#Yukio x Shima
kaioken16 · 9 months
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A gift fic for @rainymegane ft. Yukishima in a domestic setting celebrating Yukio’s belated birthday. 🩷🤍
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aaaaa i'm totally in love with blue exorcist, can you make yandere blue exorcist x reader again?
where readers make others jealous, but they don't realize it. and still joking and touching a little with they friends.
I want to see a little commotion 👀
thank you and also if you think it's cringe just ignore it. have a nice day! ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*♡
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Domino Effect | Yandere Blue Exorcist
It depends on what you as the reader are 
If you are Mephisto’s secretary/Vice Principal 
It's a rare occurrence to have them all fighting 
Considering your boss usually keeps you too overwhelmed
Purposely eating up all your time under the guise of paperwork
Leaving you just a little time to rest and guess who has a nearly empty dorm all to themselves?
You’re lovely little twins
Fights between them and Mephisto are often
Each of them fighting for your attention by their insane standards
Rin has his crybaby face
And Yukio is sly about his words
While Mephisto waves you’re favorite things and expensive luxuries in front of you
“Awww (Y/n) won’t you stay with me a little longer? It’s only been an hour and I’m desperately missed your face!” 
“No! (Y/n)-sama! I’ve learned to control my flame d’ya wanna see? Please, Please!? Can we cook together too?”
“For once I’ll agree with Rin. This is your day off wouldn’t you not like to see you’re employer’s face for a certain amount of time.”
Now if you’re a student its typical tug-of-war tactics 
“Izumo you can’t take up all their time!”
“Yeah, I have to show (Y/n) all my new moves!”
“Heh?! No way! I promised to show them all of my new moves.”
“D-don’t forget me!” 
There is quite literally no rest for you in either position
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unamokkeecuatoriana · 5 months
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faerishv · 2 years
im curious if maybe someone would enjoy me writing for blue exorcist , together with tbhk. I really love that anime , i've watched it like 5 times hhfjjbfd im starting the manga too. I could write for the main people like
fujimoto ( platonic or romantic idk hjhg )
please tell me what do yall think !!
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Um hello, do you write for any other Blue Exorcist characters? Sorry to bother you.
oh, you're fine! at the moment, i only write for the ones i have listed. in the future, it's a possibility for me to write for more characters, just let me know which characters you would like to see and i can consider writing for them :) that also goes for the other fandoms i write for as well!
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smorkulon · 1 year
You know what? I'll just say it.
Yukio deserves a boyfriend, as a treat.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Hi Raven I love your work ❤. What about a fic where Rin and Ryūjji have a mission but have to leave Kuro so Yukio and Shima are his babysitters. Cute/fluffy Yukio stressing because he knows the cat can talk and doesn't know what he wants and Shima chilling because he grew up around them. Thank you!
I swear you had some kind of amazing sixth sense with this request, lol. I’ve tweaked it a little in light of new chapter stuff, but no spoilers ^^
I hope you enjoy <3<3<3
— — /ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\— —
Yukio gave the apartment a final look over and sucked in a deep breath. He was stressing over nothing. He kept the space clean and it wasn’t like Kuro was destructive. He hadn’t been in their time at the dorm.
Well, not unless provoked. And between the three of them, there had only been a bit of structural property, and he had largely blamed it on the age of the building. He was older and perhaps wiser since then, and he knew when to take a nap (most of the time) so he didn’t expect there to be any brawls.
Oh! The peace lily! That was poisonous. The pothos too. (Or devil’s ivy as it was also called. His twin had the worst taste in jokes but Yukio loved him anyway.)
Yukio hurried across the space and picked up both pots. They could spend a few days on the deck.
“You know he’s not a common cat, right?” Renzou asked from where he was sprawled out uselessly on the sofa. He’d come over to help and proceeded to be none.
“Of course he’s not a common cat.” But he also, like most demons Yukio had interacted with (and that included his twin) seemed to enjoy exploring things with his mouth.
“Just checking,” Renzou laughed, and Yukio stuck his tongue out at him where Renzou wouldn’t see.
He left the plants on the deck and went back inside, to give one last cursory look. It seemed—
The doorbell rang and Yukio’s heart shot to his throat. Was it already time?! How? Rin had never been on time for anything in his life!
(Ryuuji, of course.)
Renzou laughed as Yukio rushed across the apartment to get the door.
“If you’re not going to be helpful, you can leave,” Yukio hissed at him without really meaning it.
Renzou snickered. “I’m not here for the cat, cutie.”
