#a former Apple employee stated
batboyblog · 1 month
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #30
August 2-9 2024
The Department of Interior announced the largest investment since 1979 in outdoor recreation and conservation projects. The $325 million will go to support State, territorial, DC, and tribal governments in buying new land for parks and outdoor recreation sites. It also supports expansion and refurbishment of existing sites.
The EPA announced that Birmingham Alabama will get $171 million to update and replace its water system. The city of Birmingham is 70% black and like many black majority cities as struggled with aging water systems and lead pipes causing dangerous drinking water conditions. This investment is part of the Biden-Harris administrations plan to replace all of the nation's lead pipes.
The Department of Energy announced $2.2 billion in investments in the national power grid to help boost resiliency in the face of extreme weather. The projects will add 13 gigawatts of capacity, support 5,000 new jobs and upgrade 1,000 miles of transmission. Major projects will cut power outages in the west, drive down energy prices in New England, add off shore wind, and enable the development of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s wind resources.
The Justice Department won its massive anti-trust case against Google. A federal judge ruled that Google was an illegal monopoly. The DOJ has an ongoing antitrust suit against Apple, while the Federal Trade Commission is suing Facebook and Amazon for their monopolist practices
The US Government announced $3.9 billion in direct aid to Ukraine. The money will help the Government of Ukraine make up for massive budget short falls caused by the war with Russia. It'll help pay the salaries of teachers, emergency workers, and other public employees, as well helping displaced persons, low-income families and people with disabilities.
The Department of Energy announced $190 million to improve air quality and energy upgrades in K-12 schools. The grants to 320 schools across 25 states will impact 123,000 students, 94% of these schools service student bodies where over half the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. In the face of climate change more schools have been forced to close for extreme heat. These grants will help schools with everything from air filtration, to AC, to more robust energy systems, to replacing lighting.
USAID announced $424 million in additional humanitarian aid to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Due to ongoing conflict and food insecurity, 25 million Congolese are in need of humanitarian aid. This year alone the US has sent close to a billion dollars in aid to the DRC, making it the single largest donor to the crisis.
The Senate approved President Biden's appointment of Stacey Neumann of Maine, Meredith Vacca of New York, and Joseph Saporito Jr. of Pennsylvania to life time federal Judgeships. This brings the total of judges appointed by President Biden to 205. President Biden is the first President who's judicial nominations have not been majority white men, Judge Vacca is the first Asian American to serve in her district court. President Biden has also focused on former public defenders, like Judge Saporito, and former labor lawyers like Judge Neumann, as well as civil rights lawyers.
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bengesko · 7 months
AI Sellout
Used an email mask to read the whole article, pasting it below the cut.
Quick important points:
The tweet content is a list of things that are currently included, but were not SUPPOSED TO BE, and engineers are working to scrub it.
Automattic is supposedly going to add an opt out option.
Automattic did not respond to a question from 404 Media about whether it could guarantee that people who opt out will have their data deleted retroactively.
Tumblr and Wordpress are preparing to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI, according to a source with internal knowledge about the deals and internal documentation referring to the deals. 
The exact types of data from each platform going to each company are not spelled out in documentation we’ve reviewed, but internal communications reviewed by 404 Media make clear that deals between Automattic, the platforms’ parent company, and OpenAI and Midjourney are imminent.
The internal documentation details a messy and controversial process within Tumblr itself. One internal post made by Cyle Gage, a product manager at Tumblr, states that a query made to prepare data for OpenAI and Midjourney compiled a huge number of user posts that it wasn’t supposed to. It is not clear from Gage’s post whether this data has already been sent to OpenAI and Midjourney, or whether Gage was detailing a process for scrubbing the data before it was to be sent. 
Gage wrote:
“the way the data was queried for the initial data dump to Midjourney/OpenAI means we compiled a list of all tumblr’s public post content between 2014 and 2023, but also unfortunately it included, and should not have included:
private posts on public blogs
posts on deleted or suspended blogs
unanswered asks (normally these are not public until they’re answered)
private answers (these only show up to the receiver and are not public)
posts that are marked ‘explicit’ / NSFW / ‘mature’ by our more modern standards (this may not be a big deal, I don’t know)
content from premium partner blogs (special brand blogs like Apple’s former music blog, for example, who spent money with us on an ad campaign) that may have creative that doesn’t belong to us, and we don’t have the rights to share with this-parties; this one is kinda unknown to me, what deals are in place historically and what they should prevent us from doing.”
Gage’s post makes clear that engineers are working on compiling a list of post IDs that should not have been included, and that password-protected posts, DMs, and media flagged as CSAM and other community guidelines violations were not included.
Automattic plans to launch a new setting on Wednesday that will allow users to opt-out of data sharing with third parties, including AI companies, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, and internal documents. A new FAQ section we reviewed is titled “What happens when you opt out?” states that “If you opt out from the start, we will block crawlers from accessing your content by adding your site on a disallowed list. If you change your mind later, we also plan to update any partners about people who newly opt-out and ask that their content be removed from past sources and future training.” 
404 Media has asked Automattic how it accidentally compiled data that it shouldn’t share, and whether any of that content was shared with OpenAI, but did not immediately hear back from the company. 404 Media asked Automattic about an imminent deal with Midjourney last week but did not hear back then, either.
Another internal document shows that, on February 23, an employee asked in a staff-only thread, “Do we have assurances that if a user opts out of their data being shared with third parties that our existing data partners will be notified of such a change and remove their data?”
Andrew Spittle, Automattic’s head of AI replied: “We will notify existing partners on a regular basis about anyone who's opted out since the last time we provided a list. I want this to be an ongoing process where we regularly advocate for past content to be excluded based on current preferences. We will ask that content be deleted and removed from any future training runs. I believe partners will honor this based on our conversations with them to this point. I don't think they gain much overall by retaining it.” Automattic did not respond to a question from 404 Media about whether it could guarantee that people who opt out will have their data deleted retroactively.
News about a deal between Tumblr and Midjourney has been rumored and speculated about on Tumblr for the last week. Someone claiming to be a former Tumblr employee announced in a Tumblr blog post that the platform was working on a deal with Midjourney, and the rumor made it onto Blind, an app for verified employees of companies to anonymously discuss their jobs. 404 Media has seen the Blind posts, in which what seems like an Automattic employee says, “I'm not sure why some of you are getting worked up or worried about this. It's totally legal, and sharing it publicly is perfectly fine since it's right there in the terms & conditions. So, go ahead and spread the word as much as you can with your friends and tech journalists, it's totally fine.”
Separately, 404 Media viewed a public, now-deleted post by Gage, the product manager, where he said that he was deleting all of his images off of Tumblr, and would be putting them on his personal website. A still-live post says, “i've deleted my photography from tumblr and will be moving it slowly but surely over to cylegage.com, which i'm building into a photography portfolio that i can control end-to-end.” At one point last week, his personal website had a specific note stating that he did not consent to AI scraping of his images. Gage’s original post has been deleted, and his website is now a blank page that just reads “Cyle.” Gage did not respond to a request for comment from 404 Media. 
