#Zen bot
nestedneons · 1 year
By Victor Duarte
Music on
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pronounrespector · 3 months
How do you miss 8 times
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #004, “The Curious Qualities of Nada’s World”
Art by Paolo Villanelli and Java Tartaglia
Written by Ann Nocenti
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andrewtopten · 20 days
😎Make your day up to date.. have you got the Link in description. don't be late create your own profession and enjoy your day 👍👉
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I think phantom notes are the funniest part of blocking someone on this website. Since this is a side blog, anyone in this fandom I block is blocked from my main, but might keep liking my posts over here for a while until I get around to adding them to this blog's blocklist.
Thing is! I still get notes for this blog when someone I've blocked on main likes/reblogs/replies to a post, but since they're blocked on my main, I cannot see them! The app will tell me I have 12 new notes over here, and when I go to check I see absolutely nothing.
Someone could be replying to every post I make with "I hate you op go die in a fire" and I would have no idea at all.
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gomordo · 2 years
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Gatitos Zen
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kosmicposum · 2 years
Hey at least this time I played 5v5 in league I laughed at the trolling and took pleasure in robbing the enemy team the pleasure of breaking our Nexus Crystal themselves.
Usually I tilt beyond rationality.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
i'd love to hear your interpretation of the day 8 call ("You don't give up do you?") on Saeyoung's route! that has to be my favorite call, especially the end lolol
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I mean, if anything, this is a representation that goes against the idea that Saeyoung "suddenly becomes a big meanie in his route and he's not playing games with me anymore, he's such a jerk! The time we've spent with him in the apartment is awful because he isn't the silly guy on the game previews!"
I really don't care for people who talk about him that way. If you only value him because he's silly, then you don't actually value him at all as a person. That's why you drive right into the bad ending, figuratively and literally. If you don't value his emotions and allow him to come to terms with what just happened to him, then you don't like Saeyoung.
Saeyoung just realized he sold his life away for NOTHING. Rika and V promised him that Saeran would be safe, and now he's just learned it was a lie. It was all a lie. His brother isn't safe, he's suffering in horrible ways that Saeyoung can't even begin to imagine because every time he closes his eyes, he wants throw up at the thought of Saeran being forced to learn how to hack and hurt others.
He traded his autonomy away to give his brother a chance at a free life, and not even a perfectly free life, a life that could be as free as he could have been given the circumstances. Saeyoung did it because thought the sacrifice would be worth it and threw away everything for nothing. It was for nothing because his brother has no nothing but misery. 
Can you imagine what it must feel like to sacrifice everything and realize it was for nothing? Do you think anybody in his position will be silly and goofy? No. That's not even the entirety of his being. He is not just some guy who likes to play pranks on people. The RFA is his family, and he’s accepted they’ll be the only family he’ll ever have because he can’t be with Saeran. So, he looks over them and does all kinds of things to lift their spirits. 
He got Yoosung into LOLOL. 
He runs Twitter bots for Zen. 
He hangs out with Jaehee and lets her vent about work. 
He’s aware that Elizabeth’s collar has SENSITIVE INFORMATION on it, and is constantly pressing Jumin to up his security. 
Sure, he plays around and pokes fun at everybody, and yes, that’s a part of who he is. But, if you only believe he's a silly prankster, then you have spent no time reflecting on why he's wearing a mask and settling it in the first place.
Saeyoung Choi is a multifaceted person and he isn’t just a joke. He's a compassionate man who will do anything and everything to take care of the people he loves, he loves going out for drives, he loves working on robotics, he can make up a story on the spot about the stars, he loves cosplay and cross-dressing, he loves so many things and he could spend three hours explaining his love of language and linguistics to you if you ASKED.
He is serious and if he's trying to piece together a plan, he's going to have a contingency ready for his contingency. He's ready for anything you throw at him. He can hold a conversation at length about any subject you throw at him and he will enjoy it far more than you think he will. 
He's stubborn to a fault. He can be clingy and paranoid at his worst. Sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he says things without thinking. But, that's what makes him human, with all his faults, flaws, and aspirations. There is so much more to him than being a jokester and if you don't understand that, you're not paying attention to what's happening during your time in the apartment. 
All of this is to say that it's not okay that he's mean to you in the apartment, but a lot of people tend to blow what he's doing out of proportion. If you are actively calling him throughout the day and listening to what he says, it is so obvious that he is lying through his teeth. He may be the best liar in the world when it comes to his work in the agency, but when it comes to you, he is the worst liar I have ever seen in my entire life.
