#a couple weeks ago before 4-5-1 aired i saw all the rumors about how it was that episode that kicked off colin’s arc and i got so stressed
camgoloud · 1 year
we are now officially within 50 hours of the air date of ted lasso season 3 episode 9 “la locker room aux folles” (yes i’m counting). prayer circle for colin hughes starts now and doesn’t stop until isaac mcadoo gives him a hug on my screen. participation is not optional
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pirate-au · 3 years
A Pirate's Life for a Prince (Part 5)
Summary: Roman was a dashing Captain, content with his exciting life out at sea, diving head first into adventure both on and off land. He wouldn't give up his life for anything, and yet he found himself...lacking something. He was never sure what.
When he meets Virgil, a seemingly common traveler in an old tavern, that lacking feeling in his chest goes away for the first time in a long while. So surely there's no harm in offering the stranger and his friend a ride, right?
Notes: TW for Remus being Remus, threats of violence
thank you again to @cheshirevalentine for editing! Check out their spinoff @actorau it's going to be so cool
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 6
The throne room was quiet, the guards stationed around the golden walls silent and motionless, the air just as heavy as it had been since news of the missing Prince had made it to the King.
Janus’s eyes were on the blue skies outside glass stained windows, the guards around him staring straight ahead, backs straight, unmoving for hours.
He leaned against the back of the throne with a sigh. The golden throne was grand and elegant, but also old and uncomfortable. It was honestly more for show than for furniture, and his back always protested the hours upon hours he spent in the throne room. He was always staring at the door, waiting for the same boring pointless people to come in with their same boring pointless demands.
It had been a bit more frantic since Virgil had disappeared along with his advisor, but with over a week of no new leads, no way to track down the missing Prince, things had settled back into routine, just coupled with a rising sense of uncertainty and dread.
Janus could barely even remember the last time he’d had a proper conversation with Virgil. They saw each other in meetings, Virgil quiet and nervous, out of place in a room full of adult royals, but that was about it.
He’d stopped by to congratulate the young Prince on achieving adulthood on his 18th birthday, as well as to praise Patton for his success, but that had been almost a year ago now, and they’d barely said a word to each other since.
Janus had never bothered to get to know the boy- too many bad memories, too much responsibility on top of the crown that had been thrust upon him after the death of the Queen.
He’d been given the throne to the kingdom he was never meant to rule, expected to ignore his own grief and confusion in favor of piecing things back together. He couldn’t raise a child on top of that.
Virgil had his mother’s mismatched eyes. Janus still couldn’t bring himself to look at the Prince without a simple glance being accompanied by waves of unwanted memories.
Patton had raised him well in place of any real family, and Janus had paid him enough to support the young advisor for decades.
And now both Virgil and Patton were gone, vanished without a trace in the middle of the night, and Janus didn’t know what to do.
Virgil was the only heir, set to be King in less than a year’s time now. The boy was a wreck. Anxious, timid, unprepared, and unsociable. So Janus had managed to push back the crowning until he was twenty, rather than eighteen like originally planned.
Patton had done his best, but he and Janus both knew that boy wasn’t fit to be King. Not yet, at least. Probably not for a long while.
But there was nothing Janus could do about that. He was never meant to be King, he was simply a placeholder until the late Queen’s son came of age.
He'd been able to keep Virgil from being crowned as an unprepared teenager like Janus had been, but he couldn't keep the crown off his head forever.
But now the late Queen’s son was gone, and Janus was still on the throne, his back still protesting the long, uneventful hours.
He’d been King for nearly a decade. He’d built his kingdom, built a reputation, placed his spies, made sure he had eyes and ears on every corner. The people knew him, respected him (more out of fear than anything, he suspected). The King was always the first to hear anything.
And yet there hadn’t been a word about the missing Prince. Nobody was sure when he left, if he was still in the city, if he’d left on a ship or was just hiding right under their noses. Nobody knew if he’d left willingly or if someone had stolen him.
It had been over a week, and still nothing.
Janus was pulled from his thoughts when the double doors at the end of the hall swung open without any warning or announcement, loud heels clicking against the floor, the guards startling to attention.
“Hell of a place you got here,” the intruder called, weaving around the two guards stationed at the door, expertly avoiding their grasps. “Did you decorate in puke yellow on purpose?”
Janus leaned forward, watching with his one good eye as the man pushed his way into the throne room, grinning as he surveyed the area, avoiding the apparently incompetent guards.
Janus raised a hand, stopping the rest of his men from rushing forward, weapons raised. The day had been never ending and dull, he might as well see how this played out.
Janus kept his eye on the intruder, eyebrow raised. “And who might you be?”
“That’s not important right now,” the man said, finally spinning around to face the throne. “What is important is… holy shit. What happened to your face? It looks like it was on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork! Like, in a good way. It works.”
He sounded almost awestruck, staring shamelessly at the marred side of Janus’s face, and for the first time in years the King felt uneasy up on his throne, tensing under the gaze.
Nobody looked at his scar. It was common courtesy to pretend it wasn’t there, an unspoken agreement among the people.
“Tell me who you are and what you want before I have you arrested.”
The man gave a dramatic, woeful sigh, crossing his arms over his chest. “You have a kid, yeah? Short, big mop of black hair, crown prince and heir to the throne of Naither?”
That piqued Janus’s interest much more than the bizarre show the nameless man seemed intent on putting on. “My nephew is the heir, and the city is aware there is a reward for his return. If you have information you should have scheduled an appointment.”
“Appointments aren’t really my thing,” he said, looking up with a bright, crooked grin, one hand moving up to brush over his mustache. “The point is, I know where your kid is.”
“Wonderful,” Janus said. “Where?”
The man merely shrugged. “That depends. How much are you paying?”
He kept his voice disinterested and bored, picking at chipped, painted nails. Well, two could play that game.
Janus leaned back in the throne and examined his gloves, black and gold rings glittering in what little sunlight managed to filter in. He saw the man’s gaze fall on the jewels, his eyes brightening hungrily. “I’m sure we could get you a handsome reward for helping to bring the Prince home. If your information is authentic.”
“Well I’m not offering information,” he said, tilting his head to look at Janus. “I’m offering to collect him myself. There are very few people you could trust with the job, you know. You can’t just pick up any rando’ off the streets.”
“I have plenty of people who are more than capable of bringing the heir back home. You’re expecting me to entrust his return to a stranger?”
The man shrugged again. “I won’t share the information with just anyone.”
“You’ll share the information if there’s a knife to your throat.”
The man actually grinned at that, brown eyes brightening dangerously. There was a scar across the left side of his face, that eye a bit glossy, parallel to Janus’s own injury. “Any fool willing to attack the ship he’s on will die. I can guarantee that. Except myself, of course!”
“Is that so?” Janus drawled. “Care to explain why?”
Remus hummed, rocking forward onto the balls of his feet, smug grin only growing. “You’ve not heard of the Calypso? She’s mighty notorious, especially about these parts. And I’d simply not let anyone near her. There’s precious cargo on that ship, you know.”
Janus had heard of the ship, but only vaguely. He tended to ignore rumors of pirates, busying himself with more important things than following those stories. Especially when such stories didn’t often involve the land he was ruling.
Well, he couldn’t exactly ignore the pirates when they were kidnapping the kingdom’s only heir, could he?
“How do I know you’re right about Virgil being aboard?”
“Why, I have written proof from the Captain, of course!” The man bounced a bit on the balls of his feet, leaning forward. “He’s been on board for… nearly two weeks now? They’ll stop in Gladena in about a day's time, and from there be off to Deigh. You can check any record you please, the first mate is absolutely meticulous about it all.”
Janus drummed his fingers along the throne, studying the intruder carefully. He should have this man arrested for daring to barge into the throne room, whether he was telling the truth or not.
He could send someone he trusted after Virgil, but… the Prince and his advisor would be on the lookout for someone they recognized. And despite himself, Janus was achingly curious. "And how long would it take you to get my heir back to me?"
“Well, considering it took the Captain two weeks to get to Gladena,” the man mused, dropping his arms to fold his hands behind his back, swaying slightly. “I could cut them off at Deigh and be back in less than two months.”
It wasn’t… ideal. The kingdom needed it’s Prince back as soon as possible, especially when he was so close to taking the throne. Janus couldn’t keep the fear and uncertainty at bay forever.
But Deigh was a decent way away. Assuming this man would actually do what he said he would, two months was the best they could hope for. It wasn’t a bad offer.
“Very well,” Janus relented with a heavy sigh. “Every day over two months you’re gone, I reduce your pay. I expect Virgil to be returned unharmed.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re no fun.”
“And I’ll need your name,” Janus said. “I’d like to know who I’m trusting my nephew’s safe return with.”
The man brightened, toothy grin spreading across his face as he put a hand to his chest and bent forward in a mock bow.
“Remus of Lucoria. At your service, your majesty.”
Janus sighed, and some of the guards at the foot of the throne shifted anxiously, no doubt waiting for the order to attack.
As it turned out, there was one pirate Janus couldn’t ignore the rumors about. No one could, with how they seemed to spread with viscosity like no other.
“Ah,” Janus said. He wondered briefly how Remus had managed to dock without word getting to the King, making a mental note to fire his head naval officer. “Wonderful.”
“There we go.” Remus straightened, his grin never faltering. “Now you know who you’re dealing with.”
“And now I trust you to deliver Virgil safely even less.”
“Oh come off it,” Remus said, rolling his eyes. “It’s not like I’m incompetent.”
“You do have a reputation,” Janus pointed out. “And I’d like my nephew back. Not his corpse.”
“I’m ruthless, not stupid. He’ll be alive.”
“He needs to be unharmed.”
“Unharmed is… such a big request these days,” Remus said, turning back to examining his nails. “Should I kiss his booboo if he gets a splinter?”
Janus set his jaw, staring down at Remus from his vantage point up on the throne. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had talked back to him like this, especially in his own throne room. “You should deliver the Crown Prince without injuring him. He’s royalty.”
“Yes, and as am I,” Remus said. “He’s not special.”
“You’re not royalty anymore.”
Remus rolled his eyes once again, turning back to Janus with a smile. “It’s a mindset.”
“Of course it is,” Janus drawled, leaning forward in his throne. “Royalty is power. If I wanted you dead today, your head would be at my feet in seconds.”
Remus laughed then, the sound short and humorless. “I had no problem getting in here, did I? If I wanted you dead today, you would be.”
“Not if you wanted to escape with your life,” Janus said. “But you’re welcome to try.”
“I did say if, sweetheart. I’m not here for that today.”
“Good,” Janus said, keeping his voice cold and sharp. “I still need the Prince back in one piece.”
“Yeah yeah,” Remus agreed, waving him off. “I heard you.”
“Completely unharmed, Remus.”
“Yes,” Remus growled. “I heard you. I’ll kiss all his booboos.”
“Good,” the King said again. “And I trust you’re aware of the reward for Virgil’s return?”
“Oh, I am,” Remus said. “And it’s not enough. I want 3,000. To start.”
Janus scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “To start, huh?”
“I’ve got to be compensated for my time, don’t I?”
“Sure,” Janus agreed. “But I’ll remind you I do have an army at my disposal. I don’t need you for one job. You’ve given me all the information I need to send my own men.”
“The Calypso’s Captain won’t let him go so easily,” Remus said. “And much less to anyone but me. So either I go get him, or he makes it to Deigh and is never heard from again. Your choice.” He said with another infuriating shrug.
There were countless eyes on Janus, the guards watching and waiting, ready to move at the King’s word. Remus was smiling, smug and knowing, and Janus took a steadying, resigned breath.
“Fine,” Janus relented. “I’ll give you 1,500 before you depart, and 1,500 when you return with Virgil.”
“Plus the pre-existing reward.”
The King sighed. He’d pay just about anything to get Remus out of his castle. “Fine. 3,000 on top of the reward.”
Remus smiled again, giving one more fake, flashy bow before sending the King a wink Janus would have anyone else killed for.
He started towards the double doors before pausing and turning back to the King. “How ‘bout a kiss, too?”
“Get out of my throne room.”
Remus cackled, striding past the bewildered guards and pushing past the double doors, the clicking of his heels echoing against the walls. He disappeared and the doors closed behind him, leaving Janus perched on his throne in silence like nothing had even happened.
@i-really-like-dragons @stitches-system @poettheythem @remy-the-lemon-berry @shrubs-and-bushes @i-sexually-identify-as-a-mistake @wordsmithandworm @the-dead-and-the-decaying @hope340 @winterwynd @thomas-sanders-tothe-standers @angstysunshine @sunshineandteddybears @pixelated-pineapple @fire-and-ash67 @blues-clues-oh-wait @shinekittenace @marrymebishop @all-panic-nodisco @ravenclawunicorn1 @someoneiwasnt @listenherebuddypal @aroace-energy
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (8) | T.H.
Summary: Tom, Harrison & Harry have a talk about Y/N. Our broken up couple has their first physical conversation with each other. Natalie has a little talk with a certain someone. Does another truth unfold?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
A/N: To the readers, thank you for all the support! More drama to come!
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No one likes it, but sometimes it’s needed to get a point across. Another use, to threaten another and instill fear, but we’ll get to that when we cross that bridge.
Harrison and Harry settled Tom down in the kitchen, ready to confront him about everything that’s happened. Tom fidgets with his fingers, unsure of what’s to come. All he knew, was he was furious that they both went to see Y/N, and didnt tell him. “Look”, Tom starts off, clearly impatient waiting on their prepared speech. “I just want to know why you left to see Y/N and didn’t tell me. Why am I being kept in the dark with everything?”
