#Zebra Printer Rental
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Elevate engagement with One World Rental's premium Zebra printer rentals. Perfect for corporate events, trade shows, and business meetings in Singapore. Secure, stylish, and tailored for success. Call us at +971 4 554 3022.
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#Zebra ZD500 Printer#Event staff#bounce pad#Ruckus AP Rental#Hire Ruckus#Rent Ruckus#Hire iPad London#EPOS System#Rent Copier#Digital event
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Designing customized ID cards and badges, membership cards and customer loyalty cards has never been easier than with today’s ID badge software are comes 3 options Basic, Classic and Professional amazing id Design software applications offer drag and drop simplicity with powerful features that allow bar code creation, magnetic stripe encoding and smart chips all with just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks. Also, these ID badge software products allow you to import popular graphic formats so you can to incorporate your own logos and images easily. As part of a complete in-house card printing system, you’ll be producing custom ID cards almost instantly with these software programs. Smart Track Zone can help you choose the best photo id and badge software for your ID card system.
#Promotional and Gift Items Supplier in Dubai#Fargo Printer Dubai#Security Card Printing Services Dubai#ID card Printing Service in Dubai#Plastic Card Printers Dubai#Zebra ID card Printer in Dubai#ID Card Printer Solutions Dubai#Smart Card Printer Dubai#ID Card Printer Suppliers in Dubai#ID card Printer Rental#Badge Printer Rental Dubai#Lanyards and Badge Reels Printing in Dubai#Access Control System in Dubai#Time Attendance System Dubai#RF cards#Plain white Cards#Gold and Silver Cards#Ribbons#HID cards#Mifare cards#Preprinted Cards printing in Dubai#ID card Printing Company Dubai#Card Personalization Services Dubai#Access Card Printing Services
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Automated Retail Market SWOT, Industry Analysis & Opportunity Assessment
Automated retail is a self-service category in the form of standalone machines located in high traffic areas such as airports and malls and convenient stores. In an era of growing mobility, the consumers demand for easy access to products and services anytime and from anywhere. The global retail industry is growing and developing with extraordinary changes. The retailers need advanced systems in order to balance the market needs such as cost reduction, result accuracy and quick processing. Automation can control the inventory flow of a retail store, departmental store, supermarket, or a mall.
Retail automation is the turn key solution to these requirements by providing automated kiosk machines and point of sale terminals which include all the necessary hardware, technology as well as services. The continuous growth of these self-service machines such as kiosk, and the self-checkout system is increasing the overall growth of retail automation market. The point of sale terminals that include barcode scanners, cash registers and receipt printer are strongly contributing to the retail automation market growth. The retail automation is a boiling trend in the major economies such as the U.S., China, Germany, and so on.
To remain ‘ahead’ of your competitors, request for a sample here@ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/7463
With automated kiosks, consumers select the products and pay for purchases using the touchscreen interfaces. The automated retail exhibits a strong possibility of using underutilized space in the stores that are operating on a thin margin in the market. In retail, automation kiosks are used for vending, DVDs, coffee, beauty products, fresh foods, gift cards, coin counting as well as photography. In February 2013, Coinstar by Outerwall, Inc. introduced PayPal-integrated coin-counting kiosks that allowed the customers to deposit or withdraw money directly from their PayPal account for online shopping.
In 2013, the company also launched several new ventures segment such as Crisp Market for quick service food, Rubi Coffee, a coffee kiosk, and Star Studio, a photo booth kiosk. Even Redbox tickets kiosks from Coinstar got a good response, as they enabled higher DVD volume as well as easy kiosk maintenance. Recently the demand for beauty sampling kiosks are growing in a significant manner as these are beneficial for both customers and retailers. Consumers prefer it because the products can be tried before buying and retailers can lift their category sales with this.
The companies in automated retail market generally carry out acquisition strategy for expanding their footprint. They also maintain the customer loyalty with consistent technological advancements in the machines. For instance, in October 2014, the Outerwall, Inc. launched Redbox Play Pass Loyalty Program that increased the customer engagement as well as its rental frequency. In July 2013, the company acquired ecoATM for US$ 350 Mn, which is self-serve kiosk system for purchasing used mobile phones and MP3 players.
