aaronandthecrew · 1 year
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My ArtFight attack on @tails-artwork - it's Zyron the freaking awesome. ouo
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jester-jesper · 9 months
oc shenanigans
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Ocs featured:
Nefari, Yuko, Zhanji, Ruth, Marsha, Zyron and Jester
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orangjuic2 · 2 months
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Zyron in the casual fit
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Heart and Sole: A Tri-Theory Literary Critique of Gatmaitan's Sandosenang Sapatos
Written by: Delos Santos, Cindy Etom, Airah Clare Nufable, Cleshen Panal, Mark Jade Pido, Zyron Sabado, Clark Ivan Santos, Hannah Levee
“Alay ko ang kuwentong ito sa lahat ng batang kinapos ng damdamin at kaluluwa, at sa kanilang nagkulang ng isang kamay, isang paa, isang daliri, isang mata. [I dedicate this story to all of the children who are lacking in feeling and soul, and to those who are missing a hand, a foot, a finger, and an eye.]” — Luis P. Gatmaitan, M.D.
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In Gatmaitan's poignant narrative, "Sandosenang Sapatos," the readers are introduced to the world of a character called “Tatay”, a skilled shoemaker renowned in their town for crafting exquisite footwear. The story revolves around the central character, Karina, Tatay's daughter, who grows up surrounded by the intricacies of her father's craft. In this literary critique, the readers will explore the narrative through the lenses of Formalism, Psychological, and Biographical theories, in order to unravel the layers of symbolism, character motivations, and the profound influence of the author's own experiences on the story itself.
Formalism involved scrutinizing the story's structure, language, and stylistic choices. Gatmaitan's portrayal of Tatay's craftsmanship, the vivid descriptions of the shoes, and the recurring motif of footwear become essential elements to explore. On the other hand, through the lens of Psychological theory, the readers analyze the characters' inner workings and motivations. The emotional journey of the characters, especially Susie, Karina's sister who was born without feet, opens avenues to understand the psychological impact of physical differences and the resilience of the human spirit.
Meanwhile, Biographical theory provides a unique perspective as we consider Gatmaitan's own background and experiences. The author, who is also a pediatrician, infuses the narrative with themes of love, acceptance, and the complexities of parenthood. The biographical lens offers insights into how Gatmaitan's professional expertise and personal encounters may have shaped the portrayal of medical challenges and familial bonds within the story.
Through these three lenses, the readers aim to unravel the complexities of "Sandosenang Sapatos," examining not only its formal elements and psychological depth, but also understanding the impact of Gatmaitan's own life experiences on the creation of this heartfelt short story.
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First, for the formalistic approach, the short story used the first person as its point of view. It utilized the pronouns “ako [I]”, “ akin [my]”, and “kami [we]” throughout the story. With these pronouns, the readers analyzed that the story was written based on the character’s perspective, which is Karina. Along with this, as the story progresses, the readers observe that the events are based on her experiences with her classmates, other people, and mainly, her family.
For the setting, the story is situated in a town where Karina and her family live. Their home symbolizes love and strength, showing how they support each other despite the challenges. Through the setting, the story explores the contrast between dreams and reality, particularly through Susie's dreams of beautiful shoes and the harsh realities of her disability. The setting not only provides a backdrop but also deeply influences the emotional atmosphere, allowing the readers to empathize with the characters journey of love, loss, and acceptance within their family and community.
For the structure, it is characterized by its plot, set in a town where the characters are introduced. As the plot develops, the readers can gain insights on what is happening in the family and the significance of the shoes as a symbol in the story through the first-point of view of the narrator. The narrator's viewpoint focuses on her interactions with her father and sister, Susie, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the events unfolding within the family. Additionally, symbolism is woven into the narrative, with shoes representing various themes, including identity, hope, and the bond between family members. Also, the setting provides context for the events that unfold, including societal judgment and the challenges faced by Susie's disability. Through its structure, the story effectively conveys its themes and messages, highlighting the importance of unconditional love and acceptance within a family amidst life's trials and tribulations.
