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Blindness (2008)
Blindness is a tricky film to review. It's provocative and affecting. If you’re interested in seeing it, I'd encourage you to check it out. It's not a fun movie. Sometimes, that's ok.
A sudden disease that induces blindness causes the government to round up the infected and send them to a repurposed asylum. There, they are expected to take care of themselves. Julianne Moore plays a woman whose doctor husband (Mark Ruffalo) is stricken with the disease. When people in hazmat suits come to take him away, she lies about her sight and joins him. Soon, the epidemic is the least of the asylum residents' problems.
There are many things to appreciate in Blindness. The protagonists are complex. The wife (never maned, none of the characters are) is as much a prisoner of the situation as everyone else. Her sight compels her to try and take care of everyone, which is impossible. She may have superpowers compared to the rest but remains a normal person at the end of the day. The situation has a toll on her psyche and her marriage.
Another well-handled element is the "visuals" of blindness. If you didn't know how important a sense sight is, you will now. You’re so used to seeing a movie that when Blindness uses darkness or shows how moments are perceived versus how others "see"/see them, you have to pause and think. It helps that the actors have the chops to pull off the difficult material.
Here is where the tricky stuff comes in. This story is filled with ugly ideas and is deliberately unpleasant. Even knowing this, you'll feel like there's a thin layer of slime all over you when the thing is done. It's the opposite of what you usually feel. Normally, knowing that atrocities haven't been forgotten, that justice is "being served" through storytelling is somewhat cathartic. Not here. If someone told you they "liked" the movie, you'd run away from them.
Though the production is top-notch, the story is problematic. This is another one of these scenarios where the Y chromosome turns into the sadistic rape gene as soon as society breaks down - unless you're married. If that's the case, you turn into a noodle of a person. It also reminds us that if you joined the military it wasn’t to help people, it’s to indulge in your gun fetish/get paid to express your lack of empathy. Good thing the blind are ill-equipped to take over the world because they'd turn it in a flaming dumpster-fire in no time!
The movie isn’t all gang rape and forced prostitution and there’s certainly something to be said about how people react during a crisis. It just isn't handled well in Blindness. I already know how awful it would be to live in perpetual darkness, so what new information is this offering? When the tone shifts from drama to apocalyptic horror, the shift isn't smooth. This is like two different movies mashed together. Maybe that’s the point. I'd believe director Fernando Meirelles and writer Don McKellar (working from the book by José Saramago) if they told me this was their goal. That’s why I’m giving the movie a recommendation; so you can decide for yourself.
Some people will call Blindness provocative and eye-opening. Others will be repulsed. I don't think the picture has actual sinister intentions but someone should've raised a hand when they introduce the villainous character that's been blind since birth. Perhaps this a flawed film that takes things too far. Either way, there are good qualities here and for better or worse, it's a film that's hard to forget. (On DVD, August 16, 2015)
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うわぁぉ!! 捜査関係者によりますと警視庁は俳優の伊勢谷友介容疑者を大麻取締法違反の疑いで逮捕しました。 捜査関係者によりますと、俳優の伊勢谷友介容疑者が東京・目黒区の自宅で大麻を所持していた疑いで警視庁組織犯罪対策5課に現行犯逮捕されたということです。 容疑を認めているということです。 #伊勢谷友介 #YusukeIseya #逮捕 #Arrested #目黒 #Meguro #俳優 #Actor (目黒区) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3wDMnlA5L/?igshid=1j8rzfd7xh24d
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久しぶりに遊びに来てくれた伊勢谷友介さんが「コレイイねっ!」と言う事で、 lecoq x tempraのフレームベースのセットを装着してくれました。 Rew10 Worksのフレームにバッチリ!! 最近、Loohcs高等学校と言う高校の開校に携わったりと相変わらず俳優業以外でも多忙との事ですが、自転車もちゃんと乗って楽しんでいただいています。 暑過ぎず寒過ぎずの良い季節、 みんなで楽しく自転車こぎましょう! #伊勢谷友介 #yusukeiseya #rew10works #rew10 #lecoqsportif #lecoq #ルコック #ルコックスポルティフ #tempra ##tempracycle #テンプラ #テンプラサイクル #自転車 #bicycle #tokyo #setagaya #japan (tempra cycle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQq92sFutT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m7d0okxv8xd0
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Still using Japanese actor Yūsuke Iseya as a reference for realism when drawing Jotaro Kujo. Initially this piece started as just a sketch but after looking at it I figured I'd practice my values again and shade the whole thing. Granted this took like 3 days but it was a great way to practice tones, drapery, hair, and even calligraphy. Everything is a learning experience friends. #JoJosBizarreAdventure #JotaroKujo #Jotaro #Kujo #Joestar #StardustCrusaders #DiamondIsUnbreakble #Part3 #Part4 #Anime #Manga #HirohikoAraki #Drawing #Realism #Sketch #Shading #Pencil #Japanese #Japan #YusukeIseya #LiveAction #Actor
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do you have a letterboxd account ? anyway love your blog !!
