“Shh, relax baby, relax.” Rhea’s hand slid under your black dress, pushing it upwards she let out a soft moan. “Fuck, no panties?” 
“I- I know how much you like it when I don’t wear any.”
“I’ve trained you so well, Y/N.” Rhea’s hard slid up your smooth thigh, massaging your waist. Rhea leaned down, her hot breath against your sensitive cunt. You squirmed in her grip making her chuckle. “Poor darling, I haven’t even touched you and you’re squirming under me.”
“S- Sorry, mommy.” You moaned as her tongue slowly licked the entrance of your cunt, you bit your bottom lip, arching your back. Rhea didn’t hesitate to thrust her tongue inside you, swirling it around and stretching you. She moaned against your pussy, moving back and forth, the bridge of her nose pumping your clit.
“Fuck!” You sobbed, bucking your hips against her face. “I- I’m close, I’m gonna come.” You warned. 
Rhea lapped her tongue over your tight walls a few more times before pulling away, a string of your juices snapping off her lips as she smirked. “Already? So soon?” Rhea’s fingers replaced her mouth, smearing her saliva over your eaten out pussy. 
“Hmm’ sorry.” You sucked the inside of your cheek, feeling slightly embarrassed. 
“Oh no need to be embarrassed, love. I love when I can make you come so quickly. But how about you come on my cock, hmm?” 
“You- You brought the toy?” You gushed.
“Oh honey, I did more than just brought it.” Rhea sat on her knees and started to unbuckle her belt. “I wore it.” 
Your cunt pulsed, the thought of Rhea wearing the strap-on underneath her pants made you even wetter before. Please mommy, fucking put it in me.” 
Rhea laughed lowly, pushing the black slacks down her thighs to fully let the cock extend from her pants. “Such an eager little girl, huh?”
You nodded your head without a response only to cry out, arching your back as Rhea slapped her palm over your wet cunt. “Y- Yes, please yes, fuck!” You cried out.
“Always such a good little girl, Y/N.” Rhea reached over at the wooden basket she brought and pulled out a small bottle of lube. She squirted some in her hand and soon lathered the cock with it. The straps were secured over her thighs and waist making her ass plump. “Fuck, I’ve been dreaming of coming home and fucking you every night, baby.” Rhea bucked her hips, fucking the fake cock into her lubed up hand. 
“Me too, I’ve been wanting your cock mommy, I’ve been craving it.” You tried to waist patiently, you squirmed your hips, watching her fuck her own hand and not you was like torture. “Rhea, please I want it.”
“You’ll get it, love.” Rhea tossed the small lube bottle towards the basket and pulled you closer to her, making you squeak. She rubbed the silicon cock against your folds, pushing very slowly and watched your cunt swallow the toy whole. Moaning lowly as your walls clenched down on the large toy. You wrapped your legs around Rhea’s waist, forcing the toy to bury deeper as she leaned forward. “Fu- Fuck!” You moaned.
“Yeah, there she is.” Rhea kissed your neck and jawline as she slowly started to rock her hips against you. “Take it so well, princess.”
“Y- Yes, faster, please.” You clenched the back of Rhea’s shoulders, trying to pull her closer to you as your dress kept hiking up further on your body.
“Naughty girl, I wanted to take it nice and slow for this special night but you wanna be fucked like some whore from the streets.” 
“Yes!” You screamed. “Fuck me like a common whore, mommy.” 
Rhea sat up slightly, watching how her cock pushed in and out of your dripped cunt, smirking at the sound of your wet cunt taking the toy. “Fuck, look at you. A sobbing mess for my cock.” Rhea rutted her hips in a circle, hitting it from a different angle. Rhea smirked at your facial features, your mouth hanging open and no sounds coming out. “Fuck, looks like I ruined you with this cock. Looking so cock drunk for me.” Rhea laughed.
Rhea didn’t let up on her thrusts as she grunted with each movement, your quiet sobs left your throat as you arched your back. Your walls clamped tightly around her cock each time she pushed in and tried to keep her in whenever she pulled out. “C- Come, I’m gonna come!” 
“Oh no sweet heart.” Rhea pulled her cock out from your fucked cunt making you sob loudly from the lost of contact. “You’re gonna work for this orgasm.” Rhea used her muscles, filling you over and forcing you on your knees while your shoulders and head were pushed into the ground. “Fuck, I nearly forgot how flexible you are.” Rhea moaned, grabbing the base of the cock she pushed back into your needy hole.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You chanted as Rhea’s cock was buried to the hilt of your cunt but didn’t move. “Pl- Please!” You sobbed, feeling fresh tears drip down your cheeks and onto the blanket.
“Oh no, you wanted to act like a whore so I’m going to treat you like one. I want to see this ass bounce on my cock and earn your orgasm.” Rhea’s hand sharply slapped onto your ass once more, making sure your dress was out of the way.
You groaned, about to push yourself up onto your hands but was pushed back down onto your face by Rhea pushing the mid of your back down. “No. I want you to work for it. Grind.” 
You shivered at her dominant tone, rocking your hips back you moaned softly as her cock nearly slipped out of you, leaving the tip and pushing back into you. “Fuck.” You whispered to yourself. “Feels so good.”
“Looks so good.” Rhea replied, watching as you started to pick up pace, riding yourself on her cock from behind. “Fuck darling, you’re taking this cock so fucking well.” Rhea gripped your ass, trying to stop herself from thrusting inside of you. “Keep going, baby.”
“M- Mommy.” 
“Mommy has you baby, keep going.” Rhea grunted, she watched as your creamy cunt lathered the cock up with your juices each time you pulled out. She moaned at the sight, not helping herself but slightly buck her hips against you, hitting that sensitive spot nearly making you go over the edge. 
“C- Commies, mommy, I need to commies!” You warned, slamming your hips back against the cock it was hitting you in all the right places. The way Rhea gripped your waist and was meeting your thrusts made you scream her name as she was grunting behind you. Sloppy wet sounds of the cock plunging your cunt erupted on the empty beach.
“Come baby, come on my fucking dick.” Rhea moaned. 
A fire spread from your cunt throughout your body as your walls clenched tighter against her dick, you gripped the blanket tightly as you gasped loudly. The dam breaking and your orgasm riding through your body, you shuttered out a moan as you squirted on her cock.
“Holy shit!” Rhea exclaimed, surprised by the mess that she was covered in. 
You stilled yourself, light headed and seeing stars as you tried to blink them away. “Y/N, Y/N?” Rhea called your name, her hand rubbing your back as you hummed in pleasure.
“Are you okay?” She slowly pulled the cock from your cunt making you wince slightly. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, rolling over on your back your eyes widened at the sight. Rhea’s pants that rested upon her thighs were soaked and the rubber toy was dripping with your juices. “Did- Did I just-”
“Squirt? Yeah, all over me.” Her eyebrow arched with a cocky grin.
“Oh god, I- I’m so sorry, wait hold on.” You reached into the basket to try and find a towel or something to clean her up. You were too embarrassed to even look at your girlfriend, being the first time you ever squirted, you didn’t hear her voice.
“Wait, no, Y/N!” Rhea reached towards the basket trying to take it away from you but you stopped looking for the towel only to see a small black box, slowly reaching for it you pulled it out.
“What’s this?” Your eyes left the black smooth box and looked at Rhea who looked guilty, rubbing the back of her neck and looking away. She swallowed thickly and finally looked at you.
“Open it up and see what’s inside.” 
Your heart was racing as you kept your eyes on Rhea the whole time. You didn’t break eye contact even when you opened the box, you were too scared, worried that it was just a pair of earrings and not what you really wanted. Your eyes glimpsed at what was inside only to quickly shut it. “N- No.” 
“Yes.” Rhea smiled, in one smooth motion she tucked the dripping toy covered in your juices into her slacks, adjusting herself and buckling them up quickly she got down on one knee. “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest wrestler in the world and be my wife?”
“Oh god, Rhea Ripley yes! I fucking will!” Despite your dress being a mess you lunged towards her and hugged her. 
Rhea laughed, holding you close as she took the box from you, opening it again and pulled out the ring. She held your shaky hand and slid the band onto your ring finger. “It’s a perfect fit.” You sniffed, trying not to cry.
“Come on, let's take a picture.” Rhea helped you up onto your feet. She gave you time to adjust your dress and hair only to steal a kiss from you on the lips, you held your hand up towards the phone as she snapped the picture. “This is going on instagram.” She smiled, quickly posting the picture.
The likes instantly started to come in and comments on how people are proud and congratulations. One comment that got the most likes stated: ‘They fucked on the beach’.
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Rhea Ripley's Masterlist
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according2thelore · 3 months
omg that ask about them fighting 😭 it IS like seeing your parents fight, omg. and the way fighting sam & dean totally lose track of everything else….. i think they could forget the younger ones are watching and be. quite mean 😢
on a similar note (shyly tucking hair behind my ears lol) any thoughts of es! sam finding that damn voicemail? i can’t help but think of that as a time bomb sitting around in the form of tech he actually knows how to use.
hi, anon!
gosh, you're so right!!! they get so into it there's no way they're not taking some insane shots that leave their younger selves absolutely gobsmacked and hurt.
and oh lord...
let's talk about ES!Sam finding the voicemail.
ES!Sam knows where he hides stuff, so the first thing he does when LS!Sam is occupied is snoop. he checks under the bed immediately and finds LS!Sam's box of momentos.
it's of course got the retirement community brochure (that makes ES!Sam lose his fucking breath. it knocks him on his ass. his entire world gets remade in a fucking second by the idea that he could have both? that he is planning for both? a domestic life with no monsters and a mortgage and a life with dean? those two things never coexisted for ES!Sam before, that's why he ran away with his entire life packed in two bags but here LS!Sam is planning for a life with dean sun-warm sleepy on a couch that they own.)
it's got the pictures, that give sam a pleasant pause, and then, tucked under a photo (but before sam gets to the amulet, because that would be a goddamn revelation as we discussed last time), is the same cellphone that ES!Sam has in his pocket.
he's kind of like oh !! fun !! because this phone is cracked and scuffed up, unlike the relatively new one tucked into his hoodie pocket. he pulls his own phone to compare the two, and tries turning LS!Sam's on, but of course, it doesn't work.
