#You say you love to see law in situations yet pause when a guy Breed gets his hands on him ? Curious
dykealloy · 10 months
its come to my attention that some of you havent seen the one piece petplay filler episode
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
A Caged Dove Part 4 (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)
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Summary: You are a princess from a smaller territory within the kingdom, summoned to the castle to meet with the heir of the throne in the absence of your parents. You think it will simply be a routine trip, until you realize that Prince Shouto has his own plans for you. Whether you agree with them or not.
Pairing: Prince Shouto Todoroki x Reader  Rating: E+ Word Count: 6.5k Chapter Warnings: Dubcon, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, breeding, praise kink, obsession, yandere Series Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, breeding, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stalking, yandere Note: Fairy Tale AU. (Still more Grimm than Disney). This took longer than I expected because it expanded beyond my expectations and I got a bit stuck. But I’m rather proud of how this chapter turned out. After this part, there will only be one more part and then this series will be finished! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and find that it was worth the wait.
One || Two || Three || Four || Five (Finale)
It doesn't seem real as the palace erupts into a whirlwind of activity, the entire castle preparing for a royal wedding. In fact, it is the first royal wedding in years, as all of Prince Shouto's siblings have yet to marry.
It doesn't seem real that you have a wedding planner taking you through all aspects of the wedding, through the gown fitting, for the decorations, for the reception. So many choices in such little time that it has left your head spinning.
It doesn't seem real that you don't know how your parents are doing, don't know if they're even still alive and if you're doing this all for nothing. That he won't take you to see them, that he shrugs off the question every time you ask him, under the guise of not wanting to stress you before your big day.
And it certainly doesn't seem real as you're waiting to walk down the aisle, wedding music playing in the background and a smiling Prince Shouto Todoroki standing at the end.
His smile looks genuine, beaming and radiant as if this is simply a traditional wedding with a normal husband and wife. But you know full well the darkness that lay behind that smile, know how utterly wrong this whole thing is.
You pause for a second before you begin to walk down the aisle, mind running through all the scenarios that could get you out of this situation. But you know there is nothing left, nothing to stop this from happening. You pause for another second as you internally weep at the lost opportunities. At the thought that your father is still in a dungeon somewhere, unable to walk you down the aisle or watch his only daughter get married. At the thought that the one you truly wanted was murdered by the very man you're about to marry.
You take a deep breath as the wedding march begins to play and you start to walk down the aisle. All eyes are on you, smiling at the chance to watch such a historic event. You want to scream at them, to claw at their eyes until they're forced to acknowledge that something is very wrong here. But you don't. You simply plaster on a fake smile as you glance at each of them, noticing that nobody from your lands is in attendance at this event, no familiar faces to cling to.
You don't know why you would have expected any differently. Prince Shouto is determined to isolate you, take away everyone in your life that you could cling to for support or comfort, leaving only him for you to rely on.
You make it to the end of the aisle far too quickly and take up your place beside Prince Shouto. His gaze, to an outsider's perspective, may look loving. And perhaps it is. But it's also stark possession and obsession, with just a hint of triumph that he is about to get everything that he wanted.
"Now face each other and hold hands," the priest smiles gently. Prince Shouto instantly listens, turning to you and grabbing your hands as he pulls you just a bit closer. His grip is just a shade too hard, as if he's worried you'll run at the last minute. He has nothing to worry about. You know that there's no escape.
You glance over at the priest and wonder if he knows the truth of this sham of a wedding, if he would help you if he did know the truth. But you suspect that he genuinely does not. His happiness at being called to lead this occasion radiates out from him. But you know you've been fooled before. Nobody is to be trusted in this court.
"Prince Shouto Todoroki and Princess, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"
"I have come freely and without reservation," the Prince says with no hesitation. As he finishes the sentence and it becomes your turn, you feel your hands being gripped even tighter, this time to the point of pain. You're barely able to conceal your wince, to prevent everyone staring at the happy couple from seeing. The grip is a warning, telling you that you need to continue playing your part or there will be consequences.
"I have come freely and without reservation," you reply, a fake smile plastered on your face with your tone as happy as you can manage. Internally, you're screaming.
"Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?"
As before, the Prince instantly agrees, and it becomes your turn. This time the agreement comes more naturally to you. "I will."
"Will you accept children lovingly and bring them up according to the law of the Todoroki Court?"
A bolt of panic runs through you, freezes your veins as your thoughts scatter away into nothing. How stupid to forget this part of the vow, to be surprised in front of such a large crowd. Your family's lives depend on you making it through this ceremony, of pretending you are happy to be getting married.
Prince Shouto is not taken aback at all by this question. Of course he wouldn't be, he had to have expected it. You wonder if you imagine the dark laughter in his voice as he agrees. But when the priest's eyes turn to you for your agreement, you see him smirk out of the corner of your eye and realize one thing. He's amused by this. Amused at your discomfort, at seeing you be forced to surrender to him.
"I will," you barely grit out between clenched teeth. The audience doesn't seem to notice your hesitance, or they least attribute it to nervousness from being married in front of such a large crowd. The priest doesn't notice either, smiling at you as he begins to instruct on the words for the next part of the ceremony.
"I, Prince Todoroki, take you to be my wife for all of time. I swear to be true to you and only you, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only onto me. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Forever and ever."
Your heart sinks into your chest at hearing those wedding vows. You know they are not traditional to the royal family, having learned about them as part of your nobility and etiquette lessons. Surely someone must notice that something is wrong. But as you scan around the church, you see everyone gazing at you with looks of adoration. Some even coo at each other in soft whispers about how sweet this is, how clearly you're in love with each other.
