blankdblank · 7 years
Modern Soulmate Pt 2
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All the way home thoughts of who you might lose upon this discovery of the possibility of your Mate bit and gnawed at you. There was no shortage of tales on people who forget all other bonds upon discovery of their Mate. A deep seeded infatuation that left friends and lovers alike to deepen that bond alone. Left to pick up the pieces of their dreams and hopes for the future and shambled trust to keep wait for their own Mate alone. You weren’t alone in all of this, off on a work trip your Partner Thranduil Greenleaf from afar had been sending supportive emails and messages as best he could manage with spotty reception since the first moment he heard what had happened. Ten years your senior his bond at least would not be broken as his family line shared a cruel reoccurring history. At the age of 8 he had lost his Mate, like his father had at 12, barely with any memory of what it felt like to have a mark at all, only knowing it was this hideous swirling design behind a scythe on his ankle that he always made sure to hide.
His son Legolas, conceived with his first girlfriend who soon after his birth abandoned them both, having become infatuated with her freshly discovered Mate, forgetting all about her bonds before. At 9 years old Legolas shared the same loss of his Mate, a loss that as your families were close friends you helped him bear as best you could. Just a few years older than him the discovery of those feelings that had developed Legolas did feel a bit strange about that connection at least until it became obvious on how well you suited one another and with his open suggestion at a joint family dinner for you to date a set of timid plans were made for that start.
This would all be long distance however while you were off to your first University while he was finishing his degrees in another that only helped to solidify your bond all the more. Each of his kin had found their second Mates, their true (green) Mates, the ones they were meant to spend their lives with, each sharing lifelong love with them, almost never able to marry though. All along he knew you’d be his Mate, the one person he could share his life with, quickly finding your families bound together through your growing friendship. Quickly becoming each other’s first loves, with hopes of being so much more.
Nowadays he had earned the last of his degrees a few years prior that enabled him to travel more often whenever possible between working beside his father to learn the family business in and out on top of his landscaping jobs he loved to throw himself into. This new home was a new beginning and all that had kept you going through your empty nights was knowledge that your chosen Partner was soon on his way back to help you build this home to lay the foundation for your future together on your own feet. All of this solidified when the pair of you traded rings at the last Christmas showing that you were fully committed to each other.
Melkor of Mordor, Oropher of Greenwood, Thror of Erebor, Arador of Gondor and Fengel of Rohan, an unlikely band of friends thrown together in the roughs of an ongoing war they saw the end of it together and refused to let go upon call for peacetime. Each clan forming alliances in the business world to succeed and keep security for each other’s families that interwove whenever possible in each of the seasons of busyness.
The Greenleaf family business being built off of food growth and distribution and landscaping, pretty much growing and selling anything possible. Much easier grouped together with Melkor’s as it ran timber and a lucrative furniture company.
The Durin clan which deals with Metal Working/Fabrics/Clothes. The latter being spearheaded by Dis, Thorin’s sister running a large portion of the clothing side, with her own clothing line. Fully supporting the reputation of the Durins always being known for dressing well and quickly rising to the top in the fashion world. Through the younger generations the Durins had separated from the group branching out in their own paths to expand things even more.
Rohan mainly was based on shipping, always remaining close, and Gondor managed water and energy, not staying as close as Rohan could with recent work on refurbishing one of the safety features on their plants, but still always close by when they are needed.
All of them for centuries were the best of friends and occasionally you felt pain on being the reason for the break of that closeness. Melkor had done all he could to keep his 2nd wife and her brats away from their gatherings. The final blow was when your mother had died and he completely shrank inside a tiny circle of focus on focus for the pain you and he shared on the loss of all but each other. From a point of recovery those bonds began to be re-strung together while he carried you in and out of the company functions at his side schooled entirely by himself and private tutors shared by Oropher to keep you separate from his hated wife’s brats even more. Gondor and Rohan instantly clung to chances to loop you into their clan’s younger generations while for the Durins mainly were the elders while the younger ones all had their own focuses and reluctance to know any other of Melkor’s line after having gone to school with those nine brats. In fact the closest you had come was at a celebration of life dinner after the burial of Thror when you were a child.
