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🍃🕊🍃 The Connection between Imam al-Mahdi (atfs) and Imam al-Hussain (as)
🍃🕊🍃 Part 3 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 Mohammad Ali Shomali 🍃
This paper is the third part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in Muharram 1433/November and December 2011, entitled, "Spiritual Struggle of Karbala."
🍃 Abstract 🍃
The previous parts offered an explanation on the close connection between Imam Hussain (as) and Imam Mahdi (atfs) in hadiths and why Imam Mahdi (as) refers much to Imam Hussain (as) in his universal mission for establishment of justice while putting the demand for the blood of Imam Hussain (as) at top of his agenda. This part offers guidelines as to how a person can help Imam Mahdi (atfs) by being a good follower of Imam Husayn.
It will be argued that by showing the people the value of being a good follower of Imam Hussain (as), and in particular by showing complete commitment to observing and to establishing justice and other virtues, one can prove his love for Imam Hussain (as) while simultaneously helping Imam Mahdi (atfs).
In an address to his companions in the night of Ashura, Imam Hussain (as) said:
“My grandfather, the Messenger of God, said: 'My son, Hussain, will be killed in Karbala while he will be alone, single, thirsty, and without any helper. Whoever helps him has helped me and has helped his son, al-Hujjah (Imam Mahdi (atfs)”.1
The following offers an explanation on how helping Imam Hussain (as) (is helping the Prophet (S) in preserving Islam and b) helping Imam Mahdi (as) in establishing universal justice. Thus, the crux of the paper focuses on how helping Imam Hussain (as) can prepare us for helping Imam Mahdi (as).
🍃 How to help Imam Hussain (as) and hence Imam Mahdi (as) 🍃
In one of the Ziyarats of Imam Hussain (as) we recite:
Peace be to you, Oh son of the prophet. If I was not able to help you with my hands, if time has not let me be with you, then I am now coming to you with my help. Answering your call is my hearing, my heart, my sight, my body, my thoughts and my desires, all submissive to you, and to all Imams after you, those from your progeny who guide to Allah. So my help for you is ready.2
We are centuries away from Imam Hussain (as) yet still we can join him and answer his call when he called out:
"Is there any helper to help us?"
Reflecting on How we answer a Call
What needs reflection is to see how your heart, your ear, your eye answers to a call. It seems clear that e.g. if I listen to that which prepares me to serve the cause of Hussain and act upon it, this would be my ear answering his call.
In the age that we live in, many problems come through ears and eyes, more than any other time. This is due to the fact that if in the past they had to be careful about the voice coming from few meters around, today we can hear voices and sounds that come from thousands of miles away. If you look at the past, what do you think the challenge of a young person was when it comes to the listening and hearing?
The only challenge was that if he was in a meeting or gathering or place a sinful voice might be heard. However, in our age, we can be in a holy place and yet exposed to a haram voice through various devices. Furthermore, in the past, one could only listen to what was being said at that moment, though now voices are recorded and saved.
The amount of exposure to haram today is not comparable to the past. The same fact is true about our sight, thoughts, and desires.
A lover of Imam Hussain (as) cannot have plans that disregard the beloved. 0ur desires and thoughts must be in line with helping Imam Hussain (as). We shall not think about useless matters let alone sinful ones. 0ur thoughts should be at Imam's service, thinking how we can help him, how we can bring more light to this world. Our concern must be how to promote values.
A lover is the one who wakes up in the morning and the first thing he remembers is his beloved. It may even happen that he is in the middle of a conversation yet his heart and mind is somewhere else with the beloved. When he goes to bed, he ends his day thinking about and remembering his beloved. Is Hussain’s attraction and beauty less than a normal beloved? If we do not feel that irresistible attraction in Imam Hussain (as), the problem lies in the fact that we do not have proper knowledge (haqqa ma'rifatih) of him.
A point that should not be neglected is that our Imams do not draw our attention to themselves. They act as mirrors and draw our attention to Allah. They are so transparent that when you think of them you remember Allah. They orient us towards Him.
In Ziyarat al-Jami'ah we recite:
“He who seeks Allah, starts with you."
If someone wants to reach Allah in a very easy, fast, and convenient way it should be done through knowing and loving Prophet Muhammad (S) and Ahlulbayt (as)3.
Verbalising our readiness to the Imam
We need to be able to honestly tell our Imam that we are ready for him, that he can count us, on all that we have, whether it is our talents, skills, and energy; and on our children and wealth.4
🍃 In Dua of 'Ahd we read: 🍃
O Allah, appoint me amongst his helpers, aides, and his protectors, those who hasten to fulfill his commands and obey his orders. Those who defend him and compete with each other to (fulfill) his will. We ask Allah to include us among those who respond to Imam Mahdi (as), implement his commands, and do what he wills without hesitating or waiting for his request for it to be done.5
If we know that our Imam wants something, we should want to hasten and rush to fulfil what he wants from us, without waiting for him to ask us. It is sufficient to know what is to be done without waiting for the Imam's order. If you know your father is thirsty you will not wait for him to ask you for water; you would immediately quench his thirst. Furthermore, we would want to compete with others to fulfil not only the Imam's commands, but also his will, before even expressing it.
What does our Imam want from us today?
A very important question arises here: How can we understand what our Imam wants from us today?
This is something that we struggle with. I think we have many people in the world who are devoted to and work hard to spend everything they have for the sake of Allah and at the service of Ahlulbayt (as) and their cause, but sometimes you do not feel that they are always making proper decisions or are making rapid progress year by year towards ideals.
Many people have already done so many things to please Imam Mahdi but the problem is that they do not know exactly what to do and what he wants from us to do. They do not know what to prioritize to help our Imam.
There are the obvious duties that apply at all times: praying, fasting, hajj, taqleed, wearing hijab, eating halal food, and so forth. These are the responsibilities that from the time of the Prophet (S) every Muslim must have done as we have in the hadith from Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as). What Muhammad announced permissible is permissible up to the Day of Judgment and what he said is prohibited will be so till the Day of Judgment.6
These are the things basic laws. What we need to understand is our time-specific social responsibilities, how to prepare our society and community for the coming of Imam Mahdi (as).