ES!Sam asks LS!Dean coyly how to order things on the computer, and LS!Dean seems eager to show off when ES!Sam explains that "his" phone battery got shot when they got time-travelled, and he needs to buy a new one.
ES!Sam's not even really sure why he wants to look at it so bad, but it's kind of the only thing that -- at this time, anyway -- connects him to his life in the future. all of LS!Sam's clothes are different. his computer is different. his hair is different. he doesn't have his bracelet or his books (that ES!Sam has seen), or anything that marks them as the same person.
when the battery finally arrives, ES!Sam eagerly clicks it in and turns the phone on.
there's only one file.
ES!Sam finds his old contacts, but all of his photos and messages and call logs have been deleted. except for one.
it's a voicemail.
from dean.
ES!Sam is kind of annoyed, because he was kind of looking forward to seeing his old photos and messages from the lens of the future like a proper sci-fi protagonist, but okay.
he holds the phone up to his ear, scratching at his jaw absently as he clicks the play button.
his world ends.
then it starts playing again.
it plays again.
ES!Sam realizes his thumb presses down on the play button, but he can't feel it.
it plays again.
he's staring at the wall. his mind--for one of the first times in his entire life--is completely fucking blank. he plays it again.
Listen to me, you bloodsucking freak. Dad always said I'd either have to save you or kill you. Well, I'm giving you fair warning. I'm done trying to save you. You're a monster, Sam -- a vampire. You're not you anymore. And there's no going back.
it's everything he feared. everything.
at this point, a S!2 sam has been told what dad's last instructions were. he knows that dean was told to kill him. he's told him he trusts him to do it--wants him to do it.
but this.
this isn't an act of trust, this is an act of hatred. of violence. i'm done trying to save you.
bloodsucking freak.
there's no going back.
he's standing in the war room doorway, swaying. he doesn't know how he got there. the room is blurred at the edges and LS!Sam stands up when he sees the look on his face. ES!Dean is sitting next to him, and stands too, slowly,
"sammy?" he asks. ES!Sam flinches. hard. LS!Sam goes to him immediately and ES!Sam grabs him by the arm, a punishing grip. LS!Sam holds a hand up to the ES!Dean behind him, muttering an i've got him, because ES!Dean has started to approach.
"i need to talk to you," he says, voice uneven. LS!Sam just leads him away, taking them down to one of the dungeons they haven't outfitted yet, but LS!Sam knows it's soundproof. LS!Sam knows ES!Sam has been getting angrier and angrier over the past few days, so he's readying himself for a rant from ES!Sam about their life or his expectations or the bunker, but ES!Sam just drops the phone in his hand.
"what did we do?" ES!Sam asks, "what the fuck did we do?"
LS!Sam stares down and knows exactly what ES!Sam has heard. what he's talking about. he kept this phone for one purpose, and knows the only thing sam would've found on it.
"i can't--i can't tell you. you know that."
LS!Sam watches as ES!Sam paces away from him, then back. he looks wrecked, eyes watering and face ashen and shattered. he looks like he's going to throw up.
"he--he tried to kill us. dean--he hates us. he doesn't wear the amulet. we--i. i am a freak. i'm going to become that."
both sams are quiet for a second.
"yeah. you are. he did. he doesn't." LS!Sam says. he's not going to lie to himself. he got over self-delusion a long time ago. his younger self visibly crumples, gutted and scared and upset. "but you live through it. you're going to keep living through it."
LS!Sam means it to be encouraging, but ES!Sam clearly takes it as a threat. he shakily takes a few steps away to catch his breath, rubbing a harsh hand over his face. LS!Sam trails after him, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder.
he remembers receiving that voicemail. he gutted a woman because of it. he drained her dry, until he was limp and freezing in his arms. he knows this feeling, and his chest constricts thinking of receiving it earlier, before dean's death had made him into a different person, before hell made dean a different person.
"dean bought us matching popcorn buckets in reno last month. it's not...over. it changes. it changes all the time." LS!Sam says. ES!Sam looks at him over his shoulder, brow furrowed and mouth parted. LS!Sam shrugs, thinking of how he and dean have never been one thing. "we changed it first."
ES!Sam blinks, and LS!Sam knows he's thinking about the fact they didn't talk to dean for two years at stanford. ES!Sam shrugs his hand off, and looks down at the phone in LS!Sam's other limp hand like it has teeth.
"i'd kill myself before i became whatever he thinks i am. i can't--" ES!Sam says, voice trailing off.
"yeah. you're going to think that for a while. it's okay."
LS!Sam tries to smile at him. ES!Sam shakes his head, but doesn't say anything else. it's all he can give.
ES!Sam never asks "why did you keep it?" because they both know why. it's a reminder. a flagellation. this is what can happen. this is what you did. this is what we repent for.
they don't talk about it again.
but that night, as they ready for bed, and ES!Dean is humming while he's brushing his teeth, ES!Sam has to stop what he's doing to watch him do it. he feels sick to his stomach.
he’s so…angry. upset. heartbroken. there’s a childish need to reassure himself that dean still…sam doesn’t know, loves him, maybe? he wants to lean into dean’s space, wants to have dean laugh at something he says, wants to straight up ask, but sam stays silent. he’s terrified that the next thing he says will break them already.
ES!Dean raises a brow, and says, "i'll spit on you," around a mouth full of toothpaste and foam, and when ES!Sam gives a breathless chuckle, he has to turn to hide the frantic tear that tries to fall.
it changes.
ES!Sam's not ready for it to change. he doesn't want it to. his big brother flops down on his bed with a garbled noise, teeth brushed, and kicks sam's shin with his socked foot.
"your turn, princess."
ES!Sam kicks him back. he holds on tight to this moment, the way dean's nose scrunches, the way his chest rises, the way he tries to bend his arm to scratch at his own shoulder blade.
it changes. but not yet.
this ran away from me. holy shit. she ran.
thank you for this ask, anon! this was super interesting to think about! i HOPE ES!Sam never finds the voicemail, but knowing what we know about his rambunctious ass, he is definitely snooping.
i really hope you see this, anon! thank you again so much for this lovely ask!!!!!!!! i am kissing you on both cheeks! :)
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
Meet my OC - Viktor Ivanov
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Name: Viktor Ivanov Book: Immortal Desires Orientation: Bisexual Pronouns: He/him Birthday: 12th October 1997 Sign: Libra Born: Dunedin, New Zealand Raised: Sydney, Australia, and Inverness, Scotland (with some short stints in both NZ and Croatia) Heritage: Croat
More under the cut! 🖤✨
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Henrik Ivanov (younger brother) Mother (name tbd) Father (name tbd)
Viktor’s closest family member is his younger brother Henrik (Henri, as a diminutive), who is eight. Henri attends boarding school, so they do not see each other much, but Henri idolises his big brother and Viktor would do anything to keep Henri from being hurt. He believes his parents treat Henri as the “do-over” child, and that they think Viktor “lacks ambition” and “refuses to take anything seriously”. There is a lot of pressure on Henri to perform well academically and to follow in his father’s footsteps, career-wise.
Viktor’s father’s career remains something of a mystery to him — he knows it is a somewhat high-ranking governmental position that requires him to travel a lot, so his father is only home for short stints every few months. When he was around 12 or 13, Viktor decided he would ask his dad outright what his job actually was the next time he showed an interest in one of Viktor’s hobbies or interests.
To this day, Viktor has no idea what his father does for a living.
His mother is a stay-at-home housewife. She is the family member Viktor sees the most often, and also the one he has the worst relationship with.
Skills / Hobbies
Sketching, painting, singing — frontman and founder of grunge/rock band Your Bisexual Awakening. Also plays bass
YBA cycles through names often, all of which have a story attached. They choose a new name via the following system: if a band member says something stupid or memorable in conversation, and two or more members simultaneously say "band name", they must change it to whatever was just said. I.e.
Cal: seriously, guys? again? Ava: my bad. Angel's refractory period is more like a Refractory Comma Angel, Viktor, and Luca, simultaneously: band name Ava: aw, fuck.
Random Trivia
Moved a lot as a child — growing up jumping between Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, and Croatia has left Viktor with the weirdest accent. Its mostly Scottish... ish? Kinda?
Enjoys anime — once described watching Tokyo Ghoul as the purest spiritual experience of his life (and then sulked inconsolably for a week when he found out the final season was copaganda)
Scared of dogs (was bitten when he was younger)
Loves having his photo taken, but also can’t look at photos of himself sometimes, because they often bring on depersonalisation episodes
Huge collection of slogan t-shirts he crops and alters himself.
Can do overtone / polyphonic singing (but not well)
When he shared a dorm room with Luca at Avalon, for a while his alarm was this Marc Rebillet song (until Luca threatened to beat him to death with a pair of socks unless he changed it)
Has a crush on Kylo Ren
Is deeply ashamed of his crush on Kylo Ren
Favourite movie is Sucker Punch (will rant AT LENGTH about how people completely miss the feminist read)
His fashion sense is varied and questionable. One day he’ll be in gritty, black techwear, the next he’s full flower-boy poet. Then he’ll be Grandma-chic, and the next day he might be wearing a three-piece suit patterned exclusively with cobs of corn.
He does really love garments that drape and flow, though, and is a bit of a sucker for glitter and fun textures. No matter how loud, he somehow manages to always wear the outfits, and not have them wear him.
