#I feel bad about always having him in the party but I also feel that way about Wynne and Zevran so
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summary: Charles has a bad day, but you know how to handle it. ✤ pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader ✤ wc: 0.8k ✤ tags: fem!reader, race engineer!reader
It’s easy to see that something is different today. Charles arrives wearing a hoodie, hiding from the outside world and staying in his comfortable little bubble for most of the day. When he has to change into his Ferrari shirt, he suddenly looks almost fragile, uncertain, yet he does his best to act like everything is fine.
It’s a little concerning, but you decide not to press him to open up about whatever is going on with him. He knows that if he wants to talk, you’re always there to listen. You like to believe that you’re not only his race engineer, but also a good friend, at least the fact he often invites you to parties or to visit him in Monaco tells you exactly that.
But when he gets in the car during FP1, you realize that he’s annoyed, snappy even, so you just keep taking deep breaths and flashing everything’s fine smiles at Fred when he looks at you with raised eyebrows. It’s only during sprint qualifying that you realize just how bad the situation is.
Charles is complaining. A lot. The car, the other drivers, the track’s condition–really, everything seems to be a problem. At one point, you snap at him, telling him to suck it up and focus on driving, which works like charm, because the Monegasque falls silent for a minute or so before speaking up again. What he was probably saying under the helmet without pushing the radio button is a mystery, though.
“What’s your problem? Why are you so mean?” he asks innocently, as if he hasn’t been acting like an annoying idiot all day.
Rolling your eyes, you glance over at the others before saying, “Maybe I’m taking GP’s Handling brats 101 class.” There’s silence on the radio, and you can feel your colleagues’ eyes on you, which makes you turn to them. “What?”
They shake their heads, deciding not to comment on this sentence, although you all know this will be shown to the fans and viewers. Well, at least they’ll have a laugh. Hopefully. Damn it, maybe that was a mistake, you think as you bury your face into your palm.
And then, out of nowhere, Charles speaks up. “How bad am I today?” he wonders, and you know exactly what he wants to know.
“Max in Hungary last year,” you reply.
You bite the inside of your cheek to stop the laugh that wants to erupt, and you eventually manage to talk without your voice giving away what you wish to do right now. “Language,” you warn him kindly.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry.”
Not long after this conversation, the sprint qualifying ends with Charles in P4, which isn’t as bad as it looks. If anyone, he can move forward, although you all know there are a lot more factors that need to be considered. Factors like strategy and the car itself.
You wait for him in the garage, smiling to yourself as you listen to a piece of Red Bull radio conversation, and you honestly can’t wait to tell your favorite driver about it. Social media is of course full of memes already, but you truly hope he hasn’t heard about it yet, because you want to see his face when you tell him.
But you have no luck, he returns from his media duties looking exhausted, but otherwise surprisingly giddy. When he stops in front of you, biting his lower lip so he wouldn’t burst out laughing, you already know it’s a lost battle. You’re in this mess together, and he’s right, laughing is the only thing you can do at this point.
“Max came over in the media pen and said, ‘Welcome to the dark side.’ I’ll never hear the end of it,” he tells you through a giggle. “And my chronically online little brother took the time to bombard me with memes about this whole conversation, including even the one between Max and GP later on.”
You watch him for a while in silence, but then you signal him to follow you, and as you walk to the back of the garage, you begin to talk. “GP messaged me, he’s willing to give me lessons,” you tell him with a laugh.
Suddenly, Charles grabs your wrist and pushes you against the wall, leaning close enough so his lips can brush yours. “By the way,” he begins with a playful smile, “calling me a brat is a… unique way to tell me you love me.”
You flash a wicked smile at him. “Who said that’s what I meant?”
He lets out a laugh. “I know you,” he informs you before kissing you softly, taking his time with you despite the risk of the possibility of someone walking in on you.
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you love your friends alot, you really do but sometimes they act a certain way towards you everytime you even imply the fact that you are interested in someone. — possessive. 
especially rafe cameron. you’ve been best friends with him since the second grade and inseparable ever since, so much so that people started calling you two eachothers shadows.
you didn’t trust anyone but rafe, but as you two got older he started getting into “relationships” and overtime his hookups of the week didn’t really like you lingering around him, which ultimately led to him always calling the quits and left you feeling like you needed your own friendship away from him.
so eventually you started getting into the field of dating and your friends did not like that.
“no, i won’t tell you again so stop asking.” rafe being the stubborn born boy that he was, was firm on his answer and didn’t let up. he didn’t have time for your nonsense, not that he would have an entirely different answer if he did have time for it anyways. 
kelce and topper sat on the couch watching all this play out. you were on keens with your chin propped up on rafes leg giving him your best puppy dog eyes hoping he would give into your ridiculous question about helping you get shane faultons number. 
“this is my first time asking!” desperately whining out, you hear topper let out a little laugh, “why do you even need that bastards number anyways princess?” you know exactly where this is going by the tone of topper’s voice, so by default you lie.
“for my friend! she really likes him and i promised i would help her get his number, you know girls code and what not.” you let out a nervous laugh.
the three boys exchanged looks as if they are calculating what one of them will say next and it was kelce to speak “you shouldn’t have volunteered yourself for that, the answer is still no.” as quiet as kelce is, he is just as scary as rafe.
you drop from your knees with a pout from your glossy lips “this isn’t fair, why do you guys even have friends if you aren’t going to give me their numbers.” you know the answer to that question yourself. you grew up with these three boys, you knew the crowd they accustomed themselves with and they be damned if they let a sleazy college kid get their hands on you.
rafe let out a sigh leaning forward reaching for the blunt on the coffee table, lighting then bringing it to his lips to take a hit. “faluton isn’t our fucking friend, so cut the shit.” his voice is firm laced with irritation, your still sitting arount rafe’s feet, back is against the couch with your arms folded with a scowl on your face.
“this is fucking stupid.” you muttered. obviously pissed at the known outcome of your little situation, it was indeed stupid but did the three boys care? no. not one bit, not when it meant keeping you on a tight leash and most importantly safe.
“you are being a fucking brat, i don’t got time for this shit, you knew the answer before you even came up with the idea.“ rafe laughs in disbelief while shaking his head, you ignored him of course and began texting your friend already coming up with another way to get the boys number.
if they aren’t going to help you then you’re going to find another way to get it yourself.
eventually you get shanes number with the help of cleo, which results into you being invited to a frat party. you have no clue why you agreed in the first place, you have never been to one without the company of either rafe. he would literally kill you if he found out where you were.
you ignored the pit in your stomach and the voice in the back of your head telling you it’s a bad idea; of course its a bad idea. you are lying to your best friend and you also went behind his back and got a number he specifically told you no too. so yeah this could potentially blow up in your face but at least outfit is cute! 
you soon arrived to the party, the music vibrating the floor as you walk in being guided by shane. you weren’t quite out of your comfort zone but still the scene was new for you. you were briefly introduced to shane’s friends, most of them already intoxicated by the time you arrived. “yo! aren’t you rafe’s girl?!” loud and obnoxious, one of his friends that you can’t remember the name, yells. you go wided eyed unsure of what to say you try sputtering out a answer but another one of his friend’s chime in before you can deflect, “oh shit! that is her, yooo shane how did you manage to get set up with her?” overly hyped, like you are the shiny new toy in kindergarten.
shane chuckles awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, “um her friend cleo set us up together.” you shuffle uncomfortably at the conversation. shane senses your discomfort and makes an excuse to get away from whatever that was.
you two find an unoccupied couch in the living room, “im sorry if my friends made you uncomfortable.” shane sounded genuine. it made you smile a bit, “its okay, i guess i was more so taken back by them knowing who i was.” you let out a smile giggle.
you and shane sit on the couch for a while talking about your childhood memories and whatever else you two have in common until you saw out the corner of your eye a very familiar blonde haired boy with the two that come along with him, your heart dropped. you quickly slid down the couch tucking into shane’s side who is looking at you confused by your sudden action, “w-what, why are you doing that? what happened?!” concerned, he looked around the room confused.
“shane we have to go right now!” you say it faster than your brain can keep up, you should’ve listened to your gut and stayed home but no! you just had to agree to this stupid date. shane still oblivious to what is happening, is trying to figure out what made you act so frantic. he was about to ask you why, until your phone flashed indicating you received a text, you froze.
he stopped fucking answering, you never been so scared in your life. you frantically looked around not seeing the blonde or topper and kelce near you until about 3 mins later when you heard kelce’s voice from behind you. “you got to be fucking kidding me.” you shut your eyes and clasped your hands together and silently prayed that for once the universe would have your side, but again you would be asking for too much.
you slowly turned around with a guilty smile to see kelce staring directly at you, you were just about to beg him not to tell rafe or direct his attention over to the three of you but before you could even get the words out he cuts you off “he is going to beat your ass.” he says matter factly, you grab kelce by the arm and beg him to help you but even he couldn’t save you from rafe.
you totally forgot about shane until he spoke, “lol whats the big deal? she is grown.” you whipped your head around and stare about the brown haired boy and mouth “shut the fuck up!” trying to at least lessen the situation for him, but he doesn’t take the hint and suggests that your friends get to know him first, stupid and reckless.
in all honesty if you thought shane was this stupid you wouldn’t have considered going out with him, he seemed intelligent at the time but its hard to tell when you were to busy trying to defy at your friends.
so here you are, sat across from shane as kelce is sat next you. it’s awkward, kelce being kelce doesn’t say anything but just stare at shane, shane shifts uncomfortably under the boys stare. “this is fucking ridiculous, all because you wanted to go against what we said.” kelce mumbles under his breath, clearly annoyed at you and your actions.
you roll your eyes, picking at your nails. you clear your throat and clasp your hands together, “anyways, let’s start with introductions! kelce this is shane, shane this kelce!” you say trying to lift the mood but kelce was budging, scoffing at you actually trying to make an impression.
shane sits up straight and starts talking about his intentions with you, going in one ear and other the other kelce cuts him off, “your telling me like i would ever be okay with you being around her. it’s not me who you need to be kissing ass too. its him.” he says, nodding to the boy thats walking over, face stern, eyes holding irritation in them.
kelce says it like its a fact; it is. — before you can even speak your piece rafe is on you like a lion on its prey, he is now standing in front of you not acknowledge shanes out reached hand waiting for a handshake. rafe’s chest is raising rapidly, you never seen him like this, not this mad ever.
“you must be out of your fucking mind, not only did you lie. you went behind my fucking back and came to a fucking drug fueled party, what someone you don’t know!” you look like a deer in headlights, unsure of what to say, rafe knows you are more than capable of speaking for yourself but shane once again speaks over you. “dude chill the fuck out. she’s not your girl, she can do what the fuck she wants.” you are convinced shane has a deathwish.
before you can tell rafe to stop, he is across the coffee table and yanking the boy up from his seat. “the fuck you just say to me, huh?” shane tries to pull rafe off of him but rafe’s grip isn’t loosening around the boys collar, you gasp uncertain of what to do, by this point kelce is in front of you trying to shield you from the scene unfolding in front you and topper has you pulling to his side, rafe’s voice is low “you don’t know shit, you think just because you waltz into her life and say a few sweet words, that youre gonna fuck her?”
shane is still trying to prove that he knows more than rafe, that he knows whats best for you and rafe isn’t having it. “i know that when it comes down to it, she’s going to be in my bed, crying out my name.” shane says it confidently, which makes rafes movements stop and face drop. he sees red, he slams shane on to the floor and starts punching, by this point a crowd of people are looking and shouting, some are trying to get rafe to stop and some are encouraging it.
“SAY THAT A FUCKING AGAIN. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!” rafe is seething, and by this point you are full on sobbing because you now realize that rafe, kelce and topper were right as always. you should’ve listened when they told you to say away from the boy to begin with.
rafe grabs the boys face forcing him to look at you, leaning over him, gritting through his teeth “ she will always be mine. i kill you or anyone for that matter behind her. if i see you talking to her or even looking at her, i swear to god that will be the last time you ever did.” rafe sits back up, roughly letting go of his face before topper pulls rafe off of him.
your face is ruined from the crying you had been doing, you felt guilt for lying to rafe all while feeling horrible for what the situation caused for the other boy. you sat on the couch waiting for rafe to come back downstairs, lost in thought you felt someone softly kick your feet, looking up you see rafe.
you stare up at him with glassy doe eyes, your chest unsteady you feel yourself getting worked up again, your brain overworked and overwhelmed. “im sorry, i didn’t mean for this to happen, i didn’t think that he would actually turn out to be an asshole” rafe sighs, sitting on the coffee table in front of you, wiping your tears stained cheek. “oh, sweetheart..of course you didn’t know, im not blaming you.” he says it so softly like every word will hurt you.
“are you mad at me? i don’t like it when your mad at me ray.” your playing with his fingers, he looks down at your hands cupped against his. yours are so much smaller and soft than his; dainty. he shakes his head, before clearing his throat “no not anymore.” your hands stops, he sees your brain working..overthinking. “i know im hard to handle as a friend-” before you could even finish, he grabs your face in between his hands and pulls you in for a kiss.
you gasp, hands clutching against his black tshirt. you melt into his touch, kissing him back. he pulls away, “i always know how to handle you, just gotta keep a short leash on you now, isn’t that right pretty girl?”
#𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 ₊🍨 ˚#bsf!rafe#obx smut#rafe obx#s1 rafe#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x reader#rafe x y/n
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Will had always had a difficult relationship with Hannibal's dinner parties. Too much small talk and too much snob talk. But marrying Hannibal came with Hannibal's need of being under the spotlight, so he had to go through these events once in a while.
Not only did Hannibal like to show off with his impeccable taste, impeccable cooking skills and party organization skills, but he also liked to show off his impeccable husband.
Will wondered if he actually preferred the "unstable FBI profiler who didn't kill all those guys" reputation instead of the "the trophy husband" reputation.
The present party was about to be slightly different than the others and that was because it was the first party Hannibal was organizing since Maeve was in their life. At least everyone's attention and admiration would be on her and not on him, Will thought and immediately felt bad about it.
Ironically, Maeve seemed to be a very sociable baby. She was happy as long as someone was giving her attention. Will looked at Hannibal and sigh. Definitely inherited that from someone. He was grateful their child didn't exhibit any anxious tendecies. They had tried their best to be good parents. Even so, she had never been surrounded by so many strangers. Will became very thoughtful.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Hannibal asked, noticing Will's lost stare.
"I am debating whether I can breath after you tied my tie."
Hannibal reached out to it and loosened it just a little. "You don't get to die before the party."
"I am not that lucky." Will whispered to himself. "Do you think Maeve will be okay?"
"She is changed, dressed and fed. She even napped two times today. I am absolutely sure she will be okay."
"You know how people get when they see babies. They will all want to hold her and stuff." Will said, visualizing the whole scenario. "Maybe she will get scared."
"And where are we in this scenario? We are not abandoning her in the crowd, mylimasis. I can assure you that if I see the slightest discomfort on her face, I am taking care of it."
Will nodded quietly. He needed a glass of champagne before the guests arrived.
Will watched from distance as Maeve got passed from one stranger to the other, all of them ecstatic. Hannibal's smug indicated they were all expressing in fancy words how adorable she was.
And Maeve giggled. She didn't mind any of those strangers. New faces, new voices. She was in her element.
Will picked another champagne glass from a tray.
"She will leave for college before you know it." A feminine voice said, making Will turn.
"Margot." He greeted her. "We hopefully still have enough time."
"It's so obvious you hate this."
"No, I just didn't have enough champagne yet." Will said admiring his fourth glass.
"I know how this feels. After Alana gave birth to our son, so many relatives invited themselves to meet our baby. The Verger heir. And while Alana is quite tolerant, I was so sick of it. You watch everyone hold your baby while you can't do anything about it."
"What matters is that she is okay." Will said, worrying that he might break the glass he was holding. He had to convince himself he was okay with it.
"She seems very entertained. Babies are lucky, they can throw a tantrum if they don't like something. But us as parents have to act all composed."
Will would have liked nothing more than to throw a tantrum.
"But Alana is not stupid, didn't she notice you were uncomfortable about all of that? Especially since your side of the family is not exactly very warm to you."
"If you are asking why Hannibal is not noticing your internal existential crisis, it's most likely because he is preoccupied with his own." Margot replied.
Will frowned. He and Hannibal had always had different ways to cope. Hannibal was a social butterfly with a huge attitude. Existential crises were controlled through reminding everyone of how superior he was. Will, on the other hand, allowed distress to infiltrate his thoughts, just enough to make his quiet. Was it possible that Hannibal was going through the same dilemma as he was? If he did, he certainly did not show it.
Their gazes met for two seconds. Will lifted an eyebrow. Hannibal let out a sigh in response. A confirmation. They both saw what the other felt. Will nodded from across the room.
"I guess." He replied to Margot. "I had no idea you were coming."
"We were not invited, I am just crashing your husband's party. Alana refused to. The caviar is exquisite." She said as she picked something from a tray.
Will smiled slightly and headed towards Hannibal and Maeve. The good news was, he didn't have to pretend. He was wearing a suit only literally.
"Someone is tired." Will said as he gestured to a blonde lady in her 40's to pass back his baby.
"Aw, but she is so cute. You will have her all to yourselves after the party."
A vein on Will's temple started to contour. Hannibal's hand found his. A sign of comfort. If reassurance.
"She is indeed tired after all the social interaction." Hannibal said. "Pass her to Will, Kate."
She did as she was told, a scowl on her face. Will was relieved to hold his baby again and he swore he would never give her to anyone.
"Are you okay?" Will asked his husband, whose mask slipped for only a second before he composed himself again.
"I am now that you are holding her. I didn't believe it would be so exhausting to see our baby in the hands of other people. She is ours." Hannibal said.
"Yes. Wait till your precious olfactory receptors detect that she smells like twenty different perfumes."
Hannibal let out another sigh and grabbed himself a glass of champagne.
"Was that Margot that you were talking to?"
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Something Special (Derek Morgan x BAU! Reid! reader)
Summary: The Team is out on a case and while Y/N is part of the team she has to stay back because of a leg injury so she’s spending the day in the conference room with the officer of supreme genius, Miss Penelope Garcia ( a la Jason Gideon when he had that cast but like Y/N is nicer) and once Derek calls Garcia for something kind of menial so Y/N speaks instead.
Paring: Derek Morgan x Reid! Reader (they're in that weird stage where they flirt but are like still a will they, won't they and they know they're into each other)
Warnings: So violence, mentions of abuse, mentions of SA, mentions of necrophilia, murder, serial killings. (I keep everything brief. It’s in one paragraph) use of y/n, fem!reader
Sadie notes: this isn’t the first fic I’m writing ever but it is my first fic about Derek Morgan and my first fic on Tumblr so please be gentle! Also I maybe spent too long on everything that happened before the call and like a little moment with Penelope before the call. this is around maybe season 4 or 5-ish

Another day, Another case. Y/n sighs as she walks into the bullpen with her crutches and her ankle all wrapped up. She immediately can feel Derek, Spencer, and Emily look at her. She does her best to just keep her head down.
“What happened to you? Wild night?” Emily is the first to speak, curiosity and teasing dripping from her tongue, and Y/n shakes her head as she makes her way to her desk.
“Girls' night with a friend from college went wrong… We had a good time, and then I rolled my ankle on some stairs and fell. There was a crack or two and lots of pain. My friend is a nurse…” She paused for a moment and turned her head to look at her brother.
“Spencer, do you remember my friend Maggie?” She asked him, knowing, of course, he remembered. She watched him nod.
“Interestingly enough I remember 2 people named Maggie that you mentioned. Was it Maggie, the Party animal, or Maggie, the never-left-her-room ex-roommate? Your letters from college talked about both.” He gives that thinking look he makes, the one where his eyebrows furrow and he pouts just a smidge.
“The 'never left her room' one” Y/n shrugs and uses your crutches to finally get to your desk.
“Anyway, she carried me to the closest urgent care apparently she's a boxer and got super into bodybuilding after college- anyway here we are” she shrugs and finally sits down. Derek looked her way and raised an eyebrow and she just shrugged it off and looked away from him.
“Is that why you texted me at 2 am, Sweet thing?” He asks Y/N as Emily and Spencer go back to other things they were probably doing before she came in, although that seemed suspicious. She looks at him and bites her lip a little, feeling bad, of course, that she didn’t tell him about her leg. Before she could say anything though Hotch came out of his office with JJ.
"We've got a case" Hotch spoke and she sighed and got to the conference room as quickly as she could with Derek helping her since she was on crutches. Her cheeks felt warm as she felt his hand on the small of her back, guiding her and providing support.
Part of her always liked the way he seemed to have such an effect on her and Derek being the guy he was always played with that shyness. He didn't do that this time though. "You gotta be more careful. I might have to come along next time and play knight in shining armor" He chuckled a little, though it was a little pained because he wished she wasn't hurt right now.
After the briefing, she makes her crutch-ed hobble to her desk by herself while the others get ready to go. She had been told by Hotch that she wasn't going into the field injured and even though she hated it she knew she needed to listen.
Thankfully, her brother was gracious enough to promise to text her everything or at least call her with how opposed he was to technology. So she texted Penelope, telling her what happened and when the rest of the team left. Y/n would spend time with Penelope and just help out over the phone.
After everyone was gone she and Penelope had set up in the conference room making a few interns help out since Y/n was on crutches. It all got done pretty smoothly and soon enough Y/n was sitting down and going through some files she had to finish reports on while waiting for the team to talk to her about new details on the profile for this new case.
"So when are you going to tell Derek about that big fat crush you're sitting on?" Garcia smirks a little, not looking up from her laptop for even a moment. Y/n is, for lack of a better word, flabbergasted at Penelope's comment. She does her best to shrug it off and looks at her files again. "I have no clue what you're talking about" Y/n mumbled as she wrote some things down about the case in the file she had worked on.
The topic wasn't dropped the way Y/n had hoped. Penelope gave her a knowing look and smiled. "You know I don't have to be a profiler to know you're totally lying. We all see the way you are with him. You lose all that quick thinking of yours the minute he calls you 'Sweet Thing'. We all see those heart eyes, well everyone but him." She giggles and gets back to her work.
Penelope's words stick with the younger Reid though. She thinks about it and hopes she really isn't that obvious about her crush. She mostly just hoped that Spencer didn't know. Her brother was usually oblivious to things like that.
A few hours later, Y/n is writing down everything her brother has texted her about the case so far. It seemed relatively straightforward. All they’d come up with so far is that the guy was clearly a narcissist and that it was definitely a guy. The victims all had their eyelids sewn shut and large cuts and autopsies of the bodies showed signs of assault both pre and post-mortem. This was a pretty gruesome case really. The guy doing this shouldn't have been so good at hiding but he was and that was why they had jobs.
Y/n sighs as she goes over the files they already had some more and Garcia comes in with her octopus mug filled with coffee. Sadie moves her rolly chair over to her stuff. She hears the phone ringing and she sees the number and she knows it's Morgan. she puts it on speaker as she answers it before Penelope can. "You have reached the brains and babes hotline! How may we be of service?" She bites her lip a little and looks at Garcia and hopes that was a good call opener that was similar enough to hers. Pen was practically about to burst with how adorable she thought Y/n's intro was.
"Well hello there, Sweet Thing! I was expecting my Babygirl but this is a change I welcome wholeheartedly." Derek spoke into the phone and Y/n didn't even have to be able to see him to know that he was smiling. "Well, you could always call again later or you have my personal and my work cell. Drop me a line sometime, baby?" Y/n smirked a little and she could see that their precious Penelope was trying not to squeal. "Will do Sweet Thing. Now I happen to need to talk to Garcia so pass me over?" He spoke to her.
Y/n sighs and gives a small 'uh huh' before passing over the phone. She lets them do work that only the unmitigated genius of Penelope Garcia can do. She went back to her files and kept a smile on her face. She was more than happy about this whole incident and it made her leg injury have a bit of an upside.
divider credit to: @aquazero @strangergraphics @ithemes
taglist: @justwhisperingfantasies
comment if you wanna join my taglist. I will write about Derek Morgan, Dean Winchester, and Gabriel! see you later, Lovies <3
#criminal minds#derek morgan#derek morgan fanfiction#derek morgan x reader#Reid!reader#bau team#bau!reader#derek morgan x you#penelope garcia#spencer reid#derek morgan criminal minds#emily prentiss#Penelope Garcia criminal minds#spencer reid criminal minds#aaron hotchner#emily prentiss criminal minds#aaron hotchner criminal minds
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Forbidden - Part 2
Pairing ➜ Dealer!yoongi x Female Reader Warnings ➜ 18+, sex, male receiving oral, little bit of angst Summary ➜ You never meant to lock eyes with the beautiful stranger at Namjoon’s house party, you also didn’t mean to completely fall for him. Word Count ➜ 7.7K
Part 1
The next morning you woke up with a killer headache and a dry mouth. You turned to your right and saw a passed-out Taehyung lying next to you.
Your eyes widened as you quickly tried to recall last night’s events.
After your phone call with Yoongi, you had quickly stripped Jin’s sheets and replaced them with a fresh pair, looking for a washing machine you threw them in, hoping no questions would be asked. It was a strange challenge to complete when drunk but luckily nobody had seen you and you had got it done relatively quick.
You had then went back downstairs and partied. Hard.
You remembered at about 5am you were too tired and Jin had announced you could sleep in any of the bedrooms, Taehyung had followed you to talk but you both had just ended up passing out.
You smiled, remembering Taehyung had been concerned with no ulterior motives, you two were just talking complete nonsense however for about an hour before you both had just fallen asleep.
You reached out to the bedside table, where you had left your phone and checked the time.
10AM it had read, only 4ish hours of sleep? Why the hell were you awake?
You saw you had a message from Yoongi, but you were pretty sure you needed a few more hours of sleep if you wanted to text back anything that made actual sense.
You did however make the valiant effort of plugging your phone into a charger before passing out again.
When you woke up again you didn’t know how much time had passed.
You reached out for you phone again to see it read 1PM, Taehyung was still miracuously passed out beside you.
You took a minute to examine his features, how the fuck did anyone deserve to be that beautiful? Especially after a night of partying? Jackass, you thought before sticking an elbow into his side.
“Tae,” you called out in a singsong tone. “Tae wake up.”
You earned a small groan from him and knew you were getting somewhere.
“Taeeeeeeee,” You called again.
You rolled over onto him, straddling his hips and leaning into him.
“Tae wake up!”
Semi awake - you knew this because he has consciously grabbed your hips to keep you in place – he groaned again, probably unaware of who you even were.
“Wake up you loser!” You said, cupping his cheeks and shaking his head side to side a little.
“M’awake.” He replied, his grip on your hips tightening when he finally realised who you were.
He smiled, his eyes still closed.
“Hm, I always have dreams of waking up with you on top of me like this.” He murmured.
“Never thought it would happen though.” He said as he slowly opened his eyes.
You were 100% sure you’ve probably never looked worse, but Taehyung only smiled wider when he saw your face.
“I was just trying to wake you up…” You trailed off, suddenly very aware of how your crotch was literally sitting on his.
You rolled off him, leaving him to fully wake up, pulling your phone off the charger.
You remembered the message from Yoongi, unlocking your phone.
A smile crossed your face as you remembered the events from last night. You felt giddy and a little ashamed at what you had actually done last night, but the giddy feeling overwhelmed you and you pushed away the hangover blues that were threatening to loom.
Yoongi: hey, text me when ur awake
You grinned even harder, typing your reply.
You: hey sorry my lazy ass is only awake now, i stayed in Jin’s, let me call you when im home and showered T_T
“God you must have it bad.” Taehyung said from beside you.
You glared at him “I don’t know what your talking about.” You replied.
“Well if how hard your smiling at your phone is anything to go by, you must clearly have it bad for somebody.” He said.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m going back to my dorm.” You said, standing up, feeling a little dizzy.
“Okay, I guess I’ll see you.” He said, winking.
You mimicked gagging as you threw your shoes on and fled Jin’s house.
As you stepped out of the warmth of the shower and wrapped a towel around your hair, you threw on a long t-shirt and got settled into your bed.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your recents, hitting Yoongi’s name, you watched it as it began ringing.
You became a little nervous, your mind thinking back to everything that had went on last night.
You put the phone up to ear listening to the sounds as you closed your eyes letting out a heavy sigh of exhaustion.
They sprung back open as soon as you heard the “Hello?” from the other side of the line.
“Hey.” Was all you could manage, your anxiety sky rocketing.
“Hey,” Yoongi replied. “So how bad is your hangover?” He asked.
You laughed and scoffed. “Leave me alone! I am currently dying and in serious need of unhealthy food.”
“Maybe I can help with that?” He asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, like you were going to tell him no.
“What do you mean?” You asked, a smile on your face.
“I can pick up anything you want, bring it to you. We can talk.” He said.
“Oh yes please that sounds amazing!” You said, glee overwhelming you.
“Okay text me what you want and your address.”
And with that the conversation ended, you quickly jumped up to dry your hair and put on a pair of shorts.
When there was a knock on the door you leaped up, heart about to beat right through your chest.
You opened it up with a smile and Yoongi smiled back holding up food in one hand. You grabbed his hand and pulled him in.
Your dorm room was small so you didn’t really have any other choice but to sit down on your bed and pat the space beside you.
“Here is the chicken strips your majesty ordered.” He said, sitting beside you.
“Thank you so much, you have no idea how hungry I am.” You opened up the bag getting stuck in like some depraved animal.
“I didn’t know you lived in a dorm,” He said, gazing around your room.
“Yeah,” you said, munching on fries, you swallowed and began again. “I’m in my 3rd year.”
“Wow, I don’t know…I pictured you to live in some ridiculous mansion like the rest of them do.” He said with a shrug of the shoulders.
“No, believe it or not I am in no way rich, far from it actually, I met them because my mom used to clean Namjoon’s house actually, she used to bring me along. That’s how we all met.”
You weren’t ashamed that you had significantly less money that your friends, far from it actually, your mom was a single mother who did her best for you, still was.
“Oh really? That’s actually quite surprising.” Yoongi said, his eyes skimming over your face, meeting your eyes.
“I’m not ashamed! Those rich dicks help me a lot actually, they’ve definitely made sure I didn’t I go hungry or anything, they treat me well, I’m super thankful.” You said, taking another bite of your food, it was going down a treat.
“Thank you for the food, I have some money in my coat pocket-“ You made a move to stand.
“Please, it’s on me.” Yoongi said, putting a hand on your arm to stop you getting up.
You laughed. “I probably just made it sound like I’m some sort of charity case.”
Yoongi shook his head, “Not at all, I just wanted to do something nice.”
You looked up at him again, his dark hair was falling in his eyes a little.
“Listen,” he began “About last night, I hope you don’t regret it.” He said, he wasn’t looking at you anymore.
You put the rest of your food to the side, wanting to move closer to him.
“Of course I don’t.” You reaasured him. “Do you?” You asked.
Now Yoongi looked at you once again, “No.”
“See? We both don’t regret anything. I’m glad.” You said, resting a hand on his thigh.
“I want to talk though,” He started, his eyes focused on where your hand was. “I know it’s no secret. What my job is.”
It was your turn to listen to his story and you did, you nodded, letting him continue.
“I know what I said to you the first night we met, and I won’t lie I still feel like that a little, I’m a first class scumbag right? I mean what else kind of person deals drugs.”
He said, scoffing at himself.
He kept going, he clearly wanted to get everything out on the table.
“I never wanted this, my dad’s side of the family are all like this, my mom ran off, I guess she was afraid of him, but she didn’t take me with her. I grew up with this and I never wanted to do his dirty work for him. I tried to fight him on it but what can I do? He wouldn’t let me leave. I know I’m a bad person, I try so hard not to be, I only sell to people I can trust, no addicts, no one underage, just mainly rich kids who want to party ya know? I know that doesn’t make it any better…”
You could tell he was struggling to get this out, but it needed to be done.
“My dad’s a hardass, he doesn’t even do any of the dirty work, just sits on his throne all day, keeping his hands clean. He threw me into this, his own son, said he wanted me to get a taste of what it was like out there.”
You were listening intently, afraid to speak. Him saying this made it all so real.
You knew what he was doing was wrong, but the fact that he was basically being forced to do it made your heart ache, he didn’t ask to be born into that life and running away from home when your father was that kind of man…it wasn’t an option either you guessed.
“I’m not making excuses, really I’m not, I just. I like you a lot and there is no way I can take this any further without you knowing all this. I understand if you don’t want to see me again.” He said.
You looked at him, he was still looking down unable to meet your eyes, was he really that ashamed?
A part of you wanted to tell him you didn’t want to see him again, to not let yourself get into this sort of situation, but something about him was so damn infatuating, you wanted to keep seeing him, get to know him, his hobbies, his hopes and dreams.
It had been a while since he spoke and you realised you hadn’t replied to him.
“Look I get it, I’ll just go.” And as he made a move to stand you hastily grabbed at his wrist.
“No please don’t go Yoongi. Please. This was just a lot to process, I’m sorry. But I definitely don’t want you to walk away.” You said giving him a - what you hoped looked - reassuring smile.
Yoongi smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I know it’s a lot, that’s why I don’t date or get involved with girl’s at all for that matter. But then I saw you at Namjoon’s party…I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were, I’ve never felt like that before after seeing someone for the first time.”
Your heart swelled.
“I thought the same about you, I mean I tried to flirt from the damn bathroom.” You said, laughing a little.
“I know,” Yoongi replied, laughing a little too as he recalled the memory. “I said that cheesy line aswell, I felt like a damn moron for that.”
You laughed harder. “Don’t worry, I liked it.”
“You were drunk!”
“I wasn’t that drunk…well actually…” You trailed off as you recalled.
You both were laughing hard now.
You couldn’t believe how natural this all felt, being like this with him.
And that’s how the rest of your afternoon with him went, just talking about anything and everything, you were getting to know each other and it felt amazing.
So when he announced he had to go you had pouted and he gave you a quick kiss on said pout and promised to call you.
You were sitting with Jungkook in your local coffee shop, both stressing about assignments, but avoiding them like the idiots you were.
“This has got to be the worst week of my life, I feel like I’ve been hungover for about 5 days and this essay is due in in 2 days, how do they expect me to write five thousand words whilst trying to party? I go to college to party, not to work.” Jungkook was moaning, you weren’t really listening to him, you rolled your eyes.
“Jungkook you’re gonna flunk out if you don’t start doing some work.” You said sighing.
“They can’t flunk me,” he began with a cocky smirk, “When your dad’s on the board there are some perks, for example, doing the bare minimum and getting away with it.”
You scoffed at him, hitting his shoulder.
“And where is that attitude going to take you in life? Hmm?” You were tired of dealing with his rich boy antics.
“I don’t know, hopefully surrounded by some good pussy and parties 24/7.”
You were pretty sure if you rolled your eyes any harder they were going to fall out of your head.
“Well, unlike you, I have to actually put some effort in, I’m going to the library, it’s due on Monday.” As you got up Jungkook stood with you.
“I’ll walk you over.” He offered and you didn’t decline.
As you walked across the grass, Jungkook had his hands in his pockets.
“So does that mean you’re not going to the party tomorrow?” He asked.
You shook your head a firm no, that was the last thing on earth you needed to be doing.
“Awh no fun, I hate it when you’re not there.” He said and you gave him the side-eye.
“What are you talking about? We barely speak at parties your always too busy trying to get laid by the first brunette that walks through the door.” You stated.
“Oh come on! Not fair. Me and you know how to have a good time, you’re the only person I can count on to get as fucked up as me.” He said, smiling at you.
You hit his shoulder again. “Why are you so proud? Us embarrassing ourselves isn’t cute.”
“It is so.” He retorted.
You just shook your head, walking in silence until you were back on campus.
“Hey look… isn’t that Min Yoongi?” Jungkook asked, nodding his head in the direction he was in.
You shot your head up immediately, Jungkook was right, Yoongi was there. Standing in front of what you could only assume was his car, it was sleek, black and look like it cost more than a house.
You looked away, turning to Jungkook. “How do you know who he is?”
“A lot of people on campus know who he is, he’s infamous, you know he used to go here? He dropped out, turned into… ya know…a drug dealer.” Jungkook said lowering his voice.
“He refuses to sell to me. I’m pretty sure he’s Jin’s dealers though, I see him around sometimes.”
You widened your eyes in surprise, smacking Jungkook on the shoulder for what had to be the 15th time today.
“Ouch! What did I do now?” He said, faking hurt.
“You tried to buy from him? What are you, some sort of idiot?” You scolded.
“He’s a cool guy ______, I’ve heard the rumours about him selling to only a select few, but I thought I’d chance my arm anyway, see if he was down, he most definitely was not.” Jungkook said, laughing at the obviously funny memory.
“Jesus Christ Jungkook, you really are shameless.” You stated, distracted.
Yoongi had spotted you, he wasn’t making it obvious but he stole a few looks your way.
“Is he…looking at you ______?” Jungkook said, suddenly aware of the situation.
You immediately turned bright red.
“Oh my god, he is!” Jungkook half shouted.
“Jungkook oh my god, shut up!” You said back at him, suddenly irritated at his childishness, if anyone were to find out about you and Yoongi – well let’s just say Jungkook would’ve been dead last on your list.
“I can’t believe this…wait, how do you even know him?” He asked, he stopped walking and suddenly turned to you, going into full blown interrogation mode.
“I don’t! Well not really, I just talked to him at Namjoon’s party once, I didn’t even know who he was.” You said, it technically wasn’t a lie, you just couldn’t let Jungkook know it had went so much further than that.
“Jesus…” Jungkook breathed out, he was clearly in deep thought.
“Please stop making it sound like such a bad thing Jungkook, it isn’t that deep!”
“He’s a fucking dealer _____, do you know how dangerous that makes him!” He shot back, clearly worried for you, it would be almost endearing if you hadn’t felt such a strong need to defend Yoongi.
“You know he doesn’t even want that life? His dad forced him into it, he didn’t have a choice in the matter…” You trailed off, hoping Jungkook would be reasonable.
“How well do you know him, really? I’m sure that makes it seem like it’s all okay _____, but it doesn’t.” He wasn’t budging on his opinion.
You wanted to fight him on this, but honestly…how could you?
“You didn’t...get with him…did you?” Jungkook asked, seeing how worked up you were getting up over the situation.
“Jungkook, I swear to god, if you don’t stay out of my business, we won’t be friends anymore.” You shoved him out of your way and stormed on, you heard him call your name but you ignored him.
As you were walking it suddenly hit you, Yoongi had just witnessed your whole confrontation, he hadn’t been close enough to hear but anybody with two eyes could clearly see you and Jungkook had been arguing.
You didn’t look over at Yoongi, you put your head down and powerwalked all the way to your dorm.
As you closed your door you threw your bag on the floor in anger. Who the fuck did Jungkook think he was? He wasn’t in charge of your life you were a big girl.
You began shedding clothes, suddenly feeling too hot, you were getting far too worked up, ready to burst into tears.
Your phone was buzzing incessantly in your back pocket and you finally took it out, looking to see who it was;
JK: iMessage(s) (8)
Yoongi: iMessage(s) (2)
You sighed and threw your phone on the bed, you couldn’t bring yourself to read any of them, your head was hurting and you just wanted to crawl into your bed.
So you did.
It was only 2pm, but a nap couldn’t hurt, your problems would still be there when you woke up, but you could avoid them for a few hours.
When you woke up, it was due to the sound of your phone vibrating once again, you didn’t know how long it had been doing that exactly, but the fact it had been seeping into your dream, you figured it had been a while.
You picked it up from beside you and squinted at the bright light in your face.
Incoming call: JK
You hastily declined the call and when you did you saw the notifications on your home screen.
JK: iMessage(s) (14)
Missed calls (6)
Yoongi: iMessage(s) (5)
Missed Calls (1)
You groaned at the time, you’d been asleep for about 2 hours, but Jungkook obviously had a lot to say to you, you knew he had been saying everything to you out of his love for you, that he didn’t mean to be mean or hurtful. Heck you knew what kind of situation you were in and damn you and Yoongi had beat that horse to death the first time he had came over to your dorm, you were taking it slow, unaware of where you two wanted to take this, but you both knew how badly you’d wanted to keep seeing each other.
You took a deep breath and unlocked your phone, staring at the messages Jungkook had left first.
JK: _____ I’m sorry about how that went down, we need to talk
JK: Please don’t ignore me, i know i annoyed you
JK: i know i didnt even take the time to really hear you out
JK: You know how much i care about you
JK: How could i stand by and let you just do something like that?
JK: Wht kind of friend would that make me?
JK: please please don’t shut me out
JK: i love you sooo much don’t be mad at me :(
JK: i promise i wont say anything to anyone
JK: i do think you should tell Jin though
JK: _____ please pick up the phone
JK: im going fucking crazy sitting here
JK: i just need to know you don’t hate me :(
JK: ik im being a stalker here, but just one word to reassure me you’ll talk to me again is all I need :( ur my best friend ,,,
You sighed heavily as you scrolled through his texts, he was obviously annoyed at himself and clearly demented at the thought you may never speak to him again, he'd always had a flare for the dramatic.
You put your anger aside to type one quick reply.
You: I don’t hate you, I just don’t know how to talk about this with you yet, give me time.
He typed a reply right away.
JK: okay !! i understand im so glad you replied
You really needed to set things straight with Jungkook but you knew you both needed to speak to each other in person, you would in due time.
As you took another heavy sigh you clicked over to yours and Yoongi’s text conversation.
Yoongi: Hey is everything okay with you and your friend (jungkook I think, im not sure…)
Yoongi: I wanted to come say hi but things look a little heated, do you wnt me to come over?
Yoongi: im sure youre busy I don’t want to be that person who worries over not getting a reply, but I really do hope ur ok…
Yoongi: ive tried calling u sorry if that’s annoying lol, let me know ur okay?
Yoongi obviously didn’t realise your argument with Jungkook had been over him, so how could he know you couldn’t even tell him what you two had been arguing about, you didn’t want to lie to him he clearly seemed to care, but you thought the truth would be more damaging than good as you began to type back.
You: hey im sorry! Ur not annoying i just accidentally fell asleep, sorry if i left you to worry about me although it is very cute tho,,,, me and jungkook were just talking about one of my close girlfriends, he said he something about wanting to fuck her and i got angry…it’s the norm with me and him, nothing to worry abt :)
You read over what you typed about 5 times, hoping it was believable, you pressed send.
You lay in your bed waiting for ten minutes before you got a reply.
Yoongi: it didn’t look like nothing, my offer to come and see u still stands ya know… im still about campus
You heart felt heavy. You thought about how much you wanted to see him, and you knew that even though Jungkook was right he was also so very wrong.
You: yeah i would actually really like that…you remember where i am don’t u?
After about 10 minutes you heard a knock on your door and you bounce up from your bed, you probably look a hot mess but you don’t care.
You pulled open the door and were practically beaming at him.
“Hi.” You said.
“Hi yourself.” He replied as he walked in, you took a step back still watching him as he closed the door behind him.
You were still awe of how effortlessy beautiful he was, the dainty silver chain around his neck, his hair was getting a little too long but the way it was falling into his eyes made him even more beautiful.
“What is it?” He asked a small laugh escaping him, clearly confused by your staring.
