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lui-thejester · 1 month ago
Quick animation i made of an oc from @i-can-kazoo it's name is Zemir and i love him sm, kazoo wrote some super cool stories involving him and others, you should 100% check them out
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i-can-kazoo · 1 month ago
Someone send me asks about my ocs I will answer anything at all about Avery, Zemir, and Chex
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i-can-kazoo · 6 days ago
Story below the cut: downtimers eating breakfast burgers (and zemir is also chilling)
"Awaken, dearest colleagues!"
Avery rolled out of bed, landing on the balls of his feet. Chex was leaning against the doorway, a paper bag in hand.
"I was on a supply run and I saw a new shop! It's just off-base, so I figure it's worth checking out. Plus-"
She reached into her pocket, pulling out a thumb drive.
"-I passed someone playing a banjo! New music!"
Chex held the drive out for Zemir, waiting patiently as the robot powered up and reached over Avery's head. It plugged the thumb drive into a port on the back of its neck, and the two followed Chex out into the sun.
Avery, Chex, and Zemir sat themselves down on a grassy slope behind the mess hall; a row of seagrapes hid them from the officers who had made use of the outdoor seating.
Chex ripped open the bag.
"I got us breakfast burgers, since it's only nine. And there's free fries for opening day." She laid everything out, using the ripped-up bag as a plate.
Avery reached for a burger. It looked good, honestly. There was an egg, some turkey bacon, and what looked like fried onions. He opened up the bun and glanced at Chex.
"No tomatoes?"
She grimaced and shook her head. "You know I don't touch the stuff," she reminded him. "I got you a fork from Mess though, so you don't have to take off your gloves."
Avery took the fork and speared his burger patty, ripping of a piece.
Chex removed the top bun of her burger and added a handful of fries, then put the bun back.
"I think we need to buy this forever," Avery said through a mouthful of egg. Chex nodded in agreement.
Zemir had a new song — a melody plucked on a banjo. It saved the song to its private playlist.
Avery, fully visible. Chex, fully relaxed.
And Zemir. Happy.
how would one of your OCs react to a HUGE burger and delicious seasoned french fries?
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incendicario · 2 years ago
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what if zaelryx won his feud with tempest? what would happen to zemona?
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thehouseofm2 · 5 months ago
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gentlyepigrams · 2 months ago
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I hope your Christmas season is as marvellous and memorable as the stunning “Zemire”! Fashion history via Royal Ontario Museum.
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soldeviaillustration · 2 years ago
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Zemir Solodan,  Ysoki Solarian and Desna
Characters for Starfinder: Galactic Magic book
Published by Paizo Inc.
2022 ©Sol Devia
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i-can-kazoo · 4 months ago
Last song: talking small, bdg and louie zong
Favorite color: ourple
Last book: count of monte cristo
Last tv show: mismag
Sweet spicy savory: savory (cholunt and kugel my beloveds)
Last thing I googled: kiwami Japan knives
Current obsession: my dear lovely OC Zemir
Looking forward to: this weekend! My birthday happening :)
Tagging @theoneicelady @kieraelieson @smoozie @aroace-elgyem
Get to know me tag ✨️
I got tagged by @jellyskink :D Ty bestie!
Tagging @man-i-dunno @i-can-kazoo @lepetitfruit @qwerty-coelho and @sillyhyperfixator If y'all feel like doing this
Last song: Peasant's Throne by Lilith Max! It's very female rage mixed with revolutionary spirit. It's on many an OC playlist lol
Favorite color: Maroon/burgundy! I just really like that muted reddish purple range. It's very nice
Last book: The last book I finished? The Book of Bill. But I've been listening to the audiobook of Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer and it's very good. He does cosmic horror very well. It's like if Lovecraft wasn't an incurable racist
Last TV show: House MD. My moots got me into it and I'm invested. I've only gotten up to season 2 because I've been busy, but I really do love it lol
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet!!! I'm horrible with sugar and I'm okay with that haha. I have gotten better with spice lately cause I've been eating a lot of curry. Savory is good because I love salt. I used to keep salt rocks in my pocket and I would lick them all day lmao
Last thing i googled: "5 pm to 9 am is how many hours" LOOK I'M SICK OKAY I CAN'T DO MATH. All my recent searches are about medical stuff because of the Hospital Saga™️
Current obsession: Gravity Falls <3<3<3 With a side of House MD and a sprinkle of Baldur's Gate. But Gravity Falls is king rn
Looking forward to: I have a birthday coming up! December tenth baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm also REALLY excited for the final saga of Epic: The Musical. We don't have a release date yet but I'm hoping it comes out this year!