“Becuse you couldn’t figure it out. Even after being baby fed the information.” Harry says abruptly, his arms crossed as he stared down at his brother
Tom scoffs at the response, rolling his eyes. “How can I figure anything out when you all keep it a secret from me?! Mind you that all of this involves MY girlfriend and OUR relationship! And you have the balls to go out to find Y/N in secret and not tell me because I cant figure out a fucking thing in this chaotic fucking mess?!” Tom rants out, eyes and voice filled with anger and jealousy. He wasn’t sure if his yelling was towards the boys or if it was more toward himself, because deep down Tom knew he should have tried harder, but didn’t.
“No. Don’t you dare turn this on us, and make us look like we’re the bad guys.” Harrison snaps as he looks down at his best mate. “Just because you don’t know half the things that are going on, doesn’t mean you can be mad at us. Even when the words are written in stone, you’re still a complete div to not be able to comprehend it.”
“I dont understand.” Tom mutters as he looks at the table, trying his hardest to figure all this out. He had already talked to Natalie days ago about Kate and the pictures, but said she had nothing to do with it. They couldnt possibly mean there was more to the story other than Natalie being a complete piece of work.
“Read the fucking signs, Tom!” Harrison yells out. “I know you talked to Y/N that night about Kate and what did you say?”
Tom looks up at him, realizing what this is about. It wasn’t just about the pictures. It was more than that, something Tom should have realized and reacted to the moment it happened. “I said I was sorry and didn’t know what to say.” He mutters, his face now displaying a sense of guilt. “Fuck!” He whispers.
“Yeah start crying about it now you div!” Harry comments roughly, before continuing his speech. “Kate didn’t just backstab Y/N. She went behind the both of you. She was the spark that ruined your relationship, and you don’t know what to say to that?”
Tom shakes his head, realizing his mistake. For someone that works to display his emotions on screen, he failed miserably when it came to real life situations. It was miscommunication for him, the boys, and Y/N. In his mind, he was more pissed that Y/N was left there to think that he didnt care as much when in actuality he cared a lot. More than anyone would ever know, he cared the most. “No you all don’t understand that wasn’t my intention. Fuck!” He screams in frustration.
“Really and what was your intention then?” Harrison questioned, sarcastically intrigued to know Tom’s excuse.
“She lost her best friend. Fuck, she lost the only other person in her childhood that stood up for her, before this whole bullshit. That right there was more important than our relationship. I know shes the reason I got into this PR mess, the runors exploding, and pushed Y/N away fron me, but Kate betrayed Y/N’s friendship and trust. I didn’t say shit because I didnt want to make it about us. I wanted it to be about her and what she needed.” Tom spilled out, sighing deeply. Silence filled the air, and neither spoke for a minute, sinking in everything that’s happened.
“What she needed was you, Tom.” Harry said as both he and Harrison made their way out the kitchen, not until leaving Tom with a final warning. “We get that Kate maybe the reason she started all of this....but that doesn’t mean it ends with her.”
It left Tom wondering. Again, he had just talked to Natalie about the whole blackmail pictures but said she had nothing to do with it. Then again, she always wanted him to push away from Y/N. A talk he hoped would clear some answers, only left him with more questions. He knew who he had to talk to if he wanted straight answers, and she was going to give them whether she liked it or not.
Y/N had managed to avoid Tom the first week of her return in London. Sadly, it could only be said for that one week, and she had no one to thank, but a sink filled with dirty dishes to wash. Tom made his way into the kitchen by chance to grab sa quck bite to eat when he saw Y/N. It was his chance, he had to take it. It was now or never.
As he walked in, he made eye contact with her to which she responded with a slight smile and a nod. It was silent, nothing but the clashes of dishes and water running. “Do you want some help?” Tom asked with a smile. Might as well make the first move, he was a gentleman after all.
Y/N nodded as she handed him a dish towel, implying for him to dry and stack the dishes away while she washed. They continued this routine for a while, until Tom couldn’t take it anymore. “What happened to us Y/N? We were never like this in person. Hell the phone conversations we had the past weeks are more lively than this.” He confesses as he looks into her eyes.
Y/N shakes her head as she returns to her dishes. “There’s just nothing to say anymore. We’ve said everything we needed to say....Now things are just clockwork.”
“That’s not true. I know you still are keeping things from me. There’s more to this than Kate...” He waits for her to answer, but judging from the hesitation and the look of fear that dwelled in her eyes, his assumption was correct.
“You want to know everything?” Y/N asks as she looks in his eyes.
“Yes. I want to help you. I want us to be back to where we used to be before you left.”
Y/N sniffles as she shakes her head. “We can’t.”
“Why not?” He asks softly, hoping she will open up.
Y/N looks at Tom, taking a deep breath before she decides to tell him. She thought of the possibilities and the consequences that would come about. Kate was gone but it didnt mean Unknown wasn’t still out there. Everything had been so quiet the past few days, it almost seemed like she could breathe without having someone threaten her. Then again maybe her subconcious was right. Maybe it wasn’t a person anymore...Maybe it was just her.
Her mind wandered to Tom, who was staring at her waiting patiently for her story. Opening up her mouth, would be unleashing Pandora’s box and all hell could break loose. Blackmail, shattered dream, shattered relationship, broken trust, it would all come to the surface. The worst part...it wouldnt just stop there. But in this moment, Y/N didnt care. She had kept things bottled up from him for as long as she had. He deserved to know, he was a part of this as much as everyone. Maybe if Y/N kept Tom at bay, it would just be enough to statisfy Unknown and keep things as they were. Safe.
“Before I left...” Y/N starts off, her lower back leaning against the sink, eyes looking down as she lets out a deep sigh. “ There were already rumors of you and Natalie. Speculations that you’d be an item.”
“And you believed that?” Tom interrupts, his eyes rolling, unamused by how the story was starting. “Y/N if you were just jealous. Why didn’t you just say —“
“You think I didn’t know that?” Y/N fires back, scowling her eyes towards Tom, only to receive a knowing look from him that indicated to stop lying to herself. “Whatever. Yeah maybe I was a little when I saw how close you two got and how it just built the rumors. Did I want to tell you? Sure, but that didnt mean I could.”
“Im not following.” Tom comments, his messy eyebrow raised in confusion. “So you wanted to tell me..but couldn’t?”
Y/N nods, taking in another deep breath. “As the days went by, I started getting unknown text messages. At first they started off vague, saying how I didn’t belong with you. Look how much happier you were with Natalie. Did he ever do that with you? Did he ever smile at you like that? I bet he doesn’t love you anymore.”
Y/N’s eyes water as she relived the conversations, small sniffles escaping her nose. Tom was at a loss for words. He couldn’t for the life of him understand why someone would text complete lies to her. He was getting mad by the second as he heard each insulting sentence that came out of her mouth. “Y/N..” he says.
She shook her head as she continued. “But the insults started to become threats. They knew everything about me and was willing to use you as blackmail. If I didn’t breakup with you...they’d make sure you’d never live out your dream again. And for the life of me I wasn’t going to let that happen.” She cried, hiding her sobbing face in hands.
Tom quickly rushes to her, taking away her hands so he could look into her eyes. He held her close, cradled her tiny body into his arms as she tried to slow her breathing. “Then I found out Kate was behind the pictures and the start of the rumors, and now we’re here. I don’t know what to do anymore Tom. Everything’s just been so fucked up.”
“Hey, its okay. Im okay. I’m not gonna let them hurt you like this.” He cooed. “I dont give a fuck if it ruins my career or not. I care about you. You come first, that’s not going to change. But it’s over now, right? Let’s just move on from it. Ill break the PR, I’ll make sure Kate doesn’t walk away from this without serious consequences, I wont keep you a secret if it means it’ll fix everything.”
Y/N pushes away from Tom, reluctantly. She knew how much he cared for her. He was willing to risk everything just to make sure they would be okay, and in a perfect world, maybe that would have been enough. Could live happily ever after and not have to worry about anything anymore. Both could just walk away from it all if they wanted, but this wasn’t a perfect world. “Just because Kate started it, doesn’t mean it’s over. Unknown could still be out there.” She whispers, afraid of anyone listening.
“Then we find out. Together.” He responds, holding her hand. “I let you slip away once. Im not letting it happen again.”
He looked into her eyes, almost silently asking to hug her once more. Two embrace each other, and stay like that for a while. It had been so long since they felt this sort of comfort, which brought up a familiar and warm feeling for each them. So warm, so familiar...they almost didn’t want to let go. Y/N breathed into him, taking in his cologne, the one she had grown to love over the three years. It felt right. It was home.
But not all moments can last forever. Behind the thin walls was Natalie, who had overheard and seen the entire conversation. Hearing Tom, mention how he’d break the PR for Y/N and how he’d do anything, risk everything to find Unknown, rubbed her the wrong way. The way Tom held Y/N close, made Natalie furious, and as soon as she heard her phone ring, she answered. “He knows you exist.”
“A slight hiccup. He’s so caught up in Y/N, he just can’t see the real you.” The voice reassured. “Dont worry, he’ll love you when she’s out of the picture.”
“There is no out of the picture anymore. You should have heard him...He wont let her go this time.” Natalie answers, discouraged more than ever.
“Then we just have to up the antics. Clearly her dim-witted friend ruined the original plan. Thats the last time I ever trust an American do the dirty work. She can start a fire but can’t be beothered to finish a job. ” The voice scoffs. “If the messages don’t work, threaten her in person. Alone. Make sure Tom doesn’t see you.” The voice orders.
“You know it wont work. She’s not as afraid as she was before.” Natalie whispers as she continues to watch them from a distance.
“Then we’ll give her something to be afraid of. Why do you doubt me?” The voice asked, challenging Natalie. “Is this what you wanted?”
Natalie hesitates. Of course she wanted Tom more than anything in the world, but to what point? To what cost? These questions swirled around her mind as she thought back to how Y/N and Tom interacted in the kitchen. Their bond was so strong, they always found a way back to each other. For a moment...she felt almost bad. “Of course I want Tom.” She answers “but.. I want him to love me the way he loves Y/N.”
The voice scoffs at her response.loud enough for Natalie to hear the disgust in her voice. “Haven’t I taught you anything? Love is superficial gets you nowhere in life. You’re lucky enough that we’re settling for Tom.”
“I...I guess.”
“Then you’ll make sure Y/N stays away. Im doing this for you Natalie. Fame, fortune, your career, and your superficial love life. I want what’s best for you.” The voice becomes calmer more gentle, yet the sinisterness was still very present.
“Yes...mother.” Natalie says sourily.
“Darling, how many times have I told you to only refer to me as your publicist? Now go, before someone finds out about this.” The line drops, and Natalie focuses her eyes on Y/N who leaves for her room. Her eyes narrow, and fill with jealously and guilt. Her mother’s words replying her mind. “He will love you...just get rid of the girl.”
@hollanddolanfangirl @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs @joyleenl @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @viwihere @marvelobsessedteenager
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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Broken Voodoo: The Story of the band that brought Rock N’ Roll back to life
Chapter 1: From the Begining
Red, pinks, and yellow hues filled the sky as I watched the sunrise while the plane began to descend. It reminded me of one of the paintings that hung in the law office where I worked; however, instead of a small lake with a sailboat, the city of Los Angeles was staring back at me. A very intimidating city, if I may add. I would much rather have the calming lake staring back at me. Now before you begin to think that I am a lawyer with some fancy law degree, I should let you know that I am by no means a lawyer. I don’t even have a law degree, I have a two year degree in English. I performed patent research and proofread reports at the law office. Don’t get me wrong, some of the research is interesting and it's always exciting to work with inventors, especially when I help make the patent for their invention a reality. The only downside is that I hate working with lawyers who see me as a second class citizen with my English degree.
Luckily for me, the office was rather large, and my desk was far away from the condescending lawyers that filled the office. I would go about my day with ease only dealing with them for a couple of hours a day while I sat in their long boring meetings where I would constantly debate how much I actually needed this job while they would try to one up each other by playing the game I like to call ‘I am the smartest one in the room.’
I was able to keep to myself away from the lawyers for the most part, until a few months back when I thought I was going to get fired. It all started when I sat down at my desk one early Monday morning, and saw a handwritten note from my boss’s secretary saying to visit his office as soon as I arrived. Unsettling is one of the many words that came to mind when I first found the note taped to my desk. I would get fired if I said the other words that came to mind. I took one last glance around the room, making eye contact with one of my coworkers who shared a similar facial expression. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to be fired.
Dead girl walking.
“Oh Andi, I am glad you could join me,” I sent a soft smile to my boss as I closed the large wooden shrieking doors behind me.
“No problem at all, the meeting seemed important, so I moved my calendar around,” I replied, making sure to keep my hands under the table. They weren't shaking, they were trembling. I was terrified by not only the eyes that were now watching me through the large glass wall that he had in his office to make it a ‘friendlier’ environment, but also by the fact that I may be fired in the next ten minutes.
“Do you still play guitar?”
I could feel a confused look flash across my features as he spoke.
“Yeah, helps me relax after a long day. Why?” My mind was racing in circles trying to understand why he had asked me to come to his office first thing in the morning.
“Would you be interested in playing in a band?”
I let a nervous laugh escape me before I replied. “I am sorry what? Did you call me here to fire me or not?”
I was met with a hardy laugh from my boss. “No no no, to make an incredibly long story short, my niece’s boyfriend’s band entered into some silly band competition, and they need a replacement guitarist for a competition that is in a month. I have heard rumors around the office that you played, and I wanted to see if you could help out my niece. To be honest, I haven’t been the best godfather, so I was hoping you could help me out by joining the band for a month to play at the competition. My niece, such a foolish girl, believes that her boyfriend will become the next rockstar.I hope she quickly realizes how irrational she is being, and moves on. Hopefully sooner rather than later.”
“Yeah I would love to help,” I quickly responded, trying to hide how off put I was by his casual nature towards me. Within a couple of days I was Skyping the band for an interview and the rest is history.
