#Yvette Fielding
denimbex1986 · 8 months
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Spent Wednesday evening in the company of Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team. It was rather unsettling, but also quite cool, when, while the team were doing a ouija board, there was constant tapping/walking across the stage, and the spirit was decidedly amusing, spelling out non-existent words.
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Purposely didn't put Ray & Jemima up there because while yes I would never turn down more content focusing on them, I was more curious about Anna & Jemima and Ray & Chris.
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thechanelmuse · 1 year
30 years ago today, ‘Living Single’ premiered on Fox.
I knew the show was originally supposed to be called My Girls. But I never knew there was a whole different theme song 🤔. That explains why they conclude the first episode singing "My Girl." An ode to its original name & song.
So glad they changed it tho to the iconic one w/ Big Lez's choreo that we adore and nixed the Family Matters set.
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calywitsune · 2 years
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Yasper doodle dump
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algolstare · 1 year
so often people make the egregious mistake of treating occult matters like they are not deeply deeply inherently political
i know it is time to take a break when i start falling into the "the average person is evil" lines of thought... need to immerse myself in things that are not deeply evil, in things away from "why the fuck do all these people, who dare call themselves innocent, give ground to or take ideas from neo-nazis in any way shape or form". even though i know that lots of people just genuinely arent aware it still does not make me feel any more patience or goodness towards them, truly, i think if you are negligent of learning you can also get the steel pipe. ignorance is not enough of an excuse at all for harm done. maybe i will just start killing
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cloudy-whales · 1 year
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Development brain rot
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
out on the highway
older!Eddie x reader
this is a mid-2000's little blurb where Eddie is in his late 30's/early 40's and ends up in Oregon for whatever reason. maybe this is even drifter!eddie. there are so many isolated gas stations and mechanic garages where I am, I think about this every time I am on the road.
wc: 770
It was a dark and foggy November night when you pulled over to the first gas station for 50 miles on your long trek to the Pacific Northwest. Only a sliver of a moon in the sky and very few visible stars, most of them obscured by bully clouds. 
The two pumps under a metal awning were well-lit, as were the modest mechanic garage and mini mart connected to it, but the rest of the surrounding land was nothing but agriculture fields with no other sign of human life to be found.  
Perhaps you’d watched too many horror movies and episodes of Forensic Files, but this place gave you the creeps bad enough to make you wonder if it might be better to chance your luck and see how far you could get on fumes.  
You opened your door a crack, enough to stick the toe of your foot out, and a song from the newest Arcade Fire album Funeral blared from your speakers, just before you turned the ignition off.  You were about to get out and pump your own gas, because that was what you were used to—but then there stood a person, mere feet away, and you sank back, ready to slam your door, feeling suddenly threatened.  
The person in question was a man in light blue coveralls, with the added warmth of a leather jacket and black, fingerless gloves.  He had dark, wavy hair, just long enough to tuck behind his ears with two silver hoop piercings in one lobe, and there was some type of tattoo design peeking out of his collar on his throat.  His eyes were dark brown and kind, and you couldn’t help but notice the thin scar that pulled down the skin of one eye and made it droop slightly.
It took you an extra second to realize he had a cat with him.  The orange and brown calico teenager was perched on his shoulder and he steadied it with one hand to keep the feline secure while the tail swished behind.  The hand that held the cat was slashed in white scars, decorated in chunky, silver rings, and the fingernails had chipped black polish on them.  
He stopped abruptly, not wanting to scare you, not when that eastern side of the state had too many similarities to the scene of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  
“Sorry, hi, I’m Eddie,” he opened the palm of his free hand and spread his fingers out in a bit of a Spock greeting to let you know he was safe.  “And this is Yvette,” he added, gesturing to the calico cat that he gently lowered to the ground.  You both watched her sprint off to the garage and through a tiny door that had been cut in the sheet metal.
“Regular or super?” He asked, clicking the pump handle off the port before you could get out and do it yourself.
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind—-” you were about to step down to do it yourself.
But then he chuckled softly, realization dawning.  “You can’t pump your own gas in Oregon,” he let you know in a patient voice, avoiding your eyes.  “I have to do it.  It’s the law," and at that last bit, he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Oh, of course,” you gave a ‘silly me’ laugh and crawled back in behind the wheel to shut the door before rolling the window down.  You gave him 20 bucks, and then you watched him from the side mirror as he stood there making sure you got what you paid for.  He was humming a song; one you couldn't place.  
“So,” you spoke up, sticking your head out of the window.  “How long have you lived here?”
