#You think you befriended them but they're always a step ahead
ruins-of-her-peace · 10 months
"I'm failing myself in everything.. the smallest of things... Things so little, you don't even realise until it's too much..so much."
Emily Yvonne, diary entry
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Could you please explain the difference between the goal and the objective to me? English is not my first language, and when i opened translator, i found out these two things mean the same in my native language, so i don't understand it well enough. Thanks in advance
This is EXTREMELY reasonable, especially since when I first read it I had to pause and think about it for a second, and I kind of wish I'd thought ahead about it because I don't blame you at all for this. For those missing context, I posted this quote last night saying that I could expand on it but that it was a perfect phrasing of how Luz and Amity see their relationship, or bare minimum how they treat it.
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So the simplest way I can explain it is that: A goal is the final destination. The end point of a plan or desire. An objective needs to be achievable and needs to be clarified as 'final' if it's the last one. It is the steps in which you take to reach a goal.
For Amity, improving herself, becoming better, etc. like that are all objectives to serve the goal of being an awesome girlfriend because her goal, as far as the two are concerned (and kind of in life in general but that's at the point where this gets depressing), is to be an awesome girlfriend and never stop being one. It's not a goal that she can ever cross off though because being an awesome girlfriend means continuing to put in the work towards the other person.
Luz meanwhile treats "Get a girlfriend" as an objective for her larger goal of "Live out my ultimate witch fantasy." Remember the fervor she had about befriending Amity no matter what? And then how she blatantly ignores her being in danger or in pain once they're together? That's because once they're together, she considers the work to be done. It's like she completed a sidequest for the emote "Spin girlfriend" and now she has more important things to do than talk to an NPC with no treats left for her.
If you think this is overkill... It's what happened to Willow and Gus. She befriended Gus and Willow and then literally never sought them out again once they unlocked Hexide for her unless it was for key items required to progress the Amity quest chain like the library card. Gus and Willow always had to come and see her. And how does it go with Amity once they're together? Amity keeps coming to Luz minus Clouds on the Horizon where Luz has to get talked INTO going and seeing her girlfriend.
This disparity (let alone what it did to Amity's character) is what makes canon Lumity so sad to me. No, neither of them should only care about their girlfriend but one frankly cares too much where as it becomes her only real worry while the other doesn't care at all. It's just an ugly situation and yes, very real to being a teenager but I also think entirely unintentional seeing as they are still together to go to college.
It also makes me wonder if Luz living in the human realm for three years is the only reason they're still together. No human girl can compete with Amity because they don't have magic and she isn't spending enough time with Amity to get bored. They're effectively in an endless honeymoon period where Luz can do whatever she wants and be rewarded with the fun parts of a relationship.
When she has to find out she has to grind to get her next reward though... Is she just going to find a game with faster to achieve objectives? Just find a new project to work on? Or will Amity finally stop caring about the lying because it hurts her ability to be an awesome girlfriend and instead just realize that being lied to constantly sucks?
Or would those two collide into something truly sad because Luz won't admit she's playing a new game?
*sigh* I'm now just thinking about a quote I once heard. "The worst thing that can happen to your ship isn't that it doesn't become canon. It's that it becomes canon and then is done poorly." And blogs like these make me wonder why I've put over half a million words into these two.
Because they sure did become canon and sure were done poorly.
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affordableworld · 2 years
What It's Like To Spend A Day At An Elephant Sanctuary
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While elephants have long been symbols of wisdom and strength, they are kept in dire conditions when used as pets or for entertainment. Elephant sanctuaries are dedicated to rescuing these animals and giving them the space and freedom they need to live as nature intended. This is why many people choose to work at these facilities. Get a glimpse into what an elephant sanctuary in Thailand is like before you go! Prepare To Be Amazed Once you step inside an elephant sanctuary, the first thing you see is an elephant. They're surprisingly large, but don't underestimate their cuteness. Every one of them is large and full of grace; each is a dazzling grey color, and all around the sanctuary are trees and birds. You might think it's difficult to befriend a giant, but you'd be wrong - these beautiful animals want nothing more than to make friends with human beings, and the moment they see you they'll run up to greet you with a warm embrace.
Pack For A Day Trip Pack a lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. Wear comfortable clothes, closed shoes or sandals, and sunscreen (lots of it).  When you arrive at the sanctuary, you'll be asked to sign a waiver and have your hand stamped before proceeding onto the property. It is important to note that there are some strict rules to follow while visiting an elephant sanctuary: no touching the elephants, no feeding them anything other than food provided by their keepers (you can buy snacks from their gift shop), no yelling or running around, etc. 
Caring For Elephants Elephants are large animals, so they need a lot of room to roam. That’s why the sanctuary has expansive grasslands and natural-looking enclosures to make them feel comfortable. Just as important is their physical care. They get washed by humans or sprayed with water before each meal so that they can maintain their thick skin and keep their bodies cool on hot days.  Since elephants only have two sets of teeth in their lives, caretakers provide enrichment such as branches from the fig tree to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.
The Magic Of Seeing Elephants Up Close You may have heard a story or two about the elusive and endangered Asian elephant, but you can't really understand what these giant creatures are like until you see them up close. For example, did you know that elephants enjoy playing with water in their spare time? They will often dig holes in muddy banks to find just the right spot to lie down and submerge themselves in water. And they love to use trees as scratching posts to relieve their itchy skin! These massive mammals are also very family-oriented animals. When an elephant matriarch dies, her female children (daughters) help care for her babies so that they grow up knowing how to behave as mothers themselves.
Know That You Made A Difference When the day is over, go ahead and feel comforted by the knowledge that you helped make a difference in an elephant's life today. You are putting yourself out there, taking action and doing what you believe in. It's not always going to be easy. These are wonderful animals that have faced difficulties in their lives but if they know you care, they are very grateful!
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
Hi, so i was about to send a request, but my phone went all crazy and i don't know if it got send or not ): so here it goes again I was wondering if i could get a George x slytherin reader after the war, where they're dating but all his family disapproves because she had like this "bad reputation", so he gets sad and angry because this boy is super in love with her, and she is like super reserved so his family don't trust her, but she is actually such a sweetheart with him.
family is complicated // george weasley
a/n: this was so hard writing the weasleys as mean people omg. i love reading fics where everyone is happy at the burrow and molly is an angel so this was like tearing me apart lol. hope you like it!!
summary: The Weasley’s have never liked George’s girlfriend, and one snide remark makes George finally lose it.
also a disclaimer! family turmoil and drama ahead, so if that’s triggering to anyone, don’t read this one! <3
The sun was hidden away, tucked behind the dark clouds that littered the sky in London. It wouldn’t have mattered anyways, as the heavy curtains to your flat were drawn closed.
The sheets were in a pool around your ankles and your body shivered tirelessly. George always got warm at night and had a habit of kicking off the blankets in his sleep. You clung onto him, trying to collect some of his warmth that oozed from his shirtless chest.
Your eyes opened, feeling awfully heavy in their sockets. You didn’t want to wake up, you didn’t want to get out of bed, you didn’t want to get ready, and you didn’t want to go to the Burrow.
The Weasleys were nice to everyone but you, it felt like. They welcomed Harry, Hermione, and Angelina with open arms, but you and Fleur were the spousal outcasts. The two of you bonded over it quite often, trying to make jokes of it, but really it bothered you both quite deeply. The only difference between you and the other spouses was the green tie you wore around your neck for seven years. You hardly found that to be reason enough for the whole family to dislike you, but they didn’t.
You turned away from your boyfriend, bringing the blankets up from your ankles and wrapping them tightly around yourself. You pushed your face deeper into the pillow, hoping that if you slept all day you wouldn’t have to do the adult thing of going to your boyfriend’s family house. 
George lifted the blankets from his side, moving under them with you. He glanced at the clock on your bedside table, and saw no harm in sleeping a little longer. His warm arms found their place around you, and the two of you fell back asleep with the intentions of avoiding the Weasleys.
“They’re going to be late! I bet she’ll get him into some kind of trouble!” Ginny and the rest of her siblings could hear their mother’s shrieking voice from upstairs.
“They’re still not here?” Ginny turned to face Harry, rolling over in the small bed they shared the previous night.
“ ‘Spose not,” he mumbled bringing two heavy hands to his face and blocking out the sunlight creeping into the room.
“No wonder,” Ginny said, sitting up slowly in bed, “I wouldn’t feel inclined to come if I were her.”
“Well, George loves her,” Harry defended, finding the conversation to be one they had often.
Harry was never one to befriend Slytherins in school, but his maturing age made him able to see past the house’s reputation. He knew you couldn’t be evil if George liked you so much.
“I know he does,” Ginny snapped, “but that doesn’t make her any less,” Ginny trailed off, unable to find the right words for a moment, “weird.”
Harry sighed, feeling awake after the conversation. He brought his feet to the cold wooden floor of Ginny’s childhood room, and placed his glasses on his face. The two went down for breakfast.
“When do you think they’ll grace us with their presence?” Fred teased from his spot next to Angelina at the table.
“Whenever she feels like it,” Mr. Weasley grumbled from the head of the table, his eyes locked on the newspaper in front of him.
Fred groaned, rolling his eyes. He quite liked you. He thought that if his brother liked you, then he should too, and he had no reason to dislike you. Your ‘bad reputation’ that his mother likes to bring up so often, was for the same reason he and George had a ‘bad reputation’. You and George shared a love for mischief, and the Weasleys disapproved.
