icy-bluez · 7 months
Strongest You've Ever Been (Part 2)
Warnings: Female lead, pet names, lots of fluff, bit of angst, mentions of blood and gore.
Characters: Zayne
Synopsis: You go to war, whilst pregnant.
A/N: Domestic moments with Zayne are killing me. I don't know if I should be writing a version for Xavier and Rafayel too. Btw, I need to know if I should include the other boys in the these fics or not.
| Part 1 |
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The morning sickness was back. Well, it wasn't really morning sickness because you were nauseous almost all of the time and struggled to eat much. Zayne held your hair back as you threw up in the bathroom, rubbing circles on your back and soothing you before bringing you back to bed.
He had gotten incredibly protective over you all of a sudden, not like he wasn't before. You currently had a pillow supporting your back, his arms wrapped around your legs and his head on your lap. He refused to let go.
You looked over his shirtless back as you ran your fingers through his hair. He seemed to ease as time passed by.
"Zayne, are you alright?"
"I should be the one asking you that question..." He looks up from your lap, vulnerability evident in his features. He sighs. You smile at him and keep stroking his soft hair.
"Is something bothering you?"
He finally relents. "I'm...quite anxious..." he starts. You encourage him to go on.
"I'm so elated about the fact that I'm going to be a father but thinking about you throwing yourself in the face of danger has me worried for the safety of both of you." He softly touches your stomach.
"I'm going to make sure I'm alright Zayne, for you, for me and the growing life in me." you pause with a sad smile. "And my squad is almost as protective as you. When we tell them of my pregnancy, I'm pretty sure they're going to watch over me like hawks."
"Still does not reassure me." He mumbles.
"Oh Zayne..." You kiss his hair.
The time to get back to the frontlines had arrived. Zayne had successfully gotten hold of the permission to temporarily serve at the military facility in the current warzone. The both of you arrive at the barracks together, Zayne held your hand the entire way. The Z01 squad immediately welcomed you back, which was running at you so fast they almost toppled over each other, you included. But Zayne came in for the clutch, immediately whisking you away in his arms as Tyler and Eugene fell on top of each other.
"Hey! Mr. Husband! That is cheating!" Tyler complains.
"Yeah, why'd you just whisk her away?" says Eugene.
Zayne just sighs like an exasperated father, arm still around your waist.
You laugh. "We have something to announce."
"That Mr. Zayne's serving as a military doctor temporarily? We all knew that would happen." Jennie whispers.
"I can hear you, you know?" You say pointedly.
The squad quietens down.
"Okay, I'm pregnant. I will continue to serve my position as General, I have run it over with Captain Jenna and the other HQ officials. My Evol will still be used in order to protect you, be rest assured about it. There will be slight changes in the scheduling for troops directly under me--"
"Wait wait wait slow down!" another squad member exclaims.
"Yes? Any questions Ms. Davidson? You stop.
"You've just going to speed run over the fact that you're pregnant and expect us to go 'oh yeah makes sense'?!" Jennie throws her hands up.
You look around, confused. Zayne just stood slightly enamored by the authority in your voice.
"I don't understand..." you start.
"Well! We're going into war, you're pregnant, you're also the General, you have a heart disease and I'm pretty sure the entirety of the squad is concerned. But. WHO CARES WE NEED TO CELEBRATE." Eugene proposes loudly.
"You deal with a very energetic bunch." Zayne says, a small smile on his face.
"I know...but we have to get started on the plans and drafts--" you start saying but Zayne just moves away and pushes you towards them.
"Have fun."
"What no! Don't go! You're coming with me!" You grab his hand then look expectantly at your squad. Never having seen you so vulnerable before, they just cheer and half-carry, half-drag the both of you to the mess hall.
The morning after, a stillness had settled in the military settlement. You hadn't seen Zayne since the morning as he had gotten busy with tending to the wounded. The Metaflux ratings had spiked. Squadrons went into the containment zone under your lead and you waited until the worm hole appeared again. This time, you were more prepared but also scared. You ordered your soldiers into formation and almost in queue, the Wanderers appear. You could see many of the hunters stood closer to you, poised and ready. With a surge of gratefulness in your heart. You charged into battle.
You took down enemies with a grace that had your squad feeling proud of having you as their Captain. The Wanderers did not mindlessly attack this time, they stood in a formation, led by orders. You didn't like the behavior. Aiming at another wanderer, you shot before it impaled a soldier. You were scared about overexerting yourself so you stood at a distance, using ranged weapons only.