I was pulled from my thoughts as the pilot announced that we had landed and welcomed us all to LA, the city of dreams. An older man helped me remove my carry on from the overhead bins, and after what felt like hours, I was off the plane. I felt like I could finally breathe again the moment I stepped off the pain and walked into the airport.
I watched through the skylight as the sun continued to rise, as if mocking me that I was still in the airport. Lucky for me, everything I needed was in my backpack and after a quick debate with the flight attendant who said I couldn’t bring my guitar as a carry on, I didn’t have to go to baggage claim. One of the few perks of working with lawyers and doing law research for a living is that I came prepared with a printed section of the FFA Reform act that said I could which quickly shut her up.
I kept my eyes peeled as I followed herds of people who appeared to be leaving. I felt like I was in pandora's labyrinth weaving through the various waiting areas, food courts, and shops. This airport must have been at least ten times larger than the one in Maine. I felt relief fill me as I finally spotted some familiar faces.
I spotted Jax’s blonde hair first as he towered over several of the people around him. Holy shit, at 5 ft 4 inches, I was going to look like a munchkin standing next to him. He stuck out like a sore thumb as he stood next to a smiley Robin in his leather pants with a jean vest. I guess shirts were not required in LA like how they are in Maine. He sent me a wave which I quickly returned as he motioned for us to meet off to the side, and not in the herd of people that were looking for relatives or loved ones.
I only knew three things about Jax.
He was currently dating Robin, but after talking to him over Skype during band meetings, I wondered how long that would last.
He was a charismatic and a good dancer, just like every lead singer in rock band before him
He may not look like it, but he had the voice of an angle from the heavens above.
I smiled at the small sign that Robin was holding that said ‘Welcome to California Andi’.. I felt underdressed in my athletic shorts, hoodie, and sneakers as I approached the pair, secretly wishing that I had worn a sundress similar to Robin.
“Welcome to LA, is it everything you hoped for?” Jax smiled as he welcomed me.
“It’s sunnier than Maine,” I replied once again looking at one of the hundreds of skylights.
“Well it’s good to finally meet you in person, let’s get going to the car, so we can get the fuck out of here,” I nodded at his words. Getting the fuck out of the overpacked busy airport felt amazing. For the past 9 hours I had felt like a sardine in a can. I craved fresh air.
“Here let me take that,” I cautiously eyed Robin as I handed her my guitar case.
“How was the flight?” She chirped walking by my side as we followed Jax to the parking garage.
“Can’t complain much. I had to fight the flight attendant about having my guitar as a carry on, but I won in the end. She was a bitch to me the entire flight though,” I replied earning a small giggle from Robin.
“How did you manage that?” I had assumed Jax had tuned Robin and I out as we made it to his truck.
“Law says I can bring it as a carry on, so I printed out the section I needed. Once I handed the paper to her she shut up. I hate causing problems, but there is no way I was ‘gate checking’ my guitar. I didn’t want some random guy tossing it around on the tar mat, or watching my baby slide down the luggage ramp before it slammed into a wall,” I quickly replied before hopping in the back seat.
“So I have to ask, what is it like working for my uncle?” Robin was currently sitting shotgun, as Jax backed up the truck and began to leave the spaghetti jungle that was the parking lot.
“I honestly only talked to him twice. The first was on my first day at work when he introduced himself to me. The second was when he asked me if I could help Broken Voodoo out which by the way I thought he was going to fucking fire me when he called me to his office,” I laughed at myself thinking back to the moment only a month ago.
“Ohh Sorry about that Andi.”
“Don’t worry Robin,” I smiled back, earning one in return.
“So the plan for this morning is to drop you off at my place to get some additional practice with the rest of the band while I head up north to check us into the competition. We won’t be playing until day two so we don’t have to get there until tomorrow night,” He said as he pulled up into some random parking spot.
“Don't you need to practice with us?” I asked out of curiosit.
“Honey, don't worry about me. I'm so good I don't need to practice,” I was glad we were walking up a creaky staircase as he replied. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor. I was impressed by him and his ego could fit through the small doorway that led to his apartment. No, it was not an apartment. It was a studio. I placed my guitar by the drums and other instruments that took up half of the studio.
“Hey Andi! Welcome to California!” I turned to see Oli shout across the studio the moment he saw me. Before I could respond, someone threw something across the room at Oli.
“Shut the fuck up, Oli. It is too early for you to be this loud,” I didn't have to see the bassist’s face to know Seb was the one over in the corner on the paper thin mattress.
“Oli, Robin and I gotta head out to sign in and get our backstage passes for the competition. Get to practicing to get her ready,” Jax said before leaving the pathetic excuse of an apartment.
“Don’t worry Andi, I have heard you play countless times, you’ll do fine. It is more of the stage presence we are worried about. We should have plenty of ‘stage presence’ with that throwing trick you came up with, but we have to cover the whole stage,” Oli patted my back as we headed over towards his drum kit.
“I’ve been practicing with the rod you sent a few weeks back, we can practice the trick once we get our instruments good to go. We sound the part, now we have to look the part,” Seb paused as he took a second to look me over. The worst part wasn’t that he was being incredibly obvious he was checking me out, the worst part was the unsatisfactory look he had on his face.
“You don’t look like a rocker,” I scoffed at his comment. Of course I didn't look like a rocker. I just got off of a nine hour flight.
“Well, you look like a complete dick, so at least one of us is dressed appropriately,” I sassed back before moving towards my guitar to retune it.
“Alrighty!” I was brought from my tuning by Oli who was once again playing peacekeeper by breaking the silence and clapping his hands.
“Alot is at stake here, so let's get to practicing,” he added once he was seated behind his drum kit.
Seb counted us in, and we began our setlist from the top.
I brushed off Seb’s comment, and began to focus on the music.i could already feel the pressure to perform perfectly. As a rhythm guitarist, playing as the solo guitarist felt foreign. As we played through our setlist, I tried loosening out by copying some of Seb’s dance moves. I chose not to mimic the ones that looked like just sex.
Oli was right, there was a lot at stake here.
I was surprised when I found out that there was no cash prize. Instead, according to Jax, there was something more valuable. The shot at a record deal.
With this competition only happening once every couple years, this was their shot to make it big.
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THG AU Chapter 13
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3     Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6  Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10   Chapter 11 Chapter 12
* 6 months after winning the games, Natasha was dreading her victory tour. She finally knew what Bruce meant when he said it was terrible to be revered for being the only survivor of a glorified massacre of children. If Yelena were here, she’d be Natasha’s best source of moral support, but she had been dead for two and a half years at this point. Still, she had Clint. He was basically her brother. The only good thing about this whole tour thing was going to be seeing Bruce again. She managed to convince her escort, Loki, to let her stay in 3 a bit longer to “ Get to know the locals.” Natasha stood up off of her hill and walked down to her house (where she lived alone with Liho) to hone her chosen skill. The hobby she chose was ballet, and she was really enjoying it. *
Natasha: Well, Liho, I should probably start packing for my victory tour. The train comes at 8 AM tomorrow and I don’t want to be late.
* Natasha got on the train and saw a lot of familiar faces. Her mentor, Nick Fury; her escort, Loki Odinson; her stylist, Gamora Zen-Titan; and her prep team, (Drax, Peter, and Mantis.)*
Natasha: (To her stylist and prep team) What are you guys doing here?
Gamora: My father forced me to be here because I was your stylist for the games and now I’m basically your personal fashion designer.
Mantis: We’re here to make sure you look good no matter where we are!
Drax: You’ll have a different outfit for each district based on the weather. 
Peter: I hope you’re ready to blow everyone away!
Loki: You do have all of your speeches finished, right? 
Natasha: *holds up notebook* Yeah. I have them right here.
Loki: Also, why did you want an extra half hour in three but no extra time anywhere else?
Natasha: I made friends with one of the victors. I just want to talk to him a bit to see how he’s doing.
Fury: So the talking to him on the phone every single day isn’t enough for you? 
Natasha: It’s just not the same. Nothing compares to seeing a friend in person.
Fury: Right... a friend.
*Nick Fury knew what was going on. They were together. And they probably had been for a lot longer than they even claimed to know each other. Still, Nick decided to keep quiet as it was probably a matter of safety. * 
*Natasha arrived in District 3 right on schedule. Natasha’s stylist and prep team got her ready to do her speech.*
Loki: Okay, is everybody ready? Good. Now remember, these people probably remember you because you saved that kid. What was his name? Sammy? So they’ll probably want to talk to you. If you feel bombarded at any point in time, you can go to a less crowded area as long as you are back on the train within an hour. Understood?
Natasha: Yes.
*Natasha gave her speech and talked to a few people while she tried to find Bruce. She found him and they ran behind a building where nobody could see them. *
Bruce: *hugging her* How are you? I feel like it’s been forever. Is your tour going well?
Natasha: The tour is bringing back terrible memories, but at least nobody can tell.
Bruce: Well, you gave an amazing speech.
Natasha: I’m so glad we got time to talk. It was nearly impossible to convince Loki to give me an extra half hour here.
Bruce: I’m glad you did.
*They sat down on a bench and continued talking and holding hands until she had to leave. They kissed each other goodbye and she ran back to the train.*
Loki: Natasha! You are a minute late! I said be back here within an hour! What if we’re late to District 2 now?
Natasha: We’re expected to arrive in District 2 six hours early.
Loki: Still, I expect punctuality from all of you.
Natasha: Sorry. It won’t happen again.
Loki: It better not.
Natasha: I’ll see you guys at dinner.
*Natasha went to her personal sleeping car ( It was basically a bedroom on wheels.) and sat on her bed. She couldn’t believe she had to wait another six months to see Bruce again. She sat there playing with Liho for about two hours until she heard a knock at her door.*
Fury: Romanoff! What the hell were you thinking?!
Natasha: What was I thinking when?
Fury: Come in here and look at the news.
Natasha: Okay... *She walks into the “living room” car and sees a picture of her kissing Bruce on the screen.* What?! How did they get that picture?!
Lady on the screen: All rumors of a romance between Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton were put to rest today when footage revealing who our newest victor has actually fallen for was released to the public by The Capitol. The pair met six months ago following her victory in The Hunger Games.
Natasha: Oh no. This is bad. This is really really bad.  The Capitol doesn’t like people from different districts getting together! What if they already had him killed?
Gamora: The Capitol had to approve this and air it, remember?
*Natasha breathes a sigh of relief.* 
Fury: Still, you should have been more careful. You’re going to be even more in the public eye than before. If you thought you needed to watch your step before, you haven’t seen anything yet. 
Lady on the screen: I’m sure you’re all just as eager as I am to see more of Panem’s newest perfect pair. 
* Bruce heard a knock at his door two hours after the story about him and Natasha aired. He opened the door to see a tall purple man standing outside of his house.*
Thanos: I am Thanos, the closest advisor to President Snow and I am here with a message from the president himself. You are allowed to be with Natasha, but on our terms. 
Bruce: What are your terms? 
Thanos:  You do as we say, not one step out of line. Remember, everyone is always watching, so whenever you two are together, you need to be the perfect couple. Holding hands, hugging, sitting close, and anything else you can do to make sure the public thinks you are madly in love. 
Bruce: We are madly in love.
Thanos: So this should be easy for you. If you go against us in any way, well... let’s just say that Natasha won’t be the first former victor to be lost in a tragic accident. Oh, and one more thing. This conversation never happened, unless you want both Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark dead. 
Bruce: I understand. Will that be all? 
Thanos: No. You’re coming back to The Capitol with me. President Snow wants you at the party we are having in Natasha’s honor at the end of her victory tour. The people want to see more of you two, and we wouldn’t want to disappoint them. Pack your things, you’ll be home in four days. 
*The next two days of the victory tour go pretty well. Before they knew it, they were in The Capitol.* 
Loki: I hope you are ready for the biggest party you’ve ever attended!
Gamora: She just needs to get dressed and have her hair, nails, and makeup done. 
* Natasha went into the bathroom of her hotel room in The Capitol to see how she looked. Her dress was red with a white cardigan, white tights, and shiny black heels. Her hair was loosely curled and pulled into a low ponytail with a black satin bow. Her nails were red. She had a smokey eye with wing liner and blood red lipstick. *
Natasha: I’m ready! 
Loki: Excellent. Let’s get into position for your big entrance.
*At the party*
Loki: Now please make way for our guest of honor, Natasha Romanoff!  
*Natasha enters the party with Loki and Nick Fury. Everyone is dancing and there is so many different kinds of food. The decorations are show stopping. *
Natasha: This is the biggest party I have ever seen.
Loki: And it’s all for you!
Natasha: What should I do first?
Fury: In my experience, you grab a pate of food and mingle with the other guests. Whatever you do, don’t take the drinks they hand out on the square platters. They make you sick so you can keep eating. I mistakenly drank one in front of everyone at my party, and I’m hoping to spare you the embarrassment. 
Natasha: They make themselves sick? That is disgusting and vile in more ways than one. 
Fury: You’re right, but don’t dwell on it. Go, enjoy your party.
*Natasha took Nick’s advice and mingled with the guests. She decided to try a red drink from a round platter. As she was enjoying her drink, she felt a hand on her shoulder.* Bruce: Excuse me, Miss. Romanoff? Would you do me the honor of joining me on the dance floor?
Natasha: *turns around* Bruce! 
Bruce: In the flesh. 
Natasha: *hugging him* What are you doing here?
Bruce: President Snow helped arrange this so I could surprise you! 
Natasha: Snow arranged this? Why?
Bruce: Never mind that, just dance with me! We’re together, does it really matter why? 
Natasha: I guess not. 
*They danced together, much to the excitement of the party guests. After that, they decided to sit on the edge of a fountain and share a plate of snacks. *
Bruce: So, has anything changed in the past three days?
Natasha: Yeah, the entire country knows about our relationship. 
Bruce: *grabbing her hand* You scared? 
