#You Are Not A Robot || Francesca || Headcanons
              Bold any fears which apply to your muse.
                 Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
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the dark ⋆  fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises  ⋆ being touched ⋆forgetting
Tagged By : @rk800-313-248-317-51  (Ty sweetness)
Tagging : @gcdmode @storiesnotyettold @androidfled @heroicintention @damntragedy @cptnallen @replicantdeviancy
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Toucha toucha touch me! Or don’t..?
Lil’ mini brief headcanon on these babes and touch bc my brain was thinkin’ about it last night. 
Frankie - Genuinely touch starved, doesn’t realise it. Tries to mask whatever-this-unknown-unwelcome-emotion is with aggression, but easily melts under a gentle hand.  Hilda - Understands the basis of physical affection - does not experience a need for it. Responds defensively to aggressive physical interactions. Luca - Designed to crave physical touch, he is gentle and tactile. Can live without it and switch off the desire but still enjoys physical intimacy, platonic or otherwise. Phather / Martin - Touch averse in his human form - he deals with it because he has to but prefers to be in charge of all physical interactions. Reacts poorly to most people forcing physical intimacy on him (backslaps, arm claps, guiding hands). Physical affection is limited to very few, highly trusted people, and even then he has to be in the mood. RK900 - Understands the human need for tactile interaction and can emulate it to integrate better, but does so less often than his predecessor might. Does not require, or especially desire, physical interaction. Leo - Another genuinely touch starved muse - but with a limited identification of his needs he works to resolve this by making sure he receives plenty of attention. 
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Fun & otherwise interesting facts about Francesca Wolshop (and to some extent, Martin). (And Terrence. And Hilda.)
Uhm, so - most of this would not be common knowledge - and a lot of it would be difficult to access so... Like, maybe talk to me before bringing it up in a thread? 
@gcdmode bc I said I would. (also bc we discussed it, I’m pretty happy w/ Elijah having dug this shit up).
Under a cut bc... Long. And potential trigger warnings?
Francesca’s birth certificate lists her mother as Evelyn Howard. She is most conspicuous in her absence from her daughter's life. In her early infancy, Martin dropped out of university, took his daughter and moved clear across the country. There is no evidence Evelyn has ever attempted to contact or gain custody of Francesca. Evelyn Howard is a real person, who attended the same university as Martin, going to on to graduate and is still alive. 
Terrence and Martin met shortly after the move through coincidence. Martin was a low paid member of staff and Terrence had been shipped in from the UK in an attempt to save a floundering company. His peers, however, we disinclined to take his advice - in fact, they seemed disinclined to accept advice from anyone. Martin made some excellent suggestions which were dismissed - but Terry spotted them for what they were. When the company crumbled the two remained friends - eventually becoming business partners.
Their company was founded as a joint venture - with all the financial backing coming from Terrence. He insisted on an equal split of the assets - claiming Martin’s mind was worth much more than his money alone.
Francesca has a relatively unremarkable childhood - described as intelligent and inquisitive by her teachers there were some limited concerns about her social skills and interactions - these, however, were dismissed as simply what happened with only children. 
Her teenage years, however, were immediately difficult. She began to rebel and act out - garnering some attention from the police. The peak of her delinquency was in 2026. A few weeks into the start of the school year - she got into a fight with two other students. Although it was teachers that peeled them off her, the other two students and a handful of witnesses claimed Francesca was the main aggressor. 
Following this, multiple teachers expressed concern for her - and her mental stability - siting a change in her behaviour since the beginning of the school year. Most concerning was the work she was producing in her English and Media classes - her physical education teacher caught her practising archery, using the picture of one of the students from the altercation as a bullseye - and an increasingly aggressive and morbid attitude.
An incredibly rapid cascade of incidents unfolded - Martin was called in for a meeting with the concerned staff, pretty much in line with the released of the H.I.L.D.A model, where it was suggested that Francesca was taken ‘to see someone’. Francesca launched a brutal assault on the H.I.L.D.A model in her own home - and ran away shortly after. Martin sought the assistance from the police - going so far as to report her for criminal damage, eventually dropping the charges when she returned home - from Terrence’s with a police escort. She did not return to school following the Christmas holidays, Martin registering her for home education instead.
The criminal activity petered out over the next two years - with only one count of public intoxication in 2031 to mark it since. 
The years following her late adolescence settled down - and she did well in her exams and at university. 
In 2037 - she was in a car accident - a driver under the influence drove into the side of her vehicle, hitting her on the driverside. She was hospitalised for an extended period following this and appeared to be getting better before swelling of her brain caused seizures that put her into a coma. Doctors recommended withdrawing care, giving her extremely low odds of successful recovery. Against recommendations from the same doctors, Martin had her moved. 