The following offers a few reflections on how to understand what the Imam expects from us. To reflect on what he is going to do and prepare by moving in the same direction. In other words, we must consider what Imam Mahdi is going to establish, and then we should work towards it.7
When the Imam sees that we have made good progress and preparation, then he can join us in the same path. But we have to make the first few steps. As we saw in previous parts, one of the aims of Imam Mahdi (as), which is the aim of all prophets and is the standing at the top of his agenda is justice. Right under justice come dignity and honour because these are the most important rights that every human being deserves. If you have minimum amount of justice you have to respect dignity of people.
Now, let us reflect on the following phrase from Dua al-Iftitah:
Oh Allah, we bring to you our yearning for an honourable government by which you give dignity to Islam and its people, and humiliate hypocrisy and the hypocrites, and include us among those who invite people unto Your obedience, and lead people towards Your path. Through such a government, give us honour in this life and the hereafter. If a government is not honourable, it cannot give dignity and honour to its citizens. You can never expect honour to come to you from the people who do not have honour for themselves. There is a very beautiful hadith that suggests this idea: "If someone doesn't have any honour for himself, do not feel safe with respect to him."8
A noble person never uses foul language even towards animals. A person who has honour for himself never walks out nude.9
Covering up even a little is recommended in Islam which indicates that a person should always honour himself. And a person who honours himself will honour others. Similarly, an honourable government will honour its citizens. For this reason, we ask Allah in our duas for an honourable government that treats people with dignity. One of the features of the government we ask Allah for is that it exposes the hypocrites. It is them with whom we have problem with, not honest disbelievers. It seems that the main problem is with nifaq and not with kufr.10
We ask that the hypocrites are exposed so that they lose their respect and influence. The best way to face a person who is hypocrite is to show his true face to people. Having asked for that, we then ask Allah to include us among those who invite others toward His obedience. The idea here is that we should not be satisfied by just being pious; rather we should also be calling others towards His obedience and leading towards His path. If we merely aim to be pious is not enough and may actually result in being in a lower level and failing to be pious. In the following dua in the Qur'an we read:
“Our Lord, Grant us comfort in our spouses and descendants, and make us leaders of the pious.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
We do not merely ask for piety. We ask to be the leader of the pious. This aim is for the purpose of being closer to Allah rather than for selfish reasons such as position or power.
Continuing with Dua al-Iftitah, we ask Allah to help us not only to obey Him, but to guide others to his obedience, by being equipped with piety and knowledge. We also ask Allah for honour in this life and the hereafter. We want to be proud to be Muslims.
We want people of the world to have so much understanding of Islam, and pleased with the performance of Muslims, that they have respect for Muslims. This will not happen by itself. We can only achieve this by working towards establishing this honour for ourselves and our community. Imam Mahdi wants us to be honourable.
Whether it be education, family ties, punctuality, organization, trustworthiness, and helping others, we need to be the best at it. If on the other hand, we are disorganised, dishonest, unkind, and unprincipled we cannot bring honour to ourselves. Hence we cannot expect Imam Mahdi to suddenly come and give us honour in this life and the hereafter.
Every step towards bringing honour to this community prepares for Imam Mahdi (as). We should not see anything happening that would bring disrespect to our community. In addition to establishing justice by not violating others' rights, not even doing injustice to animals, we need to bring honour to ourselves and treat others the same. We need to be a polite and respectful community, whether it be in the home, classroom, or workplace so that anyone who looks at us says that this person must be a follower of Hussain (as). We need people to see the conduct of Imam Hussain (as) in us. Another important point for us is to act as a community. We cannot afford to be separated as we cannot help Imam Mahdi (as) individually. We need to come together and form a solid group at his service. The Imam wants a strong community, not people who dislike or boycott each other:
O you who have faith! Be pious and be with the truthful people.
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
In addition to believing and having piety, we should also be in the company of truthful people. This shows not only the importance of being truthful, but also the importance of being a community:
By Time! Indeed man is in loss, except those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and enjoin one another to [follow] the truth, and enjoin one another to patience.
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
In addition to the importance Allah gives to time, we also realize that it is not enough for us to be believers and do righteous deeds. We need to come together and enjoin truthfulness and patience. If one was about to get angry or to give up, others should invite him to patience. With this mutual help we can be saved. It is only when we are together that we can gain Allah's support.11
Similar to the above verses, Allah says:
While being one of those who have faith and who enjoin one another to patience, and enjoin one another to compassion.
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
We should invite each other to patience, mercifulness, and truthfulness; establish it among ourselves and then extend it to others to benefit from it. If we form such a community, Allah will bless this community with much support and will guide it so as to quickly achieve its aim.
Allah says in the Quran that if you are pious and careful of your duties towards Him, He will teach you (2:282) and give you a criterion by which you can distinguish between right and wrong (8:29). Therefore, we should attain communal piety for Allah to guide our community and direct it towards our goals.
🍃 Conclusion 🍃
In this part, we studied how we can help Imam Mahdi (as) by learning from the example of Imam Hussain(as) and being a good follower of his. In particular, we studied why and how we should start establishing justice among us so that we can be used as instruments of establishing justice by Imam Mahdi (atfs). An unjust person cannot be a helper of the Imam whose goal is establishing justice all over the world. We should establish justice among ourselves and then for others.
Justice is both for enemies and friends.
We are expected to be fair with respect to everyone. Then we studied that the right of people to be treated with honour and dignity as one of the important things you should observe as a just person. Again we need to achieve this honour for ourselves and then treat others with honour and respect.
We need also to form a united community in order to help Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
1. Ma'ail al-sibtayn, volume 1, page 208
2. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 98, page 209, chapter 18.
3. Of course, there are other prophets and holy people that we have respect and love for and they also can help us, but no one is as close to Allah as these people.
4. Sometimes some people cheat. They say all their belongings are for Imam Mahdi but still they resist to pay khums to Maraaji' saying that I will pay it only to Imam himself after he comes and asks for it. This is not honesty.