For the characters, it involves Karina, her father, her mother, and Susie. Karina, who is the main character and the one who is narrating the story, is a loving daughter and sister. She is willing to do anything to make her family happy, especially her father. She is willing to go beyond her limits just to fulfill her father's dream. This is evident in the part of the story when Susie was born with deformities, and now cannot fulfill her father's dream for her to become a ballerina. Now as a loving daughter, even if she did not like ballet, she still decided to persuade her mother to enroll her in a ballet school. Moreover, Karina is a loving sister. Despite Susie's deformities, she did not treat her differently. She is willing to adjust and stand up for her. She became her wheelchair assistant and defender against her bullies. Furthermore, Susie’s condition never became a hindrance for them to make a strong bond. They found a lot of games that did not require the use of feet. With Karina’s statement, which is “Lagi nga niya akong tinatalo sa sungka, jackstone, scrabble, at pitik-bulag. [She always beats me in sungka, jackstone, scrabble, and pitik-bulag.]”, the readers understood that they really have a good relationship with each other.
In addition, Karina’s father, a supporting character, is a skillful shoemaker. He is well-known in their town for making creative, durable, and excellent shoes. It can be supported with Karina’s statement, which is “Ayon sa mga sabi-sabi, tatalunin pa raw ng mga sapatos ni Tatay ang mga sapatos na gawang-Marikina. [From what we heard, my father’s shoes were so much better than the shoes made in Marikina.]”. Tatay is also a loving father. Aside from the fact that he always made shoes for Karina on different occasions, he showed his love for his family in many ways. He is always willing to protect them from other people, especially when Susie got bullied by a guy when they went on a picnic. He even told Susie one bed time that he and her mother will always love her even if she had no feet. Most importantly, his love is unconditional. Knowing Susie’s condition, he still made shoes for her even if he knows that Susie cannot wear these. With his love and talent for shoemaking, he also wants Susie to be part of what he always does by making her beautiful shoes.
Karina’s mother, who is also a supporting character, is a loving mother. Same with her father, she is willing to keep her family from harm and did not treat Susie differently. The last character, who is Susie, is Karina’s little sister. Even if it is not her perspective, she is also considered as a main character since the story mainly revolves around her. Susie is born with deformities, in which she had no feet. However, her family showered her with the love she needed, and even more. Her family always makes her feel that she is very special and there is nothing wrong with her.
Each character has a significance in the story since each of them contributes to it as a whole. For the plot, the story introduces Karina’s father as a famous shoemaker in their town. His father made her many exceptional shoes for every occasion such as Christmas, birthdays, school openings. Now as the story goes on, it introduces her mother who got pregnant when she was in second grade. After her little sister, Susie, was born, they found out that she had deformities. This marks the beginning of the conflict, as her father's dream for Susie, to become a ballerina, crashes. To sum all things, each character really has a crucial role that makes the story as a whole.
Furthermore, the use of imagery is present in the story. It is highly evident when Karina described the shoes that her father made for Susie. She used the description such as “dilaw na tsarol na may dekorasyong sunflower sa harap [yellow patent leather shoes with sunflower upfront]”, “kulay pulang velvet na may malaking buckle sa tagiliran [red velvet shoes with a big side buckle]”, “asul na sapatos na bukas ang dulo at litaw ang mga daliri [blue open-toed shoes with her own toes peeking through]”, and many more. With this, while the readers were reading the story, the words used by Karina helped them to have an image painted in their minds on what the shoes would look like. Moreover, imagery is also used when Karina and her family went to the park for a picnic, and encountered a guy that criticized Susie for her condition. With the statement “Biglang namula si Tatay sa mga narinig. Tumikom ang mga kamao. [My father turned red. He clenched his fist.]”, the readers can visualize her father’s face in that situation. Through this imagery, the readers can imagine how mad he was with the guy that insulted his daughter.
In summary, "Sandosenang Sapatos" employs a formalistic lens that brings out the narrative's core. The use of first-person perspective, with pronouns like "ako" and "akin," roots the story in Karina's viewpoint, highlighting her experiences with family and the town. The setting, portraying a town marked by love and resilience, contrasts dreams and realities, notably Susie's aspirations against the challenges of her disability. The plot unfolds dynamically, shedding light on family dynamics and the symbolic role of shoes. Characters, from Karina's devotion to her father's shoemaking and Susie's resilience, play essential roles. Imagery, especially in describing Susie's shoes and intense moments, offers a visual connection for readers. "Sandosenang Sapatos" is a straightforward exploration of love, identity, and acceptance, prompting readers to engage with the emotional aspects within family and societal contexts.
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Second, looking at the text using a psychological lens imparted to the readers what may be going through the characters' minds as the story progresses, especially the turmoil created by physical differences, and how familial love and the indomitable human will rise above these difficulties.
