yyh4ever · 1 year
Your Tumblr is amazing! Congrats on your well done job in here! Can I make a question: do you have any ships in YYH? I always loved YusukexKeiko and KoenmaxBotan, but sometimes I ship YusukexBotan too😂. And I started to adore HieixKurama, they are amazing together, I love their respect and trust ♥️ and can't forget about our beautiful boy Kazuma with his dear Yukina, they are just so pure! I watched it all over again 5 times this year, and now I want to watch again 😂. Thank you for your time!!
Thank you so much ♥️😭
I like the regular ships: KeikoxYusuke and KazumaxYukina. But, I have a hard time shipping Hiei and Mukuro. I know Togashi drew her thinking of a girl Hiei would date, but it's hard for me to picture them together. I love KuramaxHiei. I'm quite aware this ship will never happen in the canon work, but I like reading doujinshi of the two. Like you said, they are amazing together.
I kinda like BotanxKoenma. I was very surprised at the end of the manga by AyamexKoenma. I wasn't expecting that one. Sometimes, I also ship HieixBotan, give me BulmaxVegeta feelings XD. @grimtwin writes cool fanfics about hem.
Huhuh, BotanxShizuru would also be interesting. That ShizuruxSakyo thing from the anime was hard to swallow at first, but has grown on me.
Wow, you watched 5 times this year!!? Impressive! ♥️
Please, also read the manga if you can ^^
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misaelpandora · 3 years
I've uploaded the first two chapters of my new Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction. You are welcome to check it out :)
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yyh-revival · 6 years
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Day 30 - Yusuke + Keiko - Yu Yu Hakusho by iriemanga
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feboee · 6 years
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Keiko and Yusuke
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 5 years
One other thing I absolutely LOVE about Yu Yu Hakusho that I’ve never really seen addressed is that Botan is not a love interest for Yusuke. Not even close. Their playful banter is 1000% familial, their bond is extremely sibling-like, there isn’t even a sniff of sexual tension. The only reason why Keiko and Atsuko originally assume they are A Thing (and only for a brief period) is because, well, why else would an attractive young woman be hanging around an attractive juvenile delinquent? (Not understanding the whole Grim Reaper/Spirit Detective stuff, obviously) 
It’s such a subtle subversion of the trope, because in ANY other anime (be it shoujo or shounen, doesn’t matter), Botan would at LEAST provide genuine romantic/sexual tension on occasion, even if only while being possessed or some shit for the sake of fanservice. But nope, she’s too busy shipping YusukexKeiko to give a rat’s ass about pining over her brother from another mother lol XD What an icon. 
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chibiranmaruchan · 4 years
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @arcanespecter thank you for tagging me in these!
Top 3 ships: YusukexKeiko, KendappaxSouma, ShogoxYui
Last song: Let's try it all over again by Howard Hewett
Last movie: The witness
Currently reading: Nothing
What food are you craving right now: An apple
Tagging (only if you want to): @teamvanessacloud @im-just-trash-o3o @starlingchildgazingatthestars @starlingsinclair
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kiliinstinct · 5 years
What're you favorite Yu-Yu Hakusho ships?
Ahem… TouyaxYukina. Crack pairing if there ever was one, but there it is. Also I ship The canon pair, YusukexKeiko. And I’m all right with KuwabaraxYukina. And.. under… certain circumstances, I can also be okay with KuramaxHiei or KuramaxYusuke, but I prefer keeping Kurama and Hiei single. Also JinxTouya and JinxYusuke are cool too.
