wolfeganq · 12 days
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Contributor Applications are open!
Artist Applications & Writer Applications
You can apply for both positions but you will only be accepted for one.
The application will close September 30 at 11:59 EST. Acceptance and rejection emails will be sent out around October 6.
For more information about the zine please check out our FAQ. If you need more information please send your questions to the inbox.
You must be 15 or older to apply. No fashion background is needed.
Art by @lolli-popples
Our DMs got boinked so please message mod tides @blocky-tides
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wolfeganq · 1 month
Dirges in The Dark by WixWrites
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Before I start, let me just say: Ranchers! Scarian! Hermits and Life Series and Empires characters! Sheriff Jimmy! Sheriff Scar! Criminal Tango! the Wild West! Treebark and Ethubs!
Whoo, that was a rush.
I'll be honest; I think this book would have come out much sooner if not for my decision to add-in a whole lot of stuff into the text and pages. It got to the point that the original cover would have been a wanted poster at the front and a sheriff's report at the back!
I had to restrain myself, lest this book would never get finished at all. It's already been 59 days since my last post, and doing the original cover would have stretched the days even further. So I had to follow the mantra: Finished, not perfect. Besides, nothing says I can't make another version in the future...
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From the moment I finished this fic, I knew it would become a book. But at 143,412 words, Dirges in The Dark by @twodiamondhoes would stretch my ficbinding skills to the limit and would be the second-ever bind that would reach past 250 pages (the first was an MCYT Sleepy Bois fic that predates this blog that I want to redo).
Eventually, the full typeset took up 520 pages! And as such, I finally decided to use extra support for the entire textblock. From an old pair of pajamas, I backed strips of fabric with glue and paper before cutting it into tapes, forming a crucial support for the various weaves along the spine. I then covered the entire spine in brown wrapping paper for even more strength.
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For the title and headings, I scoured for and found several typefaces, dingbats, and vector graphics which really evoked the fic's Western and Gothic vibes. I also took some inspiration from fellow ficbinders in the Renegade Publishing group for the style of layout and formatting throughout the book, such as using faded images in the background of these pre-story pages.
I wanted the reader to be immersed in the Wild West from the get-go, so having such images from the start — before the story even begins — felt very appropriate. I tried to make them thematic to the information presented, like a singing cowboy for the music playlist pages, but I think I made the image too faint to be seen!
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As for the chapter openers, I experimented with some layouts before finalizing on what you see: photos taking up one entire page on the left with the chapter titles and opening paragraphs on the right.
Just like my last bind, I want to make the reader feel immersed in the story and also bring out the mood of that particular chapter. This, however, led me to entire days of scouting and scouring stock photo sites just to find the right pictures for 11 different chapters. 4/10 would not recommend for sanity.
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Given that the story uses a number of foreign words, old slang, and specific Wild West-era terms, I added a plethora of footnotes at the bottom of some pages for extra context and meaning.
I also wanted to be playful and make certain story parts, such as characters receiving letters and notes, really look like they're a part of the story. So I cropped old paper textures and fished out old fonts from the past to make them look as if they're actually there, pasted against the paragraphs!
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More importantly, there were some specific parts of the fic that felt super important and I wanted to highlight these passages, especially the Deals made by the characters throughout their arcs. Given DiTD has a certain affinity with eldritch darkness, I decided to highlight such paragraphs by backlighting them against a band of pure black. Besides being thematic as hell, I made the bands have curved edges and decorative lines to add a certain western-gothic touch!
It was from this that I begin to think "what if I can color entire pages to convey the mood and setting?"
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...Which led to the madness in these pages. I can't reveal too much because of spoilers, but there are certain times when the characters end up in situations where the very light turns to dark. Or they end up in hellish situations. Or the eldritch creatures began to speak.
It took some creative brainstorming to figure out how to show the mood of such scenes in printed pages, but I eventually figured out that I need find the right fonts, change their colors from black to white, and then change their backgrounds from white to dark to highlight them all! The power of formatting!
There's a lot more pages where I went wild with such shades and fonts, but I ain't revealing in public because spoilers!
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But undoubtedly, this is the biggest experiment I have made with this bind. There is a certain part where Grian and Pearl spoke in eldritch R'lyehian / Cthuvian, and I want to convey the sheer strangeness of the speech and it's meaning. Something outside the box.
Luckily, I have an inspiration in fellow fanbinder @mythrilthread, who made an amazing fanbind that used vellum overlays to showcase the speaking of alien languages and what they mean in English. AND IT LOOKS SICK AS FUCK. When I finished reading Dirges, I knew I had to emulate this form of language translation, so I printed the eldritch speech, cut it, and pasted it onto the spine to give a similar effect of strangeness, and IT LOOKS SO COOL!!!
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And lastly, I just had to include some of the amazing fanart made by readers into the book! All of these are placed by their corresponding text and chapters, and they all look so cool!
So I want to give a special thanks to @azzayofchaos, @leafdoodles, @hybbart, and @foxyola for granting their permission for me to include their incredible works into this bind! The dark shades and page formatting is one thing, but these works truly make this book feel so much more alive!
All in all, this bind was an odyssey in the making. I experimented with page formatting, layout wizardry, and bookmaking methods that I haven't tried before. While I know I could do better, I am beyond happy to see this work finished!
And once again, a thousand thanks to @twodiamondhoes / WixWrites for crafting an amazing story!
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wolfeganq · 2 months
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Mi Amore
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wolfeganq · 2 months
hello! are you a fan of empires smp? do you like art? well, have i got the zine for you!
classical empires zine is a zine where you create art based on famous paintings, or stories or poetry based on famous fairy tales and legends! the sign up sheet is here, if you want to check it out!
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wolfeganq · 2 months
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wolfeganq · 2 months
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The meadowlark but. Zits :3
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wolfeganq · 7 months
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wolfeganq · 9 months
today’s objective: survive
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wolfeganq · 10 months
if you want an idea of what my prof is like, it jus occurred to me that he looks EXACTLY like tangotek, which is hilarious to me
get my basic drawing professor into jrwi challenge: difficulty easy (he’s a total nerd)
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wolfeganq · 10 months
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“What would you say to your younger self?”
idk if it was ever said how old chip was when he joined the black rose but i feel like he was like 9 or something. god what ten years and trauma does to a man
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wolfeganq · 10 months
get my basic drawing professor into jrwi challenge: difficulty easy (he’s a total nerd)
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wolfeganq · 10 months
god gives his hardest battles (i want to listen to the third episode of the suckening) to his strongest soldiers (i’m saving it for the 8 hour car ride i have tomorrow)
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wolfeganq · 10 months
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and they say it started with a big bang but they say it was really just a small thing [song: Infinitesimal by Mother Mother]
my piece for @hermitzine!
download the zine to see all amazing artworks
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wolfeganq · 10 months
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wolfeganq · 10 months
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Shilo is the only babygirl ever
(Art by @/skywerse on Twitter :D)
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wolfeganq · 11 months
how 2 survive:
don’t look at twitter
don’t read twitch chat
block liberally
don’t immediately assume the worst just because someone has some clumsy wording (especially if english isn’t their first language, but also in general — talking can be hard)
if u don’t have anything nice or at the very least productive/constructive to say feel free to shut the fuck up
remember that the world/story does not revolve around you or your streamer
have fun :]
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wolfeganq · 11 months
i bring an offputting and freakish vibe to the function that not many can recreate
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