Now with a slight blush, Yukio pulled the door open and found his twin, Ryuuji, and Kuro on the other side. Ryuuji had the supplies while Rin had Kuro and was sneaking in a last second cuddle.
“See!” Rin crowed, “I told you he’d be in a sweater.” He kissed Kuro between his horns and passed him towards Yukio, holding him under his arms so his body was stretched out and his feet were dangling.
Yukio carefully took Kuro, blushing a little bit more. He liked sweaters. They were warm and soft, and one of the few pleasures he allowed himself regularly.
Kuro meowed in greeting and promptly waved his paws wildly. Yukio drew him close, more than familiar with the motion. Kuro got his claws hooked in Yukio’s sweater and hauled himself up onto Yukio’s shoulder to flop over the soft fabric with a happy purr.
“Alright,” Rin pulled a list from Ryuuji’s hand, “he’s on a diet, so don’t let him lie to you about how much he gets.”
Kuro hissed and batted his paw at Rin. 
“Don’t lie.” Rin scolded, before his lip stuck out in a small frown. “I’m gonna miss you,” he added, and promptly reached for Kuro.
(Yukio tried not to be a little annoyed that he didn’t get goodbyes like that.)
Kuro nuzzled him with his own mournful meow and Ryuuji sighed. 
“We’ll be back in five days.” Ryuuji reached over to give Kuro a scratch behind the ear and squeezed Yukio’s shoulder. “Thanks for doing this, man. Neko always spoils him and Shiemi let him run loose in the catnip.”
“Be good, okay?” Rin added as Ryuuji caught his hands and freed Kuro from his grip. “Don’t bug Yukio too much and don’t break any walls and don’t —”
“Rin, babe. Let him go.” 
Rin did only a little reluctantly. “See you soon, Yuki.” He hugged Yukio around his neck, and backed up when Ryuuji pulled him away before he could grab Kuro again.
“Send pictures!” Rin called as he was dragged away. “Have a good week!”
“You too! Travel safe!” Yukio peered down the hall, waving goodbye and trying not to laugh at Ryuuji’s resigned wave as tears streaked down Rin’s face.
And just like that, Yukio was in charge of the cat sidhe.
Kuro looked up at him with big eyes, and Yukio stared right back. 
He could absolutely do this.
— — /ᐠ. ω . ᐟ\— —
“Kuro! No—” Yukio dove and barely caught the vase before it crashed to the floor. Kuro sat up on the book shelf without a single regret in his big eyes. 
“Nice catch!” Renzou called from the kitchen. He had a towel over his shoulder and a can of cat food in his hand. Yukio was still trying to decipher Rin’s horrible handwriting and hadn’t started on the meal yet
“Bad kitty!” Yukio stood to his full height and immediately regretted his words. He wasn’t dealing with a naughty housecat. This wasn’t pet sitting one of Konekomaru’s pets. Kuro was intelligent and technically his elder.
“I’m sorry,” he set the vase on a lower shelf, “please don’t knock breakable things over.”
Kuro stared at him and tilted his head. Yukio stared back, and felt himself blushing. He hurried into the kitchen to try and decipher Rin’s notes again.
“Calm down, cutie.” Renzou ruffled his hair as he passed him to pull a plate out of the cabinet. “You’re going to give yourself more gray hairs.”
“He’s not just a cat, Ren. And what are you doing? I haven’t figured out what to feed him.”
Renzou raised an eyebrow. “Weren’t you the smart one in this relationship? I just looked at the bag. He’s got six cans and he gets two meals a day, so half a can a meal. Bon even divided the dry food up in bags for different days, and he put a pill holder in there. Probably knew Rin’s writing is shit.”
Yukio peered in the bag, and Renzou was correct. He frowned. “But what if—”
“He’s a cat, Yuki.” Renzou set the plate down and turned to face him, draping his arms over Yukio’s shoulders and grinning up at him. “A cat that can grow and talk, but a cat. He’s going to mostly take care of himself.” 
Renzou’s eyes shot past him, and he snorted a second before there was a crash in the other room. Yukio spun on his heel to see the vase on the ground (thankfully not broken) and Kuro cleaning his paw nonchalantly. 
“See?” Renzou said, “A cat.”
— —  /ᐠ。▿。ᐟ\ — —
It became a mantra. Just a cat. 
Yukio would wake up in a panic to find himself suffocating under a mountain of fur, and Renzou would shove Kuro off and flop on Yukio’s chest. Just a cat. He likes that you’re warm.
