#a couple of them said they wanna arrange something so that we could hang out!! like!! you stop that or im gonna cry!!!!
piercedpressure · 4 days
oooooo dreading my birthday next month.... but not because of what one might think!
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Lost (Side - 1) - 25
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: Tara hasn't had a chance to celebrate Sam's birthday in years and she'll make this one count. She just needs help from you and the twins.
Lost masterlist
Before we start, this was based on these two headcanons.
Word count: 3k
The creamy texture of the sweet chocolate and vanilla filled crescent rolls made you throw your head back with the largest grin on your face in months. "Damn, I am getting so good at this!" small victories, that was all that mattered right now.
"No way! They can't be that good!" you didn't think it was possible, but you grinned even wider when Tara jumped on your back and stole the roll right from your hand. She remained on your back as she took a bite, and you turned your head to watch her reaction. "Oh, oh, they actually are good!" she devoured the roll and reached for another one on the table only to realize she was too far to reach it.
"That's what you get for doubting my skills, Carpenter," you laughed at her pout and grabbed a larger bowl to use for crescent rolls. Still, she looked too cute not to give her what she wanted. "Here you go," you handed one roll to her and placed another one in your mouth as you began arranging the remaining ones in the bowl. You set a couple down at the bottom and dusted them with a bit of powdered sugar then repeated the process as Tara happily chewed on the one you gave to her earlier.
A few moments later she reached for the one you kept in your mouth. You looked at her and then at the half-eaten roll still in her left hand. The realization hit you and you bit through the roll. Tara smiled and leaned her head against yours. When you swallowed, she offered you another bite and you went back to placing the rolls in the bowl and dusting them with sugar. When that was done you cleaned up a bit, just to get some of the mess out of the way, all the while still having Tara on your back.
"Okay, time to get off," you said when you finished up and grabbed the bowl.
Tara just reached down and took a roll. "I like it up here," she whispered into your ear.
"Tara," you warned even if both of you knew you were all bark and no bite when it came to her.
"Baby," and there it was, her recently discovered secret weapon she used when you tried to put up a fight. You saw the mischievous, smug smile on her face when you sighed and began walking.
Sure, the nickname worked on you, but there was another reason for how easily you gave in. Sam's twentieth birthday was just around the corner, and it would be the second time Tara couldn't spend that day with her. Tara's been, well, she wasn't exactly in a good mood these past few days and seeing her this relaxed put you at ease as well. Being able to improve her mood even the slightest bit was worth doing much more than carrying her on your back. Also, she actually had an appetite and it always made you happy when you could sneak a proper meal into her usual routine, since her damn mother wasn’t interested in making an effort to do it.
You opened the fridge and crouched down, with Tara still hanging onto your back like a koala. "Orange juice, iced tea, milk, I dunno, lots of things," you listed the various drinks you saw in the fridge. "What do you want?" you glanced down and noticed a small bottle in the doors. You nearly forgot about it. "Oh, yeah, I made kiwi syrup, wanna try the juice?"
"Dude, why are you even asking? Of course, I want!" Tara laughed, honestly, with how much she liked kiwi you really shouldn't have asked.
You took two glasses and poured some syrup into them before filling them up with water and mixing the two with a spoon. You handed a glass to Tara and picked the other one up.
"Say, Y/N, would you make something just for me?" Tara asked almost out of the blue. Her voice was small, and you felt her grip on your short tightening. She was nervous, as if you would ever say no to her requests.
It wasn’t as if you couldn’t say no to Tara. You could and did if she was unreasonable, but that was the thing, Tara, as used to getting bare minimum from everyone around her rarely asked for anything, and even when she did it was ridiculously small. So, given that, you’d do pretty much anything to make sure you made whatever she asked for happen.
"Of course, I’ll make anything you want," you assured her softly as you climbed up the stairs to your childhood room. And she just, she hid her face, and you pretended you didn’t notice the collar of your shirt getting slightly wet. If Tara wanted to talk, she would, and if she felt like she could let a few tears fall without you making a fuss about it, then you’d let her do that as well, as long as she released it all, you were fine with just being there.
Tara's request was the same back then as it was a few days ago. 'Please make ojo de pancha,' so, you did, both back then and today and all the times in between when Tara would get nostalgic and start missing Sam more than she usually did. It was delicious, sure, but there was something else to it that made it special for Tara, and you were willing to bet it was special to Sam as well.
Thankfully, since Chad and Mindy's parents were out of town, you could work on the best birthday lunch Sam had in years in their kitchen.
You were kneading the dough for the puff pastry when Mindy walked over to you. "Good thing you have stamina, you've been at it for almost an hour," she commented and poked the dough you left to rest half an hour ago.
"Tell me about it. Puff pastry is great, but damn, it is not worth the effort," you chose to split the dough into two pieces to make it easier to work with, but that also meant a lot more kneading.
"Unless Tara asks you to make it," Mindy teased as she began loading the dishwasher.
You grinned. "I'm whipped and I'm proud!" you cried out victoriously, prompting the girl the bend over laughing.
"Don't we all know that," she sighed as her laughter subsided. "But, damn, you're really going all out," she whistled as she checked the fridge. "Chocolate eclairs, mini strawberry cheesecakes, wait, you're kidding right?" she turned to you with her jaw hanging slightly.
"Guess you found the opera?" you laughed, figuring she saw the cake.
"Okay, I see how it is," she nodded and closed the fridge. "Impressing the sister-in-law, smart."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at that. "Sam isn't-" you tried to put up a fight.
"Zip it, you're whipped," she immediately cut you off and pointed a finger at you. "You, Y/N L/N, are so whipped I wouldn't even consider you as a suspect even if you are Tara's love interest."
There was absolutely no way to dignify that with an answer. "Are you and Chad done with decorations?" you asked instead and put the dough away, finally. Now you could make the filling.
Mindy went and sat down at the table armed with a spoon and a piece of bread. You forgot to put away the leftover filling for deviled eggs so now she was spreading it across a piece of bread. "You're the only one still working. We prepared the playlist, did the decorations, games, movies, and anything Sam might want to do is all set. Chad should arrive with flowers any minute now."
You began mixing the ingredients. "He really wants to make this surprise party memorable for Sam."
"You both do, you're too sappy and soft," Mindy pretended to gag.
You let out a short laugh and glanced back to look at her. "Says the one who set this whole thing into motion! You said we should celebrate here!" she could act tough all she wanted, but you were more than aware Mindy was one big softie, at least somewhere very, very deep down.
~X~ Earlier that day ~X~
Sam woke up to the smell of eggs, ham, and coffee and it smelled amazing. She spent the night on the couch, refusing to let Tara sleep anywhere but in a proper bed. She felt a bit stiff and mentally made a note to make sure their new apartment in New York would have more comfortable furniture. Still, her apartment was cheap, two floors beneath Tara and your apartment, and, unlike yours, had a separate bedroom.
"I told you you'd get stiff on the couch," came Tara's teasing voice, and Sam blinked a few times. By the time she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, Tara already leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday Sammy," oh, how she missed that nickname. Nowadays, Tara used it only on special occasions.
"Thanks," Sam pulled Tara into a hug. Finally, after five years she could spend her birthday with her sister. Maybe she could even argue it was after a decade since she no longer kept her distance from Tara.
She missed so much of Tara's life and somehow seeing the breakfast Tara made for them, complete with a dish she didn't recognize, but that looked rather tasty, only further reminded her of that.
Tara, noticing the puzzled look directed at the food, smiled and sat down. "Y/N knows a bunch of European recipes, so she taught me how to make some. This one," she pointed at the dish Sam didn't recognize. "Is Swedish, I think, sandwich cake, I went with avocado and salmon filling, and, you know, bread."
Sam nodded, impressed, both by Tara and you. "I guess Y/N didn't work as a chef for nothing," she commented, still observing the, now named, sandwich cake.
Tara laughed. "You haven't seen anything, she went all out for my eighteenth birthday and it was incredible. I don't think I've ever seen as many different dishes on the same table in my life," Tara explained excitedly spreading her arms.
Sam added another mental note, to make sure you knew just how much she appreciated everything you did for Tara. She went behind Tara and hugged her, she pressed her face against Tara's left shoulder and held back tears. "I know it doesn't change anything, but I'm so sorry for leaving you, Tara," she left shortly after Tara turned thirteen, not even realizing at the moment that she was leaving Tara around the same time Tara's father left.
One of Sam's worries was that it would ruin Christmas time for Tara, and in turn, also affect her birthday, but Tara celebrated her nineteenth birthday without any issues. Granted, she wouldn't leave your side for more than five minutes and she didn't need a seat for even a minute. Sam still wasn't sure if it was due to it being Tara's birthday or due to the freshness of your relationship and long-awaited reunion. Probably the combination of all those factors. Regardless, she was relieved.
Tara turned around and, while still sitting, hugged Sam. "It means everything, Sam, it means everything," she whispered and Sam couldn't stop the few tears from falling. "Hey, we have a lot of things to do today, let's not get emotional right away," even though Tara was the one who said it Sam could hear she was also struggling not to cry.
Sam nodded and separated from Tara. She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath. "Right, I'll be quick," she went to the bathroom. They did have a packed day ahead. Tara decided to make a repeat of Sam's thirteenth birthday. Breakfast at home, going to a local arcade, then to see a movie, back then they saw How to Train Your Dragon, then to a local bakery where Tara only had enough money to get one ojo de pancha, so they split it. Ever since then, ojo de pancha has become Sam's absolute favorite. Back then they wrapped up the day with games at home, thinking up any ways they could have fun with just the two of them.
They'd repeat the arcade, the cinema, and the game night, although the last one would be at Mindy and Chad's place. The local bakery closed even before she left Woodsboro, so they couldn't get ojo de pancha, but she could live with that.
When Sam parked in front of Mindy and Chad's house the first thing she noticed was your car already there. Which explained Tara's endearing excitement, still, it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since Tara last saw you.
When they stepped outside the car Tara actually ran around the car and raised her hands over Sam's eyes. "Really, Tara?" Sam couldn't help but chuckle, still, it was Tara, and they were about to meet up with their friends, so Sam felt at ease even with her vision blocked.
"Just trust me," Tara didn't say it, but Sam heard the silent plea.
"I trust you," she assured and felt Tara close what little distance was between them to hug Sam from behind before bringing her palms back up over Sam's eyes.
"Wait, wait, we need a picture!" Chad's voice made Sam reconsider letting Tara guide her like this.
"You could earn some good money by selling that photo to Y/N," Mindy chimed in.
"Damn, I already sent it to her," Chad lamented and Sam just shook her head slightly.
"I swear, you'll never get any easy money," Mindy was probably jokingly glaring at Chad, not that Sam could see it.
"Steps," Tara warned just in time for Sam to avoid tripping. Climbing the stairs with Tara trying to cover her eyes was almost impossible, seeing as how short Tara was, but they somehow made it up the stairs alive and without the surprise being spoiled. Sam wasn't even sure what Tara was keeping her from seeing, since they were still outside and the house looked normal. Oh well, Tara probably wanted to do it so she did it.
Sam was led into the house and into the living room and only then did Tara let her look. Sam's jaw dropped. There were balloons in each corner of the house, with large 2 and 5 shaped balloons hanging behind the sofa, where she was likely meant to sit. The was a huge 'Happy 25th birthday Sam!' banner hanging from the ceiling. She figured you and Chad moved the kitchen table to the living room, and it was filled to the brim. Two plates filled with chocolate eclairs and mini strawberry cheesecakes. An amazing-looking cake with number 2 and 5 candles stuck on it. A bean soup steamed from the center of the table with a plate filled with chicken rolls stuffed with vegetables on one side of it and a plate of pork chops on the other side. Deviled eggs, guacamole, and crunchy-looking pizza rolls completed the table. Still, there was one spot open.
"Happy birthday, Sam," you said as you came out of the kitchen, a large plate raised high above your head. She couldn't believe there was actually more as Tara sat her down at the head of the table.
And then she saw the content of the plate as you set it down. Ojo de pancha... a whole lot of them, arranged in a heart shape. She felt Tara squeeze her shoulders and looked up to look at you taking the apron off. Her vision got blurry, definitely from the yet-to-be-shed tears. "You're crazy, all of you," she blinked, but it barely kept the tears at bay.
"And you're loved, by all of us," you tossed the apron over the chair, likely meant for you, on Sam's far right.
"Sappy, but right," Mindy and Chad brought out flowers, a beautiful custom-made bouquet.
"You deserve this and so much more. Happy birthday, Sam," Chad grinned at her and Sam just couldn't take it anymore.
She buried her face into the crook of Tara's neck and cried, overwhelmed by the happiness and love she felt. She felt Tara gently rubbing her back with one hand and then heard the three of you getting up. In a matter of moments, she was engulfed in the largest hug she ever experienced in her life and her sister was at the very center of it.
She never had this while she was growing up. Before she found out who her father actually was she had some friends, but they weren't keen on playing with 'Sam's sick little sister' so Sam stopped playing with them as well. After she found out about Billy her company consisted of teenagers at least a few years older than her that would help her get drunk and eventually introduce her to drugs. None of those people were meant to be lasting friendships that went beyond getting into trouble. In Modesto she was already used to being on her own, mostly going for short flings or acquaintances keeping her company.
She had it now. Strong arms. Warm arms. Firmly holding onto her and giving her a reason beyond herself or even just her and Tara to be strong and protect what she finally got. Because she finally found family in these people.
As the group separated, she took the ojo de pancha in the middle of the heart and split it into five pieces. There were plenty of them on the plate, more than enough for all five of them, but there was just something about sharing that first one with her family that made all five of them share warm smiles.
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ckret2 · 1 year
Chapter 21 of honestly everyone's just sorta used to Bill being the shack's prisoner now (title tbd): Stan & Ford have a birthday party! Bill is not invited. He still manages to find a way to be fiendishly evil.
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Also featuring: Wendy deciding what she thinks about "Goldie," the shack's mysterious secret "guest."
Mabel slid a piece of paper across the gas station front counter, listing a dozen scratch card serial numbers spread across three different games. "I'd like these numbers in these cards, please!"
The cashier gave the paper a dubious look, then looked at Wendy. "We're not supposed to sell the scratch cards outta order."
"Please?" Wendy asked. "Just a little exception? For us?"
"We really wanna play our lucky numbers," Mabel said. "Plus, I had a vision. In my sleep."
She and Wendy gave him their best big-eyed hopeful pouty looks.
The cashier shrank back. "Well..." He averted his gaze from the adorableness that was Mabel, and sighed. "Just this once. But I don't want to see you two in here with your nonsense again." He started unrolling one of the spools of scratch cards, inspecting the numbers. "These'll be over a hundred dollars."
Wendy winced. "Ooh. Mabel?"
Mabel offered three dollars and a quarter. "That's fine! Can we start with 177 from the beach cards?"
She received the card, depicting a pastel beachy scene next to five miniature bingo boards. She confidently scratched off the card to reveal its winning numbers, pointed at the fourth bingo board where she'd just gotten bingo, and said, "That's $200! Our payout, please."
The cashier took the card, inspected the numbers, and stared at Mabel in amazement. She grinned at him. Wordlessly, he opened his cash register, pulled out several twenties, and offered them over.
"Thank you!" Mabel accepted the money and pointed at the paper. "The rest of our cards, please?"
As they left with eleven scratch cards, Mabel handed Wendy three twenties—"Here! For helping!"—and stuck the rest of the change in her pocket.
"Dude. That was awesome. You were so cool in there, like—" Wendy put on her coolest, most unruffled expression. "'Our payout, please.'"
"That's just the kind of rock star I am." Mabel put the scratch cards in her bike's basket. "Thanks for the help, Wendy!"
"Sure, any time." Especially if she got a surprise $60 out of it. "Heading back to the shack?"
"Yeah! I've gotta finish decorating for the party!"  Mabel waved as she took off down the road. "See you then!"
"See you." She guessed that meant she wasn't invited to hang until the party started. Given the touchy situation inside the shack, no surprises there.
She wondered what Goldie had to do with Mabel's interesting trick with the scratch cards. She was sure there was something.
Bill leaned into the kitchen. "Hey! How's that cake coming along?"
Mabel stopped arranging dozens of candles in the frosting to point at the door. "Out, Bill! Nobody's getting cake until the party!"
Dipper said, "You don't even deserve a slice."
"Agree to disagree!" Bill said. "But if you don't give me one anyway, I'll annoy you about it for weeks."
"He can have a slice at the party," Mabel said. "The cake's big enough." A couple of overcrowded candles spilled off the edge of the cake. Mabel picked them up and carefully stuck them back in.
Bill fought back a laugh. "Are you sure about all those candles? If you light 'em all up at once, you'll burn off everyone's eyebrows," he said. "But unfortunately, you'd also melt the frosting."
"The frosting's already a mess," Mabel said, peering at the barely-visible HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAN & FORD hidden beneath the forest of candles. "But Soos doesn't have any of those number-shaped candles, so..." 
"Roman numerals," Bill said.
"Oooh." Mabel looked at the cake thoughtfully, and started pulling out candles. "How do you make 62?"
"LXII. Fifty-ten-one-one," Bill said, then shot a grin at Dipper—who was glaring at Bill for answering before he could. "Isn't that right, smart guy?"
"Yeah," Dipper grumbled.
"You kids take the credit if they ask about the candles," Bill said. "They'll just get grumpy if they know I had any influence on the decorations."
Mabel carefully tilted the bottom leg of the L just enough to keep the tip out of the frosting, and started smoothing out the rest of the candle-pockmarked surface. "Now I've got enough empty frosting to add some decorations!" Mabel said. "I don't have enough time to draw something complicated. Maybe rainbows?"
Dipper shook his head. "I don't think either of them would be into that."
"Draw gold bars," Bill said.
Mabel blew a raspberry. "That's what you'd want on a cake!"
"No, I'd want me on a cake. Stanley likes gold! Stanford should like gold more, you could help him develop a taste for it."
Dipper suggested, "Maybe you could draw gambling stuff on Stan's side of the cake? Since they couldn't have their birthday party in Vegas like he wanted." Dipper shot a sideways glance at the reason they had to stay in Gravity Falls. (Bill shrugged. It wasn't like he'd asked the Stan twins to stay in town.) "You could do poker chips or playing cards or—"
"Dice!" Mabel said. "Dipper that's perfect, they both like dice! We can put normal dice on Grunkle Stan's side and nerdy dice on Grunkle Ford's—"
"Oh, that's great! I've got my DD&MD dice bag in the attic!"
"I'll look in the board game closet!"
Dipper and Mabel took off. 
Bill waited until he was sure they were gone.
He checked out the kitchen window for witnesses, then picked up a dozen abandoned birthday candles, licked off the frosting, and hid the candles in his hoodie's hood. Too bad they hadn't left a matchbook out, but Bill knew a fun little trick with an empty aluminum can and a tube of toothpaste that would work just fine.
When the kids returned and Mabel stuffed the remaining forty-odd candles back in their box, they never noticed any were missing.
Mabel had put herself in charge of the guest list. Which explained why, along with Stan and Ford's actual friends, all Mabel's friends had been invited; as well as—among other people—the mayor ("he's like the Mystery Shack's best customer, Grunkle Stan!"), Shmebulock ("Jeff said Shmebulock stole the Journal 4 you started last fall, I was hoping he might gift it back"), and the Hand Witch and her boyfriend. ("Whaaat, Grunkle Ford you met her TOO?! What a coincidence! Dipper, did you know he met—oh, you did. I didn't read those pages!") It would have been a lot more awkward if not for the fact that the birthday boys were awed and humbled that so many people had attended knowing they were coming to a birthday party for Stan and Ford Pines, and none of the guests had even been bribed.
When Soos and Melody helped Mabel carry out the birthday cake, Ford laughed at the sight of it. "Did you make Roman numerals out of candles? How clever! Stanley, do you know what Roman—"
"Yeah, yeah. I watch the Football Bowl, you know," Stan said. "Honestly, I was expecting this thing to be covered in candles."
"I almost went that route," Mabel said. "But I thought I'd save that kind of firepower for the Fourth of July."
"Hah! That's my girl."
"Happy Birthday" was sung, candles were blown out, and the party lined up to get their cake. Mabel cut a slice, loaded it on a paper plate, then glanced toward the attic window. "I'll be right back! I've gotta use the bathroom. Don't open my presents until I'm back!"
She trotted into the house, taking the cake, a napkin, and a plastic spoon with her.
Bill met Mabel at the top of the stairs and scooped the cake out of her hands. "You're my hero, star girl." He carried it halfway back to his window seat, stopped mid-step, and asked, "You got a piece with my name on it?"
"I got the slice with the 'Birt' and took off the extra frosting!"
"Oh," Bill said. "Heh. That's—cute." And he looked so much like he was trying to pretend he wasn't genuinely touched by the gesture, that Mabel didn't have the heart to tell him she'd only thought of it halfway up the stairs.
He flopped back in his usual window seat post—where, Mabel couldn't help but notice, he had a perfect view of the party happening outside without him. She grimaced. "I'm sorry you can't come to the party," she said. "But you did torture and try to murder the birthday boys... and most of the party guests... and left half of them with lingering trauma..."
"Speaking of, how's your therapist doing?"
"Oh, good, she's good. I think she's gonna write a paper about Mabeland."
Bill fell silent, staring out the window. Mabel almost went downstairs—when he said, "You know, I was the only person who gave Stanford a gift on his thirtieth birthday."
Mabel turned back around so fast she almost tripped on the top step. It wasn't often she got a double dose of Bill lore and Grunkle lore. "You were?"
"He didn't make new friends in Oregon and he didn't keep up with his old friends from college. His parents mailed him a gift, but it got here a week late. So I taught him a couple spells to see the stars during the day and keep rain from landing on him, and told him where to be in Portland that afternoon if he wanted to pick up a free cake from a fancy bakery."
"Aww. That was... nice of you." But Mabel had to hesitate before saying it, automatically wondering what Bill's motives had been for giving the gifts and what his motive now was for sharing this. 
Bill waved a hand dismissively. "Ahh, they were parlor tricks. They're easy, flashy cantrips that impress humans but don't do any harm," he said. "Not much harm, anyway. That night he told me all about how he was the only human to see his zodiac constellation on his birthday. The genius spent all day staring at the sun so he could see the stars!" He laughed.
But it quickly petered out. "And now I'm personally banned from his birthday party. Funny, huh?"
Maybe Bill was trying to get Mabel to pity him; but she kinda thought he was just pitying himself. She patted his shoulder sympathetically. "Losing friends is tough," she said. She paused. "And that's why we should be nice to them."
Bill cracked up so loudly Mabel half expected the party outside to hear him. "Okay, Glory Unicorn! I've learned today's moral about friendship. Get outta here. See if I ever tell you anything again." But he was grinning as he shooed her off.
When Mabel came back cakeless, Dipper gave her a dark look, but said nothing.
"Are we opening gifts yet?" Mabel picked up a box and flung an arm around Dipper's shoulder. "You've gotta open this one first! It's from both of us to both of you!" She waved it at Stan and Ford until they took it together.
Ford pointed at the card that said, "To our Grunkles, from your gniece and gnephew!" "That isn't how you spell niece and nephew?" Stan elbowed him.
"Nope!" Mabel said. "But it's how you abbreviate great-niece and great-nephew."
"Ah, I see! Very creative."
"Nice recovery," Stan muttered. Ford elbowed him back. Together they tore off the wrapping paper and opened their box.
Inside were two more boxes, each small enough to hold in one hand—a square one labeled "Stan" and a long narrow one labeled "Ford."
Stan opened his box and pulled out a thick gold chain with a coin dangling from it. Engraved on the coin in sloppy text were the words "#1 Grunkle."
Soos held up a hand. "I did the engraving! First try."
Mabel pointed at the coin. "We made it out of pirate treasure that we have for reasons that we can't talk about! There's a skull on the back!"
They'd hung it from his favorite gold chain. He'd been missing it for a week—and he'd never even suspected the kids. How about that. Choked up, Stan said, "It's—it's great." He took off the chain he was currently wearing, chucked it into the bushes, and put on his gift. "C'mere, you two." He wrapped his arms around Dipper and Mabel.
Soos held his arms out hopefully. Stan rolled his eyes, but waved him over for a hug too.
Ford opened his box. "A pen?"
Dipper said, "It has an ergonomic grip, can take standard ink refills, writes super smoothly—I tested it out myself—makes a very satisfying click, and it's red with gold trim to match your journals."
Mabel said, "I helped pick out the design!"
"... And that's why it's also sparkly."
"I didn't do the engraving on that one," Soos said. "We had a lotta spare pirate coins but only one pen, so. They got it done at the mall."
Ford rotated the pen in his hand until he spotted the (more professional-looking) engraving on the barrel, filled in with gold. "Mine says #1 Grunkle too?"
Dipper said, "C'mon, we're not gonna choose between you two."
Stan said, "Oh, I see how it is! Trying to butter us both up, are you?" He reached under Dipper's hat to ruffle his hair. Smiling, Ford carefully slid his gift into his coat's breast pocket next to his usual pen.
When Bill saw that Mabel was back outside, he got up, left the rest of his cake on the window seat, scooted aside a storage box sitting forgotten in a corner of the attic, and pried a loose board from the wall.
He took his stolen candles out of his hood, wrapped them in the party napkin Mabel had given him, and stashed them in a plastic sandwich bag where he'd already stowed a crushed cider can, its edges torn and sharp.
Then he re-hid the bag, fixed the wall, replaced the storage box, gently brushed some cobwebs over the floor to hide the trail in the dust where he'd scooted the box, and turned away from his hiding spot.
To see a gnome wearing a journal like a backpack.
They stared at each other.
"You didn't see anything," said Bill.
"Shmebulock," said Shmebulock.
Bill eyed Shmebulock, the staircase, the window—and then dropped into a crouch, knees and feet spread apart like a sumo wrestler, teeth bared.
Shmebulock cracked his knuckles.
Five minutes later, Bill added Journal 4 to his hiding spot, with a mental note to find a new hiding spot the gnomes didn't know about later.
Unfortunately, Shmebulock escaped with Bill's cake.