Viktor’s goals are informed by an odd mix of wanting a sense of agency and independence, while also just wanting to be taken care of and not have to think
Pathetic Babygirl of All Time
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Personal Life
cw!! for talk around mental illness, suicide, and substance abuse
Viktor’s childhood was extremely difficult in that his mother simply does not believe that mental illnesses and neurologic disorders are legitimate conditions, and denies that Viktor’s many conditions are real. She believes he is making everything up for attention. Viktor has had this rhetoric drilled into him since childhood — there is nothing wrong with him, he’s just weak, lazy, a failure, a troubled child.
As such, he has never been diagnosed with anything on record.
He is quite mistrustful of authority figures as a result of his upbringing.
The first real, healthy parental influence in his life was Terri O’Rinn. She was the one to refer Viktor to a specialist doctor — she called in a favour from a friend/colleague, who was able to confirm Viktor’s diagnosis of mild to moderate Tourette Syndrome. This diagnosis remains strictly off-record. He primarily has motor tics, but he does have some verbal ones too — many of his tics are indistinguishable from the way he carries himself and his usual, somewhat eccentric mannerisms of speaking and moving.
Viktor also suffers from depression and generalised anxiety disorder. Luca has “diagnosed” him with “ADHD by peer review.” Viktor also deals with frequent bouts of passive suicidal ideation. Luca has had to talk him down on two separate occasions when he has threatened attempts. He has attempted once, on his own, and has never told anyone about it. Viktor loves Luca like a brother, as they do him, and their bond is fundamentally unshakeable.
Viktor fell into performing initially as a means to cope with his Tourettes — music helps to help him feel in control of his symptoms, so he can often be found singing, humming, or whistling to himself as he goes about his business. Alcohol and weed incidentally dial back his premonitory urges as well, allowing him to more easily suppress his tics, so there have been patterns of substance abuse throughout Viktor’s life when he’s been in a bad place mentally.
In classes at school, he was something of the class clown — Viktor quickly realised he liked dictating the kind of attention that was on him (and that he actually really loves attention when its the kind he has sought out himself). So rather than people staring at him because of his tics, he’d rather enrapture them on purpose with beautiful and hypnotic performances. Leaning into his role as the band’s vocalist and frontman did wonders for his self-confidence and overall quality of life.
Also — he’s just really, really, good at singing 🖤🖤🖤
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You can find out more about Viktor via my masterlist, or read about him in my longfic, snow in crimson, starlight in gold on AO3! 🖤(direct link, fic is rated Explicit)
tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
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https-harlow · 2 years
Valentine's Day
A/N- A little valentines Insta au even though it isn't technically valentines day anymore
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Liked by Jackharlow, Claybornharlow, Urbanwyatt and 14,738 others
Yourusername Woke up this morning to 2 flower bouquets at the front door, one for me and one for Paisley. Even though you've only been gone for a couple days, and are coming home in 2 days, we miss you. I love you so much, thank you.
Jackharlow: Love my girls so much. It's the least I could do for how much you support me and push me to follow my dreams even when I promised you I wouldn't have to travel for awhile.
Yourusername: Won't lie, it made me cry. Paisley's been carrying around the stuffed animal all afternoon. As soon as Clay came over she kept telling him "Daddy gave me."
Jackharlow: Yourusername Fuck, I want to come home now, I miss my girls so much.
Yourusername: Jackharlow 2 days, you can do it, we'll be at the airport waiting for you to land I promise.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I'm going to hold you to that.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I have a break in 20, FaceTime?
Yourusername: Jackharlow Of course, Paisley has been asking since she woke up from her nap to "See daddy? When see daddy?"
Jackharlow: Yourusername That's it, I'm booking the next flight home.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Stay, we'll come with you next time.
Urbanwyatt: You have no idea how stressed Jack was about picking the perfect flowers for you two.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt That was supposed to be a secret.
Jackharlow: Also, there's something else coming tomorrow for you, Paisley and the baby, but that's a secret.
Yourusername: Jackharlow You didn't have to get us anything but thank you, you spoil us so much.
Jackharlow: Yourusername Like I said, its the least I could do.
Jackfan74: Jack being stressed about the flowers is so cute to me.
Jackfan62: I wonder what he got them 👀
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Liked by Jackharlow, Urbanwyatt, Claybornharlow, Cozane, and 21,375 others
Yourusername It might be the first Valentine’s Day we’ve spent apart, but jackharlow still made it special. Even though I told him not to worry about doing anything yesterday flowers showed up for Paisley and I, and today claybornharlow and cozane show up with a cake because when Jack asked if I needed anything and I said cake, because the baby is craving it. I didn't think he would actually get one. Thank you for everything and Paisley and I love you so much.
Jackharlow: I'm glad the cake didn't get eaten before Claybornharlow and Cozane brought it to you and Paisley.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Paisley even shared with Claybornharlow.
Cozane: Yourusername But not with me.
Yourusername: Cozane She's a little hesitant about the tattoos still, but I think if you show up with cake you'll win her over eventually.
Cozane: Yourusername More cake, noted.
Jackharlow: Cozane One day she won't be scared of you 😂
Cozane: Jackharlow She did let me hold one of her dolls, so we're making progress.
Yourusername: Cozane And she was excited because "Cake matches his head."
Jackharlow: Yourusername That does sound like something she would be excited about.
Cozane: Jackharlow And then she had to put the icing on my tattoo, to be fair, it did match pretty well.
Yourusername: Also, Paisley helped me pick out the picture I posted, I showed her a couple different ones and she wanted this one because "Daddy's outfit looks silly."
Jackharlow: Yourusername I swear, having a 2 year old is the most humbling thing ever, people ask how I deal with hate comments, the real question should be how I deal with Paisley's comments. I love her, but damn she's brutal sometimes.
Jackharlow: Yourusername Also, I should add when I had it on she said she liked it because of the colors, and she wasn't complaining when it was cold and it was keeping her warm.
Yourusername: Jackharlow I guess she changed her mind. She really wanted me to post the MacBook reindeer antler photo.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I'll never forgive Urbanwyatt for showing her that picture.
Urbanwyatt: Jackharlow In my defense, I just wanted to see if she could tell it was you, I didn't expect it to become her favorite picture.
Yourusername: Jackharlow She really does love it.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt Yourusername Yeah, but now every time she sees reindeer antlers she points at them and says "Daddy picture?"
Jackfan46: Not Paisley terrorizing Jack more then online comments 😭
Jackfan39: sounds like she terrorizes Copelan just as much
Jackfan78: I’m curious who she doesn’t terrorize
Yourusername: Jackfan78 Urban, he’s her favorite 🙄 since she realized she could balance stuff on my stomach that’s been where she puts all of her stuffed animals.
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Liked by Yourusername, Urbanwyatt, Cozane, Claybornharlow, and 49,394 Others
Jackharlow Our 5th Valentine's Day together and every year no matter what I do seems to be enough to show you how much I love you. Thank you for always pushing me to follow my dreams, and helping me be the best dad and husband I can be. You deserve the world and more. I am so lucky that you choose me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I love our girls. I can't wait to see you two tomorrow night, and I have a late Valentine's Date planned to make up for being gone.
Yourusername: Jackharlow I love you so much. You show me how much you love me every single day, I never doubt it for a second. Thank you for always putting Paisley, the baby, and I first when you have a million things other things you could be doing.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I always will, nothing matters more.
Jackharlow: Also, thank you Claybornharlow and Cozane for helping me with the surprises, and watching Paisley while Yourinstagram went and got her nails done.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Another thing I told you you didn't have to do, but thank you.
Jackharlow: Yourusername You're welcome, I knew if I didn't schedule the appointment in advance you wouldn't have went until I got home. You deserve a break after having an almost 2 year old by yourself for a couple of days and being 6 months pregnant.
Yourusername: Jackharlow You've been sending Clay over everyday.
Jackharlow: Yourusername You still deserve it.
Jackharlow: Claybornharlow You weren't supposed to tell her I asked you to go over 🙄
Claybornharlow: Jackharlow I DIDN'T also you're welcome.
Yourusername: Jackharlow He didn't, I just know you.
Cozane: Jackharlow Anytime, I'll just have to come prepared with cake for Paisley.
Urbanwyatt: I've never seen two people more in love, its gross.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt you’re just jealous
Urbanwyatt: Jackharlow Nah, you two have been grossly in love since you two were 15.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt We didn’t start dating until we were 16?
Urbanwyatt:Jackharlow EXACTLY, why do you think I set you two up 🙄
Jackfan39: I want someone to love me as much as Jack loves Y/N.
Jackfan13: Paisley's gotten so big 😭 I can't believe she's almost 2.
Jackfan84: That should be me 🫠🫠
Yourusername via stories
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Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 52 - Goodbye. (part 1, out of 2.)
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Judging from the clothes, this story happens after Ecaflip City. Yes, I am analysing a story that never gets told. This is my last chance to get really tin-foil hat-ty with this blog.
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Not Joris leaning on the table cutely... 😭
Also, considering it is no longer snowing, I am assuming this takes place during spring. Therefore, in this episode, Joris is now eight years old! :D
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Kerubim is probably feeling like he's going through his 20th platonic divorce. Even though Simone is literally leaving a job and he's her boss.
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Everyone in this household is somehow traumatized by divorces, despite no marriage even taking place.
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(coughs up blood) It's lore unfriendly if you don't draw Simone and Julie with matching rings. Preferably on their ring-fingers.
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While there is something to be said about the fact that Kerubim is gentle here, and doesn't even seem bothered, — I think it's him putting on a brave face.
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He probably feels like he's losing Simone. And, just like he is going to lose Simone now, he is going to lose Joris. Because Joris is bound to grow up and leave him, or go through a moody teenage phase.
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And after that, are they going to have a good relationship? Is Simone going to visit him? Is Joris going to visit him? Is Joris going to have someone he loves more than him too...? He can't expect either of them to be a part of his life forever, — it's selfish, he already had his chances at companionship with Lou, Bashi, Indie, and Atcham, and he missed them all.