The Greenleaves would have welcomed you into their home which conveniently was next door to your dream home opposite the Durin mansion. However the presence of a sports car in the driveway announced the presence of Oropher’s latest lover who he was still in that honeymoon phase with. They weren’t Mates or certain to be bonded but were making the best of the time they had as she recovered from her ex having found his Mate which often led to displays of affection you preferred not to be audience to unless Thranduil was there to gladly distract you and lure you elsewhere to grant his father plenty of space to enjoy himself. Maybe when he returned you might head over to not have to sleep in the pool house hiding a family of grasshoppers who made it abundantly clear you were not alone and your need for sleep and quiet would not keep them from sharing their songs with the world.
Still shaking slightly upon your return the new books you had purchased at the store were added to those you had purchased already for school. Not long after Thorin had pulled into his own driveway and huffed his way up to his room again. Unhappily the bag of useless items were dropped onto his desk allowing him to jerk his body free of his tight clothes. While you laid down in a try to force yourself to sleep Thorin’s path to his shower quickened your breath.
The feel of warm water across his skin echoed around yours, fully aware now it had to be the man with those eyes whose fingers moved intentionally from the task to clean himself to the act of pleasuring himself in a wish to send some of that same euphoria he had felt from you. All through your shattered heart your body rocked in a lost battle to fight the bond until the sudden climax. With fists full of your sleeping bag beside your arched back a gasp escaped you while his body slumped against the tiled wall of his shower to find even again. Just a few moments after your back slumped down again the try to be calm drowned in the wave of sadness that hit you.
Onto your side you rolled to hide your scrunched up reddening face from the empty room and crickets to let loose the tears needed to find a sense of calm relief to be able to find your feet and shut the storm blinds to block view of you when you went back to your sleeping bag. Quick to clamp your eyes again while the monsters and shrieks inside your head of all that you were battling internally of this expanding turmoil and sink back into your puddle of despair. Toweled off again and far from feeling accomplished or bonded without response from his Mate Thorin pulled on a fresh pair of boxer briefs and dropped heavily onto his bed with a mental wish to not be disturbed from his moping by that damn screeching gate next door.
Harshly from a painful dream the alarm of your phone sounded to the rising sun. Up off of the ground yet emotionally no higher than rock bottom a hasty shower while you brushed your teeth to multitask was followed by a wrestling match with a towel that nearly had you on the floor after a time sucking choice to blow dry your stubborn ebony curls and then comb them. Halfway however in their refusal to be wound into a braid a messy bun was fashioned to simply let you get dressed. Clean jeans were pulled on over fresh underwear with a tank top and scrub shirt to follow.
To not scare the owners of the pets coming in today a concealing bit of eyeliner and neutral shadow helped to hide the pink around your morose deep purple gaze that broke in a shake of your head to find your shoes to get going. One handed a breakfast was made through a read of an email from work like a daily newsletter sent to everyone each day they worked for events and new information to be made aware of if anything had come up overnight or on days off.
Clean dishes you had just rinsed ended with a muttered curse to the drip of water that fell to your bare foot and you left them on the drying towel to turn and hurry to dig socks from your bag that were tugged on and followed by the worn converse found by the door. One legged hops got you on the other side of it and half tied they met the ground for you to lock the door and then hurry to your suv and get going. Another flinch worthy screech earned another curse and a shrink of your posture to the repeated nag of the thought that your neighbors must hate you because of that damn gate.
Two minutes early for the shift onto your seat once parked in your assigned spot your legs pulled one at a time to tie the both of them to keep you from breaking your face on the way inside. By use of the keys you had copy of you entered and stole a glance at the clock to make certain you were still on time to begin the building prep. Beyond the waiting room you strolled with a grin to the giant Maine Coon cat who lives in the office that wove between your legs after a waking stretch from her place behind the front desk on the out of sight mini couch there for her. “Good Morning, Telula.” Past you she moved ending your pets in her own morning announcements to you on her way to begin her rounds of the place knowing you were on your way to fill her bowls in the back she would get in her self scheduled breakfast.
Tucked in the corner of the holding room for pets who stay overnight the intern tasked to sit up with them turned his head. “Drool check, Frodo.”
