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antoniodubois · 5 years ago
Be kind, show love, show respect, be humble, but stay aware and vocal about things that are totally in the wrong. Us, right now in our 20s 30s 40s 50s we should be teaching the youth that are growing up NOW to be compassionate accept what is different. We have the power to CHANGE what’s happening! Embrace the people that come into your life regardless of skin color, race, sexuality, identity, America is so called the Melting Pot, but everyday it’s falling apart. We need to come together!
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leonrochamusic · 5 years ago
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Homecoming August 4th, 2020 Some people have bad handwriting.Typing is an easier method of expression, a relatively acceptable replacement for handwriting, it is. We scribble notes on pieces of paper from time time, sign us, and sign dollars, pass it on as the memory of those monies fade away from the nothingness they were when they first populated your digital displayed savings; your life compressed into blips of data that can so easily take control of your life. When was the last time you picked up a pencil and wrote? Or doodled? Or just twirled it around in hopes that Looney-Toon physics were applied and you propelled away? There is no doubt that typing has made it easier for us to communicate, and the ease with which I will be sharing this thought with y'all is testament to that, but let's try to keep writing alive. Journal, scribble, doodle, put pen to paper if you can, but if you can't, then write with your mind.
Writing is so much more than just pen on paper, so much more than a "digital track" for your "crystallized data". Y'all, we have phones, speech to text some thoughts, or voice memo, just let your voice be heard, because there is no other like yours, and ours together make something new. We should all tend to those saplings.
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aarpoetry241 · 6 years ago
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I made it.⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #publishedpoet #indiepoetry #youhaveavoice #writersofinstagram #instapoet #indiepoetry #instagood #poet #poetrycommunity #poetess #ladyauthor #ladypoet #writerslife #writer #qotd #lit #spilledink #creativewriting #ashleyanne #aarpoetry #bird #birdsong #chirpchirp #imadeit #notafraid #whyising #whyiwrite #canva #womenwhowrite #itiswell https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzc8tdWhlIa/?igshid=1a4whmhe8p0uz
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kcg512-blog · 6 years ago
Entry 19
Hello Jaime
I am so Happy that you spoke to me. I told you I would wait for you. I can tell you things now! I was so worried that you were not going to talk. “Yes, you can see them.” 
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peelerproductions · 6 years ago
Out now! You Have a Voice (Official Music Video) full video on youtube (link in bio) 🎶: @jordancopasig Featured artist @jaronstrom Beat by @menacekobain Mixing/post production @spechouse Mastering by @bulwarkmastering . . #sonya7iii #ronins #roninm #atomos #videoproduction #musicvideo #gmaster #bplusw #dji #phantom4pro #charlottenc #cinematography #ninjainferno #sonyalpha #jaronstrom #youhaveavoice #jordancopas #rap #hiphop #newsong #musicvideo #hiphopnation #worldstar #pop #christianrap #christianhiphop #jesusislord (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVrRy3FQvy/?igshid=1s2idv03yu08z
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teenscreate-blog · 6 years ago
Let us begin this Journey all together! Feel free to simply type about how your day was.
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drummerchick101 · 2 years ago
You have a voice.
Have any of you ever felt like you don't have a voice? Like you are just fading into the background, going unseen by the rest of the crowd? Like you are standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the top of your lungs and nobody even looks up?
To me, having a voice is similar to being heard and being seen.
Some people do not like to talk a lot, especially in front of people. For instance, introverts like me like to 'talk' to others by means of writing, sharing a picture, or even sharing the lyrics of a song. Having a voice does not necessarily mean that you have to verbally express yourself. Each and every one of us have unique abilities and talents and ways of expressing ourselves.
Extroverts like to express themselves by being outspoken and engaging in conversations with others. They are comfortable being in a setting where there is a large crowd, even if it is amongst people they don't know. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that introverts are never heard or seen and that extroverts are always feeling satisfied in this regard. Not generalizing here.
From my point of view, everyone has a voice. Regardless of personality type, skin color, nationality, background and employment status.
Like I said before, you do not have to be loud in order to let your voice be heard. It's all about how you express yourself through your talents and special abilities. If you are a writer or love to write, that is your voice. If you like to dance and express yourself that way, that is your voice. The list goes on. Whether you are an artist, scientist, musician, leader, manager or whatever you are good at and feel passionate about, YOU HAVE A VOICE!
We can't always make a career out of the things that we love doing or are passionate about, but we should never stop expressing ourselves. We have to make time at least once a week to do the things we love and then pursue it!
We often think that we must first do a bunch of other stuff and then maybe, IF there is time, we will get to do that which is part of our very being. That very thing that makes you happy and makes you feel heard and seen. It will be different for everyone. The way I express myself will not be the same as another person's way of expressing him or herself. It does not have to be the same. That's where uniqueness comes in.
