#Yoshiaki Ishida
tatortatshima · 9 months
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whoops i drew these 2 again instead of sleeping for school
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fangcyclonelunaheat · 5 months
Ishida is theoretically the 3rd mario brother since he's the white part of the italian flag to Mario's and Luigi's red and green and has also a mustache
A distant relative, you can say
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Hey Mrs. O hope you're well! I just have a question about IkeSen. Im a bit confused about whos in power. Like they talk about an Emporer, and a shogun, and daimyo's. Im confused how Nobunaga and the other lords fit in and who is in charge lol any clarification would be greatly appreciated
Hi Nonny! Thank you, I am peachy.
I don't blame you for being confused - Ikesen gives us an extremely watered down version of Japanese history and even that is confusing because Japanese history is heckin complicated! I'm no expert but I'll see if I can make things clearer for you.
In the time of Ikemen Sengoku it is the Sengoku period obviously (which roughly spans the 15th and 16th centuries) and more specifically 1582, which is the year Oda Nobunaga 'died'. However, we're dealing in a fictional version of things where stuff gets fudged a bit, so let's not get hung up on the exact dates. The structure of Japan at that time was still a feudal system divided into 5 basic levels that looked something like this:
Emperor > Shogun >> Daimyou >>> Samurai >>>> Peasants
The Emperor was nominally the most powerful person in Japan, a political figure of course, but most of all he is a spiritual figure. He's the leader of the Shinto religion and said to be descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu. The Emperor and his Imperial Court fulfilled many important ceremonial functions and was a place where the arts and culture were encouraged and maintained.
In truth though, the most powerful person in the sphere of day to day earthly life was the shogun, a military dictator that ruled over the country. (Incidentally, the first shogun to really consolidate power and create feudalism as it existed in Japan for 600+ years was Minamoto no Yoritomo - the poster boy for Ikemen Genjiden) The shogun ruled with the Emperor's blessing, whether that was freely given or manipulated, and if you really want to grossly oversimply an analogy I think you could somewhat liken it to the concept of the Pope and some monarchs in historical Europe - both powerful in different ways, and a monarch ostensibly ruled with the Pope's stamp of approval.
Below the shogun would be the daimyou, powerful land-owning lords who controlled personal armies of samurai loyal to them. This would include many of the warlords we know by name in the game - Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Date Masamune, Uesugi Kenshin, Mouri Motonari, Imagawa Yoshimoto, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi (eventually) were all daimyou.
Samurai in service to the daimyous could include some illustrious warriors as well, and there are plenty of them that are suitors in Ikesen too - Akechi Mitsuhide, Ishida Mitsunari, Naoe Kanetsugu, Maeda Keiji, and Sanada Yukimura were all subordinates of the men above. (Though Yukimura's older brother, Nobuyuki, was a daimyou)
In the time of Ikemen Sengoku, we have the shogun (or ex-shogun, I suppose) Ashikaga Yoshiaki. It's Complicated, but suffice it to say that Nobunaga had helped him to power as a sort of puppet shogun and then removed him from it, and Yoshiaki did not take this very well. He became a rallying point for those looking to oppose Nobunaga's rise to power and hence his role as a villain in our story.
SO, technically, at the time of our story nobody really is in charge exactly, and that's half the problem. The Emperor exists offstage in Ikesen, and the Imperial Court is always a force that has to be taken into consideration, but Nobunaga is generally adept at maintaining a positive relationship with it. It isn't until after Nobunaga manages to bring almost half of the previously fractured provinces of Japan under his control, and the unification he begins is continued by Hideyoshi and ultimately solidified by Ieyasu, that a new shogun rises to power and maintains the Tokugawa shogunate for the next three centuries or so.
If you're interested in a brief rundown on the shogunate and how it worked, this video is really useful and entertaining for giving you a good grasp on the basics. And here's another from the same channel that gives a cool visual history of Japan, but I've linked the timestamp to the Sengoku period for you here. I hope that helped, rather than made things more confusing? I obviously didn't even touch on some of the other characters in the game or how Kennyo and the Ikkou-ikki opposed Nobunaga - if you have more questions about them, feel free to ask!