Before a wave of nausea hit you and you dropped to your knees on the ground. Tyler shouts your name from the side whilst fighting a wanderer.
"Captain! Are you aright?"
You take a deep breath, look up and shoot at your target, still on your knees. You shout back at him.
"I'm your General on the battlefield."
You hear Tyler grunt but still spare a look to smile at you. You sign 'don't get distracted' at him and once again do your graceful dance.
You squat down behind a destroyed house, gun to your chest and listening for the threat. A wanderer roams slowly looking for you. Eugene, Tyler and a senior member of the squad named Amir are all close.
"Target at 2'o clock. Get ready." you whisper.
"General, are you sure you're going to be okay?" Amir asks.
"I can fight Mr. Zhafran. Be rest assured. If I do drop, I'm counting on the lot of you."
"You're scaring me Gen.." Tyler says, looking like he was about to cry. You sigh.
"You can hug me later, just focus on the target at hand right now."
"...Roger." Tyler says, his voice breaking as he sniffs.
Zayne can feel anxiety creeping up on him. While his face betrays no emotion, his steady hands show no sign of shaking, his mind wanders.
'What if you come back hurt?'
'What if you're too tired to come back?'
'What if--'
So many 'what ifs' eat at him. Unable to take it anymore, he walks out of the infirmary and looks into the containment zone. He can see silhouettes of people, bright flashes of Evol and can hear lots of screaming. The ground is bloodstained, some mutilated bodies lie close. The stench of sweat, blood and rotten flesh wafts in the air. He immediately regrets coming outside as his fears become more deep-rooted. The sight was nothing he wasn't used to but thinking about you in this same situation...
He is brought out of his spiraling thoughts by his phone vibrating in his pocket. Its Dr. William.
"Yes, what is it Dr. William?"
"Just called to check up on you. Are you busy?"
"Not currently and I'm fine. Is there anything important you wish to talk about?" he asks.
"Let me ramble, nothing important. You know, you could have at least thanked me for helping you get that permit. You just rushed out of the hospital like you were being chased."
"Thank you." Zayne says, deadpan. There's silence on the other side.
"I can almost see you rubbing your nose bridge in anxiety in my mind's eye." William says, his voice gentler now. Zayne sighs.
"Your wife is one of the strongest women I know. Going into war while pregnant. She's going to get one of those fancy military awards for sure when she comes back. Have you seen her fight?" William says with an excitement in his voice.
Zayne smiles to himself. "I have yes. I was frankly impressed by her skills."
"Yeah you see? Everything is going to be just fine." William reassures, ever the cheerful guy.
"I'll have to take your word for it."
An announcement goes off.
"The squad on the Eastern battlefield has been wiped out. All military trained medical personnel are requested to come to the safe camp in the containment zone immediately. There has been a flux of wounded and casualties in the eastern squad. I repeat--"
Zayne feels his heart drop.
"Oh no, I'll call you later. Go!" William hangs up.
Zayne almost drops his phone while bolting. Rushing to meet the other doctors, Zayne follows them into the containment zone. When he reaches the eastern battlefield, he immediately gives out orders to start with their healing. He can see the immense massacre and subconsciously looks for your face. It wasn't long before he saw your face, his only reprieve was you weren't wounded.
"Zayne!' you say, while fending off a wanderer. You shoot it between the eyes, pull out a dagger from inside your boot and chop another's neck off. A third arrives, you drop to the ground and use your feet to kick up into the wanderer's face. You then use your Evol to jump high into the air and drop kick the wanderer, your Evol enhanced strength effectively buries the wanderer neck deep into the ground. Zayne watches, awestruck before hurriedly resuming his duty. Troops appear around the doctors, protecting them as they help wounded hunters. Zayne reassures himself that you're going to be alright and continues with diligence.
"Standby team, get into formation and come to set co-ordinates immediately." You order.
"Get the stretcher ready. We need the defibrillator, carry patient into the camp immediately. Make sure to sterilize the surroundings." Zayne instructs.
Together the both of you help bring a moment of peace to the battlefield. Its almost the end for this day.
There's a quietness that you cannot bear after the immense amount of screaming. Nobody talks. A lone wanderer appears from the very edge of the battlefield. Everybody gets ready. You are starting to feel extremely exhausted and can barely keep your eyes open. Losing balance, you steady yourself on a nearby hunter.
