#Yuuma Shirase
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Yuuma Shirase (Tsukipro The Animation)  » August 27
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Vazzrock the Animation - Shirase Yuuma
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animemakeblog · 2 years
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“Vazzrock The Animation” The Fall 2022 Premiere
The Tsukipro franchise's official website revealed the Vazzrock The Animation television series' production staff, major cast, and character visuals (shown). The anime will launch in the fall of 2022.
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
[Character Song] VAZZROCK bi-color Series 3rd Season 04 “Ouka Kira -pearl×peridot- Warau Kimi” (CV: Yusuke Kobayashi)
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Read More on Sinful-Garden.com (wp.me/pavktT-ajj) 🌻
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finoalcielo · 2 years
Student Council Present (3rd Year) : Mutsuki Hajime Treasurer (2nd Year) : Sakuraba Ryota Secretary (1st Year) : Murase Dai For all those who voted, thank you!
#Hyakunen Aoharu
HAJIME: The elections.. are tiring. As such.. I have a suggestion that I want to discuss with the winners and remaining candidates, immediately. EVERYONE: Yes~? *** HAJIME: ...is what we decided on. What do you think, Chairman? SHIRODA: ...! ⭐️✨ → They decided to change the elections format a bit!
#Hyakunen Aoharu
HAJIME: Let this be a way to make the most of each candidate's enthusiasm, ability to act, and the support and enthusiasm backing each of them. *** ① Adding the Cultural Festival Executive Committee position ② Tomorrow's elections will be for deciding a role, not for winning or losing
#Hyakunen Aoharu
MORIHITO: Hajime-san was too strong...! TSUBAKI: As expected of him..! IKU: I'm relieved that it was like this. On the other hand, I feel like I need to do better. It's a really strange feeling (laughs) MORIHITO: I understand (laughs). So.. for tomorrow, Tendouin-san, didn't you originally want to be a PR rep? In that case, isn't it fine to make you one without voting? TSUBAKI: Oh my. IKU: No objections from me! Then, the remaining of us will have to decide either on the Vice-President or the Cultural Festival Executive Committee Member! MORHITO: OK! Either role would be... IKU: interesting! MORIHITO & IKU: Hahaha
#Hyakunen Aoharu
RUKA: Cultural Festival Executive Committee Member... you say?! That sounds really interesting!! ROA: Right?! YUUMA: Hahaha, I'm glad more positions were added. Let's all do our best in the Student Council! ROA: ...(stares intently) YUUMA: ? Roa-san...? ROA: Ruka-kun. I've noticed something... RUKA: Oh? ROA: Considering his nickname is "Oshirase Yuuma", is there any other human out there who is so suitable for the PR role? RUKA: Oh! Everyone who voted agrees to that! Shirase Yuuma is not a secretary but a PR rep! YUUMA: Uhm.. ROA: Yuuma-kun, don't you want to be a PR rep?! YUUMA: I-I mean sure? RUKA: You see, Roa-pi and I love festivals.... RUKA: I want to be a Cultural Festival Executive Committee member, not a PR rep!! The feeling of youth is amazing!! ROA: I get you!! Ruka-pi!! RUKA: Roa-pi!! >>HUGS<< YUUMA: Y-Yuuma-pi's allright with it if you two are happy!! ROA & RUKA: Saying Yuuma-pi is a bit unreasonable. YUUMA: Ehhh #Senpai were a bit harsh in weird situations ROA: ...And so, the 1st years have decided on their positions through the discussions! No need for voting! RUKA: Yuuma-kun is the PR rep. And Roa-pi and I will be part of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee! HAJIME: ...It certainly seems to fit them. I don't think it's a problem either. What do you think, Chairman? SHIRODA: ...! 👌
#Hyakunen Aoharu
KURISU: ...Hm. Though I'm not sad to lose (I'm a bit disappointed), I do agree you're suited to be the treasurer! RYOTA: T-Thank you (for telling me I'm suited to it) KURISU: The positions of the PR rep and the cultural festival executive committee are the perfect roles for me and Chiru. ICHIRU: Chiru..? KURISU: And so.. let's hold the voting for PR rep tomorrow! It'll be between me and Chiru! If you win, you end up being the PR rep. And If you lose, you'll be in the cultural festival executive committee. Personally, I don't mind either. ICHIRU: Y-Yeah! I-I don't mind! RYOTA: Chiru, cute. ICHIRU: Wait, don't agree with that name. RYOTA: Oh, this is extra information but.. I could've aimed for the Vice-President role, but then I heard that from the 3rd Years, Morihito and Iku were running for it. Apparently, they'll be limited in the PR rep or the cultural festival executive committee. ICHIRU: Yup. It's just like them. KURISU: I agree. I'm better off with a megaphone, instead of having to pay attention to meticulous details. RYOTA & ICHIRU: Ah (convinced)
#Hyakunen Aoharu
Student Council President (3rd Year) : Mutsuki Hajime Treasurer (2nd Year) : Sakuraba Ryota Secretary (1st Year) : Murase Dai PR Rep (3rd Year & 1st Year) : Tendouin Tsubaki & Shirase Yuuma Cultural Festival Executive Committee Member : Nadumi Ruka, Mikaze Roa > Tomorrow, the vice-president among the 3rd years and PR among the 2nd years will be decided!