“When did you tell them to come, mum?” Bill asked from his spot next to Fleur.
Fleur was the one who wanted to know, but she had learned it was better to let Bill do the talking for her with Mrs. Weasley.
“Around supper,” she replied, moving to stand behind Bill and fidget with his long hair. He jerked from his mother’s prying hands.
“Then why are you expecting them to be here now?” Fred asked, ignoring Angelina’s warning graze on his knee.
“Everyone else is!” Mrs. Weasley defended.
“Yeah, but you didn’t tell them to get here when everyone else was,” Fred continued, giving his mother a confused look.
“You eat your breakfast, young man, and stop worrying about what I said or didn’t say,” she yelled, darting back into the kitchen to get another pan full of eggs.
Fred caught Bill’s and Fleur’s eyes from across the table and they all looked annoyed. 
You and George finally managed to roll out of bed a little after noon. The two of you stumbled down the cold streets hand in hand, still in your pajamas. You were in search of something to eat for lunch, even though you were both due at the Burrow in a couple of hours. You hated going with an empty stomach, because when you would load your plate up with Molly’s wonderful cooking, she would send you glares. You also hated going on a full stomach, because when you didn’t fill your plate with Molly’s wonderful cooking, she would send you glares. You rather her think you didn’t like her cooking than give her the opportunity to comment on your eating habits. You would watch Ginny shovel serving after serving into her mouth, and all Molly would do is pinch her cheeks and call her adorable. 
You had gotten used to the criticisms pretty early on. You and George were an odd pairing, so you didn’t expect an immediate connection to the family. However, you had figured that after five years they may have warmed up to you, but sadly they hadn’t.
George pulled you into a small café by your hand, leading you to a secluded table by the window. The two of you put in your orders, and enjoyed the serenity before having to go to what was now both your least favorite place.
You wore a flattering sweater tucked into some smart pants. Clasping a delicate gold necklace George had given you for your anniversary last year, you called out to him to see if he was ready.
He came out of the bathroom, hands busy with buttoning his shirt. He was nervous, he usually was when he saw his family these days, and his hands had a shake in them.
“Here,” you said soothingly, running your hands over the wrinkles in the shirt and moving his hands away.
You finished buttoning the shirt, and George admired you.
Here you were, comforting him, when it was you his family didn’t like. You were willing to make more of an effort than his family ever did, and he loved you so much for that.
You stepped away from him, and his fingers moved up to brush a stray piece of hair out of your eyes. His rough fingertips grazed the top of your ear as he tucked away the hair. His hand fell down to the necklace you wore, and he twisted it in his fingers,
“I love you,” he whispered, blinking slowly, as if he were trying to remember this moment forever.
George always had the fear that any trip home could be the end for the two of you. He loved you, and he knew you loved him, but he couldn’t blame you if the hatred got too much for you. 
“I love you too, Georgie,” you smiled up at him, forcing away the nausea pooling in your gut.
You went to your fireplace, checking the clock on the wall to make sure you weren’t too early and not too late. The both of you erupted in green flames, and soon the delightful smells of a homecooked meal flooded your nose.
“George!” Ron called from his spot on the couch, spotting you two first.
“Hey,” George responded in a voice you knew was trying to sound happy but came out shaky.
You stepped from the fireplace, and Molly rushed from the kitchen with her apron still on.
“My baby!” she wrapped her arms around George, pulling away and cupping his face with her hand.
He smiled down at her, and you recognized the nerves in the smile.
“Hi, Mrs. Weasley,” you said from beside George, waving and smiling shyly at her.
“Hello,” she started, already looking for something about you to be displeased with.
“Y/n! George!” Bill called, entering the house with Fleur trailing behind him.
You knew they liked to escape to the garden when they had to spend any amount of prolonged time at the Burrow, you and George joined them some times.
“Hi!” you said excitedly, not missing Molly’s scowl in the corner of your eyes.
Bill wrapped his long arms around you, hugging you like a brother. You released him and hugged Fleur next. Those would probably be the only Weasley’s that offered you a hug, as per usual.
“Where’s Fred?” George asked once he was released by his father’s arms.
“He and Angelina went upstairs for a nap a few hours ago,” Molly said, rushing back into the kitchen.
“Did you want any help, Mrs. Weasley?”  she turned on her heal, gave you a fake smile, and shook her head.
If anyone else had called her Mrs. Weasley, she would have insisted they call her Molly, but not you.
“A nap? Blimey, how old are they?” George joked.
Laughs echoed around the room, and George wrapped an arm around your waist.
The two of you stood in the living room next to Bill and Fleur, talking with Ron, Harry, and Hermione on the couch.
“Fred tells us the shops going well?” Harry said, looking to George.
“Yeah, we’re doing alright,” George replied modestly. You flickered your eyes up at him, admiring him from where you stood tucked into his side. The shop was doing amazing, it was more successful than it had ever been.
“How’s your work, Y/n?” Hermione asked politely, and an awkward haze fell across the room as they all looked at you.
No one usually addressed you at Weasley family gatherings, so you were caught off guard.
“Good,” you choked out, clearing your throat and furrowing your brow, “it’s good.”
“She was just promoted,” George said proudly from beside you, nudging a finger into your side, “that Slytherin ambition of hers.”
“Really? Congratulations,” Harry said, the first and only person to say anything.
Bill and Fleur didn’t say anything because they already knew. The four of you had taken up having dinners at your flat sometimes, finding it better for all of you than the large gatherings at the Burrow.
“George!” Fred bellowed from the staircase.
He hugged his brother, hitting him on the back as they embraced. You smiled politely at Angelina, who nodded her head curtly at you.
“Y/n!” Fred said once he released George, hugging you.
Angelina’s eyes bore into Fred’s back as he did, but he didn’t care.
You smiled brightly at Fred, feeling relieved to have his happiness there. He and George were always the first to stick up for you when it came to Molly.
You all gathered around three tables put together in the garden, watching as dishes of food were levitated across the table. You served yourself food, catching Mrs. Weasley watching you with a critical eye from her spot at the head of the table.
Conversation flowed, though you, George, Fleur, and Bill generally kept to yourselves.
Bill sat at the other head of the table, with Fleur to his right and you to his left. George sat next to you, and the four of you talked like it was one of your usual dinners at your flat. It was better this way, less room for conflict.
All you had to do was make it through desert, which was moved into the house. That was it, one last meal and then you and George could say goodnight and be in the safety of your own home.
“Oh, I don’t think you want any of this dear,” Molly said to you, pulling away with a plate of cake in her hands,
“Mum,” George warned, holding his hand out for the plate while the other wrapped around your shoulders protectively.
You were never one to stop George from sticking up for you, which made Mrs. Weasley angrier. She looked to you, expecting you to give up the fight and not want any cake, but you looked right back at her with a blank look.
“She had an awful lot at dinner, George, she must be full.”
“Mum,” George said, louder and more angry.
“Don’t take that tone with your mother,” Mr. Weasley came from behind his wife, placing two comforting hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t speak to my girlfriend like that, and I won’t,” he responded, managing to sound somewhat calm, though a sharpness was in his tone.
“Excuse you?” Mr. Weasley questioned, his face becoming stern.
“George, let it go-” Ginny started from where she sat with Harry, the first one to take notice of the argument developing.
“No!” George said harshly to Ginny, whipping his head to look at her.
“What’s wrong?” Fred asked from behind you, shoveling cake into his mouth.
“Mum and dad are being rude to Y/n,” George started, looking accusingly at his parents, “for what? The millionth time?”
Mrs. Weasley gasped, putting down the cake on the counter next to her.
“George!” she exclaimed, prepared to make excusing defenses in her honor.
“It’s true mum,” Fred said from behind his brother, voice muffled by the cake in his mouth, “you’ve been, and usually are, quite rude to Y/n. And Fleur.”
You and Fleur made eye contact, both of your eyes widening as you realized tonight was the night where everything went to shit. No more passive aggressive comments, no more pretending everything was fine. After this, your invitation to the Burrow might be permanently revoked.
“He’s right, mum,” Bill’s cool voice said from beside Fleur, and everyone’s gaze shot to him, “you have it out for Y/n and Fleur.”
You stepped back, and George followed you, his arm still around you. It was like a triangle in the room, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley at the edge of the kitchen, Bill and Fleur by the fireplace, and you, George, and Fred edging nearer the staircase.
“I don’t know what you talking about,” Molly defended, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yes you do,” George said, narrowing his eyes at his parents.
“It’s late,” Mr. Weasley said, “maybe you lot should go home now.”
George scoffed from beside you, unwrapping his arm from your shoulder and stepping forward.
“Okay, Fleur, Y/n, why don’t you two go back to our flat,” George said in a soothing voice, “and we’ll talk this out, like a family.”
You fought the proud smile that wanted to spread across your face, and nodded your head. Fred guided you to the fireplace with a hand on your back, and winked at you as you and Fleur erupted in green flames once again.
“Well, this is not going to end well,” you mumbled to Fleur once you got home, putting a kettle on the stove, preparing enough water for George and Bill if they eventually came back too.
The yelling coming from the Burrow was unlike anything the small village had ever heard. Shouts of anger drifted from the windows, and the intensity of the argument could be felt for miles.