I have realized that expressing yourself really is a good thing, BUT then you have to express yourself toward the right people or through the right platform, otherwise it will be time and energy wasted. Personally, I have done this a lot! And it left me more frustrated and disappointed at the end of the day.
And let me tell you something, it causes you to suppress part of who you are and part of who you were meant to be. It crushes your soul, slowly but surely. This is a very unhealthy thing to do, and you will lose yourself in the process. You will find yourself pushing your talents, abilities and true feelings to the back just to please everybody else. It makes you feel like you are not understood, like nobody gets you, like you are not heard and not seen, like you no longer have a meaning and purpose in life, like you don't matter and like you are not loved.
To me, that is such a big soul crusher. It crushes your soul, causing it to break into a million pieces. Your mind shifts into auto pilot mode, and you go through life like a walking corpse. That is no way to live. Please, stop suppressing or hiding the REAL YOU!
So many times, we do this in order to feel loved and accepted. There is this emptiness on the inside that drives you to do certain things and to act in a certain way. I really think that there are people who do not understand why others can be so clingy and unsure of themselves. I am not saying that there is a person or persons who have never felt rejected or uncertain in their entire lives. Everybody experiences rejection, disappointment and uncertainty at some point of their lives, no one gets singled out.
But what I am talking about is something completely different. In fact, it is kind of hard to explain. It is like this overwhelming feeling of being unsafe, and not being secure in yourself and who you are. It is a very deep need to be accepted by others and having a craving for constant affirmation and reassurance. It keeps you wondering what people think of you as an individual as well as the things you do. You can be in the midst of a crowd, and still feel alone and insecure.
That's why it is so vitally important to be yourself, do what you are passionate about - those things that bring you joy and satisfaction. Do not make the same mistake I did! There were many times that I pretended not to like something or would not agree with something, just so that I would be accepted. Do not hide or deny the real you. If only we could realize what our true value is and accept who we are. Ladies, you DO NOT need a man to complete you. You are your own person and people have to accept that. DO NOT change who you are just because you want to be accepted and feel loved. You will lose yourself in the process. DO NOT smother yourself in any relationship. DO NOT hide yourself away. Take the courage to stand up for yourself and do not let anyone push you into a direction you do not want to go! Stay clear headed and DO NOT let emotions, good or bad, cloud your judgement. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
That is why I say: YOU have a VOICE! You just need to find out what it is that you love doing, if you have not done so. That very thing that makes you happy and makes you feel energized. Then go and practice it! Do not suffocate or bury the talents you were born with! It is on the inside of you, and part of your DNA! Don't let anyone tell you what your voice should be like or should sound like. Do not let them crush you.
We must chuck out the mentality of "the world owes me" and replace it with "what can I bring to this world?" You have to take what you want from life. DO NOT sit and wait for it to come your way. That will only make you a spectator, watching others run their race. It is time to get up and start getting back on the track of this journey called life. Get involved in your own life and then in the lives of others.
Keep your eyes on the goal but do not be consumed by it. Do not miss out on the here and now. Remember, just like in a relay, others are running next to you with the same goal - to get to the next person as quickly as possible to hand over the baton. (Rod-like object). Yes, you are the only one that can run your race, but you are not running alone. There are other participants around us, and we need to realize that there will be times when it will be necessary for someone to stop and offer their help or support. At other times there will be someone else who got stuck, and then it will be necessary for you and me to stop and offer our help and support.
So today, I want to encourage you to dust yourself off and get back into the race! Take that step and let your VOICE be HEARD!
This post is based on my own experience and comes from my point of view.
This post is not meant to label someone or something.
This post is not intended to push anything (political / religious, etc. views) down your throat.
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slypig89 · 6 years ago
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If you don’t post a voting selfie, did you even vote? Educate yourself on the candidates and issues! Get out there and vote! . . . . . #vote #votingday #democracy #youhaveavoice #makeyourvoiceheard #standupforyourrights #makeastand https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp1wqJWlgY_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ey9veylg9klx
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yesimmortalspiritblog · 3 years ago
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~~~Make Americans Free Again~~~ This is not poetry but something important to all the world. I have spent the last few weeks listening to some of my favorite journalists in regards to the worldwide chaos/nonsense of covid. I have spent hours in prayer and meditation sending positive energies into the world.
I have done research and found a woman in Ohio doing great work in regards to the covid situation at hand. She is the founder of the organization “Make Americans Free Again.” Her name is Pam Popper. I reached out to her via email and she responded and shared a statement that I am posting to share with all the world.
If you are interested in listening to what she has to say and learning of her majestic works, please be free to contact her at [email protected] or @pam.popper ~ What she is doing and has already accomplished in regards to covid is amazing!