#Hyakunen Aoharu
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] Black Friday: The invincible ‘Morning magic’ from the lovely Shun-sama
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I got this a few days ago (it’s a tokuten for getting both Yaminabe drama CDs from Tsukipro shop // knowing Ryota, she might translate them) and I couldn’t not translate it. Prepare for more of Shun’s shenanigans featuring tsukipro members~
Assistance and proofreading: @ryota-kunstranslations. Thank you so much again.
Please don’t repost/reuse my translations.
Shun: “Yaa, good morning. Whoever might be reading this piece of paper, how are you today?”
You must be up very early in the morning.
Being able to wake up early is something quite admirable.
As a person, you must be high-levelled.
You see, going early to bed and waking up early is one of my biggest hardships, thus you truly have my respect.
You’re wondering why someone like me is up and about so early in the morning?
Indeed, those who know me may think it’s strange.
‘I don’t want to work, and if possible, I want to sleep until I die’ under any circumstances. That’s the type of demon lord I am after all ☆
How・ev・er ♪
Only today, it can’t be helped.
What am I hiding? It’s for work!
We have this cool project named ‘Morning pranks’, or how I like to call it ‘Morning magic’, that includes everyone from Tsukipro, and so I was appointed to carry out the plan, and the video camera.
I’m sure you must be questioning why I took on such an early morning job, right?
Of course, there’s a reason for this.
I’m sorry it’s so, so easy to get it, but among the few rooms I plan to attack, my goal is……
Shun: “I was told one of them is Hajime’s room! Because of that…... I have no choice but to do it!”
…...Okay, are you convinced now?
You are, aren’t you?
Even I can endure waking up early to provide moe contents and stories for everyone. It's a benefit for me, too~
What a splendid project!
That being said, I shall start working immediately ♪
QUELL: In Ichiru’s case
Ichiru: “Nn, nn…...nn……?”
Shun: “Yaa, good morning, Ichiru.”
Ichiru: “....... ....... How-whaaaaaaaaaaaa!?”
VAZZY: In Yuuma’s case
Yuuma: “......Nn, ngh……. Uh…...m,...... Shun, san?”
Shun: “Ye-s, it’s me☆ Good morning☆ Yuuma”
Yuuma: “G-good…… morning……”
SOARA: In Nozomu’s case
Nozomu: “*incomprehensible muttering*”
Shun: “He's deeply asleep.”
Nozomu: “I’ll be bringing something non-alcoholic!!! ......*incomprehensible muttering*......”
Shun: “Most likely he’s sleep-talking, isn’t he? …...Nozomu?”
Nozomu: “*yawn*......nn…….NNNNN? G-good morningggggggg!?”
SolidS: In Shiki’s case
Shun: “Yaa, good morning, Shiki.”
Shik: “...... Just in the moment I thought I was alone in my room, I unintentionally turned my head around to find my junior there, with a perfect smile imprinted on his face, and I honestly didn’t know how to express my astonishment.”
Shun: “Fufufufu ♪”
Shiki: “......Shun, you, since when the heck have you been……”
Shun: “Since a little while back.”
Shiki: “How on earth did you get……”
Shun: “Through something very unusual for me, the door☆”
Shiki: “...... So this has turned out to be your answer when asked about your ‘ordinary’ way to enter a room. But still, wherever you are, chaos is sure to follow, so I guess I’ll let it slide.”
Shun: “I more or less knocked a bit before entering, didn’t I?”
Shiki: “I didn’t notice at all……”
Shun: “Hm hm, maybe that’s why I was chosen for this.”
Shiki: Meaning?
Shun: “You see? I met Rikka in the common room. He told me it might be difficult to do the ‘Morning magic” on you since you’ve recently shut yourself in your room doing the work of your life the whole time. So instead, he wanted me to cast a ‘sleeping spell’ on you.”
Shiki: “‘Morning magic’ and ‘sleeping spells’. In what fantasy novel world am I now?”