Softly he chuckled and stood on his feet with a long stretch after he dropped the notepad from his hand onto his chair. His bright blue eyes settled on the usual Tupperware contained breakfast, attached plastic fork and small orange juice in a brown bag that also held your last muffin, brought unasked by you and left at the desk to free your hands to take the water and food bowl to the sink across the room. “Thank you, Jaqi.” The dark curls on his head settled from his ruffle of his hands through them in a sleepy smile sent your way when you stood from the return of the bowls to their designated mat. Daily he would shadow you on tasks to learn what he would grow into when he got further in his studies. Now simply shared the progress of the animals he watched between bites and sips of his juice while you cleaned the waiting room and once finished helped you to clean the examination rooms. An inventory check came next when you had noted each of the tasks and signed the cleaning logs made up daily to keep sanitation standards put back to their home. More tasks to distract and mask the issues the teen who knew you well could see were wearing hard on you.
The first Doctor arrived a few minutes later, Dr Elrond Earendil, greeted you with his same sternly kind nod of the head, quietly taking over for Frodo. First he started to examine the records from the night before, that were taken, sipping on his large coffee while his daughter Arwen entered from their car. Her bright blue eyes shone up at you as she smiled in her same quiet greeting before heading for the reception office to boot up the system.
Frodo happily placed the small bag where he always did when you brought him breakfast next to your small bag of books in the back room he’d forgotten to earlier. Then came to help at your side to pull out the files for today’s patients. His chair rolled up beside yours, feet bouncing on the legs of the chair in his smile your way to actually talk now that the tasks and share of tasks to finish off in his earlier help. “Have a good night’s sleep?”
You finished organizing the files by appointment time and answered coolly, “Sort of.”
His eyebrow rose as he continued in a slightly higher tone sensing it might be more than the expected sadness to distract from sleep he didn’t dare bring up, “Really, why sort of?”
You caught his gaze again, spotting the clover near his left ear, letting out a quick sigh, “I…think I found my Soul Mate…Not really so much as found… he sort of just walked past me…”
Frodo’s eyes went wider, something you always though to be impossible as his large blue eyes were always wide open taking everything around him in and he leaned on the arm of his chair getting closer to you, “Really, what’s he like?”
You let out a chuckle as you rolled your eyes. Shrugging slightly, “He just walked by me, um…Dark hair, bright blue eyes, tall…obnoxiously tall…great posture, great a…” you caught Elrond listening in from the edge of the room, as was Arwen who would fall out of the doorway she was trying to lean against if she leaned any closer. “…wardrobe, very sophisticated…I think that’s it…” both of them pleased beyond words something else had come up to distract from your family issues they had been kept up to date through you since the initial hospitalization.
Frodo’s eyes went back to normal as he let out a quick chuckle, “Sounds like you got a good one.” Patting your arm as he stood stretching again, “Well, I think I’m going to get home, see you tomorrow, keep me posted if you spot him again.” Then to a glance at his phone he turned and made his way out of the building.
Arwen quickly walked over and took his seat, scooting it closer as she whispered, “So tell me more about his great a…wardrobe.” And let out a quick giggle making you smile as you rolled your eyes, catching Elrond smiling as he walked back to his office giving you two privacy.
Thorin had woken up after another lonely night, to a deep ache in his chest from not without a feel of the connection to his Mate. So he did what he could do, called on his latest fling and spent a good chunk of the day in bed with her trying to take his mind off of your distance. For a few hours only successful in nearly pulling every muscle in his left leg flipping her around hastily to satisfy him, feeling much worse after and made another round at the store hoping to see if he could spot his Mate. No sign or hint of his Mate was to be found so the huffing Dwarf made his way back to his car and his home to mull over what to do next.
Meanwhile outside your gate you sat having managed your shift easily enough. That same screech and your finger hit the stop button on the gate and out of the parked small suv you climbed to walk through the gate to the control box you opened and turned the handle. The box was closed to the prickle you felt to the pass of a car that drove next door and softly you muttered, “Damn it.” Knowing it had to be the same obnoxiously tall Dwarf from the store.