Also, in June 2015, AVT, Inc. another automated retailing systems manufacturer, announced the launch of a new Endcap Retailer System which are to be used in retail locations in order to hold, display, and sell high value products in a secured manner. The major companies dominating the retail automation market are Outerwall, Inc., AVT, Inc. Verifone, Pricer, Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, Inc., NCR Corporation, First Data Corporation, Honeywell Scanning & Mobility, Zebra Technologies and Ingenico Group.
For critical insights on the keyword market, request for methodology here @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/methodology/7463
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Pengertian UPC (universal product code)
Teknologi universal product code atau biasa kita sebut barcode, kini sudah menjamur, banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan teknologi barcode, dengan adanya kelebihan-kelebihan barcode maka tak heran banyak yang mulai beralih menggunakan barcode. Barcode sendiri memiliki pengertian kode yang berbentuk garis lurus vertikal dengan ketebalan yang berbeda serta memiliki warna hitam dan putih. Di dalam barcode tersimpan data atau identitas sebuah barang, barcode biasanya digunakan pada barang dan makanan seperti mie instan, pasta gigi, buku, dan masih banyak lainnya. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, kini barcode tidak hanya digunakan pada barang dan makanan saja melainkan pada pelayanan jasa juga sudah mulai menggunakannya seperti tempat parkir dan registrasi di sebuah acara baik acara seminar, wedding dan acara-acara lainnya.
Di dalam barcode terdapat data atau informasi asal barang, dan untuk membaca sebuah barcode harus menggunakan barcode reader atau alat pembaca barcode, barcode reader akan menterjemahkan data yang ada di dalam barcode yang kemudian merubahnya menjadi data yang bisa dipahami oleh manusia. Yang sering kita lihat penggunaan barcode reader pada kasir di pasar swalayan, dengan menggunakan barcode pekerjaan kasir akan lebih cepat dan akurat, kita juga sering lihat penggunaan barcode reder pada kasir tempat parkir.
Ada 4 komponen sistem dasar barcode:
1. Barcode printer
Komponen yang pertama yaitu barcode printer. Barcode printer memiliki fungsi untuk mencetak label barcode. Printer yang biasa digunakan untuk mencetak label barcode seperti zebra, datamax atau intermac. Ketiga printer di atas mampu mencetak label barcode dengan kualitas yang jauh lebih tinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan laser konvensional.
2. Label barcode
Komponen label barcode memiliki fungsi untuk mendesign label, supaya bisa dilacak maka gunakanlah atau tambahkan label yang sama. Untuk mendesign label anda dapat menggunakan kemasan label seperti wasp labeler, pre-made template atau zebra bar one. Yang paling penting anda menyesuaikan templates untuk label industri yang sangat spesifik. Biasanya digunakan pada industri mobil.
3. Alat scan untuk pengumpulan data
Komponen yang ketiga yaitu alat scan yang memiliki tugas mengumpulkan data, dengan alat scan data yang ada di dalam barcode bisa diterjemahkan ke dalam komputer dengan bahasa yang dapat dipahami oleh manusia. Data yang di dapatkan juga lebih cepat dan akurat, sehingga dapat meminimalisir kesalahan yang bisa menyebabkan kerugian pada perusahaan. Scanner barcode terdapat 2 jenis, ada yang kontak dan non kontak. Untuk scanner non kontak ukurannya lebih panjang beberapa inci dari scanner kontak. Selain itu scanner barcode juga memiliki 2 ciri yaitu decoded dan undecode. Pada scanner decoded mempunyai hardware decoder yang sudah dirakit di dalamnya serta bisa mengartikan makna pada barcode. Sedangkan scanner undecoded memiliki sumber yang lebih ringan bisa mengartikan data enskripsi yang kemudian mengirimnya ke decoder. Harga decoded jauh lebih mahal dari pada undecoded.
4. Mengolah data pada database eksternal
Komponen yang ke 4 untuk membuat sistem barcode yaitu database. Sesudah anda men scan sebuah barcode kemudian akan muncul informasi produk, misalkan pada pasar swalayan informasi tersebut berupa harga barang dan jenis barang. Namun tidak selesai sampai disitu saja, data tersebut akan di olah lagi. Contohnya anda memiliki buku dan untuk nilai barcode 7541, disaat buku itu dijual kemudian anda scan barcode pada buku tersebut, yang kemudian munculah database 1 buku dengan harga 5000, munculnya harga buku tersebut sudah melewati accounting dan buku tersebut dikirim melewati UPS ground.