He worked his jaw as he checked the rolling numbers on the gas tank, tucking a hair that escaped to his cheek, still never looking directly at you.  “I’ve been here a while,” he said, vaguely.
You stared at your steering wheel for a bit, until you heard the pump click to let him know your tank was full.  
“Thank you,” you said out the window.  He cleared his throat and said a gentle, “you’re welcome”, as he twirled your gas cap closed and snapped the shield into place.  You watched him head back into the garage, with several cats circling his feet.    
You spent the next several miles on the desolate road wondering about Eddie, why he looked so familiar, and how he’d ended up in such a po-dunk town.  You wondered about him until you were sleepy and had to pull over at a roadside motel to get some rest.  
You weren’t very far from the gas station, and you wondered if he would still be there in the morning. 
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minkufu · 6 months
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Next up in the Evil Queen AU roster~
Name: Vitoria Valentina / ViVi / Furfur Age: 28 Height: 5'7" Affiliation: 2nd rank of the royal guard. Executioner and the Queen's favorite. Flame Type: Storm Weapon(s): Chakrams. Ring Blade/Cyr Wheel. Pointed Stilts. Box Weapon: Colibrì Tempesta Voice Insp: Erin Yvette (Scylla) Sarah Stiles (Spinel) Music Insp: I Am Gonna Claw Love te Wonderland Nui Harime
Extra details below:
Former star of her families traveling circus, Vitoria is an exceptionally skilled acrobat, dancer, and contortionist. She was personally recruited by the Queen and swiftly cut ties with her family, favoring the status and luxury that came with performing for royalty over the modest lifestyle of a small time circus.
Vitoria is the most ambitious and vicious of the guard. She keeps up her lively entertainer persona even when handling the Queen's targets, always happy to make a show out of the carnage. When she is the one chosen for a particular task, it means the Queen wants someone permanently off her playing playing field.
Vitoria is often paired with Murmur in part because his supporting abilities make her job significantly easier, but also because she believes it fitting to have someone that can provide music for her performances on the field. Although Murmur isn't particularly receptive to her style and his usually gloomy melodies clash with her energy.
Her respect and loyalties are exclusive to the Queen. Vitoria idolizes her majesty and goes above and beyond to exceed her expectations whenever possible. However her egocentric and confrontational nature often put her at the center of conflict amongst the other guards, especially with her superior Delilah, who stands at rank 1 and works alongside the Queen as her personal bodyguard and maid.
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yvetteheiser · 4 months
Yvette Heiser Texas - Mastering the Art of Maternity Photography
Maternity photography is a celebration of life—a visual symphony that harmonizes the beauty of pregnancy with the anticipation of new beginnings. Yvette Heiser, a seasoned photographer based in the heart of Texas, has perfected the art of capturing this unique chapter in a woman’s life. With her lens, she weaves stories of love, vulnerability, and the miracle of creation.
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The Essence of Maternity Photography
Maternity photography isn’t just about documenting a growing belly; it’s about celebrating the transformation of a woman into a mother. Yvette believes that every expectant mother radiates a special glow—an ethereal light that transcends the physical changes. Her goal is to capture this luminosity—the quiet strength, the joy, and the connection between mother and child. Yvette Heiser Texas - Tips for Maternity Photography
1. Location Matters
Yvette’s Texas roots influence her choice of locations. She seeks out rustic barns, sun-kissed fields, and wildflower meadows. These settings provide a canvas for the maternal glow to shine. Whether it’s the golden hues of a Texan sunset or the rugged charm of a weathered fence, Yvette ensures that the backdrop complements the expectant mother’s aura.
2. Wardrobe Selection
Expectant mothers often worry about what to wear during their maternity shoot. Yvette’s advice? Keep it simple and timeless. Flowing dresses, fitted tops, and delicate fabrics work wonders. Earthy tones and pastels harmonize beautifully with the natural surroundings. Yvette encourages her clients to embrace their changing bodies—the curves, the stretch marks—as part of their unique story.
3. Posing with Purpose
Yvette’s mastery lies in her ability to guide her subjects into authentic poses. She captures the gentle curve of a belly, the protective hand cradling it, and the soft gaze of an expectant mother. Yvette avoids overly posed shots; instead, she encourages movement—a twirl, a laugh, a whispered secret. These candid moments reveal the raw emotions that make maternity photography timeless.
4. Partners and Siblings
In Yvette’s sessions, partners and older siblings play a crucial role. Their interactions with the expectant mother create a narrative of family bonds. Yvette captures the tenderness—the way a partner’s hand rests on the belly, or how a sibling leans in for a kiss. These connections are the heartbeats of the story, and Yvette ensures they are woven seamlessly into the frames.