The characterization of Tatay in the story, particularly his passion for shoemaking and love of family, is a recurring theme, despite people insulting his daughter Susie as seen in the line “Tingnan n’yo o, puwedeng pang-karnabal ‘yung bata!”, or being the topic of gossip, as people try to create fantastical and unbelievable reasons why Susie was born without feet, he continues to create shoes for her regardless, showing his motivation to provide and care for his family, and his motivation to push through struggles in life.
Karina also follows the same thread, and this can be shown through her self-sacrifice, wanting to learn ballet to fulfill the dreams of her father, playing with her sister through games that do not need feet, defending her from bullies, pushing her wheelchair, and generally assisting her. Her dedication and grit once again triumphs over difficulties.
Nanay’s character also shows resilience and love all in the midst of all the adversity. “Nagkaroon kasi ako ng impeksyon anak.” Her inability to stop Susie's illness causes her to feel guilty and sad. She also experiences psychological effects from the gossip and judgment from society over Susie's condition, including a strong desire to protect her daughter from harm and protective instincts.
Susie is portrayed as a strong, creative person who finds comfort and happiness in her aspirations and goals. Susie's fantasies about these intricate and exquisite shoes show the psychological effects of growing up with a physical impairment. She may be using these dreams as a coping method, escaping the confines of her physical reality and finding solace in an idealized version of herself with a perfect pair of feet.
The recurring theme of Susie's dreams about shoes also indicate a longing for a sense of normalcy and the desire to experience activities she might not be able to in reality, such as wearing the ballet shoes her father wants her to have. Her ability to find joy in small moments, and her creative imagination are notable aspects of her character that reflected these coping strategies that yielded her to have a positive outlook in life.
The psychological lens reveals in the narrative the struggle, coping strategies, resilience and love of the characters. Tatay with his undying determination of making shoes for Susie despite her complications, Karina sacrificing her own ideals just to make his father’s wish come true, Nanay grapples with the emotional weight of Susie's condition and societal judgments, while Susie uses her dreams and imagination as a means of navigating and finding happiness in a world that sometimes fails to understand her.
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Finally, the readers analyze the short story through the third and last literary theory lens, which is the Biographical Lens. This lens unveils a deeper layer of understanding as the readers examine the author's life, experiences, and personal context. This lens allows proper analysis of how the author's unique background and journey may have influenced the narrative, characters, and thematic elements within the short story. In this case, the readers explore the life of Dr. Luis P. Gatmaitan, the Filipino author of “Sandosenang Sapatos”.
Luis P. Gatmaitan, M.D., widely known as “Tito Dok” to his readers, has written more than 40 children’s books. Aside from being a Filipino children’s author, Tito Dok is also an accomplished medical doctor specializing in pediatrics. Currently, he chairs the Philippine Board on Books for Young People (PBBY), and is part of the National Council for Children’s Television (NCCT) as a child development specialist (Monde, 2022). Both of these positions are highly notable, as they serve as evidence for Tito Dok’s passion for pediatric healthcare and literary education.
Most of Tito Dok’s books contain themes that revolve around differently-abled people, senility, adoption, coping with death, coping with cancer, childhood diseases, and children’s rights. One of his popular works is “Sandosenang Sapatos” or “A Dozen Pairs of Shoes”. This particular book has won him an award in the 2001 Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, which are a set of literary awards for Philippine writers. Furthermore, “Sandosenang Sapatos” was named the 2005 Outstanding Book for Young People with Disabilities by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), which showcases the global impact of Tito Dok’s work. Recently, the short story was also featured as a musical play, solidifying its place in the Philippine literary industry. 
Tito Dok’s inspiration for writing this short story can be traced back to when he attended a training course in creating non-fiction books for young people in Japan. The author was amazed by how the Japanese people respected those with mobility issues, leading him to have an idea of writing about these kinds of people. One time, he had a patient who was born without feet. Tito Dok then thought, “What if this child was born to a father who worked as a shoemaker?" This then led to the writing of the aforementioned short story.
Tito Dok possesses a wide knowledge of medical information, which was evident in his writing. In his work “Sandosenang Sapatos,” the readers have read the part where Susie’s mother disclosed to her eldest, Karina, that she had German measles while she was carrying Susie, resulting in her youngest daughter to be born without feet. This particular scenario reflects the expertise of the author in the medical field. As a doctor himself, Tito Dok must have studied or witnessed that illnesses during pregnancy, such as German measles, could lead to birth defects (Leonor & Mendez, 2023). 