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He can't expect them to be a part of his life forever — both metaphorically and literally. He couldn't have known that the dragon thing would extend Joris's lifespan.
And who knows, if Joris will even like or tolerate him anymore, once he's old enough to actually think.
The impact of this exchange only gets more emotional, if you consider the fact that Joris is now eight years old.
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Simone is going to miss them too. It's probably why she wants them to start a travelling store, — so that the two of them can meet new people, form new connections, once she's gone, — and so that, perhaps, they could visit her too.
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Chances are, the happy atmosphere is a bit painful. He has a lot of reasons to be sad.
He can't just live in a bubble where everything stays happy forever.
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Joris's book he worked on the entire show...
This says "JORIS SECRET"
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They will miss each other a lot.
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Of course the guy who grew up with Kerubim would think this is remotely okay. dfjgksfdg. One last moment of bashing Kerubim's parental skills for the road...
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I love this show.
I love it with my whole heart.
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If they make a second Dofus movie, and don't include Simone in it again, I am not responsible for my actions.
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Not Joris playing with a rock...
He's so used to having Simone, that it feels lonely, to just be with Kerubim again. He hasn't had someone leave in his life, yet, either... This is a first for him.
Also, for the last time in this show, I will translate: the book still says "ALBUM PHOTO".
Just like the other times we've seen it.
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I know Kerubim says that one has to rub it (and calls him a fucking noob), but listen. Listen. I have some pretty big news for Bob:
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There's this little thing called "survivorship bias", and basically——
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Bo: Reclamation
You and Bo finally find a way to leave your old lives behind in favor of the one you've built together.
warnings: nsfw, pregnancy
slasher masterlist here
You'd always hated Bo's dad. His mom wasn't much better, but she at least tried to keep the other boys out of harm's way. Childhood was a sore subject for you both, but you'd be damned if it would be for the baby growing in your belly. When you had brought up the idea of starting a family the first time, Bo had scoffed at the idea. Said he wasn't cut out for it, but you knew better. For as sadistic as he could be, travelers with kids were never harmed. He had always looked after his brothers in his own weird way. He cared for you enough to soften just slightly, and you were convinced anyone could do a better job than his parents. 
When test after test turned up positive, you were surprised, but not all that nervous. You had been quietly coaxing Bo into the idea for some time, and there was no way you were giving up this baby, his baby. You already had a couple names picked out, but that could wait.
"Honey?" You padded into the living room to find your boyfriend right where you expected: laid back in the recliner watching soccer. "Got a surprise for ya." 
Bo looked up at you, your smiling face upside down from standing behind the chair. "Yeah? Let's see it."
You handed him an envelope, which he opened to find a photo of all four pregnancy tests with a note on the back that read, "From Mama to Daddy." The smile didn't leave as you remembered how discreet you had to be in asking Lester to drive you into town to print the photo without him seeing it.
"You serious right now?" His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he stared at the photo.
"Hundred percent, babe." You circled around the recliner and he set it down so you could sit in his lap.
"We're having a baby." His eyes hadn't moved yet. "You're pregnant...with our baby."
You tilted your head at him. "Not like I've been fucking anyone else." 
Bo snorted, finally looking up at you again. He pulled you closer to kiss all over your face, making you laugh and push him off, and he leaned back with a dopey grin. "I got something to show you too."
Nobody else really ventured into the basement of the garage, so Bo had plenty of time and space to put together his surprise for you. He told you he'd been saving up for almost a year, but you didn't know what until he handed you a small tool box filled with engagement rings. He had never looked so vulnerable and sweet as he did when you opened the lid and gasped at the sparkling gems. 
"Oh, honey." You carefully dumped them out on his desk, spreading the rings out to see them all. "This is amazing. I don't even know what to say..."
He wrapped his arms around you, "Y'could say yes."
It suddenly dawned on you that this was an actual proposal. Bo had never been the best at expressing emotion through words, actions suited him much better. "Of course I'll be your wife, darlin'. Honestly, I don't know why you waited three years to ask."
He accepted your kiss with visible relief. "Never felt like the right time, I guess. I've wanted to marry you since we were eighteen, so waitin' a few more years was nothin'."
You cuddled into him, happy to call him your husband even if the marriage was off the books. You both knew Ambrose needed to stay off the maps, so the subject wasn't even brought up when you sifted through the rings some more. You also didn't need to ask where he had gotten them after helping to go through victims' belongings time and time again. They made a sizeable pile, and the ones you didn't want would do well at a pawn shop. Business always went with pleasure in Ambrose.
At five months and a much larger physique, you found out that you were having a girl. You insisted that she not take the name of a relative, that she would be entirely her own person, and Bo agreed. After another few weeks of contemplation it was decided that your daughter would be called June.
You had more trouble with aches and pains than you did with self esteem, even at the tail end of your pregnancy. Bo was adamant that you were just as beautiful and spent all his free time doting on you. Family was everything to him, especially his wife. The secondhand ring gleamed on your finger as you swayed with him to old country songs anytime the radio was on. 
When June was born, your already busy lives became even fuller with a fussy baby around. There wasn't much time for intimacy, but Bo was determined to make you remember how much he'd always adored you. You didn't do a thing except focus on June until you'd had enough of missing him while he worked. The help around the house was nice, but you needed him there with you. 
"Honey, come to bed. It's late and I can't sleep without you." You stood behind his chair at the kitchen table where he was fiddling with some broken appliance. Hands on his shoulders, you kneaded the muscles until he leaned back to look at you.
"Sorry mama, I'm comin'." Bo stood and stretched before following you to bed. Though you weren't as big anymore, he'd formed a habit of helping you out of your clothes at night. He kissed your neck and wrapped his arms around your bare middle.
You sighed happily and turned your head to kiss him back, hoping he wouldn't be too tired to go further. "Can I ride you tonight?"
He hummed in agreement and slipped his calloused hands over your soft hips. He hugged you to him for a moment, then let go. You turned to face him with a smile. Bo kissed your lips as chastely as he was able and took his own clothes off.
"Lay down, sugar." He did as you asked and settled in while you climbed on top. You stroked his cock and felt it twitch. Your pussy clenched at the thought of being full after too long a wait. "Oh, could you get a condom from the drawer?" One baby was enough for the moment.
"Sure, sweetheart." He rolled it on and helped lift you over his cock. "Ready?"
You nodded and started to sink down with a breathy moan. He was thick, though not particularly lengthy; you still knew better than to rush. Feeling your already slick folds part to take him in made your skin tingle with equal parts satisfaction at having him under you, and anticipation for how much more you'd be taking. Bo laid as still as he could, but it was torture seeing your expression and feeling your cunt envelop him without being able to move with you. He groaned and tightened his grip on your love handles. He'd put on a bit of pudge over the years as well, and you hummed happily as you braced yourself on his thick thighs. You were over halfway down and kept the pace slow. Finally letting your weight rest on him was one of the most satisfying parts. 
When you could sit on his cock properly, you leaned over to kiss him on the lips. He sighed through his nose and wrapped his arms around you. The strength from hard labor was obvious even through cushioning from years of home cooked meals. Bo trailed kisses down your jaw, then pulled back to look at you with lovestruck eyes. "I'll never get tired of this."
You chuckled and rubbed the tip of your nose against his. "Sleeping with me?"
"Loving you." He flashed a dopey smile. "In any way you'll let me."
Flushed from more than exertion, you shook your head, strands of hair falling into your face. "I love you too, baby."
He tucked your hair behind your ear and smoothed his hands over the curves of your body. You didn't bother sitting up; his chest was warm and solid under your cheek when you relaxed against him fully. You rolled your hips slowly and felt his hands settle on the swell of your ass, squeezing when you clenched around his cock. The house was quiet except for the faint calls of crickets and the wet sounds of your pussy swallowing him again and again. Bo rocked his hips in tandem and kneaded your pillowy flesh. With a soft whine, you angled your body so that your clit could get some friction, however slight. Ever attentive to your needs, he slipped a hand between you to stroke the little bundle of nerves. You responded with a throaty moan and panted hot breaths onto his skin.
The coil in your gut was tightening with every thrust, inching you closer to the edge. As much as you enjoyed savoring the intimacy of love making, you needed more. Pressing your nails into his shoulders, you murmured dazedly, "Need you to fuck me, Bo."
"Yeah?" He kissed the top of your head. "Don't worry darlin', I'll make you cum as many times as you want." 
Your world spun as he rolled so he could kneel on the bed, then flipped you back over and pulled your hips up to meet his. You yelped and braced your arms underneath you. With a low chuckle, he grabbed handfuls of your ass and let go to watch it jiggle. You keened into the pillow, trying not to wake the baby sleeping just down the hall. Bo pushed your legs open wider and guided his cock back into you. The two of you shared a moan, then he started pounding into your cunt like he'd never get another chance. Biting the pillow, you gripped the sheets and pushed back as he thrust forward. You felt a bit lightheaded from breathing so hard and from the electrifying friction churning up your insides - you suspected he had been waiting for you to ask for this. It was getting harder to think, or do anything except take every harsh thrust like it was what you were made for. 
It could have been minutes or an hour before you were shoved off the precipice of a blinding orgasm. When your vision cleared, Bo was still going, though at a marginally kinder pace. He was muttering under his breath and you caught the words, "Perfect for me," and "Almost there." Knowing he wouldn't last much longer, you arched your back and told him to give you everything. With a low growl, he shoved his cock as deep as it would go and filled the condom; you could feel it expanding slightly inside you. When he was spent, Bo pulled out and gently lowered your body to the bed. He cleaned up while you tried valiantly to keep from dosing off. You reached out for him when he was done, snuggling into his warmth and allowing sleep to take you. 