Edit: I can’t believe I didn’t put ShizuruxSakyo in here… (or ShizuruxKurama and BotanxKurama- )
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group-noodle · 7 years
Thoughts While Watching Yu-Yu Hakusho for the First Time as an Adult (Since 2006).u
Omg. Omg this intro is so fucking cheesy. Omg this show is so cheesy. Okay, just gotta remember that the animation gets better. Why does Botan talk like that…? Awuh! Kuwabara is actually way cuter now that I’m an adult. Oh gawd, here comes every 12 year old boy’s first OC. Edgelord Hiei over here lol. WTF, was I really in love with this pretty boy? Kurama, wtf you were so hot when I was twelve. Lul friendship is magic. K, Kuwabaras with your 15 year old boy invincibility mentality. Yusuke is so typical “abused bad boy.” This music lmao. Oh fuck I’m like really about to cry that Kuwabara’s dead. Dude Genkai is fucking boss. Lol omg KuwabaraxYukina, tho, like OTP. Oh, shit, the Dark Tournie. This is like 2/3 into the show, right? Oh, fuck, I remember Chu, he’s the shit! YAS AUSTRALIA, YAS!! Jin!? Holy shit has he always been a badass!? YAS IRELAND YAS!! Okay, in love with Kurama again. Hiei, put your shirt back on. Hiei, your shirt, man. Bro, that’s like six shirts you guys have torn up, like do y'all have that many outfits packed? Oh look, another left cheek injury. Lol still cool, tho Yoko Kurama, oh god that voice my body is ready. K, Genkai died, I literally don’t care about the show. Here comes dat Genkai, o shit waddup!! Oh fuck, there’s another arc??? Lol Hiei got fucked trying to test them house rules. Yeahhhhh Kurama, my BOIII Oh fuck that fight choreo and animation thoooooooooo so good Yo is this demon dude in love with Sensui? Oh fuck, this is my favorite ending song. I actually don’t remember any of this part of a story arc, Yusuke’s a demon now??? Oh shit Chu and Jin are back, waddup!! I just wanna see Chu, Jin, and Yusuke fuck up some nightlife, though. Like, just leave the city’s dive bars in fucking ruins. Are you real, there’s actually another tournie in the show? That’s like two MMA tournies. Awuh, my babe doesn’t wanna use Yoko because he wants to commit to being with his human family, I think. KuramaxMe forever, tho OTP obvs. HieixUglyQueen forever OTP. Dude, fat demon guys is Demon King? He’s legit, I’ll accept it. K, show’s over, it’s been like two years and Kuwabara still hasn’t closed the deal with Yukina’s cute ass?? Token anime beach scene. Keiko, girl, seriously, you’re too good/annoying for Yusuke. Jk, YusukexKeiko OTP. Aaaaaand FunimationNOW doesn’t have any of the OVAs or the movie. Fuck this I’m gonna go read fanfiction.
KuramaxMe 4ever, tho.
Still my fav.
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theguardianyaksha · 8 years
Answer Honestly: What are your OTP's for the fandoms you are part of? Among canon-characters only,
Damn anon.  You caught me there.  Geez what’s with this though?
HunterXHunter OTP(s)
Yu Yu hakusho OTP(s)
Dragon Ball Z
GotenXTrunks (my opinion leave me alone)
One Piece
And that’s all... I think
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gone-forever-bye · 6 years
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June OTP: YusukexKeiko from Yu Yu Hakusho!! 
I’m on a nostalgia kick lately so like the last OTP spotlight I decided to bring an old and amazing ship into the limelight.  
Ship Name: YusukexKeiko (Have yet to see a designated ship name so...)
Best Fangirl Moment: This is a ship that arguably has some of the best ship moments despite there not actually being quite that many. It’s one of my favorite things about Yu Yu Hakusho that I didn’t need the pairing shoved down my throat for me to love it so much. Perhaps my favorite scene (and just about everyone else’s) would have to be when Yusuke tells Keiko that he will be leaving for the Demon World and she breaks up with him. That scene turns into the better half of it when Yusuke goes to Keiko’s family home/restaurant and he asks her to marry him. I love this scene for a number of reasons. Besides being endlessly adorable, we’re given another chance to see just how familiar Yusuke and Keiko are with each other. Yusuke interacts with Keiko’s father as a boy who’s been there plenty of times and her dad treats him just like a parent would treat a boy that’s been in his child’s life for so many years. I’m a sucker for scenes that allow us to see a character interact with their love interest’s family. I also enjoyed Keiko’s attitude throughout this whole scene. Her boyfriend (yes they’re dating by this point XD) just told her that he would be leaving for who knows how long and so she dumps him in response. Keiko has been supportive and well-meaning towards everything so far (in my opinion she’s a saint, lol) but now she has to live with the fact that Yusuke is going to be leaving to a dangerous place and she can’t follow like she did during the Demon Tournament. It makes sense to feel dejected. Still Yusuke is able to get her to sit down with him and he pushes a proposal on her that is a bit of an inside joke for them, leaving her with a sense of familiarity, confusion, and hope. When he is leaving and she’s at her window silently asking for some sign of sincerity, Yusuke, without looking at her, raises a hand in the air, for only a moment before walking on. That last bit is my favorite part. Yusuke, whether he just knows Keiko that well or because he somehow sensed her eyes on him, responded to Keiko’s pleas without even looking at her at the most important moment, when she needed his reassurance more than anything. That right there people is love.  
