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mortemcatabasis · 1 year ago
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Custom designs for @krembearry
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years ago
Monster Spotlight: Ypotryll
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CR 15
Neutral Huge Magical Beast
Bestiary 4, pg. 285
It’s difficult to make a wild boar scarier than it already is, but god damn if this chimeric beast hasn’t succeeded with flying colors and soiled trousers. It’s not even all that different from a normal boar; violently territorial, belligerent and stubborn, omnivorous and ravenous, charges first and asks questions later, often found snuffling around in human trash and thus becoming a danger to everyone making that trash, and all but immune to small weapons and a wide variety of firearms. Really, the only difference between a Ypotryll and a normal boar is that a normal boar doesn’t weigh six tons.
I wonder if it still tastes like pork, though, given all of its reptilian features?
Most people hunting a Ypotryll don’t hunt it for its meat, though; These ill-tempered, savage beasts are believed by most people near their territory to be the incarnates of natural disasters, or even brutality itself. The swathes of devastation they cut through their territory in search of food and mates is so dramatic that the land almost appears to have been hit by tornadoes. Thus, there’s only two reasons anyone would ever hunt one: To kill it out of self-defense, or to claim it and begin training it as a living siege engine. Both options leave dozens of good soldiers dead or broken, but if you CAN get control of one, they’re a hell of an asset.
You’ll need to use more practical and physical means to bend a Ypotryll to your will, though; these beasts are Bloody Minded, gaining an enormous boost to their Will save if targeted with a charm or compulsion effect (making it go from +9 to a respectable +15). Anyone hoping to break one of them into obedience has their work cut out for them, the beast’s hide as thick as its mind. These dracoboars have DR 5 that’s completely insurmountable, rendering them immune to a great many weapons hopeful trainers might try and bring against them, and their unbelievable Strength allows them to reliably crack their way out of steel chains! To say nothing of whatever walls might be in the way between them and freedom...
But that’s what makes them so perfect as siege engines, you see. The primary purpose of any siege engine is to break enemy fortifications, allowing soldiers to pour in, and the dracoboars perform this with an efficiency few machines can match. A Ypotryll is built to take the charge action every round it possibly can, its every feat and ability devoted to making it better at charge attacks (and running in general). For one, it’s an Unstoppable Force, adding +4 to attack and damage rolls it makes at the end of a charge, a bonus which is also added to any overrun check it makes when it uses its Charge Through feat. Unstoppable Force also allows it to ignore difficult terrain while charging, and between that and Charge Through, there’s little anyone or anything can do to keep these monstrosities from smashing through to their target(s), be it a tasty snack or a rival fortification. Ironically, their Thundering Charge means the path behind them after they charge becomes difficult terrain for everyone else for an entire round.
With a 60ft movespeed, the beasts can charge up to 120ft, and any trainer worth their salt will want to make use of every single foot, because the Ypotryll’s Destructive Charge allows its attacks to ignore 1 point of hardness per 5ft it moves while charging. At the maximum 120ft distance, this means 24 points of hardness... which, if you’re not aware, caps out at 20 for adamantine. Walls of wood, stone, and even iron don’t really stand much of a chance against these charging dracoboars, enormous holes opening within seconds as they shred the impediment with 4d6+16 damage with their gore (+4 from charging for a total of 4d6+20), which is their primary weapon.
The rest of the beast is no less dangerous than the front, though. They can stomp foes twice a round with their hooves for 2d8+11 damage, and their massive tail deals 2d6+5 damage to anything it hits. The tail and gore attack both send anything they hit flying 10ft directly away, just in case it needs to swat a particularly stubborn enemy or obstacle out of its path to charge at something else. Against masses of foes, the Ypotryll can simply walk over the lot of them with its trample, dealing 2d6+16 damage to everyone in a 120ft trail of carnage, every fool in its path needing to compete with its 29 AC if they want to lash out against it as it passes by (or over) them. Anything not trampled and/or pretending to be dead will have to deal with its Full-Attack the next round, so perhaps the smartest thing to do is just lay face down in the churned mud and pretend to not be delicious as everyone that’s still standing.