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Copier Rental Dubai - Rent Printer - Zebra Printers in Dubai https://ift.tt/2QSTMku
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Copier Rental Dubai - Rent Printer - Zebra Printers in Dubai
Colour laser printer and Photocopiers for rent in dubai. let's start your new work or project with VRS Technologies printers and copiers. Call :+971555182748
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PVC Card printing
PVC card printers come in all shapes and sizes to suit each financial plan and application. From fundamental monochrome, manual-feed card printers like the Zebra P100i or the Magicard Alto, to high-volume, secure overlaying printers like the Evolis Securion or the Fargo HDP5000, AlphaCard conveys card printers to suit each need. Streamline the internal workings of your office, support deals at your retail business or offer expanded administrations and school security to your understudies.
Contingent upon the span of your foundation, you may just need to print a few cards at any given moment, or you may incline toward a card printing pvc card printing malaysia machine that can create several cards on the double. In the event that you aren't anticipating printing personal ID cards with your printer, you may just need a monochrome or highly contrasting card printer; in any case, a full-shading printer will give you considerably more outline opportunity. Utilize your card printer for:
Gift vouchers. Paper blessing declarations are effortlessly lost at the base of a satchels, broken down by fluids, torn or lost. A PVC card, in any case, will probably stay in a client's wallet- - and your clients may add acknowledge to their cards also. A printer with a programmed card feed might be gainful in the event that you envision a popularity for gift vouchers, in spite of the fact that you may likewise keep a card printer like the Zebra P100i on your ledge to print gift vouchers at the season of procurement. This will enable you to engrave unique messages on the card custom-made particularly for the beneficiary and event - an administration your clients are certain to appreciate. For greatest adaptability, a printer with the two capacities, for example, the Evolis Tattoo, is perfect.
Client rewards programs. It's normal for coffeeshops and bistros to give out cards that give the client a free thing, for example, some espresso, for each dollar sum or certain number of things acquired. In any case, the paper renditions are frequently torn or lost, which reduces the estimation of the card for your client and is more averse to support standard support. A plastic card, in any case, requires no punches, won't get folded or pulverized effortlessly, and will probably hold your clients returning.
Wellness focuses, tanning salons, select clubs, motion picture or computer game rental foundations and markets are only a couple of organizations that either rely upon - or could profit by - participation programs. With even the most essential card printer, you can utilize ID identification programming to print altered enrollment cards that can work as monetary charge cards, look at gear from movies to mechanical hardware and that's just the beginning! Here are a couple of things you can do with your participation card printer:
Offer particular reward or motivator projects to your individuals.
Track recurrence of visits, prominent rentals and well known buys. With the fitting programming for your ID card printer, you can keep insights on your individuals' office utilization, obtaining patterns and more to enable you to all the more likely serve your client voting demographic.
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Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs
Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. And design is full of tiny pitfalls that are easy to miss. Thankfully, designers usually learn from their early failures and ultimately become better for it. In that sense, design fails aren’t all that bad—for the most part.
But every now and then, you get something like this poor racoon stranded at sea …
…or this…
…or this…
… or even this.
Below, we look at eight laughable design fails and the valuable lessons those designers could have learned to keep their jobs.
1. Location, location, location —
Via Where Magazine.
Via Where Magazine.
This copy of Where magazine—that’s “Where” with two Es—shows us just how important layout and composition are in graphic design. The photographer did his or her job, but what about the cover designer? That poor woman looks so happy after a fruitful shopping trip, it’s a shame she has to be slandered by a design fail.
For starters, this problem could have been avoided by positioning the photo lower so that the E doesn’t look like an O. That seems like an easy cropping choice to make and it’s not like the reader would miss seeing the bottom of the third box. On top of that, the title could be superimposed over the model’s head, as long as it didn’t cover too much of her face.
As if this weren’t bad enough, the magazine made the same exact mistake a few months later! Perhaps they should consider a name change.