Yukio found his fidgeting foot attacked (he remembered that from the dorm and had unwisely started a few games with that which always led to chomps.)  and Just a cat. Give him a toy to save your toes.
Stuff being shoved to the ground, just a cat and they can be assholes. Kuro yowling like Yukio had stabbed him because he told him no bacon? Just a cat and no one can out diva a cat. (Though Renzou tried when Yukio told him only two slices and reminded him about his cholesterol.)
Kuro zooming around the apartment like a caffeinated Rin? Just a cat. Make sure the breakable stuff is put away. 
Renzou never seemed to stress at any of it, and simply adjusted himself when needed and shifted stuff out of Kuro’s reach he shouldn’t have. He bopped Kuro’s nose, scratched at his cheeks, played with him, and never seemed to think twice about whether he was demeaning the cat. 
“I grew up with them. Koneko has always been cat crazy. We used to hide them in Bon’s room. Kinzou tried to hide a few in ours, and that lasted for about two hours before Yumi gave us away.” He shrugged and dangled a bit of string in front of a spellbound Kuro. “They’re smart, but not unfriendly. Just let them do their thing and don’t harass them.”
Well Yukio could do that.
— — ಇ/ᐠˬ ͜   ˬ ᐟ\∫ — —
The days moved too quickly, and by the time his doorbell rang, he was loathe to give away the cat napping on his lap. Still, he got up and carefully cuddled Kuro close for another few minutes as he went to the door.
“Kuro!” Rin crowed, launching himself at his twin and scoopin the cat off his head. Kuro began to meow a mile a minute as Rin nodded, nuzzling his cheek and humming his interest to the conversation.
Ryuuji shook his head and moved around Rin to pull Yukio into a quick hug. “Hello and thank you.”
Yukio returned the embrace. “Hello and you’re welcome.”
“You gave him treats!” Rin said suddenly, accusing eyes locking on Yukio.
“I did not!” He looked at the big-eyed cat sidhe. How dare Kuro rat him out. 
“Did so! Yuki, he’s gonna get fat!” Kuro hissed and batted at Rin’s nose. “What?! You are. You’re a chunker.”
Kuro hissed and leaped from Rin’s arms to land back on Yukio’s head. 
Just a cat. 
“I take it the whole thing went well?” Ryuuji asked, trying not to laugh as Rin stretched up to reclaim his familiar. 
“Yes,” Yukio bent down to be back in Rin’s reach, “he gave us no problems.”
“I doubt that, but thank you.” 
“It was only one vase.”
“What is it with the vases, bud?” Ryuuji asked, turning his attention to Kuro and holding his hand out for a sniff before scratching his cheek. “He breaks any we bring over too. I gotta get creative for flowers.”
Just a cat, and cats can be assholes.
They left shortly after (Ryuuji secretly pocketed the remaining cat treats much to Kuro’s obvious delight) and Yukio was left with a much emptier apartment covered in a startling amount of cat hair.
“See?” Renzou asked, coming up to Yukio slowly and cupping his cheek, rubbing his thumb over the soft cat. “Told ya you had it.” 
“Of course.” Yukio said, choosing not to think about how half the advice Renzou had given had been things Renzou used on him. “After all, he’s just a cat.”
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ariadnesweb · 2 years
Here's my vision.
We have Izumo - proud single mother of a thousand foxes - stingy confident attitude - really cautious against having her trust broken.
Unfortunately, she has a crush on Shima Renzo, known casanova and commitment issues.
She's not dating him.
We also have Yukio - exorcist and teacher at the age of 15 - issues expressing emotion aplenty - too proud too settle for less than perfection.
Unfortunately, he also has a crush on Shima Renzon, failure of an exorcist and bottom of the barrel.
He's not dating him.
Solution? Izumo and Yukio date each other, avoid Shima Renzo, and manage a perfectly fine affair.
Also avoid thinking about sexuality, because there is never a time and place to have sexuality crises on the human with the worst moral ranking.
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lapseinrecs · 8 months
Inheritance of Cards and Demons
By Love_Psycho @lovepsychothefirst
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Completed Series; 752,162 words
Summary: Okumura Rin is twelve years old when he meets Keroberos and the Cards. Magical cards sound like something out of a fantasy story, but that's what Rin has to deal with. Worse, an accident has him having to chase down all of them himself, as the only one capable of doing it. At least with Kero on his side Rin stands a chance. But can he juggle Cardcaptor work, school, and keeping all of this from his family? 