That screeching gate of the ruined mansion next door to his sat open and the same dirt coated small suv sat parked on the final stretch of Thorin’s drive. Not ten feet later his eyes fell on the body ducked down where the gate controls sat for a hint that possibly something would be done about that noise at last. Back in his side mirror that same body was caught on its way back to the small suv that continued to drive on to the ruined mansion. Through the tunnel the car moved and once he parked out of his car he stood and saw the person exit the suv while a second person was at the outdoor grill cooking. To himself he grumbled and made his way inside to mope and brainstorm until supper.
Right to the spot you had taken it from this morning beyond the tunnel the small suv was parked and out you climbed ready to face those stubborn cricket roommates of yours. Yet sight of a lanky body you’d know anywhere had your mouth drop open. “Dewey!” His head turned and you got a bright smile from him as he stood, all 6 ft 8 inches of your awkward giant partner made its way to you.
Determined to wrap you in a large hug in which your feet left the ground to his soft murmur near to your ear. “I am so sorry I haven’t been here with all of this about Melkor, you should have told me you moved in. Where are you staying? The house isn’t very safe for you at all.”
“In the pool house, it’s not that bad.” Sweet and tender his lips found and pressed to yours, after which he set you down and with his hands in yours he led you over to the bench by the outdoor kitchen where he served you a large plate of food.
He sat down next to you with his own plate, curled fingers underneath your chin turned it softly to face him, “You’re coming home with me tonight, you’ll stay there until this is all fixed. No argument, I want you safe.”
You let out a sigh as you nodded, “Fine.” Making his smile grow. The distance between you was closed for his lean in to kiss your cheek. “How did you get in anyways?”
He grinned at you again, “Melkor sent me the spare set of keys. When the gate wouldn’t open I just hopped the fence.”
Then let out a chuckle as you giggled out, “So much for security.”
He chuckled again as he bumped your shoulder playfully, “Hey, It’s me. I’m just next door, remember? It’s not like I’m some stranger.”
“I know.” You said in a poke of your fork into the food. “Sorry I didn’t call, thought you were still out of range in the Blue Mountains, how did your retreat thingy go?”
He wrapped his arms around you, having finished what little bit of his food he had left, not able to have waited for you after his long flight had his stomach close to roaring as he cooked the meal. To the side you turned so he could do the same and ease you between his legs and into his chest so he could hold you to the finish of the meal. Instantly the contact alone had his heart calm from its anxious pounding from the time apart and the initial look of sadness on your face. After a steady exhale he answered, “Don’t apologize, if it were me I’d need some silence too. The retreat thingy went alright I suppose, thankfully I got out early, the rest of the group got snowed in after I left, so I’ll at least have a few days off with you.” Sweetly on your neck his lips pressed gently before the rest of his head on your shoulder, enjoying having you back in his arms again. “Why didn’t you stay at my place?”
“The Camaro was in the driveway again, and I got here well after midnight.”
“Ahh, Veronica again. Well don’t worry about her, we can stay in our wing until the house is done, shouldn’t take long, with how many crews Melkor hired.” He hugged you a little tighter as you set down your plate and leaned into his chest sliding your hands over his arms. His voice rose a bit at his excitement, “Then we get to pick out the furniture.” Kissing your neck again, “But I think for a while we’ll just need the bed.”
You giggled in his next kiss there, “Don’t forget the dining room table, we need somewhere to eat.”
“Mhmm…sure…just for eating then…” Making you giggle as he kissed down your neck again. His voice dropped to a whisper as he placed his mouth near your ear, “We should pack, I wanna hold you as long as I can. I’ve missed you so much.”
You turned around in his arms curling your legs against him, kissing him passionately until he forced you apart, lifting you to his feet with a groan, setting you down gently, “We should pack, quickly.” One last kiss was stolen on the way to pack and get going.
Sat at the table with his family ghostly arms wrapped around Thorin’s torso, every inch they moved the ache in his chest grew. His Mate was being held, then kissed. His Mate. The words echoed in his mind as he remembered the morning. Realizing what he’d done, hoping that they hadn’t felt that. Not wishing his Mate to know his morning of weakness with hopes he hadn’t pushed them into the arms of another.