"General..." they say, holding you steady.
"This is the last one remaining?" you ask, feeling sick to your bones.
"Yes ma'am. You should sit down for a while, we will be able to take care of it."
You put your hand on your stomach. No matter how much you want to step onto the battlefield with your soldiers, you did not want to make Zayne more worried about you than he already was.
You had collapsed. Zayne immediately came into the infirmary after his latest patient was stable. He would only be able to stay for 15 minutes max but he wanted to utilize whatever little time he had with you. Sitting down on a chair beside the bed, he grasps your hand in his.
"Are you going to do this to yourself for the next month or so?" he whispers, bringing your hand to his lips and closing his eyes. You stir.
"Mm...Zayne..." you say in your sleep. He clutches your hand tighter.
"I'm right here." he whispers, not knowing if you were awake or simply calling his name out in your sleep. You did that a lot and he found it incredibly endearing.
"Zayne.." you say again and open your eyes, finding yourself eye to eye with a very blurry image of him. "Why are you still awake...go to sleep..."
Zayne smiles sadly, listening to your half-asleep rambling.
"Its not time to sleep yet, love. Though for you it is. I recall you saying you would not over-exert yourself..."
"I tried..." you say, weakly pulling his arm, wanting him to get into bed with you.
"I still have some work to do Y/N..." he scolds, yet gets under the sheet, throwing one hand under your head and the another over your waist. His presence like a warm blanket, making you feel safe and loved. You feel his fingers stroke your hair and detangle the knots in them. You bury your face in the crook of his neck.
"How are you feeling?"
"Okay now.."
"Be honest y/n." he scolds gently.
"Mm...nauseous and tired. My boobs hurt but they look bigger teehee." You look into his eyes. The both of you look dead tired.
"That is normal during pregnancy. Please tell me if there's something out of the ordinary. If there's blood--"
"Stop, I'm scared enough already."
Zayne almost instantly shuts up. You look up slightly guilty but he just kisses your forehead.
"My apologies."
"You don't have to apologize you big oaf."
"Oaf? Me?" he looks amused.
"Big Snowman?"
"How about Dr. Zayne? Doesn't that fit?"
"Big Snowman." you declare. You feel his chest vibrate as he laughs.
"You were amazing today." he muses.
"Oh yeah, you saw me."
"If you fight like that everyday, I cannot help but be concerned."
"The eastern squad was wiped out Zayne...I...got angry..." sadness clouds your voice. "We're going to hold a memorial for the deceased soldiers tomorrow. There were some we couldn't even get the bodies of." you pause, continuing in a whisper, "I don't know how I'm going to face their families..."
"Y/N..." You fall into silence.
"There were times when patients had died by my hands when I had spent and immense about of time, put an incredible amount of effort into saving them. If they still didn't make it, I would feel devastated and you would come comfort me." he says.
"But this is the thing, you tried your very best and that is what matters. You cannot spread yourself too thin, cannot protect everybody. That is reality, maybe with time the grief will lessen."
"Does grief really go away with time?" you ask, letting yourself be taken care of, be scolded, be comforted. You were human after all, you couldn't be strong all the time and you had an amazing person to be vulnerable with. So why not?
"No, but people can simply get used to being in sorrow."
Somebody opens the door, making Zayne look up from your embrace. Tara, your friend looks into the room, gives Zayne and apologetic look. "Just a little announcement, Dr. Zayne you can stay here if you want. The patients in the ward have been taken care of, many of them are stable now. Please rest, and you too Y/N, don't forget that I'm mad at you." she says sadly before leaving.
"Stay with me?" you ask Zayne.
"I would never say no to your requests love."
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projecthypocrisy · 2 months
Snipet from an upcoming chapter in The Shinra Therapist (nothing edited yet):
The clacking of a keyboard could be heard throughout the dead silence of the mansion. She thought the sounds emanating from the Mako capsules would make a hum, but she heard nothing. She felt in her element. This was where she belonged now. “Have the report done by Thursday. We move forward from there.” A cackle followed in the receiver. He knew he had her pinned, he knew he had one more research assistant under his thumb. But this was where she belonged, she tried to reassure herself – Kathelyn would be proud.