He cannot hide how much he cares about you. When he thinks you're not eating he goes out of his way to make sure he orders every kind of sandwich imaginable just in case you have a picky palette. When you leave the apartment to get something for him, he gets upset with you, not because he's angry with you, but because he hates that you're not thinking of your safety when his brother could have really hurt you even if it hurts him to admit that. 
And, you know what happens in this phone call? He sees you crying and he immediately folds. It doesn't matter how frustrated he is with the fact that his life is built on a lie, he still wants to comfort you because you make him happy no matter how afraid he is to admit that.
When it comes down to it, he's just afraid of letting you into his life because the last time he had somebody close to him that he would do anything for, they suffered. He just watched what happened to his brother all because he cared about him and thought he could trust his brother with people who didn't give him a reason not to trust them. 
The only reason he tries to push you away is because he's afraid of you getting hurt like his brother. He can't stomach what happened to his brother as it is, but the thought of watching another person he loves suffering isn't something he can stand. If you work with him and give him the space he needs, then he'll apologize to you and realize that he can't live his life this way forever.
He can't deny himself happiness for the rest of his life just because he's afraid to make a leap. This call shows he can't lie about anything when it comes to you no matter how hard he tries. He could lie to the rest of the world but he could never lie to you. 
My favorite part is the way his voice trembles near the end of the phone call and he asks you if it's okay to Hold Your Hand despite everything. 
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ca-dmv-bot · 1 year
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 9 months
Link Click Musical Masterlist 🔍🌟
#音乐剧时光代理人# <- 'Time Agents Musical' main tag, pictures tab - shows majority of stage pictures in chronological order, updates from official Encore Musicals show up here too.
Tips: 1) Visit the OP's profiles! They usually post more than the one photo you can see in a thumbnail. And it's easier to browse & save pics through the profile.
2) Even though you can scroll the pics tab indefinitely, without a weibo account you won't be able to easily access older posts, as they'll get buried under the user's newer posts (there's a roundabout way mentioned in my guide). So I recommend to visit this tag frequently, if you wanna be sure nothing is hidden away 🔍 Daily or once in a 2-3 days will be enough imo, it's not very crowded tag ^^
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3) ⬆You can also check videos in this tag, the orange tab has 10 most recent clips from the musical (other one has the most popular ones).
接着奏乐接着舞Musicals (Encore Musicals) <- official profile of a theatre that runs LC stage, they post the cast schedules, photos/behind the scenes clips, whenever new actor debuts, there's a special guests or a cast member has a birthday. They also report when an actor goes on a health break. Tip: all LC actors can be found in the pinned post (you'd need OCR 'image-text' tool to copy their names from pics though)
Encore Musicals Bilibili account <- theatre's official profile on a major cn video-sharing platform (more bts clips)
动画师lan <- bonus link to studio LAN profile, that's where they post the mysterious animation frames~
校医来啦 <- profile of a chief producer of LC Musical, Chen Xiaoyi
兮兮兮辞_ <- profile of an executive producer of LC musical
Metablue赛博蓝 <- bilibili of a music producer, she did videos about working on LC musical songs
✨cast visuals promotional photos here✨
their personal weibo profile & actor specific hashtag (the 'diamond tag', you find the most stuff here)
Lu Guang
Wang Minhui - @王敏辉Black 王敏辉
Wu Yihan - @音乐剧演员吴以瀚 音乐剧演员吴以瀚
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭
Du Guangyi - @杜光禕 杜光祎
Zhu Hanbin - @Keb_朱涵彬 朱涵彬
Yin Haolun - @殷浩倫Monster 殷浩伦
Yang Haoran - @YANGHRAN 杨浩然hr
Cheng Xiaoshi
Cai Qi - @超级蔡淇 超级蔡淇
Shu Rongbo - @舒荣波-Bobi 舒荣波
Ji Xiaokun - @原来是纪晓坤啊 纪晓坤
Teng Chunpeng - @滕春鹏tcp 滕春鹏 (cw: heel injury pic is the only post on his @profile ><, just visit the tag)
Ding Xingchen - @D丁星辰 丁星辰
Cao Muzhi - @曺牧之 曹牧之
Bai Zhuoming - @丿日亻卓钅名 白倬铭
Wang Yifei - @王逸飞_V 王逸飞
Jing Yanqiao - @井彦乔JING_ 井彦乔
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭 (yes, he plays both)