Miraculously* - later that year - she recovered. Not entirely unscathed (lingering amnesia and physical trauma still affect her over a full year later). Unfortunately - Martin’s joy would be short-lived - as he passed away in early 2038 a few months after getting his daughter back. 
IRIS had been struggling for some time - and not one to go down with a sinking ship - Terrence used this period of instability and vulnerability - to pressure Frankie into agreeing to a generous offer from Fancourt Enterprises to buy them out.
Martin had a penchant for programming his androids in unique ways (read: he code freaky) - and a distaste for documenting his processes - and what Fancourt Enterprises inherited was, therefore, fundamentally unusable. Given time, they could have worked it out, but what was meant to be an easy acquisition (and the lawsuit they attempted to launch against Francesca and Terrence) crippled them and before year end they had collapsed. 
And honestly, if u read all the God bless u. I am taking questions on the shady things if anyone has any / cares??? 
*Not that miraculous - Martin made an android copy of his kid and then exhausted himself to death.
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Character flaws
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tagged by: @gcdmode tagging: blehhh.
bold what is always true! italicize what is sometimes true!
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant |audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd |liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving| moody | naive | nervous | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
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🐶Are they a cuddler?🔮Do they believe in soul mates? ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? (@Frankie)
Get teenage kicks all through the night || @rebellicvs || Still Accepting
🐶Are they a cuddler?
Yes. It can take some work to get past Frankie’s tough outer skin - she likes to seem strong and independent - and your earliest steps in a relationship would likely involve not spooking her when she gets uncomfortable with ‘needing’ someone else. But she is genuinely touch-starved and once you work your way under her armour she is not only a cuddler but very physically affectionate. 
🔮Do they believe in soul mates? 
Eh. It’s a dumb idea - but with the right partner - she could maybe see how people might believe in it.
⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 
Yeah, for sure. So the thing is she likes to come off as badass and aloof and she’s not gonna just get with anyone - they’ve gotta keep up with that - so her partners are likely to be pretty capable (although, she could easily develop a weakness for A Soft) and she will recognise that and try not to be smothering about it. And she’ll try to curb dangerous / self-destructive impulses in her partners - pull them away from fights, talk them down from poor decisions - and just as equally start shoving someone who just insulted her partner, raring to go. 
🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? 
She’d probably stop short of outright murder - although who knows? Right person? Wrong circumstance? If she had to..? Hopefully, the person she loved wouldn’t put her in a position like that. But once she’s in, she’s in deep and she’ll take it to the limit.
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It is worth noting that while Martin & Frankie will both treat androids with relative respect (especially pre-deviancy) compared with say, your average street protestor - they aren’t perfect and do not view androids as sentient creatures on the same level as humans. 
Frankie has a very troubled background with her father's creations (and, to a lesser extent, those who were manufactured by others) and while she likes them more than humans she’d say that's akin to declaring she prefers being slapped to being punched. 
Martin might come across as respectful when he asks before laying his hands on a strange android, but that’s because he recognises how easily he can get his fingers broken and respects the power there more than their autonomy. It’s worth noting as well, in my thread w/ storiesnotyettold’s Connor - he is 100% able to ignore/dismiss Connor’s mood because he believes it to simply be synthesised and therefore doesn’t place as much weight in it as he would were he opposite a crying human. (I mean - there are other layers on top of that - but at the very base of it.) 
They obviously learn and get better (post-deviancy especially) but their lack of outright hatred does not entirely erase their prejudices. 
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Dupes and Discrepancies 
Frankie has been programmed - created - to deceive the average human, the average human, and above all else - herself - into believing she is a living human being still.
She breathes and blinks. And her ‘blood’ has been synthesised as red in colour. She is capable of blushing - and a large amount of her processing power is used to emulate emotions and to negate the durability of her body. Her body emits a heat signature - and she has an internal thermostat that allows her to register being hot and cold. Additionally, when she consumes liquids - some water is and can be used to produce ‘sweat’ in the heat - and misted breath in the cold. She also has a pulse. She is programmed to get ‘tired’ - to follow human rest cycles - and to get hungry. She is able to consume food and receptors will react to a consumption of alcohol to emulate intoxication. 
A large part of her part of what makes her seem real is her ability to ‘feel’ pain - and to avoid it. A safety countermeasure most akin to fear would stop her from trying to parkour across rooftops - and she is receptive to hot and cold - and would withdraw her hand from say a hot stove top. Most prominently - as the real Frankie died following a car accident she has scars and lasting pain from the accident in her left leg, neck and back for which she regularly takes painkillers administered by Hilda. 