Shun: “To put it differently, then ‘Morning pranks’ and ‘lullaby’?”
Shiki: “I suddenly see the light. …... What’s up, Shun? Did you come here to play morning pranks on me?”
Shun: “Indeed, it’s part of my work for the Tsukipro Official Channel. But thanks to you, by the way, I failed. In the end, you rarely sleep, Shiki.”
Shiki: “Sorry…... for that. For some reason I work better on composing at night. I’ve been so busy because of work recently that I lost track of when it’s day or night.”
Shun: “We~ll. I know Shiki loves to work and I’m cheering on you for that, but the lack of rest will take a toll on your body, you know? Humans are sometimes very fragile beings after all.”
Shiki: “When you say it, it’s strangely convincing.”
Shun: “Rikka asked me for this, and I also confirmed it with your manager, Fumihiko. It’s about time you should rest. They told me it’s OK to put you to sleep without reservation.”
Shiki: “......Huh?”
Shun: “And so~”
Shiki: “And so, what?”
Shun: “I’ll put a charm on you so that you’ll fall asleep in the blink of an eye! Shiki, sleep well. Shalalan~☆”
Shiki: “Huh?......Ngh- zzzz”
Shun: “Rest at ease, Shiki”
Shun: “Now, the next one is finally……”
Six Gravity: In Hajime’s case
Hajime: “...... Morning, Shun.”
Shun: “....... Good morning, Hajime.”
Hajime: “......”
Shun: “.......”
Hajime: “......Shun?”
Shun: “Goddaaaaaamn! Hajime woke up already! You’re still drowsy to a certain extent, but! You woke up!”
Hajime: “Sorry for being half-asleep……. In the morning…...I’m pretty weak…… *yawn*”
Shun: “Hajime looking sleepy is a reward itself! However, what I was wishing for was to wake you up~!”
Hajime: “......Huh? What’s with that?”
Shun: “Well, the office came up with this project called “Morning magic”...... on short ‘Morning pranks’.”
Hajime: “You’re the instigator, huh? …...That’s quite the surprising choice.”
Shun: “I thought so as well. How・ev・er, when I heard that at the end I could do a snipe attack on Hajime, with that as my goal, I’ve been doing my best until now! And yet! Why! Just why! This is a tragedy! Hajime woke up!”
Hajime: “...... I just woke up early but, hearing that from you is certainly a first.”
Shun: “I wanted to enjoy waking Hajime up, at least that much. And even…… even though I planned to do so many things…… *long sigh*”
Hajime: “I’ve never been more thankful I managed to wake up early than today.”
Shun: “Wha~aa (whines)”
…...Thus, my “Morning magic” filming came to an end.
Hey, the person reading this page.
Was your favourite among my targets?
It was fun to attack them together.
Thank you for playing with me!
Personally, I wasn’t able to achieve my final target, though……
Shun: “I won’t give up! I will definitely get my revenge someday!”
Hajime: “It’s fine if you don’t?”
#The end
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sadakocchi · 6 years
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Just a little bit more of waiting and we'll have Nao's Album on sale!! Yippie~!!(≧▽≦) . I can't wait to hear the drama cd with Yuuma!! Aaaaaa I can't wait for almost everything!!! (>ω
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arauruia · 7 years
[VAZZYROCK] ☆Shirase Yuuma’s Line Collecting☆
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Source : ♡ ☆
I’m sorry if there are any mistakes. Please correct me ^^
「Nao、you should check your opponent before opening the door?」
「Takaaki-san just worked from early in the morning, right? Good work, It’s still a while ago, so don’t worry」
「It’s subtle convincing(bitter smile)」
Nao「Futaba-san, Stop it!」
Yuuma「Even you say stop……ugh」
Yuuma「…… Futaba-san, I’m sorry. I can’t let you go」
Futaba「……Yuuma-kun you’re so good. It was to be taken」
Translate by aulauruu
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Update] 2.5次元ダンスライブ「VAZZROCK STAGE」Episode2『ペトリコール・ノスタルジー』(2.5jigen dance live vazzrock stage episode 2 petrichor nostalgia)
cast and visuals update under the cut^^
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Sakaguchi Minamu as Mamiya Takaaki (眞宮孝明)
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Kanegae Kou as Kira Ouka (吉良凰香)
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Ayagiri Takuya as Kizuku Issa (築一紗)
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Matsunami Yuuki as Kizuku Futaba (築二葉)
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Kawai Masahiro as Ooyama Naosuke (大山直助)
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Tokui Taichi as Shirase Yuuma (白瀬優馬)
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Mitsuhashi Kaoru as Onoda Shou (小野田翔)
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Fujibayashi Yasunari as Kujikawa Haruto (久慈川悠人)
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Tanaka Kouhei as Amaha Reiji (天羽玲司)
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Satou Aito as Tachibana Ayumu (立花歩)
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Kimura Masataka as Ooguro Gaku (大黒岳)
Original Character
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Morita Akihiro as Kozuka Yuu (小塚優)
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Terumi as Isuzu Kouta (五十鈴広大)
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Shimizu Reo as Okamoto Hikaru (岡本光)
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sinful-liesel · 6 years
“VAZZROCK” bi-color Series ⑥ “Yuuma Shirase -peridot-”
Title: VAZZROCK bi-colorシリーズ6 白瀬優馬-peridot- (CV.堀江瞬) Release Date: 2018.07.27 Label: TsukiPro Type: Character Single (Drama CD + 2 Singles)
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arauruia · 7 years
[VAZZYROCK] ☆Ooyama Naosuke’s Line Collection☆
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Source : ♡ ☆
I’m sorry if there are any mistakes.