I wonder just how many raiders and bandit camps have been completely wiped out way before adventurers were sent in to clear them because their bosses tried getting themselves a living battering ram...
You can read more about them here.
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galpalaven · 4 years ago
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Vampires and their Sires
(picrew here; clan symbols added by me in photoshop)
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nightingaletrash · 3 years ago
Been doing some more thinking on Rosetta and fleshing her out some more.
She's the childe of Ypotryll; having been born and raised in his group of Travellers, she's only ever known the life of a nomad and has always existed in proximity to the supernatural, even if she didn't know it. One night, she and her friend Brian were summoned by Ypotryll for reasons unknown... where both of them were killed. Rosetta rose again, however, and was instructed to find and meet her sire as soon as possible. When she arrived at the rendezvous, however, Ypotryll was dead, as were the other Ravnos he had sent for.
Alone for the first time in her life, Rosetta struggled at first, scraping by on whatever scraps she could cobble together and feeding on whatever blood she could find. When Strauss found her, she was just barely getting by.
Recognising the worth of having a Ravnos within the Camarilla, Strauss took Rosetta as a ward and ensured that whatever education she had received was sufficiently supplemented before he put her to work as a Courier - the arrangement was the one that would suit her best, he explained. Her bane meant that she would need to travel, and her time with Ypotryll had already ensured that she was well equipped for retrieving and delivering sensitive materials for the Camarilla. It was an appointment that Rosetta took very seriously, and it drove her to follow in her sire's footsteps - she found others and recruited them to her operation. Starting out purely as Couriers for the Camarilla, the group eventually opened up to smuggling and providing transportation for their fellow Kindred, even expanding their area of operations outside of the US. However Rosetta never allowed the group to grow too large, and she had a very particular criteria about who was permitted to join: namely, they needed to have potential, but were in need of help to have the chance to tap into it.
It was during her first few years as a Courier that Rosetta met Patricia Rakepick, who she ended up owing a life debt after the pair ran afoul of a werewolf. That debt would lead to Rosetta's downfall; Rakepick arrived in the camp one night and instructed to Embrace Evie, a young member of the group, in the city of LA. Rakepick then tipped off Lacroix about an illegal Embrace, which resulted in Rosetta and Evie's capture. It wasn't until after the trial and Rosetta's execution did it come to light that Evie was not a resident of LA and had in fact been part of Rosetta's travelling group, rendering the Embrace perfectly legal despite happening in Lacroix's territory; as Evie was a part of Rosetta's herd Rosetta had had all rights to Embrace her, Prince's permission or not. Naturally, the Camarilla went to great lengths to keep that revelation under wraps, as Rosetta had been a well-respected member of the community given her history of service in addition to her ties to Strauss.
Ultimately the reputation of a lone Ravnos was massively outweighed by the Camarilla's need to maintain control of the situation. Strauss quietly resented Lacroix's hastiness in destroying Rosetta - he'd called the hearing before evidence could be collated and delivered the sentence without verifying the veracity of the claims made by Rakepick - but remained quiet nonetheless. He had taken an interest in Rosetta's childe and did not wish to alienate her from the Camarilla entirely. An arduous enough task without revealing that Rosetta had been destroyed for no better reason than Lacroix wishing to enforce his authority.
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granitoons · 4 years ago
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Y is for Ypotryll.
#abc #Alphalloween #Y #Ypotryll #Halloween #Halloween2020 #artchallenge
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tonicaballos · 4 years ago
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https://images.app.goo.gl/wVVQgN3PHYSJiaNr6 (for the heraldry pic.)
