risingsunfish · 6 months
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playing FE6 again + trying to learn how to draw again after a long hiatus = Roy doodles
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fefuckability · 8 months
QUALIFIER 2: Binding Blade
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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Is in Heroes!
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purple zelot icons
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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garadinervi · 2 months
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Jed Hickson, On the Fourth of May, Press One, Nordwood, MA / Zelot Press, Greensburg, PA, 2010 (pdf here) [Written in 2009 and 2010 for the 40th commemoration] [Kent State Shootings Digital Archive, May 4 Poetry collection; Special Collections and Archives, Kent State University Libraries, Kent State University, Kent, OH]
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pickledfingers · 3 months
Watching liberals on ig praise Ayatollah Khomeini for threatening Israel is absolutely surreal.
Guys. He's a warmongering dickhead who set Iran back 200 years, and he needs to posture to keep his street cred because isreal just took out an Iranian consulate.
Picture a murdering bully went and picked on a dude who commits domestic violence (and also many human rights violations). They are not better than each other. Stop praising a misogynist dick.
If there is a war innocent Iranians will die in the crossfire. Khomeini doesn't care - like Netanyahu he sees war as means to the end of securing his seat for longer.
Khomeini does not give two figs about Palestinians.
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insanityisfine · 4 months
Gotta love when people confidently spout nonesense, and other people correct them. No calling out, no rudeness, just disbelief and humor about their agenda-filled misinformation.
Saying you'll cure your multiple sclerosis by being vegan, and that cows are filled with chemicals to be forced to produce 160 litters of milk a day. ONE HUNDRED! AND SIXTY! LITTERS!!! PER FUCKING DAY! PER COW!!! LIKE IT'S POSSIBLE TO MILK 160 MILK CARTONS A DAY FROM A SINGLE COW!
Like. Maam. How big a cow are we talking???
I fully support people being vegan, you're not wrong for being vegan, you're wrong for preaching it like a religion (annoying), acting like it makes you better than people who aren't vegan (arrogant), and for spouting misinformation, either because you're unintelligent enough to believe it (no Critical thinking skills to be found), or because you're lying on purpose to prove a point (asshole).
Seriously. Develop some self awareness, good grief.
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felikatze · 1 year
in case anybody was wondering why eir is gonna be in his forging bonds, i have to step up as the sole noah fan
This Cav Has Depression (jazz hands)
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bonus: noah & fir momence
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coffee-in-veins · 2 years
Day 7: Greatest fear
an entry for darkest prompts promptober 2022
previous days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
now available on ao3 too
sorry i’m a little bit late - life happened
Fear ARCHAIC - a mixed feeling of dread and reverence.
* * *
It was never promised to a devotee that his life would be easy, yet to Reynauld's understanding, it was supposed to be determined at the very least. The Light shone Its Divine mercy on them all, guiding them through the turmoils of their mortal coil, and it was upon devotees themselves to make the most out of it. If they upheld their obligations and followed the Sacred Flames without a fault, the Lights bestowed Its Grace upon Its loyal followers. It was the eternal Flame that gave them the prosperity of loot-laden sacks, peace of ambushless nights and glory of victory. Like any devotee, the crusaders won through the Light's will, protecting Its people - even if those were merely his mercurial comrades. And when they lost the battle and had to abandon their righteous quest, the knight knew it was because they failed The Light's Plan, and thus, it was only fair that many of the crusader's short-lived companions died in mud and misery. Dying, they cursed their luck or gods when in truth they should have known it was all their fault. Somewhere, somehow, they didn't do what the Holy Flame willed, and It couldn't help them in their perpetual fight. 
At least, that was what Church had taught them. 
Was it that surprising, then, that Reynauld devoted each conscious moment of his life to praising the Light and Its Glory and making sure he did so appropriately? Considering the alternative of eternity in the cold, empty void, could anyone even blame him for being god-fearing? Those who mocked his devotions were foolhardy blaggards, unable to see the danger of the excruciating afterlife they were setting themselves up to suffer through.