Wendy squinted up at the blonde shape in the attic window. "You know—all this last week, I kept thinking I saw someone up there. I just assumed it was my imagination," she said. "Guess Goldie didn't get invited to the birthday party, huh?"
"Nope," Dipper said. "And for good reason."
Wendy laughed. "Yeah, sounds it."
Dipper glanced toward his grunkles. At the moment, Ford was opening a cheap set of watercolor paints and giving Mabel an exasperated look. ("I thought we could try them out together! And hate them together!" "All right, that might be fun.") He lowered his voice and picked at his cake. "So. You found out the big secret, huh?"
"Yup," Wendy said. She lightly punched Dipper's shoulder. "Hey—don't look so glum, man. I'm not mad you didn't tell me. There's some kind of family drama and a missing person case involved. I get it—you don't talk about that kind of stuff outside the family."
"Yeah, hah. Right," Dipper said. "So, what do you think of... Goldie?"
Wendy glanced up at the figure in the window. "We didn't talk a whole bunch before Goldie and Stan started arguing about plagiarism," she said, "but I got that she's some kind of wildcard paranormal investigator who gives off insane grifter energy. And seems really mentally messed up from being trapped in another dimension, but like, the kind of messed up that probably makes you fun at parties?" She was already mentally playing Goldie off of her friend group, trying to figure out how well she'd mesh with them. She seemed like the kind of person who'd be into some harmless trespassing and recreational vandalism. "How old is Goldie? She was working on a Ph.D., so that's what, mid-20s? Mid-20s but actually mid-50s after not aging for thirty years? Honestly, if I just met her on the street I would've thought she was like, 15. She does not look her age." Maybe it was the lack of makeup?
Under his breath, Dipper muttered, "You have no idea." He glanced away from Wendy, stuffed a large forkful of cake in his mouth, and mumbled to himself, "How much should I say? Sharing too much could be dangerous, but if I don't say anything..." Mumble, mumble.
Wendy would never tell Dipper how funny it was that he monologued to himself and hoped nobody would notice. Usually she'd politely ignore him, but if there was something dangerous... She lightly elbowed him. "Dipper. Come on," she said. "I can tell something's eating you. You can trust me."
"Ugh, I know, but..." Dipper glanced again at the rest of the birthday party—just far enough to be out of earshot, currently entranced by some thingamajig Fiddleford had gifted the Stans—and let out a heavy sigh. Voice low, he said, "Okay, Wendy, listen. For your own safety, you need to know that Goldie is way worse than whatever you heard about him last night. And I can't tell you why, because of reasons I also can't tell you—believe me, I wish I could tell you, but—don't trust him, okay?" Dipper gave her an earnest, pleading look. "Just don't. He's dangerous. That's all I can say."
It figured that even after Wendy learned the big secret, she'd just find another, smaller secret hidden underneath. Like a matryoshka doll. (She quietly made note of the "he" and wondered if Goldie had been part of the queer scene in the 80s, or if he'd only figured himself out while he was in ghost land.) "I'm assuming he's dangerous for Weird Spooky Paranormal reasons?"
"Yeah," Dipper said, teeth grit. "Yeah, basically."
He wanted to tell her more, she wanted to know more, and she was ready to play 20 questions on Goldie's backstory. Picking through what she'd learned last night for clues, Wendy asked, "Is it connected to Ford's research? All the weird magic stuff he got into?"
"Um." Dipper shrugged uncertainly. "Y...yeah? But... bigger than that?"
"Is it portal stuff." What was the most dangerous thing she knew of that was connected to the portal. "Is it Bill stuff."
Dipper let out an anguished groan, pulled off his hat, and buried his face in it. "I can't tell you more than I already have!"
"Oh my god it's Bill stuff."
Dipper eloquently said, "MRRGHF."
"Okay got it, so Goldie was some kind of Bill groupie or discovered how to summon him or something. Something like that. I don't need to know the details! But he's totally Bill-adjacent."
"Yeah. Yeah. Yep." Dipper nodded emphatically. "Bill-adjacent is... the best way to describe Goldie."
"But Bill's gone, right? So Goldie's like a cultist without a cult leader. Doesn't that mean he's harmless now?" Wendy asked. "Or do you think he's gonna try to cause the apocalypse in honor of his boss or whatever."
Dipper tugged his hat back on his head and straightened it out. "I'm sure he'd try to end the world again if he could, but... we're all still trying to figure out what he can do."
"So, domestic terrorism risk. Cool," Wendy said. "Y'know, I sorta expected to run into a guy like that in the shack eventually, but I always thought they'd be here because of Stan, not Ford." She rolled her eyes. "I'll warn you if he starts talking about ending the world or anything."
"Thanks, Wendy." Dipper glanced uneasily toward the birthday party. (They were still distracted, currently trying to douse the flamethrower on Fiddleford's birthday gift. It was trying to eliminate the competitor gifts.) "Just... don't tell anybody else, okay? If the town finds out that Goldie is—you know—Bill-adjacent..."
"Relax." She pantomimed zipping her mouth. "I'm not gonna organize an angry mob."
She glanced up at the attic window. Goldie was still up there, staring down at the party. He noticed Wendy staring and made a face at her.
She made the same face back, and saw him silently laughing. Okay, he had bad taste in friends, obviously; but Goldie seemed kinda cool in an unhinged way. From what Wendy had gathered, Bill had conned and then betrayed half the people she knew—and if the Pines had only just managed to get Goldie back on this plane of reality, months after Weirdmageddon, that meant Bill hadn't bothered to rescue him when he could, so Goldie was just another victim. Maybe he just needed to be reintegrated into society.
Dipper said, "Hey, Stan just poured punch on the robot and it made the fire worse. Do you think we should help?"
Wendy looked at the fire—and looked up at the fire. She was moving before she spoke. "Yeah, let's do something about that."
They rejoined the rest of the party, and Wendy put Goldie out of her mind.
Ford stared at the ring on his left sixth finger.
Welcome back, the Hand Witch had said.
Thirty years ago, he'd met her at a carnival. She'd told him that he'd chosen the wrong allies and would doom himself for it. She'd given him a ring with a blue cabochon and told him that if it ever turned black, there was no hope for him.
He'd dismissed her as a phony palm reader; and, the night he'd decided Bill was right about Fiddleford not being bold enough to follow through with the portal project, the ring had turned black, and he'd thrown it in the lake.
Now here it was on his finger again.
He didn't think her a phony now. Everything she'd told him had been true. And anyway, it was hard to doubt she had real magic when she spent half the party trying to stop two small disembodied hands from escaping her pockets to visit Mabel. 
"Why are you giving this back to me?"
"It's your birthday! And I thought it might be useful."
"For what? Am I in danger?"
"I don't know, I'd have to give you another reading to see." She had pulled a cartomancy deck from her pocket. "Do you want me to?" The card on the bottom of the deck had been a triangle with a snake slithering through its eye socket.
Ford hadn't wanted a reading. He knew now that what he'd called superstition back at that carnival might be a legitimate form of prophecy he simply didn't understand; but he was tired of living his life by signs and portends.
All the same, it was comforting to see that his ring was blue.
Ford's view of the ring was blocked by Stan shoving over the "Get Out Of One Misdemeanor Free" coupon Mayor Cutebiker had given as his birthday gift. "Hey, do you think I'd get in trouble if I made a buncha copies of this?"
Ford took the coupon and inspected it thoughtfully. "If you do get in trouble... a coupon counterfeiting charge couldn't possibly be worse than a misdemeanor, could it?"
"That's what I like to hear!"
It had been a surprisingly long day—and, by far, the best birthday either of them had had in well over forty years. (Was it really that long?) Now they were retired to the parlor Soos and Abuelita had converted into a double guest room, sitting on their beds facing each other as they got ready for sleep.
There was a knock at the door. Ford stood. "Coming—" He opened the door to see Bill's grinning face, a foot from his own. "Oh. You." Ford resisted the urge to step back, in case Bill interpreted as an invitation to come in.
"Hiya, birthday boy!" Bill's gaze immediately drifted down to Ford's coat pocket. "Hey—new pen? I like the sparkle, adds a little pizazz."
"What do you want, Cipher."
"Just to hand this over." Bill pressed a couple of envelopes into Ford's chest, and kept them pinned there with a fingertip until Ford reluctantly took them. "I knew you'd hate getting something from me at your party, so just for you I waited until all the festivities were over. You're welcome."
Ford studied the envelopes. They were two pieces of yellow construction paper that had been folded into envelope shape, and written on each one, in lurching crayon text that drifted up and down, was "Stanford" and "Stanley". "You made cards?"
"You're flattered."
"I most certainly am not."
"'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.'" Bill shrugged. "Hey, they're your birthday gifts. Toss them in the fire if that makes you happiest. You just might wanna open them first—you know, to make sure I didn't write a fire-activated explosion spell on the inside."
Stan grabbed his envelope out of Ford's hand and eyed it in deep suspicion. "And why did you make these?"
"Because it's your birthday. Come on! Why am I explaining this, it's your species's ritual."
"I mean why are you doing it? We all hate each other. We're planning your execution, here," Stan said. "So what's your angle?"
"What do you need my measurements for, you pervert."
"ALL right—" Stan stepped toward Bill, cracking his knuckles, and was only stopped by Ford's hand across his chest.
Bill leaned back against the hallway's opposite wall. "Whoa! Consider this a peace offering! You know—'no hard feelings for all the murder, attempted or planned'! I can be a polite house guest, even if I'm not a voluntary one." Bill smiled wryly, "I'm trapped on an alien planet where I know less than a dozen people and all of them hate me. It gets boring." He looked directly in Ford's eyes. "And we've got history. Is it so hard to believe I might want to be friends again?"
This time, Stan had to put a hand across Ford's chest.
Ford said, "You're up to something."
"Is that a statement or a question?"
"Then you don't want an answer. Enjoy your gifts! Or don't, I'm not your boss." Bill waved, and slunk around the corner back toward the living room.
Ford shut the door. He sat on his bed, examined the envelope, and glanced at Stan, who was sitting on his bed doing the same thing.
They grimaced at each other.
"Okay," Stan said. "Is this more dangerous if we do open it or don't open it?" He hefted his envelope in his hand. "This thing's pretty heavy for just a card."
"Is it?" Ford's wasn't very heavy. He turned on a lamp on a bedside table and held the envelope up in front of it, trying to see through the construction paper. "I think he's counting on us to open these. I doubt he set a trap that will activate if we leave it closed—it's not his style."
"So, what do we think. Some kinda hypnotic mind-control magic that's activated by reading it? Or is he just trying to bribe us into liking him better?"
"He probably doesn't have hypnotic mind-control magic. If he did, why would he have spent so long trying to manipulate humans into doing his bidding?"
"I dunno, maybe he's stupid."
Testily, Ford said, "He's not stupid."
"No—listen, I've been thinking about this for months," Stan said. "You spent thirty years hopping between a zillion different dimension, right? If there's already safe portals out there, why'd he spend so long tricking someone into building a crummy one that'd destroy the universe, instead of using one of those? He's gotta be stupid!"
"I've... wondered the same thing about the portal," Ford admitted grudgingly. "But, no—I've seen him use so many roundabout tricks to manipulate minds that if he were capable of overt mind control, I'm sure he'd have used it by now."
"Fine, so mind control's off the table. But we're probably safer if we leave these alone. If we open them, they might be an annoying attempt to kiss up to us, or they might be dangerous." Stan waved his envelope like a fan. "And, we're gonna open them anyway, because not knowing will kill us, right?"
In his youth, Ford had arrogantly looked down on Pandora. "Of course we're going to open them."
They opened their envelopes.
They both contained a sheet of type paper folded in half with nothing on the front and messages written inside. Ford's read, "Stanford– I'd tell you to go to hell, but you'd barely be there long enough for it to be worth the trip. Happy birthday! –Δέος" Charming. Particularly out of the heel who'd just claimed he wanted to be friends.
"Hey, what is this?" Stan held his letter out for Ford to see: "Stanley– You were only the accomplice. I won't hold a grudge. Happy birthday! –Δέος" Stan pointed at the last word, "Is this some kind of curse?"
"A signature. Bill's real name isn't 'Bill Cipher'—it's just one of many nicknames he uses when communicating with humans. And, when writing to people who know him well, he prefers to sign with that nickname. It's pronounced déos." It meant awe—whether manifested in the form of fear or reverence. And it probably was no coincidence that Bill had picked a word that, to the untrained ear, sounded so much like the Latin deus—god.
Once, long ago, waking up to find his own hand had written a letter signed by "Awe" in a foreign alphabet had filled Ford with awe. Now... well, now it looked a little try-hard, didn't it. "Between you and me, I think Bill likes that signature best because it starts with a triangle." In Bill's handwriting, the delta looked unusually equilateral.
"Really fond of his own face, isn't he," Stan said, digging in the envelope for the rest of his "gift"—and he pulled out a handful of scratch cards. "What the...?"
How the heck had Bill gotten his hands on those? Ford checked to see if his envelope had the same—and came out with five pieces of notebook paper instead, still tattered on the edge from being torn out of a spiral notebook, covered front and back with writing—multiple languages, some inhuman, with a smattering of complex sigils and symbols. The first line on the first page read "Spell to Resurrect Fowl (chicken, turkey, duck, etc.—funny at dinner parties!)" Ford slapped the pages face down on his nightstand without reading the next line.
"What is it?" Stan asked.
"Magic," Ford said, voice flat with irritation.
"A trap—?"
"No. Magic for me. Spells I don't know. The kind of knowledge I'd—document in my journals."
Stan processed that. He tossed his scratch cards down on his own nightstand. "Lemme get this straight," he said. "Less than two weeks since he tried to kill us, with no access to the outside world and no resources at his disposal but his stupid wits—without even getting his hands on a freaking envelope—he somehow managed to get us both thoughtful, considerate gifts that are deeply relevant to our personal interests and passions! Is that about right?"
"It seems to be, yes."
"That jerk! I oughta wring his neck!"
Ford nodded in agreement. "I didn't know you're into scratch cards." He tamped down the urge to lecture Stan on the statistical improbability of making a profit.
"See, if even you didn't know, now I'm even madder that he does!" Stan groaned in frustration. "I kicked the habit. Still like playing 'em if I get them as a gift."
"Hmm." That was all right, then. Couldn't lose money on scratch cards if somebody else had spent the money.
They glared together at their thoughtful, relevant, deeply unwanted gifts, trying to decide what to do about them. Stan was the first to let out a resigned sigh and snatch his up. "What the heck. They're already paid for, I'm not gonna throw away potential free money just because it came from him." He fished around in his discarded pants pockets for a quarter. "But I'm not gonna enjoy myself!" He flipped through the cards, noting they were each labeled in a corner from 1/11 to 11/11, and muttered, "Why'd he draw triangles on some of the numbers?"
Well, if Stan had caved into his curiosity... Back into the box, Pandora, and perhaps we'll find hope at the bottom.
"Mabel must've helped him get these," Stan said. "It's the only way. And these cards have glitter and unicorns all over them." He scratched off his first card, and said, "Hey, three bunny faces—how 'bout that? I made thirty bucks already."
"At least it's not a total waste," Ford muttered, skimming the pages before him.
It was a treasure trove.
A spell to uncook food. The cipher to decrypt the Voynich manuscript. A potion to change eye color. A river stone submerged not five miles away that, when dry, hovered. A ritual involving five hours of meditation and a lot of mushrooms that opened up psychic communication with Earth's nearest alien neighbors. An illusion to make the floor look like lava. ("Good for games if you're very bored and oppressed by gravity.") The names of five hitherto-unknown demon nobles, the sigils to summon and bind them, the fields of knowledge and political influence in which they were most helpful, and a few personal tips on how to best to twist their arms into doing a favor. A complicated way to grind glasses that let one see, depending on prescription strength, anywhere from several seconds to several minutes into the future. And on and on.
And Bill didn't just toss down a few mystical-sounding words and move on: in a few terse sentences after each spell, he hinted at the principles that made them work (freely mixing magic, physics, and metaphysics), the people who'd created or discovered the trick (whether human, inhuman, unearthly, or transdimensional), where Ford could go digging to independently verify the information if he didn't want to take Bill's word for it—and what other, greater things someone might use these tricks to do, if only they fully understood how they worked, if only they had the right teacher. Bill had filled the margins, scribbled extra info in red pen in between the rows of black to double the amount of text he could cram on each line. Ford could fill an entire journal just by copying, disentangling, and expanding on everything Bill had packed into this dense five-page grimoire.
Bill had given Ford more in this letter than he had in all the years he'd been posing as Ford's friend—excluding those accursed portal blueprints. He'd shared the kinds of things Ford had always dreamed his Muse might show him. He gave it away like a free sample to entice a new customer. Five pages of deep secrets meant nothing to Bill and his infinite knowledge. He could have done this all along. He only did it now to try to bribe Ford into sparing his life: see what you could miss out on?
As Ford read the pages, his hands trembled in rage.
"—two hundred dollars, two hundred fifty dollars," Stan muttered. "Those are the biggest yet." He waved the scratch cards at Ford. "I don't understand it! That's eight winners in a row! I've made almost a thousand bucks just by scratching these off—that's not luck! How's he do it? What kinda weird alien magic gives you scratch card telepathy?"
"I don't know. I had no idea he could identify winning scratch cards," Ford said. "But I'm not surprised."
Stan shook his head in amazement, and scratched the next card.
Ford crushed the notepaper pages into a ball.
And he smoothed them back out. Bill was a monster, but this knowledge was precious. 
He looked at the Hand Witch's ring like it might tell him the correct course; but no matter which way his thoughts swayed, the gem remained a steady blue.
"This card's a thousand bucks all by itself," Stan said. "I've never won a thousand in my life. There's no way..." He scratched furiously at the last card, revealing symbols patterned after an array of gems and jewelry. "Five hundred!" Scratch scratch scratch— "Times five?! That's—!" He seized up all his cards and quickly tallied his winnings. "That's a total of nearly five thousand dollars!" He let out a disbelieving laugh. "Who needs Vegas? This monster's been better to me than she ever has!"
"Stanley, that's exactly what he wants you to think," Ford snapped. "He's giving us everything we want so we'll be more reluctant to kill him. This is less than chump change to him! Don't forget that his goal—"
"I know! I'm not stupid, I know what he's doing. Lotto numbers aren't worth the safety of the universe. But sh—shoot, Stanford, he handed me five grand for free and I'm keeping it."
"Fine," Ford said. "Fine. I suppose there's no point in throwing it away on principle."
"Darn straight!"
Ford glowered down at his underhanded "gift"—this little glimpse behind the veil into the mysteries of the universe. His whole chest bubbled and burned with rage; but beneath it—twinkling like a lonely star, twinkling like hope at the bottom of Pandora's box—was something he hadn't felt since Bill betrayed him.
It was like waking up to a letter from his Muse.
This was who Bill could be—gift-giver, wish-granter, teacher, guide, friend—and he chose not to be. Why?! When this was so easy for him—why did he have to be what he was instead?
This charitable act only made the true Bill look even worse by contrast.
Ford re-smoothed the pages, carefully folded them in half, and stored them back in their construction paper envelope. He'd leave them there until he'd independently researched every one of these spells and ensured they did what Bill said they did and that there weren't any hidden side-effects.
And then he'd see about adding this information to his current journal.
No point throwing it away on principle.
(Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, I'd deeply appreciate hearing your thoughts! Thanks!)
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prettytoxicrevolver · 2 years
Twin Flame | Corpse Husband
Requested? By me of course
Warnings? Nah
Summary: Corpse finds his twin flame
Word Count: 1350
Corpse had always believed in soulmates. 
It wasn’t something he went around claiming, especially with his music being about sleeping with girls and leaving them so they won’t want more. Somewhere deep inside though, he longed to find his twin flame. The other half that the greeks insisted was walking around this earth also trying to find him. 
It felt dreamy and ridiculous to him at times, that he wanted a love like that so desperately. No matter what people thought or assumed, he really did want to love someone for the rest of his life and know that they loved him back just the same. 
“Uh, Karl?” Corpse asks stepping into his friends house. He was visiting for the first time in a bit and Karl insisted he could just come in when he arrived at the house. 
What he doesn’t expect is you to come walking out of the kitchen, hair pulled into a tight ponytail, sweats laying low on your hips, and a big t-shirt, one he recognizes as Karl’s adorning your body. You tilt your head in an unasked question but then realization dawns. 
“You’re Corpse!” you exclaim and the older man continues to stare in part wonder and confusion. 
It quite literally takes Corpse a couple of minutes to respond, something tugging at his heart so sharply that he can’t place. For a moment the word love sits on the tip of his lips but he shakes it away, fearful that it was just something playing a trick on him. But still, his mind wandered, could it be love at first sight? 
“Sorry,” you apologize quickly, taking his suitcase from him and leading him toward Karl’s extra room. 
“Karl had to run off to help Jimmy with a shoot and left me in charge and he sends his apologies but said you can order food, use his car, ask me for anything, whatever,” you say and Corpse has to struggle to keep up literally and listening wise. 
“By the way, I’m (y/n),” you say, turning and holding a hand out to shake. 
Corpse takes it, feeling a shock run through him at the contact. You smile sincerely before dropping his hand and making your way back toward the hallway. 
“Oh!” you say stepping back into the room and Corpse looks up at you. 
“What’s your zodiac sign?” 
“Leo. Why?” Corpse asks, utterly confused and intrigued by you at the same time. 
“Everything’s aligned.” 
You disappear before Corpse can say anything else or even ask what the heck you mean by that. He’s left standing in Karl’s extra room, looking around like a tornado just passed through and he’s not sure what to do in the aftermath. 
It feels like a lifetime since Corpse had last seen you, but in reality, it was six days. That first day, Karl had come back to the house, apologizing for not being there when he arrived and asking if you showed him everything. The only thing Corpse could say was; 
“I think I just fell in love at first sight.” 
Karl tried not to make a big deal of it, asking questions and confirming he was talking about (y/n). 
“I don’t know I just,” he explained further. “She’s stunning yes, but the way she introduced herself, she acted like we had been best friends for years. She has these eyes you look into and just trust, her smile lit up the room and I swear I felt electricity when I held her hand.” 
Corpse realized he was spouting on about a girl he barely knows and all Karl does is smile at his friend. 
So, Karl arranged for the two of you to hang out while he was out filming for Jimmy again. This time when you showed up, you both were more prepared to see the other. 
“Hi!” you greet when he shows up at Karl’s front door. 
“Hey,” he says, stepping inside the house and shutting the door behind him. 
You both stand in the foyer, avoiding looks from the other as you try to figure out what to do for the night and fight off the nervous butterflies floating around. 
“Uhm, have you eaten yet?” 
“Ah, no. Do you wanna go somewhere?” he asks, looking around like the answer will find him. 
“Sure,” you respond. 
You lead Corpse out to your car and as you back out of the driveway, he’s overcome with the thought that he doesn’t care where the two of you were going as long as you were next to him. 
As the sights fly by him, he’s hit with the strongest sense of deja vu he’s ever had in his life. 
“Woah,” he lets out and you glance over at him. 
“Deja vu,” he explains, and you grin. Your smile causes him to tilt his head and ask you what’s up. 
“I’m pretty sure you’re my twin flame from a past life.” 
Corpse lets your words flow over him, the one thing he has been searching for his whole life was potentially sitting right next to him. The thought terrified and excited him all at once. As he looks over your features, it occurs to him that he hasn’t been anxious once around you. As if the two of you have indeed done this in a previous life together. 
He never really understood the concept of deja vu, that life was on the perfect track and that’s what those moments were. Just little reminders. Not until he met you. 
You two end up with food and back at Karl’s house, relaxing in beach chairs in the expansive backyard. Your trash sits to the side, your legs intertwined as you sit across from each other. You fiddle with your drink next to you, and Corpse gazes over at you. He feels a strong pull towards you, the urge to kiss you so deep and prominent he feels his body moving towards yours. 
But, when your eyes lock with his once more, he backs down, knowing he couldn’t kiss you. Not yet, anyway. You were magical in his eyes and he didn’t want to ruin it. 
As the night grows colder, you and Corpse end up back in the living room, his sweatshirt has landed over your body, stopping just above your mid-thigh and swallowing you whole. Your legs are tucked up so your head rests on your knees and you peer up at him through your lashes as he talks. 
Your gaze is so kind and gentle, filling him with warmth and a sense of comfort he hasn’t felt in years. He wants to take a picture of you, stare at it and memorize the way you look at him. 
“Aliens?” you ask, continuing the existential conversation you had landed on. 
“Duh,” he responds like it’s universal knowledge. 
“Soulmates?” you question next and Corpse pauses. 
Your chin still rests on your knees, a shy smile gracing your features as you look at the older boy. His hands move on their own accord, one coming up to cup your face, his thumb resting lightly on your chin. The other fingers the hem of his sweatshirt, slowly pulling you closer to him. 
You land in his arms, wrapping yourself up tight and safe in his embrace. His head tilts down till his lips brush over yours and as he watches your eyes flutter shut at the action, he presses forward. Your lips mold together as if they were always meant to be that way and you were simply finding your way back to each other once more. 
The thought that you were too good for him, that this had to be a mistake floats through his mind for a moment but when he feels your body pressed against his, the thought vanishes in a moment. You end up in his lap, arms around his neck, face pressed into his chest, and his arms encircling your waist like he’ll never let you go again. 
“This is really forward,” he starts and you look up at him again. “But, will you be mine?” 
“Of course.”
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
friends with benefits (sleepless nights pt. 2) - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: after eddie caught you masturbating, you felt the need to redeem yourself
warnings: smutty smut smut, piv, oral (m receiving), pet names: pretty boy, baby, princess; swearing
author’s note: so here’s part two, and i’m super out of my element since i’m a total sub. however, i thought the reader needed to take control plus i love a good table turning action. we all know eddie needs a little ego check every now and then. enjoy
pt. 1 here!
word count: 1.9k
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Friends with benefits was the perfect arrangement for you and Eddie. After the, ahem, incident, it would’ve just been awkward to go back to a completely platonic friendship. You two agreed that you didn’t want to just not be friends, but there was something that needed to be done about that damn sexual tension. So friends with benefits it was.
And it was great! For a little.
