starlight-bread-blog · 7 months
"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But it was Katara that he chose to invite.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Azula knew to aim at Katara.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But the scene was romamtically coded.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Katara needed to get to heal him.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But it was Katara who was with him in season finales.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But he needed to choose Katara over Azula.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Shu needed to survive in this life.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But the writers deliberately chose Katara.
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Inspired by @captain-konami-code 's "They were enemies"
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stardust948 · 7 months
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parkiebearr · 11 months
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⋆˙⟡ Under the Same Stars⟡⋆˙
A Zutara Fancomic: Part 1
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part 2
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rifari2037 · 28 days
Gaang's adoptive parents are on a date!!!!!
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And even though bad things happen, they're still sooo in love!!!
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Beautiful!!! I might cry!!!😭😭
NB : I can feel that all these photos are waiting for Zutara artists to draw them 😌😌
Source : Re-ANIME Youtube Channel Actor/actress : Yoshi Sudarso and Yasmin Kassim
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treel0verr · 5 months
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aoibheann04 · 7 months
Just wanted to say that when Aang was struck by lightning he was letting go of his attachment to Katara and when Zuko was struck by lightning he was literally saving Katara’s life.
I suppose the argument could be made that by unblocking that last chakra and gaining control over the avatar state, Aang was trying to save Katara from everyone that was attacking them but Aang was in that room too. He was saving himself just as much as he was saving Katara, he didn’t know Azula was going to hit him with lightning. Also, the world needs its avatar.
Zuko, on the other hand, knowingly risked his life solely for Katara. He made the decision to be struck by lightning to save her. He knew that Katara had used up all her spirit water to heal Aang after he was hit by lightning and he still jumped in front of Katara. He knew that he could have died.
Like wtf happened? How does a show fuck up the romance this badly? Everything else played out so beautifully.
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empressofthesunwriter · 5 months
Change the Narrative
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If people knew the truth, they would call her a selfish monster.
But Katara had sacrificed anything for the world, for an ungrateful husband!
This time she would always choose herself first!
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Here is a little one-shot of my anger about what happened to Katara in canon.
I want to give her the end she deserves, so I hope you enjoy it!
Katara knew it was time for her to die.
She felt it in her old bones.
Alone she lay in her bed at the South Pole and watched how the snow was falling.
At least she would die seeing the beauty of her homeland.
It was a good death.
The old woman blinked tears away and tried to be positive about her nearing death.
She would see Sokka, her father, her mother and Gran-Gran again.
It was good.
She had lived a long happy life.
Something burning and unsettling spread through her chest as she thought this.
Was it a happy life?
How often did she and Aang argue over simple things?
How often did she beg him not to play favourites with Tenzin? Yes, their youngest was an airbender, but what about Bumi and Kya? They were his children too.
But no!
The Air Nomad legacy was more important than their two oldest children and their pain.
Once upon a time when she was a young girl and fantasized about the man and family one day she would have, she never would have guessed how she became the kind of mother, who didn't fight for her children.
Who didn't call out her husband for his wrongdoings?
However, she had so with Aang. Since she had met him, she always had mothered him, shielded him from things which didn't fit his narrative.
He was the Avatar, the only hope to end the war, with a track record of running away.
They couldn't lose him, so she had protected him the best she could.
And she did so to her children.
No wonder Bumi and Kya didn't even visit her and Tenzin didn't have much of a relationship with her.
Where did she go wrong in her life?
When did she become a shadow of herself in the name of love?
Why did she even choose Aang?
Was it because of Aunt Wu's prediction, she would marry a powerful bender or because she had a feeling Aang...deserved her?
He loved her and had ended the war.
Was it so bad to give him a chance?
Sadly after sacrificing her best years for him and being rewarded to die alone without her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around her, it may have been the most stupid decision she ever made.
Spirits, was she a bad person to think that?
She loved her family, really she did, but deep down she had to admit...she wouldn't do it a second time.
Katara wouldn't sacrifice herself, her ideals, and her dreams for Aang's dream.
She had her whole life given and given and was now at the end of it rewarded with nothing.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, as she slowly closed her eyes.
Soon she would join her loved ones...
If she could...
If the spirits were so kind...
If dear Yue heard her...
She wanted a second chance.
She wanted to live a life for herself and herself alone.
Katara had given in this life all and more...was it so bad that she wished for a second chance to get it this time right?
Was she selfish?
But anyone had a point in their life where they had to put themselves first.
Her only regret was that she did not realise it sooner.
Katara closed her eyes and felt the last beats of her heart.