2. The importance of kerning —
Do you know what “kerning” is? Neither did the package designers behind this box of holiday lights.
Kerning is the design term for using the spacing between letters to make text more readable. The application of kerning can get pretty technical, with precise measurements, variations for different letters and sometimes even exact pixel guidelines. That’s why it’s a field that designers need to understand to avoid these kinds of mistakes.
Via The Wig and Pen Truro.
However, most non-designers don’t even know such a field exists. And that’s why they run into problems like those faced by England’s famed Wig & Pen.
3. Brea king words —
Via H&H Reeds Printers.
App rentals? Ice ships? Rent ice?
Breaking up words that shouldn’t be broken up is a classic design fail, but breaking up one big word four times into pieces that are incidentally their own words, that’s epic. What makes this ad even worse (and kind of sad) is not only that they’re trying to entice people to work with them, but they’re also a company that specializes in graphic design.
Yet we don’t want to dissuade designers against the technique entirely—when done well, it’s actually quite effective:
How to do it right. Logo design by Milos Zdrale.
How to do it right. Logo design by Bella” for Safari Partners.
But when using it, exercise caution. Whenever possible avoid creating real words with kerning and keep your message simple. The shorter the sentiment, the easier it will be for the viewer to piece it together—literally.
4. The “art” of communication —
A large part of graphic design is about communicating visually: it’s the designer’s job to make a message easy to understand. But that goes both ways and poor design choices can complicate an otherwise straightforward message.
You buy 3 and get 2 free or you buy 2 and get 1 free. It shouldn’t take the reader five or six read throughs to arrive at this conclusion. But the poor layout of the message—not to mention the confusing asterisks—makes this ad repel customers rather than draw them into the store.
For one thing, the setup looks like an equation, and no one wants to do math when they don’t have to. But shrinking down the second part makes it seem like it’s a clarification of the first message, not a separate sales concept. While this is an honest mistake, these little nuances are something experienced designers instinctively know to sidestep.
5. Say what you mean —
Via Zebra Publishing.
I mean, this may not be her best work, but wishing death upon her is a bit much.
Via Zebra Publishing.
Designers aren’t only in charge of how things look, they also need to watch out for contextual mistakes. When it comes to book cover design, that means combining the title and author name in a way that doesn’t have an unintended meaning. The way this book cover is set up, with the title and author name in the same color and font—and the name above the title—was an easily avoidable mistake.
In this case, the publishers eventually caught on and fixed the design fail in the subsequent editions using different colors and typefaces.
6. Cursive: the designer’s natural predator —
Via Belle Chic.
The ambiguity behind cursive writing has long been the nemesis of well-meaning designers, but few have suffered from its evil snares quite like designer Belle Chic, whose girly-cute handbag accidentally transformed into a piece of neo-nazi propaganda.
Given that (1.) the cursive G is a bit too high, plus (2.) a bit too close to the L, and that (3.) the cross of the second T is overshadowed by the bold white letters above, “glitter” is not the obvious interpretation of this sparkling lettering. It’s surprising that no one noticed this mistake until after its release; any one of those typographical errors would have signaled red flags to a seasoned designer.
Luckily, Belle Chic apologized profusely for their design fail and corrected all three typography errors without throwing out the design.
Via Belle Chic.
7. Catch secondary meanings —
Via Thomson Reuters.
Graphic designers need to be part proofreader. They have to double-check to ensure their designs don’t have any problematic secondary meanings.
That was the case with mass media conglomerate Thomson Reuters. Inadvertently, their design looks like a Venn diagram showing just how little they value trust, partnership, innovation and performance.
In all likelihood, the design was never meant to look like a Venn diagram—rather, just a playful graphic using shapes and colors. However, one tiny move and now a huge, expensive advertising campaign leaves them with egg on their face. Better to go with a designer that can catch these mistakes in the early design stages.
8. Even when you’re right, you’re wrong —
This one’s pretty tricky. When the Ready Player One poster first came out, it was criticized for the character’s freakishly long leg. And rightfully so—just look at it.
At first people thought the image was doctored, but it turns out that it’s actually accurate! Twitter fan Captain Disillusion dissected the image and proved that the leg is completely proportional to the rest of his body; it just looks long because of the awkward angle and the pose. The image is perfectly normal—it’s the human eye that’s weird.