“Nothing really…I just think you’re cute.” Your eyes widened after you finished speaking, that sounded a whole lot better in your head.
Yoongi let out an amused scoff.
“You think I’m cute?” He retorted.
He took a step towards you and you felt your heart rate began to go a lot faster.
“Well…I d-,” He was getting closer. “I don’t know – it just slipped out.” You said.
“It just slipped out?” He repeated.
You had never felt more flustered in your life and it only got worse as he finally got close enough to rest his hands on your hips and pull you close to him.
“Do you…wanna watch a movie or something?” You asked, god he really was fucking you up.
“No.” Was all Yoongi said before he leaned in and kissed you.
You welcomed his kiss immediately, leaning into his touch and wrapping your hands around his neck, teasing the ends of his hair with the tips of your fingers.
You slowly began incoporating your tongue into the kiss and let out a pleased moan when Yoongi began lightly sucking on it.
“You make the prettiest noises…” He said breathily between your kisses.
“Hmmm.” Was all you responded.
“Even better hearing them in person rather than over the phone.” He stated.
You froze a little feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the memory of Yoongi talking you through your orgasm over the phone.
“I must’ve jerked off to the memory of that about a million times, god it was so fucking hot,” You were staring wide eyes at him, you could feel the familiar heat growing between your legs.
“R-really?” Was all you could mutter as Yoongi began kissing your neck his hands reaching round to grab at your ass.
“Are you kidding me? Of course, you sounded amazing baby, did so well for me.”
You could feel yourself getting more flustered by the second, all you could think to do was to kiss him again.
As you both grew more heated you let Yoongi guide over to your bed and your stomach was doing flips in anticipation.
You let him lie down and crawled over ontop of him stradding his hips.
You pulled off your top leaving you in your bra and Yoongi just stared at your chest.
His hand reaching up he moved round to unhook your bra.
You shuddered at his touch and slender fingers getting to work and when he finally let your bra slide off your shoulders his hands reached up to palm at your breasts and you let out a small moan when he teased your nipple with his fingers.
“You’re beautiful.” He murmmured.
You could feel him under you, hard and heavy.
You began grinding down allowing you both to have some friction.
“Fuck, I think I could come like this.” You moaned, grinding down on him harder.
Yoongi was smirking, “Yeah why don’t you try?” He challenged.
You smiled back at him, closing your eyes and throwing your head back, you went to town.
“Fuck, I can feel how big you are Yoongi.”
You swore you felt his cock twitch at that.
“Want you so bad, so fucking bad.” You were talking yourself up now, getting yourself more and more worked up, you were so close.
“Yeah? Show me how bad you want me baby, fucking use me.” Yoongi said while he continued to tease your nipples, he sat up slightly, using his mouth to suck one into his mouth.
“Fuck!” Was all you managed before you came undone, riding yourself on Yoongi through your orgasm.
“You really weren’t lying.” Was all Yoongi could manage before you began moving your body down his.
You pulled his jeans down, revealing the outline of him through his boxers, your mouth watering.
You palmed over him, “You really are big, fuck.” You whispered, almost to yourself.
“You want to suck my dick baby?” He offered.
You nodded like a crazy woman, you wanted him so bad and him asking you something like that only spurred you on.
You pulled his briefs down letting his cock spring free.
“Jesus.” Was all you could say.
Yoongi laughed, clearly amused at your reaction to his dick.
“I mean it’s no Jesus but I appreciate the compliment.” He said.
You laughed, hard. You couldn’t believe you had his dick in your hand and he was making you laugh like an idiot.
“Okay stop or I won’t be able to do a damn thing.” You stated trying to get your breath back.
“Hm okay sorry I’ll stop.”
You just smiled as you lowered your head taking him slowly into your mouth.
You wrapped your hand around what you couldn’t put in your mouth, beginning to really get to work.
You heard Yoongi’s breath hitch and let out a small groan at your actions and mentally congratulated yourself.
“Fuck you’re good at that.” He said breathless.
“Hmmm.” You moaned around him.
“Ah fuck baby please.” He said an encouraging hand on your head willing you to take more of him in your mouth.
So you did just that, you took more of him, he hit the back of your throat and as you tried to suppress your gag reflex Yoongi clearly appreciated what you were doing.
He moans. And oh god it is such a sexy noise you want to just start touching yourself then and there, you were insatiable.
After a few more minutes your jaw was beginning to ache but you never faltered wanting to finish the job, it’s Yoongi who stops you.
“Babe stop, I don’t wanna come like this. Wanna be inside you.” He stated and you felt yourself suddenly become nervous, looking up at him you could see his fucked out expression and it only turned you on more, you pushed your nerves to the side; you trusted him, and you’d wanted him this way from the moment you set your eyes on him.
“Do you have a condom?” Yoongi asked as you sat up to remove your skirt and underwear.
You turned to him to see him taking his shirt off, only to pause when you remembered you couldn’t even remember the last time you purchased condoms.
“Shit…No actually, I don’t.” You said.
Yoongi looked at you laughing a little in disbelief.
“No it’s okay, I’m clean and I’m on the pill!” You said as you straddled him, you weren’t going to let this ruin your first time with Yoongi.
“I’m clean too, to be honest it’s actually been a while-“
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” You interrupted him, “you still want to do this then?”
You saw his cock twitch at your teasing and you laughed a little only to gasp in shock as he grabbed you by the hips and all of a sudden you were underneath him.
“Of course I want to do this.” He said into your ear.
“Then do it, fuck me Yoongi, please.” You could hear the neediness in your voice but you didn’t care.
Yoongi buried his head into the crook of you neck and let out a groan of frustration before pulling away and looking at you, he gave you a small kiss before muttering something that sounded something like ‘what are you doing to me?’
Yoongi lined up at your entrance and you were so wet the tip slid in with ease.
You let out a small whine as the initial feeling, you couldn’t believe this was finally happening.
“Baby jesus chirst…you are so wet…so tight…fuck you feel amazing.” He said.
You merely nodded in agreement, you didn’t trust yourself to speak, he was all in the way in you now and you had to bite your lip to hold back a scream.
“Please…move…Yoongi.” You managed.
And with that Yoongi started thrusting into you, hard.
You were moaning loudly completely lost in the pleasure.
“Baby you sound so pretty, keep moaning like that, you want me to fuck you harder?” he asked.
He was breathing heavily but when you gave him a small yes he complied, fucking into you at an unbelievable pace, you body started moving a little up the bed but Yoongi grabbed you by the hips to keep you in place.
“Yoongi just like that oh my god just like that.” You moaned.
Yoongi reached his hand down to rub at your clit and you jerked at the bolt of pleasure, it was almost too much. Almost.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you like this…” Yoongi murmured, “underneath me moaning like this.”
You smiled “Really? Did you get off to the thought of this a lot?” You asked teasingly.
“Fuck more than I care to admit.” He breathed out.
You lifted your arms to wrap them around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
He was hitting you deeper now and his relentless attack on your clit was only causing you to reach your end quicker, you put your face in the crook of him neck and let out a loud whine.
“Baby are you close already?”
Yoongi had slowed now but he was rubbing your clit faster and you could feel you orgasm about to wash over you.
“Yes – fuck – I’m gonna come.” You said.
Yoongi was panting heavy, picking up his pace again, he could feel you clenching around him and you knew he was just as close as you.
“Come for me please baby.” And with a few final strokes of your clit your orgasm hit you like a train.
You were lost in yourself, lost in your orgasm you took a moment to come back down to earth you put your hands on Yoongi’s shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist encouraging him to come.
“Baby please come, please fill me up.” You said in your fucked out moan.
And he did, spilling inside you the feeling of him filling you up was so blissful you moaned again.
“Oh fuck,” Yoongi whispered you almost didn’t hear him, but the way he said those words just confirmed he had enjoyed himself just as much as you had.
When he pulled out of you you were both still breathing heavy the both of you so fucked out you couldn’t even speak yet, Yoongi rolled over to lay beside you.
After a minute of silence Yoongi finally spoke.
“That was-“
“Amazing.” You finished.
Yoongi laughed, leaning over to kiss you, a small affectionate peck that left you smiling like an idiot.
“Let me get you a cloth.” Yoongi offered, getting off the bed he pulled back on his underwear and walked into your small en-suite.
You could feel Yoongi’s cum seeping out of you and as gross as it was it only caused you to smile knowing what had just happened.
“Here.” Yoongi said, as he walked back out handing you the cloth, it was hot and you appreciated the fact he had taken the time to do that for you, it was sweet.
“Thank you.” You said sitting up to clean yourself.
You climbed off your bed aswell, throwing on Yoongi’s shirt to cover yourself up.
“Looks good on you.” Yoongi said.
You scoffed, “I’m gonna shower I’m sure I look like a mess…give me a minute?”
“Yeah no problem –” Yoongi was muttering as he reached for his phone to check it, after a second he was bouncing up.
“Actually I’m sorry I have to go – god I really don’t want to be that guy that just leaves right after…” He trailed off, his eyes wondering over your body until you realised he was looking at his own shirt on your body.
You nodded trying not to show your upset at the events that were unfolding in front of you.
You hastily reached for your dressing gown to cover up your naked form as you pulled his shirt up over your head.
“______ please don’t get quiet on me like that, you do know I care about you and I would not be leaving unless this wasn’t an emergency, right?” He said as he pulled on his shoes and stood up.
He made his way back over to you and took both your hands in his, encouraging you to look up at him.
“I’m sorry, I really am, please don’t be upset, please tell me you understand.”
It took everything in you to nod and give him a small smile.
“I’m fine Yoongi, go, I understand.” You lied.
He took another 10 seconds to further examine your face to make sure you weren’t upset, you were definitely giving him a convincing enough expression.
He gave you a small nod before grabbing his keys and phone giving you a small peck on the lips and leaving out the door.
You let out a huge sigh, you felt tired again.
You woke up the next morning and let out a frustrated groan as you remembered yesterdays events.
After Yoongi had left you stood there for a minute before you let the shame wash over you, you felt like you had just been used for a quick fuck, you wanted to believe Yoongi wasn’t like that but it was hard not to when he was already out the door even as his cum was still inside you.
You had showered for a long time, trying to rid yourself of the negative thoughts that were overwhelming you.
Yoongi wasn’t like that, he had shared himself with you, told you details of his private life and in turn had listened to your story as well, but was this a regular occurrence with him?
Was the time that you were able to spend together going to be far and few between?
You decided the best thing for you was to simply distract yourself, so as you sat on your bed you opened up your laptop to get started on the assignment you had due, you decided to switch off your phone, you knew if you didn’t you would be checking it every 5 minutes waiting on a text from a certain someone.
A few hours passed as you really began getting into your work you figured you’d be able to get it finished by tomorrow, but a sharp knock on your door made you jump out of your skin.
“_____ , open up please.” You heard a muffled voice come from behind the door.
It was Jungkook.
You took a deep breath, you hadn’t been mentally ready to see him for a while, but here he was.
You stood up off your bed, walk to the door you hesitantly opened it just a crack as you peered out to him.
He looked good as usual, black jeans, black cap and that damn black leather jacket. He immediately looked at you as you poked your head through the gap in the door.
“What do you want Jungkook?” You asked, you really weren’t in the mood to get lectured right now.
“What am I, some stranger? Let me in and we can talk.” He said moving closer to the door.
“Jungkook – I’m really not in the mood right now.” You said.
He pushed the door open anyway his strength no match for you.
“What are you deaf now?! I don’t wanna talk Jungkook.” You stood back from him as he closed the door behind him, he really did look huge in your small dorm room.
“Please just let us talk this out, you know I hate fighting with you, the other guys… I will freeze their asses out when they’re mad at me I don’t care…but with you.” Jungkook looked at you with those bigs eyes and you let out a huge sigh, you had a soft spot for him.
“Okay, let’s talk.” You said with a heavy heart, you weren’t ready for the dose of reality Jungkook was going to hit you with.
He took a seat on your bed, your dorm room didn’t even have a desk so everything had to happen on your bed, you cringed a little when you realised you hadn’t even washed your sheets since you and Yoongi had had sex on them.
You took a seat beside him folding your legs up underneath yourself.
“You wanna tell me how this happened?” Jungkook said, you got the vibes he wanted everything out on the table.
“I wasn’t lying yesterday. I met him at Namjoon’s house party the other week. He was there because you all cried in Jin’s face about getting coke.” You said, you were definitely on the defence.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows a little, you know he could tell you were going to be snarky about this but he had the patience of a god when it came to you, lord knows you could be difficult.
“Okay…” Jungkook began slowly, “So you two just…what?”
You rolled your eyes. “Jungkook, I saw him at Namjoon’s party I flirted with him even after I found out who he was, I saw him at Jin’s again and he kissed me…he actually was here yesterday…” You didn’t know what else to say, how did you tell your best friend you were fucking a drug dealer, it wasn’t exactly something you just said, but you knew Jungkook was smart enough to already know what you were saying.
“What?! You mean you two have already…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence, he trailed off looking like he was deep in thought. “Aren’t you moving a little to fast here _____? I mean if you only met him at Namjoon’s party then –" You took second to blink at Jungkook before hitting his shoulder.
“Excuse me?! You fuck the first girl you see at any any party within an hour of meeting her and you’re going to lecture me about whoring it out?!” You weren't really that angry more, just in shock that Jungkook had actually said something like that to you.
Jungkook laughed a little at your reaction “I didn’t mean it that way, I’m sorry I guess it’s just because of who he is…you have to know this is a bad idea right?” He was looking at you a lot more serious now.
You nodded solemly, “I know Jungkook, fuck believe me, we both know.”
“But…let me guess, he’s not entirely what I’m picturing? Cause I know damn well you wouldn’t let get this worked up over someone if you didn’t like them a lot.” He said, resting a comforting hand on your knee.
Sometimes you forgot how attentive Jungkook was, a lot of your relationship was joking around with each other, so when shit got serious you were reminded of the fact that he actually cared about you a lot and that he actually knew you pretty well.
“Yeah, it’s new but…I like him a lot, although I’m not even sure if the feelings are one hundred percent reciprocated. Maybe it’s just self deprecation thinking that… I don’t know it’s been so long since I’ve wanted to see someone more than once. I forgot how hard this shit is.” You scoffed out a laugh, you were pretty sure you sounded stupid but you weren’t sure how to talk about this.
“Please, are you kidding me? If the feelings aren’t reciprocated then he is a total dumbass because any guy would be so lucky to have you.” Jungkook said.
You didn’t know where to look, Jungkook speaking like this to you felt foreign.
“I know that was cheesy,” Jungkook laughed a little. “But it’s true, I mean look at Taehyung, he embarrasses himself all the time trying to get you to go out with him.”
You rolled your eyes.
“All Taehyung wants is a quick fuck.” You deadpanned.
Jungkook scoffed “Are you kidding me? I’m pretty sure Tae’s been in love with you from the moment he set his eyes on you, remember when he gave you his favourite toy to play with and we all were in shock cause it was the first time we’d seen him share anything.”
You laughed at the memory, but Jungkook had no idea what he was talking about, Taehyung only saw you as a friend and possibly another notch on his belt.
“Listen, what I’m trying to say is _____ at the end of the day this is your choice obviously but please be careful, please, I can look out for you but I don’t think I stand a chance against a drug lord’s crew if it came down to that.”
You looked at him in shock. “Jungkook don’t say shit like that oh my god! Nothing like that would happen!”
You shivered at the thought for a second, thinking about how you only saw Yoongi and not his world, it probably was a dangerous as Jungkook was imagining.
Jungkook put his hands up in defence. “I’m sorry okay, I’m just going to be worrying like crazy from now on, you know that right? Let me be the overbearing overprotective friend please.”
You let out a heavy sigh chosing to not say anything for a moment as you got lost in your own head.
“______, I respect your choices always. But please be careful.”
You nodded, “Thank you Jungkook, and you know I will.”
“Listen I gotta go, but I’ll text you okay?” Jungkook said as he stood up.
You stood up with him following him to the door.
He leaned in and gave you a hug, it was warm and you felt safe in his arms for the short moment they were around you. You really did have great friends you thought. With a quick goodbye Jungkook left you alone with your thoughts.
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YAYYYY headcannons and drabbles aka the magic words💓
i’d love to know more about everybody’s reactions to the pregnancy! for example, how they announced it to friends and maybe a little bit of lore into both of their families could be fun? totally get it if this is something you don’t want to explore tho!
ooh that’s something i actually haven’t thought about! here are a couple thoughts:
i feel like nat was against announcing it. like, at all. not because she was ashamed but because she KNEW that once her friends found out about it, all they’d do is make fun of her. every. waking. second. (and she’d be right about that. especially her team would be clowning her for weeks, even during big basketball games)
you were ready to announce it the second you and nat had calmed down a little. nat kept pushing it back, though. you were struggling to close your zipper, literally showing, and she was still like: “it’s fine. no one’s noticed yet (key word: yet). you can still fit in your jeans, right?”
*cue you in front of the closet, about to tear up because not even your favorite jeans fit anymore*
the actual announcement, though? totally accidental. not planned, not cute, not at all what you had in mind. it was another one of the basketball team’s post game-parties, and you obviously had to come. nat thought it’d be suspicious if you didn’t, especially because you’d started wearing looser clothes.
you’re at a party. you’re sitting there, in her lap. someone noticed you’re the only one without a drink, so they offered you a cocktail.
natasha? distracted. not thinking. all she knew is that you got offered alcohol, and alcohol is really bad for the baby, so—
“she can’t have that, idiot. she’s pregnant.”
nobody believed her at first, but then they saw you’re pissed, so the realization settled in.
ironically, tony called it a ‘teen pregnancy’ as well (and got a pointed look from natasha, because finally someone agreed with her). clint’s staring like you’ve lost your minds (all he’s thinking about at this point is that night where you were watching a movie at his place. no way this happened in his bed, right??) steve was the most respectful one, asking about your very much hypothetical wedding (though even he couldn’t stop himself from grinning because of course). wanda was happy immediately — not because she cared about the fact that you were going to be parents, but because it meant a baby would join the group.
now, family lore you say?
natasha grew up in a household with a single mom. her mom is a strict, no-funny-business russian. not a bad parent by any means, but not a warm, loving one either. there was always food on the table, always a roof over their heads, but gentle affection? not something natasha got to see much of (which is why, when she finally found you, she started craving it like a drug).
her dad? she doesn’t talk about him. maybe he left, maybe he’s dead. all you know is he isn’t in the picture.
she has a sister, too. yelena, who’s a few years younger than her. she’s just as self-reliant and strong as her, but just a little more unserious. also, she’d never let nat live down the fact she now has a kid.
your family is different from natasha’s. wealthy parents, an older brother, big house and fancy christmas parties. a meticulously put-together mom, a loving but busy dad.
(when nat found out about all this, she finally realized what got you this spoiled.)
introducing natasha to them was nerve-wracking to her and not that big of a deal to you. why should it be, after all? your girlfriend, your business. but she knew this could be an issue based on the fact you wouldn’t let her wear shorts to her first dinner with them.
your mom ended up adoring her, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t nitpicking everything about that poor girl. nothing was safe — her hoodies, her lack of jewelry, her chosen profession.
your dad was respectful of her, but not really taking her seriously. in his opinion, she needed to stop ‘wasting her time on nonsense’ and finally ‘get a taste of the real world.’ he even offered her a job at the insurance company he works at, which she declined. you made her go through an internship, anyway, which meant wearing suits and complaining constantly.
your brother met natasha and immediately told her to ‘either treat you right or be ended.’ again, nat isn’t really scared of anyone. in that moment, she was sweating.
your parents love niko more than anything. still, when they found out about the pregnancy? pure disappointment, and all of it directed at poor natasha. it had been her third dinner with them when you broke the news (just so they could warm up to her enough to not kill her), and everyone just fell dead silent when you plucked a pregnancy test from your purse. then, everyone’s eyes were on natasha.
your mom: “you’re aware she has a degree to finish, right?”
your brother: *torn between laughing and killing her right at this table*
your father: *similar thoughts to your brother’s, but more sophisticated. how to kill her and make it look like an accident, for example. he already had a few ideas.*
poor nat was sweating through her hoodie (constantly thinking ‘why did i choose to wear a hoodie??’, as if that was the most pressing problem)
they all softened up once niko was born. still, she got assigned the nickname ‘the one who knocked up my daughter’ by your dad.
natasha’s mom didn’t really say much aside from: “and you’re keeping it?” you had to convince her about five times, then she finally nodded and let it rest. the icy look on her face never wavered, though.
you: “that woman hates me.”
nat *very much used to her mom being like this* “nah, that’s just her face.”
yelena just said ‘ew’ (she really doesn’t like kids). once she met niko, however, she demanded godparent-status.
her mom also ended up adoring niko. she was never one to call much, but once he was born, natasha was getting facetimed constantly. okay, because her mom wanted to see niko, but it was still odd. because all of a sudden, this ice queen of a woman was warm. and loving. and natasha called her out on it.
maybe she shouldn’t have. the answer she got was ‘i never wanted to be a mom, but being a grandmother is easier.’ natasha would be unpacking that statement even years later.
baby’s first christmas was also the one where both your families met for the first time. it was a war zone. your family wanted it to be picture-perfect, hallmark movie-esque and fancy. natasha’s family (or whatever’s left of it) just wanted to survive.
in the end, the three of you sat down on the couch and ate christmas cookies like they were painkillers for your headaches. niko was merely two months old, so he slept through most of the chaos.
you, rocking niko back to sleep: “you think they’ll ever like each other?”
natasha, shoving another cookie into her mouth: “nope.”
very different families, very different upbringings. somehow, it works anyway (especially since you created your own little family)
didn’t really go into depth here but hope this works, anon :) totally open to writing a fic about their families + the dynamic between them in the future
#short n sweet au#short n sweet#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader#black widow#black widow x reader#drabble#headcanon#moon replies
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I just finished rewatching ROR yesterday so I was wondering if I can l request Raun Mei (from HSR) reader being Poseidon's daughter. Also I love your writings.
AWWW thank you, I'm happy that you enjoy my writings 🤗🤗

A member of the Genius Society and an expert in life sciences. She teamed up with Herta and others to develop the Simulated Universe.
Credit towards the artist
Like father and daughter, both of them are very detached with their emotion Poseidon sees emotions as imperfections meanwhile the reader is detached from emotions literally they are unable to understand emotions due to them never experiencing it.
Poseidon isn't a good father or a bad father he acknowledged the reader as his child but that's just his child so he rarely spends time with them, he has an entire kingdom to rule leading the reader to have a lot of freedom.
All he expected is a daughter that does not stain his reputation and causes problems for him to fix, the reader rarely or never ever has gotten in trouble they are always in line.
Compared towards their father, the reader is more elegant and kind for those around them as well as very curious amongst the world they viewed the world differently they more focus on their studies of life.
They love to experiment and create many sea creatures and they would release them in the wild and they will populate in the sea, Poseidon doesn't mind it because he saw this as his daughters way of contribution towards the sea by giving more beautiful sea creatures as well as corals.
They are very elegant, gods and more who fears Poseidon sees the reader as an easier version and instead of bowing fully if their father they would give a small bow towards the reader and the reader would acknowledge by nodding.
Many would view their detachment over emotions creepy and see them as a doll but towards Poseidon he finds their detachment over emotions pleasing meaning they don't need constant attention as well not having the weakness as the other gods who let their emotions taken over them.
Ares is afraid of them because even tho the reader is just standing there, their presence is very terrifying because they don't Function normally as well the reader would predict every move he makes with ease, he could feel as if they're looking straight at him.
Meanwhile, Hermes both of them would hold conversation over politics and the latest Valhalla topic, ares felt like he could never speak because how Advance the topic is. For Apollo both of them enjoy the arts and would also held conversation about it.
During when Zeus, Poseidon and hades held a meeting ruan mei!reader and the others would have a tea party with each other.
The reader shares the love of dessert, even tho Valhalla had the most delicious sweets they are still curious about other desserts made by humans, so they disguise themselves to eat in sweet shops
Hades and Zeus immediately about their detachment towards emotions compared towards their cousin ruan mei!The reader never ever cry before and when they questioned this towards Poseidon he felt indifferent saying that his daughter does not have the limitations of emotion compared towards the other weak species. Adamas got reminded of when they were younger towards ruan mei!reader acts similar towards how Poseidon would react as a kid and he despise it
Poseidon has never seen anyone as his equal but there's an exception towards ruan mei!yuu, Poseidon sees them as an extension of himself or basically a part of him so he technically will view them as an equal.
Not many know about ruan mei!reader experiment, by far the only person that is willing to participate in committing an expirement is Beelzebub and saw through their facade of elegance, ruan mei!reader is elegant but a person without warmth doesn't understand emotions, Poseidon usually doesn't bother them so he never investigates as well many of the staff were too afraid to tell him.
Many tried to have their hand in marriage but none were brave enough to challenge Poseidon, ruan mei!reader is like a pearl admired and elegant but only those who are worthy are able to see them.
#not canon#record of ragnarok headcanon#record of ragnarok imagines#record of ragnarok x reader#record of ragnarok#record of ragnaroks scenarios#ror#ror imagines#ror x reader#ror crossover#ror poseidon#ruan mei#ruan mei!reader#ruan mei hsr
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Yeah okay fuck it, Alistair is on the favorite character roundtable now. I would not want these characters to interact at all.
#Nightwing. Drizzt Do’Urden. Alistair. Shadowheart. Ulysses fnv. Gale Dekarios. Yvain knight of the lion…#oh and Jaheria and Khalid#it’s been maybe a month and a half and Alistair’s already on the roundtable. so many other characters have taken so long for me to even#consider. usually I wait until I’ve finished the media a character is from to raise them up to roundtable status#I’m sorry he’s like. built for me. shove a bunch of my favorite things into one guy and I’m breaking his bones like a chew toy I’m sorry#no but geniunely he’s been an extremely fun character as far as I’ve gotten through origins#I feel bad about always having him in the party but I also feel that way about Wynne and Zevran so#that’s also coincidentally my favorite party set up so far#Zevran and Wynne have also been really really fun so far too#anywayssss#I’m done yapping
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❝ you hitting on me? ❞
summary: megumi doesn't like clubs, but then he sees you.
featuring… megumi fushiguro
content warning: MDNI (18+), afab!reader, alt!megumi, piercings and tattoos, reader is a babe fr, pet names, car sex, rough sex, fingering, riding, dick piercing (what who said that??), teasing, edging, choking, crying (omg), spanking (a lil bit), unprotected sex (don’t do that!!!!!), bit of subspace??, alcohol mentioned, smoking mentioned (don’t smoke, it’s bad for you!), vaping mentioned, these two are so horny for each other like wtf
author’s note: this was a request by a lovely anon!!! ... also its 4k words
Megumi doesn’t like going out. It’s not his thing, really. He prefers to stay at home to play video games or be his own company, and if he has to be social he prefers a more intimate get together over… whatever the hell Yuji is dragging him along too.
“Trust, it’ll be fun,” Yuji nudges Megumi’s shoulder lightly. Megumi keeps his hands stuffed in the pockets of his black hoodie, a resting annoyed expression plastered across his face. He’s not sure how Yuji roped him into coming to this gig, maybe it was because Megumi kind of owed Yuji for turning down hanging out with him for the past… many times.
Megumi doesn’t respond, just wordlessly follows behind Yuji as he weaves through groups of people socialising, vaping and drinking outside the bar Megumi was conned into coming to.
Yuji mentioned something about his friend’s band playing at this bar tonight and there may have been mentions of meeting up with Nobara but Megumi kind of tuned him out after he started going on and on about how Megumi was being anti-social and bringing up the numerous times he cancelled on Yuji (it was a ploy to make him feel bad and it unfortunately worked).
The moment they walk down the graffitied hallway, Megumi is again reminded why he doesn’t like going out. The bar is packed with drunk people and it smells of alcohol and sweat. Megumi inwardly cringes at the whole atmosphere and nearly, nearly, spins on his heel and leaves when some drunk girl bumps into Megumi while giggling and slightly dry heaving.
Before Megumi can even make a comment, Yuji is grabbing his arm, “don’t be a party-pooper, Fushiguro, we haven’t even seen Nobara yet!”
“I didn’t say anything,” Megumi deadpans.
“Yeah, but your face said it all,” Yuji retorts, “come on!” Yuji tugs on his friend’s arm, dragging his friend toward the loud thumping music.
His head hurts already. The music is loud and the random LED lights flying over the crowd are bright and annoying. Megumi is annoyed, to be fair, he’s always slightly annoyed but right now it’s increased tenfold by the overstimulating nightmare that is this club.
Megumi doesn’t even know where Yuji is going. Yuji is staring at his phone, then looking around, then back at his phone again. He’s talking to Megumi but the music is so loud that Megumi doesn’t know what the hell he’s saying.
“There she is!” okay, he caught that.
Yuji walks a little faster, Megumi attempting to weave through the crowd of people without touching anyone (it’s not working, he’s very uncomfortable). The crowd seems to dissipate as they reach the back of the club by the bar, numerous tables dotting the back wall. Megumi spots Nobara as she leaps up from the table, waving her arm around obnoxiously.
“Itadori!” she’s yelling and if Megumi knows anything about Nobara, it’s that her voice really carries. “Fushiguro!”
Megumi raises his hand from his pocket as a slight wave, his lips forming a tight line. Nobara is already shoving a drink into Yuji’s hand then reaching over to give one to Megumi, “dunno what it is but it’s getting me drunk!”
Megumi tunes out whatever Nobara is saying the moment he sees you.
You’re chuckling as you watch Nobara and Yuji feed off of each other’s excitement. You’re holding a drink in your hand, absentmindedly swirling the ice around with your straw.
You’re also trying to remain super nonchalant at the fact you’re totally checking out Yuji’s friend.
He looks completely uninterested in what’s happening, his tired eyes glancing at anything other than the social situation in front of him. His hair is messy and framing his gorgeous face. His hoodie sleeves are rolled up and your eyes trace down his veiny arms adorned with pretty tattoos all the way to his hands. He’s got a couple of nose piercings and an eyebrow piercing, his whole vibe is dark and brooding and you’re so into it.
Where the fuck has this cutie been?
“Y/N, this is my friend Fushiguro,” you sit up a little straighter at the mention of your name. Nobara tugs on Megumi’s arm bringing him closer to the bar table, “say hi, you emo bitch.”
Megumi eyes you and you have no idea what he’s thinking. “Uh, hey,” he says awkwardly. Oh god, he’s a dork. You must have him.
He’s remaining as poker-faced as possible as his eyes glance over you, from the fishnet stocking adorning your legs to the subtle colour of your glossed lips. You’re smiling at him softly through mascaraed lashes and he finds himself peeking down at your lips.
Megumi thinks you’re really pretty.
He mostly just listens as you, Nobara and Yuji talk about college and work, opting for tapping his finger against the glass in front of him. He likes the way you talk, hand gestures accompanying your enthusiastic ramble about your college degree. He also likes the way you laugh, though he finds himself becoming slightly annoyed by the fact that Yuji’s the one making you laugh.
He decides he needs a smoke, his head is pounding from the loud music and the flashing lights; he needs a break.
Megumi gets up from his seat, nudging Yuji’s arm, “‘m just going out for a smoke.”
Yuji waves him off and Megumi sets off toward the smoking area outside the bar. It’s colder outside but god, it’s so much quieter, just the bustling of cars down the street and the occasional police siren. He pulls a cigarette out of his pocket, flicking his lighter and holding it to the end until the smoke fills his mouth.
He leans against the wall, cigarette perched between his lips as he scrolls on his phone. He debates it for a while, but eventually gives in and searches your name up on instagram. He finds your account, noticing you’re already friends with Itadori. He scrolls through your posts, feeling like a fucking teenager stalking your social media–
Megumi’s eyes snap to you, now with an oversized leather jacket pulled around your shoulders as you rifle through your purse. There’s an unlit cigarette pressed between your glossy lips and your brows are furrowed.
Megumi fishes his lighter back out of his pocket, he walks over to you and nudges your arm, holding the lighter out for you.
You look up at him with your pretty eyes, a smile pulling at your lips, “thanks, Fushiguro.”
You take the lighter from his hand, attempting to flick the lighter to life to light your cigarette. You try a couple more times before Megumi chuckles softly, taking it from your smaller hands and lighting it the first try.
He wordlessly cups the end of your cigarette, shielding it from the wind as he lights your cigarette for you, his darker eyes flickering up to yours briefly.
The two of you stand in silence for a moment before you speak.
“I like your tattoos,” you say sweetly.
“Your tattoos, they’re cool,” you repeat with a soft chuckle.
“Oh, thank you,” Megumi replies, absentmindedly running a hand along his inked arm. He feels his heart race a little when you reach a manicured hand out and run your finger along the dragon twisting around his forearm.
“Nobara told me you weren’t much of a talker,” you say, your smaller hand still fiddling with his larger more angular hands as you admire his tattoos. It’s strangely intimate of you to touch him in such a way.
“You talked about me?” Megumi teases, taking another drag from his cigarette with a smirk tugging at his lips.
“All good things, don’t worry,” you retort, finally letting go of his arm to bring your cigarette back up to your lips.
“Didn’t take you for a smoker.”
“Trying to quit, just smoke when I drink,” you shrug. You sigh then turn your head to face him, you look him up and down, “you got a girlfriend?”
Megumi lets out a laugh, coughing slightly on the smoke still swirling around in his chest, “no, why?”
You grin, “‘m hitting on you.”
“Oh, you are, are you?” Megumi presses.
“You’re pretty cute,” you shrug.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Megumi asks, turning his head to blow the smoke away from you.
“No, no boyfriend… why? Are you hitting on me?” You ask curiously with a shit-eating grin plastered across your pretty glossy lips.
Megumi looks at you and the two of you hold eye contact for a moment. His eyes flicker to your lips briefly before he squashes out the rest of his cigarette, “I’ll buy you a drink.”
“So you are hitting on me,” you tease.
Megumi takes the cigarette from your fingers, stealing your last puff and inwardly beaming at the cherry flavour of your lip gloss before squashing it out for you, “I’m buying you a drink.”
Megumi does indeed buy you a drink, bringing it back to the table for you, even getting you a straw.
“Thank you, Fushiguro,” you smile sweetly.
“Megumi is fine,” he says, pulling his chair out to sit next to you.
You suppress a smile, “okay, Megumi.”
The both of you miss as Yuji reluctantly slips Nobara some cash.
The two of you talk all night. Megumi is a little more laid back after you manage to get two drinks into him. The time slips away from you and you find yourself not even interested in what Nobara and Yuji are talking about as you talk to Megumi.
Megumi lets you toy with his fingers, your nails dragging along his tattooed hand and up his arm. You suddenly grow curious, wondering if he’s got any other tattoos underneath his clothes, you feel like a bit of a perv coming onto this guy you just met, but you’re so drawn to him and he seems to be just as into you.
You catch Megumi’s eyes drifting down to your tits before he quickly clears his throat to answer whatever question you asked him. You think it’s cute and you decide to tease him a little by wriggling a little closer to him, your fishnet-clad thigh pressing against his.
He knows what you’re doing and he’s not even mad about it. He lets you laugh and hang off him, lets you toy with the hem of his hoodie sleeves and lets you bump shoulders with him. In all honesty, he lets you because you’re hot and you’re into him.
“God, it’s so late,” Nobara sighs, wincing at the brightness of her phone.
Megumi checks his own phone; 12:54am. God, it is late.
“Open your phone,” you mutter, your chin resting on his shoulder.
“Just open your phone,” you giggle.
He does as you say and he nearly has a fucking heart attack when his phone opens to your Instagram that he was totally not stalking just a few hours ago.
“Fuck,” he knows he’s caught red-handed when you start to laugh softly, his hand falling slack in his lap.
“Aw, you’re stalking me, Gumi?”
Megumi feels his chest tighten at the little nickname and he rolls his eyes but doesn’t offer any kind of explanation as he hands you his phone to do whatever it is you wanted to do.
You scroll to his contacts, quickly putting your name and number in his phone (you also make sure to follow your Instagram from his phone) before clicking it shut and handing it back to him.
“Don’t forget to call me, kay?” you give him the prettiest doe eyes and quickly stand up, grabbing your jacket to join Nobara as she leaves. “It was nice to meet you, Megumi.”
He sits there dumbfounded as you and Nobara leave, he watches your back, watching your little skirt ride up over your ass a bit as you walk away. Fucking hell.
“Dude!” Yuji nudges his arm, “you got her number!”
“Shut up,” Megumi retorts.
“Told you you’d have fun.”
“Shut up!”
Megumi shoves a laughing Yuji away as he reaches for his own stuff to leave. The club is mostly empty by now, Megumi not realising how much time they’d spent here because he was so fucking distracted by you.
He and Yuji go to leave when Megumi notices your purse is still hanging over your chair. He quickly grabs it, scanning the crowd with his tall frame in hopes you’re still hanging around. You’re not, so he quickly pulls on Yuji to catch you before you go. Not that you’ll get far without your keys.
“Fuck,” you stand by your car and realise you left your purse in the club. You’re almost two blocks away from said club and Nobara has already left, leaving you somewhat stranded. You sigh, pulling your phone out of your pocket to text Nobara and ask her to turn around and take you home because you’re too tired and your feet hurt too much to walk all the way back.
“Hey, Y/N,” you perk up at the sound of your name, spinning on your heel and watching as Megumi catches up to you, your purse slung over his shoulder.
“Oh fuck, thank you!” you sigh with relief as Megumi hands you back your purse. You fish through your purse for your keys, “did Yuji drive you?”
“Yeah, but he’s already left,” he says.
You give him a look, “he has, huh?”
“Thought I could drive you… since you’ve had a couple,” Megumi tilts his head at you and you grin knowingly.
“What a gentleman,” you tease. “My place or yours?” you joke.
Megumi just looks at you and there’s a thick tension hanging in the air. He suddenly surges forward, capturing your pretty glossy lips in a hard kiss.
You kiss him back almost instantly, lifting your arms to wrap around his neck. Even with heels on, Megumi is taller than you and you have to arch your back to catch his slightly chapped lips as he leans over you, his large hands landing on your waist to pull your hips against his.
“Here’s fine,” he mutters against your lips with a cheeky smirk, you can only laugh softly as one of his tattooed hands comes up to hold the back of your head, forcing you to deepen the kiss.
He forces his tongue into your mouth and you whine softly. He tastes of tobacco and spiced rum and it makes you fucking dizzy. You thread your fingers through his messy black hair, tugging on it as he moves you to press your back against the cold car window.
“You bring my purse all the way here just to kiss me?” You quirk a brow at him, panting slightly.
“Maybe,” he grins, trailing his lips down your jaw to your neck. “You leave your purse on purpose so I’d bring it to you?”
Megumi’s hands trail down your waist to your ass, gently kneading the soft flesh over your tiny skirt. Your pretty nails push up the hem of his hoodie, feeling up his toned as fuck abs that tense slightly under your touch.
He kisses you again, his thumb coming to rest on your throat as his fingers squeeze slightly, god you really want him to choke you while he fucks you–
“Unlock the car, Y/N,” he says against your ear, his voice low and sexy.
You pull your keys out of your purse and unlock your car (you’re lucky your car is parked in the dark at the back of the parking lot).
You clamber over each other in the backseat until you’re straddling Megumi’s lap, your fingers in his hair once again while he kisses and sucks on your neck. His hands knead your ass, his fingers slipping down to lift your tiny skirt over your ass.
“Mm, touch me, Gumi,” you whine against his ear.
Megumi smiles against your neck before pulling away from you. You whine a little at the loss of contact but he quickly kisses you again, one of his hands snaking up the bottom of your top to grope your tits. You hold his hand over your top, forcing him to squeeze your soft skin.
You let out a soft moan at the feeling of his cold rings nipping at your hot skin. You grind your hips down against his, feeling his bulge rub against your wet panties. He groans at the feeling, his free hand curling into the plush skin of your ass before he reels it back to deliver a smack! to your ass.
You moan at the slight sting, hands holding Megumi’s face to kiss him as he forces your hips to grind against his hard-on.
“You’ve been teasing me all night,” Megumi pants against your lips.
“I just wanted you t’fuck me,” you retort playfully.
“Such a slut,” he kneads your ass again before reaching his hand down further to run his middle finger across your slit over your panties. “Someone’s excited, hm?”
“Shut up,” you whine as he traces his finger over your clothed clit. You curl your fists into the fabric of his hoodie, moaning against his shoulder as he presses his finger a little harder against your clit.
He suddenly reaches both hands down, ripping apart your fishnets for better access. He pulls your pretty lacy panties aside, the pad of his finger prodding at your soaked hole. He traces his fingertip around the opening, chuckling as you whine and hump his lap looking for friction.
“Don’t tease me,” you grumble.
“You’re so cute when you’re needy,” he teases. You pout and he chuckles, pressing a wet kiss to your lips as he plunges his finger into your awaiting heat.
You moan at the feeling, pressing your face into his shoulder as he pumps his middle finger into your tight cunt. You’re so fucking tight and you’re only taking a finger– he can only imagine how heavenly you would feel wrapped around his cock.
Your little hand presses against the buckle of his belt and Megumi delivers another hard smack! to your reddened ass. You moan out again, your trembling hands clutching his hoodie.
“So fucking impatient,” Megumi presses a second finger into your cunt, peering over your shoulder and watching as your slick starts to coat his palm and probably his clothed thigh.
“Mm, hah–” you sigh, feeling as Megumi scissors your poor little cunt open, his fingers prodding and curling against the spongy spot inside you. Your pussy makes lewd squelches as Megumi fucks his fingers into you. You grind your hips against his hard cock in his boxers, the friction rubbing your poor neglected clit.
You feel your lower belly start to burn as you whine and hump against Megumi’s clothed cock, your hole beginning to tighten and spasm around his fingers.
Megumi suddenly pulls his fingers from your soaked little pussy. You let out a frustrated whine as the burn in your belly subsides and you pant against Megumi’s neck.
His fingers prod at your lips without warning and you open your mouth just slightly and he forces his fingers into your mouth, pressing down on your cute little tongue.
You suck on his fingers, your smaller hand curling around his wrist as you make cute little noises. Megumi kisses your temple before his lips ghost over the shell of your ear, “I want you to cum on my cock… can you do that f’me, baby?”
You nod your head quickly.
“Words, baby,” he coos, his hand kneading over the harsh red welt blooming on your ass.
“Mhm… I can do it,” you pant, a thin sheen of sweat coating your skin. “Please.”
Megumi’s hand reaches for his belt buckle, quickly undoing his belt and unzipping his pants. If he wasn’t so impatient, he would have taken you home and had you spread your legs for him to fuck you with his tongue and his fingers. Then he would have forced you onto your knees and fucked your face until you cried before he put his dick anywhere near your cunt.
But this is just as good.
Megumi pulls his cock from his boxers, groaning as he pumps himself a few times. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at the sheer size of him, but also the fact that underneath the pink head of his cock is a little silver barbell.
“You got a condom, baby?
“N-No,... you have your dick pierced?”
Megumi almost forgets he has it half the time, “yeah… feels good, don’t worry.”
You bite your lip, suddenly a little jealous of how he exactly figured out his piercing felt good. Megumi notices your flushed face and the way you chew on your lip. His large hand gently cups your face, forcing you to look at him so he can press a soft kiss to your lips.