Why I Love’em Together: As many of my friends know, I just adore the childhood friend aspect (as long as it’s done right). Yusuke and Keiko are so used to each other that their relationship feels seamless, as natural a progression as you would expect an average teenage romance. Theres bumps in the road but it’s not a relationship that’s hindered with new discoveries of the other’s character. Keiko is tolerant of Yusuke’s transgressions, she’s had a lifetime to get used to his delinquency and standoffish nature. Yusuke has grown accustomed to the knowledge that Keiko will always be there, even if she says she doesn’t want to be. It’s true that seeing Keiko scream and sob over him at his funeral surprised him but I believe that that’s due in large part to Yusuke believing that the lives of the people around him would have been just fine without him in it. He has always known that Keiko cared for him but at that moment he realized that he probably meant as much to Keiko as she did to him. Seeing them just naturally interact has always been my favorite part of their relationship and why I’m happy even if I’m not watching a romantic scene between them. 
Couple’s Biggest Flaw: Keiko and Yusuke are a great match. That’s not to say that they don’t have their own problems. Keiko has a jealous streak, although she does manage to stay rational (mostly) while I believe that Yusuke might take Keiko for granted. Asking Keiko to wait for him for three years while he goes off fighting in the Demon World, a place that she knows is extremely dangerous, without any possibility of communicating is a tad selfish. Keiko is a sweet girl and I thought it was interesting to see her want to give up after a year and a half of waiting. Keiko has needs too. She makes a good point when she’s yelling into the sea that it’s time that she gets what she wants. It’s pretty clear that she’s the one who has spent the years giving and giving to Yusuke and she’s tired of feeling as if she’s not getting much in return. Relationships are a partnership. There can not just be give give give from one side while the other just takes takes takes. Give and take. It doesn’t have to be exactly equal but there needs to be a show of willingness to give and take from both sides. Regardless the two of them work well together and I was happy to see a bit of maturity from Yusuke as the show progressed because it’s pretty clear that Keiko has set herself up for a relationship that will be viewed distastefully from much of society (Yusuke being a former troublemaker and more than likely not even graduating from school) and it would have felt a bit sad to see her with a boy that never outgrew his delinquency.
How I Hope Their Relationship Progresses: Since we were left with the promise of a marriage at the end of the series I would love to see Yusuke and Keiko married in their own modest home, Yusuke perhaps working in the Yukimura family restaurant (or the noodle shop he opened in the manga) while Keiko works as a teacher at a prestigious high school. I’d love to see them with a small family, maybe a baby boy, while every once in awhile Yusuke takes on the odd job for Koenma. 
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chibiranmaruchan · 4 years
Tag game
Tagged by @bakuraryxu thank you!
1. Who are your idols? I don't really have any
2. If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Japan
3. What decorates the walls of your room? Absolutely nothing
4. Favourite colour combination? Black and purple à la Skywarp, is really nice
5. What's on the top of your bucket list? I don't have a bucket list, because it's hard for me to make a distinction on things I'm ok with not doing before I die and also money plays a big factor, because realistically I won't be able to do much
6. Height? 5"4
7. Favourite animals? Dogs and cats
8. Last song you listened to? Adesso e fortuna by Lisa DeSimone (the English version of record of Lodoss war OVA opening)
9. Pets you have? Currently none as of 1st January this year, since ny dog died 😔
10. Last film you saw in theatres? Dora the explorer
11. Favourite food? Probably chocolate chip cookies
12. Why did the chicken cross the road? I will never have a good answer to this
13. Do you wear socks to bed? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
14. Favourite piece of clothing you have? A grey jumper with Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Pluto on it (sadly no Goofy), with a fleecy inside
15. What piece of media do you wish you had written? Ooh, this is a really good question. It's currently a tie between my little pony rescue at midnight castle or maryuu senki. My little pony rescue at midnight castle was a pilot episode for g1 mlp and all the tv shows started from there. I like the darker tone than what was to come with other mlp shows, where there's higher stakes with real threats and danger (even if everything is alright at the end of the day) and it's very d&dish (it even had people who worked on the d&d cartoon work on it as well). It feels like if continued, it could be an interesting route for a tv show. Maryuu senki is an obscure OVA from the 80's; there was a hiatus between the first and second episode, because there were production issues with the company that produced the first episode, AIC. The result meant a lot of things changed in the second episode onwards, which was produced by Bandai visual and while the second and third were alright, it felt like it pailed in comparinson to the first episode. The preview seen at the end of the first episode looked really interesting, continuing on from a pretty eventful ending from the first episode; it would have been cool to see where they went with the original script.