Via Captain Disillusion.
Which brings up a good point about graphic design: a designer’s job is to make sure everything looks fine more than actually being fine. In a field based on perception, how people perceive the work is more important than factual accuracy, which comes into conflict more than you’d think with the visual arts.
The difference between applause and faux pas —
Not to use scare tactics, but one silly design fail could ruin your entire brand reputation. And we’d wager all of the design mistakes above were made by folks who overestimated their design skills. That’s why these things are best left to the professionals.
True design talent lies in understanding the risks well enough to tiptoe around them. The skillset of a good designer includes all the basics like kerning, color theory, typography dos and don’ts, an encyclopedic knowledge of fonts and an eye for avoiding common pitfalls. Now that you’ve seen some epic design fails, you’ll know what to look out for—and hiring a great designer is your ticket to ensuring everyone talks about your next campaign for the right reasons.
There's a surefire way to never be mentioned in a list of design fails...
Find yourself a great designer!
They're right here
The post Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs appeared first on 99designs.
via 99designs https://99designs.co.uk/blog/tips-en-gb/graphic-design-fails/
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Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs
Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. And design is full of tiny pitfalls that are easy to miss. Thankfully, designers usually learn from their early failures and ultimately become better for it. In that sense, design fails aren’t all that bad—for the most part.
But every now and then, you get something like this poor racoon stranded at sea …
…or this…
…or this…
… or even this.
Below, we look at eight laughable design fails and the valuable lessons those designers could have learned to keep their jobs.
1. Location, location, location —
Via Where Magazine.
Via Where Magazine.
This copy of Where magazine—that’s “Where” with two Es—shows us just how important layout and composition are in graphic design. The photographer did his or her job, but what about the cover designer? That poor woman looks so happy after a fruitful shopping trip, it’s a shame she has to be slandered by a design fail.
For starters, this problem could have been avoided by positioning the photo lower so that the E doesn’t look like an O. That seems like an easy cropping choice to make and it’s not like the reader would miss seeing the bottom of the third box. On top of that, the title could be superimposed over the model’s head, as long as it didn’t cover too much of her face.
As if this weren’t bad enough, the magazine made the same exact mistake a few months later! Perhaps they should consider a name change.
2. The importance of kerning —
Do you know what “kerning” is? Neither did the package designers behind this box of holiday lights.
Kerning is the design term for using the spacing between letters to make text more readable. The application of kerning can get pretty technical, with precise measurements, variations for different letters and sometimes even exact pixel guidelines. That’s why it’s a field that designers need to understand to avoid these kinds of mistakes.
Via The Wig and Pen Truro.
However, most non-designers don’t even know such a field exists. And that’s why they run into problems like those faced by England’s famed Wig & Pen.
3. Brea king words —
Via H&H Reeds Printers.
App rentals? Ice ships? Rent ice?
Breaking up words that shouldn’t be broken up is a classic design fail, but breaking up one big word four times into pieces that are incidentally their own words, that’s epic. What makes this ad even worse (and kind of sad) is not only that they’re trying to entice people to work with them, but they’re also a company that specializes in graphic design.
Yet we don’t want to dissuade designers against the technique entirely—when done well, it’s actually quite effective:
How to do it right. Logo design by Milos Zdrale.
How to do it right. Logo design by Bella” for Safari Partners.
But when using it, exercise caution. Whenever possible avoid creating real words with kerning and keep your message simple. The shorter the sentiment, the easier it will be for the viewer to piece it together—literally.
4. The “art” of communication —
A large part of graphic design is about communicating visually: it’s the designer’s job to make a message easy to understand. But that goes both ways and poor design choices can complicate an otherwise straightforward message.
You buy 3 and get 2 free or you buy 2 and get 1 free. It shouldn’t take the reader five or six read throughs to arrive at this conclusion. But the poor layout of the message—not to mention the confusing asterisks—makes this ad repel customers rather than draw them into the store.
For one thing, the setup looks like an equation, and no one wants to do math when they don’t have to. But shrinking down the second part makes it seem like it’s a clarification of the first message, not a separate sales concept. While this is an honest mistake, these little nuances are something experienced designers instinctively know to sidestep.
