#Young Avengers verse
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redheadarcher · 5 months ago
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@nomatterthecost said: 67 for a clumsy starter starter call 2.0 // accepting !
She had to admit she’d stopped paying attention to whatever Kate was saying the moment she glanced to the side and saw a girl walking into the café where they were sitting. Sure, what Kate was talking about was probably way more important, but Scarlett just couldn’t help it.
Everything about that new girl caught her eye—her hair, her eyes, her whole vibe. Scarlett watched as the girl ordered at the counter, nodding at Kate occasionally without looking back at her or even catching a single word.
While she internally debated whether it was a good idea to go over and talk to said girl, Scarlett reached for her coffee to take a sip, but distracted, she ended up knocking the cup over. A silly accident that never should happen but...
The mess pulled her attention back to what was happening right in front of her and to her friend. "Oh, crap!" she muttered, standing up to grab some napkins, kind of not knowing what to do, which was crazy.  “Oh god, I’m so sorry Kate! Did it spill on you?”
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immortalmuses · 11 months ago
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Empyre: Aftermath Avengers #1
It hasn't ended. And it never will.
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revel-arts · 2 years ago
The Midnight Suns Pt 7: Wiccan, the Demiurge
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 8, Pt. 9, Pt. 10, Pt. 11, Pt. 12
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Of all of the potential Sorcerer Supreme candidates, Billy has the most earnest heart of a hero. Unfortunately, his good intentions don’t always go the way he wants.
And as a reality warper like his mother, Scarlet Witch, his mistakes can have dire consequences.
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thoseprettierthings · 2 years ago
Hailee Steinfeld bts for People Magazine
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raeofgayshine · 1 year ago
You know what, I think I do deserve to be pissed that someone commented on my fic something to the like of “Wow don’t you hate seeing your favs ooc? You should go read this fic instead *insert fic title*”
Like bitch the fuck? Also it was on the latest chapter, you really went that far? Maybe it’s just a bot but I swear if that’s a real person that’s so fucking rude
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menndax · 8 months ago
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thecosmiccircus · 9 months ago
Discord Marvel Studios Q&A with Alex Perez (June 2024, Part 2)
Part two of Alex Perez’s answers to the June Discord Q&A are below, with part one posted here! Alex had a lot of fun talking about the future of Marvel Studios productions here. We hope you find his answers interesting! Be sure to follow The Cosmic Circus on social media to keep up with the latest articles, interviews, and reviews! Kang’s future in Marvel Studios’ Multiverse Saga JoeMarvel:…
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snkts · 1 month ago
The one constant in the world was change. He’d learned that a long time ago. Nothing physical lasted. Not places, not things, and sure as hell not people. Especially not his people. His people were all gone. They had fought hard, and so had he, but there were some wars even the X-Men couldn’t win. They’d tried - god, they’d tried, and they’d all paid the price for it. Except for him. He was still here. Despite his best efforts, once again, Wolverine was the one who survived and outlived everyone else. And he did mean everyone. 
He found himself spending more and more time wondering why. Surviving in the world they left behind and wondering why he was the way that he was. Why the world kept him kicking and not them. They deserved so much better. 
He’d spent a long time wandering. Just… Looking for a purpose. He hadn't found anything. Eventually, he’d stopped looking. There just wasn’t a point. And he got tired of the constant disappointment and grief. You think he’d be used to it by now. 
And then he started hearing whispering. 
It took a while for rumors to reach him, given that he was pretty isolated these days. That was by design. But despite his best efforts, he started hearing news. News about kids. His friends’ kids. Logan didn’t believe it at first - sure they’d fallen out of touch during the war, pulled to different corners of the world by the battle and emergencies and so many other reasons, but he’d heard the kids were dead. He’d looked for them too. Searched far and wide, fought long and hard, even asked around. He’d found jack shit. It didn't help that he'd pick up a trail and then some crisis or another would happen, and he couldn't just turn away, and then the trail would've gone cold or he’d get pulled in to some bullshit orr another– 
Long story short, he was empty handed. He had Jack squat. Nothing. And looking had gotten tiring. There were other people who needed him. He could mourn - and he did - in the brief moments of respite. He would think of his friends, and their children, whether he’d gotten to meet them or not. And he would think, too, about the world they left behind - what had become of it, and what would become of it. What he could do about it. Sure, he was tired; he’d like nothing more than to lie down and rest. But his friends, his family, had given their lives for this world, and in some cases, they’d given their young families, too. He couldn’t let their sacrifices go to waste. 
