#because the dumbass religious zelots need to posture so bas rhey react EVERY time
pickledfingers · 6 months
Watching liberals on ig praise Ayatollah Khomeini for threatening Israel is absolutely surreal.
Guys. He's a warmongering dickhead who set Iran back 200 years, and he needs to posture to keep his street cred because isreal just took out an Iranian consulate.
Picture a murdering bully went and picked on a dude who commits domestic violence (and also many human rights violations). They are not better than each other. Stop praising a misogynist dick.
If there is a war innocent Iranians will die in the crossfire. Khomeini doesn't care - like Netanyahu he sees war as means to the end of securing his seat for longer.
Khomeini does not give two figs about Palestinians.
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