Natasha: A little, but I know I’ll be fine as long as I have you. 
Bruce: Well then you’re in luck because you’ll always have me. 
Natasha: Do you promise? 
Bruce: I promise. *kisses her forehead* Now, let’s enjoy the rest of your party.
*They spend the rest of the party right next to each other, holding hands. Bruce followed Natasha as she answered questions and met Capitol citizens. That night, they realized their rooms were right next to each other. *
Natasha: Well, goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow morning before I go back to 12. 
Bruce: Yeah, goodnight. *he kisses her* I love you.
Natasha: I love you too. Now get some sleep. 
*Natasha knew Bruce was acting weird. She just didn’t know why. That night, she had another nightmare. She’d been having them practically every night since the games, but she still wasn’t used to them. She petted Liho for comfort and decided that she’d probably sleep better if she wasn’t alone.*
Natasha: Should I? No. No, I should let him sleep. He already had to deal with me for a whole week right after the games. *she hears a knock at her door* Who could that be? *she opens the door*
Bruce: Hey Nat. Can I come in?
Natasha: Of course. Honestly, I was just going to see you. I had a nightmare. 
Bruce: So did I. 
*They fell asleep together. The next morning, they both went home. Natasha gave her speech in 12, officially ending her victory tour. *
If you want me to continue this, please let me know. Feel free to send any requests for other things you want to see. I have a prompts list and an AU list linked in my pinned post. I will write anything marvel that isn’t incest or pedophilia.
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msclaritea · 4 years
A very important history lesson and why we have to fight back this time.
A lot of people saw the White Tears Death March at Michigan's capitol & said: "If black people did that..."
"Some mentioned Reagan's gun control law after '67 Panthers protest But there are many historical examples of white people freaking out when blacks protested.
(A thread) 
After the Not-So-Civil War, this happened ALL THE TIME.
Remember, the states that got their asses kicked were not automatically allowed back into the Union. Southern white supremacists were so scared when blacks exercised their new right to vote that they started a race war. 
In 1866, La. reconvened its Constitutional Convention because Democrats were trying to stop blacks from voting. (This was before conservative Southern "states rights" advocates switched became Republican. We'll get to that)
Of course, black people marched (but not like that). 
When the black people showed up, a group of white supremacists (Y'all call them "Confederates now — same thing) was waiting on them and opened fire.
To be fair, the black ppl weren't actually protesting, per se when the racists opened fire. They were doing something much worse: 
They were dancing and playing music.
Y'all, those racist bastards opened fire on a MARCHING BAND.
Then this happened:
Partly because of the New Orleans Massacre, Congress passed the First Reconstruction Act. Black Louisianans were guaranteed the right to vote but the act did something else that would make the racists even madder.
It took away the right to vote for any ex-Confederate. 
If you think this was bad, Georgia was even worse.
Ga. holds the distinction of being the only state that was so racist that we had to kick the ENTIRE STATE out of America.
Seriously, that happened. And it was partly because of the Camilla Massacre. 
First, you gotta remember that blacks damn near outnumbered whites in Georgia. So, after they got the right to vote, 33 black ppl were elected to the state legislature.
Wypipo wasn't having that shit.
So the white legislators called their homeboys up (Y'all call them the KKK) 
The KKK ran the DULY ELECTED "Original 33" out of office.
Then the Ga. Supreme Court ruled that black people were technically citizens, but the Ga. laws were only meant for white people, so... Black ppl, y'all need to go somewhere with that "equality" shit.*
*I'm paraphrasing
A week after they ousted the Original 33, one of the (did I mentioned DULY ELECTED) legislators organized 200-300 blacks & marched from Albany to Camilla to hold a rally in the town square
When they got to Mitchell County, whites waiting in storefronts and on roofs, opened fire 
The Camilla Massacre got Georgia kicked BACK OUT of the Union and the state had to be readmitted for a second time in 1870 after it seated SOME of the Original 33.
Why not all?
Well, 1/4 of the Original 33 were murdered or attacked. 
On October 25, 1870, 2,000 black people gathered at a rally in Eutaw, Ala. right before the Nov. election. The crowd wanted to prove they weren't of white racists.
Why would they be scared?
Well, in March, 30 masked white men had lynched James Martin, a black Republican. 
It happened again in July, but they didn't just kill Gillford Coleman, they cut his body up into pieces. The racists were afraid Eutaw Co. blacks would help elect a Republican Gov. liked they helped Grant win the county by 2000 votes the 1868 election, 
Klansman rode into town and opened fire on adults and children and promised to do it again if Black people voted.
The tactic worked.
Instead of Republicans winning, the county by 2000 votes, the Democrat Governor won by 43 votes. 
That was lame compared to the Battle of Liberty Place.
Remember when this whole "Confederate Statue" thing first started a couple of years ago? It was partly about a monument to the Battle of Liberty Place, when a whole white supremacist army overthrew the Louisiana gvt. 
In 18 months a white supremacist ARMY called the "white league" (racists are notoriously bad for coming up with nicknames) killed hundreds of Black voters in Colfax, New Orleans, Coushatta & Opelousas
This is what led to the passage of the 2nd Ku Klux Klan Act 
(Side note: The Colfax Massacre also resulted in a Supreme Court Case, which was the first time the Supreme Court said the Second Amendment guaranteed individual citizens the right to own guns)
A lot of Black folks weren't having this shit. So they formed their own armies. 
In SC, the KKK and other Dollar Tree brand racist groups were killing Blacks in the lead up to the 1876 election. In Ellenton, over 100 black voters were murdered.
But it wasn't just about politics. White people HATED when blacks told them what to do. 
You gotta remember, most southern whites were Confederates, so during Reconstruction military occupation, a lot of the soldiers were black.
On July 4, 1876, in Hamburg, the town next to Ellenton, SC, a group of black national guardsmen were drilling while black people watched 
A group of these Dollar Tree white soldiers called the "Red Shirts" came through trying to flex and the Black Guardsmen told them to wait to pass until they finished.
Yall know those former whip crackers weren't having that. 
A white judge told the Red Shirts that they could take the black NATIONAL GUARDSMEN's guns, they found the black militia and began opening fire.
94 white men were indicted.
0 were convicted
The leader of the Hamburg Massacre?
He went on to serve 24 years in the US Senate 
Again, it wasn't just about stopping black people from voting.
In 1887, 10,000 black workers went on strike and started forming a union on La sugar plantations.
So the plantation owners hired the KKK to come in and kill the organizers. Then, it became any black person. 
No one knows how many were killed but the official number is "enough"
Louisiana sugar plantations wouldn't organize again for another 50 years. 
On July 3, 1919, a group of black Buffalo Soldiers went to Bisbee, Ari. Now, this may have been before cookouts were invented, because the soldiers had planned to march in the parade the next day. 
Bisbee's white sheriff told the black soldiers that they couldn't walk around with their guns. When the police officers tried to disarm the Buffalo Soldiers, the refused. So they deputized all the white men in town to disarm the negroes 
The soldiers were like: "Fuck y'all lil' parade, then," and were preparing to leave when one of the deputies was like: "You can't talk to a white man like that."
He opened fire.
The other deputies did, too. 
An investigation would later reveal that it was planned.
The Sherriff and others "had planned deliberately to aggravate the negro troopers so that they would furnish an excuse for police and deputy sheriffs to shoot them down."
No word on the cookout. 
Later that same year, black cotton sharecroppers met at a church in Elaine, Ark. They were trying to organize to get better prices but white farmers showed up. After an exchange of gunfire, a white man ended up dead.
The rumor spread that there was a black coup in Elaine 
Whites from all across the South came to Elaine to literally hunt Black ppl. No one still knows how many were killed. Estimates range up to 250. You know how they finally ended it?
Federal troops arrived...
And arrested all the black people who were left alive. 
In 1945, 19 black Air Force fighter pilots were arrested for trying to integrate an all-white officers club at an Indiana Airbase. 17 more showed up. They were arrested. 25 more showed up the next night, and were arrested.
Segregation was technically against military rule 
So the Air Force gathered all 101 black airmen in a room & offered a deal: All they had to do is sign a paper saying they agree to the segregation or,
Face arrest for violating a direct order, which was technically punishable by death.
All 101 refused.
They were all arrested 
Historically, the white "patriots" who love the flag and the troops treated black soldiers like they all took a knee before an NFL game.
In August 1947, Chicago residents grew angry when they realized the gov't was giving homes to Black veterans in the white Fernwood Park area 
The day after the families moved in, on August13, the whites attacked
For 3 days, as many as 5,000 white rioters pulled Black people out of cars and beat them. They threw rocks at the homes and smashed windows. Then they started setting fires.
The police did nothing. 
In 1949, black Chicago union stewards assembled went to a meeting. There were white people at the meeting, too. The meeting was even in the home of a white couple, but a rumor had already been circulating that black people were planning to buy a house in the white neighborhood. 
By the end of the meeting, hundreds of whites were outside.
This one lasted 5 days.
An estimated 10,000 white rioters took part in the Englewood riot.
Police did nothing to stop it. 
Remember when MLK wrote about "white moderates" in the Letter from a Birmingham Jail?" Well, those protests were partially successful.
On May 11, 1963 black protesters were celebrating. The city had decided to desegregate water fountains, lunch counters, retail stores... 
On May 11, 1963, the KKK was also planning a march in Bham because...you know.
Just before 11 am, a uniformed Bham police officer got out of his car and put a package on the porch of a small house.
It was dynamite.
It exploded. 
A few minutes later, another bigger bomb at the AG Gaston motel.
Everyone knows about the 16th St. church bombing in Birmingham, but few people know that there were more than FIFTY bombings in "Bombingham" during the Civil rights era 
One section of town was bombed so often it's still called "Dynamite Hill."
Of course, the KKK marched anyway.
Oh, and that bombed house belonged to A.D. King, Martin Luther King's brother.
King had left town a few hours earlier...
After checking out of the AG Gaston Hotel 
(Fun fact: Angela Davis and Condoleeza Rice grew up around the corner from each other in Dynamite Hill)
On February 5, 1968, black students from SC State tried to integrate a bowling alley. They were kicked out, but this time, the police were waiting to beat protesters. 
But students kept showing up. So the governor called the state troopers and the National Guard.
On Feb. 8, while attempting to put out a bonfire, the Troopers opened fire on 200 protesters, shooting dozens of black students and protesters. 
1 high school student was killed and 2 SCSU students. Police said they thought the students were shooting,
They weren't
One person was arrested, convicted and served time, Cleveland Sellers...
A student.
You might know his son @Bakari_Sellers 
In March, 1970, in Lamar SC, a mob of angry white people attacked black protesters. Well... these protesters were kinda young and they were protesting in a weird way:
They were going to school.
A judge had ordered the school district to integrate
There are so many more examples
Check out "Ax Handle Saturday" in Jacksonville, Fla.
Read about when Fannie Lou Hamer and the Mississippi Freedom Democrats showed up at the '64 convention
The Freedom Riders
Bloody Sunday in Selma
Art Bacon in Talladega 
So when white people show up to protests angry and outspoken, and nothing happens, you don't have to wonder what would happen if black people did that,
Just remember what happened when black people just SHOWED UP
Not if...
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heechulhamster · 5 years
The Truth You Can’t Hide II - Junmyeon
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Chapter 2[The Truth You Can’t Hide MASTERLIST]
1 - 2 - 3 -  4 - 5 - 6 ongoing
You did it so well for six years. You’ve hid your son from the biggest threat of his life. But one mishap led to the biggest secret in your life being face to face with the man you’ve kept him away from all these years - his father.
Mafia!AU, Angst.
This goes a bit way way back, enjoy the back story. :)
The ache that grew on your overworked feet didn’t even stop you from scurrying down the building and get yourself a cab. Not even bothering to free yourself out of the restraining work clothes. You’re not even sure if Junmyeon still lives in his old penthouse unit in the busy center of Seoul. The address itself was vague in your memory, the streets surely did change a lot for recognition for the past seven years. The city was noisier than ever, full of blinding lights and buzzing people of various appearances. There are more skyscrapers that filled the skyline, and the luxurious condominium you knew very well towered over the others. You could only look at its uppermost floor amongst all the glimmering lights of the city, hoping that in there is your son.
It wasn’t that you’re thinking that Junmyeon would ever hurt Jaejin. There’s this knowledge deep in your heart, past all the anxiousness that his apparent secret life brings you, that Junmyeon is still this gentle and well meaning man that you used to love. And the fact that he now knows that Jaejin is of his own blood just assures you that he is safe. This fear in your mind is this possibility of not seeing him again. That he’ll see this opulent and lavish life as better than he experiences with you. To grow up in a life like his father’s - to have servants at your beck and call, all that you wish will be laid down on your hands with a snap of a finger. Or that maybe Junmyeon will have all this pent up anger and desire to retaliate hiding your son from you. And with all his power and wealth, you know that if wishes to keep Jaejin from you, he’ll do it very well.
But there’s this hope in your heart that Junmyeon is the same loving guy you met over a decade ago.
The scent of both sweaty bodies and alcohol flooded your senses, both of which you weren’t accustomed to. Your friends, Haein and Ara who took the same major with you, convinced you that joining a sorority is a must and vital to Legal Management students. As these “sisters” would eventually help you once you reach law school. So now here you are, clad in a white dress that flowed just above your knee with a white feathery headband on your head guised as a halo. Apparently, the theme was something Angels and Demons. With your refusal to wear any skimpy and tight red or black bodycon dress, the exact thing Ara and Haein went for, you just sticked with the Angel part of the theme.
You three are at your 2nd year of college. And after the gruelling rules of the recruitment the last semester, all neophytes are excited to be rewarded with this soro-frat mixer - and you’ll lose the term reward very loosely. Mixers like these seems to be intended to find the members’ next college boy toy or some random exciting hookup for the night. Both things you aren’t exactly into.