5. Say what you mean —
Via Zebra Publishing.
I mean, this may not be her best work, but wishing death upon her is a bit much.
Via Zebra Publishing.
Designers aren’t only in charge of how things look, they also need to watch out for contextual mistakes. When it comes to book cover design, that means combining the title and author name in a way that doesn’t have an unintended meaning. The way this book cover is set up, with the title and author name in the same color and font—and the name above the title—was an easily avoidable mistake.
In this case, the publishers eventually caught on and fixed the design fail in the subsequent editions using different colors and typefaces.
6. Cursive: the designer’s natural predator —
Via Belle Chic.
The ambiguity behind cursive writing has long been the nemesis of well-meaning designers, but few have suffered from its evil snares quite like designer Belle Chic, whose girly-cute handbag accidentally transformed into a piece of neo-nazi propaganda.
Given that (1.) the cursive G is a bit too high, plus (2.) a bit too close to the L, and that (3.) the cross of the second T is overshadowed by the bold white letters above, “glitter” is not the obvious interpretation of this sparkling lettering. It’s surprising that no one noticed this mistake until after its release; any one of those typographical errors would have signaled red flags to a seasoned designer.
Luckily, Belle Chic apologized profusely for their design fail and corrected all three typography errors without throwing out the design.
Via Belle Chic.
7. Catch secondary meanings —
Via Thomson Reuters.
Graphic designers need to be part proofreader. They have to double-check to ensure their designs don’t have any problematic secondary meanings.
That was the case with mass media conglomerate Thomson Reuters. Inadvertently, their design looks like a Venn diagram showing just how little they value trust, partnership, innovation and performance.
In all likelihood, the design was never meant to look like a Venn diagram—rather, just a playful graphic using shapes and colors. However, one tiny move and now a huge, expensive advertising campaign leaves them with egg on their face. Better to go with a designer that can catch these mistakes in the early design stages.
8. Even when you’re right, you’re wrong —
This one’s pretty tricky. When the Ready Player One poster first came out, it was criticized for the character’s freakishly long leg. And rightfully so—just look at it.
At first people thought the image was doctored, but it turns out that it’s actually accurate! Twitter fan Captain Disillusion dissected the image and proved that the leg is completely proportional to the rest of his body; it just looks long because of the awkward angle and the pose. The image is perfectly normal—it’s the human eye that’s weird.
Via Captain Disillusion.
Which brings up a good point about graphic design: a designer’s job is to make sure everything looks fine more than actually being fine. In a field based on perception, how people perceive the work is more important than factual accuracy, which comes into conflict more than you’d think with the visual arts.
The difference between applause and faux pas —
Not to use scare tactics, but one silly design fail could ruin your entire brand reputation. And we’d wager all of the design mistakes above were made by folks who overestimated their design skills. That’s why these things are best left to the professionals.
True design talent lies in understanding the risks well enough to tiptoe around them. The skillset of a good designer includes all the basics like kerning, color theory, typography dos and don’ts, an encyclopedic knowledge of fonts and an eye for avoiding common pitfalls. Now that you’ve seen some epic design fails, you’ll know what to look out for—and hiring a great designer is your ticket to ensuring everyone talks about your next campaign for the right reasons.
There’s a surefire way to never be mentioned in a list of design fails…
Find yourself a great designer!
They’re right here
The post Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs appeared first on 99designs.
Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs published first on https://www.lilpackaging.com/
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Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs
Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. And design is full of tiny pitfalls that are easy to miss. Thankfully, designers usually learn from their early failures and ultimately become better for it. In that sense, design fails aren’t all that bad—for the most part.
But every now and then, you get something like this poor racoon stranded at sea …
…or this…
…or this…
… or even this.
Below, we look at eight laughable design fails and the valuable lessons those designers could have learned to keep their jobs.
1. Location, location, location —
Via Where Magazine.
Via Where Magazine.
This copy of Where magazine—that’s “Where” with two Es—shows us just how important layout and composition are in graphic design. The photographer did his or her job, but what about the cover designer? That poor woman looks so happy after a fruitful shopping trip, it’s a shame she has to be slandered by a design fail.
