#Yvaine knight of the lion
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we-are-knight · 8 months ago
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A recent acquisition...
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grail-lifesupport · 10 days ago
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i still can’t believe the stupid amount of crows ywain has
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queer-ragnelle · 3 days ago
Thinking about making a gifset using clips from various movies to cobble together a gifset of a fake Knight With the Lion film post. I wish it existed I’ll force it into existence. Thoughts?
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sir-borre · 6 months ago
Yvain, the Knight of the Lion
Max Baldry - Prince Yvain of Gore
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Emilia Clarke - Lady Laudine
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Olivia Cooke - Lady Lunete
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Charlie Vickers - Sir Calogrenant
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Sir Gawain of Orkney
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Katie McGrath - Queen Morgana of Gore
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Chris Pine - King Arthur of Britain
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Gene Tierney - Queen Guinevere of Britain
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Peter Sellers - Sir Kay
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rjalker · 1 year ago
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[ID: A color illustration from a medieval manuscript, showing a knight on a brown horse using his sword to slice in half a dragon that is biting the tail of a lion. The knight has chainmail and a red shield with a rampart lion, the dragon has two visible legs and a skinny tail, with brown-red skin. The lion is drawn relatively realistically, except that its fur is blue rather than tan. There are stylized green-grey trees behind them and gold for the background. The illustration is bordered by blue lines meeting gold square corners, with the horse's back legs outside the square, the hooves standing on a small drawn ledge, to show how quickly the knight entered the scene. End ID.]
(I assume the lion is blue because of colors fading or something)
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halloweencatsart · 1 year ago
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what if specter was in sonic and the black knight?
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oidheadh-con-culainn · 1 year ago
me in 2020 apparently: ah yes chretien's four romances-- *is interrupted by a messenger who comes and whispers in my ear* what the fuck is a cliges
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gaheriskinnie · 9 months ago
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Golden collar for Lion
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joemerl · 1 year ago
The Whumps of March 2024: "Lonely" (ALT. Prompt)
A series of vignettes based on Arthurian legend, collected on AO3 here.
“Do you think he ever loved me?”
Lunete looked up from her sewing, blinking owlishly. Lady Laudine’s gaze had drifted out the window again.
“I know he did, milady. I wish you would believe that.”
“Not enough to stay with me. Not enough to come back, either.”
Lunete didn’t have a response for that.
“I loved Esclados, you know.” Her eyes clouded. “He was a good husband. Even though…I’m not sure if he ever loved me, either. I didn’t think I would love Yvain at first. I just needed someone, for protection. But by the time he asked to leave…”
She sniffled. 
Lunete leaned over and placed her hand over her mistress', trying to be comforting. But she could tell that Laudine was longing for a different kind of companionship.
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blvvdk3ep · 2 years ago
Going through Chretian's Yvain rn and it's so crazy like imagine if your husband was killed and your best friend was like damn grow up, stop crying and fuck the killer already sheesh 🙄
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wuuthering · 1 year ago
I’ve just finished Ywain and Gawain (Chrétien’s version) and my girl Lunete deserves so much more recognition I’m actually quite sad to find out there is not much material about her on the internet :((((
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ranger-danger · 1 month ago
Yeah okay fuck it, Alistair is on the favorite character roundtable now. I would not want these characters to interact at all.
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month ago
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The Knight With the Lion by Chrétien de Troyes | More quotes at Arthuriana Daily
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neil-gaiman · 1 year ago
Mr Gaiman, I'm a really big fan of your work and so was my mum, and she even named me Yvaine after your character in stardust. However, after coming out as a trans man this name no longer resonated with me and I want a similar but more masculine name. I was wondering if you had any suggestions. Thank you so much for your amazing stories.
Well, one of the main inspirations for the name Yvaine was Yvain, one of Arthur's knights, famed for his pet lion. Lots of spellings to choose from "
Ywain /ɪˈweɪn/, also known as Yvain and Owain among other spellings (Ewaine, Ivain, Ivan,[1] Iwain, Iwein, Uwain, Uwaine, Ywan, etc.),
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mortiscausa · 1 year ago
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I wish to make brief mention of an acquaintance which was made in private between the moon and the sun. Do you know of whom I mean to speak? He who was lord of the knights, and who was renowned above them all, ought surely to be called the sun. I refer, of course, to my lord Gawain, for chivalry is enhanced by him just as when the morning sun sheds its rays abroad and lights all places where it shines. And I call her the moon, who cannot be otherwise because of her sense and courtesy. However, I call her so not only because of her good repute, but because her name is, in fact, Lunete. Yvain, or the Knight of the Lion | Chrétien de Troyes
for some reason this little friendship/flirtation has always stuck in my mind and I've wanted to draw something for it for ages. i just like the idea of Gawain having lots of gal pals haha
march to camelot #3: kinship
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mordredpendragon · 1 month ago
hiii cain. for the ask meme: yvain of the lion!
YESSS OUR BOY !!!! thank you cen!
here's an yvain doodle for you! <3
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putting the ask game under the cut
favorite thing about them
HIS LION <3 unironically my fav. that's his big kitty. gawain is to gringolet is to yvain is to his lion. i think its really funny that yvain just treats his lion like you would with a dog
ALSOOOOOOOO his madness arc.... the fact that he's divorced canonically is hilarious to me. he got divorced then got remarried. hilarious. he's laudine's puppydog forever
least favorite thing about them
nothing why would there be smth i dislike about yvain our boy. maybe the lack of retellings or modern stories that feature or center yvain? we need sooooo much more of him!
favorite line
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changed my brain chemistry i fear. (source)
arthurian men yearning for their lady loves seriously hits different
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this part from Yvain: Knight of the Lion by M. T. Anderson KILLS MEEEEEE.
they're also together all the time in medlit, like in the welsh peredur, the knights peredur first meets (and befriends) is literally gwalchmai and owain.
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Peredur son of Efrog tl. Sioned Davies
they're family attached by the hip + the fact that gawain literally followed yvain into banishment after he defended his mom morgan after trying to kill urien drives me insane. i love them. they're family its so important. doesn't help that @queer-ragnelle rewired my brain chemistry on their friendship/dynamic through her books lol. they're flops together and they're best friends its great.
and speaking of morgan, they're another dynamic i thinkn about so often too.
yvain loves his mommy !!!! steinbeck srsly changed me i NEEEDDDDD more stuff that includes him as morgan's son i think it's such an underrated and underutilized dynamic, there's so much to unpack there
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The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck
I FEEL CRAZYYYYYY. + ewain saying that morgan never used magic and that she warns him against it? BRUHHHHH STEINBECK COME BACK AN YVAIN CENTRIC RETELLING COMING FROM YOU WOUL'VE BEEN SO FIREEEEE
him and his wifey laudine <3 <3 <3 <3 what else could there be <3
i don't really have any tbh. just no incest ships for me.
random headcanon
i think he and laudine are into some crazy bdsm femdom shit in the bedroom does that count.
unpopular opinion
i don't really have an unpopular opinion i just think he should be utilized more. i'm pretty neutral on morgan's son being mordred in retellings/film, but it would be nice to see it be yvain for a change
favorite picture of them
pretty much everything in The Knight With the Lion by John Howe, John Howe is an artist i admire for his work in Lord of the Rings, so him having worked on Arthuriana as well is great!
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