In the short story, despite missing her lower limbs, Susie grew up in a loving and caring family who never treated her less for being differently-abled. The author came up with this particular character trait after observing that “Some children grew up to be physically whole but emotionally disabled, or physically disabled but physically whole”. The author was able to convey this personal message to the readers, instilling hope in others about physically challenged people like the short story’s Susie. 
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In conclusion, "Sandosenang Sapatos" by Luis P. Gatmaitan is a narrative that explores the concepts of human emotion, resilience, and familial love. The author's dedication, expressed in the heartfelt dedication to children facing physical challenges, sets the tone for a narrative rich in depth and compassion. Through the lenses of Formalism, Psychological theory, and Biographical insights, the readers have unraveled and given an in-depth critique and analysis of the work.
The lens of Formalism unveiled the structure of the story, with a first-person perspective amplifying Karina's experiences, while vivid descriptions of shoes become symbolic threads woven throughout the narrative. Psychological theory invited readers into the minds of characters, exposing their struggles, coping strategies, and unwavering love in the face of adversity. The characters - Karina, Tatay, Nanay, and Susie - each contribute significantly to the plot, portraying a resilient family facing life's trials with unconditional love.
And of course, the Biographical lens adds another layer of understanding, showcasing Dr. Gatmaitan's dual roles as a renowned pediatrician and a prolific children's author. His background in pediatric healthcare is reflected in the narrative's accurate portrayal of medical conditions, emphasizing the author's commitment to educating young minds. The story's origins in Tito Dok's encounter with a patient born without feet add a personal touch, infusing the tale with authenticity and empathy.
"Sandosenang Sapatos" stands as a testament to the power of storytelling to foster understanding, empathy, and hope. Dr. Gatmaitan's masterful blend of literary prowess and medical expertise creates a narrative that resonates beyond its pages, leaving an indelible mark on readers' hearts and minds. Through the holistic combination of formal elements, psychological depths, and biographical influences, the readers gain a comprehensive appreciation for the layers of meaning embedded in this heartfelt short story, celebrating the strength of the human spirit and the enduring bonds of family.
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wtffanfiction-de · 1 year
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Fandom: Harry Potter
„//Oha. Ein Elb aus der Königlichen Familie. Wer hätte das gedacht.//, meinte Zyron, nachdem er mit seiner Musterung fertig war. Aidan zog eine Augenbraue nach oben.
„Wie hast du das erkannt?“, fragte Aidan.
//Ich kann in die Herzen jedes Lebewesens sehen. Auch erkenne ich den Stand eines jeden… na ja nur bei Harry geht das irgendwie nicht.//, antwortete der Phönix.“
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hellaciousace · 2 years
Bun Meeting
Character(s):Bunnay & Wisty Owner: CookiMoon
A wonderful creature
Site:ToyhouseCharacter: Zyron toyhou.se/14546846.zyron Site:Toyhouse
That's how it goes right?
Character: Mantis Shrimp Owner: toyhou.se/DarcyDraws Site: Toyhouse
A Pirates Life for Me
Character: Aury Rivorn Owner: ZombieCupcake Site: Toyhouse
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zyrontechau · 12 days
Stay Powered Up Anywhere with Zyron Tech’s Portable Power Bank
Never worry about running out of battery again! Zyron Tech’s Portable Power Bank keeps your devices charged on the go, providing fast and reliable power wherever you are. With a sleek design and high-capacity battery, this power bank is perfect for travelers, students, and professionals who need to stay connected throughout the day. Don’t let low battery slow you down—power up with Zyron Tech!
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
115 CE
Library of Circlaria
Remikra Timeline
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Wannonian Enhancement
Such gridlock was broken when Zyron, a spy for Wannonia, went inside Fort Mains undetected. There, he heard information about the Edoran Commander, Gerald Commonwell, who had designed and still possessed plans for the Edoran catapults. Zyron also learned of the location of Commonwell. The Wannonian spy returned to Tekon and reported this to Emperor Kamon II, who, in November 113 CE, dispatched an assassin named Milon, who went to Commonwell's location: in the King's Castle in Edora proper. Here, Milon entered undetected and located the office of Commonwell, who he then killed, before finding the plans on the Commander's desk and took them back to Tekon. It was in Tekon that an engineer named Carthos expanded on the stolen plans. Carthos enhanced the catapult idea by employing flaxweed for twine, which help to increase projectile range. He then placed his entire prototype on a rotating base for better aim, designed a counterweight to help wind up the catapult faster, and expanded on the length and width of the catapult arm to load bigger rocks. Such rocks were laced by spellcrafters with various forms of stunspells.