“You have no right to treat them the way you do!” Bill shouted at his parents, and also casted an accusing glance at Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Angelina. Harry had sunk into the couch, the only person still sitting as everyone else sprang to their feet. 
“She’s not right for him, and Fleur’s not right for you!” Molly screamed back.
“You don’t get to decide that! I love her, Bill loves Fleur. What’s different about them? You love Hermione, you love Angelina, you love Harry. Why should Y/n and Fleur have to get the shit end of your behavior!” George yelled, waving his hands frantically.
“Y/n doesn’t even try with us!” Ginny interrupted, stepping closer to George, “She just talks to you and Fleur!”
“Because none of you ever gave her a chance! She tried so hard the first time I brought her here, and you all made her leave crying!”
Ron and Harry felt a pang of guilt at the thought of the remarks they had made about Slytherins the first time George took you to the Burrow.
“I don’t trust her,” Molly said, her voice stern but quiet.
“I frankly don’t care, mum. I love her. If you’re going to make me choose, I’ll choose her. Every time. I love her,” George said, his voice lowered and shaky.
“Me too, I’ll choose Fleur,” Bill spoke up, moving his wand from his pocket to prepare to apparate. 
“Boys,” Arthur warned, stepping forwards and trying to soothe the situation, “don’t upset your mother.”
“Let them go! They’ve made their choices!” Molly pouted, moving to sit, defeated, at the table.
“Fine. Send me an owl if you ever come to your senses,” George said, moving towards the fireplace and picking up a handful of floo powder.
“Fleur and I have given you enough chances, don’t send us an owl. Goodbye,” Bill said finitely, apparating before anyone could say anything. 
George hesitated in the fireplace, meeting everyone’s guilty looking expression. No one spoke up, and he nodded towards Fred, saying goodbye. He was back home in seconds.
You and Fleur turned to the men who had both just appeared in your living room. Bill had tears running down his face, and Fleur went to him immediately. Fleur looked to you and you pointed down the hall towards you and George’s bedroom, allowing them a place to have some privacy. George fell onto the couch next to you, and you went to the kitchen to bring him a cup of tea.
“What happened?” you spoke in a soft tone,
George retold everything, and you felt your throat closing as tears threatened your eyes. 
“Oh, George,” you mumbled, taking his tea from his hands and placing it on the coffee table You held him, the both of you feeling exhausted. His upper body leaned into your lap, and you held his shoulders, soothing bits of his hair off his face.
You could hear the muffled voices of Bill and Fleur from your bedroom.
Suddenly, five people apparated into your living room. George sat up, and you grasped his hand as you looked at Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Fred all standing awkwardly in your living room.
“Nice place,” Ron said suddenly, craning his neck to look around the room.
Neither you or George responded and Hermione nudged Ron with her elbow.
“Right, sorry,” he mumbled, his lips going into a thin line.
“We wanted to say something,” Fred said, breaking apart from the group and coming to sit with you and George on the couch.
He turned around, looking at the group.
“We’re sorry,” Harry said first, looking at you, “I should have never said those things about Slytherins, it was stupid and so was I.”
You swallowed hard, eyes downcast at the floor.
“So am I. I actually think you’re quite cool,” Ron said, sounding just as awkward as you remembered him to be in school.
“I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry I stood back and let you get treated that way,” Hermione said next, and you met her sorrowful gaze. You nodded at her, returning your eyes to the floor.
Harry nudged Ginny, who reluctantly spoke, “I’m sorry too. If George loves you, then so do I.”
You smiled at the floor, nerves twisting in your stomach like they did when you first went to the Burrow.
“You guys were idiots,” George said sternly from besides you. 
Your shoulders shook, and George lifted your chin with his fingers. He met your eyes, afraid you were crying, but was happy to see you laughing.
You looked at the group, chuckling senselessly.
“Thank you,” you said, “it’s a shame you’ll have to do that whole bit again for Bill and Fleur, though.”
Everyone laughed, and the group hadn’t realized Bill and Fleur weren’t there anymore.
“Did they leave already?” Fred asked from beside you.
“No, there in our room for some privacy,” you answered, pointing a finger down the hall.
“Ah,” Fred said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Not like that,” George reached behind you and hit the back of Fred’s head.
You stood, going to the kitchen and retrieving all the mugs you had in your cabinets.
“Need some help?” Ginny asked from behind you, Hermione by her side.
“Sure,” you smiled at them, and Ginny and Hermione moved into the kitchen.
They helped you carry out the hot cups of tea, placing them on the table. Bill and Fleur had emerged from the room, and were sat on the couch. You sat on the other side of Fleur, catching George’s eyes from where he sat on an armchair across from you.
He looked happy, finally being able to sit with his family and you in the same room without nerves plaguing his every thought.
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Since you said about disembodied reader.
I like to thought of how player just mocking them and talk badly of how bad they're (those who hurt Nikki) whilst the player compliment the others but still saying "I still don't trust you tho" and Nikki having hard time to ignore her "ghost-friend" since they're talking so loudly (as if they're in the loud party) but no one can see them.
Little did the player know, they(characters) heard it.
I imagine that once they see her and even can interact with her, then they add "You know I know of how you thought to us" then other things she said, and made the player shock about that...
Prayed that Nikki will come and find them since they left without notice.
hi hi °u°!
ooh this actually probably would've happened, especially with the ones who have betrayed/hurt nikki and those who have helped her. but since our input as the player about any of the characters in pretty limited in general, we actually have no idea what they think or how they talk about said characters, other than what we talk about in nikki's home. but yes, i do like to think of this ghost that follows nikki around that smack talks literally everyone and curses them out and roasts them and poor nikki is trying to keep a straight face bc we're practically cursing up a storm and very loudly might i add.
just the mental image of ghost player ready to throw hands is so fucking funny man,,,
lil scenario up ahead !
you've always been the type to be a bit more abrasive when it comes to how you speak and think, regardless of your appearance. that's the difference between you and nikki; she's far sweeter and trusting around others, and she always tries to see the good in everything. so of course she couldn't even say anything bad about anyone, especially cursing them out. you, on the other hand, couldn't really care less and you tend to be blunt about nearly everything. poor nikki had always panicked when you would bluntly say the words she couldn't say and would tryーkey word is tryーto wave it off.
so it's no real surprise that you become much looser once you've come to the realization that no one can see nor hear you. only nikki can hear the words you sayーnot that you mind. but it makes everything interesting, because you can say the words you could never say, and no one can do anything. it's practically paradise for you. of course, you give nikki any of your advice should the situation call for it, such as trying to pick out certain outfits from helz's store, picking out the best discounts at the store, and which new anime to cry over, but you digress.
but your status as nikki's "companion ghost," as you kindly put it, also let you practically say anything about the many diverse people that nikki had met in her travels. of course, many themselves were good people whom had aided nikki in her journey, such as the ever cute helz ( who you really want to smother by the way ), the mysterious yexiao, who had been the first other than nikki to finally see you, the charming lover boy loen ( you debated on insulting or complimenting him, so you chose both ), and the bold and fierce zoey ( whom you would very much like to step on you ).
but there's an invisible boundary between you since you know that truly involving yourselves with them could bring potential harm, and after seeing what your precious nikki had gone through, you didn't need to see it once more. they had helped you - nikki - but they still held brewing emotions and secrets and motivations underneath those faces that you couldn't even begin to say, much less get yourself involved in. it stings, especially knowing that both you and nikki do want to befriend others, but then you remind her of kimi, of orlando, of bobo, and tearfully, of lunar, and she agrees, a sad smile across her thin lips.
" think of them nikki, we'll see them again, okay?" you whisper, embracing her tightly though she cannot feel it too much, she still brings a hand where your forearm should be. " i know, i know," she whispers back, voice cracking as she holds back the emotions from remembering her times with said companions. you smile gently, but she can't see it. so you settle for combing your fingers through her pink locks, and she sighs, before taking a breath, having her resolve firmed out.
and then, there are those whom you hold with utter disgust and hatred in your heart, such as mercury, qin yi, and nightbane themselves. you can feel your blood utterly boil each time someone even so much as mentions them. you hate them, very much so. if it weren't for your current situation with you being invisible and all, you'd have strangled them long ago.
you hate them for the pain they put nikki through, you hate them for how utterly despicable they are, and you hate them for just existing in the first place. a part of you almost feels sorry for them, for the pain they went through and what it shaped them into. but as you had stared down at nikki's tear-stained face as she felt the utter guilt for something that wasn't even her fault, the burning hatred rises up again and whatever pity - sympathy you suppose, has rotted and crumbled away.
" he's a weirdo nikki," you nonchalantly say like you've just told her the weather," he looks like a playboy that didn't get lucky," you snicker at that last part. said girl looks ready to curl up on the spot, although she's doing her best to not look bothered by your words. you don't mind loen too much, but he reeks of lover boy vibes-
and he seems fun to bully.