So he fought. He fought, and he mourned, and he mourned, and he fought, day in, day out, and every day, more drones kept coming. It was endless - and even he got tired eventually. He wasn’t throwing in the towel. The Wolverine never quit. But the Wild Lands provided good shelter, far from any technology and sheltered by dense canopy; it made the place pretty inhospitable for the drones, but perfect for him. He can rest and recharge, put together whatever he’s learned to try and formulate a plan, and more importantly, hunt for actual food. And best of all, it was fully, completely isolated–
Who the fuck is that? 
Those were definitely human footsteps. And the smell - jet fuel, gun oil, black powder, leather, sweat, people, that stood out like a sore thumb. Logan stays silent as he moves through the tree branches, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Closer, closer still, until he has eyes on the intruder. … It’s just a kid. A scrap of a boy, nowhere near yet a man, with pale skin and a shock of red hair. And he's calling for Logan.
Alright, colour him curious.
Logan drops lightly onto the ground, a few feet behind the boy, and slips his hands into his jeans pockets as he tilts his head in mild interest.
“You lookin’ for me’, bub?”
@snkts || plotted starter
Ultron was dead. But the fight was far from over.
Ultra City was still under siege, with the drones attacking scavengers and searching for 'variants': mutants, aliens, anyone who didn't fit the mold of what Ultron believed a human should be. Hawkeye said that just Ultra City had around ten thousand drones doing Ultron's binding, and on top of that Tony had informed them of the fact that Asia was still under attack as well— that could mean another ten thousand drones, or more...
The Hulk and Betty were gone, Thor —while he had helped Torunn— was being otherwise unhelpful with all this, Vision was only a head, and with his armor wrecked back in Ultra City, Tony was just a man with a heart condition.
They needed help, and they needed it fast.
For now, they had returned to their safe haven in the Arctic circle. Repairing the damage and expanding the dome so that people from all over the world could be brought there and hide from the drones. Privacy had gone from something the kids took for granted to a privilege. Mostly, James managed to find some privacy in the late hours of the night.
He had always been a night owl. But tonight, he stayed awake with a purpose.
While his father, from how Tony and even Ultron spoke of him, was more of the hopeful type. His mother had prepared for the worst. She left behind a crate of things: a gun, his black leather jacket that he wore everywhere he went, and pictures. So many pictures. Of him, of her and his father. All except for one: a picture of his mother standing beside a stocky, dark haired man who James hadn't ever seen before. On the back of the picture, his mother had written: "If you ever need help, find him."
"Yes, James?" the disembodied, feminine yet artificial voice replied.
"What can you tell me about this man?"
He held the picture up, allowing the AI to scan it. There was a moment of silence that left James bouncing his leg, picking at the seams of his jeans and pulling at the thin threads he managed to loosen. Until, finally, Jocasta spoke up:
"Codename: Wolverine," she started. "Canadian male. Former member of the mutant group known as the X-Men. Veteran in multiple wars. Status..." another long pause. "Unknown."
James straightened up on his seat. "Unknown?" he repeated. "So he is not dead?"
And so James went down a rabbit hole, trying to track down a man who hadn't been seen in over a decade, a man he only knew through a picture his mother had left behind for him before being killed by Ultron, a man who —for all James knew—, could be dead. Before he knew it, he was back on the ship, having left behind a note to tell the others that he would be back, and with only a guestimate of this Wolverine's whereabouts.
James had grown up in an oasis in the middle of the Arctic circle, visited Ultra City, then traveled the middle of nowhere in the desert thanks to Dr. Banner, but he hadn't ever been to a place quite like this.
Vision was right, the Wildlands weren't all bad. Miles and miles of green as far as the eye could see. Frok above, James thought it was all grass. Once the ship landed, he realized it was all trees. A seemingly endless forest. Seemed like a fitting place to find a wolverine— hopefully, it would be the Wolverine he was looking for, and not the bad tempered animal.
His father's shield, once used to block attacks from all sorts of enemies, now worked to shield him from the sun that filtered through the leaves above.
Jocasta said this guy was a mutant with enhanced senses. He hoped she was right.
"Wolverine!" he yelled, hands cupping his mouth to produce a louder sound. "Come on out, I need your help!"
It wasn't a plan. But this place was huge, what else was he supposed to do?
He was so focused on this mission, on finding his family help, it didn't even cross his mind that some of Ultron's drones might have been lured to the area, following the energy source of his ship.