He reaches for your hand, bringing it down to wrap around his hard cock. It’s heavy in your hand and you gently squeeze, jerking him off.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Megumi kisses at your skin, “promise ‘m gonna take you on a date tomorrow.”
You giggle at his attempt to make you feel better, “you better, cus if you’re gonna fuck me raw you better buy me dinner.”
Megumi chuckles through a low groan, grabbing your wrist and forcing you to stop squeezing and jerking him off because if you keep doing it he’s gonna cum like a teenager because you’re the prettiest fucking girl he’s ever seen and now you’re on top of him with your top pushed over your pretty tits and your pussy waiting for him.
Megumi kisses you again, his tongue pressing against yours as you lift yourself up a little, your hand wrapping around the base of Megumi’s big fucking cock to line him up with your sopping hole.
Megumi’s hands land on your hips, his dark eyes meeting yours as his tip prods as your hole. You feel his piercing catch on the outside of your hole and you tip your head back and moan as you sink down, Megumi peppering kisses across your tits as he helps you lower yourself down on his cock.
You’re so fucking tight around him when he finally bottoms out, your pussy wrapped so snug, pulsing slightly as you pant and moan.
“S’big, Gumi,” you whine.
“I’ll be gentle,” he says as he lifts your hips, slowly pulling you back down on his cock. “You gotta help me out, princess.”
You pant, only just noticing how foggy your windows are. The two of you are coated in a thin sheen of sweat and you lean back, planting your hands on the tops of Megumi’s knees so you can bounce on his cock.
You start off slow before you get lost in the feeling of his cock and the piercing dragging against your tight walls. Megumi’s hands bruise your hips as he helps you bounce on his cock, his eyes unable to look away from where your pussy sucks in his cock.
Your slick is forming a white ring around the base of his cock, your wetness dripping down the inside of your thighs and down onto his pants. You’re fucked stupid on his dick as you babble and moan incoherently, unable to stop bouncing as you chase your orgasm.
You pull almost all the way off his dick before forcing yourself back down, your eyes screwing shut at the feeling of his cock kissing your cervix. Megumi’s hand presses against the slight bulge in your tummy, the feeling making you fucking dizzy.
“Harder, please Gumi, fuck me harder,” you cry out, your finger sinking down between your thighs to rub circles on your clit.
Megumi feels like he gets harder at the nickname, “fuck, baby,” he coos, his hands bruising your hips as he bullies your cunt, the tip of his cock bruising your poor cervix. One of Megumi’s hands wraps around your throat, squeezing on your pretty neck. You choke on your own moans as your orgasm nears.
“I’m gonna– Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you cry, tears pricking the corners of your eyes, mixing with your mascara and slipping down your pretty cheeks.
You feel your belly start to burn and your nails scratch at Megumi’s forearms as he lets go of your neck to press his own thumb against your sensitive little clit, forcing your orgasm out of you.
You cry when you feel the coil in your belly snap, your cunt spasming around Megumi’s cock and gushing around him.
“That’s it, princess. Fuck, that’s a good girl,” he eggs you on, your legs shaking at the feeling of your orgasm crashing into you. “You’re so tight, baby.”
You don’t respond, your vision turning white as your cunt clamps down on him. Megumi groans and grunts at the feeling, bouncing your hips on his lap and using your fucked out body to chase his own orgasm.
Megumi’s cock twitches inside you and you just whine and cry as he pumps you full of his cum, thick white ropes painting your insides. He forces your hips down onto his cock, finally ceasing his movements and just panting, attempting to catch his breath.
Your body shakes and you mewl softly, babbling incoherently. Megumi coos, pulling you against his chest and running a hand down your back to bring you back to earth, “shh, shh, you’re okay.”
“Mhm,” you hum.
“Too much?” he asks, petting your hair and kissing the crown of your head.
You shake your head, “best sex of my life,” you sigh.
Megumi chuckles, his hand gently rubbing up and down your back, his other hand fixing your shirt back over your boobs. “I’ll take you home now, kay?”
“You gonna stay?” you ask, peering up at him with a fucked out expression and dried mascara stuck to your cheeks.
“You want me to?” he smiles.
You nod, “mhm… otherwise how will you make me breakfast?”
Megumi laughs, lifting your head to press kisses to your face.
After a moment longer, Megumi lifts you off of his softening dick, his cum leaking from your abused little hole. You sigh at the empty feeling, your thighs aching from the stretch. Megumi fixes your panties back into place, pressing another kiss to your forehead.
He manages to carry you and put you into the passenger seat, fastening your seatbelt for you before starting up your car and actually driving you home–
“Wait, where the hell am I going?”
You can only tiredly giggle from the passenger seat.
author's note: YEESH! i need a cold ass shower. dunno how i feel about it but!!! it’s here!!!
#jjk#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen#x reader#megumi x reader#jjk megumi x reader#jjk smut#megumi fushiguro#megumi fushiguro x reader#nobara kugisaki#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro smut#megumi smut
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⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆ . ۫ ꣑ৎ . ⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
rafe x fem! black cat! pogue!reader
masterlist | kofi | next part
wc: 9.3k (sorry)
summary: summary: You’re the girl. Every guy who asks you out gets the same answer: No. You don’t do dating anymore. But as your reputation grows, so does the challenge. And when Rafe Cameron gets you in sights, he’s not about to give up.
cw: Rafe and reader are both assholes (hers is justified bc to me women are always correct) but it works out. oh also this one is a little spicy !! ofc not full smut but this is Rafe Cameron we’re talking about i can’t NOT include a LITTLE. ward jumpscare for like two seconds, references to past shitty relationships
tags/tropes: he falls first and harder (seriously he wants her BAD) black cat x doberman, kind of how to lose a guy in 10 days vibes, at first Rafe wants her bc of the challenge but eventually he just WANTS her, mild hurt/comfort, dom! rafe but also he does whatever reader wants (except stop trying to date her)
a/n: in this fic i imagine reader being one of those super fluffy feral black cats and then rafe is this doberman sitting behind her. walk him like a dog sis walk him like a dog
i’m so glad i finally finished this i’ve been writing it for ages but here it is !! hope u guys like it <3
EDIT 2: part two is up you heathens :) (affectionate)
songs i listened to while writing: Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer, Meddle About by Chase Atlantic, Champagne Coast by Blood Orange, Salvatore by Lana Del Rey, Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey, Sad Girl by Lana Del Rey, sex money feelings die by Lykke Li, Angel by Massive Attack and Horace Andy
title taken from Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer aka this fics anthem
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He meets you in, of all places, a fucking Barnes & Nobles.
There’s one Barnes & Nobles in the entirety of Kildare Island; it’s on the North side.
Rafe is only there because one of Kelce’s current flings is obsessed with reading those smutty books. Race doesn’t get the appeal. Apparently, the fling is at home sick and Kelce wants to get her something to make her feel better.
Rafe and Topper both think the partying might seriously be affecting his brain chemistry.
But anyway, Kelce asked Rafe to help because he’s “got a way with wooing women” and then since Rafe was going he said fuck it and invited Topper, who will surely be the voice of reason in all of this.
(He seriously doubts it, since Topper almost died in a burning building for the sake of his girlfriend, but whatever. Rafe just doesn’t want to deal with pussy-whipped Kelce by himself.)
They’re on their third go around the store and Rafe is beginning to contemplate the pros and cons of just grabbing the nearest book of the shelf and telling Kelce to just fucking pick something when he spots you:
Straining to reach a book on one of the top shelves. Looking perfectly and immaculately delicious.
“Yo,” He smacks Topper’s arm, getting his attention, “Who the hell is that?”
Topper follows his eyeline, landing on you.
“No fucking way, dude. No chance.”
He frowns, turning and looking at Topper, affronted.
Topper shrugs. “No offense, man. I tried once. All the guys in the island got this stupid-ass nickname for her, too.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Mhm. The Pogue Princess. She’s turned down every single guy to ever ask her out. Even the Kooks.”
Rafe snorts. “So she’s arrogant?”
“I wouldn’t call it that. I totally thought she was a bitch when she turned me down, but honestly, it makes sense. People only ask her out because she always says no.”
“So?” He scoffs. “She’s fucking hot. She should be flattered.”
He looks her up and down again. “I’m gonna ask her.”
He can picture it exactly: having the one and only Pogue Princess hanging off his arm. The girl no other guy has banged— she’d be his, and his only. He’d have those lips and that face— he’d have you.
And you’d have him, of course. Not many girls can say that.
“Suit yourself man. Don’t come crying to me when she turns your ass down.”
He strides over to you, sidling up next to you, leaning against the shelf.
He blinks. “What?”
“No. No I don’t want your number, no I don’t want to sleep with you, no I don’t want to go out with you.” You say, not looking over at him once.
“Well, how come, doll?” He says, leaning down a bit so he’s closer to your height. “We could have a good time, you and me.”
“First of all,” You start, pulling a book off the shelf. “It’s a known fact that Rafe Cameron doesn’t date Pogues. Secondly, I can tell you exactly how this relationship would go. We’d date, and then after a few weeks you’d grow sick of my Pogue-ish ways or something like that. We’d break up, and then I would be seen as even more of a social pariah than I am now. I’d be unwelcome in Pogue spaces because I’d forever be the girl who dated Rafe Cameron just to get her heart broken like all the others, and I’m already a stain on this side of the island, but I’m willing to bet your groupies and fanclub would increase their ridicule if I was ever seen here. So no.”
He lets out a low whistle. “You’ve thought this out.”
“No I haven’t. It’s predictable.”
You re-shelf the book you were holding then walk away, stalking deeper into the store.
He looks back at Topper once, flashing his best friend that dangerous smile.
Topper groans in the distance, all too away of the effect a challenge has on Rafe Cameron.
You have to say. You’re a little surprised to feel his continued gaze on your back, even more displeased to hear his footsteps trailing behind you.
“You won’t better your chances by annoying me.”
“I haven’t even said anything.”
“You don’t have to,” You slow your walk, reaching out to tap your hand on the spine of a book you’ve been eyeing for awhile. “Your reputation precedes you.”
“And what does my reputation say about me?”
“That you’re an asshole and a heartbreaker,” You turn and look back at him over your shoulder. “You’re not exactly selling me, here.”
Your eyes latch on something tucked under his arm. It’s the two books he saw you eyeing. His gaze catches yours and he gives you a cocky smirk.
You roll your eyes and turn back around. “You’re going to have to try harder than that, Rafe Cameron.”
He trails after you the entire time you’re in the store, picking book after book off the shelf that he sees your eyes even linger on.
“What’s your plan here?” You ask, turning a book over in your hands and scanning the blurb on the back. “Buy the entire store? Woo me with your credit card? You’re not the only guy on the island with a piece of plastic.”
“Pretty sure I’m the guy with the most on his plastic, though.”
You sigh loudly through your nose. “I’m not interested in men who are only interested in me as an object. You want the trophy you get from ‘bagging the Pogue Princess.’ So fuck off.”
You’re so sick of this. Sick of every guy being the same— only being interested in you as an ego boost. No guy has ever been interested in you for you.
And they never will be, so long as you keep turning them down. Every man wants what he can’t have.
“You’re seriously not going to get anything?”
You pause in your storm off, turning around to look at Rafe. “What?”
His arms are laden with a thick stack of books, muscles flexed at the weight of the stack, straining at the sleeve of his t-shirt.
He gestures to the shelves around you. “You must have looked at the entire store. You’re really just going to leave?”
“I’m a Pogue, Rafe. You do the math.”
Your hands clench and unclench on the strap of your bag. You never thought you’d catch the attention of Rafe Cameron. If Sarah’s the Kook Princess, then he’s the Kook Prince. Dating him would give you some major points on the North Side of the Island.
…And ruin your relationship with 90% of the Pogue’s on The Cut.
Besides. Even if you did date him, he would stick around. No way in hell he would. And then you’d be back right where you started.
Your fumbling with your keys out in the small parking lot, groaning as your ancient beater car key once again refuses to turn in the lock when you hear footsteps behind you.
You rub a hand over your face and turn around.
“Can you please leave me alone? Seriously.”
He’s got that stupid smile on his face again and he’s holding something out to you.
A book. Just one.
You take it from his hands cautiously. “You had a whole stack. Why downgrade to just one?”
He clasps his hands behind his back. “Cause you looked at all those other ones once. You stopped at this one three times. Figured you might’ve wanted it.”
You chew your lip. “I’m still not going out with you.”
He shrugs. “Didn’t think you’d change your mind right now.”
He leans down, reaching forward, breath fanning your face. You screw your eyes shut, bracing.
A loud click behind you. He pulls away.
“But you will.”
With that, he turns, walking back into the store. At the doors, he flashes you one last smile.
You take one breath. Two.
You climb into your now unlocked car, tossing the book onto the passenger seat.
When you get home, you won’t be able to stop thinking about how in the moment, you kind of wanted him to kiss you.
He finds you at the Boneyard, because of course he does.
You’re sitting on one of the drift wood-slash-benches near the bonfire, pretending like you’re not shivering.
“You know, most people come to beach parties to let loose and have fun. That includes me. Having fun and letting loose does not include you.”
“Oh, come on. This is neutral territory, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“What am I allowed to call you?”
“Nothing. Go find another girl to stroke your ego. Or your dick. I don’t care either way.”
He leans down into your space. “You’ve got a mouth on you.”
“Fuck. Off.”
He raises his hands in mock surrender. “I only came over to give you this.”
This time, instead of holding out a book (that you had, in fact, read in a matter of days. It was as good as you’d thought it’d be) he holds out a jacket. One of those expensive North Face fleeces.
You scrunch your nose. “And why are you giving me that?”
“You’re cold.”
“So, I’m being a gentleman.”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you knew what that word was.”
He drops the fleece on your head. “Take the fucking jacket.”
You slide it off your head, putting it on and glaring at him all the while.
“I’m only putting this on because I’m cold.”
“Sure you are.”
“This has nothing to do with you. I’m still not dating you.”
“I hate you.”
He cracks the same smile he gave you at the bookstore. “Sure.”
He takes a swig of his beer, walking backwards towards his group of friends. “You look good in my clothes, princess.”
You flip him two fingers, and he flips them straight back.
You’ll deny it later that you smiled after the interaction.
He shows up at your job. This time, Topper’s with him.
You close your eyes and count to ten, mentally picturing fleeing the country and never having to deal with men again before speaking.
“You know, there’s a term for you right now.”
He smiles that same stupid fucking smile, tapping his fingers on the table of the cafe you work at. He’s seated outside in your section. You highly doubt it’s by mistake.
“Determined? Persistent?”
“A repeat offender,” You say flatly. “Now will you please order and get the hell out here?”
To his credit, Topper looks vaguely uncomfortable with his own presence. Though that might be because you did turn him down particularly brutally. You wince internally. It wasn’t his fault, per se. It was just… not a good day.
Rafe is perfectly capable of handling your top-notch bitch-ery, and secretly, you enjoy the chance to be as openly angry as you want to be.
Rafe pretends to read over the menu. You know he’s only pretending because you watched him read it for five straight minutes when they first arrived. He probably has it memorized.
“I’d like a blueberry muffin,” He says, still smiling. “Just one.”
You scribble it down on your order sheet, then turn to Topper. “And you?”
“Uh,” He clears his throat, “Just a water, please.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Seriously? You came all the way to my job to harass me and that’s what you order? One muffin and a water?”
You write the water down anyway, clicking your tongue. “And the asshole-ery continues.”
“And what would you have us order, then?” Rafe asks, eyeing you from his position at the table.
It’s scary how well he commands a space just by being— he’s Rafe Cameron and he knows it. He exudes power and control.
He’s the exact kind of man you turn down hard. No chance of anything.
“Something actually worth bothering me for,” You slip the notepad into your apron pocket and spin on your heel, “I have other orders and tables to wait. Don’t expect to get your muffin and water soon.”
As you wait and bus the tables that need to be dealt with before your orders are ready, you begin to wonder if you’re going too far.
This isn’t just any Kook. This is Rafe. He could completely and utterly destroy your life if he wanted to.
Maybe you’re better off agreeing to go out with him. Just to be safe. Women don’t turn a man like that down.
Finally, you get their orders out to them, setting them on the table a little less harsh than you were originally planning.
“There,” Can’t quite stop your mouth, though. “Do you want the check now?”
Rafe picks up his muffin, shrugging. “Sure.”
You slide them the bill— you had it ready the second you got the chance. You’d rather not have them here any longer than you have to.
It was hard enough to get a job outside The Cut. You don’t need to give your boss any more reason to fire you.
Rafe tosses a few bills onto the bill and you take it, counting the money.
“You overpaid.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Your total was nine dollars and twenty six cents. You just handed me two hundred dollar bills.”
He tilts his head at you like he’s confused. “I thought you were supposed to tip waiters and shit.”
You blink at the bills. “Yeah like, five dollars. Not two hundred. I don’t even think we accept hundred dollar bills.”
“Tell your manager I’m the one who paid. Can’t take issue with a Cameron.”
“You’re the worst,” You tell him, but take the money back to your manager. He isn’t happy, but like Rafe said— can’t take issue with a Cameron. He gives you the change you need and bores holes into your back with how hard he’s staring as you walk the money back.
“Here.” You thrust your arm out, handing him the change.
Rafe crosses his arms. “I said that was your tip.”
“I can’t accept this. I don’t accept pity money.”
He rolls his eyes. “It’s not pity money.”
“Then what kind of money is it? Cause it sure feels like pity money. Oh wait, is this you-owe-me-now money?”
He groans. “Can’t you just take the fucking money?”
“Not if there’s a consequence.”
If Topper looked uncomfortable before, he looks almost nauseous now. You kind of feel bad for him.
Rafe scrubs a hand down his face. “Will you just take it? No consequence.”
Topper chokes on his water.
“Why?” Rafe asks, a muscle in his jaw jumping. “Because it’s what I do. You’re the Pogue Princess, yeah? I’m giving you the princess treatment.”
“But why? What do you gain from this?”
“I’m just gonna go wait at the car,” Topper says, getting up so quickly he bumps the table.
Rafe’s eyes never leave you, the money still clutched in your hand. “You know what I get out of this? The prettiest girl on the island in my clothes. The prettiest girl on the island spending my money.”
The bills start to crinkle in your grip. “I’m a Pogue. You don’t date Pogue’s.”
He stands, pushing back his chair in a much more controlled manner than you were expecting, given the look on his face. “Have you ever considered that you’re the exception?”
“No, because I’m not. The only part of me that’s an exception is the challenge. That’s all you want.”
Something flashes in his eyes. His gaze is dark where it scans your features, something calculating in his eyes.
“Some guy fucked you over, huh?”
Your near full body flinch is a dead giveaway. “Fuck you, Rafe. You’re an asshole.”
He shrugs. “Maybe. Probably. But I’m gonna keep showing you what this,”
He gestures to the both of you. “Could be like. I’m not that kind of asshole. Not to girls who look like you.”
He stands, taking all the change out of your hand except the $100 bill.
“Hold onto that for me,” He says, voice husky as it brushes your ear.
His hand comes up for one second, two, and then he lowers it. Like he’d had to restrain himself ok touching you.
An involuntary shiver runs down your spine. He smirks at the reaction.
And then, he’s gone. Now you’re just some waiter standing at a table with a $100 clutched in your hand.
You shake yourself out of your stupor, getting busy bussing the table. You notice something fluttering under his plate.
An old receipt with a number scribbled on it.
And a $20 bill.
“Son of a—“
You’re having a really bad day. One of those thirty-million-minor-inconveniences-in-a-row days. With one last fuck you from the universe on top.
You couldn’t get your hair right no matter how many times you tried, your makeup is rushed and bad because you spent too much time on your hair, once again one of your neighbors pulled out of their driveway without looking and almost killed you, a guy tried feel you up during your shift and your manager told you it was your fault for wearing revealing clothing (you were literally wearing your uniform) and then top it all off, your car won’t start. It won’t even try.
You slam your head against the steering wheel. Your boss made you stay late because of the incident so it’s getting dark now. You’re not walking all the way back to The Cut. But you don’t know how you’re getting home. It’s not like you can just call a mechanic. None of your pogue friends have cars and only person who does you’d… rather not call right now.
So that just leaves one option.
A really, really, terrible option.
A horrific one.
You curse as you rifle through your purse, pulling out the old receipt. Your phone’s almost dead, so you have to make this count.
You dial the number, pulling your knees to your chest and sinking low in your seat.
“Hello, Rafe.”
“I was wondering when you’d call me.”
“I’m sure you were,” You say flatly. “Listen I… I need a favor.”
“I’m at work. My car won’t start. I just—“ You break off, frustrated tears welling in your eyes. “Can you please come pick me up?”
“I’m on my way. Sit tight.”
He hangs up the phone and you sigh, scrubbing your face and willing the tears to just go away. You press the heels of your hands to your eyes, probably smearing your makeup past the point of return, but you can’t find it with in yourself to care.
You sit there for what feels like minutes, hands pressed to your face trying desperately to stop the tears that keep flowing when you hear a car pull up next to you.
You sit up, hands lowered, eyeing the sleek Range Rover that just pulled up next to you.
You manage to climb out of your car, hugging your waist in an act of self-soothing and a sad attempt at getting warm. It gets cold in Kildare at night.
Rafe rounds the front of his car, expression pinched.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine, really, just…” You trail off, gesturing vaguely to your car. You sniff hard, rubbing the back of your hand across your face. “It’s just been a long day.”
He looks over your shoulder, assessing your car before looking back to you. “Get whatever you need from your car.”
You rush to gather the items from your car, piling them in the backseat at Rafe’s direction. You turn, facing him when something is thrown at your face.
It’s disturbing that you recognize it by deja vu alone.
“Rafe—“ You say, taking the jacket in your hands.
“You’re cold. Put it on.”
“Listen, princess, I’m perfectly satisfied waiting here all night until you put that on.” He crosses his arms, leaning against the car.
You squeeze the jacket in your hand. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Mmm,” He hums. “That’s a tough one. Probably cause you look pathetic when you shiver.”
“I do not.”
“You totally do. You get all hunched. Like an old lady.”
“Is this your idea of flirting?”
He smiles. “Put the jacket on.”
You do. It’s just as warm as last time.
He nods his head towards the car and you climb into the passenger seat, clicking your seatbelt.
He climbs in after you, putting his seatbelt on and pulling the car out of the parking lot. After a moment, he reaches across the console, turning on your seat warmer and cranking the heat up.
“Thank you,” You say after a moment.
“I told you I’d show you what life would be like if you were mine.”
“Yeah,” He says, fingers flexing on the steering wheel. “Mine.”
“So you’d have me, what? Caged? Chained to you.”
“Spoiled, is the word I’d used.”
“I’m not an object, Rafe. I’m not going to be some kind of kept woman.”
He snorts. “Who said anything about that?”
“That’s what you want, is it not? Want me to have no personality, no nothing. You want me to hang off your arm and laugh at everything you say—“
“Fuck no,” He says so vehemently you pause. “You’re so fucking mouthy. And stubborn. If I wanted some brainless fangirl, I’d go find one. I wouldn’t pick her up from her job and drive her home. Probably wouldn’t give her my fucking jacket.”
You look up at him. “You wouldn’t?”
He shrugs. “None of those girls tell me to fuck off.”
“So it is the challenge. That’s all.”
“That’s not all. You’re making shit up.”
“Am I?”
“Yes. Come on. No guy has ever given you his jacket? You seriously want me to believe you look like that no one’s ever spoiled you?”
“No,” You say curtly, “You want me to believe that every guy just enjoys spending a bunch of money on a girl?”
“Not a girl. Their girl. There’s a difference.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Cause it’s not your job to get it. It’s your job to be spoiled. Now where the hell am I going?”
You give him a vague address— just the street name and how to get there. You’re not stupid enough to give him your house address.
You don’t talk for the duration of the drive, you begin to shrug out of his jacket when a hand on your thigh stops you.
“Keep it. You can give it back to me the next time you see me.”
“There’ll be a next time?”
“If I have anything to say about it.”
You slowly put the jacket back on, then hastily climb out of his car, barely remembering to grab your stuff from the back.
You pause by the window. He rolls it down.
“Um. Thank you. Again.”
His lips twitch. “Don’t mention it.”
You don’t see him for a full two weeks after that.
After the first week, you figure he’s busy.
After the second week, you assume you scared him off.
You’re out on your old, busted kayak on the water, enjoying the early evening sun.
“Afternoon, princess.”
“Don’t call me that,”
You look over, eyeing Rafe and Sarah on one of the Cameron’s smaller boats. Sarah waves at you kindly. She’s always been fairly kind to you—
“Princesses have to stick together.” She’d said to you once, an easy smile on her lips, her face bathed in an orange glow in front of the bonfire.
A similar smile is on her face today. But the one on Rafe’s is nothing but mischief.
“Why don’t you come over here?” He calls.
You flip him a certain finger.
“Come on!” Sarah yells. “We’ve got beer!”
Well. Who are you to say no to free alcohol?
You should’ve said no to the free alcohol.
“You know what Rafe?” the words tumble out of your mouth, clumsy. “You’re really hot. It’s not fair. How am I supposed to hate you when you look so hot?”
You’re sitting on one of the benches on the boat, half leaning on the back of it and half leaning on Rafe.
You might have forgotten to take into account the fact that you’re a lightweight.
He raises an eyebrow. “How many beers did you have?”
“Don’t worry about that,” You slur, attempting to shush him but failing halfway through, your hand falling harmlessly into his lap. “I like beer. I like drinking. How come I don’t drink often?”
You pause, squinting at him. “How come you’re so hot?”
“Yeah,” He sighs, “You’re drunk.”
“Who cares? I like being drunk. Drunk me is fun. Like that one song. Release your in-hi-bitions— feel the rain on your skin!”
He gives you a pained look. “Please don’t try to start dancing. You don’t have the coordination for it, and I’m not going into the water when you tip overboard.”
“Pshhh, yeah you would. You like taking care of me. Cause you’re weird.”
You turn to face the other side of the boat, where Sarah is watching you with an amused expression. “Sarah! Did I tell you that he drove aaaaaaaallllllllll the way to my job to pick me up cause my car wouldn’t start?”
She tilts her head, looking at Rafe. “You told Dad you were going to go pick up Topper and Kelce from a party so they didn’t drunk drive.”
You make a so-so motion with your hand. “That’s like. Basically the same thing.”
“It is not. You really are a lightweight, huh?”
You squint at Sarah. “Did John B. tell you that?”
She splutters. “No, I—“
You cross your arms, frowning. Then you turn to look up at Rafe again. “I should’ve called John B. to pick me up, cause he’s the only Pogue I know who’s got a car. But I didn’t. I called you.”
“Mm,” Rafe says, his jaw tensing and un-tensing. “And why is that.”
“Cause he’s being a dick. He’s all upset ‘cause I’m hanging out with you, keeps telling me I’m gonna get hurt again and blah blah blah, but then, it turns out he’s been dating Sarah for weeks and he didn’t tell me! It’s the same thing! And we’re not even dating.”
Rafe looks at Sarah. “You’re dating him? That’s who you broke up with Topper for?”
She glares right back at him. “There is literally a Pogue in this boat right now who is only here because you want to date her. Don’t be a hypocrite.”
“She’s different.”
You and Sarah ask the same question at the same time. Rafe sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“She’s not just some random Pogue I picked up off the street.”
“I could have been.”
“You’re not helping.”
You frown, staring at your feet.
He gazes at you for a moment. “She’s just… different.”
You blink up at him through your lashes. “You should kiss me.”
“Why not?” You whine.
“Because when sober-you remembers all of this, she’s already going to kill me.”
“Not to mention I would.” Sarah grumbles, taking a sip of her own beer. “Come on, Rafe. You should bring her home. It’s getting late anyway.”
“Mm,” He hums, glancing at you up and down. “You wanna go home?”
“No. There’s no beer and Rafe there. S’ boring.”
“I’m pretty sure sober-you likes it that way.”
“Then she’s boring,” You poke the muscle of his bicep. “Do you work out?”
“Are you buff?”
“I’d like to think so.”
“Could you carry me?”
“Hmm,” You sink lower on the bench, kicking your feet. “Okay. We should go home before sober-me figures out what’s going on.”
Sarah brings the boat back to their little dock while Rafe makes various attempts to keep you awake during the journey.
You whine, batting his hands away as he pokes your face.
“We’re here, so you’re gonna have to get up.”
You groan. “You’re a big strong man. Carry me.”
You hear a huff, a sigh, and then arms come around your middle and you let out a half-aborted scream as you’re hefted into the air, stomach landing on a muscled shoulder.
“I was joking,” You mumble, your arms dangling. “I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“I swear to fucking— here.”
He slides you off his shoulder and you wobble as you land, vision swimming.
“I think I’m a lightweight.”
“You’re just now figuring that out?”
“Why are you so mean?”
“I was told by a certain princess that it was my brand.”
“I wanna go home.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to walk then? Towards my car? So you can go home?”
You turn (slowly) and squint at his car in the distance. “That seems really far away.”
“It’s not.”
“I don’t wanna walk that far.”
The muscles in his jaw jump. “Just this once, because I need to get you home, and you are drunk, I am going to offer you a piggy-back ride. Got it?”
“Hmm. Okay.”
He stoops a little so you can hop on, then hooks his arms under your legs with only a mild grunt, your arms crossing —not too tight— around his neck.
He makes his way across the deck and up the path, silently, your cheek pillowed on the side of his neck.
When he makes it to the car he opens the passenger side door and slides you into it, clicking your seat belt on when your fingers fumble with it.
He’s silent the entire drive, jaw clenched and hands white knuckled on the steering wheel.
The silence practically thrums with anger, the charged air prickling your skin.
“Are you mad at me?”
He works his jaw. “No.”
“It seems like you’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you.”
“Then how come you’re upset?”
He sighs out through his nose. He doesn’t respond right away. Waits until he pulls over at the front of your street, sets the car in park. His hands don’t leave the steering wheel.
“You’re… squishier than I thought.”
“You think I’m fat?”
“No- fuck. I’m saying you’ve got a convincing stone-cold-bitch act. Then you go and get drunk and turn into this. Makes me feel like a piece of shit.”
You cross your arms. “You don’t like it. Me.”
He finally looks over at you, his eyes hooded. “I never said that. It’s one thing for us to have this back and forth assholery, as you put it. But now I know this is also who I’m being a dick to.”
You look down at your lap. “You know, I wasn’t always a stone-cold bitch.”
He cuts you a look. “Stop talk—“
“No, you shut up, I’m not that drunk anymore,”
You’re totally lying, which he knows, but he lets you talk.
“There was… this guy. I really liked him. He really liked me. Well, I thought he did. He was a Kook, too. Everyone warned me against getting with him, but I thought what we had was real,” You clench your hands on your thighs. “It wasn’t. Turns out his friends had dared him to sleep with ‘the prettiest Pogue he could stomach.’ That’s all I was. The only Pogue he could stand to fake it with. He told me the morning after. We broke up.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m telling you this so you understand that I am a frigid bitch, but I’m also… this. So you better not fuck this up.”
He chuckles. “What do you want me to do, then?”
You shrug. “Prove me wrong. And I’m not made of glass. You just gotta… take it.”
Rafe raises a single eyebrow. “Take it?”
“Look, I already told you I think you’re hot. You’ve got a brain. Put the pieces together.”
He rubs a hand across his jaw. “And if I go too far?”
“I’m not that fragile.”
He crosses his arms, biceps flexing. “You sure about this?”
“Right now? Yes.”
He hums. “I should say no. You’re drunk. You’re not in the right mind to make these kinds of decisions.”
“I’d rather test this and see,” He leans down, across the middle console, eyes hooded and hungry as he stares down at you. “You’re on, pretty girl."
When you wake (in your own bed, shockingly) it’s to the sound of a chainsaw right next to your ear.
Oh. It’s actually just your phone buzzing.
You hit the accept button and roll over onto it instead of doing all the effort of lifting it onto your face.
“Morning, princess.”
You groan. “Why the fuck are you calling me?”
“You don’t remember last night?”
“You’re on, pretty girl.”
You groan again, this one long and drawn out. “Why did you let me drink? You should’ve thrown me off the side of the boat after the first beer.”
You’re utterly mortified at how you acted. There’s a reason you don’t really get drunk anymore.
“And get rid of my free show like that? Please.”
You huff, head pounding at the effort of remembering the night before and speaking. “Why’re you calling me?”
“Had to make sure all that drinking didn’t kill you. We’ve got plans tonight.”
You sit up a little in bed. “No we don’t. I have work tonight.”
“That’s your only dispute?”
“I figured I didn’t have to state the obvious ones.”
“Come on. It’s just a little party—“
“I don’t do parties, Rafe.”
“I recall seeing you at the boneyard more than a couple times.”
“Bonfires on the beach don’t count as parties.”
“So you’d come if it was on the beach?”
“No, I—“ You tap the speaker button, dropping the phone into your lap. “What’s the point of this party, exactly? You want to be seen in public with me? Want everyone to know I’m off limits?”
“Yes,” He says it so easily, though his voice a little rough, a little gravelly, “But you also need to lighten up. I’ll pick you up from work. Bring clothes to change into.”
You open your mouth to respond but the hang up tone beeps steadily in your ear.
Of course you had to go blab your tragic backstory to Rafe fucking Cameron.
Work is long as usual, and you’ve contemplated quitting several times by the time you’re changing into your ‘party’ clothes in the bathroom, ignoring the fact that Rafe has definitely been parked and waiting for half an hour.
Your boss kept you late. Again.
You rush out to his car, cursing. He’s leaned up against the passenger side door, one hand in his pocket and the other holding his phone. He looks up when you approach, the corners of his lips twitching.
He pushes off the car, opening the passenger side door and nodding towards it.
“You look good.”
You pause, shouldering your work bag. “That’s it? I keep you waiting for thirty minutes and that’s all you say?”
“Did you want me to get upset?”
“Well, no, but—“
He shrugs. “Don’t care. Get in the car.”
He closes the door after you then climbs in himself, cranking up the heat and driving towards the boneyard.
You notice his eyes flicking down to your thighs every now and then. When picking an outfit for the party/bonfire/whatever, you’d decided to go simple. Having Rafe follow you around would be attention enough.
Still, the jeans you’re wearing are tight. A bit more form-fitting than your usual attire.
He seems to notice.
You shift in your seat, a little self conscious under the heat of his gaze crossing your legs and angling them towards the car door.
He sighs. “Mm-mm. None of that.”
He reached a hand across the console, deft, strong fingers effortlessly hooking and curling over your knee and dragging your legs back over and closer to him. Once he resituates you, his hand travels a little higher, squeezing and rolling the plush flesh there in his hand.
Your breath hitches. “What are you doing?”
You swallow heavily, nearly choking on the lump in your throat. “You better not act like this at the boneyard.”
“And what if I do?“
“I’ll leave.”
He snorts. “I’m your ride. You gonna walk home? In the cold?”
“It’s not cold out.”
“It is to you. You’re always shivering. You better have brought the jacket.”
He doesn’t have to say which jacket for you to know which one he’s referring to.
You cross your arms, firmly ignoring the hand still intermittently squeezing your thigh. “I did. But i’m serious, Rafe. You have to back off when we get there.”
“Mm,” He hums. “Then at least let me have a little now.”
There’s something in the way he says it. The timber of his voice, the low, almost croon to his tone. He says it like you’re in control. Like you have power over him.
Even just the idea of it is exhilarating.
You push your thigh up into his hand, just a little bit.
“Only cause you’ll be insufferable if I don’t.”
He curls his hand under your thigh, palm pressed to the side and fingers pressing into the muscle through your tight jeans.
“Thanks, baby.”
“I’m not your baby.”
“We’ll see about that.”
You pull up to the beach, party already well under way.
People cheer as Rafe climbs out of the car, but he ignores them in favor of walking over to your side of the car and offering you a hand, which you swat away.
“I’m not an invalid.”
“Has anyone told you that you’re really hard to be polite to?”
“You’re just—“
“For the love of god, don’t start with that shit. Get over here.”
He snakes an arm around your waist, tugging you to his side. He starts towards the beach and you squirm, not wanting to be seen tucked under his arm.
This is the exact scenario you’d wanted to avoid with this whole thing. Showing up with Rafe Cameron —literally climbing out of his car— and having his arm around you is the perfect way to be ostracized by almost ninety percent of your circle.
“Will you chill the fuck out?” Rafe says, slowing to a stop a little ways away from the party, turning you to face him. “We’re just going to a party.”
You attempt to shrug his arm off your shoulder, but it holds fast. “You don’t get it. You have money, so you don’t need a community to fall back on. We’re poor. All we have is each other. So if I walk over there with you, i’ll lose it. I’ll be a traitor.”
His expression twists. “You’re blowing this so far out of proportion it’s not even funny.”
Anger begins stirring in your chest. “Rafe—“
“Who cares? No seriously, who the fuck cares? Everyone on this island is a piece of shit in their own ways. No one gives a shit if I got you under my arm. No one’s watching you. You’re not a fucking celebrity. You’ve got a reputation for turning down guys, you’re not fuckin’ Taylor Swift.”
The anger fades and your skin prickles in its absence. “I don’t think that I’m famous or anything.”
Rafe’s features smooth into something a little calmer. “I know, I know. Is this cause John B’s being a dick?”
“He has a point—“
“No he doesn’t,” Rafe snorts, “He’s dating my sister. He doesn’t get to say anything.”
You sigh. “They’re just worried about me making the same mistakes again.”
His arm leaves your side and you resist the shiver that threatens to overtake you at the sudden loss of the warmth and stability you hadn’t realized you’d been reliant on during the length of the conversation.
Rafe slides a gold ring off his pointer finger— the gold ring. The Cameron signet ring. The ring he never takes off.
He takes your hand, turning it palm side up, and drops the ring in it.
“There. My dad would probably murder me if anything happened to that ring. If I become a real and serious dick to you, chuck it in the fucking ocean.”
You stare down at it. “This is real gold. It’s a family heirloom. You can’t just give it to me.”
“I’m not,” He says easily, “This is a loan. When you decide that I’m not gonna fuck you over, you can give it back.”
You close your fingers around the ring, still warm from his finger. You tilt your back, looking up at him through your lashes. A small smile starts to spread across your face.
“I’ve really got you wrapped around my finger, huh?”
He huffs a laugh, tucking you under his arm again and walking you towards the party. “Took you long enough.”
The party honestly is fun after that. You drink (not much, Rafe carefully watches your alcohol intake and makes sure you toe the line of tipsy, but don’t fall over into drunk territory. He spends the night nursing one beer, claiming designated driver whenever someone gives him shit for it.
“Never stopped you in the past.”
“Didn’t have precious cargo before.”
He stays true to your earlier agreement and remains fairly hands off, but follows you around the party like some sort of guard dog, lingering just over your shoulder and successfully scaring off every guy who even looks in your direction.
Some of the pogues do give you the occasional glare or judgmental look or two, but Rafe was right. No one cares.
It’s… nice. For once you’re not hoping no guy approaches you or praying a Kook doesn’t start some shit with you. With Rafe trailing behind you, one hand in his pocket and jaw set, you truly are free to just enjoy the party, for the first time in your life. No one’s trying to hit on you, no one’s trying to making a spectacle of trying to convince you to date them, no one is making snide comments.
It’s weird, because you’re accustomed to a certain kind and amount of anxiety that comes with going to a mixed party, but everytime you start wondering how things are going to go wrong, Rafe is there with an arm around your waist or some stupid comment or other about somebody at the party whispered in your ear.
You manage quite a bit more socializing at the party than you usually do. Unfortunately, between this and the alcohol, you tire pretty quick.
You trip over your third stick when Rafe settles a hand on your hip with an “Think it’s time you went to bed.”
You groan. “But I’m actually having a good time for once.”
He steers you in the direction of the car. “Well, you’re in luck, cause if you think you’re going to parties alone from now on, you got another thing coming.”
Rafe at your side —a seemingly permanent arrangement now— you stumble your way towards the car.
“Isn’t that boring for you?”
“If it was, I’d say something. Besides. There’ll be different parties. Stop worrying so much about shit.”
His words seem harsh, but his tone is nothing other than low and fond.
“I’m cold.”
“I told you to grab the jacket—“
“I did bring it—“
“Then why aren’t you wearing it?”
“It didn’t match the outfit!”
“Are you being serious right now?”
"Is it a crime to want to look good at a party--"
He chuckles, fingers flexing on your hip as he tugs you closer to him. "You're so stupid."
"Not rude if it's true."
You elbow his side, but he just laughs louder.
Unsurprisingly, he warms the car for you when you get in.
Storms are a common thing in Outerbanks. Everyone's used to them. Monsoons, thunder storms, even the occasional hurricane. So you're not surprised to get the warning, not surprised when it hits.
You are a little surprised to wake up pelted with rain, a tree branch in your room, and part of the roof missing.
"Shit," You gasp, pushing the fallen debris off your body and rolling out of your bed to assess the damage.
It's bad. The branch is big and long, probably from that stupid tree your neighbors refused to cut down that you said was going to be a storm hazard. They'd refused, and now there's a huge tree branch that's caved in your roof and part of the wall that separates your bedroom from the living room.
No one is home but you. No one ever is, but right now it causes tears to rise to your eyes, because there's a branch in your room, and the roof is in pieces, and now that you've stopped moving, your legs and arms and torso actually hurt quite a bit, and something warm and wet is running down your temple and when you touch your fingers to it, they come away wet and scarlet.
You're out of your depth and you're scared. You can't stay here, obviously, but you don't know what to do. No one else is home. You don't even know who to call. JJ is out, because who knows if his dad is home and he doesn't even have a phone right now, Kie's out too because her parents didn't like that you were a Pogue with a reputation, you and Pope aren't that close, and John B is... John B. He has a car, at least, and you grew up together, so he'd probably overlook everything between the both of you if you're in danger.
You snatch you waterlogged phone off your dresser, shaky fingers scrolling through your contacts, thumb hovering over John B's.
You should call him. You've been neglecting your friendship with the group recently, working around the clock and Rafe whisking you away. Everyone's busy in their own way, what with the treasure and everything, so this could be a moment to reunite, bond over how shitty the storms make life on the Cut.
There's one other person you could call.
You shouldn't. Should stick to the friends you know, call John B.
But if you called Rafe, he'd come. He'd come get you, and probably take you back to his house and you wouldn't have to worry about anything, because for some reason, he's serious about doing that.
You could call him. He probably wants you to.
You press call before you can talk yourself out of it.
"Do you know what time it is--"
"A tree branch fell on my roof and now I don't have part of my roof and I'm really cold and wet and please come get me."
"Jesus— okay, yeah, yeah I'm coming. Shit, okay. Are you hurt?"
"My head is bleeding and I'm battered all over, but I don't think I need to go to he hospital."
"You're bleeding from your head and you don't think you need to go to the hospital?"
You can hear the sound of a car door slamming and an engine turning over.
"I don't want to go because then I'll be stuck in these clothes and they'll poke and prod at me and it'll take ages and—"
"Alright, alright. Calm down. How bad is the damage to the house. Look around for me."
"Um," You turn in place, scrutinizing the disaster and chaos around you. "I think most of the roof is intact, just the portion that covers my bedroom and some of the living room are uncovered. The branch took out most of the wall that seperates my room from the living room."