Status of subjects Z01 and C02
She sighed. They found out their names through dental records kept by Shinra and used it as a code. How morose and yet so humanizing. For a greater purpose; for once she vaguely felt, knew it was there, but continuously struggled to achieve. The men in the pods would provide greater knowledge of the S-cells Hojo collected over time and she would bear witness to its greatness.
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roboyfriend · 2 years
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[ user_descriptor ] >> [ oberon / it / 199X ] >> [ plastic model addict + plant parent 🌿 ]
[ blog_descriptor ] >> it loves robots. especially z01-z lancelot 💙 + ‘old’ tech. nature. video games. posts are mostly queued.”
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✅ tag filter requests ok
🎮 warframe/steam/discord upon request (no anons)
❌ fash/terf/map and other losers fuck off
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aksmob · 7 days
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Clareador de Manchas: Top 6 Melhores Clareadores de Pele
Kit Anti-Melasma + Antissinais Hyalo Zaniah Z08 Dermocosméticos®️ O Kit Anti-Melasma + Antissinais Hyalo Zaniah Z08 contém o Sérum Clareador de manchas Mandel Z01 (ácido mandélico 8% + alpha arbutin 0,9% e o ácido kójico a 3% ), 3 ativos altamente clareadora de manchas escuras faciais destinado ao uso noturno e o Sérum Antissinais Rejuvenescedor Hyalo Lacto Z02 Zaniah 30 ml que contém em sua…
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ogeneralac · 28 days
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postsofbabel · 2 months
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0 notes
smb1610t-sbs7527c · 3 months
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Hong Kong Bus Doodles :)
First series of foreign bus drawings
AED01 ZC6526 on KMB112
Z01 ZF2271 on MTR
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wafaecosystem · 4 months
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biobased bioplastic corn starch raw material for making cutlery(WF-Z01)
Eco-friendly Cornstarch Plant Based Biodegradable Material for Injection Moulding
Main features:
1)Additive environmental-friendly base material with biomass content above 50% 2)It can be injected directly,or mixed with various PP in any proportion according to customer needs. 3)Good processing performance and excellent performance of the finished product.
Main application: 1) Injection molding 2) Disposable tableware: knives, forks, spoons, stirring rods, etc. 3) Cultural and sports office equipment:toys,pens,golf tee,etc.
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zettexvn · 5 months
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icy-bluez · 7 months
Strongest You've Ever Been
Characters: Zayne
Warnings(?): Themes of pregnancy, you're a fricking warrior and you're mad strong, slight angst, lots of fluff in the beginning.
Synopsis: You're about to go to war, whilst pregnant.
A/N: Part 2 is out fellas.
| Part 2 |
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Last night, you were in bed with Zayne, tangled and sweaty. Both of you touching and kissing each other with a passion. No clothes, no barriers, no shame. The night was blissful and loud.
In the morning, the both of you bid each other reluctant goodbyes and went to work.
It had been about 3 years since you and Zayne had been married. With him, Azure's Echo day would be celebrated with the both of you tangled in bed in the morning and laughing around in arcades at night. Christmas, enveloped in his coats and trying extremely spicy food in restaurants. Halloween, with you experimenting with costumes on a very reluctant Zayne.
Zayne didn't smile often, so the first time you had gotten him to laugh, you had felt so proud about it you never stopped bragging. Now a picture of both of you smiling, showing teeth stood in the living room. You admired the picture everyday before going to work. Zayne had a bright green glow in his eyes and slight crinkles around it. Sharp, canines that looked ever so cute with his smile. He had his arm around you, your head on his shoulder and his on top of yours. You were the only one he was childish with, the only one who saw his lopsided, playful smile every morning in bed.
14 years prior.
Wanderers had appeared on Earth. This year, they swarmed in.
You and Zayne had suddenly gotten extremely busy. Akso hospital brimming with injured civilians and hunters alike. Zayne worked himself to the bone.
You, being the captain of the Z01 squad were immediately summoned to the Headquarters. 15 hunters were dead, 2 of whom belonged to the squad you loved like family. The Metaflux stabilizers had been utterly destroyed and a worm hole enabled hundreds of Wanderers to swarm somewhere farther from Bloomshore District. The area was quite desolate but the remaining residents were quickly evacuated.
A containment zone was put up with hologram technology which was slowly being broken down by repeated attacks from the mindless Wanderers. Citizens in the periphery of a couple miles were asked to evacuate. The most elite squads, including yours, were immediately dispatched into the containment zone with ample precautions. Your squad led the others and you in turn were the General in this war. You were determined to protect the city with your life and so was your army of hunters. Your resolve never faltered, determination ever burning.
