#Your Apotheosis
saturndigital · 1 year
The Maker
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My piece for the Your Apotheosis zine! You can find the free pdf here alongside a physical copy, keychains, a pin, and stickers here! All proceeds from the physical items go to charity so go check it out!
Thank you again to Organ for giving me the opportunity to design the pin! This was so fun to do :)
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wolfeganq · 1 year
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These are the pieces that I did for the Your Apotheosis zine over on twitter! It was so cool to be able to do this!!!!
GO LOOK AT THE ZINE http://organbean.gumroad.com
…i’m gonna spend so much money on the physical release (laughing crying emoji without the laughing)
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veeqnii · 1 year
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my piece for the Your Apotheosis fanzine!!!
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burning-sol · 1 year
Hey hi hello, I was in the Your Apotheosis Zine!
Print & Merchandise // PDF Download
The following is the work I contributed.
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Under the cut is a piece of written work I contributed.
A Trick of the Light
..the fabric of reality parted like a shimmering curtain, revealing a play of destruction. Exandroth marched forward with purpose, eyes scanning the animated murals either side of his path - a story of entities birthed from stardust being slaughtered by their kin forged in hellfire, assuring each other their mutual destruction in a fight for dominion over the realm. Exandroth climbed the stairs of a golden temple, not as a champion ascending to godhood, as she had once imagined, but as a mere observer, and another Exandroth stared back. Rumi and Thanatos had hurried to either side of Exandroth, tailing a muscular man, distinct from the other entities of the realm but not a stranger to it. Elotl spoke out, fists clenched and trembling.
“Zuen, what is the meaning of this? Why do our people attack us, surely you saw this-!”
“It’s simple Elotl, these aren’t our people. They’re those who turned their backs on us so long ago..heh... And those who we turned our back on in turn…”
Elotl cursed, “Dammit…”
“Exandroth, you will pay for this.” Elotl brandished his weapon, storming back out. Rumi and Thanatos parted to let the late God through, but Exandroth was bound to the floor and to the ceiling, restrained; Elotl bumped its shoulder on the way out, and the side-eye that the god gave the traitor was tangible.  
Zuen laughed to himself, strolling up to the caged angel. “Well Exandroth… Looks like everything’s going according to plan. It’s finally time. I trust you've found a suitable host.” They unlocked the angel’s chains, letting them unravel and fall away, and Exandroth had a returned sense of control. “Good luck.”
The exalted angel’s wings stretched out, and with a few flaps of its wings it took flight. It pierced the outer bounds of the vision, blinding the god slayers with transcendental light, leaving them squinting as their eyes adjusted to the newly revealed surroundings.
"Heh, you know I was tired of waiting... Exandroth."
"What took you so long? I've been waiting for a while. What has it been, a year now?”
"Exandroth you... You've been working with Zuen this whole time..?" Rumi breathed out.
"Of course he has, didn't it tell you?" The smugness of Zuen’s cadence had Exandroth furrowing its brow.
"No, he didn't.."
"Exandroth, you said we could trust you..."
"Did he now?"
By now, Exandroth was more than irked by Zuen. “YOU *CAN* TRUST ME, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WE’RE STILL GONNA KILL THE FUCK OUT OF THIS GUY!! THANATOS-“ the angel teetered off, Thanatos’ eye lights burning crimson cutting him off. The severity of the situation had sank in in seconds – neither of her companions had bothered to take a step back towards her, they had been perturbed by the vision, driven away. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT." Exandroth cautiously backed up deeper into the room, Zuen’s outline behind him morphing to create the silhouette of an angel with two great arching horns. “IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!! ZUEN IS JUST TRYING TO TURN US AGAINST EACH OTHER. LET’S JUST KILL HIM BEFORE HE-“
"Is that it Exandroth? Or do you just want us to do your dirty work now so you can take power for yourself?"
“Because I’m not usually lied to.. You would really conspire with a god if it meant you could get your way? Is everyone just puppets to you??”
Rumi punctuated their words with a mournful finality, “So. Did. I.”
Exandroth turned its back to the pair, even as Thanatos drew his axe, gazing up at Zuen with clasped hands. “ZUEN. ZUEN, TELL THEM IT ISN'T TRUE. TELL THEM YOU'RE A LIAR!!"
"This is your business Exandroth, not mine."
Exandroth’s expression contorted in blinding hatred, lip raised to show gnashing teeth. “YOU FUCKING DICK, I’LL KILL YOU ZUEN!!” It felt eyes boring into the back of its head, and it laughed; Exandroth laughed nervously, then boisterously, it became uncontrollable. Feathers creeped along Peter’s body, rupturing from his skin and tearing at his human form, Exandroth’s resemblance to a person lessening. Wings obscured him, but the teeth and eyes lining the freshly peeled limbs conveyed all the emotion it needed. "OH, SO YOU THINK *I'M* A TRAITOR, IS THAT IT? YOU DON'T TRUST ME?"
The question hung unanswered. Magic was gathering and building up and suffocating the space.
“Exandroth, you’re acting insane..!” “Your death would be a hinderance to us..”