My thoughts: This ranks amongst some of my favorites. Rin is just so??? pure??? Baby twelve year old Rin is cute. The first fic, Inheritance of Cards, tends to be a bit episodic, and AnEx doesn’t actually start until Inheritance of Demons which is the 8th part and the 3rd main work of the series. Still, you can enjoy it without knowing anything about Cardcaptor Sakura (I sure did) and basically no knowledge of Blue Exorcist (yeah I didn’t know jack about it either)(it’s like that with a lot of stuff tbh).
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Please may I have a Blue exorcist scenario of when you (FEMALE reader *she is a highly skilled Paladin and Rin's childhood friend and everything and she is his girlfriend and the same age as Rin*) basically defended Rin when you made an excuse to talk to Bon alone in his home. You understood his pain considering how you lost your older sister in the blue night when you were a baby at the time but it caused a lot of pain for your family which was understandable considering that they lost a daughter. Your tone generally was serious when you remarked; "Only jerks judge books by their covers man.." Bon didn't appreciate that you called him a jerk when you said that..but you only proved your point when he basically grabbed you by the collar when he asked in a dangerous voice of what exactly you were implying. You told him that you thought that he was a good friend but obviously regarding how Rin had been treated recently..you thought wrong. You basically forced him to apologise to Rin the next day
Kinda angsty but not exactly..it's just the reader teaching someone a good lesson about not judging a book by its cover.
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the scenario!
Fandom: Blue Exorcist
Character: Bon Suguro x gn! Reader (platonic, Reader is in a relationship with Rin)
Work Count: 1.1k (1,118 words)
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You've had enough of Bon badmouthing your boyfriend Rin so you decide to have some strong words with him.
“Well it’s not my fault I have to share a classroom with this lazy slob.”
“Oh yeah, well it’s not my fault I have to share a classroom with this perfect grade A student who always does well in exams.”
“Uh, Rin, that’s not really an insult…”
“And as if it’s not bad enough that I have to look at your ugly face all the time, you’re the son of Satan. Literally the spawn of the one creature I hate most in this world.”
The classroom fell silent. The longer it went on, the less anyone seemed to know how to break it. Finally your teacher, Rin’s older brother, Yukio, cleared his throat.
Your relationship with Yukio was strange. On one hand, he was your boyfriend’s brother, who loved him dearly but was delighted you were there to help keep him in line. On the other, he was your teacher who you had a healthy amount of both fear and respect for.
You were grateful for his intervention now as both of these roles.
“Well, if you don’t mind, we’ll get back to the class shall we?”
Rin and Bon were still glaring at each other but at Yukio’s words Bon exhaled loudly through his nose and looked away, sitting back down.
Rin scoffed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Although the words were muttered under his breath, you saw Bons eyes light up in anger again and he raised his hands as if to slam them down on the table.
“Mr Suguro, Mr Okumura, that is enough.” There was a sharp edge to Yukio’s voice now, “You will remain in your seats and, unless you’re answering a question, I don’t want to hear another word out of either of you. Am I understood?”
“Am. I. Understood.” It wasn’t a question anymore.
“Yes sir.”
Yukio let out a deep breath. “Alright then, back to the topic at hand.”
~ After class had finished, everyone began filing out of the classroom. Yukio called out to Rin as he tried to sneak out and, as they turned into the hallways together, you could hear Yukio berating his brother for making such a ruckus in class.
You stood up from your desk, turning to where Bon was still packing away his supplies. Usually, he was much faster with this, but today you suspected he was trying to put some distance between himself and Rin.
You walked over to him. Shima and Konekomaru were standing next to him, discussing lunch.
“Hey, Bon?”
He looked up from his bag. “Yeah? What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you could help me out with some of the homework. There’s a bit I’m not sure I understand.”
The corner of Bon’s mouth twitched. “Not going to ask your boyfriend for help?” You could hear the jeering tone in his voice but knew it wasn’t directed at you.
“Rin’s great and all but when it comes to study, I’d rather get advice from someone who actually knows what they’re doing.”
Bon smiled. “Yeah, I guess I can’t blame you there. Sure, I’ll help.” He turned to his friends, “You guys go on ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Shima and Konekomaru waved their goodbyes as they left the room. You waited until you couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore before turning back to Bon.
“So, what homework did you need help with?”
You shook your head. “No homework sorry. That was a lie. I just needed an excuse to talk to you alone.”
A frown creased his brow. “About what?”