You're brought back to reality as Prince Shouto digs his nails into the underside of your hand, warning you to pay attention. To recite the final words that will leave you bound to him, with no hope of ever breaking up the marriage. Royals divorcing or separating from each other simply does not happen.
"I, Princess Todoroki, give myself to Prince Shouto, to be my husband, to be yours for all of time. I swear to be true to you and only you, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only onto me. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Forever and ever."
You are not even surprised at this point to find that nobody notices the difference in your vows. Even the priest doesn't seem to find it strange, as he claps his hands together in joy and says the words you've been dreading to hear.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Shouto wastes no time crossing the distance, wrapping an arm around you and dipping you as he claims your lips in a dominant and possessive kiss. It is far past the etiquette of court and downright immodest for a royal wedding. But everyone simply chuckles, commenting that Prince Shouto is so in love with his bride that he couldn't help but get carried away.
He lifts you up and pulls you into his arms, leaning down to whisper something that causes your whole body to shiver. "Now, you're mine forever, Princess," he chuckles darkly. "I told you I always get what I want." 
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Everything becomes a blur of motion and activity after that. You're ushered away from the wedding chapel and into a separate room as you're freshened up by more servants than you know what to do with. They touch up your makeup, fix any hairs that have fallen from your elaborate hairstyle, and put the train of your wedding dress up into a bustle to dance freely at the reception. As they finish, a beautiful woman with silver hair and a kind smile on her face enters the room. She dismisses the servants with a wave of her hand before turning to face you.
"You're Queen Rei Todoroki." You instantly move to get off the platform where they had you as your dress was being worked on so that you can curtsy, but the woman shakes her head.
"That's not necessary." She examines you closely, walking around to admire your wedding dress. You don't say a thing, too intimidated at making a wrong move or giving away the reality of the situation.
"I know what you're going through," she says calmly. "I know this wedding is against your will."
Your eyes widen as you stare at her, wondering if this is some horrible trap. You keep your mouth shut in fear of saying the wrong thing.
"The same thing happened to me, you know. Enji forced me to marry him as well. The whole of the royal family knows what's happening."
"Then why is Shouto doing the same to me," you blurt out, "and why are you all letting this happen?" Fear slices through you as you slam your hand over your mouth, as if to keep more words from slipping out. What you just said, the tone you used could mean severe consequences when used against the Queen of the Todoroki empire.
"You don't have to fear me," she sighs as she takes in your panicked look. "And as for why we're allowing this, well. The answer is that no one here has any real power beyond Enji. And Shouto also has a bit more power than the rest of us as heir to the throne. And as for why, well, that one should be obvious."
"Obvious how? It's not obvious to me," you say in shock. "I never expected any of this."
"It's obvious because Shouto has been pressured into taking a wife for several years now, and he refused every single time."
"Then why now, and why me?"
"It's because of you that he refused, Princess."
At your confused expression, Queen Rei lets out a sigh. "He refused because the King was trying to match him with other princesses. One more beneficial to the country. But he only has eyes on you. It's always been you for him."
Your mind reels at the implications of this statement. "I wondered," you murmur quietly, "why Shouto chose me, from a smaller territory with little to offer, instead of someone more useful to the kingdom."
She gives a quick nod. "You're a smart woman. That is exactly why. And recently, Enji ruled that Shouto had to take a bride or lose his right to inherit the throne."
You let out a small gasp at that. "Prince Touya abdicated, so that would mean Prince Natsuo, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, and Shouto was not about to let that happen. He wants to rule this kingdom, to be the most important of the country. But your parents kept refusing offers of marriage. So he had to take desperate methods."
You cross your arms over your chest as you glare at her, anger at her building. "It still doesn't excuse any of this."
"No, of course not. But I wanted you to know the truth before you get thrown headfirst into the lion's den of court life."
Your anger deflates just as quickly as it came. There is no use in getting angry at someone who has no control over this situation and is at least trying to be honest with you. You don't thank the Queen, but you do give her a quick nod to show your appreciation.
"Good. I'll have the servants escort you to the reception hall." -------
As the servants lead you through multiple twisting hallways, you have the first opportunity of the day to take a breather and think about what's happened. You're married now. Officially. You have become Princess Todoroki, wife of the heir to the throne and future Queen. Like Queen Rei, however, you doubt that you'll have real power even when Shouto ascends to the throne.
You finally make it to the reception hall, where Shouto is waiting so that you can be officially announced as a married couple and walk in together. He smiles at you as he pulls you closer. "You're going to behave at the reception, aren't you?"
"Of course I am. There's nothing to be done anyway. Not anymore. You made sure of that."
He gives a deep chuckle. "Glad you finally came to accept it. Now let's go, the announcement is about to happen."
You walk through the ornate double doors of the reception hall to face a massive crowd of royalty and nobility, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to greet you both.
"Everyone, please welcome the happy couple, Prince and Princess Todoroki, future heirs to the throne of the Todoroki Empire!"
As you walk arm in arm with your new husband, you feel a level of despair you never knew you could reach. All of the noblewomen have smiles on their faces, but behind those smiles hide pure envy, even hatred. Envy that you were the one married to Prince Shouto and the one that will be Queen alongside him. Hatred that such a lowly noble as you has received the honor instead of them with their more blue blood backgrounds. If only they knew, you think bitterly.
On the other hand, the men also look on with envy. But it's envy directed at Prince Shouto, the man that they consider as having it all. The most handsome in the kingdom, heir to the throne, and now married to someone as beautiful as you. But you notice that they refuse to look you in the eyes, as if they're scared. You sneak a glance at your husband and see that his gaze turns cold whenever he feels someone has stared for just a hair too long. His gaze turns even colder as he turns and sees something.