Several online platforms have made similar deals with AI companies recently, including Reddit, which entered into an AI content licensing deal with Google and said in its SEC filing last week that it’s “in the early stages of monetizing [its] user base” by training AI on users’ posts. Last year, Shutterstock signed a six year deal with OpenAI to provide training data.
OpenAI and Midjourney did not respond to requests for comment. 
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thoughtportal · 7 months
Tumblr and Wordpress are preparing to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI, according to a source with internal knowledge about the deals and internal documentation referring to the deals. 
The exact types of data from each platform going to each company are not spelled out in documentation we’ve reviewed, but internal communications reviewed by 404 Media make clear that deals between Automattic, the platforms’ parent company, and OpenAI and Midjourney are imminent.
The internal documentation details a messy and controversial process within Tumblr itself. One internal post made by Cyle Gage, a product manager at Tumblr, states that a query made to prepare data for OpenAI and Midjourney compiled a huge number of user posts that it wasn’t supposed to. It is not clear from Gage’s post whether this data has already been sent to OpenAI and Midjourney, or whether Gage was detailing a process for scrubbing the data before it was to be sent. 
Gage wrote:
“the way the data was queried for the initial data dump to Midjourney/OpenAI means we compiled a list of all tumblr’s public post content between 2014 and 2023, but also unfortunately it included, and should not have included:
private posts on public blogs
posts on deleted or suspended blogs
unanswered asks (normally these are not public until they’re answered)
private answers (these only show up to the receiver and are not public)
posts that are marked ‘explicit’ / NSFW / ‘mature’ by our more modern standards (this may not be a big deal, I don’t know)
content from premium partner blogs (special brand blogs like Apple’s former music blog, for example, who spent money with us on an ad campaign) that may have creative that doesn’t belong to us, and we don’t have the rights to share with this-parties; this one is kinda unknown to me, what deals are in place historically and what they should prevent us from doing.”
Gage’s post makes clear that engineers are working on compiling a list of post IDs that should not have been included, and that password-protected posts, DMs, and media flagged as CSAM and other community guidelines violations were not included.
Automattic plans to launch a new setting on Wednesday that will allow users to opt-out of data sharing with third parties, including AI companies, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, and internal documents. A new FAQ section we reviewed is titled “What happens when you opt out?” states that “If you opt out from the start, we will block crawlers from accessing your content by adding your site on a disallowed list. If you change your mind later, we also plan to update any partners about people who newly opt-out and ask that their content be removed from past sources and future training.” 
404 Media has asked Automattic how it accidentally compiled data that it shouldn’t share, and whether any of that content was shared with OpenAI, but did not immediately hear back from the company. 404 Media asked Automattic about an imminent deal with Midjourney last week but did not hear back then, either.
Another internal document shows that, on February 23, an employee asked in a staff-only thread, “Do we have assurances that if a user opts out of their data being shared with third parties that our existing data partners will be notified of such a change and remove their data?”
Andrew Spittle, Automattic’s head of AI replied: “We will notify existing partners on a regular basis about anyone who's opted out since the last time we provided a list. I want this to be an ongoing process where we regularly advocate for past content to be excluded based on current preferences. We will ask that content be deleted and removed from any future training runs. I believe partners will honor this based on our conversations with them to this point. I don't think they gain much overall by retaining it.” Automattic did not respond to a question from 404 Media about whether it could guarantee that people who opt out will have their data deleted retroactively.
News about a deal between Tumblr and Midjourney has been rumored and speculated about on Tumblr for the last week. Someone claiming to be a former Tumblr employee announced in a Tumblr blog post that the platform was working on a deal with Midjourney, and the rumor made it onto Blind, an app for verified employees of companies to anonymously discuss their jobs. 404 Media has seen the Blind posts, in which what seems like an Automattic employee says, “I'm not sure why some of you are getting worked up or worried about this. It's totally legal, and sharing it publicly is perfectly fine since it's right there in the terms & conditions. So, go ahead and spread the word as much as you can with your friends and tech journalists, it's totally fine.”
Separately, 404 Media viewed a public, now-deleted post by Gage, the product manager, where he said that he was deleting all of his images off of Tumblr, and would be putting them on his personal website. A still-live post says, “i've deleted my photography from tumblr and will be moving it slowly but surely over to cylegage.com, which i'm building into a photography portfolio that i can control end-to-end.” At one point last week, his personal website had a specific note stating that he did not consent to AI scraping of his images. Gage’s original post has been deleted, and his website is now a blank page that just reads “Cyle.” Gage did not respond to a request for comment from 404 Media. 
Several online platforms have made similar deals with AI companies recently, including Reddit, which entered into an AI content licensing deal with Google and said in its SEC filing last week that it’s “in the early stages of monetizing [its] user base” by training AI on users’ posts. Last year, Shutterstock signed a six year deal with OpenAI to provide training data.
OpenAI and Midjourney did not respond to requests for comment. 
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yjheart · 2 years
loona is 12. bbcs words against chuu are defamation and slanderous. BBC is the abuser. NOT chuu. it was NEVER chuu. kim jiwoo has been at the hands of their abuse since she was SIXTEEN.
- avoid streaming music videos / songs on ANY platform (spotify, apple music, youtube, etc.)
- delete superstar loona
- do not buy ANY merchandise
i also strongly reccomend doing this for other BBC artists to avoid giving BBC ANY support.
CHUUJUSTICE on TWITTER is a team of Orbits hoping to start a boycott of BBC in protest of the wrongful removal of Chuu.
thank you to sirenyves for this compilation.
BBC has underpaid their staffs, starved their artists, overworked everyone, etc. for a company that "cares" about their staffs state and wants to prevent them from being abused, they sure seem to be keen on being the abuser.
BBC CLAIMING CHUU IS ABUSIVE HAS BEEN CONTERCLAIMED BY MANY PEOPLE. here are some accounts from people who have worked with chuu, and their support for her.
as stated by hyunjin on fab:
"Chuu unnie's heart is probably hurting more than anyone's right now. Please root for & love her lots.."
chuu is suffering the most. please give her the love, support, and courage she needs.
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mariacallous · 3 days
Top officials from Google, Apple, and Meta testified Wednesday before the United States Senate Intelligence Committee about each of their company’s ongoing efforts to identify and disrupt foreign influence campaigns ahead of the country’s November elections.
The hearing, chaired by Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, served largely to impress upon the companies the need for more extensive safeguards against the disinformation campaigns being funded by foreign entities with an eye on influencing US politics.
“This is really our effort to try to urge you guys to do more. To alert the public that this has not gone away,” Warner said.