If you are honest and free from greed you would realize that giving khums to the Marraji's in this time and age is like paying to Imam himself and for sure Imam Mahdi would not be pleased if people do not make their khums available for good causes under the supervision of the people who have piety and at the same time the greatest knowledge of the teachings of Imams and the needs of the community.
5. Note that this dua was taught by Imam Sadiq long before the occultation started. In Islam we are not restricted to time as discussed before. In Islam, you can go beyond time and space. Imam Sadiq says you should pray in this way for 40 days in order to be able to join Imam in his mission and even if you die before he comes you will be brought back by Allah and will be able to join him.
6. Al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 58.
7. If you are waiting for a great teacher to come and educate you should prepare for his mission by bringing students together, making a classroom and other facilities ready for him and educating people as much as you could so that when he comes everything would be ready for him and he would focus on the things that no one else could do it and not just doing what you yourselves were supposed to do. Or if there is an epidemic disease and you are waiting for the greatest doctor to come you should prepare for his activities by cleaning and equipping the hospital, bringing together nurses and others who could help him together and register the patients and do examinations and initial treatments so that when he comes his time would not be wasted for you to get ready.
8. Bihar al-Anwar, volume 72, page 300, chapter 74, no. 11.
9. It is said that one of the scholars used to be fully dressed in his house all the time. Someone asked him why he did that while no one was there. He replied saying 'I am here.' He had such a respect for himself that he did not want to be without his dress of honour at any second.
10. The Qur'an tells us that the hypocrites are in the lowest level of the hell (4:145).
11. Imam Ali said: "Allah's hand (of protection) is with the community (jamaa'ah; a united group of people). You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is (a prey) to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is (a prey) to the wolf. (Nahj al-Balaghah, Sermon number 127)
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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talbiyaumrah · 15 days
Affordable and Memorable: Book Your 15 Days Umrah Package Today
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Affordable and Memorable: Book Your 15 Days Umrah Package Today
Umrah is a sacred journey in Islam, deeply significant for Muslims worldwide. It offers a unique opportunity to seek Allah's blessings, ask for mercy, and strengthen one's faith. While Umrah is not obligatory like Hajj, many Muslims aspire to perform it due to the immense divine rewards it brings.
At Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd., we understand that affordability is a key concern for many pilgrims. That’s why our Budget Umrah Package is thoughtfully designed to allow you to fulfill your religious duty without financial strain. With a variety of Umrah packages to choose from, including the popular 15 day Umrah package from India, we ensure that every detail is meticulously planned. Enjoy a spiritually fulfilling journey with the cheapest Umrah package from India, all while staying within your budget. The 15-day Umrah package price makes it easier for everyone to experience this divine journey.
Why Choose This Package?
Our Budget Umrah Package ensures a smooth and spiritually enriching journey by taking care of every detail. This budget-friendly option is ideal for those seeking Umrah packages without incurring unnecessary expenses. With our 15-day Umrah package from India, you can perform Umrah comfortably while keeping costs low. We offer customized packages to suit your specific needs, ensuring a personalized experience. This is the cheapest Umrah package from India, designed for pilgrims who wish to seek Allah's blessings without worrying about luxury costs. Choose this popular package for a memorable and budget-friendly journey.
Embark on a divine journey with Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd.’s Budget Umrah Package, crafted to offer a fulfilling Umrah experience at an affordable price. Here’s what you can expect in this 15-day Umrah package from India:
Economy Class Return Flight
Umrah Visa with Insurance
Hotel Stay: 9 nights in Mecca (1000m from the divine boundaries) + 5 nights in Medina (500m from the divine boundaries)
Authentic Indian Cuisine prepared by Indian chefs
Transportation: Arrival in Jeddah with transport pick-up and drop-off at Mecca hotel
AC Deluxe Buses for transportation during the trip
Guided Ziyarat Tours of Mecca and Medina
Complimentary Talbiya-Umrah Kit
Laundry Facilities and 24/7 customer support
Local Staff available at your service
Complimentary 5 Liters of Zam-Zam Water
Package Itinerary
Embark on a spiritual journey with our carefully designed Umrah package, ensuring both comfort and devotion. Here’s a day-by-day breakdown of your Umrah journey:
Day 1: Depart for Jeddah. Upon arrival, air-conditioned deluxe buses will transport you to your hotel in Mecca. After checking in, the tour guide will lead the group to perform Umrah.
Day 2: Begin your day with prayers at Masjid Al-Haram.
Day 3: Explore local shrines under the guidance of your tour guide.
Day 4: Spend the day offering prayers at Masjid Al-Haram.
Day 5: Visit Masjid Al-Haram again and perform your second Umrah at Masjid Aisha. Transportation for this visit will be arranged by visitors.
Day 6: Perform a third Umrah and revisit Masjid Aisha, with transportation managed by the visitors.
Day 7: You can either offer prayers at Masjid Al-Haram or explore Jeddah at your own pace.
Day 8: Prepare for your journey to Medina.
Day 9: Arrive in Medina and visit Masjid An-Nabawi.
Days 10-14: Spend these days offering prayers at Masjid An-Nabawi or exploring Medina at your convenience.
Day 15: Pack your belongings and return home with cherished memories of your Umrah. Reach the airport for your flight back to India.
Note: This itinerary is flexible and may change based on the group’s needs or company adjustments. Experience one of the most spiritually fulfilling Umrah packages designed for your comfort.
Pricing & Booking
Our Umrah packages offer flexible pricing to suit your needs:
Quad Room: ₹76,999 per person
Triple Room: ₹80,999 per person
Twin Room: ₹84,999 per person
Child Policy:
Infant (up to 2 years): ₹34,999
Child (2 to 6 years) without a bed: ₹9,999 discount off the adult price
Child with a bed: Same price as an adult
Booking Terms:
A booking amount of ₹19,999 per person is required.
50% of the remaining balance must be cleared before the visa process begins.
The final balance is due after the visa, insurance, and hotel vouchers are issued.
Payments are only accepted via bank transfers (NEFT or RTGS). No cash transactions are allowed.
Choose from our Umrah packages for a memorable and hassle-free journey with clear and transparent terms.
Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd. offers a meticulously organized Budget Umrah Package, allowing you to embark on a spiritual journey without financial strain. With carefully designed Umrah packages, including the 15-day Umrah package from India, we prioritize your comfort and spiritual fulfillment. From economy-class flights and well-located hotels to guided Ziyarat tours and expert-led Umrah rituals, every aspect of the journey is thoughtfully planned. Transparent pricing and flexible booking options ensure a hassle-free experience, allowing you to focus entirely on your devotion. Book with us today for an affordable and memorable Umrah.
Related Packages:
·         Luxury Umrah Packages
·         Umrah Land Packages
·         Short Umrah Packages
·         Super Saver Umrah Pacage
·         Umrah With Holiday
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hajjumrahpackages1 · 9 months
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kaabatravelcare456 · 10 months
Your Unforgettable Umrah Experience Awaits
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Kaaba Travel Care is a renowned travel agency that specializes in crafting extraordinary Umrah experiences for pilgrims from Hyderabad, India. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the spiritual significance of Umrah, Kaaba Travel Care has designed a comprehensive Umrah package that caters to the needs of every pilgrim.
Unforgettable Umrah Experience Awaits
Kaaba Travel Care's meticulously planned 15-day Umrah package ensures that you have a worry-free and spiritually enriching experience. From the moment you depart from Hyderabad until your return, every aspect of your journey is meticulously planned and taken care of.
Experience the epitome of comfort and convenience with your stay in 5-star hotels located close to the Haram, the holiest site in Islam. These luxurious accommodations offer a tranquil retreat after a day of fulfilling your pilgrimage duties.
Enjoy a hassle-free travel experience with round-trip flight tickets from Hyderabad to Jeddah. Kaaba Travel Care takes care of all the flight arrangements, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey.
Seamlessly navigate through the city with convenient transportation arrangements for all your sightseeing and pilgrimage needs. From airport transfers to ziyarat tours, Kaaba Travel Care ensures you have access to reliable and comfortable transportation throughout your stay.
Savor delicious and nutritious meals throughout your journey, ensuring you stay energized for your spiritual endeavors. Enjoy a variety of cuisines, including both traditional and international fare, catering to diverse palates.
Ziyarat Tours
Embark on enriching Ziyarat tours to historically and religiously significant sites, deepening your understanding of Islam's rich heritage. Visit renowned landmarks like the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah and the Cave of Hira in Makkah, gaining a deeper appreciation for the Prophet Muhammad's life and teachings.
Umrah Visa
Eliminate the hassles of visa processing with Kaaba Travel Care's expert assistance in obtaining your Umrah visa. Their experienced team will guide you through the entire process, ensuring you receive your visa promptly.
Travel with peace of mind knowing that you are protected with comprehensive insurance coverage. Kaaba Travel Care's insurance plans cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and travel disruptions, ensuring you are well prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.
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Keep your garments fresh and clean with convenient laundry services available throughout your stay. Enjoy the convenience of having your laundry taken care of, allowing you to focus on your spiritual journey.
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Kaaba Travel Care is a renowned travel agency with a proven track record of providing exceptional Umrah experiences. Their team of experienced professionals is committed to ensuring that every pilgrim has a memorable and spiritually rewarding journey.
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With Kaaba Travel Care's Umrah package from Hyderabad, you can focus on the true essence of your pilgrimage – spiritual enlightenment and connection with the divine. Let Kaaba Travel Care handle the logistics, while you immerse yourself in the serenity and tranquility of the holy city of Makkah.
Contact Kaaba Travel Care today
To book your Umrah package from Hyderabad or to inquire further, contact Kaaba Travel Care today. Their expert staff will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
Embrace the opportunity to perform Umrah, one of the five pillars of Islam, and experience the profound spiritual transformation that awaits you. With Kaaba Travel Care as your trusted guide, your Umrah journey will be nothing short of exceptional.
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Umrah Taxi Services
Umrahtaxiservices is the most reputable and famous company offering great deals for Umrah, Hajj, And Ziyarat .
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jahan-umrah · 1 year
How to Perform Umrah with Comfort and Ease: 15 Days Deluxe Umrah Package with Saudi Airlines
Are you looking for a hassle-free and affordable way to perform umrah, the sacred pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina? If yes, then you should consider our 15 days deluxe umrah package provided by Jahan Umrah with Saudi Airlines, which offers you everything you need to complete your spiritual journey with comfort and ease.
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Jahan Umrah packages are designed designed to suit your budget and preferences, as you can choose from different sharing options for your hotel accommodation. You can opt for 5 sharing, 4 sharing, 3 sharing, or 2 sharing rooms, depending on how many people you want to travel with. The prices for each option are as follows:
•  5 sharing - Rs. 92,000
•  4 sharing - Rs. 94,000
•  3 sharing - Rs. 99,000
•  2 sharing - Rs. 1,08,000
These prices are inclusive of all the services and facilities that we provide in our umrah package, such as:
•  Umrah visa + insurance
•  Air ticket (direct flight) with Saudi Airlines, one of the best airlines in the world
•  Hotel accommodation in Mecca and Medina, close to the holy mosques
•  3 time fooding (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with a variety of cuisines
•  Transportation + ziyarat (sightseeing) to the historical and religious places in both cities
•  Laundry + zam zam (holy water) service
•  Tour guide who will assist you throughout your trip
•  Umrah kit that contains essential items for your pilgrimage
Our umrah package also ensures that you stay in comfortable and clean hotels that are conveniently located near the Haramain (the two holy mosques). You will spend 9 nights in Mecca at Dar Al Khalil Al Rushed or a similar hotel, which is only 600 meters away from Masjid al-Haram. You will also spend 5 nights in Medina at Sidra Al Madina or a similar hotel, which is only 300 meters away from Masjid al-Nabawi.
By choosing our umrah package, you will not only save money and time, but also enjoy a memorable and fulfilling experience of performing umrah. You will be able to focus on your worship and prayers, without worrying about any logistical issues or problems. You will also get to witness the beauty and magnificence of the holy sites and learn more about the history and culture of Islam. So what are you waiting for? Book your Umrah package with us today and get ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime. Contact us now and let us take care of everything for you. We guarantee that you will not regret choosing our Umrah package for your spiritual journey.