You wouldn’t exactly call yourself a prude, but you’re not really outgoing either. Growing up in a conservative and traditional family, you grew up preferring reading books and staying in over the common high schooler choice of partying outside. A trait that wouldn’t get you very far in college.
To add to your discomfort, the party rules would keep you out of Haein and Ara’s company the whole night. It was a shackles mixer, where you’d practically be chained to a fraternity member the whole night and forced to get to know them. So you sat at the sorority house kitchen, far from the booming lawn and pool area without any idea who your designated partner would be.
“Is your ticket number 63?” A rather good looking, lean man towered over you as he suddenly asked.
You looked at the red ticket you’ve drawn earlier that read the exact number as he asked. “Yeah?”
The lean man tugged a somehow smaller man, one you could say that also was as dashing as the previous one. “Here she is man, told you you’re in for a treat. Bye, hyung!” The taller man with dimples you could swim in walked away laughing, leaving you and the smaller man alone.
“So, 63?” He asked with a smile, his small iridescent teeth and puffy cheeks making a notable appearance. You shyly nodded, noting that he also took the Angel part of the theme and he’s sporting a white short sleeved button down and white shorts.
“We uhm.. Kinda have to use this?” He raised his left hand that held cuffs, an act which you just chuckled to and agreed. He fixed the cuffs on your wrists and sat beside you on the kitchen counter.
“I’m Junmyeon, by the way. You?” You smiled at his pleasantries, his manner of speaking really spoke of class and formality. Not that you’re surprised as the college you’ve been in was almost considered to be for the elite and the wealthy. So you tried and respond with the same manner.
A silence filled with awkwardness filled the air between you and Junmyeon as everyone else unleashed their wild side around. The restroom was just adjacent to the kitchen and you just pretended that you don’t hear the filth going on inside.
“Oh dear that was strong.” You scrunch your face on the strong burning taste of alcohol on the punch you just drank. The unassuming fruity color packed a whole lot of kick down your throat.
“This? It’s not that strong.” Junmyeon responded beside you, gulping down his own glass serving of the punch.
“I’m not that good of a drinker.”
“Yeah, I noticed that you’re not much of a party goer.” He chuckled lightly, and the way his eyes disappear as it gets pushed by his cheeks was just a wonderful sight.
“I only got forced to go by my friends. They said it’s like a quintessential part of college, so here I am.” And then you remembered Haein and Ara, two of which you haven’t seen in the past hour. You turned your head around, looking for any signs of them.
“If your friends are the ones paired with Kris and Luhan, you won’t probably see them anywhere here right now.” Junmyeon downed another glass, lifting your cuffed hand along. You looked at him, baffled by the vagueness of what he said. “They’re probably upstairs, or maybe or maybe not here at all. You know, devils doing some devil things.”
“Oh.. yeah. I forgot that things happen very fast here.” You answered, sipping your straw for another sting just to hide your embarrassment. It’s been more than half an hour and you’ve just sat on a kitchen counter with Junmyeon, you thought that you’re probably boring him out. “I’m sorry that tonight may be pretty slow for you.”
“What?” His hands gripped the edges of the marble countertop, face turned to the side to look at you. “No, it’s not a problem. Don’t be sorry. I’m not interested in that.”
You weren’t able to help your face turn into a frown, to be blatantly rejected even before you took consideration of liking the man beside you. Sure, his wonderful appearance makes you flustered and shy, and you were more than interested to get to know him more.
“No, ugh. I didn’t mean that I wasn’t interested with you. I mean… hookups aren’t my thing. Slow is more kinda how I like it.” He said joyously before ending it with a wink which made your cheeks glow a bright shade of pink.
Unlike common romantic novels or narratives of college love, you didn’t hit it off with Junmyeon quickly afterwards. After the night of the mixer, which ended abruptly after some fratboys hitting the power supply with their illegal firecrackers, you seldomly saw Junmyeon. You found out that he was already a Junior, and he and his friends were a couple of frat members with great connections so they were able to sneak in at the party.
He wasn’t in the campus very often either. Rumor had it that he’s from a very rich family that runs a shipping conglomerate and that he takes units overseas. The very few instances that you ran into each other was only marked with a smile or politely calling each other’s names. Ara and Haein, who had bigger social circles than you, shared things that they learned about Junmyeon. Apparently, he majored in Business Management and was the only heir to their multi million business. And that he’s often considered too busy to date despite the few random flings he had just to keep himself a healthy young man.
It took another term before you got to connect with each other on social media, and you’d use the term connect very scarcely as he posts so little. Only a few posts about his recent trip to Paris, or the time he toured Italy.
College sinked in your skin too fast. You’ve dated around, you considered it to be an act of dipping your feet in the vast oceans. You had to be out of your comfort zone and you’re afraid of all the things you’ll regret trying.
It wasn’t even until your Junior year that you properly got to converse properly again with Junmyeon. You volunteered for an outreach in this student organization that required a lot of help to pack goods for the victims of a recent devastating storm. The long test week was over and you had a lot of free time, so you went and signed yourself up.
It’s still vivid in your memory how you only opted to wear a loose pullover and shorts. Not even bothering how you looked as comfort mattered most in working long hours of boxing food. You sat in the basketball gymnasium filled with busied people and stacks of instant ramen and canned goods. You sat down in front of a small box and started filling it with all the necessities, neatly stacking three cans of sardines and six packs of ramen inside with a bag of two kilos of rice. Silently, you finished box after box when you were suddenly interrupted by someone who sat beside you.
“Hey angel.”
“My name’s not ang-” You said as you turned your head to the perpetrator. Stopped immediately by the warm chocolate brown eyes that had contact with yours. “Oh, Junmyeon. Long time no see.”
“Yeah, senior year is really that busy.” He laughed as he sat down beside you and started packing his own boxes too.
“Why are you here then? Ah, you probably heard that I’ll be here so you went and signed up too eh?” You said in a teasing manner.
“Woah, where’s the slow and shy girl that I knew back at the mixer? College sure did change you.” Junmyeon said, which made the two of you laugh. “No, actually my father is one of the sponsors so, you know. It would just make sense for me to be here.”
“Okay, whatever Mr. Rich guy. Let’s just pack here so we can finish earlier, I have a lot of essays to write.”
The long hours flew by easily as you chatted with Junmyeon. It seemed like putting canned goods into boxes just went automatic on your hands as you lost yourself on the galaxy of his thoughts. He told you stories how he was mistaken as a celebrity in Italy, and the day he almost tripped off an ancient sculpture at Rome. Junmyeon had inserted a lot of jokes along the way, ones that you don’t think you’d laugh at if not for the budding interest you had for him. In return for his enthusiasm in sharing his stories, you told the narrative of you running into your roommates getting it on. Not understanding what it meant to have a sock on the door. And you sure do hope that the survivors of the recent floods would feel the extra love and happiness that filled along the boxes that you packed.
You thought that day would be very much like the mixer, nothing but an episode of sweet nothings. A wisp of memory that you’d look by after a few months or years and wonder why all he was is a fleeting fancy. No, this one was different for he asked your phone number after packing almost a hundred boxes. It was different because he called you that very night, asking if he could interest you to go out for dinner. It was different because Junmyeon was far different from all the flings you’ve encountered before him.
Junmyeon wasn’t the kind to be nervous for a date because it seemed as if he had everything planned down to the last detail. A fine silk void of creases and he left no room for mistakes. He picked you up at your dorm on the dot. He cleaned up very well with his exquisite dress shirt, obviously branded - probably even haute couture. He rolled up with his Benz, looking all shiny and polished. Junmyeon exuded so much calmness during the ride that you felt as if all the nerves were passed down to you. A perfect fit for a modern day prince, and you weren’t sure if you’re up to the task to be his modern day princess.
You should’ve expected the dinner to be far from normal, as he was far from an average person either. But not even in your hindsight did you expect for a rented vintage restaurant that mimicked Greek ruins, rose petals set the mood and candlelights illuminated the place. The grandiose of everything made you feel very little.
“I reckon that I’m way too overdressed for the occasion.” You noted with a light chuckle, trying to mask the pent up nervousness deep within you. The black vintage dress that you kept in your closet for very special events suddenly felt lacking.
“No, you look perfect. Everything else is just over the top, fault on my part.” And there was his endearing smile. “I just thought this was fitting for the daughter of a former politician.”
Your jaw dropped in shock, “How did you know?” It wasn’t very much of a secret but you tried and keep this fact on the down low.
“It wasn’t that hard to find out.”
Time seems to speed up whenever you’re with Junmyeon. You tried to cherish and savor each passing moment, you wish it were trinkets that you could pocket and save in a jar. The dinner was followed by subsequent ones, each more relaxed than before. The luxurious restaurant was traded for a movie night in his penthouse, still far from the ordinary but let’s be honest - is there even anything ordinary when it comes to someone as impeccable as Junmyeon?
The relationship itself, being committed to each other and official only came as a realization. It wasn’t marked by a wonderful proposal nor a question but rather an agreement. As if you just both come into terms that you’re comfortable with each other’s feelings enough to present the other as their partner.
It felt like Junmyeon has been a vital part of your life, his constant presence was almost a necessity. It wasn’t a toxic relationship but a rather very serene one, his friends almost consider you married. It wasn’t even far from thought, he asked for you to work in their company to be around you more often. An offer you couldn’t refuse for sure - you have your boyfriend beside you and a high paying job was a combination to die for.
Yet taking the job meant a compromise in your side. It was never part of your plans to work and settle down right after college, it was never in your sight. Harvard was the plan, you and your parents have known this ever since you were twelve. Take up Legal Management in one of the most prestigious universities in the campus, and then fly to the States to study in the most premier Law School one would consider. But that was far off from Junmyeon’s mind.
He wanted you to stay, here with him, be with him. He always would reason out that he’ll be able to provide what you need and more, to which you had no doubt. The Kim family probably had enough money to support up to five more generations, even with a lavish life. But to be a lawyer, a good and reputable one, has always been your dream.
But Junmyeon was your serendipity - a wonderful sudden discovery that made all else a blur. A sudden diamond on the way that made the hike for the pot of gold futile. So with him you stayed. As you couldn’t bear to break his heart and his own dreams, one that consisted of settling down with you he said. The thing about Junmyeon is he’s too idealistic and a hopeless romantic on the inside. He was very vocal on what he wanted on your wedding, about your children and how many. All of these fragile little gems that he cherished so much were on your hands, and you loved him so much at that time to crush it.
It was all smooth and tranquil until he started getting busier at work. It wasn’t even work that you understood as he kept on saying it was his father’s favor, who in turn started to grow weaker in health. He’s been flying from one country to another and back, sometimes even for weeks. What he was very busy about was kept unrecorded in the company. And you’ve started to question.
All it needed was an unassuming folder that lied on his work table for you to find out. Junmyeon was knocked out on the bed, too tired and wasted from proving how much he missed you due to his recent long trip. Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to put silence in all the questions that kept you awake at night.
But you would have rathered not look on the contents now that you read it.
Far from your anticipation of recent transactions of a new ship, probably an acquisition of new plane models to fasten shipping - it was the worst case scenario that you didn’t even knew was possible for a man like Junmyeon. To be fair, it was still shipping transcripts. But the contents were of the horrendous kinds, far from what you handled in his company that included family packages, beauty products or overall goods. These “products” were made for the worst members of human society, illegal weapons - those who could erase an entire locality with a press of a button. Guns of all sorts, those handheld and ones you thought was only issued for military use. Cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine, compounds that wouldn't have made much of a big deal in college but it sure does when it’s shipped in hundreds and thousands of kilograms.
And it was all undersigned by a certain SUHO.
Your mind quickly connected the dots. Whoever Junmyeon was doing this work for wasn’t necessarily the makers nor producers of the said equipment, they were simply shipping them. Making the impossible dirty work more than possible. And the shipping behemoth that the Kim’s family had was a sure fit for the job.
It all made sense. These certain container vans that were over the initial count that Junmyeon blatantly told you to disregard, saying that you were the one that made the wrong tally and count. The sudden emergency shippings that had to be made at midnight.
And you don’t know how to react.
This life was far from what you dreamt of, the righteous and abiding. Actually, this was the exact opposite of such. The defectors, rebellious, and one treacherous to mankind and life itself. You loved Junmyeon, but you definitely cannot accept this aspect of his life.
But you chose to not say a thing.
You were smarter than that, far more logical that just blurting out that you spied on his belongings while he was fast asleep after making you orgasm one after another. You knew that this would only lead to complications, probably even lose your life or your sanity if he knows that you’re aware.
So you planned your escape.
A handful of acceptable reasons was already jotted on your list. That he was too busy for you, that you wanted to go and pursue your dreams in Harvard, that you’ve been wanting to try something new in your life that doesn’t revolve around him because your life was with him and for him for the past two years. Even you tried so hard to make yourself believe that this was the reason that you’re leaving him. That it wasn’t because he’s living a dangerous and a life so wronged that you didn’t have it in your guts to be part of it.
That you wouldn’t ever want the growing life in your belly to take part of. No, the life that you’d give birth to wouldn’t only be another spawn to continue such a vicious act.
It took all your might and tears to leave. To watch him break down, and cry, and beg, and kneel in front of you only for you to turn your back on him on the very end. All his pleads and promises to spend more time and stay with you was all but a shout into the void as you still hopped on a plane fast to California to leave everything behind.
To break your own heart to stick to your morals, and to care for your coming bundle of joy.
And you wouldn’t let that all go to waste now, not now that you’ve worked so hard to be the best mother to Jaejin for the past 6 years. Not now that you beared everything alone, to depend on yourself starting at the age of 22 while raising another in your arms.
You arrive at the luxurious condominium, almost limping on the pain at the balls of your feet. You quickly dashed to the information desks and painlessly smiled at the attendants that looked so pleasant and formal towards you.