Warner, a proponent of expanding cooperation between the government and Silicon Valley to root out campaigns by Russia, Iran, and China, among other legally designated rivals, described the recent efforts by Russia as both “effective and cheap.”
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control placed sanctions this month on 10 Russian citizens, several of them employees of the state-funded news outlet RT, formerly Russia Today. US secretary of state Antony Blinken on Friday accused the Russian outlet of working hand-in-hand with the country’s intelligence services, conducting influence and cyber operations meant to covertly spread Kremlin propaganda on more than three continents. And earlier this month, US authorities accused RT employees of bankrolling right-wing influencer network Tenet Media.
Warner noted—almost as an aside—that Elon Musk’s X had refused to send a representative to testify Wednesday. A spokesperson for Warner told WIRED that X’s former chief of global affairs, Nick Pickles, had previously agreed to appear before the committee; however, he resigned from the company roughly two weeks later. X then declined to provide a replacement. (Pickles could not be immediately reached for comment.)
Warner received the companies that did appear amicably, praising the “positive role” they’ve played during the government’s recent actions: Meta’s recent decision, for example, to ban RT and its subsidiary Sputnik from its platforms. Warner also highlighted recent decisions at Google and Microsoft to publicly reveal information about foreign election threats, keeping the public and government better informed.
In addition to the Tenet Media indictment, the Department of Justice revealed this month in an FBI affidavit that it had seized 32 internet domains allegedly tied to the Kremlin and related entities. The websites, with names like fox-news.top, were created to imitate popular media and news brands, including CNN, spreading content favorable to Russia. One fake Fox News story, for instance, declared that Ukraine has “no particular value to the US” and that squaring off with Russia is “too great” a risk.
The operation, dubbed “Doppelganger,” allegedly relied on influencers and paid social media advertisements, as well as fake accounts that mimicked US citizens—in some cases with the help of artificial intelligence. In private documents obtained by the FBI, the operation’s principal director—a little-known Russian political strategist named Ilya Gambashidzer—is alleged to have stated plainly: “They are expecting fake news from us every day.”
Marco Rubio, the committee's Republican vice chair, argued on the behalf of Americans whom, he said, should not be punished for holding views that align with the Kremlin’s. “The question becomes, is that disinformation or is that misinformation, is that an influence operation, because that preexisting view is being amplified?” Decisions by companies to remove the amplified information is "problematic and complicated," he said, adding that he believes it risks "stigmatiz[ing]” Americans holding those views.
Andy Carvin, the managing editor and research director of the Digital Forensic Research Lab, tells WIRED that his organization, which conducts a vast amount of research into disinformation and other online harms, has been tracking Doppelganger for more than two years. The scope of the operation should surprise few, he says, given the fake news sites follow an obvious template and that populating them with AI-generated text is simple.
“Russian operations like Doppelganger are like throwing spaghetti at a wall,” he says. “They toss out as much as they can and see what sticks.”
Meta, in a written statement on Tuesday, said it had banned RT’s parent company, Rossiya Segodnya, and “other related entities” globally across Instagram, Facebook, and Threads for engaging in what it called “foreign interference activity.” (“Meta is discrediting itself,” the Kremlin replied Tuesday, claiming the ban has endangered the company’s “prospects” for “normalizing” relations with Russia.)
Testifying on Wednesday, Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs, stressed the industry-wide nature of the problem facing voters online. “People trying to interfere with elections rarely target a single platform,” he said, adding that Meta is, nevertheless, “confident” in its ability to protect the integrity of “not only this year’s elections in the United States but elections everywhere.”
Warner appeared less than fully convinced, noting the use of paid advertisements in recent malign influence campaigns. “I would have thought,” he said, “eight years later, we would be better at at least screening the advertisers.”
He added that, seven months ago, over two dozen tech companies had signed the AI Elections Accord in Munich—an agreement to invest in research and the development of countermeasures against harmful AI. While some of the firms have been responsive, he said, others have ignored repeated inquiries by US lawmakers, many eager to hear how those investments played out.
While talking up Google’s efforts to “identify problematic accounts, particularly around election ads,” Alphabet’s chief legal officer, Kent Walker, was halted mid-sentence. Citing conversations with the Treasury Department, Warner interrupted to say that he’d confirmed as recently as February that both Google and Meta have “repeatedly allowed Russian influence actors, including sanctioned entities, to use your ad tools.”
The senator from Virginia stressed that Congress needed to know specifically “how much content” relevant bad actors had paid to promote to US audiences this year. “And we’re going to need that [information] extraordinarily fast,” he added, referring as well to details of how many Americans specifically had seen the content. Walker replied to say that Google had taken down “something like 11,000 efforts by Russian-associated entities to post content on YouTube and the like.”
Warner additionally urged the officials against viewing Election Day as if it were an end zone. Of equal and great importance is the integrity of the news that reaches voters, he stressed, in the days and weeks that follow.
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haikyuuwaifu · 2 years
Breakeven: The Script
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Swearing
What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you? And What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay? I'm falling to pieces, yeah I'm falling to pieces
Y/n let out a sigh, as she curled up on Shinsou’s couch. “This is the first fight you guys have ever been in right?” Shoto questioned, as Shinsou stood behind the stove making them food. “It’s not really a fight.” Y/n sighed, cuddling her pillow. “It’s not really an argument either, considering neither one of us is actually made at each other.” From the kitchen Toshi let out a whistle. “This relationship is a lot healthier than the one you had with Midoriya.” Y/n let out a little laugh, shaking her head. “I remember...we would fight and yell and scream at each other.” She sighed, laying against Shoto. “It was always so exhausting.” “I’ve always believed that Bakugo was capable of being a good partner.” Shoto provided flicking the television on. “It would just take the right person to bring that out in him.” 
“Dynamight, sir, we just think that you should take a break from being so in the public with your girlfriend.” One of his PR team members mumbled, as the blonde sat behind his desk. Usually, the could gauge the man’s attitude by the yelling he would do when he was angry. However, Bakugo had remained silent for a majority of the morning. Some would say that silence was a good sign, but anyone who worked in his agency knew, that silence only meant misery when it came to the explosion hero. “The stats show that your numbers are increasing, but imagine, if things don’t actually work out!” another intern tried to supply “helpfully”. “We’re also concerned about the numbers we’ve tried reaching in the singles market.” The blonde only rolled his eyes, flipping his phone over to check the time. 