For starters, this problem could have been avoided by positioning the photo lower so that the E doesn’t look like an O. That seems like an easy cropping choice to make and it’s not like the reader would miss seeing the bottom of the third box. On top of that, the title could be superimposed over the model’s head, as long as it didn’t cover too much of her face.
As if this weren’t bad enough, the magazine made the same exact mistake a few months later! Perhaps they should consider a name change.
2. The importance of kerning —
Do you know what “kerning” is? Neither did the package designers behind this box of holiday lights.
Kerning is the design term for using the spacing between letters to make text more readable. The application of kerning can get pretty technical, with precise measurements, variations for different letters and sometimes even exact pixel guidelines. That’s why it’s a field that designers need to understand to avoid these kinds of mistakes.
Via The Wig and Pen Truro.
However, most non-designers don’t even know such a field exists. And that’s why they run into problems like those faced by England’s famed Wig & Pen.
3. Brea king words —
Via H&H Reeds Printers.
App rentals? Ice ships? Rent ice?
Breaking up words that shouldn’t be broken up is a classic design fail, but breaking up one big word four times into pieces that are incidentally their own words, that’s epic. What makes this ad even worse (and kind of sad) is not only that they’re trying to entice people to work with them, but they’re also a company that specializes in graphic design.
Yet we don’t want to dissuade designers against the technique entirely—when done well, it’s actually quite effective:
How to do it right. Logo design by Milos Zdrale.
How to do it right. Logo design by Bella” for Safari Partners.
But when using it, exercise caution. Whenever possible avoid creating real words with kerning and keep your message simple. The shorter the sentiment, the easier it will be for the viewer to piece it together—literally.
4. The “art” of communication —
A large part of graphic design is about communicating visually: it’s the designer’s job to make a message easy to understand. But that goes both ways and poor design choices can complicate an otherwise straightforward message.
You buy 3 and get 2 free or you buy 2 and get 1 free. It shouldn’t take the reader five or six read throughs to arrive at this conclusion. But the poor layout of the message—not to mention the confusing asterisks—makes this ad repel customers rather than draw them into the store.
For one thing, the setup looks like an equation, and no one wants to do math when they don’t have to. But shrinking down the second part makes it seem like it’s a clarification of the first message, not a separate sales concept. While this is an honest mistake, these little nuances are something experienced designers instinctively know to sidestep.
5. Say what you mean —
Via Zebra Publishing.
I mean, this may not be her best work, but wishing death upon her is a bit much.
Via Zebra Publishing.
Designers aren’t only in charge of how things look, they also need to watch out for contextual mistakes. When it comes to book cover design, that means combining the title and author name in a way that doesn’t have an unintended meaning. The way this book cover is set up, with the title and author name in the same color and font—and the name above the title—was an easily avoidable mistake.
In this case, the publishers eventually caught on and fixed the design fail in the subsequent editions using different colors and typefaces.
6. Cursive: the designer’s natural predator —
Via Belle Chic.
The ambiguity behind cursive writing has long been the nemesis of well-meaning designers, but few have suffered from its evil snares quite like designer Belle Chic, whose girly-cute handbag accidentally transformed into a piece of neo-nazi propaganda.
Given that (1.) the cursive G is a bit too high, plus (2.) a bit too close to the L, and that (3.) the cross of the second T is overshadowed by the bold white letters above, “glitter” is not the obvious interpretation of this sparkling lettering. It’s surprising that no one noticed this mistake until after its release; any one of those typographical errors would have signaled red flags to a seasoned designer.
Luckily, Belle Chic apologized profusely for their design fail and corrected all three typography errors without throwing out the design.
Via Belle Chic.
7. Catch secondary meanings —
Via Thomson Reuters.
Graphic designers need to be part proofreader. They have to double-check to ensure their designs don’t have any problematic secondary meanings.
That was the case with mass media conglomerate Thomson Reuters. Inadvertently, their design looks like a Venn diagram showing just how little they value trust, partnership, innovation and performance.
In all likelihood, the design was never meant to look like a Venn diagram—rather, just a playful graphic using shapes and colors. However, one tiny move and now a huge, expensive advertising campaign leaves them with egg on their face. Better to go with a designer that can catch these mistakes in the early design stages.