Exandroth spun around, a celestial blaze igniting in a spark with the broad stroke of his wings. Rumi jumped back, their clothes elegantly slipping out of reach of getting singed. Their eyes darted back and forth, bouncing on their feet as they strategised and moved to change position. Meanwhile, Thanatos stood resolute, his own hellfire roaring and choking out the white flames. Exandroth held its breath, the fire burning higher, trying to gain the upper hand but making little headway. The intensity of the fire had nearly swallowed up Exandroth’s attention, but with a snap of her neck he caught Rumi attempting to flank him. The fire suddenly diverted and lashed towards Rumi like a whip, Rumi barely tripping ahead of the flames now hot on their heels. Thanatos’ weapon was clenched tightly between his fists, but he paused to listen out for the voice of reason he’d come to expect from Rumi. Rumi called out over the sound of crackling, “No!! Thanatos, don’t hurt him!! It’ll just hurt Peter!!
Exandroth’s otherworldly echo harmonised so it could jeer in a nasally voice, “THAT’S RIGHT THANATOS: DON’T HURT ME, IT’LL HURT PETER.” He tore Peter’s glasses from his face, dropping them within Rumi’s line of sight before cracking them under its heel. Exandroth whistled, the familiar Exandroth had neglected up until this point flying down to settle on its shoulder, giving Exandroth a soft lick on the cheek. “LIZARD,” Exandroth gestured for Lizard to attack… But Lizard merely blinked slowly. Its mouth opened and Rumi caught a faint static, watching with wide eyes and a shred of hope in their heart that something could be salvaged. Rumi’s stomach dropped when Exandroth aggressively brushed Lizard off, Lizard scrambling to fly away. “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU ALL TURN ON ME, I’LL STILL KILL YOU!!”
“No!” Rumi’s blade tore through the fire with a holy glow, dispersing it. "It doesn’t have to be like this!! We don't have to fight! Just stand down!!"
Thanatos was out of patience, charging forward, axe scrapping against the ground. Thanatos raised up his weapon and slammed it down, eldritch appendages raising to meet it and tanking the blow with its doughy consistency. The flesh spread up the weapon, as if eager to consume it, before abruptly it retreated. It dissipated and melted into the floor, a hushed cacophony of shrieks following it - and Thanatos could hear it, a hundred voices quaking in fear of the smited blade.
Exandroth scattered the glass across the floor with a subtle kick, but evidently not subtle enough as Thanatos’ inner system whirred in recollection of a similar attack. Thanatos braced himself, shielding his body as he was assaulted by light refracting from the shards of glass, slicing at his metal plates. It gave Exandroth a moment to back up and put space between them, Exandroth backing up until it stood right alongside Zuen. Zuen was beaming right in Exandroth’s face, and Exandroth snarled, overwhelmed with the impulse to lash out. Exandroth put all her weight into a punch that left her stumbling forward, Zuen sidestepping the fist.
When its eyes parted from the ground to reassess its surroundings, the god had disappeared into a thick blanket of darkness. A bead of sweat rolled down his face, its eldritch sight unable to pierce the ethereal murk. It was effectively blind, Thanatos’ eyes weren’t on it – and Exandroth regretted having a hand in designing such a cut throat killing machine. By the time Exandroth had received its cue, it was too late to react. Exandroth let out an unholy shriek that had Rumi reaching up to block their ears; Exandroth ripping off feathers and meat as it hurriedly (and gorily) detached itself from the wing pinned under Thanatos’ axe. The missing mass of flesh nearly downed it, but it caught enough of its balance to scramble to its feet and escape another slash. Red light was bathing the surroundings, Exandroth drenched in sweat and the intense anxiety of a wounded animal. Something primal had kicked into high gear, because there were no words, just Exandroth breaking off and making a mad dash for the nearest exit.
Exandroth evaded Thanatos with an adrenaline-boosted shot of speed, only matched by Rumi’s own. In Exandroth’s wake an excess of celestial blood was gushing out and smearing along the heavenly grounds, and Rumi followed the trail diligently. Exandroth was scuttling away from his former companions with clumsy footwork and Rumi was close, so close, reaching out, a hair away— but Exandroth made a last-minute dive and fell over the edge, disappearing beyond the layer of clouds. Rumi was forced to stop short of the drop, staring into the abyss with their hand still reached out. They quietly muttered to themselves, “No… No….. No, no, no-!” Rumi dug around in their pocket. “Wait!! Peter!! Come back!!!!” In a flurry of emotion they had forced a ring onto their finger, and lurched forward with the intent to dive over the edge—
They fell back on their ass, scooting themselves back away from the edge and shaking their head, “No, no, that’s not going to work-“ They rested their hands on the nape of their neck; mind racing, buzzing with thoughts, reenacting the scene, recalling their time as Rumi, remembering Peter, losing track of their goals, their goal to slay the gods, wondering if they were wrong, if this was real… Dammit….. Dammit..! Thanatos’ foot fell heavy behind Rumi; Rumi lowered their head, hair falling over their face.