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meraki-yao · 9 months
God, he must be so overwhelmed being in that huge city far from home and alone. I know he's a grown man and he is working but it's always better to have someone close on these long and tiring journeys 🥹
See, I kind of have a little more complicated perspective on his trip to China
Taylor travels a lot (I think in September we saw him in Australia, New York, London and Spain?) and I think he mentioned he loves doing so, so to some degree I think travelling comes easier to him
But China is different from all the other places we've recently seen him travel to. I have some authority to say this as 1, I am Chinese (ethnicity-wise, I am living in Hong Kong), and used to visit family in the mainland (geopolitics are weird) at least once a year 2, I check on the RWRB Chinese fandom from time to time (still mostly here, I consider myself to be a western RWRB fan, being a Hong Konger is weird and fun in that regard) 3, racial micro-aggressions and colourism is a common issue in China that everyone just goes with (I am mad about that) 4, I know Chinese celebrity culture and how different it is from Western celebrity culture. I was so anxious for him the moment he landed at Shanghai airport because I was worried the different perception of both his race and him as a celebrity/him as Alex would hurt him in some way. I kid you not, I was worried the whole time, even if I know he's a grown man and there's functionally nothing I can do.
In a way it did and it didn't, I guess? There were a couple of issues that I personally had with the GQ event, but those are more my subjective opinions. And there was an incident two days ago that I cannot for the life of me find a reliable retelling, so take it with a pinch of salt, but what happened was there was an... art event? That Taylor attended at a restaurant? I think he co-designed something, either a plaque or a shirt. It was a private event, but one of the guests leaked the invite online, so people knew he was going there at what time, and then a crowd gathered at the restaurant and even though it was relatively peaceful and police were there to keep them in order, it's still a crowd in front of a restaurant. They didn't get to meet him, he had to leave through a back door, and later on Little Red Book said he had a change of plans. Again there are like, two contradicting narratives I could find and I pieced this together to the best of my ability, so please take it with a pinch of salt. However, I will say the whole gathering at a place where a celebrity would potentially show up is the norm in China. It's not good, it will cause inconvenience, but it is how it is.
But on the other hand, on the day of the GQ event when we saw him on the boat and everything, people were showing him so much love. People were shouting "Welcome to China" from the bridges, some people took the day off just to travel to the venue to see him, and a lot of them prepared gifts and cards for him. I heard some really fucking awful Twitter drama was happening to him at the same time (and no I don't want to hear about it) so it was relieving in a way to see him get so much love in real life. And Taylor was incredibly sweet, signing books and photos and phone cases. This would never happen with Chinese celebrities (because everything is monetized), especially with firstprince or TayNick photos. (because even shipping and RPS shipping is monetized! It's so fucked and I'm mad about it!)
I am still concerned with just how much work he had and how tight his schedule was (on the 7th he changed into 5 outfits, did a photoshoot in the morning in the black blazer, photoshoot and meeting with fans in the afternoon in the casual set, early dinner party and blue carpet in the white suit, water carpet and red carpet in the brown suit, then dinner party in the lilac suit, what the fuck, especially when apparently no other guest had this tight a schedule) and I was extra concerned when he said in the live stream that he came alone (I already suspected that when he arrived at the airport and the police were keeping order instead of private security) and I kind of think the whole trip could have been better organized or done in a way less demanding for him
But with that being said, I am incredibly proud of him and grateful for him for coming to China and doing all these events. It feels like a step. And I completely admire him for going through all of this in such a different, foreign environment on his own. As much as seeing the boys and RWRB content makes me happy (and frankly, helping my shitty mental health), I do hope he has a good rest when he gets back. I think this trip took a toll on him even if he (hopefully) enjoyed it.
Chinese RWRB fans are joking that as much as they want Nick to visit as well, with how intense Taylor's schedule turned out and how introverted and tired Nick is, he'd be "swimming back in England" after a day 🤣
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
FOR YOUR REQUESTS! ( @steddieas-shegoes )
I need your version of Steddie joining the mile high club. Like maybe Eddie is traveling with his band on a private plane for the first time and Steve is with him so they take advantage of the opportunity 😈
This was really fun!! They rented out the plane for this tour, I'm assuming they just had some wild back-to-back bookings and they were all tired of flying with the public recognizing them. There's a lot of benefits, including getting in some quality time ((( : <
[Drabble request series on ao3]
2K words - Steddie - Rated: E
Contains: Hot sex on a plane, fingering, anal, romantic love for once... (established relationship and everything!)
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There's something about being high up in the air that makes Steve feel like anything's possible.
Maybe it's the whole flying thing, his grounded human body cradled in the small plane that Corroded Coffin had rented out for this tour. The magic of science, the feeling that he used to chase while jumping off of the porch from the top step with an open umbrella in his hand.
It's also got to be Eddie, his engagement ring shining black over his skin as he squeezes Steve's thigh.
"You'll be alright babe," Steve says, pressing his lips to his cheek as he puts an arm around Eddie's shoulders. "Just two more hours to go."
Eddie's teeth sink into his bottom lip and he sighs through his nose, like he's trying to calm a wave of anxiety instead of keeping his hand clenched around Steve's thigh so he doesn't touch himself with it.
"Can I convince you to make that ten minutes?" He asks, looking at Steve through his eyelashes, a move that sometimes still works on him.
Steve laughs, looking at Eddie's other hand, the one he tied to the armrest. It still looks good, like nothing's shifted to cut off his circulation.
"You can try," he tells him, staring at his mouth so he doesn't get caught up in his big brown eyes.
Eddie knows all of his weaknesses by now.
"Well okay, first of all. We know you love to show me off," Eddie says, keeping his voice down despite the fact that the rest of the band has been present for said showing off many times. "And what better way to show me off than to fuck me in front of an airplane window?"
Steve pulls back to look around the plane, a smirk growing over his face. He does like the sound of that.
"Secondsies, we're not going to have time once we land, unless you want to fuck me in the cab."
Shaking his head, Steve looks back at Eddie, remembering the one time they'd attempted to paw at each other in the back of a taxi.
"What's the third thing?" He asks, already convinced but committed to not making this easy for him.
"I'll let you kiss me on stage," he says, and Steve makes the fatal mistake of catching his eyes.
He's always wanted to do that, once they'd properly come out. Eddie never wanted to share that part of Steve, though. He agrees to interviews and letting Steve talk to the audience for a bit and even had him in one of the band's photo shoots one time – Steve had gotten him hard on purpose before they had to start posing in front of the camera and Eddie swore he'd get back at him for it, but it's been a year since then and every time he brings it up, Eddie's eyes go dark and his cheeks start to get pink.
"Deal. I get to decide when and how sexy it is," he says, reaching over to untie Eddie's hand. "Put the table away and pull the blind up."
Eddie beams at him, like he hadn't expected this to work, and starts to get the space around their seats in order.
Steve watches him against the backdrop of endless clouds and his cock gets thicker in his pants.
"Strip," he says, already pulling his own shirt off. "All of it."
Eddie is dexterous and efficient with his outfit, something ridiculous and complicated compared to Steve's lazy outfit of soft gray pants and a plain t-shirt, but he's had years of practice with all of the buttons and the buckles and the bells and the whistles by now. Steve has too, though if something takes too long he either makes Eddie do it or just cuts the rest of his clothes off. It depends on how mean he's feeling.
Naked and stretched out in front of him, Eddie looks as good as ever, piercings and tattoos and scars and hair all like brushstrokes across his skin to create an intimate painting, one of the classical ones from whatever era Steve can't remember the name of.
While he has the impulse to be mean for this, he knows that it'll be better if he saves that, gives into all of the feelings that lead to their engagement to begin with, the ones folding into his heart as his eyes linger over Eddie's smile.
"Like what you see?" Eddie asks, and at this point in their relationship it's more of a joke than a flirtation, but Steve just nods, answers honestly like always.
"God, yes," he says, getting his ass in gear to finish stripping down. "Get the lube."
Eddie bends down to dig through their carry-on, packed by Steve and added to by Eddie, turning a chaotic mess of necessities into a chaotic mess of like, half of their belongings.
The lube is easy enough to find, though. Eddie holds it out like it's a prize, a gold trophy for getting naked, and Steve takes it, pretends to cheer as Eddie buries his face in his hand. The edge of his grin peaks out and Steve's heart feels like a roaring crowd.
"Think you're still stretched out enough? Or should I take my time with you?"
Eddie looks up at him, through his eyelashes again, and Steve lets the look beguile him this time, the blush working it's way down his neck already tearing little pieces off of his controlled demeanor like flower petals.
"It's up to you," he says, and turns around to bend over, presenting his ass to Steve.
It's not his favorite way of fucking him, but it's the best angle for getting his fingers in him, the ability to keep his wrist straight making it worth not really being able to see his face. With Eddie's arms and forehead leaning against the window, the view must be insane, just clouds all around them and glimpses of the ground way below them.
He gets him spread open and wet, his first finger sinking in easily. He doesn't bother asking how it was, given how quiet Eddie was about it. The second finger is where he starts to draw out a reaction, the gentle stretch of it cause-and-affecting it's way up Eddie's spine as Steve watches his muscles shift under his skin.
"Gorgeous," he murmurs, pushing in slowly as Eddie starts to go pliant, the arch in his back giving Steve even better access to him. "You always take me so well."
Eddie huffs, clenching around him.
"You say that, but you're fingering me like we're stuck in traffic," he says around the groan Steve's pulling from deep in his chest.
"We kind of are, if you think about it," Steve says, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to his shoulder. "And we have the time."
Eddie groans in frustration this time, trying to grind back on his hand, and Steve just pulls his fingers out, laughing. This part never gets old, the part where Eddie loses his patience and Steve finds his own, drawing things out for as long as he wants to.
"You're cruel," Eddie mutters, his breath fogging up the window a bit.
