charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
Recrudescence (5)
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It’s nearly easy as breathing (for six of them, at least) for BTS to pretend to be just like everyone else - humans with big dreams and aspirations. But one person brings the façade crashing to the ground and for some reason, they just can’t let her go.
Tag List:  @fandomstoryteller @justapotatonow  @artsy-gingersnap  @jiminieforall @princebirdie @jjk-chan @jiminotopia  @cheshirecatbyul @chantlec @pastel-greene @sxwhxt @mypurplelamp @lokathefemale @clevercandybouquetsthings @vanessalovesonedirection @callmeduchess21 @okayjinmin  @namiiy @blessjiminuniverse @xxqueenwxtchxx @mint-min-yoongi  @xsmilebitesx @bbychimchims @sunriseamoris @a-mistake-tbh @thoughtfullydeprived @nottodaayficrecs @xclo02  @13lgn10 @blueberry-child @crazyweirdgeekthatneedstochill  @tinryu @nutellajamofthedevil @jhopehasmyjams  @rhiannnnnnnnnne  @celineann91 @silverstitchedsoul @the-girl-of-art @scamanderbeasts @shubaaa @cheesecakedemon  @wonderfully-maddening @omgsasusakulover @saltydeema  @hiraethoseok @thebigbtslover @worldofblade @nomimits7  @caladheil @certainuncertainty11 @2seokkyo @drarialynn  @thekobster  @queen-but-trash @thatwritermonika @0-inkmix-0 @scentedplastic @mrsminyoongi52 @theroyalrose22 @sionnsworld @majalissa @taeffany712 @justaweird @detectivebourbon @peppermint-chuu @18120324 @laurenf2510 @eshika0102 @will-meme-for-money @peachyseokjoonie @delightfulyoongi @jeonheejiinie @eilowyneleyne
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
If YN had been told two days ago that she’d be sitting on Park Jimin’s very comfortable lap, she would have thought she’d be living the dream.
She’s not living the dream. If anything, this is a nightmare.
After Bangtan proclaimed her some ‘unity’ thing or whatever, she attempted to bolt out of the door. She hadn’t gotten very far at all before Hoseok had her struggling form entrapped in his arms, her kicking and screaming not seeming to help at all.
“This is kidnapping! This is illegal! You’ll go to jail for this! I’ll press charges!” YN shouted, only to be ignored entirely, Hobi passing her like a sack of potatoes over to Jungkook.
The group then shuffled into a very spacious living room, the girl being plopped down onto Jimin’s lap while Jin went and put on some tea, saying something about her needing to calm the fuck down.
YN took a break from her struggling to shoot him a nasty glare which he shrugged off.
That leads them to where they are now, YN being a glorified teddy bear to the singer, a low happy sound emitting from his throat as he rubbed his cheek against her neck.
“What are you, a puppy?” The girl asks, attempting to move away.
Taehyung lets out a short laugh, causing YN to seize up.
“Aren’t you hogging her? You’ve been holding her the whole time,” Yoongi says, pouting cutely.
“I’d rather not be passed around, thanks,” the girl retorts.
Jimin smiles smugly, poking his tongue out at Yoongi.
Hoseok and Namjoon glare at him while Yoongi huffs slightly.
“I don’t wanna be with you, either. No reason to look so damn happy about it,”
“Stop fighting, you’re all so damn annoying,” Seokjin says, handing her a cup of hot tea, “And Jimin, give the girl some breathing room. You’re going to crush her to death,”
Jimin doesn’t budge at all.
“I’ll throw your collection of One Piece figurines out the window, don’t test me, boy,”
He hesitates, looking around the room to see everyone eyeing him down. He knows Seokjin well enough to know he’ll make good on his threat.
YN is released, but Jimin is full on pouting when he lets her go, like he’ll never see her again despite her moving half a foot over to the empty space on the couch.
“Since I’m being held here against my will, the least you can do is explain yourselves,” YN says, still looking like she’s ready to make a hasty exit at the first sign of some sort of chance.
Seokjin clears his throat and rubs at his wrist.
“I was born maybe seven hundred years ago or so in a vast forest somewhere in the middle of Europe. My family was part of a large coven that ruled over the area. Everything ran smoothly for a very long time. We weren’t terribly different than humans. We had our own traditions and culture and were very peaceful creatures, looking out for the forest we called home and living simple lives,” Seokjin begins, eyes glazed over as if he’s transporting himself back into his memories.
“But then the humans came. They were afraid of us. Terrified of what they couldn’t understand,” A pause,  “We were labeled satanic, devil worshipers. Large groups of angry, hate-filled people came and they burned everything. Everything was destroyed. My people were killed, strung up in the trees they once grew, thrown into the flames,”
He swallows like the words are painful to say.