16. Name 5 artists you really want to see in concert? This one is hard, because I automatically want to choose dead people. Definitely Joji again and I'd say Hikaru Utada, Wu Tang Clan, Lou Bonnevie and X Japan
17. Last film that made you cry? Spirited away, but only because I hadn't seen it in so long and one summer's day is an emotional track
18. Top three ships? YusukexKeiko from yu yu hakusho, ShogoxYui from Megazone 23 and KendappaxSouma from RG Veda.
19. Last movie you watched? The witness
20. Currently reading? Nothing, I know it's not good 😓
I'm tagging: @tcup-chipped @arcanespecter @kawaii-potato-king @teamvanessacloud @im-just-trash-o3o @starlingchildgazingatthestars @starlingsinclair
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blueeyedshuichi · 9 years
YYH Favorite Pairings
Kurama and Botan
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Hiei and Mukuro
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Yusuke and Keiko
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Kuwabara and Yukina
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(KxB art by 一ノ瀬http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52760986)
(HxM art by 阿夜夜 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51521971)
(YxK art by ヒチコhttp://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=5555048)
(KxY art by イセケヌhttp://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=22001443)
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grooveisintheheart · 11 years
Yusuke and Keiko
who cooks normally?:
Yusuke, but they tend to switch around. While Keiko can cook, and cook very well, Yusuke actually does enjoy whipping up dishes for his girl whenever he can, especially when she's so exhausted from writing compositions and studying for college entrance exams that she can barely see straight... Much to Keiko's relief and delight.
how often do they fight?:
A LOT. They nag, bicker and argue over the smallest of things. Where to eat, what movie to watch, what brand of curry to buy at the supermarket... They always have and they always will. However, even for Yusuke's BIG mistakes, the guy isn't above doing something somewhat embarrassing and romantic. Hell, if it means that he'll have her smiling again by the end of the day and playfully calling him an “idiot”, he'll make a fool out of himself just for her and punch out anyone who makes fun of him for it later.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:
Keiko is still very driven when it comes to school as she always was. She spends a lot of her time studying and doing extracurricular activities. When she's not at school, she spends time with a close circle of friends from her classes and catches up with Shizuru, Botan and Yukina whenever she can.
Yusuke can usually be found whipping up good eats at his Ramen stand and doing lower level detective gigs on the downlow. When he's not doing anything work related, he often just goes to shoot the shit with Kuwabara, hits the arcade or takes the occasional trip to Makai if he feels like sparring with anyone who can actually match his strength.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:
Yusuke, usually. Even when Keiko gets fed up and assures him that she's “got it”, he rather make a fuss over it over the table than to simply let her pay. Even if it gets to them staying there longer than necessary and annoying the owner of the place.
who steals the covers at night?:
It depends, they sometimes stuggle over the blanket until Yusuke decides to just hold her in his arms and share it that way.
what would they get each other for gifts?:
Keiko usually thinks to get Yusuke any new shiny game he has his eyes on. or tickets to martial arts events or tournaments so he can at least watch.
Yusuke tends to struggle on what to get Keiko as a gift whenever Christmas and birthdays come around. He has, on occassion, dragged along Kuwabara to department stores, thinking he might have some better sense of what to give to a lady as a gift, though more times often than not, they're both stumped. He has given her very lovely pieces of jewelry and flowers before, usually in a shade of blue, her favorite color.
who remembers things?:
Keiko. Yusuke sucks at remembering dates.
who cusses more?:
Keiko, however, refrains from cursing most of the time, though she can't help the occasional slip up. (Which Yusuke LOVES to take note of and tease her about immediately afterward)
what would they do if the other one was hurt?:
Keiko would be bound to remain at Yusuke's side for as long as she could. Tending to any wounds, feeding him, yelling at him if he even tries or thinks of getting out of bed...
Yusuke would also be incredibly concerned, though he'd be more prone to leave her side just to kick the ass of whoever hurt her in the first place, before she can even try to convince him not to.
who kissed who first?:
who made the first move?:
Does skirt flipping count as a first move?
who started the relationship?:
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chibiranmaruchan · 5 years
Six questions challenge
Tagged by @bakuraryxu thank you for the tag!
1. Relationship status? Single
2. Favourite colour? I actually don't have a favourite colour in particular, but I guess black, purple, blue and silver are my more favourable
3. Top three ships? Sokai, YusukexKeiko and theres so many contenders for a third, so I guess I'll say KendappaxSouma
4. Lipstick or chapstick? Chapstick
5. Last song you listened to? Hussle in the house by Nipsey Hussle
6. Last movie you watched? Coco (technically I'm still watching it, because I had to stop watching about 10 minutes in, because people were having phone calls, while I was watching it)
I tag @totsugeki-all-spaaaark @ladyshakka @izzyrichart @fruniyuni01 @viridian-compass @ride-the-bifrost @snattacat @efteria @clarityofhatred @sntmntlandroid @ns-shizaya and anyone else who wants to do this
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