In June 114 CE, the Wannonians attacked Fort Mains and surrounding territories, employing the new catapult design. The Edorans could not reach them with their catapults, nor could infantry eliminate the Wannonian catapult bases without sustaining massive casualties. In September, the South Wall of Fort Mains came down; and the Wannonians charged in. Outnumbered, the Edorans, once again, fled to the Correns.
Compensation and Solution
Under King Richard's command, various engineers were paid to retrieve and enhance upon the Wannonian catapult idea. The Edoran Kingdom did have jurisdiction over a forest of silver pines, located in the Northeast section of the Moorlands. With enhanced forms of spellfire crafting at the time, rubber-like material could be made from its sap and wood pulp; however, such a material was not nearly as durable as flaxweed, all of which was owned by the Wannonians.
Between November and December 114 CE, a man named Samual Damsen, disguised as a Moorlander, entered the gates of Fort Mains, where he noted how the Wannonian catapults were constructed. Before he, mistaken as a Moorlander, could be transported back to Wannonia as a slave, Damsen escaped and returned to Edora with such ideas; and between January and April of the next year, the Edorans began construction on a new fleet of catapults. These catapults were further enhanced with the widening of the throwing end of the catapult arm, which also served as a slingshot. Here, the sling would be held from the ground until the arm of the catapult was untwined, and would then be released, launching the projectile a great deal more distance than the Wannonian catapults. The projectiles were also different, in that each was a ball of gravel, in which each piece of gravel was crafted with a combination of varying degrees of stunspells. On the catapults themselves were grassy surfaces so that they could fold down and conceal themselves in the grasses of the Moorlands.
Concealment and Strategy
In May 115 CE, two divisions of the Edoran Army, under King Richard II's orders, stationed themselves in and around Fort Mains. The first division tunneled to the interior of the Fort, one to ten soldiers at a time, and hid in a variety of planned locations, undetected and coordinated. The second division constructed the catapult-slingshots at two-thirds the calculated maximum range from the Fort, folding them into the ground until the signal was given. Such a signal would be given from within the walls of Fort Mains, in the form of a spellfire flare, by the spellcrafter, Kerlin. In June 115 CE, the Edorans attacked. The first division launched their assault at midnight; and the Wannonian commander holding the Fort was immediately killed. Kerlin then launched the signal; and the second division outside the Fort erected their catapult-slingshots, launching their projectiles. After three days, the Wannonians either had fled or were killed; and the Edorans recaptured Fort Mains.
Assault from the Moorlands
At the same time, another Edoran division swept Eastward, trapping stationed Wannonians in the Corren Mountains. After three weeks, they surrendered and were taken prisoner by the Edorans. Meanwhile, another Edoran division swept Westward, taking the South part of the Linbraen Mountains while driving the Wannonians to the North. After eleven days of being cut off from the rest of the Wannonian forces, they surrendered.
The Fall of Kamon II
In September 115 CE, Edorans scaled the border walls and swept into Wannonian homeland, where they placed Tekon under siege. They demanded Emperor Kamon II to withdraw all Wannonian Legions from the North. When Kamon II refused, his closest advisor, Kentellus, abandoned him. Edorans then convinced poor Wannonian farmers to threaten to join Edorans in the eventual felling of the Imperial capital. Still refusing to surrender but having no other available options, Emperor Kamon II committed suicide by drinking poison. Within a week, the Imperial Court appointed Murstallar I to become the next Emperor; and in October 115 CE, after succeeding at negotiating the keeping of the Linbraen Mountains in exchange for charging no tariffs for the silver pines in that region, Murstallar I signed a peace treaty with the Edoran Kingdom, thus ending the war.
One year later, the Khaps drove Wannonian forces out of the Northern part of the Linbraens.
