#a bsd theory
flamie-42 · 3 months
I think the best ending of BSD would be if we just went back in time and it turns out this is an isakai where Fyodor is the mc and just is so done with everything that he decides to nuke the world
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Spoilers for Chapter 114.5
This confirms that Dazai is literally the only person who can kill Fyodor since he would nullify the possession. Which makes the "You can't kill me line" way funnier because Fyodor was really thinking
"please for the love of god do not be the one to kill me"
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pe4rl-diver · 2 months
i don’t think amenogozen is truly killing people
remember how teruko melted and all that was left was her hd uniform?
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the hunting dogs took her in, gave her a home, gave her a real purpose. that uniform represents who she is.
but when kunikida melted, his clothes went with him, and what was left behind instead?
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his notebook. his ideals. his ideals represent who he is.
the thing that represents who they are is left behind.
i know that doesn’t really explain anything, but it’s at least enough for me to cause some doubt
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featherstorm2004 · 4 months
Ok but the implication that Fyodor inherits the personality traits of the people who kill him is extremely messed up when you think about it. And considering how old he is it's very likely his original personality has been completely taken over by this point, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Fyodor doesn't actually have a grand master plan but is instead working with a hodgepodge of half baked ideas culminated by his past vessels over the centuries.
Especially when you consider that these new desirers seem to effect him strongly, with him not giving two shits about Aya until he took over Bram and now suddenly he's yandere levels obsessed with her.
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justcallmesakira · 5 months
I love how the bsd fandom was celebrating chuuyas birthday being happy, joyful, a bit of angsty JUST yesterday and then fyodor just comes to ruin the party like that one auntie that no one of the family likes.
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originalaccountname · 29 days
Chuuya who had an ability that enhanced other people's abilities before undergoing ability experimentation that turned his ability into a permanent singularity and caused the creation of an ability life-form (Arahabaki). A little boy in the middle of a war who developed an ability that would make him able to help others be stronger, safer. A power that was always meant to be used with other people, an ability that was has to be used in a group.
Chuuya being a character that thrives when surrounded by people. Chuuya being a character whose motivations are more often than not for the sake of other people. From a little boy who attacked someone bigger and older than him to defend his family's honour, to a teenager that decided to use his power to defend his peers and avenge his fallen friends, to an adult who steps in to save his organization and his city.
An ability that was meant to support twisted into an ability meant to attack. An ability meant to be used on others forever forced to only work on himself, granting him immeasurable power, but isolating him because of it. An ability that should have surrounded him with friends and teammates to help the most, but instead forced him to stand on his own and take all the responsibility for himself.
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i see so many chuuya fics where he’s a player/a womanizer. and while those are all fun and beautifully written, i just have this gut feeling that chuuya is loyal as hell.
this is the guy that jumped off a helicopter and fought a literal dragon for a man he claims he doesn’t even like. imagine what he’d do for someone he loves, someone he has yet to lose and is terrified of losing.
all he wants to do is love you. he’s protective, but not possessive by any means. his time in the mafia has made him so aware of everything that could possibly harm you. even if its a 5 minute walk back to your place, he’ll drive you. if you’re out at a bar, he’ll hold your drink and/or keep an eye on all the other guys around you. he’s always practicing the sidewalk rule, always giving you his coat, and always reminding you that he would do anything and everything for you.
he knows that you’re a point of interest for enemy organizations. that because your his s/o, you’re a target for ransom or worse as a means to get back at him. and because of that, he’s constantly worrying. if even something feels off, he’ll call you, if not rushing to be by your side. you have to remind him that you aren’t made of glass.
oh, and god forbid you are actually taken captive. the world will see a side of him that he luckily keeps hidden.
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konstya · 5 months
if fyodor gets killed by a pregnant woman does he become pregnant
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calmlb · 6 months
hc that Dazai made a point of calling Chuuya small when they met because Dazai was used to being the small one.
like, finally there was someone shorter than him. because let’s be real, Dazai was barely taller than Chuuya in Fifteen.
i think people forget how small Dazai was too— not just in height, but also in weight. He was underweight in Dark Era, but in Fifteen & even at present he's barely within the healthy weight range for his height. he was constantly described as a twig in Fifteen, and almost every time he's introduced in the light novels he's called lanky, slender, etc.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Do you understand how much Dazai dancing means to me
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lazyflower48 · 1 year
So I just saw something really interesting. We know that the next episode is titled "Twilight Goodbye"
Well, in Nakahara Chuuya's "Poems of the Goat" there are two poems called "The Terrible Twilight" and "The Twilight of This Spring Day"
Another thing to note is that Dazai Osamu's very last work was called "Goodbye" which was left unfinished because of his death
One thing that's also on my mind is what Kisho Taniyama (Chuuya's VA) said in an interview regarding s5:
"If you watch this fifth season all the way to the end, i think you will be able to feel more of the depth of the relationship that Dazai and Chuuya have established."
