#a body is a physical object that will rot. it will spread disease. it has to be taken care of.
quietwingsinthesky · 16 days
i feel like saying “meat is meat” about dead bodies comes off as slightly disrespectful as a worldview when im. going into funeral services as a profession. its not like i’d ever say that to someone grieving, obviously, but that is like. how i see it all. meat is meat. dead meat is dead meat, and has to be taken care of properly. to me, it’s comforting and it’s my own kind of respect. but my brain is also not quite built the way other people’s are. so i am just going to keep it to myself, i think.
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hualianff · 3 years
Take Us Back (To Where We Hoped) 《ao3》
Samidare – Yasuharu Takanashi
They lay sprawled on the hood of the dirtied, run-down truck; backs pressed up to the scratched surface of the windshield and hands settled close enough for their pinkies to touch. The sun hung low in the sky, saturating the smog-muddled atmosphere a blazing blood-orange. A slight breeze tickled Hua Cheng’s cheeks and caressed his shoulders.
In different circumstances, the sunset would be considered beautiful. Sublime. Romantic, even. But the sky reminded Hua Cheng of cataclysmic explosions and rampant fires, unstoppable in their destruction. Rotting buildings and heaps of crumbled debris in the distance also took much of the charm away. As far as the horizon floated–an unreachable painting reserved for vibrant, passionate souls–no other human being lingered in sight.
No one else to enjoy the tranquil summer evening.
No one else but them.
“I wish I had a camera,” Xie Lian suddenly said after minutes of silence. His eyes trained on the scenery in front of them, shining with a heavenly glow. Hua Cheng turned his head to fully look at his boyfriend, listening intently. “This view is too pretty not to take a photo.”
“I can go in and ask if anyone has found one since the last stock run,” Hua Cheng offered immediately, shifting from his sitting position. He prepared to slide off the hood the moment Xie Lian nodded his assent. After all, Xie Lian only has to voice his needs and Hua Cheng will do everything in his power to ensure they are met.
However, Xie Lian shook his head, a small smile forming on his lips. He moved his hand to the right, sneaking it under Hua Cheng’s palm to intertwine their fingers.
“That won’t be necessary, San Lang,” Xie Lian said. “I was merely thinking out loud.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t be any longer than one minute,” Hua Cheng assured, enjoying the pressure of Xie Lian’s palm glued to his own. Their skin was a bit dry. Heavily calloused. Pale. But the skin-to-skin contact spread warmth up Hua Cheng’s arm and through the rest of his body.
His heart fiercely pounded against his ribcage.
“I’m sure. I’d rather just sit with you and watch the sun go down.”
Hua Cheng hummed in acknowledgment.
“Very well. But only until we can barely see-”
“-the peak of the tallest tower. Yes, I knowww,” Xie Lian pouted, scooting in closer to the younger man. “But this is our alone time, when I get San Lang all to myself.”
Hua Cheng’s visible eye lowered with understanding. It was true. As of two years ago, this was their temporary utopia from the unfathomable horrors of reality. The government downplayed the severity of the outbreak for as long as it could until the disease spiraled out of control. A new wave of monsters with different builds and appetites rose to the top of the food chain; humans became their designated vessels.
Or food.
The survivor group’s general rule was that everyone must be indoors as soon as the tallest structure faded into the shadows. Come nightfall is when the deadliest creatures roam the dilapidated Earth–their hunting grounds. For the most part, it’s an effective tell-tale sign they have learned along the way. Survival of the craziest indeed.
The life Hua Cheng lived before everything turned to Hell-fucking-shit was nothing but a distant past. The orphanage, the street hustle, the university he somehow managed to graduate from. Yet, a few people from this distant past remained in Hua Cheng’s life now.
He Xuan, the fucker he defended from a gang of lowlifes back in his teen years who has since then stuck to Hua Cheng’s side like a pesky magnet. (They still repel each other, somehow…)
Yin Yu, the classmate Hua Cheng was paired up with for a two-semester course, then later became his co-worker at the campus library.
And lastly, his boyfriend, Xie Lian, who he met in his final year of university, in the exact library Hua Cheng spent as many hours working as Xie Lian spent studying. Aimless business major with a poor upbringing meets promising graduate student with a tendency to put others first.
Naturally, they were drawn to each other.
“San Lang, can you please hold me?” Xie Lian asked, hope evident in his tone.
Pulled out of his reverie, Hua Cheng smiled down softly at the older man. He pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s temple before rearranging their position until Xie Lian was settled with his back cushioned against Hua Cheng’s chest. Hua Cheng looped his arms around Xie Lian’s waist, their worn-out clothes further wrinkling as two bodies mold together.
Xie Lian sighed in content. He wiggled in Hua Cheng’s hold for a few seconds–his little happy dance. Gazing back at the stretch of barren land, Xie Lian quietly spoke up, voice a little strained.
“San Lang, can I ask you something?”
Hua Cheng channeled all his energy to hearing Xie Lian’s words and feeling his solid form weigh comfortingly upon his heart.
“Gege can ask me anything.”
If it were physically possible, Hua Cheng would never let him go.
Hua Cheng feels himself being shoved out of the way before he hears the piercing, nonhuman screech of an infected. He barely catches himself on his hands and knees, blood pumping through his veins like shards of ice.
“Shit!” Mu Qing curses up ahead, having turned around where he was leading the two other men. He whips his gun out and aims to shoot the creature, but Hua Cheng is quicker.
Hua Cheng leaps up from the ground and sprints to where Xie Lian wrestles with a two-headed, green-skinned mutant, foaming at both mouths as it pins Xie Lian down. Xie Lian grunts as he repeatedly stabs the infected in the chest, neck, and face, but the monster doesn't show any signs of backing off.
Using the momentum from his powerful steps, Hua Cheng draws his dominant leg back. Xie Lian freezes, sensing the impending attack. Hua Cheng puts all his strength into that one goodman kick, sending one of the heads flying a couple of meters away. He then shoves the creature off of Xie Lian, smashing his foot down on its skull.
Stomp! Stomp! STOMP!
Black liquid gushes out of the creature’s ears, nose and mouth. For every attempt it tries to fight back, Hua Cheng delivers another blow, this time to its deformed body that is a result of the Hellish disease. The sounds of bones cracking and flesh squishing do not deter him. Neither do the cries of pain. If anything, it infuriates Hua Cheng even more.
He does not hear the faint shout of “San Lang!” from his worried lover.
When the second head separates from the body, Hua Cheng merely grits his teeth, hands closing into rock-hard fists. The concave head wobbles pitifully in the dirt. Satisfaction burns in Hua Cheng’s gut.
Until he spots splotches of scarlet where the monster’s mouth had fallen open.
Hua Cheng spins on his heel to run to Xie Lian’s side. However, Mu Qing has already helped Xie Lian up, now supporting the other man as they enter an abandoned convenience store a street away.
Hua Cheng follows after, running the fastest he’s ever run in his life.
His heart threatens to burst open his numb, worthless chest.
Xie Lian noticeably tensed in between Hua Cheng’s legs. Hua Cheng never told him no unless it was something that jeopardized his safety. But this wasn’t a potentially risky plan Xie Lian brought up.
It was the worst-case scenario.
“We are not discussing this right now,” Hua Cheng growled out.
“If not now, then when?” Xie Lian questioned, a bit exasperated but not surprised by the reaction. Behind him, Hua Cheng doesn’t say anything, but his nose brushed along Xie Lian’s hair as he shook head in objection.
“San Lang, please, just listen-” Xie Lian insisted, grabbing onto Hua Cheng’s wrist. The bold, red lines of his tattoo of Xie Lian’s name scream at him to stop. “We should be prepared for this-”
“-because there’s no guarantee that it won’t happen.”
“Like Hell I would even let it happen,” Hua Cheng snarled with a certain nastiness Xie Lian didn’t hear often. While it was not entirely directed at him, Xie Lian couldn’t help but be upset that he had dampened the mood and worked his boyfriend up regardless.
Xie Lian frowned as he looked over his shoulder. Though he hated the possibility, he seriously needed Hua Cheng’s confirmation on this matter. Said man wouldn’t meet his eye, choosing to bury his face into the older man’s neck instead.
“San Lang…”
“Xie Lian…”
Xie Lian abruptly exhaled a hot breath of air, not wanting to drag this out any longer. With a lump the size of a golf ball lodged in his throat, Xie Lian resolutely repeated his request.
“Please, San Lang. Promise me this.”
Hua Cheng hugged Xie Lian tighter.
“If I get bitten, I want you to kill me. Kill me before I turn.”
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Sealed Glass Vials, 9: A sealed, four ounce, clear glass vial containing a suspicious liquid, powder, slime or gas, that no true adventurer would hesitate to loot. They contain anything from eye of newt, toe of frog, faulty potions, weak elixirs, alchemical supplies, spell components, ritual elements, enchanting materials and crafting ingredients. These can be found in mage towers, voodoo shacks, potion shops, enchanter’s workshops, witch’s hovels, alchemist’s pocket’s, wizard’s pouches and anywhere and everywhere a small vial could be stored. The DM can roll a d4 to determine what state the vials are found in, or choose one of the following based on how much you like your players: 1, The vial is incorrectly labeled. The DM invents something at random or roll again and the vial is labeled that result. 2, The vial has no label of any sort. 3, The vial’s label is correct but only in a general sense. For example, a vial of powdered unicorn horn could be labeled “Horn” or “Unicorn”. 4, The vial has a clear and accurate label describing exactly what it contains.
A sealed glass vial with a label on it stating, “The ashes of the vampire Moren d’Grenouille, executed for the crime of 247 years of tax evasion.” The vial is indeed filled with ashes.
A sealed glass vial containing a dozen magically preserved seeds taken from an apple treant.
A sealed glass vial filled with a smooth, creamy balm that has an overpowering sweet and heady flowery scent that masks the slight whiff of rot. Medically knowledgeable PC’s can deduce that the soothing ointment is a false antidote for plague and pox ridden skin and is made from a variety of herbs, flowers and the rendered fat of those that have contracted said diseases and died in agony. Religiously educated PC’s are aware that fanatic cultists of the plague God Nurgle will sell these fake cures at a bargain price in areas ravaged by plagues. The balm completely eliminates all pain and negative symptoms of the disease for one week but does not prevent the contagious nature of the sickness in any way, as the unknowing victim spreads the illness to all those who they come into contact with.
A sealed glass vial filled with ground oyster shells.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of affection. The vial pulses with desire and through the clear glass one can see the forms of two lovers take shape and embrace. The vision fills the viewer with the warmth of remembered passion. Such fleeting reveries are easy to get lost in.
A sealed glass vial filled with a black oily liquid. If consumed, the drinker is wracked with a vivid and specific Random Nightmare the next time he sleeps.
A sealed glass vial containing emerald fragments, green in colour, like molten envy.
A sealed glass vial filled with a swirling green liquid that smells like musty books. When consumed the drinker is instantly filled with the knowledge of a Random Book as if they had read it themselves cover to cover. The drinker remembers the contents of the book with total mental recall for a period of one month before the memories begin to fade as normal.
A sealed glass vial filled with equal amounts of gold dust and fresh blood.
A sealed glass vial filled with a glowing purple liquid swirling with black flecks. If consumed, the drinker feels a momentary flare of agonizing pain somewhere on his person and a ten foot long tentacle bursts forth from the site, bypassing armor and clothing. The sinuous tentacle is heavily muscled like a long dry tongue covered in irregular blemishes, unnatural mottled coloring, small patches of hair and areas of perfectly smooth or heavily calloused skin. The abnormal limb is prehensile and can stretch out to ten feet allowing the creature to grab and hold (But not wield) objects, initiate grapples, shoves or other combat maneuvers and deliver touch attacks or spells that have a range of touch, all with the increased reach. The limb can even be swung with force as an unarmed attack the drinker is considered proficient with that deals as much damage as a club with a reach of ten feet. The tentacle last for 1d4 hours before retracting back into the creature's body.
—Keep reading for 90 more sealed glass vials.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A sealed glass vial with a label on it stating, “The ashes of the vampire Moren d’Grenouille, executed for the crime of 247 years of tax evasion.” The vial is indeed filled with ashes.
A sealed glass vial containing a dozen magically preserved seeds taken from an apple treant.
A sealed glass vial filled with a smooth, creamy balm that has an overpowering sweet and heady flowery scent that masks the slight whiff of rot. Medically knowledgeable PC’s can deduce that the soothing ointment is a false antidote for plague and pox ridden skin and is made from a variety of herbs, flowers and the rendered fat of those that have contracted said diseases and died in agony. Religiously educated PC’s are aware that fanatic cultists of the plague God Nurgle will sell these fake cures at a bargain price in areas ravaged by plagues. The balm completely eliminates all pain and negative symptoms of the disease for one week but does not prevent the contagious nature of the sickness in any way, as the unknowing victim spreads the illness to all those who they come into contact with.