" i've seen frat boys cuter than him nikki," you lean on the tavern counter as you stare right at the blonde who's busy staring down poor nikki. you snicker once more, before your smile fades and you lean close to her ear. " don't trust him too much, he could betray us y'know," you wrap your arms around her neck and hold her close, staring down loen.
before you speak once more -
" if he tries to flirt with you, i'll kick him in the dick." her grip on her dress tightens as the profanity is said right into her ear.
his grin falters and he blinks.
qin yi.
you hate him. you fucking hate him with every fiber in your being. his very presence gives you chills and makes you want to throw up. something felt so inherently wrong about him, and it near claws at you from the inside, eating you away -
" you disgusting son of a bitch-!!" you hiss at him from behind nikki, unintentionally digging your nails into her shoulder but she doesn't even feel it. she slightly flinches at your words, face grimacing as she tries to keep a straight face.
" nikki, don't trust him, please..." you plead, something akin to dread crawling about in the pit of your stomach. she only gives you an apologetic look, as if wanting you to stop being so crude and trust someone for once.
but you can't.
just the very sight of qin yi makes you recoil and want to claw at your own eyes to remove the image of him from your vision.
just hearing his silky smooth voice makes you gag and want to stab away at your eardrums until you can hear nothing but the stinging ringing within your head.
" please-"
but she turns away, only giving you one last lookover trying to soothe your growing unease. you sigh, silently standing as she follows qin yi alongside joy. you grit your teeth, before jumping to the pinkette's side-
and turning your head to face the two-faced bastard.
" i'll fucking kill you."
his silver hues shift, until they bore into you - nikki is right next to you. he's observing.
but it didn't change your words one bit.
" i hate you."
̸̗̠̘̦͖͔̙̣͕̪͕̫̃̃̉̾͋̑͋́̚͘͜͝͝ ̸̥̖̿̍ ̵̲͖͓̟͉͓̭̳͓̿͗͌̒͊͌ ̷̲̺͈͉̘̘͇̈͒̿͆͋̔̍͘͘à̷̡̧̤͙̻͔̿̄̅̈́́̊̽̓̐͋͠
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nikki lets out hiccuped sobs, once lively amber eyes now puffy and reddened with hours of wails and sobs wracking her body. she looks damn ready to scream, but it can only come out forced and choked while the tears continue to fall. her thin arms are wrapped around her chest, her desperate attempt to comfort herself through the pain. she does not give the usual "you were right" cry, she only drowns in her guilt for poor joy and her stupid and blind trust in something so disgusting.
but you do not blame her, you do not begrudge her for being so naïve, you do not smugly hold it over her.
you gently hush her, embracing her as tightly as you could, although she couldn't feel it. but you stroke her pink locks, patting her shuddering head and whispering sweet nothings.
" it's not your fault nikki," you say, voice soft and somber as you continue to hold her close to you. you don't stop her sobs, since you know she needs to get the sorrow and tears out of her system before she can be talked down again.
that fucking bastard-
you can feel your gaze sharpen as pure rage fills your every vein, and you pull one hand away - she doesn't notice - to dig your nails into the skin of your palm. your teeth grit so hard you can almost feel your jaw lock in place.
qin yi.
the name feels like poison on your tongue. you near gag, but hold it in for nikki's sake. but you know that if given the chance-
you'd fucking kill him.
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you were rather intimidated by her, but then again, who wouldn't be? her gaze was sharp, she was the type of beauty that could whip a knife at your neck with only a smirk and you'd be dead. you gulp, feeling the nervousness for nikki arise to a near tenfold, and you whisper many " good luck" to her each time she is to approach zoey.
but she isn't that bad, far from it. she seems to see nikki in just as a precious way as you do, and you are ever so grateful she can also see that herself. but neither does she coddle her or try to sugarcoat anything that is expected of her. you can at least appreciate that of zoey.
but you still cannot trust her. she is involved with the shady underbelly. her very work itself put nikki in hot water and in a life or death situation where she near gave into desire itself. that in itself painted a target on nikki's back and you had to deal with the aftereffects and panics of nikki thereafter. so you cannot help but warn her to keep her distance and to stay safe around the sharp-eyed zoey. this time, she agrees, maintaining a friendly smile while still remaining distant.
" she's pretty but-"
you pause, taking a glance at zoey who calmly sits, sipping away at a drink whose name you've forgotten. your nose scrunches up at the stench of alcohol - you've never really liked it. it burned your throat.
and it didn't have a good place in your memories.
" stay away from her."
zoey pauses, her eyes shifting until they land on nikki. a smile - it looks odd on someone as stoic and sharp as her - is spread on her deep-red lips. you shudder, almost feeling her gaze burn over you, but she goes back to sipping at the glistening glass, burning alcohol swishing inside.
you lean your head on nikki's shoulder and sigh. you want to go home already.
" i'd let her step on me thou-"
nikki chokes, coughing as her face heats up. zoey looks over, concern splashed across her features as the pinkette tries to deflect any worry from her. you snicker; teasing her is much too fun.
but you weren't lying about the whole thing.
the man behind it all. the one who was the criminal mastermind. the one who had it all.
you hated him. you nearly hated him just as much as you did qin yi. you wished to pulverize him and grind up what was left of him and scatter it all over.
that way he'd never hurt nikki or anyone again.
" nikki...c'mon...let's go-" you shakily say, trying to reach her with your voice, anything. she doesn't budge, her amber eyes locked onto his. you whimper, wanting to leave as soon as possible.
she has a gun.
' shit shit shit shit shit shit '
you mentally panic, trying to find any way to get nikki to snap out of it before shit really hits the fan. you can feel your breath growing faster, fear and panic spreading through your body. but you try and grip yourself down, desperate to have the nikki you love by your side.
not this cold-hearted woman whose gaze turns your blood to ice.
you turn your head to meet his gaze. he's still staring at nikki, eyes unblinking and face as solid as stone. you grit your teeth, eyes glaring as hard as they can. " you fucking son of a bitch," you hiss through clenched teeth. " i hope you fucking die," you swear you can feel a vein burst somewhere, but you're too full of exhausting and mixed emotions to even truly care.
when nikki collapses, you whirl around, rushing to her side and calling out her name. your gut horribly twists from panic. she looks scared, uncertain, and-
she looks ready to cry.
when the police invade the area with their presence, you lose nikki in their swarm. you can feel her, but you can't see her. you can only see a familiar shade of dirty blonde hair and-
the disgusting shade of silvery hair the stirs in the air. you damn near snarl, so close to mercury you're practically gagging. " if anything happens to her-"
he blinks, gaze shifting off to the side - where you stand.
" i'll fucking kill you."
you can see a disgusting smile spread across his thin lips. it was an attractive smile, but it made you sick and pissed.
you see the familiar smile of loen, and your mood almost instantaneously brightens. you sigh a breath of relief, happy to see the goober of a mercenary. you can at least tolerate his presence. he leads nikki out the engraved doors, into the city, and away from the prison-like building. you follow, before turning back to where mercury stands, still watching like a sick predator.
" this isn't over you bastard," you spit, before running after where loen and nikki stand.
he smiles.
your lips tremble as you stare into their eyes, your body seizing up as panic ensues. they either don't notice or they simply find it amusing. you feel horrible all over, this can't be happening right? this is just a dream. yeah, it's a dream. they can't see you, it's impossibl-
" so did you mean it?"
" huh...?" your voice cracks - you feel so many emotions all at once.
" did you mean all those you said about me before?" they question, not loosening their grip on your arm one bit.
now you remember what you said.
every. single. word.
and every. single. emotion.
" i-i...you.." you want to punch yourself for losing your composure and sounding like a weak child. but who could blame you? you'd had no one but nikki and momo to rely upon and converse with all this time. now suddenly they could see, touch and hear you.
nikki...where's nikki?
you glance around the corners out of your eyes, trying to find that familiar shade of pink through everything. you pray to whatever for nikki to come for you, to come and find the voice of her companion before this can escalate any further.
" she's not here," they simply say, nonchalantly like you had just asked them for the weather. you can feel your heart shrivel up and die. nononono, she should be here right now, you really need her for fuck's sake!
" you didn't answer my question y'know," they hum, gently smiling like they'd just received a compliment. they continue," i didn't know you thought of me in such a way," they chuckle," and who knew you had such a," they pause, eyes drifting up as they try to come up with their next words. "...colorful mouth. haha, who knew."
you tug at your arm, now at least having the sense to try and run away, but they only merely smile, pulling back as a silent warning - or threat, you can't tell anymore with them.
"...let go..." your murmur, looking down at your feet - anywhere other than them. they go silent, before answering. " now why would i do that? this is such an occasion," they let out a breath," and you said many wonderful things about me."
you feel like screaming.
they stand up straight, before gesturing behind them.
" let us discuss this over some food, shall we?"
you can feel your sanity break right there and then.
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Love On-Set (Pt. 02 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 2.9K
<- Previous part (01)
Next part (03)->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
On the next morning, you make your way to the back of the hotel, where a van will come to pick you up. You're talking to Vicky through the phone, listening to her advice and tips for today. She won't be around as much this time, she wants you to build your own connections, but she will be aware of everything that's going on. The co-stars you'll be working with today are a few feet ahead, chatting, and they haven't noticed you yet. You don't mind though. They've been acting together for two years now, you wouldn't have anything to add to their conversations anyway.
“(Y/N).” The voice makes you turn around, seeing Dacre as he walks over you. “Morning.”
“Vicky, I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye.” Quickly, maybe too quick, you hang up, focusing on Dacre. “Hi. Good morning.” Nervously, you gesture at the others. “You should go stay with them. The van is almost here.”