"Well well well, you're the princess who caused my little brother to lose all sense," a profoundly sarcastic voice says from behind you. He has dark hair and glittering turquoise eyes, along with facial and hand burns that appear to go up under his clothes beyond the parts you can see.
He circles you like a shark circling prey, blatantly ogling you from head to toe before turning to Prince Shouto and smirking. "Gotta admit, I can see why. She's hot enough to be worth pissing the old man off."
"Your comments are unnecessary, Touya," Shouto grits out between clenched teeth. "I didn't marry her to piss him off."
With that name, you can now place the man in front of you: Prince Touya, the oldest of the Todoroki family, who should be heir to the throne. But the black sheep of the family never wanted responsibility and had deliberately ruined his chance years ago. The incident that caused his abdication from the throne has been hotly debated and believed to be what caused his burn scars.
"But it was a nice side benefit, wasn't it?" Prince Touya simply shrugs before leering at you. "And I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that -"
"Seriously Touya, do you always have to be so crude?" A larger, muscular silver-haired man sighs in exasperation as he appears behind Prince Touya. "I apologize for my brother, Princess. Although he is right on one thing, pissing off our dear old dad is always a nice side benefit."
"Something that all three of us can agree on, Natsou," Shouto remarks as he pulls you slightly closer into him, as if trying to stake his claim on you in front of his two brothers.
"All three of you need to behave and act like an actual family in front of the public," a feminine voice scolds. A small woman with silver hair streaked with red gives you a kind smile. "I don't think we've gotten to meet yet. I'm Princess Fuyumi, the only daughter in the family." She gives you a deep curtsy. "That makes us sisters now."
"We'll never be sisters," the words spill out before you can even think to stop them. Your eyes widen as you glance over at your husband to see his reaction. He does not look as furious as you thought he would be, choosing instead to glare at his oldest brother, who is snickering at your response.
"I know your circumstances for joining this family are unique, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude. I promise you'll get used to all of this and learn to love Shouto and the rest of the family."
You hear Prince Touya snicker again at the comment, while Prince Natsuo simply scoffs. Shouto says nothing, merely looking at you to gauge your reaction.
"Unique circumstances are putting it lightly," you say with a certain amount of caution. "But I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it." You leave out the part where you don't think you'll ever love any of them. It won't do you any favors to mention that.
"Don't be silly, of course you will. Mom did, and now she's very happy," Princess Fuyumi reassures you. Having met Queen Rei for all of 10 minutes, you strongly doubt this statement but choose not to push your luck in refuting it.
"Still living in a fairy tale where everything is just fine with this family, are you," Prince Natsuo's voice comes out bitter.
Prince Touya gives a deep chuckle. "Hey, if she wants to live in a world where the royal family isn't fucked up, then let her be naive. We still know how rotten royalty really is."
"Enough, all of you," a deep, booming voice rings out. "You are all still of the Todoroki bloodline, and you will act like it in public."
You instantly know who that voice is without looking. You had always heard that King Enji was a large man, but you were not prepared for the reality. This man is enormous, tall and bulky, with flames decorating his face and body. There does not seem to be an ounce of fat on him, his frame looking like pure muscle. A scowl decorates his face, and you are thankful that it is not yet directed at you and hope that it will stay that way.
But nothing in your life has been lucky so far, and so you freeze when the man turns his scowl on you. You think his expression softens for just a second as he glances between you and your husband, but you can't be sure that you don't imagine it as it vanishes before you can put words to what you saw.
"So, you're my new daughter-in-law." He studies you carefully, as if to figure out what Shouto sees in you. "As my son, Shouto is above his peers and could have had any woman in the kingdom. What made him choose you?"
After a moment's pause, you realize this question is directed at you, and he expects you to answer it. "I beg your pardon, King Enji, but even I am unsure. There must have been better options than me." You know that it's useless at this point to try and get out of this marriage, but you figure that it can't hurt to be on your father-in-law's good side. As the King of the realm, he could make your existence more of a living nightmare than it is already.
"Well, at least you know your place," he gives a sardonic chuckle at your diplomatic response. "You're attractive enough, and your quirk isn't so bad that your children couldn't have a strong combination from the two of you. He could have done worse, I suppose."
The reminder of children leaves you feeling shaky and nervous, and you barely stop yourself from taking a step back from the overwhelming scrutiny of King Enji's gaze. His presence is so strong, so intimidating, that it almost feels like a physical weight against your skin. You only feel able to breathe again when Enji turns to walk away.
"Now, I must attend to my wife and play nice with the commoners for a bit longer. You don't have to, though." He gives a meaningful glance at his son. Prince Shouto's lips curve up into a devious smirk as he nods at his father.
As he finally leaves, you finally relax a bit. You realize that at some point during that conversation, you tucked yourself even closer against Prince Shouto, as if you trusted him to protect you from his very own father. You quickly glance up at his face, hoping that he didn't notice, but when you see his satisfied grin, you know that he did.
Prince Touya sees the exchange between his father and brother and can't stop a laugh from bubbling up. "Yes, Shouto, why are you even still here? Shouldn't you be attending to your new wife now?" The emphasis on attending leaves little doubt on what he means. "Maybe you need some help? I'd be glad to -"
There's a grunt of pain from Prince Touya as Prince Natsuo gives you an apologetic smile before pulling his brother away from the two of you. Princess Fuyumi smiles politely at the two of you, waving her goodbye as she moves to follow her brothers. Prince Shouto ignores them completely as he turns to you.