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ceilidho · 1 year ago
toxic gaz thoughts u say??? to me gaz is so older brother’s best friend coded. the POSSIBILITIES. growing up with him and having birthday parties, sleepovers, movie marathons. having him over for dinner so often it’s like he lives with you. older brother’s best friend gaz who teases you mercilessly when you’re young and never stops but now that you’re older it feels a little different?? like the stares linger. and you swear he’s accidentally brushed against your chest *three* times now when he’s over for brunch with your family. swear that whenever he’s home from the military suddenly the guys you were about to go on a date with just cancel on you. at least gaz is there to cheer you up by taking you on a nice drive. he’s touched your leg so often by now it doesn’t feel strange to feel his palm heavy on your thigh.
I’ve literally written about this before 😭😭 my fave ideas for Gaz have always been:
- older brothers best friend (as opposed to Soap being your best friends older brother)
- work husband and work wife verse (office)
- best friend who offers to give you a baby because you’re getting anxious about not settling down and then he slowly moves you into his life all under the guise of “but it’s better for the baby” (HIGHKEY manipulative)
- some kind of vigilante / avenger au because Gaz has a certain righteous quality about him and a stubbornness in thinking that he’s morally right (like imagine an au where he’s a new friend and he finds out someone in your past hurt you or you used to be pretty mercilessly bullied……he’s the kind of man to go hunting them down one by one after that)
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insanityclause · 10 days ago
It is one hell of a moment. Delivering what I think (in gym terms) is known as a low lunge, with one straight leg, one knee millimetres from the ground, and the other at 90 degrees, Hiddleston unbuttons the top two fastenings of his formal dress shirt.
Cries go out from the audience. He then gracefully stands up, with his back to the audience. We cannot see but he is unbuttoning his shirt. Then, he turns to fully face the auditorium. I probably should say that he is speaking blank verse throughout.
The shirt is fully open, revealing a sculpted stomach and torso one only thought existed in Mr Universe competitions, or on Action Man dolls. Cue general hysteria from over 2,100 people on all four tiers, including boxes, of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
What did you say? Take my shirt off?
Welcome to Much Ado About Nothing, the Millennial version.
It is such fun! That’s the first thing. One walks into the beautiful gilded auditorium to encounter grooving ushers dancing around waving signs saying “Turn Your Phones Off”, in time to Nineties pop anthems.
Outside, huge posters have Tom Hiddleston’s name above that of Shakespeare. But of course. Thanks to his recurring role as Marvel’s naughty trickster Loki, Hiddleston is a fully fledged Hollywood star. Yes, I know he cut his teeth at RADA and played Coriolanus at the National Theatre. But THIS IS LOKI. Transported in some miraculous way to Benedick, in Much Ado About Nothing and what’s more, taking his shirt off eight times a week in central London.
The rest of the cast are no mean assemblage; his sparring partner Beatrice is played by another Marvel personality, Hayley Atwell. Stage stalwarts such as Forbes Masson, a pitch perfect Leonato, Gerald Kyd and the wonderful Tim Steed all ensure this is a company show, sort of. That is if you discount the viewpoint of the entire audience, which is at Drury Lane for one reason and one reason only. LOKI.
I include myself in this. My youngest son, now 20, and I are serious Marvel fans. We’ve seen ‘em all, usually on the first weekend possible. Iron Man (various versions), Thor (ditto), Ant Man, etc. We’ve cried at Avengers Infinity War, cheered at Stan Lee’s cameos, bigged up Spiderman. We’ve watched the TV spinoffs. We always stay for the minute after the credits roll (where the next Marvel film is promoted, usually with some huge personage playing a baddie such as Samuel L Jackson, or Robert Redford). We have even kept going to the films when they went off the boil.
Naturally, we were going to see Hiddleston in Shakespeare. Naturally, Lucien had no idea what Much Ado About Nothing was. If a young person hasn’t done a ‘Spear for an exam, they don’t know it.
Just think of this poster, I usefully told him on the way to the theatre. See below.
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On arrival at the theatre, I knew we were in the grip of a ‘moment’. “It’s a great show!” said the lady checking our tickets. “It’s had great reviews.” Ah, Madam, that is where you are wrong. It hasn’t had any reviews, in the formal sense. It hasn’t had a press night. It doesn’t need one.
Unlike Jamie Lloyd’s previous “Shakespeare-at-Drury-Lane-with-a-Hollywood-name”, namely The Tempest with Sigourney Weaver as Prospero, this show has confidence. It has buoyancy. It has HUGE hit written all over it, with or without the reviews.
And lo, the curtain rises. Zero set. Loads of cherry blossom everywhere. Will there be applause when Hiddleston arrives? Are you completely bonkers? The whole audience goes insane. I am probably the oldest person in the house, and that is the point. I have honestly never seen a younger, more diverse, more focused crowd at a Shakespeare production in the West End. And possibly a more excited one. They are here to have a good time. We are all here to have a good time. Every time Hiddleston opens his mouth, cheers. Every time he winks at the audience, whoops. Every time he points at an excited person in the stalls, said person faints.