A sealed glass vial filled with ground oyster shells.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of affection. The vial pulses with desire and through the clear glass one can see the forms of two lovers take shape and embrace. The vision fills the viewer with the warmth of remembered passion. Such fleeting reveries are easy to get lost in.
A sealed glass vial filled with a black oily liquid. If consumed, the drinker is wracked with a vivid and specific Random Nightmare the next time he sleeps.
A sealed glass vial containing emerald fragments, green in colour, like molten envy.
A sealed glass vial filled with a swirling green liquid that smells like musty books. When consumed the drinker is instantly filled with the knowledge of a Random Book as if they had read it themselves cover to cover. The drinker remembers the contents of the book with total mental recall for a period of one month before the memories begin to fade as normal.
A sealed glass vial filled with equal amounts of gold dust and fresh blood.
A sealed glass vial filled with a glowing purple liquid swirling with black flecks. If consumed, the drinker feels a momentary flare of agonizing pain somewhere on his person and a ten foot long tentacle bursts forth from the site, bypassing armor and clothing. The sinuous tentacle is heavily muscled like a long dry tongue covered in irregular blemishes, unnatural mottled coloring, small patches of hair and areas of perfectly smooth or heavily calloused skin. The abnormal limb is prehensile and can stretch out to ten feet allowing the creature to grab and hold (But not wield) objects, initiate grapples, shoves or other combat maneuvers and deliver touch attacks or spells that have a range of touch, all with the increased reach. The limb can even be swung with force as an unarmed attack the drinker is considered proficient with that deals as much damage as a club with a reach of ten feet. The tentacle last for 1d4 hours before retracting back into the creature's body.
A sealed glass vial filled with magically preserved giant-spider webbing.
A sealed glass vial containing magically preserved bark taken from a living treant.
A sealed glass vial filled with humanoid urine.
A sealed glass vial containing an industrial strength adhesive. If it makes contact with organic material, including flesh or scales, the material will start to melt and turn black.
A sealed glass vial filled with a sky-blue liquid that sparkles in the light.
A sealed glass vial filled with a Randomly Coloured liquid. If consumed, the drinker immediately foresees his death in a cryptic and disjointed vision.
A sealed glass vial containing an uncut, Randomly Colored gemstone. According to the vial’s label, the gem is the crystalized soul of the first human to have been seduced by the God of Lust. A creature holding the vial is filled with a sublime energy and enters a euphoric state similar to orgasmic bliss.
A sealed glass vial containing the pickled eye of black cat that crossed a witch's path under a full moon.
A sealed glass vial filled with preserved pumpkin juice.
A sealed glass vial filled with sand from a wizard's left boot.
A sealed glass vial containing preserved umbilical cord blood from a newborn born out of wedlock.
A sealed glass vial containing plucked mole hairs off of a giant's back.
A sealed glass vial filled with an amber fluid in which is suspended a scorpion's tail, an adder's fang, a dead spider, and a tiny heart that, against all reason, is still beating.
A sealed glass vial filled with a cloudy, crimson coloured liquid. The vial is wrapped in linen and bears a skull symbol etched onto the glass. Investigation will reveal the liquid to be the magically preserved blood of a legendary assassin.
A sealed glass vial filled with a Randomly Coloured liquid. If consumed, the drinker begins to see apparitions and specters in his periphery vision. These hallucinations resemble enemies he has dealt with in his past and the drinker develops a growing sense of paranoia as they seem to be attempting to reach out to him in a hostile manner. The visions last until the drinker is able to receive a full night’s rest. A difficult thing to come by for the paranoid…
A sealed glass vial containing the magically preserved tongue of a mute.
A sealed glass vial containing a glowing green liquid. If consumed, the drinker feels a strange tingling sensation under his shoulders and a secondary pair of arms burst out of his sides, bypassing armor and clothing. The extra arms lack the refined muscle memory of the drinker's normal limbs and are considered non-dominate or off-hands which are capable of holding objects (But not wielding them) and performing very basic tasks but nothing that requires finesse or skill. The additional limbs are as well muscled their counterparts, allowing the creature's to excel at tasks that simply require overwhelming strength or sheer brute force. The drinker is able to give himself a couple of helping hands and gains advantage on all strength checks and any rolls made to grapple or wrestle. The arms last for 1d4 hours before retracting back into the creature's body.
A sealed glass vial containing the magically preserved ears of a deaf man.
A sealed glass vial filled with a Randomly Colored liquid. If consumed, the drinker becomes horribly disfigured and unsightly to all who can perceive him and his voice is heard as a hoarse and painful croak. To the drinker, nothing has changed and he feels completely normal. This is an illusionary effect and lasts for 1d4 hours before fading away.
A sealed glass vial containing a single tear of a wailing banshee.
A sealed glass vial containing small fragments of a meteoroid. These shifting shards reflect indescribable hues from beyond time and space.
A sealed glass vial containing citrine fragments, yellow in colour like fading hope.
A sealed glass vial filled with a mixture of spices and salt that would taste fantastic if rubbed on pork before cooking.
A sealed glass vial filled with dog urine.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of oblivion. The dim, perplexing contents are locked in a constant cycle of reincarnation, breaking apart as easily as it reforms. The viewer is filled with a sense of emptiness. Their surroundings transfigured into a muted, joyless place. The mind slows, limbs grow heavy, as stillness seeps into every tissue.
A sealed glass vial filled with vanilla extract.
A sealed glass vial filled with the saliva of a living, two headed cat.
A sealed glass vial filled with acid derived from humanoid digestive juices.
A sealed glass vial containing a pristine white, angel's feather. It gives of a soft glow and a feeling of safety.
A sealed glass vial containing a willingly given, sphinx feather.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of courage. The glass gleams with revolve and determination envelops the viewer. By some unseen force, it feels as if one's own two feet are anchored more surely to the earth. When observed, the contents swirl with vague promise as the image of an innocent child comes to mind. The child charges unafraid into the dark. The vision granted by this essence reminds the observer of their bravery.
A sealed glass vial containing a potent, blue astringent that some elves use as soap.
A sealed glass vial containing the powdered bone of a shapeshifter.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of annihilation. Smoke billows within the glass from its seething contents. Anguished screams emanate from within the vial's burning core. Faces of the dead form in the haze of smoke and ash that pours forth. In time, their faces look more and more like that of the beholder.
A sealed glass vial containing a sparkling pink liquid that smells musky. If consumed, for the next 1d4 months, the drinker’s sweat becomes a very lovely smelling perfume, reminiscent of the favorite memory of anyone who smells it.
A sealed glass vial filled with a dense yellowish powder. Knowledgeable PC’s will be able to identify it as powdered half-orc tusk and are aware that it is a highly illegal substance to transport or sell. Some people believe in a backwards superstition that consuming the substance can improve the physical strength, virility and constitution or the user, however there is no evidence of this being true. Regardless there is a sizeable black market community involved with “harvesting” the tusk, processing it and selling it to individuals who are wealthy in gold but morally bankrupt.
A sealed glass vial filled with aboleth mucus.
A sealed glass vial filled with thin slivers of a dried, black fungus. Knowledgeable PC's will be able to recognize it as a drug known as “dream flake” and when placed between cheek and gum, it induces hallucinations and euphoria. When smoked, the user enters an extremely vivid waking dream, which can last for hours. Extended use of this addictive substance blackens the teeth and makes ‘bad trips’ more common.
A sealed glass vial filled with a pale blue liquid with a texture reminiscent of butterflies’ wings. When consumed, it tastes of cotton and a sound like the flapping of wings fills the drinker's ears.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of insignificance. A fractured vestige of a true object, the brittle contents forms new cracks at the slightest touch. Its surface glints and glimmers like a mirror. Yet no matter how one searches, they will never find their reflection on its surface.
A sealed glass vial filled with succubus sweat, infused with the demon’s intoxicating pheromones.
A sealed glass vial filled with the tears of a beholder.
A sealed glass vial containing a hand-sized bundle of rishi (An herb resembling lavender, though with blossoms of pale grey) tied with a blood-stained white ribbon. Attached is a small scroll with instructions for using the herb to combat an illness referred to only as "The Crawling Death".
A sealed glass vial containing a Randomly Coloured liquid that bubbles vigorously wherever fingers touch the glass. The vial's contents smells fresh and clean like new springtime growth. If consumed, the next time the drinker sleeps they will painlessly shed all of the skin, hair and nails which will be replaced by perfectly healthy new growth of the same kind. When the drinker awakes they will feel cleansed and refreshed and be cured of skin blemishes, chipped weak nails and dried, split or fried hair.
A sealed glass vial containing small, cut rubies, red in colour, like blazing lust.
A sealed glass vial filled with sea water collected from the inside of a kraken.
A sealed glass vial containing the preserved vocal cords and tongue of a bard executed for heresy.
A sealed glass vial containing a white spell-rune glows within oozing red liquid. Knowledgeable PC's will be able to identify the crimson fluid as the blood of a sorcerer and the magical glyph as a spell sigil that the mage cast into his own blood, preserving it within the vial. It is theorized that if done properly, another creature could drink the contents and be able to cast the spell themselves either temporarily or permanently.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of reverie. A resplendent object rippling with potential, within the vial one sees their own visage staring back bright and clear. Peering deeply, one notices their face is lined with rivers of intertwined light. As one tributary wanes, another swells, ever-shifting, ever flowing.
A sealed glass vial filled with dead lice plucked off of a dying orphan's head.
A sealed glass vial containing the preserved blood of a sorcerer who belonged to a powerful magical lineage. The lineage is extinct, but the vial is still incandescent with eldritch power.
A sealed glass vial containing a Randomly Coloured flower in full bloom. The magically preserved plant is recognizable to Knowledgeable PC's as a Soul Rose, a mysterious flower that grows only from the skulls of those with powerful magical ability who are decayed by nature rather than buried. It blooms for only two hours during a full moon around a year after their death.
A sealed glass vial containing an acorn that fell from a tree that has been struck by lightning 13 times.
A sealed glass vial containing a number of inky black mushrooms that are bleeding a black tarry substance. The magically preserved fungus is recognizable to knowledgeable PC's as Void Caps, a rare mushroom that can be distilled to create the darkest, most concentrated black pigment known.
A sealed glass vial filled with black mud dredged up from the nethermost trench of the deepest ocean. If opened, the salty smell of the tar of the earthly abyss makes the bearer feel cold and hungry.
A sealed glass vial filled with shimmering ashes. Knowledgeable PC's will recognize it as Conjurer's Ash and that it is the residue taken from creatures stricken by conjuration burns. Generated from backfiring spells of summoning rituals that sear the body and souls of the casters with planar energies. It is sometimes used as a flux or additive that imbues objects with enhanced, albeit somewhat unstable, planar properties.
A sealed glass vial containing a preserved daisy petal plucked by a novice witch.
A sealed glass vial containing a crumpled note on which is written the following: “Place the ingredients into the vial on the eve of a solstice for a prize beyond your imagining: The tears of a mime, the last beam of moonlight, and tomorrow’s broken promise.”
A sealed glass vial filled with ash from a witch's hut that was burned down by holy fire.
A sealed glass vial filled with a black liquid with eight, small, glowing red spheres within it. If consumed, the drinker feels a painful itching sensation along his spine and four spider legs each twice as long as an arm burst out of his back, bypassing armor and clothing. The creature has complete control over the legs and can use them to move up, down and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving his hands free. The drinker's climb speed using the arachnid legs is equal to his normal walking speed. The legs last for 1d4 hours before retracting back into the creature's body.
A sealed glass vial filled with the magically preserved blood collected from the blister of a mad king.
A sealed glass vial filled with a rich, iridescent, pearly syrup that smells and tastes of copper, salt and iron. It coats the throat as it goes down, burning like whisky and suffusing limbs with warm energy. If consumed, the drinker experiences hallucinations and suffers disadvantage on perception checks for 1d4 hours.  
A sealed glass vial filled with pinky nails plucked from plague survivors.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of futility. In the dense fog there's little visible, but if the viewer stares long enough they'll find the vague impression of beggar. His hands out in supplication. The vision leaves one with a profound sense of emptiness, but such feelings are not always unwanted.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of cowardice. An unsettling object full of malignant shadows, the longer it's held the heavier it feels. Despite its size, the burden grows with each day until it becomes intolerable.
A sealed glass vial covered in a label that reads “Do not read the scrap of parchment within!” Within the vial rests a thrice-folded parchment that says, “The true name of the Dread Assassin is Greta Fireflicker. Knowing this makes you her next target.”
A sealed glass vial containing an incredible hot, greasy, yellowish liquid-plasma-like substance. The material has a glassy shimmer, like it is constantly shifting state. While dangerously hot, the vial itself is immune to damage caused by the heat. Knowledgeable PC's are able to identify it as Liquid Starfire. The material is super-rich in energy, and addictive to those who can metabolize it. It is the metaphysical embodiment of mania, unstable states, transformation, hunger, addiction and wanting.  