Part of the reason she is so well calibrated to avoid damage is the fact it would immediately become evident under medical examination that she is not human - lacking organs and, being so obviously a machine. 
This means that the secret is at risk around characters who are advanced enough to be able to scan for these anomalies. As this usually just encompasses medical androids (certain prototypes weren’t planned for) the secret is relatively safe because she cannot get ‘sick’, something she won’t realise unless it is pointed out to her... Because who thinks that much about when they were last sick..?
Edit: Just realised - she’s got fingerprints and her teeth have been made to match her dental records.
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Martin was raised during a time where data breaches were startlingly common. From politicians leaving sensitive materials on public transport - sensitive, private photos of celebrities being released, en masse, to the world - to social media abusing personal information - it seemed that nowhere was safe. Hardly paranoid - but aware of the implications of delicate information being easily accessible-- Martin put very little trust in storing documentation in any digital fashion. 
As such - when Fancourt Enterprises bought out IRIS - they encountered some extreme difficulties with regards to the assets they had purchased. While they had taken the factory, it’s full inventory and every in production android at the time - they lacked critical data. Schematics for the androids themselves, long forgotten programming processes that had just been duplicated and carried forward from older models-- an understanding of what Martin had been creating.
Frankie was fully cognizant of this fact when she signed the papers that sold her father’s company away. 
Had they had more time - they might have been able to figure it out, or to fight his estate for the information - but the buy out had cost no inconsiderable sum - and unable to hit the ground running they crumbled before any real action could be taken.
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Francesca’s criminal record holds several (mostly) unsuccessful charges for misdemeanours - none of which have resulted in jail time (either due to a fine paid or due to a failure in conviction because of a successful defense to liability with one charge being dropped due to the wronged party not seeking prosecution). Most notable are two accounts of simple assault, three counts of vandalism and one count of trespassing. It is also, potentially worth noting that since 2031 she had received no further reprimand. 
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Tag dumping for Frankie && Luca.
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Frankie went to university with the original intention of majoring in Robotics - however - by the end of her first year she had declared as a Media major, with a minor in Robotics. 
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Children Yelling for McDonald’s
“McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!”: Frankie, Luca, Leo
“We have food at home!”: Hilda, RK900, Alejandra
Orders a single black coffee and leaves: Martin / Phather, Anais, Terrence, Artie
Stolen from @flawsinourcxde  and just... The internet in general TBH
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bold   all   that   apply   .   &   repost   .
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your   stereotypical   masculine   side
you   love   hoodies  .   you   love   shorts   .   dogs   are   better   than   cats   .   it’s   hilarious   when   people   get   hurt   .  shopping   is   torture   .   sad   movies   suck   .   you   own   a   car   racing   game   .   you   played   with   hot   wheels   cars   as   a   kid   .   at   some   point   in   time,   you   wanted   to   be   a   firefighter .   you   owned   a   ds   ,   ps2   ,   n64   ,   or   sega   .   you   used   to   be   obsessed   with   power   rangers   .   you   have   watched   sports   on   tv  .   gory   movies   are   cool   .   you   go   to   your   dad   for   advice   .   you   own   like   a   trillion   baseball   caps   .   you   used   to   collect   hockey   or   baseball   cards   .   baggy   sweats   are   cool   to   wear   .   it’s   kinda   weird   to   have   sleepovers   with   a   bunch   of   people   .  green   ,   black   ,   red   ,   blue   ,   or   silver   are   one   of   your   favourite   colours .  you   love   to   go   crazy   and   not   care   what   people   think   .   sports   are   fun .   you   talk   with   food   in   your   mouth   .   you   sleep   with   your   socks   on   at   night   .   you   have   fished   at   least   once .
your   stereotypical   feminine   side
you   love   to   shop   .   you   wear   eyeliner   .   you   wear   the   color   pink   .   you   go   to   your   mom   to   talk  .  you   consider   cheerleading   a   sport .   you   hate   wearing   the   color   black   .   you   like   going   to   the   mall   .  you   like   getting   manicures   and/or   pedicures   .   you   like   wearing   jewelry   .   you   cried   watching   the   notebook   .   dresses   are   a   big   part   of   your   wardrobe  .  shopping   is   one   of   your   favorite   hobbies   .   you   don’t   like   the   movie   star   wars   .   you   are/were   in   gymnastics   .  it   takes   you   around   one   hour   to   shower   ,   get   dressed   ,   and   make-up  .  you   smile   a   lot   more   than   you   should .   you   have   more   than   10   pairs   of   shoes   .  you   care   about   what   you   look   like .   you   like   wearing   dresses   when   you   can  . you   like   wearing   high   heel   shoes  .   you   used   to   play   with   dolls   as   little   kid  . you   like   putting   make-up   on   others   .   you   like   being   the   star   of   everything   .