5. Lighting Magic
Texas sunlight is Yvette’s secret ingredient. She schedules her shoots during the golden hour—the time when the sun bathes everything in warm, flattering light. Backlit shots create a halo effect around the expectant mother, emphasizing her silhouette. Yvette also experiments with shadows, creating depth and drama. The result? Portraits that evoke emotion and leave a lasting impression.
6. Embracing Vulnerability
Pregnancy is a vulnerable time, both physically and emotionally. Yvette encourages her clients to embrace this vulnerability. Yvette Heiser - Top Wedding Photography Tips She captures the quiet moments—the hands cradling the belly, the eyes gazing into the future. These images become heirlooms, cherished by generations. Yvette’s lens transforms vulnerability into strength, celebrating the resilience of expectant mothers.
7. Beyond the Bump
Yvette’s work doesn’t end with the maternity session. She often continues the journey, documenting newborns, first smiles, and growing families. Her clients become part of her extended family, and she rejoices in their milestones. Yvette’s legacy lies not only in her photographs but in the connections, she nurtures—the bonds that transcend time and distance.
Yvette Heiser’s Texas-inspired maternity photography is more than capturing moments; it’s about weaving a tapestry of love, hope, and anticipation. Through her lens, she immortalizes the quiet magic of motherhood—one frame at a time.
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elliemarchetti · 6 months
Forget about proof reading to enjoy this entry for @jilymicrofics’ prompt 26
Prompt: Revolted
Words: 540
The whole England had been living in terror for months. There was a serial killer on the loose, and as sad and inconvenient as it was, the police had no lead to follow to catch him. He left no fingerprints, the targets had no connections to each other, the modus operandi always changed and even the victimology was inconsistent.
The first were the Bones, a normal family, made up of the paternal grandparents, a couple around James’s age, and their children, Yvette and the newborn Victor. The killer had broken into their house at night and suffocated them in their beds. They were found by the neighbours, who had gone to warn them that some imbecile had nailed a dead snake to their door.
Angus McKinnon had been attacked just a week after, while he was working in his field. He was stabbed so many times and in so many places the coroner struggled to pinpoint the actual cause of death. The detectives had linked the murders thanks to the dead snakes left on both scenes, a real signature, the likes of which they had never seen in person, only in textbooks and simulations. Not that the information had helped them prevent the Wingers’ murder.
Nicholas and Susan had been caught by surprise during a picnic, killed with two precise gunshots no one could hear, so far from civilization, aside from their six-years-old son. Talbott, who had found them and had to explain what happened with the limited language and understanding he had of the situation, had been saved only by his insatiable curiosity, which had pushed him to enter the thicket while his parents arranged the food.
Out of habit, the youngest member of the unit started to scribble the names of the deceased in death order in his notebook. He believed it was important, when carrying out a job like his, not to forget that the victims weren’t just files but real people, and even more important was not to forget anyone when the number of bodies in the obituary began to grow. So he choose a new page, and in his ramshackle handwriting, he listed first and last names what would soon only be on documents and tombstones. Larry Bones, Iris Bones, Linda Bones, Yvette… A wave of panic washed over him as he added the last letters. The initials of all the names, written in the specific order only a few knew he used, spelled out his wife’s maiden name.
He barely realized he had jumped up from his chair and rushed towards the telephone that lay unused in a corner submerged of papers on his desk. He dialled his home number, and it rang once, then twice, the sound cheerfully mocking him. It could only be a coincidence, nothing worthy of running to his car to make sure his beloved was okay, but the sensation in the pit of his stomach told another story.
“Lily…” he began, before she could even say hello, when she picked up, but it was a male voice that interrupted him, making him nauseous, revolted at the thought of what could have happened.
“Too late,” were the assassin’s only words, and Jamed could’ve sworn he’d heard that voice somewhere before.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi!! big fan of your blog. you really changed my succession viewing experience and i can't wait to rewatch after reading the recs you've put up!
that being said, i read megan garber's piece in the atlantic about the animal imagery/darwinian implications in the show and really loved it (as a biologist with an interest in sociology lol). do you have any specific reading material relating to the topics in that piece? i'd just love to read more but not super sure what i'm even asking/looking for, so feel free to ignore!