Steve knows.
He makes sure his fingers are all nice and wet, and just for fun squeezes some fresh lube right onto Eddie's asshole, watching him clench around nothing as he sucks in a sharp breath at the cold sensation of it.
"Can you see any of the ground?" He asks, waiting for Eddie to relax as he gets distracted, starting to tell him about all of the green he keeps getting flashes of, and shoves three fingers into him, all at once.
Eddie presents him with a ragged grunt, like Steve winded him, and Steve bends to smirk against his neck.
"I'm giving you what you want, since I love you so much," he says, and Eddie's scoff is ruined by the brutal pace of Steve's fingers. "Even if I think you'll regret it when this is over too quickly."
Shaking his head, Eddie presses back into him, shameless as he gets a hand on his cock.
"If you cum, I'm not stopping," Steve says, the warning bracketed with the removal of his fingers, and then his cock pressed against the rim of his ass.
"Please," Eddie gasps, trying to rub against him. "I don't care, fuck me forever, just get inside."
"Would be kind of difficult to get things done if I was always fucking you," he says as he pushes in, the tight ring of him unforgiving as he sinks, his mouth dropping open on a silent moan.
Eddie must be kind of tense, and if his brain wasn't getting squeezed out of his cock right now, he'd try to get him to relax.
"S'good," Eddie slurs, melting under him as he gets fully seated. "Who cares about-"
He cuts himself off with a groan, and Steve can tell by the way his head tilts back and his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks that he's gone, a creature made of sensation and images and physicality and not much else.
"Fuck, you're tight today," he whispers in his ear, fucking him as slowly as he can. "Is that on purpose?"
He knows Eddie can't really answer right now, just gives a quiet grunt that lets him know he's listening, clenching even tighter around him for a moment. Everything's so hot and Steve leans forward to brace his hands at the sides of the window, starting to feel a little fuzzy at the edges.
"Love you," he says, the slow rolling thrust of his hips making Eddie drag over his cock in a way that edges towards torture. "Can't wait to marry you, fuck you every single hour on our honeymoon, no interruptions."
Eddie moans, his hand slowing down on his cock like he doesn't actually want to cum yet, and that makes whatever contrary thing that lives inside of Steve's chest change his plans.
He pulls most of the way out, gets his hands on Eddie's hips for leverage, and then shoves back in, tip to base in a heartbeat, punching Eddie's breath out of him. He watches the part of his face that he can see as he starts fucking him fast, hard and nasty and everything Eddie's always trying to goad him into.
"Yes-s-sss…" Eddie hisses, the sound broken up every time Steve's hips slam into his ass.
Steve isn't going to last, but he doesn't really care, knows he gets Eddie again tonight in their hotel room, knows the way they're fucking now means Eddie will feel him for ages afterwards.
He knocks Eddie's hand away from his cock so he can wrap his fingers around him, firm and a little rough as he starts jerking him off, hand hitting the base as he thrusts in, pinning him in place for a split second before he pulls out and off.
Eddie's moaning gets high and tight as Steve feels him get harder than ever in his hand, solid and hot and pulsing as he starts to cum, his body snapping up and back to meet him as he paints the window with his orgasm.
It doesn't take more than a moment for Steve after that, burying his face in his neck as he grinds up hard, the lava in his gut peaking into fizzy pleasure that washes through him, shaking him apart as he cums inside of Eddie.
Coming down is slow, with Steve breathing in deep through his nose, taking in the smell of Eddie's sweat and his conditioner, watching the clouds with his chin hooked on his shoulder with heavy eyelids. Eddie's easy, his head tilted to lean against Steve's, body curving to lock into place right against his.
"Good?" Steve asks in a mumble, getting his mouth under his ear to kiss the sweat off of his skin.
"Higher than ever, baby," Eddie half slurs, one of his hands finding Steve's hair.
Steve groans and bites him.
"Should've gagged you," he says, and sighs as he starts to stand up properly, figuring it's time to clean them up.
Eddie laughs.
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bobaandasiandramas · 1 year
I would love to fucking read the prompts you write. I am a sucker for those honestly. If youuuuu insisssst on liikeee requesting (Im kidding) Can I get 45. with Rang. Ikr so unexpected. I can like imagine it on my own but I'm to lazy and I love your work. Also, are you going to make a mood board for chapter 13? Like you did for 12. I love those as well. 😘
I'm going to try to make a mood board again for chapter 13 (we will see how it turns out) and if it goes well I really might go back and make moodboards for all the chapters.
I hope you like this. If you rather it be Rang X Reader I can do that too for the next one. I just wasn't sure. Thank you for your request. 😊😊
45. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
"Say it again." He demanded, chest heaving as they stared at each other.
"I hate you." She spat viciously.
If she could glare harder at him, she would. "Shut up, Rang."
"Prove it then. Show me just how much you hate me."
"I do. I hate you. I hate all your secrets. I hate how I constantly worry about you. I hate every time you get hurt. I hate that I stay here waiting for you some nights not sure if you're going to come home. And you know what I hate most of all?" She was now toe to toe with him.
He gave her a bored look, he knew she meant everything she said. He knew she worried about him, she hated not knowing if Imugi would suddenly have no more use for him. If it meant keeping her safe then it didn't matter to him. "Go on, tell me."
"I hate that I don't even hate you at all."
His lips were on hers in seconds as he pulled her toward him, bodies pressed against each other. He felt her hands grip his shirt like her life depended on it, pressing herself into his kiss.
Rang worked his mouth against hers, groaning when he felt her tongue slip out and licked at his lip. His hands grabbed at her, holding her close as his feet started to shuffle forward, making her move backward.
She laughed as her calves hit the coffee table. It was short lived as his mouth took over hers again and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They continued to move, hitting furniture along the way. Her back hit a wall, knocking a photo down and their lips parted another moment. "I love you."
Rang paused. "Say it again." This time the words were less harsh than when he previously said them.
"I love you. I love you, Rang."
There was a new urgency with his kisses, his hands traveling down her sides, dipping under her shirt. His mouth left her and traveled down her neck, nipping and sucking marks into her flesh. "I want you."
She whimpered at his words. "I'm yours."
He moaned and pulled her away from the wall, leading her down the hallway to his bedroom. They bumped several more frames off the wall and caused a few books off the bookshelf.
They finally made it to the room, Rang switched their position last second, letting the bed hit the back of his legs and causing them to fall on it. She straddled his waist and hovered over him.
"I love you too." He confessed against her lips.
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
@butter--peanut ficti-gram for you!
to: @butter--peanut from: @wind-becomes-lightning message: Hello my love, I mean my rival, I am currently working through the first pages of the book you are writing and am in total awe of your work!! I want to send you this little sweet thing so you can relax a little for a minute with a good fic before you dive into rewrites again! I am very happy that I met you and that we have met in person so many times and hopefully many many more times until you leave forever! (;(). Sending you many hugs!! <3 characters/pairing: kakashi hatake/obito uchiha word count: 3,646 prompt: the smell of coffee
Obito Uchiha has always hated the smell of coffee.  Freshly roasted at a fancy kissaten or poured from a grody two-day-old carafe into a travel mug, he thinks it always smells like burnt piss.  No amount of sugar or milk or cream or flavoring could ever make it palatable, and Obito will never understand how anyone, under any circumstances, could ever find themselves so desperate for an infusion of caffeine they would resort to drinking it.
Admittedly, coffee might be a useful beverage to keep on deck in the event of poisoning, to make a person throw up.  Maybe.  He’d have to be really poisoned to consider it, and Obito sees no other reasonable purpose for the existence of such a foul liquid.
Normally, Obito is fairly adept at avoiding coffee in all its forms, but there is one occasion upon which he has little to no control over whether he’s subjected to it and that is whenever Kakashi Hatake texts him to say he’s on his way over.
It’s still relatively new, all the Kakashi stuff.  When Obito ran across his old classmate on a dating app, he’d only partially been serious when he swiped to match with him.  Mostly, Obito was curious.  He smirked when he saw Kakashi’s profile—pathetically sparse and with a picture that didn’t even show his entire face—because it was very clear Kakashi was looking specifically for hook-ups while Obito had spent hours agonizing over which photos to upload, how many of his own scars to show, and how to make an appropriately-but-not-too-seriously self-deprecating joke about them in his bio.
Online dating is a terribly complicated thing, it turns out, when half your body is marred by the mistakes of your past.
Obito had not expected to match with Kakashi in the slightest.  At best, he thought he might receive a message something along the lines of, “Fuck you, loser,” before he was blocked.
Instead, Kakashi invited him out for a drink and Obito—perhaps foolishly or at least with a dash of foolhardy optimism—said yes.
The alcohol helped soothe the awkward sting of their reunion.  They spent hours at the bar, ordering round after round, allowing the fuzziness of the booze to seep into their blood, their bones.  Cloud over all the terrible parts of their shared history they did not wish to relitigate or relive in any detail.  Their conversation remained light, easy.
Perfunctory shit only.
“How have you been?”
“Good, you?”
“All right.  What do you do for work now?”
“A little bit of everything, really. Whatever brings in enough to cover my rent.”
Kakashi cracked a grin at that and Obito turned his attention toward his beer to hide that he liked it.  There had always been something terribly magnetic about Kakashi.  Even as a kid, when they first entered school together, Obito always found himself drawn to him, desperately trying to escape his orbit with very little success.
It would take several years of distance and a decent amount of therapy for Obito to recognize the feelings of his adolescent self for what they were.  That all the jealousy and anger had been part and parcel to something else, something soft and unknowable, then.  Something he hadn’t been yet able to acknowledge or put voice to.
Obito didn’t realize he was interested in men for a long time after Kakashi was no longer part of his life.  Now, though?  It was painfully clear Obito measured every man he’d ever dated by the metric of his old schoolmate, and not one of them had ever passed muster.
