#zyron (oc)
jester-jesper · 9 months
oc shenanigans
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Ocs featured:
Nefari, Yuko, Zhanji, Ruth, Marsha, Zyron and Jester
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orangjuic2 · 2 months
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Meet my new Gacha OC, Zyron! (They/Them)
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tails-artwork · 6 years
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Decided to doodle out an old old OC of mine that I’ve had for...a long time. Honestly I don’t draw him enough since I still need practice on quadruped anatomy,
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jester-jesper · 9 months
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*cutely hands you oc stuff and leaves*
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jester-jesper · 1 year
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Zyron (oc) lore bits:
This world is much like our own, save for “natural” disasters that emerge somewhere in the Mediterranean area. Due to the the size of and the severity of these disasters, scientists are working as hard as they can to minimise the damage and find the cause.
There’s another party researching and trying to eliminate these disasters: E.D.E.N. (Earthly Disaster Elimination/Evasion Network). EDEN is a morally-grey, underground organisation that actively researches natural, unnatural and the recently occurring “natural” disasters. EDEN also has many other experiments running. How humane these experiments are is questionable as many things are tested on humans (after lab-tests), even going so far as to test stuff on their own employees. Within EDEN there are five ranks: the Boss, Overseers, Regular Personnel (95% of the employees), Subjects and Disposable Subjects. (Everything from regular personnel to the disposable subject are considered “the Inferiors” and both the boss and the overseers are considered “superiors”)
One of the overseers working for EDEN is a 36 y/o man named Zyron. Zyron’s nickname within the organisation is “(the) Reaper”.
Zyron always carries a select number of items on his person. One of these items is a small and pretty vial with a red liquid inside (looks similar to blood but it isnt blood).
Zyron went through something (haven’t decided exactly what) that made him unable to die (no matter how hard he tries). But a side effect is also that his soul kinda leaves his body sometimes and his body starts moving on its own, Zyron’s consciousness only able to watch on. The liquid in that bottle stops Zyron’s soul from (temporarily) leaving his body. He only needs to drink a drop or two each week
But when someone else also drinks from that vial, their souls become connected (temporarily), meaning some of the powers (immortality for example) temporarily get lent to the other person
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