#a fistful of forks would be better for stabby
palmett-hoes · 4 years
so in this post there's a bunch of reasons why I don't really like andrew especially with piercings bc they're a really REALLY dumb idea for someone who gets in fights and andrew's smarter than that
... buuuuuuut cetified fashion icon andrew minyard still deserves bling so i'd like to propose: multifunction/self-defense jewelry and he's the king ofaccessories. no necklaces bc sturdy chain around neck=BAD so
bracelets: - i used to wear a buncha bracelets in high school including some metal bangles and lemme tell you, those things work as bludgeoning weapons. some people got some nasty high fives off me. they also make it hard to grab you around the wrist because they slide off your hand easily. - so andrew has a collection of wide metal bangle bracelets like these:
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- and spike bracelets to prevent people from grabbing his wrists
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- he also has long chains that he wears as bracelets or waist chains like:
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- he can wrap them loosely so he can still access his knives and they can still work in the same bludgeoning style as the bangles. he can also take them off easily because they generally have a button clasp and wrap them around a fist for a harder punch like brass knuckles, use them as a whip for surprise, or a garrotte in extreme circumstances - he has one belt that's literally just an industrial cable link chain secured by a small padlock (SERIOUS bludgeoning damage if you swing and hit someone with it)
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(like this necklace except bigger)
rings: -there's a LONG history of rings as defensive weapons, especially as an alternative to brass knuckles (which are usually very illegal). some are specially designed for defensive purposes like these: 
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others are just large and heavy and would hurt like hell to be hit with, like these:
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- this one has a neat lil flip up knife for dealing extra damage
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-andrew has "defensive" rings, which are large and heavy and standout and are for purposes of "these will stab and tear and hurt if i hit you with them" and also "decorative" rings which are smaller, thinner, don't stand out as much, and just look neat so he accessorizes around his larger rings with them like this:
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-neil keeps getting him fox rings 
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- and he complains about them all the time but he also basically always has one of neil's fox rings on. neil likes to play with the rings when they hold hands
knives + armbands:
- he actually has a bunch of armbands they're just all identical. some people have a sock drawer, andrew has a sock&armband drawer. they have different types of pockets sewn in for different knives. he switches them accordingly
- andrew got a bunch of knives from renee, way too many to carry them all with him at any one time, so yes he absolutely matches his knives to his outfits even though he may not even take the knife out                                                            
-getting ready to head to eden's: “hey nicky, does this bowie or this stiletto go better with this shirt?”
hair: -i've gotten VERY into andrew with a long undercut, which means he can use hair accessories, a lot of which have a lil stabby thing to hold the hair in place - the classic is the hair sticks, which he has tons of. he doesn't go much for danglies but some sticks have colors, patterns, twists, or other designs
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- also has a bunch of hair slides and forks
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- prefers metal accessories bc they're sturdier but does have some leather pieces - always has at least 5 bobby pins in his hair at any time, for lock picking - has a couple of these multi-tool hair clips and tries to have one in all the time, just in case
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- can corset braid
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additional: -100% has an etsy account and always has tons of things on his lists - goes to yard sales and antique stores whenever possible bc, really, that's where the good shit is -lets renee borrow his jewelry bc she always returns it - does NOT let nicky borrow his jewelry bc he never returns it and often loses it - begrudgingly, in an attempt to get to know neil's bf, allison tries talking to andrew about his jewelry. he's closed off but they actually have a ton to talk about and even get to the point where they can exchange jewelry and are willing to run an accessory or outfit they're unsure of by each other bc they're the only two people on the team with taste - the whole top of his dresser is taken up by all his jewelry boxes and trees. he keeps them all nicely organized but it can still take him ages to get ready in the morning. decisions decisions - it's way way way too much for neil who gets overwhelmed putting on a shirt and pants in the morning but he thinks andrew looks super cool and absolutely loves all his jewelry and is always playing with it - andrew always carries a multi-tool, maybe on like his key ring - he's just,, very prepared for any situation, constantly. has paracord keychains, just in case one of his people gets stick down a big sinkhole.
i just really really love andrew being fashionable with a great sense of style while also staying true to his whole super paranoid, one man army thing. also i like the idea that he can express himself through accessories like this bc owning all this jewelry would have been hard for him being bounced around homes and it also lets him have agency and control over his own body and make choices for himself in how he dresses and presents himself
just.. andrew and kickass jewelry
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