#a drow warlock named Xinniani Illier
pixelatedrose · 3 years
FINALLY DONE!!! I know they’re not all digitized, but honestly idc bc it's already taken me a month do do all of this
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I present to you!!! The Weave of Silence party in full!!! (Technically I'm missing a member but she just joined so don't hate on me)
In order, we have:
Callahan McBlithe!!! A dwarf sorcerer and my character!!
Montgomery (Monty) Silverbeard!! A human artificer who seems to be related to Callahan somehow- at least that's what we're told...
Sylas Valor!! An aasimar cleric who's been hearing more than just his father's voice, as of late.
Lord Becket!! A changeling assassin who doesn't seem to have much empathy for his companions.
And Haru!! An elf fighter/dragon rider, who has a young silver dragon companion, Archion, and has a secret that he's only told to someone [he thought was] close to him; he's made a deal with Remmy.
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