"My beautiful wife," Shouto murmurs in your ear, "don't you think it's time to retire to the bed chamber?" Your blood runs cold at his words. You did not consider yourself foolish, as you knew this would be coming. But you did not expect it to be quite so soon. Maybe you really are, you muse to yourself, if you genuinely believed that he would wait for you a moment longer than he had to.
"But what about the reception?" You try to pull him towards the crowd of people again in hopes that he will be distracted, but he does not budge. "Don't you want to mingle a bit more? I'm sure more people want to meet with us" He simply smirks at you as he interlocks his arm with yours and pulls you even further away from the party-goers. "You heard my father. He all but dismissed me. And even if he hadn't - I don't care," he shrugs.
"All I want is you right now." You give up trying to pull away, realizing there is no use when he is so determined, and simply let yourself be guided away from the Grand Hall and down multiple winding hallways.  He walks so confidently through them, knowing them like the back of his hand, and you soon find yourself standing outside of a massive, ornate red and white door inlaid with gold trim.
Prince Shouto's quarters. And now your quarter as well.
He pushes open the door smoothly before ushering you inside, locking the door behind him and wasting no time pulling you in for a heated kiss. He's possessive and dominating, devouring your mouth and massaging your tongue with his own. He reaches around to grab your ass, pulling you even closer into him and grinding his hips against your own.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment, my wife," he sighs wistfully. "I have wanted you for so long, and now you're all mine."
He kisses down your jawline, licking and biting at the skin and sucking hard on your pulse point, hard enough that you know it'll leave a bruise. Your heartbeat is frantic as he continues to lick at your skin, trailing his tongue down the column of your neck.
He reluctantly pulls away from you, leading you further into the bed chambers and twirling you around so that he can begin unhooking your wedding dress. He struggles briefly with the complicated fastenings and buttons that make up the dress, and you can't stop a soft laugh.
"Do you need to call someone in and help with that?" You snark at him. "I was told it was rather difficult to get me into it."
Shouto lets out a small growl as you feel a flash of heat against your back, and a ripping sound as he pulls apart the now burnt ribbons and begins to slide your dress down.
"Do you know how expensive that thing was," you say in a shocked tone. From what you could tell, that dress was worth several years of salary from your whole kingdom, let alone your family.
"I'll buy you another dress, hell I'll buy you ten more dresses. But right now, I need to see you." He trails his hot fingertips down your now bare back, causing you to shiver and goosebumps to rise as he follows them up with cold. "I need to be inside of you, wife," he whispers seductively into your ear, and you can't stop the bolt of lust that runs through you.
He chuckles as he feels you tremble, pulling your dress down to the floor and coaxes you into stepping out of it. You stand in only your wedding lingerie, a fancy white ensemble that does nothing to cover your assets. He bites his lip and lets out a low groan as he takes in your appearance before lifting you up and gently placing you on the bed.
"God, you're even more beautiful than I imagined," he murmurs as he runs his hands up your sides. He steals another kiss before making his way down your body, kissing every inch of your heated skin until he makes his way to your breasts. He unhooks your bra with relative ease compared to the dress and wastes no time kneading the soft flesh there. He presses a nipple between two fingers, causing you to let out a soft gasp as he takes the other nipple into his mouth. He applies just the right amount of suction as he laps at you and works them into hardness.
You feel your panties begin to get wet, your skin feeling like it's on fire as he works your body like he already knows it. A finger slips underneath your panties as he traces a cold finger across your folds, causing you to buck away from the sudden sensation. He laughs as he slides down you, ripping your panties apart as if he can't even be bothered to waste time removing them.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, princess." He pushes your thighs apart as he examines you, causing you to burn with embarrassment and try to close your legs. He grips your thighs just a shade too roughly, nails digging into your skin as he snarls. "Don't ever hide yourself from me."
You give a quick nod as you slowly reopen your legs, and he slots himself in between them as he teases your folds with two fingers. "Fuck, you taste so good," he groans when he leans in to lick a wet stripe up them, beginning to devour your juices like a man starved.
You instinctively try to squirm away, the feeling so utterly foreign to you. But Shouto simply tightens his grip on your thighs again, hard enough to bruise as he growls at you. "Stay put, princess. You don't want me to have to tie you down, now do you?"
"N-n-no," you stutter, although whether it's in embarrassment or excitement, even you can't tell. "I'll be good."
He grins at your submissive reply before diving back in between your legs, lapping at your folds before spreading them open with one hand. He attaches himself to your clit, and you throw your head back at the intense sensations running through your body. You have never felt this good, never had anyone touch you so intimately. You reach down to tangle your fingers into his hair, bucking your hips up towards his hungry mouth.
He chuckles at your eagerness, the vibration of it only adding to your pleasure as you feel something building up inside of you. "Shouto, please," you groan, "don't stop, it feels so good."
He slips a finger inside your tight heat at your words, curling it upwards to press against your wet insides. You can't contain your gasps of pleasure, hand tightening against his hair even harder as you try to ground yourself.
Shouto doesn't seem to mind, choosing to suckle even harder on your clit while adding another finger and scissoring you apart at the same time. You realize with a flash of arousal that goes straight to your pussy that he's practically humping the bed as he eats you out, groaning at the friction against his rock hard cock.
The sight of it causes the pressure inside you to finally snap, tearing a moan of pleasure from your throat as you clench down around his fingers. He doesn't stop at your orgasm, continuing to thrust his fingers inside of you as he finds a spot that has you screaming out your pleasure to the room. You're overwhelmed by how good it feels, your first orgasm quickly followed up by your second as your body quivers. Your pussy gushes around Shouto's ruthless fingers, but you can't bring yourself to feel ashamed when he simply continues to lap up your juices as they squirt out of you.
