#Zane Lasky
genevieveetguy · 1 year
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Hester Street, Joan Micklin Silver (1975)
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Título Original: Network
Año:  1976
Duración: 121 min
País:  Estados Unidos  
Dirección: Sidney Lumet
Guion: Paddy Chayefsky
Música: Elliot Lawrence  
Fotografía: Owen Roizman
Reparto: Peter Finch, Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Robert Duvall, Beatrice Straight, Wesley Addy, Ned Beatty, Arthur Burghardt, Bill Burrows, John Carpenter, Jordan Charney, Kathy Cronkite, Ed Crowley, Jerome Dempsey, Conchata Ferrell, Gene Gross, Stanley Grover, Cindy Grover, Darryl Hickman, Mitchell Jason, Paul Jenkins, Ken Kercheval, Kenneth Kimmins, Lynn Klugman, Carolyn Krigbaum, Zane Lasky, Michael Lipton, Michael Lombard, Pirie MacDonald, Russ Petranto, Bernard Pollock, Roy Poole, William Prince, Sasha von Scherler, Lane Smith, Ted Sorel, Fred Stuthman, Cameron Thomas, Marlene Warfield, Lydia Wilen, Lee Richardson ,Lance Henriksen
Productora: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), United Artists
Género: Drama
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loveboatinsanity · 5 years
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Also give me your angle on Promethean Palmer au :) - gunny
Oh you wanna do this huh? After what you wrote. Sorry this is all over I’m not good at staying focused.
Palmer is The Spartan Commander, she is the last remaining Spartan IV from the first group that got augs (Not the experimental Ilsa Zane, don't come for me lore nerds.) She's been helping hold the Infinity together for 6+ years. And then you killed her in a fiery blaze of data sparks and composed humanity. This was your idea.
Her sudden death and then horrible return would be devastating not only to Lasky personally but the whole crew as well! Wouldn’t that be so neat to explore?
But first Lasky, because wow holy shit his best friend went down in front of him (again) and now she's back but wrong. How is he supposed to deal with that? They just learned/ have to deal with knights being composed humans but now she's back after he thought he lost her but she’s not human and it hurts and is this worse and it's Palmer. That’s his best friend however you look at it, she saved him from being spaced, they served under Del Rio together, they regularly drink and bitch to each other, but all of that is gone now because she died and he was alone again but now.....now.
 I also like writing that the shot was meant for him and not her, she just pushed him out of the way (again). Wouldn’t the captain be an excellent target to get his memories into the forerunner soup. Hivemind domain nonsense maybe? :3c
Jumping around I really want to write different povs and how the the crew, her spartans, and Roland all react to these events. Who’s hurt and who steps up and how do people react?
We nebulously set this during Requiem iirc, it exists whenever until we write it down, but still Roland is new in town, and oh boy, that weird Knight they brought back is trying to communicate. Oh boy that looks like a Spartan ID. He already has to interface with forerunner engines wouldn't it be neat if he has to interface with other forerunner tech? Wouldn’t it be great that his first time running the ship in combat and enemy territory goes this wrong?
Wouldn’t Spartan Ops be great with Majestic and Crimson solemn and trying their best but with fraying nerves and spirits that the things theyre fighting are mindless husks that once were humans? That also might before former crewmates. Wouldn’t it be neat if Miller had his character development (there is some! idc im insane but i have probably played spops more than any normal human being) earlier, like he had to step up and help lead because Palmer is gone. Oh no she’s back. Oh no.
It’s not all soul crushing! There’s the warming up, the rediscovery of her humanity and soul. The reconciliation, the cut-short grief that changes into something else, a life lost to a life changed, possibly irreversibly. 
The Commander is back she’s just metal and taller and has extra limbs and can teleport.
Lasky has to make an announcement about the Infinity’s latest incident and now there’s a docile forerunner Knight with warning signs plastered to its chassis hovering behind him on the video announcement. They can give her a TTS device! She can slap Miller’s bald head with her lil gooey looking ghibli arms!
She can dramatically teleport or gently headbonk people. She can deal with once again losing autonomy over her body and becoming even more of a weapon and less of a person.
This is all from what I remember off the top of my head but I think it’s neat and I want to write so many situations of various flavors.
Sarah Palmer is everything
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
Halo: Initiation
Halo: Initiation is super short (it’s a comic with only 3 issues) so this is easy.
Sarah Palmer is an ODST who gets hand picked to become a Spartan-IV.
One day, she and some other S-IVs are on the UNSC Infinity when some insurrectionists try to take over and steal it.
These people are led by a woman named Ilsa Zane who turns out to have been ~the first Spartan-IV~ before she went rogue. They were trying to make her so super powerful she wouldn’t even need armor.
Lasky and the Spartan-IVs retake the ship, Palmer fights Ilsa and she gets thrown out into space (and recovered to be recycled as a villain later maybe I guess) and that’s about it.
There’s some annoying stuff on the front end about how Catherine Halsey was super evil, but also there are no Spartans left now (What are the remaining IIs and IIIs? Chopped liver?) so it’s super necessary to make Spartan-IVs.