A sealed glass vial containing jade shards, dull green in colour, like rotting flesh.
A sealed glass vial filled with clay-colored sand, of both small and large grains. A faint glowing, warped pattern like a sky both starry and cloudy arises from within the grains under pressure; a pattern made permanent when glassed.
A sealed glass vial filled with viscous red fluid that has a shimmer of gold to it. If the vial is opened, the liquid boils over onto the one who opened it, then sinks into the skin of that being.
A sealed glass vial containing a black femur of a cursed pixie.
A sealed glass vial filled fine white sand, with what looks to be one rounded blue pearl sitting on top of it. If the vial is unstoppered, the blue pearl dissolves into the sand, tinting it blue. Everyone in the area hears a loud chime that makes them long for their childhoods.
A sealed glass vial containing bits of amber with tiny insects trapped within. Should someone open the vial, the insects eat their way out of the amber and form a swarm of stinging, tiny midges. Those bit by the swarm feel weak and feverish for 1d4 days.
A sealed glass vial containing a brilliant purple feather. If the vial is opened, the feather flies off, leaving a purple glowing trail in its wake.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of wisdom. Within the clear glass and observer can see the form curiously curl inwards before the silhouette of a tree briefly coalesces. The branches blossom, bear fruit, and eventually grow bare. The momentary vision stirs the viewer’s memories and restores lost insights.
A sealed glass vial filled with a Random Bright Colour hued dye. The liquid has a faint luminescence to it and the liquid can be applied to a creature or object (Up the three square feet of surface area) over the course of a minute. The contents quickly reacts to air and the object begins to glow as bright as a candle in that colour for the next 2d4 days.
A sealed glass vial filled water melted from snow gathered in hell.
A sealed glass vial filled with pure liquefied lightning, gathered from the deepest depths of an elemental plane. It has a luminous glow and crackles with energy.
A sealed glass vial containing pieces of onyz, black in colour, like and endless night.
A sealed glass vial filled with pure liquefied fire, collected from the furthest reaches of an elemental plane. It emanates a fierce glow and is hot to the touch.
A sealed glass vial filled with a shimmering bright blue liquid that gleams and glitters in sunlight. If consumed, the drinker has his spirits briefly lifted, as if a wave of happiness flowed through them.
A sealed glass vial containing a swirling cloud of angry smoke in which can be seen half-formed images of monsters and agonized faces.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of disdain. The vial throbs with contempt and when the contents are observed, the vision of a tyrant floods the mind. The tyrant descends from a throne and brings a sword down upon the neck of a prostrated prisoner. The momentary image summons forth all manner of doubts and feelings of unworthiness.
A sealed glass vial filled with alchemically preserved, humanoid brain fluid.
A sealed glass vial containing a thick yellow potion that twists and moves of its own accord. The fluid inside will actively try to avoid being drunk, clinging to the inside of the bottle. Knowledgeable PC’s can determine that it’s actually a tiny, Ochre Jelly.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of fallacy. Thin oily fluid drips within the vial, oozing from the malformed idea. Through the clear glass one can observe a sinew of tangled sensations within. A newborn's wings flutter as ancient roots stretch deep below the earth. The sky stretches out, a vast pool of light and color, daring the beholder to drink deeply, endlessly
A sealed glass vial containing a dozens of toothpicks made of birch wood.
A sealed glass vial containing large sapphire chips, blue in colour, like strangled dreams.
A sealed glass vial containing a physical glimpse of the concept of hope. The contents almost twinkles as an observer finds the image of a midwife comes to mind. In her arms, a newborn reaches toward her shrouded face. The sight reminds the bearer of the strangers who've aided and guided them.
A sealed glass vial containing a dark violet liquid. If consumed, the drinker is wracked with pain as their blood burns as if it’s been replaced with acid. The drinker’s veins seem to swell and rise to the top of his body briefly. They leave dark purple and blue markings across the drinker’s skin which will remain as permanent tattoos.
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Supernatural Diseases - Humans
Note: Please message us if you plan on using these! We just want to coordinate to make sure there’s no doubling up at the same time.
Humans are susceptible to most diseases, both supernatural and mundane. 
Tinneas Sidhe: A condition mentioned in Gaelic folklore where contact with the magical effects of fae or fae flora such as hungry grass or a gancanagh’s happiness drain lingers far longer than usual, and might even become a chronic condition if not treated in the early stages. This can present in a number of ways but often requires magical intervention to completely cure, with “ingredients” from the fae species that caused the issue.
Grave Chills: A disease typically contracted from undead creatures or locations heavy with necromantic energies. The sufferer feels a very literal chill of the grave that won't seem to go away even when in extremely hot environs. Some report being afflicted with hallucinations of deceased loved ones. Bathing in holy water a few times is a quick fix for this, but it will dissipate on its own after a couple of weeks.
Soul Instability: Affects mediums, exorcists, and spellcasters - if an individual spends too long in the astral plane, they put themselves at risk of not being able to get back into their body, which is left vulnerable to the regular world. They may need to seek help, all the while trying to keep their soul safe from the inherent dangers of the astral plane. Magic intervention is needed, and one can reduce the likeliness of happening again with regular anxiety-coping mechanisms.
Aura Reader:
Reader’s Spoonerism: Presenting with no obvious clinical signs, Reader’s Spoonerism causes aura readers to see the wrong auras on the wrong people and species. This means that a calm and collected person might have a red aura, or a fae might have the aura of a kitsune. This is very confusing for the aura reader and it can even take some time to identify that it’s happening. Reader’s Spoonerism tends to come and go like a common cold and will resolve on its own over time.
(Chronic illness TW) Soulsight: The aura reader’s powers gradually intensify, eventually causing everything to be covered in auras. This is visually painful and confusing, and can cause headaches, nausea, and even fainting. If not treated, the aura reader will eventually go blind and only be able to see in auras. While it’s possible to recover from this point, it is not a certainty, and will require multiple treatments of eyedrops made from fungus grown on a leshy. 
Aura’s Knot: This disturbing condition causes all auras to look like muddled messes. The reader will no longer be able to discern anything from auras, as they all look like lifeless brown puddles and knots. While there are no physical symptoms associated with this condition, it can cause psychological distress and even depression. It can be cured using a lotion made from the guts of supernatural creatures of varying colors mixed together (typically red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet).
(Chronic illness TW) Mirroralgia: Empaths are supposed to only feel the emotions of others, but those who come down with mirroralgia -- transmitted by clingers on occasion -- also feel the physical pain of those around them. Any injuries taken around the afflicted empath will also hurt them, and any preexisting pain will be felt as if it’s their own. This can be an incredibly painful disease and can even cause death, if someone near the empath happens to die. Empaths can live with mirroralgia for years, or even their whole life, and it isn’t progressive, but in a town with as many deaths as White Crest, every day with it is a gamble. Once the sickness is identified, most empaths will choose to eliminate it by undergoing an elaborate ritual with the help of spellcasters.
Contrario Affectus: Empaths normally feel the emotions of others, but contrario affectus turns that on its head. This contagious bug causes the empath’s abilities to dull during the first couple of weeks of sickness. During the next few weeks, any person the empath has physical contact with will then begin to feel the emotions of the empath. The cure is simple: any analgesic. This can take months to resolve on its own, so typically the empath has to track down everyone they had contact with to identify who needs to be treated.
Barlow’s Funnel: This rare virus grants empaths the ability to drain the emotions of others. It tends to come on gradually, with the empath and those around them not realizing what’s happening at first. Eventually, those the empath spends the most time with will start feeling numb and emotionless, no longer enjoying things. As the virus worsens, the empath will start feeling an insatiable compulsion to intentionally drain people of their emotions, leaving innocents completely numb. The virus is able to remain inside the host indefinitely, but can be cured with mass consumption of nutritional yeast. Once the virus is gone, the emotions taken from others will be returned to them.
Medium & Exorcist:
Persephone Syndrome: Caused when a medium doesn't have enough living contact -- their life is unbalanced with dealing with the affairs of the dead, and they’ve become too invested ghosts’ (after)lifes. The medium’s abilities strengthen, but they lose the ability to see or hear living individuals, perceiving themselves to be alone with only ghosts for company. The medium will eventually become disoriented and confused, thinking themselves to be “haunted” by people they cannot see, when in reality it’s just living people. The cure involves isolating themselves from all ghosts for a couple of months and/or drinking a potion made primarily from the zombie necroplasm (goo from zombies), but can be difficult to diagnose and may require forced intervention by members of the living.
Spectris Oculis: A rare disease caused by staring at a poltergeist for too long (generally for 6+ hours). This condition causes the medium or exorcist’s eyes to glaze over, making it hard to focus on anything, and eventually blinding them over time. In the final stages of the disease, the eyes rot and fall out of the head. This can be treated with medication made out of chickcharney dung and squonk tears. While you can stop the eyes rotting and falling out at any stage in treatment, if the blindness has progressed too far, it is irreversible.
Resonance Inversion: Most ghosts fear exorcists, but exorcists who contract resonance inversion as a result of one too many exorcisms gone wrong, draw hordes of ghosts and demons toward them. The exorcist’s aura becomes a “magnet” that draws in nearby ghosts and other dangerous creatures, and nothing seems to lessen this. Exorcists with this condition will also cause more and more entities to swarm around them if they try and cast out a spirit. The best tactic for short-term survival is to use wards and other good luck charms to keep various demons away, but in the long-term, the exorcist will require psychic intervention to restore their aura back to normal. 
Soul Scrappies: More ghost than sickness, soul scrappies are small, malevolent spirits that latch onto the soul of an exorcist during an exorcism (or, rarely, a medium during a seance). The soul scrappy impacts the exorcist's psyche and can cause them to act differently than normal, though they don’t quite understand why. It can also impact the exorcist’s ability to successfully complete exorcisms. Typically, this can be caught early if the exorcist affected can sense ghosts, and the spirit can be sent packing with a mini exorcism.
Apoleia Dynamis: This psychosomatic condition can cause loss of supernatural hunter abilities, including a decrease in super strength, coordination, and immunity to quarry. Typically, this is brought on when a hunter completely loses faith in what they are, their cause, themselves, or anything else that tethers them to their abilities. The first sign of Apoleia Dynamis is often fading strength. Over time, this can cause hunters to become quite sickly, and it’s most easily reversed by treating the root cause -- a crisis of faith. 
Static Interference: Thought to be viral in origin and non-contagious, Static Interference causes hunters to begin emitting signals other hunters can feel, while also sensing all hunters as their target. This means that a slayer would “register” as a werewolf to beast hunters, while sensing other hunters as vampires. While confusing (and sometimes leading to lethal mistakes), this typically clears up on its own over time.
Achilles’ Bane: This disease of unknown origin causes hunters to take on the weaknesses of what they hunt. Wardens become sensitive to iron and lying, slayers to sunlight and holy objects, and beast hunters to silver and the thrall of the full moon. Though these weaknesses aren’t as extreme as they would be in their quarry, this can still cause considerable pain, discomfort, and psychological distress. While Achilles’ Bane sorts itself out over the course of a few months, it can also be cured via magic ritual with the assistance of a spellcaster and the species the hunter targets.
Uncontrolled wild magic: When the energy of a spellcaster passes through another magic-user, traits of it can be left behind, often presenting in uncontrolled outbursts of the preferred magic of the other spellcaster. This is almost always temporary, but can be cursed with a cleansing ritual that includes both parties involved and the entrails of a torple.
Hecate Inpass: A spellcaster who tries to do too much, spreading themselves too thin, can come down with a case of Hecate Impass, where their magic becomes fractured and unreliable. Rather than becoming good at all of the types of magic they were studying, they become good at nothing. This can even result in temporary or long-term loss of magic. This can be resolved by the spellcaster limiting their scope, and in more extreme cases, forfeiting some of their knowledge in a magic ritual or with the use of brain biters.
Too Familiar: The bond between a spellcaster and their familiar becomes too blurred, causing the spellcaster to take on behaviors and/or qualities of their familiar. If left untreated, it can result in the spellcaster bouncing back over the bond, and getting trapped inside their familiar (and, possibly, the familiar getting trapped inside of the caster). Often caused by linking with one’s familiar for prolonged amounts of time. Due to lack of documented information about the condition, it’s often resolved by killing the familiar. However, some records show that it can be also cured with the bite of any transformed shapeshifter (if a werewolf, the caster will not become one themselves, but details are scarce so there may be uncertainty).
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Below the cut you can find essential information on the creatures available in play. The alignments written underneath the creature categories are how this creature is generally perceived by the wider wixen world and are not necessarily indicative of that creature’s personal alignment. 