"Fuck. Okay, what about the rest of the house?"
"Um, I don't think I can get to it. The tree branch and other house... pieces are blocking my door."
"Can you get out? At all?"
"Yeah, I think through my window."
"Don't move. Take what you need from your room. I'll be there soon."
“Please don’t hang up.”
The line goes silent and you think he has hung up, that you didn’t say it fast enough or he just didn’t care, but then he speaks.
“Would you rather I sneak you in my house or walk in through the front door?”
“…What are the pros and cons?”
“Well, getting in the front door is easiest, but then you risk seeing my parents and my Dad won’t have questions, but Rose will, and I never want to answer her questions anyway.”
“She can’t be that bad.”
“She is. Sneaking you in is harder, but then we avoid conversations, but if we get caught, conversations will probably be worse. Might become a whole lecture.”
“They’d lecture you for taking in a girl who needs help?”
“Rose would.”
He keeps talking the entire way to your house, his voice speaking in low tones as you gather up the things you need to spend an indefinite amount of time away from home.
He eventually does hang up when he arrives, so you turn your attention to prying your window open and climbing out of it.
You can barely get it wedged open enough to fit through, so you toss your bag through first and shout a quick “over here!” before beginning to crawl through.
You hear footsteps slow to a stop in front of you. “You know, usually when this scenario happens, you’re facing the other way around.”
You swat at his leg. “You’re disgusting. And I’m not stuck. You just arrived at an in-opportune moment.”
He curls a hand under the window and pulls up, making the gap wider. At the sudden release of tension you yelp, tumbling out of the window.
“You’re such a mess.”
“You didn’t warn me!”
He helps you to your feet and leads you to his car, the hand on your waist keeping you distracted from the wreckage behind you.
You do decide in the end to just walk in the front door, because you’re cold and wet and tired.
Ward does wake up and meets you at the staircase (you’re pretending not to notice the sheer opulence of the house) looking rumpled and confused.
“Who’s this?” The man asks, gesturing your rather pathetic looking form.
“My girlfriend,” Rafe says smoothly, “Branch fell on her roof. Place is a mess.”
You wave hello. “Sorry for waking you, Mr. Cameron.”
His gaze flicks to you for a second, then back to Rafe.
“Girlfriend?” His tone sounds… off. “How long has this been a thing?”
Rafe shifts, squaring his shoulders and stepping a little more in front of you. “A little while.”
Ward hums again, eyes flitting to you, taking in your appearance.
“Make sure you get the first aid kit. That head wounds looks nasty.”
Rafe nods. “We got it. Thanks, Dad.”
Ward just dips his head once, then steps back into the bedroom.
You let out a long sigh, pressing a hand to your chest.
“I thought he was going to throw me out.”
“He wouldn’t. I wouldn’t let him, anyway.”
You snort. “Yes, yes, you’re a big strong man. Can we attend to my wounds now? And get some dry clothes?”
Cleaning your wound doesn’t take long, mostly because your head is the only one that really needs cleaning. The rest is taken care of in the shower. The most luxurious and amazing shower of your life. Seriously. You didn’t even know showers could be this relaxing.
The warm water soothes your aching muscles, and Rafe has weirdly good taste in bodywash.
He’d left you a change of clothes and a spare towel even though you said you brought your own.
You change into his anyway.
They’re more comfortable. Better quality than your ratty pajamas.
Your underwear is a different matter. Your dresser is old and broken —as most things in your house are— and the drawer you picked to store your underwear in doesn’t close all the way. This normally isn’t an issue, but when your roof is suddenly no longer attached, it means the a good portion of your underwear got soaked and muddy.
Except the ones at the bottom of the drawer. So the only underwear you had to bring to Rafe’s that was clean and dry is the tiny, lacy stuff you bought from Victoria’s secret and only wear when you’ve taken an everything shower and need a little pick-me-up. When you want to feel like a hot piece of ass. Girl things.
So you look at yourself in the mirror, clad in your own tank top (it’s actually warm enough in his house to wear a tank top to bed) and a pair of his pajama pants, the draw-string pulled tight, the fabric sagging low on your hips, showing off a thin little strip of lace.
Your face flushes. You look like his girlfriend. Dressed in his clothes, lacy underwear peaking through, skin freshly washed and smelling of his body wash.
When you step out of his bathroom, old clothes clutched in your hand, he stills.
He sits back on the edge of his bed, leaning back on his elbows as you slowly saunter over, steps quiet.
His eyes flick down to the lace, pauses on the sight, then back up to your face.
The air is charged, thick with tension.
You pull away from it, tossing your clothes in your backpack and ignoring the heat of his gaze on your back.
“Come over here.”
You straighten, hands behind your back as you walk to him.
You step forward, now standing between his legs.
His hands come up to the back of your thighs, tightening, before moving to your hips. His thumbs ghost over the edge of the lace, and he rumbles something deep in the back of his throat.
“I like these.”
“Do you?”
He presses his face forward, pushing your tank top up with his nose pressing his lips to the now exposed skin of your stomach.
You gasp, then feel him smile against you. He tugs you closer, face pressed to you and hands gripping your sides, just above the edge of your ribcage.
Tentatively, you reach a hand down, sliding from the top his head, down the side of his face, then slowing to a stop at his jaw, pushing your palm up. His head lifts, his eyes a little glassy, chin resting on your stomach.
“You introduced me as your girlfriend.”
“As far as I’m concerned, you are.”
“I am?”
You stroke a thumb over his face, sweeping over his cheekbone and under his eye. He leans into the touch, pliant.
“You think I let just any girl in here? You think I give any girl my clothes?”
“Come on, baby. We’ve been over this.”
He presses another kiss to your stomach, mouth hot and lips firm.
He lifts his head up again. “You can make me yours anytime you want. Just say the word.”
“I’m scared,” you whisper, words barely even a breath.
“Mm,” He hums, hands running up and down your sides. “You think too much.”
You pause for a few moments, taking everything in.
You grab his hand, leave it palm side up in front of you, then reach into your pocket and drop something into it.
The ring. His ring.
He stares at it for a beat, then closes his hand around it, slipping it back onto his finger.
You nod. “Yeah.”
He grins.
Your drop your hands around his neck and he moves his hands to the back of your thighs, effortlessly lifting you onto his lap, wrapping your legs around his middle.
He doesn’t waste any time kissing you. It’s hot and full at first, a roaring flame licking in both your chests, like he’s been holding himself back all this time and finally let it all out. He pushes up into you, and the kiss deepens before it mellows out, slowing down to a few cracking embers.
He pulls back, your noses brushing. “Been wanting to do that since the fucking bookstore.”
“That long?”
“Mhm. You were wearing those cute little pants and you couldn’t reach the top shelf. Wanted to have you right there.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“Mm. Only when it comes to you.”
You fall into each other again, and again, and again.
“I really like you in lace.”
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊
#girlblogging#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe cameron x pogue!reader#outer banks#outer banks x reader#outer banks x you#outer banks x y/n#rafe obx#obx#obx fanfiction#obx fic#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe cameron obx#rafe cameron one shot#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron fic#angst#yeah i’m gonna write an eldest daughter hurt/comfort fic for that#hurt/comfort#fluff
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disclaimer // 18+ content. this story includes mentions of sex, fingering, oral, and yeah.
rafe being obsessed with his best friend would definitely consist of him basically fighting demons the entire time he's with you. poor baby just wants to fuck you sooo bad :(
sucking on a lollipop? his dick is hard the moment you started pulling the wrapper off the lollipop. sitting in his bed with him while scrolling on instagram? his dick is hard the moment you sat on his bed.
definitely fantasizes about the time you finally do let him hit. he's not gonna be a weirdo and beg ─ have you seen him? he's not one to beg for pussy, he'll make mfs work for his dick imo.
rafe would definitely want you to go everywhere with him ─ to the point if someone sees rafe out somewhere ─ you're definitely somewhere trailing behind him.
golfing with top? you're there. running errands? you're there. at a party? you're there. you're always there with him.
"do i really need to go get gas with you?" rafe nods his head, grabbing your arm and his keys as he shoves you into the passenger side and shuts the door. "it takes two seconds to pump your gas and go back home... what am i going fo─"
"shut up."
rafe would definitely be up your ass too ─ he's with you 24/7 too. you don't mind it but sometimes he does a little too much, like when he follows you to the bathroom when you have to pee or when he'll check your location and see your at the store ─ he'll just pop up out of nowhere.
"fuck! you scared me! how did you know i was here?" your eyes are wide ─ your hand resting over your chest to calm yourself as he looks at everything in your cart.
or when you're taking a shower, poor boy just can't leave you alone.
"rafe. i'm taking a fucking shower, get out!" you yell as he patiently sits on the toilet seat ─ your towel and clothes sitting in his lap as his foot taps against the floor, completely ignoring what you were saying as he starts talking about something random.
he lowkey just wants to take a peek at your naked body too.
wait whaaat, who said that?
rafe cant sleep without you ─ so if you're out late, your parents know your sleeping at rafes.
half the time he's trying to calm himself down because he's hard as fuck seeing you in a tank top and pink, satin shorts. he's mentally fanning himself with his hands as you back your body up into his ─ praying you don't feel his hard on.
turning the other way immediately, his back facing yours the second your ass presses up against him. "hmm, m'just gonna face this way ─" he says it so awkwardly too, leaving you confused but also you couldn't give a fuck less.
rafe would be over the moon the second you let him hit. i wanna say he'd cum so fast like a teenage boy but i feel like he would also wanna savor the moment.
he'd take it so serious, finger fucking you, eating you out, kissing and licking your tits ─ literally everything. then he'd fuck you sooo good ─ just so you know this is what you've been missing out on this whole time.
#rafe cameron imagines#outerbanks rafe#rafe cameron#rafe obx#rafe imagine#rafe outer banks#rafe x reader#rafe x you#rafe fanfiction#rafe#rafe smut#rafe fic#rafe cameron smut#obx smut#obx x reader#obx fanfiction#obx imagine#obx fic#obx
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urs | p.sh (18+)
You weren't supposed to want more, but you did. What started as a casual fling became more complicated when you found yourself caught between your desire and the reality that Park Sunghoon's heart belonged to someone else.
Genre: college au, situationship, smut Pairing: Park Sunghoon x afab!reader Warnings: mature themes, explicit sexual content (18+), NOT PROOFREAD. I'll come back to do that when I can lol. Notes: 10k words. Listening to urs by NIKI. My first Sunghoon fic and it's written on a whim! lol. I wrote this instead of working on my overdue wip lol. I hope you like it! Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not know them personally nor claim they would ever behave in real life like they were portrayed in this story. ALSO, if you see a similar story from a different blog for a different idol, that is me. xoxo, cal.
You first met Park Sunghoon at a frat party you had no real interest in attending. It was the first night of the semester, the music was good, the drinks were flowing, and the energy was exactly what you needed. It was the kind of night that made you feel young and invincible, where bad decisions were just part of the fun. And tonight, you were on a mission: hook up with a hot guy.
It was a promiscuous mission, you knew that. And you would be lying if you said you weren’t that kind of girl because you were! But you weren’t the reckless, messy type. No, you were the smart kind of promiscuous. The kind who could have fun without losing control. You were practical about it—always sober enough to make sound decisions, always keeping your boundaries clear. Simply put, you were the best type of promiscuous.
As a college girl with ambitions, you couldn’t afford to get tangled in romance and all that commitment nonsense. Too much work. But you had needs, and fulfilling them meant nights like this—scanning the crowd for a guy who could tickle your fancy, no strings attached.
That was how you spotted him.
Tall, handsome, but oddly out of place. While the rest of the party thrived on the chaos, he stood by himself in a corner. He had a cup in his hand, but it wasn’t like he was enjoying it. He looked like he’d rather be anywhere else—his posture slouched just enough to suggest he wasn’t a part of this. He had that bored, almost irritable look on his face, the kind that made you wonder if he was only here because someone dragged him along.
You were not the type to hesitate, so you didn’t. You’d done this enough times to know exactly what you were after, and right now? You were after him.
“Is this your first frat party, or are you just too cool for it?” you asked, leaning in just enough to get his attention.
He glanced at you, his eyes flicking over your face for a second before landing on your lips, then back up to your eyes. Up close, he was even more good-looking—long lashes, sharp features, lips that curled just slightly at the corners like he was already amused by you, and a couple of beauty marks on his face that made him even more striking.
He was definitely your type.
“You look like you’d rather be anywhere else,” you added, taking a sip of your drink, not breaking eye contact.
“That obvious?” he asked, his voice low, almost melodic.
You smirked, liking the way his voice was as perfect as his looks. “You look miserable,” you pointed out, still grinning.
He chuckled lightly, amused but not exactly thrilled. “What about you? Having fun?”
You shrugged. “I wasn’t. But right now, I think I might be…” You let your gaze wander, deliberately slow, from his face to the exposed skin of his chest where a few buttons were undone.
Sunghoon smirked, his gaze trailing over you in a way that was appreciative without being too obvious. “Well, that makes two of us,” he replied suggestively.
He flirted right back!
“I’m Sunghoon,” he said, offering his hand for a shake. You took it and gave him your name.
Your eyes locked with his—now more curious, sizing him up. For a few seconds, it was just the two of you staring each other down, trying to gauge each other’s thoughts with your hands still joined. Then you saw a flicker in his eyes that made you come to an agreement with your own intuition.
You tilted your head, eyes still locked with his. “Do you wanna have sex with me?”
His eyes widened slightly, his brows lifting in surprise—visibly caught off guard by your suggestion. His grip on your hand loosened, though he didn’t let go completely. You kept your gaze steady, showing no hesitation and letting him know you were serious. A few seconds of silence passed where you almost thought he’d say no, but then he exhaled a soft laugh.
“Are you always this forward?” he asked, amused now.
You shrugged nonchalantly. “Only when I see someone I like.”
He tilted his head slightly, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “And you like me?”
“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t.”
With that, his smirk widened, and before you could second-guess yourself, he set his cup down. “My place or yours?”
And just like that, you were out of the party and heading to whatever the hell came next. No strings, no pressure. Just the way you liked it.
You didn’t know it then, but that was when the tsunami that would come crashing in began to take shape.
You didn’t mean for it to happen again. It was supposed to be a one-time thing—fun, uncomplicated. But he was phenomenal, so it happened a second time. And a third. And eventually, you just lost count.
Maybe it was because, other than the fact that he was really good at it, he was also easy to be around. He wasn’t like the others—the ones who got clingy after a night or acted like they were doing you a favor by sleeping with you. Sunghoon was different. He never overstayed his welcome, never asked for more than you were willing to give, but he wasn’t distant either. If anything, he was… nice.
Not in a fake, trying-too-hard way. Just nice. Made you feel comfortable, always made sure you finished before he did, and never left without saying something witty that made you roll your eyes. He had this way of being detached but not cold, like he had mastered the art of keeping things casual without being an asshole.
“You know,” you mused, sprawled across his bed, still catching your breath, “my first impression of you was that you were boring and miserable. Turns out you know how to make a girl have fun.”
Standing by his closet, Sunghoon threw you an amused glance as he pulled a sweatshirt over his head. “Yeah? I aim to please.”
You smirked. “That sounds like something a guy who thinks he’s good in bed would say.”
He let out a soft laugh, running a hand through his hair before turning to you, looking almost too put-together for someone who had just spent an hour between your legs. “And? Am I not?”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, pretending to consider it. “Hmm. You’re alright.”
He scoffed, tossing a pillow at you, which you barely dodged. “You’re a bad liar.”
You grinned, stretching lazily. “Well, I can’t have you getting a big head, can I?”
Sunghoon shook his head, his lips curling into that infuriatingly charming smirk. “Too late for that.”
It was easy. Too easy. Maybe that’s why you let it keep happening.
Behind closed doors, there was no restraint. It didn’t matter if it was your place or his—once the door was closed, your hands were on his neck, his lips found your skin, and clothes barely made it past the foyer before being discarded.
Sunghoon was incredible in bed. He was controlled, precise, yet somehow still desperate when he kissed you, when he pressed you against the mattress, when he groaned your name like it was the only thing keeping him from spiraling. And you? You had mastered the art of making him unravel.
You knew exactly what made him weak, how to turn his composure into incoherence, how to make him grip your waist a little harder or breathe your name in a way that made your stomach flip. It was exhilarating, effortless—two people who just fit perfectly when it came to this.
But outside? You were mere acquaintances.
A nod in the hallway. A fleeting smile across the quad. If you happened to pass each other at a party, he’d tip his cup in your direction, and you’d lift a brow in acknowledgment. No one knew. No one suspected a thing. And you liked it better that way. You were both civil and could control your urges.
Except for when you couldn’t.
Like now.
You were leaving class when Sunghoon caught your wrist, pulling you into an empty lecture hall.
He kissed you before you could finish, his hands already gripping your hips, pressing you against the nearest desk. The kiss was hot, urgent, like he had been holding back all day.
“Wow, I think you missed me a little,” you teased when he finally pulled away, breathless.
Sunghoon scoffed, but his fingers traced the sleeve of your dress like he wasn’t done with you yet. “You should wear this more often.”
You smirked. “What? Hoon, you did not pull me in here just because I’m wearing a dress.”
“It’s a really nice dress,” he grinned, leaning in to kiss you again.
You kissed him back, snaking your arms around his neck. His hand slipped under your dress, squeezing your thighs firmly. When the familiar warmth started creeping up your chest, you held his hand to stop him.
“This is not a good idea,” you told him, smiling at the puppy-like look on his face.
He exhaled sharply, shaking his head like he regretted his own impulse. But he didn’t let go. Instead, he leaned in again, his lips brushing yours like he couldn’t help himself.
And then you heard the sound of voices just outside the door.
In an instant, Sunghoon stepped back, running a hand through his hair like nothing had happened. You casually adjusted your dress. When the door creaked open, and a couple of students poked their heads in, you and Sunghoon were already on opposite sides of the room.
“Is this Professor Smith’s class?” one of them asked just as you spotted the same name written on the board in front.
“It is,” you said smoothly, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you strode past Sunghoon without so much as a glance.
Outside, in the open air, you felt his presence behind you, his steps easy and unhurried. As you reached the main path to the quad, he finally passed you, his shoulder brushing yours just slightly.
“See you around,” he murmured, low enough that only you could hear.
You smirked, not looking back. “See you around.”
But even with all of that, you could tell he was drawing a line between you. He didn’t have to say it. You could see it in the way he never texted first, the way he kissed you like he meant it but pulled away too quickly after. The way he made you laugh but never let the moment linger too long.
And maybe you should have done the same.
You didn’t mean to fall for him. You really didn’t. But it was hard not to when, in between the sneaking around and the mind-blowing sex, Sunghoon was just... Sunghoon. Nice and thoughtful in a way that made it almost impossible to keep things casual.
Like when the lightbulb in your room went out, and he arrived at your place with a new one, climbed on a chair, and replaced it himself.
“I was gonna do that, you know,” you said, arms crossed as you leaned against the wall, watching him screw the new bulb into place. “I’m just a little busy these days.”
He climbed down, dusting his hands off. “Yeah, but can you even reach that high?”
You rolled your eyes, but when he patted your head like you were some kid, you didn’t swat his hand away. Instead, you found yourself watching him as he moved around your space so easily.
Or the way he always refilled your bedside tumbler before he left your place. You didn’t even notice it at first, but one morning, you woke up, throat dry, and reached for it instinctively—only to realize it was full. Ice-cold. Like he had just topped it off before slipping out.
And then there was the night you were cramming for an exam, drowning in highlighter ink and frustration, when your door swung open, and Sunghoon walked in like he owned the place.
“I’m about to become your favorite person in the world,” he announced, dropping a thick stack of papers on your desk.
You blinked up at him. “What is this?”
“My old notes,” he said, ruffling your hair before plopping onto your bed like he had all the time in the world. “They’re neat. Better than whatever middle school doodles you have going on.”
You flipped through them, and he wasn’t lying—his notes were immaculate. Organized, highlighted, complete with diagrams. You stared at them, then at him, sprawled out on your bed like he had no idea what he’d just done.
“You didn’t strike me as a guy who took his studies seriously,” you teased, although you didn’t really think that way about him.
Sunghoon smirked, turning his head to look at you. “Why? Did you think the only thing I knew how to do was make your legs shake?”
You rolled your eyes, but it didn’t stop the warmth creeping up your chest. “Be real, Hoon. You’re not that good.”
“Liar liar, pants on fire,” he lilted, his eyes shifting back to his phone.
You fell for him because hookups weren’t supposed to be this thoughtful. Hookups weren’t supposed to linger after sex to fix your lightbulb or make sure you stayed hydrated. They weren’t supposed to look after you in ways so small, so casual, that you almost missed them.
You caught yourself wondering. Did he care about you more than just a hookup? Or worse—did you want him to?
You were at a café with your friends when his name came up.
It started casually enough—half-listening to the conversation while stirring the melting ice in your drink, until one of them, Lily, suddenly said, “Oh, by the way, I saw Sunghoon at your apartment complex the other day. Didn’t know you guys were neighbors.”
Your hand stilled, heartbeat picking up pace at the sudden mention of his name. You blinked once, twice, before mustering up an easy shrug. “Huh. Neither did I.”
Lily laughed, oblivious. “Right? He was coming out of your building. I was gonna say hi, but he looked like he was in a hurry.”
Across the table, Tammy tilted her head. “Maybe he was visiting someone? From what I know, he lives with Jake in a different neighborhood.”
“Maybe,” Lily mused, sipping her drink. Then, as if the thought just occurred to her, she added, “Oh! You and Jenna are neighbors, right?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know any Jenna.”
“Jenna! The girl who won the poll for prettiest student last year!” she explained, her expression turning conspiratorial. “She’s Sunghoon’s ex.”
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach.
Lily went on, oblivious. “Guess he’s still hoping she’ll take him back.”
The words landed like a slap. You almost asked her to repeat herself, but the way Tammy nodded in understanding told you that you heard right.
“Yeah,” Tammy said. “They were together for two years. I heard he was really sad when they broke up.”
Lily clicked her tongue. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did get back together. They were that couple, you know?”
That couple. The ones who belonged together. The ones who had history, real history—not just stolen moments behind closed doors.
You swallowed, forcing a small smirk. “Didn’t know you guys were keeping up with Sunghoon’s love life like this.”
Lily nodded. “Jenna and I used to hang out when I was still in the council.”
Then she started rambling about their history, how Jenna broke Sunghoon’s heart, how he never really moved on. You nodded along, pretending to listen, but your mind was stuck on every moment you spent with him. The way he pulled you closer in his sleep, how he never let you walk home alone, the way he looked at you sometimes—like maybe you were something more special to him.
But you weren’t. You weren’t the one he wanted. You never were. And just like that, the guessing game was over.
He didn’t want you like you wanted him. You were genuinely just a fling.
Still, you smiled, made some joke that had your friends laughing, and sipped your drink like nothing was wrong. Like your stomach hadn’t just dropped to the floor.
Later, when you saw Sunghoon again—when he let himself into your apartment with that lazy smirk, hands already reaching for you—you didn’t hesitate. You let him touch you, let him kiss you like nothing had changed.
Because for him, nothing had.
And if he didn’t know the difference or couldn’t see the shift, then you sure as hell weren’t going to show him.
Does it make sense to want your ex back and exclusively sleep with someone else? NO.
It was stupid. Sunghoon was stupid. That was what you told yourself every time the thought crossed your mind—every time you caught yourself comparing.
You never voiced it out loud, though. Not to your friends, because Sunghoon was popular, and they’d pry if they knew you were sleeping with him. Not to him, for obvious reasons. And mainly because you had pride. You were the one who said you wouldn’t get attached—the one who laughed at girls who caught feelings for a fling.
But knowing better didn’t stop the thoughts from creeping in.
His ex was his senior, a fine arts major. Pretty. Smart. Talented. One of those girls who just had it. The kind people didn’t get over easily. You told yourself it didn’t matter. If he wanted her back, that was his problem, not yours. It wasn’t like you and Sunghoon were anything.
And so the days with him continued to be easy and light.
You spent more time together, and the more you did, the more you noticed his quirks—his own brand of annoying charm. Like how he always picked up your keys instead of his whenever he left your apartment, or how he liked to roll his sleeves and ruffle his hair absentmindedly.
One evening, lying side by side on your bed, you scrolled through your texts, absentmindedly opening your chat with him. A dozen images filled the screen, almost all of them mirror selfies. Some in elevators, some in his room, one even in a convenience store.
“You like yourself a little too much, don’t you?” you mused, tilting your phone so he could see.
Sunghoon barely glanced at it. “What?”
“These,” you said, scrolling through. “Almost every picture you send me is just you.”
He smirked, resting his head on his arm. “What, you don’t like them?”
You huffed. “You’re hot and you know it, is that it?”
He let out a breathy laugh, rolling onto his side to face you. The glint in his eyes was naughty and suggestive. His next words, even more so: “Would you rather I send you something else?”
He was looking at you like he knew exactly what he was doing, but you weren’t about to let him have the upper hand.
“Maybe,” you said, feigning deep thought. “Like a cat picture. Or, I don’t know, an interesting rock.”
Sunghoon snorted. “An interesting rock?”
“I like rocks.”
“You’re weird.”
“And you’re a narcissist.”
He only grinned, as if he didn’t mind the label. You shook your head, rolling onto your stomach, but your lips twitched when your phone vibrated a second later.
A picture. Of a rock.
You bit back a smile, and Sunghoon, watching you, caught it anyway.
“What?” he asked, amused.
“Nothing,” you said, tossing your phone aside.
You had never once felt insecure about what you had with Sunghoon, but after what you heard from your friends, you started to notice the little things. It almost seemed like outside the four walls of your apartments, you were nothing to each other.
You used to think he was just a lazy texter. His replies were always short, sometimes delayed, sometimes just emojis. But knowing what you knew now, you wondered if he just wasn’t interested enough.
The thought crept under your skin, making you overthink the things you once brushed off.
Before, when you texted him to come over and he said he couldn’t, you didn’t think much of it. But now? Now, you wondered if he was with her when he wasn’t with you. If he looked at his phone, saw your message, and made a choice.
Yet, you kept crawling back for more.
You were an intelligent woman. You knew this was foolish. You knew how it made you look. But it was fine, because no one else knew how you felt—not your friends, not even Sunghoon himself. It was fine because you were foolish only in your own eyes. There was no need for anyone else to know.
Despite the foolishness of it all, you were happy. You were content enough to be able to spend time with him, to be touched and worshipped by him, to know you had the power to tease out a part of him that not everyone had the privilege to see.
“Sunghoon,” you sighed, fingers pressed against your temple as you looked out of the car window. “We’ve been circling this block for ten minutes.”
You had tagged along with Sunghoon on a quick trip to pick up some pieces for his department’s upcoming art exhibit. It was unplanned. You were outside the campus after class when he spotted you and asked if you wanted to join him. Since you didn’t have anything planned for the day (and because you could never say no to a chance to hang out with him), you got into his car and let him drive without even asking where you were going.
But Sunghoon, as it turned out, had a terrible sense of direction.
“I swear it was supposed to be around here,” he muttered, one hand on the wheel, the other tapping aimlessly at his phone.
“You said that twenty minutes ago.”
He shot you a glance, sheepish. “Well, I meant it twenty minutes ago.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your seat, stretching your legs. The map app on his dashboard kept recalculating, rerouting him to roads that either didn’t exist or led straight to nowhere. And when he finally admitted defeat, pulling over to rethink his next move, you both stepped out and realized something.
The ocean was right there.
Waves lapped lazily at the shore, the sky was clear, and the sun was warm but not overbearing—the kind of day that practically begged to be wasted at the beach.
“…Screw the errand?” you offered.
Sunghoon stared at the water for a moment before shrugging. “Screw the errand.”
And just like that, the detour became the destination.
The day unfolded spontaneously. You bought overpriced street food from a vendor by the shore, eating as you walked, laughing when Sunghoon scrunched his nose at the spicy kick of the sauce. He had an annoyingly specific taste in food and the smell, but he still let you shove a piece of yours into his mouth.
You found a little souvenir stand and tried on ridiculous sunglasses, taking pictures of each other in frames shaped like hearts and palm trees. Sunghoon snapped candid shots of you when you weren’t looking, and though you pretended to be annoyed, you never asked him to stop.
At some point, the tide crept in, and you played a round of rock, paper, scissors and dared the loser to get into the water. You weren’t even surprised when you lost. You sucked at this game.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” you grumbled, kicking your sandals off. “By myself, no less.”
“Hey, it’s a game. We both agreed to this,” he retorted, stepping back. “And I can’t go in there. I’m wearing jeans.”
“And I’m wearing a skirt,” you countered, already wading in, your hem darkening as the waves reached you.
Sunghoon exhaled through his nose, probably wondering if you were actually sulking over a punishment you’d happily agreed to before you lost the game. Of course, you weren’t, but it was fun to tease him and see what he’d do.
“You’re unbelievable,” he said after the scowl never left your face. In a moment of impulsive surrender, he walked straight in after you, the water soaking up his pants. You’re actually unbelievable,” he added, shaking his head as the chill hit him.
You grinned triumphantly, making him brush his hair back in playful exasperation. Then, shaking his head in defeat, he said, “I knew it. It was a farce. You knew I was gonna give in!”
“You fell for it,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes playfully. “Don’t blame me,” you added, flicking water at him.
Sunghoon blinked at you, unimpressed, before flicking some back with just the tips of his fingers.
“Oh, come on,” you taunted. “Is that the best you can do?”
His eyes narrowed slightly—just enough of a warning before he sent a full splash your way, drenching your arms. You gasped, stumbling back with a laugh.
“Oh? So that’s how it’s gonna be?” you shot back, scooping up water with both hands and throwing it right at his chest.
He retaliated, sending another wave toward you, and suddenly it was war. One splash turned into another, then another, until you were both breathless, clothes sticking to your skin, hair a mess.
Sunghoon pushed his dripping bangs back with a huff. “This is your fault,” he said, smiling his usual warm and blinding smile—the smile that made his eyes crinkle, the smile that revealed dimples carving deep into his cheeks, the smile that could make anyone think Sunghoon had never forced a grin in his life.
He was beautiful, and you could feel yourself falling deeper and deeper, with no way out. You were falling so deep that it made your heart ache a little—the way you liked him, the way you wanted him to be yours, the way you wished today could last forever.
As the sky started to turn amber, you collapsed onto the sand, watching the sun lower itself into the horizon.
The waves rolled in, steady and endless, curling at the shore. The air smelled of salt, and the golden glow of the sunset painted the world majestically. You sat side by side, talking and laughing about random things, content to share the warmth of a single jacket.
Then, somewhere between the soothing sound of the waves and the silly jokes, the conversation drifted deeper.
You talked about things you never had before—about college, about dreams and ambitions, about the way people always say you’ll just know when something is right.
“How do you know for sure that that’s what you wanted to pursue?” he asked while you were tracing idle patterns in the sand. “What if you think you know, but when you get to the end of it, you realize it was the wrong choice?”
You looked out into the ocean, tilting your head slightly, considering. “I didn’t really know it was the right choice. I don’t think anyone ever really knows,” you admitted. “Not in the moment, at least. Maybe you just choose something, and later, that choice becomes the right one.”
You turned to look at him only to find out he already had his eyes on you. The admiration in his gaze was subtle, but it was there. Seeing that made your heart trip over itself, it made you forget, for just a second, that this wasn’t real.
And when he leaned in, when his eyes flickered to your lips and your breath caught, you stopped thinking. You knew what was coming. You knew he was about to kiss you, but somehow, for some reason, this time felt different. Like this kiss was gonna determine a major point in your relationship.
But before anything could happen, Sunghoon’s phone rang, jolting you both out of the trance. You both looked away in embarrassment, clearing your throat like you’d caught yourself doing something you shouldn’t. Which was ridiculous because you’d done nothing but kiss him in the past few months.
Sunghoon cleared his throat as he picked up his phone on the sand then answered the call with a quiet, “Yeah?”
It was the committee for the exhibit and you watched him talk on the phone for the next few minutes, explaining what had happened and why he couldn’t finish the errand. By the time he hung up, the sky had darkened completely, and the air had turned crisp.
“It’s late,” he said, brushing sand off his hands. “You okay with crashing at my place?”
You blinked. “Your place?”
“Our old family house. It’s not far from here.”
You hesitated for a moment, but then shrugged. “Sure.”
The car ride was quiet, thick with the tension that had been ignited by the near-kiss at the beach. Neither of you spoke, but your gazes met every now and then—quick glances, fleeting and heated, before darting away like you hadn’t been caught.
Sunghoon was the first to break. His hand drifted from the wheel, finding your thigh in the dim glow of the dashboard, fingers pressing just enough to make your breath hitch. He squeezed, testing, and when you didn’t stop him, he grew bolder, pushing the hem of your dress up just enough to feel the warmth of your skin. His fingers traced your skin with slow, deliberate strokes, inching higher into your inner thighs and lightly brushing your sex.
The heat of his touch burned through you. While you sat there feeling hotter as your heartbeat hammered wildly in your chest, he remained composed and quiet, his face unreadable save for the occasional twitch of his jaw. He kept his eyes on the road, but the way the car gradually picked up speed as he stepped harder on the gas told you everything you needed to know.
The tension coiled tighter and tighter until the car rolled to a stop in their driveway. He exhaled sharply, as if regaining control of himself before stepping out and opening the door for you like nothing was out of the ordinary.
The lock to their house’s main entrance clicked, the door creaked open, and the second you stepped inside, all restraints snapped.
You barely had a moment to take in the house before his hands were on you, pulling you in, mouths crashing in a kiss that was desperate, needy, and greedy. He backed you into the foyer, hands mapping the curve of your waist, and the shape of your hips.
Your fingers tangled in his shirt, pulling, tugging, holding on for dear life as the heat of his touch woke something primal in you. He barely broke the kiss as he guided you further inside, not caring where you ended up as long as you got there together. You went past the foyer and the living room, but all you felt was the press of his body, the way he kissed you with the kind of hunger that made your head spin.
He pushed a door open, urging you inside but you hesitated, pulse hammering.
“Sunghoon,” you breathed between kisses, fingers clutching at his shoulders. “Your parents—”
“They’re not home.” His voice was low, steady, but his eyes burned through yours.
You barely had a second to process before he kissed you again, silencing every last doubt as he pushed you inside the door he had just opened. When he clicked the lights on, the glow of a bathroom light flickered on, reflecting off the tiles and the mirror above the sink.
“Figured you’d hate the taste of the sea on my skin,” he murmured, grinning as his fingers grazed your hip. You were suddenly reminded of the saltwater clinging to your skin, and the sand on your legs, remnants of the day you’d spent together.
You swallowed, nodding. But the moment he lifted the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift motion, you knew washing up wasn’t gonna be the only thing happening in here.
You shamelessly ogled him—his bare skin, damp from sweat and seawater, and his lean build with well-defined muscles that you’d seen several times before but still found alluring. He caught you staring and smirked, stepping closer, close enough that his fingers found the buttons of your top.
“Did you know I’m good with buttons?” he asked softly, making you giggle.
“Yeah. I’ve seen your skills,” you said, watching him.
His fingers were deft, undoing your buttons slowly, teasingly. When he was done, he gently tugged it off, letting it fall on the floor. His hands didn’t leave you, though. They skimmed down your arms, and your waist, examining every curve like he had it memorized and wanted to see if anything was different.
The next thing you knew, warm water was cascading over your bodies, steam enveloping you in the small space. The spray soaked your hair, trailing down your spine, but you barely noticed because Sunghoon was there—his hands smoothing over your skin, his lips brushing against your shoulder, your jaw, his canines grazing your skin ever so slightly.
“We’re supposed to be washing up,” you teased, though your voice was breathless.
“We are,” he murmured, his fingers sliding down your stomach, inching lower. “Just making sure we’re doing it thoroughly.”
You let out a quiet laugh, but it faded into a sigh when he pressed you back against the cool tiles, his mouth finding yours again. He didn’t stay for long, lips trailing down your jaw to your neck, all the way to your chest where his kisses turned a little more intense. He sucked and squeezed, sending a pleasant ripple through your body that made you arch forward for more. The water drowned out the sound of your quiet moans, the warmth of his mouth making every touch feel more heady, more intoxicating.
When did he take off his pants? You didn’t even notice until he pressed his body against yours and you felt his manhood pulsating against your torso, hot and raging. He kissed your lips again, shoving his tongue inside as his breathing turned rougher.
“Turn around,” he rasped in your ear, and you obliged, finding yourself face-to-face with your own reflection.
You pressed your hands against the glass, your entire body tingling with anticipation as he positioned himself behind you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, kissing the side of your neck as you felt his tip prodding your pussy.
“Look at you,” he whispered, biting your ear. “Do you have any idea how you drive me crazy all the damn time?”
You were about to respond when he pushed himself inside you, making you let out a throaty gasp instead. Sunghoon stayed still, shushing you gently and kissing your shoulder.
“It’s alright. We’ve done this before,” he chimed and you could see him smirking in your reflection.
“You’re used to this, right?” he asked, moving delicately so you could properly adjust to his length and girth. “Right, baby?” he asked again, and the lilt in his voice made you close your eyes and nod.
“That’s right. You said you love it, didn’t you?”
You could only let out a deep sigh, tilting your head back. “Yes, Hoon. I love it,” you whispered back.
“Good. I know you do,” he chimed, gently bending you forward. “I know you’ll love this too,” he added before his hands settled on your waist and he started thrusting into you.
His pace was urgent, with enough force to make your knees weak each time he slammed into you. You didn’t even bother to stifle your moans anymore, letting them out completely, not caring if there were neighbors nearby who might hear you. You were lightheaded with lust, spiraling into the titillating euphoria that Sunghoon never once failed to deliver. Your entire being came alive and you were so caught up in it that you didn’t even notice your knees buckling underneath your weight.
Sunghoon’s grip tightened as he helped keep you up, pulling out to give you a quick break and to turn you face-to-face with him again. His grin was unmistakable, pleased to see your fucked-out expression. “So so beautiful,” he said, sweeping your hair out of your face.
He pressed you against the cool tiles, his lips crashing onto yours, urgency overtaking everything else. You gasped when his hands gripped your thighs, lifting you against him. The water poured over his shoulders, down your back, as he moved with reckless need, his breath ragged against your ear.
“More, Hoon. Please, more,” you pleaded, as if he wasn’t already ramming mercilessly into you making every nerve in your body dance in pleasure.
“You’re so horny for me,” he murmured against your lips, his fingers gripping your thighs as he lifted you against him. “Can’t even wait till we got to the bed, huh?”
Your breath hitched as he pressed into you, the heat of the shower only amplifying the sensation. “This was your idea,” you whispered, but it came out shaky, wrecked.
He chuckled, low and deep. “I know. But you want this too, don’t you?” he said, voice smooth as his lips traced down your throat. “You want me so bad. You’re begging me for more, isn’t that right?”
You didn’t answer—not in words, at least. But when you tightened your grip around his shoulders, nails pressing into his skin, he took it as confirmation.
“That’s it,” he groaned, rolling his hips into yours. “Come on, baby. Let me hear you.”
You whimpered when he hit a delicious spot, holding onto him tighter. “Hoon, you fuck so good.”
He grunted, spurred on by your admission. He was fast, desperate—like he couldn’t get enough, like he had to claim every inch of you right then and there. When he finally tipped over the edge, dragging you down with him, he held you through it, his lips pressing on your temple as your body trembled in his arms.
The moment was fleeting, but the desire didn’t leave just yet. You could still feel it in his touch even as he set you back on your feet. The moment you stepped out of the shower, Sunghoon grabbed a towel, barely bothering to dry you properly before he lifted you off your feet, carrying you out of the bathroom, down the hallway, and into what you only assumed was his bedroom.
This time, there was no rush.
He laid you down, his hands smoothing over your skin, his touch softer now, more reverent. “Look at you,” he murmured, eyes tracing over every inch of you, dark with something more than just lust. “So pretty. So perfect for me.”
Your breath came uneven as he leaned down, pressing slow, lingering kisses along your collarbone, down your chest, lower—each one dragging a gasp from your lips.
“Tell me what you need,” he whispered against your skin.
“You,” you admitted, voice barely above a whisper.
A knowing smile tugged at his lips. “Yeah?” He kissed the corner of your mouth, teasing. “Then take me,” he added, just before he filled you up again.
It wasn’t rushed, wasn’t urgent, or desperate. It was slow, deep, and overwhelming in the most delightful way. He kept his forehead pressed to yours, breath warm against your face, whispering in between kisses.
“That’s it… just like that, baby,” he murmured, moving languidly. “You feel so good. You’re taking me so well.”
Every whispered praise sent shivers down your spine, made you cling to him even tighter, and made the pleasure build until it was unbearable.
The night was young and it was not gonna end just yet. And so the hours blurred into moments of euphoric highs, fleeting clarity, and intense need to ravage and be ravaged. His name was the only thing you could say—over and over—until you were both left breathless, tangled together in the sheets, completely undone.
In the morning, you probably wouldn’t remember every detail of tonight, but you’d remember this—remember the way his hands felt on your skin, the way he whispered your name like a prayer. In the dim glow of Sunghoon’s bedroom, your fingers tangled in his damp hair, lips swollen from too many kisses, you let yourself forget. Forget the rules. Forget that this was never supposed to feel like more. Just for tonight, he was yours, and you were his.
The morning light streamed in through the sheer curtains, hurting your eyes a little. You blinked awake, momentarily disoriented, until the scent of Sunghoon’s shampoo on your skin and the warmth of the bed beneath you reminded you where you were.
You turned over to find him already awake, his arm tucked behind his head as he looked at you with a lazy smile. “Morning,” he murmured.
“Morning,” you murmured, voice thick with sleep.
His fingers skimmed down your arm. “You’re cute when you sleep.”
A slow blink. Then, a scoff. “Liar.”
“It’s true.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch lingering as his gaze flickered down to your lips. “You drool a little, though.”
You smacked his arm. “I do not.”
His laughter was low and teasing, as he caught your wrist then tugged you closer. His body was warm against yours, and his breath was even warmer as he kissed the curve of your neck.
“We should get up,” you said, but neither of you moved.
“Yeah,” he murmured, his soft kisses trailing down to your shoulder. “In a bit,” he added before reaching to cup your cheek and kiss your lips.
One thing led to another and suddenly, you were underneath him again, his body pressing into yours like he couldn’t bear to be apart.
The morning air was cool, but his hands were warm as they skimmed down your waist, his touch slow, and smooth.
“You’re insatiable,” he murmured against your lips, smiling when you shivered under him.
“So are you,” you whispered back, running your fingers through his hair.
He hummed, nipping at your bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue. “Guess we’re even, then.”
His hands slid over your bare skin, his touch reverent. He kissed you deeply, guiding you through the lazy tangle of limbs and soft gasps, dragging it out like he had all the time in the world.
By the time you finally got out of bed, Sunghoon had already dug through his closet, tossing you an old hoodie and some sweatpants. You pulled them on and followed him down the quiet hallway.
The house felt still—too still. Only then did you notice the dust gathering on the bookshelves, the faint scent of time in the air.