“I'll introduce you to them, c'mon.” With a hand on the small of your back, barely touching you though, he guides you to the small group of people. “Hey, guys. Good morning. This is (Y/N), our Amy.”
“Hi there,” Joe says, reaching out his hand which you shake. “I'm Joe.”
“Natalia.” One of the girls says. You already know their names, but decide to let them formally introduce themselves. “These are Charlie and Francesca. But you can call her Fran.”
“Hello.” You mutter, shaking their hands before stepping back to stand beside Dacre.
“Heard you two shot together yesterday,” Joe says, typing something on his phone before putting it on his pocket. “I was there earlier but I think I left before you got there.”
“Yes. And I must say (Y/N) was amazing.” Dacre speaks before you can, and you blush at his compliment. You didn't do much, you think, it was just a simple scene. More complicated things will come.
“Thanks, but you were great too. I'm just trying to keep up.”
“It's good to see you're modest,” Francesca remarks, giving you a small smile.
“Just saying the truth.” You're still speaking when the van arrives, and the guys gesture for the girls to get in first.
You move to the back of the van since it's always been your favorite seat, resting the script on your lap before buckling up.
“May I seat here?” Dacre gets your attention, and you look away from the window, meeting his eyes.
“Sure.” You don't want him to feel like he has to be around you just because he was the first person you met from the show. But you won't just push him away like that. “Did you sleep well?”
“I managed.” He answers. “You?”
“I did.” Once again, you fall into silence. There isn't much you can talk about other than work. “Excited about today? Amy and Billy will have another confrontation.”
“Poor Billy. Amy's going to steal his heart.” He puts a hand over his chest and you giggle.
“He kinda deserves it. After breaking so many hearts.” Shrugging your shoulders, your mind goes through the scenes of the day. You'll have another one with Dacre alone. “I–”
“Hey. Why are you guys seated all the way in the back?” Joe asks, turning his head to look at you and Dacre. “Come–”
“They're talking. Let them be.” Natalia pulls Joe back into his seat, giving you a stare and a smile.
Blushing a little, you exchange a glance with Dacre before looking down at your hands. “You can go be with them if you want.” You decide to let him know.
“I'm alright here,” Dacre affirms. “Is there anything you want to talk about our scene today? Any ideas for something we could do better?”
“The director wants tension, so we have to focus on that.” Opening the script, you easily find today's pages, since they were marked. “Like here. You could keep stepping closer and I'd keep pushing you away. They're both nervous since they're talking about the Mind Flayer, but it would break that tension with a different kind of tension.”
“I like that. It can work.” Dacre leans over a little to read, standing closer. “Amy could give Billy a push, what would make him a little mad, but not the usual kind of mad. James wants me to convince the audience Billy will have strong, true feelings towards Amy, so I think it will help. He won't be as aggressive with her as he is with everyone else.”
You only get half of what he says, suddenly distracted by his voice. “Yeah, I like that.” You watch as his fingers trace the paper, following the dialogue lines. “You have a nice accent by the way.”
“I'm Australian.”
“I noticed.” When you turn your head to look at him, and he does the same, you take in how close he is, quickly looking back down. He has nice eyes too. “I think it'll be fun.”
“I hope I won't make you uncomfortable. Basically, all of our scenes together involve some kind of proximity.”
“You won't.” Uncomfortable is not the word to describe it. Dacre does make you a little nervous, but any girl would be nervous acting with someone who looks like him. You realize he probably misunderstood your gesture from before, looking away from him so abruptly. “I don't feel uncomfortable. And I agree with you. We should get to know each other, I think it would help.”
“It would.” The van bounces suddenly, what gets a tiny exclamation from Joe. “So. What's your favorite color?”
The silly question makes you giggle, putting a lock of hair behind your ear. “Pink. Definitely. But I also love blue and lilac.” Taking a deep breath, you decide to look at him, just to make sure you'll kick away whatever he was thinking when you averted your eyes from him. “Yours?”
“Only one?”
“Yes. I'm a normal person, unlike you.” Despite the sassy comment, Dacre is smiling, sustaining your stare.
“So you're normal? That's a shame. I don't befriend normal people.” Closing the script, you take a look through the window, admiring how the sunlight gives everything a golden shine.
“It was good while it lasted then.” He says, and you bite your lip involuntary. “Who's your favorite character in the show?”
“Amy.” You're quick to answer, turning to look at him again. When the car takes a turn, the morning sun casts its light right on Dacre's face, illuminating it. His blue eyes get your attention, and you notice they remind you of LA's beach, near your house. Shaking your head lightly, you snap back into reality. “It's my character. I own her that much.”
“That's favoritism. You can't pick her.”
“Who would you pick then, Mr. Montgomery?” He giggles at the name.
“I like Maxine.” He answers. “She's badass and I admire her for enduring such an awful step-brother.”
“I like Dustin. His voice is funny.”
“Here I was thinking you had a deeper reason for liking Dustin.” Dacre fakes a disappointed tone, but a small chuckle escapes his lips.
“You're a deep person then.” You conclude, giving him a quick glance.
“You can say so. Aren't you?”
Guys don't usually like thoughtful girls, you know that. At least not the ones you went out with. People, in general, don't like that, so you learned to keep things for yourself. “We can say I think a lot. But I don't usually put it into words.”
“Why not?”
You get the feeling Dacre knows he hit something inside you. Something he doesn't understand, but he knows it's there, that it's delicate. You can tell that by the change in his voice, all the joking tones left behind, replaced by a much serious expression. Guess you can tell him, it's not a big deal. “My father once told me I feel too much. That, just like my mother, I suffocate people with all my... Feelings.” Breathing out, you can't help but remember the fight you had that day, many years ago. “It was ugly. Everyone was yelling, I was a teenager and just had my heart broken by this stupid guy so... It just kicked in. I pretty much closer some doors that day.”
“I'm sorry you had to go through that.”
“Don't be. It's not a big deal.” Isn't it? You're not sure, but you tell yourself it isn't. Going back there won't help, won't solve any problems, won't change anything.
“Of course it is. It clearly affected you.”
“How do you know it affected me?”
“Your voice changed, so did your posture.”
Gasping, you look at Dacre. People don't notice these things. They just say they're sorry and change the subject. “You're very... Perceptive.”
“Well, I don't think feelings are a problem. If he felt suffocated that was all on him. Not you or your mother.” Taken aback by his words, you can't help but smile at how kind he is. “Anytime you need to talk about anything, I'm willing to listen.”
“Thanks, you're–” The driver hits the breaks, and when you look through the window, you realize you're at the set. “We're here.”
“May the fun begin.”
An hour later, you're in a dark pink swimsuit, shooting a scene with Natalia for the third time. This is about Heather, already taken by the Mind Flayer, making her first appearance at the pool. The director, who now you know is named James, makes several changes for every take, but you and Natalia just have to repeat the lines.
“So. You were talking to Dacre.” She says in between takes, as you wait to see if there will be another one or if you can go on to the next scene. Natalia gives you a look that makes you blush. You didn't know she was paying attention to you and Dacre in the back of the van. “You two getting along?”
“Yeah. He is–”
“Alright, everyone. Heather's coming down and Billy is entering the pool. It's a quick one, so let's get it done in one take if possible.” James announces, and you lay back down in the chair, happy that this conversation was cut short. “Everybody ready? Action!”
Everything sets in motion, and Hawkins Community Pool comes to life once again. You engage in small talk with Natalia as Heather climbs down her chair, walking by.
“Is she alright?” Nancy asks Amy, eyes following Heather.
“She must be sick.” You tell her before the cameras leave you, all turning to the locker, from where Dacre is already coming from.
You know your part. Exchange a glance when he's close by and look away, annoyed.
But that's not what happens. When he comes close, you do give him the look, the cameras now focusing on you, but the whole thing vanishes. Your mind is blank as you just keep staring, a weird sensation building up when you realize you're watching Billy Hargrove right before your eyes. But when he walks by, you see he breaks character for a moment, as if wondering what you're doing. Of course he thinks you're improvising. So Billy's face comes up again, eyes lingering on you until he passes by, and you break out of your state, looking away.
“What was that?” Nancy asks, and you wonder if that's Nancy or just Natalia, because the line isn't on the script.
“Nothing.” Your answer.
“Cut!” James yells and you relax, taking a deep breath. “(Y/N), I liked what you did. Good job! Five minutes everyone.”
“What was that?” Natalia asks again, in a different tone this time, making it clear it's her who's asking. “Did you improvise?”
“Sure.” Getting up from the chair, you follow her to the resting area they set up for you. “Just thought it would give him the tension he wants too much.” Lying is not your thing, but what can you say? That your mind went blank? That you forgot the whole script for a moment and Dacre's reaction was what saved you so you wouldn't be looking like a total idiot?
“You did well then.” She takes a water bottle, taking a sip. She doesn't seem so convinced though. “Oh, we'll start gathering to go over the Starcourt scenes. They'll be heavy and everyone agreed on start working on them so it won't be so messy on set.”
“It's a great idea. When will it happen?” The Battle of Starcourt is the most complicated and longest scenes of the season, and you're glad they want to go over it.
“We have a group chat. I can add you so you'll know when we'll meet.”
“I can add her,” Dacre says and you turn on your heels, giving a step closer to Natalia. “I have her number.”
“Great.” She exclaims, drumming her fingers on the table. “I'll go find Charlie and Joe. We got a scene together later today.”