<- 112 CE <- || -> 123 CE ->
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chronivore · 6 months
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Chip Collins
0 notes
ms2253 · 8 months
[dj set] zyron - svensk sommar (2012)
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jester-jesper · 9 months
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*cutely hands you oc stuff and leaves*
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orangjuic2 · 2 months
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Meet my new Gacha OC, Zyron! (They/Them)
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thetristoneera · 11 months
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the Setting
Year 2041-2044.  Hi upper east siders.  Fresh out of prison & the gossip is so juicy; I have to give it to everyone on the bus back into the city.  Upon my arrival; I expect all of the shiny bodied, know it all brainiacs, frenemies of frenemies, retail hook uppers, the bag ladies & everyone’s mother to be raving.  Since Constance’s last year of success with sports, each day of summer got hotter & hotter.  “I could not, touch the bars on my cell.”  Everyday was a celebration as the elite of the elite made everyday an ode to pollution.  Taking the focus off of world issues to inflate their egos to blimp status is simply an understatement.  Cause all of that is going to come crashing down, word with the admins proves that the golden wolf is preparing to pass out golden tickets for several golden seasons.  Will our all stars be able to retain their positions or will they bring each other down to make a dream reality.  From track stars to photo bombing & tossing cookies at pep rallies; it’s going to be the roughest year yet, leading up to the years for the next Olympics.  Our upper east siders plan on keeping it golden until & here’s your golden ticket for the front row seats.  Let the scandals replace the brawn, cause the heart made of gold is going to sink his fangs in the entirety of the upper east side.  xoxo
Knowing they don’t have to do anything, all of these teens know they have riches that can get them anything; but they want glory.  They had a childhood that was so joint, you’d be on your fourth blunt by now.  All of them that stayed in sports had natural talent in their brawn.  It was only right they stuck with it, to be able to brag about it.  Over the years, they have gotten stronger & have gotten notoriety.  Being beyond their predecessors have them looking good for the Olympics; but there’s going to be a new player brought into the mix.  A scholarship in wrestling will have him placed in the upper brackets.  A free ride with education is a bonus, but the real bonus will be in how he will shake up several teams that have been on this path of triumph since they were yay tall.  All of the girls plan on running their volleyball team, the seven originals; to the Olympics & medal in gold at least three times over three different Olympics.  The fellas want to take a wrestling team to the Olympics so they can build a life off of that that meshes with their parents business plans; to further project the family business into a higher echelon.  They don’t need it but their brains are in the right place; they will stay there until Lobo comes in & changes everything up; even for the girls.  Gearing up just got hotter, from the locker rooms to social media; no one is safe from scrutiny & maybe; some cheating will be exposed.  Maybe…
For the most part, the fellas actually get along & will squash majority of their beefs through out life. Until Gossip Girl returns… & Lobo starts to attend Constance Billard. For the most part, the colors identify who are besties at the present time of the story.
Yellows, Reds & Silvers/ Ballers
Oranges & Whites / Wrestlers
Lavenders & Purple / Chillers
Giovanni came around when he was eleven. He was immediately accepted by majority of the squad. Mostly accepted by Janetta & that was vice versa to the ultimate power. They were an item almost immediately, so everyone had no choice but to accept him. He received a small amount of beef from Bronx, Zyron, Andon & Edwin. Mostly because Andon & Edwin have always wanted Janetta but since Giovanni was brand new & not a child hood friend… She chose him with no qualms…
Before Giovanni was welcomed into the popular clique; there were childhood beefs that simply were delivered by growing pains. Those will come back into play once Gossip Girl emerges again. The versus list follows:
Terrance VS Sylvester, Andon & Edwin
Sylvester / In elementary, Sylvester & Terrance were best friends. Terrance came out as gay in the fourth grade, claiming that was his lucky number kind of upset Sylvester. Because his lucky number is four too. But Sylvester doesn’t want to come out of the closet. That drove a wedge between them & Georgina caught on to it quick. Which was one of the reasons why their family fell apart. With Todd not wanting anything to do with Sylvester, because of what Georgina tried to prepare him for; Todd became distant, so did Sylvester. Terrance & Sylvester began to be no more a few months after he came out. There was one physical altercation that happened, they were alone until a teacher came in to break it up. They fucked each other up in the seventh grade back then & haven’t been around each other at a zilch capacity since…
Andon / During their fifth grade time frame, there was a basketball game. Andon was much better than Terrance but Terrance began to play like Andon. When Terrance started scoring three pointers after three pointers, Andon started fouling. Terrance did the mirror thing again then a physical altercation happened. Ever since then, Terrance has never played basketball again. They are buds now but every now & then, Terrance will act like he’s shooting three’s just to get at him. Then Andon will do it too, or vice versa.