It had been a couple months of this hook up situation you guys had going on, but the inevitable feelings started to kick in and you knew you had to end it. It wasn’t worth losing a friend over, even though you did really like the sex. So one day you went over to Eddie’s house, walking inside unannounced.
“Hello?” you heard the brunette boy call from his room.
“It’s me,” you said back, already walking towards his door. He was playing his guitar quietly on his bed, and when his head made its way to look up at you he smiled.
“Hey, princess,” he said. That damn nickname didn’t really help with what you came here to do. He noticed your quiet demeanor, and he cocked his head. “What’s goin’ on?”
“Uh, yeah, so,” you said, itching the back of your neck. “I, uh, I think we need to pump the breaks on this whole sex thing.” He raised his eyebrows and put down his guitar.
“Okay,” he said slowly. “Can I ask why?”
“I just think it’ll mess up the dynamic of the group, ya know?” you said, still not looking at him. You could feel him staring at you as he sighed.
“Alright, fair,” he said. “You sure you’re not gonna miss all this, princess?” he motioned up and down his body, and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up, Munson,” you said with a smile, and he put his hands up in self defense.
“Okay, okay. You wanna at least stay and hang out?” he asked, a little too casually for your liking.
“Can’t, I gotta go pick up Dustin and Mike,” you lied through your teeth. He gave you a short nod and picked up his guitar again.
“Sounds good, see ya around, princess.” You walked out of the room and out of his house, and you knew you made the right decision even though it hurt.
You didn’t even last 6 days.
Everyone was hanging out at Steve’s house, and thanks to his love interest of the week there were a bunch of random girls there as well.
You watched as Eddie talked to some girl that had come, glaring straight daggers into the two of them. She would occasionally put her hand on his chest, and he had his hand around her waist. You were fuming, and everyone could tell.
“You okay there?” Steve said, but you didn’t break your stare.
“Fine,” you snapped. Steve’s eyes widened and he turned to Robin who was staring into her drink to avoid making eye contact with you.
“Do you want-” Steve started, but you didn’t even let him finish as you got up and stormed up to the two of them. The girl paid you no mind, angering you even more, but Eddie glanced over at you. The smirk plastered on his face had steam coming out of your ears, almost like he knew what he was doing.
“S’cuse me,” you said, and finally the girl looked you up and down. You didn’t even notice; you were too busy grabbing Eddie by the collar and dragging him inside. You could hear him laughing behind you as you led him to Steve’s dining room. There was a sliding door that separated the dining room from the kitchen, and you turned around and closed it while still holding on Eddie’s neckline.
“You’re ruining the shirt, babe,” he said. You spun back around and let go of the shirt, walking over to the table. Eddie remained where he was, watching you with an eyebrow raised. You pulled out a chair and faced it towards yourself. You turned back towards Eddie and stepped to the side.
“Sit.” you said straight faced. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes in a taunting way.
“Excuse me?” he said, smirking.
“I said Sit. Down.” you said, and he maintained his face as he uncrossed his arms and slowly walked towards the chair. He finally did as he was told all while holding eye contact.
You faced him and he looked up at you, watching you as you made your way to the back of the chair. You leaned down, moving his hair to the side and began to place small kisses on his neck. He chuckled but leaned into your touch nonetheless. It was when you took his earlobe in between your teeth that he let out a soft hum in approval. You ran your tongue along his ear before letting go, finally completing your round of the chair. He smirked up at you, but the smirk faded as you slowly sank to your knees.
“And what do you think you’re doing, princess?” he asked. You rested one of your hands on his thigh and began running it up and down his jeans, your other hand moving towards his length.
“Showing you who you belong to,” you said. You palmed him through his jeans, and he pulled his bottom lip into his teeth. Smirking up at him, you undid his zipper, and he started to grab his waistband but you stopped him. “I’m calling the shots here, Munson.” He let out a deep exhale, and you resumed your stroking of his cock through his underwear.
“Please, baby,” he said, looking up at the ceiling. You let out a laugh through your nose, lifting your hands and snapping your fingers for him to finally rid himself of his clothes. You kneeled in front of him as he lifted his hips off of the chair, dragging his jeans and briefs down his legs. He left them pooled at his feet, and you got back onto your knees and took his fully hard dick into your hands.
“Who’s got you this hard? Tell me, pretty boy,” you cooed. “Is it for that girl outside?” He shook his head quickly.
“N-no, it’s f-for you, all for y-you,” he said, hardly managing to get the words out as you worked your hand at a faster pace. You laughed as you hovered your face over it, letting your spit dribble over the tip to get him slick for what you were about to do. You began stroking both of your hands up and down once it was wet enough, looking up at his flushed cheeks through your eyelashes. He was looking down at you with lust-filled eyes, and you finally ran your tongue up the underside of him. His head fell back and he let out a soft moan.
You took him completely in your mouth, moving up and down in the way you had come to learn that he loves. His hands ran through his hair before interlocking his fingers on the back of his head, and he looked down at the sight of you sucking him off. You were now moving at a steady pace, bobbing your head up and down and swirling your tongue around his tip whenever you reached it. You only removed your mouth to move your focus down to his balls yet still jerking him off, and when he saw you look up at him with those big eyes he was done for.
“P-please, I-” he stammered through moans. “Can- fuck, you l-look so pretty like th-this.” You smiled with his balls in your mouth, pulling off of them with a pop. You stood up slowly, and he stared at you as you took off your bikini bottoms under your bathing suit cover up. His eyes moved down with your bottoms, and once they were off you straddled him. His hands moved to your waist as you hovered over him, pumping him a few times before slowly sinking onto him. He groaned as you bottomed him out, and you began to move up and down at a painfully slow pace. His hands gripped your hips tighter as yours were on his arms to steady yourself.
“You like this? When I ride you like this?” you said. You were trying not to moan yourself but you had to keep the upper hand.
“F-faster,” he moaned. He was a total disaster, looking up at you with glassy eyes and breathing erratically.
“What, like this?” you said, speeding up. He let out another loud groan, but you put a finger on his lips. “Shh, can’t be too loud, baby.” He was seeing stars with the pace you set, his fingers burning into your skin.
“Can’t l-last,” he breathed. “Need- fuck.” You smirked knowing he was going to unravel, and you sped up even more to send both of you over the edge.
“Come on, pretty boy, fill me up,” you said into his ear, and he was finished. His eyes squeezed shut as his dick twitched inside of you, and the slight movement brought you to your own release.
“Shit,” he breathed out, your walls milking him with every flutter. You felt his cum dripping from you and coating both your pussy and himself. You slowed down before getting off of him completely. Your legs were sore, but you weren’t going to let him see that after you basically manhandled him. He was breathing heavily, his eyes still closed as he tried to slow it down. He opened them and looked over at your smirking face, taking off your cover up and cleaning yourself and him.
He finally caught his breath, and he took your hand in his. You smiled, tightening your grip on his limp hand.
“I fuckin’ love you,” he said, and your eyes widened in surprise. “I mean- fuck. That wasn’t supposed to come out like that. But after that little show I couldn’t just not say it.”
“Oh yeah?” you said. He nodded lazily.
“Can you just say it back please?” he said, his eyebrows lifting in anticipation.
“Fine, only because you sounded so pretty earlier,” you said. He rolled his eyes before looking back up at you. “But yes, I love you too.” The same inert smile made his way onto his face, and you lifted him up by his hand. He sighed as he pulled his pants back up, wrapping his arm around you as you opened the door and walked back outside.
“Hey, where’d you guys go?” Robin asked once you guys made it.
“We were just talking for a little bit,” you said. You looked up at Eddie who was staring into space after being completely fucked out.
“Well did you guys finally make up?” she asked, and you looked down and raised your eyebrows. “Oh, please, you really thought we didn’t know? You could cut that sexual tension with a knife, you’re not exactly the slickest people.” You laughed and looked over at Steve, who took a sip of his beer and shrugged his shoulders.
“What’s wrong with him?” he said, putting the beer down. You glanced back up at Eddie whose face was still red and hair everywhere. You coughed and he looked at you then Steve.
“Hm?” he said, and you gave Steve a side stare as he realized what really went on in the house.
“Jesus Christ, are you two serious? That is- ugh that is so fuckin’ gross you know. Where did you even- you know what, don’t answer that,” Steve groaned, but you were laughing too hard to hear him as you pressed a kiss to Eddie’s hot cheek.
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puffpasstea · 2 years
Could you do a blurb where Matilda and Harry get in an argument? Angst + make-up fluff/smut?? I LOVE your writings so much!
Of course babes. Thank you SO SO MUCH for reading and for your very kind feedback 🥹
I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS!!!! So, since the next few chapters of the Matilda sequel are gonna be heavy on angst and smut, I tried to do something a bit different with them having an argument. Just so you guys don’t get sick of it haha. But also I feel like those two can never run out of stuff to argue over. Anyways, I'm not sure this ended up being what I wanted but still I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! PLEASE LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK EVEN IF YOU HATE IT
Warnings: angst, and angst i guess? idkkkk. 
Just tell him how you feel. Keep things focused on you. Don’t put any pressure or expectation on him. You can’t control the outcome but you can always be honest. My therapist’s words of encouragement ran through my head as I looked through my bag for the spare keys to Harry’s place. I knew he wasn’t home. In fact, I was counting on it. He’d given me this key “for emergencies,” and, well, “I’m in love with you and think I’m dumping my boyfriend for you” felt kind of like an emergency to me. Emotionally, at least. So, I got to his place, take out in hand, hoping to give myself a pep talk and make myself comfortable before he got here. 
Being at his place, even in his absence, felt like a safety net. Everything around here was so Harry. From the vinyl records on the entryway table, to the floral arrangements in every corner, to the teabags in the jar on the kitchen counter. Surrounded by his favorite things; his coat hanging by the door; the bookmarked novel he’d clearly been reading earlier in the day; it immediately made me feel a lot more grounded. I’d clearly made the right choice making this the setting of our upcoming conversation. I decided to set some plates out for dinner, and, while in the kitchen, pour myself a glass of wine. 
 A couple glasses in, and a Netflix episode later, Harry was still out. I contemplated texting him to ask when he’s coming home, but, that, in itself felt like too much pressure. 
A bit before midnight, I heard the front door unlock, Harry’s voice mumbling something I could quit hear. 
“Look, the media is always gonna find something to say. Yes, but- no, I am listening.” He seemed to be on the phone. Evidently having a difficult conversation. My courage already wavering, I took a sip out of my wine glass for some comfort. 
“I realize that.” Harry was now walking in a circle in his entryway. “You said it yourself ‘it’s a judgement call. Well, I’m exercising my judgement and choosing not to make any public statement. Yeah…I’m aware. Yes, it’s a risk, but-yup. Look, Jeff. I’ve had the worst fuckin day. Can we talk about this tomorrow, please? Just wanna go to bed right now. Ok. You too.”
The worst fuckin day? That’s a sign that I shouldn’t say anything. Right? You can do it. You can do it. You can do-
“Jeez- Holy fuck! Matilda!!! You almost gave me a heart attack!” Harry jumped as he walked in and saw me on his couch. His frame barely illuminated by the TV light in the dark room. “What are you doing here?” Immediately regretting my decision, I set my wine glass down and began to pack my things. Harry didn’t seem to notice though.
“You know what? I don’t even care right now, I’m just so glad you’re here…” he plopped onto the couch near me, and, without hesitation, wrapped both of his arms around me, squeezing me tightly and pulling me closer to his side. 
“Y-you are?”
“Course, baby. I’ve had the longest, most awful day. No one else I’d  rather come home to.”
The words come home to made alarms go off in my brain. Suddenly, rather than feeling the comfort of being in this space, with Harry’s arms around me, telling me what anyone with half a heartbeat would long to hear their lover say, I felt suffocated and terrified. 
Harry took a deep breath relaxing his back into the couch and blinking repeatedly. Suddenly, he noticed the take out containers full of Chinese food and the plates I’d prepared for us. 
“Oh. You brought food.”
“Yeah, you want some?” I got off the couch as quickly as possible, busying myself with arranging some plates for the two of us, glad for any excuse to create some distance between me and him. 
“Guess I could eat. Not all that hungry though. Just wanna talk if that’s alright?”
“S-sure. About what?”
“I just mean about my day. Could use your opinion on this actually. So, the director, who I thought was my friend, has completely flipped these past few days. The way she’s been dictating the scenes, I mean- even when we’d had countless conversations about how I would like these moments to be portrayed in the film. At the same time, though, I don’t feel like I get a say in this. I’m not an actor, you know?”
“What you mean you’re not an actor? That’s absurd, Harry.” I passed him his plate 
“Thanks, hun.” He picked up a couple of chopsticks and started digging into his food right away. So much for not all that hungry. 
“I just mean….I’m not that experienced. It’s not like my instincts are based on any real evidence for what might or might not work for the film. I’m basically a baby by industry standards. It just feels so wrong to ignore my instincts. Feel like I’m just going through the motions, you know?“
I’d lost track of what Harry was saying relatively quickly, getting lost in how he was feeling. I could see by the look in his eyes, his incessant foot-tapping, his slumped shoulders that he was quite torn about this. In other words, he was being genuine and vulnerable right now. Opening himself up to me and sharing his doubts. Is this what being in a real relationship with Harry would be like? Coming home to the same apartment every night; talking about our days over a shared meal; discussing our thoughts and feelings? Every day? Being there for each other all the time? Is this what I was signing up for by telling him how I feel about him?
“Anyway, I know that I don’t wanna let people down. With an album, you know, it’s just me. It’s my name on the cover and if it doesn’t do that well, it’s my fault. But, this kind of thing…acting, it’s a team effort and there are so many people depending on me to do my part and…ugh and this other thing Jeff just called me about. I just can’t think straight right now..” Harry was still unfolding his quandary out loud, the earnestness in his voice, his genuine desire to not only bring the best version of himself to this project, but to make sure he was accountable to his cast mates was very touching, yet not at all surprising. That’s the kind of person he is. It’s part of what makes him so special. Unfortunately, though, it’s also why we can’t be together. He deserves more. Better. Someone who can be as open and giving as he is. Someone dependable and strong. Someone…not me. 
“Umm, I- uh. It’s getting late, Harry.” I set my plate down and looked sprung the room for where I’d tossed my bag and coat.
“W-what? But we’re in the middle of dinner!”
“Yeah, I- umm- sorry. I didn’t realize what time it is and I need to be up early, so.”
“Please don’t leave.” He looked up at me. Even in the dim light of the room, I could tell that he really needed someone. That someone wasn’t me though. 
“I’m sayin’ pleas here. I’m not usually the one who does the begging in this dynamic.” He smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood. My inability to respond in kind was surely hurtful. I needed to get out of here as soon as humanly possible wirh as little damage to our relationship as I could pull off. All of this required a certain level of delicacy that I’m sure wasn’t native to me. 
Harry grew more desperate the longer it took me to decide to stay. I felt cruel for not agreeing right away. But I was doing it to spare his feelings. 
“Fine, whatever, let’s fuck.” He set his own plate down right next to mine and picked up a napkin to wipe at his mouth. 
“E-excuse me?”
“You’re gonna have to get on top though. I’m wiped.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Think I don’t know why you’re really here? Or why you’re leavin so suddenly?”
My stared at him incredulously with a frown on my face, shaking my head.
“You came here for sex and when I didn’t jump your bones right away you started packing up and walking out. I’m saying forget the talking. We can fuck, if you’ll do most of the work.”
“That’s gross. You’re such a dick.”
“Oh, now I’m the one who’s gross, am I? You’re the one who’s here for an orgasm and you won’t even get it unless I do it for you. Do me a favor, next time, skip the dinner. Makes me think you’re actually interested in spending time with me. Mixed messages.”
“Fuck you, Harry. Have a nice night.”
As I rushed out the door, I heard Harry curse something under his breath. 
I didn’t see Harry for a couple of days after that night. And I couldn’t wait to go to my therapist at the end of the week and let her know what a moron she is for suggesting that I finally talk to him. How successful that whole thing was. I felt my blood practically boil at the memory of how crude he was. How unbelievable it still seemed to me, though I’d witnessed it with my own eyes, that he went so quickly from being self-aware and trying to open himself up to me to being remarkably insensitive at the drop of a hat. Though he undoubtedly hurt my feelings and the fact that I never got to tell him how I feel will always haunt me, in a way, I was glad the night went the way that it did. Because how could I trust someone who could change so quickly? And who would use our very dynamic against me in an argument? 
At the end of the third night, as I lay in bed, tossing and turning and thinking about all the clever comebacks I could’ve used to shut his smugness down, I heard a loud knock at my door. Flicking my bedside lamp on, I checked the time on my phone. It was 2 a.m. who on earth would come knocking at my door at this ungodly hour. 
I ran to the door, looking through the peephole and hurrying to unlock it once I’d seen who was standing on the other end. 
“Matilda!!! I’ve missed you!” Harry’s uncoordinated form stumbled inside as he bent down to give me a hug. I could smell the alcohol on his breath right away. 
“Oh my god, Harry, are you drunk?”
“Extremely!” He giggled and kicked off his shoes walking straight into the living room. “Look, I got food!” He announced unnecessarily loudly. At this rate, the neighbors were definitely going to complain soon. 
I ran to catch up with him and snatched the bag of food out of his hands. “You got Chinese food…and it’s from the same restaurant…Harry is this food three days old?”
Harry burst out into an obnoxious chuckle. In his current intoxicated state, things seemed about ten times funnier. 
“Of course not! I was…just trying to be cute.”
“Why are you here, Harry?”
“ I already told you.”
I shook my head. 
“I miss you.”
I rolled my eyes, setting the food down in the kitchen. Harry followed behind me like a puppy. 
“I know you’re mad-“
“I am mad.” I affirmed, eager to express my indignation. 
“I know I was an ass.”
“You were an ass.” I sat down on the couch and Harry surprised me by instantly dropping to his knees and wasting no time in burying his face into my lap. His arms came up to wrap around my waist, his face nuzzled closer and closer to my thighs as he spoke. 
“I know we’re not a couple or anything. You and Chris are a couple. Not you and me. No you and Harry. Nope….”
His fragmented rambling was already tugging at my heartstrings. I wondered if this was just his drunk talking or if he’d still stand by his actions in the harsh, sober light of day. “I just had to see you. Hate the idea of you being mad at me.”
My fingers instinctively moved to comb through his hair and scratch at the base of his scalp. He let out a big, contented sigh, a smile appearing on his face, his eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. “That’s nice…” he mumbled, his voice muffled by the fabric of my clothes. 
“I…just didn’t realize you found me so selfish, Harry.” I spoke, still massaging his head. 
He jolted up at my words, but I pushed him gently back into my lap, his arms tightening around my waist as a counter argument. As if attempting to squeeze the idea out of me. “I don’t find you selfish! Promise! I wouldn’t be here if I did!”
“ you think I just come to you for sex…”
“I dunno. I feel like you’re never interested in anything else about me.”
Hearing him confess that broke my heart. My hands stopped in his hair, my chest aches, I was speechless. 
“It’s okay though…think I care enough for the both of us. Just wanna spend any time with you that I can. I’ll take what I can get.”
“Harry, that’s not-“
“It’s alright. I know my dick is magical.” He giggled at his own joke like a schoolboy. 
I pulled at his hair. 
“Ouch! You’re the one with the pain kink not me.”
“Focus, Harry. I do care about you. Okay? You have to believe me. I know I’m not the best at showing it, but I care about you a great deal. really! I might even say that I lov-“
“Listen, I know we have a rule about sleeping at your place but could I stay? Just for a little while? Until the sun comes up?”
“Of course. Uh, why don’t you get off the floor and come up here.” 
“Good idea.”
Harry shuffled over on unsteady feet and sat next to me. I did my best to hug and pull him closer the way he’d done the night that he stumbled upon me in his living room. In fairness, nothing much was registering in his drunk, sleepy mind, but he still laid his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. That had to count for something. At least for the time being?
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hanniejji · 2 years
Modern au where Phoenix is wait for Diluc to come pick them up for school and they end up waiting for over an hour in the rain :(
Either Diluc forgot for some reason or he was very busy and forgot to tell someone to pick them up
And Kaeya ends up picking up Phoenix and brings them home to get a bubbly bath
What do you think Diluc would do if he finds out he left poor Phoenix? 😭 or if he would actually forget because of his busy schedule?
(- From the same person who sent the echo toy thingy - I still don’t know what they’re called 🥲)
that's actually the worst fucking feeling oh my god, i used to go to school and go home alone because no one would come get me and it's horrible and lonely asf :( anyways I wanna call you 🌵 anon if that's fine, because of the robot cactus toy that wiggles ehe
kaeya best uncle slash father figure we been knew
phoenix would be so fucking distraught. other than the small talks that they have with their dad, going home with him is the only time they could spend with him. the ride to school and to home is not that short, so it's always what they look forward to. so for him to not appear would make them the saddest bean :(
kaeya picking them up from school is fun tho, because he's always driving them to get their favorite snack and hang out before he drives them to home. where he can beat the shit out of diluc >:)
"you could've seen the look on their face."
"what?" diluc looks up from his papers to kaeya's form at the door, arms crossed and a deep frown on his face. the aforementioned man rolled his eyes, pushing himself away from the doorframe and striding straight to diluc's desk, glaring at the clueless man.
"god you're even worse than i thought."
"excuse me?"
"you didn't even tell anyone to pick them up from school? you can't even take a few seconds to call or text someone, heck even me, to pick them up? you can't even spare them a few fucking seconds? did you know how sad they were, being left at their school for almost two hours, knowing their so called father didn't remember them? do you fucking know how insignificant they must've felt about their self for you to forget them just like that?"
kaeya wasn't in the mood to be gentle about this. if what diluc needs it a punch on the face to finally see shit better then he'd give him more than two punches.
"go and fix your mistakes before it becomes irreparable."
diluc would be staring up at kaeya with a gaping mouth, his brain slowly processing what he just said. by the time he realized what went on, kaeya had already gone and slammed his door shut.
"fuck," he groans from frustration, pushing his chair back to hang his head on the edge, looking up at the ceiling.
shit, shit, shit, shit.
he groans once more, pushing himself up from his seat to arrange his desk and leaving to phoenix's room, knocking gently to see them already looking over their books.
one look into their eyes and he could already tell that they've spent a good amount of time crying. cursing himself mentally, diluc forces a small smile on his face, awkwardly scratching at the nape of his neck.
"are you studying right now?"
"mhm." no, i was just hiding my tears.
"do need any help?"
"i, uhm." say no, say no, say no. don't be a bother to him. say no.
"i just finished a couple of papers for work, if... if you need help, you can always ask me."
phoenix goes quiet for a few seconds, looking at their book and back to diluc a couple of times, before nodding shyly.
"mhm... i kind of having a hard time understanding this." not really, i've studied in advance but if it meant spending time with you, then i'd go over this over and over again.
diluc sighs in relief, pushing the door open and gesturing outside.
"let's go to the library, is that okay with you? i could ask adelinde to get something for us too if you want."
"i... i'd like that."
i would fucking love that.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Friends To Arranged Marriage To...Wait, How Many Kids?
Bruce Wayne x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Y'all ever write a self-indulgent Friends To Lovers fic? 'Cause that's what this is. Enjoy! -Thorne
It wasn’t unusual for her to suddenly appear in his office. She did it most days. Okay, it was more like every day but that’s not important. The fact is, she showed up and he wasn’t at all the least bit surprised when she barged through the office door and slammed it behind her.
“Morning,” he murmured, taking his eyes off the screen but a moment to lock them with hers.
“Good morning, Bruce,” she responded with a polite smile. “We need to talk.”
That wasn’t unusual either. When she came to the office it was because she wanted to either complain about something going on or because she was bored and didn’t have anything to do, so badgering her best friend seemed like the best option. It wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.
“What do we need to talk about?” Bruce questioned, clicking at the mouse until his screen loaded.
“Something important. Something especially important.” She replied and with one hand reached behind her and flipped the lock on his door.
Now that was unusual. And Bruce saw this going one of two ways and he hoped it wasn’t the first way that involved her pulling a gun.
“Okay,” he said and watched her out of the corner of his eye as waltzed around his desk and perched herself on the corner. “Am I in trouble, (Y/N)?”
“If you disagree with me, you will be,” she retorted and she started fumbling in her tote.
“You sound serious,” Bruce noted.
(Y/N) harrumphed. “I am quite possibly the most serious I’ve been in years.” She pulled out three manila folders and handed them to him, watching as he opened the first and started reading through it.
He didn’t say anything as he opened the others and read them but frowned when he set them aside and went back to his computer.
“I’ve already planned on a new secretary, (Y/N).”
She watched him with careful eyes and explained, “Those aren’t secretary files, Bruce. They’re marriage candidates.”
At that, his entire body went rigid and ever so slowly he drew his gaze from the screen back to her, staring her straight in the eyes.
“I…beg your pardon?” he asked as if not understanding what she’d just said.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and picked up the files. “Each of these women are successful elites from either Metropolis, Star, or Central City. You have arranged marriage meetings with them Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to decide which one you want to marry.”
This was happening way too fast, and he still didn’t know what “this” was.
“I’m not opposed to marriage, (Y/N), but why?”
She pointed to the picture on his desk, and he briefly glanced at it. Him, Dick, and Alfred on Christmas morning last year.
“Dick needs a mother.” She was never one to mince her words. “A father can raise a son, but the boy needs a mother’s love too, Bruce.”
“I think you’re a bit out of line here.” He remarked, brows pulling together. “We’re fine at the manor.”
“Bruce…please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re not a soft man. You’re hard edges and firmness, and while that isn’t a bad thing, Dick needs a mother who can be the parent that isn’t firm. He needs a mother’s guiding hand.”
She handed him the files again. “I’ve met each of these women. They’re good women who will make wonderful wives and even better mothers.” She stared at him. “You should know how important it is for a boy to have a mother.”
Bruce was on his feet in an instant, in front of her, eyes narrowed into a glare as he bit out, “(Y/N), now you’re out of line.”
“Really?” she challenged, not at all threatened by his towering figure. “Look my in the eye and tell me which parent you miss more. Thomas…or Martha?”
“I miss both of my parents. Every day.”