hi! so, there's quite a large body of literature in history of biology that deals with the politics of evolutionary theory, including darwinism. you can read these in any order, though i would recommend starting with bob young's 'malthus and the evolutionists: the common context of biological and social theory' if you haven't already encountered it. this was a signal essay in historically grounding the argument that darwinian evolutionary theory read victorian industrial capitalism and malthusian population anxiety into the natural world, which was why it appealed to victorian men of science in a way that previous theories of evolution (sometimes referred to as species transformation or transmutationism, or transformisme / transformismo in france / italy) hadn't. bob was a marxist historian at a time when history of biology had been largely written by working scientists and naive positivists, and his methodological influence continues to be felt in the field today. anyway, these are only starting points and are centred on france and britain, and also i excluded p*ter b*wler because i hate his ass:
the politics of evolution: morphology, medicine, and reform in radical london, by adrian desmond
utopia's garden: french natural history from old regime to revolution, by emma spary
the age of lamarck: evolutionary theories in france, 1790–1830, by pietro corsi
l'introduction du darwinisme en france au xixe siècle, by yvette conry (<- i can't remember whether this was translated into english, sorry)
faces of degeneration: a european disorder, 1848–1918, by daniel pick
darwin: the life of a tormented evolutionist, by adrian desmond and james moore
the cuvier-geoffroy debate: french biology in the decades before darwin, by toby appel
evolution before darwin: theories of the transmutation of species in edinburgh, 1804–1834, by bill jenkins
the spirit of system: lamarck and evolutionary biology, by richard burkhardt
the meaning of evolution: the morphological construction and ideological reconstruction of darwin's theory, by robert j richards
the great nation in decline: sex, modernity, and health crises in revolutionary france, c. 1750–1850, by sean quinlan
lamarck, the mythical precursor: a study of the relations between science and ideology, by madeleine barthélemy-madaule
victorian sensation: the extraordinary publication, reception, and secret authorship of vestiges of the natural history of creation, by james secord
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juju-rottie · 1 month
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This is Yvette Price, a 25 year old mutant with the power to absorb and manipulate others life force into her own, which majority of the time she makes into weapons. But her mutation is a double edge sword. She has a frail body, in order for her to live she needs to continuously absorb life force into her. If she were to expel too much, Yvette would need to recover, and if she starts to use her own life force, Yvette will die.
So because of this she doesn’t adventure in the field missions as much with the other X-Men. Over time she will get better… or will she? Dun-dun dunnnn!!!!
All jokes aside, Yvette is a very sunny character who tries to see the good in people. The children at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, adore their smiley art teacher. She is a valued member of the X-Men, even when the others try to treat her as if she’s glass -cough cough Cyclops, he means well!-.
Will she have a love interest…..?
Who am I kidding?! She will! Can you guess?
Have fun with that! I hope you enjoy Yvette!
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
*Free-for-all as in they weren't on any of the previous polls and are in different character groupings
Grace Field Kids Edition Goldy Pond Edition Lambda 7214/Paradise Hideout Edition Other Platonic Duo Polls Suggestions Post
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vendetta-if · 1 year
what do you mean by Yvette didn't had any serious relationship after mc's father?
do you mean she hasn't slept with anyone?
i actually kinda don't understand it. 😅
No, she has hooked up with people before that, maybe date some people just for fun, drama-farming, or temporary attention in relationships that only last for a month or two at best.
But Viktor is different. She really fell in love with him. Maybe it’s gotta do with how Viktor saved her during their first meeting. Either way, her relationship with Viktor is the most serious and lasted the longest, despite the secrecy. And she’d be lying if she says she hasn’t thought of how it would’ve been to just settle down with him.
Just like Viktor fell for her charm, she also fell for his. Both of them are like binary stars getting attracted by each other’s gravitational field, pulled into the deadly dance until both of them eventually collide. Maybe their love story has always been doomed from the start.
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ask-sebastian · 2 months
You were really swift on the field today, Sallow. Really swift. Taylor Swift.
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algolstare · 1 year
It's funny. Being incompatible with the current economy is not the same as being totally uncaring about human concerns and needs, the condition of mortality and need for material things. If anything it only calls attention to what is beyond money, what is outside of it, which is especially useful considering the work is outside such bounds anyhow - not "human bounds", but "current bounds", it's not innate to humanity, it's not eternal, it's not always been, it won't always be, and to expect these things to conform is in hindsight more than a little bit stupid.
More and more and more, I see that it isn't even money that I require exactly - money wouldn't be enough to save me from this anyhow, at least not without an absurd amount of it, there is a more useful power to wish for but my focus has been solely on what is within bounds of the exact thing that harms me, that has made no room for me, that has no desire for me to continue being. Within its bounds, there is no room for me. Within here, I cannot continue living. There are more options than these two, the options that are allowed to be imagined within this.
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