Nah to goofy pig demon Ypotryll
Ya to idiot demon twin Ypotryll
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themonsterblogofmonsters · 7 years ago
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A curious chimaeric creature, Ypotrylls appear to share body parts from wild boar (the head), camels (the body), oxen or goats (the legs) and snakes (the tail). Due to the sheer bizarre combination it is generally believed that these creatures were created and not naturally evolved, theories range from the same kind of hybridisation that led to creatures such as the modern Blast-Ended Skrewt to an alchemical melding method - a lost art that has been long banned. Due to the banning of the latter studies into it’s plausibility as a cause remain impossible, while the former has not been tested due to the Ban on Experimental Breeding. Despite all this, the Ypotryll has somehow become a self-sustaining species since it’s inception circa 1450.
The creatures are surprisingly vast and vicious when angered, much like ordinary wild boar. Due to the same cloven hooves, a boar-like hump and a tail usually hidden behind their vast bulk, Ypotryll are often mistaken for ordinary wild pigs and have been known to interbreed with Erymanthians. Thankfully, this has kept their true nature as magical hybrids largely hidden from muggles; any sightings are explained as an unexpected wild boar, or a boar with some kind of infection, when they have additional horn growths. This gives the suitable magical institute time enough to interfere, before the creatures expose themselves as something other entirely. With heavily potioned food the Ypotrylls are knocked out and moved to a suitable reserve - the Forbidden Forest in Scotland, for example, houses a number, as do Brocéliande and Einhorn, where the Ypotrylls gladly feast on magical plants that other creatures would be hesitant to touch.
(Image Source)
(Read about these creatures in lore Here. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR THE CAPTION.)
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heraldrydiculous · 6 years ago
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201 Chimeric Beast  Should probably be blazoned: Argent, a winged talbot gules with the forelegs of an eagle and moose attires Or.Chimeric Beasts are 'hybrid' monsters built with parts exchanged with other monsters or beasts or even birds, fish or people. There are iconic Chimeric monsters (aka the Chimera - a lion with a snake tail and extra head of a goat, which breathes fire), the Griffin, Ypotril, Hippogriff, Centaurs, etc. There's even a charge the front half of a lion and the hind of a ship! Or you can make up your own. They are found in the OandA under Monster-Other or Monster Compound. Ex: A monster composed of the forequarters of a goose and the hindquarters of a pig statant, winged - a "Pigoosus". Either way, they are quite rare in period armory.
202 Gaming  Many SCA, LARP, NERO, Faire folk, and other re-creationists find their way via a fantasy role-playing background. Looking for live-action? Like the garb of the times? Interested in the arts- combat or otherwise? History buff? To each his/her own. Glad you're here whatever the means.
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moneteres · 4 years ago
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Yuleoween 03: (Composite Mummy+Ypotryll)
the Elders may balance human intellect and bestial intuition with grace
but our family can only disfigure ourselves in insulting mockery of that form
animal instinct soured by human impulse
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robotslenderman · 2 years ago
Yep, in the Ravnos route it’s noted that the three had been plotting against one another for centuries. Apparently it was quite a bitter rivalry at that, with each having constructed numerous plans to destroy the other two, with some text implying they took the field on several occasions. Alas, there isn’t much beyond the text at the beginning and I’d have to check again to see if there was any other mentions but it’s fascinating to think about. I have to wonder how the three even met, much less came into blows against one another, and I wish Ypotryll had survived so we could get a bit more insight from his side of the story. I believe your character also brings it up somewhat when you encounter Lampago but aside from the mention, I don’t think it amounts to much due to the circumstances.
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I'd love to know the story behind this. Is it a love triangle?? are they bitter exes??? did it start off as some super petty neighbourly squabble that escalated??? dying to know
chimeric creature I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE
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tyrantisterror · 3 years ago
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Some random Midgaheim versions of heraldic beasts for your amusement:
Theow: a wolf/goat hybrid
Calopus: a “spike-horned” wolf - perhaps a mix of wolf, porcupine, and cerastes (horned snake)?  Or maybe just a really weird wolf.