“And I don’t doubt that. But I know you miss Martha the most. Isn’t she the one you promised to save Gotham for?” (Y/N) questioned and his mouth snapped shut, jaw clenching tightly as he averted his eyes because he knew she was right.
She reached out and rested a hand on his forearm, forcing his eyes to hers once more; her gaze softened and she murmured, “You miss your mother more than the world, Bruce. How do you think Dick feels every night when he goes to sleep? Fathers are the protectors for their children, but mothers are the comforters—there are going to be things that you can’t help him with, but a woman can.”
(Y/N) gazed at him and pulled her hand away. “At least go and meet them,” she requested and when he didn’t say anything, she sighed and picked up her tote, making her way to the door.
She flipped the lock and paused, glancing over her shoulder to say, “At least think about what I’ve said, Bruce. For Dick…and for you.” He met her eyes and she added, “I think getting married would be good for you too.”
He nodded, and since that was all they could hope for, she left the office and Bruce collapsed into his chair, turning around to stare out the window.
His theory that she would show up Friday evening proved true when she waltzed into his office and took a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, delicately crossing one of her legs over the other.
“How’d the interviews go?” she asked, not even bothering to ask him how his day was or how his week had been.
“My day was great, (Y/N), thanks for asking,” he mocked with a glare and she waved it off.
“Interviews, Bruce. How’d they go.”
He let out a sigh. “They went well. Each of them was polite and kind.”
“And?” (Y/N) gestured for him to continue.
“And nothing. That’s it.”
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Seriously? You just met them for a singular purpose and all you’ve got it, they’re polite and kind?” She glared at him. “What’d you talk about?”
Bruce sighed again and reclined in his office chair. “Humanitarian works, college days, high society—you know, the usual.”
(Y/N) gave him an unamused look. “Did any ask for a second date?”
“All of them in fact.”
“Did you agree?”
Her head lolled back, and she glared at the ceiling. “Did you even think about what I talked about a few days ago?”
“I still am.”
“Then why didn’t you agree to see one of them again?”
“Because there wasn’t anything we had in common.”
“Most people who have arranged marriages don’t, Bruce. That’s why you go on dates and get to know them.” Her eyes were still on the ceiling. “What’s the real reason you said no?” She always knew when he’d lied to her.
After a moment, he murmured, “…I didn’t think any of them would be suitable to be Dick’s adoptive mother.”
“I guess that’s…fair,” she agreed and they both fell silent.
A couple minutes later, he said, “I’ve been thinking about what you said though, (Y/N). About finding a wife who would be a good mother for Dick.”
“Uh huh.”
“I think you’re right. I do offer Dick everything a father could. Support, protection, guidance…but he is missing that love only a mother can give a son.”
“And how’s that making you feel?” she questioned softly.
His voice got quiet. “Like how I was when I was growing up without mother. (Y/N), I…I don’t want Dick to feel that way.”
At that, she drew her gaze from the ceiling to his eyes and she reasoned, “Then I think you should call one of the girls back and agree to a second date. You won’t find perfection in one day, even with how intuitive you are.”
Bruce shrugged. “I just want to find someone closer to Gotham. Someone who is familiar with us already.”
(Y/N) grunted. “I purposely moved away from Gotham because no one is.”
“That’s fair,” Bruce chuckled, and they fell into a silence again.
Suddenly, a thought flashed across her mind and she sat up. “Us.” She blurted out and he looked at her.
(Y/N) gestured between them. “Us, Bruce. You and me.”
“I don’t follow,” he replied with a confused expression and she huffed, rolling her eyes.
“You’re an idiot,” she griped, then she stood and planted her hands on his desk, leaning over to get in his face. “You and I are the closest to Gotham as you’ll get, and I’m familiar with you and Dick.” She smiled. “Marry me.”
She could count on one hand how many times she’d ever stunned her best friend silent and that was number two because his jaw went slack and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, steel blue eyes wide.
(Y/N) frowned. “Oh, come on, you can’t tell me the thought didn’t cross your mind at least once.” Silence. “Oh my God, are you serious? You didn’t even think about it at all? Like ever?”
He shook his head, mouth still hanging open.
“Oh, for God’s sakes, close your mouth and wipe that stupid look off your face. It’s not a completely inconceivable idea, you moron.” (Y/N) held a hand up, counting off her fingers, “I’m of acceptable status, I dress well, I’m thoroughly educated, I do humanitarian work all over the world, I love your son, and I’m probably the one woman that doesn’t make you wanna stab yourself in the eye with a fork.”
She grinned at him. “You’re not going to find anyone better than me here in Gotham, Brucie-boy. Besides, I think (Y/N) Wayne has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Finally, he managed to make himself speak and he blurted out, “I stopped thinking like five minutes ago. I’m not even sure how to do that anymore.”
(Y/N) pulled a face and griped, “You’re an idiot.”
“I am not,” he retorted with a glare. “You can’t just propose to your best friend out of the blue and expect them to function like it’s normal!”
“You’re Batman,” she whispered. “Figure it out.” (Y/N) pointed at him. “There’s another plus on my side! I already know your deepest secrets! See, aren’t I a catch?”
“Was this your plan all along?” Bruce suddenly questioned and she gaped at him for a second before shaking her head.
“(Y/N),” he drawled, and she sighed.
“Alright, it crossed my mind a couple times but that’s why I started with the other women first. I was kinda hoping you’d pick one of them.” (Y/N) looked at him. “I really don’t see anything wrong with us getting married though. We’ve been friends since we were babies, we have a lot of the same interests, and we both care for Dick.”
She shrugged. “I mean we might not be in love, but our marriage doesn’t have to be. We’re stepping up for a greater good. For a young boy who deserves to have two parents.” (Y/N) reached out and held out her hand. “So? What do you say?”
Bruce gazed at her for a long time, longer than she was comfortable with because she knew he was mentally pulling her mind apart. After a few moments he stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of her.
She pulled her hand back in and gave a curious look. “Bruce?” His hands gently took hold of her cheeks and he leaned forward, even as her eyes went wide and she whispered, “Bruce, what—”
He softly brushed his lips against hers and (Y/N) all but melted against him, her hands pressed flat against his chest. They pulled away a moment later and he rested his forehead to hers.
“I think we can make it work, (Y/N).”
She couldn’t fight the giddy smile that came over her face. “Yeah?”
Bruce matched her smile. “Yeah.”
“So, you’re tellin’ me,” he started dubiously, looking at him. “That you and Ma only got together because you guys wanted to make sure Golden-boy had two parents instead of just you?”
Bruce didn’t even take his eyes off the screen as he responded absentmindedly, “That pretty much covers it.”
Jason threw his hands in the air. “There’s no way! There’s no way that shit was arranged! You two make googly eyes at one another when you think no one is watching and you kiss Ma before you go to work every day!” he looked at his brothers. “Y’all know what I’m sayin’ right?”
Tim nodded. “Jay’s got a point, dad. For an arranged marriage, the two of you are really in love.”
Dick placed a hand over his heart and smugly admitted, “You’re welcome everyone, for bringing mom and dad together in real love.”
A chorus of “Fuck you’s” echoed from Jason and Tim, and Damian placed his hands on his hips.
“When did you know you loved Umi, Father?”
Finally, he pulled his gaze from the Batcomputer, and even behind his cowl, they could see the love he had in his eyes and in his voice as he said, “Your mother and I dated for a year before we married, but the night of our wedding, we spent it at the manor and Dick crawled into our bed and spent the night wrapped in our arms.”
Bruce smiled. “I woke up early that morning and saw him curled in (Y/N)’s arms and all I could think was that I’d never loved a woman more than that moment then.” His eyes shifted to all of his sons. “And I’ve only fallen deeper in love with her with each of you that’s come into our home. You make us better parents every day and I wouldn’t change what I was given for anything in the world.”
He barely had time to breathe before all four of his sons were crashing into him, squeezing him as tears spilled down their cheeks.
Bruce huffed a quiet laugh and took a moment to brush a hand through each of his sons’ hair. “I love you, boys.”
A chorus of “I love you too’s” came back at him and before anyone could speak, they heard someone coo, “Aww, that’s so sweet!”
They spun around to see (Y/N) with her phone out, a mile-wide smile on her face, eyes shining with tears.
“Ma…what are you doing?” Jason questioned and she clicked something on her phone.
“Oh, nothing, my sweet boy,” she smiled, and all of her sons started pulling away from Bruce.
“Did you just record that?” Tim asked and she took a step back.
“I would never!” and she stared them down for a split second before spinning on her heel and hauling off towards the stairs. Her sons sprinted after her and she let out a squeal as she skipped the steps two at a time to get away from them.
“Ma come back here!” Jason shouted.
“Umi! Our dignity is on that phone!”
“I dunno, I think it’s sweet!”
“It’s not going to be sweet when she sends it to the group chat that every superhero is in, Dick! We have reputations!”
“Oh…that’s a good point, Tim. Mom! Come back here!”
(Y/N) gasped as someone��s arms wrapped around her waist and she came face to face with Bruce—well, Batman, and she yelped when he pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Bruuuuuuce!” she whined. “Please don’t delete it!” (Y/N) reached for the phone and he held it out of reach. “Darling, my sweet darling, Bruce, please,” she plead. “If you love your wife and mother of your children, you won’t do that.”
His gaze darted to hers and she pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in the way that she knew he’d crack. “Please, my heart. Let me have a reminder of my beautiful boys.”
“You won’t send it to the chats?” he asked, and she crossed a finger over her heart.
“Cross my heart, darling.” He handed her back the phone and she smiled, leaning up to peck the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, Bruce.”
He cupped her cheek with his gloved hand, thumb brushing over her cheekbone and he pulled her into a real kiss, ignoring the exaggerated gags behind him.
“I love you,” he murmured as he pulled away from her lips. “More than you know.”
(Y/N) hummed, her eyes still closed, and she whispered, “You might love me more, but I love you most.” She opened her eyes and gazed at him. “All my boys.”
Suddenly, her phone started dinging like crazy and he stared at her, his Batman voice coming out as he surmised, “You sent it to the chat, didn’t you?”
She gave him an innocent smile and giggled, “I might’ve.”
“You’re going to pay for all the teasing that Hal and Barry are going to give me, (Y/N) Wayne,” he warned, and she scoffed.
“Oh, boo hoo, I’m so scared of what the big bad Bat is go—” a gasp escaped her when he hauled her up against his body and she stared at him with wide eyes.
A siren went off down in the cave and he looked towards the boys. “Go.” They all hurried off, complaining about the various texts they were all getting.
Bruce looked back at her, voice lowering as he growled, “After patrol I’m coming up to the bedroom and you’d better be ready, because I’m not going to stop ravishing you until you’re begging me for release.”
Something hot, tight, and fierce shot through (Y/N)’s gut and she could only flounder like a fish as he pulled her into another searing kiss before he spun on his heel and descended into the cave.
She gathered herself and called out after him, “You can’t just say something like that and then leave! That’s not fair, Bruce! Bruce, are you listening to me!”
Only his laughter echoed from below.
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jadequeen88 · 4 years
A Waitress’ Worst Nightmare
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A/N: Written for the BNHA Degeneracy 9-5 collab! THIS IS 18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: TW.sexual harassment, TW.oral(recieving), TW.degredation TW.nipple play, TW.Mommy kink
Pairing: busboy!Keigo, linecook!Dabi, f!waitress!Reader
You’re a college student just trying to get by. The biggest worry you should have right now is if you had enough time to finish that psych paper or when you were going to meet up with your calculus study group. Instead, you’ve got a much larger problem facing you...A problem that has permeated through every aspect of your life. Your coworkers were Grade-A-Assholes who decided making your life miserable was on the top of their to do lists.
You thought waitressing at the 24/7 diner downtown would be a breeze. Money was tight and since you were 21 and almost done with your undergrad, you wanted a little more financial independence. Little did you know when the owner hired you that you’d have to work alongside the two biggest shitheads in the city.
First there’s Keigo. To the untrained eye, he could almost seem charming. But you found out pretty quickly what a dick he was. He was working as a “busboy”, but in reality he didn’t do anything but flirt with every woman within his field of vision. Keigo would leave the tables a mess until there wasn’t a clean one left in your station and you’d be forced to do his job for him.
“What, babe? Stop getting your panties in a twist. I’m real busy these days. You know I’m practically running this place now.”
Oh yeah. How could you forget? He took every opportunity to remind you of that fact. Keigo’s dad happened to be buddies with the owner, garnering a sense of trust with the old man. He slowly weaseled his way into running day-to-day operations while the elderly owner stayed home most days.
Although the diner needed another busboy to pick up his slack, Keigo refused to tell the boss to hire another. You overheard a phone conversation between Keigo and your boss just last night:
“Nah, boss. We’ve got it covered here. No need to hire another busboy. The waitresses are just finding reasons to nag. Women, am I right?”
You were fuming.
As bad as Keigo was, his friend Dabi was exponentially worse. The line cook was, without a doubt, a drug dealer. The only motive he could possibly have for working there is having a place to do business with his “customers”(and of course, to help Keigo make your life a living hell). It clearly wasn’t because he needed the money since you’d seen his “friends” slip him generous wads of cash when they stopped by the restaurant. If cleaning up Keigo’s messes sucked, trying to put in customer’s orders with Dabi was pure torture. 
“Eggs over easy instead of scrambled? I dunno, Princess. Sounds like it’ll be a pain in my ass. Whatcha gonna give me if I do it?”
Then he’d lick his lips with his long pierced tongue, leering at you over the counter. Gag... You wondered if that ever actually worked in his favor. 
One semi-decent thing you can say about Keigo is that he’d never actually laid a finger on you. The same can’t be said for Dabi. You learned after your first day to wear shorts under the skirt of your uniform. You were behind the counter slicing lemons when he took his spatula and lifted the hem of your skirt. Before you realized what he was doing, he was calling out to his partner in crime.
“Fuuuuuck, Kei! Look at the ass on the new girl!”
You wondered what was going on until you felt a breeze and realized it was your ass that was on display. You’d slapped the spatula away and straightened your skirt, but not before they both got an eyeful of your black, lace panties. You cried for ten minutes in the bathroom after your shift that day.
The day you’d been dreading was finally upon you. No, it wasn’t a big test or project due... You had to ask off work for your cousin’s wedding. That meant dealing with Keigo (who was now in charge of making the schedule each week).
You squared your shoulders and went over what you would say over, and over in your head so you wouldn’t stumble over your words when you had to face him. 
“I need to have Saturday off for my cousin’s wedding. I can work the Sunday morning shift instead.”
This was repeated on a loop in your brain as you walked down the darkened corridor towards the office. You let out a long sigh and gently rapped your knuckles against the wooden frame. The sound of shuffling and muffled voices seeped through the thin faux wood and a moment later, the door swung inward. The thick cloud of smoke and strong, skunky smell almost knocked you flat on your ass. Instead of seeing Keigo alone working on the schedule, you saw that he and Dabi were hotboxing in the small office.
Knowing they were back here getting high while you closed the diner by yourself was the last straw. You slam the door behind you and stomp forward to lean over the desk Keigo was propped up behind.
“Listen you shit heads!” you slammed you fists on the desk knocking over a jar of pens. “I am so fucking sick of slaving away in this shit hole while you two get high and fuck off back here. You’re going to let me have Saturday off or I swear to Christ, I’m calling the boss and spilling my guts! About the weed, the drug deals, the snarky remarks, the groping, EVERYTHING! I’ve had enough!”
There was a moment of silence then the two of them burst into a fit of laughter. In a blind fit of rage, you leap across the desk and grab Keigo by the throat. When you made contact and squeezed as hard as your small hand would allow, a whimper escaped his throat and his eyes rolled back.
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” you gripped your fingers tightly again to see if you could pull any more sounds from him. He didn’t disappoint. This time it was a whimper followed by him nervously mumbling.
“Heh, Kid... Seriously, knock it off. This shit isn’t funny.”
Your eyes traveled down the front of his body and when they landed on the crotch of his baggy khakis, your suspicions were confirmed. This loser who acted like a certified pussy-slayer popped a boner just from you choking him.
You leaned in close to his face, using this as your chance to get revenge for all the hell he had put you through. “Aww little Keigo... Not used to being roughed up?” you cooed. “Dumb little baby Keigo...I bet if I kept this up, you’d come in your pants like a dirty slut, wouldn’t you?”
You felt movement over your shoulder and heard a deep chuckle. “Dude you’re so pathe-”
Dabi gasped as you grabbed him by the crotch with your free hand and squeezed. He was already hard. You met his eyes and see panic etched across his features. A sadistic grin spread across your mouth as you tightened your grip. His head fell back and let out a whimper almost as needy as Keigo’s. 
“You’re both going to do exactly what I say or I swear, I will tell every girl you ever try to speak to what a couple of pathetic virgins you two are...”
“Ungh! Plea-please... Harder! I... I need more!”
Your hand lands hard across the blonde’s face, drawing a pathetic whimper from his throat. He thrust his weeping cock along your shin whimpering, craving more pressure to relieve his suffering.
“You don’t get to tell me what you need, Keigo. Shut your fucking mouth and be grateful you get this much.”
You throw your head back against the office chair and hum as Dabi eats your cunt like it’s his last meal.
“Mmm... See Keigo? See what a good boy Dabi is being? He knows his stupid mouth is only meant for one thing... Making Mommy’s pussy feel good.”
The praise causes the dark haired man between your thighs to moan into your clit sending a pulse of pleasure through your lower body. The ball of his piercing circles your clit and you feel the familiar ache of an impending orgasm begin to tighten in your belly.
Keigo starts shoving Dabi away from you with a growl. “This is bullshit! I haven’t even had a chance yet!”
Dabi elbows him, ”Fuck off Kei! I almost had her finished off!”
Furious from being jerked back from the edge of your orgasm, you grab a fist full of blonde hair in one hand and black in the other. You pull their flushed faces up to look you in the eye.
“If you want to come at all, you will shut...the fuck...up... and get me off. Now”
Dabi wasted no time in diving back into your dripping slit, panting heavily while he ran his pierced tongue in and out of your swollen entrance. Keigo attacked your neck, whimpering as he planted sloppy kisses down your collarbone until his tongue was licking long stripes up you clothed nipple.
“I think you can do a little better than that, baby,’ you cooed into Keigo’s messy blonde tresses, sweetly tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He took that as his cue to remove the clothing between your hardening bud and his hot, wet tongue.
Keigo latched onto your nipple, nursing it with vigor while he gently grazed his fingertips over the other. You heard him mumble something into the soft swell of your breast.
“Speak up,” you pull him away from your nipple with a pop, “I didn’t catch that...”
“I-I said... I...”
Your attention was drawn to the man between your legs as he began to suck down hard on your clit. The hand you had wrapped in Keigo’s hair tightened causing him to cry out.
“Mommy! Please! Wanna be your good boy! Wanna make Mommy come...” He sobs as he starts frantically licking and sucking your neglected nipple. This pushes you over the edge and your long awaited orgasm rushes over you. 
After you come down from your high, you push them off and begin getting dressed while the two men you left on the floor look up at you with wide eyes.
Dabi, still panting from eating you so vigorously, chokes out a little half sob.
“But.. where are you goin? We did what you asked!”
“Yeah babe! what the fuck!”
You eyed both men and let the tension hang in the air before turning and walking to the door.
“Give me the whole weekend off. Then we’ll arrange something Monday,” you look over your shoulder, “As long as you don’t piss me off before then..”
You walk out of the office with the biggest grin you’ve had in a long time and feeling a lot more relaxed. Maybe this job was going to turn out better than you expected. 
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x Reader- 27 (Part 3/Finale)
Read Part 1 | Read Part 2 
Alright you weenies, here’s the last part of 27....
I realized I’ve also made an error, I forgot that they already killed her other boyfriend, so let’s say the ex they killed in the previous chapter was a different ex.
Today was the day and you were excited.
Vengeance, the cherry on top, the final piece of this damned puzzle. You had snapped. You were completely bloodthirsty now and you WISHED someone would try to stop you. You had come a long way. A VERY long way. It was safe to say both Billy and Stu rubbed off on you a tremendous amount and you were absolutely fucking ready!
It didn’t help that you had two killers hyping you up to all hell. From Billy whispering how many hours were left in the day to Stu commenting about how hot he’d think it would be to have sex in a pool of blood.
When it came time to leave, the boys offered to walk you home.
“So who you gonna get first?” Billy held your hand as Stu stood your opposite side with an arm around your shoulder. 
“Definitely the old man.” you declared. “I want to watch the life leave his eyes. He’s the reason behind all this.”
“How so?” Stu asked.
“He’s convinced I’m not really his child, he’s been trying to get me out of that house since I turned 12...” the guys noticed your significant mood change. “Nevermind that.” you shook your head. “My mom can fuck off with the rest of them, her and her can-do-no-wrong, perfect home bullshit.” you seethed. “I’ll explain while everything’s going down.”
“I’m home...if anyone gives a shit.” you grumbled the last part. You walked in to see your mother and father along with Hannah’s mother and father. They were all sitting at the table. Hannah’s mom and dad were bawling their yes out while your parents comforted them.
“Y/N...I’m glad your here.” you father spoke up. “We were talking about funeral arrangements.”
“For the daughter you wish you had instead of me? Not interested.” you rolled your eyes. “If you need me, I’ll be doing homework. Parentals, friends. Friends parentals.” you shortly introduced Billy and Stu to your folks. 
“Nice to meet you.” Billy managed to express. Stu put on a fake smile and waved. 
“Keep your door open so we can hear you!”
“Why would I close the door? You guys would just kick it open anyways.” you grunted. 
You had no reason to be cordial with your family anymore, just because they wanted to put on a show for your guests, you’d give them a damn show.
“Y/N don’t talk to your mother like that.”
“Then I’ll talk to Hannah’s family.” you turned to the two mortified adults.
You could see Billy and Stu out of the corner of your eyes, both looking like they were about to burst out laughing.
“Y/N we have nothing against you.” Hannah’s mom wept. “We knew Hannah could be a bit much.”
“Hannah was much? Oh No Mrs. Doyle. Your husband screwing around with your teenage secretary was much.” you crossed your arms. “Your daughter was a fucking nightmare and I’m glad no one has to put up with her shit anymore.”
You wanted to see just how far you could take this before your parents exploded. 
“Y/N L/N!” Your father rose from his seat, ready to storm over.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Stu was first to stand in front of you. “Mr. L/N with all due respect, I’d advise you against that.”
“And just who do you think you are?” 
“The man whose about to be responsible for your funeral if you take another step.” Billy stood next to Stu, the both of them making a human wall, separating you from them. “Geez Y/N you weren’t kidding.”
“You should see our security camera footage.” you scoffed. 
“Well this has been a lovely chat but we really must be going.” Mrs. Doyle stood to her feet. 
“Oh nononono~” Billy sang with conviction. “Sit your asses down...let’s play a little game.” (I know Saw hadn’t been made yet, just go with it.)
Watching back the camera footage hurt a lot more than you thought it would. You couldn’t imagine how everyone else was feeling. Both of Hannah’s parents were tied up with blindfolds over their eyes. Stu had knocked out your dad and tied him to the table while Billy handled your mom, duct-taping her hands and wrists to a chair...
“Look at that. An innocent little girl...” Billy shook his head as he listed to your parents berate you to your face. You blocked everything out while you watched. How Hannah and her would smile in your face all the while being your biggest tormentors. How you couldn’t tell your mother or father because they never believed you the first ten times you tried. 
It was all crashing down on you now.
There was an eerie silence as your crying voice filled your own ears. You were used to crying yourself to sleep by that time. All of this happening a little before you met the boys.
“Y/N, whatever you have to tell us, we don’t have to involve them.” your mother sobbed.
“Mommy....you’re crying.” your voice broke as you opened your mouth to speak for the first time in a couple of hours. “But what about when I was crying?....What about when I was in the hospital scared for my life? What about when you guys were threatening to ship me across country....” much like you did with Hannah, you kicked the chair sending your mother falling back.
“And you.” you turned towards your dad. “I know you don’t believe I’m your biological daughter...and guess what...I hope I’m not either.” you growled, staring down at the now cowering man. “You are pathetic...both of you.” you turned back towards the TV screen. A video of you in your bedroom (since your parents didn’t believe in privacy) was playing. You were on the phone with your friend Kyla.
“No, no I know Ky.” you laughed. You had a much different laugh than you do now. “...I don’t know, it’s hard to trust cute faces like theirs.”
Your eyes widened as you listened to what you were saying. Before you could go to turn it off, Stu had taken you in a hug. “Oh no princess, don’t be rude...let the video play!”
“Do I like them?....Maybe...okay totally!” you watched yourself squeal as you threw the pillow you were hugging across the room. “Kyla I wish you were here to see them THEY ARE SO-” you covered your mouth to stop from shouting too loud. “They are so cute and so hot and they wanna be seen with me!...of all people! No I’m not gonna make a move on them.”
“Awww Y/N has a crushy wushy on us!” Stu gushed. “We love you too baby!” Stu abruptly kissed you, right there. You almost forgot Billy was standing there. 
“Woah...” you almost lost balance. 
“Young lady! How dare you-” You father tried to said.
“Oh shut up!” Stu took it upon himself to finish the job. 
Stu wrapped a hand around your dad’s neck and applied pressure, so much to the point where his face went blue within a mere 5 seconds. Stu laughed maniacally, only seeming to tighten his grip while Billy continued to antagonize your mother, laughing in her face while she watched the horror happen with her husband.
“Y/N...why?” your dad choked as he struggled.
“Why not...and while we’re here.” you shrugged. “I killed Hannah.”
You almost forgot Hannah’s parents were in the room, listening to everything go down.
“Oh yeah.” you shrugged. “Bitch had it coming...the better question is what should I do to you two.” you crossed your arms as you thought.
...(Time skip)
“Pretty isn’t it.” You gazed up at the stars. 
“Not as pretty as you.” Billy flirted, using his sleep to wipe your face. As you all sat on the front steps of your porch, ambulances and cop cars lined up the street for many blocked.
“I agree.” Stu wrapped an arm around you waist. “Be honest, how do you feel?”