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🍃🕊🍃 The Connection between Imam al-Mahdi (atfs) and Imam al-Hussain (as)
🍃🕊🍃 Part 3 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 Mohammad Ali Shomali 🍃
This paper is the third part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in Muharram 1433/November and December 2011, entitled, "Spiritual Struggle of Karbala."
🍃 Abstract 🍃
The previous parts offered an explanation on the close connection between Imam Hussain (as) and Imam Mahdi (atfs) in hadiths and why Imam Mahdi (as) refers much to Imam Hussain (as) in his universal mission for establishment of justice while putting the demand for the blood of Imam Hussain (as) at top of his agenda. This part offers guidelines as to how a person can help Imam Mahdi (atfs) by being a good follower of Imam Husayn.
It will be argued that by showing the people the value of being a good follower of Imam Hussain (as), and in particular by showing complete commitment to observing and to establishing justice and other virtues, one can prove his love for Imam Hussain (as) while simultaneously helping Imam Mahdi (atfs).
In an address to his companions in the night of Ashura, Imam Hussain (as) said:
“My grandfather, the Messenger of God, said: 'My son, Hussain, will be killed in Karbala while he will be alone, single, thirsty, and without any helper. Whoever helps him has helped me and has helped his son, al-Hujjah (Imam Mahdi (atfs)”.1
The following offers an explanation on how helping Imam Hussain (as) (is helping the Prophet (S) in preserving Islam and b) helping Imam Mahdi (as) in establishing universal justice. Thus, the crux of the paper focuses on how helping Imam Hussain (as) can prepare us for helping Imam Mahdi (as).
🍃 How to help Imam Hussain (as) and hence Imam Mahdi (as) 🍃
In one of the Ziyarats of Imam Hussain (as) we recite:
Peace be to you, Oh son of the prophet. If I was not able to help you with my hands, if time has not let me be with you, then I am now coming to you with my help. Answering your call is my hearing, my heart, my sight, my body, my thoughts and my desires, all submissive to you, and to all Imams after you, those from your progeny who guide to Allah. So my help for you is ready.2
We are centuries away from Imam Hussain (as) yet still we can join him and answer his call when he called out:
"Is there any helper to help us?"
Reflecting on How we answer a Call
What needs reflection is to see how your heart, your ear, your eye answers to a call. It seems clear that e.g. if I listen to that which prepares me to serve the cause of Hussain and act upon it, this would be my ear answering his call.
In the age that we live in, many problems come through ears and eyes, more than any other time. This is due to the fact that if in the past they had to be careful about the voice coming from few meters around, today we can hear voices and sounds that come from thousands of miles away. If you look at the past, what do you think the challenge of a young person was when it comes to the listening and hearing?
The only challenge was that if he was in a meeting or gathering or place a sinful voice might be heard. However, in our age, we can be in a holy place and yet exposed to a haram voice through various devices. Furthermore, in the past, one could only listen to what was being said at that moment, though now voices are recorded and saved.
The amount of exposure to haram today is not comparable to the past. The same fact is true about our sight, thoughts, and desires.
A lover of Imam Hussain (as) cannot have plans that disregard the beloved. 0ur desires and thoughts must be in line with helping Imam Hussain (as). We shall not think about useless matters let alone sinful ones. 0ur thoughts should be at Imam's service, thinking how we can help him, how we can bring more light to this world. Our concern must be how to promote values.
A lover is the one who wakes up in the morning and the first thing he remembers is his beloved. It may even happen that he is in the middle of a conversation yet his heart and mind is somewhere else with the beloved. When he goes to bed, he ends his day thinking about and remembering his beloved. Is Hussain’s attraction and beauty less than a normal beloved? If we do not feel that irresistible attraction in Imam Hussain (as), the problem lies in the fact that we do not have proper knowledge (haqqa ma'rifatih) of him.
A point that should not be neglected is that our Imams do not draw our attention to themselves. They act as mirrors and draw our attention to Allah. They are so transparent that when you think of them you remember Allah. They orient us towards Him.
In Ziyarat al-Jami'ah we recite:
“He who seeks Allah, starts with you."
If someone wants to reach Allah in a very easy, fast, and convenient way it should be done through knowing and loving Prophet Muhammad (S) and Ahlulbayt (as)3.
Verbalising our readiness to the Imam
We need to be able to honestly tell our Imam that we are ready for him, that he can count us, on all that we have, whether it is our talents, skills, and energy; and on our children and wealth.4
🍃 In Dua of 'Ahd we read: 🍃
O Allah, appoint me amongst his helpers, aides, and his protectors, those who hasten to fulfill his commands and obey his orders. Those who defend him and compete with each other to (fulfill) his will. We ask Allah to include us among those who respond to Imam Mahdi (as), implement his commands, and do what he wills without hesitating or waiting for his request for it to be done.5
If we know that our Imam wants something, we should want to hasten and rush to fulfil what he wants from us, without waiting for him to ask us. It is sufficient to know what is to be done without waiting for the Imam's order. If you know your father is thirsty you will not wait for him to ask you for water; you would immediately quench his thirst. Furthermore, we would want to compete with others to fulfil not only the Imam's commands, but also his will, before even expressing it.
What does our Imam want from us today?
A very important question arises here: How can we understand what our Imam wants from us today?
This is something that we struggle with. I think we have many people in the world who are devoted to and work hard to spend everything they have for the sake of Allah and at the service of Ahlulbayt (as) and their cause, but sometimes you do not feel that they are always making proper decisions or are making rapid progress year by year towards ideals.
Many people have already done so many things to please Imam Mahdi but the problem is that they do not know exactly what to do and what he wants from us to do. They do not know what to prioritize to help our Imam.
There are the obvious duties that apply at all times: praying, fasting, hajj, taqleed, wearing hijab, eating halal food, and so forth. These are the responsibilities that from the time of the Prophet (S) every Muslim must have done as we have in the hadith from Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as). What Muhammad announced permissible is permissible up to the Day of Judgment and what he said is prohibited will be so till the Day of Judgment.6
These are the things basic laws. What we need to understand is our time-specific social responsibilities, how to prepare our society and community for the coming of Imam Mahdi (as).