yes, my letterboxd username is yusukeiseya
i also recently started a twitter account to post some film stuff, if you're interested, the user is fullmetalgokudo
thanks for the message ☺️☺️
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・ 愛しのアイリーン観た。 非常に面白かった! 余韻が治らない! 観て良かった! ・ 世の中、グローバルスタンダードなんて言ってもね。 上っ面な世界標準な方々に観てほしい作品だなあ。 ・ #愛しのアイリーン #ireneofloverevisited #吉田恵輔 #keisukeyoshida #新井英樹 #hidekiarai ・ #安田顕 #kenyasuda #ナッツシトイ #natssitoy #伊勢谷友介 #yusukeiseya #木野花 #hanakino ・ #国際結婚 #transnationalmarriage #フィリピン人 #フィリ���ーナ #filipina #pilipina #寒村 #poorvillage #ざわつく #buzz ・ #日本映画 #japanesefilm #映画 #movie #film #ビバムビ #instagood #instamovie #instapic (TOHOシネマズシャンテ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bns3fqbHfYT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n7n715b40yhf
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in another news... the +Act November issue is perfect! #ikemenoverloadfufufu #kakukento #matsuzakatori #kazunarinino #kamenashikazuya #ikutatoma #harumamiura #yuichinakamaru #yusukeiseya
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Trailer del Live Action de Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable #WarnerBrosJapan #TakashiMiike #LiveAction #HigashikataJosuke #KentoYamazaki #KoichiHirose #RyunosukeKamiki #YukakoYamagishi #NanaKomatsu #JotaroKujo #YusukeIseya #KeichouNijimura #MasakiOkada #OkuyasuNijimura #MackenyuMaeda #AnjuroKatagiri #TakayukiYamada #JoJosBizarreAdventureDiamondIsUnbreakable
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He who values his life dies a dog's death. #13assassins #13assassinos #takashimiike #kojiyakusho #takayukiyamada #yusukeiseya #cinema #cinefilos #netflix #moviesquotes #moviestill #cultmovie #samurai #japanesecinema
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#yusuke iseya#jotaro kujo#jjba#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojo no kimyō na bōken#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojos bizarre adventure#anime#meme#live action#actor#spot the difference
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有村架純、伊勢谷友介からの“腹黒扱い”に苦笑 映画「3月のライオン」試写会イベント2 Sangatsu no Lion Stage Greet 2 with surprise guest Iseya Yusuke
Iseya Yusuke will be acting as the good-for-nothing dad of the girls. He has previously worked with Kamiki in Rurouni Kenshin (Kamiki as Soujiro, Iseya as Aoshi) and they are also in the upcoming Jojo film.
#japanese#jmovies#sangatsu no lion#march comes in like a lion#kamiki ryunosuke#arimura kasumi#iseya yusuke
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株式会社リバースプロジェクト 代表 伊勢谷友介
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新宿スワンⅡ観た。 なんだかんだ言いながら真面目に作ってるなぁ!監督(^^) 普通にオモロかった。 バースト社長と時正と真虎の3ショットが渋かった。 ところで、今年は浅野忠信yearだね。 #新宿スワン2 #shinjukuswan2 #和久井健 #kenwakui #園子温 #sionsono #綾野剛 #goayano #浅野忠信 #tadanobuasano #伊勢谷友介 #yusukeiseya #広瀬アリス #alicehirose #炸裂する男たち #火花散らす女たち #豪華キャストの競演 #歌舞伎町 #kabukicho #新宿 #shinjuku #横浜 #yokohama #映画 #movie #film #ビバムビ (TOHOシネマズ新宿)
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#Trailer 2 de la #película en #Live #Action de #JoJo’s #Bizarre #Adventure: #Diamond #is #Unbreakable Warner Bros Japan puso en línea un primer trailer de la película en Live Action de JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, el cast está confrmado por Higashikata Josuke es Kento Yamazaki, Koichi Hirose es Ryunosuke Kamiki, Yukako Yamagishi es Nana Komatsu, Jotaro Kujo es Yusuke Iseya, Keichou Nijimura es Masaki Okada, Okuyasu Nijimura es Mackenyu Maeda y Anjuro Katagiri es Takayuki Yamada. La película del director Takashi Miike, se estrenará en cines japoneses el 4 de agosto #WarnerBrosJapan #TakashiMiike #LiveAction #HigashikataJosuke #KentoYamazaki #KoichiHirose #RyunosukeKamiki #YukakoYamagishi #NanaKomatsu #JotaroKujo #YusukeIseya #KeichouNijimura #MasakiOkada #OkuyasuNijimura #MackenyuMaeda #AnjuroKatagiri #TakayukiYamada
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