“I feel free.” you replied, letting out a large sigh. The cops had just finished questioning you. Your story was clear. Your dad lunged at your mom first and Hannah’s parents saw too much...then he accidently tripped and hung himself. Perfect crime. Billy and Stu were walking by when they heard your cries for help and they hopped in.
As to how you three managed to escape unscathed, they got you out of there in time just as he was hanging himself. As for the tapes playing on the T.V...they were watching old videos to find something to ground you for. (Something they usually did anyways.)
“I just don’t know where I’m gonna live now. My aunt lives the next city over and that’s a long drive.”
“Hm...just gonna have to live with us now!” Stu shrugged, we’ll all be like a married couple!
“All...as in-”
“Yes, the three of us.” Billy grabbed your attention. “Lucky you, eh?” He pecked your lips when the officers wasn’t looking just as Stu planted a smooch on the back of your head.
“Young lady.” the officer walked up to you three. “You’re lucky to have escaped them, that psychopath stabbed your mother 27 times...who does that?!”
You paused before you gave your answer. “I guess he was just fed up, officer.” 
Stu tried hard to contain his laughter while Billy coughed into his hand, you all knowingly shared a look.
Yes...fed up indeed.
(So...I guess this slasher stuff might be a regular thing...I kinda like it)
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Hero is young compared to Supervillain. Supervillain can tell Hero is getting depressed and overwhelmed so they send their druggie/fuck up of a son, Villain, to fuck with Hero. Villain gets Hero to drink, smoke pot, etc and they wind up sleeping together which causes Hero to latch onto Villain. Villain doesn't feel here or there about Hero; They'll take the companionship, but they're dealing with their own shit so this is just a way to distract themself.
Request #15
Warning: nsfw, dub-con, alcohol & drug intake, manipulation.
A bit of a more complex one, but fun nonetheless!
Enjoy! [:
Hero heaved out a tired sigh as the thugs they had just stopped a few minutes ago got taken away by the police. They collapsed down into a sitting position, legs hanging off the side of the rooftop they were on. The hero stifled a yawn and rubbed at their sore eyes, dark circles hiding beneath their mask. As they watched the city's artificial lights mix with the moonlight's glow, their mind began to wander to places they did not want to visit but really couldn't stop themself from exploring.
At the same time, on top of a nearby building, two figures cloaked in the darkness observed as Hero got lost in their thoughts.
"Damn, I can't even see their face, and this bitch still looks depressed as fuck." - Villain muttered, their own mind tired but still much more 'collected' than the hero's. Their comment earned them a look from their superior, Supervillain.
"Just go and get the job done." - the older criminal ordered, a dark hint to their voice. The villain silently stood there for a moment before giving them a small shrug and moving towards the rooftop's edge.
"You got it, pops." - they responded in a monotone voice and jumped towards the next building. Villain moved from one rooftop to another, their footsteps silent, undetectable, deadly.
"If only all that skill had gone to someone less pathetic." - the supervillain thought bitterly and then retreated out of sight, disappearing amidst the shadows.
Hero, still unaware of the presence standing right behind them, quietly mumbled to themself, "...Why the hell did I pick this job...?"
"I dunno, 'cause you're a dumbass?" - the villain answered from behind the hero, startling them and nearly making them fall off the edge. They hurriedly got up into a fighting stance, ready to defend themself.
Villain only snorted in amusement, walking to the edge and sitting next to where Hero had been just a moment ago. They patted the ground next to them, inviting the hero to sit, "How's about we talk instead, ay?"
With a small grin, they added, "You look like you could use a break."
Hero, very much convinced this was some sort of trick, continued to stand there, ready for combat. The villain's grin left their face, and they turned their gaze to the city below. "Alright then, guess I'll just do the talking."
"So, like I was saying. You're a dumbass."
"Like, come on, man, you think you can just keep up this little heroic act forever?"
"Yes." - Hero finally answered through gritted teeth.
"Oh! So you can talk after all! You're still lying to yourself, though." - Villain said, a stupid smile on their face that infuriated the other to no end. It upset them because the criminal was right. And Hero hated that fact so much.
Deciding to keep up their lies, the hero responded, "I'm doing perfectly fine, thank you very much."
"Yeah, 'cause sulking all by yourself on a random rooftop in the middle of the night sounds so healthy." - Villain pressed, pissing Hero off even more, their body slowly shaking with anger.
"Ugh! Just what do you want?!" - they exclaimed, glaring at their enemy. They didn't have time for this! They- They didn't want to deal with this... They knew just how miserable they were... they didn't need a reminder...
"I just wanna help ya out." - the villain answered, giving the hero an oddly convincing look. There was pity in their eyes, but also... understanding?
Gah! No, that makes no sense! What could... Villain possibly know...
"You want to... help me...?"
Villain silently looked at them for a moment before their eyes went to the city lights once more. "Everybody needs a break from their own mind's bullshit every once in a while, no?" - They quietly asked.
Hero was unsure of how to respond, doubt creeping into their thoughts. Should they trust them? Perhaps... just one time wouldn't hurt? Before they could answer, however, the villain stood and offered them their hand, catching them off guard again. "Come on. You could use a distraction."
"And so could I..." - Villain thought, as they watched the hero internally battle themself, considering their options. After what felt like an eternity of silence, Hero relaxed their stance and, with a small sigh, slowly approached the villain and took their hand.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"This is where you live?" - Hero questioned, a bit astonished at the state of the apartment the villain had taken them to. While the place was a decent size, it was an absolute mess. Dirty laundry and trash were scattered everywhere; it smelled about as good as it looked.
"Then again... who am I to judge...?" - the hero thought bitterly, remembering that their own home wasn't looking that much better.
"Lovely little place I got, ay?" - Villain responded, dropping themself onto a big gross couch. What were all those stains from exactly? Hero decided they didn't need to nor want to know and sat next to them.
"Uh... yeah. So, what exactly are we here for?" - the hero asked, looking to the villain. The other merely scooted to the edge of the couch and pushed some trash aside, revealing a cooler. They pulled out two beers from it, handing one to their nemesis.
Before Hero could say anything, Villain, seemingly out of nowhere, pulled out a bottle opener and cracked both their drinks open. The villain immediately took a swig while the hero sat there for a moment, staring at their own bottle silently before thinking, "Oh, fuck it." and chugging nearly half of it.
"Ay! There ya go, Hero!" - Villain grinned, giving them a rough but friendly pat on the shoulder. Hero couldn't help but smirk a little themself. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad?
And then Villain pulled out a bag of some questionable powder.
The hero looked at them skeptically, taking another swig of their drink to cool their nerves. Their hesitance didn't go unnoticed by the other, who gave them an even wider grin. "Have you ever tried it?"
"Well.. no..." - Hero answered, the alcohol slowly getting to their system. God, why were they such a lightweight?
"Then don't knock it." - Villain continued, dumping the powder onto the table in front of the two, arranging it into neat little lines. The hero watched intently as the other leaned down and took one of the lines, inhaling it through their nose.
Hero set their beer aside and did their best to copy them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few hours have passed. Both Hero and Villain were now waisted the fuck out of their minds, barely comprehending any of their actions. The two were leaning against each other, blabbering some nonsense that made them giggle.
The villain's hands suddenly found their way to the other's chest, lightly trailing up and down it. "Say, Hero, wanna make this even more fun?"
"How??" - the hero slurred as Villain got up and dragged them along to another room. The two managed to stumble their way into the criminal's bedroom, Hero landing on the bed with the villain right on top of them.
"Oh..." - they started, their hands wandering across their enemy's body seemingly on their own. "Alright." - they said, and Villain dragged them into a sloppy kiss.
Very quickly, both of them freed themself of their clothing, throwing it aside and letting it get lost in the endless sea of trash that was Villain's apartment. Their skin met and felt perfect against one another. Hands were roaming all over, memorizing each other's bodies, finding all the right spots to touch that drew sounds from them.
As their lips parted for air, they both groaned as their hips ground together, the friction rising pleasure in them. Hero wrapped their limbs around the villain's body, holding onto them as they slid into the hero.
Their mouths met again, moans becoming muffled, the sound of the bed creaking in rhythm with Villain's thrusts filled their ears. As their enemy hit the right spot, Hero's fingernails dug into their shoulders, their back arching into them as the other sped up.
It didn't take long for both their breathing to grow unsteady. Their thrusts and movements turning chaotic and sloppy as they neared their orgasms. The villain's name slipping past Hero's lips as their muscles clenched tight and flexed, Villain reaching their own finish in nearly perfect sync with them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Days went by, then weeks, then months. Criminal activity has been on a clear rise, civilians growing fearful and demanding to know why the hero was letting it happen, demanding that they do something, but their 'hero' was long gone now.
All this time, Hero had been meeting up with Villain more and more. They thought it would just be a one-time thing, but it had evolved into so much more. At first, it was just once a week or two... Then once every couple of days... And now...?
Now the hero was glued to the other's hip; they saw them every day, getting waisted beyond belief, getting lost in careless pleasure. People were dying, but Hero didn't care. Villains were winning, but Hero didn't care. They couldn't bring themself to care anymore...
Villain, meanwhile, was doing a bit better than them. They were glad to have a solid distraction for once. It felt nice to have company, to have someone else they could be miserable and ruined with every day of their existence.
Still, outside of that, though, the villain didn't care much. If Hero got hurt, then they could deal with it on their own, and if they died...?
Well, then they died, and Villain would have to find a replacement.
Just like they always did...
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Surprises make everything better! -Brock Boeser
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A/N: This is my favorite writing so far so I hope you like it as much as I do. I actually enjoy writing now so if anyone has any request let me know and I will try my best! Or if you wanna talk about/have questions about any of my writing let me know I would love to chat about it.
Side note: I’m really sorry, I have zero idea how to give credit to the creator of a GIF so if anyone knows how to do that and can help me figure it out that would be much appreciated? Thank ya <3
Summary: Brock canceled your original plans for the summer and you are really upset about it! To make you feel better he sends a surprise to you apartment.
Word count: 1552 words
“Hey bubs” you answered the FaceTime call coming in from your boyfriend. You were sitting on your bed with your laptop open besides you, scrolling through tiktok on your phone before Brock had called.
“Hey, what are you up to?” From the looks of it, Brock was currently in his car driving somewhere.
“I’m suppose to be in class right now but I can’t focus so it’s kinda just playing as background noise at the moment. Whata bout you? Where are you going?” Since your school work is online this semester you find it increasingly difficult to pay attention to your classes and often find yourself FaceTimeing Brock during them.
“Baby your suppose to be paying attention.” He chuckled giving you a look “Anyway, I’m on my way home from practice but I really missed you and wanted to hear your voice” he wasn’t always open about his feelings while you were away at school so hearing him say that made your heart ache a little.
“Awe, I miss you more Brocky. Only a couple more weeks till we get to see each other.” Since the Canucks didn’t find themselves in a playoff spot this season, Brock was going to be done with hockey around the same time your finals were starting.
“Actually baby I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.” His expression changed from happy to serious. “I actually think I’m gonna head straight to Minnesota when the season ends. It’s way too complicated to figure out what I’m going to do with the dogs and I’m also really sick of all the traveling” you were really caught off guard by his words because just last week he was so excited to come and see you.
The original plan was that Brock was going to fly out to NYC, after his season ended, to finally see you and keep you company during finals week. And after, he was going to help you pack up your apartment and drive with you back to your family’s home in Connecticut. Then you would spend a month hanging out with all your friends and family, before flying back to Minnesota for the rest of the summer to do the same with his loved ones.
“Oh” was all you could manage. You were kinda hurt that he didn’t want to put in the extra effort to come and see you, after not being able to see each other in person for almost 4 months.
“I’m sorry bubs, it’s just a lot, but after your finals you can fly straight out to Minnesota, it’ll only be one extra week” now he was starting to irritate you.
“But I wanted us to have time to spend with my family because we always see yo-.... you know what never mind it’s all good” you were trying your best not to sound bitter and to see his side of things but you just couldn’t. “I actually have to go this class is important and I should probably be paying attention, I’ll call you later.”
“Y/n please don’t go, we should talk about this.” Brock tried
“No it’s fine I’m not upset. I’ll talk to you later.” You tried to convince him.
“Alright, I love you please call me later.” He pleaded
“K bye.” And with that you hung up. It was actually the first time you hung up without saying you loved him back. You obviously still loved him but you were so upset with him, the words just couldn’t come out. Now you felt guilty about it, what if something happened and the last thing you said to him was ‘k bye’. Before you could get lost in your thoughts though, a text came through.
Brockstar 💫:
You didn’t say it back 😔
Y/n/n 🍑:
I love you
Brockstar 💫:
Do you mean it? 🤔
Y/n/n 🍑:
More than anything
Brockstar 💫:
Good cause same.
You were happy he noticed and wasn’t afraid to say something to you about it. It made you feel like your love was wanted and needed. But even with that, you were still very upset with him.
Y/n/n 🍑:
Have a safe flight buddy, I love you 💕
Brockstar 💫:
Call me buddy one more time...
Y/n/n 🍑:
Or what?... buddy
Brockstar 💫:
😐 you are impossible
Love you I’ll text you when I land... Good luck on your final today your gonna crush it I know you got big brains
Y/n/n 🍑:
Thanks buddy
Brockstar 💫:
Uggggg 🙄
Today Brock was flying back to Minnesota and you were starting you rigorous final schedule. Although you were still a little sad that he wasn’t coming to see you, you understood that he just wanted to get home after the season, so you were trying not to hold it against him too much.
You continued on with your day, continuing to prepare for your final that started at 1:00pm. You were definitely ready to get it over with. This one was the toughest of your finals and you were glad it was your first.
1:00pm came faster than expected and before you knew it your were starting your final. It was actually going a lot better than expected and you were on track to finish an hour early, not taking up the full 4 hours.
When you finally finished, you took a giant breathe of relief. You sat down on your couch and thought about what you wanted to eat for dinner that night, you had skipped lunch so you were starving.
You were soon pulled from your thoughts by a knocking on your apartment door. You went to look through the peep hole and saw a man walking away. You waited until he was most of the way down your hall to open the door and peek out. There was a beautiful edible arrangement sitting on the ground with a note attached.
You quickly picked it up and brought it into your apartment, closing the door behind you. You placed it on your kitchen island and took your phone out to take a picture before digging in. You grab the note first and read it out loud to yourself.
I’m sorry I’m the worst boyfriend on planet earth, so I hope this makes up for it or at least makes you feel a little better. I know it’s your favorite so if you don’t feel better, than I know I really messed up this time.
Hopefully still the love of your life,
Y/n/n 🍑:
You will obviously always be the love of my life no matter what you do.... thanks babe it actually did make me feel better
Brockstar 💫:
Shit it came already? I didn’t want it to get there till after your final! I’m sorry if you were interrupted😬
Y/n/n 🍑:
I finished my final an hour early! It came at the perfect time.
Brockstar 💫:
Ok good 😅
Y/n/n 🍑:
Thanks bubs I love you 💕
Brockstar 💫:
Love you too
You started to pick at the basket but had to stop yourself so you wouldn’t over eat before dinner. While trying to figure out what you were in the mood for you heard another knock at your door.
You rolled your eyes because this was the second time you were interrupted while trying to figure out what you were going to eat for dinner. Before you got to the door the person knocked again so you forewent looking out the peephole and just swung the door opened, slightly agitated but the impatience of whoever was at your door.
When the door fully opened you were met with Brock standing in front of you with all his luggage and holding your favorite flowers.
“Hi!” He smiled as the words left his mouth. You automatically started sobbing because you were so happy to see him. You put your arms around his neck locking him into a hug, accidentally smushing the flowers a little in the process.
“What are you doing here?” You cried into his neck.
“You didn’t actually think I would fuck up our entire summer plans did you?” He chuckled as he placed the flowers on top of his suit case so he could properly hug you back.
“Uggggg why would you do that to me? I was so sad.” You said still gripping him as hard as you could, afraid to let go.
“I’m sorry baby, I thought a surprise would be more fun.” You giggled into his neck.
“Yeah so much fun” you said sarcastically “I’m just glad you’re here.” You said pulling away to give him a kiss.
“Me too” after pecking his lips another time, you helped him bring his bags inside. You didn’t have plans for the night but you were starving so he suggested getting takeout and bringing it back to the apartment.
You agreed because you were drained from your exam and weren’t in the mood to dress up and go out. You also wanted to spend as much time in Brocks arms as humanly possible and being in the privacy of your apartment would allow for that.
You spent the rest of your night between the sheets making up for the 4 months you lost. You still couldn’t believe that he was actually with you in your apartment but you cherished every moment of it.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Persistent (Request)
Marvel cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst-ish, fluff
Request Description: Hellooo! Could you write a all the marvel cast men x teen! reader? Like they all go out to eat and hangout at a mall or something and when she goes in the women’s part of a store while they are all on the men’s side, some creepy dude keeps on hitting on her and like after she tries to politely decline his attempts and stuff rdj and the rest are like nuh uh this ain’t happening lol
Warnings: language, hints at smexual stuff, harassment, persistent asshole 
(A/N): this story includes anthony mackie, winston duke, sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr and mark ruffalo. im sorry i didnt include alllll of the marvel dudes, but i just find it hard to cram them all into one fic :((( ALSO sorry if the ending is shitty hgssghsgsh
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“You don’t have to bring me with you.”
“It’s too late, we’re bringing you.”
“Y/n, you are not spending your birthday alone!” 
You and Anthony were bickering like always. There was a short break in filming the next marvel movie, and while many people, including you, were planning on going home for the week, Sebastian, Anthony, Winston, Chris and Tom and arranged a ‘guys night out’, if you will. 
You were going to enjoy your birthday that day with your family, but a couple of days before your family had cancelled, because of exams and overloading work. They promised you’d celebrate some other day, but you were still bummed out.
Anyway, Anthony had somehow reluctantly made you admit that you were celebrating alone, and had decided to instead drag you with him and the guys to their ‘night out’. 
“I don’t wanna come and just be a bother to everyone,” you mumbled. Anthony sighed and looked at you. He then diverted his eyes back to the road. 
“You’re not bothering anyone, N/n.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to cancel your plans to the strip club or whatever you were gonna do!” You stressed. Anthony gasped like a TV mean girl.
“Did you really think we were gonna go to a strip club? Y/n, that’s private business, you don’t do that with your guys.” 
“Well, what then?” 
The mall, apparently. 
You and Anthony both stood with your necks craned to look at the proud and boasting sign, ‘mall of America’. He’d shut up after your question and just parked the car, leading you to stand exactly there, in front of that famous mall. 
“You’re gonna go shopping?” you looked at him. 
“Yeah, and what about it?” 
Before you could start another argument with Anthony, you heard a familiar ‘hey!’ and snapped your head in the direction of the caller. Winston, Sebastian, Chris, Robert and Mark were all gathered together, seemingly waiting for you two. 
“Hey, there you are! We were waiting for you,” Chris said with his usual big, dorky smile on his lips. Him and Anthony hugged and then he pulled back to look at you. 
“Y/n, you okay with spending your birthday with us?” 
“Whatever, man,” was all you could say, making the group burst into laughter. 
You would never admit it to Anthony, or any of the others for that matter, but it was actually a lot of fun. You went into many stores for no apparent reason. The guys bought and helped you make a Build-A-Bear, which you named Svenbjorn, and he had a little detective suit and a little bag. 
You ate at a Denny’s, where Mark unfortunately, but rather predictably, spilled maple syrup on himself. Then you looked around stores for fancy suits and clothes and gifts for their loved ones. Your mood was brightened, and the guys sure didn’t seem to be displeased that you were there. 
“Let’s go in here real quick,” Sebastian had said, and everyone walked with him into the clothing store. You hadn’t actually bought anything that day, so you decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit.
“I’m gonna go to the women’s section,” you said, pointing to the area at the other end of the store. 
“Sure,” Robert waved you off, as him and the others crowded around a blue suit. You rolled your eyes and bounded off to the women’s area. 
Your eyes found a pretty yellow shirt hanging on a rack near the back. You quickly made your way to it, standing and admiring it, checking the fabric and the price. 
“Hey, babygirl,” a cocky voice sounded beside you. You turned your head to see a boy around your age, an ugly smirk on his lips. His words almost made you vomit the Denny’s pancakes you’d just eaten, but you shook off the feeling. 
“Uh, hey,” you mumbled, turning back to the shirt. Now you fiddled with it nervously. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, huh?” his voice was strangely predatory, something about it just didn’t sit right with you. It made you feel alerted and uncomfortable. 
“Looking at shirts..”
“I bet you’d look good in this one,” he said. You didn’t have to look to know he’d found some sheer-ass, see through, titty exposer. You did however peep, and, yes.. You were right. 
“Look, I’m not interested,” you sighed. 
“That’s too bad, girlie, I could make you feel real good.”
You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Your fingers gave up their grasp on the shirt, deciding that it would be best to just get out of there. The sound of your boots hitting the shiny floor sounded, as you began padding away.
“Hey, wait, where are you going?” you heard him walking behind you, the action of persistence making your heartbeat speed up. You were now panicking.
“Hey! Why are you following her?” you breathed out in relief. Winston was standing not too far away, Sebastian and Anthony behind him. He had lowered his voice to sound more threatening, which you normally would laugh at, but considering the situation, you were pretty relieved he did it. 
All the three men looked pretty damn angry. You didn’t know how much of the conversation they’d heard, but obviously enough. Hearing another set of boots, you snapped your head to see Chris, Mark and Robert jogging towards the scene. You made eye contact with Chris, who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
The boy was now looking at the six angry and buff men, swallowing fearfully. He was shaking and surely starting to sweat. You smirked. Asshole. You walked over to stand between Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” they both murmured, searching your eyes worriedly. The fact that they were so protective of you made you smile a bit. Although, the thought that you needed several men with you to the mall to protect you kind of sucked.
“I’m alright,” you said. Meanwhile, Winston, Anthony and Robert were approaching the kid with disapproving looks. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you to respect women? Huh?”
“What’s your issue, kid? You had such a big mouth just a moment ago?”
“Don’t ever talk to any woman like that ever again, you hear me?” 
They didn’t even touch him, just the anger and seriousness in their voices and on their faces was enough to get the message into the kids head. He nodded, breath shaking. Then, he dashed off between Winston and Anthony, running out of the store, like a dog with its tail between its hind legs. 
When the other three turned back to you, they were still angry. 
“I can’t believe him! I can’t believe that asshole!” Anthony muttered, disbelief ridden in his voice. Winston had grown softer, looking down at you in concern. 
“Are you okay, N/n? He didn’t touch you, did he?” You could tell he was actually worried. 
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s okay, guys, it really wasn’t that serious,” you explained, wanting them to calm down. You couldn’t be the reason why their ‘guys night’ was ruined.
“Not that serious? Y/n, he wasn’t backing off when you told him to!” Robert seemed even angrier that you were denying the severity of the issue. You just shrugged.
“This kind of stuff happens all the time, this time I just had you guys with me,” you explained. By the looks on their faces, that wasn’t the most reassuring answer. In fact, even Chris and Sebastian and Mark (the sweetest human being ever, theoretically incapable of feeling anger) were angry now, scoffing. 
“That’s not- That’s-” Chris put his hands on his hips like an angry mom. Sebastian squeezed your shoulder, making you look at him, to see his jaw clenched. 
“Y/n, if that ever happens to you, no matter how big or small, just call us, please,” Anthony said, eyes catching yours to express how serious he was. You nodded. “I mean that shit.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll call you.” 
There was a moment of silence where everyone just basked in their anger, before Mark spoke up. 
“Hey, how about we just continue as planned and go watch a movie at the cinema?” 
Reluctantly, everyone started walking to the cinema. You noticed how your walking formation had changed, almost caging you in, protecting you. Although you, Mark and Winston kept a pretty solid conversation, you couldn’t help but overhear the other’s talking about how angry they still were. Of course, they had every right to. 
The night turned out alright again, as they slowly shook off their anger. The movie was great, and it created something new to talk about other than the ‘disrespectful little shit from earlier’. 
When Anthony drove you both back to the hotel you were both staying at, he had another serious conversation with you. He talked about staying safe and keeping a backup weapon and such.
He wasn’t usually serious, so you listened carefully. You were thankful that they had been there that day. So were they. And from that day on they all were a little bit more protective with you - whether it was in interviews or just in daily life - they kept you close and was always slightly suspicious of anyone talking to you. 
It meant a lot to you, and you thanked them, both for their protection, for an awesome birthday, and for one bitchin’ build-a-bear :)
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun
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laudthingcat · 3 years
Haikyuu boys spending a rainy day with you
Characters: Bokuto, Kenma, Oikawa, Atsumu, Sakusa
Warning: suggestive content here and there
a/n: It’s been raining here all day so I decided to write this 🥰
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Rainy day? No problem. There’s tons of fun things to do inside the house.
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The two of you were supposed to go camping today
But it’s been raining since last night
This baby knows you’re as disappointed as he is, since he was looking forward to this as well
But it’s big brain time
Who says you can’t have a nice tent inside the house?
Without wasting another moment he will take every pillow and blanket he sees and place them all in the living room
“Babe. Come give me a hand”
You will make your way to the living room and widen your eyes seeing the mess
“What are you doing..?”
“We’re gonna camp here tonight m’lady”
A big smile appears on your face as you start helping
Using a few chairs, clams and heavy books to stabilize everything, it will take only a few minutes to get it done
The end result was more than satisfactory so you hugged him tight
Before he realized you did, you already let go and left for some snacks
“I’ll get us some snacks, you find something to watch”
Say no more
Back at the fort, the two of you will get comfy
Arms around each other, your head resting on his chest~
It didn’t take long for this to become a make out session
Netflix and chill huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A rainy day isn’t much different when with Kenma
Since you don’t go out much anyways
This time tho he will notice you feeling kinda blue
This angel pays attention to how you’re feeling all the time
He will ask you what’s wrong and when you say that it’s probably because of the weather he will chuckle
He will pull you into a hug
“Wanna play something? Together?”
You will nod your head and follow him to the living room
He’s always so caring. Such a sweet boyfriend
Reaching the living room, you will play some multiplayer games
He will let you win a couple times so that you don’t lose interest or feel bad
How is he so good at this, like ???