Never noting how the moon was shining brightly down at her...
She felt pain in her head.
Katara hissed and touched her forehead.
Why did she get a headache?
Where was she?
She blinked to banish the shadows before her eyes.
Slowly she could see.
Ah yes.
She was outside General Iroh's tea shop in Ba Sing Se.
The waterbender had seen Aang walk out and wanted to join him.
It was high time that she gave Aang her answer about them being a couple.
She had been unsure a few days ago, but now with the war over...why shouldn't she give him a chance?
He was standing at the balustrade watching the setting sun, it was the perfect moment.
As the waterbender made her first step towards him, an avalanche of emotions and vision filled her whole being.
Katara gasped quietly, trying to make sense of this.
It was too fast and also too slow...however, she felt it in her bones...whatever she had planned kissing Aang and getting together with him...it would be the worst decision of her life!
No, she didn't want what she had seen.
How could she sell herself, her principals, and her honour for a guy?!
How could she be together with someone who would play favourites with their children?!
No, absolutely not!
Whether this was a vision from the future to save her from this faith Katara didn't know, but what she knew she wouldn't make the same mistakes twice!
So angry she walked up to Aang and tapped his shoulder.
The Avatar turned smiling towards her. He seemed so happy and hopeful and looked at her like she had hung the stars and the moon.
For a second she flatter, which only made the vision come forth again and made her anger tenfold.
Oh no!
Not with her!
"Aang.", she began. "I don't love you and I never will! Stop pestering me about us being a couple! If you don't accept my feelings I will waterwhip you do your next incarnation, do you understand me?!"
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. She could formally see the heartbreak in his eyes and how he tried to speak up, maybe to guilt trip her, however, she wasn't having anything of it.
"Nothing you will say and do will ever change my mind! So don't even try. I will go back with Sokka to the South Pole and rebuild my home. That's where I belong!"
Dramatically she turned around and entered the tea shop again.
The others tried their hardest to seem like they hadn't listened in, yet Katara saw through them.
She sends them all an annoyed look.
No one said anything for a few seconds before Toph snickered: "Oh sugar queen, I hoped you had it in you."
This makes Katara smile.
The next months of her life Katara rebuilt with her father and Sokka their home. 
The Nothern Watertribe had tried to turn the South into a second North, except Katara was having none of it.
As a war hero, master waterbender and daughter of the chief she used all her power to stop this chances.
She was a force of nature!
No one had a chance against her.
Her family was so proud of her and she was satisfied with herself.
Yes, this was where she belonged.
Helping people and not being the soulless, passionless arm candy of Aang!
Katara was happy.
A voice inside her told her how she deserved it.
A year later found Katara as ambassador for her people at the first peace summit.
She was happy seeing Zuko again, they had written to each other, yet seeing each other in person was much better.
He had become her best friend.
And her wall against Aang.
As Avatar he was at the peace summit too. Of course, he tried to talk with her. Tried to sway her, saying he missed her and wanted to be friends again.
She saw right through him. Aang still wanted her.
Thank the spirits for Zuko having her back and distracting Aang.
When they enjoyed together a cup of tea in General Iroh's tea shop she thanked him for his help.
Awkwardly he waved it away.
It was nothing.
He and Mai had broken up and the black-haired girl wasn't happy about it.
Even if she and Aang weren't exes, Zuko knew how frustrating it was to have a person follow you like a shadow and demand to be together again.
In comfort, she petted Zuko's hand and told him he did the right thing to end things with Mai.
If she couldn't accept a no was she a good girlfriend?
A little crooked smile formed on Zuko's lips, and her heart stopped for a second, as he thanked her for her words and friendships.
Then he asked her to join him in the search for his mother.
Being with Zuko on a life-changing field trip again was... exciting.
They still worked flawlessly together, like when they had hunted down the murder of her mother, but now they were friends.
It changed a lot of interactions.
They were playful with each other.
Zuko was the only one who ever laughed at her jokes.
They were there for each other.
In the long days when they hunted down one clue after another and Zuko seemed to lose hope, Katara reminded him to never give up.
They shared the workload.
It was amazing not mothering someone and having someone help her around camp.
They were getting closer to each other.
They shared things they never told anyone.
Zuko told her how he got his scar and Katara hugged him, wishing Aang had killed Ozai.
Wishing Ozai was before her and making him pay for hurting her best friend!
Sometimes they just stared at the stars, inventing constellations, their hands inching closer.
Something new was born between them.
Katara didn't know what it was, but she would enjoy it.
It made her feel good.
After weeks on the road, they finally found Ursa.