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doubleyourtreasure · 2 years ago
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doeeyes-art · 4 years ago
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also tallulah super died for five hours but they got her back to life again using the diamond in her engagement ring.. we love the symbolism... also she cussed for the first time EVER
also zemir (red tief) belongs to @krimmy_boy on twitter!
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chicinsilk · 2 years ago
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Christian Dior Haute Couture Fall/Winter 1954-55 Collection. Model Maria Solar in the full evening two-piece with mink cuffs named "Zemire". Photo by Jean-Philippe Charbonnier. "H" line.
Christian Dior Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1954-55. Le mannequin Maria Solar dans le deux-pièces de soirée intégral avec des poignets en vison nommé "Zemire". Photo Jean-Philippe Charbonnier. Ligne "H"
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sock-moss · 3 years ago
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i-can-kazoo · 1 month ago
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quo-usque-tandem · 3 years ago
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Zemire evening ensemble by Christian Dior
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zanecosh · 4 years ago
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"Flowers suit you," Zane acknowledged as he beamed towards the other male. This was his kind of festival, just spring everywhere. The weather was great, people seemed to be in a good mood .. well except the few that were involved in that video - but the majority had positive spirits. "This entire event suits you," he added then, leaning against the other male a bit. "I already don't want it to be over." / @emiryilmaz​
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taz-writes · 3 years ago
Great stuff!!! I love it when people with actual history knowledge add to this post, bc it really was just an off-the-cuff thing I wrote in a handful of minutes after going “hm the corset scene I wrote in Feilan was really stupid in retrospect.” I will add in mild defense of the costumers: they were college students, so I’m not sure they had the most experience or access to the highest quality materials. My understanding is that they did quite a lot of research, and this opera was at a VERY highly-acclaimed university for the theater arts (which our program mooched off of lol), but college students are still college students and I wasn’t in the designer’s room. :) I know most of the weight was courtesy of some very thick fabric used in the skirt, which to me almost felt like curtain fabric in a few places (though it was probably lighter than that! it’s been a while, hehe). I also have to wonder, looking back with a few years’ hindsight, if they didn’t exaggerate what they told me it weighed somewhat—I could believe 45 pounds, but I could also believe 15-20, I have never had the best sense for how much things weigh. I gave the costumers credit for that stat but I never had the chance to weigh the dress myself. I do know it was quite heavy! But the experience of carrying the weight doesn’t feel uncomfortable or like you’re carrying something, just different than usual. It takes some getting used to.
BOY can I attest to how these gowns overheat, though, by the way. Stage lights, for those of y’all who’ve never been in a theater production, are incredibly hot. It gets sticky wearing normal modern long sleeved clothes sometimes, the gown was… let’s just say the laundry crew on that production was doing the lord’s work.
For bonus tangent, and because it’s been 3 years and I’m getting nostalgic on this reblog… here is what the gown looked like in action!
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(yes, this is me in the photo, this is the ONLY image of myself i will EVER post on this blog)
This photo was taken at the dress rehearsal, and lace was added to the ends of the sleeves in the final version of the gown. They also had me ditch that tiara because it kept randomly falling off during one of the more dramatic ending scenes. I make no claims as to how accurate the dress truly is to any given period in history (I know the designers took some liberties with accessories and probably some other shit for aesthetic), but as far as ball gowns go, I think they did a great job making something that was pretty and fun to run around in.
Things about wearing ballgowns that your research might not teach you
Inspired by my experiences in the opera I’m starring in right now, in which I wear a big ol’ Baroque-style ballgown that I was NOT prepared to deal with. I felt like writing some of this stuff out might be helpful to other writers since we all adore pretty dresses and being particular about random details. If your character wears a big fat ballgown on a regular basis, they’ll be used to most of these things and might not even think about them, but it’s worth remembering this stuff on our end! I’m firmly convinced that part of Cinderella’s magic makeover was a time-stopped tutorial on how to survive wearing one of these things. 
I’m not gonna go into detail about basic stuff that you can learn from Google, this is more about the physical experience of the dress, so like… don’t take my word as gospel. Just take it as an interesting perspective, that might prove useful if you’re hoping to write that fancy ball scene or (BIG OOF) dressing a character in one of these outfits who’s not used to wearing one. 