Let’s elbow together worldwide and join her in this spectacular movement to ensure you, your children and generations to come remain free to enjoy life on Earth in love, joy, peace and freedom.🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 . . . #makeamericansfreeagain #pampopper #megynkelly #megynkellyshow #news #callingalljournalists #journalism #journalist #journalistforfreedom #freedom #freedomofchoice #lovejoypeace #covid #covidnonsense #youareworthy #tobefree #youhaveavoice #useyourvoice #donotfear #riseandspeakup #defendyourself #constitutionalrights #unitedwestand #unitedwewin #worldwide #ripplefreedom #ripple #ripplelove #ripplejoy #ripplepeace
Rise in love and peace and let freedom for all be!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 (at Worldwide) If you are interested you can also go to http://www.makeamericansfreeagain.com/ and learn more.👍👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvXWqqBxyl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hunterforsberg · 7 years ago
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😟😞😪😔 This seems short lived at the given moment, provided that I have no idea whatsoever of what is going on on the other side of the world. It's killing me. It's fucking killing me. It gets personal. I am thinking time is running out, but... I am just hoping it's me overthinking shit. Night after nght after night and I still wonder... Are you okay? Are you safe? What in the fuck is happening? There is no end to this, I know. I just have to stay as calm and sane as I can. My sanity is running thin and I hate this... so much. I am taking alternatives to get answers and I won't stop until I do. #oneday #promise #unbroken #愛してる #wewillmeet #please #besafe #staysafe #会いたい #throughthickandthin #wcw #wce #saysomething #youhaveavoice #help #saveme #save #helpme #helpus #missing
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cotngrooming · 4 years ago
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#whiskeredwisdom wednesday! @cotngrooming #livemanfully #groomresponsibly #cotngrooming #peoplearedifferent #individualism #freedom #libertyforall #individualworth #thevalueofone #youhaveavoice #onepersoncanmakeadifference #ourdifferencesmakeusstronger #individualliberty #beardoil #beardwisdom #beardsarethenewsixpack #beardedforherpleasure #beardedmf #nevershave #groom #grooming (at Everywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2yoP-HA2i/?igshid=11t6uceihnpfq
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tjhiggsmedium · 4 years ago
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Monday Motivation 💖 #mondaymotivation #remember #youarevaluable #youareenough #youhaveavoice #youareseen #youarecapable #youvegotthis #believeinyourself #positive #tjhiggs https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXfYb9Afbu/?igshid=fclsnz0p5b3n
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mbillybones · 4 years ago
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I voted. Have you? :- )}} #mbillybones #vote #election #election2020 #beheard #youhaveavoice #nofilter #pma #alldayerrday #bekind #becompassionate #bepositive #belove #live #love #life #october #twentytwenty (at Forsyth, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHI1l59j_t9/?igshid=yk68s3kb1rjx
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panicslave · 5 years ago
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You have a Voice, You gotta use it, You gotta show That it’s safe To be The Love You saw and knew it, You gotta take stance And be brave. With Lion’s roar 🦁 You herald Newness, With Water’s touch 🌊 You land on Love, Your Love with speak Through YOU in rhythms 🎵 Your Love will speak Through YOU In rhymes. ⚡️ NOW is your cue To BE important, Now it’s your turn To open up, - It is your biggest key 🔑 , Beloved, To stay the course And not give up. What you receive Is good and valid What you receive- Is Gold to SHINE; Don’t hide Your Love- The Ace of Aces- There’s never been A better time. ❤️⚡️🔥🌊 Words by me, Gayana Sophia Oganova #poetry #byme #youhaveavoice https://www.instagram.com/p/CEchxC2A9Bq/?igshid=16ix82u4c32mu
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allycole87 · 5 years ago
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Just a little something in case you forgot 🌈 I hope everyone realizes they are all of these 💕Happy Thursday friends! . . . #lovegreysunshine #happy #valuable #enough #seen #youhaveavoice #capable #motivation #motivationalquotes #happythursday #thursdayvibes #strongwomen #strongertogether #strong #boss (at Bolingbrook, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtIz1rFhSE/?igshid=1tsclbv1jta02
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helpingbuildbridgesacross · 5 years ago
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When you know your value, your worth you don’t live waiting on validation from someone else ~HS🌷 . . . . Beautiful is when you “recognize” there will never be another “you”. Own that, live that, you have a voice, you have something to offer, “in your own uniquely fabulous way” ♥️ . . . . . . . ✨💫#makinggratitudecontagious is always the intent ♥️ . . . . . Don’t just share what they say...What do you have to say?!🌷 . . . . . . . . . . . #thereisonlyoneyou #uniquelyyou #youhavevalue #youhaveworth #youhaveavoice #graceandgratitude #widowsupport #gritandgratitude #liveheartinspired #helpingbuildbridgesacross #gratitude365 #gratitudedaily #plantingseedsofgratitude #gratituderobsregret #notsomedaytoday https://www.instagram.com/p/CCT-432nXpl/?igshid=1lvitlxzy9blb
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