#Yungwill save me…
crowskullls · 6 months
THE NEW PENTAR VIDEO WAS SO GOOD. HOOOLY SHIT. HE COOKED. NEED everyone to watch it please please ple
​He orchestrates his own demise and then gets surprised when he has to actually deal with the consequences!!! it’s really good!!! He’s so bad at being evil!
The story telling is just WONDERFUL. He’s so pathetic the entire time. He relies so much on Yungwill and just Gives Up when he’s gone. Soooo insane.
ALSO THE CINEMATICS… THE REPLAY SHOTS… WOW. I’m gonna have to rewatch just to see all of the beautiful shots again.
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crowskullls · 4 months
Yungwill, Kaboodle, and Manepear on Lifesteal could absolutely save me. It’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about this week
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