And also a society of hiding airbenders.
Katara couldn't help but laugh in utter glee.
Was it really that surprising that Katara and Zuko fell in love with each other after their journey?
When she kissed Zuko for the first time, it was like coming home. 
Warm, welcome, familair, intim.
It was the best sensation in the world.
Something inside her told her this was how it was supposed to be.
After two years of dating and being the ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe in the Fire Nation, they married.
All their friends and half of the world were invited.
Yes, even Aang.
Aang was so grateful to Katara and Zuko for having found his people and was busy with the air nomads to rebuild their society, and seemed to finally let go of Katara.
Now they really could be friends.
Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, master bender, war hero and Fire Lady became a living legend.
Not only the people in the Fire Nation adored her, but she used the power she wielded to make the whole world a better place.
She was the one who came up with the idea of Republic City, a place where all nations could live in harmony.
She revolutionized the art of healing with her bloodbending.
She installed fountains and aqueducts everywhere she could, so people had clean water.
Statues were built and universities, streets even neighbourhoods were named in her honour.
Katara taught new generations of waterbenders like her daughter Kya and people formally fought over to learn from the Fire Lady.
When their oldest daughter Izumi became Fire Lady, Katara and Zuko retired to Ember Island to live out their twilight years in peace.
They often had visits from their friends and families.
Their son Lu Ten, a nonbender, had married a waterbender named Mizuki and had with her five children.
So the proud grandparents helped their son and daughter-in-law raise the rascals.
It was fulfilling.
As Aang then died and was reborn as Korra from the Southern Water Tribe Katara and Zuko moved to the South to teach the new Avatar.
Korra loved Katara and Zuko like grandparents and loved hearing about their adventures.
After Korra goes to Republic City to learn airbending from one of Aang's sons he had with one of the hiding airbenders, the pair returns to Ember Island.
Zuko died a few months before her.
Katara followed him after the birth of their third great-grandchild.
Both died surrounded by their big and bustling family.
As Katara died, her oldest great-granddaughter, who was named after her held her hand, she couldn't help but feel happy.
She had lived a long and wonderful life.
Soon she would be together again with her beloved husband and her family.
And so the greatest and most beloved Fire Lady died in peace with no regrets in her heart, her story being told for thousands of years to come.
The Legend of Katara became a tale which young girls loved.
From a simple waterbender to a master, war hero and ruler over a nation, who changed the world only a few ever could.
It showed all girls, that they could do anything they wanted.
They could reach their goals and go even beyond.
This was Katara's legacy.
As it should have been.
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If you liked this one-shot and want more Zutara, a badass OC, personal growth for Aang and the Gaang being amazing check out Yin and Yang! 
Click on my profile and leave a comment.
I hope you liked this little One-Shot!
Let’s now scream together in the comment section how Katara deserved better and if it’s not canon we will give it to her in fanon! :D
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dakotaawolven · 4 months
I don't care what everyone says, I actually really enjoy the live action Netflix ATLA, and the cast was honestly perfect! So of course I had to make what ship wallpapers I could with the cast we have so far!
Yes, three of them involve Sokka but I love him sm lmao and of course, Zutara forever 💚💚
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geegers22 · 6 months
I did not think Fortnite zutara affirmations would be on my 2024 bingo card but here we are
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starlight-bread-blog · 3 months
One of the most common protests to Zutara is that Katara hates Zuko and I agree. Really it's such a shame the show was cancelled after The Boiling Rock and Katara didn't get to forgive Zuko...
Or give him a hug...
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Or show her concern for him...
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Or cheer him up when he needs it...
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Or recklessly run to heal him...
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Or thank him in tears...
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They are vicious rivals up until the very last second of the show. As you can see.
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stardust948 · 4 months
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parkiebearr · 2 years
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their ember island outfits🤭🤭
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rifari2037 · 1 month
The reasons why I believe Zutara is secretly canon
Zutara and Avatar Official
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Older Zuko and Katara drawn by the Korean Animation Director of Avatar! Look at their gestures!!
It's not really surprising, though!
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"Warriors only show their back to someone they completely and fully trust," someone said.
Zuko and Katara trust each other enough to do that again and again!
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Katara never wore flower in her hair, then she wore them in Jasmine Dragon, like out of nowhere??
Ah, apparently Avatar studio answered it. Same flower, same colour!
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Are we delusional or are they denial, while ATLA Official Youtube Channel honoured Zutara Week???
Also, it written,"there is an undeniable connection and chemistry between these two elemental opposite that deserves to be recognise and celebrated!"