i   am   shorter   than   5’5”   .   i   have   scars  .   i   tan   easily  .   i   wish   my   hair   was   a   different   color   .   i   have   friends   who   have   never   seen   my   natural   hair   color   . i   have   a   tattoo  .   i   am   self-conscious   about   my   appearance  .   i’ve   had/have   braces   . i’ve   been   told   i’m   attractive   by   a   complete   stranger  .   i   have   more   than   two   piercings   .   i   have/had   piercings   in   places   besides   my   ears   .
i’ve   gotten   lost   in   my   city  .   i’ve   seen   a   shooting   star .   i’ve   wished   on   a   shooting   star .   i’ve   seen   a   meteor   shower .   i’ve   gone   out   in   public   in   my   pajamas   .   i’ve   pushed   all   the   buttons   on   an   elevator   . i’ve   kicked   a   guy   where   it   hurts .  i’ve   been   to   a   casino   .  i’ve   been   skydiving   .   i’ve   gone   skinny-dipping  .   i’ve   drunk   a   whole   gallon   of   milk   in   one   hour   .  i’ve   crashed   a   car  .   i’ve   been   skiing  .  i’ve   been   in   a   musical  .  i’ve   caught   a   snowflake   or   snow   on   my   tongue   .  i’ve   seen   the   northern   lights  . i’ve   sat   on   a   rooftop   at   night   . i’ve   played   a   prank   on   someone . i’ve   ridden   in   a   taxi .  i’ve   seen   the   rocky   horror   picture   show  .  i’ve   eaten   sushi .   i’ve   been   snowboarding   .
i’ve   done   something   i   promised   someone   else   i   wouldn’t . i’ve   done   something   i   promised   myself   i   wouldn’t  . i’ve   snuck   out .   i’ve   run   away   .  i’ve   lied   to   my   parents   about   where   i   am  . i’ve   cheated   while   playing   a   game . i’ve   run   a   red   light  .   i’ve   witnessed   a   crime   .  i’ve   been   in   a   fistfight .   i’ve   been   arrested  .
death   and   suicide
i’m   afraid   of   dying   .   i   hate   funerals   .   i’ve   seen   someone/something   dying   .  someone   close   to   me   has   attempted/committed   suicide .   i’ve   written   a   eulogy   for   myself   .
i   can   sing   well   .   i’ve   stolen   a   tray   from   a   fast   food   restaurant   .   i   open   up   to   others   easily   . i   watch   the   news .   i   don’t   kill   bugs  .  i   sing   in   the   shower . i   am   a   morning   person .   i   paid   for   a   cell   phone   ringtone   .   i   am   a   sports   fanatic   . i   twirl   my   hair  . i   care   about   grammar .  i   have   “?”’s   in   my   screen   name   .   i’ve   copied   more   than   30   cds   in   a   day   . i   bake   well .   my   favorite   color   is   either   white   ,   yellow   ,   pink   ,   purple   ,   or   orange   .   i   would   wear   pajamas   to   school   .   i   like   martha   stewart   .   i   know   how   to   shoot   a   gun   .   i   laugh   at   my   own   jokes   .   i   eat   fast   food   weekly   .   i’ve   not   turned   anything   in   and   still   got   an   a   in   a   certain   class   .   i   can’t   sleep   if   there   is   a   spider/cockroach   in   the   room   . i   am   ticklish . i   love   white   chocolate  .  i   bite   my   nails  . i’m   good   at   remembering   faces   .   i’m   good   at   remembering   names .i’m   good   at   remembering   dates  .   i   honestly   have   no   idea   what   i   want   to   do   for   the   rest   of   my   life   .
Tagged by: @storiesnotyettold Tagging: @rkunwiired  @androidfled @heroicintention @damntragedy  @detectivemade-a (it won’t let me tag ur new blog?? Probs bc it’s so new???) @jchnccnnor @aplusahol3 @elixabcth @cybercrimeparadigm @daedalcs @deviantcoffeeboy @deviiants @flawsinourcxde @frxhxt @jestersmuses @ruthlessreed @slightlybrcken @threecardtrick @cm-rk900 @rebellicvs @stoicperfection @ccrrupted @rk800-313-248-317-51 AAAAAND you - if I somehow managed to miss you off that list.
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