Everything was packed and taken over to the Greenwood mansion next door which was masterfully crafted Elven architecture downright lit in an ethereal glow. Past Oropher’s wing you snuck and in her usual laughing manner his current flame squealed making your skin crawl at the sound. Through the move plans of crews coming and the construction were shared while he ensured your things were seen to their proper places in this first step to living together at long last. In this wing gladly you had your own kitchen where he unloaded the food he’d made certain to keep room for.
A gentle claim of your hand lured a curious grin across your lips and split in the reveal of the bath he showed you he’d drawn for you. Layer by layer he helped you to undress and with promise of a massage for you afterwards he waited. Warm and lovingly his hands eased the pain and stress from your body with stolen kisses in the move of you farther up on his giant plushy bed to curl you in his arms. Nice and tight with his eyes drooped shut you slept in his arms. With hopes that his place here could protect you from any terrible dreams that might keep you awake.
Thorin’s Mate was soaking in a tub then was massaged and kissed again, thankful it didn’t go farther than that. He couldn’t sleep well, waking through the night feeling you crying, then another pair of arms sliding around you knowing he’d hurt you, the two of you hadn’t even met properly yet and he had hurt you.
When you woke another set of arms were curled around you. The vine covered white gold ring on the thumb rested on top of your curled hand that rested in front of your face against Thranduil’s chest. The hand was brought closer to your face to kiss the side of it that caused him to stir behind you that woke his father in front of you as well. Onto your back you rolled and the duo kissed your cheeks in their shift to nestle in around your shoulders and stomachs.
Thranduil let out a happy hum as you threw your legs over his, “Morning Darling.”
Legolas snuggled his cheek against your shoulder humming out sleepily, “Sleep alright mom?”
You nodded, “Did you, Little Leaf?”
He smiled letting out a quick breath, “Veronica wouldn’t stop laughing, your rooms are much quieter. You could have called. I would have snuck you in.”
“I know, the quiet helped a little though.”
“Has he gotten any better? The hospital wouldn’t let me in.”
They both looked up as they felt tears running down your cheeks, both curling around you tighter as you choked out in a broken voice, “They don’t think he’s going to wake up again.”
They held you tightly as you cried only releasing you to wipe away your tears again before kissing your cheeks again. Thranduil whispered out softly, “Anything else happen, Darling?”
You nodded, “Do you know the family next door to our house?”
Thranduil propped himself up on his elbow looking at you sweetly, “The Durins.”
You rubbed your face letting out a groan, Legolas pulled one of your hands away asking, “Did they give you a hard time?”
You shook your head slightly, letting out a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “One of them is my Mate, spotted him in the store the other night.” You looked between them, stopping on Thranduil’s face that hadn’t changed.
Thranduil, “Which one was it?”
You shrugged, “Not sure, he just glanced at me and kept going.”
A smirk slid over their faces as Thranduil kissed you quickly, “His loss, Darling.”
Legolas nodded as he propped himself up as well, “He’s just going to have to wait in line now, missed out on the best woman he’ll ever meet.”
You rolled your eyes, “You know them well? I’ve only met Thrain and Thror, but that was over a decade ago.”
Thranduil, “Describe him. I’ll do my best.”
“Tall, your height maybe, black hair, beard, blue eyes. Has an ear cuff on one ear.”
His eyes squinted slightly as he thought, “Muscular, wears a suit?”
“He wasn’t wearing a jacket, but he seemed dressed up too well for the 24 hour store.”
Legolas chuckled. “Gotta be Thorin then, big scowl? I’ve seen Frerin’s mark before.”
You nodded and Thranduil added, “Sounds about right, can’t remember seeing any marks on him around his dress clothes. You’ll probably see him at school, he teaches there with his cousin Dwalin.”
Legolas asked, “Architecture right?”
You let out a groan as Thranduil nodded, he let out a chuckle and asked, “What?”
“I’m taking Architecture this semester.”
They both chuckled before Legolas said, “Then he will get to see exactly what he passed on.”
You leaned your head against his as you wrapped your arms around his, “Oh, no contest at all Dew Drop!” Earning another chuckle from both and kiss on the lips from Dewey.