Lloyd understands his audience. There are disco bangers (Groovers in the House is one) throughout this show. Every time, the whole cast start dancing, rather brilliantly. Hiddleston, throwing shapes! Who knew? There is even a moment of pure meta-theatricals where lifesize, cardboard cutouts of Atwell and Hiddleston’s Marvel characters are used as props. An actual image of Loki, in a Shakespeare play. The actress playing Hero, holding the cutout, points to his groin. The audience cheers wildly. It’s a cutout, everyone!
Characters in the play who do not really push forward the action, such as the unfunny Dogberry, have simply been excised by Lloyd. Interestingly, there is a whole section in the programme devoted towards clowning, in particular about the Elizabethan actor who played Dogberry in the original production, which makes me think this was perhaps a last minute decision. It’s a good one, however. The play spins along with no longeurs. We are in the hands of professionals.
Two observations; as the cast took its bow, and invited the whole audience to join in with disco moves, which it did without a second’s hesitation, my son said to me “That was great! It was so easy to understand!”
Secondly, as we left the theatre there was a queue of monumental proportions snaking around outside the building. This was the queue for the Stage Door.
I have been looking (again) at Culture Is Bad For You, by Brook, O’Brien and Taylor. This book crunches a lot of data to analyse who is going to British culture and why it is so unequal, both in terms of employees and in terms of audiences.
One of the main points it raises is that cultural consumption in the UK is a minority event. That there is “a disconnection between cultural production, cultural consumption and whole swathes of the population.”
The Jamie Lloyd project at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane does not knock this idea down, but disregards it. The production is an outlier. It is a triumphant, and reasonably (but not wildly) expensive, delivery of ‘high’ art via popular culture to an audience who don’t normally feel included in the art world. Yes, we are lucky to have a player as Hiddleston, who can do both popular and rarified (while taking his shirt off), but it is a simple formula which producers across the theatre landscape, particularly ones which use public money, ought to take note of.
What a night!
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dragonnan · 2 months ago
Fanfic writer interview
tagged by: @sinvulkt
Thank you so much!!
What fandoms do you write in? Primarily Sherlock, MCU, and Sandman. IF inspiration hits hard enough I may drift into other fandoms but for the last few years those have been my primary genres.
How many words have you published in 2024? 49,696 - though that isn't all fanfic as some applies to fanart as well as sometimes quoting other authors in gift art.
What is your greatest achievement this year? Honestly? Managing to get a job lol! But in fandom - nothing really in writing. However I've produced more fanart in 2024 than I created in the last 5 yearly counts.
What are your top three fics you've written this year? Given how little I wrote these are literally the ONLY fics I published/updated in 2024 lol:
🪽 Sed Diabolus (MCU Avengers): My long running WIP, this is a fix-it that simultaneously repairs the events of Endgame as well as makes things so much worse. The incredibly talented @kitcat992 gave me so many ideas and helped so much with the outline that I have given her author credit.
🪽 Sharing is Caring (Sherlock): A short story including all of my favorite elements - hurt/comfort, humor, caregiving, friendship and banter, etc.
🪽 Choice (Sherlock): I had written this story several years ago. However I hadn't liked the theme so it remained unpublished until I finally dug it out and changed up a bunch of things. The result is a cute backstory of how Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson first met.
What was your biggest pit of despair moment? They kinda all run together tbh. Writing has been next to impossible - despite having lots of ideas. Partly why I made so much fanart. Drawing is always easier than writing.
What have you learned? I learned that it's okay and even desired to return to the same story themes over and over - that if it's something I love there are also going to be readers who love the same thing.
Did you beta any fics? I did several years ago but I haven't had the time nor energy for a very long time.
What three fics have you read this year that you love? THIS IS AN EVIL QUESTION!!