Ypotryll: a beast with a boar’s head, camel’s body, ox’s legs, and snake’s tail.
Leonine Whale: a lyon cathaneg (i.e. magical lion) and sea boar (i.e. old school medieval bestiary/map whale) hybrid.
Leontophone: a snake that's deadly to lions.  The original mythic version was simply toxic for lions to eat, but in the process of figuring out a design I ended up making a lion-eating snake instead.  Whoops!  Maybe there’s a few species, one small like the mythic version, and then this big predatory one that took the advantage of its toxic flesh to prey on lions.  My initial impulse was to make it a viper whose venom works especially well on cats, but I default to vipers a lot (their heads are fun to draw) so I pushed myself to choose a different direction.  I ultimately went with a kingsnake as the basis, since kingsnake vs. king of the jungle makes a weird sense in my mind.  To survive battles with its prey, its covered in heavily armored scales, which restrict its movement more than other snakes, but allow it to survive the claws and jaws of its chosen prey.  Has a nasty yet non-venomous bite, which it uses to shred the arteries of its prey while gripping them with its coils.
Biscione: a big blue sea snake that eats people.
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lobselvith8 · 3 years ago
Ramblings on Prelude to Vampire: The Masquerade - Out for Blood
Out for Blood, the second Choice of Games story set in the WoD, is coming out this week on July 29, 2021 (which will be Thursday for me). Unlike Night Road, in which you start out as a vampire courier sired by one of the Kindred from Clan Ventrue, Tremere, Toreador, Gangrel, Brujah, Banu Haqim, Hecata, Ravnos, Nosferatu, Lasombra, The Ministry, or where you are one of the Caitiff, this narrative features the protagonist as a human who will potentially become a hunter (apparently an independent hunter with no association with the Second Inquisition).
The summary suggests you have some maneuverability in terms of either being becoming a vampire hunter pursuing Kindred, possibly allying with one faction of Kindred against another (it's unclear at the moment which Clans occupy the town), or maybe trying to become one of the Kindred.
You can potentially play as ace, nonbinary, bi or gay (you aren't restricted to playing as a straight main character), and it's said there are romance options of Kine and Kindred - specifically, 4 Kine and 2 Kindred, if you are into romance. There are different occupations as well - for the preview I chose for my character to have a background in the occult, in which he was a scholar. The occult path seems to open up some unique options.
I am a fan of VtM. Unlike some, who got into it from the tRPG, I became immersed in VtM from the novels set in the WoD. And I got into Choice of Games from a friend I made at the now defunct BSN forums (starting with Max Gladestone's Craft series). I really enjoyed Night Road (the Cosmic Horror elements of the Ravnos backstory and the mysterious Ypotryll really appealed to me, although Chiara della Passiglia from the Clan Hecata backstory is cute).
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The initial chapters you can check out for free right now set up the narrative, the basics of the protagonist and some mysteries, but they should give enough of an idea as to whether or not this story might appeal to you.
Storyteller mode makes a return in VtM: OFB. If you are unfamiliar with it, Storyteller mode lets you know how certain dialogue choices impact your character - it is the stat check indicator for the interactive story which will potentially tell you how a character can come across feeling more positive or negative towards you depending on certain dialogue options, or if something you said or did reflects how you are kind or domineering. In terms of size, VtM: OFB was estimated to be between 250K and 300K words in May of 2020 (when it was still being worked on).
There is a cat in the story. 🐈 You do get a relationship bonus with the cat depending on how you treat the cat. I'm reminded about how, in the WoD, one of the Kindred can ghoulify a cat.
This is my first time putting myself into the shoes of a hunter, so to speak. I'm interested enough in what I've seen so far to check it out when it becomes available. Looking forward to reading the full tale to see what paths unfold. If anyone checks out the story let me know what you think, I'd be curious to see what other fans of the WoD thought.
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starlight-nursery · 3 years ago
Trick or treat!! 👻
You got... a treat!