“This place has been empty for a while now,” Sunghoon said casually from behind you when he noticed you looking around. “My family moved a few months ago to take care of my grandparents.”
Your brows lifted. “So no one lives here?”
He shook his head. “Not really. I come by sometimes. I technically still live here, I'm just not here often.”
That made sense. There was something about the house—it felt untouched, frozen in time, like stepping into a memory. You walked further into the hall, your fingers grazing along the walls and stopping at the framed photographs hanging there.
You studied them, tilting your head. Sunghoon as a kid, bright-eyed and grinning, a missing tooth on full display. A younger version of him on a skating rink, mid-game, frozen in motion. Another picture—him and his family, arms slung over each other’s shoulders, and several of him in a skating rink, different poses, taken in the middle of a routine.
“You skate?”
Sunghoon smiled, standing beside you and looking up at the photos. “Used to. I was in the national team for a while.”
“Why did you stop?” you asked glancing up at him and seeing the reminiscent look on his face.
He simply shrugged. “I had to be realistic. I enjoyed the sport but I couldn’t see myself doing it for a long time.”
You bit back a smile. “You were kind of adorable.”
Sunghoon scoffed, stepping up behind you. “I still am.”
He tugged at your hoodie—his hoodie—pulling the hood over your head before nodding toward the door. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat.”
The drive back to the city was uneventful, the radio playing softly in the background. Sunghoon’s hand rested on the wheel, his other lazily draped over your thigh, tracing absentminded patterns through the fabric of his sweatpants that you were still wearing. You were talking, laughing, stealing quick glances at him between songs on the stereo.
At some point, he cleared his throat. “So… what are you doing later?”
“I have a group project.” You groaned, leaning back against the seat. “I’m meeting up with my classmates later.”
“Right. Group project.” He nodded slowly, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. “Sounds boring.”
“It is,” you huffed. “Why’d you ask?”
“No reason.” His eyes stayed fixed on the road, but you caught the way his grip on the wheel tightened just slightly. A second passed before he spoke again, this time even more nonchalant. “What about tomorrow?”
You tilted your head. “Tomorrow? I’m not sure. Just classes, I think.” You turned to him, raising a brow. “Why?”
“Do you wanna grab lunch with me tomorrow?”
You stared at him for a moment, then grinned teasingly. “Are you asking me out on a date, Park Sunghoon?”
His ears turned the faintest shade of pink, but he scoffed like the idea was ridiculous. “I’m just saying we should get lunch.”
“Mmm.” You pretended to think. “Sounds like a date to me.”
“It’s not a date.”
You scoffed in playful exasperation. “Dude, I was naked on top of you last night and a couple of other nights before. Surely we’re way past shy invitations for lunch dates?”
“I’m asking you to eat.” He paused, then added with a tilt of his head, “But if you wanna call it a date, that’s fine too. Labels are overrated.”
You hummed, pretending to think about it. “Hm. I guess I’ll allow it.”
Sunghoon chuckled, shaking his head. “Good. It’s settled then,” he said, stopping at a red light.
He leaned over to kiss you, catching you off guard but only for a moment. You kissed him back, albeit a little confused. When he pulled away, he was wearing a proud smirk on his face and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Stop that.”
“Stop what?” he asked, shifting the gear as the light turned green again. He reached for your hand, intertwining your fingers and bringing it to his lips.
One hour later, you reached your apartment complex, but had to you stay a few more minutes in his car because he couldn’t seem to get enough of you, kissing and touching right there in the parking lot. You had to forcefully push him away and remind him that you had classes and important stuff to attend to. Even then, he was reluctant to let you go.
After a dramatic goodbye that had him pouting as he drove away, you climbed up the building with a sickening grin on your face. You unlocked your door, stepping inside with a lightness in your chest, breathing in the familiar smell of your home.
The past few days had been a rollercoaster for you, with all the guessing and expectations and disappointments. But now, you were feeling much lighter, much happier. The good days with Sunghoon were all you could think of, playing back in flashes—the sound of his laugh in your space, the weight of his arm over your waist in the morning, the smell of his skin at night, the way he always left the bathroom mirror fogged up because he took ridiculously hot showers.
Tossing your bag onto the couch, you leaned against the door for a moment, smiling to yourself. Sunghoon was nice, but he always drew an invisible line. Not this time. You could tell by the way he held you this morning, the way he was reluctant to part from you, and how he’d asked to hang out with you for lunch—outside, in public. It felt like, for once, you both wanted the same thing. No second-guessing, no mixed signals—you were finally moving the same direction.
Your gaze drifted to the hoodie he’d left draped over the chair, his specs on your nightstand, and the half-empty tumbler beside it—subtle proofs that he’d started leaving pieces of himself behind. You wondered if he even realized it.
And more than that, you wondered where this would go next.
The next morning, you woke up too early. Way too early.
You groaned into your pillow, rolling onto your back as you stared at the ceiling. It was ridiculous. You’d seen Sunghoon plenty of times before—hung out, spent nights together, and shared more than just passing glances. But the idea of today, of a proper lunch date, had you wide awake before the sun was even fully up. Maybe it was because, for once, you weren’t just meeting up in the comfort of your apartment or his. It would be something different. Something real.
You giggled at the thought, covering your face with your blanket and then flailing your arms and legs.
Admitting that to yourself felt embarrassing, so you dragged yourself out of bed and decided to be productive. If you were going to be up this early, you might as well make the most of it.
A jog around the neighborhood. A quick stop at the store. And before you knew it, you were back in your apartment, unpacking groceries and deciding, on a whim, to actually cook breakfast. When was the last time you did that? You couldn’t even remember.
By the time you arrived on campus, you were still riding the high of a morning well-spent. Your good mood didn’t go unnoticed—your friends picked up on it immediately, teasing you about the extra bounce in your step. You brushed them off with the excuse of getting enough sleep, but they weren’t wrong. Everything just felt lighter today.
Even classes didn’t seem so unbearable. You participated. You took notes. You weren’t counting down the minutes to leave—well, not exactly. But the closer lunchtime got, the more restless you became, checking your phone every so often even though you knew you were the only one keeping track of time this obsessively.
Then, just as you were leaving your last morning class, your phone buzzed.
Sunghoon: Hey pretty. Something came up. I can’t do lunch today. I’m sorry. Sunghoon: I’ll make it up to you later tonight, okay?
Your steps slowed, but you kept moving, staring at the text longer than necessary.
Bummed. That was the best way to describe it. You weren’t mad—plans get canceled all the time, and at least he let you know ahead of time—but disappointment still settled in the pit of your stomach. You took a breath, shook it off, and responded with a simple, It’s fine. See you later.
Lunch with your friends helped a little. You laughed, caught up on random gossip, and even let them drag you to a café afterward. You weren’t dwelling on it. Really, you weren’t.
Until you stepped out of the café and saw him. Sunghoon, standing outside the campus gates. And he wasn’t alone.
Jenna was with him.
You stopped in your tracks, heart lurching in a way you hadn’t felt before. It wasn’t just that he was there, but the way he was standing close to her, the way she was talking, nudging his arm like she had every right to be in his space.
Sunghoon must have felt someone staring at him because he glanced your way and saw you. His eyes brightened in recognition, and he greeted you casually, like nothing was out of the ordinary. But you didn’t even know how to react. Your body moved before your brain could catch up. You walked past him, barely sparing a glance, pretending as if you weren’t close. As if he was just someone you barely knew.
Your friends who saw that were confused, following behind you after quick greetings to both Sunghoon and Jenna.
Tammy caught up to you, nudged your arm, and asked, “Where are you running off to after ignoring Sunghoon like that?”
“I wasn’t ignoring anyone,” you muttered.
“You totally were,” Lily chimed in, linking arms with you as she leaned to speak in a quieter voice. “That’s so fishy. What’s going on?”
You didn’t respond, your mind too muddled to even try and come up with a good answer. As you rounded the corner, your phone buzzed a second later.
Sunghoon: Hey. What was that?
You ignored it, as well as the other messages that followed.
The rest of the afternoon slipped through your fingers in a haze of self-pity. You curled up on the couch, aimlessly flipping through movies, but nothing got your attention. The voices blurred together, scenes passed without meaning. You weren’t devastated. You weren’t heartbroken. You were just... mad. Annoyed that after everything, after how good things had been, this was what it came down to. But getting worked up wouldn’t do anything. So, you forced yourself to let it go.
Or at least, you tried. It was impossible when he kept creeping into your thoughts—his voice, his touch, the way he looked at you just yesterday—like he wanted this as much as you did.
You didn’t even realize you had dozed off until the sound of your phone ringing jolted you awake.
You blinked against the glow of the screen. Sunghoon.
For a moment, you stared at his name, your heartbeat loud in the quiet of your apartment. You could ignore it. You could let it ring out and pretend you were still asleep. You could put an end to this charade, to tell him you were done and sick of it. But you didn’t.
You answered. His voice was gentle, cautious. “Can I come over?”
You should say no. You should end this here and now. Enough is enough. But… “Yeah. Of course,” you said, trying your best to sound normal.
Half an hour later, he was in your apartment, hands on you, lips on yours, familiar and desperate. And, as always, you let him in—physically, emotionally, despite knowing better. You let yourself believe that maybe, for just a little longer, this could be enough.
Afterward, you slipped out of bed, padding into the bathroom to wash up. By the time you returned, the room was dark, the only source of light was coming from Sunghoon’s phone on the nightstand. He was already asleep, his breathing even, his body sprawled across your sheets like he belonged there.
You reached for the blanket to pull it over him when his phone buzzed, the screen glowing against the dim light. Your gaze flickered to it, drawn by instinct.
Jenna calling...
Your chest tightened at the name. For a moment, you just stood there, watching the name flash across the screen before it faded into darkness. You could answer it. You could see what she wanted, hear her voice, and confirm everything you had been trying so hard to ignore.
But you didn’t.
Instead, you climbed into bed, curling up beside Sunghoon, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. You knew what you had to do. Knew that when he woke up, this had to end for good.
But not yet.
For now, while he was still yours—warm, close, familiar—you let yourself have this one last moment. You closed your eyes and pretended everything was okay, even though you knew exactly what tomorrow would bring.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. The space beside you was cold.
It was over.
The realization hit you like a punch to the gut. You had spent the night convincing yourself that you were ready for this, ready to end things, but the second you woke up to find him gone, the ache in your chest became unbearable.
Tears welled up before you could stop them. You curled into yourself, pressing your face against the pillow, sobbing into the fabric as if that could somehow muffle the sound. This wasn’t supposed to hurt. You weren’t supposed to grieve something that was never really yours. But you did.
You let yourself fall apart, mourning what could have been, whispering prayers into the silence that it didn’t have to end this way.
And then the door creaked open. You gasped, jolting up, eyes red and blurry as Sunghoon stepped into the room, holding your tumbler in his hand.
His brows furrowed at the sight of you, eyes widening in alarm. “What’s wrong?” he asked, rushing to your side, setting the tumbler down before cupping your face and wiping the tears off your cheeks. “Hey—why are you crying?”
You shook your head, unable to form words. He pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around you as you sobbed against him. He didn’t ask any more questions. He just held you, rubbing your back, shushing you gently even though he didn’t understand what had you so upset.
After a long moment, you finally managed to choke out, “I thought you were gone.”
Sunghoon pulled back slightly, blinking at you in confusion. Then, to your utter annoyance, he started laughing.
“What do you mean, gone?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “I literally just went to shower and get you some water.”
You smacked his arm, your face burning. “Don’t laugh at me, you jerk!”
“I’m not laughing at you,” he said, though he was definitely still laughing.
Something about his amusement made you snap. Maybe it was the pent-up emotions, or maybe it was the fact that you had nothing left to lose—but suddenly, everything came spilling out.
You confessed it all.
How you weren’t supposed to catch feelings, but you did. How you tried to push them down, to ignore them, but they never really went away. How you had spent so long pretending to be fine with this casual arrangement, knowing deep down that you weren’t. How much it crushed you to think that he was trying to win Jenna back, how much it hurt when he canceled on you, and how stupid you felt for letting yourself get so attached.
Sunghoon stared at you, utterly dumbfounded.
You sniffled, swallowing back the last of your tears. “Well? Say something.”
And then, to your horror, he started laughing again.
Your stomach twisted. “Are you kidding me right now?”
But before you could shove him away, he grabbed your face and kissed you. Hard.
Your breath hitched, but you melted into it, gripping his shirt as he kissed you like he had been waiting for this moment all along. When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his voice quieter now. “I like you,” he admitted. “A lot.”
You opened your mouth, but he kept going. “You’re fun, you don’t take my shit, and you get me in a way that most people don’t. I’m always looking forward to seeing you. To hearing whatever sarcastic thing you were gonna say next. To just… being with you.”
“Then why—”
“I wasn’t with Jenna because of what you think.” His hands slid down to hold yours, his thumbs brushing over your knuckles. “There was an accident with the exhibit setup, and I had to be there. She just happened to walk out with me.”
Your eyes narrowed. “And the part where you’re trying to get back with her?”
Sunghoon made a face. “Where did you even hear that?”
You hesitated before mumbling, “A mutual friend.”
He huffed. “Why didn’t you just ask me?”
“I don’t know!” You did, but you weren’t about to admit that you didn’t want to seem like you were expecting too much from him—like you were demanding something that was never part of your deal.
Sunghoon sighed, squeezing your hands. “I don’t know where you got that idea, but I only have eyes for you.” His lips quirked. “Yeah, maybe I didn’t realize how much I liked you at first, but ever since we started this, I haven’t thought about anyone else.”
Your heart stuttered.
Then he smirked. “I thought we had an understanding. Did we really need a label for it?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Right. Labels are overrated.”
Sunghoon kissed you deeply, and this time, you returned it with the same amount of sweet abandon. Then he pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against yours, his breath warm against your lips.
“I’m all yours, baby,” he murmured. “And right now, I’m wondering if you’d wanna be mine too.”
You let out a sharp breath, your chest tightening at his words. For a second, you just stared at him—his dark eyes searching yours, his expression completely open, completely vulnerable.
Then you scoffed, shaking your head with an exasperated laugh.
“For fuck's sake, Sunghoon.” You squeezed his hands, tugging him just a little closer. “I’m already yours.”
His lips crashed into yours before you could say anything else, stealing the last of your breath, and this time, you didn’t hold anything back.
#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon smut#enhypen smut#sunghoon x you#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon x female reader#enhypen x female reader#enhypen fic#enhypen x reader#enhypen x you#enhypen fluff#park sunghoon#sunghoon enhypen#sunghoon#enhypen sunghoon#enhypen au#enha x reader#enhypen
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Imagine best friend Mattheo being absolutely obsessed with his innocent little Hufflepuff bsf but she just can’t tell. Everyone else knows, and it is quite obvious, but she just can’t think someone like him would want someone like her. But when she jokingly says she’s gonna get Cedric to take her virginity he decides it’s time he came clean.
Possibly with some soft smut if you are comfortable with it of course
bsf mattheo riddle x hufflepuff reader
hopefully this matches your request <3 i’ll most likely make a part 2 for this because.. you’ll see ;) 3.5k words
you lived a rather simple uncomplicated life, attending hogwarts as a hufflepuff with no interest in anyone’s drama. though you kept to yourself most times you tried to be nice to all your peers maintaining your classic hufflepuff demeanor, despite this there was one thing that was different about you.
you see, you didn’t see or understand why people don’t like other houses just because of “house rivalry” especially the students who weren’t even participating in any sports or point winning. and with this over your years though you had few friends you had one best friend who at first seemed rather impossible to be friends with.. mattheo riddle.
when you two met you were a fourth year and him a fifth, coincidentally you were going on to a few friends about your annoyance with people automatically assuming the worst of slytherin even though you yourself weren’t in their house or nearly like one. mattheo overheard this heated- adorable voice coming from behind him and he walked towards you carefully.
he sat down in front of you beside your friend as she gawked faces towards you at his presence. “you don’t think we’re too mean, huh?” he questioned small laugh leaving his lips. “i just think that some people are misunderstood and just because some wizards turned out bad doesn’t mean all of them in your house are” you looked at him answering his question with ease
he smirked in amusement and leaned a little closer to you “hm, hufflepuff eh? what year are you puff?” he sat back examining you and you didn’t fail to notice that nickname he slipped in “fourth year but i have an early birthday which is annoying because i could technically be out sooner” you sighed ignoring his staring.
“well, seeing as it’s ravenclaw against gryffindor do you wanna watch the quidditch game with me i know the best view” he stood up and held his hand out for you, you look towards your friends and they’re both nodding their heads for you to go so you did.
from that point on you and mattheo had been best friends, sadly he was in his seventh year and now you in your sixth nothing much had changed in your life. living vicariously through mattheo and his stories about slytherin parties and how you should go to one with him before it’s too late, he’d tell you about his sexual adventures and your jaw would drop everytime.
you yourself also confided in him though with much less interesting things, telling him how you feel unlikeable by guys sometimes because they never try to get or talk to you, or how you feel lonely because you’ve never had a a boyfriend before. hed always help soothe the thoughts away, telling you that it’s only your brain making those things up , “listen y/n, anyone who doesn’t love you is fucking insane”.
talking to your friend zarah who’d been there since day one you always told her what you told matt, for the most part. “i just don’t get why nobody is interested in me zar, like am i genuinely that ugly” you plopped onto your bed sighing dramatically. “you’re not ugly and if you think no guys want you you’re blind i know one in particular that really, really wants you” she giggled.
you looked at her with a confused expression “i must be missing something because i have no idea who you’re talking about” you awaited her response and she just rolled her eyes and sighed “girl your practically boyfriend of a best friend you do everything with” she gave you a duh look and you just laughed. you genuinely couldn’t believe she’d even think he’d like you especially with all the girls he’d been with, “you’re hilarious, we both know he doesn’t want me he wants all the girls he tells me about” you started to compose yourself but zarah’s expression didn’t change.
“you literally must be blind y/n do you need glasses? or should i say puff? let’s talk about how that man hasn’t stopped calling you that pet name since you’ve met.. he’s in love” she rolled her eyes raising her hands in the air. “i still don’t think he wants me so there’s no convincing me” you shrugged her off and she groaned getting up and leaving your shared dorm.
“puff you gotta come to this party, slytherin won agains gryffindor i just know this is gonna be the party you want to go to pleaseee” mattheo put his hands on your shoulders shaking you “fiinee” you attempted to answer between shakes before he let you go “if i would’ve known it was that easy i would’ve done that years ago” he rolled his eyes.
“anyways it’s tonight at like 8 so i’ll just get you from your dorm at like 7 do you think they’ll let me in? actually what’s the password?” he didn’t give you time to finish any of your sentences before you just gave him the password “butterscotch” you whispered, in response mattheo laughed “fucking butterscotch merlin that’s hilarious” you looked up at him and rolled your eyes walking away.
“i’ll see you at 7 puff” he yelled across the hall and you just gave a thumbs up and continued walking. you honestly were quite nervous seeing as you’ve never necessarily been to a party before, you’ve made small appearances at hufflepuff parties but you’ve heard they don’t even compare to slytherin.
making your way into your dorm you spot zarah and you pull her up from the common room couch “i finally said yes to a party need help now” you quickly mumbled and she quickened her pace “when does it start girl i need the info right this second come on you’re talking too long for me” she rushed and you blurted it all out “8pm he’s getting me at 7 he has the password he will be at the dorm” closing the door behind you two you both stopped to catch your breath
“sooo is it a dateee” she shimmied her arm on you winking “i already told you he doesn’t like me!!” you replied to her relentlessness. “ugh whatever we need to get you ready girl it’s already six” she pushed you onto your shared vanity chair and pulled out all of your makeup and a few things of hers, “creative control?” she asked smirking at you “mm fine but not too much” you agreed “we’ll see” she giggled.
after around 30 minutes she finished your makeup and she showed you the finished product, looking at yourself in the mirror you thought how you never would’ve put on red lipstick yet you feel really good in it. she gave you a small smokey eye and a small winged liner and you felt you looked more aggressive then you were, but you kinda loved it.
“it’s so much but so pretty” you admired yourself and the makeup she put on you slowly getting used to the feeling of fake eyelashes on your eyes. “i’m so glad you love it, but we need to find an outfit like three hours ago” she joked and rushed to your closets “i actually have the perfect dress in mind if you’re feeling the want to rep slytherin green” she raised her eyebrows up at you in a suggestive matter “sure why not” you shrugged
she handed you a velvet body con forest green dress that you were sure was going to be extremely short and you mean in every place. she held it up onto you “this will be perfect. get it on come on” she rushed you into the bathroom and you began putting it on “this is sooo tight” you called out as you struggled “oh i forgot it was a corset back wait i need to help you can i come in” she yelled through the door
“yeah come on i need this thing one me already” you struggled more as she walked in and immediately began to help you loosening the strings of the dress and pulling it down onto you “there we go now suck in like your life depends on it” she said half jokingly and began retightening the corset back. with every pull it felt like your chest was spilling out more and more and your ribs were shrinking “okay merlin that’s enough before i can’t breathe” you huffed and she stopped tying it off in a bow
“stop you look so hot y/n i bet matt will be drooling” she teased and you just rolled your eyes “what do we do with my hair” you looked at her with horror as you only had ten minutes before he should arrive. you quickly began curling your hair not really caring if it was messy just giving it some body and just as you were spraying perfume on there was a knock on your door.
zarah looked at you and whispered “answer it go go now” she pointed to the door like she was afraid to touch it herself and you walked over opening it to see mattheo in an all black button down with the top few buttons undone and black dress looking pants yet somehow he didn’t look overdressed. he didn’t say anything for a minute he was just staring at you looking up and down in awe “holy fuck y/n who did your makeup you look woah” he put his finger on your chin moving your head around examining your makeup
“zarah isn’t it pretty” you smiled and he removed his hand and replied “yeah you are, now let’s go” he grabbed your hand and you looked behind you waving bye to zarah “he’s so in love with you” she whispered before the door slammed closed.
once you got the the party you noticed there were already many slytherins already pregaming and mattheo brought you two to them, “let’s get some alcohol in you little puff” he winked and poured you a shot of who knows what, you smelled the foul drink and it made your nose burn “come on do ittt” he cheered on and you held your nose throwing the shot back gagging at the taste. “how do people enjoy that” you made a face at him “like this” he replied taking two shots himself, “now catch up” he winked pouring you yet another
“if i didn’t know any better id say you’re trying to get me drunk matt” you laughed and he looked at you amused “obviously that’s what im trying to do it’s a party” he put the shot glass to your lips and you parted them taking the burning substance down your throat, “eugh that didn’t get any better the second time” you shook your head in disgust. “hm, let me make you an actual drink” he grabbed a clear liquor and a red juice mixing them together adding more alcohol than your past two shots and handed it to you
“matt this smells foul” you looked up at him, “just try it trust me the slytherins have the masking drink down” he winked and you reluctantly took a sip, and to your surprise all you tasted was juice. after taking another few sips you quick began drinking it and mattheo pulled the cup from your lips “slow down there this shits dangerous you’ll get so drunk you won’t be able to walk straight” he chuckled. “it’s not my fault they made it taste like juice” you shrugged still sipping.
“hey mattheo have your little hufflepuff take some shots with us” enzo threw his arm around your shoulders and mattheo pushed them off almost immediately “no she doesn’t need any shots” he spoke “you didn’t even ask me” you protested, granted you didn’t necessarily want to take any shots you just didn’t like being talked for. “oo are you sure you’re not slytherin you got an attitude” enzo laughed handing you a shot and you looked at mattheo who rolled his eyes as you took the shot.
throwing the shot back the burning sensation took over your throat and you could feel it rushing down your throat. you coughed a bit and chugged your drink for comfort “puff you’re going to get shitfaced slow down” matt fully took your cup this time and you were already feeling it. giggling looking up at him “okay now who was going to tell me party’s are fun” you continued giggling.
the music started playing and the slytherin common room was now getting more and more packed. you saw fifth year students and up in here, even a few ravenclaw and hufflepuffs your recognized. to your surprise in the corner of the party you spotted cedric diggory talking to a group of girls holding a drink.
pansy noticed your head being stuck in a certain direction and followed your eyes “oh em gee, someone’s got their eyes on a certain hufflepuff” she winked shoving her shoulder at your “shhhhh he’s just nice to look at” you giggled at her and she giggled along “you two would be soo cute” she added dragging you back to the drinks
“let’s take some shots!” she exclaimed handing you two , you took them smiling and shot them back with her, a woo leaving her mouth. “here chaser, chaser!” she shouted handing you another drink this time what looked like a lot of the punch, downing it all she laughed “girl we’re gonna be gone”. looking around you were seeing doubles of everything but didn’t want the night to already end.
“so, are you a virgin?” pansy shouted over the music making your already alcohol flushed face even redder “pansy!! you can’t just ask that!!” you shouted back flustered at the intrusive question, “i’m only curious girl” she giggled and gave you begging eyes “come onnnn” she shook you till you gave in “fine yes i am but don’t tell anyone!” you replied back as lowly as you could over the music
“who would you lose it to?” she giggled “i lost mine to blaise hehe sshhhh” she winked, considering she just told you her secret you felt obligated and just looked around “i mean i guess cedric” you giggled as she pointed at him after your response. before she could say anything else you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist and drag you off. trying to kick your way out was useless and they brought you to an empty dorm.
through all of this you couldn’t tell who it was kicking and screaming for them to let you go till you heard mattheos voice “puff calm down it’s just me” he sighed putting you down on what you now assumed was his bed “why did you bring me in here that was so scary” you huffed trying to gain your composure. “diggory?” he scoffed not answering your question.
you looked at him confused as to what he was on about “what do you mean? what about cedric” you cocked your head to the side in confusion “you lost your virginity to him??” he questioned stepping closer to you looking rather.. pissed. you just laughed in response “me? lose my virginity to cedric?.. you’re funny” yeah you fantasized about it but it certainly wouldn’t happen.
“what were you talking to pansy about then??” he looked at you unconvinced, “she asked if i lost it and i said no, but id let him take it.-“ you shrugged “besides you know i tell you everything matt i’ve never even had a boyfriend let alone a guy be interested in my virginity” you sighed laying back onto the bed now feeling upset.
you heard mattheo sigh and you picked your head up to look at him, his eyes stared back at you in silence before breaking it “believe me there’s a lot of guys who want to get in your pants” he rubbed his fists and you gave him a confused expression yet again “what are you on about matt?” you were getting sober just from all of this extra mystery.
he walked over to the bed sitting beside you, “listen when we met you were just.. blooming completely and i would be lying if i didn’t say i first went up to you because of your looks.. well overtime you know we became friends and i noticed other guys staring in ways they shouldn’t have been so i had to teach them a lesson.” he looked at you and yo didn’t know how to respond to something like that.
“what exactly are you saying matt?” you didnt understand what he was poking at, did matt mean to say he basically likes you? were you reading too much into this? “look y/n, no one else in this school fucking deserves you. hell i don’t deserve you but i know i can treat you how you need. don’t ask me what took so long to confess to you y/n, but do you feel even remotely the same?” he let it all out quick and fast, and your mouth dropped.
“you want.. me?” you looked at him in disbelief and he just smiled “that’s what that whole speech was about, yeah” he chuckled nervously awaiting your reply “why?” you sighed still slightly unconvinced “have you fucking seen yourself puff? you’re so undeniably gorgeous, i don’t know how i hold myself back from you everyday” he leaned in closer to you making this all seem more real. without thinking you allowed yourself to lean into him, faces and lips meeting for the most magical first kiss you could’ve ever imagined.
“you’re so fucking beautiful y/n” he grabbed your face pulling you closer to him till you straddled over his lap sitting down continuing the now makeout. “this is so much better than.. imagined” you huffed through the kisses. you could already feel mattheos member growing beneath you and you never thought you’d be the one experiencing this from your best friend.
you’d be lying if you didn’t admit to a fantasy or two about him in the past but this was already one thousand times better than ever imagined. mattheos lips kissed their way down your neck leaving small marks tiny moans leaving your mouth, “i need to hear more of that, y/n, let me eat you out.. please i need a taste” he continued his kisses along your neck bringing them back to your lips “i’ve never- mm yes” you replied as his fingers began making circles over your underwear.
“you sound so good fuck” he groaned pulling you off of him and getting off the bed, “you’re sure of this?” he questioned one last time and you just nodded impatiently awaiting his next move. next thing you knew he was yanking you to the edge of his bed and slowly removing your pants and underwear looking up at you from below. “holy fuck puff.. you’re fucking soaking” he breathed out over your pussy sending tingles down your spine.
without warning his mouth met your untouched area and you felt things never imaginable. his tongue made its way around your bulging clit, flicking it up and down and making his way to your entrance sucking and licking “you taste so good holy fuck” he huffed going right back in not even looking up at you, “can i put two fingers” he spoke from your pussy and you couldn’t even properly answer “mm y-yes” you replied between your moans.
you felt his slender fingers teasing your entrance and he slowly began inching one in and out teasingly, “mattheo-“ you huffed and he chuckled shoving both fingers in, loud moan escaping your mouth and this new feeling. he did a few different moments trying to figure out what makes you moan the most, soon his tongue was sucking expertly on your clit as his fingers twisters and curled inside of you.
“matt i want to.. try” you moaned at this pleasure wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of you now. “mm but you’re not ready yet puff” he continued devouring your pussy simply divulging in it as if he’d never eaten anything before. his pace on everything quickened and you were already near your own orgasm, “if you don’t s-stop i’m gonna cum” you moaned loudly trying to control yourself.
“let go for me sweetheart” he sucked harder on your clit, the nickname and action forcing your orgasm to flood over you harder than you’ve ever been able to make yourself experience. your body was shaking and you couldn’t hold your reactions back, mattheo slowly licked your gushing area clean before standing up “mm now i think you’ll be ready soon” he smirked leaning down over you, grabbing your chin and giving you a kiss.
#slytherin boys#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter smut#harrypotterboys#harry potter reader insert#smut#fanfic#draco malfoy#tom riddle#mattheo fluff#mattheo x y/n#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo smut#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle smut#mattheo riddle#mattheo riddle angst#mattheo riddle scenarios#angst#slow burn#mattheo riddle blurb#mattheoxreader#mattheo x you#hufflepuff#hufflepuff x slytherin#slytherin boys x you#slytherin boys react#slytherin boys smut#slytherin boys x reader
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─"do you know about all the filth that goes on in here?"
SYNOPSIS ⸻ being a smart kid comes with a lot of advantages; one of them being a full scholarship to one of the best schools in the country. one of the best school's that's filled to the brim with disgustingly rich teenagers. Heeseung knows you're not like them, and he also knows that'll be easy to take advantage of.
PAIRING ⸻ toxic!heeseung x innocentfem!reader
GENRE ⸻ strangers to lovers, private school au, smut, fluff, angst (idek tbh)
TAGS ⸻ characters are all 18 or older, toxic relationships, misogyny, alcohol abuse, smoking, marijuana/cannabis mention, partying, underage drinking, foul language, cheating (not really though) power imbalance, abuse (punches are getting thrown..) , kinda love triangle?? , making out, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), virginity loss, p in v, pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, tell me if i missed something!
everything here is FICTIONAL, it is not real. this was created for entertainment purposes only. MINORS DNI.
“No Eunseok, I don’t want to go anywhere!” you grit your teeth, backing away from your older brother.
He sighed, and with his hand pulled your wrist towards the doorway. You were acting like a brat, and he had absolutely no interest in fighting with you right now. From your standpoint, you had every reason to be behaving this way.
“There are thousands- no, millions of people your age who would die for an opportunity like this, and you're going to act like a child? Grow up, Y/n” he let out a steady breath as an attempt to calm himself down.
In some way, you put yourself in this situation. Flawless scores on all your exams, juggling multiple extracurriculars and excelling at every single one of them, participating in every Model UN you could get your hands on, making a name for yourself- being somebody. It all led to you being noticed by prestigious schools, who practically begged to host you, even though deep down, you were a nobody.
Your parents weren't snobby rich people, who thrived off of other people's ideas and failure. They weren't greedy either, working normal 9 to 5 jobs.
When you were merely 12 years old they had left to go work at your uncle's company overseas, hoping that it’ll allow them to make enough money to pay for your brother’s med school tuition and potentially have the money to fund a future clinic of his. They promised to come back as soon as Eunseok finished school and started a stable job. But they never did.
Eunseok, who was 7 years older than you, was always the favorite child. No matter how well you did or how bad he did, Eunseok was number one in your parents' hearts. There was never a family reunion where Eunseok’s medical career as a surgeon wasn't brought up- and when it did end up getting shoved into the conversation, it didn't stop until all the lights turned off.
And of course, you felt bad for your brother. He had to balance taking care of you and being a surgeon for fucks sake, but that didn't mean you couldn't feel lonely most of the time. You had a free hand when it came to inviting friends over, but unfortunately their strict parents and every other circumstance never allowed them to stay longer than one night. Your only family, your older brother who you looked up to was just never there, and you just sank deeper into your loneliness whenever he called and apologized for a sudden surgery that came up.
But still, Eunseok, was just perfect, you had no choice but to try and keep up with him.
So when the letter from Saint Matthew’s Academy came in the mail, offering you a spot in their school, with the tuition fully paid for by them, you didn't even think twice.
And now you regret that, badly.
St. Matthews Academy was a private school next to the town you grew up in. It was also an exceptionally expensive place, with tuition fees racking up to about $80.000 per year. Going there would be a privilege to most people your age, but the students there saw it as a regular school without anything special to offer them. Even if they weren't going to inherit their parents’ company's, they were truly set up for the rest of their lives anyways.
You hadn't really done any research on the school before accepting their offer, only aware of their students academic achievements and high level of education. The more you found out, the more the idea of being a student terrified you.
You would stick out like a sore thumb amidst the successful people who had a chairman position prescribed before birth.
“It’ll be okay, do you think if I let the fear get to me, I’d be a SNU alumni now?” Eunseok asked, focused on the road as he drove you right into the gates of your own, personal hell.
“We get it, you finished SNU and are a surgeon now, blah blah blah” you said, and he rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’m just trying to help you. I doubt those kids are going to be that bad. They have a reputation to upkeep anyways, can’t be caught bullying” he tried to calm you down, but everytime he opened his mouth, he just made it worse.
“Eunseok, you’re making it worse” you murmured, tucking at the skin of your thumb. He placed his hand on yours, preventing you from continuing with your bad habits “That’s exactly why I’m scared. These kids are disgustingly rich, and people like us- well we're like ants compared to them. They have an image to polish, and I have none of that” you continued, and he frowned lightly, his heart breaking at your, his little sisters, words.
“Do you seriously think you got to be in this position cause you’re a nobody? I don’t think regular and undeserving people have been given a full scholarship to a school like Saint Matthew’s. Nobody has been given a scholarship from them really” Eunseok said, making you feel slightly more confident “I can turn around, you can withdraw, but I think you’ll regret that” he said, with a light smile which you reciprocated.
Maybe you should have told him to turn around back then, maybe you should've denied the offer or thrown it away the moment you saw the letter with that heinous stamp.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop thinking about what your first day was going to be like. Some dreams portrayed you as the future top 3 of the school, and some seemed to make you out to be the outcast loser who can’t seem to find anyone who’d befriend her.
It was nearly impossible to get those images out of your head. You thought about lying about your background, falsifying stories about your parents who own giant multi-utility corporations that supply petrol and energy to half the country, but that was pointless.
You could either be made fun of for lying or made fun of for being a ‘poor nobody’. None of them seemed right, but one didn't lead to being incredibly embarrassed for the rest of highschool.
The building did not have any correlation with the one that you imagined, the one that you constantly dreamed about. It looked nothing like the modern, smart, couple story construction that clouded your mind beyond arrival, and because of their strict laws, pictures and videos of both the inside and outside were strictly prohibited.
So all you had left was to make up your own assumptions, and the old fashioned, palace looking property was definitely not one of them. You assumed that the millions of dollars in tuition that flow into the headmaster's account every year could at least allow him to renovate the building.
But it seemed as if the gray, dirty, moss covered outer walls had a special meaning you didn't quite understand.
You definitely weren't a sucker for historical architecture, and this building looked more like a nightmare than a dream to you.
At the front office, the lady had confiscated your phone, with a smile explaining why they do it, and asking you to pick it up after classes are over. She had a creepy aura surrounding her, and you begged for her small introduction to finish as soon as possible.
“I’ll let Wonyoung, your class president, give you a tour around our school. She should be here in a moment, dear” she smiled eagerly at you, and you found it hard to reciprocate her seemingly innocent expression.
You never expected Wonyoung to be an actual angel, her figure already shining brightly as she strides towards you. You wondered how it was possible for someone to make a school uniform look this good. Her hair was long and silky, and her bangs just looked fake with how fresh and bouncy they were.
You smoothed down your uniform and fixed up your hair as she got closer to you and the eerie lady next to you.
“You're the new student, right?” she waved at you, and shot you with a pretty smile.
You had no idea how to behave, acknowledging that she probably came from a wealthy family that practically owns the country.
But Wonyoung was a little different. Her parents didn't own any big corporations or participate in any other money making schemes. Both her mom and dad met on the set for a movie that later led them to become the highest paid actors in the industry. It was pretty comical to say she was different as she still was considered a product of nepotism in the modeling world that she was so active in. She hadn't even finished highschool, but had already walked for brands like Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Maison Margiela and more. Maybe it was her pretty face or just her parents' wild connections.
“Mind if I give you a small tour? It can get complicated around here” she asked, her tone so delicate.
If anything you should be thanking her for sparing you with a little bit of time, thanking her for even allowing someone like you to be in the presence of someone like her.
You nodded your head not able to let a single word out, afraid to embarrass yourself. With a smile Wonyoung locked her arm with yours, and kept you close by her side as she showed you around the place.
“This is the cafeteria, but I wouldn't recommend you going there, the food is awful” she said, and you laughed lightly at her expression.
Was it awful cause it wasn't a three course meal with caviar, steak and truffles for dessert or was it actually not that good. You really did not fit in here and you haven't met anyone else.
“Well I see that guy is enjoying it” you commented, noticing a tall, skinny boy laughing with his friend as he consumed something you couldn't quite recognize.
Wonyoung laughed, in the most elegant way possible, and her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink “That’s Park Sunghoon, my boyfriend. He will eat anything, seriously” she stated and you nodded with a chuckle.
Park Sunghoon was son to Park Jiwon, the CEO of ParkJin Electronics. His mother had worked hard all her life to build up her own empire, resulting in him being raised mainly by nannies and his cousins. Still, he was spoiled and cocky, his family allegedly had royal roots, and even though he didn't know himself, he boasted about it every single occasion he got. He didn't seem to care much about studying, since he was the only child his mother ever had, he was next in line to inherit her electronic empire. Yet something in him felt the desire to prove to everyone that no matter what, he deserved to take over.
He also surrounded himself with people of the same social status and net worth as him, so that’s probably why he treated Wonyoung so differently, even though she was his literal girlfriend. Wonyoung was rich, but she could never compare to the millions his mother earned yearly.
Yet he was so good at pretending and gaslighting the girl into believing she's the bad person for lashing out on him after he called her ‘the type of person who polishes shoes for people like him’. He was just joking around, right? But the poor girl took it because the good moments overshadowed the absolute idiot Park Sunghoon was capable of being.
“And next to him? Who’s that” you asked, politely pointing towards the blond boy next to him who’s jawline looked like it was shaped by Micheal Angelo himself.
“That’s Jongseong, but we just call him Jay,” Wonyoung answered, looking at you with a pretty smile. Did everything she does have to be so annoyingly beautiful and perfect?
Park Jay was born in Seattle, so he was the American heartthrob that flexed his posh English skills in order to pull girls he had no interest in having serious relationships with. His dad owned the biggest hospital in the country, and on top of that had plastic surgery salons opened in practically every city. His parents had divorced when his dad's businesses started to gain popularity and bring in more money. His father assumed that his wife no longer appealed to him, and she would just be like a parasite- living off of his success. And since Jay had been harshly raised by his rough father, he shared the same opinion about his mother. Not having a motherly figure present in his life, surrounding himself with his fathers girlfriends who were only 10 years older than him, he became a Andrew Tate worshiping incel who’s main focus was making money and convincing everyone to join his self-betterment program.
“He’s nice, but I think his political and social views are a little far from the ones that girls like us have” she attempted to explain, and pretty quickly you understood he’s a misogynist.
“I see, is your boyfriend the same?” you asked, trying to sound as polite as you can, since you didn't quite know where Wonyoung wouldl draw the line.
“No, at least I’d hope he isn't” she chuckled lightly, and slowly tugged you towards another large hall in the school “He was raised by women, his dad passed away when he was around 3, so I guess he has at least some respect for us” she added, and you nodded in understanding.
“This school is really freaking big, I don’t know if I’ll be able to find my way around here” you commented and she chuckled at your use of words.
“You can say fucking, I really don’t mind” Wonyoung looked at you, and you breathed out a steady breath “I don’t want you to think of us as some posh, elegant and royal like teenagers who use a fork and knife every time they eat. I genuinely think most of us are pretty normal considering our backgrounds” she explained, and you had to stifle a laugh.
Although Wonyoung seemed like an incredibly nice and sweet girl, she truly had no idea how privileged she was. Truly, her only worry was you not thinking she’s a snobby rich kid. And that applied to all of them, you just didn't see yourself empathizing with these people, seeing how you were raised in two completely different worlds.
“It’s my first time talking to people like you, don't have much experience” you smiled and raised your hands in guilt.
She laughed at your action, and asked “What do you mean, what do your parents do then?”
You didn't want to answer that question, you didn't even want anyone to ask it in the first place. But you had to answer honestly.
“Both of my parents live overseas, but they're no one special. My dad is a construction worker and my mom has a simple office job” you said, and she didn't seem to laugh or find your parents’ profession amusing in any way “I live with my brother, he’s a surgeon” you added, and she seemed to light up at the mention.
“I want to be a surgeon too!” she beamed and you smiled as she ignored and didn't care about the fact that you weren't the future heiress of a major conglomerate “I need to speak to your brother one day, maybe he’ll give me some advice” she added and with a smile you assured her you’ll set up a meeting for the two of them one day.
She pulled you through a dark, narrow, dimly lit hallway to a giant room with a high ceiling where most of the students were currently spending their time.
“This is the common room” she said, as the two of you stood in the entryway.
Laughter ringed in your ears as you attempted to examine every student present in the area.
“Let me introduce you to Niki!” she beamed and pulled your wrist towards the unknown boy.
Niki was the son of the owners of the biggest pharmaceutical company in the country. Even though he had no interest in taking over the business, his younger sister wasn't seen as competent enough to take over, so he was forced to be the next CEO. His parents and Jay’s father were close friends, planning on merging the two companies by arranging a marriage between Jay’s younger sister and Niki. His true passion was dance, he hated everything that had to do with medication, but he knew there was no chance he’d ever get to pursue his passion for a living.
“Niki!” she called to the boy, and he turned around, swiftly taking off his headphones.
“Not gonna go shop for makeup with you today, forget it” he claimed, not even noticing you standing right next to her.
“Oh please, as if I’d want to go with you” she sneered and he chuckled under his breath. “I wanted to introduce you to Y/n, she’s new here!” she continued, and he took a judging look at you.