「Nao is modern and popular」
「That’s Right!? I know I’m genius!」
「Ye~s. So, I’m in the middle!Issa, You can sit next to me!」
「That’s ok, Yuuma. It is probably faster than our and it’s delicious!」
Yuuma「This cushion is fluffy and feels good」
Nao「Hey, I like that too」
Yuuma「hmm, but It’s like got many?」
Nao「I bought it at the gaming center. Because Yuuma seem to like it, I thought that would be better to have 2 or 3 items」
Yuuma「Eh、Just for me? … Thanks」
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arauruia · 4 years
☆2020 Vazzy☆
with Translate
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Ouka : Lots of CD and Live Performance! Please take care of us in 2020 too!
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Takaaki : I cut my hair and trying to refresh ♪ My nape feels so drafty (lol)
Ouka : Please take care of me this year too.
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Nao : I want to be look a like an adult, so I grow my hair-!!! Yeay!!!
Yuma : First time in my life to show my forehead, everyone keep touching it (lol)
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Issa : There’s nothing change. Just cut the piece of growth.
Futaba : Wait... I feel like you should explain with....; back to the point. I grow my hair a little! It’s popular among my relatives.
Translate by Aulauruu
And please correct me if I’m wrong. Thank you
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Update] 2.5次元ダンスライブ「VAZZROCK STAGE」Episode2『ペトリコール・ノスタルジー』(2.5jigen dance live vazzrock stage episode 2 petrichor nostalgia)
the show will be running from October 6th, 2022 to October 16th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ ニッショーホール (Nissho Hall)
Cast (to be confirm):
Sakaguchi Minamu as Mamiya Takaaki (眞宮孝明) Kanegae Kou as Kira Ouka (吉良凰香) Ayagiri Takuya as Kizuku Issa (築一紗) Matsunami Yuuki as Kizuku Futaba (築二葉) Kawai Masahiro as Ooyama Naosuke (大山直助) Tokui Taichi as Shirase Yuuma (白瀬優馬)
Mitsuhashi Kaoru as Onoda Shou (小野田翔) Fujibayashi Yasunari as Kujikawa Haruto (久慈川悠人) Tanaka Kouhei as Amaha Reiji (天羽玲司) Satou Aito as Tachibana Ayumu (立花歩) Kimura Masataka as Ooguro Gaku (大黒岳) Kita Tsutomu as Nazumi Ruka (名積ルカ) ???