"Eugene, right flank, Jennie left. Shoot wanderers on sight, do not hesitate." You say while speed walking through the formation of your soldiers on either side. Form straight, eyes bright and focused. A tight full black suit with armour on your body and two guns slinging in your hands. Your presence was revered and respected in the battlefield.
"Yes ma'am."
"Keep weapons ready, get backup ammunition at hand. Y2 squad defend East, Y1 West, Q20 at standby. Technical team, check communication connectivity again. Make sure there are no errors."
"Roger that." The static of their voice on the other side works itself into your earpiece.
The sky turns purple and blue in an instant. A bright glow of a forming and expanding worm hole emanates from the sky. The soldiers tense, the wanderers emerge. You wait with bated breath at the very front of the army and say one word.
After more than a week.
The first wave of wanderers had almost been completely wiped out. Your soldiers congratulated each other exhausted and wounded but still trying to keep team morale high. Zayne had not been able to come to the camp yet because of an immense amount of workload. Doctors milled about and you kept searching for familiar hazel eyes until two bright brown ones occupied your gaze.
"Hello I'm Rachel. I'm going to have to ask you to come with me to treat your wounds. Can you walk?"
You were too tired to talk so you shook your head instead, being honest. A wanderer had deeply wounded your leg and a tightly wound rag around your shoulders kept another's bleeding at bay.
You were helped into the infirmary.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel like I'm in pain." You reply. Your sadness from seeing your squad in pain had morphed into anger, barely hiding the unusual whirlwind of emotions in you. After a quiet moment you oblige. "I also feel weirdly sick..."
Rachel asks you a myriad of questions after that, some a bit too personal. She also takes your blood for a blood test and cleans and bandages your wounds thoroughly. Exhausted, you fall asleep.
You wake up to news you did not expect.
Rachel declares you are 1 week pregnant. You had been pregnant the entire time you were on the battlefield. Now the Metaflux ratings were slightly more stable. HQ had ordered part of the hunters to be on standby and part of them to go back to Linkoln city. The hunters would be summoned again when Metaflux ratings started going haywire.
"Cap'n you're a bit distracted..." Tyler says. Your squad of 9, earlier 11 had insisted on walking you home after noticing that you had not been feeling well. 'Captain's super strong, it's unusual to see her sick. We must protecc.' was their argument. Now you walked back home like the mama duck of 8 ducklings.
"I'm fine Tyler. Shouldn't you have been in the hospital?"
"My wounds aren't that bad Cap'n." He says bumping his chest.
"Yeah like you weren't the one screaming like a baby when your leg fractured." Eugene says.
"Oh yah, i have it recorded." Jennie cuts into the banter.
"What!? No! Give me your phone!"
"My god you lot have an immense amount of energy--" you stop mid sentence when you lock eyes with Zayne who was hurriedly walking down the stairs, still with his doctor's coat on.
"Y/N." He says, almost out of breath and envelops you in his arms, ignoring the crowd around him. Jennie squeals for a moment then her and some other responsible squad members drag the rest of the squad away to give you guys privacy.
"Are you injured? Why didn't you see me before you left?" Zayne says, gaze sharp and almost angry. He looks into your eyes like they were saying 'do you have any idea how worried i was?'
"There wasn't a chance Zayne. We were given immediate summons and you were super busy." You cup his cheek in your palm and give him a sad smile.
He tilts his face and buries it in your palm, frown still evident on his brows.
"Are you on your way to work?" You ask.
"No, I just got off. The hospital recieved the announcement that some squads we're coming back. Yours was on the list so I just...ahem, came to check."
"Walked out of work."
"I would not frame it that way. William's covering...actually, nevermind."
You burst out laughing, taking his hand and walking to your house.
"That's the first time you have done that, you workaholic! And for me! I'm honoured but also concerned." You try to flick his nose but he catches your wrist and places a kiss above the bandaged area.
You could almost feel Zayne reassuring himself that you're fine. The moonlight shone into his sad and tired eyes making guilt flare through you as you thought of the news you were going to give to him.
"Zayne..." You say sadly, sitting on the edge of the bed as he returns into the bedroom with a cup of hot chocolate that you started craving.
He frowns. Setting the cup on the bedside table he kneels down in front of you and holds both your hands in his.