“Any feedback would be helpful sir.” His manager provided, clutching her folders to her chest. “You’re fired.” Bakugo stated, voice low, but intent clear. “I-I beg your pardon?” She stuttered, eyes widened in shock. “You’re fired. All of you actually, clear your desks and get out.” “Sir, you can’t just fire your entire PR team!” An intern shouted, standing up. “I believe I just did.” Bakugo stated, as his door swung open. Mina and Momo marched in, a handful of suits behind them. “You heard the man, out!” Mina shouted clapping her hands. “Sir, I’ve been working as your manager since your debut!” His PR rep shouted, her face reddening in anger. “And now you’re fired.” “This is wrongful termination!” Another intern shouted, as security made their way into the room. “No, this is me, doing my job, and firing the lot of you for negligence and stupidity.” He stated, tapping his fingers against his desk. “Every week, I have one of my sidekicks pull reports for the polls. Every week, I look at where I’m at, what my stats, are and where I need to improve.” He stated, looking at his computer screen. It was a picture of Y/n he’d taken. She and his mom were in the kitchen covered in flour, and laughing. Eri stood next to them, wide smile on her face as she held her prized candied apple out. “Every week, I sit down with the love of my life, and she helps me go over what I can change. How I can be a better hero.” He stated, looking at his former employees. “Meanwhile, all you care about is money, and you think that in order to increase my revenue, I should be seen with someone that better “fits” my station.” He stated, reaching into his desk. Taking a stack of paper’s out, he tossed them on his desk. His former agent winced at the loud ‘thunk’ the stack made. “These are e-mails you sent out, with the media, other agencies, paparrazi. Discussing what needed to happen to ensure that my girlfriend and I don’t make it.” “Sir I would never d-” “You literally told me I wasn’t allowed to take my own girlfriend to the Hero gala. Because she isn’t a celebrity or a hero.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Turning toward Momo, he spoke to the suits behind him. “I want you guys to weed out the media networks that don’t support my relationship. I want you to weed out the agencies as well, and send them a formal document stating that our agency will have nothing to do with them.” “After that, I want to schedule a press-conference.” He grunted, looking over at his former team. “You have 20 minutes to get out, or you’ll be dragged out.”
“Bakugo said to turn the television on.” Shinsou hummed, curling up next to Y/n on the couch. Y/n clicked it on, and giggled at the sight of Katsuki in a hoodie she had made as a joke. It had a bunch of different faces on it. Her faces, she made as a joke, for him to take on his away missions. “He’s wearing that on national television.” Shoto snorted, as Y/n cackled. “Don’t worry babe, I’ll make sure I have one for you to.” Shinsou supplied, as he and Y/n linked pinkies. “Everyone shut the hell up!” Bakugo barked, glaring harshly. “I know, this hoodie is fucking awesome, but it’s not for sale. It’s one of a kind.” he stated, as the media let out a few laughs. “I don’t have all day, so this is gonna be quick.” The screen behind him stalled, before showing a picture of Y/n. She was surrounded by her students, all of them covered in paint. “This is my girlfriend. She’s a teacher at UA. She’s also the reason why a lot of you fucks don’t get an explosion to the face.” He snarled, as the photo’s started rolling like a PowerPoint. “She makes me a better person. She makes me a  better hero, and I have fired my entire PR staff for trying to tell me that I need to be seen “less” with her in public.” he hissed, as reporters buzzed around the room. “I bust my ass all day, every fucking day, to save people. To better the world, to make it safer for her, and for the rotten people that don’t appreciate it.” He stated, rubbing a hand across his face. “And for a long time, I didn’t think I deserved anything in return for it. As heroes we’re expected to sacrifice so much.” He stated, looking around the room. “But I won’t sacrifice her.” He stated staring down the camera. Y/n felt like he was staring into her soul. “I will not sacrifice her. Not for the sake of popularity, or the numbers; because all that shit is irrelevant. You’re a bunch of fucking extra’s that will never hold a candle to the opinion I value the most.” He stated, as the photo behind him changed. It was on of Y/n’s favorites. Katsuki had told her he loved her for the first time, his cheeks red and his smile soft. Y/n had just finished a rigorous exercise with her students that resulted in her nearly losing a limb. “You can shit on me, you can drop my numbers in the polls, I don’t give a shit. But you will not disrespect my relationship.” Behind him Eri popped up, flipping both middle fingers. “If you do then we at UA are gonna make your life a fucking nightmare.” Eri shouted waving her middle fingers around. Y/n and Shinsou started howling, as Shoto slapped his face. “As my protégé stated,” Katsuki sniffed, flipping his middle fingers. “Support my relationship, or eat shit.” Looking toward the camera, Bakugo smirked. “Pack a bag princess, we’re going away for the weekend.” And the reporters went feral, all attempting to get their questions answered. Clicking the tv off, Y/n sighed as Shinsou laughed. “No way pops is gonna get mad at Eri for that.” Shoto only sighed, waving his phone in the air. “Touya is cackling in the family chat and my dad is pissed he didn’t think of it first.”
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davepaste · 7 months
Full Article Under Cut
Tumblr and Wordpress are preparing to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI, according to a source with internal knowledge about the deals and internal documentation referring to the deals.
The exact types of data from each platform going to each company are not spelled out in documentation we’ve reviewed, but internal communications reviewed by 404 Media make clear that deals between Automattic, the platforms’ parent company, and OpenAI and Midjourney are imminent.
The internal documentation details a messy and controversial process within Tumblr itself. One internal post made by Cyle Gage, a product manager at Tumblr, states that a query made to prepare data for OpenAI and Midjourney compiled a huge number of user posts that it wasn’t supposed to. It is not clear from Gage’s post whether this data has already been sent to OpenAI and Midjourney, or whether Gage was detailing a process for scrubbing the data before it was to be sent.
Gage wrote:
“the way the data was queried for the initial data dump to Midjourney/OpenAI means we compiled a list of all tumblr’s public post content between 2014 and 2023, but also unfortunately it included, and should not have included:
private posts on public blogs
unanswered asks (normally these are not public until they’re answered)
posts on deleted or suspended blogs
private answers (these only show up to the receiver and are not public)
posts that are marked ‘explicit’ / NSFW / ‘mature’ by our more modern standards (this may not be a big deal, I don’t know)
content from premium partner blogs (special brand blogs like Apple’s former music blog, for example, who spent money with us on an ad campaign) that may have creative that doesn’t belong to us, and we don’t have the rights to share with this-parties; this one is kinda unknown to me, what deals are in place historically and what they should prevent us from doing.”
Gage’s post makes clear that engineers are working on compiling a list of post IDs that should not have been included, and that password-protected posts, DMs, and media flagged as CSAM and other community guidelines violations were not included.
Automattic plans to launch a new setting on Wednesday that will allow users to opt-out of data sharing with third parties, including AI companies, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, and internal documents. A new FAQ section we reviewed is titled “What happens when you opt out?” states that “If you opt out from the start, we will block crawlers from accessing your content by adding your site on a disallowed list. If you change your mind later, we also plan to update any partners about people who newly opt-out and ask that their content be removed from past sources and future training.”
404 Media has asked Automattic how it accidentally compiled data that it shouldn’t share, and whether any of that content was shared with OpenAI, but did not immediately hear back from the company. 404 Media asked Automattic about an imminent deal with Midjourney last week but did not hear back then, either.