The following offers a few reflections on how to understand what the Imam expects from us. To reflect on what he is going to do and prepare by moving in the same direction. In other words, we must consider what Imam Mahdi is going to establish, and then we should work towards it.7
When the Imam sees that we have made good progress and preparation, then he can join us in the same path. But we have to make the first few steps. As we saw in previous parts, one of the aims of Imam Mahdi (as), which is the aim of all prophets and is the standing at the top of his agenda is justice. Right under justice come dignity and honour because these are the most important rights that every human being deserves. If you have minimum amount of justice you have to respect dignity of people.
Now, let us reflect on the following phrase from Dua al-Iftitah:
Oh Allah, we bring to you our yearning for an honourable government by which you give dignity to Islam and its people, and humiliate hypocrisy and the hypocrites, and include us among those who invite people unto Your obedience, and lead people towards Your path. Through such a government, give us honour in this life and the hereafter. If a government is not honourable, it cannot give dignity and honour to its citizens. You can never expect honour to come to you from the people who do not have honour for themselves. There is a very beautiful hadith that suggests this idea: "If someone doesn't have any honour for himself, do not feel safe with respect to him."8
A noble person never uses foul language even towards animals. A person who has honour for himself never walks out nude.9
Covering up even a little is recommended in Islam which indicates that a person should always honour himself. And a person who honours himself will honour others. Similarly, an honourable government will honour its citizens. For this reason, we ask Allah in our duas for an honourable government that treats people with dignity. One of the features of the government we ask Allah for is that it exposes the hypocrites. It is them with whom we have problem with, not honest disbelievers. It seems that the main problem is with nifaq and not with kufr.10
We ask that the hypocrites are exposed so that they lose their respect and influence. The best way to face a person who is hypocrite is to show his true face to people. Having asked for that, we then ask Allah to include us among those who invite others toward His obedience. The idea here is that we should not be satisfied by just being pious; rather we should also be calling others towards His obedience and leading towards His path. If we merely aim to be pious is not enough and may actually result in being in a lower level and failing to be pious. In the following dua in the Qur'an we read:
“Our Lord, Grant us comfort in our spouses and descendants, and make us leaders of the pious.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
We do not merely ask for piety. We ask to be the leader of the pious. This aim is for the purpose of being closer to Allah rather than for selfish reasons such as position or power.
Continuing with Dua al-Iftitah, we ask Allah to help us not only to obey Him, but to guide others to his obedience, by being equipped with piety and knowledge. We also ask Allah for honour in this life and the hereafter. We want to be proud to be Muslims.
We want people of the world to have so much understanding of Islam, and pleased with the performance of Muslims, that they have respect for Muslims. This will not happen by itself. We can only achieve this by working towards establishing this honour for ourselves and our community. Imam Mahdi wants us to be honourable.
Whether it be education, family ties, punctuality, organization, trustworthiness, and helping others, we need to be the best at it. If on the other hand, we are disorganised, dishonest, unkind, and unprincipled we cannot bring honour to ourselves. Hence we cannot expect Imam Mahdi to suddenly come and give us honour in this life and the hereafter.
Every step towards bringing honour to this community prepares for Imam Mahdi (as). We should not see anything happening that would bring disrespect to our community. In addition to establishing justice by not violating others' rights, not even doing injustice to animals, we need to bring honour to ourselves and treat others the same. We need to be a polite and respectful community, whether it be in the home, classroom, or workplace so that anyone who looks at us says that this person must be a follower of Hussain (as). We need people to see the conduct of Imam Hussain (as) in us. Another important point for us is to act as a community. We cannot afford to be separated as we cannot help Imam Mahdi (as) individually. We need to come together and form a solid group at his service. The Imam wants a strong community, not people who dislike or boycott each other:
O you who have faith! Be pious and be with the truthful people.
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
In addition to believing and having piety, we should also be in the company of truthful people. This shows not only the importance of being truthful, but also the importance of being a community:
By Time! Indeed man is in loss, except those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and enjoin one another to [follow] the truth, and enjoin one another to patience.
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
In addition to the importance Allah gives to time, we also realize that it is not enough for us to be believers and do righteous deeds. We need to come together and enjoin truthfulness and patience. If one was about to get angry or to give up, others should invite him to patience. With this mutual help we can be saved. It is only when we are together that we can gain Allah's support.11
Similar to the above verses, Allah says:
While being one of those who have faith and who enjoin one another to patience, and enjoin one another to compassion.
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
We should invite each other to patience, mercifulness, and truthfulness; establish it among ourselves and then extend it to others to benefit from it. If we form such a community, Allah will bless this community with much support and will guide it so as to quickly achieve its aim.
Allah says in the Quran that if you are pious and careful of your duties towards Him, He will teach you (2:282) and give you a criterion by which you can distinguish between right and wrong (8:29). Therefore, we should attain communal piety for Allah to guide our community and direct it towards our goals.
🍃 Conclusion 🍃
In this part, we studied how we can help Imam Mahdi (as) by learning from the example of Imam Hussain(as) and being a good follower of his. In particular, we studied why and how we should start establishing justice among us so that we can be used as instruments of establishing justice by Imam Mahdi (atfs). An unjust person cannot be a helper of the Imam whose goal is establishing justice all over the world. We should establish justice among ourselves and then for others.
Justice is both for enemies and friends.
We are expected to be fair with respect to everyone. Then we studied that the right of people to be treated with honour and dignity as one of the important things you should observe as a just person. Again we need to achieve this honour for ourselves and then treat others with honour and respect.
We need also to form a united community in order to help Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
1. Ma'ail al-sibtayn, volume 1, page 208
2. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 98, page 209, chapter 18.
3. Of course, there are other prophets and holy people that we have respect and love for and they also can help us, but no one is as close to Allah as these people.
4. Sometimes some people cheat. They say all their belongings are for Imam Mahdi but still they resist to pay khums to Maraaji' saying that I will pay it only to Imam himself after he comes and asks for it. This is not honesty.