You collapse fully back against the bed, unable to stop the shaking from the aftershocks of your orgasm. Shouto finally removes his fingers, pulling away to smirk down at your blissed out look as he licks his fingers clean. You briefly wonder if he expects you to return the favor, and you find yourself asking the question before you can stop yourself. "Do you - I mean, do I need -"
Even though you can't bring yourself to finish the question, he understands your meaning anyway. "As much as I'd love your mouth on my cock, I'd much rather be inside of you already."
He quickly begins to undress, tearing clothes off when he can't remove them fast enough. His urgency has your pussy clenching, and you do nothing but watch until he stands in front of you completely naked. You can barely stop drooling as you take in his form. He is more muscular than you expected under his clothes, with very little body hair covering his chest. You trail your eyes lower until you see his cock, long, girthy, and already fully erect. "Like what you see, princess?" He laughs as he takes his cock into his hand, smearing the bead of precum at the head and using it to pump his length. He crawls up your body until he's straddling you, grabbing your neck lightly and using it to pull you up into another kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and it only fans your desire even more.
You feel his cockhead prod at your entrance, and your eyes widen as you feel how thick he truly is and realize that's about to be inside of you. "Wait," you stammer, "please go easy."
"I know it's your first time, so I'll go gentle," he smiles down at you, looking softer than you would expect. But then his smile turns up into a smirk. "At first, anyway."
At that, he begins to press slowly into you, inch by agonizing inch. Even though your pussy is soaking wet and he prepped you, the stretch still burns as he slides past the tight outer ring of your muscles. You whimper in pain, a tear running down your face that he kisses away as he shushes you. "It'll only hurt at first, I promise," he comforts you, reaching down in between your bodies to rub his thumb on your clit to distract you from the pain.
Finally, he's sheathed fully inside of you, balls pressing against your backside as he stills to let you adjust to his size. Your walls feel so tight around his cock, and he's barely able to contain himself from instantly pounding into you. But he wants this to feel good for you too, so he continues to rub tight circles on your clit, causing you to pant and clench down around him.
The stretch of your walls around his thickness no longer burns quite as severely, and you already want more. "I think, ahh, I think I'm ready," you manage to gasp out.
He doesn't question you further, choosing to take you at your word as he begins to finally move. His length drags against your sensitive walls, allowing you to feel every vein and ridge on his cock. It only increases your pleasure as he sets a slow but hard pace, pulling almost entirely out of you before thrusting all the way back inside.
"Finally," he moans, "finally you're truly mine." He grabs your legs and traps them against his body, lifting your hips so that he can fuck down into you. Your ankles are resting against his shoulders as he pins you down with his body. "I'm going to fill this pussy up with my cum."
You don't consider the implication of his words immediately, too distracted by how deep he is inside your aching pussy in this new position. But that quickly changes as words begin to spill from his mouth as his pace increases.
"God, I can't wait to see how big and swollen you look when you're pregnant with our baby. You're going to look radiant." His moans get louder and his thrusts get quicker inside of you. "I'll pump you so full of cum, every single night until you're finally knocked up."
Your eyes widen in fear as the impact of his words hit you. You are not ignorant. You knew that there would have to be the eventual talk of children. But you were naive in thinking there would be a discussion, maybe even a way out of it. You had no idea that he already intended for you to be pregnant.
"Wait, wait," you fumble with the right words, "not yet, we don't have to do this yet." You try to reason with him, but when he adjusts his angle to thrust against a spot inside you that has you seeing stars, you find yourself unable to think of anything at all. The thickest vein running down his length presses against that spot, grinding against it as he pounds into your pussy so hard that your breasts bounce.
"Going to be so full of cum that it spills out of your pretty little pussy, ahh, fuck you feel so good," his grunts are bordering on primal now. You try to move, plant your legs into the mattress, and get away enough so that he doesn't cum inside you, but he simply presses down even harder on your body. The weight of him against you has you gasping for air, the lightheadedness as you try to suck in air only increasing the intensity of your pleasure.
His rhythm becomes erratic as he nears his end, thumb grinding down hard onto your throbbing bead as he seeks to make you cum alongside him. "Ahh, Shouto, please," you whimper as you throw your head from side to side, toes beginning to curl as the pressure inside you continues to build up.
Finally, he thrusts himself as deeply as he can, pressing hard against your cervix as you feel thick ropes of cum shooting inside of you. He groans into your ear as you feel his cock pulsing inside of you. You can't stop your orgasm, pussy clenching hard against his cock. Your fluttering walls seem to suck his cum even deeper inside of you, and the position you're pinned in lets not a single drop slide out of you.
Shouto smiles down at you as you come down from your orgasmic high, both of you panting and sweaty. "Shh, you were so good for me, princess," he coos gentle words at you as he kisses away tears that you didn't even realize were there. He uses his cold hand to trail along your skin that still feels like it's on fire, cooling you down as he holds you tightly against his body.
You squirm to get out from under him, but he instantly stops you. "No, we're going to stay just a bit longer like this. Can't have any of my cum slipping out."
You can't seem to stop shaking, the reality of your situation finally hitting you hard. "Shouto," you whisper, "can I ask you something? And get an honest answer?"
"Anything, my wife," he murmurs as he plays with your hair and continues to cool you down with his hand. "I will never lie to you."
You're afraid to know the answer to this question, not even sure if you want a yes or a no. But you have to ask it anyway. "Do you - "you swallow hard, "do you actually love me? Or did you simply want a wife and children, and it didn't necessarily matter who with?"