Well, it was their own undoing. Reynauld did what he could, pushing to show them the Light's divine Glory and trying his best to convey the fear it should instil in any sane mortal man. After all, as much as Reynauld loved the Light and Its warm Luster, he feared Its wrath, feared displeasing it with a simple mistake, feared losing everything he had and everything he was broken for to become what he was in one fell swoop. He endured so much abuse to be forged into the Light's weapon, he suffered through so much hurt and humiliation to be deemed worthy of Light's miracles, that a mere thought of losing Light's everlasting embrace made the crusader's soul tremble like an aspen leaf. 
And it was proper. And it was right. And it made sense.
He wasn't sure when the shift happened. A good leader protected his team within the realm of reason, that much was true, and yet there was something different in wanting to protect one particular squadmate he had acquired on the Old Road. 
Each time Dismas wasn't quick enough to dodge, the crusader flinched worse than when someone spoke the wrong words during prayer. When the rogue wouldn't leave the den of sin others called Tavern for weeks on end at times, Rey couldn't concentrate on his litanies to the point of mindlessly repeating the same verses. When the insufferable highwayman was locked in the Sanatorium for the first time, Reynauld ashamed himself by falling into distress so deep that only the righteous agony of mortifying his own flesh and offering the purity of pain to the Light returned him to his senses. 
It was the same fear - all-encompassing, consuming, everlasting. But instead of being devoted to the almighty entity worth every bit of it, to the cosmic being that held the whole world together in Its tender Splendor, this fear shifted into being about a single mortal man. A horrible man, a well of sins, someone fully deserving the title of a lost cause. 
A man Reynauld couldn't imagine his life without anymore. 
Before, all he could fear was losing the Light. 
Now, each time the highwayman couldn't get up after the wounds he sustained, the crusader abandoned his station and his reason, rushing to Dismas' side, begging the Light to aid him, to drag the sinner from the brink of death. Fearing losing him even more than eternal damnation. 
And yet as soon as the crisis passed, the fear of Godly abandonment reared its ugly head, forcing Rey to break the contact, clam up, and step away despite the pleas to stay and the barely hidden hurt in the rogue's dark eyes. When he wasn't afraid to lose Dismas, he suddenly remembered that his greatest fear was to displease the Light and lose Its Radiance in his life. That what he did, what he felt and thought was definitely against the Holy scriptures. That he was slipping into sin most heinous and would be responsible for dooming them both. 
So he backed away as any believer should have. 
He shut any talks down as any devotee should have. 
He got angry as any zealot should have. 
Until more blood was spilled from the battered body of his closest friend.
Until Abbot bellowed of filth and sin.
Until the confessions most delectable.
Until his devotion was publically questioned.
Until he finally knew what those scarred lips tasted like.
Until the realization caught up with him.
Until he was offered to stay.
Until the Light wouldn't hear his pleas for forgiveness. 
Until he was caught during those zealous promises to forfeit what they became. 
Back and forth, forth and back, like a saw slicing through the last string that held the whole world together. Was it that surprising that eventually it snapped, and everything tumbled down, down, down...? 
Truly, the Abyss wasn't the deepest pit he had been to. 
...as he was kneeling before the red-shrouded gravestone, watching blindly how the intricately carved candles cried wax for what could have been, for the first time in decades, Reynauld felt hollowed out and cold despite bright daylight and the Grace of the Holy Light's manifestation shining above him - but not upon him. 
For those who cannot choose between two frightening losses are always doomed by an all-too-late realization that their greatest fear should have been suffering through both. 
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peligrosapop · 3 months
the tone deaf is speaking for itself, u r not young, know better
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liberalthelemite · 4 months
125 Republicans have backed antiabortion bill without IVF exception - The Washington Post
These religious extremists MUST be stopped.
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louvay · 5 months
if you can force two FE states to be at war with each other, what will the states be, and why? bonus point, how!
P/S: you cannot say chalphy vs velthomer
South Thracia vs Ilia (never said they had to be from the same game!)
It’s actually quite simple getting two mercenary countries into going to war with each other, especially with money. Their people are destitute, reflective of the ground they live on, and there are plenty of mouths to feed at the end of the day.