Another internal document shows that, on February 23, an employee asked in a staff-only thread, “Do we have assurances that if a user opts out of their data being shared with third parties that our existing data partners will be notified of such a change and remove their data?”
Andrew Spittle, Automattic’s head of AI replied: “We will notify existing partners on a regular basis about anyone who's opted out since the last time we provided a list. I want this to be an ongoing process where we regularly advocate for past content to be excluded based on current preferences. We will ask that content be deleted and removed from any future training runs. I believe partners will honor this based on our conversations with them to this point. I don't think they gain much overall by retaining it.” Automattic did not respond to a question from 404 Media about whether it could guarantee that people who opt out will have their data deleted retroactively.
News about a deal between Tumblr and Midjourney has been rumored and speculated about on Tumblr for the last week. Someone claiming to be a former Tumblr employee announced in a Tumblr blog post that the platform was working on a deal with Midjourney, and the rumor made it onto Blind, an app for verified employees of companies to anonymously discuss their jobs. 404 Media has seen the Blind posts, in which what seems like an Automattic employee says, “I'm not sure why some of you are getting worked up or worried about this. It's totally legal, and sharing it publicly is perfectly fine since it's right there in the terms & conditions. So, go ahead and spread the word as much as you can with your friends and tech journalists, it's totally fine.”
Separately, 404 Media viewed a public, now-deleted post by Gage, the product manager, where he said that he was deleting all of his images off of Tumblr, and would be putting them on his personal website. A still-live post says, “i've deleted my photography from tumblr and will be moving it slowly but surely over to cylegage.com, which i'm building into a photography portfolio that i can control end-to-end.” At one point last week, his personal website had a specific note stating that he did not consent to AI scraping of his images. Gage’s original post has been deleted, and his website is now a blank page that just reads “Cyle.” Gage did not respond to a request for comment from 404 Media.
Several online platforms have made similar deals with AI companies recently, including Reddit, which entered into an AI content licensing deal with Google and said in its SEC filing last week that it’s “in the early stages of monetizing [its] user base” by training AI on users’ posts. Last year, Shutterstock signed a six year deal with OpenAI to provide training data.
OpenAI and Midjourney did not respond to requests for comment.
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an-aura-about-you · 9 months
I Was a Queer Salvation Army Bell Ringer
Part 3: So What Were My Coworkers Like?
I mentioned in the previous part that the Salvation Army is not a hive mind. They are an Equal Opportunity Employer and, much like the US Army for some time, their policy on queer employees is Don't Ask Don't Tell. Granted, they needed to find queer employees for their propaganda, or at least employees willing to say they were queer for the cameras. But in any case, considering the Salvation Army's reputation that they have no organization-wide interest in rectifying and the fact that I live in a very conservative area of the United States, I decided that I would keep my queer identity primarily to myself.
And like, I am generally a pretty open and out person regarding that. If you are reading this and you, yourself, are not queer, the truth of the matter is coming out is not a one-and-done thing. A person may choose to come out to certain people but not others. A person may choose to come out to a complete stranger just because that's where the conversation leads. A person may choose to come out about part of their identity but not all of it, or may use a term that more people are comfortable or familiar with.
For example, I don't typically go into all the nuances of my gender identity with others unless they have made it clear they're signed on to listen. For my day to day life, I tend to let people assume I'm my assigned gender at birth since I dress in a way that aligns with what people expect for that. (Not completely, but that is a tangent for another day.) And if someone is cool with something beyond that, I tend to go with the term "nonbinary" rather than any of the more niche terms I use for my gender. Because ultimately, that's for me. My identity is mine. I am very fortunate to be in a position where any gender-related issues I have with my body don't necessarily have to be solved with surgery, and I know this is not the case for anyone. But I am the sort of person who can let my gender be mine and not worry about correcting the majority of people who are determined to get it wrong.
So yeah, coasting through this job in the closet.
For the most part, I didn't meet a lot of my coworkers. Because I still have my normal job, the primary time I had any shifts was Saturdays, and even then I had a late start of it due to other obligations. The person I saw the most was the woman who actually hired me, the head of the red kettle program.
She was, for the most part, pretty okay. She would drive me to where I was supposed to ring for the day, we would shoot the shit, she even bought me a soda once. She also said I was valuable as a worker specifically BECAUSE I was willing to come to work on Saturdays. She even gave me a bag of plums and apples. (The plums were ok and the apples were Red Delicious, which were definitely red.)
She was also, perhaps, a bit unprofessional and a little less than moral.
She talked about other bell ringers who didn't exactly perform well behind their backs, complained about a former donor who didn't donate a car this year, and, when I wanted to go to a pay-for-entry market, insisted I just sneak in without paying using my Salvation Army apron to let me in.
She also let me know something I should have realized before but didn't fully get until she said it: the bell ringers' pay comes out of donations. Not just any donations but specifically the donations from their own kettles. Any time I went out and rang the bell, my pay was a cut from the kettle. It does make sense, it being a non-profit organization. Of course everyone's pay came from donations. But this? This just makes the red kettles glorified panhandling in my mind.
In one sense, I'm for that. Indeed, the quickest way to solve a person's financial problems is giving them money. And more of it going directly to the bell ringers, most if not all of the hired ones not being merely lower class like me but actually in outright poverty, is better than it going to an organization where the head of this program is complaining about not getting another car they don't actually need.
In another sense, it does feel a little underhanded, and added to my personal moral dilemma of working there. More on that in another entry.
And honestly, there's not really much to say about my other coworkers as individuals as I hardly saw them. One of the drivers is an obvious Trump supporter as he was never seen without his Trump 2024 hat. Most of the other people were scraping by on the cusp of homelessness, taking up residence in an apartment complex that charges rent by the week. Some had pasts that involved jail time for stupid charges (ie marijuana possession, missing a court date, etc.), job loss, or crushing amounts of debt.
I did have an unexpected conversation with one coworker that, at this point, has been my last in-person interaction with anyone involved with the Salvation Army, but I will leave that story for another entry.
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bllsbailey · 13 days
Big Tech Employees Overwhelmingly Donate to Harris
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Workers at many of the largest U.S. tech companies overwhelmingly back Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris, according to donation data, even as some of the most powerful tech billionaires have thrown their support to Republican rival Donald Trump.
Workers at Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft are donating millions of dollars to the Harris campaign, significantly more than employees who are opting to send money to former President Trump's camp, according to the data compiled by political watchdog OpenSecrets. The data includes donations made by company employees, owners, and workers' and owners' immediate family members.
However, tech billionaires like Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk and venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz co-founders Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz are rallying behind Trump, citing the former president's stances on the economy, taxes, and big business.
The Nov. 5 presidential election has riven Silicon Valley, once a bastion of democratic and liberal support. Venture capitalist Reid Hoffman from Greylock and entrepreneur Mark Cuban are pledging support for Harris' White House bid, with hopes of seeing more abortion rights for workers and pro-tech policies.