8. Even when you’re right, you’re wrong —
This one’s pretty tricky. When the Ready Player One poster first came out, it was criticized for the character’s freakishly long leg. And rightfully so—just look at it.
At first people thought the image was doctored, but it turns out that it’s actually accurate! Twitter fan Captain Disillusion dissected the image and proved that the leg is completely proportional to the rest of his body; it just looks long because of the awkward angle and the pose. The image is perfectly normal—it’s the human eye that’s weird.
Via Captain Disillusion.
Which brings up a good point about graphic design: a designer’s job is to make sure everything looks fine more than actually being fine. In a field based on perception, how people perceive the work is more important than factual accuracy, which comes into conflict more than you’d think with the visual arts.
The difference between applause and faux pas —
Not to use scare tactics, but one silly design fail could ruin your entire brand reputation. And we’d wager all of the design mistakes above were made by folks who overestimated their design skills. That’s why these things are best left to the professionals.
True design talent lies in understanding the risks well enough to tiptoe around them. The skillset of a good designer includes all the basics like kerning, color theory, typography dos and don’ts, an encyclopedic knowledge of fonts and an eye for avoiding common pitfalls. Now that you’ve seen some epic design fails, you’ll know what to look out for—and hiring a great designer is your ticket to ensuring everyone talks about your next campaign for the right reasons.
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The post Epic design fails: laughing and learning from the best worst graphic designs appeared first on 99designs.
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Significant Growth Foreseen by Automated Retail Market During 2015-2021
Automated retail is a self-service category in the form of standalone machines located in high traffic areas such as airports and malls and convenient stores. In an era of growing mobility, the consumers demand for easy access to products and services anytime and from anywhere. The global retail industry is growing and developing with extraordinary changes. The retailers need advanced systems in order to balance the market needs such as cost reduction, result accuracy and quick processing. Automation can control the inventory flow of a retail store, departmental store, supermarket, or a mall. Retail automation is the turn key solution to these requirements by providing automated kiosk machines and point of sale terminals which include all the necessary hardware, technology as well as services. The continuous growth of these self-service machines such as kiosk, and the self-checkout system is increasing the overall growth of retail automation market. The point of sale terminals that include barcode scanners, cash registers and receipt printer are strongly contributing to the retail automation market growth. The retail automation is a boiling trend in the major economies such as the U.S., China, Germany, and so on.
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With automated kiosks, consumers select the products and pay for purchases using the touchscreen interfaces. The automated retail exhibits a strong possibility of using underutilized space in the stores that are operating on a thin margin in the market. In retail, automation kiosks are used for vending, DVDs, coffee, beauty products, fresh foods, gift cards, coin counting as well as photography. In February 2013, Coinstar by Outerwall, Inc. introduced PayPal-integrated coin-counting kiosks that allowed the customers to deposit or withdraw money directly from their PayPal account for online shopping. In 2013, the company also launched several new ventures segment such as Crisp Market for quick service food, Rubi Coffee, a coffee kiosk, and Star Studio, a photo booth kiosk. Even Redbox tickets kiosks from Coinstar got a good response, as they enabled higher DVD volume as well as easy kiosk maintenance. Recently the demand for beauty sampling kiosks are growing in a significant manner as these are beneficial for both customers and retailers. Consumers prefer it because the products can be tried before buying and retailers can lift their category sales with this.
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The companies in automated retail market generally carry out acquisition strategy for expanding their footprint. They also maintain the customer loyalty with consistent technological advancements in the machines. For instance, in October 2014, the Outerwall, Inc. launched Redbox Play Pass Loyalty Program that increased the customer engagement as well as its rental frequency. In July 2013, the company acquired ecoATM for US$ 350 Mn, which is self-serve kiosk system for purchasing used mobile phones and MP3 players. Also, in June 2015, AVT, Inc. another automated retailing systems manufacturer, announced the launch of a new Endcap Retailer System which are to be used in retail locations in order to hold, display, and sell high value products in a secured manner. The major companies dominating the retail automation market are Outerwall, Inc., AVT, Inc. Verifone, Pricer, Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, Inc., NCR Corporation, First Data Corporation, Honeywell Scanning & Mobility, Zebra Technologies and Ingenico Group.
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