2. Zutara and The Writers
Joshua Hamilton : I'm Zutara. You know, I'm just originalist. Also Joshua Hamilton : I read the Bible a long time ago and it said they're supposed to get together
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3. Zutara and ATLA Chibi
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Yes, this is the thumbnail!! Also, they are soooo in love in ATLA chibi, like...
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Sooo, Katara, you think Zuko is cute????
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"My heart burns for you!" yeah, literally!!
4. Zutara and Fortnite Bundle
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Fortnite knows who the real canon couple is when released Zutara bundle!!! And...
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Hug! Hug! Let's hug anywhere!!!
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...and love!!!
5. Zutara and The Actors
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Really??? Put them side by side and let them pose like this??? Really??
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Red and blue dresses? Sun and moon earrings? Don't tell me that isn't Zutara code!!!
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The Question : Does Zuko like Katara in Avatar? Dallas Liu : (Smiling suspiciously) Is not a no, but is not a yes!
Couldn't they have been more clear? They could have said, "Zuko doesn't like Katara because they're enemies!"
I mean they're enemies in Season 1, right?? Right???
Why is the answer so clearly that Aang and Katara just like family relationship, but not for Zuko and Katara? Why???
6. Zutara and NATLA
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Are you kidding me??? This scene is not necessary, at all, but Zutara crumbs is way important, so here we go!!!!
Dang! I'm about to upload another (a lot actually) Zutara crumbs, but I've reached my maximum limit! Too much Zutara in NATLA!
Zutara-Antis : Of course NATLA gives its fans lots of Zutara crumbs, otherwise they wouldn't watch it!
Actually, that's the point. If Zutara is unpopular or secretly canon, why would NATLA bother giving fans so many crumbs? Why not other couples?
If other couples are more popular, shouldn't NATLA be more worried about losing more fans?
7. Zutara and Video Fanmade
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Zuko : (Holding Katara's hand) Katara... Katara : (Healing Zuko's wound) You're not going anywhere...
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And they're stick together!
8. Zutara and Children's Storybook
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Yes, Zutara chemistry and relationship development is so beautiful, it is even written in a children's story book..
Beautiful.. So beautiful..
NB : I got this picture a long time ago, I forgot who owns it. Please, please, if this picture is yours or if anyone knows the source, please let me know!
Come on, guys, give me more proof that Zutara is secretly canon!! I'm sure there's more!!!
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treel0verr · 6 months
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She misses him a lot 💌
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dapperapple · 2 years
me too Zuko, me too
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Zuko when Katara: •/////~
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 1 year
I have said it before, and I will say it a millions times again: the animators were on point with the Southern Raiders episode.
I still want to break more of it down, but from this clip there is a range of emotions that are just chef's kiss perfect! Here is the tweet to follow along: https://twitter.com/zutaramedia/status/1660306841321226241?s=20
But from the scene, we get this beautiful shot:
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We get a shocked Zuko that is shocked to hear the comment from Katara and how angry she still is toward him.
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Next we get a grimacing Zuko. Wondering why she still is angry at him since everyone has shown the trust and accept him as part of the team. Especially after he saved her and from how she saved him. And also still feeling bad that she is still mad.
And Katara looks off, not really as angry as before - but definitely like she is trying to hold back from crying again. Could be the angle and the lighting but there is some emotions on her face too.
Bonus, Suki looking worried for Zuko and Katara between this scene and looked between them like there was some tension was clearly sensed. Definitely curious as to what caused them to have this dynamic
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Next we get a determined Zuko to finally figure out why Katara is mad at him. Definitely reads like "I can't stand her being mad at me. I need to know why so I can make it up to her as she deserves it."
Also, Sokka's face is hilarious!
And finally:
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He might look mad, but I would say more determined to understand why she is mad at him at him and understands that he has to talk to her face to face; following her when no one else was getting up or offering. Clearly breaking the mold as no one else ever seemed to follow her when she needed to be alone when mad and not looking into it more. But not our totally crushing on the powerful water bending girl fire boy. He can tell there is more.
And sadly I could not get a picture, but after this, you can so see him walking a distance behind her but clearly making sure to give Katara her space to storm off.
The range of emotions this boy shows all while trying to make things right for Katara and definitely realizing he needs to know directly from her as to why she is so hostile, just amazing! And even the small moment of Katara looking ready to cry before turning and leaving to add more emotions as well! The animators did not waste a moment as they certainly crammed in so much! I love it!
So wish we got the two parter for Southern Raiders. Would have loved to have seen how they would have added more.
Still going to break the whole thing down another day. But for now, hope you all enjoy!
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