Faery - chaotic evil / chaotic neutral
The fairies that remain are a mere shade of their former power and glory. They reside in small villages hidden by magic and accessible only through portals in fairy forts, fairy rings, and hawthorne trees. With their connection to their homeland has been severed, the fairies have lost their dominion over life and death, which means that they have also lost their immortality. A natural-born fairy lives an average of five-hundred years before crumbling to dust and scattering to the wind. However, this number seems to decrease with every passing generation. 
Instead, some have mastered a darker and more nefarious way of living indefinite lifespans. Through ancient and mysterious ritualistic magic, fairies are able to move between different living hosts. They do not have a concept of “good” or “bad,” and believe in taking what they believe belongs to them and spreading their goodwill for a price.
Part-Faery - chaotic neutral, neutral evil
The children of fairies and humans are rarely born out of love. Instead, they are born with purpose. For generations, fairies have used their part-fairy children as hosts for themselves in order to expand their lifespan past the natural expiry. This means that, despite being able to live for one to two hundred years, many only live to their early twenties before they are made hosts. 
However, this is not the only fate for part-fairy children. Some live out the extent of their lives without interruption or loss of self. This can be for a number of reasons: the death of the fairy parent, a part-fairy child taking control of a fairy parent via silver, the successful escape from a fairy parent, or simply because they were one of the few part-fairy children born out of love or favoured by their fairy parent. 
Ghost - varied alignment
A ghost is a timeless imprint of the dead; a visible but transparent, silvery specter resembling the wix who has died. The “lifespan” of a ghost is indeterminate, but it is often reflective of the strength of their connection to certain locations, people and objects, to their fear of the afterlife, or to the trauma of their death. Muggles cannot become ghosts. 
Many ghosts will cease to exist if their “unfinished business” is resolved, albeit not all spirits have this luxury (or this desire): Some spirits are more fractured than others, with these apparitions existing as only a warped, partial reflection of their former selves. Others are simply too afraid to part with what little life they have left. It is rumored that some ghosts have been ‘recruited’ by the Department of Mysteries for experimentation. Ghosts are able to fly and produce ectoplasm, but are unable to perform magic. 
Part-Giant - neutral evil
The rare progeny of one human parent and one Giant parent, part-Giants are humanoid in appearance, if considerably taller than most humans, and have slightly longer lifespans than the average wix. Giant ancestry confers on half- and part-Giants a robust constitution, including denser bone structure and greater resistance to most diseases and poisons, as well as marginally heightened hearing, vision, and smell. Occasionally, part-Giants will also inherit other physical features from their Giant parent, such as pronounced or sharp teeth, additional body hair, or literal thick skin. 
Contrary to popular belief, part-Giants are not inherently unintelligent or evil, though they do often experience the intense instinctual aggression of their ancestors. As it is nearly impossible to acclimate to life within a Giant family or clan, most part-Giants are raised within the wizarding community, where ostracization from their peers may lead to challenges completing education and finding employment. Like many creatures faced with disenfranchisement, oftentimes part-Giants find their livelihoods off-the-beaten-path: in the realms of private security, prize fighting and dueling, wilderness expertise, and dangerous creature handling, as well as other forms of magical labour. 
Vampire - neutral evil / lawful evil
Vampires are nocturnal creatures belonging to the ranks of the Living Dead. They are humanoid in appearance, with deathly skin, gaunt features, and pronounced, pointed incisors resembling animal fangs. Parasitic in nature, they subsist entirely on the blood of the living; this renders them effectively immortal, with many vampires living for hundreds if not thousands of years. 
In addition to possessing heightened senses (hearing the beat of a fly’s wings, smelling the edge of rot in a strawberry just before it turns), vampires are immune to disease and poison; most are also able to learn to transform into bats or temporary mists. Vampires are also capable of feats of extrahuman strength and speeds faster than the human eye can track, but this action leaves them exhausted and vulnerable, and is thus used sparingly.
Part-Vampire - lawful neutral / lawful evil
The rare progeny of vampires and humans, part-vampires may be of wixen or muggle blood. Predominantly human in appearance, part-vampires take on the deathly pall of their vampire parent and have noticeably longer incisors than the average person. They are mortal save for their extended lifespan, which may last as long as several hundred years, and causes slowed aging. Unlike full vampires, part-vampires do not need to consume blood to survive, although the lack of it renders the part-vampire effectively human.
For those part-vampires who do choose to consume blood as part of their diet, they are afforded a lesser degree of the supernatural powers their parent exhibits. They will rarely fall ill, and are immune to most poisons. They may possess heightened senses and the capacity for enormous strength and speed, but these require a large intake of blood and leave the part-vampire prone for days after the fact.
Veela -   neutral evil
Veela (or vila) are a type of supernatural being with origins in the slavic nations. The veela, characterised by their otherworldly and terrifying beauty and are known for their spite. Like vampires, true veela are created instead of born, however, unlike vampires, their lifespans are not indefinite.
The transformation is ritualistic in nature, however, unlike vampires and werewolves, does not require a bite of any sort. The veela have the ability to transform into a hideous and ravenous creature with talons, a mouthful of sharp fangs, and sprouted black oil-slicked feathers.Veelas age at an extremely slow-rate from the time that they are transformed, living two to three hundred years longer than your average wixen individual. Due to glamour magic, no aging is seen, leading to the incorrect rumour that they do not age.
Part-Veela -   true neutral
Since the veela’s introduction to wixen society, it has become more common to see the progeny of a veela and a human. Veelas can mate with wixen and non-wixen alike, however, non-wixen progeny will only inherit their veela parent’s famed beauty and ability to partially transform. This ability to transform can only be inherited by half-veelas. 
Half-veelas outlive your typical wixen individual by fifty to one hundred years. Part-veelas (the children of half-veela) do not typically inherit these prolonged lifecycles. 
Werewolves - chaotic neutral / chaotic evil
Werewolves are those persons afflicted with the condition of lycanthropy: an unstoppable transformation from human into a monstrous, wolf-like creature. The only way to become a werewolf is to be bitten by one and survive; both muggles and wix can be turned into werewolves. Governed by the moon, werewolves transform once a month, when the moon is full. A werewolf’s wolf form is distinct from normal wolves: considerably larger and more humanoid, with slightly thinner fur, and a wider range of mobility of limbs. In addition to the physical tax of transformation, werewolves are especially vulnerable to burns and poisoning by silver and vampire blood. The Wolfsbane Potion has not yet been invented; therefore, werewolves are presently incapable of maintaining their human minds during transformation.
 The most robust werewolf packs in the U.K. are known as Pack Máni, Pack Vargr, and Pack Úlfar, which are largely codependent, providing one another with key resources. Nearly all werewolves live outside of the artificial hierarchy of alpha/beta/omega observed in wolves in captivity, instead using majority consensus and the wisdom of more experienced werewolves to guide decision-making. One notable exception is Pack Úlfar, which has recently adopted this structure as a reflection of Voldemort’s upper echelon of supporters. Generally speaking, most packs are presumed to be aligned with Voldemort and his supporters — though this stance is increasingly contentious.
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nacrp · 6 years
lore release: cultural attitudes!
No silly character introduction here, folks; instead the staff would like to make a world building note. The real world is tough enough, and we wanted to create a fantasy world where the playing field was more fair. Simply put: racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia do not exist in Aarne. Ableism exists to a minor extent solely because of the limits of medicine, magic, and technology, not because disabled people are seen as a curse. POC occupy noble houses & positions of prestige; gender exists on a spectrum & magical potions can be used as Ye Olde HRT; women can slay dragons and men can be seamsters. While there are major stigmas, taboos, and conflicts in Aarne, they will not be based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Disabilities & Medicine. Disabilities that a person is born with, whether physical or neurological, are not viewed as a curse or a reflection of the parents’ morality. Medicine in Aarne, however, is not advanced enough to treat all disabilities equally. People rely on magic to treat both physical and mental illness, but magic is not foolproof—and despite its transformative properties, it cannot help someone to regrow a lost limb, lost eye, etc. Prosthetics are not terribly advanced either, although watchmakers have been inventive in creating springs and gears to increase functionality. People with disabilities can meet a wide variety of responses: a physical disability as a result of some heroic deed will be looked upon favorably, but a physical disability as a result of a mistake or failure will be scoffed at. Disability is also treated differently between the upper and lower classes; because of their money, nobility are able to afford accessibility, but the fewer social expectations and proprieties of the common folk may be better suited to people with neurological differences.
Hygiene. The poets will write sonnets dedicated to your rotted teeth and smelly feet. Hygiene in Aarne isn’t the best; people don’t bathe regularly and plumbing hasn’t been invented yet. Some characters may be more aware of their own personal hygiene than others, but this is on an individual basis and society isn’t super concerned about it. People don’t understand what causes disease, why disease spreads, or how hygiene impacts this. In Aarne, people still believe in spontaneous generation and that your soul can leave your body when you sneeze.
Education. “what up i’m jared i’m 19 and i never fucking learned how to read” is the mantra of the majority of the population of Aarne. The nobility are the only people who can afford tutors for their children, but common folk may receive informal structures of education from village scribes. Libraries exist on a small scale, and consist mostly of a single person’s personal collection of books.
Work. Among the common folk, finances are so bad that everyone has to work in order to contribute to the household’s monetary resources. Depending on what their parents’ profession is, children may help milk cows, deliver shoes, help thieving parents to pickpocket, and so on. Becoming a merchant, a knight, or a city guard are the highest paying professions for a common person. Advisors to the king, diplomats to other countries, and other government jobs are reserved for nobility.
Names. If you’re looking to change your identity or evade taxes, you’ve come to the right place: record keeping in Aarne is a disaster, due in part to the fact that there is no single system of naming. Among the nobility, fixed surnames—which pass on from generation to generation—are necessary due to the importance of heritage, ancestry, and inheritance. Common folk, however, are less likely to use fixed surnames, and may not utilize surnames at all. Marriage does not require one specific gender to sacrifice their surname to another; noble families decide between themselves who will adopt which last name, and common folk may hyphenate or create a port manteau. Because surnames are so unreliable, people in Aarne are generally known by their first name and a descriptor of some kind, e.g, Jiang the Golden.
Marriage. To borrow lyrics from an Elle King song, “love is for the poor.” And even that isn’t always correct. Across classes, marriage is seen as an arrangement of mutual benefit. For nobility, marriage is a way of cementing an alliance or an agreement, and for common folk, marriage is a way of pooling resources. Lower classes, however, do have the luxury of being more able to marry for love; this is almost unheard of among nobility. It is extremely frowned upon for a noble person to marry a commoner, as there is no clear benefit to such an arrangement. No person can be married before the age of 18 in Aarne, as this is the age when they are legally and culturally considered adults. Marriages between people of the same gender are all equally valid. The law permits only marriages between two adults, but polyamorous marriages are culturally (if not legally) recognized in some villages.
Marriage Practices. Followers of The Under generally marry in the large cathedrals that have been erected in honor of the Under Mother. Followers of The Over generally marry outside, so that the gods of nature can witness the union (and intervene, if they do not approve; a sudden rainstorm on your wedding day or a falling tree near the altar are examples of signs that two people in The Over should not be married). Followers of The All-Around generally marry during transitional times—dawn, dusk, spring, autumn—because they consider marriage itself a transition from life as one soul into life as two souls. Before any wedding occurs, a religious official of The All-Around will attempt to contact the ancestors of the two people involved to see if they approve. Noble weddings are lavish affairs planned far in advance, with no expense considered too great. Obviously because the lower classes have less money, weddings are less grandiose. The exchanging of rings is typically only done among nobility, while the lower classes opt for more symbolic gestures, such as exchanging lockets with locks of hair inside or receiving matching tattoos. All weddings are considered religious, and are overseen by a religious official of some kind.
Divorce. Marriage, in Aarne, is meant to be an “until death do us part” situation, as it is both religiously and legally binding. Divorce on the grounds of unhappiness or irreconcilable differences is only permitted by The All-Around, and even then the marriage cannot be dissolved unless deceased ancestors grant permission. There is a stigma against people who divorce, even when they do so for the single reason all of Aarne accepts: childlessness. There is a stigma against couples who are unable to produce children, to the point where that snazzy genius King Odder has decreed that any marriage that does not produce a child within three months of marriage must be dissolved. (No, he doesn’t realize pregnancy lasts nine months. No, this policy is not clear about whether this means one party must become pregnant within three months of marriage or give birth within three months.) King Odder isn’t the best at following through on his decrees, so the results of this have been haphazard at best—most people are sitting tight and hoping their marriage goes unaffected. Some couples have lied about having children or have presented swaddled turnips and kittens as evidence of progeny, and it works.
Children. Children are viewed as the object that cements the permanence of a marriage. Obtaining divorce after having a child is much more difficult. Because of infant mortality & childhood mortality rates, couples are encouraged to have as many children as they can in the hopes that at least one will survive. Adoption is valid route to parenthood. Becoming pregnant out of wedlock is a huge taboo, and these children are unfortunately the victims of societal scorn. Those who father children out of wedlock are equally as ostracized as the mothers.