“Ok.” You mumble, waving at her as she leaves. “Nice tan.” The words come out of your mouth the moment your eyes involuntary fall from his face to his chest. “Now I know why Billy turns every head when he walks by.” Thinking fast, you manage to bring some sense into whatever you were talking about.
“You also look amazing in this–”
“Dacre, (Y/N). C'mon.” The director calls and Dacre rolls his eyes, making you giggle.
“Guess this is our cue.” He says, gesturing for you to walk before him. “Are you nervous? We're going to be face to face again.”
“No.” It comes out too fast, and you're sure he can tell you feel the exact opposite. You weren't thinking about it, but now you are. “I'm alright.” You're walking beside him, near the pool to where James is gathered with some people, getting things ready for the scene. “I think Amy–” The words get caught in your throat when your bare feet slips on a puddle, but instead of colliding to the ground, you're pulled up quickly, heart beating fast from the sudden motion.
“Are you alright?” Dacre asks, his hand still resting on the small of your back, and the other holding your arm, making sure you have your balance again.
“Yes.” Now you definitely look like an idiot. “Sorry.” When you raise your head to meet his eyes, you clear your throat and step back.
“Don't worry, I got you.”
“(Y/N), are you ok?” The director asks and you nod, walking fast over him. “Good. Let's get this going.”
This scene is the confrontation about what happened in the road. And you're supposed to be 100% focused, the lines at the tip of your tongue, but as you breathe in deeply to get into character, you can't help but feel restless. Maybe if you do manage to befriend Dacre it'll get easier. Hopefully.
“Ready, everyone.” The command comes and you prepare yourself, quickly replaying the lines in your head. “Action!”
In Amy's skin, you start walking back to your chair, carelessly running a hand through your hair when your arm is grabbed suddenly, and you stop, turning around to face the source of the attack. Anger takes over your expression the moment your eyes, or better saying, Amy's eyes, find Billy. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”
“We need to talk.” That said, he pulls you with him, away from the people.
“We have nothing to talk about.” Amy keeps fighting but still trying not to let anyone notice. Billy drags her behind the supply closet, away from curious eyes and ears. “Let go of me!” With a push, you set free from his grip.
“Well, did you tell anyone?”
“Tell what? That we saw a huge alien monster made of darkness?” You whisper-yell, looking into his eyes and giving a step back, just to figure out there's a wall trapping you. “Of course I didn't.”
Dacre steps closer, his chest pressing you further into the wall. “Then you saw it too. Right?”
It takes a while until you remember the line, and what you're supposed to do since the proximity clouded your mind. With both hands on his chest, you push Dacre away. “Yes, I did. It was after me.” You mutter as Dacre plays his part, surrendering into your push before coming closer again.
You take a deep breath, struggling to remain in character, annoyed and anxious, who can't wait for Billy to go away. “I...” He stutters. “I forgot it. Sorry, I got distracted.”
“Alright, let's roll it again from 'Did you tell anyone'. I want constant eye contact this time. Action!”
You get exactly two seconds to take in the command and set it into motion, but you do as you're told, raising your head slightly so you're staring at Dacre.
“Well, did you tell anyone?”
“Tell what? That we saw a huge alien monster made of darkness?” You've seen blue eyes before, but not that blue. It startles you a little when Dacre steps closer, and in an attempt to put some distance in between you two, you move back, hitting the wall. “Of course I didn't.” You manage to push out.
“Then you saw it too... Right?” Dacre changes his tone, and you get the idea. Billy is confused, not really convinced that what he saw was real.
“Yes. It was after me first in case you don't remember.” Keeping the annoyed tone in your voice, you have Amy push Billy away, now, slightly aware of your hand on Dacre's bare chest. Keep it professional, you tell yourself. This is a job. “And stay away from me.”
“That thing...” He steps closer again, ignoring Amy's requirement. “...What was it?”
“I really need you to stay away.” Another push, but this time Dacre grabs your arm, leaning even closer, putting a hand on the wall beside your head. You roll your eyes, breaking eye contact just for the sake of your character before she slips away again. Regaining your senses, you look up into his eyes.
“Sorry, if I'm making you nervous, princess, but I can't have anyone else listening to this crazy talk.” He gives you his wicked smile, the one that makes the girls melt.
That's it. That's the moment when Amy stands up to him, and you have to nail it because honestly, you don't think you can do this again. So you stand up straight, ending the tiny distance that was left between you and Dacre, between Amy and Billy, chests colliding and eyes burning with anger and indignation. “You think you can flash a smile and have all the girls of Hawkings at your feet but I won't fall for it.” You hiss, standing on your toes just a little bit, trying to match his height, but, of course, it doesn't happen. Dacre still towers over you. “So drop the bad boy act, jerk, and if you want to focus on the real problem here, the freaking thing coming from the sky hunting us, you're free to talk to me.” Then you leave, storming away, leaving the shooting area before turning around to get a glimpse of Dacre's acting. Billy keeps staring at the place where Amy went, which makes Dacre look straight at you. You see Billy's surprise face, filled with perplexion, not able to believe what just happened. Then, it softens, as he slowly goes back into Dacre.
“And cut! Jesus, it was amazing.” James exclaims, standing from his chair. “I don't think we should do another take, despite thinking a kiss would fit well in the scene.”
Your eyes go wide as you stare at James, who looks pleased with his work. You thought you'd have more time before kissing Dacre. To get to know him, so it won't be a mess like it was right now. You don't even know how it was possible for it to be so good as James says. You were all over the place.
“But no, it will be better on screen to build up the tension until it explodes. You did very well, you two.” James friendly touches your shoulder. “I can see you're still a little nervous, but it's normal since you basically just met Dacre.” He gestures at him, who comes to join you, and James puts an arm around his shoulder. “Perhaps you should get together and work on the kissing scene. See how you feel, how you could make it even better because every time you improvise, it gives me goosebumps and I like it. You two have chemistry.” His voice gets a little higher on the last word, and he let's go of you two. “So this is a little homework. Go over that scene and let me know if you think anything should be different.”
When James leaves, you're blushing, his words echoing in your brain. Homework? Does he really want you to do that? “Like a read-through?” You ask.
“You already did a read-through. Do the real thing. Or even better.” He turns around, walking backwards. “Get it on camera and send me so I can check how you two are doing. Amy and Billy are this season's power couple, I want it to be amazing. You're both doing great and that's why I want to take this to a whole new level.” And he sets in motion again, gesturing for someone to give him something. “Now get ready, I want to shot Heather's scene again.”
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @skykittysstuff @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
Writing Exercise 2 // AssClass x Tower of God AU - Reunion
Writing Exercise // AC x Tog AU - Catching up
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Summary: In their 10 years of climbing the Tower together nonstop, Team END should have known by now that anything could happen so suddenly.
However, a reunion with an old teammate was certainly not what most of them have in mind.
Word count: 2.3k words
• ▪ • ▪ •
Nakamura was exhausted.
Well actually, all of them are. But yeah, she's exhausted.
Team END had recently just cleared the final floor test that allowed them to arrive at the 30th Floor, which was basically a more brutal take of the Capture the Flag game, that lasted them over 8 hours to finish.
Injuries barely treated, bodies aching, sleep lacking, and stomachs starting to rumble, the last thing they'd want to happen was to encounter another trouble the moment they had been transported to the next floor.
"Oi Nakamura, are you sure we should be heading this way..?" Okajima barely squeaked out, frozen at his own spot as he fearfully stared at the sight before them.
"That's what it says on my lighthouse!" She hissed quietly, glaring at the glowing blue cube floating beside her.
Chiba should have been more specific about where his goddamn house is located in this floor.
He had told her before that he has his own residence here at the 30th Floor, somewhere beyond this swamp-like forest thingy, which he had given Team END the permission to reside in for the next 20 Floors until they become C-Rank Regulars.
Yet he never said anything about dealing with dangerous creatures along the way.
Nakamura had discreetly messaged him through her Pocket minutes ago, which he had replied to not long after.
"Wait, I just got off from work. I'll be right there." - Ryuunosuke
It had been 15 minutes since then.
Nakamura is surely going to give him a good slap the moment she sees the Spear Bearer. Well, if she can still recognize him, that is, since the dude had that annoying black cloak nearly hiding his entire body when she first bumped into him at a marketplace at the 21st Floor three years ago.
So here they all are, standing frozen before a sort of gigantic forest creature (who looks hungry, by the way), too exhausted and injured to put up a fight, let alone save themselves.
A Green Mulso, Kurahashi had informed them, is a shinheuh that resembles a gigantic Water Buffalo meant to guard certain areas in a swamp forest from outsiders. There are two types of Mulso, a green one and a brown one. The brown ones are much smaller and friendlier apparently.
Kurahashi then oh-so helpfully told the team that Green Mulsos are wild, incredibly sturdy, and cannot be tamed at all, even by the most talented Anima.
So in short, unless they still got enough stamina to spare, they're doomed.
I swear to god, Ryuunosuke. If I die here right now in the most pathetic way I will fucking haunt you for eternity-
A flash of bright blue from a distance had cut off Nakamura's thoughts, her eyes widening as she watched the water-like shinsu pierce through the wild beast before them at a frightening speed, killing it instantly.
A chorus of surprised yelps were let out at the sight, some where even full-out screams.