“Can I have a dial to room 52A, please.” You said as you plastered a forced smile on your face. Yet a sense of hurry was in your heart.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I’m not sure if you had the right room information, perhaps you’re trying to reach another unit please?” The attendant with caramel blonde hair and blue scarf responded to you with her pearly whites all displayed as a part of her job.
“No, It’s really for room 52A for Mr. Kim Junmyeon.” You reiterated yourself.
“Hold on for a second as I contact Mr. Kim if he’s expecting any visitors right now.” She politely responded once more as she grabbed the phone and talked in a shushed manner. “We’ve been informed that Mr. Kim is not in his room as of the moment, Ma’am.”
“Are you sure? I just.. I just really need to talk to him right now.” You tried to keep your composure.
“I’m pretty sure that Mr. Kim hasn’t been around the vicinity for the past few weeks. He’s probably residing in some of his other properties. Good day Ma’am.” She greeted you again with a smile before she entertained other guests.
Of course, Junmyeon would never be dumb. He’s too calculating of a person to sit with Jaejin here if he’ll hide your son from you. You lived here with him for a year, of course you’ll go here first. You scanned your memories for where else could he be, he probably had a thousand more houses or condominiums now but you’re left with no choice to stick with what you know.
So with hope in your hands, you headed off his old family home on the outskirts of the city.
The drive almost lasted half an hour, the village was meant only for the wealthiest of the wealthy. Just below the wondrous sight of the mountains yet still bearably close enough to the city center where their businesses would be. You remember it here, the lavish and aristocratic house that his parents owned. The one with marbled walls and doric columns and topped off with an exquisite fountain on the dead center. If they weren’t here, you might as well count the number of stars in the sky and sands on the beach as that’s how hard it would take to find them.
Guards clad in black scanned you, they phoned inside to ask if a visitor was expected. If they were this intricate on searching you, Junmyeon was probably inside. And Jaejin would hopefully be, too.
Surprisingly to you, the condescending gates were opened and you were let inside the Kim Estate. Guards ushered you inside, not bothering to speak as small talk wasn’t the reason you rushed here for. You just wanted to see your son, happy, and alive, to alleviate all the worries in your mind.
The living area was nothing short of exquisite, large antiquette sofa sets lined with white leather ornate the room. The grand staircase almost looked like something off fantasy movies. The whole mansion just reeked of immense power and wealth just like what Junmyeon exudes. All this glitter and glamour and all you’re searching for was the jolly laughter and toothless smile of your son.
“Mama!” You hurriedly looked on your left, where Jaejin emerged from the kitchen wearing a smile. With open arms, you almost ran into his embrace. The thud of your heart was almost as loud and booming of that of a thunderstorm. Almost squishing your son at the tightness of your embrace. “Uncle Jun brought me here, he said that we’ll make cupcakes and have more pistachio ice cream!”
“Oh he did?” You tried to laugh along his happiness, how innocent he was on just how you almost died of worry and anxiety over the past two hours. The tears that fell down your eyes cannot be held back, the wave of emotions that you felt just won’t subside.
“Why are you crying mama? Do you want a cupcake too?” He willingly offered to you the chocolate pastry on his hand, you just shook your head no.
“Nothing, Mama was just very tired at work today, Jaejin. I’m just very happy to see you.”
“Aw, I don’t like seeing my Mama sad. Is your new boss bad? Should I make him face the wall, mama? I don’t like seeing you cry.” Jaejin tried to wipe the tears that fell down your eyes, even blowing it a little in attempt to make it dry.
You just wanted to hold your son for a little longer, just memorize how warm he feels to your touch. How his giggles sound and how he cares for you like no one else would ever do. Because the past two hours just made you realize that Jaejin has been and is now your life, and it would kill you to lose him on your sight.
You saw a silhouette walk towards the both of you from the kitchen, donning a white work shirt and slacks. And you stood up from your seat and cleared your throat as you shot him your most threatening look. Lowering your head once more, you talked to Jaejin “Go ahead and have more cupcakes, bunny. Me and Uncle Jun have something to talk about.” Jaejin gave you a sweet peck on the cheek before joyfully prancing to the kitchen again.
You shared a look with Junmyeon and you knew just what will transpire between the both of you.
He started walking towards the study to which you followed suit. The environment was closed enough and you could lash out all your frustrations toward this man without worrying that Jaejin will hear you. You entered first and you quickly turned back to him once he closed the door.
“What the fuck, Junmyeon!?” Your hand smashed against the hard oak wood of the table, creating a loud thud that resonated within the space. “You’d really kidnap Jaejin from me? I thought we agreed on how we’ll do this?”
“I never officially agreed on anything, Y/N. And kidnapping? How will I kidnap my own child? If there’s someone who hid Jaejin away it was you!” He was still relatively calm besides the fact that his voice raised a few volumes up.
“That’s out of the damn topic, Junmyeon! You just took him without me knowing and you even emptied all his things in our apartment. Who the fuck in the right mind pulls stunts like those?”
“I was just trying to protect him! You’re the one here risking him, always leaving him alone anywhere. First he was lost in a large mall, now he’s left alone in a daycare for hours. Tell me, are you even competent enough to be a mother if you put your son in all these kinds of danger?” You gasped at his accusation.
“I, alone, raised Jaejin for six fucking years, Junmyeon. Just because you have all this money and wealth doesn’t mean you’re so much of a better person than me.” You pointed at him, “Besides he’s only ever in danger because of you, Junmyeon. So don’t go and put the blame on me.”
“What? Now suddenly I’m the bad guy. I barely knew Jaejin for a week and I’m the one putting him in danger?” His tone finally changed.
“Jaejin is always in danger because he’s your son, Junmyeon.”
“If you’re talking about being in danger because I’m rich, that fails to make any sense as I can afford all the protection he deserves.” Junmyeon reasoned out, walking to the other side of the table.
“No, he’s in danger because of what you do. He’s in danger because of all these people that surrounds you and your job, Junmyeon. Stop playing innocent because I know that you aren’t, Suho.” You dropped the bomb you’ve been carrying for years, Junmyeon’s mouth was now wide and agape on the sudden revelation.
“What? What are you talking about?” He stuttered
“Come on, Junmyeon. Stop playing fucking games. You say Jaejin is in danger? That's because your whole life revolves on playing with fire and walking on thin ice. Dealing and transferring all this bad shit known to mankind all over the globe.Having an army protect all the kinds of the worst people, protecting these killers. What parent in the world would not be frantic over their child’s safety if they’re running an illegal business guised as a shipping company.” Trembling was present in your hands, you don’t know how long the strength you feigned would put up with all the fear that’s deep inside your heart.
“What… How? When?” Was all the barely audible musings that fell out of Junmyeon’s lips. You turned away, in attempt to leave. But you’ve barely even reached the study’s doors when he spoke again.
“You can’t leave. Not anymore.”
“Why? Because I know how pungent your life is, Junmyeon? Would you kill me because I know what breed of asshole you are?” You felt your eyes as they started to water, tears slowly trickling down your face for the umpteenth time for today.
“No. Because Jaejin’s not leaving here. If you want to see your son, you stay here with him. If you want to leave, I’ll make sure this is the last time you’ll ever land your eyes on him.”
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
masters of the scene
we’re somewhat on a schedule here, talk about progressss!!!! I’m also the shookest bc i had to split this part in two. that hadn’t happened since i was like, twelve. shookestest. Hopefully part 2 of this one will be up this week, so fingers crossed for that. 
(also, this being split also means that instead of our usual l/m/l pov, this is half luna, half matteo. same with the other one, sorry)
shout out to my baked goods for helping me and being proud aunts of this au even when it’s a mess most of the timeeeeee, ily 
in case you’ve missed any part:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
AU: Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window many years ago, back when he first started recording his debut album and inspired his first big hit, “Princesa”. Luna Valente, professional Olympic skater turned actress is at a local (and very popular) talk show to promote her breakout movie. This is where it all starts.
According to our sources, the answer is a big, bold, YES.
Your – and ours too! – favorite couple has reunited with their management to discuss ‘how to break it to the public’ according to our sources. Benson and Balsano, who have been linked by fans and media for a little over three months now, are finally ready to take a big step on their relationship and shout their love to the world!
“[Sol] thinks it’s time for them to tell everyone. She’s in love, and is tired of hiding it from her family, friends and especially of her fans.” But what about Matteo? “[He] has his doubts and is adamant of how the public will react to their relationship. He doesn’t want anyone attacking him or her for it.”
Earlier in the week, news of Benson’s retirement from professional skating broke and the fans were very vocal on their displeasure of Balsano’s – rumored- involvement, as well as the lack of public response in support for his girl. So, was this topic touched at all?
“Absolutely. [Matteo] cares about how his fans see him, and while he knows none of them would believe he was at fault, he still wants to clear the air and let them know the truth.” And what’s the truth exactly? “He never asked for [Sol] to quit. But he likes her and wanted to spend more time with her before their obligations forced them to be apart, so he suggested a break. Ultimately, it was Sol who chose she was done with the sport.” Talk about true love!
Either way, we’re all excited to see what’s next on this couple’s agenda, and can’t wait for them to blind us with their cuteness!
For more Soltteo, click here!
“Well? Is everyone suddenly deaf? Do I have to ask again?” Matteo’s lawyer – and best friend, if his snaps were any indication- tried to lighten the mood with a joke, grinning towards them. His eyes flickering to Nina’s the most.
“Not much.” Matteo answered, his gaze still on her. Luna huffed silently at him, making him grimace. Luna had the urge to stick her tongue out to him, but she had to remind herself she was an adult. Or trying to be one, anyway.
“So, no deal has been made? Has any party thrown any ideas?” Gastón questioned them.
Delfi nodded. “Actually, Miss Benson gave a very nice one before you came in.” Luna blinked a couple times. To be honest, her brain hadn’t even registered half the words that had came out of her mouth, her anger usually blinded – and deafened, too, apparently- her memory.
“I did?”
Thankfully, Delfi smiled before explaining, “yes, you did. A televised interview is brilliant; you don’t have any exclusivity with printed media, and Matteo’s can’t be compromised since it’ll be live on TV.” The older girl turned to her – soon to be ex-  manager, “I’d advice to choose Jazmín. Not only because of the ratings and demographics, but also because she’s close to us and would agree to not touch certain topics, as well as to open a spot on her show faster than any other person. The fact that Sol is somewhat familiarized with her doesn’t hurt, too.”
Tamara vaguely nodded at Delfi, but was quick to turn to her, silently asking her if that was what she wanted. Luna knew she’d suggested and all, but that had been in a moment of anger. Angry at Mariano for attacking Matteo, and angry at Matteo for being quick to judge, as well as resented he had ignored her for two weeks, to now try and act like nothing had happened. Truthfully, she didn’t think it was a good idea.
“I’m not sure, Delfi. You’ve said so yourself, I’m not properly ‘trained’ and if I end up saying something that could make everything worse I-”
Gastón frowned, interrupting her babbling. “But I thought this was your idea? Why would you suggest it if you’re not sure you can pull it off?” His words hadn’t any malice in them, yet, she still felt a twinge of offense, and Luna didn’t know how to answer him.
Her best friend did, though. “Sometimes our mouths are quicker than our brains.” Nina’s eyes went between Matteo and her, making Gastón grin, and nod in understand. She was full offended now, reaching out to her friend to pinch her arm in protest. Nina whelped silently, mouthing ‘sorry’ to her; her eyes, though, showed her amusement.  
Delfi called for their attention, “we can train you, if you want.” She offered.
“I don’t think-” Mariano wanted to protest. Luna wanted none of it.
“Don’t you dare. Delfi’s been nothing but professional here, actually trying to help, don’t you dare minimize her work or insinuate she’s not capable of doing it.” Mariano pursed his lips, turning to Tamara in help. Tamara’s glare and shake of her head was all he got. When she was sure he’d given up, Luna acknowledged Delfi. “I’m not sure this is a good idea, sorry. If I’m being honest, Jazmín scares me; going to her show, alone, is terrifying.”
Delfi pondered her words for a moment, not really looking at her, or at anyone or anything in specific. She just stayed quiet, looking at nothing and biting her lip.
No one said anything for a couple of minutes, and Luna wasn’t sure if they were waiting for Delfi, or if they, themselves, were thinking her words over. Either way the silence was awkward for her, and silently prayed for someone else to break it.
Tamara did.
“If you excuse me, I think I’ll go ask where our drinks are at.” She put her gaze on her. “Care to go with me, Sol?” She couldn’t nod fast enough. Luna wasn’t too naïve, she knew Tamara wanted to speak to her, alone, but the silence was driving her mad and would take whatever excuse.
She felt Matteo’s eyes follow her out of the room.
Luna let out a big sigh as soon as the door closed. Tamara was a few steps ahead, waiting for her. “So, what do you want to tell me?”
“I wanted to apologize. It seems that I underestimated your relationship with Balsano, and going in there, asking you to ignore him was a bad idea, I’m sorry.” Tamara’s words were full of sincerity. However, they only confused her.
“What do you mean?”
The woman showed surprise. “You didn’t notice?”
“Would I be asking you if I had?”
Tamara smiled. “I suppose not, no. What I’m saying is, he seems to like you, and you ignoring him, God forbid, set him off. He kept looking at you, waiting for you to notice him, and when you didn’t, it got to the point of annoying him, making him lash out at Mariano and I.”  
“But Mariano was provoking him, Matteo – well, I would be annoyed too if someone did the same to me.” Luna pointed out, crossing her arms as she walked.
“Perhaps.” Tamara agreed, her smile intact, “I do want you to know, though, that this is Matteo Balsano we’re talking about. Do you think he’s not used to being provoked in interviews? By the fans or the paps? He knows better than to give in their games.” Luna fell a few steps behind. Tamara stopped walking altogether, waiting for her to speak again.