"What's wrong love?" He asks, concern etched in his features. You have no idea where the emotions are coming from but tears well up in your eyes as you look at him, then glance away.
"Y/N?" He asks, cupping your cheek with one hand and running his thumb over your other hand.
"We need to talk...about something..." You continue, willing yourself past the voice crack.
"I'm here love, talk to me..."
"You know I have to...go back to the frontlines the week after this right?" You continue, he nods, examining your face.
"I know and I really do not think I feel good about letting you go. But...I cannot stop them because of the emergency situation." He grits his teeth. You knew how much Zayne wanted to protect you and you knew that he would keep you safe in his arms if you wanted.
"There's also..." You hesitate, fearing what his reaction might be. Zayne had always supported you and had been open to having kids. He was an amazing husband and you knew he would also be an amazing father. He waits.
"I'm pregnant." You say as tears roll down your cheeks. When you look him in the eyes, they are wide. Surprise and horror clouds them.
You take a deep breath. "I have to go back to the frontlines next to next week."
"No. Y/N...what..." He says. You could not bear the look in his eyes. The realisation that the risk factor for you had increased ten-fold. Heart disease and pregnancy whilst being the General in the frontlines.
"I should be happy but Y/N it's too risky...there's chances of a premature delivery and fetal growth restriction given your heart condition. Being in the front lines, fighting and getting wounded during pregnancy is even worse. I support you, love but I do not want to see you hurt...or worse."
You pull Zayne into the sheets with you and just lie down, letting the words sink in, hiding your face.
"Y/N look at me please..."
"Hunters are allowed to continue working till delivery...hours are restricted to 40 per week--"
"Y/N..." You put your arms around his neck and just hug him. He returns it and kisses the top of your head.
"Zayne, I know it's risky and I know you're going to be worried sick but I can't step down now. There's too many lives dependant on me, my orders, my Evol. Without its protection, they won't be able to stand anywhere close to the wormhole."
Zayne sighs and then breathes your scent in. He detangles himself from your hug and places his forehead against yours.
"On one condition."
You move away and give him a questioning look.
"Please just, for my peace of mind, let me be posted at the military facility."
"How are you going to get permission?" You ask as Zayne wipes away your tears.
"I have qualifications from going into previous battlefields. You know about it...and also I used to be your primary care physician before we got married..." Zayne says and trails off.
You bury your face into his chest and mutter a tiny "okay".
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maker-d-hh · 10 months
【日本製 寝具の逸品】エアウィーヴ スマート Z01 折りたたみマットレス 体圧分散 厚さ9㎝
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apkdrv · 10 months
ZArchiver Apk İndir
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zarchiver apk indir, zarchiver apk ZArchiver - bir arşiv yönetimi applicationıdır (arşivlerdeki uygulama yedeklerinin yönetimi dahil). Uygulamanın yedeğini yönetebilirsiniz. Basit ve işlevsel bir arayüze sahiptir. Uygulamanın internete erişim izni yoktur, bu nedenle diğer hizmetlere veya kişilere herhangi bir bilgi iletemez. ZArchiver size şunları sağlar: - Aşağıdaki arşiv türlerini oluşturun: 7z (7zip), zip, bzip2 (bz2), gzip (gz), XZ, lz4, tar, zst (zstd); - Aşağıdaki arşiv türlerinin sıokıştırmasını açın: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, lzip, zst (zstd), yumurta, alz; - Arşiv içeriğini görüntüleyin: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (yağ, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, lzip, zst (zstd), yumurta, alz; - Parola korumalı arşivler oluşturun ve açın; - Arşivleri düzenleyin: arşive dosya ekleyin/kaldırın (zip, 7zip, tar, apk, mtz); - Çadequate parçalı arşivler oluşturun ve açın: 7z, rar (yalnızca sıokıştırmayı açın); - Yedeklemeden (arşivden) APK ve OBB dosyasını yükleyin; - okısmi arşiv açma; - Sıokıştırılmış dosyaları açın; - Posta uygulamalarından bir arşiv dosyası açın; - Bölünmüş arşivleri çıkarın: 7z, zip ve rar (7z.001, zip.001, part1.Rar, z01); Belirli özellikler: - oküçüok dosyalar ( Read the full article
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altabattery00 · 1 year
Batteria AS07A31 per ACER Aspire 2930 4230 4310 4330 4720 5236 5335 5542
Cerchi una batteria per il tuoACER Aspire 2930 4230 4310 4330 4720 5236 5335 5542 (AS07A31)? Batteria per computer portatile acer AS07A31. Offriamo una batteria sostitutiva di alta qualità per il tuo AS07A31 e acquisti la nostra batteria per PC portatile ad un prezzo ragionevole.