Since it’s been raining all day, the sky has been quite dark
Which of course made you feel sleepy
You’ve been asleep for a while now
In the meantime, Oikawa, our lover boi, decided to surprise you
What can be more surprising than a romantic dinner, right?
He was surprisingly good in the kitchen too
Is this man good at everything?
Yes. Yes he is.
When he was done cooking and arranging the table, he slowly opened your bedroom door
“Sweetheart, wake up~~”
You didn’t wake up immediately
But when you felt a pair of lips on top of yours..
Your eyes flew open
First thing you saw? His loving smile. The second one? His “Kiss the Chef” apron
That woke you up and got you out of bed
Taking you hand, he led you towards the dining room where a gorgeously decorated table awaited
“You made all these?”
“You love it, don’t you?”
Well you couldn’t hide it even if you tried. You were impressed.
The food looked delicious and in the middle of the table a vase with your favorite flowers was nicely placed
“But, what’s the occasion?”
“Do I need a reason to prepare a nice dinner for my love?”
There it goes again. His perfect smile
It’s understandable that every girl fell for him
But you were the lucky one
Well well, the rules say you need to repay the chef and do just as it’s said on the apron
Rainy days are the worse since the two of you love hanging out around the town
But that doesn’t mean the day is going to be boring
Surfing the web for ideas, you could see a devilish smile appear on Atsumu’s face
He didn’t say anything, but he left and returned with a pack of cards
“Let’s play cards. Each turn, whoever loses has to take off a piece of their clothes”
“Woh there cowboy. How do I know you won’t cheat as you always do?”
Placing his hand over his heart, he faked a heartbreak
“How can you say such thing? This time it wouldn’t be fun if you’re the only one getting undressed. I wanna strip for my lady ;)“
Now, this was fun indeed
You lost many times..
But so did he :>
Well, with both of you being almost naked, he got up from his place and picked you up
The destination: your shared bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A rainy day is a perfect day to laze around
Or so you thought
Your boyfriend decided that a rainy day was the perfect day to clean around the house
Since he was usually busy training you thought you could just spend some time together
“But we can do that. Tiding this place up. Together”
That.. wasn’t exactly what you meant
But oh well
He was so serious while cleaning
Didn’t take one break (you on the other hand, took at least 5)
Eventually you two were done
But you were disappointed
That wasn’t exactly what you had in mind all day
As if he could read your mind, he took a sit on the couch, next to you
“All good?”
As response you just let out a big sigh
“What’s the matter?”
Then you decided to look him in the eye
“I had to get through this day uncuddled..”
As response he just laughed hearing you say that, pulling you into a hug
“It’s not funny..”
“Yes it is. But now, let me repay you for your hard work. So that you won’t feel uncuddled anymore”
You could feel his teasing voice, but that didn’t matter anymore now that you were getting your cuddles~
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atlafan · 4 years
Wrecked - One Shot
a/n: this is slightly inspired by the wilds because I watched that recently, but it’s in no way as messed up or sad. psychologist/therapist!Harry is detective Nikki Reese’s ex’s best friend. They end up on the same cruise, and the two end up going overboard due to a freak hurricane. What happens while they’re stranded? Well, you’ll have to read to find out! Feedback and reblogs are super helpful! I really want to know what you all think of this one!!! (not proofread) You can support me here if you’re able!
Warnings: a lot of angst, a little fluff, and some smut. TW: trauma/dealing with trauma (Nikki is an SVU detective, so some things of that nature are brought up, but not in graphic detail)
Words: 14K
Pairing: Harry x OC
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It was supposed to be a cruise, a ten-day cruise around the Caribbean to help clear her head. Well, it was originally an engagement present to herself and her ex, but since they were now broken up, it was to help clear her head. Nikki never would have thought she would end up in this situation, and especially not with someone she hated just as much as her ex…his best friend. As she lays under the stars for yet another night, she can’t help but think back to how she got herself into this mess in the first place.
She was packed and ready to go, excited even. Nikki had never gone on a cruise before, and she was looking forward to meeting some new people. She was never one to be nervous to go to things alone, she knew how to take care of herself and keep herself safe. She had grown up as the mom friend, so her purse was always stalked with essentials. She had one of those ones that was like a little backpack.
Nikki got to the docks a little later than she was hoping, but there was nothing she could do about getting stuck in traffic. She gets out of her cab in her white sundress, large sunhat, and sunglasses, and rolls her suitcase up the pathway to the boat. There was a bit of a line, but she didn’t mind. For the next ten days, she had all the time in the world.
There was a large area for her to check in at, and get her room key. She was surprised she wouldn’t be able to do it over her phone, but she knew that once they set sail the WIFI may not be as strong in certain places. She brought a spare lanyard to stick it on and everything.
“Hello, Miss.” The woman at the table smiles.
“Hello, I’m Nicole Reese.” Nikki smile.
The woman nods and looks her up in the system. She takes out two room keys and hands them to Nikki, along with a couple of pamphlets that were full of activity options, and where the boat would be stopping.
“Here you are, Miss Reese. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. It’s going to be an excellent cruise. Your other party has already checked in.”
“My who?” Nikki’s heart stops.
“There’s two of you signed up for this suite. A nice gentleman checked in about twenty minutes ago.” She taps a few times on the keyboard. “A Mr. Harry Styles.” The woman smiles. “Has there been a mix up?”
“Nope.” Nikki swallows. “Everything’s fine.”
Nikki quickly makes her way to her room. The ship was pretty easy to navigate. She was enraged. Had Kyle sent Harry in his place? Why the fuck was Harry even there? Did he suddenly acquire time off from work? She scans her key card, and enters the suite.
“Jesus, fuck!” Harry shouts. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?!”
“Kyle sold me his ticket…he…he didn’t think you’d still go.” His face falls. “Why did you?”
“Because I paid for my own fucking ticket, and I wasn’t going to let him ruin my trip! I planned the god damn thing, I should get to enjoy it. You need to leave before the ship does.”
“Sorry, I paid to be here too, I’m staying.”
“Don’t be a prick, Harry.”
“M’not trying to be. I got the time off last minute, I need a vacation just like anyone else.”
“And you came here alone?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Thought it would be nice to meet some new people…apparently you thought the same. Unless…oh no, did Alex come with you?” He groans.
“No, she’s not with me.” Nikki rolls her eyes. She knew it was useless to argue with Harry. “That couch should be a pullout, you can sleep on it.”
“But I’ve already started to unpack in the bedroom…you know I have a bad back, Nikki, come on.” He follows her into the bedroom. “It’s a king sixed bed, we can just share. I’ll even make a pillow divider if that makes you more comfortable.”
“I am not sharing a bed with my ex fiance’s best friend!” She looks around. “It’s bad enough we have to share a fucking bathroom.”
“Look, if I thought this boat would have any extra room, I’d go ask for one, but the woman at the desk said it was a fully booked cruise.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I know this isn’t an ideal situation…but think of this way, it’s nice to know at least one person here, right?”
“Wrong.” She shakes her head. “I came here so I could have some time to just not be reminded of Kyle for one fucking second! Now with you here…I’m gonna be reminded of him every single fucking day.” She blinks away a few tears. “You probably think I’m being stupid since it’s been three whole months since we ended things, but-“
“I don’t think it’s stupid…you two were together for three years, that’s a long time to be with someone.”
Nikki nods, and then sighs heavily.
“I think they’re going to make the safety announcements soon. Uh, let’s back out to the main deck, yeah? We can figure all of the sleeping arrangements out later.”
The two silently head up to the main deck and listen to all of the announcements on how to stay safe, and other things they might need to know. There were a lot of passengers all around them. Nikki was hoping to have some type o rebound while on this trip. How the fuck was she supposed to bring someone back to her room with Harry there? Maybe he was thinking the same thing. His cruise could have easily just been ruined like hers.
“Have you told him I’m here?” She asks him as they move towards the railing to watch the boat take off.
“No.” Harry says. “My phone’s on airplane mode, I’m trying to unplug while I’m here. It’s really none of his business, Nikki.”
“That, or you just don’t want him asking questions.” She scoffs.
“Either way, I haven’t told him, and I’m not going to, okay? You can relax.”
“No, I can’t.”
“Because the suite I thought I was going to have to myself has been infiltrated by a six foot, curly headed, no good moron!”
“Hey! I’m not the one who cheated on you, okay?! Don’t take it out on me. Maybe you should have been a better partner to him and he wouldn’t have felt the need to stray.”
“Fuck you, Harry.” Nikki huffs, and walks away from him.
He knew he shouldn’t have said that, but she shouldn’t have called him a moron. That was the problem with Nikki, she thought she was smarter than everyone else, but you don’t get to become an SVU detective by being stupid. It wasn’t her fault that her work was a 24-hour job. She was lucky she even had the time off for this. All activities on the boat were all inclusive, and she wasn’t going to waste it. When she gets back to the room, she starts to unpack so she can freshen up. Harry comes in shortly after. She was just getting out of the bathroom.
“Nikki, look, I-“
“The pillow divider should be fine…I’d feel bad if you hurt your back.”
“Are you serious?”
“We’re both adults, think we can share a bed without it getting weird. You were right before…it’s good to know at least one other person.”
“Nikki, I’m sorry about what I said before.”
“Don’t be. You were absolutely right. I drove him to it.”
She knew how to play the game and keep the peace with someone. It would be easier to play nice with Harry so she could enjoy her trip than it would be to fight with him the entire time. And he was right about one thing, he wasn’t the one she was truly mad at. A little resentful maybe, but she wasn’t mad at Harry.
“Do you…wanna head down to the bar?” He asks her.
“Yeah.” She smiles. “That sounds good.”
Nikki doesn’t stay with Harry for long. She finds herself talking to a cute guy that was seated next to her. Harry didn’t mind because he was talking to some other folks as well. Nikki has dinner with the cute guy, and eventually goes back to his room with him. She has her fun and goes back to her own room. Harry was there, just getting out of the shower, his towel hanging low on her hips.
“Hi.” Nikki says, blushing. “Are you done in there?”
“Yeah, it’s all yours.”
“I…I talk in my sleep sometimes…and sometimes I…punch.”
“Yeah, I have, like, bad dreams because of work.”
“Oh…well, thanks for the warning. I’m sorry that happens to you.”
“I’ve learned to live with it.” She grabs something to wear to bed before going into the bathroom. She takes a shower, and then comes out. She smirks when she sees the pillows in the middle of the bed. “Thanks.”
“It’s the least I could do since I ruined your vacation.”
“You didn’t know I was coming.” She gets into the bed and turns the light off. “Just like how I didn’t know you were coming. I had a bad reaction before.” She sighs as she gets comfortable. “Nice bed.”
“Yeah, better than a hotel. Well…goodnight, Nik.”
“Night, Har.”
Harry was rustled awake around four in the morning. He looks over his shoulder and sees Nikki thrashing around. He sits up immediately and moves the pillows out of the way. She was drenched in sweat, so he rips the blankets back. She was gritting her teeth and kicking her legs.
“Nikki!” Harry grabs her shoulders to try to wake her up. “Nicole!” He straddles her hips to try to still her body. She was really strong. Her eyes burst open and she gasps for breath.
“What are you doing?!”
“You were having a bad dream!” He strokes her cheek, and moves her matted hair away from her face. Her breathing calms eventually and he gets off of her. “Do you want me to get you some water?”
“Please.” She sits up. Harry jumps out of bed and goes to fill up a glass. He comes back quickly and hands it to her, sitting on her side of the bed. She takes slow sips. “Thanks.”
“That looked pretty scary…do you remember what your dream was about?”
“Um, yeah, but I don’t want to scare you. I can’t really talk about cases.”
“If you need someone to talk to, I don’t-“
“It’s fine, Harry.” She snaps.
“Is…is this why you and Kyle never moved in together? Because you get these night terrors?”
“That…among other things. I don’t want to talk about him right now. I’m sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t be.” He puts his hand on her leg, giving her a squeeze. “Why don’t I put the TV on, hm? We can just relax for a bit, and-“
“Harry, fuck, I don’t need you to be my shrink!”
“I’m not trying to be! Jesus, you cops all think seeing a therapist makes you weak, but it’s actually the strongest fucking thing you can do.” He huffs. “I’m turning the TV on so I can get back to sleep. I need the white noise.”
He grabs the remote off the dresser and turns the TV on. He flips around the stations until he finds MTV.
“MTV?” Nikki asks.
“They show music videos early in the morning. It’s what the whole fucking station was created for in the first place.” He puts the volume on low, and gets back into bed. Neither of them bother putting the pillow barriers back.
“You don’t understand the stigma. If we see psychologists…they think we can’t do our jobs properly.”
“So you just suffer in silence? Must be fucking terrifying to have nightmares so often.”
“It’s my problem, not yours.”
“But it doesn’t have to be a problem, there are a lot of things you can do to-“
“Harry, please just drop it.” She turns away from him, sinking back into the mattress, and pulling the blankets back onto herself. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
They barely speak for the next couple of days, which sucks because the first couple of days are just spent on the boat until they reach the Caribbean islands. Their first stop would be in Florida, and Nikki couldn’t wait to get off the boat and explore where they were getting off at.
“Hey, uh…do you think we could grab breakfast together this morning?” Harry asks her just as she was packing her bag for the day.
“Sure.” She sighs.
He nods, gets his own backpack together, and they head to the breakfast buffet. They both had started to make other friends, but Harry thought it might be nice to explore the Florida coast with her. Luckily, Nikki hadn’t had any more night terrors since that first night. Her head was really starting to feel clearer. They’re quiet at the table they choose to sit at. Harry sighs heavily as he sips his orange juice. He notices Nikki stuffing a few apples into her bag.
“What are you doing?” He asks her.
“We’re going to be out all day today, I wanted to make sure I had snacks.”
“You need three apples?”
“For someone else…if they need one.” She mutters. “I just like being prepared, I can’t help it.”
“Well, I suppose if I get hungry later, I’ll be thankful.”
“Oh, are we wandering around together today?” She raises her eyebrows, and takes a bite of her bagel.
“I was hoping so. I don’t like that we’ve barely spoken these last couple of days. We’re friends, Nikki, why can’t we act like it?”
“I stopped being friends with you the day I found out Kyle was fucking cheating on me.” She stands up and storms off. Harry groans, but follows her. It had gotten increasingly windy out, normal stormy morning in Florida. Although, it had started to drizzle. “Stop following me, Harry!”
“No!” He grabs her wrist. They were outside on one of the lower decks. Not many people were outside due to the weather. “I didn’t know, okay?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I didn’t know Kyle was cheating on you!”
“How could you not have known, you’re his fucking roommate! And apparently, it was going on for over six months!”
“He never brought her home! Any girl that he brought over was you, and any time he was gone for the night I just assumed he was with you…if I had known…” He steps closer to her. “I would have confronted him, and told him to cut it out. I would never condone something like that.”
“But you’re still friends with him! You just sat in your room while we were fighting!”
“I’ve been friends with him since uni! I was confused, I thought it’d be better to be on his side and keep the peace. I yelled at him afterwards. I told him he was an asshole for proposing to you while having someone else on the side. And I don’t live with him anymore, alright? I moved out a month ago, got my own place. We’re still friends, yeah, but I…I couldn’t look at him every day knowing what he did to you.” He puts his hand on her shoulder. “I always liked you, Nikki. From the second he started bringing you around, I thought he hit the jack pot, and he fucked it up.”
“He told me I drove him to it. That I wasn’t around enough, that I wasn’t giving him what he needed, but he didn’t feel like he could break it off because we already invested so much time. The fact that it was with his co-worker, someone I never even really trusted.” Nikki scoffs. “I’m glad we weren’t living together, sort of made things easier.” She looks down. “I can’t help that my job keeps me busy, and that I’m not always up to fucking my boyfriend after dealing with a sexual assault case.” She looks back up at him.
“I get it.” He sighs, and grips the railing. “Somedays I come home after a rough session with a patient…like, you know when it’s so bad that when you drive home in silence and go the speed limit?” She nods at him. “It sucks sometimes…being someone that makes other people’s lives easier.”
“Right, because telling a worried mother that her child was found dead and buried in the woods totally makes things easier.” She rolls her eyes.
“That mother gets closure at least. She knows where her kid was and what happened. It helps with the grieving process.” He looks at her again. “You know I work with a lot of victims and survivors, right? I’m not out prescribing anti-depressants to a bunch of rich fucks.”
“I guess I forgot about that.” She furrows her brows at him. “You really didn’t know he was cheating on me?”
“Nikki, I swear, I had no idea.”
Just as she was about to say something else, the wind had picked up. Everything happened really fast from there. Sirens had started to go off, a hurricane was whipping up the coast. It wasn’t supposed to, it was supposed to travel out east, but it didn’t. Harry and Nikki had grabbed onto one another, but it wasn’t enough to stay grounded. They both got flipped over the side of the boat. Nikki had just grabbed at one of the life boats that was attached to the side in time. She pulled the tag, it inflated, and they landed in the water. They were dragged under at first, trying desperately to hang onto the raft. Nikki wasn’t sure how much longer she could hang on for, though. Everything around her started to fade. All she could see was her hand grasping around the rope of the raft before everything black.
Nikki’s eyes fluttered open when she felt water splashing on her face. She sits up slowly when she realizes she was drifting along the shoreline. She stands up and tries to figure out her surroundings. She remembered the storm, but she could have been blown all the way to Cuba. She looks to her left and sees the orange raft. Her backpack was next to it, thank god. She stands up slowly and goes over to the raft to flip it over. She steps back when she sees Harry laying there.
“Fuck.” She breathes and kneels down next to him. She almost forgot he was swept away with her. She checks his pulse first, he’s alive. She starts performing CPR, just the chest compressions. Before long he’s coughing up water. “Oh, thank god.”
“What…what happened?” He sits up slowly.
“We got…blown off the boat, I think. There was a big storm that wasn’t properly forecasted. I wonder if anyone else got thrown off like we did.” She looks around, but doesn’t see anyone else. “I have no idea where we are.” She opens her backpack. Everything was wet, but still useful. “My phone’s fully charges and working.”
“I have one of those waterproof cases.” She squints at it, raising it up. “No signal.” She digs through her bag and finds a small baggie.
“What’s that?”
“Personal hot spot.” She turns it on and connects her phone. “The signal’s weak, but it’s there.” She stands up and starts walking around. “Map app won’t work.” She groans. “Fuck, I just wanna know where we are!”
“Try calling the ship director, I bet they’re taking attendance for safety measures.”
“Do you happen to know what that number is?”
“Well, neither do I. Let me call my partner. The WIFI calling should work.” She taps the number and puts the phone on speaker.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation?”
“Dan! Thank god you answered.”
“Woah, Reese, what’s wrong?”
“There was a freak storm down in Florida…I got thrown off the boat. I just woke up ashore somewhere, but I have no idea where…could be an island off the coast, or we could be in another part of Florida.”
“Can you try sending me your location?”
“The map app won’t work…”
“But you might be able to send your location over iMessage. Are you alone?”
“No…a man named Harry Styles got thrown over with me. He’s a friend of Kyle’s.”
“There are worse people to be stranded with.” She smirks at Harry.
“Are either of you hurt?”
“I’m a little achy, but nothing’s sprained or broken. Harry, are you alright?”
“Yeah, m’fine.” He says as he stands up.
“Alright, I’ve got your location…shit.”
“Dan.” She sighs. “Where the fuck are we?”
“How the fuck did we end up in Cuba?!” She shouts. “The ferry here would be an overnight trip for fuck sake.”
“Don’t know. I’m looking into it now and it looks like a pretty powerful hurricane swept you guys away. It’s like it chewed you up and spit you out. You’re lucky to be alive. I have the name of the cruise ship, since you left me the contact info, I’ll alert them right away. I’m sure they’re taking stock of who might be missing. I’ll have to get special clearance to get you out of there. It could take a few days. Do you have any supplies?”
“Yeah, I’ve got my mini water purifier, and a couple of bottles, some fruit and granola bars…basic essentials.”
“Okay, stay where you are, try to make a shelter in case more rain comes. Don’t use your phone at all unless I call you. I don’t want your battery running out. I’ll get you out of there, Nik.”
“Thank you, Dan. You’re amazing.”
“I’m sorry your vacation got ruined. I’m sure Captain will give you an extended leave.”
“I’m not worried about that right now. It’ll be dark in a few hours and we need to get to building a shelter like you said. Keep me updated.”
“Will do, stay safe.”
Nikki hangs up the phone and looks around.
“What are you looking for?”
“Drift wood. We can use some and the raft to make a little shelter to huddle under. We also need to make a fire to stay warm. If we’re going to be out here for a few days, we need to think smart.”
“What if there are wild animals running around, or-“
“Harry.” She puts her hands on his shoulders. “I know this is really scary, but you can’t freak out, okay? Did you ever read Hatchet growing up?”
“Okay, so, that little boy got stranded in a fucking forest in Canada…in winter! We’re at least on a warm beach. We can still wash up, and I have a mini water purifier. We’ll be okay. I just need you to not freak out. I’ll need your help.”
“Okay, but after we’re rescued you better let me freak out as much as I want.”
“Deal.” She sighs and goes to her backpack. “Here, put on some sunscreen.” She hands him the sprayable can.
“What are you, the fucking grandmother from Halloween Town? Is that a bottomless bag?” He chuckles as he sprays himself with the lotion.
“No, but I’m a detective that helps people that go missing, so I’ve learned some things along the way. I never leave my house without a stocked bag.”
The two work together to move the raft back so it wasn’t near the water. They’re able to find some wood sturdy enough to prop it up for a small shelter. Next, they work on making a fire. Luckily, Nikki’s lighter was still working. Harry was able to keep things going as she checked their supplies.
“We’ll have to ration a bit. Apples are high in carbs, so they should keep us full enough. I’ve got two bottles of water in here. Once we finish them we can use the purifier. I even have two travel toothbrushes and toothpaste in here.” She smiles. “I have deodorant too, but no soap, sorry. We’ll just have to use the salt water to keep us clean.” She furrows her brows as she keeps looking at everything. “I have granola bars as well. Ugh, thank god I had my period last week. I’d be pissed if I had to deal with that too.” She takes out a couple of tampons. “Besides, these’ll be great fire starters.”
“I guess things could be a lot worse.” He sighs and sits next to her once the fire is good to go. “We’ll probably have to take turns watching it, huh?”
“Most likely.” She starts laughing.
“What could possibly be funny?” He asks.
“Nothing, just…wouldn’t it be hilarious if we were just in some rich family’s backyard?” She looks behind them. “I know we’re not, but it would be funny.”
“Yeah.” He smirks. “Well, now that most of the excitement is over, I’m gonna go take a leak.”
“Hey, if you shit, make sure you dig a hole first and cover it. We don’t need to attract animals.”
“Not that I have to do that right now, but you don’t have toilet paper in there do you?”
“I have a packet of tissues, but they need to dry out a bit. Got pads too, those could work…but I may hog them since I have more areas to wipe than you do.”
“Fair enough. Suppose I could use some leaves if need be. I’ll be right back.” He disappears into a discrete area so he can wee, and then comes back to find her rubbing lotion onto her bare arms and legs.
“I’m really glad I wore shorts today and not a dress.” He sits down next to her. “Don’t worry about your luggage back on the ship, either, Dan will make sure everything will get back to us.” She takes out a gun from her bag.
“Holy shit.” He flinches.
“Relax, it’s a flare gun. I’m saving it to use for when they come for us. No use in using it now. I don’t really feel like getting thrown into a Cuban prison.”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly on my bucket list.” Harry chuckles. “What did you do to the water bottles?”
“Oh, I used a marker to mark off how much we should drink at a time to conserve it.”
“God, if there was ever someone to get stranded with, I’m glad it’s you. You’ve thought of everything.”
“I’ve just been trained well.” She shrugs. “Wish I had some blankets or something. It’s gonna be shit sleeping on the sand.”
“We could lay our clothes out and sleep on those.”
“You know, that’s not a bad idea. We’d create more body heat if we’re almost naked.”
“Oh, so we’re cuddling?” He smirks.
“Not cuddling, surviving.” She corrects him.  “We could drag out some of the larger leaves too. Make a pellet of sorts.” She stands up. “Come on, let’s go search for some.”
“Okay.” He watches as she grabs a lipstick out of her bag. “Freshening up?”
“It’s to mark the trees so we don’t get lost.” She deadpans, and he follows her into the unknown territory.
“Four days?!” Nikki shouts into her phone.
“I’m sorry, that was the quickest I could get clearance for a plane to Cuba.”
“But it’s a rescue mission, Dan!”
“Yeah, into a non U.S. territory, Nikki. I spoke with the cruise ship director, you were the only two unaccounted for. Your things are safe. I flew down to Florida today and gathered both of your things. I made sure to get you both a full refund on your tickets. I also contacted the people on your emergency contact lists so they’re informed. It’s going to be okay, you just need to survive on that beach. Can you do that?”
“Good. Try to get some sleep. I’ll call you in the morning if I get any new information.”
Nikki sighs heavily and lays back under the raft. Her and Harry had made a decent enough pellet with leaves so they could keep their clothes on.
“Four days we’re going to be stuck out here.” She shakes her head. “This is all my fault.”
“What are you talking about?” Harry lays back next to her.
“If I hadn’t stormed off from breakfast, we never would’ve been swept off the ship!”
“Hey,” he turns on his side to look at her better, “don’t do that. Neither of us had any idea a hurricane was coming. At least we know someone’s coming for us. So we’ll feel a little hungry and maybe we’ll get bored. Let’s just pretend we’re on a really remote vacation.” He smiles at her.
“I have to pee.” She stands up and finds a spot to do her business before joining him back on the ground. “Let’s try to get some sleep.” She rolls away from him.
“Didn’t you say we needed to keep each other warm?”
“Yeah…I…prefer to be the little spoon.” She smutters. Harry wraps his arm around her, and gets his leg between hers. “Hold on.” She sits up and takes her bra off under shirt, then she takes her shorts off. “Need something to put under my head…and I can’t sleep with this thing on.”
“Good idea.” Harry peels his shirt off and puts it under his own head. They get back into position. She feels warmer with his bare chest against her back. “Goodnight, Nik.”