“Be honest, Tamara, what are you trying to get at?”
“I think you know what I’m trying to say, munchkin. I could be wrong in what way exactly, but he cares about you.” Tamara sighed. “Either way, I was wrong when I advised you to ignore him. It’s obvious he took it personal and now both him and Delfi are upset.”
“I am upset with him, anyway. I wouldn’t have been completely cordial when I saw him, even if you hadn’t told me anything.”
“I don’t know the boy, but I think he’d rather have you mad at him than evasive.” Luna was over with having everyone else getting amusement out of her and Matteo, so she turned the conversation back to professional.
“Do you think I should do that interview?”
Her manager composed herself, her expression turning serious. “Honestly? Yes. Not for Balsano’s reputation, but to give your fans a peace of mind. We warned you a written statement could come off as careless, no matter how much you made it sound as grateful and loving as you feel. Most of them feel betrayed, confused, and back-stabbed. I know you feel like you can’t handle it, but you’re the bravest person I know, Luna, and you could beat Jazmín at her own gossip game if you wanted to. And, even if you don’t, Delfi is right; they have connections with her, they can blacklist any topic or question you don’t feel comfortable talking about. I would accept her offer of more training, too.”
Luna tried to sigh her nervousness away. She failed. “Can I think about it some more? I don’t want to rush it.”
Tamara smiled comfortingly, nodding once. “Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. It means I successfully taught you something.”
She frowned, feeling bad Delfi’s dab had affected her. “You did an amazing job as my manager, Tamara. I’m sorry I didn’t defend you back there, because honestly, you did more than good. You gave me choices, gave me a voice when it mattered, just like now. I’m thankful I had you with me.”
The woman sighed happily, giving her a hug. “Sweetest girl, that you are. I’m glad I could help you the years I did, you’re truly a brilliant, humble, talented young lady and to work with you has been my honor, munchkin.” She sighed again as she dropped her arms around her and started walking again. Her next words make her cackle. “Now, let’s go look for our drinks. I have a feeling I might need a bit of rum with mine.”
Matteo could only watch as the door closed, ignoring the urge of following right behind and beg Luna for a chance to talk. He’d obviously been blind to ignore she would get mad at him for blowing her off for weeks. Either he was losing his touch with women, or it went powerless when it came to her. Whatever it was, he was now in trouble with her and completely oblivious as to how to fix it.
“Dumb and dumber, come here.” Delfi called for Gastón and him, using her favorite nicknames for both. At this point it’d lost any malice behind them (there hadn’t been any to begin with, really), and he was used to it, so he followed suit when she signaled for them to huddle up in a circle. Gastón looked unsure of doing so, glancing quickly in Nina’s direction. He so was going to give him crap for it once they were done here.
“What’s the plan?” He wondered, eager to hear what Delfi had decided to do. 9 out 10 times, it turned out to be a good idea. The 10th time was usually him changing the plan.
“We have to convince her to agree to the interview. It’s the best counterattack, and if it’s with Jazmín we can make it foolproof, keeping it safe and predictable. We can even think and write her answers beforehand,” she looked at him, “it’s honestly the best way for her, Matteo.”
Matteo pursed his lips. “I trust you, Delfi, but I don’t want to force her to do something she’s not comfortable with. She’s mad enough at me as it is, pressuring her could make it worse.”
“We also can’t be one hundred percent sure Jazmín will agree to stick to a script. Remember last time? She went for the kill with Luna. She knew it would get her and Matteo in trouble, yet she still chose to do it.” Gastón reminded her, siding with him. It was in moments like this when Matteo was grateful he was his best friend.
Delfi cringed. “Well…”
Matteo knew that look. Delfi knew more than she was letting them see. “What?” he urged her to explain. Did she know about it beforehand? Why hadn’t she stopped it if she did?
“I couldn’t stop Ámbar, really! She went behind my back and coerced Jazmín to hint it and warned me literally seconds before she went live. You know I would’ve stopped it if I knew with time.”
“Blondie started this mess?” Gastón was incredulous. Matteo, however, was seeing red. It finally clicked on him that she’d purposefully had set Luna up back then. He’d recognized her smirk in the interview, and he’d completely forgotten to ask her about it further once it was over. He’d tried to play it off as her being her smug self when it was about being in public – he’d seen it enough when they dated not to- but now it made sense. And he could bet it was all about him eating those stupid cupcakes.
Delfi looked at him, worry in her eyes. “Matteo, don’t. Focus on what’s important right now, not in the past. Ámbar cut off Jazmín when it got out of hand, remember? She helped your girl once it was obvious she couldn’t save herself. Calm down.”
“She shouldn’t have started it in the first place! I thought she was Luna’s friend, and yet, you’re telling me she threw her to tigers? Exposed her to the tabloids knowing damn well she wasn’t ready for it? And for what? Because I ate her stupid dollar cupcakes?” he hissed, pulling his hair in frustration.  
Delfi’s glare was pure ice, now. “I’m not going to fight with you about this, as it is between Ámbar and you. You want to complain about it? Do it with her, bitch your mouth off, if you want to. However, right now, we’re discussing how to protect your precious star from more attacks since you have decided you want to keep her in your life; because – surprise! - if she stays, then so will the news about her. So, focus, you idiot.”
Matteo was still seething, grinding his teeth together. Gastón palmed his back softly. “Dude, she’s right. I’ll help you hide Ámbar’s body later – and Jazmín’s, too, if you want- but now it’s not the time to get mad. Think of Luna, she needs our help more than she needs you to defend her honor with Ámbar.”
Finally, he relented. “Fine. I’ll deal with Ámbar later. How do I convince Luna to accept, though? She won’t even look at me right now.”
“That’s easy.” Delfi said, discreetly pointing to where Nina was sitting. “We talk to her, and she talks to your love. I’ll get Pedro to talk to Simón, so he does too. They’re her best friends and will convince her to jump off a cliff is that’s what they want.” Matteo frowned, Delfi rolled her eyes. “They’d never do that, oh my God.”
“Whatever. How do we convince Nina to convince Luna, then?” He looked at his best friend, silently asking him if he knew. Gastón merely shrugged.
“Do I have to do everything for you two idiots?” Delfina huffed, before raising her voice. “Nina, can you come, please?” she called, making the girl look up from where she was sitting, looking at her phone. She was with them in less than a minute.
“Hi.” She said shyly, blushing when Gastón threw a grin in her direction. Delfi turned to him and pretended to gag. Matteo was half mad still but teased his friend with a wink.  
“I’m going to go straight to the point – you need to convince Luna to do that interview.”
Nina blinked once. Twice. “Okay.”
Matteo was skeptical. She just couldn’t have agreed that easily, he must’ve heard her wrong. “Really?”
“I’m not stupid, I know that’s the safest bet for my friend.” Nina frowned at him, “I can’t say it’ll be easy, though, she seems to be very scared after her last one with Jazmín. Maybe-” her frown deepened, stopping her thoughts from escaping her mouth.
“Maybe?” The three of them prompted.  
“Maybe if she weren’t alone… If she had someone else to stop her from rambling, like Ámbar-”
Matteo objected. “Absolutely not. Ámbar can’t go with her, just no.” He shook his head multiple times, rejecting the idea.
“I wasn’t saying it has to be Ámbar. Simón, Tamara, or Delfi-” Nina threw him a quick look. “- even you could. Luna just needs someone to calm her rambles and assure her they won’t let her talk more than necessary. That’s all.”
Delfi’s eyes shone. “That’s brilliant! If Matteo goes too, and both make it clear they’re just friends and he had no input in her decision, everyone will have to believe they’re just friends, and we won’t have to give exclusives with ‘our side’ of the story, either. You’re a genius, Simonetti.”
“Um, aren’t you guys forgetting something?” Gastón interjected, “Luna couldn’t be madder with Matteo if she tried. How is she gonna agree not only to the interview, but to an interview with him?”
Matteo’s mood went down once again at the reminder. What he didn’t expect, though, was for Nina to punch him on his arm. “Ouch! What was that for?”
Nina huffed. “For making my best friend mad, of course. Do you know how hard that is to achieve? She’s all sunshine and rainbows most of the time!”
“You can punch him more later, Nina,” Delfi told her. Matteo glared at his manager, who simply waved him off, “but please tell us, how can this idiot fix it?”
Nina thought about it for a moment. “Well, apologizing, for starters.” Done. He’d beg if he needed to. “And being completely honest. No bullcrap like ‘I forgot to call you back’ or ‘my battery died’, Luna hates when people lie to her, and will hate to hear dumb excuses more. Even if it’s a hurtful truth, like not wanting to talk to her, she’ll prefer that to a lie.” Then she turned to him, her brown eyes sharp. “Why did you ignore her these weeks? Is it because you didn’t want to answer her question?”
“I panicked.” He admitted, ashamed of his cowardliness. “I wasn’t – still am not- ready to admit my reasons.”
“Why?” she wondered, curiosity getting the best of her.
“Because she will see him as the creep he is.” Gastón snorted. Matteo flipped him off.
Nina’s eyes shone with mischief. “So, it is true. You’ve known her longer than that night at JaJazmin.”
“Something like that.” He wasn’t going to spill everything to Nina, not before he told her best friend first; the only person he owed an explanation to was Luna, no one else.
The girl just stared at him for a couple of seconds, before nodding and changing the subject.
“Luna is more likely to forgive with a full stomach. After this meeting she has one with Yam, and after that we’re going out for lunch. I guess, if we casually bumped into each other at Yelao’s…”
Matteo felt hope expanding through his body. He might not owe an explanation to Nina, but he now owed her a big, great favor.
“We’ll be there.” Gastón confirmed for both, knowing well Matteo had no objections to that plan.
“I feel like I have to warn you, though,” Nina spoke to him, “since you were so against Ámbar accompanying Luna to the interview. She’s going to be there, as well as Simón.” Matteo pursed his lips, but he could acknowledge this was probably his only chance. Only the skies knew when Luna would talk to him again if he didn’t apologize soon.
“I’ll manage. I promise.” He had to. Just then, the door opened once again, revealing Luna, Tamara, and one of the receptionists, each carrying a small platter with drinks.
Delfi waited until all drinks where on the table, and the receptionist was gone, to star talking again.
“So, have you given any thoughts on the interview, yet?” She must’ve taken Luna by surprise, because she almost choked on her hot cocoa. He raised his arm on instinct to palm her back, but 1) she was very far away, and 2) he was sure she’d probably rather choke and die than having him help her; so, he put his arm down as fast as he could.
Tamara answered for her. “Could you give her a couple of days? She wishes to think it over before making any decision.” His manager frowned for a bit, ultimately nodding and glancing quickly to him. He understood the look; Matteo had those days to make it right between the two and convince her.
“Of course, of course. But please try not to take too much time, it’s only going to get harder for you both the longer you wait.” Luna gave Delfi a thumb up, not quite done with her coughing. Matteo had to bite his tongue to stop himself from asking if she was okay. Thankfully, Gastón approached her with a glass of water.
“Thank you.” She coughed a couple more times, before drinking the whole glass, sending Gastón a small smile. “Are we done with this yes? I kind of have an appointment with Yam, she’s making my dress for the wedding.”
Now it was Matteo’s turn to choke on his lungo. “Wedding?” Delfi palmed his back a couple of times.
“Yam’s getting married and we’re her bridesmaids. She’s insisting on making our dresses herself, since Mora is making hers; we have our first fitting today.” Nina explained to him. He could bet she was having fun at his reaction, if her smile was any indication.  
“Nina.” Luna called for her friend, shaking her head slightly. Then she turned to him, and Matteo was relieved she didn’t look mad. Just a bit serious. “So, are we done? Or do you have something else to discuss with us?” He wanted so bad to tell her no. That they weren’t anywhere near done, that they hadn’t even started yet. But he wouldn’t be talking about the meeting.
“Since you have stuff to think over, I’d say we’re done. For now, that is.” Delfi answered her, “if you choose to it, then I’ll schedule another meeting and we’ll go into more detail about what kind of deal we can make with each other.”
“We’ll get in touch in a couple of days.” Tamara agreed, moving to gather her things from a chair, urging the lawyer to finish his drink, before saying her farewells. When it was his turn for her goodbye, she was serious as she took his hand, and whispered. “Can I trust her with you? Will you take care of her, the way she deserves?”
He didn’t even think about it before answering. “Yes.”
The older woman stared for a moment, her eyes searching for something. Whatever she found, or didn’t find, was enough for her. “Good.”
The lawyer only gave him a brief nod to everyone before following Tamara out. Once they left, Luna and Nina started their goodbye’s too. Nina offered him a quiet ‘see you later’, which he responded with a grateful smirk. Luna hesitated for a second as she stood in front of him, biting her lip.
“I’m very sorry, Luna.” Her green eyes set on his, “if you have time I can explain, I-”
His girl sighed. “I have no time for this, Matteo.” He recoiled at her words, not expecting her to be so… sharp. She sighed again when she saw his reaction. “I literally have no time right now. We’re late to Yam’s already, but…”
“But?” He sounded hopeful, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
“But if you have the guts to call me again, maybe we can talk about it some other time.”
He felt his grin appear on his face and couldn’t resist hugging her. “I will! I’m so, so very sorry, Luna I swear-”
“Yeah, yeah, but don’t you think you’re in the clear! I’m still angry at you, and I’m expecting the truth and nothing but the truth, okay?” she was being serious, he could tell. She broke the hug quickly, arching her brows to get the point across. He saluted her.
“Yes, ma’am. I promise.” His face was starting to hurt from grinning so much, so wide. Luna didn’t return the smile, yet, he could see her eyes softening a little when she looked at him.
He watched her – and Nina, but mostly her- leave, the weight on his heart dropping almost completely now that she had agreed to give him a chance to explain.