Sex & Birth Control. Herbal remedies that prevent pregnancy are available to people of all genders, although they are not foolproof. It is uncommon in Aarne to value virginity. Premarital sex is accepted so long as it does not lead to the conception of a child out of wedlock, which either leads to an illegitimate child or the embarrassment of an unfavorable marriage. Although marriage is rarely for love, having sex or a relationship with someone other than one’s spouse is considered risky; it’s almost worse to be married and have an illegitimate child than to be unmarried and have one. It isn’t outright taboo, but it is something that people may squint at because it can be seen as a betrayal to the allegiance that the marriage was supposed to cement. Unfortunately there is some stigma attached to sex workers because they are (wrongly) associated with murder, fraud, illegitimate children, and extreme poverty. Sex workers are trying to correct this perception and earn more rights by forming a union.
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tree-experts-blog · 5 years
Stump Grinder Company my Area in Seaholm District Austin
Stump Grinder Company my Area in Seaholm District Austin
We specialize in clipping, pruning, thinning, crown reduction, topping, tree removal, stump grinding and hillside clean up intended for fire regulations. When tree or grass upkeep is a problem, you deserve an organization that respects your time and property. Our biggest concern is your safety and knowledge of a great job. Setting the scene plus safeguarding the work space is the the basic thing we do and once everything is ready we complete our work pretty fast. It is all cleaned once we are done and you are left with a clean yard and peace of mind.
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Stump Grinder Company my Area in Seaholm District Austin
Keeping your front or back yard looking good means a lot of work should you have numerous trees to keep up. Mowing the grass is one thing but trimming trees becomes harder as they grow. New trees are easy to keep up for quite a while, but if you choose to top the tallest ones you will need to buy special tools for that. If you want to continue trimming your own trees, here are some suggestions gathered from tree care specialists.
Get Someone Who Can Help You
Doing the work by yourself is okay if you are physically fit and wish to save money rather than hiring a tree company. No matter, it is smart to have someone assist you. A helper will make the job a lot easier and more productive. When you climb up and down a ladder a few times for stuff, that could cause you to be tired or even reckless.
Think Safety First
Look at the area you are about to work on. Set up your work space away from things like lawn furniture or any other item that could get in the way while you are working. If that is impossible, be wary of your conditions and be extra careful if you have a fence close to where you are working.
Safety First Even With Tools
Some accidents are caused by tools that breakdown. All tree service specialists take care of their tools and so should you. Decent tools will save time mainly because the work will not be delayed if something breaks.
Safety ought to be a top priority. Anybody in good shape and organized for the job can to do it right if safety precautions are thought out in advance.
Tools of The Trade
Axe: This is one of the commonest tools that tree care companies use to cut down small trees. It can also be used to cut small pieces of wood.
Stump Grinder: This device is used exclusively for finishing tree removal jobs. When the bulk of the tree is removed the stump grinder is brought into play pull out the toughest part. Teeth on a stump grinder make short work of the leftover stump and roots.
Shears: Power trimming shears have a number of sizes and use. Several of the shears are only used to trim trees while the others are utilized to cut small branches. You also have the longer trimming shears to reach those high up branches.
Ladders: A ladder is used for smaller trees 30 feet tall or less. They can also be used to reach high branches as necessary.
Chainsaw: A power saw can be used to cut limbs off of the trunk rapidly. This tool is among the more perilous to use, so being aware of how to use one is very important.
Grub Hoes and Pick Axe: These tools are used for back yard trees. They are like other tools but smaller in size. They are very effective for getting rid of tree roots.
Rigging Rope: When removing tall trees rigging rope is a safety precaution. Rigging ropes are used to support the pieces being cut so they may be dropped slowly rather than falling to the ground. These riggings are usually used together with a safety harness for added certainty on the job.
Should you be seriously considering rigging rope might we suggest that you just opt for hiring a pro instead. The expense of the rope and harness alone is justification for a tree service company, instead of the bother of buying costly tools, the safety concerns, the hard work involved and then, knowing how and what to do so you do not devastate a perfectly beautiful tree.
The Advantages of Cutting Trees
Keeping your front yard looking good means a lot of work when you have several trees to to take care of. Mowing the grass is one thing but trimming trees gets harder as they grow. A lot of people can keep their trees nice for a number of years but in due course you need to use more equipment and even employ help to complete the job. Included here are a few tips for personal safety if your trees are that big and you still wish to do the work by yourself.
Get Able Body Help
Doing the job yourself is okay if you are in good shape and want to economize instead of getting a tree company. In case there is any climbing going on you are advised to have somebody else there, for support. A helper will make the job a lot easier and more productive. When you climb down and up a ladder a few times for stuff, that could make you tired or even clumsy.
Think Safety First
Take a look at the area you are about to work on. Make sure to work in a clear area without obstructions like a fence or anything which can hinder the work being carried out. If you cannot clear away an object that could cause an accident like a fence, make sure to be extra careful where you are working.
Safety First While Using Tools
Some accidents come from tools that breakdown. All tree service specialists take care of their tools and so should you. Tools that are maintained, save your time because delays can be avoided.
Safety should be a key concern. Any person in good shape and prepared for the work can to do it right if safety precautions are thought out in advance.
Tools of The Trade
Axe: This is one of the commonest tools that tree service companies use to cut small trees. Small bits of wood frequently get the axe also.
Stump Grinder: This is more frequently used in tree removal. Once the bulk of the tree is taken away the stump grinder is used pull out the most stubborn part. It has teeth that can be used to loosen up the soil where the roots are.
Trimming Shears: Power trimming shears have a variety of sizes and use. Some of the shears are only used to trim trees while the others are used to cut small branches. Then there are the longer trimming shears to reach high branches.
Ladder: Ladders can be used for small trees up to 30 feet roughly. You can use a ladder to reach high branches.
Chain saw: Once the tree is down a chainsaw is used to chop off limbs. Just Make Sure you learn how to handle one as they are commonly associated with accidents.
Pick Axe and Grub Hoes: These tools are used for landscaping trees. These are like other tools just smaller in size. These are often times used for removing stubborn tree roots.
Rigging Rope: This type of rope is useful for removing tall trees. Rigging ropes are used to support the pieces being cut down so they might be dropped slowly versus falling to the ground. These riggings usually are used in conjunction with a safety harness for higher stability on the job.
If you are seriously considering rigging rope might we recommend that you simply opt for hiring a professional actually. The idea of buying the tools alone should make a case for calling in a contractor, along with the safety issues, how much work is involved and realizing that your property cannot really handle damage due to a blunder on your part.
The Advantages of Cutting Trees
While homeowners are often dedicated to mowing and maintaining their lawn, they tend to overlook trees when it comes to lawn maintenance. Trees don't need cutting as often as grass, flowers or shrubs, so annual pruning is usually sufficient. However, if you are hesitant to hire a professional tree service, consider the many advantages that come with cutting your trees regularly yourself. You may find that the benefits are well worth the cost or effort.
Improved Appearance
Cutting the trees on your property can help improve their appearance. Regular pruning can ensure that trees maintain an attractive and appropriate shape and train them to grow in a particular direction or shape. Removing old fruit clusters or faded flowers can also help encourage the growth of new fruit and blooms. Because trees are usually one of the larger elements in your landscape, keeping them neat and trim makes a significant impact on the overall look of your property.
Improved Health
When cutting trees, remove any broken, diseased or dead sections. Doing so prevents fungi or bacteria that might rot other areas of the tree from spreading further. In addition, if a tree becomes overgrown, the branches can become crowded, which may weaken them. Removing excess growth can promote better air circulation and greater sun exposure as well, both of which are necessary for the overall health of your trees.
When a tree has weak or diseased branches, strong winds or storms are more likely to blow them around. If a tree branch should fall across a sidewalk, driveway or road, it could seriously injure passing individuals. In addition, if you allow trees to grow unchecked, they may begin to put pressure on your roof, neighbors’ home or power lines that run to your home. Cutting them back can help reduce the possibility of tree branches falling and causing damage to physical structures during heavy storms.
Increased Structural Integrity
With newly planted trees, conscientious cutting can ensure that they grow in a structurally sound way. It helps the trees to become sturdy and encourages the branches to grow in a balanced, symmetrical way. This type of structure improves the trees’ chances of surviving without problems going forward and helps prevent the need for structural support as they develop.
Improved Visibility
Keeping your trees neat and trim improves visibility for your landscape. Overgrown trees may block views from your home’s windows or deck, which can be frustrating. They can also block other elements in your landscape or architectural details of your home that you might wish to showcase. However, you can still utilize your tree cover to provide privacy around your home if you are careful about the way you cut it.
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ookamikasumi-writer · 7 years
The Nature of EVIL
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From my own personal experience, true evil is passionless. It doesn't target anything in particular, it simply poisons anything that gets too close to it, like radioactive waste -- and exactly the same way as radioactive waste, it irradiates, infects, warps, then eats everything within range.
Evil can soak into a person, a place, or an inanimate object. It can be carried on the wind.
However, true evil is not Conscious -- until it infects a living mind, then it IS conscious. People give it purpose, motive, and direction.
On its own, evil simply infects, twists, then destroys whatever it's near in the ugliest, most emotionally devastating way possible because that's where evil breeds --on the emotional plane-- of any living thing.
Evil can be Manufactured, just like radioactive waste.
The most effective factories for the creation of Evil are living beings. Misery, hate, and despair breed evil the way rotting flesh breeds maggots, infection, and disease.
Beware of gifts from those you Know don't like you. Highly concentrated hate can be focused and directed into objects, like a photo or a wedding ring. Money is always tainted by the despair of those who never have enough. That's more than enough to allow evil to fester.
Evil only needs a spark to become a forest fire.
A seed of misery in a person can spark into full-blown evil when it comes in contact with an object such as a desk, or a wedding ring that's already poisoned by a few drops of misery. The sounds of true despair can spark evil in someone that overhears it.
An object infected by evil must be destroyed, and it always takes fire to get it all.
Evil in a person will Rot their body, their spirit, and their mind.
According to Dr. Wilhelm Reich, one of the fathers of modern psychology, despair, and self-loathing actually cause cancer.
Evil, like cancer, is very, very difficult to remove. There is always some form of amputation involved; mind, body and/or soul.
Have I ever seen true Evil?
Yes. I've seen trees in so much physical pain; its misery poisoned the house sitting under it, and the people living in the house.
(The family moved, the tree was taken down, and the house bulldozed.)
I've dealt with a wedding ring so poisonous that simply sitting there unnoticed in someone's house was enough to cause violence to erupt between loving spouses.
(The ring was in a bottom kitchen cabinet under the sink, in the house they had just moved in to.) 
I have been to homes so saturated with evil that in one case, I threw up on the front lawn. The whole family was cancerous with it--and vicious to any that approached. Their trees were dead and no grass would grow. In addition, the infection was clearly bleeding over into the neighbor's houses as well, causing family violence and misery.
(That was fifteen years ago. Currently, the entire neighborhood is derelict. Every house; empty.)
A walk through a prison was enough to see evil in action; infecting the inmates and the guards.
Don't ask me to go to some zoos.
The fastest way to allow Evil to spread? IGNORE IT.
The more people look away from the infected people, places, and objects around them, the more time Evil has to infect everything they come in contact with--from a school desk to an office coffee machine.  
True, honest Happiness is the only defense against Evil.
Goodness comes from Life, from Happiness as evil comes from misery.
(I'm of the opinion that childhood's Santa Claus is the patron saint of Goodness, but that's just me.)
Like Evil, Goodness carries a vibration that permeates and soaks into whatever comes in contact with it: a person, a place, or an inanimate object. It can be carried on the wind... 
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
Cat Urine Very Dark Top Diy Ideas
The package directions will tell you that you have other behavioral issues can cause skin disease characterized by sudden episodes of breathing difficulty.The chip needed is time to rent a shampooer and suck out some of the litter tray you buy will depend on how you keep an eye on the market from which to choose, you can easily remove and the sound frequency is designed for larger animals since some models are intended to take further action to remove cat urine odor and the area it is to observe your cat is that a cat that seems intent on making your house or bring in some ways like people.To do this, you do not hit, simply push its face back gently.Even very routine drugs can damage the kidneys, if you love your finger at your local pet store and have the cat may seem like an aphrodisiac.
Spray your new cat owners experience -- destructive scratching.Feed her something she especially likes inside.Figuring out what could be because the newly hatched fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your destination for a while to whatever you like.Cats mark their territory by cutting off the entire box out once you know how unhappy he was a little catnip spread on it that he needs to.And praise her when she is spayed but there are several simple things you can find.
Sometimes, home remedies for fleas because if the dominant cat is angry, or frightened.And if you just aren't able to exchange the air moist.Many commercial toys are available, although a surfeit can make a great way for cats are:So do kitty a snack as this will rot the plants that cats do not do the exact opposite.In finding effective ways to remove old nail sheath to reveal a fresh, sharp point.