Your spooky nickname is "Scary ypotryll from the woods"
Learn how to participate here!
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myth-lord · 4 years ago
New lists
HUMANOID: Adaro / Asanbosam / Berserker / Buckrider / Dactyl / Eloko / Erchitu / Fomorian / Gegenees / Girtablilu / Harpy / Intulo / Papinijuwari / Pukwudgie / Rokurokubi / Tesso / Vish Kanya / Vodyanoi / Adze / Aigamuxa / Urmahlullu /
DEMON: Bushyasta / Erinyes / Heikegani / Ifrit / Skrzak / Impundulu / Likho / Mahaha / Makhai / Marool / Muscaliet / Nekomata / Nocnitsa / Nuckelavee / Nue / Omukade / Popobawa / Psoglav / Redcap / Sazae-Oni / Sigbin / Cerberus / Akashita / Aswang / Caorthannach / Musca Macedda / Arzhavennik / Batibat /
UNDEAD: Aatxe / Bakekujira / Banshee / Baykok / Chon-Chon / Dullahan / Gashadokuro / Moroi / Oniate / Osschaert / Polong / Sluagh / Tiyanak / Valravn / Yuki-Onna / Draugr / Rompo / Hongaek /
BEAST: Afanc / Ahuizotl / Aniwye / Boobrie / Bruch / Bunyip / Catoblepas / Con Rit / Drop Bear / Echeneis / Havhest / Ichneumon / Isonade / Jba Fofi / Jinshin Mushi / Qupqugiaq / Leucrotta / Miraj / Mishibizhiw / Myrmecoleon / Rock Bolter / Roperite / Salamander / Scorpios / Ulagu / Water Leaper / Yale / Kappa / Xiao / Amarok / Apshait / Ga-Gorib / Grootslang / Karkadann / Karkinos / Lavellan / Xan / Zhenniao / Snow Wasset / Bulgasari / Mapinguari / Salawa /
DRAGON: Aitvaras / Amphisbaena / Asdeev / Basilisk / Burrunjor / Codrille / Gaasyendietha / Gbahali / Haietlik / Hydra / Knucker / Kongamato / Longgui / Morgawr / Nidhogg / Odontotyrannus / Cuelebre / Zirnitra / Cipactli / Fafnir / Bolla / Ikuchi / Velue / Ammut / Azi Dahaka / Tarasque / Xhumpedzkin / Vritra /
PLANT: Berberoka / Cactus Cat / Jinmenju / Kayeri / Lunantishee / Mbielu-Mbielu / Otso / Rahara / Stray Sod / Mandragora / Abere / Jubokko / Aproxis / Inulpamahuida /
FEY: Abaia / Agropelter / Awd Goggie / Bonguru / Buggane / Bukavac / Eintykara / Fear Liath / Jorogumo / Kamaitachi / Kelpie / Kikimora / Kobold / Kumiho / Lampad / Leshy / Mandarangkal / Phooka / Piasa / Poludnica / Sianach / Tikbalang / Yehwe Zogbanu / Leanan Sidhe / Carbuncle / Clurichaun / Cwn Annwn / Encantado / Guiafairo / Lechuza / Shinchu / Peuchen / Mngwa /
ABERRATION: Akaname / Alp-Luachra / Amikuk / Burach Bhadi / Butatsch / Charybdis / Kerit / Cuero / Dijiang / Ewah / Fachen / Iku-Turso / Keukegen / Lou Carcolh / Muirdris / Nurikabe / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Qalupalik / Scylla / Shen / Stella / Succarath / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Ya-Te-Veo / Baldanders / Khodumodumo / Lusca / Hantu Bulan / Chipfalamfula /
ELEMENTAL: Ahl At-Trab / Cherufe / Dorotabo / Ebajalg / Enenra / Gaueko / Planctae / Psonen / Raiju / Luz Mala / Hinqumemen / Soucouyant / Gu /
CONSTRUCT: Agrippa / Bubak / Caleuche / Egregore / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Ipetam / Ittan-Momen / Jenglot / Juggernaut / Stymphalides / Ungaikyo / Wanyudo / Gargoyle / Golem / Hannya /