Out of bed the three of you climbed to the sign of an alarm to signal time to eat and get ready for the day when that breakfast was finished off. To the trade of warm hugs and giggle filled stolen hugs by Thranduil with a glare at his own alarm clock Thorin tore himself from his bed with the inside of his lip between his teeth to the ghost arms and lips he felt being eased across his Mate’s body while he got ready. This was no fling how these intimate caresses and every tender kiss. The person with his Mate clearly loved them whether his Mate knew that or not this troubling fact bothered him on why he had kept missing them. If they had been looking for him or not in return and merely attributed the symptoms from the shared mark as butterflies brought on by this stranger with them.
I love you was traded in the split of you into different vehicles for your tasks. Focus for Thorin simply shifted to the morning meeting he was to sit with his brother about their family business he was heading. Halfway to the ruined mansion mailbox from his driveway that tingle of his mark began to grow again and this time from the Greenleaf driveway that same dirt stained suv with that same ebony curly haired woman who led the other Greenleaf car out for the day.
“How do they know you?” He rumbled to himself. Satisfied at least that he now had someone who he could ask for the identity of his mysterious Mate he made a mental note to ask about later. All the while his mind raced where the lover was and how you had stopped over at the Greenleaf mansion so early in the morning. As it couldn’t be any of them with his knowledge that the elder two in that home were in relationships and the youngest had been mentioned by his grandfather that he had no interest in dating at this time. “Perhaps a warning of a repair job, or a recommendation for a landscaper…They do have an immaculate yard and garden.”
Vaccine day brought with it nerves at an all time high. Though thankfully the Vets in the office were glad to have your calming presence there to calm the frazzled pets and owners alike. A trait of your kin that helped to ease barriers between yourself and the animals you came into contact with that had made you feel destined to be a Vet as a child. The shift didn’t last long and Elrond headed the group to agree that you could take the rest of the day off. A chance you took to finally get some work done on your new home.
Back to the Greenwood mansion you went to eat and change your shirt then walked back to your new home with a load of food to cook up later. Vines and bushes overtaking the walls came first. Each which left you covered in small cuts by the time the work crew arrived and drove you into one of the bushes with a shriek for having startled you and sent the motorized trimmer that covered the sound of their arrival to the ground. With they chuckled and one took over the trimmer to let their taller frame get the tops trimmed down while you helped others on lower problems easier to reach at your shorter stature. Focus was honed on the job and by sunset the green beasts were to be tamed into submission to grant passers by a better view of the bones of the home.
Thranduil after his own work meeting with his father returned and chuckled in his deliberate scoop of your body up into his arms to carry you to the side where he brought out a first aid kit to help tend to the cuts that seemed to grow in number by each angle he had looked you over from. Chuckles from him blended with your giggles at his surrender to their sudden reinforcements and claimed a gentle kiss in the fold of his hands in yours to help you up and guide you back to the others. Lunch when called found you both grilling up food for the group and yourselves to fuel the way to the end of the job that left a scene of pride in your wake as everyone split up to head home.
Just beyond the Greenleaf mansion on the street Thorin caught sight of the green stained body of his neighbor Thranduil beside an equally stained mystery woman that lured a tingle of his mark again. Every layer of her petite frame beside the tree of an Elf was blocked from clear view with what seemed to be his baggy flannel over her torso and the top half of her thighs. “Relative maybe?” he rumbled in the lift of his hand from the wheel that earned a wave mirrored from Thranduil in turn.
Sight of the mansion between theirs almost dropped his jaw. Now free of two thirds of its overgrown foliage with a massive pile of leaves, branches and vines separated in the yard on top of weighted down tarps to make gathering later easier. The progress was beyond impressive and hinted that now that someone owned the place it would no longer be an eyesore to drive past each day once the repairs at leas ton the outside were concluded. Just leaving whatever neglect lay inside that would deter him and his Mate to meet so they could focus on their home to see to perfection.