You took a breath. You’d been waiting for this opportunity for a while and now that it was here, you had to make sure you got what you wanted to say right. “It’s about Rin. And the way you treat him.”
Bon rolled his eyes and stood as if to leave. You stepped in front of him to block his way. Frustration glimmered in his eyes as his frown deepened.
“I know I’m his partner and you might think this is just me looking out for my boyfriend but even if we weren’t a couple, I’d still feel the same way. It’s not cool the way you treat him. Only jerks judge books by their covers man.”
Bon lunged forward, grabbing you by the collar of your uniform and pulling you close. “What exactly are you implying? You don’t know me! You don’t know what I’ve been through because of his father. I lost everything! You could never know what that’s like. And don’t call me a jerk.”
“Oh, don’t I?” Now you could feel the anger rising in your own chest, “So you’re saying I didn’t lose my older sister in the Blue Night? I didn’t have to grow up, knowing my entire life that there was someone so close to me that I would never get the chance to meet?”
You saw realisation hit Bon but you weren’t finished. “I do know Bon. I know better than anyone. And you know what? I still care about him. Because he’s not his father. Oh, and by the way?” You lifted a hand to tap at his, where they were still bunched up in the fabric of your collar, “You are a jerk. If you aren’t, why did you grab me like that just now?”
Bon released your uniform abruptly, as if he’d just realised he was still holding it. “Sorry.”
You smoothed down the fabric. “Yeah, you should be. I’m going to have to iron this now.”
“No, I mean I’m sorry about your sister. And grabbing you. I shouldn’t have said those things. You’re right, I was being a jerk.”
“You shouldn’t be apologising to me. You should be apologising to Rin. He hates Satan as much as you do. He’s not his father.” You sighed. “I thought you were a good friend to him, but I guess I was wrong. If you were really his friend, you’d know that.”
Bon let out a long, deep breath. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. He just has a way of rubbing me the wrong way, you know?”
You laughed. “Oh boy, do I. He’s been an irritation since the day I met him. But he’s a good person. And that’s all that matters.”
Bon nodded, clearly deep in thought.
You picked up your bag and swung it over your shoulder. “Come on. We should get to lunch before it’s finished.”
Bon shouldered his own bag and walked to the door with you. The tension in the room had dissipated, leaving only an understanding between you and Bon.
Before you left, you lightly punched his shoulder. “By the way, you’re apologising to Rin tomorrow okay?”
Bon smiled, chuckling. “Yeah, yeah, okay.”
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
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askingexorcists · 1 year
Not sure if it’s been done, but Ryuji x Rin relationship headcanons. Your blog is fucking AMAZJNG BTW!
Ah tysm I appreciate that sm ❤️
Ryuji x Rin
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• Rin was totally into Ryuji first
• Like that first day in cram school he saw him sitting there with his rebellious blonde Mohawk and piercings and that was it
• We all know Ryuji’s first impression of Rin
• Like Rin was always goofing around, flirting badly, and being genuinely cute tbh
• Bon hated it omg
• He thought Rin was purposely messing around, and just making everyone’s goal, his own goal, seem like a joke
• Rin tried to pay extra attention in class, do extra homework and even asked Yukio for some tutoring just to seem impressive in Bon’s eyes
• Poor baby still failed his tests
• Everything changed when Rin saved Bon from the reaper that day in cram school
• Suguro had a new respect for Rin, and saw him in a whole new perspective
• Bon would start talking to Renzou and Koneko about Okumura and how he might be a decent guy after all
• Rin continued doing little things to win over Bon
• It totally worked because Bon kept talking gushing to koneko and shima about Rin
• Shima teased him constantly, poking fun at Bon’s little crush
• Ryuji had actually started to like Rin, but he didn’t know how to go about it, and decided ultimately to ignore it and focus on his work
• When everyone found out about Rin’s secret, Ryuji felt especially betrayed, and incredibly pissed off
• He felt so conflicted…he wanted to defeat Satan, so he should start with Satans son right?
• His heart was telling him no, and his head was screaming yes
• It wasn’t until everything happened in Kyoto that he was calming down about the idea, but ultimately didn’t want anything to do with Rin just yet as he was untrustworthy
• It wasn’t until Rin got close with Bon’s dad, and helped Bon realise how he should hold his dad closer to him
•Bon’s dad finally talked to him and rather then discussing important matters about the temple he was just like …. ‘Son, go get a piece of demon ass!’