So when Kakashi invited himself to Obito’s apartment after they split their bar tab, he acquiesced.  When he shoved Obito against the wall in the entryway and bruised a kiss against his mouth, Obito’s knees buckled.  When a hand shoved its way down the front of his jeans, Obito whined.
It was so easy to succumb to decades of longing.  To open the half-crushed box where he’d packed it all away and dust it off, return it to a shelf in the sunlight where he could stare at it.  Covet it.
Ignore everything else in the box except this one thing.
And now when Kakashi calls—err, texts, he never calls—Obito unlocks his front door and waits patiently for him to stride in and repeat it all again.
It’s rather infuriating if he gives himself any time to think it over.  That he allows Kakashi to wander in and out of his life like a wraith without expectation or explanation.  He comes and goes as he pleases and part of Obito hates himself for allowing it to continue.
The rest of him, though, sees it as a reward for all his patience.  For all the progress he has made since they last saw each other, broken and bruised and grieving.
Obito’s therapist tells him there might be too much history between them for any of this to work on a functional level.  But then, Obito has never really been all that functional.  At least now he has someone in his life who will touch him, make him feel good without also making him feel self-conscious of his body.
It’s complicated.  At least, that’s what he tells himself (and his therapist), so he doesn’t have to unpack the rest of the box.
But Obito knows deep down none of this is sustainable.  While he’s willing to take what he can, he’s also not a moron.  He’s willing to take what he can get and be satisfied with it; always has been.
What makes things infuriatingly more tenuous, though, is that Kakashi always smells like coffee.
Obito knows that’s probably a sign, but he refuses to read it.
It doesn’t matter what time of day or night he appears at Obito’s door, all hungry eyes and demanding touches, there is always this persistent burnt scent that lingers under everything else.  It’s pervasive.  Poisons the very air of Obito’s apartment as Kakashi swoops in without a word.
It clings to Kakashi’s clothes, his skin, his hair.  It’s on his tongue when it pushes its way into Obito’s mouth, staining itself onto his teeth.
Coffee.  Every time.  Everywhere.
And during the course of their liaisons, the scent transfers itself to Obito, sliding against his scalp and burrowing into the thick folds of his scarred skin.
The burnt piss smell lingers in his nostrils long after Kakashi departs, trailing in his wake like a vile stream, and Obito spends an inordinate amount of time in the bath afterward trying to scrub away the putrid scent and replace it with fruity-smelling body wash or the lavender oil his therapist tells him is good for promoting relaxation.
He doesn’t think he agrees, but it smells nice, so what the hell?
His therapist might also have something to say about Obito’s obsessive need to clean himself every time Kakashi leaves his apartment, but he doesn’t like to think about that much.  Each time, he convinces himself it is the smell and not their fraught and complicated history which demands another cycle of shampoo.  He dips his head beneath the surface of the water until his vision stings and blurs so he won’t imagine what his therapist’s frown looked like when he said as much during their last session.
Obito is a big boy who can make his own decisions, thank you very much.  He just wishes his potentially poor life choices didn’t come with a side of putrescent coffee bean stench.
After a brief On my way text message, Kakashi arrives this time with a soggy-looking bag of takeout and plops it on Obito’s kitchen counter.
“For me?” he asks teasingly, “You shouldn’t have.”
Kakashi rolls his eyes.  “It’s mine and you can’t have any,” he says, shoving his hands into his pockets.  Obito rakes his eye over Kakashi’s frame, taking in the lean, wiry muscle of it.  His posture is terrible, he looks like a shepherd’s hook the way his spine curves too much at the top.  As always, Obito’s gaze eventually finds the scar over Kakashi’s eye, traces it carefully.
Whenever he tries to touch it while their kissing or fucking, Kakashi pulls him away, tangles their fingers together or tugs his wrist down to the mattress and restrains his hand there, like it can’t be trusted not to wander.
He doesn’t like to acknowledge his scars any more than Obito likes to acknowledge his own, and Obito wonders if that is part of why they remain within one another’s terrible, destructive orbit.  Because neither of them needs to explain their scars to the other—they were together when they were earned.
Kakashi, for the first time since this all started months ago, looks unsure.  He stands in the liminal space between the kitchen and the living room, rocking slightly back and forth on the balls of his feet.  His energy is nervous.  Sizzling.  Like a crack of lightning splitting the night sky in half.
“Something on your mind?” Obito asks, trying not to let the panic he feels fluttering in his chest make its way into his voice.  It’s like there’s a hummingbird trapped in the cage of his ribs, frantic to escape.
Kakashi shakes his head.  “How, uh… how was your day?” he asks, and a grimace follows immediately, slicing its way across his face like the dull side of a kitchen knife.
Obito can’t help it, he tries not to laugh, but it takes only half a heartbeat for the raucous noise to skitter out of his chest, setting the hummingbird free as he guffaws.  Watching Kakashi try to be normal, try to treat their interaction as if it is casual and regular, is the funniest shit Obito has ever seen.
Kakashi rolls his eyes and takes two quick, purposeful steps forward.  It’s then the coffee scent slams full force into Obito, snaking its way up his nose and into his throat.  He gags a little and Kakashi halts his advance, pausing just as his knee would have brushed against Obito’s own where he sits on his ratty old couch.
“Something smell bad?” Kakashi asks, glancing over his shoulder at the takeout he deposited on the counter.
“Yeah,” Obito says, pinching his nose closed for dramatic effect, “you.”
Still, after all the years of knowing him, of provoking him—and then missing him—Obito experiences the same swift thrill whenever he catches Kakashi off guard.  And watching the confusion blossom over his features, first in the subtle downturn of his mouth at the edges and then in the wrinkles of his nose and crease of his brow, is a glorious, wonderful thing.
“Me?  I smell bad?”
Obito rises slowly from his seat, the good side of his face pitched up in a grin.  “You smell fucking terrible all the time.”
There’s that gorgeous, adorable confusion again.  Deepening.  Pulling Kakashi’s lip toward the infuriatingly beautiful mark on his chin, carving a ravine between his eyebrows.
Obito wishes he could take a photo, blow it up, and hang it on his wall.  He knows he’s probably picking a fight—knows it’s probably long overdue—but this moment is worth the risk of blowing up the very small good thing he’s managed to unpack from his past.
Of course, Kakashi does not handle discomfort well.  Obito doesn’t need a therapist to tell him that.  Kakashi is a man who thrives on control, and Obito’s revelation has clearly thrown him.  It doesn’t take long for lovely confusion to break apart, resettle itself against Kakashi’s features as something vicious.
“Fuck you, I didn’t come here to be insulted,” he says.
Obito’s grin widens.  “But you did come here to fuck me, though.”  He chuckles, and Kakashi spins on his heels.  Before he can snatch up his takeout and head back out into the hall, Obito grabs the bag first and holds it out of his reach.
An impressive feat, if Obito does say so himself, considering they’re close in height but Kakashi definitely has longer arms.  He’s always been built like a swimmer, lanky with a broad chest and narrow hips.
“Stop being such an asshole,” Kakashi says, grabbing for the bag and missing as Obito passes it to his other hand behind his back.
“Don’t be such a fragile little flower,” Obito chides, “take a little criticism for once in your life.”
Kakashi’s face hardens and he stops trying to reach for his food, which Obito knows probably means he’s gone too far, pushed some invisible button too hard.  Rather than acknowledge that; rather than walk himself back or apologize, he simply opens the bag of food in his hands, maintaining uncomfortably intense eye contact with Kakashi as he reaches in, grabs the first food-shaped thing he finds, and brings it to his mouth.
He gags when it hits his tongue, spits it half-chewed right back into the bag without any concern for the rest of its contents.
When he glares at Kakashi, nose wrinkling, pulling his facial scars in a way that tugs uncomfortably at the unmarred flesh of his face, Obito expects to see the same sharp and acerbic glare from a moment ago.
Instead, what he finds is mirth—light dancing in Kakashi’s dark eyes as his mouth splits into a smile, revealing his perfect teeth.  Obito knows his left canine is false, but it’s hard to tell since the rest of his smile is just as dazzlingly white.  And as Kakashi tilts his head back, the apple of his throat jumping wildly in time with his laughter, he wheezes out a high-pitched, “Serves you right!” and then keeps on laughing.
Obito supposes it does, to some extent.  But how was he supposed to know Kakashi Hatake, well-established hater of all things even remotely dessert-like, would be carrying coffee cake in his to-go bag?  Obito keeps sticking out his tongue, like exposure to the air will somehow cleanse the taste from his mouth.  He must look like a frog; a big dumb amphibian who snapped its tongue out only to realize it caught a stink bug.
He tosses the bag back onto the counter, content to have it as far from his person as possible.  “I thought you hated sweets.”
“I do,” Kakashi says, finally regaining some semblance of stoicism.  “It’s for my neighbor.”
Obito frowns.  “Since when have you been that social?”
Kakashi shrugs, but says nothing.  Typical.
They stand there, awkward and unmoving, for several long seconds.  Obito can feel sweat prickling at his nape, his temples.  He has no clue what he’s supposed to say, now.
Do you still get to fuck someone after you’ve told them they reek and then spit half-masticated baked goods back into their extremely kind bag of neighborly good will?
Probably not, which is disappointing.
Is he supposed to open the box, splay the contents across his floors so they can examine all the missing pieces?  Try to fit them back together?
Obito decides that isn’t something he’s ready to do.  That whatever exists between them, now, is still too new, too fragile, to bear the weight.  One day, maybe, it will be strong enough.  But not now.
Mercifully, Kakashi clears his throat, which clears the air enough for him to ask, “Why haven’t’ you ever said anything?”
“About what?” Obito asks, realizing a moment too late that he’s fucking dumb.