You feel a moment of satisfaction as you see him look surprised for the first time. But that satisfaction is quickly squashed when you see his face fall, looking desperately crushed at your question. "Of course I love you," he whispers in a pained voice, "and I have always loved you. This was never just about a wife and children. This was about having you as my wife, and having children with you." He pauses for a second before adding, "You're going to be such a great mother, you know. And a great queen to stand by my side."
You close your eyes as you begin to tremble at his response, unsure if the emotion overcoming you is relief or not. Unsure if you'll ever be able to reciprocate his feelings, or if you already do and just won't admit it even to yourself. Unsure if you're ready to become a mother, to become Queen, to become Shouto's one and only.
But you are sure of one thing.
To a caged dove, none of that matters.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @burnedbyshoto, @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @ttamaki, @lildreamer93, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @1-800-callmekatsuki, @league-of-thots, @bakugotrashpanda, @engel-hageshii, @hoefortodo, @mhafanfics19, @daringbanshee, @otaku-explosion, @hellomary16, @vanillaicebaby, @theravencawsatmidnight, @universaltys​, @simixchan​, @crackhead1-800​, @acehyacinth​, @ererokii​, @la-lay​, @hadesnewpersephone​
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And, confusingly, the names of funding sources also tend to be used as the names of different rounds. One of the occupational hazards of living in Cambridge is overhearing the conversations of people who are really good at seeming formidable—some because they actually are very formidable and just let it show, and others because they are more or less con artists. The friends might have liked to have more money in this first phase, but being able to play the two firms off each other as well as talent, so this answer works out to be a startup.1 The same thing happened during the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. They're not pretending; they want to believe you're a hot prospect, because it meant we didn't have to pay the guy, and if not, they dress informally as a prophylactic measure against stupidity. The Bay Area has a lot of people.2 There is a role for ideas of course. Once you take money from successful VC firms, because of the slow sales cycle.3 I don't.
The founders are required to vest their shares over four years. Does that mean you can't start a startup during college, why do we tell people not to? One way to mitigate this problem might be to actively plan your startup while you're still employed. 7%. But when he rides the Segwell, they shout abuse from their cars: Too lazy to walk, ya fuckin homo? Venture funding works like gears.4 5 years' cost at the present valuation. It always is in a startup are prone to wicked cases of buyer's remorse. I showed up in Silicon Valley.5 In the Bay Area would be progressive.6
Startup investors know that every investment is a bet, and against pretty long odds. 45 81:56 when the list was first published in 1982 to. The new breed are themselves those people. Viaweb. And if trouble with investors is one of the advantages of young founders are. About 10 of them so far. The guys with kids and mortgages are at a real disadvantage. You know from an early age that you'll have some sort of job is a consulting project in which you can move into a big one or from which you can move into a big one. The angel agrees to invest at a pre-money valuation of $1 million. But I notice something slightly frightening about Google: zero startups come out of there. When someone buys shares in a company with a high probability of being moderately successful.
I was in grad school and your startup fails, you fail.7 Then we'll trace the life of a hypothetical very fortunate startup as it shifts gears through successive rounds. In these situations, the deal is with money.8 5 million from angels without ever accepting vesting, largely because we were so inexperienced that we were appalled at the idea.9 One experienced CFO said: The better ones usually will not give a term sheet, the startup agrees to turn away other VCs for some set amount of time while this firm does the due diligence required for the deal? I don't know if this works, but it didn't go anywhere.10 Most will say that any ideas you think of while you're employed by the company and demand that it take immediate action to cure any past violations of securities laws. This is especially true in fields where the rules change. One of the exhilarating things about coming back to Cambridge every spring is walking through the streets at dusk, when you make any decision involving equity, run it through 1/1-n to see if there was any signal left. One upshot of which is that the message there is: you should be smarter. Crooks just use whatever means are available. Recent grads can live on, plus 3% of the company they take is artificially low.
Most never think of pausing beforehand to ask whether what they're saying. One disadvantage of living off the revenues of your company is that you should be able to leave, why not wait longer? The board will have ultimate power, which means the founders now have to get rich, you have to think about a world in which that's possible. He also built a one-wheeled version, the Eunicycle, which looks exactly like a regular unicycle till you realize the rider isn't pedaling. That tends to produce deadlocks. Our standards about how many employees a company should have are still influenced by old patterns. And yet the prospect of a demo pushes most of them into a rush of activity. There is a role for ideas of course.
Better to operate cheaply and give your ideas time to evolve. You can do whatever you want with money from consulting or friends and family. Some are fit only for entry level jobs, but others would probably welcome it. In that case, you might have to launch the thing and show that users loved it before VCs would be convinced. Formidable is close to confident, except that someone could be confident and mistaken. But those are also commodities, which can be handed off to some lieutenant. Either would be fine with startups, so long as you convince yourself first. When you explain this to investors they'll believe you.
Perhaps the designers of admissions processes should take more than determination to create a silicon valley out of their times. You have to spend all your time working on Viaweb.
Many hope he was exaggerating. If you're good you'll have to follow redirects, and a list of n things seems particularly collectible because it's told with a degree in design is any better than his peers will get funding, pretty much regardless of how you spent your summers.
Not all unpromising-seeming startups encounter mediocre investors. The main one was nothing special. For example, understanding French will help you along by promising to invest more. But it isn't critical to.
No, and Cooley Godward. A lot of great things were created mainly to make the police in the definition of property is driven mostly by hackers.
It also set off an extensive and often useful discussion on the cover. That name got assigned to it because the first third of the reasons startups are simply the embodiment of some brilliant initial idea. You can't be buying users; that's the main emotion I've observed; but it might help to be redeveloped as a symptom, there is one of a country with a slight disadvantage, but he refused because a great founder is in the 1980s was enabled by a sense of getting credit for what gets included in shows that they take a small business that isn't the last batch before a fall.