• Whilst fighting the impure king together, Ryuji has fully realised Rin is still Rin, and he knows he can trust him
• That hardly mattered anymore to Ryuji thought because he was convinced that was it…holding that barrier up was going to be the end of him
• When he told Rin, to run whilst the barrier was still up, and evacuate as many people as he possibly can, he was also saying ‘Please go, I can’t stand to watch you die, please save yourself!’
• Then Rin starts rambling on about Kyoto tower and Suguro just regrets his life decisions and honestly hopes death comes quicker
• He’s insanely mad, and just has to yell at Rin
• Though he’s also thinking about how Kyoto tower could be their first date, and how they could explore it together for the first time
• Then Ryuji said it…he thought it’s probably the end, so he might as well confess…
• “I’ll go along with your ridiculous optimism…after all, we’re more then friends right..”
• “I believe in you!”
• That was it for Rin, he couldn’t quite comprehend that Bon had forgiven him for his demonic blood, but not only that, had called him his friend, and told him that he believed in him
• He was fumbling over the word more, and what it meant…but he knew he had to save Kyoto before thinking about it too much
• After Kyoto was saved, and Rin and Bon reunited with everyone and saw they were safe, they finally had a chance to talk
• “So…Suguro-san….what did you mean by mo-“
• “I LIKE YOU OKAY…MORE THAN A FRIEND! I knew I’d have to spell it out for you Okumura! Your so dumb!”
•Rin was shocked, like he was stiff … but he just dived on Bon tail wagging
• After they returned back to the academy, Bon didn’t really announce their relationship, he just held Rin’s hand, sat next to him, had an arm around him…death glares to anyone who looked at them funny
•The exwires all figured it out just from looking at the two, Koneko was so happy for Bon, and Shima was a little hurt tbh that they weren’t told sooner, although him and Konekomaru both knew they’d be together sooner or later
• Yukio, whilst happy for his brother in a sense, was more concerned as he wasn’t sure if a relationship was best for his brother in the long run, and often urged Ryuji to ‘let him down gently’
• Of course Bon refused, saying he’s with Rin through thick and thin
• Suguro insisted that he was gonna help Rin study, he thought Rin was a smart guy that just had trouble with taking in information or the way that cram /normal school taught
• He soon regretted the decision….
• Rin is a very hands on learner, and struggles hearing or reading information so he can’t fully take everything in, only bits…where Bon has a perfect memory and remembers every little detail
• It was the final straw for Bon when Rin struggled to answer a basic mathematical equation
• Yukio and Bon shared a silent nod where they both just understood the pain of trying to tutor Rin
• Rin can’t quite understand Bon’s love of sutras, studying and temples…but he’s more then happy to just sit and listen to him recite sutra after sutra…he honestly just loves the sound of his voice
• They’re dates are incredibly planned down to the last detail by Ryuji, however Rin totally goes off track and rather then following the most direct route to the restaurant, he’ll follow a random cool looking cat down a backstreet and convince Ryuji to take the ‘exciting’ route
• Honestly their favourite dates are just quiet nights in, Rin cooks an amazing meal, and Bon puts up some lights and candles, some futons, blankets, and pillows on the floor and they watch a movie together, eating a home cooked meal and some snacks cuddling
• Rin has a habit of fiddling with Bon’s piercings, he hated it at first but now he finds it relaxing
• Rin has a habit of wrapping his tail around Ryujis leg when they cuddle, it annoyed him at first but now he just finds it cute 🥰
• Bon was insistent on being big spoon, so that’s how they fall asleep
• However when morning comes Rin has both arms and his tail wrapped around Bon
•Bon wakes quite early, though rather then getting up out of the embrace, he just lays there a little, enjoying being held
•Though when he does wake up, he gets up really gently as to not wake Rin
• He goes on his morning jog, and by the time he’s on his way back, Rin wakes
• He’s always sad Ryuji’s always gone when he wakes, but he knows his routine, so he always prepares a yummy, nutritious breakfast for when Bon returns
• They sit and eat together, just talking about whatever, and enjoying each others company, before walking hand in hand to school together :)
Sorry if this was slightly long! I hope this is what you meant, and sorry it’s been so long, it’s been sat in the ask box a while !! Thanks for being patient!! Requests are open so feel free to send them in <3
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kaioken16 · 1 year
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AoNoSummer2023 Day 5 - Fish 🎣
A short comedic but wholesome Yukishima piece. Rin sends Yukio and Shima to go fishing for the upcoming party and chaos ensues…
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Hello, how are you? Could I request Blue Exorcist Lucifer x human female with angelic powers, enemies to lovers? Please and thank you!