GENTLE CREATURES: Cu Sith / Alkonost / Cyclops / Tanuki / Zitiron / Alicanto / Baku / Dobhar-Chu / Griffon / Sphinx / Motelo Mama / Qiuniu / Tienlung / Barometz / Anggitay / Arkan Sonney / Bagiennik / Cat Sith / Domovoi / Dryad / Faun / Kapre / Kitsune / Leprechaun / Norn / Pard / Piskie / Ratatoskr / Shellycoat / Snawfus / Zlatorog / Issitoq / Tulpa / Liosalfar / Phoenix / Squonk / Hahakigami / Airavata / Boitata / Caladrius / Djinn / Erote / Kirin / Valkyrie / ==
Non-used but cool anyway
HUMANOID: Merrow / Panotti / Sarangay / Selkie / Skinwalker / Tengu / Antaeus / Argus / Chrysaor / Dalaketnon / Echidna / Gorgon / Graeae / Hekantoncheires / Hraesvelgr / Kampe / Ashinaga-Jin / Bolotnik / Bouda / Cacus / Capelobo / Centaur / Cercopes / Cindaku / Cuca / Cueyatl / Dokkalfar / Einherjar / Gawigawen / Geryon / Goblin / Grindylow / Hrimpursar / Lunwaba / Maenad / Mambabarang / Minotaur / Mothman / Orang Minyak / Rougarou / Siyokoy / Taka-Onna / Tenaga-Jin / Utlunta / Yacuruna / Yawkyawk / Yowie / Lamia /
DEMON: Andrealphus / Asag / Binaye-Ahani / Delgeth / Leraje / Limos / Raktabija / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Stolas / Tsenahale / Tsuchigumo / Yeitso / Abaasy / Ajatar / Alp / Apaosha / Besta-Fera / Bies / Cagrino / Cath Palug / Chicheface / Decarabia / Druj Nasu / Dybbuk / Each Tened / Empusa / Eurynomos / Ghawwas / Gloson / Hala / Ihuaivulu / Imp / Incubus / Jarjacha / Kasha / Kishi / Kubot / Kunopegos / Libelula Diablu / Makalala / Malebete / Mantabungal / Moselantja / Nadubi / Nure-Onna / Sin-You / Stoa / Stuhac / Succubus / Suiko / Taotie / Tartalo / Ushi-Oni /
UNDEAD: Ankou / Jack-In-Irons / Mekurabe / Mummy / Naglfar / Pesta / Rat King / Umibozu / Acheri / Aerico / Ahkiyyini / Awahondo / Barghest / Bezkost / Buruburu / Candileja / Coiste Bodhar / Djieien / Drekavac / Gaki / Ghul / Harionago / Helhest / Hrokkall / Isogashi / Llorona / Mokoi / Morko / Myling / Nachtkrapp / Nachzehrer / Nosoi / Penchapechi / Rusalka / Tikoloshe / Topielec / Toyol / Tsurube-Otoshi / Vetala / Vrykolakas / Waldgeist / Xing Tian / Zombie /
BEAST: Hippocampus / Veo / Wolpertinger / Camazotz / Cetus / Roc / Ugjuknarpak / Ahool / Akheilos / Akhlut / Alkuntane / Ao-Ao / Bo / Bonnacon / Cadejo / Calopus / Camulatz / Caspilly / Chickcharney / Chimera / Colo-Colo / Dingonek / Emela-Ntouka / Erymanthian Boar / Gastarios / Gulon / Hverafugl / Indrik / Kori / Kranokolaptes / Manticore / Moskitto / Musimon / Namazu / Nemean Lion / Nguruvilu / Olitiau / Peryton / Puaka / Qinyuan / Sak / Sandwalker / Saratan / Scarab / Serpopard / Skeljaskrimsli / Splinter Cat / Teumessian Fox / Thunderbird / Trolual / Tsemaus / Tuyango / Uiluruyak / Utelif / Vatnsandi / Ypotryll / Zamba Zaraa / Ziphius / Hrosshvalur / Serra / Chupacabra /