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fefuckability · 8 months
ROUND 1: Daddy issues vs Daddy vibes
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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lord-here-i-am · 8 months
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Hl. Simon der Zelot
gefeiert am 28. Oktober
Hl. Simon Apostel, Märtyrer † im 1. Jahrhundert in Babylon, dem heutigen Han-al-Mahawil im Irak (?)
Simon trägt den Beiname Zelot (Lk 6, 15), aramäisch Kananäu (Eiferer), weil er wohl ursprünglich der politisch radikalen Bewegung der Zeloten angehörte, die gewaltsam die römischen Fremdherrscher aus Israel vertreiben wollte. Das Neue Testament nennt ihn in Aufzählungen der 12 Apostel (Mt 10, 4; Mk 3, 18; Apostelgeschichte 1, 13), besondere Erwähnung findet er hier sonst nicht.
Simons Identifizierung mit dem Bräutigam bei der Hochzeit zu Kana (Johannesevangelium 2, 1 - 11) oder Nathanael (Johannesevangelium 21, 2) wegen der Annahme seiner Herkunft aus Kanaan beruhen auf sprachlichem Missverständnis der Bezeichnung Kananäus.
Manche Überlieferungen nennen Simon als Apostel unter den Juden und erzählen von seinem Martyrium; er sei enthauptet, nach anderen Quellen zersägt worden.
Die Legende nennt Simon und Judas Thaddäus Brüder von Jakobus dem Jüngeren, Söhne des Alphäus und der Maria Kleophas. Nach der Legenda Aurea wirkte Simon in Syrien und Mesopotamien zusammen mit Judas Thaddäus, dann in Persien, wo beide dem Feldhauptmann des Königs von Babylon - dem heutigen Han-al-Mahawil -, Baradach, Sieg und Frieden prophezeiten, was sich tatsächlich und unmittelbar am nächsten Tage ereignete. Als Götter in Menschengestalt zu König Xerxes geführt, tauften sie ihn, den ganzen Hofstaat und viele Tausende im Land. Wiederholt zum Vernichten der feindlichen Gewalten aufgefordert, war ihr ständiges Wort: Nicht zu töten, sondern lebendig zu machen sind wir gekommen. Nach zahlreichen Wundertaten, mit denen sie die Machtlosigkeit der Zauberer bewiesen und die Abgötter stürzten, entfachten die Zauberer im Lande einen Aufstand der Priester, die beide Apostel erstachen, nach anderer Legende enthaupteten oder Judas mit einer Keule, Simon mit einer Säge zu Tode martern ließen. Ein gewaltiges Unwetter erschlug daraufhin Priester und Zauberer. Der König ließ die Leichen der beiden Heiligen suchen, bestatten und eine große Kirche darüber bauen.
Wieder anderen Überlieferungen nach wirkte Simon am Schwarzen Meer in der Gegend von Sochumi in Georgien, wo er zu Tode gemartert wurde. Hier wurde er in einer Kirche begraben, an deren Stelle später das Kloster Neo Aphon errichtet wurde.
Angebliche Reliquien werden in Rom, Köln, Hersfeld und an anderen Orten verehrt.
Der Simonstag ist örtlich Lostag der Bauern und gilt als Beginn der Winterzeit.
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cruger2984 · 8 months
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The patron of desperate situations and cases and lost causes, Jude Thaddeus, was the brother of fellow apostle James the Less, the son of Alphaeus. He is sometimes identified with Jude, the brother of Jesus and a relative to the Blessed Virgin Mary, but is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus prior to his crucifixion.
In the Gospel of John, he was the one who asked Jesus during the Last Supper, and said: 'Master, what happened that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?'
He replied: 'Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.'
He also wrote the penultimate letter to the Universal Church known in the Holy Bible as the Epistle of Jude. The epistle reassures its readers that these people will soon be judged by God. It is possible that the group being referred to would have been obvious to the original recipients of the letter, but if a specific group was being referred to, knowledge of the details has since been lost. The one bit of their potential ideology discussed in the letter is that these opponents denigrate angels and their role.
And thus this quote: 'Keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.'
He died a martyr circa 65 AD in Armenia. Jude's attribute is a club. He is also often shown in icons with a flame around his head. This represents his presence at Pentecost, when he received the Holy Spirit with the other apostles. Another common attribute is Jude holding an image of Jesus Christ, known as the Image of Edessa. In some instances, he may be shown with a scroll or a book (the Epistle of Jude) or holding a carpenter's rule.