Identity Within by KitCat992 (@kitcat992) 160,514 words
It’s been one year and some change since Tony planned to introduce Spider-Man to the world, and instead put a ring on the finger of the capable, qualified, trustworthy Pepper Potts. One year and some change later, and the invitations have finally gone out. Meanwhile, Peter’s never been more excited for something in his entire young life — and he and Ned once got to spend the day at NASA. Nope, Mr. Stark’s wedding easily topped that. Heck, he may be more excited for the wedding than anyone else, including the bride herself. After the crazy year they all had, it felt good to finally have something good happen. Nothing was going to mess this up, Peter would make sure of it. He just had to handle the rings. Wait, the rings. Crap, the rings! Where’d he put the rings? All he had to do was find the rings, and then everything would go off without a hitch. Absolutely nothing could go wrong with him trying to find the rings, right? This wedding was going to be perfect. (Or: Tony swears the universe is trying to keep him and Pepper from tying the knot while Peter’s having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Seriously, who let Norman Osborn into the church?) Act 1 of 5 completed. Part 3 of Identity Saga
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? by sgam76 (@sgam76) 23,052 words
John's friend is coming to dinner, and bringing a problem along. That's fine. That's what he and Sherlock do. But he didn't expect that "problem" to be an eldritch being. Or for said eldritch being to be sad, and pissy, and a little too much like Sherlock for John's comfort. Or for him to bring news of the potential end of the world. Part 9 of A Sharp, Dressed Man 'verse
at least two miracles by apocryphal (@the-apocrypha) 15,948 words
Hob is a hedgewitch. Dream is fae. And Orpheus is the best of them both. Part 11 of Cottagecore
Shout out to two ASTOUNDING comic creators who've both had me by the throat since early last year!
Wolf & Raven by Dominion_of_Dust1886 (@wolf-and-raven-dreaming)
Fan Comic originally posted on Tumblr and is still ongoing. What if Hob Gadling had saved his Stranger? Well, this is a common trope. Yet a trope so easy to contribute to. However, this fan fiction is presented in comic format and dives right into the story. Mind the tags as you dive in.
Centaur Dreamling/ Horse Girl Hob Gadling by @amielot
In which horse girl hob attempts to earn the trust of a wild and unfriendly Dream (who does not like humans one bit)
What ideas are percolating for 2025? I desperately want to get some solid progress (complete???) Sed Diabolus. I also have a story I've been developing for The Sandman and would love to start publishing fics for that fandom.
Who do you want to thank? @kitcat992 @mamahanu @mrs-n-uzumaki @estelkenobi - my beautiful chat group who I'd NEEEVER survive without!!!! Saying I Love You on repeat is a paltry expression for the absolute adoration and devotion I have for you guys. You are my people!! My feral humans!! My clan I daydream of sharing a home with whatever reality may claim (fuck reality with salad fingers!)
@sgam76 @helloliriels @sevdrag @7-percent @vanillacokefireants @teejaystumbles @totallysilvergirl @tj-dragonblade @amielot @the-apocrypha @theleftpill @ceruleanmindpalace @cuubism @englandsgray @ariaadagio @aelaer @disappearinginq @gabessquishytum @kitten-kin @barachiki @bovivinator @blogstandbygo @medhes @mid0khan @wolf-and-raven-dreaming @softest-punk @im-not-corrupted @embroiderling Some of you I've known for years - others I've recently met. ALL of you have shaped me in some way (not even necessarily for evil!). I am so honored to count many of you as good friends and others as friend-in-progress haha! I really can't wait to see what 2025 brings to the fandoms we love!
There are so so many I know I've neglected to tag. If I follow you/you follow me just know you all matter to me so incredibly much and I'm endlessly grateful to you!
tagging: @sgam76 @helloliriels @sevdrag @kitcat992 @gabessquishytum t @the-apocrypha @theleftpill @ceruleanmindpalace @cuubism @englandsgray @ariaadagio @aelaer @disappearinginq @totallysilvergirl @tj-dragonblade @amielot and all others who want to participate!
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thoseprettierthings · 2 years ago
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Hailee Steinfeld for People Magazine 2023
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gavillain · 4 months ago
So a LOT happened in this two parter, so I'm just gonna hit the major points in order...
So despite my thinking that two of the Salem Seven survived because of the number of sword fall sounds last episode, they are apparently all dead. Which, y'know what, I don't mind. They weren't really meant to be actual characters, mostly just Nazgul-esque opponents to add some extra stakes, and having Lilia successful destroy them all with her sacrifice is the most earned ending for them.
When we get to the final trial, it's more or less the three remaining witches stuck in a room having to resolve their purposes on the Road. For Jen, we had her unbinding herself and the reveal that Agatha was the one who bound her. Admittedly, I kinda feel like that reveal was underdone, and it mostly just seemed like a quick asspull to resolve Jen's storyline at the eleventh hour. However, I really felt for Jen and the catharsis of unbinding herself, so I can't complain too terribly much.