Qiao Ling
Cai Lu - @蔡璐_Katherine 蔡璐
Deng Xianling - @邓贤凌邓阿凌 邓贤凌
Wu Hanglu - @吴杭律 吴杭律
Feng Xinyao - @冯鑫垚smile 冯鑫垚
Qiang Dongyue - @嘀嗒_强东玥 强东玥
Zuo Yiping - @左一平儿 左一平
Qian Anqi - @钱安琪麦麦 钱安琪
Yan Lehuang - @闫乐湟乐乐 闫乐湟
Lu Hongbin/Chen Xiao
Zhang Jiahao - @张嘉豪music 演员张嘉豪
Li Zexi - @李泽熙Zenith 李泽熙
Xu Fangxing - @阿星-许放星 许放星
Zhi Bowen - @智小少总是不靠谱 智博闻
Zhou Bobo - @就叫我波波好了 周波波波波波
Zhang Zhiwei - @张智伟_
Song Yuanming - @教练 我zen勒想打球! 宋元明
Gaoer Jinbaoyin - @高尔金宝音 高尔金宝音
Lin Zhen/Chen Xiao's mom
Hong Guo - @红果其实是洪果 音乐剧演员洪果
Liao Jingyuan - @廖婧媛LJY 廖婧媛
Guo Zhenyan - @郭珍艳Miki 郭珍艳
En Yu - @恩妤Ura
Shen Tian - @音乐剧演员沈恬 音乐剧演员沈恬
Yu Mengying - @于梦滢yummy 于梦滢
Zhu Jiayan - @朱佳艳Rio 朱佳艳
Zhang Ruishu - @_张睿姝_
Zou Ziyue - @-Zou醉是子月 邹子月
A few actors for supporting cast don't have a tag bc they seem to be newbie actors and/or have very small online presence
Tips: 1) Without a weibo account you can scroll through the actor's tag only up to abt 45 most recent posts. The actors perform in multiple plays (duh) so non-LC photos will show up too.
2) Imo the most optimal method, so the limits won't stop you is: go to the main 'LC musical' tag and see what's new. Check schedule for the cast lineup in a recent performance. Go to the actors' tags to see what's new.
3) Sometimes there are 2 performances on a same day, with different actors. So don't be surprised if you find mixed lineups under one date.
4) Mostly QL and Lin Zhen's actresses post behind the scenes photos on their personal profiles. Don't bother looking up the guys accounts, unless it's a holiday or their b-day >< From what I remember, only Wu Yihan posts abt his cat. Zhang Jiahao and Zhou Bobo post selfies sometimes. Ji Xiaokun posts his own photography (he's good!).
5) Google translate, however broken, is enough to translate the captions, so use it for context✨Ppl sometimes give their reviews titled 'repos' from the stage they've seen 🙏
6) You'll find more musical related clips under the actor's tag, than in 'LC musical' main tag. It's usually in an actor's fancam, but not always. Useful when you like an actor or there was a particular moment you want to see from a different angle🌟👌
7) The clips tab (one in the middle) under the actor's tag has no time limited access. You can browse and watch the videos without issues!
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I'll try to add missing tags when the actors debut 💪 And if you find any mistakes or a broken links, please let me know 🙏 For those who read it all, here's a present ;>
光时 <- bonus Shiguang ship tag, they're just like us fr (but way more horny on main), there's lots of art, from cute fluff to nsfw djs >>
OKAY that's all I have🎉
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princesslizzyfnafton · 5 months
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Thank you ever so much for being my friends! I prefer to use the term friends instead of followers, by the way, because I'd much prefer to have over 100 people be my friends than follow me!
@rossisrad @blueplushtrap @anetixabis
@dr4c0n1s @queensquidly14 @beebisbeeble
@mizuribbons @bear-man74 @glitteranddemons
@someonebutghost @a19193482 @idkiliveinmyownwrld
@hackeywackey @orchuris @jawline-of-steel
@shadynightsweets @thecharlotteemily80 @domtastic8387
@rose-wilted @purplemang0z @iamstuckinthevoid
@yoink-a-doink @matrix-fnaf-roleplay @articthef0x
@hepl-i-am-confuse-on-wht-to-do @springbonnie2024 @gearbox-dollhouse
@creaturecherry @irisiscool @itscoolsandstuff
@greythewulf @mothreyy @samanthachan
@antfarmingantfarms @the-official-sl-circus @littlelizzieaft0n
@ankle-breaker-101 @evanaftonfnaffreddys @unofficial-funtimefoxy
@springonmytraptillicomeback @pantherlord3 @soup--man
@6am-saveme @lillie-stargazer @joegraydashie
@starry-the-robot @blood-zen @nightmaretherabbit
@ab-art-07 @eternal-naptime @munchkinbaby08
@arty-the-god2 @ainixen @mmmmmmmmicrowave
@aroace-wizard @shinyfaceyouth @mxmuffin
@goblin-grandee @dve-mllr @emperordipsh-t
@poisoned-sugar11 @mexicanotonto @hillgamer
@palilu @dsafenthusiast @soulful-rodent
@michaelaftonfnaffreddys @cryingevanafton @yearning4thatlearning
@slowly-backs-away @inonisafk @p4perj4m
@firjrkemrneejcje @pineapplesandspaghetti @hyenagamer
@museumoftinyhens @funtimes-n-faz-kids @prettykittytanjiro
@dldzz @cobalt-axolotl @coquette-baguette
@five-nights-of-protagonists @darthpastry @not-radical-broski
@juan-e-bravo @yunilaili @bleetusmcyeetus
@thetiberisthetiger @therealjackdsaf @herefurart
@kayosewastaken @cindersnows @raccoon-in-a-dumpster
@elizabethlailfricked @unluckyme-whoknowswaytoomuch @just-a-lesbian-octoling