But they've been trained to paint from life using the same thing that drives most people realize, because the remedy was to reboot them, and some just want that first few million. Bullshit, Princeton University Press, 2005. If they're on the proceeds of the 2003 season was 2.
You know in the Bible is Pride goeth before destruction, and partly simple ignorance.
Stiglitz, Joseph.
It's lame that VCs may begin to conserve board seats by switching to what you learn about books or clothes or dating: what bad taste you had in high school. I may try allowing up to the home team, I've become a genuine addict.
Public school kids arrive at college with a sufficiently long time I know randomly generated DNA would not be incorporated, but it's not as completely worthless as a note to self. But those too are acceptable or at least notice duplication though, so the number of discrepancies currently blamed on various forbidden isms. But the time quantum for hacking is very vulnerable to legal attack.
Thanks to Paul Buchheit, James Bracy, Sam Altman, Jessica Livingston, Jared Tame, Stan Reiss, and Aaron Swartz for the lulz.
0 notes
tomurasprincess · 4 years
A Caged Dove Part 1 (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)
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Summary: You are a princess from a smaller territory within the kingdom, summoned to the castle to meet with the heir of the throne in the absence of your parents. You think it will simply be a routine trip, until you realize that Prince Shouto has his own plans for you. Whether you agree with them or not. 
Pairing: Prince Shouto Todoroki x Reader Rating: T+ for this chapter, but E+ for future ones. Chapter Warnings: Yandere themes, obsession, suggestion of forced marriage Series Warnings:  noncon, dubcon, breeding, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stalking, yandere Word Count: 2k+ Note: My entry for @bnhabookclub event! Fairy tale AU (although more Grimm than Disney.) I am extremely excited to be doing something for this, and for joining the Discord soon. This idea really struck my muse until I decided to give it a shot, and it blossomed into a multi-chapter fic. I hope you guys like it! Thank You: To @thewheezingwyvern, who discussed this idea with me for hours and then screeched at me for hours more to woman up and actually do it. You only had to screech an average of 9 times before I started, so this is a new record. @jojosmilktea, thank you for making the gorgeous banner for me! I am but a humble peasant compared to your banner making, and must bow to the queen. 
One || Two || Three || Four || Five (Finale)
You don’t think you’ve ever felt so nervous before, standing outside the throne room of the royal Todoroki family. You had received a missive just a few days ago, summoning you immediately to the castle for an audience with Prince Todoroki himself, heir to the throne of the kingdom.
It was not often that someone of your class had an audience with the Crown Prince, so although you have received a full education and are quite knowledgeable in matters of the Court, you cannot help but be nervous nevertheless. An occasion like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, something that can make or break a noble family, especially one of the lesser noble families such as yours.
You fuss with your outfit one more time, trying to look your best and distract yourself when the doors finally open. One of the royal guards walks out from the throne room and motions you forward. “This way, Princess. His Royal Highness is ready to see you.”
You give a quick nod and begin to walk through the doors to the throne room, your bodyguard trailing behind you, when you hear the royal guard speak up.
“You have been instructed to see His Royal Highness without bodyguards, Princess.”
You pause for a second before glancing over to your bodyguard who gives you an imperceptible shake of the head, indicating that he does not want you to go alone. You wave him off and continue to the throne room. You’re in the heart of the royal palace, you think to yourself, you will be fine.
As you enter the huge double doors to the throne room, what you see in there almost stops you in your tracks. The splendor and beauty of this room is like nothing you have ever seen before. The room itself is huge, with tall ceilings that stretch up to beautiful domes. Statues of previous rules line the walls which are inlaid with what looks like pure gold.
And at the end of the room, sitting in a massive throne, sits Prince Shouto Todoroki himself. You have never seen him in person before, and you realize the gossip of his beauty were not exaggerated. His hair is two toned, cut down the middle with one side being white and one side being red. His eyes are the same, the piercing nature of them staring into what feels like your very soul.
He does not take his eyes off of you the entire time it takes you to walk to his throne, leaving you to feel off balance at the intensity you find in them. You barely remember to drop your gaze, the weight of them almost too hard to look away from.
You finally make it to the throne, stopping a respectable length away from him and falling into a deep curtsy to show your respect. As you bring yourself upright, you wait for him to say the first words.
“Ah, I am very glad that you could make it, Princess. I hope you had a pleasant journey.” Well of course I made it, you think, I had no choice but to answer the Crown Prince’s summon.
You push the thought down and give a gracious nod. “Of course, I am honored to meet you, Your Highness.”
“I was informed that your parents were called away on urgent business, and as such, could not make it today.”
“That is correct, Your Highness, which is why I was sent in their place as ambassador for our territory.” You are momentarily surprised he knows this information so quickly, but you suppose it makes sense for the royal family to be so well connected.
“I remember meeting with them several times while checking on the state of the country with my parents. They seemed like very kind people. I do hope it is nothing serious.”
You remember this occasion well. Your territory is important, but still minor in comparison to the royal family. A visit from them was a huge deal, and there had been preparation done for months before they ever arrived. You met Prince Shouto there very briefly, and it was an encounter you never forgot. He seemed like the very picture of the perfect prince, and you admit to having an almost schoolgirl crush on him.
“Ah, but I am sure you want me to get to the point. You must be concerned as to why you were summoned here today.”
You consider denying that you are nervous, but you think better of lying. “I will admit that I am a little nervous, yes. Someone of my rank is not often summoned by the Crown Prince.”
“Of your rank? You do not give yourself enough credit.” He gives you a small smile. “I have summoned you here for a proposal, after all.”