DRAGON: Shussebora / Amhuluk / Glatisant / Kholkikos / Ladon / Whowie / Beannach Nimhe / Bixi / Cerastes / Dipsa / Falajitax / Gambo / Gowrow / Haermorrhois / Hodag / Hypnalis / Kaiaimunu / Kasai Rex / Markupo / Mokele-Mbembe / Muhuru / Ngoubou / Ninki Nanka / Nyuvwira / Ouroboros / Ropen / Sachamama / Seps / Snoligoster / Suileach / Tatzlwurm / Tizheruk / Wakandagi / Wyvern / Zmey / Scytalis /
PLANT: Umdhlebi / Guarana / Hungry Grass / Paxarbolis / Yanagi-Baba /
FEY: Nuberu / Oread / Yamabiko / Ly Erg / Rawhead / Springheel Jack / Tailypo / Wendigo / Agloolik / Amadan Dubh / Askafroa / Attercroppe / Barbegazi / Bauk / Brollachan / Bugbear / Ccoa / Ceffyl Dwr / Curupira / Erlking / Far Darrig / Fear Dorcha / Fossegrim / Gancanagh / Huey Chivo / Huldra / Ijiraq / Jasy Jatere / Katsura-Otoko / Kludde / Krojemanchen / Lorelei / Melinoe / Nuno / Ovinnik / Parandrus / Porotai / Pyrausta / Radande / Ramidreju / Shadhawar / Shurale / Traicousse / Xecotcovach / Zheng / Hidebehind / Veela /
ABERRATION: Ningen / A Boa A Qu / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Deogen / Doppelganger / Ek Chapat / Frittening / Gardinel / Minhocao / Otoroshi / Punga / Abuhuku / Amikiri / Atuikakura / Black Tamanous / Blemmyes / Cuchivilu / Cuegle / Devalpa / Dheeyabery / Erumia / Huallepen / Hyakume / Kamikiri / Kaw-Kaw / Kugdlughiak / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Lakuma / Lilyi / Marabbecca / Marakihau / Metminwi / Migas / Nuppeppo / Qamulek / Rumptifusel / Sagari / Satori / Siranis / Skolex / Tculo / Tenome / Tlanusi / Tripodero / Colorobetch / Stewa Rutu /
ELEMENTAL: Sylph / Undine / Will o Wisp / Bilwis / Nalusa Falaya / Sessho-Seki / Tsenagahi /
CONSTRUCT: Hinnagami / Kasa-Obake / Pixiu / Wulgaru / Fulad-Zereh / Talos / Zorigami / Aoandon / Boroboroton / Celedon / Kameosa / Khalkotauroi / Lagahoo / Oboroguruma / Seto Taisho / Suzuri No Tamashii / Terra-Cotta / Tupilaq /
CELESTIAL: Skinfaxi /
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tonicaballos · 4 years ago
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Summer of 2012, before a lot of loss.
Ypotryl: You remember the twelve mares of Diomedes?
Leu: Oh, yea, especially Myiagros.
Myiagros: Oi! Not in front of the little miss! Kraz's advocate's gonna kill me!
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heraldrydiculous · 7 years ago
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129 Camelopard 2  Joining two beasts is not unusual in heraldry, but some become their own new beast or Heraldic Monster such as Camelopard, Alphyn, Egrentyne, Enfield, Yale, Ypotryll, Griffin and Opinicus to name a few.Listen to "Camelopard" by the sexiest teacher on the internet: Hot for Words
130 Team Efforts  Just in time for Football season.... If anyone thinks heraldry isn't a part of American culture isn't looking very far. Here are just a few sports examples:
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