Emphasis on "all the way to the end"
I'm not too sure as to what to make of this honestly cause my mind is a mess after this episode
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flamie-42 · 4 months
The real question I haven’t seen ppl asking:
Do we still think this is still one of Fyodors ploys?
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It makes more sense if it was a ploy to get Sigma to let his guard down but maybe (hear me the fuck out) Fyodor let the person he inhabits out for a moment to distract Sigma
Or he is just a cunning evil bastard, who knows
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dandelion-roots · 9 months
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[ID: a digital redraw of the scene where chuuya shoots dazai in the shoulder. on the top of the drawing is chuuya holding a guy to dazai's head in the red and grey hallways of the prison. on the bottom of the drawing is dazai's pained face. the gunshot is shown stylistically as hectic lines behind his bloody shoulder. over the image is half a quote from goncharov that reads 'if we really were in love you wouldn't have missed.' the signature says dandelion-roots. end ID]
This quote from Goncharov (1973) in relation to soukoku has been haunting me from before I even got to that scene in the anime (the full thing is: Katya- Of course we're in love, that's why I tried to shoot you/ Goncharov- If we really were in love you wouldn't have missed). Violence as a tool for communicating emotions, especially love and hatred, especially love and hatred makes me go feral- how could I not think of the iconic quote that says that katya's miss was a sign of a lack of love/a fake love when chuuya didn't miss? Just... losing it over here.
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Something is really off about Fyodor's death in the manga
Having just read the latest chapter, I noticed something really weird with Fyodor death scene. It all comes down to Dazai's reaction.
Before Fyodor "death" we see Dazai being all smug and gloating about what Fyodor missed, very typical of his character in general.
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But then his mood suddenly shifts completely
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He suddenly becomes very sombre, no triumph or gloating, this could be him regretting having to kill Fyodor, but the next few panels make me think there's more too it then that.
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Look at Dazai's expression here, the way he seems so suspicious of the hand
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I don't think we've ever seen Dazai's eyes like this, they are blank white, it's almost like his mafia eyes but colour inverted. This is not the face of someone who just beat their greatest enemy, or someone mourning their loss, It looks like Dazai is unsatisfied, I can't quite describe it, but there is something more in those eyes.
After Fyodors death Dazai is uncharacteristically quiet and Chuuya even points it out, again, nothing about this says "we won!" it feels like we still lost somehow.
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So why would Dazai not want Fyodor dead? While it could be because he was sad to lose the only person who thought like him, while that's possible, I want to explore another idea.
Death did not stop Fyodor.
Dazai could have killed Fyodor when he had him cornered in the cafe if he wanted to, or have someone else kill him so he doesn't break his promise to Oda.
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But he didn't, he let Ango arrest him instead, even though Dazai knew what a threat he was, why?
It all comes down to this.
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The only way Dazai can counter Dostoyevsky is when he's right there in front of him. So now he's dead, Dazai can't read his actions any more. It's like he's fighting a ghost, all the plans Fyodor will have laid in case he died will be 10x harder to uncover and stop since it's much harder to fight an invisible enemy.
Remember that Dazai did not order the piolet to kill Fyodor, Bram did, and Dazai admitted to not having any say in that deal
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I don't have any final point here, I just wanted to vent these thoughts. Does Fyodor quoting jesus on the cross mean he's going to come back in three days? What's going on with Sigma? I have way more questions than answers and it's driving me nuts
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iamthemess · 6 months
Wanna know what else I'm obsessed with?
It's Natsume. Lots of people forget about him or never even really noticed him. but I did and he is honestly the most unsettling character to me.
He is constantly around Dazai, watching throughout 15 and dark era and he spies on the agency/Dazai? in the present timeline too.
He appears around PM Dazai all the time unless he is with Mori or Chuuya but not Odasaku. He watched the lupin trio.
It's not just the watching, it's the interfering. He gave Oda that book, that book that made Oda who he is and in turn made Dazai who he is.
Was Mori really the only one who made the decisions about Oda dying? Why was there no other choice unless it was a part of a bigger plan?
He put Mori in a prime position where he would be called upon to treat the old mafia boss, where he could learn and understand that the city was falling apart. For a lot of that time the person giving him orders was Natsume.
Natsume was the one who hired Fukuzawa to be Mori's body guard.
Natsume was the one who made the detective agency a possibility.
He is the one who put Mori and Fukuzawa in charge of opposite organisations. What else did he do?
How did Mori find Yosano? Where did Dazai come from? How did the guild know about Atsushi?
Time and time again Natsume shows up to create a chain of events leading up to creating a perfect pair who could cause devastation and/or save the city.
He started with Mori and Fukuzawa, Mori who would continue this line of succession by creating soukoku, Dazai and Chuuya. Mori even quotes something Natsume told him. "only diamonds can polish diamonds."
Dazai, with Natsume possibly guiding him, goes on to find his own diamonds to be polished and creates Shin soukoku.
Everything that has happened can stem from Natsume, a character we rarely see and isn't outwardly stated as important. What is he hiding?
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luneariann · 6 months
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Guys the TikTok theorist got me…. Guys help…….
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