Everyone then instinctively moved away when the now dead green mulso had fallen to the ground, it's large size causing it to shake for a moment.
"Oh my god what was that..." Maehara breathed out, his hand clutching over his chest.
Some of them tentatively stared at the dead giant creature before them, some where eve cautiously approaching it to see the wound, while others chose to avoid looking at it.
Nakamura just stayed at her spot, the gears in her brain already working to find answers. A blast of water-like shinsu was what killed the creature, which could have been done by a Wave Controller from just the shinsu's form itself alone. Yet the blast itself looked too thin compared to what Nakamura usually saw what Wave Controllers do.
Not to mention it looked like it had come from a very long distance, which is a range that not even Rankers could reach, as once clarified by Koro-sensei when they were still at the 2nd Floor. A range like that is something only Spear Bearers could do.
Nakamura then frowned at the thought.
But are there even any Spear Bearers who use water-like shinsu to shoot? She knows about Lightning and Ice users who make their own spears, there have been plenty of Regulars and Rankers who were known for that after all, but a Water user Spear Bearer is unheard of.
This would be the first time she sees one if she was correct.
"Woah I got here just in time, thank goodness..." A familiar voice spoke out at a fair distance.
Nakamura's eyes then roamed around the tall trees surrounding them, assuming the guy was somewhere perched up at one of them, based from where she could hear his voice coming from. "Well, you sure took your sweet time to get here," she huffed.
A wave of murmurs and whispers gradually built up and Nakamura could make out some of them wondering how she seemed to know the voice that was talking just now.
"The town was especially busy today and I can't just jump between rooftops, you know that..." He sighed out. "On another note, I didn't think you guys would actually go to this part of the forest. This place is inhabited by Green Mulsos after all, you know how wild those things are."
"And yet it only took you a single shot to kill one," Nakamura raised an eyebrow, her eyes darting everywhere, still trying to look for him.
"I live around here. You just get used to them."
A flash of light and suddenly an overwhelming pair of bright maroon eyes were right in front of her, along with a wide smile gracing the face those eyes belonged to.
Nakamura hesitantly took a step back, giving the tall figure that had appeared before her a once over. Sharp maroon eyes, tall nose, plump lips, strong eyebrows, and long dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail with fringes widely parted at the middle ー a pretty one yet there's a tinge of manliness to it with that long brown coat over a white polo and black pants combo.
How handsome.
Nakamura then narrowed her gaze. Something about this person is ridiculously familiar to her but she couldn't recall anyone with this appearance or at least close to having it.
Hey wait a minute. Nakamura frowned even further. If that was Chiba who I was talking to just now and this person showed up then-
The person's smile dropped then raised an eyebrow at her instead. "What's with that look?"
A scream ripped itself from Nakamura's throat.
• ▪ • ▪ •
"Wow you changed a lot!"
"You think I'd still look the same after 10 years?" Chiba incredulously asked.
30 seconds of dodging mild embarrassment and composure regaining, Nakamura then revealed to the rest of the team that the person who had appeared before them was Chiba, their former teammate who had been seperated from them 22 Floors below.
After that sudden reunion, but not without a strong slap on the shoulder by Nakamura, Chiba soon led the whole team towards the place he is residing in, which was beyond the forest. The route they are currently taking was much farther away from where they were at previously and less closed off.
There were less trees around them and the pathway is much clearer and if they look even further ahead, they can see a wide clearing at a distance.
The walk was fairly quiet, as the whole team was too exhausted from the previous Floor Test to even make enough noise. Some even start to doze off and are just being carried by lighthouses instead of walking, and some of the Light Bearers in the team had just went inside their respective lighthouses.
Kurahashi in particular was fast asleep on Cattus' back, a cat-like cactus creature she had befriended back then, currently in its giant form as it cutely marched beside Chiba and Nakamura, who were walking ahead of everyone.
"Water spears are definitely the last thing I thought you'd use," Nakamura remarked. Unlike the majority of them, she still has enough energy to engage in a conversation. "I was kinda expecting you to wield a sniper rifle or something."
Chiba let out mellowed chuckles. "I actually do own one. But I only use it for specific types of Floor tests," he professed.
"Oh really?" Nakamura blinked at him im wonder. "Where'd you get it?"
"Ah I won it at the Workshop Battle I participated in 4 years ago."
Nakamura nearly faltered at the name almost bitterly but then quickly recovered. "I see," she forced a cheeky grin. "Probably gave them hell, huh?"
"That was Miki," Chiba rolled his eyes though his smile never left his place. "Anyways, water spears. I've always known how to make them but I've only started to utilize them even more around the time I came to the 12th Floor."
Nakamura hummed in response. "So like... 8 or 9 years ago..?"
"Nine years ago," he confirmed. "Enough time for me to solidify its reliability in battle and learn more ways to utilize it."
"I believe this is the first time I've heard of a Spear Bearer who uses Water shinsu to make their own spears," a golden-litted lighthouse suddenly flew in front of the two. "I apologize for abruptly joining in but I am personally intrigued by this discussion, if you don't mind, Chiba-kun."
"Oh Asano-kun," Chiba's smile widened. "You'd be surprised to know that I'm actually not the only one who does this."
"Is that so?"
"But you're still right," Chiba slightly moved away from Nakamura and faced the two of them, bringing his right arm out.
A small bang of water-like shinsu started forming on his palm then suddenly sprouted into a very long shaft that is twice the height of Chiba himself less than a second after. Its blade forming into a drill-shaped head with small flows of water spiralling around the shaft almost prettily.
With a proud smile, Chiba momentarily spun the newly formed spear around. "I'm the only Spear Bearer in the family who had managed to make it sturdy enough to be a main weapon of choice."
He doesn't need to elaborate for both Nakamura and Asano to know what he meant by 'family'.
Ryuunosuke is from the Great Family of Chiba, whose Head was one of the Great Warriors who had first climbed towards the top of the Tower along with the King himself. Anyone tied with the Chiba bloodline is automatically a Water User by default, unless they chose not to use the water-manifested shinsu, as the heritage is that strong.
Chiba himself is not a direct descendant of the Head, making him one of the less important members as the Family Tree is ridiculously huge that a random Regular could actually meet at least 2 Chiba members in each Floor.
But from what he implied just now, his unique standing as a Spear Bearer might just make him stand out in the vast sea mostly full of Wave Controllers.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't intentionally trying to get my name out there in order to be respected in the family as my own person and not be seen as 'just another Chiba'," he admitted with a determined look. "After all, I was born thousands of years after my greatest grandmother had become one of the Great Family Leaders in the Tower."
He then grinned almost challengingly. "But hearing what both of you said just now is just making me want to work even harder."
Nakamura smirked anticipatingly, trying to bury down the nervousness that had shot throughout her body. That frightening display just earlier and yet he's saying such things like this right now... damn he's grown out of our league...
A seemingly amused chuckle had suddenly come out out the golden lighthouse floating beside them. "It's almost admirable to see how very self-assured you are despite the strong clutches of your influencial family name. I can respect that."
Equally amused, Chiba had vanished the water sphere and turned to the giant glowing golden cube. "Well I suppose my conviction is new for someone who is the only descendant of the Great Lord Asano," he remarked.
"But enough about me, I want to hear your story." He gestured a hand towards him (or the cube) and grinned further. "How did the only child of the strongest Light Bearer in the Tower end up travelling with an old team of mine after that initial claim he had of taking no absolute interest in them?"
Nakamura, who had just been attentively listening to them the whole time, suddenly let out an evil cackle. "Oh man do I have the perfect story to share..."
"No! Her so-called 'perfect story' is nothing but exaggerated lies! Do not listen to her!"
"What exaggerated lies?" Nakamura laughed out loud, her grin even wider. "I literally got a lot of proof saved inside my lighthouse!"
She then gasped dramatically. "Maybe I should just send them to him!"
"Don't you dare!" Asano warned.
Chiba just owlishly blinked at the incredulous sight of Nakamura and a floating golden cube bickering. He was sure it wasn't that long ago when Nakamura had told him about Asano and Sakakibara temporarily joining Team END for a while. Yet the display before him made it seem like their newly formed alliance wasn't that recent at all.
Yeah, there's a lot of catching up for me to do alright...
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Do you know the story of the red oni and the blue oni? The red oni wanted to be friends with humans but they're scared cause he's an oni so he asks his friend blue oni for help. They devised a plan where blue would act evil to humans and red would be the hero to save them. It worked and the humans liked the red oni but the blue one had to leave for it to continue and red is sad his friend left. That story except it's sarumi.
I think I know this, then the blue oni horribly betrayed the red oni due to his on insecurities and they became enemies who fight all the time but really love each other right 8D So imagine Yata's a red-haired oni and he's a friendly oni but a lot of people find him scary because of his fiery temper and high levels of energy. Yata really wants to become friends with the humans in the village, like he always felt out of place in his own family and ended up running away at a young age so he's never had a real family. One day he's hanging around by the village though and the humans just seem so interesting, Yata wants to know more about them and finally be like an actual part of the village instead of hiding in the surrounding mountains. Any time he tries to show himself to the villagers though they either scream and run or try to fight him off because they think he wants to attack them.