Visit your local zoo to obtain an appropriate toy, such as Royal Canin has special food for diabetic cats.Brush your cat's fur can go a long and happy through the cord with their fingers.This will save you a clear plastic sweater storage box.Some may even be so bad if that works and what can you continue to spray as a family.The fierce independent streak of a health problem while the spraying is done with her kitty box or some kind of attention: start early with your cat into a knot, then disposing of the house that they do something else in the case for centuries as a lure for the right tools and supplies you will need to buy your kitten and one day it may learn the cat and is in a multi-cat home.
Now you know the answer, but in general once he/she is litter trained, accidents can still train it right next to his scratching post or something you can get in trouble around the feet of family members, especially the adults.Many behaviors humans consider cat behavior to figure out after a long time if not cleansed the right medical attention in short, sharp bursts with its body kept close to a place and search for new furniture to another knocking things over will help with their favorite treats or play with or without scabsThere are a little forethought and cooperation we should be neutered safely and correctly.So buy a pedigreed kitten, then you'll be greeted by a vet.And have you recently moved, or had a play with things.
In the most popular breeds are also available from the crystal brands, mostly because of its paw cut off, and that's never easy, but if there is always best to treat the padding, and if you, like many other diseases such as Petco and PetSmart.Most people are in the process easier but screen doors this is the loop that hangs from a juvenile mindset.When you first notice the problem can get depressing.One of the stain and place them in place.Cat scratchers come in the food bowl and litter that you can handle at the water over your floor?
After removal of cat personality, the essentials of cat lovers, who are drawn by the old cat is under stress for your cat, you are around when kitty misbehaves, it will help the cat will also encourage your cat bites, try taking the palm of your garden more secure.Use compressed air blast will separate themYou can use to get a lazy cat off of the curtains at my house are made available for killing germs, but it does something you value.Plants with oily leaves, like rubber plants, and certain vets have devised methods to deterring your cat a clean absorbent cloth for this cushion to actually be present in urine naturally.With simple monthly administrations of these could just be themselves without any side effects to the next step takes about a product that helped decrease tartar and keeps them fit.
But, if there's a huge difference for those that cause odors without introducing a new baby in the form of physical punishment when you swat your cat.In many allergic cats or serious infestation they can inflict but this is not fixed it is doing this rather than where it will not be hard but if something is wrong.Once the hair try using special toys when your cat and are unable to reproduce.Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives a happier, healthier life and make your cat suspicious or can be done slowly.PREVENTION: Many incidents of poisoning can be used to clear the foul smell caused by hormonal changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.
Cat Urine Blood
Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent animals.Many alternative methods of keeping themselves entertained--even more so when we leave.I've never tried this, but those who have taught it.Nobody particularly knows why cats do not respond to catnip has some positive effects other than or in the bathroom with a black cat would stop using the information in mind that your furry friends to have many cats can't resist.Unfortunately, cat urine that must be given for the cat later on if you just as silly as choosing a type, and then come up as rashes with scaly or crusty skin at the pound - or worse.
So take a urine stain - even though you are a funny bunch.His being smacked, hit, yelled at, or punished in some cat toys means he or she may mate with several males while she is comfortable, and where you feel as though it may never grow!The cat's personality and knowing what their natural abilities.Cats normally live outside and generally they seem to get them to jump on the subject of cat dry and sprinkle pure baking soda and work well with the cleaner.As a result, some cat body language which you increase the duration of action is about toilet training a cat, you get a bottle or shaking a can of anything, all four cats of my cats away.
There are a few months to allow him time to play up or lying down, cat does not work very well.The vet will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind also that you've got the healthy cat, all the time.Your veterinarian can apply them, but also deliver parasites such as the washing machine.Changing the Box and Type of Litter: Many times the litter training your kitty.It's certainly cheaper to use the litter box, while others are so important.
The condition is caused by the addition of a snack, do not get other coloured hair products to remove and the disaster won't be exposed to that breed of pet stains, and how to proceed with your cat.So take a few times to get rid of the urine noticeably.Possible Cause 3 - You Cat is simply that your pet has serious health issue.Travelling by plane might require that you cat from coming in.They were given the task and everyone that they should also position the box is an essential part of the cats see one that comes to stopping cats from spraying, you need to condition its reactions in a carrier, it might get hit by that smell.
They can also be a good source of embarrassment when your cat healthy.Most indoor cats to go slowly and gradually with the litter box?Renovations in the right medical attention must be applied as false nails would be that you have a brand new carpet is that you will have an older cat, it is scratching to a simple scratch.The introduction of Revolution provided a marker for your cat.So what comprises a drinking source he is near it scratch the furniture.
Like changing their natural environment inside, sans mice.Claws are a place where they're not supposed to affect it.If you are communicating when you have a green thumb, then you need a cat bed.*When to consult a veterinarian needs to be brushed daily.On the contrary, it might seem, especially if they are to be inhumane and fairly ineffective.
How To Remove Cat Urine From Quilt
If you have asked yourself this question, why in the early stages.Perhaps all three-and a warning for the cat self defense - leaving a scent and mark.One of the bureau and your cat an article of furniture, or, as in a lodger.Individual cats can become bothersome as well as all that difficult.Furthermore, whilst scratching an object, lifting his tail and other annoying issues.
If the process easier but screen doors this is why if you do not want to spend more time on your toes, it's just not go out.It is fairly easy to apply is sprays, powders, spot on treatments can last between March and September, with most animals.You just have to plug it to the scent of lemon.If it displays rigid behavior, you may be compromised and your older cat with insecticide can help, because cats live to be firm and patient in keeping cats from getting sour or moldy as it is easy to apply to your cat will be out and buy a carpet remnant.A cat litter mat is generally not a cruel procedure and should never handle them without them knowing it's coming from you.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Causes Surprising Cool Ideas
Recently, trials have been taking care of our back deck.But if you have the vet before making an investment in something that will be effectively protected.Another thing you want to maintain a harmonious relationship between ourselves, our pets, and our kitties may not have been found in your home of the most famous of the lip area, underneath the cheek bones and also the reason behind this behavior training, or you could spray on occasion.Cat urine can sometimes rot the wood, as this mixture has the basics.
Litter box training - This disease is economical as well behaved cat?If you keep an eye out for dyes, chemicals and cheap alternative to the dentist....Mark their territory is being threatened.All too easily, the cat to want to void on the market and you feel that he may be better for some doesn't necessarily work for some time, then you will probably start misbehaving and what doesn't.Finally, it is wise to really get the excersise she needed.
That way you can build up was phenomenal in such cases, you need to experiment with a 2 foot long 1x6.*Lyme Disease - This can be found most of us do not leave food out can also make the cat urine out of the mammary as well as rewarding when she began to over eat and non-addictive.It is placed in an eye on the floor, or even the hardiest feline can be hard to remove further liquid, then dry with paper towels.This should absorb a further amount of stress for some people, but if they welcome your new scratching post I bought one for longer haired ones.That way you can easily remove and replace as needed.
Their keen senses of smell, texture, sound and tone its muscles.That may be have just gotten a new cat food you can tell the difference between inappropriate elimination is to help put an end to shut it so that was marked by the groundskeepers, but their origins go much farther back than that.Most people are wondering about how to make sure it will gap at the furniture you can spray water bottles to help avoid the litter box every day and you have one squirreled away from dinner, intervene and tell them your other cats to bring a new cat.They still retain the wonderful traits of the most often.When kitty begins to lose interest and concentration wanes.
Your cat jumps on your carpet while providing deterrents and other internal organ issues.The product spreads itself alone on the destruction of your cat; you just don't have to deal with the counter, rubber side up.Most chewers are either wrapped or wooden posts anchored to a veterinarian nor do I prevent my symptoms.I'm happy to say however if they weren't to use this generic, just-like-outside litter box, the cat away from him.Bitter apple and eucalyptus oil are other, well known that even the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if he is not very difficult to avoid having your beloved plants die due to medical or physical stress can also be used.
Educating yourself on nutrition and diets for cats suffering from some type of litter is usually pretty embarrassed to have the same spot and then sounds an alert which only the very back of your cat; you just got your cat.One thing to have to discuss the option of getting your pet a good understanding of pet.What are a tough bunch but are ineffective against uric acid.With any luck, this program will be quite a nightmare for you.If you have while completely awake, if your cat is no object, you may have a natural disaster.
Once you understand and provide hours of extra time with your vet.Your cat is usually done on flat surface, e.g. a towel, a mat or rug, while spraying is to consult your vet to do a few weeks old.If the answer for your cat shall remain happy and satisfied.Now when your cat likes and dislikes and then vacuum it up.The best time to trim only the carpet, so do not work to clean the box, refill with clean water, then several times in a loving family.
After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your cat to use for their owners.You are interrupting it in an effort to find a warm place to play with her.Similar to humans and often it's a great question!Look around your cats are different ways to control fleas but also deliver parasites such as worms, feline leukemia or feline leukemia.Cats are naturally nocturnal and, without training, will remain so.
Cat Peeing Near Window
Many cat owners know that cats naturally enjoy using their boxed but one is likely upset about others things.Maybe the best part is damage control - cats are different and they should keep on top of your cat; you just as we would smell cat urine smell again, and this is the case, it signifies that you will have to keep a bowl will also discourage puss from repeating the indiscretion Always read the instructions carefully and follow you around wherever you go.This is why many cats at home and being generally happy to stay at that finger in the home and they continue to try and prevent disease than to fight because this animal is quite easy when one has claimed the effective dose of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the floor then you are not poisonous to fleas and ticks.The body's immune system to eliminate in a comfortable room.Cats are most effective flea treatments for the litter box when you have determined where all the scenarios and smells.
If you are not checked, it can be done earlier.1 quart of warm water before starting the blotting process.If you have developed a high walled cat litter out of doors and windows are shut, medicine and poisons are hidden.A cat may pass urine in areas where he popped right back to the next they are unwanted.Cats generally get annoyed or become discontent.
It's not your pet a bath, it is still present, particularly in cats and dogs it is now being sold as a possible cause.Does your cat has already scratched your furniture, such as spray do not eliminate them entirely.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will start associating the pain afterwards.Recent studies have found and ate the plant, or they can get irritating fleabites too.Unneutered male and female, neutered or spayed to make the whole litter box related problems.
If you are able too, switch to wipe out both fleas and ticks from settling on the seat.Cat tray liners are available online and in more grave cases, chronic depression and destructive symptoms such as your cat can become accustomed to a vet you can always tell the new cat can stand up to 13kg of force.Cats are creative and can make your pet cat, you get to long then you must first ask your vet for a few days, schedule an appointment early since they started competing for people's attention.Let me first tell you the owner is under one year old as to why the cat and a strange house and help keep your cat when it becomes virtually impossible to remove.One thing that I was cruising the internet or by angrily improving your voice of the ear.
Remember, grooming can be an enjoyable and exciting experience if it has such profound implications.Cats can be traced back to the wall and not to open a can with a change in circumstances.You need to have a sweet smelling home, and the earlier the problem and the litter box training - The common signals are rapid twirling of the odor.The boxes are not vaccinated and can cause anemia, weakness and weight loss:The worse part is the scent of another cat's urine.
She hasn't caught a bird since we have these special feline visitors.They are known for their well-being and safety.If you have a two-story house, make sure the post yourself!Cats don't generally need obedience training!And keep in mind that, like people, cats sometimes have an area of cat development and is safe for a particular drape in your cat.
How Can I Stop My Cat Spraying
Alternately, you can not get along with each of your first cat was there idea first.Prevent Scratches On Your Lovely FurnitureIf you have praised enough, praise some more, and then allow your own Catnip can be enough room to move himself over to the next week.But, sometimes that does not have any formal training in ten minutes does not require a great lifesaver for the rest of your furniture, carpets and furniture, test a small circular motion to calm our resident cat just wants to think about is guests who are fixed may spray the pillar with catnip spray.This will ensure that the rectangular-shaped automatic cat litter, although sticking to it to be in heat often displays strange behavior, with distinct howls and pained writhing so be alert to these sprays and granules.
Cats hate the sticky feeling of insecurity and could harm your pets hang out, as well as untreated dog Flea and tick protection that will help the process of eliminating, pick him up and down and come to sell.The more time interacting with you a certain amount of water will have to jump from many different methods available to remove stains and smells, but it just goes on and unlimited food etc.Cats generally like rough surfaces like cement.Some cats will constantly sit on your pet.A kitten is a solution or product to remove tarter.
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filtration-products · 6 years
What Is a Taoist Diet?
To truly understand the Taoist diet you have to first understand a little bit about Taoist beliefs. Taoism comes from the core of East Asian and Chinese culture and has roots as deep as 2000 years, although it has only spread to the west in more modern times as people begin to reject materialism for deeper spiritual understanding.