“Thanatos…” What did we do? “Thanatos, we need to find Peter…..” What did we do? “We need him…….” Rumi’s shoulders shook. “I can’t- We can’t do this without…” Was this their fault?
“…I understand.”
Rumi sniffled, only opening their teary bleared eyes upon feeling a cold-blooded friend crawl onto them. They sniffled again, “Lizard…? Oh.. I’m so sorry..” They gave a moment for them to sit in silence. …..Wait. “Lizard!!” Rumi tilted their head up to grin at Thanatos, picking up Lizard and holding up the creature to him. “..Thanatos, we can find still find Peter!!!”
“It does appear that way.”
Sunny approached the group, sitting beside Rumi and letting out a squeak. “..You’re right Sunny, this isn’t over. We just have to have hope. I can’t believe I was so blinded-“
Thanatos solemnly nodded.
“-but we can still fix this…”
“..and do you think it’s safe to leave Zuen behind?”
“Zuen?” Rumi frowned, their expression intense. “..I have a feeling he’ll be staying right where he is.”
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tidestridened · 1 year
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been holding onto this piece for the Your Apotheosis zine for months (go check it out!!!! @/ApotheosisZine on twt) so glad to finally share it
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penisunbelievable · 1 year
who wants to go crazy over pseudokap's piece for the apotheosis zine with me.
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avers10124 · 1 year
What's this Apotheosis zine drop, I can finally post these I've been sitting on since January :3
And angelstone art ♥️♥️♥️
First time I've drawn Peter's eyes not a part of his glasses
The pdf of the zine is free! There are so many amazing artists in it!
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meteortrails · 5 months
law and luffy are so fun bc the fundamental basis of their relationship is that they were both there for each other in one of their most isolated, life changing moments of grief, and they’re the only reason the other survived it. they may not necessarily know all that much about each other, but they do know parts of each other that not even the closest members of their crew (their family) know now. like obviously by the end of dressrosa law sees and understands the reason luffy’s crew follows him, but I think a less obvious truth is that when law saves him luffy sees and understands the reason law’s crew follows him. I just think about luffy’s instinctive faith and trust in law on punk hazard; he looks at law and understands that as much as he pretends not to be law is fundamentally the person who saved him before he is anything else. and I think they both kinda struggle to categorize the specific and unique way in which they are important to each other (although admittedly luffy stops caring to much much sooner LOL), bc it IS different than their relationships with their crew or their family. not necessarily any more or less meaningful, just different. and idk i guess i just think it’s all very sweet, in the end, that they managed to find each other like this.
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crow-ur-beloved · 2 months
gillion tidestrider's "enough for who? because its enough for me" and peter sqloint's "everything that we've been through? that's real to me."
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saltielena · 4 months
happy mothers day to all of the incredibly painful mother/child relationships in just roll with it. and mrs wisp 🔥🔥🔥
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killerpancakeburger · 3 months
Silly "interactive" teaser for Pull Me Closer:
(Final part of my depressed!civilian!reader x Soap series, which includes Breaking Point and Knight in Shining Khaki)
*A wild Soap appears*
You use Avoidance.
"It's not very effective..."
Soap noticed movement.
You have activated Soap's thrill of the chase skill.
Soap is now chasing you.
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No amount of knowing that Rumi and Peter have sex could prepare me for how fucking gay they are holy shit
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Here to talk about jrwi. Who are your favorite pcs and why :)))))
Yay! :) :)
Oooh that's hard. Because I don't think there's ever been a jrwi PC I haven't liked/at least seen the narrative value in. So this is gonna be a ramble. Buckle in. I blame the lateness of the hour (I am definitely 100% normal and regular about this show).
Think Kian would be my favourite from BitB, he's just so entirely ridiculous in really fun ways. Love the twist at the end.
But god I love Gillion. He's a dramatic asexual Fishman with a confusing destiny and difficulty with culture shock etc etc and emotional intelligence and a tragic backstory, and he gives birth to way too many horses.
Shiloh or Emizel from the Suckening, (my actual fav is Theo but he isn't a PC). Shiloh is so fascinating, he's a sheltered fucked up little guy trying his best and failing. Emizel is an unsheltered fucked up little guy trying his worst and (arguably) succeeding, and so equally as compelling.
Peter Sqloint of course from Apotheosis. He's just ... Such a fascinating bloke and his arc is deeply compelling and his role in the narrative makes me go a little crazy.
And well, William Wisp. I'm a sucker for sad bisexual little guys.
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jaxihammer · 4 months
I feel like we're all just collectively ignoring the Blessed Eternal thing. Like yeah, Commander, let it live rent free in the vents to further your Character Development™, I'm sure the mind-controlling-the-medical-officer thing was a total fluke???
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blanketfortz · 1 year
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eat your heart its oh so lovely 🫀 redraw of this
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enderspawn · 2 years
i don’t think we truly appreciate enough the fact that grizz decided to play an androgynous any-pronouns-ass anime prettyboy and stumbled out of the discord call one campaign later covered in blood and with he/they pronouns
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