“Goodnight, Harry.”
The next morning, Harry wakes up alone. He sits up and gets his shirt back on. He squints towards the water and sees Nikki in her bra and underwear. She was about calf deep rinsing herself. She brushes her teeth and walks back towards their little campsite.
“Morning.” She says as she throws some wood on the fire. “Water’s warm. I was just cleaning off yesterday’s sunscreen.” She grabs the can and sprays her body, rubbing it in on certain spots. “What?” She noticed he was staring at her.
“N-nothing, uh, where’s that other toothbrush?”
“Here.” She tosses it to him, along with the toothpaste.
“Thanks.” He clears his throat and gets up. When he comes back, he sees that she’s put her other clothes back on. “So…how should we handle not dying today?”
“Think we need to treat it as a beach day, but in the shade. I don’t want us getting dehydrated.”
“I can’t sit around for four days, I’ll go bananas.” He sighs. “Can’t we go for a walk?”
“Sure, but we shouldn’t go too far.” She looks at her watch. “This’ll tell me when we hit a mile, how does that sound?”
“Works for me.” He shrugs. The two go for a walk. Nikki puts her phone and hotspot in her back pocket. “What’s your percentage at?”
“Eighty. I put it on airplane mode last night to conserve it. I know it won’t last a full four days, but I’m hoping Dan can get here sooner than that. Special clearance for a fucking rescue mission.” She scoffs. “This is ridiculous! Who’d you put as your emergency contact?”
“I’d rather not say.”
“It’s Kyle, alright?”
“Wow, so you can barely look at the guy, but you put him down for an emergency contact.”
“I’m British, my family lives in the U.K., he’s the only person close enough to me here that I could put down. Who was yours?”
“She’s so annoying, I don’t know how you stand to be friends with her.”
“I happen to love her, so it seems like a you problem.”
“She’s never been nice to me.”
“It’s because she likes you and you don’t like her back, and she’s not great with dealing with it.”
“She likes me?!”
“Yeah, she thinks you’re cute.” Nikki shrugs. “Think you were still seeing Tina when I first introduced her to you, and then you broke up and didn’t make a move, she was sort of hurt, but to be fair she didn’t make a move either.”
“She’s pretty, but she’s not my type…sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. Can’t help you like, you know? I still can’t believe I was stupid enough to fall for a lawyer, especially with the business that I’m in.”
“You know, he used to talk about you all the time. He loved how were this strong, independent woman who was just…badass. He saw you as fearless, and he really liked that. We’re both needy guys…I think the busier you got, he just didn’t know what to do with himself. I personally would have tried to talk to you about it and not my colleague, but that’s just me.”
“He’s a brilliant lawyer, but he sure is a fucking moron. Has he…mentioned me at all since we broke up?”
“I know he felt like shit at first, but…th-the woman, Katie, moved in with him when I moved out…I’m sorry.”
“Well, they’ve been together nine months, perfectly acceptable amount of time to be together before moving in. I bet she never has nightmares.” She looks down at her watch. “We should turn around.” They do, and get back to walking towards their things.
“I know you were blindsided, but…I think things happen for a reason. You two weren’t supposed to get married. I…and this is just my inner psychologist speaking, but when I’d observe you two, you just never really seemed all that compatible. Especially as time went on. Your witty banter turned into hushed arguments. I think when two people get too comfortable, they’re too scared to break it off and start all over.”
“I wanted to marry him. He was the love of my life, Harry. And he…he ripped me to shreds. In my profession, it’s pretty male dominated, or there’s a ton of lesbians, which is fine, but…sometimes I don’t always feel like a woman first. Kyle…Kyle always made me feel like a woman first, and a detective second. It made me feel special.”
“Nik…he…he learned how to treat you like that because of me. He was constantly asking me for advice on how to deal with you.”
“How to deal with me?” They get back to their camp. “Didn’t realize I needed to be dealt with.” She huffs.
“See, that’s your problem right there. You’re extremely hot headed! Are you, like, the bad cop at work? Do you get into the suspect’s face, and scream at them?”
“No, I keep my cool at work. No one gives you information when you yell at them.”
“You’re constantly jumping to conclusions, Nikki. You look down on people when they can’t figure things out right away. He wanted to be with you, but he didn’t know how. So I helped him.”
“Right, are you done pointing out my flaws now?” She rolls her eyes.
“I’m not trying to do that. I just think-“
“That’s your problem. You never stop thinking. You never do. You’re a fucking wallflower, Harry. You come off cool with your tattoos and your nail polish and your rings, but underneath it all you’re a shy little boy who never speaks up when he should.”
“And you like to push people away so much that every word you spit stings.”
“I think we should not talk until it’s time to eat later.” She says, looking away from him.
“That’s your best idea yet.” He says, and storms off. She watches him peel his cloths off, stripping to his boxers, and dive into the water.
They share an apple in the midafternoon. She was able to cut it up with her swiss-army knife. They didn’t say anything to each other. Nikki and Harry used to have a decent enough friendship. He would often watch a movie with her and Kyle, or he’d come out to the bar to hang out with their other friends. They got know each other well for the most part. She hated feeling such disdain towards him, but right now he was the only punching bag in sight, and she was abusing him for it. Around three in the afternoon, she comes over to sit with him.
“You should put more sunscreen on your face.” She hands him the can. “I just reapplied.”
“Thanks.” He spritzes it into his hands and works it into his skin. “Look, about before…I’m sorry we keep getting into these heated debates. I truly think you deserve better than Kyle, and it kills me to see you still so hurt and hung up.”
“I’m just…grieving the loss of the last three years still. I’m sorry for flipping out so much.”
“You get a pass while we’re stuck here. It’s not easy to keep your cool while you’re stranded.” He nudges her and she chuckles. “Can we just call a truce for the time being?”
“Yeah, definitely.” She smiles at him. “What do you say we go with that beach vacation idea of yours, and build some sand castles?”
“Oh, that sounds like fun.”
The two get to work on building sand castles, and laughing when they knocked them over afterwards. It was good to exert a little energy so that they could sleep that night. Just like the night before, Harry cuddled Nikki with his bare chest pressed to her covered back. They didn’t get any updates from Dan that day other than an iMessage that things were still a go for a rescue plane to come in a couple of days.
Harry woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold. When he reached for Nikki, she’s not there. He sits up in a panic. He hasn’t really panicked yet since he woke up the other day because she told him to stay calm. Without her, he wasn’t sure how to stay calm in such a stressful situation. Yes, they knew people were coming for them, but it was still their job to survive on this unknown beach. His breathing slows when he sees her laying closer to the fire, staring up at the stars. He gets up, without grabbing his shirt to put back on, and goes to lay next to her.
“Nearly gave me a heart attack.” He says, turning his head in her direction.
“Sorry, I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s alright…just got a little cold is all.” She hums her response without looking at him. “Are you looking at the constellations?”
“Not necessarily.” She sighs. “The only time I’ve ever seen the sky this dark, like, without light pollution, was when I was twenty-one. I got to go to Israel for a birthright trip with my older sister. We camped out in the desert. We all stood in this big circle and preyed and reflected on where we were. I had never seen so many stars.” She turns to look at him now. “I was so overwhelmed that I cried. It was so beautiful.” She looks back up at the night sky. “What you said earlier, about things happening for a reason…I think you’re right. Maybe it wasn’t a cruise that I needed to clear my head…maybe it was getting stranded out here with zero distractions. That’s all the cruise was, a big distraction, but now…being out here…my head’s never been more clear.” She takes a deep breath. “I think I’m done mourning that relationship. The good was good, but the bad was bad…we weren’t right for each other, and I think I’m starting to really see that now. I…I’ll never forgive him for hurting me the way he did, but I want him to be happy, and if that other woman makes him happy and can give him the things that I couldn’t, then, well, good for him.”
“That’s a very adult way of looking at things.” Harry smirks. “It’s amazing what a little unplugging can do for people? A lot of the time I tell my patients to think of a calm, happy place when I have them close their eyes. Nine times out of ten guess what they say their happy place is?”
“The beach. And not at a resort or anything fancy, they just see soft sand, warm water, and a place for them to just sit and breathe for a while. It’s good you were able to come to those conclusions on your own, Nikki.”
“You helped me get there.” She looks at him with a smile. “Guess I respond better to tough love than anything else.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many stars either, it’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is.” She sighs. Her lips start to quiver, and she sits up.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Harry sits up as well and gently rubs her back as she starts to cry. “You know, other than the fact that we’re stuck on an underdeveloped area of Cuba.”
Nikki chokes out a laugh, and turns to look at him.
“It’s just…I’m so lonely, Harry.” She sniffles as more tears pour from her eyes. “I love my job, and I know I have this tough exterior, but…it’s so fucking hard to meet people in my line of work. I feel like I just latched on to Kyle…and when we ended things I was like what the fuck am I gonna do now, you know?”
“You’ve got Alex…and your partner, Dan…”
“As close as I am with him, I’d never date my partner. Things get too complicated that way. Alex is my best friend, she’s not someone I can be in a relationship with. And I can’t…talk to her about everything. With Kyle, like, he understood where I was coming from sometimes with my cases.”
“You know you can always talk to me. I was sort of…sad that we lost touch when you and Kyle broke up.”
“I hated you by association.”
“Clearly.” He keeps his arm securely around her shoulders. “You and I aren’t so different, Nik. And…sometimes I need someone to talk to too. I listen and help with such heavy shit all day, it’s hard to shake it off and pretend like everything’s normal. I’d like for us to be friends again.”
“I’d like that too.” She wipes her tears and gives him a soft smile. “I’ve missed hanging out with you, you were always so much fun when we’d go grab drinks.”
“Wish we had some booze here. It would certainly take the edge off.”
“Wait!” She stands up. “I think I have a few nips in my bag! I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t want us to get dehydrated while we were out in the sun. Hold on.” Nikki quickly goes over to her bag and pulls out two nips, and then goes back over to Harry. “Grapefruit vodka, it’s really good.”
“Anything sounds good right now, honestly.”
They clink the little plastic bottles, open them, and down them. Normally something of this size wouldn’t have an effect on either of them, it was just a double shot. However, with little food over the last couple of days, the alcohol went straight to their heads.
“I don’t know why people hate on grapefruit so much. It’s sweet and it’s got a kick.” Harry says.
“It’s the vodka.” Nikki says. “Vodka makes everything better.”
“Scientifically speaking, it doesn’t. It’s a depressant, and a poison, so technically-“ In an instant Nikki was straddling Harry and putting a hand over his mouth.
“Hey, shrinky-dink, shut up, yeah?” He nods his head yes. “Good.” She gets off of him and sighs as she lays back into the sand.
“Did you ever own shrinky dinks?” He asks, hugging his knees to his chest.
“You know, those little plastic things you’d bake in the toaster, and then they’d harden into these little keychain things.”
“Oh my god! I remember the commercials for those! I always it, but my parents never bought stuff off infomercials.”
“We saw it in the store one day. I whined until my mum threw the box in the cart. Even though she was mad at me for behaving poorly, we had a blast making them together.” A few tears come to his eyes. “The first thing I’m gonna do when we get back is call her. She’s probably worried sick.” He wipes under his eyes.
“You know what I’m gonna do?”
“Get a Big Mac from McDonald’s.” She looks up at him and they both start laughing. “Yup, gonna stuff my fucking face. Might sue the cruise company too, just to see if I can make a cool million and never have to work another day in my life.”
“Now that’s a brilliant idea. Might have to join in on that. Might just offer us a settlement so we don’t have to go through the whole court process.”
“That would be too easy. They’d say something like, ‘the hurricane was just as much of a surprise to us. We put on sirens’.” She scoffs.
“I think the sirens are the last thing I remember hearing before you woke me up. Can’t believe I only have a few scrapes and bruises.”
“I know, we’re lucky the ropes from the raft didn’t get stuck around our necks.” She sits up.
“Extremely lucky…in all sorts of ways.” He puts his hand overs and gives it a squeeze. “Come on, we should try to get back to sleep. We need to look for more wood tomorrow for the fire.”
“Yeah, alright.” She sighs and they both stand up. They head back over to the shelter and lay down. “Do you think…would it be alright if I just rest my head on your chest?”
“Sure, makes no difference to me.”
She gets comfortable, resting her head on his bare pec, her arm string across his stomach, and a leg over one of his. He puts his arm around her, keeping her close. They don’t say anything else to each other, they both just drift off, succumbing to sleep.
“God, I feel disgusting.” Nikki groans the next morning. “I wish I had a razor in here.” She mutters as she rummages through her bag.
“You’re telling me, I usually like a clean shave because my facial hair grows in all patchy.”
“Actually, a little scruff suits you.” She says without looking at him. “I wouldn’t want you with a full beard, but just a little something looks nice.”
“Nikki.” Harry chuckles. “You don’t want me at all.” Her head whips in his direction and he blushes.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“N-nothing.” He clears his throat. “Uh, why do you think you need a razor anyways?”
“Because my pit hair is starting to grow out, and when it grows out I sweat more, and if I sweat more I’ll stink more.” She says in a quick breath. “Also, my leg hair is starting to get prickly, and I have sensitive skin so it itches like crazy.”
“You could try rubbing your legs with some of the mud and salt water…that might help.”
“Nah, it’s okay.” She sighs. “Think I’m just gonna go for a swim and clean up that way. You know how I said I was going to get a Big Mac?” Harry nods yes. “That’s now the second thing I’m going to do.”
“What’s the first?”
“Shower, in fact, washing my hair is the first on the list.” She takes out of the elastic and shakes it out. “it’s all greasy, but the salt water’s been good for it, I think.” She peels off her shirt and wiggles out of her shorts before walking down to the water.
Harry hadn’t been able to relieve himself in almost a week, and it was really starting to get to him. It especially wasn’t easy because he was around someone like Nikki. Harry always thought she was beautiful, and he thought Kyle was the luckiest bastard for scooping her up. When he saw her come into the suite that morning, he hid how overjoyed he felt. He hated fighting with her, but he was grateful for any interaction he was having with her. He missed her. In all honesty, his plan was to reach out to her another month or so from now, reconnect, tell her how he felt about her…how he really felt about her. It took him nearly a year to figure out why he liked being her friend so much, and why he was so happy for Kyle. It was because he liked Nikki…as more than a friend. But he wasn’t the type of guy to make a move on his best friend’s girl. He wanted to throttle Kyle. Harry truly had no idea he was treating on Nikki. He would have knocked him off his ass and gotten him to either stop, or just break up with Nikki before anyone had to get hurt.
He decides to get up and join her for a swim. He takes his shorts off and goes down to the water in his boxers. He dives in to submerge his body, it was incredibly refreshing. He stands up so he’s only about calf deep. They both agreed not to go too far in because there could be sharks or other predators.
“Think I’m about done with this underwear.” She says to him. “Might go commando for the rest of the time we’re here.”
“You could walk around naked for all I care.” He smirks, and she splashes him. “Oi, I was kidding!”
“Mhm, sure.” She rolls here eyes. “I’m gonna go dry off, and then we can look for more wood.”
“Okay.” He nods and watches her walk out of the water.
They’re able to find more wood later on to keep the fire going. They split a granola bar, and they both sigh once it’s gone. The sun was setting, and Nikki couldn’t help but take a picture of how beautiful it was. Just when she was going to put it down, Dan calls her.
“Hey, Dan.”
“Hey! Great news, I’ll be on the rescue plane first thing in the morning. How are you two holding up?”
“We’re…okay. Mostly just hungry. Bring lots of food.”
“I’ll try. The medic may not want to overwhelm your stomachs. We’re gonna bring you both right to the hospital to get checked out. Your bills are going to be paid by the cruise ship company. If I were you I’d threaten to sue to get some money out of them. They’ve been able to keep this story under wraps and I’m sure they’d like to keep it that way.”
“Okay. I have a flare gun, what time should I set it off so you can find us?”
“Try for around 7AM, we should be close by then.”
“Sounds good, thank you.” She hangs up and looks at Harry. “They’re coming for us bright and early.” She nearly squeals.
“That’s incredible news.” He sighs with relief. “Think we could eat some more food?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s like, you know how the night before it snows you don’t do your homework, but you don’t end up getting a snow day so you’re fucked?”
“Well, I’d rather not eat the food just in case something happens.”
“Fair enough.” He shrugs. “Think I’m just bored anyways.” She sits down next to him.
“Me too. We’ve already played twenty questions, never have I ever…I think if we play another game I’ll go bananas.”
“We could have ourselves a wank.”
“Very funny.”
“M’serious, Nik.” He looks at her. “I think I’ll go bananas if I don’t come soon.”
“Harry, it’s only been a few days…”
“Yeah, but I haven’t done anything in over a week because I thought it would be disrespectful while we were sharing a room on the boat.”
“Alright, so go behind a tree and jerk it.” She shrugs.
“Yeah, I could do that…or…”
“Harry Styles.” She gasps, a smile growing on her face. “Are you seriously suggesting that I stick my hand down your sandy pants, and give you a hand job?”
“I’d be getting you off at the same time so-“
“Are you kidding?! I’m all stubbly down there, and I probably smell disgusting, and-“
Just as she had done to him the night before, he was pinning her down and putt his hand over her mouth.
“Nikki, if you really don’t want to, I’ll drop it and go behind a bush and handle things myself, but I have no problem with a little bit of hair, and I’m just offering to finger you, my face doesn’t need to go anywhere near you if you don’t want it to.” He lifts his hand away from her mouth, but continues to hover over her.
“It’s just…we’re friends.”
“Friends help each other out, don’t they?” She nods her head yes. “Do you want to? Don’t let me pressure you.”
“I…I want to, I mean…getting off doesn’t sound terrible. And it could be a good time killer.”
“Right.” He smirks and moves to lay on the ground next to her. She rolls onto her side and so does he. “Can I…touch your chest?”
“Yeah, I’ll take my bra off, but I’m leaving my shirt on. I just…I feel gross, you know?”
“Whatever makes you more comfortable.” Once she’s situated, she unbuttons her shorts. “I went commando today…put my underwear in the fire.”
Harry nods and undoes his shorts. He was a little nervous.
“Can I kiss you?”
“We’ve been brushing our teeth, what’s the big deal?”
“Kissing would make it more intimate, Harry. I don’t want this to be some big, emotional thing.”
He furrows his brows, but chooses not to speak. Instead, he reaches his hand inside her shorts and starts to rub at her folds. Her breath hitches, but she reaches him. Her hand slides inside his boxers and she starts to pump his hardening cock.
“You’re already hard.” She breathes. Their faces were only an inch or so apart.
“M’turned on.” He grunts as her thumb swipes over his tip. He feels her getting wet, and he drags it up to her clit. She bites her bottom lip and twists her hand around his cock. He slides his middle finger inside of her and her mouth falls open. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
“Haven’t done this in a while.” Her hips buck in his direction. “Feels nice. Use two.”
“Are you, ngh, sure?”
He slides a second finger inside of her and uses his thumb on her clit, applying just enough pressure as he presses circles into it. A moan leaves her lips, and for the first time he was hearing because of something he was doing, and not through the walls of his old apartment. It just makes him work harder, curling his fingers up inside her.
“Fuck, that’s so good.” She mewls. “Don’t stop.”
He presses his forehead to hers and pinches his eyes closed. He was getting closer. His cock was slick with precoma, and she was pumping him perfectly.
“Shit, Nikki.” He moans, and it makes her own closed eyes pop open. She had never really heard a guy genuinely moan before, and she thought it was hot, really, really hot. His fingers were petting against her g-spot in just the right way. He opens his eyes and sees her already looking at him. “Is everything alright?”
“Y-yeah, just…say my name like that again.” Her hips were grinding against his hand. “I’m so fucking close.”
“Me too.” He pants. “Fuck, Nikki.” He moans again. He bites his bottom lip to ground himself.
“Oh my god, Harry!” She cries out as she comes around his fingers, and she feels warmth against her hand. He had also come to his release. He slowly takes his hand away, and she does the same. “Shit.” She breathes and sits up. “I, uh, I need to go pee, excuse me.”
He watches her grab some tissues, and she goes to her designated bathroom area. Harry lays back under the raft and tries to catch his breath. He could clean himself up later.
The next morning went by painfully slow. They were up at sunrise in anticipation of the plane coming for them. Nikki’s phone and hotspot had finally died. They made sure to put the fire out safely, and once 7AM hit Nikki shot the flare gun. About ten minutes after that a small plane flew over them, and a rope ladder was thrown out.
“It’s here, we’re saved!” Nikki exclaims, throwing her arms around Harry. He holds her tight for a moment. “I’ll climb up first, okay?”
Harry nods and watches as she starts moving up the ladder, her backpack slung on her back. He climbs up after her, and they’re both pulled inside. Nikki falls into Dan’s arms.
“Thought I was gonna have to go through getting a new partner.” He mutters into her hair. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“Me too.”
“How you holding up, Harry?” Dan asks him as the medic checks Harry over.
“I’m alright, I’m feeling really tired, though.”
“So am I.” Nikki says.
“Rest up, we’re headed to a good hospital in Florida.” Dan says, keeping Nikki close to him.
The next time Harry wakes up, he’s in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV. Kyle was sitting by his side. Harry groans as he looks over at him.
“Hey, you’re awake!” Kyle says. “I flew down here as soon as they called me, man. They said you were severely dehydrated, and you had way too much sun, even with all the sunscreen you guys were using. They want to keep you overnight for a psychological evaluation.”
“Makes sense.” Harry sighs. “We’re bound to have some shared trauma, nightmares, remembering certain parts of being thrown off a fucking cruise ship, you know, normal stuff.”
“I haven’t been able to see her yet. I guess Dan’s been in with her, trying to get more info on what happened.”
“Is she awake?”
“I think so…I’ve walked by her room a few times. Did, uh, did anything happen between you two out there?”
“Right, because being stranded is super romantic.” Harry rolls his eyes.
“M’serious, man, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know how you feel about her. The way you’d look at her sometimes…I could see it.”
“Nothing happened.” Harry swallows. “We were out there as friends, and we came back as friends.” Harry sits up a bit. “Is your girlfriend here?”
“No, she’s back at home. She was, uh, very understanding of me wanting to come down here and make sure you both we alright.” Harry nods at that. “If…if something did happen, like, if the next person she ends up being with is you…well, I’d be alright with that.”
“Oh, well, thank god for that. I was really worried about how you’d feel about her moving on.” The sarcasm wasn’t lost on Kyle. “You really fucked her up, you know that? She’s not going to be happy to see you.”
“I know what I did was wrong, but I still care about her wellbeing. I’m gonna go check if I can see her now.” He squeezes Harry’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
Kyle stands up and goes down the hall to Nikki’s room. Dan was no longer sitting in there, so he figured it was now or never. He knocks on the door, and she sits up when she sees him.
“Hey.” He comes in cautiously. “When Dan called me…I got down to Florida as soon as I could.”
“Yeah? Where’s Claudia?”
“Back home…how are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.” Nikki sighs. “I’m not roughed up or anything, I guess we were really dehydrated, though. Must have been from all the sun because I had my water purifier…must not work as well with really salty water.”
“I was really worried about you, Nik.” Kyle starts sniffling as tears come to his eyes. “I would have never forgiven myself if you died and the last words you said to me were that you hated me.” He takes her hand in his. “I miss you so much. I hope…I hope we can find a way to be friends.”
“You can’t be serious.” She scoffs and takes her hand away. “You come here, make things about you, and then ask me to be your friend? You cheated on me for six months, Kyle, six months! And you still had the nerve to propose to me! You broke me in so many ways, and I’ve finally been able to put myself back together. Getting stuck out there was almost a blessing. It gave me a lot of the clarity that I needed.”
“I didn’t think you’d still go on the cruise…if I had, I never would have sold Harry the ticket. You must’ve been so mad when you saw him.”
“I was…but he was the perfect person to get stuck out there with.” She shrugs.
“Did anything happen between you two?” He chews on his bottom lip. “I saw him before you, and he said nothing happened, but…he’s a terrible liar. He said you went in as friends, and come out the same way, or something.”
“Well, he’s not wrong about that.” Nikki smirks. “You really wanna know what happened between us?” Kyle nods yes. “Too bad.”
“You don’t have the right to know. I meant it when I said I hated you, Kyle. I do, I hate you. It was very nice of you to come down here and make sure we were both okay. I actually appreciate it, but I’ll never forgive you for what you did. Cheating…it’s just not something I can forgive.”
“Okay.” He nods. “Well…I…I really am glad you’re alright. Did they tell you when you’d be able to go home?”
“In a couple of days. They’re keeping us overnight, and then they’re sending in a shrink to evaluate us. Standard procedure.”
“If you need anything at all when you get home…any help suing the cruise ship company, please don’t hesitate to ask. I could help you pro bono.”
“My god, how selfless.” She rolls her eyes. “Go home to Claudia, Kyle.”
“Bye, Nikki.” He lingers for a moment, and then leaves. A few tears roll down her cheeks, but not because of him. She just…missed Harry and wanted to see how he was.
Nikki and Harry weren’t given much time together during their evaluations. They were each spoken to separately, and when they were brought into the same room, they had to speak to the psychologist directly. Nikki desperately wanted to reach out and hold his hand, but she wasn’t really given the chance. Harry was able to catch her in her room before they left the hospital. They were to go directly to the airport to head home.
“Hey.” He says to her.
“Hi.” She says as she zips up her bag. “I think I’m sitting with Dan on the plane.” She swallows.
“Right.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Um, listen, when we get home…don’t be afraid to talk to me. Like, if you have a nightmare or something, don’t be afraid to call. I won’t care what time it is.”
“That’s nice of you, thanks, but I’ll be alright. It’s no different than seeing some bad shit at a crime scene.”
“No, it’s not.” He sighs. “You might-“
“Harry, please.” She shakes her head as she grabs her bags. “I’m a big girl, I think I can handle what happened. It’s not like it was traumatic.” She scoffs.
“Yes it was, are you kidding me? A hurricane-“
“I was there, I know what happened.” She shakes her. “I appreciate you being so nice, but it happened, and it’s over now. Back to reality.”