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Update] LUNATIC LIVE 2021
cast update under the cut^^
【Six Gravity】 Agata Gouki as Mutsuki Hajime (睦月始) ★ Oota Yuuji as Yayoi Haru (弥生春) ★ Nakajima Reiki as Uzuki Arata (卯月新) Jounin Tatsuki as Satsuki Aoi (皐月葵) Sawabe Neo as Shiwasu Kakeru (師走駆) Suzuki Youta as Kisaragi Koi (如月恋)
【Procellarum】 TAKA as Shimotsuki Shun (霜月隼) Washio Shuuto as Hazuki You (葉月陽) Akiba Yuusuke as Nagatsuki Yoru (長月夜) Satou Yuusaku as Minazuki Rui (水無月涙) Satou Tomohiro Kannazuki Iku (神無月郁)
【Fluna】 Tachibana Rii as Hanazono Yuki (花園雪) Mai as Kisaragi Ai (如月愛) Kagura Chitose as Togawa Chisa (兎川千桜) Miku as Yuki Wakaba (結城若葉) Kawakami Erika as Momosaki Hina (桃崎ひな) Oonishi Nayu as Hijiri Kurisu (聖クリス)
【Seleas】 Saitou Chihiro as Terase Yuno (照瀬結乃) Sakura Karen as Himekawa Mizuki (姫川瑞希) Arakawa Mashiro as Motomiya Matsuri (元宮祭莉) Watanabe Kasumi as Asagiri Akane (朝霧あかね) Akiba Yuri as Ichisaki Reina (伊地崎麗奈) Hiramatsu Kanako as Tendouin Tsubaki (天童院椿)
【SolidS】 Higano Shou as Takamura Shiki (篁志季) Keita Seto as Okui Tsubasa (奥井翼)
【QUELL】 Tanaka Toshihiko as Izumi Shu (和泉柊羽) Nakao Kenya as Horimiya Eichi (堀宮英知) Yamanaka Kenta as Kuga Issei (久我壱星)
【SOARA】★ Ryusei as Oohara Sora (大原空) ★ Ishiwatari Mashuu as Arihara Morihito (在原守人) ★ Yoshida Chihiro as Kagurazaka Soushi (神楽坂宗司) ★ Ueda Shinichirou as Munakata Ren (宗像廉) ★ Watanabe Hibiki as Nanase Nozomu (七瀬望) ★
【Growth】★ Shiozawa Hidemasa as Eto Kouki (衛藤昂輝) ★ Ishikawa Shou as Yaegashi Kensuke (八重樫剣介) ★ Tachibana Ryou as Sakuraba Ryouta (桜庭涼太) ★ Iwasa Yuuki as Fujimura Mamoru (藤村衛) ★
【VAZZY】 Sakaguchi Minamu as Mamiya Takaaki (眞宮孝明) Kanegae Kou as Kira Ouka (吉良凰香) Ayagiri Takuya as Kizuku Issa (築一紗) Matsunami Yuuki as Kizuku Futaba (築二葉) Kawai Masahiro as Ooyama Naosuke (大山直助) Tokui Taichi as Shirase Yuuma (白瀬優馬)
【ROCK DOWN】 Mitsuhashi Kaoru as Onoda Shou (小野田翔) Fujibayashi Yasunari as Kujikawa Haruto (久慈川悠人) Tanaka Kouhei as Amaha Reiji (天羽玲司) Satou Aito as Tachibana Ayumu (立花歩) Kimura Masataka as Ooguro Gaku (大黒岳) Kita Tsutomu as Nazumi Ruka (名積ルカ)
【infinit0】★ Tadokoro Hinata as Sukigawa Rei (数寄川零) ★ Chiba Mizuki as Mikaze Roa (御風呂庵)★
★ only September 5th!!!
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] VAZZROCK STAGE Episode2 & 3
Episode 2 (February) and Episode 3 are both set for 2022!!!
Cast (to be confirmed):
Sakaguchi Minamu as Mamiya Takaaki (眞宮孝明) Kanegae Kou as Kira Ouka (吉良凰香) Ayagiri Takuya as Kizuku Issa (築一紗) Matsunami Yuuki as Kizuku Futaba (築二葉) Kawai Masahiro as Ooyama Naosuke (大山直助) Tokui Taichi as Shirase Yuuma (白瀬優馬)
Mitsuhashi Kaoru as Onoda Shou (小野田翔) Fujibayashi Yasunari as Kujikawa Haruto (久慈川悠人) Tanaka Kouhei as Amaha Reiji (天羽玲司) Satou Aito as Tachibana Ayumu (立花歩) Kimura Masataka as Ooguro Gaku (大黒岳) Kita Tsutomu as Nazumi Ruka (名積ルカ)
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Update] 2.5次元ダンスライブ「VAZZROCK STAGE」Episode2『ペトリコール・ノスタルジー』(2.5jigen dance live vazzrock stage episode 2 petrichor nostalgia)
the show will be running from February 3rd, 2022 to February 12th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ シアター・アルファ東京 (Theater Alpha Tokyo)
Sakaguchi Minamu as Mamiya Takaaki (眞宮孝明) Kanegae Kou as Kira Ouka (吉良凰香) Ayagiri Takuya as Kizuku Issa (築一紗) Matsunami Yuuki as Kizuku Futaba (築二葉) Kawai Masahiro as Ooyama Naosuke (大山直助) Tokui Taichi as Shirase Yuuma (白瀬優馬)
Mitsuhashi Kaoru as Onoda Shou (小野田翔) Fujibayashi Yasunari as Kujikawa Haruto (久慈川悠人) Tanaka Kouhei as Amaha Reiji (天羽玲司) Satou Aito as Tachibana Ayumu (立花歩) Kimura Masataka as Ooguro Gaku (大黒岳)
tsukipro twitter natalie
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