@yasssss9875 @monchursouls @ambulance-mom
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #003, “The Ferocious Occurrence of the Feral Five”
Art by Paolo Villanelli and Java Tartaglia
Written by Ann Nocenti
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themassrelay · 11 months
my partner and i came up with these names for our squadmates and i’m posting them here with no context lol
battle turtle
police chicken
zen iguana
science squid
bucket head (admiral bucket)
titty bot
teenage mutant battle turtle
loco dudebro (jar head)
brutal grandpa
meditation mommy (justice squid)
four eyes
hoodie mama
biotic baldie
toothbrush gay
christian girlie but in space
o canada
genius gecko
grieving gay
fragile flyer
sit-up shawty
metal boi
genetic ass
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lovelylavache · 2 months
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More ArtFight Attacks!
Character Credits in photo order~
Cherub - JoltKiss /TwT
Evelyn - @sludgeslugx3
Wuppy - almondgames /TH
Bud-Bot - thesillysunny /TwT
Zen - Zuruwii /TikTok
Penny & BonBon - @poolbranch
Spencer - @drowyu
Garlic - tornoa_lwx /IG
Aryan - Kiramikuu /IG&TwT
Cherry - @cherrysnak
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eleiyaumei · 2 months
Romance VS Plot in Mystic Messenger
After playing both Zen's and Seven's route, I feel confident enough to say:
Cheritz should never have tried plotting.
Not because the plot in both routes is bad but rather that both plot and romance suffer from Cheritz' inability to balance the two within a route's time frame.
Like, the plot is happening in the background for most of the route while romance and character development are in the foreground but then on ca. Day 8-10 or when love interest and MC accept their feelings for each other the plot is the main focus while the romance is in the background. In the end, both romance and plot end up feeling rushed and lacking substance IMO.
What bothered me the most about the romance getting left behind is:
The build-up of romantic feelings between love interest and MC felt so well-made and natural but after they accept their feelings for each other, they automatically get together and their relationship stays static until the ending and is supposed to be "the one true love".
I incredibly missed the transition into a relationship, the beginning phase of a relationship, just any interpersonal development between the two after they accept each other's feelings.
And scenes of them being in love. (Or are these in the outgoing calls which I didn't do since I did a playthrough without ever using HGs?)
Ultimately, the romance worked better than the plot so I think Cheritz should have made the routes consist of just character interactions&development and romance.
Unrelated but:
Cheritz are cowards* for not dealing with Seven's queerness in his route!
(But at least we have hints that he actually enjoys crossdressing and might have a crush on Zen [since Zen mentioned the Twitter "bot" making comments so accurate that they sound like someone with a crush on him]...)
(*hyperbolic phrase I intend to mean: "I'm upset at Cheritz")
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alienidolism · 6 months
hi hi hello! can i request some portal (game series :P) themed npts please ? i don’t have any specific character in mind, anyone works!
hi of course !! i promise ill get into it one day :cry: . i tried to do them based on the series as a whole instead of focusing on a character ..
turret , sphere , ray , mel , atlas , ferry , caroline , henry , neuron , doug , diane , sci , cake , sparky , blanc , bomb , moon , zen
portal/portals , con/constructs , cube/cubes , gun/guns , ray/rays , beam/beams , cryo/cryos , cake/cakes , whit/whittys , scrap/scraps , test/tests , lab/labs , break/breaks , code/codes , sen/sentience
the party escort bot , the one with the companion cube , the space/adventure/fact sphere , the morality/curiosity/intelligence/anger sphere , (prn) who is trapped in the aperture science facility , the one with the portal guns , the lab rat , (prn) who became self aware on bring your daughter to work day , the genetic lifeform and disk operating system (GLaDOS) , (prn) who lied about the cake , the Intelligence Dampening Sphere , the one with bombs for throwing at you , the test subject , the sentient one , the one with the four part plan
very sorry about the lack of names or pronouns , i got carried away with titles haha .. still , i hope you like them !! thank you for requesting !!
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