But in recent years several other tech leaders have bristled at Democrat President Joe Biden's business policies, including a broad attack on mergers and acquisitions and clamping down on data privacy.
Companies themselves can not directly donate to federal campaigns, including presidential ones, according to campaign finance laws. Corporations often donate to congressional and state-level campaigns through political action committees, which are funded by employee donations and limited on how much candidates can receive.
"Many businesses serve customers on both sides of the political aisle, and they don't want to alienate customers by making contributions that support just one party or one candidate in a partisan race," said Michael Beckel, research director at campaign finance reform nonprofit Issue One. While corporations are blocked from sending money directly to presidential candidates, their employees aren't, and tech employees are overwhelmingly giving to Harris.
Employees at Alphabet and its subsidiaries, which includes Google, and their family members have donated $2.16 million so far to Harris' campaign, nearly 40 times as much as Trump has received, according to OpenSecrets.
Amazon and Microsoft employees and family members donated $1 million and $1.1 million, respectively. Trump's campaign pulled in $116,000 from Amazon workers and $88,000 from Microsoft workers, as well as their family members.
Employees at Amazon, which is also a top U.S. retailer and the second largest employer in the country, are outpacing donations from other e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail workers.
For example, Walmart workers have donated a total of $275,000 to both Harris and Trump, with both presidential candidates receiving nearly the same amount in funding. Trump's campaign is taking in $144,000 from Walmart workers, about $14,000 more than Harris'.
Campaign donations mostly come from corporate employees who have more disposable income than the typical warehouse worker or cashier, said Sarah Bryner, director of research and strategy for OpenSecrets. Bryner said Amazon and other tech company corporate employees often make more money than those at Walmart, giving them more leeway to contribute to political campaigns.
Amazon corporate employees on average make more money than Walmart corporate employees, who are often based in Bentonville, Arkansas. Amazon's U.S. corporate employees take home an average of $133,000 per year, while Walmart's corporate workers' average annual salary is $85,000, according to data from job marketplace ZipRecruiter.
Workers and family members at Meta and Apple haven't hit the $1 million mark in donations to Harris yet, but they are continuing the trend of outpacing contributions to Trump. Meta employees have donated $25,000 to Trump compared with $835,000 to Harris, while Apple employees donated $44,000 to Trump compared with $861,000 to Harris.
Silicon Valley has traditionally been seen as more left-leaning in the U.S. In August, more than 100 venture capitalists said in a letter they would support Harris, who has been considered pro-innovation on business and technology.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Apple hit with lawsuit for allegedly underpaying female employees
A class action lawsuit filed by two women against Apple seeks damages for 12,000 current and former female employees for allegedly underpaying them. The complaint says the tech giant “systematically” paid them a lower wage than their male employees over a four-year period. The lawsuit filed in a California state court in San Francisco County on Thursday claims Apple’s systematic behavior of…
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techwebdevelopment · 3 months
Apple hit with lawsuit for allegedly underpaying female employees
A class action lawsuit filed by two women against Apple seeks damages for 12,000 current and former female employees for allegedly underpaying them. The complaint says the tech giant “systematically” paid them a lower wage than their male employees over a four-year period.The lawsuit filed in a California state court in San Francisco County on […] The post Apple hit with lawsuit for allegedly underpaying female employees appeared first on TECH - WEB DEVELOPMENT NEWS. https://tech-webdevelopment.news-6.com/apple-hit-with-lawsuit-for-allegedly-underpaying-female-employees/
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fahrni · 5 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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Life is just flying by. Another week in the books.
I’ll be helping Kim paint the kitchen today. Should be an adventure. 👨‍🎨
Jeffrey Zeldman
Sure, watches that tell you when you’re walking unsteadily and pocket computer phones that show you the closest pizzeria are swell, but were you around for ResEdit?
Unfortunately I wasn’t a Mac user during the ResEdit days but I do know a lot of folks who had fun with it, does that count? 😃
David Ingram • NBC News
Elon Musk’s X is a thriving hub for Nazi support and propaganda, with paid subscribers sharing speeches by Adolf Hitler or content praising his genocidal regime.
Shocked! Surprised! Said no one hearing this. I really don’t know what else to say. He’s a garbage human.
Benjamin Sandofsky
An ex-Apple designer who went on to startup success once told me, “I wish I could give a workshop for Apple jumping into startups, to help them un-learn The Apple Way.” I think Apple makes some of the best products in the world, and I strive to build products with their level of craft and quality, so it pains me to admit that The Apple Way can destroy a lot of startups. Which brings us to Humane.
I have yet to read anything positive about the Humane Pin. It’s not such a bad idea to be able to talk to a device you’re wearing. I’ve had an Apple Watch for years and years, that’s the device to talk to. Siri could use some work but I have a feeling that’s already happening.
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John S. Tobey • Forbes
Sell Trump Media Stock (DJT) Now - An Implosion Is Likely
I feel bad for all the folks who believe so much in Trump that they invested their entire life savings in a company poised to fail. There’s a sucker born every day and if Trump is good at anything it’s grifting.
Jimmy Cook
A React Native app is made up of two sides, the JavaScript side and the native side. The native side could be Objective-C/Swift for iOS or Java/Kotlin for Android (not to mention the other platforms for React Native like web and desktop). The React Native Bridge allows the native code and the javascript code to talk to each other. Without the bridge, there is no way for the native code to send any information to the JavaScript code and vise versa.
I’ve been working on a React Native project that integrates into an existing iOS and Android app. We’ve created ways for our React Native developers to use the native iOS and Android code to do work for them and allow them to navigate between React Native views and Native views. There’s definitely more work we could do to improve on what we’ve started but it’s in a decent position.
We’ve already released some React Native based work and will be rolling out more soon.
I’m having a blast!
Devin Meenan • /Film
Jaws' Most Famous Improvised Line Was A Not-So-Sneaky Dig At Studio Producers
This is a fun little read. Make sure you take the time to visit. It’ll only take a minute of your life.
Ellis Karran,Richard Madden • BBC
When they removed the wooden panel, it revealed a large slab of stone featuring a carving of the Lincoln Imp.
How cool is that!
I hope they find more interesting relics around their home. Let’s hope they’re not cursed. 😆
Alexandra Sternlicht • Fortune via News+
But with the House voting in March to force ByteDance to sell its stake in TikTok, 11 former employees interviewed by Fortune tell a vastly different story. Many of those ex-workers, four of whom were employed as recently as last year, say at least some of TikTok’s operations were intertwined with its parent during their tenures, and that the company’s independence from China was largely cosmetic.
This gets more and more interesting by the day. I was against forcing them to sell and I still think it’s a bit heavy handed.
Is there a way to regulate them to make sure American citizens data remains on servers here in the States?