....I’m gonna have to write a long post of Spartan-IV thoughts later, probably. But suffice to say I’m just really not impressed with the Halo canon at the point I’m at. On the one hand, it’s validating to go back in time and go “yeah no, I was right back then” but on the other it’s disappointing to still be disappointed.
Also, because it deserves to be seen again, here’s Ilsa Zane punching Palmer’s fucking helmet clean off because I can’t make this shit up.
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confluencechimera · 6 years
Words and grammar.
Words: What book made you love reading?Kathryn Lasky’s Guardians of Ga’Hoole series comes to mind. A lot of those talking animal books, really. But she comes to mind as she’s a huge huge inspiration for me. There’s another series I can think of, actually, but I really can’t feel like I can mention it in good... conscience? because its really quite badly written and doesn’t hold up that well. XD
Grammar: What is the shortest period of time it has taken you to read a novel?Hmmm. I dunno! I’ve read a lot of smaller westerns in pretty short times, but that’s mostly because they were short. :p Zane Gray’s Monty Price’s Nightingale, David Manning’s The One-Way Trail, Honoré Willsie Morrow’s Breaking the Blue Roan...Aside from those... Probably Richard Bach’s Rescue Ferrets at Sea?
Bookish Asks!
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dobru-noc · 6 years
Bol asi najlepsi rok v mojom zivote. Neprehanam.
Januar som stravila este v Grenobli, planovala cestovania, isla so Zane do Turina, s babami do Lyonu, navstivila Misku v Londyne. Po prichode spat na Slovensko som mala pocit, akoby tu toho zrazu bolo malo. Malo prilezitosti, malo vyziev, malo vzrusenia. Tak som sa hned dojednala na koncert alt-j vo Viedni s Blinky a Mizum a potom som hlavne s Blinky pokracovala v hladani cohosi (asi uspokojenia?) na tindri, na indietronice, v roznych bratislavskych podnikoch, pocuvala som vela dobrej hudby, chodila po koncertoch a uzivala si zivot, ktory sa mi po asi dvoch mesiacoch prestal pacit. Stala som sa vegetariankou. A pacilo sa mi byt obklopena tymi ludmi, ktorych som hlavne vdaka Blinky spoznala. Za to jej patri jedno velke dakujem. Aj za ten vylet za Mayen do Prahy, za robenie spolocnosti v galerkach, za vsetko.
A 1. maja sa to cele zvrtlo. Spoznala som Filipa a spatne musim povedat, ze uz vtedy mi obratil zivot naruby. Zamilovala som sa. Skoro som kvoli nemu prisla o kamaratstvo, vdaka ktoremu som zila posledne 3 mesiace. Bolo to krasne a zaroven desive obdobie, ked som s nim na jednej strane stale chodievala von, do prirody, na koncerty, na umenie a bola stastna, no na druhej strane trpela neistotou a bojovala za zachranu kamaratstva.
A vylety. Vela vyletov. So vsetkymi do Brna, s chalanmi na koncert Arcade Fire do Prahy, za Zane do Budapesti. A prazdniny! Pohoda, co bol ten najlepsi festival vobec, na ktorom som spoznala dalsich skvelych ludi, pri ktorych som mala taky ten super uvolneny pocit, no spoznala vdaka nej aj uzasnu hudbu. Vylet s Filipom do Tatier, ktory bol aj napriek dazdu a vetru a zime az prilis krasny. Vylet za Blinky do Zvolena, Sitno, Banska Stiavnica, Banska Bystrica, smiechy a hladanie brutalistickej architektury.
A potom noc, ktora naozaj vsetko zmenila. Rano 29.7., vychod slnka. Splnil sa mi sen a este dost dlhu dobu som neverila, ze je to pravda. Ze Hanka, ta vecne sama, ma frajera. A nie len tak hocikoho, ale Filipa, do ktoreho bola zamilovana hned od zaciatku.
A moja cesta do Berlina za Siporou a nase dobrodruzstva vo Francuzsku. A navrat na Sk a zistovanie, o co ten vztah vlastne je. Flaam, Holandsko, kde som spoznala Tomasa, ktoreho mam moc mco rada a za ktoreho tiez dakujem. A hrebenovka Nizkych Tatier s Filipom, pobyt vo Vysokych, nocny vystup.
A zacal semester. Aj ked som si najskor nevedela predstavit svoj vztah a skolu v jednom, bolo to fajn. Je to fajn. Zamilovala som sa este viac a vlastne sa moje pocity stale len stupnuju. Vylety s nim do Varsavy, do Prahy. Semester plny lasky. Lasky, techna, bozkov, objati, smiechu, usmevov. Lebo s nim som najstastnejsia.
A aj sme to pekne zakoncili Silvestrom v Mikulasi, najskor party na byte u Misky Hladkej a potom nam patrila cela Diera do sveta.
A tak som dojata. A vdacna. Za ludi, za zazitky, za hudbu, no najviac zo vsetkeho prave za teba.
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hjfoley · 8 years
The Vanishing American 1925 On the eve of World War I, a Navajo reservation is under the control of a corrupt government official named Booker (Noah Beery).
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