“At first, a few of us were able to survive. We worked tirelessly to create new protectants, to try and save ourselves. But they just hit harder and those of us who were left … turned into the monsters they feared us to be. Witches. Vile creatures who dabbled in the dark arts and made deals for the devil. But I couldn’t stand to watch the beautiful spirits of those who I held dear turn wretched and evil. So I fled. I pretended to be human, blended in with those who killed every good thing in my world, attempted to find some sort of meaning for my damned life,”
He pauses, looking lost.
Taehyung scoffs slightly.
“Yeah, yeah, everyone he knew and loved died horrible deaths, bitch you’re not special,” Taehyung says.
YN feels disgust rising up in her. How can someone be so cruel?
“Well not everyone copes by lashing out and being impulsive,” Jin replies, tone void of all emotion.
Taehyung rolls his eyes.
For a moment, YN felt that she was privy to Jin as a person - or witch, whatever - but he’s shut his walls up tightly as if nothing ever happened.
“Anyways,” Namjoon says attempting to move the group away from the sudden awkward silence, “We’re probably the weirdest out of everyone,”
“We?” YN asks, eyes shifting away from Jin and landing on the rapper.
Hoseok and Yoongi lean in, pressing their faces on either one of his cheeks.
“Us,” they all say, grinning widely.
(It’s quite possibly the cutest thing she’s ever seen)
YN’s confusion is evident on her face.
“We all share the same soul,” Hoseok says.
“You what?” YN asks.
“We’re the same being in three separate bodies,” Yoongi adds.
“We’re Cerberus,” Namjoon clarifies, chest puffing out in pride.
“From Hades? Like in Greek mythology?” YN asks, flabbergasted.
Even with all the other craziness, this is taking her for a loop.
They all nod.
“How -?”
“It’s a long story,” Joon starts.
“But basically we were exiled,” Hoseok adds on.
“Because we pissed off this one pain in the ass,” Yoongi says, annoyed.
“So now we live here,” It’s Namjoon speaking again.
“And only head back to the underworld on the dl to avoid being killed,” Hobi says, unnecessarily cheerily.
“Again,” Yoongi whispers.
YN is not sure what to say, staring at the idols while attempting to process this sudden dump of illogical information.
“Yeah, that whole completing each others’ sentences gets real fucking annoying,” Jimin says, rubbing his forehead, “And to answer your earlier question, I’m a dragon, not a puppy,” he says.
As if to demonstrate, he blows out a small cloud of smoke in the shape of a heart in YN’s direction, it disappearing after hitting her nose.
“The very last one. The rest were all killed off. Stupid, greedy creatures were the cause of their own demise,”
“You’re one to talk,” Jungkook says, causing the dragon to growl at him.
Kookie is unbothered, simply pulling a small smile when YN glances his way.
“I’m a siren,” He says, eyes widening when YN looks frightened, “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I could never,”
YN is not entirely convinced, but as of now, he’s her favorite. Jungkook has been the most normal and that’s saying a lot.
“I was caught. A long time ago. Put on display as an anomaly. There was a period where I -” he hesitates as if he’s suddenly afraid, “Killed people. But only to save myself! The myths surrounding sirens are all wrong. We used our voices to hunt for large fish and to keep people away. A human probably got eaten once or twice, but I’m sure those were accidents,”
He looks unsure of himself, as if he’s afraid YN will call him a murderer.
“They’re gone now. While I was being … held … on land, there was change in the oceans. My people couldn’t adapt and were all killed off,”
There’s a pause.
“I don’t use my sirensong anymore. Hardly ever. You’re the only one who can stand to hear it, YN,”
She knows what he means. There has never been a sound as beautiful and soothing as Kookie’s voice. She wants him to keep going, but the siren falls silent, chewing on his lip.
YN’s gaze falls on Taehyung who’s brooding.
“Well?” She asks him.
“Well, what?”
“Aren’t you going to share your story?”
“No thanks. There are only two things you need to know. One,” he says, holding up a single, slender finger, “I’m a vampire. And two,” he adds another one, “I don’t care about you,”
YN blinks but shrugs the slight sting his words cause away while Taehyung feels a part of himself screaming out for lying.
“Sounds good to me,”
“All sadness aside,” Seokjin interrupts, “we’re with each other because we’d be worse off without each other, not because we like each other,”
“I hate most of you, actually,” Jimin says.
“We don’t love you either,” Jungkook retorts drily.
“But what’s this ‘mate’ and ‘unity’ thing about? Why do I need to be here?” Yn pushes.
Seokjin sighs.
“That’s where it gets complicated,”
“Isn’t it already?”
“More complicated, then. Some parts of it are simple: We can all speak English because we’ve been around longer than it has. Other parts, not so much. You see, most of us supernatural beings don’t have set mates - others that were either destined for or choose to be with for the rest of our natural lives,”
“Out of all of us, I’m the only one who should have the ability to have one true mate,” Jimin pipes in before adding, “Which is why I think this is a load of bullshit,” under his breath.
Ignoring him, Seokjin continues.
“But we all have this  … draw to you. This pull,”
“Like everything is right in the world,” Kookie says.