We know Apple had to hand over the keys to iCloud in China. Could that be done here?
It’s above my pay grade and I’m sure someone much smarter than me could give me the lowdown. In the meantime I’ll keep watching from the cheap seats. 🍿
Haela Huntress • Metal Sucks
Maynard James Keenan may be a 60-year-old man ranting against cell phones, but he actually might have a point on this one, at least somewhat.
I like that he does this. When I went to Aftershock in 2019, and Tool closed out the festival, there didn’t seem to be any rules around cell phones. As soon as their set opened it was cell phones up from front to back. I was so tempted to take one away from the dude in front of me blocking my view. Yeah, I was pissed off but managed to keep my cool. It sucked looking around that thing all evening but in the end I got to hear some amazing music.
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krispyweiss · 9 months
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Movie Review: “John Lennon: Murder without a Trial”
There’s an unseemliness about “John Lennon: Murder without a Trial” the film that begins with people adjacent to the Beatle’s last day getting their 15 minutes of attention and ends with the movie makers offering what’s tantamount to a mitigation hearing for the man who murdered Lennon Dec. 8, 1980, outside the Dakota building in New York City.
Based on public records, including previously unseen crime-scene photos; and interviews with eyewitnesses, Lennon’s friends, psychiatrists, detectives, prosecutors and attorneys for the Beatle’s confessed killer, the three-part Apple+ documentary narrated by Kiefer Sutherland begins with “The Last Day” and directors Nick Holt and Rob Coldstream allowing Dakota employees, cab drivers, New York City cops, hospital staff and others to talk about their interactions with Lennon just before and after the shooting.
“I just thought it was so tragic, that was the only time I got to meet him,” a retired Roosevelt Hospital nurse and Beatles fan says of Lennon coming to her ER after being shot.
This unfortunate quote illustrates the voyeuristic vibe that permeates the film, as when a cop on the final episode - “The Trial” - states proudly that he was the only detective on the case who did not read “The Catcher in the Rye,” the book Lennon’s murderer carried with him to New York.
In any event, “The Trial” finds the killer’s childhood friends, a former girlfriend and his ex-pastor talking about what went wrong in the gunman’s life while defense attorneys stress he was mentally ill when he committed the heinous, attention-seeking crime. To the directors’ credit, they do give former prosecutors the opportunity to dispel that notion and argue prison is where the killer belonged and still belongs.
Which leaves Episode 2 - “The Investigation” - as the only one of the 35-minute segments that doesn’t cause the viewer to recoil. But anyone who cares about Lennon and/or the Beatles enough to watch “Murder without a Trial” is unlikely to learn much beyond the fact that the person seen hidden under a jacket in contemporary footage that purports to show Lennon’s murderer being escorted to a court hearing was actually a decoy used to prevent a revenge killing. We know Nixon and the FBI tracked Lennon years before he received his Green Card.
Those who lived through Lennon’s murder and its aftermath will be jolted back four decades via the announcement on “Monday Night Football” and archival news footage of vigils, Ringo Starr navigating a scrum to visit Yoko Ono at the Dakota and Paul McCartney’s tone-deaf comments to British media as he learned the news. But you could probably find that video elsewhere and the 90 minutes needed to take in “John Lennon: Murder without a Trial” would be much better spent listening to Lennon and/or Beatles music of your choosing rather than sitting through this creepy, not-very-revealing documentary.
Grade card: “John Lennon: Murder without a Trial” - C-
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mariacallous · 2 years
The strategy behind this Republican battle is to fight off the federal state until they have re-established federal power themselves
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has been grabbing national headlines with his relentless attacks on so-called “woke”. In addition to his Stop-Woke (Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees) Act, which prohibits educational institutions and businesses from teaching students and employees anything that would cause anyone to “feel guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress” due to their race, color, sex or national origin, he has barred University of Florida professors from giving evidence against the state’s voting law, claimed that professors at public colleges have no right to freedom of speech, and organizing a “hostile takeover” of the New College of Florida, one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country. But he is far from the only Republican politicians to attack the education system.
UCLA Law School’s CRT Forward Tracking Project has tracked 567 anti-critical race theory (CRT) efforts introduced at the local, state, and federal levels. According to the World Population Review, there are currently seven states that have banned CRT, while another 16 states are in the process of banning it. That constitutes almost all states with a Republican governor. While CRT is a highly specific academic theory that is almost exclusively taught at some law schools, the anti-CRT laws are incredibly broad and vague and target all levels of education. In my state, Georgia, House bill 1084 bans the use of so-called “divisive concepts” (eg race and gender) from teaching and, although it includes several exceptions and stipulations, these are so broad and vague that many teachers will simply stay away from these “divisive concepts”.
Although all bills explicitly ban the teaching of classic racism, ie that “one race is superior to another race”, they also ban the teaching of institutional or structural racism, ie the idea racial discrimination is not just the consequence of a few racist individuals (“bad apples”) but that it is structural, engrained in the country’s key institutions – from election laws to law enforcement. The idea is simple: if kids are not taught about institutional racism, and the white supremacy it upholds, they won’t question it later when they are voters. As Orwell knew, historical revisionism is always a project for the future.
Both legal professionals and laypersons have noted that “the bills are so vaguely written that it’s unclear what they will affirmatively cover”. This is not because of incompetence or oversight but by design. The vagueness serves, at least, two goals. First, and foremost, it makes the laws hard to interpret, which leads those targeted (from teachers to principals) to be extra cautious. Second, the vagueness provides deniability, both to the courts and to more moderate supporters. In fact, the prime goal is not for the state to censor teachers and schools but for them to self-censor. That is why it was only a minor setback when a Florida judge struck down the “Stop Woke” law, calling it “positively dystopian”. Across the state, teachers and universities had already started to self-censor. For instance, the University of Central Florida (UCF), the state’s largest university, removed all anti-racist statements from departmental websites, while several of its professors decided to cancel scheduled courses on race out of fear of breaching the “Stop-Woke” law.
Although most of the current laws are targeting public institutions in Republican-controlled states, they are part of a national agenda. In his first speech as re-elected House speaker, Kevin McCarthy pledged to fix “woke education indoctrination in our schools”, while former President Donald Trump has made the “issue” a priority for his 2024 campaign. Building upon the misguided ideas of his 1776 Commission, whose work was cut short by Trump’s lost re-election bid, the former president not only wants to stimulate “patriotic education” but also cut federal funding for any school or program that includes “critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on to our children”. And, make no mistake, university administrators will not risk losing millions of federal funding for a “gender” or “race” class, not even at the private Ivy Leagues in solidly blue states.
The recent Dobbs ruling has shown once again that “states’ rights” are not a Republican principle but a defensive, and temporal, strategy to fight off the federal state until they have re-established federal power themselves. We cannot expect individual schools and teachers to fight this battle alone. We also shouldn’t expect the educational establishment to stand up for academic freedom, as was made clear by the recent decision of the College Board, which stripped down its AP curriculum for African American Studies to appease DeSantis.