Secondly, we resolve Billy's ambitions to restore Tommy, and this one, I was generally more favorable about than Jen's. Billy basically helped put Tommy into the body of another boy who died prematurely, one who was being drowned in an apparently very toxic environment. In the comics, Tommy was in and out of juvie all his life, and the Young Avengers find him in a supermax prison because of his powers. So, I'm assuming Thomas Shepherd, the boy whose body Billy hijacks, is in juvie or some correctional facility, and that's where we're gonna pick up with him in Vision Quest. Also, Agatha's line about "sometimes boys just die" was a fucking ARROW TO THE HEART, especially with the backstory in the following episode.
Then for Agatha, she completes the road's test by growing a sapling that she finds in her locket holding Nicholas's hair and emerges from the road back in Westview, where Rio is waiting for her. And DAMN was the final battle against Rio one of the coolest in Marvel. With Billy going FULL Wiccan mode and Agatha siphoning off his power but not enough to kill him. It was your standard Marvel final battle, but I really enjoyed the spectacle of it and how insurmountable of a foe Rio felt like. Agatha almost betraying Billy so that she can live but then changing her mind and sacrificing her life for his was such a powerful moment of full circle for her. After everything she's done to other witches and to Billy's own mother, for her to finally embrace death (and LITERALLY embrace the kiss of Death) was super powerful and showed how the road genuinely did change her. Personally, I usually hate redemption arcs, but this one, I actually really liked and supported because it wasn't about Agatha giving up her sense of self to be someone else, it was about making a choice out of love in the moment. I thought it was a beautiful way to resolve the story, and I was wondering what the heck else they were going to do with the last episode.
And then we got the reveal that I saw a few people guessing that Billy created the Witches' Road and that Agatha had never been on it, and I think that was a really well deserved reveal that hit for me exactly as it was intended. I loved that Billy created it because he has "the same tell" as Wanda with WandaVision. He made this grand fantasy adventureland, and that's SO cool! He, too, apparently is capable of spontaneous creation like Wanda, and I'm curious how they're going to tie this in with the MCU lore about the Scarlet Witch. In the comics, Billy is the Demiurge, and I'm interested in finding out if Marvel is going to bring in that concept or if they're going to do something new with the prophecy of Scarlet Witch. Maybe a secret hidden verse to the prophecy? We saw Billy's statue in Mount Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, so maybe old Chthon knew a lil' somethin' else. I also liked the reveal that the Witches Road was a con that Agatha used to lure unsuspecting witches into giving her their powers. That was clever, as was the way that it tied in with her backstory.
SPEAKING OF, that backstory with Nicholas Scratch was the most heartbreaking thing, and I loved every minute of it. Her bond with Nicholas and the way that she showed genuine humanity to him was a side to Agatha we only saw the periphery of in her relationship with Billy, so seeing it fully realized was SO powerful and so well done. Rio giving her a good seven(ish?) extra years with Nicholas also speaks volumes because in Rio's mind, she was doing Agatha a HUGE favor that violated the cosmic order and to some extent, she DID because it showed Agatha a purpose beyond just power. However, it also probably hurt her worse than just taking Nicholas upon birth. She gave Agatha years to love and get attached to her son, and that, I'm sure, made the wound of losing him that much deeper (and Kathryn Hahn's acting with those screams of anguish upon finding Nicky dead were SOUL CRUSHING - she KILLED it). So, yeah, interesting that it was such a double edged sword. I also thought the twist that Nicholas and Agatha wrote the Ballade together as their little song and it eventually spread because of him singing it to other witches was REALLY clever and REALLY powerful.
And, finally, Agatha is back as a ghost, and she's sticking around Billy as his spirit guide/mentor, which I really like. I'm sure some people are going to take umbrage at Marvel cheating death again, but this is a show that racked up bodies of major characters left and right, and Agatha being dead and a spirit I'm sure is going to have big changes for her and her power and characterization going forward. Plus from Evanora Harkness, it's an established part of the lore. So, for me, it works, and I like it. I also like the touch of her looking more like her comics counterpart with gray hair in ghost form, and I'm honestly REALLY excited to see Billy and Agatha as a dynamic duo continue on in future Marvel properties.
Overall, I LOVED Agatha All Along. It was an incredible journey, and it was the most I've enjoyed a Marvel property in awhile. I feel optimistic about the future of this particular corner of the MCU, and I'm so glad I got to go with everyone down the Witches Road :)
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theaestheticmerchant · 4 months ago
i think i've figured it out. the actual reason whedon's avengers writing, especially with the hulk and black widow, felt so weird and out of place. maybe this has been said or meta'd before but it's literally just because he was still writing them like they were buffy and angel characters, just with a new paint job and new faces, the entire time.