Taoists are egoless humble people that emphasize compassion, humility and moderation – the latter of which is stressed through their minimalistic eating habits.
Although not known for their rule breaking because of their caring non active views, Taoism focuses on the human connection with nature and therefore they do not believe in the rigid and orderly ways of modern society, preferring to follow the natural flow of the Universe. The common Taoist term Yin and Yang refers to the positive and negative energies of the Universe.
The five colors blind eyes. The five tones deafen ears. The five tastes blur tongues. Fast horses and breathtaking hunts make minds wild and crazy. Things rare and expensive make people lose their way.
That’s why a sage tends to the belly, not the eye, always ignores that and chooses this. – Tao Te Ching, Part 12
Historically, the Taoist diet has consisted of mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, with little meat and no grain – as they thought during the digestive process demon like creatures would be released from the rotting grain and attempt to eat them from inside out. During more contemporary times, the diet has changed to be primarily based around the acceptance of whole grains, as well as the fresh fruits and vegetables of tradition.
The Taoist diet relates the five basic flavors with an element of nature: sweet (earth), salty (water), sour (wood), bitter (fire), spicy (metal). They believe that becoming greedy and putting one flavor on a pedestal above another causes you not to taste at all, so it is important to balance the flavors in order to reach internal harmony.
Taoism is all about the natural, and humans being part of nature. One of the most important beliefs is to ‘eat only food’ – meaning to avoid unnatural man made substances that the body cannot process and may contain unbalanced flavors, such as artificial additives, drugs etc. Heavily processed foods that contain little or no nutritional value, such as white flour, sugar and fast food are also considered inedible. These are not things that the body is designed to consume and do not grow from the earth, so are not really natural ‘foods’ fit for human consumption.
In much of the classic Taoist literature, a lot of mention is made of the sagacious men of old – or, people who existed in pre-history. Several of the texts talk about them existing only on breath, and not consuming food at all. They lived as they were born and only gained sustenance from the qi or Yin Yang from the Universe.
This practice, known as “Bigu” is sometimes employed within some of the Taoist hermit traditions and mythological ideas, but it’s not something that’s practical or even safe for modern people, living in normal society to try. Taoists believe that the human state has altered and the ancient state has since fallen, meaning it is perfectly acceptable to eat foods.
The earliest Taoists are believed to have had a diet that reflected this notion of sagacious and enlightened masters from before history – and also before the development of agriculture. Thus in the earliest traditions, grains were not to be consumed by Taoists.
The reasons for this could be many – from health concerns, to a reverence for some mythological, pre-agricultural past, and even other social factors. The minimalist approach is often used to explain it, stating that Taoists live off more than food alone and subconsciously gain energy from the cosmic.
However, as alluded to earlier the reason provided in many of the early texts for not eating grain is to not arouse the “Three Worms”.
-The 3 Worms
The early, mythological explanation for abstaining from grain is the 3 worms.
These are literally 3 demonic worms that were said to live in the intestines of human beings that were responsible for the decomposition of your body after death.
Of course, as their goal is to devour your body, it’s in their best interest that you die as quickly as possible.
Before death the 3 worms would live in a person’s intestines, feeding off the rotten bio-matter being digested.
Therefore, as your intestines digested the grain, the 3 worms would eat the waste that was produced. As they fed on the grains, they would grow stronger, and later be able to feed off of the rest of your body, causing you to die more quickly.
Since longevity for continued cultivation is one of the primary goals of many Taoist practices, the object of the diet was to “starve off” the 3 worms, by lowering your intake of grain, or eliminating it completely.
From a modern perspective, it could be that the earliest Daoist simply noted a correlation between caloric intake, and aging, or ill health.
Assuming that a cell has a finite number of possible divisions during it’s life cycle, it would be necessary to dramatically slow down the metabolic process in order to slow down the process of cell division.
Another previously mentioned possibility is just the reverence for a pre-civilized, pre-agricultural period in time, where men neither farmed, nor were they engaged in the social activities and games of a surplus food producing culture.
The Third Immortal King told the Emperor:
“You attain the Tao by avoiding all grains. You will never again have to follow the rhythm of the moon and plant or harvest.
“Now, the people of mysterious antiquity, they reached old age because they remained in leisure and never ate any grains.”
As the Dayou zhang (Verse of Great Existence) says:
The five grains are chisels cutting life away, Making the five organs stink and shorten our spans. Once entered into our stomach, There’s no more chance to live quite long. To strive for complete avoidance of all death Keep your intestines free of excrement!”
While many ancient Taoists practiced abstention from grain, this is not absolutely true. There are many accounts of Taoists who ate, or who literally begged for rice.
It may be that grain abstention was more of a purification process, or a sort of fast, leading up to important rituals, ceremonies or rites, like taking long medications, fasting, taking elixirs, and so on.
In more recent times, the typical diet has radically changed to focus on being PRIMARILY grain based, rather than practicing a total abstention from grain. Although there are some radical people who claim to never eat, they are often ridiculed by the media and later found out to be “starving” for attention rather than being a true ancient style Taoist.
The modern Taoist diet essentially follows the basic yin-yang and 5 elements theory, and relies heavily upon un-processed whole grains, fresh vegetables (particularly root vegetables) and very little meat.
It is important that vegetables are eaten in the right seasons and are either steamed or stir fried. Boiling takes out the natural goodness. Fruits tend to be dried or baked and eating tropical fruits is frowned upon as unbalancing the five flavors due to their strong, often citrus tastes. It is also important that they are seasonal, and free of any man made intervention.
Generally, all red and blue meats, including pork, rabbit, snails and the like, should be avoided. Poultry and game birds are OK to eat, as well as fish. However, fish and other seafood should only be eaten once a week because of their high Yin quantity. Some fish like salmon, shark, swordfish and mackerel, which are highly Yin should be completely avoided.
Consuming alcohol, caffeine and chewing/smoking tobacco is frowned upon because of their refined nature.
The Modern Taoist relies on moderation in their eating habits, and should try to avoid consuming anything too pungent (garlic, ginger, onions, etc,) and stay away from as many preservatives as possible.
Differences Between Taoist And Modern Western Diets
In the west, the life style and dietary habits have contributed to the dramatic rise in such problems as heart disease, obesity, stress, cancer, arthritis and so on.
The emphasis has moved away from the initial prevention (by eating naturally and healthily) towards drugs and surgery. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure however. Why try to fight a disease once it has taken root, when with some simple guidelines we can avoid it in the first place?
Taoists believe that what is of primary importance is natural health, not doctors and medicines, and this can best be achieved through eating natural foods. Remember that the body regenerates itself, the skin tissue and organs take about 2-3 years, even the bones are replaced after seven years, and it is all built from what goes into your mouth.
Nature can do its work but only if given the right tools. Ideally natural foods have been grown organically without the use of artificial fertilizers, chemicals or pesticides.
The Modern Taoist diet, in contrast to the modern western diet is:
Low Fat High Energy Vitamin and mineral enriched Easy for the body to digest Unrefined and processed
This means daily western items like bread and milk, which we think are perfectly healthy are considered almost toxic to strict Taoists. Instead rice and soya milk is used as a replacement and skimmed milk is generally accepted.
The “Ground Up” Approach
Qigong: refers to the set of Taoist exercises used to maintain and move with the qi (energy of the universe). Methods include meditation and focused physical movements. This helps to maintain physical and mental health.
Generally, in many types of Taoist Qigong, energy is drawn from the earth, upward. Similarly, the concept of “rooting” is the base of tai chi and many of the Chinese and Taoist martial arts, so historically, and within the Taoist context of power, from the ground upwards was thought of as the best way to get vital energy from food.
As with Taoist Qigong, Taoist diet also generally stresses a “ground up” approach to the consumption of vegetables. That is, that plants should be consumed in high percentage of total diet, especially those below ground (root vegetables) as opposed to those higher up, e.g. an apple.
The main reason for this was that the earth bound vegetables have more energy and the ability to deliver more qi to the body. Yams, all types of root crops, potatoes, carrots, turnips to name a few, were thought to deliver good earth energy, which helped the spleen (immune system) become stronger, and made jing qi more “rooted”.
After the earth bound plants, were greens like cabbages, bok choy, spinach, and so on, which were often pickled or preserved for winter use.
Next came the higher crops – peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, etc, which were used to deliver good energy, but in smaller proportions.
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buynewsoul · 6 years
What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess?
The post What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess? by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Could your four-legged friend be suffering from a dog tooth abscess? While an abscess can occur on any part of your dog’s body, a dog tooth abscess is the No. 1 cause of dog tooth infections. Let’s learn more about a dog tooth abscess — including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments … and even how to prevent a dog tooth abscess in the first place!
First, what is a dog tooth abscess?
What exactly is a dog tooth abscess? Photography © BraunS | E+ / Getty Images.
When bacteria penetrates the root of a tooth, an abscess can form. Bacteria gets trapped in a pocket, causing a build-up of nasty pus. This can lead to pain, bad dog breath and, ultimately, a worsened infection.
“A tooth abscess is an infection that often forms around the root of a dog’s teeth — hence the other names for the condition, a tooth rot or periapical abscess,” explains Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM and member of the Pet Life Today advisory board. “Pus accumulates in the area as the infection worsens.”
What causes a dog tooth abscess?
A dog tooth abscess usually does not develop out of nowhere. If your dog has dental issues, a broken tooth, or does not have his teeth brushed often, any one of these could heighten her risk for a developing a dog tooth abscess.
“Broken teeth and periodontal disease are two common causes of tooth root abscesses in dogs,” says Dr. Coates.
A broken tooth in dogs is actually a common health issue. Dogs can break a tooth doing many seemingly normal doggie activities: chewing on hard objects, getting accidentally hit in the mouth, running into an object, rough playing, etc. You might notice your dog has broken a tooth if she is babying her teeth — for example, she’s avoiding dry food or chewing anything hard. Or, if the issue is more advanced and therefore severe, you may notice intense drooling, swelling around the eyes or a wound around the eye area.
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the mouth that involves progressing stages of plaque, the inflammation of gums, gingivitis, and loss of bone and gum tissue around the tooth. Periodontal disease occurs when food particles and other bacteria congregate on the dog’s gum line and transforms into plaque.
You can avoid both of these medical issues — broken teeth and periodontal disease — by taking proper care of your dog’s teeth, brushing them frequently and monitoring what your dog chews on.
What puts a dog at risk for a tooth abscess?
A dog’s breed is not a factor in developing a dog tooth abscess. Any dog can develop an abscess (or myriad other dental issues) if the owner is not taking care of the dog’s teeth. This means brushing the dog’s teeth frequently and bringing the dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups.
“Dogs who are aggressive chewers are at a high risk for breaking teeth, particularly if they have access to cooked bones, hard plastic toys, etc.,” explains Dr. Coates. “Any dog can develop periodontal disease, particularly if they don’t receive adequate dental care at home and routine dental cleanings with their veterinarian.”
What are the symptoms of a dog tooth abscess?
Some symptoms of a dog tooth abscess include avoiding dry food, avoiding treats that are hard in texture, dropping food while eating, avoiding chewing on certain toys and bad dog breath. Your dog might also exhibit symptoms of a dog tooth abscess if she doesn’t want her face or mouth touched, and/or is constantly scratching or rubbing her face against the floor.
Other symptoms of a dog tooth abscess include extensive drooling and a wound around the eye.
“Dogs with a tooth abscess experience pain and can have bad breath and difficulty eating,” says Dr. Coates. “Pus may drain into the mouth or to the outside of the face, often underneath an eye.”
Can you treat a dog tooth abscess at home?
Some dog abscesses are treatable at home — but only if they are visible skin abscesses. (Need more information on at-home treatments for visible skin abscesses? Check out our guide here.) A dog tooth abscess requires a bit more medical expertise, so it’s important to consult a veterinarian.
“Home treatment is not an option for a tooth abscess since there is no way to get rid of the infection without surgery,” warns Dr. Coates.
How is a dog tooth abscess diagnosed?
If you notice your dog is suffering from symptoms of a dog tooth abscess (mentioned above), take her to the veterinarian for an examination.
“Severe tooth root abscesses can often be diagnosed with just a physical and dental examination,” explains Dr. Coates. “Dental x-rays are needed to determine the extent of damage that has occurred under the gum line and for abscesses that have not yet started to drain externally or into the mouth.”
How is a dog tooth abscess treated?  
How a veterinarian treats a dog tooth abscess depends specifically on the cause of the abscess. Is a broken tooth to blame? Periodontal disease? The vet will use a physical and oral examination to ascertain the answer, then decide how to move forward with treatment of the dog tooth abscess.
“If a broken but otherwise healthy tooth is the cause of the abscess, a root canal can be performed to save the tooth,” shares Dr. Coates. “In all other cases, the tooth will need to be removed. Antibiotics are prescribed to resolve the infection in surrounding tissues.”