Despite what the YA writers tell you, corsets are actually pretty damn comfortable when they’re adjusted correctly! Like, they’re better than bras, they make your boobs look great AND they don’t have itchy underwires. There have been a few periods during which lacing corsets ultra-tight was trendy–the Victorian era where fainting was considered fashionable comes to mind–but that doesn’t apply to all of fashion history. 
My experience with corsets is that they limit your range of motion at the waist, you have to lean over at the hip instead, but you end up with great posture. Plus they can do wonders for your figure, depending on the style. 
Corsets can be laced up to suit your needs! Fashion may be fashion, but if you’re writing a fictional character in a gown who still needs/wants mobility, they could always have their attendants lace them to a looser setting. They don’t have to be restrictive. There are a lot of things preventing my mobility or breathing in this gown but the corset isn’t one of them. 
Depending on the fashion, your sleeves might limit your range of motion a lot. Synthetic modern fabrics are a gift, and we tend to take for granted how freely you can move your arms in a lot of modern clothing, but older or heavier fabrics will prevent you from doing certain things if they’re tailored closely to your body. Don’t expect to always bend your elbows particularly far, or raise your arms above shoulder height. 
In many gowns, you can do this, and you should be able to, but it’s not a automatic given.
The biggest challenge to moving around in a big ballgown isn’t the corset, it’s the skirt itself. Hoop skirts are HEAVY. According to my costumer friends, the gown I wear in the opera weighs in at around 45 pounds–as much as some Medieval suits of plate armor! That weight is concentrated in the skirt, which has 5 or 6 layers of material. You can easily research what those layers are, but no amount of Google prepares you to actually carry them on your body. You’ll mostly hold this weight on your hips and waist, where the skirt attaches to the rest of the outfit. It’s not actually that uncomfortable, it’s just a lot of stuff in the way of your usual movement. 
Also, I mean, it’s a big heavy skirt with lots of pretty layers that reaches all the way to the floor. It’s easy to accidentally step on it if you’re not careful, or if you’re moving too fast. 
Dancing in a ballgown is surprisingly strenuous, it’s why a lot of those fancy court dances don’t involve a lot of movement beyond basic small steps. You get sweaty fast, and your feet get tired. 
You can run in a hoop skirt, but you’ve gotta grab it like you see Cinderella do in the movies, and you can’t be gentle about that. You have to reach all the way through the layers and grab the hoops underneath the rest of the skirt. They can be tricky to find, and if you’re dainty and gentle because you’re scared of hurting the dress then you might never get a hold on one. 
Re: that last point, hoop skirts are basically giant suction cups. The more layers, the more suction. If you kneel down on the ground in one of these babies, it’ll be tricky to stand back up! Sitting in a chair may also have this effect, but it’s not nearly as intense, you’ll usually be okay. In order to counteract the suction effect, it helps to get a firm hold on one of the hoops in the skirt and lift it up just before you stand–this way, air can get in underneath you, and you won’t be stuck down. 
I’m not kidding about the suction. Seriously. I almost face-planted in my first dress rehearsal because I had no idea that the costumers were that serious. 
When you stand up in a ballgown after sitting or kneeling, it also helps to lean backwards. It’s counterintuitive, but the skirt is heavier in back than in front if you’re wearing a bumroll, so you’ll have an easier time if the front comes up first. 
You cannot put one of these on by yourself. You cannot put one of these on with only one person helping you. You’re gonna need at least two people to get all the layers of skirt on over your head, and one of them will also have to know how to lace up your corset. 
On the dressing end: lacing a corset is harder than you think it is. Even if you’re lacing it up loosely for flexibility or breathing room, you need a bit of force. You can’t be a wimp about this. Think about lacing a boot, you can feel inside the boot that it’s still not tight enough on your foot but you’ve gotta put muscle into the shoelaces to get them tight enough. 
Spinning Cinderella-style in a ballgown is basically mandatory. It’s actually good for the skirt, if anything gets wonky while you’re sitting or adjusting yourself then a good spin clears it right out! This is a justified opportunity for costume porn. 
You won’t fit anywhere. This should be obvious, but again, double down on your assumptions. A normal-sized door will not accommodate you. Palace hallways are the size they are for a reason. A suitor who wants to hold your hand will need to either stand inside your skirt or wait for you to extend your arm allll the way out. Hugging someone in a hoop skirt may knock them over. 
So yeah! Don’t take any of this as gospel, this is just my personal experience with wearing period costume, but a lot of this stuff never occurred to me when I was writing my own fancy ball scenes and it would have changed a lot of my writing choices. Feel free to add on with your own experiences or correct me if I’ve mis-described something! :)
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