Or at least it felt as if he was judging you, scanning you up and down as if you weren't wearing the same exact uniform as him. But quickly he shot you with a small smile, and stuck his hand out for you to shake. You applied and as nicely as you could, returned the expression.
“You’ll regret coming here, Y/n” he warned with a laugh, and you chuckled, but deep down felt like maybe he wasn't joking.
“Stop scaring her” Wonyoung said sternly, and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow “I like it here, don’t listen to him Y/nnie”
“Maybe because you're a fucking nerd who’s a teachers pet?” he asked sarcastically, and Wonyoung just rolled her eyes playfully.
You stood there listening to their bickering, already getting a weird feeling that you didn't really belong here, these people were not the usual kind you surround yourself with.
“What brings you here?” he asked, which turned your attention back to the two people in front of you.
“I got an invitation, full ride scholarship and all” you explained and his eyes widened.
“You're a smart girl, aren't you?” he asked, and you chuckled lightly.
“You could say that, I guess” you said, and he looked towards Wonyoung.
“I guess you’ll finally have a smarty pants friend to talk to about the theory of relativity, or whatever you call it” he cooed, and she flipped him off.
“Jake used to be my nerdy bestie, well until he started hanging out with Jay and attending his dumbass courses” she laughed looking towards you, and he did the same nodding his head.
“Let’s be honest, ever since they created their little frat circle with Heeseung and Sunghoon, they suffered insane brain damage. But the courses were also bad enough” Niki inquired, and she laughed, agreeing with him.
Jake’s parents were real estate giants, owning at least half of the properties in the city. He had been raised with the thought of taking over his parents’ business, so he was actually the only one in his friend circle that studied and strived to achieve something. His mother or father would never let him take over if he had nothing in his head. Jake actually wanted to become a real estate agent, because after seeing his parents succeed, he wanted to be just like them.
“What exactly are these courses about?” you asked, and Niki quickly opened his phone to show you the website Jay and his computer geek friend Jungwon set up.
You didn't even bother asking the boy how he managed to sneak a phone in, assuming the one lying in the basket at the front desk, was probably one of his many devices.
“He tries to convince men that they need to unleash their inner sigma to fully embrace their manliness or something like that” he explained as you grabbed his phone to look through the website.
It looked like a failed IT project they had to do in class, and honestly you didn't understand why anyone would trust him enough to receive life advice.
“I can't believe that people actually listen to his advice” you commented, handing back Niki his phone.
“That’s not even the worst of it, he genuinely thinks that if men were to become pregnant, they would give birth in two weeks since they’re stronger, something along those lines” Wonyoung added, and you couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Maybe you were getting along with them, but the eerie atmosphere around you and the blank stares you received from other students grounded you.
“Yo new girl, wanna come to a party tonight?” Niki turned towards you with a questioning expression.
You have been studying your whole life, cramming information until late hours of the night, which resulted in you having to give up your social life or anything of that sort. You had friends, but never the time to go out with them. So this would be your first party ever, and you had no idea how to behave.
“Sure,” you replied, not giving it any more thought. If you started overthinking it, you’d probably deny the request.
“Put in your number, I’ll send you the address” he gave you his phone once again, and you swiftly typed in your digits, saving your contact under ‘Song Y/n’.
“Show me your schedule, I’ll walk you to your next class” Wonyoung turned to you, and you dug up the crumbled piece of paper you received at the front office.
Niki had eventually texted you the address, offering a ride along with it, unless you already had one. You gladly accepted his offer, although his kindness seemed weird and suspicious to you.
Maybe you just weren't used to people being nice to you simply out of human decency and without any ulterior motives, but someone as high up and rich as Niki or Wonyoung should not be bothered by someone like you. They definitely shouldn't be offering you rides in their expensive sports cars.
“Oh c’mon Wony, we gotta give our transfer the princess treatment” he said, shooing her away from the passenger seat with his hand.
She rolled her eyes playfully, but agreed to give up her front seat, which you tried to convince her to take back for a little over a minute.
“No Y/nnie, you're probably going to meet our little devil tonight, you need as much peace as you can get before that” she assured, and you just shook your head at her reluctance.
“And who exactly are you talking about?” you asked, turning around to once again face Wonyoung who already got comfortable in the back seat.
“I’ll ask you that question tomorrow morning, it’s more fun that we keep it a secret for now” she giggled childishly, and Niki nodded his head approvingly at her idea.
You sighed sarcastically, and tried to remember any person they didn't go into full detail about just a couple of hours ago. Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, all of them kept getting mixed up in your head as you had no real idea as to what the three looked like. You passed by the cafeteria with Wonyoung earlier, where you didn’t quite register what Jay and Sunghoon looked like. Maybe it’s someone completely different, or someone affiliated with the three guys you had a fair amount of information about.
“You drink, don’t you?” Niki asked, turning his head to face you for just a mere second, before focusing his eyes back on the road.
“Not really” you answered unbothered.
Drinking was nothing to be proud about anyways, and assuming Niki doesn't want to lose his recently acquired drivers license, he probably wasn't going to do it either.
“Same here. Me and Wony don’t drink” he smiled “But the rest of them, their a different kind of fucked up. Especially your precious, sweet, innocent boyfriend, Wonyoung” he added, and looked at the girl through his rear view mirror.
She screwed her face jokingly “Sunghoon doesn't drink that much, at least now that he’s with me” she defended, and he scoffed.
“And you’re stupid for thinking he’s not getting shit faced every weekend with his demonic cult of a friend group” he commented, and she huffed in annoyance crossing her arms.
“Y/nnie, you know what Hoon looks like, right?” she turned her attention to you.
You shook your head, causing her to pull out her phone in order to present you with pictures of her beloved boyfriend.
He was smoking fucking hot, but his expression and lack of emotion on every picture made you think that maybe Niki was right, he truly looked like he didn't give a single fuck about the girl. Well it seems to be working out for them so far, so who are you to butt in.
“Keep an eye on him, I need to prove that my boyfriend is not the alcoholic and druggie you-” she pointed her finger at Niki “make him out to be”
“No problem” you smiled and she excitedly held your hand.
“Just when you do catch him chugging down shot glasses like a pig, don't tell her cause she won't believe you anyways” he murmured, but the both of you heard him anyways.
You turned to Wonyoung and rolled your eyes playfully which she gave you a hushed giggle at, agreeing with whatever you were thinking about.
The road felt like it had been going on forever, you swore you already saw the same street signs and lanterns a couple minutes back. It felt like Niki had been going in circles, but those thoughts were most likely caused by your absence in this area of town.
After what felt like an eternity in Niki’s uncomfortable low-floor car, that was impossible to get comfortable in, he had finally pulled over into a gravel filled space. In the distance a modern house was illuminated by colorful lights, and the music could be quietly heard from the place you were standing in.
The interior of the place was suffocating you, the music giving you a headache, the smell of cigarettes, weed, alcohol and sweat seeping into your skin, as you and Wonyoung pushed through the crowd. Wonyoung didn't seem to be affected as she pushed through the bodies in order to find her boyfriend who she must have missed terribly for the past five hours.
“Sunghoonnie!” she beamed, and his body instantly turned to the sound of her squeaky voice.
He was hard to read, you didn't exactly know if he was excited to see her or praying for her to leave him and his friends alone. He held a glass with a brownish liquid in his hand, and you knew for a fact Wonyoung was trying to ignore it or pretend it wasn't what everyone else knew it was.
Sunghoon was obviously drinking whiskey.
Even they're choice of alcohol was so different from what you knew back in your public school. Those kids could barely afford the cheapest liquor, and here you were witnessing Sunghoon and his friends downing bottles worth more than the pocket money your brother gave you every month.
“Oh great, two Wonyoung’s. Can’t women just stick to painting their nails and doing their makeup? This is not the place for you” Jay commented as he finally noticed the two of you.
“Did your daddy teach you that? I wasn't talking to you, dickhead” the girl next to you answered with a sarcastic pout to her face.
“I’m Jake” the brown haired boy stuck his hand out “You're new, right?”
Wonyoung had already let you go to entertain her boyfriend who obviously was not having it. Even as she was eating his face, he wasn't half as passionate about it as she was.
“Yeah” you took his hand “Y/n”
He had a devilish grin as he and the blond boy exchanged glances.
“So where are you coming from?” Jake asked, but his eyes weren't even focused on your face, instead staring right into your partially exposed chest.
You sighed, and leaned against the wall “Doesn't matter” maybe you had a terrible judgment of character, but you knew that admitting to coming from a public, low income school would end you right then and there.
“You’re right, it doesn't” he smirked, hoping that you had understood his intentions by now, “Want a drink?” he asked, turning around to unveil a couple glasses and a bottle of Dalmore whiskey.
“I don't really drink” you explained, trying to keep up with your nonchalant facade that you prayed would spare you some embarrassment tonight.
It felt stressful to be around them, their demeanor intimidating.
“Oh c’mon, one little glass never hurt anyone” Jay uttered, already pouring a glass that he was shoving into your hand a couple seconds later.
He looked incredibly hot doing so, his slicked back blond hair and white button down almost making you forget he’s a mentally unstable and misogynistic idiot.
Did they all have to be so irresistibly hot? Was being rich not enough?
“Drink it, there’s a reward afterwards” he added, as his attempts to place the glass in your hand turned out to be successful.
“Only if you’re a good girl” Jake added, and Jay with a devilish smile hit his shoulder.
You examined the glass, remembering all the stories of boys spiking drinks with drugs that Eunseok told you about, but all that seemed so unimportant right now.
You promised yourself to never go against what your mind told you, but that was broken the minute you downed the glass, the unfamiliar, burning flavor coating your throat.
“Atta girl” Jake praised, as he took the glass from your hand.
“Women are so easy, it’s crazy” Jay whispered, assuring you wouldn't hear his words “Let me pour you another one” he said, his voice a little louder this time.
You shook your head, but he seemed to ignore that all together, grabbing the cup and filling it to the brim once again.
“Drink up” Jake slurred, and focused his eyes onto the way your throat looked while you swallowed the liquid.
They were disgusting. The way they objectified you, the way they looked at you like you were going to let them hit without any problems.
The boys you knew would make jokes, but they’d never act on it like Jay and Jake did.
You slammed the glass on the table where it was previously laid, and without a word turned away from the two men who were clearly confused about your sudden departure.
“We’ll see each other soon, yeah?” Jake called, and with a forced smile you mouthed a ‘Maybe’.
“She still doesn't know about all the filth that goes on in here, eh?” Jay chuckled devilishly, and Jake smirked, pouring himself a drink in the cup you left behind.
You had already thought that Wonyoung and Niki were completely different from the people you used to surround yourself with, but after meeting Jake and Jay, you cursed yourself for even thinking that. You had given up your social life, so meeting new people regularly was never something that you did, but you never met someone so deranged. Were the girls at this school all so easy and compliant to their orders? You just wondered where their ego came from.
Squeezing through all the damp bodies was definitely a challenge, but finding a quiet and empty room surely made it worth it.
The room was practically empty, you assumed something that was supposed to resemble a guest bedroom, but you doubted any guest would wanna sleep here. A single bed in the middle of the large room was not enough.
You closed the door behind you with a quiet squeak, and threw yourself on the bed, your eyes facing the ceiling.
Amongst the weird smell that surrounded the room a voice called you “You're the new girl, aren't you?”
You didn't notice the open balcony door upon entering.
Your body automatically turned to face the voice, a handsome and presumably tall boy sat on one of the plastic chairs. Smoke circled around him as he looked at you with heavy eyelids, taking another hit from the joint between his fingers.
You leaned your head on the palm of your hand “How do you know?”
“News spreads fast around here. You don’t know, do you?” he gave you a childish smile, and with a nod to his head he without a word offered you to smoke with him, which you declined.
“What’s your name?” you asked him, his dark eyes bringing discomfort to your body.
“Why should I tell you, transfer?” he laughed, and you stiffened up at his answer. “It’s Heeseung” he said after a moment, noticing that you were not enjoying his jokes.
Lee Heeseung was the youngest son of Lee Guwon and Kim Shinhye, the founders and owners of the largest hotel line in the country. They just recently went international, opening yet another hotel-restaurant in the heart of Singapore. His older sister, Lee Rina, had no interest in the company, firmly convinced that it's a greedy industry. She moved to Norway to study and just never came back. But his older brother, Lee Haejun, was different. He was stuck on the idea of becoming the next CEO. After both him and Heeseung were old enough to understand what benefits came with being a leader of a major hotel line, they stopped treating each other like brothers, instead focusing on the rivalry that was brewing. They wanted so badly to prove to their father who's more competent, who deserves it more, that at one point it became too much.
Heeseung at one point no longer wanted any of it. He just wanted his brother back. Haejun just never was the same brother Heeseung learned to love. He didn't care. Heeseung felt like he lost both of his siblings although they weren't actually gone.
“I don’t think they mentioned you” you murmured, trying to recall the conversations you had with Wonyoung and Niki.
“Wonyoung and Niki? Probably because they don't like me” he laughed, and put out his blunt on the tiles of the balcony, throwing what was left into a jar filled with water.
“They like everyone, I think it’s a ‘you’ problem” you assumed, and he scoffed.
His body sluggishly stood up from the chair, as he tried to not fall over the balcony “Both of them are fake as fuck, and I don’t think you’re one to judge”
You sighed “You don’t know them”
“I know them better than you, transfer” he chuckled, “They always cuddle up to new students, just like Wonyoung did to Jake, and whenever they go slightly out of line, they drop them” he explained, and you foolishly didn't believe his words, choosing to stand with your new friends who you in reality, knew nothing about.
“I don’t know, I don't think the Jake that I just met, and got forced to drink by, is a good example” you murmured, playing with your hair, avoiding eye contact with the boy.
He had this dark aura surrounding him, his hooded eyes just adding into his image, making him look much more scary.
He slowly moved towards you, accompanying you on the silk covered bed. That’s when you could truly analyze his face; bloodshot, brown eyes, a curve to his lips, his nose slightly pointed and eyebrows straight. His skin was glistening, a soft tan to it. He looked at you so intensely, and you couldn't quite reciprocate, scared of his intimidating presence.
“Jake was always like this, they just didn't know how to handle him” he smiled, his hand inching closer to where your legs lied “They love saying that Jay ruined him, but he didn't even have to do that”
“What do you mean by having to do that? Why would he have to?” you asked, as your body froze, not allowing you to move further away from him.
He didn't stop attempting to close the gap between the two of you “You know what I mean” he smirked “This isn't the place you think it is, pretty girl. We can't have a goody two shoes prancing around” his smile was straight, as his hand moved to sooth your lower thigh.
You never were this close to a boy before.
“I still don't get it” you said, your voice trembling as he moved further up.
“You don't need to, you’ll see for yourself. Soon, don't worry” he cooed, and you could feel his sinister words burn through your skin.
“You like this? Tell me” he asked, his grip on your thigh tightened, and you felt words get stuck in your throat.
“ I don’t know you, Heeseung” you answered out of breath.
He liked the way his name slipped from your lips, your tone mellow and soothing. He could definitely get used to it.
“You don’t need to know everyone you want to have a little fun with” his eyes twinkled slightly, as he spoke softly, trying to distract you from his touch moving to places you probably wouldn't like him being in.
“Do you do this to every girl you just meet?” you piqued, and he chuckled, finally taking out his hand from under your dress in order to move a strand of hair out of your face.
“Only the ones I find pretty” he answered.
Heeseung was such a lightweight, he couldn't stop his smile and laughter as he played with you, knowing you could pretend, but not resist him. He wanted to undress you right there and then, behind an unlocked door, which he’d hoped some disgusting pervert like Jake would open, they could perhaps have you together, share your body. But he was smarter than that. He couldn't alienate you so early on.
“Maybe another time” you murmured, giving up your previous position to stand up from the bed.
He didn't let you, standing up with you, blocking you from walking to the door. He stumbled a little bit, but managed to hold you down.
“You wanted to get to know me, what happened to that?” he whispered.
“I never said that” you replied, and attempted once again to leave the room.
No one has ever had this effect on you. You didn't truly want to leave, not only his firm stance was keeping you away from that door.
You had boyfriends, but all of them were too scared to even hold your hand in public, not to mention kiss you. So you were aware of these things, but not familiar with them.
“Why do you have to be so tough? I just want to make you feel good? What’s the crime in that?” he cooed, and brought his hand up to caress your cheek.
“I always wanted it to be special, not some one night stand” you voiced, and he hummed.
It felt so weird and embarrassing to talk to him like this. You didn't know him. You also couldn't say no, cause some part of you wanted it too.
Maybe it’s because you wanted to fit in, maybe because you didn't want to be any different from the people that went to this school. But you’d always be different- as long as your parents weren't owners of a giant conglomerate or business, you’d always be different.
“My sweet girl is a virgin? That’s okay, don’t be embarrassed” he cooed, and squeezed your hand tightly.
You never knew how hard it is to be sober and talk to a high person. He just didn't fully comprehend the environment that surrounded him, not a single ounce of fear or embarrassment in his veins, just nothingness.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked with a soft voice.
Heeseung knew exactly what he was doing, he knew exactly how his slurred words sounded and how they affected you.
You nodded, and he grabbed your jaw, pulling you into his embrace. Nothing could have prepared you for his wet, plump lips that molded perfectly into yours. You felt so good against him, and he couldn't find himself pulling away, the bulge in his pants growing as you fingers slightly brushed along the longer strands of hair on the back of his head.
It was all so new to you. Maybe it was the alcohol that Jake and Jay forced down your throat, or maybe you just couldn't help but naturally feel attracted to Heeseung. It’s been barely 24 hours, and you’ve broken all the promises you made to yourself.
While you were overthinking, Heeseung wondered just how long until he gets to fuck your pretty, virgin hole.
“Mmm, it wasn't that hard, was it?” he smiled as he was forced to pull away out of lack of air, his eyes practically closing on him.
You avoided his gaze, a small smile on your swollen lips. He laughed softly, and grabbed your hand in his.
“I just want to help you. You’re a big girl, you should know how the world works” he cooed, dumbing you down. But you accepted it. Every word of his you took in and analyzed. Maybe he was right.
He was this big, important rich guy from an important family, and you were just living in his world. You were nothing like him, his worries surrounded taking over the company or not, while you had to wonder if you had the money to go out with your friend on the weekend. You could try, but you’ll never be the same.
And Heeseung knew that. He knew how much power he had over you simply because his bank account was decorated by nothing less than quadruple digits.
“I don’t think you should be hanging out with Wonyoung and Niki. They're fake, you know?” he whispered, and focused his eyes on you “Let me be the one you come to when you need help, okay?”
You nodded, and he just hummed in approval, liking the way you agreed with anything he said.
You knew he was treating you like a child, babying you and bossing you around like he even had any right to do so, but you didn't find yourself stopping him either.
To you he spoke with such delicacy, and he paid attention to you in a way no one ever has. Heeseung was different from anyone you encountered, and that’s exactly what pulled you in, forcing you to uncover more about him.
But he just liked how you gave into his words way easier than he thought you would. He never knew it would be this easy to manipulate you. Heeseung never expected you to so naively believe that Wonyoung and Niki were the ones who were going to do you wrong, that they were the ones to cuddle up to new students in order to drop them just moments later. He had you where he wanted you and it didn't even take him a full hour.
“You didn’t text me last night, did you get home alright?” Wonyoung asked, settling down next to you in the study hall.
You ignored her gaze, her shuffling and moving, making an annoyed groan escape from your lips.
“Yeah,” you replied swiftly, turning your attention back to the worksheet in front of you.
Heeseung’s words had stuck with you. You couldn’t fathom the idea of Niki and Wonyoung, one of the nicest, most welcoming people you have ever met, being bullies. But perhaps that was the reason for their warm introduction. They wanted you to trust them.
Niki, noticing that Wonyoung had finally joined you in the study hall, turned around in his chair, taking out one of his airpods.
“Did you find who we were talking about in the car? A special someone told me they saw you together last night” Niki smiled widely like an idiot, and Wonyoung giggled, awaiting your answer.
You scoffed “The so-called devil” and murmured “Heeseung, right? He was very nice, I don’t get it”
They laughed, and you felt something twist inside of you at the sound of their forced posh, and elegant laughter.
“That’s the point. He’s nice at first, to get you to like him, trust him, and then he strikes” Niki told, and to you it sounded like he was describing his little mutual admiration circle with Wonyoung.
“I don’t know, honestly. He seemed like a good person” you inquired quietly, trying to focus on the work you had to do.
“Let me guess, he asked for consent, or said he ‘just wants to help you’, and you believed he’s a respectful guy? Y/n don’t be so naive” Wonyoung said sternly, and you scoffed, remembering how her boyfriend’s best friends treated you. Sunghoon was probably no different, so who was she to judge?
“You're dating Sunghoon, Wonyoung. Mind you, he’s one of the all so bad Heeseung’s friends”
Niki and Wonyoung looked at each other confused, wondering why you were suddenly being so cold and distant.
“He wasn’t like that always,” she said, and you looked at her questioning.
“You think people can change so drastically, just like that? He always had it in him, he just found the right people to unleash it with, that’s all” you answered, and she felt her body shift slightly.
Sunghoon transferred to Saint Matthews in his sophomore year, after studying abroad in an international school in Singapore. No one could really know if Sunghoon was any different before he joined, because he almost immediately hit it off with Heeseung, and his friend group.
“You don’t know what you're talking about” Niki said, with an annoyed look on his face.
“Oh kill me then. All I know is the shitty little gig you’re playing on me. I know what you guys do to new students- shape them to be your perfect little servant, and then drop them when it stops being amusing to you. Just like you did to Jake. So stop trying to blame everything on Heeseung when you know damn well he's not a bad person” you replied frustrated, collecting all your things, and standing up to leave the space.
Niki and Wonyoung were stunned at your words, following you until you disappeared out the door.
They realized you truly had met Heeseung, and that there was no turning back now.
Just like any girl, he had you tied to his leash, and they were powerless.
“Yeah, it’s crazy. I didn’t expect her to fold so easily” Heeseung laughed, as he downed another shot of tequila Jay stole from his dads alcohol cabinet. His father owned so many bottles he probably wouldn’t notice one of them went missing.
Just like he didn’t notice his son's worsening alcoholic tendencies.
“No trust me, she didn’t even fight back that much when we offered her whiskey” Jake sneered, and Jay grinned evilly.
Jay was the first one to notice you. He caught a glimpse of you as you stood so shyly in the cafeterias entryway, Wonyoung happily talking to you, as you looked around the place. He didn’t recognize your face.
You were pretty to him. Your face gleaned with innocence, and he could smell the way you were so intimidated by the people and sinister atmosphere of the school. He couldn’t even bother listening to whatever Sunghoon was going on about next to his ear, focused on only you. He knew exactly what happened to sweet girls like you, and he couldn’t wait for it.
And maybe at one point in time he could have you too. His big hands would slowly take off your shirt, his fingers slipping down under your jeans, pressing against your pulsing core. You’d tell him to stop, and he’d only laugh in your ear, unbuckling his belt.
“Wonyoung said she flipped off on them today when they mentioned you” Sunghoon tuned to Heeseung, pouring himself another shot “Niki said it’s like this with every girl, and she totally went bonkers on them or some shit” he laughed before his face twisted as the burning liquid slid down his throat.
“That’s so pathetic. She doesn’t even know him” Jake chuckled, and leaned back in his seat, his back melting into the soft cushion.
“That’s like the whole point, she isn’t supposed to know,” Heeseung noted, and they nodded slightly. “And I don’t think that’s more pathetic than Wonyoung leeching onto Sunghoon even though he doesn’t even hide the fact he doesn’t like her in the slightest”
Jay scoffed sarcastically “Defending her so quickly, sure” he hummed, and Heeseung rolled his eyes.
“My mom got her a campaign with our company, and now she thinks we’re gonna get married. It’s so annoying” Sunghoon explained, and they laughed.
“Then just breakup with her. She needs you, but you don’t need her, dude” Jake commented, and Sunghoon shook his head lively.
“She’s nice to have around. And it’s not like I don’t like her at all, she just gets on my nerves” he explained.
“When my mom pissed off my dad, she got divorce papers handed to her, and kicked out the door. Women are supposed to serve men, not be an obstacle. All she is, is an obstacle. You’re taking over your mom’s company, you can’t let her get in the way” Jay turned to Sunghoon, who just pretended to listen to his nonsense.
Maybe Jay was one of his best friends, but he couldn’t bear listening to his bullshit. He grew up around women- a single mother, his nannies who were strictly women (since his mother didn’t trust men around her only child), and cousins who were practically only girls. He knew women could achieve things alone, his mother being his best example.
“So, what is your plan?” Jake averted his gaze to Heeseung, who didn’t seem to be amused by the conversation surrounding you and Wonyoung.
“Was there ever a plan? She doesn’t even put up a fight, and already blew up on her new friends. This won’t be hard” he answered, and Jake nodded, satisfied with Heeseung’s answer.
“I think you guys are wasting your time, honestly” Sunghoon commented.
Jay looked at him annoyed “You and your feminist bullshit again” he murmured, and didn’t even bother pouring the substance into his shot glass, drinking straight from the bottle.
“Jesus Christ, Jay. Just cause I have the tiniest percentage of respect for women, doesn’t mean I’m some fucking feminist. I’m not stopping you from seducing that girl, I just think it’s a waste of time. If you want pussy so bad, just find yourself a hook up, it’s not that hard” he answered, and Jay seemed to accept his answer, too tired to start another fight about this with his friend.
“We’re only 19, Sunghoon. It won't hurt to have some fun while we can” Jake piqued, and with a swift movement of his hand, grabbed the bottle from the floor, tilting it to pour the rest of liquid into his mouth.
“I just think that's kind of unappreciative” he murmured, and all of them turned to him. Jay rolled his eyes and with a sigh ushered Sunghoon to continue “A shit load of kids our age don't get to have half the opportunities we do, so if I were you I wouldn't fuck around so much, but actually put in the work to maybe prove that we aren't fucking imbeciles who just sit around and get chauffeured all day” he explained, and they all looked at him with a confused gaze.
“Says the one who is failing practically all his classes. And what does any of that have to do with Y/n? What do you like her or something? You can hit if you want, it’s an open game” Jay laughed, and Sunghoon sighed.
But he wasn't annoyed, just incredibly frustrated that none of his friends understood what he was trying to convey to them.
He didn't study, at least not much, and even though he was always aware of the fact that he will most definitely take over his mothers company, he didn't quite like the idea of people thinking he only did because there were no other options. In some way he wanted to earn it, or at least feel like he did deserve it.
“It’s most definitely not an open game” Heeseung commented, and Jay looked at him with wide eyes.
“What? C’mon dude, she’s some public school transfer, it’s just fun and games. Don't start being all protective and jealous over her” he scoffed, this being the second time that Heeseung made a comment of that sort about you.
Jay didn't like this new found protectiveness Heeseung had acquired for you even though barely 24 hours ago he was making equally nasty and perverted comments about you.
“You're being an asshole today, you know that right?” Heeseung started, his eyes scanning the room, avoiding Jay.
“I’m being an asshole? All of you suddenly started acting like some fuckass henpecked husbands, when this would be the exact behavior you’d make fun of just a month ago” he groaned, gritting his teeth.
“I’m sorry Jay that your mom doesn't love you, and your dad only sees you as a token of business, but we weren't raised like that” Sunghoon said, standing up from his seat, ready to leave.
“That’s fucked up Hoon” Jake whispered, looking at Jay’s spechless expression.
“You know what else is fucked up Jake? That Jay is a fucking misogynist and Heeseung is some otherworldly type of addict and no is trying to help them. I have been the only person who has been putting in the slightest amount of effort to try and get them help, but I can't possibly do it alone. That’s fucked up Jaeyun. I’m leaving” he blew up, grabbing all his things, and with a tired sigh he left the living room, going straight for the door.
It was true. Maybe Sunghoon was an idiot and sometimes acted like a huge asshole, but he was right. He loved his friends and seeing them ruin and throw their lives away hurt him. But everyone who was caught up in the same wind, didn't seem to notice.
“Call me when you fucking grow up, Sunghoon” Jay shouted, an angered expression plastered all over his face as the door slams abruptly.
All three of them sat in silence as they tried to figure out what happened in the span of just a couple minutes. How did the conversation come down to Jay and Heeseung having issues, and why was Sunghoon suddenly trying to act all sweet and caring when he never did care.
Or at least they didn't notice the countless times Sunghoon tried to stop them, but to no avail.
“I think I’m gonna go too,” Heeseung said, after a moment of dead silence.
Without a word, Jay and Jake nodded, still not quite present in the moment.
That’s exactly how Heeseung ended up in your home, dumping all his issues onto you as you attempted to comfort him with a slight brush of your fingers against his soft hair.
Your outbreak with Wonyoung and Niki, left you feeling alone once again. Those thoughts kept eating you alive, but you knew that's exactly what they wanted. They wanted you to desperately crawl back to them, begging for another chance as you cried out an apology.
You knew that coming back to them would only prove this (untrue) point of them using you and many others for their own pleasure. Turning around, and apologizing would hurt your pride beyond repair.
And it wasn't like Heeseung was making this up either. His heart genuinely cracked at the sight of his friends fighting.
They fought, all the time, but there was no comparing this to a fight over who gets to take the first hit or who gets to play the better character, to Sunghoon leaving completely, his harsh words still lingering in the air.
He wasn't an addict. He was a normal teenager doing normal teenager things. He wasn't wrong for being curious.
“I’m happy that you stood up for me today, at study hall” he said, his voice low as your touch was putting him in a sleepy state.
“How do you know about that?” you asked, not even having the time to tell him about it.
He smiled, rolling on his side to face you “Sunghoon told me”
“Are you really not mad at me?” you tilted your head curiously.
He laughed, and lifting himself from your lap, he grabbed your hand in his. You could feel his warm touch embrace you fully, the action alone was enough to calm your uneasy heart.
“No one stands up for me. I could never be mad at you for being on my side even though you barely know me” he admitted, and it made your plush lips form into a small smile.
“Your friends never stand up for you? I find that hard to believe, Hee”
He likes the way his name slips from your lips, the usage of the nickname forcing him to stifle the growing, uncomfortable feeling in his pants. He hated the fact that he had to control himself around you. But still, he loved the innocent look on your face as you were so oblivious to the boner in his pants.
“They just don't know how to, I think,” he said in a whisper. “They're too caught up in their own lives, and I don't blame them. They have a lot on their plate as it is” he added, his lips forming into a straight smile, as he tried to look apologetic in front of you.
Heeseung wanted you to see him as this complex, emotional being that's only purpose on earth is to help others. His financial situation wasn't helping him create this image, he feared that you’d think he’s just searching for problems, wanting to experience life with all the hardships that a person like him doesn't usually get bothered by.
But you never thought so, you viewed Heeseung the exact way he wanted you to. You believed in every word he said. If only he knew that though, his cocky nature would probably fight its way to domination.
“You’re a good friend, Heeseung” you smiled, squeezing his hand tighter. He chuckled lightly, looking at you with the same straight smile “You have me now, you know that? You said you’d help me whenever, and I want to do the same for you”
You vividly remember his lips on yours. You can recall exactly how he tasted and how he felt against your own skin. He helped you reach some otherworldly ecstacy without going further than a simple touch. You knew you wanted him to be more, but it was too early for that admission, too early to let yourself sink in that feeling.
You didn't understand what was going on between the two of you, where this connection was heading, and in some way it thrilled you. You couldn't possibly be friends, not after what he said that night.
“I hope you know I meant everything I said” he uttered, and you slowly nodded, trying to recall every word that slipped from his pretty lips “I think you’re special” he added.
Heeseung didn't know himself if this was all fake, cause at that moment it felt too real to him. He was speaking from his heart, in some way.
Lee Heeseung was beautiful, the closest you’ll get to any godly figure. He couldn't possibly be flawed in any way.
But there were some things the boy wouldn't even admit to himself. All the fighting, and neglecting, made him out to be this way. He always longed for the type of love no one but a parent could give him. He wanted to be loved so much it picked him apart. Heeseung never experienced what it’s like to care for someone so much, to care for someone unconditionally.
And as the youngest sibling, no one had that love for him, because there was someone before him.
“I’m definitely not special, Hee. It’s all you” you smiled, and he laughed softly, his eyes falling onto his lap as a rosy tint decorated his cheeks.
“It could always be just us. You could come over, and stay till morning” he turned to you, a newfound sincerity in his eyes, as he spoke to you.
“You’d want that?” you uttered quietly.
The faint melody playing from the radio became muffled as you sat next to him. You never felt closer to another person, and it was all so new to you.
“Mhm, really” he confessed, and you believed.
It was all so domestic- he wanted to escape his family line, but he behaved just like them. Heeseung could never change the blood he was born with, blood of condescending, arrogant, manipulative, money hungry assholes.
“Will you promise to stay with me?” he asked, ending the comforting silence that embraced you.
You laughed lightly, finding his worries sweet “I promise” you said sticking out your pinky finger.
“You still do that?” he said with a soft chuckle. You pouted awaiting his finger that could solidify the promise.
He laughed and intertwined his pinky with yours.
Spending time with Heeseung was easy. He just always knew what to say and what to do. He was like the sweetest thing bee’s like you would fly towards.
He had eventually introduced you to Jake, Jay and Sunghoon who eagerly apologized for coming onto you and forcing alcohol down your throat at the party, and stupidly you laughed it off not wanting to give them reasons to dislike you.
You wanted to fit in with them. Eunseok wasn't as happy, trying to keep up with your new lifestyle, but something deep inside him didn't want to stop. He knew he owed it to you after the years of neglect his parents had presented you with. After the years of living in his shadow maybe this was the only way to repay you.
Jake had seemed awfully desperate when you first met him. He looked and acted like one of those sleazy guys who adds girls on snapchat and sends them unsolicited dick pics, but he quickly managed to prove you wrong. You rarely spent time alone with him, almost never, but whenever that moment came, Jake became a completely different person. He was nice. He was actually so painstakingly nice to the point where you would ponder his existence in that friend group.
And Jay- you felt nothing towards the boy. The one thing Wonyoung and Niki got right was his obvious desire to become a Korean Andrew Tate. He had nothing to give except misogynist comments he’d pretend were only jokes, and if you dared to be offended then you simply had no sense of humor.
Sunghoon, it was hard to describe him. He just didn't really talk much. He was never there, he wasn't present although sitting just across from the ongoing conversation. Maybe he always was this way, or maybe you were the problem.
But Heeseung, he felt some kind of obsession towards you. He wanted to carve his initials deep into your skin until you bleed a deep shade of red, all out of love for him. He wanted to touch you in the places your mere, inexperienced fingers couldn't reach. He couldn't understand you, he couldn't bear the fact that you didn't fit into the pattern, and it made him sick.
“Get a fucking grip Y/n!” Wonyoung screamed, tugging at the thick material of your blazer.
She pulled you discreetly into a dark hallway that connected the music hall to the rest of the school.
“Don’t touch me” you uttered, trying to peer away from the girl.
Wonyoung didn't look mad, angry, her face was full of desperation as her glassy eyes looked at your tired face.
“Don't you see what he’s doing to you? He’s trying to ruin you. Why are you being so fucking stubborn!” she begged for understandment but your face was blank.
“Are you jealous? What is this about, Wonyoung? God, If you want Sunghoon’s attention then go ask him for it. I don’t know you, and you don't know me” you grit your teeth, as she looked at you terrified.
“What are you even talking about?” she uttered, her voice cracking.
“I’m done playing your game. Find another person to play with, I’m sure there's plenty” you replied.
“Y/n you're not one of us. You never will be, so stop trying so hard. Getting with Heeseung won't help you fit in either. And you better not come to me when he destroys whatever reputation you have left” her words were harsh, and it seemed like your mention of Sunghoon riled her up completely.
Wonyoung and Sunghoon have been dating for a while now. Only Wonyoung would know the exact timeline since Sunghoon had no interest in celebrating milestones with the girl.
It wasn't like he didn't like her at all, he wouldn't give her the time of day if that was the case. He just found it thrilling and entertaining, the way she called his name, the way she’d give up everything for him if he asked. Sunghoon’s mother had set him up with the eldest daughter of Taesung Group the moment she found out he’d be a boy, so to him, Wonyoung was just a distraction from the tiring business life his mother engulfed him in.
“Give it up, Jang Wonyoung” a male voice echoed, footsteps coming closer.
She looked disgusted when the vision of the boy became clearer.
“Didn't manipulate her enough today, so you had to come do it here? Fuck off, Heeseung” she sneared.
Heeseung laughed, and grabbed your hand ostentatiously. Her gaze was glued to your intertwined hands. It made you smile slightly, the way her lip twitched at the vision, it was satisfying.
“No one’s manipulating anyone. Sorry if that messes up your little narrative” he replied, with a smile that made her want to throw up.
“I’ve been here long enough to know that's bullshit. You’re full of shit, Lee Heeseung”
Your eyes flew back and forth as you tried to analyze everything about the situation.
“Open your eyes, Y/n. Can’t you see it?” she whispered, her expression changing as she turned towards you.
“I’m not like you, remember? So stop trying to give me advice, it’s pathetic” you voiced, and she scoffed.
“Did she say that to you” Heeseung looked down at you worriedly, and as soon as you nodded slightly, he looked back up to Wonyoung “And I’m the bad guy? At least she didn't have to convince Kim Sunoo’s parents to forcibly get her into the school” he smirked, and Wonyoung with a frustrated groan, positioned her body towards the music hall, leaving you two in the eerie hallway.
Wonyoung was the best scoring student, but things used to be completely different. She despised studying, keeping a large distance from all sorts of books. But her parents couldn't fathom the idea that Wonyoung would not attend Saint Matthews. So with a bottle of expensive wine and some sweet words, the girl's parents got her in using their connection to Kim Sunoo’s parents who were major politicians in the country.
She didn't like people bringing that up ever since it drunkenly slipped her while at a birthday party, so Heeseung exposing it in front of you had her embarrassed for the rest of the day. She wanted you to believe her badly, but the revelations only confirmed all your speculations about the girl, making it practically impossible for you to listen to anything she has to say to you from now on.
“God Wonyoung is such a bitch! Is she jealous? What is her issue seriously” you complained, pacing around Heeseung’s terrifyingly large room.
It was your first time over at the boys house. It was unusual for you, all the maids showing you around, treating you like royalty, guiding you to every room. Their fake smiles, and forced acts of kindness made you sick.
His house was colossal, massive, it extended into a vast land and the drive up to it alone was long-lasting. The walk from your apartment to a nearby store wasn’t half the length of his home, and it was appalling to you in a way.
Heeseung’s room, for contrast, was bright, warm and welcoming. The sunlight shined down on his belongings from the ceiling high window, creating a special space where all his piano, guitars and other musical instruments lay. You recall him telling you about his passion for music, but you took it as more of an underground soundcloud rapper type of situation.
“It’s just Sunghoon. It’s always been about Sunghoon” he answered calmly, sitting down on his couch, and with his wrought hand, patted down his lap, beckoning you to come to him.
“Your friends are nice, and all, but you know nothing can substitute a girl best-friend. I just hoped she would be different” you sighed, and placing yourself on Heeseung’s lap, your arms automatically wrapped around his neck, head slightly leaning on his shoulder.
His hands instinctively encased your waist, his head moving along with his eyes, as he tried to get a better look at your worn out face.
For a moment Lee Heeseung felt bad, seeing how much comfort the two of you found in each other, knowing he can’t possibly let this go on longer. It started off with pure lust, a need to ruin the scholarship student that knows nothing about life from this side. Now he was finding himself wanting more, knowing he can’t give it.
Heeseung wanted to wreck your innocent image, but found himself losing it far before he even had the chance to start his plan.
“They’re your friends now too, Y/n” he whispered, the moment feeling way too sacred “She’s lying, you know that right?” he asked after a moment of silence. He looked at you once again, checking for your expression.
“I know, Seungie” your voice is muffled by the material of his jacket, but he can hear your words loud and clear.
He feels like all the air in his lungs has been vacuumed up, as his last breath hitches in his throat. He feels sick. Your pretty eyes look at him with so much sincerity, trust, yet all he can think about is vivid images of your small frame under him. He can't help but wonder just how much prettier you’d look with tears in your eyes as you’d tell him it hurts.
His fingers slightly slide over the buttons of your blouse, as he continues to stare deeply into your face, searching for signs to stop. But you look towards him indifferently, a calm expression decorating your features.
Heeseung’s hand hovers over your uncovered thigh. He wants to feel the wetness that seeps through your panties on his fingers so badly. He wants to slowly unbutton your blouse, his eyes scanning your figure, his hands grabbing onto anything.
“Do you want to smoke with me?” he asked, hoping that his lessons on how to properly inhale would lead him to something a little more intimate.
“I haven't done that yet” you admit, and he chuckles.
“I know. This could be your first” he smiles “Remember, I told you I want to help you. Well I’m doing it now” he added, quickly
“Am I going to be fine?” you asked, peeling your head off his shoulder to look at him properly.
Heeseung smiles leaning back on the couch. His fingers delicately push stray strands of hair behind your ear “I’m fine, so I’m sure you’ll be okay” he assures and you nod moderately.
You deliberately slide off his lap, as he stands up to rummage through the bottom drawer of his dresser. He pulls out a tin box with an adorable puppy on it, and you find it humorous in a way, considering the pretty design is hiding something so toxic inside.
You remember the sight of high Heeseung very well. He seemed to scare you a little back then, his words slipped from his mouth with so much ease and confidence.
“You don't have to worry, nobody really gets high on their first try” he places the box on his coffee table, carefully opening it up.
“Well that’s no fun” you comment.
“It isn't the case for every new smoker, but still no one really knows why,” he explained, using his extensive knowledge to educate you.
It wasn't the ideal area of knowledge to know everything about, but it made Heeseung feel good. It made him feel safe whenever he smoked with his friends or new people. He always knew what to do and how to act if something were to go wrong.
“This weed Jay sold off to me is hella dank, maybe you will feel something after all” he smiled, and even though you had no idea what he was saying, you reciprocated.
Heeseung pulled out one of his filters, folding it and rolling it into a cylinder. He placed it at the end of his paper, filling it with cannabis and sprinkling just a bit of tobacco inside. He tightened it and with his tongue moistened the shiny edge of the paper.
“You need to feel the smoke travel down to your lungs” he explained, searching for a lighter in his pockets “Inhale for like 2 seconds, and take smaller hits so you don't cough so much” he smiled, finally pulling out a green lighter.
You never were interested in smoking or drinking, but some part of you couldn't deny Heeseung. It was stupid, but perhaps this was your one way ticket to his heart.
Heeseung lit the joint, staring intensely as the flame moved across the surface, waiting for the right moment to take the first hit.
He inhaled, his teeth slightly gritting as he exhaled the smoke, the familiar scent hitting your nose.
He held the blunt between his fingers, and moved closer towards you “I’ll guide you”
Heeseung propped the lit cannabis next to your lips and with a nod to his head, ushered you to take it into your mouth. You assuringly looked at him, counting down the two seconds in your mind as a burning sensation coated your throat. You felt the smoke travel down to your lungs, pulling away to take a deep breath. With a small cough you exhaled, making Heeseung smile.