especially with bruce and natasha. and i mean, it worked when it was his gothic horror ocs, but less so when it's established marvel characters — but replace bruce/the hulk with angel, especially season 3-era angel after he comes back from acathla's realm and he's basically a feral beast who's scared of everything but also scares everybody too because of what he's done for a good few episodes, and natasha with buffy, especially any era buffy where she's more likely to suffer from some great and terrible burden (like, hm, i don't know, thinking she's a monster because she can't have kids due to military genetic experiments?) and spend her time monologuing her great shakespearean tragedy. the whole beauty and the beast-style "girl calms down giant monster who's scared and traumatized even though she is too" dynamic suddenly seems a lot more logical when you think of it that way and see them in that light, even if it doesn't make any more sense for bruce and natasha specifically here.
the tropes fit perfectly when you just switch out the marvel aesthetic for a buffyverse one. and of course, it works in the buffyverse because he can do whatever he wants with his ocs, but it felt so weird in marvel because he wasn't writing a marvel story. he was still writing shakespearean gothic young adult tragedy, but it had real superheroes in it this time instead of vampires and monster hunters.
even the villain makes more sense. take loki out and slot him in as, instead, a buffyverse big bad, especially a vampiric one. instead of his staff, it's a magical artifact, and instead of being from the nine realms, he's from a demon dimension — the chitauri portal at the end being a means to open a rip to a hell-world and let demons and the apocalypse through, like what acathla would've done, like what the judge tried to do, or the end of angel as a whole.
it's literally just one giant buffyverse episode he wrote using marvel characters while he was still in buffyverse mode. even the "mewling quim" line makes more sense — 100% that's something a big bad in his original verse would say while being weird and intimidating and scary and so of course it feels off and not quite right as a marvel story because it literally never was an actual marvel story in the first place
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missmarveledsblog · 4 months ago
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the marvelous masterlist of all my marvel based fics and series
tony stark
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Someone older :
 when boys your age just don't do it for you but someone older does 
James bucky barnes
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It's only pretend right? (ongoing) :
bucky (more so steve) agree's to be Y/N fake boyfriend for a week at her families ranch , he discovers his best friend left out some part that not all of her family is accepting of her but bucky is gonna be there every step to show them why she the best .
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
Father dearest what?
once in a lifetime kinda deal (mafia au) ( ongoing) :
When the daughter of Tony Stark is in an arranged marriage with her bodyguard's best friend. Another mafia boss James Barnes the two find themselves liking the arrangement more than expected although the life of a mafia boss is never smooth sailing
Baby doll and bucky bear
The one :
just the grumpy teddy bear bucky pinning after thor sister that's been there through everything  
What bestfriends are for :
When john walker makes off handed remarks about the newest female avenger not taking into the account she is the female best friend of bucky , well it snaps something in the former assassin , when he goes to confess his feeling he catches reader in a situation of her own .
The mind is a prison , I'll be your key :
when bucky has a nightmare so bad , she ready to comfort him not expecting what will follow when she does so .
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Angel-verse (on going ):
adventures with Frank castle the punisher and Matt Murdock's sister and the angel of Hell's kitchen
Angel :
When frank meets Matt murdock's sister , he become intrigued more and more as he's around the  so called angel of hell's kitchen ( How they met)  
Angel nights :
Frank comes home to thinking his angel is in danger only to realise that she has had a nightmare . he makes sure to comfort his girl . this like part of what i will be calling the angel verse  of our beloved bad ass punisher and his equally bad ass sarcastic ball of sunshine that is y/n " angel" murdock . 
Logan Howlett
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Not just a flower child huh? ( 10 parts ):
the xmen are sent to rescue mutants in a lab , only find an unconscious young woman and couple of kids , when they bring her back to the mansion she is recognised by one of the residents . She awakes and finds out she and kids been saved wondering if it was all too good to be true ?
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
Odd one out :
logan's adjusting to new life , new friends only thing he can't put his finger on is wade's friend Y/n , he knows she hiding something and he right but he is so wrong too
Grumpy cat :
adjusting to a new life and trying to recover from the old one logan is withdrawn but the help of google and a special something wade is determined to make it all better
Steve Rogers
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Series :
I gotcha cap ( 3 parts):
when steve needs some help with modern tech nat enlist the help of y/n , the newest addition to the avengers and the one steve is infatuated with ..
part one
part two
part three
One shots :
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months ago
Cliff Notes Version of Main 616 Verse
Some of these events have happened through plotting, discord, and wire, and why you may not find the threads on my blog.