Kakashi knows, too, and infuses as much incredulity into his clarification as possible, each syllable dripping with a sickly-sweet undertone of are you fucking kidding.  “You said I smell, Obito.  All the time.  Why didn’t you tell me before?”
There’s no truly easy answer.  Because of course, Obito thinks Kakashi smells like burnt piss, but he doesn’t actually.  What he smells like is coffee, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to smell like, probably.
Assuming Kakashi drinks the stuff because if he doesn’t, then what the fuck?
“I hate the smell of coffee,” Obito says finally, after Kakashi reaches out and flicks him on the forehead for taking too long to answer.  He rubs at the spot where he’s sure the gesture has left a red smudge on his skin.  “You always smell like fucking coffee.”
Obito isn’t sure what he expects Kakashi’s response to be.  More incredulity, maybe.  Irritation.  Hands thrown up in the air and then a purposeful march out of his apartment.  An annoying dissertation on why coffee is wonderful and Obito is wrong.
Instead, Kakashi grins like a very smug cat, takes a step forward and presses his forehead to Obito’s, arms crossed over his chest like the smug, self-assured bastard he has (almost) always been.
Obito bristles, mostly because the move is unfamiliar.  For all Kakashi enjoys making people uncomfortable, he typically uses his words to do so.  The proximity of him, the coffee smell and the warmth of his skin and the faint tickle of his breath as he leans close to Obito’s ear are things typically reserved for the duration of their sex and that’s all.
Kakashi doesn’t like being close to people.  Obito understands why, respects the boundary for the most part.  He nearly topples backward trying to maintain any semblance of space between their bodies.
Then Kakashi rasps almost alluringly against his ear, “I own a fucking coffee shop, you dumbass.”
It occurs to Obito in that moment he has never bothered to ask where Kakashi works.  Their first meeting at that bar replays in his mind and he recalls Kakashi asking him what he did for a living, but Obito had gotten distracted by his momentary embarrassment and never returned the favor.
He groans loudly, leaning his forehead against Kakashi’s shoulder, which jostles as he chuckles at Obito’s expense.  Obito snorts, a short, half-hearted attempt at that self-deprecating humor he has so perfected over the years.  “Figures I’d fall for someone who smells like my least favorite thing.”
He pulls away, flustered and embarrassed.  The heat of his face is probably enough to warm that coffee cake like it’s fresh from the oven.  Obito wonders suddenly if the cake came from Kakashi’s shop.  Wonders where the shop is and what it’s like inside.
If they serve anything other than fucking coffee.
Kakashi’s fingers are rough against Obito’s jaw as he pulls him in for their first kiss of the day, but the kiss itself is gentle.  He doesn’t open his mouth, isn’t as greedy or demanding as usual.  And Obito relishes the temporary softening, the tender moment offered to him.  He clings to Kakashi’s shirt and tries to breathe as little as possible so the coffee stench won’t invade his nostrils.
Though, he must admit, at the moment, he cares a hell of a lot less than usual.  Because Kakashi’s kisses are delicate and coaxing, one hand skimming over Obito’s scars with a carefulness that makes his chest ache.
A carefulness he has never experienced before, not with anyone, and especially not with the man he knows deems himself responsible for their existence.
Obito pulls away first, finally in such desperate need of a full breath he can’t hold out any longer.  He doesn’t pull far, though, just enough to let his lungs expand without restriction.  And when his eyes meet Kakashi’s, the light in them is still there, less twinkling and steadier.
A porch light welcoming him home, peeling away the shadows to reveal safety and comfort.
“Let’s take a bath,” Kakashi says quietly, grinning.
Obito has the decency to laugh.  It’s a convenient enough sound, anyway, one which hopefully drowns out the erratic thudding his chest.  The hammer beat of a heart only now realizing Kakashi didn’t run away when Obito said he was falling, didn’t put up the cool partition Obito is so used to running up against every time he tries to open up, to be opened.
To drag the box out and bring its contents back into the light.
The tub is not large enough for two grown men.  Not really.  But they Tetris their limbs into the basin as well as they can, tangling together like brambles—perhaps just as prickly—and laughing at their own foolishness in unison.
“It’s smells like a department store in here.”
Obito splashes the scented water at Kakashi, who squints and spits.  “I need all the eucalyptus and lavender I can get my hands on to wash out your coffee shop’s stench.”
Kakashi leans back against the tub with a serene smile and closes his eyes.  “You should come visit sometime,” he offers and Obito knows it’s no small thing to be invited into Kakashi’s life even such a minor way.  He looks up to wink at Obito through the steam of the bathwater.  “Maybe not on roasting day, though.”
“You couldn’t pay me.”
His therapist will probably still tell Obito this is an unhealthy attachment at their next session.  But Obito thinks today is a step in the right direction, at least.  A limping movement toward the honesty that comes so hard to them both.
Maybe they can figure the rest out together, peel back all the layers and scars until they are raw and open to each other.  Until they can repair all the marks of their shared past, their fractured future.  Maybe.  Someday.
Obito likes the idea that his past and his future might yet be able to exist together.  That one day there won’t be any dusty boxes he has to carry around, regrets and secrets stuffed between tabs of moldy cardboard.  He likes the idea that maybe he and Kakashi can unpack together.  Build a bonfire afterward and burn away all the shit they no longer need to hold onto.
The smoke would smell better than coffee, at least.  And as long as Kakashi agrees to take a bath when he comes over, Obito thinks they just might be able to make this work.
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reaperkaneki · 2 years
bizarre customer interaction today. there was a dude standing at customer service and im like hey were you looking for anything :)
him: no im just praying. would you like to join me.
me: hm. nah im good.
him: well it was either prayer or drinking games so. (inwardly im like well you’d have had me with the second one, but i’m at work so i don’t say that)
him: im just feeling so blessed, so grateful right now for all my blessings.
me: that’s good to have, good to feel. etc.
and he’s like yeah i actually came in here for something but i can’t remember what. i saw the lawn darts and forgot. i’m staying at a place, my grandma’s estate, and it has a really big lawn.
me: oh? tempted by them?
him: no, i just think it’s important to remember your roots and honor family traditions :) what about you, you have any family traditions?
me: nah not really.
him: so not lawn darts then.
me: nope.
him: oh i remembered what i was looking for! i want to build a cabin. i received a huge inheritance from my grandma and i’m—i’m just feeling so blessed.
me: mmkay well cabin stuff is gonna be over in home and garden, would you like me to show you?
him: yeah, also i need, like, an atlas of the state so i can figure out where to put it. next to a national park or something. you know, i need a location for when i settle down and find love.
me: okay! well local atlases, road atlases, park guides, those are going to be in travel.
him: do you get that a lot?
me: yup! all the time :) alright, here’s the section for that, next we’ll go over to hole and garden. we might have cabin porn, but i’ll have to check our stock since it’s out of season.
him: like the subreddit?
me: it’s the title of a book!
him: oh, okay. i thought i’d heard you wrong. hey, if you’re so bothered by people making advances, why don’t you wear a fake ring?
me: ……………….. (processing what he’d just said, and also apparently he was hitting on me? was he???? fucking what????) maybe i’m waiting for the real thing!
him: but i’m the realest!
me: alright there’s not much in the architecture section, mostly photos of cities, but there’s that.
him: *flipping through a book on anime architecture* oh that’s akira! i should definitely do that. *knocks the book over* i’m so sorry!
me: it’s fine, happens all the time.
him: from manga fans like me?
me: yup, all the time. and here’s the home and garden section, and here’s cabin porn. here’s a book on timber frames as well.
him: i was thinking of using joinery.
me: well that sounds like an idea.
him: do you think that’s been done?
me: i’m sure someone has, with varying results. let me know if you need anything else!
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vulpixtual · 1 year
fun facts about high school me
i was very obsessed with edie sedgwick. i didn't fuck with andy warhol but i loved her and dressed like her once for a costume party.
i also dressed as a jackson pollock painting for halloween
other fixations i had: sylvia plath, kurt vonnegut, beat happening, jack kerouac and that era of literature, the velvet underground and everything about that scene minus andy warhol, the perks of being a wallflower (lol)
my life goal was to either be like ernest hemingway (write, travel a lot) or carrie bradshaw (write, live in a big city)
i had a pop punk / hardcore phase, but tumblr ruined that for me (thank god)
i didn't go to prom because i was too anti establishment to do something like that and also prom is expensive!!
i did tech for my school's theatre department and i hated it so much lmao
i was the editor in chief for my school's newspaper. that was much better than theatre imo
(not so fun fact) some guy two years older than me became very obsessed with me and then hated me 1. bc i did not like him back 2. he treated me like a manic pixie dream girl and then got upset when i was a normal teenage girl and 3. he thought i knew he plagiarized a story he wrote from an anime (i did not know for the record) so he tried to ruin my life for years. the only reason it stopped was because i got too old for him to care about.
i didn't date for most of high school bc i just didn't like most of the people i knew then. i did have what we would now call orbiters online, mostly on my old tumblr account.
i did okay at school. i was bad at math and science, but good at everything else.
i had kind of basic taste in tv shows. i loved how i met your mother and glee (one of the first fandoms i used tumblr for lol)
i avidly used last.fm which played a big role in me getting my first boyfriend
i wanted to be a redhead so bad and dyed my hair red for most of my high school years
i used to meet people off tumblr all the time and it was not a big deal because it was just other teenagers
a lot of my friends were very into this local band who went through a few different phases and they're now a famousish band. i don't like their music tbh but they were always nice guys. they performed at my friend's 16th birthday party and i once found photos from that party floating around on tumblr and it was surreal.
i smoked weed for the first time when i was a junior in high school
i got in a very big fight with my senior english teacher because she said ayn rand and her books were not political and i was like wtf are you talking about
micro phases i had in high school: loving witch house, wanting to be in skins, wishing i was from socal because i loved best coast so much, rookie mag stan, thinking modcloth was the goat for fashion
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