OMG YES! thanks for the Request ❤️
Lucifer x Human! Reader with Angélic powers
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: enemies to Lovers dynamic,hints of illiness(from Lucifer), slight Manipulation?(Its fucking Lucifer, what do You expect?)Illuminati's,
OK! for some context:
reader's family is VERY old in the Vatican hierarchy, almost as old as MyodHa itself.
They are recognized for having abilities similar to Biblical angels, they could exorcise powerful demons on their own, etc.
However, this came with rigorous (and sometimes inhumane) training since the youngest members of the clan (last name) were children.
That's where it comes from (reader).
The (last name) family is going through a moment of crisis, they no longer have as many resources or exorcists as before, so they focused all the attention they could on (reader) so that she would be outstanding.
causing several traumas in the process due to not having had a very stable childhood or family...
but generating one of the most powerful exorcists today.
To be honest, I think (reader) would only accept the faith of the exorcist job because she literally has no other alternative. What else is she supposed to do with her life if they didn't teach her anything else? Kind of mindset.
On the other hand, Lucifer probably knew about her beforehand (before the reader knew about him), either because of Shima's espionage or because of the possible encounters that (the reader) has had with his agents.
and you could tell he's intrigued.
I have seen people from the (last name) family work before, but definitely (reader) was quite remarkable and above all it was obvious that she was quite...dissatisfied.
It was a good opportunity to have a powerful ally.
Although it definitely wasn't easy.
Let's say that (reader) meets him in a similar way to Yukio, in the rescue of Izumo.
After taking down one of Gedoin's largest test subjects, (reader) is left quite tired.
She is ready to go after the others when Lucifer appears.
Like Yukio, he gets scared and tries to use one of his family's techniques, but Lucifer doesn't allow it.
She has so much potential, so much power, and she lets those of the True Cross control her? For a worthless cause?
Lucifer knows what he is doing, he attacks (reader's) biggest doubts. Even if she escapes, those questions end up resonating too much with (reader).
Is it really worth it? Being the war dog of people like Mephisto who isn't even trustworthy? Is it worth pleasing the people of the Vatican when they haven't made any real changes? Is it worth so much suffering and entertainment if this is what do you earn?
(reader) is trying SO hard not to give in to those kinds of ideas, both because the exorcist job is the only thing she has and because she really doesn't know what to do now.
You could say that it is something gradual, that little by little (reader) loses conviction in the True Cross and begins to replant things.
She applies a "Geto move", basically.
She is increasingly distant from her classmates, who, since they do not understand her, distance her even further and do not know what to do with her.
(reader) continues to perform well in her missions, but she looks more and more lost.
in turn, Shima monitors her to report the "progress in her recruitment" to Lucifer.
although to be honest, every time (the reader) sees Shima she tells him to go to hell, and thanks to her angelic abilities, she can tell when he's around, so she leaves him without much material to work with.
It honestly frustrates Lucifer a little, but he can't force (reader) to join the Illuminati if he REALLY wants a reliable ally. no matter how much his stubbornness bothers you.
(if she has a new encounter with Lucifer, same story, (reader) rejects the proposal but becomes more and more petulant, with more doubts).
Funny thought I had while doing this, this dynamic reminded me of when Kylo Ren tells Rey that "she needs a teacher" and she epically leaves him in Seen. This is Lucifer's dynamic with (reader) during this stage 🤣
I don't think it's until (SPOILERS) Yukio joins the Illuminati that (reader) already has a mental breakdown and questions everything (plus if she and Yukio were close, either because they had training together or because of circumstances Similar).
and obviously Lucifer knows about this and takes full advantage.
Let's say he intercepts her just when she wants time alone, she doesn't want to be with anyone, she doesn't want to deal with anyone, especially not him right now, but then she realizes...
Does she really have someone?
The true cross was her entire life, her family only trained her for that and they don't see beyond that...
Lucifer, on the other hand, sees her in a light of fascination.
He sees (reader's) value both as an asset and in her intentions, and he doesn't want her to continue wasting them on a cause that isn't worth it.
(closes scene with epic handshake xd).
If we look at the current dynamics, even if they are partners (and later lovers) there is still some friction. especially on the part of ( reader) who wants to take Lucifer out of his mind from time to time.
(reader) quickly becomes an active member of the Illuminati's as soon as she has the opportunity, whether doing missions, helping with investigations, giving information she has about the academy, etc.
and Lucifer respects that.
Little by little a relationship of mutual respect is forming, something like that.