What she said carried a lot of weight. She was coming down from her cloud, and she realized her and Harry needed to part ways here. Every time she looked at him, she saw Kyle, and she just couldn’t deal with that right now. Harry knew what she meant too. He was extremely disappointed. Even though he was the one that suggested they do what they did that night, he was feeling a lot of emotions about it, almost regret because he knew he’d never get another chance to feel her like that again.
“Captain, I swear I’m fine. I just want to get back to work.”
“I know you do, Reese, but you’ve been through a lot, and-“
“Sir, not to be disrespectful, but I disagree.”
“Nikki.” He sighs. “Take another week off, alright? Work will be waiting here until you get back. I’m happy to see you, but I’ll be happier once I know you’re home. It’s an order, Reese.”
She sighs, but does as he says. She couldn’t really argue with the captain of her precinct. She tells Dan she’ll be out for another week, and then heads home. She hadn’t spoken to Harry, but to be fair he hadn’t made an attempt to reach out to her. He wanted to give her some space, and let her come to him if she wanted to. By the third night she woke herself up screaming and in a cold sweat, she knew she had a problem. She kept having flashes of being dragged under water and not being able to breathe. She finally worked up the nerve to call him…at 3AM.
She could tell she had woken him up, but it felt so good to hear his voice.
“Are you alright, love?”
“No.” She swallows. “No, I keep having nightmares.”
“So do I.” He sighs. “Do you want me to swing by?”
“No, that’s okay…I kinda just wanted to hear your voice. I’m sorry if that’s weird.”
“It’s not…it’s nice to hear yours too.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t reached out until now. I feel like I’ve been trying to pretend nothing happened.”
“A lot of people try to cope that way, but repressing shit isn’t healthy, Nik.”
“So I’ve come to realize. It’s crazy, like, I work with all of these victims, and I’ve never really understood how they couldn’t remember certain things, but I get it now.”
“Trauma’s funny like that.” He says softly. “Have you been back to work?”
“I tried, but my captain told me to take another week off. What about you?”
“I’m doing the same. I’m too distracted to properly help my patients. They’ve been very understanding.”
“That’s good.” She chews her bottom lip. “So, you’ll be home tomorrow?”
“Maybe I could come by in the afternoon? It would be nice to talk…maybe we’ve been having the same nightmares. I keep waking up screaming and sweaty.”
“Are you dreaming about being dragged under the water?”
“So have I.” He sighs. “Come over around two tomorrow, yeah? I’ll text you my new address.”
“Okay, that sounds good, thanks, Harry.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Well…I’ll let you get back to sleep now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, Nik.”
Nikki knocked on Harry’s door promptly at 2PM. She was just in a simple quarter zip and jeans, along with her hair up in a messy bun. Harry opens the door wearing a tee shirt and joggers.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hi.” She says.
He steps aside to let her in. They look at each other for a moment, it looks like they’re both about to speak, but they both close their mouths. There was so much to be said, but neither were sure how to articulate it. Her eyes well up with tears, and she rushes towards him, throwing her arms around his neck, crashing her lips to his. He wastes no time wrapping his arms around her, and returning the kiss. Even though her mouth was preoccupied, kissing him made her feel like she could breathe for the first time in days.
“I missed you.” She says, pressing her head into his chest.
“I missed you too.” He rests his chin on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry if that was weird, I just-“
He cups her cheeks so she’ll look up at him. He gives her a soft smile.
“Nikki, I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.”
“Yeah…I was pretty jealous of Kyle for a while. I’ve always thought you were wonderful. Feel like we have a lot in common.”
“We do.” She agrees.
“We don’t have to rush into anything…I’d rather us work on ways to not have nightmares and such, but…if you’d be willing to give it a try, I’d love to take you out sometime.”
“You wouldn’t feel weird…about Kyle?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I…I don’t think he’s really someone I want around anymore. I’d rather have you around.” He kisses her tenderly, sucking on her bottom lip for just a moment. “I really fucking like you.”
“I can see that.” She swallows. “I think…I think we could have a lot of fun together.” A smirk grows on her lips. “Just don’t become my therapist, or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
“Is that a threat or a promise.” He smirks, nuzzling his nose to hers. “Wouldn’t mind seeing how you use your handcuffs.”
“Remember when I called you a moron?” She chuckles. “I meant it.” She shoves him.
“I was kidding, relax.”
“Mhm, sure.” She rolls her eyes.
“Do you want some tea? We could sit and chat. I’ve been trying to record the dreams I’ve been having in a journal. I have my patients do it, so I figured I’d take my own advice.” He leads her into his kitchen and has her sit. “I keep having the same one: drowning.”
“I have that one, and then I have one where…where I wasn’t able to hold onto you.” She frowns as he gets his kettle going. “You know…I had less night terrors sleeping on that beach with you than I have in a long time.”
“Can I ask…would Kyle hold you at night?” Harry sets a mug in front of her before he sits down.
“Um, usually when I’d first fall asleep he’d spoon me for a bit, but he’s not a cuddly sleeper, and he’d eventually roll over. We didn’t spend a lot of nights together because I’d usually wake him up by accident. What does any of that matter?”
“I held you all night while we were on the beach.” He puckers his lips in thought. “Do you have a weighted blanket?”
“Do me a favor, get one. You may need the extra weight at night to keep you calm. They work wonders, I have one myself, and a body pillow. I’m a cuddly sleeper.”
“I’ll, um, I’ll look into that.” She takes a careful sip of her tea. “How can I get them stop? The nightmares.”
“Well, talking about it usually helps, and doing things like getting a weighted blanket can help. I think you’ve repressed a lot, Nikki…you need to talk about the things you see and feel.”
“It’s not that simple, Harry.” She sighs. “If anyone at work found out I was seeing a therapist-“
“If it’s that big of a deal…then don’t tell them.”
“Things have a way of getting out.”
“Then…just say you’re seeing me.”
“That’s not fair, though.”
“Nikki.” Harry sighs and places his hand on top of hers. “I’m not offering to be your therapist, I’m just offering to be someone that you can come to if you need to talk about something. M’a really good listener.” He smiles.
“I know you are…thank you. I just don’t want to come to you, and dump on you when people pay you to do that all day. Why should I burden you with my problems?”
“Oh, darling.” He raises her hand to his lips and kisses it. “Nothing about you is a burden. Tons of people feel that way, and that’s why they don’t want to talk to anyone, but once you get talking it just gets easier and easier. I always liked when you’d tell work stories…you could just tell me about the not so great stuff when it’s feeling really heavy.”
“So, if I come to you and say I just spent the day searching for a kid, and we found their dead body in the trunk of a car, you’d be okay with that?”
“Probably wouldn’t wanna chat about it over dinner, but sure.” He shrugs. “Nikki, I told you, I see people who have been through shit, victims and survivors, that stuff doesn’t scare me.”
“I may not open up right away.”
“That’s alright, we don’t always have to talk about the heavy stuff.” He smiles.
“What if I don’t wanna talk at all?” She mutters.
“Well, I don’t know if you remember what happened between us that one night on the beach, but I’m pretty good at not talking too.” He smirks.
“You know, if I had known you had liked me for a while, I wouldn’t have been such a jerk about kissing and stuff that night.”
“I was too blissed out with your hand wrapped around my prick to really care.”
Nikki licks her lips and swallows, looking at his lips briefly.
“You know what would be great?”
“A tour of your apartment.”
“How rude of me to not offer when you first came in.” He stands up and extends his hand. She takes it, and lets him lead her around. He shows her the art on the walls, and the various books in his home office.
“Do you ever see patients here?” She asks as she sits down in one of his comfy chairs.
“God, no.” He shakes his head, leaning his bum on his desk. “Sometimes patients can grow certain attachments to their therapists, it’s better for them to not know where I live.”
“Right, because you’re the hot Dr. Styles.” She smirks. “Same thing happens to me sometimes. I’m usually the one they send in undercover to seduce some sick fuck.”
“That’s because you’re incredibly skilled and talented at what you do, Detective Reese.” Nikki stands up and wraps her arms around his neck. “You’re also insanely gorgeous, but that’s besides the point.” He kisses her nose. “Would you like to stay for dinner and watch a movie?”
“Yeah, I would.”
Five months later…
“Dan…what is this?” Nikki points to the plant Dan plopped down on her desk.
“It’s a bonsai tree, they’re super easy to take care of. Consider it your first house warming gift.” He beams at her.
“Aw, you old softie, thank you.” She gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Allie can’t wait for our next game night, by the way. She was thinking we could have you two over to play Clue once you’re all moved in.”
“Yeah! That sounds great. Oh! I wrote down that recipe for that dessert I made for her.” She grabs an envelope from her desk. “That cookies and cream pudding pie.”
“God, thanks.” Dan takes the envelope. “She’s been dying to make it, but she wants to make it the way you did so she can start selling it at the bakery and call it ‘The Nikki’.” He chuckles.
“She’s too sweet, honestly. If you don’t put a ring on it, I will.”
Things had been going really well for Nikki. Thanks to Harry, she had gotten better about opening up about things. It was so slow going at first, but eventually she got to talking, and it helped her be a better detective. Being Harry’s girlfriend was amazing. It didn’t take much for her to fall head over heels in love with him. And there was no denying that he was gaga over her. That’s why after just five months of dating, they were moving into their very own town home together. It didn’t feel fast to either of them because they had known each other for years, and they slept at each other’s places all the time as it was. It just made sense to move in together. They were in love, and were a great pair. Alex had even gotten used to it, and Harry set her up with one of his friends, Ben. Their friends helped them move, and Nikki put her new bonsai tree in her kitchen bay window. Everyone left after having some pizza and beer.
“Can you believe this is all ours?” He says into her ear as he wraps his arms around her from behind.
“No.” She giggles as he nibbles on her earlobe. “But I’m really happy.”
“Me too.” He hums. He sponges kisses to her neck and sinks his teeth into her skin.
“Harry.” She whines. “We need to unpack.”
“Don’t wanna.” He mumbles into her skin.
“Can we at least do the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom? You know, the, um, essentials.” She swallows. Harry was often very affectionate with her, and she liked it. She really, really liked it.  
“Fine.” He turns her around. “But when we’re done with the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom, we’re doing the bedroom.”
“Seems fair to me.” She pecks his lips.
The two work in tandem to put their essentials away. It was actually fun to organize the cabinets together. Next, they go upstairs to work on their bathroom. Actually, Harry handles the bathroom while Nikki gets some fresh sheets on their new king sized bed.
“Bathroom’s all set.” Harry says.
“I just got the foam topper and the fitted sheet on the bed, I just have to – ah!”
Harry had grabbed her and thrown her onto the bed. She squeals as he launches himself onto it, almost crushing her in the process.
“Making the bed fully would be a waste of energy.” He says into her ear as he pins her wrists down. He sucks on her supple bottom lip, and lets it go, causing her to whimper. “Don’t you think?” She nods her head yes. “Just wanna fuck my new live-in girlfriend, can I?”
“Please.” She breathes. “Need you to take care of me.” She pouts at him.
“Aw, my angel-baby-detective needs some lovin’?” He pouts back at her.
He grins at her and has them both sit up. He peels off her tee shirt, and lifts off her sports bra. He gropes her breasts before kissing on them. He sucks bruise after bruise into her plushy skin. He pulls her into his lap so she can grind on him while he paid attention to her breasts. She liked it when Harry left marks on her like this. She liked being his. He lays her down onto her back. He kisses down her torso, nipping where he pleases. He loved kissing on her pudgier areas because he wanted to show how much he loved every inch of her. She did the same with his love handles. He drags her yoga pants and underwear off, and tosses them to the floor.
“Look at you, so wet already.” He says as he pulls her thighs apart.
“You were already making me feel so good, Har.”
He hums his response as he laps his tongue around her center. He moans once he gets a proper taste of her. He licks his way up to her clit and sucks on it while he works two fingers inside of her. She grabs at his hair and tugs on it while her body starts to tingle.
“Fuck, just like that.” She mewls while raising her hips to meet his mouth more. She comes to her release, and she tugs him up to her. She licks into his mouth and sucks on his tongue. “Get naked, now.” She nearly growls.
Harry grins and gets his clothes off. He sits up against the headboard and waits for Nikki to swing her leg over his lap. She lines him up with her center, rubbing his tip along her clit before sinking down onto him. They both moan out, and he grabs at her hips to help her find a rhythm. She puts her hands on his shoulders and starts bouncing up and down on his cock.
“God, I love you so much.” He grunts.
“I love you too.” She kisses him and runs her hands through his hair. “Don’t know I ever survived without having your big dick inside me, fuck.”
“Yeah? M’making you feel good, baby?”
“So fucking good.” She pants. “Best I’ve ever fucking had.”
She comes again, and with the way she clenches around him he nearly loses it inside of her. He lifts her off just in time and comes on her stomach. He kisses her over and over, and they both giggle. Once they’re both cleaned up, Harry helps Nikki get the bed made, and they both climb in. She rests her head on his stomach while he reads his book.
“Harry?” She looks up at him. “Could you out your book down for a second? I have something to tell you.”
“Sure, sweetie.” He dog-ears the page he’s on and sets his book down. “What’s up? Oh, is this about me buying the Hamilton Beach food processor instead of the Cuisine Art one like you wanted?”
“No.” She chuckles.
“Are you sure? Because you cried when I brought it home. I swear, the Hamilton Beach one had better reviews, that’s the only reason why I got it.”
“I cried because I was hormonal.” She chews her bottom lip. “Harry, I’m pregnant.”
“But I came on your stomach.” He blinks, and then looks down at her.
“Yeah, tonight you did.” She sits up so she can look at him better. She kisses his shoulder and then smiles at him. “My period was late, so I took a test just for the hell of it…I’m six weeks.” She grabs her phone off the side table. “I even took a selfie with it to show you.”
“Oh my god, you’re not kidding.” He looks at the picture and then at her. “How long have you known for?”
“Only a week. I wanted to wait until the move was over to tell you. How, um, how do you feel about this? We haven’t really talked about kids or anything.”
“I know.” He hands her back her phone and throws his arm around her. “I mean, I fully intended on proposing and all that, just not for another few months. I wanted to see how living together went.” He smiles down at her. “And I was hoping you’d want kids at some point…think you’d make a great mum. I’ve seen you with kids, you’re amazing.” He kisses her temple and starts laughing. “I can’t believe I’m gonna be a father.” He shakes his head. “Thanks, Nikki!”
“You’re such a dork.” She chuckles. “You’re really not mad, or upset?”
“How could I be? I’m living with the girl I never thought I’d even get the chance to kiss, and now she’s pregnant with my baby. I’m ecstatic.” He pecks her lips. “How are you feeling about all of it?”
“I’m…actually pretty excited. I mean…I went off birth control months ago for this very reason. I didn’t think it would happen quite this fast, but this is a pretty happy accident.”
“I wonder what we were doing six weeks ago.”
“What does it matter?”
“I’d just like to know how our little fetus got conceived.”
“I, um, think it was the night, you, uh, let me lick the whip cream off you on your desk.” She swallows.
“Oh, yeah! Blew my load right up into you, didn’t I?” He smirks. “We should do that again, it was a great sensory exercise.”
“Harry!” She smacks his chest.
“You’re really okay with all this, Nik? It’s your body.” He caresses her cheek and she leans into his warm palm.
“I’m more than okay with it. Just don’t rush an engagement or anything like that, okay? I wanna marry you at some point too…but…not just because I’m pregnant.”
“So…if like four months from now I had a long weekend for us planned to go apple picking up north, and while we were settling down in the evening getting cozy in front of a fire place…you wouldn’t want me to propose?”
“You know, I hear being pregnant can make you forget all kinds of things, so I can’t wait to be surprised four months from now when you suggest going away for a long weekend to go apple picking.” She beams at him. “I think I’d really like that.”
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Two Shorten the Road
part 1
joel dawson x reader
warnings: cussing? idk, bad writing.....fluff, cuteness, monsters(is this a warning), mentions of death, SPOILERS
word count: 2154
prompt: when your best friend decides to leave your colony to go find the love of his life, you decide to join him on his journey even if you aren’t so happy about where this journey is going
Welp I did it, I took it into my own hands. I am writing a joel dawson series. Because we👏need 👏more👏joel👏fics👏 it’s basically the movie, almost the same script but obviously slightly different…ENJOY! <3
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No one in my generation or later had a typical upbringing, I mean some of us did but then the world ended. This type of thing sounds straight out of some apocalyptic movie, but we basically live in one now. Agatha 616, an asteroid heading straight for earth, I know, so original. So we all came together and did what we do best, blow things up. Yup, we blew up teh asteroid, and humanity was saved! We thought. But here’s the thing about rockets, they are made of a bunch of chemical compounds which eventually rained back down on earth. Suddenly there were these Aileen creatures that mutated and started eating us. Ants, lizards, roaches, crocodiles, you name it. Our president was even killed by a giant moth. Ya….not so original now huh? We suddenly need tanks to kill ants, oh man I remember the good old days when a shoe would do just fine. Sometimes even the tanks didn’t work. Eventually the really big ones and our military took each other out and we lost 95% of the human population in a year! Those of us who survived hid, bunkers, caves, panic rooms, all around the world. So for the last seven years I’ve been hiding in an underground bunker. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, and it’s better than getting eaten alive. It’s a great group of people and we all love each other.
“Are you sure they’re asleep?”
“Y/N and joel!”
“Oh ya I’m sure”
“Joel? Y/n?”
“He’s asleep”
Actually we are both awake. Me and my best friend joel have kinda mastered faking being asleep. Our beds are right across from each other so we normally just lie there and make stupid faces at each other. We are the only two single people in our bunker. Nice huh? Joel is my best friend. I met him when I joined the colony. He’s the sweetest. It’s funny cause everyone thinks we should just have sex already because that’s literally all everyone else does. But we are way above that. Anyway, joel is in love with his girlfriend from before the colony, her name is Aimee. With one “I” and two “e”s. He loves to talk about her, he writes her letters. So in reality, I am the only one who is not in love in this bunker. I’ve never had a boyfriend, ever, even before the world ended.
We don’t really get any sleep. The moaning kinda keeps us awake. I got up and out of my bed and headed for the kitchen. I heard Joel’s bed creak and then his footsteps as he followed behind me. Another annoying thing about being down here is that to get to the kitchen from my room, you have to walk though other people’s bedrooms. Oh shit, they are busy, why would they leave their door open. Me and Joel stopped.
“Oh” joel and I said in unison
“Hey Y/N! Hey Joel!” Ava said
“Oh hey Ava” Joel said, we didn’t dare look over to our left.
“Y/N how’s it going?” Tim asked
“T-totally good tim, h-how are you doing” I asked
“Yeah, good” he responded
“I uh we couldn’t sleep” said Joel looking at the ceiling
“Ya we know the feeling” Ava said with a laugh
“Yeah probably not for the…..same reasons” joel said looking straight ahead
“Your guyses door was open, did you…did you know that?” I asked
“Yeah we know” they said
I shook my head and knitted my eyebrows together
“Okay” joel trailed off
Ever since Tim’s parents were eaten by a swarm of termites he and Ava have gotten really close, in every way.
“Okay, goodnight” joel said as we walked
Basically everyone is coupled up down here, a baby was born last winter! Welcome to the apocalypse kid. Ok if we ever get out of this, that would be an awesome story to tell your kids. “Oh ya I was born in an underground bunker doing a monster apocalypse” “yes exactly like World War Z but with bugs bigger than a 5 story building”. I mean come on.
So your probably wonder how the hell we get food, we’ll we have a cow. Gurdy. Gurdy is great. We also have a hunting party that brings back whatever they can from the surface. It’s gotten harder and harder, cause we ran out of bullets. And facing one of those things with a handmade weapon is just as hard as it sounds. It’s very very difficult. I go with them….sometimes. I still get scared. But I’ve been out quite a lot, especially compared to my man joel over here. I’ve been out maybe 30 times, he’s been out…maybe once, or not even. He’s the chef of the bunker. He makes super good Minestrone.
Me and joel like to hang out with Mavis. A robot. Yup. Not much for conversation, her batter is shot. Just like every other mavis I would imagine. When I’m not hunting we hang out with her. But sometimes I just go read. Reading and joel keep me sane. I mean sometimes joel drives me insane but I still love him. I have quite the collection of books too! I’ve got Emma by Jane Austen, a couple random ones that we found, all the hunger games and Harry Potter books, some mysteries that stopped being mysteries after a while, and then of course some smutty romance books for personal entertainment.
Joel likes to say that his thing is target practice. He has never hit the target but ya know, gotta entertain yourself. I think his thing is drawing though, he has this book that he draws in from Aimee. It’s really cool actually. He’s really good.
I sat watching Joel as he tried to hit the target, laughing a little every time he missed. It was cute how hard he tried.
“Shut up” he said shaking his laugh away
I laughed again, but then suddenly the lights started flickering. You could hear screeches and creeks echoing through the bunker. Joel turned to look at me. Worry and determination in his eyes. We both scrambled out of the room and into the kitchen where everyone was preparing.
“Hustle, hustle people we’ve gotta move”
I turned to look at Joel but then realized that he wasn’t next to me. Where did he go? Worry flooded through me. Suddenly the clanking of our weapon started behind me.
“Hey guys!” Joel said as he rammed into the railing, I shook my head. “Guys! I’ve got the weapons” he smiled at me
A few people walked over to him taking them out of his hands
“Stay” said Tim
“W-what?” Joel asked looking around in confusion
Everyone was talking and barking orders “grab what you need and let’s go! Y/N you coming?”
My eyes shot open “yes! Yup!” I jumped up and grabbed the bow and arrow from Joel.
“W-what's happening?” He asked innocently “what’s going on?”
“There’s a breach” said Tim
“What do you mean? Like inside the bunker breach?!” He asked
“Yes joel! Now come on!” I told him, patting him on the pack as I followed the others
He followed me and watched the plan get arranged
“Anna, Y/N and I will engage. Anderson and Tom plank him”
“Plank him, ya ok where do you guys need me? You want me to uh come through the rear or..?” Joel asked eagerly
“I don’t think your going to pass this joel” I told him
“Pass what? You guys need help, let me help” said clutching his crossbow
“You gonna make me say it?” said Sam
“Say what?!” God he was so adorably clueless
“You can’t handle it joel, your shook” said Sam, we all began getting into positions
“Ya ok, yes so you guys don’t get scared..ever?” He asked still getting ready to fight
“We get scared, we all get scared joel, but you get really scared” said Sam
“They are trying to make you feel bad joel” I said sweetly, trying to calm him down
“We love you joel”
“But your a liability”
“Ok why did that speech feel so rehearsed? And what about Y/N? She’s like…ya know?” He said bobbing his head
“Joel-“ suddenly the bunker shook and the lights flicked again
“Ok 30 meters out! Let’s move!” And we were off
Leaving joel and some others behind. You could hear the growling of whatever we were up against
I followed the others and listened carefully. I was freaking shaking. Don’t ask how I got sucked into becoming one the the hunters. Kinda just happened and I was just-
“OH SHIT!” I heard someone yell, it was too dark to see. Someone was gone, that thing took them. I couldn’t even see it. Oh fuck my life. Everyone began scattering, running away from the monster. I stopped running to take a breath, when I realized I was alone. Nicely done Y/N. The lights kept flickering. I heard something blow up in the distance.
“Conned? Conner?” I heard a whisper, one I knew all too well. Shit, joel. I ran toward the sound, and had no idea I was also running toward certain death. I stopped running. There it was, that thing. I’d never seen this before. I didn’t recognize it. I stayed silent, not moving at all. It slowly crawled over a shower curtain. Oh fuck. He was going toward joel! I quickly grabbed my bow and arrow and shot it. Right though the face. Next to its….eye I guess you could call it. Joel stood there, frozen.
I slowly walked over to him “Joel, hey are you ok?” I asked as I slipped my hand into his. He was trembling. Tears ran down his cheeks. He has a bad freezing problem, so I've been helping him work on it.
About an hour later I sat with Joel, still holding his hand as he stared out into space. We could hear everyone talking. How could this have happened?
“It ripped through steal”
“Anderson and I resealed the Breach point, nothings getting in that way again”
“But why did it happen?”
I tried to toon it out, and I hoped Joel did too.
“Joel, do you wanna talk about it?” I asked squeezing his hand, he looked so sad, which just crushed me
He shook his head
“Ok….” I nodded, I leaned into hug him but was interrupted by his voice
“How far away is Aimee's colony?” He asked
I pulled back, looking at him confused. The talking stopped and everyone look at him
“What?” Tim asked
“Aimee’s colony, how far away is it?” He repeated
“About 85 miles” he said as he furrowed his brows
“How long will it take to get there?”
“What do you mean joel?” I asked leaning closer to him
“Just humor me, how long?” He insisted
“7 days” said Tim
“Someone who’s armed and trained would hardly last 50miles, but you…joel” Ava said, I felt bad for him, he really didn’t deserve any of this
“Alright” Tim continued “now I need volunteers”
“I’m gonna go” joel said
No one said anything, they just stared
“It’s an impossible journey joel” said Tim, crossing his arms
Joel stood up, moving around my chair. “No im serious…I love you guys but there’s only one person in this world who ever truly made me happy and she’s only 85 miles away” he said strongly “I’m gonna go see her” I could see his mind was made up
God he was such a romantic, how could you not love this guy? Sure it hurts when your best friend tells you that you didn’t make him truly happy. Especially when you maybe sorta kinda have a crush on him.
He let out a breath “woah, that felt awesome” he said as he walked off to start packing
I stood there for a second processing and thinking, but then suddenly my mouth took over and well….
“I’m coming with you!” I said, he froze “I mean you can’t leave me here with these middle aged people, and your my best friend so” I shrugged
“I’ll come back for you I promise” he walked over to me “I can’t let you put yourself in even more danger” he said grabbing my arms
“I can’t let you put yourself in danger knowing that I could have helped protect you” I said, he stared blankly at me
I smiled “o-ohK…then I guess…” he trailed off
“Cool I’ll go pack” I skipped past him. Was I scared? Hell yes. But like I said, I needed to help joel and protect him in every way I can. And sure I wasn’t so happy that he was returning to his long lost love but if it made him happy then I would live. And anyway, two do shorten the road.
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