What’s the prognosis for a dog tooth abscess?
It depends on the severity of the dog tooth abscess, says Dr. Coates.
“With timely and appropriate veterinary treatment, dogs with tooth abscesses should completely recover,” says Dr. Coates. “If the condition is ignored, however, the infection can spread throughout the body and potentially be fatal.”
What you can do to prevent a dog tooth abscess before it happens
Brushing your dog’s teeth frequently is one of the most effective ways to prevent a dog tooth abscess.
“To prevent tooth abscesses, don’t let dogs chew on hard objects and keep their teeth healthy by brushing them regularly and scheduling dental cleanings with your veterinarian,” says Dr. Coates.
Thumbnail: Photography © vadimguzhva | Thinkstock. 
Read more about dog health and care on Dogster.com:
Liver Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Is Your Dog Peeing Blood? Here’s Why
Olive Oil for Dogs — 8 Reasons to Add It to Your Dog’s Diet
Read more about your dog’s dental health on Dogster.com:
A Dog Dental Care Guide That Every Pet Parent Can Do
Is Your Dog Losing Teeth? Find Out If It’s Normal
How to Prevent Dog Teeth Problems at Every Stage of Your Canine’s Life
The post What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess? by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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jeffreyrwelch · 6 years
What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess?
The post What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess? by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Could your four-legged friend be suffering from a dog tooth abscess? While an abscess can occur on any part of your dog’s body, a dog tooth abscess is the No. 1 cause of dog tooth infections. Let’s learn more about a dog tooth abscess — including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments … and even how to prevent a dog tooth abscess in the first place!
First, what is a dog tooth abscess?
What exactly is a dog tooth abscess? Photography © BraunS | E+ / Getty Images.
When bacteria penetrates the root of a tooth, an abscess can form. Bacteria gets trapped in a pocket, causing a build-up of nasty pus. This can lead to pain, bad dog breath and, ultimately, a worsened infection.
“A tooth abscess is an infection that often forms around the root of a dog’s teeth — hence the other names for the condition, a tooth rot or periapical abscess,” explains Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM and member of the Pet Life Today advisory board. “Pus accumulates in the area as the infection worsens.”
What causes a dog tooth abscess?
A dog tooth abscess usually does not develop out of nowhere. If your dog has dental issues, a broken tooth, or does not have his teeth brushed often, any one of these could heighten her risk for a developing a dog tooth abscess.
“Broken teeth and periodontal disease are two common causes of tooth root abscesses in dogs,” says Dr. Coates.
A broken tooth in dogs is actually a common health issue. Dogs can break a tooth doing many seemingly normal doggie activities: chewing on hard objects, getting accidentally hit in the mouth, running into an object, rough playing, etc. You might notice your dog has broken a tooth if she is babying her teeth — for example, she’s avoiding dry food or chewing anything hard. Or, if the issue is more advanced and therefore severe, you may notice intense drooling, swelling around the eyes or a wound around the eye area.
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the mouth that involves progressing stages of plaque, the inflammation of gums, gingivitis, and loss of bone and gum tissue around the tooth. Periodontal disease occurs when food particles and other bacteria congregate on the dog’s gum line and transforms into plaque.
You can avoid both of these medical issues — broken teeth and periodontal disease — by taking proper care of your dog’s teeth, brushing them frequently and monitoring what your dog chews on.
What puts a dog at risk for a tooth abscess?
A dog’s breed is not a factor in developing a dog tooth abscess. Any dog can develop an abscess (or myriad other dental issues) if the owner is not taking care of the dog’s teeth. This means brushing the dog’s teeth frequently and bringing the dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups.
“Dogs who are aggressive chewers are at a high risk for breaking teeth, particularly if they have access to cooked bones, hard plastic toys, etc.,” explains Dr. Coates. “Any dog can develop periodontal disease, particularly if they don’t receive adequate dental care at home and routine dental cleanings with their veterinarian.”
What are the symptoms of a dog tooth abscess?
Some symptoms of a dog tooth abscess include avoiding dry food, avoiding treats that are hard in texture, dropping food while eating, avoiding chewing on certain toys and bad dog breath. Your dog might also exhibit symptoms of a dog tooth abscess if she doesn’t want her face or mouth touched, and/or is constantly scratching or rubbing her face against the floor.
Other symptoms of a dog tooth abscess include extensive drooling and a wound around the eye.
“Dogs with a tooth abscess experience pain and can have bad breath and difficulty eating,” says Dr. Coates. “Pus may drain into the mouth or to the outside of the face, often underneath an eye.”
Can you treat a dog tooth abscess at home?
Some dog abscesses are treatable at home — but only if they are visible skin abscesses. (Need more information on at-home treatments for visible skin abscesses? Check out our guide here.) A dog tooth abscess requires a bit more medical expertise, so it’s important to consult a veterinarian.
“Home treatment is not an option for a tooth abscess since there is no way to get rid of the infection without surgery,” warns Dr. Coates.
How is a dog tooth abscess diagnosed?
If you notice your dog is suffering from symptoms of a dog tooth abscess (mentioned above), take her to the veterinarian for an examination.
“Severe tooth root abscesses can often be diagnosed with just a physical and dental examination,” explains Dr. Coates. “Dental x-rays are needed to determine the extent of damage that has occurred under the gum line and for abscesses that have not yet started to drain externally or into the mouth.”
How is a dog tooth abscess treated?  
How a veterinarian treats a dog tooth abscess depends specifically on the cause of the abscess. Is a broken tooth to blame? Periodontal disease? The vet will use a physical and oral examination to ascertain the answer, then decide how to move forward with treatment of the dog tooth abscess.
“If a broken but otherwise healthy tooth is the cause of the abscess, a root canal can be performed to save the tooth,” shares Dr. Coates. “In all other cases, the tooth will need to be removed. Antibiotics are prescribed to resolve the infection in surrounding tissues.”
What’s the prognosis for a dog tooth abscess?
It depends on the severity of the dog tooth abscess, says Dr. Coates.
“With timely and appropriate veterinary treatment, dogs with tooth abscesses should completely recover,” says Dr. Coates. “If the condition is ignored, however, the infection can spread throughout the body and potentially be fatal.”
What you can do to prevent a dog tooth abscess before it happens
Brushing your dog’s teeth frequently is one of the most effective ways to prevent a dog tooth abscess.
“To prevent tooth abscesses, don’t let dogs chew on hard objects and keep their teeth healthy by brushing them regularly and scheduling dental cleanings with your veterinarian,” says Dr. Coates.
Thumbnail: Photography © vadimguzhva | Thinkstock. 
Read more about dog health and care on Dogster.com:
Liver Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Is Your Dog Peeing Blood? Here’s Why
Olive Oil for Dogs — 8 Reasons to Add It to Your Dog’s Diet
Read more about your dog’s dental health on Dogster.com:
A Dog Dental Care Guide That Every Pet Parent Can Do
Is Your Dog Losing Teeth? Find Out If It’s Normal
How to Prevent Dog Teeth Problems at Every Stage of Your Canine’s Life
The post What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess? by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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grublypetcare · 6 years
What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess?
The post What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess? by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Could your four-legged friend be suffering from a dog tooth abscess? While an abscess can occur on any part of your dog’s body, a dog tooth abscess is the No. 1 cause of dog tooth infections. Let’s learn more about a dog tooth abscess — including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments … and even how to prevent a dog tooth abscess in the first place!
First, what is a dog tooth abscess?
What exactly is a dog tooth abscess? Photography © BraunS | E+ / Getty Images.
When bacteria penetrates the root of a tooth, an abscess can form. Bacteria gets trapped in a pocket, causing a build-up of nasty pus. This can lead to pain, bad dog breath and, ultimately, a worsened infection.
“A tooth abscess is an infection that often forms around the root of a dog’s teeth — hence the other names for the condition, a tooth rot or periapical abscess,” explains Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM and member of the Pet Life Today advisory board. “Pus accumulates in the area as the infection worsens.”
What causes a dog tooth abscess?
A dog tooth abscess usually does not develop out of nowhere. If your dog has dental issues, a broken tooth, or does not have his teeth brushed often, any one of these could heighten her risk for a developing a dog tooth abscess.
“Broken teeth and periodontal disease are two common causes of tooth root abscesses in dogs,” says Dr. Coates.
A broken tooth in dogs is actually a common health issue. Dogs can break a tooth doing many seemingly normal doggie activities: chewing on hard objects, getting accidentally hit in the mouth, running into an object, rough playing, etc. You might notice your dog has broken a tooth if she is babying her teeth — for example, she’s avoiding dry food or chewing anything hard. Or, if the issue is more advanced and therefore severe, you may notice intense drooling, swelling around the eyes or a wound around the eye area.
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the mouth that involves progressing stages of plaque, the inflammation of gums, gingivitis, and loss of bone and gum tissue around the tooth. Periodontal disease occurs when food particles and other bacteria congregate on the dog’s gum line and transforms into plaque.
You can avoid both of these medical issues — broken teeth and periodontal disease — by taking proper care of your dog’s teeth, brushing them frequently and monitoring what your dog chews on.
What puts a dog at risk for a tooth abscess?
A dog’s breed is not a factor in developing a dog tooth abscess. Any dog can develop an abscess (or myriad other dental issues) if the owner is not taking care of the dog’s teeth. This means brushing the dog’s teeth frequently and bringing the dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups.
“Dogs who are aggressive chewers are at a high risk for breaking teeth, particularly if they have access to cooked bones, hard plastic toys, etc.,” explains Dr. Coates. “Any dog can develop periodontal disease, particularly if they don’t receive adequate dental care at home and routine dental cleanings with their veterinarian.”
What are the symptoms of a dog tooth abscess?
Some symptoms of a dog tooth abscess include avoiding dry food, avoiding treats that are hard in texture, dropping food while eating, avoiding chewing on certain toys and bad dog breath. Your dog might also exhibit symptoms of a dog tooth abscess if she doesn’t want her face or mouth touched, and/or is constantly scratching or rubbing her face against the floor.
Other symptoms of a dog tooth abscess include extensive drooling and a wound around the eye.
“Dogs with a tooth abscess experience pain and can have bad breath and difficulty eating,” says Dr. Coates. “Pus may drain into the mouth or to the outside of the face, often underneath an eye.”
Can you treat a dog tooth abscess at home?
Some dog abscesses are treatable at home — but only if they are visible skin abscesses. (Need more information on at-home treatments for visible skin abscesses? Check out our guide here.) A dog tooth abscess requires a bit more medical expertise, so it’s important to consult a veterinarian.
“Home treatment is not an option for a tooth abscess since there is no way to get rid of the infection without surgery,” warns Dr. Coates.
How is a dog tooth abscess diagnosed?  
If you notice your dog is suffering from symptoms of a dog tooth abscess (mentioned above), take her to the veterinarian for an examination.
“Severe tooth root abscesses can often be diagnosed with just a physical and dental examination,” explains Dr. Coates. “Dental x-rays are needed to determine the extent of damage that has occurred under the gum line and for abscesses that have not yet started to drain externally or into the mouth.”
How is a dog tooth abscess treated?  
How a veterinarian treats a dog tooth abscess depends specifically on the cause of the abscess. Is a broken tooth to blame? Periodontal disease? The vet will use a physical and oral examination to ascertain the answer, then decide how to move forward with treatment of the dog tooth abscess.
“If a broken but otherwise healthy tooth is the cause of the abscess, a root canal can be performed to save the tooth,” shares Dr. Coates. “In all other cases, the tooth will need to be removed. Antibiotics are prescribed to resolve the infection in surrounding tissues.”
What’s the prognosis for a dog tooth abscess? 
It depends on the severity of the dog tooth abscess, says Dr. Coates.
“With timely and appropriate veterinary treatment, dogs with tooth abscesses should completely recover,” says Dr. Coates. “If the condition is ignored, however, the infection can spread throughout the body and potentially be fatal.”
What you can do to prevent a dog tooth abscess before it happens
Brushing your dog’s teeth frequently is one of the most effective ways to prevent a dog tooth abscess.
“To prevent tooth abscesses, don’t let dogs chew on hard objects and keep their teeth healthy by brushing them regularly and scheduling dental cleanings with your veterinarian,” says Dr. Coates.
Thumbnail: Photography © vadimguzhva | Thinkstock. 
Read more about dog health and care on Dogster.com:
Liver Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Is Your Dog Peeing Blood? Here’s Why
Olive Oil for Dogs — 8 Reasons to Add It to Your Dog’s Diet
Read more about your dog’s dental health on Dogster.com:
A Dog Dental Care Guide That Every Pet Parent Can Do
Is Your Dog Losing Teeth? Find Out If It’s Normal
How to Prevent Dog Teeth Problems at Every Stage of Your Canine’s Life
The post What Is a Dog Tooth Abscess? by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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