Yata's pretty dejected about this and it's irritating his best friend, blue oni Fushimi who thinks humans and family are all worthless. Fushimi doesn't get why Yata even wants to talk to the people in the village, as far as he's concerned all humans are worthless and they're better off staying away. Yata intends to keep trying though and maybe one day when Fushimi's hanging around near the village he overhears some of the people talking about how they're planning to like trap that troublesome red oni who won't stay away, thinking Yata is too dangerous to be allowed to live. Fushimi initially thinks what can humans do to us anyway but then they summon like famed demon hunter Suoh Mikoto who's a human but also stronger than most oni. On top of that Yata sees Mikoto taking care of some dangerous low level youkai that hang out around the village and he thinks Mikoto is the coolest, not realizing that this is putting himself in danger.
Fushimi sighs and decides there's no choice, the only way to save Misaki from his own stupidity is to find a way for the villagers to accept him. Fushimi suggests that he'll be the villain and attack the humans and Yata can save them, Yata thinks this is a genius idea and it doesn't even occur to him that Fushimi becoming the villain will be a problem. Fushimi starts attacking the village, using his intellect to stay one step ahead of Mikoto and the youkai hunters, and finally one day he's like causing major destruction in the village when Yata sweeps in and saves him (complete with some very bad acting). Fushimi gets this twisted smirk and starts acting so cruel Yata isn't even entirely sure if Saruhiko's still faking it, but in the end Fushimi retreats and the whole village sees Yata as a hero.
Yata's super happy that he's been able to become a part of the village but then later when he goes to find Saruhiko he realizes that Fushimi's nowhere to be found. Yata manages to catch up with him miles outside the village, Yata's like wait where are you going and Fushimi coldly reminds Yata that he's the villain to Yata's hero. Yata's like wait but that doesn't mean you have to leave and Fushimi calls Yata an idiot, of course he has to leave now. Yata's upset because he's like why didn't you say something we could have found another way and Fushimi laughs scornfully like this didn't even occur to you did it Misaki. Yata tries to stop him and Fushimi just laughs and says that if he stays he's going to burn the whole village into nothing because he hates humans and he hates weakling oni who want to befriend humans, Yata's his enemy now too and Fushimi's disgusted by him. Yata's super hurt and Fushimi just grins wildly and says he'll be happy to be Yata's enemy from now on (and then Fushimi like joins a group of blue oni living nearby and he and Yata clash all the time, with Yata trying to figure out why Fushimi left him and Fushimi trying to make Yata hate him because he still thinks that Yata chose the humans over him and this is the only way to stay in Yata's world).
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jacxkelly · 7 years
AU where David's suitcase and Jack's suitcase get mixed up on accident after a flight because they look the same- leads to awkward questions about what they're travelling with...
Two prompts filled in one day? Heck to the yes!
Also I got a little carried away with this one but it was fun 
Jack hovered around the baggage carousel, though he wasn’tentirely paying mind to the passing luggage. His gaze kept drifting over the peopleand the entire airport, stubbornly landing back on the guy standing not a fewpaces away from him. They had been on the same flight, Jack had seen him acrossthe aisle.  He wanted to know his name,wanted to know why his attention kept sticking to this one man in particular.
Whoever could still manage to look that put together after anearly seven hour flight was somebody to befriend. The wad of bubblegum rolledbetween Jack’s tongue and teeth before blowing a large bubble. It popped whenhe blinked, dragging his gaze away from the stranger immediately as soon as theobject of his examination looked over.
There was no time for charming anyone in an airport.Besides, there was his suitcase- navy blue with a gray luggage tag. Jackstepped forward and picked it up without further examination, hauling it righttowards the doors to go hail a cab.
Vacation was over, now it wasback to work and reality.
Or perhaps it would have been if the contents of his supposedsuitcase weren’t a surprise when he got home.
Jack stared wide eyed at the open suitcase on his bed. Whatshould be a mess of art supplies, camera equipment, and journals was insteadthe strangest mix of items he had ever seen. Multiple books and beaten upjournals, a few official looking cases with contents involving a mix ofdifferent vials. There was even something that read ‘anti-venom’ which was alittle disturbing. Jack’s morbid curiosity had gotten the better of him and heeven dug through the bag a little, revealing a long, hooked metal rod amongstan assortment of men’s clothes.
Thinking he stumbled upon the suitcase of some mass murdereror crazy-o, he slammed it shut and grabbed the luggage tag.
That wasn’t his name at all.
David Jacobs was defiantlynot his name.
Jack had been two seconds from pulling out his phone anddialing the number on the luggage tag when suddenly the sharp ringtone piercedthrough the air. Not the generic one a cellphone comes with, but one of theother preset options. Something a little catchier, but still said that theowner did not have the drive to download custom ringtones.
He fumbled with the cellphone for a moment before swipingthe answer button and putting it to his ear. “Uh…hello?”
“Yes, uh, is this a Jack Kelly by chance?”
He narrowed his eyes just a little in suspicion, zipping thesuitcase close. “Depends on whose doin’ the askin’.”
The voice on the other end paused, and Jack heard what hecould have sworn was the rustling of paper. “My name’s David. I think…you mayhave grabbed my suitcase? Well, I grabbed yours, I don’t know if there’s athird party involved but this was the number on the luggage tag.”
“…Does yours have what looks like an entire crime labinside? An’ the murder weapon?” Jack joked, laughing nervously and shoving ahand through his hair.
“Those—look, that’s rattlesnake venom, okay? I researchdifferent types of animals just don’t mess with anything. In my defense there’snothing but naked people in this suitcase, so—“
“What, you’se ain’t never head of life drawin’ before? Wait-did you’se go through my books?”
“You went through my stuff, apparently!” The voice soundeddefensive now, and Jack held a hand up in surrender even though he couldn’t beseen.
“Sheesh, thought it was my suitcase so I opened it, no needta bite my head off.” He listened to the silence on the other end, looking backdown at the suitcase on his bed.
“…Sorry, right. Look, your address is on this tag can I just…bringit by, maybe? And pick up my bag?” David let out a breath that Jack heardrustling through the phone.
The artist worked his jaw for a moment, then headed back tothe main room of his apartment. “Sure, yeah. I ain’t gonna be anywhere for theresta the day. Just stop by, last name Kelly, I’ll buzz ya in.”
“Got it, your name is on the tag. Uh…see you then, I guess.”
“…Yeah, see you’se then.” Jackhung up quickly, staring at his phone, then over at the bag. Today was weird,and long. So much for collapsing into bed after a long flight, now he had towait up to get his suitcase back.
It was nearly an hour later before there was a buzz at theintercom.
Jack sat up with a snort, the sound waking him up from hisnap. Letting out a low breath and scrubbing at his face he pulled himself upand wandered over to the door, blindly hitting the button to let his guest up.It took nearly five minutes more before there was a knock on his door, and Jackpulled it open—finding himself face to face with the man he hadn’t been able tolook away from at the baggage claim.
“….You’re David?”He said, obviously stunned.
David was blinking owlish back at him, holding the suitcaseby his side. “Yes, that’s me. Uh…can I come in? Or do you just wanna take yourcase?”
Dumbly, Jack stepped aside to let him in, now suddenlywishing he had tidied up at least a little. His easel was still out from beforehis trip, a half finished canvas sitting upon it. After a moment he cleared histhroat, “Uh, I’se got your case in my room. Gimme a second.”
He started off immediately, mouthing ‘holy shit’ to himselfas he dragged the suitcase off his bag and pulled it back towards the livingroom. There was an awkward stretch of silence, and when Jack opened his mouthspeak, David began to talk at the same time.
He laughed a little when they both cut off abruptly,speaking when David waved his hand to tell him to go ahead. “So you’se…workwith animals?” Jack began, slowly, handing David’s suitcase off to him.
“Yeah…rattlesnakes in Santa Fe, and tarantulas. I was justthere doing research. You?”
“Week of art courses, I draw for the paper. Plus a few daysfor myself, I always wanted ta maybe move out there one day.” Jack shrugged,reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck. “Looks like pretty scary stuff inyour bag for just workin’ with animals.”
David glanced down at his suitcase, then gave a littleshrug. “Its what needed. The right equipment and samples I needed to bringback.”
“So I guess you’se know a lot ‘bout them, huh?” Jack wasstarting to smile by now, studying David’s every movement.
“Well, yeah, its my job.” David glanced up at him finally,meeting Jack’s gaze and holding it calmly for a few moments. Damn he had prettyeyes.
“….Maybe you’se can tell me ‘bout it someday.” His smileslipped into a grin, casually leaning against the arm of the couch. It waspleasant to watch the realization dawn slowly over David’s expression.
“Wait, let me get this straight- We mix up our suitcases,you went through mine—“
“You’se went through mine too.”
“Not the point— you went through mine, and now I’m in yourapartment to pick it up, and you’re asking me on a date?”
Jack shrugged, then folded his arms over his chest. “You’sesaid it, not me.” So he hadn’t immediately rejected him, this was counting as awin already.
David stared at him for a few moments more, and Jack watchedthe cogs slowly turn in his head as he weighed every option. He was the type ofguy that you could see the thought process play out plainly on his face. Somuch expression in small, tiny details that you would have to be payingattention to in order to catch.
Finally, he opened his mouth.
“….Well you have my number now.”
Jack just barely resisted the urge to cheer out loud,laughing softly and flashing him a blinding smile.
“That I do, Davey. That I do.”  
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