“I can’t believe she actually agreed to hear you out so quickly. I’m impressed.” Gastón broke the silence a couple of seconds after they left, whistling lowly and palming his shoulders.
“Same. I would’ve let you on the dog house for at least another week. Either she’s too good, or…” Delfi quietened down, thinking over her words.
“Nothing, actually. She’s too good, period. We need to toughen her up.” She sounded worried at this, pursing her lips. “Are you guys still ‘casually’ meeting them up for lunch?” Gastón and him looked at each other, then nodded. “Be careful. The place you’re going is lowkey enough for me to not advice you to take a guard but stay alert of your surroundings. It’s not only you, but her, and Simón and Ámbar. It can get wild in a minute.”
She was right, of course, she was always right. “We’ll be careful. Thank you for worrying, Del.” Then his brain caught up on the other subject. “Wait, since when does Ámbar and Simón are acquainted with each other?”
Delfi grimaced. “You don’t even want to know, believe me. Those two are a mess.”
Gastón gasped, laughing out loud. “You don’t mean… those two…?” he suggested, wiggling his brows.
“What? No!” She made a disgusted face. “The studio from Ámbar’s new musical wanted the RB to write a song for her to sing, but Simón’s having a hard time meeting Á’s taste. He’s apparently not ‘emo’ enough to write about her character.”
“’Emo’? Why does she need him to be ‘emo’?” His friend asked the same question that was on his mind.
“The song’s to be sung at her character’s lowest point, I think. It needs to be emo AF.”
“And Simón can’t be emo?”
Delfi raised her left brow. “Have you ever heard an emo song from the RB?”
“Exactly.” She said in an obvious tone. “Okay, losers, I gotta go. Pedro and I are having lunch, and I’ll run our plan by to him, be careful and try not to make too much drama.” She looked pointedly at him at the last part.
“It’s not my fault drama finds its way into my life, okay?”
“Be serious! If I hear from someone else, you two went at each other’s throats in public…”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll tell everyone I have a micropenis.”
Gastón choked on air, barely holding in his laughter. Somehow, even after hearing that threat at least three times a month, he still found it funny.  
“And they will believe me.” Delfi threw him one last warning look, before kissing his cheek, only giving Gastón a wave as goodbye as she left them alone.
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ggjjy888 · 6 years
OK! USA | Shark Tank's Amazing New Diet Product!
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It Was The Most Watched Episode In The History Of Shark Tank - And You Won't Believe Why...
By Everly Smith
OK USA |   Keto Salts have been featured by renowned Dr. Oz on his television show as well as NBC and CNN news outlets
(Ok USA) – It's a Keto Revolution!
The partners, who are responsible for the all new Nutragenics Forskolin took shark tank by storm. In the most watched episode in the history of Shark Tank, Dr. Ron Change and Partner Michael Schrader revealed how they created the product based on the scientifict studies about the keto diet. "We knew putting the body in a state of ketosis worked. We wanted to find a way to put the body in that state, without the stringent diet." Keto salts were born. The product was bought by the sharks and in limited release testing, the results have been astonishing. "The new keto diet is posed to revolutionize the diet industry," said shark Lori Greiner. "I wanted the product for myself. I knew it would sell huge on HSN. But I'm happy that we are sharing it. I want to stay true to the guys' mission to allow everyone access to it."
What happened?
Never before has an episode of Shark Tank fallen into a bidding war - with all the sharks trying to get their hands on the product. But that's exactly what happened when Nutragenics Forskolin Founders Dr. Ron Chang and Michael Shrader went on Shark Tank. In the end, the shark's bought a staggering 50% of the partner's company, with the shark's personally vowing to mentor the pair and help them undergo a new marketing campaign tailor-made to reach all women with their revolutionary product.
"We didn't really expect the response we got. We were hoping for some funding, maybe a little exposure, but the shark's all saw right away what we had," Michael Shrader said after the show.
Since the show aired, the pair have been hard at work taking the shark's advice and working on new branding, new campaigns, and selling out of their first limited run of the product.
We sat down with the partners to ask them more about how they got started.
OK Magazine: Tell us, how did you know where to start?
Chang: To be honest, I really didn't. But I knew there had to be a better weight loss answer. So I started talking to my patients. I wanted to find out what changes they were realistically willing to make and how much they were realistically willing to do to lose weight. What I found out? People need weight loss to fit into their lives. They still have jobs and kids and house cleaning and groceries. They don't have time for complicated diets and excessive workout plans.
OK Magazine: So how did you find out about the keto diet?
Shrader: That was all me. Time ran a feature on it like a year ago. I remembered how the keto diet was again touted as a "miracle cure" The problem? People can't stick to the complicated diet. So that was our starting point. We knew we needed to find a way to change the way people's metabolism worked, without... well the work.
Since the show, the partners sold out of their initial run of Nutragenics Forskolin and are gearing up for their next run. But the results so far have been unbelievable!
OK Magazine: Was it expensive to develop Nutragenics Forskolin ?
Schrader: Doing the initial testing and research was. I used my savings from a decade as a financial analyst. But one of our biggest challenges was we wanted to make Nutragenics Forskolin afforadable for everyone. So we're offering a number of different packages and options in order to fit everyone's budget.
OK Magazine: That's impressive! Could you explain how the diet works?
Chang: There isn't much to it, and that is the appeal of it all. Every morning you take a Nutragenics Forskolin with an 8 oz. glass of water. And every evening, you take another pill with another 8 oz glass of water. That's it! Of course, as as doctor I always recommend a healthy diet and exercise. But honestly, exercise doesn't really work for losing weight, just for over all health. After just 30 days we started to see amazing results. In three months all of our test subjects had lost at least 20 pounds each!
“I've tried every diet out there. Every one. There has never been anything I can stick with. I like this diet because I basically don't have to do anything and I still get results!" -Gabby on The Tonight Show
Shark Tank isn't the only one promoting the fat burning wonder. Grammy winner and television host Christina Aguilera has credited the diet with her amazing weight loss. It's also rumored that Melissa McCarthy, Carrie Underwood and Wendy Williams have all used it to lose a significant amount of body weight. This new combination is the hottest thing in Hollywood right now, and not without reason. This clinically validated formula has been proven to turn your body into a fat burning machine! And best of all, the product is completely natural. Although we didn't doubt the results, we wanted to see them first hand!
My Results – I lost 28 lbs of stomach fat in just one month using the Nutragenics Forskolin , I look and feel great! – Alice Clemmens (Ok!) What did we do? 1. Took one Nutragenics Forskolin pill in the morning. Making sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. 2. Took one Nutragenics Forskolin in the evening. Week 1: It's Day 7 of taking Nutragenics Forskolin . When I started I weighed 162 pounds. I’m at 155 after 7 days, but that’s most likely water weight that I lost, and some fat burned. However, I feel the impact that it’s made. I feel so much more energetic. I usually crash around 3PM at work and feel lazy and that has completely disappeared at this point. Week 2: It's Day 14, I got on the scale and weigh 145. 10 more pounds gone. I’ve lost over 17 pounds in 14 days so far, but again the first 10 pounds are usually water weight. I do feel less stress and I noticed I don't twist and turn in bed anymore. I feel more energetic in the mornings as well. Week 3: It's Day 18 of the Nutragenics Forskolin diet. Before I even got on the scale I noticed my pants were looser than usual. The scale said 142. I haven’t weighed less than 145 ever since I got married. I’ve even got a couple compliments by co-workers and friends! At this point I know the diet works, but the 35 pound claims by people on amazon may be difficult to achieve. We’ll see in the next few weeks. Week 4: It's Day 28 and I weigh 136. I definitely cut down on my sugar intake this week. There is still 4 more days, I’m so excited at this point. My husband is actually flirting with me again. We went out last night and for the first time in years, I’ve notice him getting irritated when other men look at me! The last time that happened was when we just got married! Week 5: It's day 31, I officially weigh 134 pounds and I’ve lost over 28 pounds in 31 days. Words can’t explain how amazing I feel. It’s a lot easier to shop now a days. It doesn’t take me forever to find the perfect size any more. No more asking “Do you have this in a bigger size?” It’s even helping my marriage, my husband and I started actually going out on the weekends like we did before we got married!
We had to know more about exactly what this Nutragenics Forskolin was all about and how it worked. We had never heard of it before, but now we were intrigued. After clearing it with our legal team, our lead editor pushed for a case study. Our eager new reporter Alice Clemmens was more than happy to be our guinea-pig. She was assigned the task of trying this celebrity diet and documenting all of it for the next 31 days.
Before she started, we needed to make sure this was the right Nutragenics Forskolin product. Our insider had warned us that 90% of all Nutragenics Forskolin products are less than 30% Keto , the rest are edible fillers. After days of research, we found Nutragenics Forskolin to be the top choice on Amazon. With over 4,000 positive comments and an overall rating of 4.9, we were sold. We were about to purchase it when we realized that the Keto suppliers are currently offering exclusive LIMITED TIME DISCOUNTS to our readers! (More Information Below)
The secret behind Nutragenics Forskolin is its ability to suppress the appetite and increase the speed of your metabolism, while turning your body into a virtual fat burning machine.
Why is Nutragenics Forskolin so effective?
Nutragenics Forskolin contains the naturally occurring ingredients, Keto Salts, which force the body into a constant state of Ketosis . Ketosis is a natural process the body initiates to help us survive when food intake is low. During this state, we produce ketones, which are produced from the breakdown of fats in the liver. By putting your body into Ketosis, it is constantly buring carbs and fat for energy.
Nutragenics Forskolin has been clinically proven to:
Increase the speed of metabolism by 70%
Stop the production of gluose and fat producing cells by 150%
Help the body burn fat as energy instead of storing it
Boost energy levels with it's rich antioxidant and serotonin combo
Reduce levels of Cortisol (the stress hormone) to improve mental health
Help protect and regenerates brain function and the nervouse system
For our Case Study, we ordered a LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT of Nutragenics Forskolin . Suppliers are now offering SPECIAL RISK FREE DISCOUNT to our readers. (See below for exclusive links)
Three days later Nutragenics Forskolin was delivered. Below are my results… They are interesting to say the least!
In Conclusion, we were a little doubtful here at Ok!, but you need to try the effects of this diet for yourself; the results are real. After conducting our own personal study we are pleased to see that people are really finding success with it, myself included. And you have nothing to lose. To order your limited time discounted bottles, follow the links I have provided and know that you are getting quality products that work; no strings attached!
Evelyn Smith | Ok!
EDITOR'S NOTE: For a limited time, the Official Suppliers of Nutragenics Forskolin have agreed to offer a Special Risk Free Discount to our readers.
Limited Time Discount OF Nutragenics Forskolin
Special Risk Free Discount Promotion Ends On
Tina Lewis I have been using this weight loss combo for 3 weeks now, and I lost 12 pounds already. Go Ron and Michael! You're doing the right thing. Like · Reply · 1551 Tanya Porquez I’ve been using the combo for about 6 wks (Keto ), and honestly, this is unbelievable, all I have to say is WOW. Like · Reply · 1410 Jennifer Jackson Mercer Keto is all natural and awesome! is so good for your health! And such a great price! You go Lauren and Justin! You guts are awesome. Like · Reply · 2828 Katy Parrott Never even knew about this combo. I am very much pleased after using it. Not to mention it's so cheap! Like · Reply · 1818 Lauren Gibson I saw this on the news. How lucky is this InTouch editor Susan to have found this opportunity!?!?! Thank you for sharing this tip! I just ordered both products. Like · Reply · 2747 Julie Keyse Omg I hope this actually works! It's super cheap at least! =X Like · Reply · 1949 Sarah Williams Actually the whole Kardashian family is on Keto , Ill try it, see what it does, they are giving discounted bottles to try, why not. Like · Reply · 2626 Kirsten Bauman Riley The Kardashian family actually has lost a lot of weight using this combo. I’m going to give these products a chance to work their magic on me. I’ve tried everything out there and so far nothing has been good enough to help me. Like · Reply · 2292 Celia Kilgard worked for me! It worked just like I thought it would. It was easy enough and I just want others to know when something works. Like · Reply · 2086 Alanna ‘martin’ Payne Thanks for the info guys, just started mine. Like · Reply · 1756
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Ron and Michael were recently featured in OK MAGAZINE to show that celebs all over Hollywood have been using this little secret for YEARS, and now its available to everyone! "It's the lack of a single ingredient that prevents so many people from losing weight!" It's been proven that the   Nutragenics Forskolin   supplement helps turn your body into a fat buring machine by putting your metabolism in a constant state of "on".  
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What The Lucky One's Who Bought The Initial Offer of Nutragenics Forskolin Are Saying
"My friends kept telling me about Nutragenics Forskolin - and how they saw it on shark tank. I was lucky to get one of the last 10 packages they were offering in the first run. I've had trouble with my weight since middle school, so you can imagine how desperate I was to finally look and feel as great as my friends seemed to every summer. I finally tried Nutragenics Forskolin , I will NEVER try another diet product again!" -Jenna, Los Angeles
"I was having issues with my weight after going into my early 30's. I went from being a skinny, cute girl into being the fat chick at work. I wish I had found this method before! I started going to the gym, drank a lot of water and took Keto as described. The result is astonishing: 28 less in 4 weeks!" -Michelle, Forte Worth
"As a mom of 3, I juggle work, kids, and all of life's other stresses on a daily basis. A friend of mine bought me Nutragenics Forskolin . I couldn't believe it when I started dropping the weight! Thank you so much Nutragenics Forskolin ! You're a star!" -Rebecca, Boston
"I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to get Nutragenics Forskolin The first time around. I started taking it and honestly, within 4 weeks, I felt and looked better than I have since I was 17! Thank you Nutragenics Forskolin ! You've changed my life!" -Sonia, Austin
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