“Like you’re the most precious being to ever have lived,” rapline says, all staring into her soul.
“Like I found myself,” Taehyung says before he can process his own words.
“We all lost it when you disappeared,” Seokjin says, “it was pure hysteria. Every one of us went mad,”
“We actually teamed up to go find you. Without arguing. Mostly. We just needed you back,” Jimin says, thumb rubbing against her wrist, finding the racing pulse.
“Once we brought you home, I started to look into it. I’ve never heard of a witch, hellhound, vampire, and siren all having a mate, let alone the same one. But I managed to find something. An old wives tale I was told as a child,”
He licks his lips.
“Five souls with rough edges, uneven, brittle. Ready to fall apart. What do you get when you connect five points?” He asks her, voice heavy with emotion.
YN takes a moment, trying to figure out what shape that would create.
“A star,”
As soon as the words leave her mouth, a burning sensation blooms on her left wrist, an image seeming to bleed upwards through her skin as if it has always been there. A star with five blank points and a filled in middle.
The boys all pull up their sleeves to reveal an identical star, each with a different section colored on, each soul representing a point.
“You see, the only way to connect five separate souls is with another one. You’re what keeps us from falling apart. The sign of our recrudescence,”
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
Moirai - Chapter 1
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook. 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 6024
*Side note: I put a read more option on all my stories so if it doesn’t show up, I’m sorry :( It’s the Tumblr app and there isn’t anything I can do about it. I hope it doesn’t ruin your experience! 
If your mother asked you what you thought of Jeon Jungkook you would tell her he was a nice guy and that you got along well, but if anyone else asked you had no problem telling them he was a narcissistic asshole and you hated him.
The only reason you never said anything of the sort to your mother is because she was best friends with his mother. They’d been best friends since they were 9 years old, there was no way you were going to soil that with your deep seeded hatred of the guy. Even if you did think he was the actual devil. So you sat through barbeques, game nights, trick or treating, and all other manner of torture inducing activities with that overgrown child and his otherwise relatively normal family on far too many occasions.
What had Jungkook done to make you hate him? Aside from existing, of course? If his general attitude wasn’t repugnant enough, then his years of hair pulling, teasing, and just generic bullying for no damn reason was more than enough to convince you that you could never actually be friends.
Keep reading
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
press start m.list
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🎮 Press Start
     ╰ you’re a gamer on youtube known for your meme-y behavior and general wit while playing all sorts of games. your once “chill” youtube lifestyle changes when a fellow youtube gamer bursts into your life by the url of @/gamerjeon.
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: gamer!au; fluff; humor; angst (maybe??)
length: 1/??
status: ongoing
updates: tbd
A/N: wOOOO i came up with this during class a few days ago and just wanted to start it already! i hope you enjoy this au and PSA!! I AM NOT A GAMER so don’t expect me to be fully knowledgable about games or consoles hehehe
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🎮 part 1 - woah…chill
🎮 part 2 - daddy y/n
🎮 part 3 - the ship arises
🎮 part 4 - cooking mama
🎮 part 5 - sp00py season
🎮 part 6 - giggling like a baffoon
🎮 part 7 - he’s a coconut cutiepie
🎮 part 8 - those are my lucky charms
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
i love them so much they literally deserve the whole world, i never thought anyone could have such a good and pure heart uwu
(!!!) ‘Seventeen Dream Center’ to be built to help in children’s education!
‘Seventeen Dream Center’ to be built for children who do not have space to study. Proceeds from the T-shirt  made by the fans’ good actions will be donated to the Eunpyeong Happy Local Children’s Center, which is in financial difficulty. The ‘Seventeen Dream Center’ will be built for children who do not have space to study. In May, S.coups / Dokyoem / Jun went directly to visit the children, and it really helped the children a lot. The ‘Seventeen Dream Center’ will be done soon! 
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Full article HERE
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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part twenty-four - for her
[bts social media au in which everyone is a poor college student and you are a plucky young artist with some eccentric friends]
[you x taehyung / you x yoongi / you x jungkook]
<prev // next>
a/n: ok I’m sorry the cat looks different in two of the pics, plz don’t clock me lmao. I’m curious what you guys thought of yoongi and jk’s conversation? and who are you hoping is endgame for y/n??  let me know in the asks and replies! I love talking to you guys! thanks for reading! x
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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‘you make my day’ - set the sun teasers;
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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Jun reunited with Samuel
Bonus: throwback to 5 years ago :’)
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
11:11 I wish that idols would be seen as actual humans and treated with respect rather than as objects existing solely for others
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
taehyung really got yoonie flustered like that,,,ugh his mind
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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The most affectionate
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
oajdodbdodjd i love him so much i would sell my soul for him
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© full moon | 180706 ICN 
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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the cutest leader ever 
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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my uwus popped out.
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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excited and bouncy coups backstage😍
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charmingchwe-blog · 6 years
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like or reblog
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