Edwin / Because of several miscommunications of being a human, these two were best buds at one point. Then not best buds. During their sixth grade time frame, Edwin had a real anger problem with people disagreeing with him. During a class project, where these two had to work together; they ended up doing the project alone. Cause they couldn’t come to an agreement on the direction of the art; with Terrance being the artist. Because Terrance said no to Edwin’s ideas, they began to be less buddy buddy. This drove them to always try to one up each other whenever they could. Till the present day of the story, students still talk about how they go at each other in classrooms. As loud as it’s kept, students stay gossiping how they go at class assignments & other events. Now a days, it’s all for fun…
York VS Cole, Zyron & Razor
Cole / York & Cole are besties. But every now & then, because they are so much alike; they butt heads in the worst way. Because they both can’t be in the same place at the same time; they are generally evenly matched & are often considered twins from different misters. Or soul twins. Ever since they & others got wrestling into Constance Billard, they have taken their fist fights to the mat. All of their beefs deals with people confusing them with one another in multiple capacities & pranks going horribly wrong. York & Cole are basically brothers but these brothers have that fight in them. No one knows when the next dispute will happen but they be expecting it daily at this point…
Zyron / With York being closeted, he will not behave in an ultra gay way. Even though his bro code is lovie dovie foolishness; no one expects him of being gay. When York & Terrance first started hanging out more and more; Zyron started cracking jokes. York started cracking them back; but that started in the seventh grade. By the time they got to the eighth grade, York had to address Zyron with his over zealous attention of him. Warning Bronx that he wasn’t trying to target him, York told Zyron that the stench of jock is all over his breath. Y’all know what happened afterwards… On occasion, Zyron won’t mind his business again & York will have to give it back to him. But they haven’t physically fought since…
Razor / There was a party none of them had any business being at during their eighth grade year in life. You know; it was wild’n, the girls were wild’n, the fellas were wild’n, the booze was wild’n & the drugs were wild’n. Some of the class ended up in a hotel room, cause it was too late to try to make it home safe. For some odd reason, York & Razor were hugged up. They were gone. Only one person took a picture & that’s going to remain a secret but when Razor woke up first. To a York with his head on Razor’s chest; he was like nah bro. Out of the stipulation of being crazily hetero, Razor has been keeping his distance from York since. Still bros but no physical contact…
Cole VS York, Edwin & Bronx
Cole / York & Cole are besties. But every now & then, because they are so much alike; they butt heads in the worst way. Because they both can’t be in the same place at the same time; they are generally evenly matched & are often considered twins from different misters. Or soul twins. Ever since they & others got wrestling into Constance Billard, they have taken their fist fights to the mat. All of their beef deals with people calling them one another, confusing them with one another in other capacities & pranks going horribly wrong. York & Cole are basically brothers but these brothers have that fight in them. No one knows when the next dispute will happen but they be expecting it daily at this point…
Edwin / For some odd reason, Cole & Edwin love rocks, stones, gems & crystals. In a geology class back in the sixth grade time frame; they were over zealous with being the teacher’s pet. But more over zealous with rock jokes. This was wayyyyyyy before drugs was ever brought into their lives. Way. As these two devised plans to be the most intellectual around geology; it drove a wedge between them cause they were too busy trying to be young brainiacs about geology. For future purposes, when Cole was allowed to rock pure diamond studs; it broke Edwin’s heart. The competition turned to hate & then they got physical about it. Because the jokes turned over to crack & meth; the faculty had a hard time dealing with that but the streets didn’t. Cause they verbally fought multiple times over jewelry once they were both able to rock it any time they wanted. Now a days, they still try to one up one another when it comes to jewelry swag.
Bronx / Cole & Bronx were real cool until a paint balling trip. It was the fathers & sons, oddly getting together because the kids wanted it. During this scenario, they were in their seventh grade time frame; but there was nothing lucky about that day. Several rounds of countless fun happened at first but the fathers of Cole & Bronx were on the same team. Both of them were highly competitive, detrimentally competitive. What they wanted was to win, both of the fathers were upset with each other because they weren’t in the lead by the sixth match. With them being pitted to the same six person team; they were blaming each other’s sons for the lack of points. This was beginning to pit Cole & Bronx against each other. They lost & got a scolding that evening; that was traumatizing to the point that they still have kept it to themselves. It’s the reason why Cole won’t play basketball & Bronx won’t wrestle. The two of them really hate that day & anything regarding being on a team with one another brings that trauma to the surface. They should be blaming the fathers, cause the enthusiasm they had leading up to the paintball gathering was the highest joy they had their entire lives.