ZERO Upon clint's return to new york post freefall events and the headcanon/blog lore events of ohio (reason for going sober) [ see this post ]
ONE He has been attempting to go sober, he's had a few relapses and has almost given up a few times, his longest stretch and it'd the one he is on now is five and a half months
TWO He was recruited for the Thunderbolts after several rejections from trying to start a new team or move back out to the west coast
THREE Carol Danvers is his sponsor, who has helped him out and been a friend toward him when he hasn't thought he has had any left. ( @ / danversiism is the Carol )
FOUR Even after the months and time he has dedicated to the Thunderbolts, he still has not felt that it is his team or that they are doing anything meaningful and he has been an unhappy "leader" om probation
SIDENOTE Additionally, I think TBolts 2022 did a shoddy job with the whole PR centric team and in general, it'd a short read with poor attempts at call backs and does not treat clint with respect. So in taking inspiration some other comic events and media at the time
FIVE Roxxon is the parent company of the PR agency that Mayor Cage is using for the Thunderbolts. Helen is a very good PR manager, and perhaps doesn't realize, that Roxxon owns her agency, as Roxxon is generally a corporate evil and anti superheroes, Roxxon had funded the Underage Hero Welfare Act which wasn't a good thing, as it genuinely arrested children / young heroes and vigilantes and put them in "schools" and mistreated them and attempted to brainwash them.
SIX So based on that, you imagine the idea of if Marvel had given Tbolts 2022 an actual plot and cared about the team, if they had perhaps taken an angle like introduce Roxxon since in past few years, it seems we are gearing towards a crossover wild Roxxon takedown event (Tony's new run is literally going to be Roxxon-Stark war. Thor's run has Roxxon trying to slander Thor to the public)
SEVEN While Clint has been quietly back in New York, he encountered a disheveled (for lack of better term) Hank Pym ( @ / pympartic ) and takes him in. Gets Hank to doctors and Doctor Strange, and manages to confirm this Hank alive and Ultron free. Not wanting to alert everyone, due to his own worries about Hank and respect for Hank's wishes, he tells no one about his appearance and takes Hank in. Hank Pym becomes his roommate rent free, and honestly has helped Clint find some stability by having someone living with him. He's kept Hank a secret, letting Hank be the one to dictate who knows he is alive or not
EIGHT Additionally, consequences for Clint's actions, he truly does not own the Bed Stuy building anymore and it's one of his biggest regrets. He does not live in Bed Stuy anymore, his new apartment is a two bedroom in a different neighborhood in Brooklyn arranged by Tbolts PR Manager, Helen, who happens to have a key by the way (canon fact).
NINE The combo of asking Carol's advice and her becoming his sponsor along for the fact, Clint has been living with Hank Pym and seeing him recover from his traumas, has lead to Clint really trying these days, and always managing to get back go sober because he likes being sober after his slips, as well as it has led Clint to opening his eyes with how dissatisfied with the state of the Thunderbolts.
TEN His roommate, Hank, has begun to make contact with more and more of their mutuals friends, letting them know he's alive and doing well amd this eventually leads to Clint getting back in contact with a lot with a more people.
ELEVEN Such as Tony ( @ / transistorized ) whom Clint has since asked for help from and announced he wants to be an Avenger again and is in the process of quitting the Thunderbolts, once he gets out the contract he signed but didn't necessary scruntize over details. Additionally, Tony has been kind enough to offer to help Clint and Hank out by allowing them to move into an old brownstone he still has (since your pr manger/boss having keys to your apartment is a red flag).
IN SUMMARY Clint's sponsor is Carol, he's sober and going on 6 months soon, he is quitting the Thunderbolts, focusing efforts to be Avenger worthy, he's moving into a vacant brownstone Tony owns, his roommate is Hank Pym back from "the dead" and he'd reconnecting with people such as kate bishop ( looks at dani @ / purplearchcr ) , steve rogers ( looks at dean @ / shieldslinger ), as well as making new connections ( looking at Cass spider zombie @ / spiderz0mbie ). Clint's in his recovery and redemption era.
This is in general the details I am working with when I write with everyone, and is my main 616 setting and plotlines I am developing or have had an increased interest in writing. So if you see these mentions in other threads, now you know.
There is going be shipping in this main verse in which Clint and Hank are gonna smooch (aka Pow and I are severely brainrotted over Hawkant. Clint should kiss his friend, should marry the old Ant Man and adopt kids with him).
Yet here's a little disclaimer / reminder. I am still multiship
(I love all my ship partners and the verses we develop 💜💕 shout out to lynn, aurora, archer, rain, rocky, pom, and ce. I love our ships so much i am looking at all of you)
I do have other 616 verses beautifully crafted with other writers/friends and based around my ship partners and our ships, and I have posts for those somewhere, or I will make a new own when I redo my connections page, but hey if you're writing partner you're my bestie and we could develop verses too).
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