He didn't know he’d enjoy seeing you like this “Good girl”
You took a long sip of the water that has probably been on his coffee table for a long time, the liquid tasting a little weird. But you didn't care, the need to moisten your throat overpowering the unfresh taste.
“Was it good?” he asked, taking another rip.
The smoke hit you in the face “Not the best” you answered honestly and he chuckled.
“It gets better” he assured, and passed you the blunt again.
It felt weird. Weird in a good way.
Your eyelids felt heavy, the laughter coming to you naturally. Obviously you didn't feel half as high as Heeseung who swore he was walking in slow motion, but you most certainly were enjoying yourself.
To Heeseung it feels like an attack on his fragile ego, the fact that he has gotten so far but not on top of you just yet. And even with the minuscule bit of confidence he has earned right now, he needs to at least try.
Your purity radiates off of every one of your laughs as you intently look at him, just slightly fiddling with the loose string on your skirt. If he moved just a little bit he would probably be able to see what's under the navy material.
Heeseung’s pants start to feel uncomfortable against his skin once again as you keep on laughing so innocently at his ambiguous jokes only a virgin like you wouldn't understand.
He wants to feel your lips against his again but this time he knows he won't stop at that. He can't.
“I want to kiss you so bad” he admitted, and you felt an unknown wave rush through your veins, his face slowly inching closer.
He waited patiently for a response, his mind well aware that any sudden move would cause his plan to backfire.
But instead of letting him take the lead, you nearly closed the gap between the two of you, letting your lips just slightly graze against his, smiling as he waited impatiently.
“Such a tease” he murmured before pressing his pretty mouth against yours, his hands traveling to the back of your neck, holding you still against him.
He smiled into the kiss, his tongue tasting the familiar vanilla chapstick, the scent of your perfume hypnotizing, making a blur of Heeseung’s mind. The way your lips felt against him even though you were so inexperienced, it felt much more special to him.
Heeseung’s lips never left your skin, traveling so delicately down to your jaw, placing chaste kisses everywhere he could. His ivory fingers held tightly onto your waist, his other hand cupping your cheek, as he continued to slide down to your neck.
He wasted no time leaving small, and visible marks, his teeth slightly biting into your skin, the quiet breaths that left your mouth, riling him up even further.
“Can I?” he asked, Heeseung’s eyes going back and forth from your face to the buttons of your dress shirt.
With your mouth parted and an unsteady breath you nodded.
He smirked, and continued to attack your collarbones, his fingers unbuttoning your blouse with ease.
“You’re so hot” he breathed onto your chest, pressing you down onto the mattress fully.
The sweet noise that slipped from your lips, made a sly smile reappear on Heeseung's face, his cock twitching in his pants, the material suffocating him.
If he moved down even a little bit, he’d probably be able to notice the soaking wet patch on your panties.
The way his lips felt against almost every part of your body, the soft yet sudden touch of his fingers, it all felt way too good to give up.
Heeseung gave you a knowing look, his face just a couple centimeters from your heat, his hands digging into your thighs.
He noticed your relectuance “You know I just want to help you” he cooed, soothing down your skin, crawling right back up to face you “Let me make you feel good, pretty girl”
You weren't afraid of many things in your life, but most importantly, being unraveled by Heeseung and him finding nothing he wants in there.
You nodded slowly, his smile growing with each one of your nods. You didn't know what he’d do next, the blood in your body pumping faster as you anticipated his next move.
Heeseung moved up your skirt, and as the fabric moved up, your skin burned with anticipation. His eyes darkened as he took in the sight of your covered cunt, begging for his attention.
“So wet” he commented, his hand gently pressing your sensitive core “I barely even touched you” he added, chuckling.
He gave you one last glance searching for confirmation, which you once again gave him, before sliding off your underwear. Heeseung didn't even bother removing your skirt, his mouth wet with desire.
Heeseung’s fingers barely hover over your folds, the sole heat that radiates off of him making you squirm, twitching slightly.
He laughs “So sensitive and for what? Relax, pretty thing”.
He positions himself against you, his eyes locking with yours as he places swift kisses on your inner thigh. His lips move down in a slow pace, and you have to stop yourself from pushing his head forward. Each peck burns on your shivering skin, overwhelming you to the bone. His breath felt soft on your bare flesh, fingers digging into your thighs.
His tongue flicked out, coming in contact with you after what felt like eternity. Your legs fight the urge to close on him, his mouth sending shockwaves of pleasure down your body.
You grab at the nearest pillow, covering your face with it, embarrassed at how exposed you felt in front of him. His tongue delved deeper, lapping up all he could taste of you.
The heat of his touch, the place that warmed you. The pulse, he could hold onto it alongside other rythmns. He just couldn’t get enough, he wanted to pry you open. Time faded away slowly, as he continued to devour you.
You were on the edge, teetering between pleasure and pain, your body begging for release, as the knot in your stomach tightened.
His mouth latched onto you, sucking and flicking with expert precision. He was enjoying himself, the sweet taste of innocence lacing his tongue. The sweet taste of crimson red innocence that he worked so hard to diminish, that he worked so hard to scrape you of.
Heeseung was probably the closest you'll get to heaven in this lifetime. He was God's favorite, right at your thighs giving you the most beautiful form of pleasure avaliable.
“Fuck” his chest heaves uneasily, his fingers gripping tightly onto your thighs “I could eat you out everyday”
You wanted to beg him for more, beg him to let you release as it became even harder to hold it in. Completely and utterly lost in the new sensation, you roll your hips, gliding against his parted lips.
“Keep doing that, fuck” he slurs, lost in a trance, his only goal being making you feel good.
You caught a glimpse of him for just a moment- his pretty eyes so focused, his lips swollen and covered in your arousal. With every sound, every small movement, his actions became rougher, the feeling in your stomach becoming unbearable.
“Cum for me, please” he mumbled against your skin, his desperation to make you cum fueled by the way you can't even form a proper sentence in response.
Your fingers grip his bed sheets, his name falling from your lips multiple times before you feel the knot in your stomach quickly coming undone, a wave of intense pleasure washing over you.
“Oh my god” you cried before fully releasing onto his face, his tounge desperately trying to lap up every single drop of his own hard work.
Your whole body twitched in the aftermath of your climax, Heeseung still holding you down, his pretty lips back on your thighs and stomach, as he waited out your high with you.
“So pretty,” he murmured, looking at you with lovesick eyes.
With just a small blunt that barely got any of you high, Heeseung managed to get you just halfway where he needed you. Obviously, he’d rather have you on your knees in front of him, tears filling up your eyes as he pushed your head further down his cock, but this was enough to satisfy him, for now.
He was peeling apart your innocence slowly, but surely, and his ego was never higher.
It’s been a long time since you’ve talked to Aeri Uchinaga.
Aeri, or how everyone liked to call her, Giselle, was one of your closest friends from the “lower class” school you used to go to. She was like a sister to you, the only ‘family’ you ever truly had in your life.
You promised yourself to never let go of your values and never let your relationship with Aeri falter, but both of those things went down the drain a long long time ago.
Seeing the messages between the two of you lose all their momentum, become less frequent, and come down to ‘How’s Saint Matthews’ or ‘How are you holding up over there?’ frightened you.
Would she even want to talk to you? Would she pick up if you called? Would she care?
“I don’t know. Maybe I should just let it go?” you said, scrolling through all the messages you and Aeri shared over the past month, noticing how you could probably count them with two hands.
Heeseung hummed, turning away from his calculus worksheets “I think if she cared enough she’d reach out. She should understand you're busy with your new life and be the first one to initiate conversations and all”
It was partially true. Why should you be the only one to care and keep the friendship going? She should also try more, shouldn't she?
“I’ve known her for years, Hee. I can't just let go that easily” you murmured, and he scoffed quietly.
“But you have me now, isn't that enough?” he asked, his expression emotionless.
Heeseung didn't even realize his words came out much more arrogantly than he intended.
“I know, I’m sorry” you looked down “I just still want her to be in my life, that’s all” he hummed in approval, finding it annoying, the way your words implied like he wasn’t satisfying you in every sector.
Jay, who sat opposite of you in the study hall, sighed ostentatiously.
“Then just text her? I don't see the issue, seriously” he commented, pulling one of his airpods out of his ear, apparently tired of hearing you complain about such an ‘easy matter’.
“It’s not that easy, Jay” Sunghoon mumbled, not taking his eyes off the work in front of him.
Jay gave him a questioning look, deciding not to continue the conversation, way too tired for another fight with Sunghoon.
Sunghoon had been behaving awfully weird ever since the fight at the apartment. He suddenly felt the need to comment on everything slightly negative that Jay or anyone else said towards you. That was one of the primal reasons for the group's continuous fighting.
“Let’s get out of here” Heeseung turned to you after a moment of uncomfortable silence.
You nodded reluctantly, still not finished with the stacks of papers you had to complete by tonight. But you could never deny Lee Heeseung. Not with the way his eyes glare at you intensely, and definitely not with the way his hand grips yours tightly, pulling you away from the table, not leaving a second for goodbyes. Not like you’d want to fakely smile at Park Jongseong with a wave; you fucking hated his guts.
“You’re being weird today” you notice, his body facing away from you, pulling you towards an unknown destination.
You still haven't fully addressed the lingering tension that stuck to you after what happened. But since Heeseung didn't bother mentioning it, you decided that it probably would be better to leave it at that. Sex, with all the ways it came in, was normal, and you were sooo normal about it too.
“I’m not”
Heeseung couldn't avoid the growing pain in his heart, recalling whatever the fuck he did back at his house, seemingly starting to realize that it probably wasn't something he needed to do, but something he wanted to do.
For fucks sake, he never came out with the initiative to eat a girl out, and he most definitely never just left it at that, not even getting his dick wet in the process.
The usually loud and bustling atmosphere of the student common space seemed to be gone, the bean bags and couches empty, no student in hindsight.
“I just can't be around them anymore,” he added after a rather long moment, sitting down with a thud on one of the black couches.
“Did you fight again?” you asked, placing yourself down next to him, your hands almost automatically finding their way to his own.
“You could say that” he chuckled, recalling how Jake once again brought up your topic, which led to yet another heated discussion.
“You should talk to them, this has been happening way too much recently” you ushered, and he shook his head with another small laugh.
“They are most definitely not those kinds of people. Don't think I've had a serious conversation with them like ever”
Heeseung, Jake, Jay and Sunghoon have been friends for quite a long time now, especially Heeseung and Jay, and their lack of communication was astonishing. Every fight would be brushed off, they’d just pretend nothing happened and laugh it off. Every hard decision would have to be made individually because asking for advice was pointless. It wasn't easy with them and Heeseung knew that.
“Either way, I’m happy you talk to me about it, maybe it can ease your mind just a little” you smiled, and he reciprocated, looking at you.
“Yeah, it does help” he confirmed, and leaned back.
Heeseung lived by night. As soon as the sun set it was as if his sins were disguised. So he hated the way his mind was slowly coming to the realization that the stupid plan he made was set for disaster the moment he sought out for you in the morning.
“Do you want to come over after classes?” he asked, playing with the hem of your skirt, the seemingly innocent action making your heart flutter nervously.
“I’m over there almost everyday” you laugh, and so does he, a snide smile on his lips.
“You know your fate then” he says, his hand still inching closer, the public space that surrounded you having no effect on him.
“Why are your parents never home?” you ask, and he finds it humorous in a way. Obviously owners of a multimillion company would never find time to spend back at home with their adult sons.
The difference between you and Heeseung was that you knew your parents wouldn't be there to welcome you home everyday. You knew it was impossible. Heeseung could only suspect or assume, because his parents had given up on telling him when they’ll return from a business trip a long time ago.
“They’re busy, I guess” he said, with a small sigh “Or at least they pretend to be, I wouldn't be shocked if the multiple business trips were just vacations” he laughed, his gaze falling onto you again.
“At least you have your brother there” you smiled and he chuckled, he most definitely did not have a brother in reality.
“Honestly, if he wasn't there it wouldn't make much of a difference” Heeseung sighed, and even though he’s gotten used to the relationship he shared with his brother, it still saddened him in a way.
“It’s about the company, right?” you asked, and he nodded with a chuckle.
“Smart girl” he cooed, ruffling your hair softly. You laughed, and shoved his hand off playfully.
It wasn’t so hard to assume after all. What else could rich siblings be fighting over, who gets to sit in the passenger seat? Who gets to have the last slice of pizza? That's so fucking humorous. He was fighting with his brother over millions and a couple more millions, and didn’t even realize how materialistic and stupid that sounded to someone like you.
Heeseung pulled your body closer to his, feeling an otherworldly connection course through his veins as you gave away your warmth to him. And how much tighter did you need to be pressed against each other before he finally admitted that he wasn't doing this for warmth.
How many times did his thumb have to press against the edge of your mouth for him to realize he's gone too far?
“Did you hear that Sunghoon broke up with Wonyoung?” he asked, his body melting into yours with every passing second.
You looked at him with wide eyes, but on another note, you would be lying if you said you didn't expect it. And it most definitely didn't shock you that Sunghoon was the one to initiate it.
“Why?” you asked, even though it wasn't a hard deduction to make yourself.
“I think me and you both know why” he huffed, a hint of humor lacing his tone “Honestly good for him, that girl is insufferable”
“Oh I know” you agreed, and he smiled “Go easy on him, still”
“I'll try my best” he rolled his eyes playfully “We should definitely throw him a celebration party” Heeseung inquired and you chuckled.
“Is that really something he’s celebrating, or just us?” you asked and he smiled.
Sunghoon was so incredibly hard to read, and knowing if the breakup is impacting him negatively or positively was something nobody would ever know.
“It’ll still help him get back up on his feet, if he even needs to” he replied, and you nodded smiling.
You had no idea about the status between you and Heeseung. Things happened, and things were most definitely still happening, you both knew it, but nothing changed within the label itself. But then again, you took Heeseung as the type that didn't like labeling things.
Of course you wanted to be his girlfriend. You wanted people to start knowing you by “Lee Heeseungs girlfriend”, not “Broke Transfer” or “Poor Scholar”.
You relied heavily on Heeseung. He was like your life support in the walls of this school. He helped you make decisions and was there for you whenever you needed him. He felt just like flying too close to the sun, and it was addictive. You knew that very well.
He truly was the only person you had. And well, you assumed that maybe calling Aeri isn't that good of an idea.
Well, that’s what Heeseung agrees with anyway.
You were so out of it.
You had told Eunseok that you’ll be staying the night at a new friend's house, but would he really care if he were to find out you’d actually be getting shit faced at a massive house party in a mansion you didn’t really know the owner of.
Probably not.
The music was so loud you could barely register the words Kim Sunoo spoke to you so enthusiastically. You had come here expecting to spend some time with Heeseung, but no matter how much you wanted to go look for him, the never ending white hallways that led to countless guest bedrooms frightened you.
From your comfortable position on the couch, you could spot Sunghoon’s lonely figure at one of the tables. He was supposed to be the main attraction, the whole event centered around his new found freedom, but it seemed like everyone around him was having much more fun than him.
You quickly waved off Sunoo, unsure of what he truly was going on about for the past 10 minutes, heading towards Sunghoon.
“Are you okay?” You asked without having to shout in the boy's face, finding the corner he sat in much quieter.
He looked startled, he didn't catch the moment where you came to him “I’m fine” Sunghoon replied swiftly, blinking a few times.
You found it cute.
“Why are you alone? Where is everyone” you asked him another question and for the first time you saw him smile so sweetly.
He always had the same emotionless expression on his face, conversations with him felt like a punishment. Seeing him like this made your knees weak, a slight pain in your heart as you wondered what he was thinking about.
“I hoped you’d tell me that” he said, his small smile never fading.
You chuckled “I thought all this was supposed to be for you”
He shook his head with a laugh “I never wanted any of this. They just used my situation as an excuse to get black out drunk, I guess”
Even though it was sad, he never stopped smiling at you. His head rested on his knuckles, his eyes twinkling as his gaze was focused on you.
“That’s rude” you inquired, and he laughed again, but this time it much more resembled a scoff.
“Heeseung has done and is doing things much worse” he murmured, and even though the music was still very much blasting through the speakers, you heard him.
You thought about it before questioning him again. Did you even want to know? Or are some things better left unspoken.
“Like?” you finally said, and that’s when Sunghoon went quiet.
With a thud he slammed his glass on the table, and stood up. He nodded his head towards one of the rooms at the end of the hallway signaling for you to follow him. He extended one of his hands towards you, and with the smallest bit of hesitation you took it, allowing him to lead you towards the space.
Park Sunghoon looked so beautiful that night. His ivory skin glowed under the bright, colorful lights, his gaze was so piercing, and his lips just begged to be kissed. The pair of glasses hanging off his nose complemented his white fitted dress shirt, and his black pants showed off his perfectly long legs. You saw a different side of him and didn’t exactly like the way it made you feel.
He closed the door behind you after assuring that the two of you would be alone. He didn’t know why he was doing this, why he was betraying one of his closest friends.
But he thought about it all the time. He couldn’t get peace of mind. He couldn’t let his heart hurt for you, watching you fall for a fraudulent man that didn’t deserve someone as loyal and caring as you.
“What is going on Sunghoon?” you asked, standing above him, as he placed himself on the leather couch with a sigh.
“I know you like him, I know you believe everything he says and I know you won’t like what I’m about to say” he started explaining, and the suspense was killing you “But he’s not the guy you think he is. You’re not the first one, Y/n”
“What the fuck do you mean I’m not the first one Sunghoon. First, what?”
He was trying to stay calm, but you were already getting annoyed and he hasn’t even dropped the real bomb on you.
Sunghoon thought about it for a second. Was using Pham Hanni a good example or should he reach deeper inside his mind to find another person Heeseung has used to fulfill his own perverted and psychotic desires.
“I mean you’re not the first girl he has used this way” he uttered without looking at you, too scared to see your expression.
Were you scared? Or were you mad? Hurt or in disbelief?
You didn’t respond, letting the silence devour the two of you for a moment.
“Please say something, Y/n” he whispered, grabbing your hand.
His hands were cold, his fingers long and ivory. His touch was so smooth, and welcoming. He managed to pull you down next to him, yet you still couldn’t slip a word out of your mouth. He wondered if you’d ever reply or if you would just sit there, forever, next to him in silence.
He’d like that. He’d like that more than he should. He was already betraying his friend, but his heart still wanted more. He wanted you to be more.
“Why are you telling me about this, Sunghoon?” you finally said, and he looked at you, his gaze softening.
“Because I like you” he said, his gaze falling to your intertwined hands “And I can’t stand looking at you getting lied to like this” he added after a short moment.
It didn’t hit you when he said it. It felt like a moment that passed by quickly, it felt like it wasn’t anything significant. But looking at him, feeling the coldness radiate off of him, and feeling his scent made you realize he actually said it.
“Don’t say that, Hoon” when the usage of his nickname slipped off your tongue, and he knew you didn’t mean it.
He knew you felt it too, you just couldn’t say it, right? There was this invisible string tying you tightly to Heeseung’s grip, holding you back from giving into him. You wanted to. You’ve always wanted to, and so did he. From the moment he saw you, standing there with Wonyoung on your first day.
Neither of you moved, caught in each other's closeness, both aware of it, both unsure.
Sunghoon’s slender fingers grazed your jaw, softly pulling you to face him. His lips were slightly parted, and you could feel his breath, laced with alcohol and cigarettes. His gaze was heavy on yours and you could feel your heart racing in your throat- but you couldn’t pull away.
He traced the curve of your jaw, his hand slipping down to your throat. His grip was firm, his lips grazing over the edge of yours.
‘Tell me to stop” he whispered, smiling when he only heard a faint breath slip from your mouth. “Tell me and I will” he smiled against your cheek.
“I want you so bad” he murmured, his voice low “You don’t even know” His nose was pressing against your cheek, his breath hot on your skin. You could feel him all over you.
All at once, the restraint you had, faded away. His back fell to the soft padding of the couch, your legs straddling his lap, keeping him still and open for you. A slow smile tugged at the corner of his lips, eyes dark and hooded.
His hands slipped down to your lower back, pulling you in closer, skin to skin. You felt dizzy, his mouth eating at your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. He grabbed your waist tightly, moving you back and forth on his growing bulge.
His hands moved up to your jaw as you rode his clothed crotch without his assistance.
You felt shivers down your spine, an uncontrollable force pushing you for more. You wanted him whole, completely forgetting about the boy that was somewhere in this house, laughing with his friends.
But you didn’t want him to stop, finally closing the last breath of distance between you and Sunghoon, pressing your lips to his.
The kiss was sloppy, he met you with even more eagerness, your hand moving down to his chest, feeling his carved muscles against your fingertips. His tongue pried your mouth for entrance, deeping the connection between you. He held you as if he had been waiting forever for this moment, holding your body firm against his own.
You pulled away, your faces inches apart, your forehead resting against his. Your lips coated in his saliva, trying to catch your breath, he looked at you with so much passion and longing.
The regret started to settle in, but you couldn’t move away, even when his fingers caressed your cheek, you leaned into it.
“You should be with me,” he whispered, a hint of desperation coating his voice “We’d be so good together, I’d make you feel so good” he added, his hand slipping past the band of your small skirt.
“Sunghoon” you breathed out, your face falling to the crook of his neck as he played with the material of your underwear.
“You were made for me to love, let me please” he pleaded, his breath shaky.
You could feel his soft touch caressing your skin, his erection firmly against your clothed heat, it all felt like a dream. If you looked at him, it would all become real again.
“We shouldn't” you said, your words muffled by the silky material of his dress shirt.
He heard you, he didn't want you to stop, he was so desperate to have you, he wanted to show you just how much better he was than Heeseung.
“It’s not wrong when he doesn't know” he took your jaw into his fingers, forcing you to look at him. You looked so pretty and innocent, your lipstick slightly smeared around your lips.
Sunghoon pressed his hungry lips against yours once again, and you complied with his movements. The kiss was messy, sloppy, and at that point, he lost any control that was left in his body.
Dazed, he didn't even hear the door jerk open. Neither did you, focused on his lips that have moved down to your neck once again.
“What the fuck is this?” a familiar male voice shouted angrily, causing you to pull out of Sunghoon’s touch, scared to look at the man standing in the doorway. You knew it was him.
“Heeseung” Sunghoon murmured, his eyes wide as the realization started to settle in. He stood up from the couch, walking towards the boy who looked like a ticking time bomb.
You sighed, hands in your hair, no words left to be spoken. You felt nothing, Sunghoon’s touch still lingering on your skin, and Heeseung’s words in the air.
“Calm down, Heeseung” Sunghoon said softly, still unsure of the situation that surrounded him.
Instead of that, he got hit with a punch to his face, harshly stumbling backwards, his back pressing against the glass table. He touched his cheek, the sensation causing him to flinch. He could feel the taste of blood in his mouth.
“I’m sorry” he said, looking down, spitting into the glass cup that someone left on the table.
Heeseung smiled seeing his friend's reddish saliva slide down the walls of the glass.
You stayed quiet, hoping the same fate wasn't waiting for you. You wanted to disappear, already creating the monologue you’d spill out to Eunseok as soon as you came home. ‘Please, I need to go back to my old school’ you’d plead until he’d finally give in.
“I’m sure you are, Hoonie” he chuckled, slapping his forearm, taking the cup from his hand “I’m sure you regret it, don’t you” he looked intently at his friend who was struggling to keep eye contact.
Heeseung slammed the cup on the floor, the glass shattering across the wooden panels, causing both you and Sunghoon to flinch.
Sunghoon nodded his head, trying to stand up straight, but failing miserably as Heeseung kicked his lower abdomen with his knee.
“You think it’s okay to mess with your friends girl behind his back?” he asked, holding Sunghoon’s bleeding jaw in his fingers “Is it?”
“No” Sunghoon spat out, looking at Heeseung with his watery eyes, the pain in his stomach unbearable.
“Heeseung, please stop, just stop it” you pleaded, looking up at him from teary eyes, unable to watch anymore “I came onto him, it’s all my fault” you lied, trying to somehow fix what was already broken.
“Is that true” his gaze shifted back and forth from you to Sunghoon, waiting for one of you to give him a straight answer.
You nodded ferociously, while Sunghoon kept his gaze plastered on the floor.
“Get out” he turned to his vunerable friend, his lips dripping in blood, his hand holding onto his stomach.
The view didn't move him one bit.
Sunghoon looked at him and then at you, stumbling on his way to the door, slamming it shut when he finally managed to exit.
“You came onto him, yeah? Did you like it?” he chuckled, a devilish grin on his face as he looked at you, so fragile and afraid of him.
“I’m sorry Hee, I wasn't thinking straight” you explained, mentally preparing for him to strike you at any given moment now.
You should be the one asking for an apology, he should be the one saying sorry for using you.
“Get up” he ordered, extending his hand to you. You looked at him sheepishly, his dark figure standing over you.
You obeyed, taking his cold hand, frightened a little bit by his intimidating and unpredictable behavior. He led you to the bathroom that was placed just across from the couch you were making out with Sunghoon on, stopping in front of the sink.
He looked at you through the mirror, his lips falling to your ear “Spit”
“What?” you asked, your voice cracking.
“You heard me the first time” he said sternly, his gaze never falling from your eyes.
“W-why?” you mumbled, and his small smile dropped.
His fingers squeezed your waist painfully, his other hand shoving your face down towards the sink “When I tell you to do something, you do it” he groaned, and with your eyes shut, you completed his order.
“Wash your mouth” he ordered after a moment, his body pressing against your ass as he held your head in place “Wash all that’s left of him”
You just listened to every word he said. He let go of your hair, letting you look at yourself again. Heeseung smiled, his hands wandering from your waist to the band of your skirt.
“Did you like it when Sunghoon touched you here? Did you feel taken care of? Tell me, pretty girl” his hand slipped down lower, his fingers easily slipping past your panties, hovering over your core.
“I asked you a question” he said more sternly, as you refused to reply to him, your brain fixated on the feeling of his fingers on you.
“I liked it,” you replied truthfully, and he smiled.
“You like when my friends take care of you, don’t you? You’d let Jay fuck you, you’d blow Jake if he asked, wouldn't you?” he asked, and you winced at his words, the sound mixing with the way his fingers played with you.
“But you’d come back to me. You’d come back all swollen from their house to me. Cause you love me” he said, and you nodded, your hips riding his hand that was buried deep in your underwear.
“Want me to fuck you now? Show you who you actually belong to?” he whispered in your ear sweetly, his fingers still teasing your entrance.
“Yes” you managed to utter. Your heart was pounding so hard, a part of you craving Heeseung’s touch, while another one trembled with fear.
He turned you around, you could finally face him. His eyes were dark, his anger mingling in the air. His lips were wet with desire.
“Playing with my best friend, making me watch, you loved it, didn't you baby?” he laughed, his hand escaping your skirt, finding its way to your hips. He pressed himself against you, his hands wandering under your top.
“You’ll get what you want, don’t worry” he smiled, his fingers caressing your lips “That pussy wouldn't give it to you anyway” he laughed, catching you in a sloppy kiss.
“Get on your knees, baby” he said, his tone soft, a caring facade covering his internal rage.
You nodded, softly, sliding down to your knees in front of him. The dimly lit space made him look so beautiful, his harsh words leaving with Sunghoon a while ago.
“You can take it right?” he asked, unbuckling his belt, the material of his black dress pants brushing against your skin as he slid them down.
You felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation as he teased you, palming himself through his boxers. You could see his pulsing erection, the way his face twisted as he continued stimulating himself.
“You wanna see, huh? Dirty girl, you love every second of this” he laughed, his voice laced with innuendo.
Finally, with one hand he slid down his underwear, freeing his thick, hard cock. It slapped against his sculpted torso, and he smiled seeing your face light up.
“You like what you see, yeah? So fucking hard just for you” he asked with amusement, grabbing your jaw.
You nodded, finally being able to see him whole, raw in front of you.
He was now completely exposed before you, fully vulnerable and at your mercy.
“Good. Feel how hard I am for you. Touch me” he said, his eyes never leaving yours.
You reached out tentatively, unsure of your actions, your cold fingers wrapping around his rigid shaft, coating its surface with his arousal as you slowly stroked him. He was hot and pulsing with his heartbeat.
He groaned “Yeah, like that” his eyes closed with pleasure instinctively “Now put it in your pretty mouth” he ordered after a moment.
You leaned forward, as he pulled your hair aside, twirling it in his palm. Your breath tickled his tip, his teeth gritting as he watched you open your mouth for him, and wrap your sweet lips around the head of his cock.
He groaned, your warm mouth hugging him reluctantly. You could taste his bittersweet pre-cum on your toungue, the sensation of his hardness making shivers go down your spine. Your head began to move deeper down his length, finding it difficult to fit all of him inside you.
“Fuck, s’good, suck me nice and slow just like that” he moaned, slightly pushing your head down his cock. He could see the tears forming in your eyes, and it made him twitch in your mouth.
You did as he instructed, taking your time with him, finding the spots that made him react the most, teasing his sensitive underside. Hollowing your cheeks, going faster, Heeseung’s grip on you only tightening with every movement.
You looked so helpless and lost, your mouth full of him. He fought to keep quiet, his other hand gripping the counter, his chest heaving unevenly. Your head bobbed up and down, sending jolts of pleasure through his body.
“Fuck, keep going, I’m close” he whined, his lips parted as he guided you back and forth on his length.
His cock twitched, your movements becoming sloppier as you awaited his climax. You could feel him deep down in your throat, the feeling accompanied by his intense breathing and hoarse moans. His hand gripped your hair tightly, he began to thrust gently, fucking your mouth with slow, deliberate strokes.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck” his voice was strained, his heart racing in his chest “Gonna cum in your mouth, take my load baby”
He groaned, his warm, thick cum spilling all over your tongue, Heeseung’s body shuddering as he emptied his load down your throat.
“Swallow it,” he said, his breath shaky as he rode out his high.
He pulled out after a moment, his cock glistening with your saliva and his juices.
“You’re so perfect” he breathed out, still trying to steady himself “Get up, sweet girl” he instructed, and with an ache to your knees you managed to get up.
His lips hurried to connect with yours, tasting himself on your tongue. Your lips were so soft and wet, your eyes watery. He wiped a salty tear that slipped from your eye. The look on your face took him back to the day he first met you, so pretty and untouched.
“Let me make you feel good now” he whispered, guiding you to the bed, his pants and boxers left abandoned in the bathroom, as he got rid of his shirt while locking the door.
He remembers just how much he fantasized about fucking you behind an unlocked door, hoping one of his sickly perverted friends walked in. But he no longer wanted to share you.
He yearned for you, needed you just like the flesh that wanted to knit itself back together after a fresh wound. His desire was so primal, so intuitive. He was peeling his skin back, the layers slowly unfolding before your eyes.
“Undress for me” he waited, his eyes tracing your every move, his body shivering as he watched you.
If you were ready, he wanted to make you shiver like that too.
You pulled down your black skirt, squeezing your thighs together as you were left only in your underwear. He came towards you, helping with your top half. He puts your hands up, the material gliding against your shaky skin. The fabric falls to the floor with a small thud, leaving you bare for him to adore.
He stood back, admiring the beauty of the girl in front of him. He regretted every spoken word at that moment, every curse, every joke and everything that led up to this moment.
Those words stained his mouth like a pomegranate, the lingering sensation still on his tongue as he took you in.
Heeseung’s lips crashed down on yours, his shivering hands roaming down to your enclosed thighs, spreading you open enough for his fingers to slide through. He explored you with rough urgency, his mind blank as he focused on you and only you.
He moved you down to sit on his lap, his hard on pressing against your ass. He trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down your neck to your chest. Desperation sat heavily on his tongue.
“You’re so pretty, all mine, all this is for me” he mumbled into your skin, his fingers digging at your hips. Your teeth grit, hands pulling his dark hair.
Heeseung was so hungry for you. Hungry for your lips, your flesh, your bones that he wanted to intertwine with his. He was so drunk on love.
His hand slipped down your body, his thumb circling small circles on your clothed heat. He felt the wetness seep through.
He lifted you up, lying you down on the mattress swiftly. He situated himself in between your legs, his eyes scanning your body. You were such a pretty girl, so obedient and welcoming to him. You didn't protest, just did what he asked you to.
“Heeseung, please..” you whispered, and he could feel his heartbeat speed up “I want you inside me” he was amused by your eagerness, the way you were so direct with your words.
“Sweet girl” he murmured, his fingers hooking the band of your pretty pink underwear “So fucking ready for me”
He looked at you one last time, his fingers pulling at your panties, and with a nod to your head, he rolled the fabric down your legs, throwing it next to his abandoned shirt.
“Already this wet?” he raised an eyebrow questioningly “I barely even touched you” a smirk adorned his lips.
He could come just by looking at you, your greed only fueling his own desire to fuck the shit out of you. But he'd hurt you, wouldn't he?
Heeseung’s heart was racing just from the sight of you, his body reacting instantly to the view in front of him. His breath came out in ragged gasps, his pretty blue veins popping out from under his skin.
He aligned himself with you, coating his length with your arousal. His throbbing cock glided in between your folds, your body trembling at the new feeling, as heavy breaths slipped from your mouth. His tip nudged against your entrance, your heart racing. You had never felt anyone this closely, and nothing made you more excited than it being Heeseung after all.
“I won’t hurt you, yeah?” he laughed, his tone low “You think you can take it?” he teased, his tip slipping in and out, each time going just a little further.
“Mhm” you nodded your head, looking at him with your mouth slightly parted.
He leaned down to squeeze your cheeks “Yeah? And you won't cry?” you attempted to nod again, but his grip on you was firm. You just blinked eagerly, and he chuckled, shaking his head.
His tone was inciting, it could almost seem as if he was making fun of you. Yet no other man had ever made you feel so wanted, so good. No man has ever touched you like Heeseung did.
He pressed you down underneath him, holding onto your lower back, his lips wandering all over your damp skin, His touch was rushed, he wanted this just as much as you.
“Ready?” he asked, stroking himself, his gaze glued to you. You breathed out a short conformation, grabbing into his arm that flexed under your touch.
Heeseung nodded, his eyes dark with desire and need. His hands were shaking, his body trembling with the effort of restraint.
He grabbed onto your leg, and with a slow movement, buried himself deep inside you. You gasped, pleading for your body to adjust to the sudden invasion. Heeseung’s cock filled you completely, stretching you out in a way you’d never experienced before. He didn't move, waiting for the look of discomfort to wipe off your face.
You had wanted this. You waited impatiently for Heeseung to take away the one sacred thing you owned- your virginity. You wanted him to be the man that gets to have you first, the love and thirst for him overpowering any rational thoughts.
“Fucking tight” he breathed out, as his head fell back, a low, gutteral moan escaping his lips as he continued to move, his body conusmed by the sheer pleasure.
It didn't take him a long time to bottom out, groans falling from his slightly parted lips. The pain of his thickness was almost exciting, your nails digging at his skin, eyelids becoming heavy. His cock buldged in your stomach, making him moan out loud with no sense of embarrassment.
Your walls gripped onto his length “Feels s'good, shit” his thrusts were slow and delicate, not wanting to break your fragile frame “See this, so fucking deep inside you” he took your hand and pressed it down on your stomach so you could feel him.
“Does it feel nice?” he kissed your neck, his face hugging the side of yours as he picked up his pace.
You turned to look at him “It d-does” you whispered.
He rammed into you, his strokes becoming more frequent and sloppy. His face twisted with pleasure, a stream of euphonious sounds slipped from your lips, powering his own arousal. The music slightly entered the room through the shut door, the sound of skin slapping and heavy breaths overpowering it.
“That’s it, baby” his hands gripped your hips as you moved with him in sync, his body almost automatically responding to any of your movements. Your breathing became increasingly uneven and ragged “Just like that, just like that”
“Fuck, Heeseung” you struggled for breath, his pace becoming infernal.
His eyes ran down your body like never before, his face looking down at you intently, almost like a wolf looking down on its prey. His fingers continued to grab onto anything he managed, his mind going blank as the sound of your cries filled his ears.
The sight and sensation drived you further into ecstasy, his warmth so strong on your skin. You couldn't help the pleasure, a small, salty tear escaping your glossy eyes.
He leaned down, capturing your mouth in a desperate, rough kiss, his body shaking with need. He broke the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck, his breath coming out in ragged gasps. His thumb wiped down the tear from your cheek, his eyes hooded as he stared down at you, analyzing the state he had put you in.
“You’re so perfect, so perfect for me” he whispered, his body on fire, every fiber of his being consumed by the overwhelming ecstasy of being inside you, of feeling you beneath him.
Your moans become guttural, body shuddering with overwhelming pleasure at his words, at the thought of having him like this all the time.
“I’m so in love with you, fuck” he breathed out, his heart pounding in his chest.
He knew he was in too deep, knew that he couldn't stop this even if he wanted to, not when he felt like this, burried so fucking deep inside you.
“I’m close” you managed to articulate, your voice strained.
Heeseung nods, his body feeling like he’s on the edge, too. He speeds up his movements, his cock pounding into your tired core at an almost demonic pace. His own senses are overwhelmed by you, his mind and body consumed with desire and pleasure.
He gasps, his mouth moving down to your chest “I’m close too. Just a little more, you can do it. Just a little more” his voice a low, raspy whisper.
You grip his hand tightly, a low moan escaping your lips as Heeseung pushes himself closer to the edge. You were hanging on by a thread, desperate for release, desperate for him.
“I can’t hold back” he groaned, his thighs shaking, control slipping him completely “I’m going to fill you up so deep with my cum, baby. Don’t move”
Heeseung took your heart, his mouth stained red. He kisses you with that mouth, he’s all over you again. He can no longer control himself, each movement throwing him over the edge, his own bravery breaking as you look so much sweeter and smaller under him.
With one last thrust, his body shuddered as he shot his load of cum inside your pulsating walls. His body collapsed on top of you, his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath. He continued to move inside you, his fingers holding onto your body, helping you chase your own high.
You close your eyes, releasing your own arousal on his length. Your body shivers and arches beneath him. He groans against your neck, gripping your hip tighter, his own body trembling with pleasure and exertion.
He buries his face into your neck, his breathing slowly starting to even out after a few moments. He can feel your breathing start to even out under him as you came down from your own climax. He held you close, letting the waves of otherworldly pleasure wash over the both of you.
“You were so good” he whispers, his voice still laced with a hint of breathlessness “I love you, so much. I love you so much it hurts”
He couldn’t help it. Those three words have never fallen from his lips, and this time he couldn't blame it on the slip of his tongue. Every bone in his body, his flesh, his tissue, the sinews that bound him together, it flowed in his veins- the uncontrollable desire to love you.
His words struck you to the core. It felt so real, Sunghoon’s confession long gone as you couldn't help but reciprocate his words. With the way he cared for you, it couldn't be true. Heeseung wouldn't use you, he loved you, and you loved him.
You look down at him, and this time he looks much less scary. His eyes aren't so dark and hooded, his hair is messy, and his lips are puffed out.
It’s been so long since you first saw him, your mind completely swapping the first impression he made on you, to something much sweeter and beautiful. You remembered him so well, he was your precious, doe-eyed baby deer. He was never wrong, he was never the bad guy.
The world turned on him, he was innocent. He didn't have a drinking problem, he wasn't smoking too much, he just gave into his teenage curiosity.
He continues to lay on top of you, arms wrapping around you, his face buried into your neck. He takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent, savoring the feeling of you beneath him.
“I’m sorry, baby” he whispers, his voice laced with a hint of shame and regret. “I’m so sorry” he repeats and you look at him, confused.
“What? Is everything okay?” you ask, caressing his hair, twirling small pieces in your fingers “You're scaring me”
He sighs, his heart breaking “Sunghoon was right. I told him to do it. I told him to tell you the truth”
taglist: @deobitifull @yunhoswrldddd @parksunghoonsgf @itgirlalisaa @alienqbrain @cyjhhyj @missycheif1404
#lee heeseung#heeseung#lee heeseung x reader#lee heeseung smut#lee heeseung fluff#heeseung angst#heeseung x reader#heeseung fluff#heeseung scenarios#heeseung imagines#heeseung smut#lee heeseung imagines#enhypen angst#enhypen fluff#enhypen x reader#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#enhypen heeseung#enhypen#enhypen smut
3K notes
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Pairing: Popular college student! Heeseung x fem! college student!reader
Summary: Lee Heeseung is a well-known boy at your college from his reputation as a pick-up artist. What happens if your best friend Sora has been seeing him for a few weeks but he is apparently more interested in you?
Word Count: 6k
Genre: smut, a little angst, college au
Warnings: 18+,mdni, smut, cheating, semi public sex, creampie, doggy style, unresolved feelings,making out, Heeseung is kinda red flag, pet names (slut, good girl, baby, whore etc), dirty talking, fingering, hair pulling,handjob, unprotected sex (don’t do it!), dom!mean heeseung, sub!reader, YN is shitty friend, squirting, oral (both receiving), deepthroating, cursing, pussy eating, smoking (sorry if I missed sth)
PLAYLIST: Toxic by Britney Spears, Run for the hills by Tate McRae, I was never there by The Weekend, Guilty as sin? by Taylor Swift, Can’t remember to forget you by Shakira, Rihanna, Guilty conscience by Tate McRae
English is not my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.
,, I dont know what you all see in him, but he is not my type”
These are your words about one of the most popular guys on your collage Lee heeseung. He is mostly known for his reputation as a bad boy and a heartbreaker of girls.
Heeseung is by appearance the ideal of every girl. Tall, athletic and has that charm about him that is hard not to give in to.
You have often heard various rumors about him, that he always has to have a girl with him and it is a one-night stand. You don't think you've ever heard that he had a relationship with a girl for more than a few weeks.
He probably and rather certainly doesn’t like to have any permanent relationships. You didn't know him personally so you have no opinion about him, but you believe the rumors.
For a typical boy, he goes to frat parties usually with his two friends Jake and Jay. He doesn't have a lot of friends probably even just those two. He is so popular and doesn't have a lot of friends, a bit surprising, but on the other hand normal since he doesn't like to get attached to anyone.
By a certain point, everything had changed quite a bit. Your friend Sora confessed to you and your friends that she have been texting with a heeseung for few weeks and they have even been to several meetings.
Your friends were curious and happy for her. For you, frankly, there was something strange about it. You’ve heard a lot of things about heeseung. You really doubted that he would change his behavior and settle down with any girl.
He might break your friend's heart like any other girl but as long as she was happy with him then you were too.
You were sitting on your lunch break in the cafeteria at your university. You were sipping coffee and just listening to what your friends were saying about heeseung. When they asked you about your opinion of him they were puzzled.
How was Heeseung not your type?
One of your friends Suji has a very surprised face and she says "dear, I don't think you know what you are saying?"
You giggle quietly, raise an eyebrow and say firmly "Not that there is anything, but I have a feeling that there is something weird about him? Or maybe it's all because of the rumors I've heard about him."
You see that Sora looks at you with a soft smile and she speaks ''I understand YN that you are worried about me. If you want I can meet you with Heeseung cause his friend is holding a party and you can come too.''
You thought it was a good idea because you haven’t been to an party in a long time and secondly you were curious about Heeseung.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.