If you are honest and free from greed you would realize that giving khums to the Marraji's in this time and age is like paying to Imam himself and for sure Imam Mahdi would not be pleased if people do not make their khums available for good causes under the supervision of the people who have piety and at the same time the greatest knowledge of the teachings of Imams and the needs of the community.
5. Note that this dua was taught by Imam Sadiq long before the occultation started. In Islam we are not restricted to time as discussed before. In Islam, you can go beyond time and space. Imam Sadiq says you should pray in this way for 40 days in order to be able to join Imam in his mission and even if you die before he comes you will be brought back by Allah and will be able to join him.
6. Al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 58.
7. If you are waiting for a great teacher to come and educate you should prepare for his mission by bringing students together, making a classroom and other facilities ready for him and educating people as much as you could so that when he comes everything would be ready for him and he would focus on the things that no one else could do it and not just doing what you yourselves were supposed to do. Or if there is an epidemic disease and you are waiting for the greatest doctor to come you should prepare for his activities by cleaning and equipping the hospital, bringing together nurses and others who could help him together and register the patients and do examinations and initial treatments so that when he comes his time would not be wasted for you to get ready.
8. Bihar al-Anwar, volume 72, page 300, chapter 74, no. 11.
9. It is said that one of the scholars used to be fully dressed in his house all the time. Someone asked him why he did that while no one was there. He replied saying 'I am here.' He had such a respect for himself that he did not want to be without his dress of honour at any second.
10. The Qur'an tells us that the hypocrites are in the lowest level of the hell (4:145).
11. Imam Ali said: "Allah's hand (of protection) is with the community (jamaa'ah; a united group of people). You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is (a prey) to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is (a prey) to the wolf. (Nahj al-Balaghah, Sermon number 127)
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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bakhlatourstravel · 2 years
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Planning a Ramzan 2023 or Ramadan 2023 Umrah Trip From Inda? Take advantage of your family's Ramadan Festival time this year and perform your Spiritual Umrah Journey with us. While Umrah may be performed at any time during the year it is considered ideal to perform Umrah during the holy month of Ramadan. Our Ramadan Umrah packages are well managed and affordable, and includes Hotels, Flight Tickets, Visa, Travel between Makkah and Madina, Ziyarat, a special Ramadan menu with suhoor, iftar, and dinner, zam zam, etc. We offer various tours to suit all budgets without compromising on our quality of service.
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hajjtrips · 1 month
With the best Umrah package, learn how to perform Ziyarat and improve your spiritual journey.
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umrahtaxicar · 2 months
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Sacred Places to Visit in Makkah and Madina
Experience journey of  Makkah and Medina with Umrah Taxi Car service in Saudi Arabia offers a wonderful & soulful experience. Then there are some must- visit Ziyarat places in Saudi Arabia.
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talbiyaumrah · 1 year
long-stay umrah packages
OVERVIEW Umrah is an honorable act of worship that every Muslim wants to carry out once in a lifetime. Along with refreshing their souls and faith in Allah (SubhanahuWaTa’ala- Glory to him, the exalted) , Muslims also understand the underlying purpose of life and the world. This pilgrimage defends the fact that there is no discrimination Umrah is the best way finest way to gain and attain closeness to Allah. It is non-obligatory but in the house of Allah(SubhanahuWaTa’ala- Glory to him, the exalted), all Muslims wear the same dress(ihram) regardless of their caste, class, or color. All Muslims stand together to represent the peaceful nature of Islam.
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This package has been specially designed for people who prefer a long stay in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Its time period is longer than our other packages because it consists of some additional days on which pilgrims can perform some special ziyarat as per their individual choices. What separates this package from other packages is its extended stay. While designing this package our company had considered commercial and religious aspects of the pilgrimage, so accordingly this tour has facilities pertaining to long stays.
INCLUSIONS ● Direct Flight of Economy class (Spice Jet & Indigo Airline ) ●Umrah visa with insurance ●Stay in the hotels (10 nights in Mecca + 09 nights in Medina) ● Distance till Mecca hotel from divine boundaries is 900 M ● distance till Medina Hotel from divine boundaries is 600 M ●Indian cuisine served by Indian chiefs ● Arrival at Jeddah, Our Transport pickup & drop at the Hotel of Makkah ●Tour guides will be assigned for ziarat tours of Mecca and Medina ●AC Deluxe buses will be provided for transportation ●Talbiya- Umrah kit ●laundry facility ●Local staff at your service ●24/7 customer support EXCLUSIONS ● GST 5% & TCS 5% ●Additional charges apply on excess luggage ●Tour operator\guide will not be held accountable for any kind of loss ●No room service will be provided ●Facilities, services, and amenities which are not indicated in this package ●No restitution or refund is applicable on unutilized or unused services ●Refund cannot be claimed if the stay is curtailed
REQUIREMENTS ● A bona fide Passport which is valid for another 6 months ● Passport-size photograph which should have a white background ●PAN card
PAYMENT TERMS ● INR 9,999/- is the booking amount ● 50% amount to be paid before the booking ● Balance and rest of the amount to be paid after equipping pilgrim with visa, insurance, hotel, and transport ● we accept payment only by bank transfers, NEFT, and RTGS. We don’t deal in hard cash
CANCELLATION POLICY ● 50% Amount (paid prior booking) + 9,999 (booking amount) are not refundable ● Packages are thoroughly non-refundable. No claims will be entertained during the time of cancellation ● Dates may differ to airline rates ● No refunds can be claimed if the person fails to acquire clearance at immigration owing to any government policy/rule or COVID guidelines
NOTE (TERMS AND CONDITIONS) ● This Budget package does not include any level of luxury ● Vaccination certificate indicating that the person is fully vaccinated Th ● Any variation in airfare or visa fee will have to be paid prior to departure ●No child fare applies in low-cost/ budget airlines ●Budget Umrah Package (Each room will accommodate 5 to 6 pilgrims) ●Hotel rooms in Mecca will have attached bathrooms ●Some rooms in the Medina Hotel might have a common bathroom ●Room services do not include this package- ( Room services in hotels absolutely depend on the hotel) ● Riyaz Ul Jannah's permit is not included in our package. We can process at the time of applying visa but we do not guarantee. The Saudi government has launched an app named NUSUK, on which you can go personally and get the permit of Riyaz Ul Jannah. ●Drinking water will be available in the mess only. ● ● Rates may differ during the festive season ( Muharram, Ramadan, Eid, and Eid-Milad- Un-Nabi etc.) ● 1 SAR= 20.80INR but if there is any variation noted in SAR then the amount has to be paid prior to departure