Simon, the Canaanean, is from Cana in Galilee, was surnamed the Zealot because of his enthusiasm for the Jewish law. Another tradition, doubtless inspired by his title 'the Zealot', states that he was involved in the First Jewish–Roman War. The Zealots were a religious and political group determined to resist the Roman occupation of Judea. They refused to pay taxes and called for rebellion.
Simon probably belonged to their party before the calling of Our Lord. After receiving the Holy Spirit through Pentecost, he went to preach the Holy Gospel in Persia and Armenia or Beirut, Lebanon together with Jude, where they received the crown of martyrdom.
Another tradition states that he traveled in the Middle East and Africa. Christian Ethiopians claim that he was crucified in Samaria, while Justus Lipsius writes that he was saw in half at Suanir, Persia. Simon has the identifying attribute of a saw because he was traditionally martyred by being saw in half in Christian art.
©2022 photo by yours truly
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parentlong · 2 years
Zelotes mouse usb overdrive
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Note that the Scroll method does not really know about the page length, so it scrolls a fixed number of lines (currently 10 which is most likely less than a full page). The first one is “Scroll” + “Up” + “One Page”, the second one is “Press Key” + “Page Up”. There are two different ways to scroll one page at a time. Assigning Page Up and Page down to the mouse wheel Then look at the menus at the right and choose “Keyboard Shortcut” + “Back” (or “Forward”). Assigning Back and Forward to buttons 4 and 5įirst select the physical button you want to configure by pressing it on the device or choosing it in the left side list. Now check “Command” or “Option” in the check boxes below. Then look at the menus at the right and choose “Click Mouse Button” + “Click”. First select the physical button you want to configure by pressing it on the device or choosing it in the left side list. Assigning Command+Click or Option+Click to a button Then look at the menus at the right and choose “Click Mouse Button” + “Double Click” (or “Click Lock”). Assigning Double Click or Click Lock to a buttonįirst select the physical button you want to configure by pressing it on the device or choosing it in the left side list. Again, the currently selected settings are copied to the new ones if you do not change the device type. You can select both a target application and a target device at the same time to make your settings even more specific. Select “New Duplicate Settings” in the top menu of the Settings section, then choose the target device in the “Device:” menu. The currently selected settings are copied to the new ones if you do not change the device type. Select “New Duplicate Settings” in the top menu of the Settings section, then choose the target application in the “Application:” menu. Creating settings for a specific application
If you have a device that works better without the Overdrive, you can give it back to the standard macOS drivers by first creating specific settings for it (see paragraph above) and then unchecking the Enabled checkbox at the right. Disabling the USB Overdrive for a specific device If you want to use the Shift+Volume or Control+Eject key combinations, you may want to disable the USB Overdrive for your keyboard by following the procedure described below. If they are not, select the appropriate assignment in the right side menus (typically “System Control” + “Mute Volume” or “Eject” or one of the other choices). Most keys should be automatically configured to do the right thing. New entries should be added to the left side list of controls. To configure the media keys and restore their functionality (or use them for other purposes), open the USB Overdrive user interface and press the relevant keys on the keyboard. The USB Overdrive can handle the media keys on most keyboards, but the default settings may not include every existing model. USB Overdrive is available for US$20.00.Please look at the support section for installation problems and device-specific information. You can find more information about the USB Overdrive release at the Alessandro Levi Montalcini Web site. It reads all kinds of wheels, buttons, switches and controls and supports scrolling, keyboard emulation, launching and complex actions as well as all the usual stuff like clicking, control-clicking and so forth.
The USB Overdrive is a universal USB driver that handles all USB mice, trackballs, joysticks and gamepads from any manufacturer and lets you configure them either globally or on a per-application basis.
This version runs on Mac OS X 10.2 and later and finally includes support for gaming devices. The first full Mac OS X release of the USB Overdrive is now available. The latest release features support for gaming devices. USB Overdrive is a USB device driver designed to add more functionality to devices including mouse and trackballs.
The first full version of USB Overdrive has been released.
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