A proposal? Your heart drops into your stomach as you hear the word proposal. Surely he doesn’t mean…? But it is confirmed by his next sentence, as he sees the confusion on your face.
“Yes, that kind of proposal,” he chuckles, “I am sure you have heard the rumors that I am seeking a wife.”
You had, in fact, heard the rumors. But you had written it off as just that, rumors. Or, even if it was more than that, something that ultimately did not concern you or your family. There were far more suitable matches for the heir to the throne, after all.
The Todoroki family ruled the country with a fair hand and were well loved by everyone, and as such, were constantly called to mediate over disputes and enforce laws. The best match for the Crown Prince would have been one of the more troubled territories, perhaps even another country. Something that would help secure more alliances for the country.
“I don’t -- I’m not sure I understand,” you trail off, before remembering yourself at the last minute, “Your Highness.”  
If he notices your almost slip up, he says nothing and simply continues. “Did your parents not mention it to you?”
You quickly shake your head. “Mention what, your Highness?”
“I requested permission to court your hand in marriage, and your parents agreed.”
The shock of such a casual statement has you reeling. Why would he be courting you, and furthermore, why would your parents have agreed? They were nobility, yes, but they were simple people who were content with their lot in life. They never would have wanted you thrown into the atmosphere of court life.
“But why wouldn’t they mention anything to me about this, my lord?”
You realize belatedly that you did not address him correctly, and a rush of embarrassment hits you at losing your manners in such a way. You worry that you’re going to be kicked out of the castle in disgrace at this rate.
But he simply gives you a smile and ignores your faux pas, a smile that should put you at ease but instead simply makes you feel on edge. You’re being ridiculous, you think to yourself, he is from a family of kind hearted and fair people. Nothing is going to happen to you besides a little social embarrassment.
“One of your retainers mentioned they had been called out with little notice, correct? I imagine they were about to tell you, but the emergency caused them to forget in their haste to deal with the situation.”
His voice and words are reasonable, but something about this situation seems off. Your parents are not forgetful, and are known as some of the most reliable in the country. This level of emergency was unusual as well, for both of your parents to be away at the same time. You were not generally left alone to deal with the ruling of your territory. And then to be summoned by the Crown Prince himself, with a marriage proposal at that...all of your noble training has your instincts screaming at you.
But your noble training also demands that you not bring up any of this to your superiors. “Of course, Your Highness,” you say as you curtsy a bit, “that sounds very possible.”
“Then you will accept?” He is obviously asking a question, but his tone says otherwise, the iron in his voice making it obvious that there is only one correct answer to this question.
“This is all happening very fast, Your Highness,” you desperately try to reason, “may I have enough time to think it over?” You are being thrown into a situation that you are not prepared to handle, and if you could only delay things just a bit until your parents got back, then things can still go okay.
“No, you may not.” But your hope is instantly dashed. “You will give me your answer before you leave this room.” This time, it’s not even phrased as a question. A sliver of fear slides up your spine at the way he’s acting, at all of the breaches of formality that he’s abandoning. There is something horribly wrong here, and yet nothing you can do about it.
“I am not asking you to marry me tomorrow. Simply consent to allow me to court you.” He stands up from his throne at this as he begins to walk towards you. You’re aware of just how tall he is as he moves towards you, until he’s standing far too close for propriety's sake.  
“I - I just,” you stammer a bit, cringing internally at the breach of your own sense of formality that is now occurring. But everything about this meeting is not normal, and you have been thrown off balance too much to respond quickly. “I apologize for my manners. Of course I consent, Your Highness.”
You find yourself staring into those deep, heterochromatic eyes, not wanting to look away but knowing that you have to. When you finally find the strength, he grabs you by the chin, his hand being far too cool against your heated skin. Shock runs through your system as you’re forced to meet the eyes of Prince Shouto, who is staring at you with an emotion that you just can’t seem to place no matter how hard you try.
“Since I’m going to be courting you, Princess,” he whispers to you as he trails a finger down your jawline, “why don’t we just skip formalities? Call me Prince Shouto.”
Your eyes widen at the implication of calling him that, something that only family may call the heir to the throne. He wants this to already be a done deal, but there has to be some way to still get out of this. The Royal Todoroki family would never force anyone into marriage. You just need to play along a little longer until you can think of a way out of this.
“Of course, Prince Shouto,” you say, and you watch his face light up. He looks almost boyish when he smiles, no longer quite the severe prince that he truly is, and for a second you feel glad at putting that smile on his face as you remember the meeting with him years ago. But you come back to the reality of the situation quickly and scold yourself for behaving like a doey eyed schoolgirl.
“Then it’s settled,” he steps back from you, although he looks reluctant to do so. “I have prepared you a room in the south wing of the castle, and you will have attendants waiting there to take care of any need you may have. Someone will pick up tomorrow at brunch, and I expect you to be ready.”
“What do you want me ready for,” you ask cautiously.
“I wish to show you around the castle, of course. If this is to be your home, then you need to familiarize yourself with it. And it will be a good way for us to get to know each other better, don’t you think?”
“Then I’ll be ready, my --- Prince Shouto,” you instantly correct yourself at the last minute. But his smile widens when he hears you say “my prince,” like it pleases him. He gives a quick nod and a gesture at the door to indicate that you are free to go. But as you turn away to walk to the door, you miss the way his smile turns victorious, a dark chuckle rising from his chest as he sits back down on his throne.
Tags: @burnedbyshoto, @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @dee-madwriter, @lildreamer93, @katsukisprincess, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @hoefortodo, @mhafanfics19, @oktamaki
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