Slater VS Andon & Sylvester
Andon / Slater is a stickler for a honest clean life. He also advocates for keeping his friends in check. Still parties beyond his age but for every other law that exists; he will not break them. While in the eighth grade, the boys were out shopping; trying to get some clothes for a trip. Andon, likes to steal; it’s euphoric for him. Whether it’s big or he just wants a candy bar; five finger discounts are splendid for his big hands having ass. Slater caught him stealing one day, then questioned him about it. The conversation had them whisper arguing & Slater threatened to out him. They have seldomly been seen around each other sense when it comes to being outside of Constance Billard.
Sylvester / During their sixth grade year in life, when Sylvester was on his silence tip or tirade tip; he would offend every last student at Constance Billard. Slater was the first one who tried to see what was wrong with him. He was shut out, all he was trying to do was be a friend; but that situation left a nasty taste in his mouth. After the first attempt, Sylvester would keep walking away from him before a concerned faced Slater was trying to approach him to him cheer up. They might be cool now but he’ll always warn everyone to just walk away from Sylvester when he’s being disrespectful. Cause he’ll be the one to step in if no one else does…
Charlie VS Sylvester & Razor
Sylvester / Charlie is a very adamantly, I know who the fuck I am so you better know who the fuck you are; kind of person. Sylvester has always been a, iffy kind of person to him. Ever since Terrance came out of the mansion; ever since the fourth grade, he has always been reluctant to believe Sylvester. Keeps that sentiment to himself but he often checks on people Sylvester has been vicious towards. Sometimes, he’ll question Sylvester after situations to try to reason him into being a man. But he isn’t a fighter, gets that gentlemanly side from both of his parents. Both men in his life, will always back him into doing the right thing. But in the end, these two are frenemies cause they are often in the same class & act as stand ins for the wrestling team.
Razor / For many years, these two were best buds. Until Charlie’s ways of butting into defending ppl got on Razor’s nerves. Razor believes everyone should be woman or man enough to defend themselves. When Razor called Charlie, “Captain Hoe of the Favorites”; it was the beginning of them not being best friends. As they argued about right & wrong; they were beginning to chip away at the bromance. Both had good arguments but their minds or hearts weren’t on the same page. But it was when Razor deemed him as hero complex having pig; was when they stopped the bromance. Took a couple of years to get there but when it got there; it was like the Ball dropping on New Year’s Eve. But in a negative way… Now a days, they are cordial…
Sylvester VS Almost Everybody
Sylvester’s relationship with his bio father is one for the books. So much fucking drama. Domestic disputes out the cutlass & video footage of those situations still circulate to this day. Him & Georgina were involved with a lot of publicity around those times. By the time he was eleven, that fiasco was done & Georgina got a pretty chunk. Sylvester got a pretty chunk too, a pretty chunk of trauma. From all the anger he took out on his peers to building a little resent towards his mother; he was the most tumultuous out of this friend group. Physical altercations when shit talking became too much for him was the norm; but they brushed it off often. Terrance & Slater are the two he has the biggest beefs with. Terrance, because of him coming out at a young age. Slater, because he wouldn’t be a friend to him. Because the both of these two were his best friends during elementary years; they took the brunt of his family drama the most. But there he was, punching up at all of them… Not short after Georgina’s divorce from Todd; she was in cahoots with Bismark Purifico. Bismark & Sylvester literally look like father and son. Bismark took in Sylvester as if he was his own; then knocked up Georgina with twins. Anger literally cured before he turned twelve… Now his viciousness, directly inherited from Georgina… Di muthafuckin rectly… 😮‍💨
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wtffanfiction-de · 1 year
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Fandom: Harry Potter
„„Allein die Sache, dass ich nicht lügen kann, sollte wohl genügen. Ich bin ein Kaiser-Phönix und sie als Elfenkönig wissen sicher, was das heißt.“, sagte Zyron nun ungehalten. Eigentlich sollte man meinen, dass man das leicht erkannte, schließlich trug Zyron ein Zeichen auf seinem Rechten Handrücken. Es war ein goldroter Phönix darauf abgebildet und ein schwarzes ‚L’ eingebrannt.“
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cocktailsfairytales · 2 years
This determined operative will stop at nothing to claim her…even if she’s the enemy.
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