(reader) can see through several of Lucifer's tricks, but at the same time she surprises herself at how genuine he becomes from time to time with his plan.
(reader) wants to learn more from Lucifer and Lucifer wants to learn more from (reader), so from there they begin to open up even a little more in, for example, the skills section.
If you've seen my Angel!reader work, you'll know that Lucifer has some particular interest in (reader's) seemingly divine abilities.
Now that he has the opportunity, he wants to know everything he can about these abilities, how they affect demons, how he uses them, etc.
but at least he is fair and answers the questions that the reader herself has, even if he doesn't have an answer as such, he tries to give her a satisfactory one.
If we look at the relationship fully, at first glance it can be seen more as a mutually beneficial alliance.
(reader) becomes Lucifer's main spokesperson and in a way his confidant, with whom he plans the next movements of the Illuminati, and above all with whom he does not have (so much) problem being affected by his illness.
They allow themselves to be more open and affectionate when they are alone (or well, reader, Lucifer usually refers to her as his "partner" or by some nickname that shows CLEAR favoritism).
They support each other in the work environment, as I already said, (reader) is Lucifer's eyes and ears where he cannot be and does not let him remain unaware.
(reader) is like that "little bird" that gives you away to your mother in a certain way (Lucifer xd). Extra puntls if that's one of your nicknames for (female reader).
Even if (reader) has much more developed powers than most of the Illuminati, Lucifer is not willing to take any risks, it is practically standard protocol that if things get ugly they have to secure the "commander's second in command" regardless how many losses that generates.
Lucifer can replace them and get more, but he can't get another (reader).
At the same time, he worries a lot about (the reader's) health and that angelic powers may have repercussions on his fragile human body, so check-ups are a mandatory NECESSITY for Lucifer's peace of mind, whether after a mission or simply if (reader) is acting strange.
Don't get me wrong, he knows (reader) can kick most exorcists' asses, but he won't let any harm come in the first place. Better safe than sorry.
(although the fact that he lets you go on missions is a great advance compared to other readers who he doesn't even let out of the Illuminati/dominus base☠️)
He would DEFINITELY rather die than let those of the true cross (especially Mephisto) get their hands on (reader), he knows what would happen if that happened, so we give him the pass to be paranoid, just this once.
I think that in general it is easier for him to see this type of (reader) as an EQUAL, not only because of the fascination that he generated, but also because he knew how to EARN his respect (apart from the fact that he expects everyone in the organization to treat reader as such, any lack of respect can be a direct pass to the testing room).
Apart from the fact that it doesn't just let her focus on work, it (forces) her to have a hobby or participate in some "stimulating activity" so that (the reader) can regulate her stress levels.
Something that remains in almost all readers, Lucifer likes to listen to (the reader) read, it can be anything, but in general listening to her helps him distract himself from the pain, and that is a GREAT relief (for everyone).
In general, there are its turbulent moments, but Lucifer would rather be consumed by his illness than let (the reader) suffer in any way.
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Thanks for the Request ❤️
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unamokkeecuatoriana · 5 months
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faerishv · 2 years
It's official , from now on i will start to write for the anime Blue Exorcist too !! The characters i will do are basically almost everyone we know of from the anime , not manga ( im still at volume 1 )
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Who I write for
requests open
(anything that looks like This I will not be accepting right now)
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime and manga)
My Hero Academia (anime and manga)
Tokyo Revengers (anime and manga)
Haikyuu (anime and manga)
Spy x Family (anime only)
Demon Slayer (anime and manga)
Chainsaw Man (anime only)
Fairy Tail
Loke/ Leo
Honestly probably anyone from Fairy Tail
Black Clover (anime and manga)
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Roy mustang
The Legend Of Zelda (Breath of the wild and Tears of The Kingdom)
Final fantasy 7 Remake and Crisis core reunion
Maze Runner
Avatar The Last Air Bender and the legend of Korra
The dragon prince
Buddy Daddies
Blue exorcist
World of Warcraft (any expansion as I'm down to read lore)
Kalecgos / Kalec (distinction because maybe reader is unaware of him being a dragon
Illidan Stormrage
Genn Greymane
Anduin wrynn
How to train your dragon
Fire force (anime only)
Captain Obi
Shinmon Benimaru
Seven Deadly Sins / Four Knights of the Apocalypse (anime and manga for both)
Lord Of The Rings / The Hobbit / The Rings Of Power
Elrond (only RoP)
will consider others based on request
More to come as I get new hyper fixations.
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