To counter the highly organized conservative attack, we need a concerted and integrated campaign from all individuals and organizations that support academic freedom and liberal democracy, from the AAUP to the ACLU, and we need it sooner rather than later, as the damage is already being done – one in four of all teachers across the country have already altered their lesson plans due to anti-CRT laws. After all, as Orwell has taught us, how we see the past determines our future!
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work-source1 · 11 months
How to Land Your Dream Job at a Top MNC: Insider Tips for MNC Companies Recruitment
Landing a job at a leading Multinational Corporation (MNC) is a dream for many professionals. These companies offer attractive compensation packages, career growth opportunities, and the chance to work on the global stage. However, the competition for positions at MNCs is fierce. To help you stand out and secure your dream job at a top MNC, we’ve gathered valuable insider tips on MNC companies’ recruitment processes.
What Are MNCs, and Why Work for Them?
Before we dive into the insider tips, let’s clarify what MNCs are and why they are sought after.
MNC Companies: An Overview
Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are large enterprises that operate in multiple countries. They have a global presence and often engage in various industries, including technology, finance, manufacturing, and more. Some well-known MNCs include Google, Apple, Microsoft, and IBM.
Why Work for MNCs?
Global Opportunities: MNCs offer the chance to work across borders, collaborating with diverse teams and gaining international experience.
Competitive Salaries: MNCs often provide higher salaries and more comprehensive benefits packages than smaller companies.
Professional Development: MNCs invest in employee development, offering training and career advancement opportunities.
Cutting-Edge Technologies: Many MNCs are at the forefront of technological advancements, allowing you to work with state-of-the-art tools and resources.
The Insider Tips for MNC Companies Recruitment
Now, let’s explore the insider tips that can help you land your dream job at a top MNC.
Research Extensively Start
By researching the MNC you want to work for. Understand their values, culture, products, services, and recent news. Familiarize yourself with their mission and vision, as this knowledge will be crucial during the interview process.
Networking Matters
Leverage your professional network. Connect with current or former employees of the MNC on platforms like LinkedIn. They can provide insights into the company and even refer you for open positions.
Tailor Your Resume
Customize your resume for the specific role you’re applying for. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences that match the job description. MNCs receive a large number of applications, so a tailored resume can help you stand out.
Showcase Language Skills
If the MNC operates internationally, language skills can be a significant asset. Fluency in multiple languages, especially the official language of the company, can set you apart from other candidates.
Demonstrate Adaptability
MNCs often require employees to work across different time zones and cultures. Showcase your adaptability, flexibility, and cross-cultural communication skills during interviews.
Embrace Technology
MNCs are typically tech-savvy. Familiarize yourself with the latest technology and software relevant to your field. Proficiency in tools commonly used by the company can be a significant advantage.
Showcase Leadership Skills
MNCs value leaders who can take initiative and drive projects. Highlight your leadership experiences and your ability to work independently.
Prepare for Behavioral Interviews
MNCs often use behavioral interview techniques to assess your past experiences and how they relate to the job. Practice answering behavioral questions using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
Be Ready for Multiple Rounds
The recruitment process at MNCs can be extensive, with multiple interview rounds. Be prepared for initial phone interviews, video interviews, and in-person interviews. Each round is an opportunity to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
Highlight Soft Skills
In addition to technical skills, MNCs place a strong emphasis on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Showcase these qualities during interviews.
MNC Companies Recruitment
Now, let’s address the keyword “MNC companies recruitment” and its relevance to your job search. MNCs have unique recruitment processes, and understanding these intricacies is crucial. Here’s how “MNC companies recruitment” factors into your job search strategy:
Tailoring Your Approach
Understanding the recruitment methods of MNCs helps you tailor your job search. You’ll know what to expect in terms of interviews, assessments, and evaluation criteria.
Navigating the Global Job Market
MNCs often hire globally, so knowing the ins and outs of “MNC companies recruitment” can give you a competitive edge in the global job market.
Matching Your Skills to MNC Requirements
The recruitment process at MNCs may differ from that of smaller companies. Being well-versed in “MNC companies recruitment” can help you align your skills and experiences with their expectations.
Gaining an Edge in a Competitive Landscape
MNCs typically receive a high volume of applications. Understanding “MNC companies recruitment” can help you stand out and secure your place in the competitive job landscape.
Securing a position at a top MNC is a goal worth pursuing. These companies offer global opportunities, competitive salaries, professional development, and access to cutting-edge technologies. By following the insider tips provided in this guide and understanding the nuances of “MNC companies recruitment,” you can increase your chances of landing your dream job at a prestigious MNC.
Ready to kick-start your journey toward a career at a top MNC? Contact Worksource Professional, known to be the top Recruitment Agency in Bangalore and let our recruitment services guide you on the path to success.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
On Sep. 28, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said some former Binance Russia employees and the Commonwealth of Independent States might be integrated into the CommEx team. Zhao mentioned that this move aims to make the transition of Binance users to CommEx as smooth as possible in the region. CommEX’s platform, APIs, and features are designed to closely resemble Binance to ensure a familiar experience for users. Some answers about Binance/CommEx.There will be crypto transfers between Binance & CommEx as users migrate with their funds. There are also older transactions during the testing phase of the integrations. This is expected.A few ex-Binance CIS team members may join their team,…— CZ 🔶 Binance (@cz_binance) September 28, 2023 As part of the acquisition agreement, CommEX has committed to implementing blocks based on IP addresses and customer verification to avoid serving users in the U.S. and EU. Zhao also clarified that he doesn’t have any ownership stake in CommEX, nor are there buyback options in the deal. Additionally, Zhao emphasized that he is not the ultimate beneficiary owner of CommEx and doesn’t hold any shares in the company. The deal also does not include any buyback options. The sale is when the crypto industry is under increased regulatory scrutiny. Binance has been taking steps to restructure its operations to comply with regulations in different countries. While specific terms of the CommEX deal have not been disclosed, support from former Binance employees could simplify the integration process for customers. The acquisition of Binance Russia has raised concerns about sanctions compliance due to CommEX’s stance on Crimea. A CommEX spokesperson said that they are working on making their platform accessible to users in Crimea. Crimea is under sanctions from the U.S., EU, and other entities, which prohibit companies from offering financial services and conducting business there. CommEX is registered in Seychelles, which may enable it to circumvent local restrictions in Russia. Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning all crypto payments in the country. Nonetheless, CommEX claims that its offshore registration allows users to directly deposit rubles into their trading accounts. It’s still uncertain how CommEX plans to handle app store restrictions by Apple and Google who blocked Russian financial apps due to sanctions. While the move to transition Russian Binance users to CommEX provides continuity, monitoring the sanctions status of its operations is important. Source
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