● Hotel with identical or similar qualities and amenities will be provided in case the assigned hotel happens to be inaccessible due to unforeseen reasons ● The distance from Masjid e Nabawi and Haram Sharif to the hotel may differ on different platforms ( we calculate the distance from the boundary of Haram Sharif and Masjid e Nabawi up to the hotel) ● Tour programs and tour dates are tentative and subject to change without any notification. ● Tour operator/guide will not be held accountable for the loss of luggage ● Laundry service will be provided 2 × in Mecca and 2 × in Medina ●Fixed timings should be followed for Ziyarat and meals ● Toiletries like towels and buckets will not be made available in the hotels of Mecca and Medina ● We will not be held responsible for the Loss or Theft of passports or luggage at Airports. ● Pilgrims requiring a wheelchair are suggested to carry their own wheelchair ● We will not be held responsible for any rejection, delay, and/or any mistake in the Umrah visa from the KSA embassy, and visa fees are refundable In the case of PASSPORT SEND TO EMBASSY, the involved passport will be sent to the KSA embassy which will be charged INR 1500/-. the process might take a time of 3 to 4 working days. If the procedure is done through courier then the charges may vary
● Subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only
Itinerary ( Tentative) Day 1---- the group will fly to Jeddah. AC Deluxe buses will be provided to the group to travel to the Mecca Hotel. After checking in the tour guide will take the group to Umrah Day 2--- set out from the hotel for Haram Sharif Day 3--- ziarat at local shrines with the assistance of a tour guide Day 4--- set off for Haram Sharif Day 5--- Visit Haram Sharif and perform 2nd Umrah at Masjid Asha under the supervision of a tour guide but pilgrims have to arrange for their own transportation service Day 6--- Perform 3rd Umrah and visit Masjid Asha but arrange for your own transportation services Day7---set off for Haram Sharif and/or explore Jeddah at your convenience Day 8---set off for Haram Shareef Day 9--- set off for Haram Shareef Day 10--- Pack your bags as well going to Madinah Day 11--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 12--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 13--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 14--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 15----- set off for Masjid E Nawabi
Day 16---- visit the local shrines of Medina under the supervision of an experienced tour guide Day 17----- Offer prayers at Masjid E Nawabi and/or explore Madinah as per your convenience Day 18--- offer prayers at Masjid E Nawabi
Day 19-- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 20--- reach the airport with your luggage to board the return flight to India Note: The mentioned Itinerary is tentative and may be changed as per group or by the company. For more information visit: LONG STAY UMRAH PACKAGE
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newscraving · 2 years
LeT OGW arrested in Baramulla
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The Newscraving Desk Srinagar, Dec 12: Police on Monday said that it along with the army arrested a Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) Over Ground Worker (OGW) in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. The police spokesman told a local news agency, Global News Service (GNS), that “based on a specific input, an operation was carried out on 18.12.22 by joint parties of police and 32 RR, leading to arrest of one militant associate viz. Mohd. Ishaq Lone s/o Bashir Ahmed Lone, r/o Village Nadihal, PS Panzalla, PD Sopore from village Chakloo Baramulla”. On his disclosure, the following recoveries were made from near Chakloo Ziyarat, Village Chakloo. The police spokesman further stated that “from his possession one Canister IED, 1 pistol, 1 pistol magazine, 18 rounds of pistol and 8 meters of Electric Wire”. In this regard, a case FIR u/s of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), Explosive Substances Act and Arms Act has been registered in Police Station Baramulla and an investigation was taken up, he said. (GNS) Read the full article
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kaabatravelcare456 · 1 year
Kaaba Travel Care: Your One-Stop Shop for Umrah Packages from Nizamabad and Gulbarga
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Umrah is a non-obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina that can be performed at any time of the year. It is a highly rewarding experience that allows Muslims to cleanse their souls and seek forgiveness from Allah.
Kaaba Travel Care is a leading Umrah tour operator in Nizamabad and Gulbarga. We offer a wide range of Umrah packages to suit all budgets and preferences. Our packages include flights, accommodation, transportation, and visas, so you can relax and focus on your pilgrimage.
We also offer a variety of additional services, such as guided tours, Ziyarat, and Hajj. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff will be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you have a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Here are some of the benefits of booking your Umrah package with Kaaba Travel Care:
We are a reputable and experienced Umrah tour operator.
We offer a wide range of Umrah packages to suit all budgets and preferences.
Our packages include flights, accommodation, transportation, and visas.
We offer a variety of additional services, such as guided tours, Ziyarat, and Hajj.
Our experienced and knowledgeable staff will be with you every step of the way.
If you are planning to perform Umrah from Nizamabad or Gulbarga, we encourage you to contact Kaaba Travel Care today. We will be happy to help you choose the right package for you and make your pilgrimage a memorable experience.
Here are some tips for choosing an Umrah package from Nizamabad and Gulbarga:
Consider your budget and preferences.
Choose a reputable Umrah tour operator.
Make sure the package includes all of the necessary services, such as flights, accommodation, transportation, and visas.
Ask about the company's cancellation policy.
Get everything in writing, including the price, the services included in the package, and the cancellation policy.
Here are some tips for planning your Umrah trip from Nizamabad and Gulbarga:
Apply for a visa well in advance of your trip.
Pack light, as you will be doing a lot of walking.
Make sure to bring all of the necessary documentation, including your passport, visa, and vaccination records.
Be prepared for hot weather and crowds.
Be respectful of the local culture and customs.
We hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact Kaaba Travel Care if you have any questions or need assistance planning your Umrah trip.
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