Dirty layers upon your return were stripped and tossed to the hamper for a giggle laced tug of Dewey’s hand to bring him into the shower with you. Together under the warm water each kiss and adoring stroke of hands hastened Thorin’s path to his bedroom where he nearly collapsed from the first climax that washed over him. The intensity of it had him bury his mouth into his arm to keep himself from moaning loudly. A firmer press of ghost lips mirrored onto Thorin’s neck came before the chuckling shift of Thranduil’s hand to your ear to slide the magnetic earring that had moved back into its proper place. Wrapped in a towel fresh from the shower you were carried back to bed to be shown for the next hour just how much he missed you until your hunger forced you to stop for dinner.
As Thorin and his family were all seated for dinner he was snapped out of his brooding by a shriek from his sister as deep black bruises formed on his hands and up his arms. His head shot to his sister searching for something to attack but only hearing Dwalin grab his shoulder and say, “Your hands Thorin!”
His eyes dropped as did the fork in his hands as he examined his hands, his cousins surrounding him all touching his hands confirming that they didn’t hurt before suddenly just as quickly as they had appeared, had vanished again, causing another scream, but this time being from Thorin himself. Jumping to his feet and jerked his shirt up in search of his Mark to drop back down in relief still shaking and breathing heavily at the sudden disappearance, after several moments of being comforted as he rested his head in his hands trying to calm down he left for his room wishing to be alone.
The only explanation they could think of was that his Mate had one of those magnet earrings to block their connection, answering his cutouts from being able to feel this Mate, sitting down at his computer and confirming with several user review experiences with them online before starting the confusing question of why they would want to use one. Those injuries being his only explanation he would accept, they were quite extensive at least on his end, sparing to him, but also infinitely terrifying.
All night you curled up. Again to find Legolas in your bed the next morning to flee echoes of the moment of passion his grandfather had gotten lost in. Eagerly he locked the door behind him as he sealed you three in your wing from the amorous couple he could hear in his own room. The Hospital was the goal for the morning and together this trip was slightly more tolerable. Though shorter as visiting hours are shorter on Sunday. All the progress so far was shared with Melkor as you all cuddled up around him while you could to soak up what time you could with the now painfully silent once vibrant force in your lives now duller without all the time you wanted with him.
The crew upon your return home arrived right behind you and split up with the three of you to help in the tasks designated.  
Dewey headed to help the landscapers uncover the empty pool and to rip up the stones around it with plants rowing up under them knocking them all loose and sideways. Laying them all up in piles to tear out the plants and old grouting to level it again. All while you were inside the house with hammer in hand to tear out the drywall to start on the wiring and plumbing. Legolas helped to remove all the doors so the frames and supports could all be worked on easier. Each one was marked with their former locations on the wood before they were taken to the large garage, newly empty as the landscapers were using them to finish your work and since they had lent them to you would take them at the end of the day. Cabinets came next for is focus with more doors removed for the workers deliberating on if the built ins that the kitchen held already could be saved or had to be replaced to go with he new ones to be installed after the kitchen was repaired.
Exhausted beyond belief the work was done a tick mark at a time. From the bones out once support and safety was seen to. Floors, walls and built ins came before fixtures were installed in the re-piped and wired home that sat a bit blank in wait for the crew who would paint and paper the place. Hours of scrubbing later and past that same tingle spreading car with the man you had been glad to barely cross paths with to not distract from the goal you drove.
Now in a moving truck filled with all of your things the Greenleaves had gladly allowed to be stashed in one of their unused wings until the home could be completed. Furniture was unloaded in the center of each room with essentials such as bedding, towels and dishes placed into the rooms where they would go in spots to be easy to get to. Onto the new mattresses in the middle of the floor you all dropped to get some rest for the painting crew who would be there early in the morning.
That truck was the clear sign that Thorin could have a firm place to visit to find his Mate right next door. Though without a name or details his nerves skyrocketed. All this time he had no sign of this mysterious force upon his life and now she was right next door. Even just the gender and hair color had him up in the clouds for just a sliver of the next part of his life to come he had no clue on how to ready his daily life for said stranger. She was just next door, so if he had the urge to move in with her then he wouldn’t be far from his family to keep up with anything related to the family business or clan issues that might require him. He just had to ask. And for weeks now his new habit seemed to be random skims of his fingers across the screen of his phone that hovered over the contact card for Oropher in a loss of how to approach this subject.
Pt 3
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