It’s a Saturday night and you walk into the house of Jake, the boy who is organizing the party . You look amazing. You're wearing a short black dress that perfectly accentuates your body, a leather jacket and heeled boots. You also decided to put on delicate make up.
You go with your friends Sora,Suji and Nari to the kitchen for drinks. For a typical party, it's crowded and loud with conversation and music.
Nari pours you vodka and some liquor. You notice that jay and heeseung enter the kitchen. Sora, all in larks, approaches Heeseung with the biggest smile.
You sip your drink and keep more to the side of the conversation. You catch eye contact with heeseung and gently smile at him, but he doesn’t reciprocate the smile but looks the other way.
The whole evening passes you quite normally as for any party. You drink, dance and talk with friends. As for Heeseung, you have to admit that he is suspicious even very much.
Sora keeps sticking next to Heeseung all the night, talking to him, and you get the feeling that he is not interested in her at all. But what caught your attention is, you constantly feel and see Heeseung's gaze on you. It doesn't matter if you say something or just sit in silence.
His eyes are on you.
You feel a little uncomfortable with this but you try not to pay attention to it. What else has caught your attention is, when you say something in a circle of friends and heeseung is there he always interrupts you, changes the topic or just makes a comment.
It annoys you because you haven't even exchanged a word with him this evening or even in your entire life and he already looks like he has some problem to you that you don't know.
Jay suggested that you play a game of bottle. You sit in a circle on the ground in a room upstairs where it's quieter.
You start the game. At the beginning the bottle draws Jake. He chooses the dare. You are not too focused on what is happening in the game.
Not when there's a heeseung sitting in front of you. You think to yourself did he always look so good, or was it you who never noticed it?
You stare at him. Then the bottle draws you Nuri awakens you from your thoughts. She says loudly "YN Your turn! Truth or dare?"
You shake yourself off and panic. What if someone noticed you staring at him? You quickly answer "truth”
For a moment you look at your friend, but then heeseung speaks „Can I choose?"
Your heart beat faster when, for the first time that evening, Heeseung said something to you or rather proposed something.
You nod and you're already worried about what he wants to ask you ,,which boy in this group is most your type and which is least?"
Heeseung looks at you intensely and has a stupidly attractive grin. It intimidates you and you can't keep eye contact with him. You know how much you can screw up with your answer and you panic.
,,Most my type? Probably Jake and the least Heeseung”
You bite your lip nervously and your face is flushed. You quickly cast a glance at the heeseung and God. His smile is gone and he looks so serious now. It's as if he's pissed off for your answer. Somehow it makes him even more attractive.
But you don't regret your answer because, nevertheless, you knew how your friend is in love with him up to his ears (although you can see that he doesn’t reciprocate it) and even earlier you told your friends that he is not your.
Well, you told, most likely it has changed, right?
After the game is over, you go out to the backyard to take a breath of fresh air. You sit down on the terrace steps. You are already tired and you want to go home.
Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you. You turn around. You see heeseung who walks towards you. As he gets closer he asks "Can I sit here?"
You nod. He sits down keeping distance between you. You watch as he removes cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket.
He lights a cigarette and it's not hard to miss the way you stare at him. But who wouldn't when he looks so sexy?
The light from the terrace highlights his sharp facial features and strands of hair lie perfectly on his forehead. You wouldn't think smoking a cigarette could be such a hot sight.
Heeseung notices you staring and his smile widens. He lets the smoke slowly out of his mouth and he says „I thought Im not your type”
You look ahead and keep a stone face. You can't show him any emotion because, however, it would be unfair of you because he is your friend's love interest.
,,shouldn't you be with sora?” You don't answer his words but you speak coldly and raise an eyebrow.
He doesn’t hide his smile and shrugs his shoulders ,, she is probably very drunk and having a good time with girls or some other boy"
You roll your eyes and sigh. However, you weren’t wrong about heeseung. He is a typical boy who plays with girls' feelings
But why doesn't it repulse you? You only have the impression that when you look at him he is getting more and more handsome by the second?
Heeseung moves toward you. You sit so close that your knees touch. You look at him as he lets the smoke out of his mouth, and damn when he is so close to you you are literally intoxicated by his presence.
„you want?"
Heeseung offers you his cigarette and normally you would refuse, but now you can't think rationally so you agree. You are lost in the way your faces are close and the way he looks at you
„open your mouth, baby," he says, and you follow his command. He takes a drag on his cigarette and then slowly lifts your chin . He brings his lips closer to yours so that they meet.
He slowly releases the smoke into your mouth. All the while you look intensely once at his mouth and once at his eyes. You let the smoke out of your mouth and cough. His smile is teasing and full of satisfaction.
Your heart beat fast. You feel the wetness in your panties. you didn't think you would like it so much.
"so pretty" he whispers as he gently touches your lips and looks at them carefully.
You know that what you did is so wrong and you don't know how you will look into your friend's eyes the next day. But why when heeseung is close to you you feel so good?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.
When you return to the university after the weekend, you didn't think it would be so difficult. After the whole situation with heeseung you feel like collapsing to the ground and not talking to Sora .
You know perfectly well that you did wrong, but as much as you want to, you can't forget about the heeseung.
Since that incident with the cigarette, you think about him all the time about his lips that gently brushed yours and the way he looked at you.
Your fantasies about him are expanding all the time. You know that avoiding him will be difficult.
But no matter how much you want him you won't do anything with him because you don't want to lose your friend.
You are awakened from your thoughts by your friend Suji. She says loudly waving her hand in front of your face ,,helloooo!!?? land to YN!!!"
You shake yourself off, straighten up in your seat and ask „What happened?"
„ just what's going on that you're so thoughtful today?," your friend asks as she jots down some notes on her laptop
You sigh and shrug your shoulders "I don't know, I didn't get enough sleep I guess"
You are in a lecture and you totally can't concentrate because your brain is filled with thoughts. Specifically, thoughts of heeseung.
„Are you sure? You look as if something is bothering you. You know you can always talk to me," she says with a pleasant smile and looks at you warmly.
You know that Suji is always for you when you need her and you can talk to her in any situation. But you don't think you're ready to talk about heeseung.
„I know Suji, but really everything is fine," you assure her and reciprocate the smile.
You have one last lecture left. You're left to attend it alone because Suji went home faster because she has some errands to run.
You're looking through your phone when suddenly you see a heeseung enter the room. Your heart beat faster. You didn't know he was coming to the sociology lectures. But then you saw that Sora is with him.
You pray that they don't notice you because you really don't know how you're going to handle it. But it's different your friend waves to you and walks towards you with Heeseung.
You smile at her as genuinely as you can. She sits down next to you, with a heeseung beside her. You catch eye contact with him, but quickly break it off.
All the while you are talking to Sora or listening to what the lecturer is saying. The fact that the heeseung doesn't pay attention to you or even look at you drives you crazy.
He keeps his hand on your friend's thigh and listens to a lecture or checks something on his phone.
You hate to admit it but you really thought the small talk and the situation at the party meant something.
On the other hand, maybe it's better that it doesn't mean anything and you let it go.
Fifteen minutes before the end of the lecture, Sora has to leave because she said she has a doctor and can't be late.
As the girl leaves the room you look at the heeseung. His gaze is directed toward the lecturer.
Since Sora left the room neither of you is paying attention to each other, but you can sense the tension between you. You are separated by one seat.
Something inside you tells you to talk to him but your mind tells you to do nothing and ignore him.
After the lecture is over, you pack your things in your bag. You want to leave as soon as possible to avoid having any conversation with Heeseung.
As you leave the lecture, you are stopped by Heeseung. He puts his hand on your wrist and asks calmly ,, Are you in a hurry?”
You look in his direction and he already has that silly grin on his face. You want to be independent of him and get away from him as soon as possible
„Apparently yes" you answer without feeling
,,why are you always so mean to me?" He raises and makes a feigned sad face
You sigh and cross your arms. You can't believe him. Just a moment ago he was avoiding you, and now suddenly he wants your attention.
"I'm not mean, I just don't have time" you reply. You walk down the hallway and he follows you
„oh come on darling. Can't you find time for me?" he replies while maintaining eye contact and the smile on his face widens
You have to admit that the way he calls you darling induces butterflies in your stomach. You stop and look straight into his eyes. it's really hard not to succumb to his charms
,,what do you want Heeseung?” you ask and raise an eyebrow
A teasing smile appeared on his lips and a hint of mischief in his eyes
,, I want you YN”
At his words, warmth spread through your body. they had a profound effect on you
You feel the heeseung take your hand and lead you to equipment room. You let go of his hand and see him turn on the light. You don’t understand what he wants to do.
,,heeseung, what ar-?”
You feel his lips on yours. His hands tighten on your waist and he draws you as close to him as possible.
You moan into his mouth and, pull away from each other. Heeseung puts his forehead against yours. When you are so close to each other you can't think of anything else but him.
But in the back of your mind you have your friend all the time. You know how much she cares about heeseung. When he notices that you are thoughtful he gently lifts your chin
„don't think too much doll, we both know how much we want it”
You look directly into his eyes. his words and eyes show pure sincerity. It's as if Heeseung is the devil and you can't resist his temptation to sin.
You think fuck it. you will worry about the consequences later. You attract him closer to you.
Your lips meet violently. Your hands travel to the nape of his neck, gently weaving into his hair. Your chests are as close together as possible.
The kiss becomes deep and full of hunger. It is as if you are relieving all the tension between you. You feel that heeseung explores your lips with his tongue and you moan.
Time between the two of you ceased to exist. Every touch of your lips becomes more and more intense and greedy.
You pull away from each other and catch your breath. You look up at him and your hand lands on his clothed growing dick.
You have to admit that even when he is wearing boxers and pants you can feel that he is massive.
„ do you want to suck my cock like a good whore?" Heeseung smiles teasingly and says in a deep voice
He doesn't have to ask you twice because you immediately fall to your knees in front of him. Your pussy becomes wet just at the thought of giving him head.
Slowly and teasingly you unbutton his pants. Then you take off his boxers. Heeseung is impatient.
,,don’t tease doll”
A massive and thick heeseung cock appears in front of you. He has veins on his shaft and his tip is already all in pre cum.
You stare at his length. honestly you don't know if he will fit all the way down your throat let alone into your pussy.
„Baby, don't you know what to do? Should I show you?" He says with a hint of meanness and filter.
Heeseung holds your hair in a makeshift ponytail and pulls your face to his cock. You start licking his tip. All the while you hold eye contact with him.
You take more and more of his length into your mouth. what you can't take in you massage with your hand.
Heeseung continues to hold your hair in a ponytail and leans his head against the wall behind him. his face contorts with pleasure.
He wants to close his eyes and enjoy the pleasure you give him, but he doesn't want to miss a single moment of you sucking his cock.
You lick and suck his length from top to bottom. And with your other hand you massage his balls. Heeseung breathes hard and moans
,, take all my cook, slut” Heeseung begins to push your head more and his cock touches your throat.
You practically choke on it, but you try to breathe through your nose. You should be embarrassed by all that he's doing, but it's makes your panties all wet
,, f-uck, baby so good”
Heeseung starts moaning louder and louder as he pushes his cock down your throat. You, at the same time, lick and suck his length. you keep your hands on his thighs.
He feels like he's in heaven. Your lips surround his cock so perfectly. he knows that he’s close.
Tears fly from your eyes and you choke on his length, but all you want is to be used by him as he is doing now.
„Mmm my pretty little slut. What would Sora say if she saw how eager you are for me?"
Heeseung pushes into your mouth the last few times. You chuckle more and more.
,,fuck, I-m cummingg!!!!” heeseung pours his cum down your throat and you feel the salty taste.
"Swallow it all," he commands you as you keep eye contact.
Heeseung has ever gotten a better head. His orgasm was so intense. You swallow all his semen and then show him your tongue.
,, good girl” he praises you when he catches his breath and helps you up.
He puts on his pants and boxers and draws you in for a kiss, but you pull away and say
,,I should go”
„can't I at least repay you?" Heeseung walks over to you, gently touches your shoulders and looks at you calmly
,,no, you don’t have to” you assure him as you pick up your bag from the floor and leave the equipment room without a word.
Heeseung stands in a stupor. He can't believe that you just left like that. He himself doesn't know if it's because you didn't want it or if it's because of remorse.
But on the other hand heeseung knows that he has rather changed your opinion of him and you can no longer say that he is not your type.
No matter how much you avoid him he knows that you won't be able to handle it and will quickly return to him.
Before he was even seeing Sora he noticed you at the university. At first sight, he thought you were a pretty girl and had something about you that the others didn't have. He knew he wanted to have you.
When he started his relationship with your friend all was well. but he was bored. It was too normal and he doesn't like permanent relationships.
But when he found out that sora was your friend? He knew he couldn't leave her because he wanted to reach you somehow.
Always if he wanted something, he must have it.
When at the party you said that he is not your type he went crazy. Since then he wants you even more. He just wants to prove you wrong.
Heeseung just isn't sure of one thing whether he just wants a relationship with benefits or something more. But is it possible for him to change for you?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.
Since the last incident with Heeseung, you have been avoiding him like a fire. You have a big guilty conscience about betraying your friend. But you also regret that you left heeseung so abruptly in equipment room without a word.
Every day more and more you can't talk to sora normally because all you have in front of your eyes is heeseung and what you did with him.
You know that your feelings for him are only growing and you hate it. Even if you want to forget him it's impossible because Sora keeps talking about him and now heeseung is in the same group of friends as you.
And besides, he doesn't let you forget about him. Practically every day before you come to the lecture hall someone ( or more precisely you are convinced that it is heeseung) puts a coffee on your table and to it a leaf with some kind words or once anonymously someone sent you flowers to your dormitory.
These little gestures are very kind, and you wonder if he does it just for you or for every girl he wants to have.
But even if you want to find out you'd rather not keep in touch with Heeseung because it's better for everyone.
You sit in your typical cafeteria seat and wait for your friends. Sora approaches the table and you smile slightly at her.
She has bags under her eyes, looks sleep-deprived and sad. She smiles weakly at you
,,Hi YN”
She sits down next to you and looks like a human wreck. You become concerned and ask calmly
,,What happened Sora? You look tired and sad ”
She sighs,looks ahead and puts her hands on the table
,,Heeseung told me that our relationship is pointless and he doesn't want to get involved in it” she speaks weakly and you can see the pain on her face .
You almost choke on your coffee when you hear what says. You bite your lip slightly. Honestly expected that this is how this relationship could come out
,,I’m so sorry Sora” You respond by looking at her. you can see how broken she is.
,,You were right he is a typical fuck boy who will never find a girlfriend”
You listen to her and nod. You feel so stupid that you are sitting next to her and she knows nothing about your feelings for him. However, you prefer not to take any chances and say nothing about it.
,,Don't break down like that. you are amazing and pretty and I’m sure you will find a boyfriend a thousand times better than heeseung ” you smile and draw her into a hug
,, thanks YN, for always being for me when I need you” Sora smiles faintly and mumbles as you hug each other
,, always” you answer and feel guilty, but at least now you know that there is nothing between her and heeseung anymore.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.
You are at the birthday party of one of your friends Sunghoon. You have known each other since high school and then by some chance you ended up at the same university.
You are alone at the party without your friends. They couldn't come because they have work or study. You have to rely on yourself tonight.
You walk into the kitchen to pour yourself a drink of some sort and see Jake. Your heart beat faster because probably heeseung is also here.
„hey YN! I didn't know you'd be here" when he notices you, he smiles.
,,I didn’t expect to see you here either” you reciprocate his smile and softly hug each other in greeting.
You talk with him for a while. Jake is a really fun guy. He's very easy to like and talk to. You are not surprised that he is one of the close friends of Heeseung.
Without being noticed by you Heeseung enters the kitchen. A shadow of frustration flashes in his eyes but he tries to control himself when he saw you with Jake.
Jake notices how Heeseung stares at you with hard and burning eyes.
,,I guess someone is jealous of you” Jake whispers in your ear and a little at first you don’t understand what he means.
You turn around and see Heeseung who is already looking at you intensely. You feel your heart beating harder. And damn you like how his attention is devoted only to you.
A wave of heat spreads through your body. you feel like making him even more jealous.
You stand closer to Jake as you listen to him say something. You don't notice but some girl walks up to Heeseung.
However, he doesn’t care at all about what the girl next to him is talking to him. His gaze is completely focused on you.
He feels a tightening in his stomach. He's frustrated with how close you stand to Jake and the fact that you're taking time for him.
He doesn't want anyone else to have you but him.
The girl who talks to him walks away from him when she sees that he is not interested in her. He takes a quick step toward you
„YN can we talk?" he says as calmly as he can although irritation and jealousy were visible in his eyes.
You nod. you feel that Heeseung grips your wrist tightly and pulls you outside .
„Heeseung, what the fuck are you doing?" You ask in frustration
You are facing each other. You see his eyes darken.
,, you even ask!? You’ve been avoiding me for a week and now you’re fucking my best with your eyes!” he replies with sarcasm and shakes his head in disbelief.
You cross your arms and can't believe that he is still going to tell you what to do and what not to do.
‚’Heeseung! Pull yourself together! you were the one who hit on my best friend and probably every girl in this university and now all of a sudden you care about me!” you raise your voice and look at him coldly
He laughs dryly and sarcastically. He is so annoyed but at the same time he wants you so much.
,,YN, the only person who should pull is you! Will you ever fucking understand that the only one I want is you!?” your faces are close together. When he said he only wants you, you breathe hard and look straight into his eyes.
’’no heeseung, I won’t, you probab-’’
He interrupts you in mid-sentence and pulls your body to the wall.
He closes the gap between you and starts kissing your lips. He puts his hands on your waist. You deepen the kiss by putting your hands behind his neck.
There is not an inch of space between you. You feel the heat beating from his body. From second to second the kiss is more and more passionate and impatient.
You couldn't satiate each other. You moan when you feel his lips that explore your lips.
You pull away slightly from each other and catch eye contact
„Should I prove to you even more that you are the only one I want?" He says in a deep sincere voice and raises an eyebrow
You turn your head and look at him with dark eyes. You already miss his touch.
When you enter heeseung's dormitory you lips immediately connect again. His hands are on you. He slid down to your neck. He stars sucking and licking your collarbone as he pulls you towards the door.
„mmm heeseung" you moan in pleasure as you close your eyes. You keep your hands in his hair.
While kissing, Heeseung leads you to his bedroom. He closes the door behind him. you lie down on the bed and he is over you.
You didn't look too closely at the surroundings, but his room is normal has desk, bed and closet. There's not even a mess here
You put your hands on his shoulders and look at him. He looks so hot. His hair is disheveled, his lips reddened and swollen from your earlier kiss
Heeseung smiles teasingly when he sees you looking at him.
”Hmm, didn’t you say something like I’m not your type?”
Heeseung slowly pulls down your dress. You mutter quietly. He sees that you are not wearing a bra. He curses
”fuck, look what a desperate slut you are”
You gasp and squirm under him as he purposely slowly removes your dress.
,,Hee pleas- don’t tease” you beg him when you keep your hands on his shoulders.
His smile widens. he looks at your body as if it were gold although to him it is just that. He touches your hips sensually and pulls your dress all the way down.
You are left in just skimpy panties. At the very sight of you heeseung gets hard. He has only the thought in his head to fuck you.
He removes your panties and lays down between your thighs. Your pussy is already wet and eager for him
,,such a pretty pussy. I’m sure it will taste so sweet” He starts drawing circles on your clit with two fingers. You squirm under him and want more
”pleaseee… I want more-ee”
Heeseung at your plea puts his lips to your pussy and licks your juices. You moan for him so pathetically. You are convinced that you won't last long when he eats you so well
He inserts two fingers into your pussy and his bluntness immediately increases. He hits every spots perfectly with his long fingers.
Heeseung speeds up licking your folds and you start riding his lips.
,,my goddd, heeseung it’s sooo goo-d” you mutter loudly. Your nails dug into his shoulders leaving marks.
Your eyes twisting backwards with delight. Heeseung has his eyes closed. He is focused on your lovely moans and on your pussy. He wants to bring you to the best orgasm you've ever had.
,, godd- I’m cummingg!!!” you scream with pleasure
Heeseung when he hears your moans speeds up sucking and kissing your clit. He adds a third finger to your pussy and quickly fingers you while hitting every perfect spot. You feel so full.
,,cum on my face baby, show me how good whore you are for me” he purrs. He doesn't stop abusing your pussy with his fingers and mouth
You cum on his fingers and lips while moaning his name loudly. You are dizzy from how intensely you have come.
You catch your breath and look at Heeseung. His mouth is all in your juices. He licks his fingers which are all in your semen.
It is such a hot sight and you are horny again. Heeseung puts his fingers to your lips and he says
”open your mouth”
At his request you open your mouth. You suck and taste yourself on his fingers.
”good girl”
Heeseung looks at you and thinks he's about to go crazy. You're so beautiful when you're lying underneath him and completely submitting to him.
„please heeseung, I want more” you beg as you draw him into a kiss. The kiss is passionate and you taste yourself on his tongue
Heeseung's cock is already so hard. You help him pull off his shirt and then he pulls down his pants and boxers. You look at his body.
When he notices this he smirks, raises an eyebrow and teases, "You like the view, don’t you?
You nod and run your hand over his muscular chest . By your touch he is even harder if possible.
”You are so impatient" he smiles as he touches your cheek and looks at your eyes. Something about this moment is intimate and real. Your hearts beat hard as you are warmed by each other's touch.
”Lie down on your stomach baby," he practically gives you an order. You lie down. You are already excited about what is to come.
Heeseung crouches behind you. He spanks your ass and you moan. You are already so horny. Heeseung runs his finger over your slit and mocks you
„you are so wet again and I haven’t done anything yet”
Heeseung thrusts into your pussy slowly. You feel your walls clench his cock perfectly. When he's buried all the way inside you. you moan and feel so full. You know you won't last long
„Your pussy receives me so good," he praises you as he begins to move inside you.
He holds your hair with one hand and the other on your neck. He begins to choke you. This is a new experience for you, but you enjoy it and moan even more.
„you like how I choke you, huh?" Heeseung asks as he pushes into you hard. All you can hear in the room are the lewd and pornographic sounds of him pounding into your pussy and your moans.
,,you are such a dirty girl for me"
Heeseung doesn't stop fucking you. You have the feeling that with each passing moment his cock is hitting deeper and deeper into your cervix.
,, heeseung!!! myyy go-ddd” You scream in pleasure. your mouth twists out of pleasure into an ,,o" shape. You feel that you are close.
„Will you cum on my cock slut?" he asks as he pulls you close tugging at your hair. You like it so much when he treats you so roughly
Your eyes twist and a wave of pleasure sweeps over your body. Your legs shake as you squirt on his cock. He thrusts into you hard one last time and paints your walls white.
You catch your breath as heeseung slowly removes his cock from your pussy. You have a mess between your legs from your sperm.
You feel sore. You know that you won't be able to walk the next day.
You lie down on his bed. Heeseung goes out to the bathroom to fetch a towel. You wonder what will happen next if what you did was a one-time thing or if it will happen again.
Somewhere inside you there are further fears and you feel as if you are betraying your friend. You know how she would hate you if she found out what you did with him. But on the other hand when you are with him you feel like the whole world doesn't exist.
You are awakened from your thoughts by a heeseung that begins to cleanse you. He asks calmly "What are you thinking about so much?"
You look at him and sigh , "probably about our relationship".
He nods and sets the towel down on the table. He draws you close and you lie in each other's arms.
„How do you want it to look now?" Heeseung asks as he gently combed through your hair.
You're not sure if Heeseung wants to involve you in your relationship and even if it does you're worried about your friendship with Sora
„I don't know Heeseung, but I know there is something between us and I don't want it to end," you answer and surprise yourself that you dared to say it. You think maybe it's time to be honest and put yourself and your needs first
Heeseung nods and a smile appears on his ,, so am I your type after all?” He teases
„shut up" you giggle and say jokingly
The future between you is uncertain because you both don't quite know what you want in your compiled relationship. But so far you are happy to have each other to some extent.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.
Thank you for reading!
author note: sooo this is my third fanfic!!! I hope you like it! ❤︎ I wanted to give up several times while writing it lmaooo it was so exhausting hehe. Let me know in comments what you think about it ^^ <33
#enhypen smut#lee heeseung#heeseung fanfic#heeseung#heeseung smut#heeseung x reader#lee heeseung smut
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MISSED YOU | chris sturniolo

| ".... god, i hate that i missed you so much"
pairing: dealer!chris x fem!reader
summary: your dealer has been out of town for almost two weeks and after he's finally back, he texts you needing to see you.
warnings; smut, dom!chris, sub!reader, p in v, pet names, praising, unprotected sex, dirty talking, hair pulling, rough sex, car sex, crying, public¿ sex, cursing, mdni
a/n: literally my first fanfic after a looong time so please bear with me, if its bad... you know why. english isnt my first language so sorry for any mistakes! also its a little long 😭 part two here !!
she laughed at some joke her friend made and took another bite of her pizza. it was late friday afternoon, she and her bestfriends were hanging out, since there was nothing else to do. everything was great, until her phone buzzed. she looks at her screen, immediately smiling when she sees his name. she wasn't even aware that her lips had curved into a smile.
her friends were too busy with their own conversation, so she uses her moment and grabs her phone, reading the message from chris. she hasn't heard from him in over two weeks, she had no clue what he was doing, or where he was. she also didn't want to ask, hating the feeling of being too desperate. and it's not like he owns her any explanation either.
chris: u busy?
she bites her lip, fighting the urge to smile again as she replies back.
y/n: hi to you too
y/n: yeah im out with friends, whats up
chris: having fun?
chris: when u gonna be home ma?
y/n: like in an hour or so
chris: can u hurry up? c'mon kid i miss ya
y/n: you do???
she can't help but genuinely grins this time, her eyes widen a little. did he miss her? or was he just saying that to make her give in? he always knew how to talk to her, to make her going feral over him. but she wanted to believe he means it this time.
chris: hell yeah i do
chris: get ur ass out here
she looks at her friends, that were still yapping about something, that she couldn't care less about right now. she needed to see him. he never said he missed her before.
y/n: then come pick me up, im sending u the address
chris: omw gorgeous
chris is already in his car, when she sends him the address. not being able to see her for over two weeks, made him think. A lot. he has been her drug dealer for over a year now, there was tension between them since the beginning, so it didnt take them long to finally fuck at some party a few months ago. and since then, it's happening every now and then, usually they meet to smoke together, then they end up all over each other.
after a few minutes, he parks the car in front of the pizzeria, finally seeing her. she made a stupid excuse for her friends to leave, not being able to hide her excitement, so they just could assume what was going on.
chris gets out of the car, looking her up and down, licking his lips as she was only wearing a black crop top and baggy camo pants. he personally loved those, especially on her.
he opens the door for her, a smirk playing on his lips. "get in."
she tried her hardest to act casual, but just seeing him after a while, in all black outfit, was enough to make her dizzy. and she could swear he got a haircut. his hair was so much shorter, and she loved it.
she smiles, keeping the eye contact while getting inside the car. he closes the door, his eyes roaming all over her body as she walked towards him. he snaps back to reality, getting to the other side and climbing back into the drivers seat. he was feeling so many things that he couldn't express.
"missed me so bad, you couldn't wait an hour, huh?" she speaks up, putting on the seatbelt and looking over at him, while he starts the car.
she notices the way he looks her up and down, his eyes stopping at her exposed skin a little too long.
"i've missed my favorite customer." he smirks, going back to the eye contact.
"yeah, your favorite customer... right." she says sarcastically, trying her hardest to keep her cool and not to blush under his stare.
he grins before replying, focused on keeping his hands on the wheel instead of her body. it was getting harder with every second. "yeah, the one i always gotta give free stuff to."
"oh, dont act like i force you to do this..." she scoffs, still looking at him. "you know i always want to pay you."
"i know y'do... doesn't mean i will stop givin' it to you for free though."
"see, and that's crazy."
chris rolls his eyes, loving and hating at the same time, how she always had to talk back to him. he's driving, planning to go to her house, but the way she's looking right now, and especially her attitude, is making him crazy. he feels his dick getting harder with every second.
"whatever, ma. i know you secretly like it."
"yeah, sure." she mumbles with sarcastic tone, her eyes still watching him. seeing him driving was one of her favorite things in the world, he always looked so good. she appreciates, that he gives her stuff for free or cuts down her prices, but dealing was his job, he was making money out of it, so she always felt bad when he didnt want her cash. "what made you busy for so long? thought the cops caught or some shit"
chris bites his lip, his eyes glancing over to her for a second, before focusing back on the road. he never felt so desperate like right now, just having her in his car like that...
once he hears her question, he snaps back to reality and smiles. "the cops? please, sweetheart, they can suck my dick."
chris changes his direction, spotting an empty parking lot and he drives there. "i was out of town, had to deal with some business... nothin' to worry about now." he explains, parking and turning off his car, and his stare travels to her, scanning her face and body. "you're so curious...."
she nods, now understanding why he wasn't texting her these past two weeks, she was a bit ashamed 'cause she honestly thought maybe he got bored of her, so she didn't text him either. she still got some weed until yesterday, so she also had no reason to.
"why would you stop here?" she asks, looking at him with a little frown, but once she sees his smirk, the realization hits her. the excitement filling her body, the tension between them so noticeable, it makes her shiver.
he stares at her for a moment, adjusting his pants and then suddenly he unbuckles his seatbelt, sitting back in his seat so there was more space now.
her eyes travels down on his lap, seeing the noticeable big bulge even through his jeans. she blushes slightly, looking back at him, the smirk still playing on his lips and it makes her weak in her knees.
"chris..." he cuts her off by reaching over and grabbing her chin, tilting her face closer to his.
"y'gonna do what i said, or keep talking back?"
she immediately unbuckles her seatbelt, moving over the center console and she gets into his lap, straddling him. she wasn't gonna act like she didn't miss him too, because, goddamn, she did. she presses herself onto his hard dick, watching him closely, and seeing how desperate and frustrated he was right now. It made her feel a little bit of a power, that she decided to take advantage of.
"now, was that so hard, ma?" he smirks even more, trying to hide his growing need for her, but his hands moves to grip onto her thighs. he felt the urge to touch her all over.
"you know, fifteen more minutes and we would be at my place-"
"you really think, i would wait fifteen fucking minutes, when i havent seen you for two weeks, and you look like that?" he loves the way she looks at him, with such admiration. she was so pretty in his eyes, he never felt this type of desperation for anyone ever before.
"and who's fault is that?" his hands grips her tighter and puts her closer in on his lap, making a little bit of friction, that he so desperately needs. his fingers digging into her skin, while he stares into her eyes.
"shut up for once, yeah?"
"make me." she smirks, challenging him. he doesn't have to hear it twice, loving the attitude she's giving him right now. his hand moves up from her thigh to the back of her neck, pulling her face closer and he kisses her roughly, grabbing her ass with his other hand as he does.
she smiles against his lips, immediately kissing him back with the same intensity, and she grinds down against his clothed dick, feeling her own need growing with every second. she missed the way he kissed her, she missed his lips, his hands all over her, his body against hers. she missed him and she hated to admit that.
she slides her tongue into his mouth, he bites her lip in response and lets her lead the kiss. moving up his hips to feel her more and not being able to hold back, he groans against her lips. he never felt so needy before. he pulls away for a moment to speak, and starts trailing kisses down her neck, squeezing her ass, before his hand moves up, caressing the skin on her exposed stomach.
"god, i hate that i missed you so much."
it slips from his mouth, he doesn't think much about it as he sucks on her skin, but for her it meant everything. she tilts back her head, giving him more space and she grinds against his lap some more, running her hand through his brown hair. he lets out a growl as she grinds down on him, making him even harder and he bucks his hips up again. lifting up his head from her neck his stare finds hers, the noticeable lust in his eyes made her bite her lip to hold back a moan. the smirk coming back to his face once he notices her flushed cheeks.
"what 'bout you, huh, ma? missed me too?"
she closes her eyes, their face so close to each other, it makes their lips brush when she replies him back.
"yeah... i did"
he grins, his hands playing with the waistband of her pants. that's all he needed to know, that she missed him as much as he missed her. even though they both were aware, they should'nt.
"how much, hm?" he unzips her pants, she lifts herself up, gripping his shoulders to balance herself and helps him take them off. then she straddles him again, trying to hold back her smile, but not being able to.
"want me to show you?"
he groans after her words, feeling her wet panties pressing against his hard dick and he bucks up his hips again, being so desperate, that he was ready to beg her. he starts marking her neck again, his hand traveling between her legs, massaging her clit through her underwear. her breath hitches in her throat, she lets out a little whine and grips his hair slightly.
"so wet already... shiiiitttt... all this f'me, huh?" he says against her skin, bitting on it slightly and making her moan. he adds more pressure, circling over her clit. "lift this shit up."
his tone demanding, he wasn't asking. she lifts up her top, revealing her breasts. he looks at her now, his eyes going back and forth between her tits, and her face. "fuck... not wearing a bra? fuckin' slut..."
he licks her hard nipple, then starting sucking on it. her hand tightens in his hair, tilting her head back and she lets out more whimpers. she was supposed to be the one in control this time, she craved it and saw how needy he is, but the way he's touching her, makes her losing her mind. he then pulls her panties to the side, running his fingers through her wet folds and suddenly putting one inside her. not even giving her any time, he just starts pumping in and out, adding another finger after a moment, now stretching her out. he pulls away from her nipple, looking at her face.
"c-chris..." she moans quietly, trying her hardest to keep the eye contact, but struggles to do so. her hands now traveling down his chest and unbuckling his belt.
"yeah, ma? y'like that?" he tries to keep his cool, still working his fingers inside her dripping pussy, curling them and making her whine in response. "look at you... so, fuckin' desperate on my lap. missed my fingers, huh? want some more?"
she desperately nods, squeezing around his fingers, but once he feels that, he pulls them out immediately putting them in his mouth to lick them clean. she whines, pouting her lips when he stops.
"show me how much you missed this dick then."
she bites her lip, unzipping his pants and with his help, she pulls them down to his knees, his boxers following after a second. chris leans his head back against the seat, gripping her hips as she gives him a few strokes before pulling her underwear to the side. she runs her thumb over his tip, collecting the precum and spreading it all over his cock, using it as a lubricant and then she lowers herself slowly on his cock, the movement making them both moan out loud with pleasure. she stays like this for a moment, needing to adjust after these past two weeks without him.
"fuckk...so tight...your pussy was made f'me.." he groans, tightening his grip on her hips and he watches her closely, as she finally starts moving on him. he’s holding himself back from moving up his hips and taking over, trying so hard not to thrust into her. he loves the feeling of her body against his and he’s missed it so much. he needed it, he needed her and he hated that. the feeling just kept growing, making the space in the car feel even smaller.
he pulls her back down into another kiss, this time more sloppy, continuing to move his tongue against hers, tasting her. she kisses him back, starting speeding up her pace and now bouncing on him harder. his dick hitting just all the right spots, making her moan loudly while chris tries to focus on the kiss and not to lose his composure. he wanted to take over, he always did, but the feeling of her riding him like that, has him gripping the seat. he grits his teeth, trying to keep himself together and he knows his patience wont last long. he looks up at her again, his eyes glued to her face.
"fuckkkk, ma.... takin' all of me so well... shit..." he hisses, when she speeds up even more. "so good.... s-so good f'me...."
she grips into his shoulders more, moaning loudly at his praises and she continues moving. chris is in complete ecstasy as she picks the pace up, a feeling like he hasn’t experienced before. there's just something about her on top and taking what she wants, that's got him feeling so many things at once.
“fuck.. just like that” one of his hands grab her ass, giving it a squeeze and then slapping it. "fuckin' slut... you like it? fucking in my car? takin' it just like a little bitch.... yeah? shitttt..."
he moans now not being able to hold back, and he starts thrusting into her. she gasps for air, her eyes closing shut as she tightens around him. "oh, wanna cum, huh? not yet darlin'...." he grips her hips more, his tip hitting her g-spot with every move.
"chris i-"
she cuts herself off with another moan, not being able to think straight. she digs her nails into the back of his neck, her head falling down on his shoulder and he immediately stops. her eyes snap open, she lifts up her head to look at him, a smirk playing on his lips.
"you better don't look away f'me, ma.... wanna see your pretty face y'know? and keep makin' those sexy little sounds...got it?"
she nods, but it's not enough from him as he speaks up again. "use your words baby, c'mon... you aint that fucked out of your mind yet, hm?"
"i got it, just... please..." she whines, moving her hips, wanting to bounce on him again, but he stops her. she pouts. "chrissss......"
"get to the backseat." he demands, after scanning her face for a while. he wanted to give her all the pleasure she deserves. he wasn't even thinking about himself, he couldn't care less about his release. he just needed to make her feel good, making sure no one else can do what he can.
she pulls away from him, now moving over the center console again, struggling a bit but she gets into the backseat. chris obviously smacks her ass as she does, what makes her squeak.
but he just smirks, pulling off his pants and boxers all the way down and throwing it on the passenger seat, so it wasn't in the way. he gets on the back himself, there was little space, but enough to get into his favorite position. chris puts his hand on her back, forcing her to get on her knees and hands on the seat, as he positions himself behind her. chris loves the way he can get her all desperate and begging, so he teases her now. he moves his tip along her folds, making her whine. then he slowly puts it in, but after a few seconds he pulls back again.
"chris...." she whines, knowing he's playing with her now.
"yeah, baby?"
she bites her lip, her face pressing into the seat and she lifts up her hips more. "stop teasing me, please...."
he grins even more, slapping her pussy with his dick and then he suddenly pulls his cock all the way in, making her gasp and scream out of pleasure. the new angle let him hit all of her sweet spots.
"whatever you want, princess." he starts thrusting into her with a very intense and fast pace, going as deep as he could. the car now filled up with her moans and the sounds of skin slapping against each other. he grips her hips tight, keeping her in place. he can feel her squeezing around his cock again, and he lets out a growl. "c'mon.... cum all over me...wanna see you while y'do..."
chris moves one of his hands, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back, having a good view on her face. her mouth wide open, letting out loud moans, her eyes rolling back.
"oh my god!" she cries out, gripping the edge of the seat like her life depended on it and she releases, the wet, squelching sound coming from her now louder. he groans, kissing her neck and whispering into her ear.
"you feel so good... cummin' like that f'me... such a good girl.."
she moans, squeezing around him again, the overstimulation now making her shiver as he keeps going with the crazy pace, not slowing down at all. he lets go of her hair, her head immediately falling onto the seat and he grips by her hips again, making sure she feels him as deep as he wants her to. he growls, being on the edge himself.
"i'm... close.." he mutters, throwing his head back. "gonna fill you up, yeah?"
she whines nodding desperately, but then he smacks her ass giving her a sign to answer verbally.
"shit! yes, fuck, yes chris, please!" she feels tears filling up her eyes from the pleasure, a few of them coming down her cheeks moment later. chris bites his lip, feeling her tightening around him. he moves one of his hands between her legs, now rubbing her clit, while still thrusting hard into her, but his movements getting sloppier. she cries out, her legs trembling and his dick twitches, finally cumming inside her, his warm sticky release filling her up and dripping out of her. he curses under his breath, digging his fingers into her skin, leaving bruises as he does. she feels him cumming, and the overstimulation from him lazily massaging her clit and still hitting her g-spot, makes her finish again. the pressure in her stomach now becoming too much, unable to hold back, she feels the liquid squirts out of her in waves.
his eyes snap open, looking down at her and he growls. he slows down until he eventually stops, after they both ride out their highs, this time not wanting to overstimulate her. looking at the mess she made, he can't help but feel a bit cocky about it.
"shit, ma.... squirtin' all over me, huh? is it how it is now?" he smirks, a little surprised that he made her do that but he couldn't be more proud. he pulls out of her, letting go of her hips and her body immediately falls onto the seat. she's breathing heavily, not being able to reply yet. "that's my fuckin' girl.."
he runs his fingers along her inner thigh, collecting her and his cum and he leans in a bit, covering over her. he looks at her fucked out expression and the smudged mascara on her cheeks. "look at me."
she opens her eyes, her mind blank, body shaking. he puts his fingers into her mouth, she immediately cleans them up, tasting both his and her release on her tongue, making sure she keeps the eye contact with him while she does that.
"you're so hot." he says now kissing the tears on her cheeks away. "took me so well..."
she smiles, seeing his flushed cheeks and messy hair sticking to his forehead. it was her favorite view.
"y'good, kid? don't go all mute on me now.."
"don't call me that...." she mumbles, trying to get her sarcastic attitude back, but she was absolutely spent right now. "i'm fine."
he just grins, gently patting her cheek before he pulls away. she slowly lifts herself up, trying to fight her trembling legs and she sits up now, facing him. not being able to do anything more yet, her glare moving to her legs and the seat she made mess on. she feels her cheeks growing hotter, now suddenly embarrassed and trying to ignore his stare. this never happened to her with him before and she didn't know what he thought about it.
"sorry about... the seats" she mumbles, grimacing.
he raises his eyebrows, now seeing her embarrassment and he doesn't understand why. it was a little surprising but he felt so proud. he already wanted to make her do it all over again. "you f'real? don't even say sorry, ever again."
she's still not so sure, blushing even more as he wipes her cheeks from the smudged mascara and then runs his hand through her hair, trying to fix it a little bit. he smiles softly. "gonna clean this up later, don't you worry 'bout that, okay?"
chris then reaches into the center console for the tissues, grabbing them and spreading her legs with his hands. she watches him closely seeing how he starts just gently cleaning her up. this simple movement makes her feel the heat rising from her cheeks down to her neck, so she just covers her face with her hands shyly. not really being able to understand why is she so embarrassed this time, he grabs her wrists, forcing her hands to move away from her face.
"y'gotta be kiddin' me. don't hide from me, ma." chris mutters. "not when you made such pretty mess in my car."
with a quiet sigh, she lets him take her hands off of her face. she chews on her bottom lip nervously while he goes back to cleaning her up, touching her slightly as she was made from some kind of glass. it was even cute, how he just made sure she was fine. it's not their first rough sex, but this one was definitely more intense and for some reason felt so... different. she had this strange feeling in her chest, just seeing him focused on wiping her legs and how he didn't seem to care about his covered in her release seats. once he's done, he sits beside her, wrapping his hand around her shoulder and pulling her close. she doesn't like the silence, even if before it was never awkward, this one was bothering her as she couldn't stop feeling unfamiliar emotions.
"i ran out, by the way." she suddenly blurts out, making him laugh. there was no way in hell this girl was real.
"yeah? good to know. gonna give y'some more later."
"im paying this time."
"oh, you've paid enough already." she immediately looks up at him, smacking his shoulder and he chuckles in response, pretending to be in pain. "woaaahh, bein' a little brat again, hm?"
"that's not funny, im giving you money." her tone shows no objection, he smirks and nods, knowing he won't take anything from her anyway. they sit like that for a moment, before he speaks up, knowing he will get another hit after that.
"soooo... round two?"
"christopher, i swear to god."
a/n: oh my god this seems sooo long 😭 tell me what yall think, i feel like i kinda fucked up with the whole dealer vibe but lmk please! i honestly enjoyed writing that so who knows..
#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x fem reader#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut#sturniolo triplets#nick sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo#smut#dealer chris
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