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Specifiche di Prodotto:
Tecnologia :Li-ion
Marca :acer
Voltaggio :11.1V
Capacità minima :4400mAh
Dimensione: 8.19" x 2.14" x 0.78"
Sostituisce i seguenti prodotti:
Compatibile con i seguenti apparecchi :
Acer Aspire 4220, 4310, 4310G, 4315, 4320, 4520, 4520G, 4710, 4710G, 4710Z, 4715, 4715Z, 4720, 4720G, 4720Z, 4920, 4920G ACER Aspire 2930 Series Aspire 2930, Aspire 2930-582G25Mn, Aspire 2930-593G25Mn, Aspire 2930-733G25Mn, Aspire 2930-734G32Mn, Aspire 2930-844G32Mn, Aspire 2930G, Aspire 2930Z, Aspire 2930Z-322G25Mn, Aspire 2930Z-343G16Mn Acer Aspire 4230 Series Acer Aspire 4235 Acer Aspire 4310 Series Aspire 4315, Aspire 4315-2904 Acer Aspire 4330 Series Acer Aspire 4336 Acer Aspire 4520 Series Aspire 4520, Aspire 4520-5141, Aspire 4520G Acer Aspire 4530 Series Aspire 4530, Aspire 4530-5267, Aspire 4530-5350, Aspire 4530-5627, Aspire 4530-5889, Aspire 4530-6823 Acer Aspire 4710 Series Aspire 4710, Aspire 4710G, Aspire 4710Z, Aspire 4715Z, Aspire 4715Z-3A0512C Acer Aspire 4720 Series Aspire 4720, Aspire 4720G, Aspire 4720Z, Aspire 4720ZG Acer Aspire 4730 Series Aspire 4730, Aspire 4730-4516, Aspire 4730-4947, Aspire 4730Z, Aspire 4730ZG Acer Aspire 4736 Series Aspire 4736G, Aspire 4736Z, Aspire 4736ZG Acer Aspire 4920 Series Aspire 4920, Aspire 4920-1A2G12Mi, Aspire 4920G, Aspire 4920G-302G25Mi, Aspire 4920G-3A2G16Mn Acer Aspire 4930 Series Aspire 4930, Aspire 4930G, Aspire 4935, Aspire 4935G, Aspire 4935G-644G32Mn Acer Aspire 5236 Series Acer Aspire 5536 Aspire 5536G Acer Aspire 5335 Series Acer Aspire 5335 Acer Aspire 5542-1462 AS5542-5547 AS5732Z-4867 AS5740-5847 AS5740-5513 Acer Aspire AS5740-6025 AS5517-1216 AS5740-5144 AS5738DG-6165 Acer Aspire AS5738-6969 AS5738Z-4333 AS5542-5206 AS5534-1121 Acer Aspire 5735 Series Aspire 5735, Aspire 5735Z, Aspire 5735Z-582G16Mn Acer aspire 5738 Series Aspire 5738ZG, Aspire 5738Z, Aspire 5738G Acer aspire 5739 aspire 5739G-6132 E-MACHINEs Emachines D525, D725, G725, E620, E625, E725, E525
Perché scegliere questa batteria per PC portatile?
Realizzata con materiali di prima scelta, tra cui le celle. Questo significa che la batteria, pur essendo una batteria compatibile, è un prodotto di qualità.
Le sue caratteristiche tecniche corrispondono a quelle stabilite dal costruttore
È garantita in caso di difetto
L’eventuale differenza del voltaggio riportato, non compromette le caratteristiche tecniche o la compatibilità della batteria
Se la capacità proposta è superiore a quella della batteria attualmente in uso, significa che i tempi di utilizzo saranno più lungi (Maggior capacità = Maggior autonomia)
In linea con la procedura ISO 9001, effettuiamo dei controlli regolari sull’insieme dei nostri prodotti, comprese le Batteria per notebook
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aksmob · 5 months
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t1003x · 1 year
[鉄道模型]ホビーセンターカトー 【再生産】(Nゲージ) Z01-0684 室内灯拡散板 【【 詳細は → 】】
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