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aeswna · 1 month
Sengoku A Live ~Translation~
Main chapter: season 1
-Chapter 1 episod 4-
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A Fateful Encounter
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Kotaro-kun tiptoed out into the garden to find out what the sound he had noticed was.
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"The warehouse is empty... Is it a thief?"
[Fuuma Kotaro]".....be quiet."
[Hattori Hanzo]"-----"
These two are amazing. There is no sound of movement......
[Hattori Hanzo]"Fellow Shinobi, I would like you know more about Kota-kun?"
Is he really a ninja.......?
While thinking about this, I approached carefully and quietly stalking into the warehouse----
[Mitsunari Ishida]"Those suspicious guys who sneak up on us without making a sound! We'll punish them!!"
[Mitsunari Ishida]"I mean, you guys............
[Hattori Hanzo]"Mitsunari-san....."
[Hattori Hanzo]"And Nobunaga-san and Masamune-san...........?"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"......why are guys here"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Are you up for singing?"
[Mitsunari Ishida]"No. Last night was mess after that."
[Date Masamune]"They stare at me, they chase me around,and I can't find a place to rest."
[Mitsunari Ishida]"I was in trouble when I saw a man looked familiar and he led me here."
[You]"In this house......?who that man?"
[Date Masamune]"He was in the land of mist."
[You]"......?Where is that person now?"
[Date Masamune]"As soon as he guide us, he disappear."
Who that person...... it's too mysterious.
[Mitsunari Ishida]"But when I sit down and saw the country with my own eyes, I was amazed at what I saw."
[Date Masamune]"it's full of weird looking building and there are people wearing weird kimonos"
[Oda Nobunaga]"That Kimono----A messenger of Nanban once wore a similar outfit."
[Mitsunari Ishida]"in other words, it this place is Nanban?"
[You]"No, This is Japan."
[Date Masamune]"I wonder if it really is the future."
[Mitsunari Ishida]"Something like that......"
[Oda Nobunaga]"Even so"
Nobunaga-san glared at Yocchan with a sharp look.
[Oda Nobunaga]"I won't bother with this guy."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ah, wait Nobunaga-san! Where are you going?"
[Oda Nobunaga]"I'm going home. To my castle. Kiyosu castle or Nagoya castle. Either way I'm going home."
[You]"Nagoya castle is there,but.... isn't it a tourist spot? It's far away from Tokyo."
[Oda Nobunaga]"Tourism? Tokyo? Once again, all this nonsense. I can't keep up."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ah wait...... he's gone already. Are you okay?"
[Date Masamune]"There's no reason for me to stop him. That man...... How many times did he draw his sword last night?"
[Date Masamune]"Well it took a lot of effort."
[Mitsunari Ishida]"I thought you should be grateful for the trouble I've gone through to admonish you whenever you two fought."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ah, That's was tough"
(Do I really no need to chase after him?)
The more I interact with them the more convinced I am of the time slip theory.
What would happened if a warlord from the sengoku period came to our peaceful modern world---
[You]"Ah, Violation of the Firearms and Sword Act!"
[Date Masamune]"Hah.....?"
Just as concerns crossed my mind, I heard the sound of a police officer car siren.
[You]"If the police found out about that sword, you'll get arrested...!"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Whoa,lord wait! I'll go with you...!"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Hey(name), don't go off on your own."
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[Hattori Hanzo]"Lord! The sound is coming from over there!"
[Hattori Hanzo]" What kind of people are the police officer who would be in trouble if Nobunaga-san were arrested?"
[You]"Hm..............There are a lot of things, but anyway, be honest with the police! Lying is a crime!"
[Hattori Hanzo]" got it! "
To Be Continued....
Not all translations in this are correct.. I have tried my mostly best to translate this so you please don't simply steal it.
If it has any mistakes wrong in this translation please let me know , this is my first time doing this kind of blog..🙇🏻‍♀️
English is not my first language...so please forgive me . If there are a lot of typos, and if you see any mistakes, please tell me which paragraph and which spelling is wrong and I will come to fix it again...
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murumokirby360 · 4 years
Hehehe. Go ahead and floor it.
Jun Kitami to  Yoshiaki Ishida (Wangan Midnight Maxi Tune (4 to 5DX Plus) Story Mode)
Devil Z is Reborn/The return of the Devil Z  - Chapter 7: Desire
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f3lldrag0n · 3 years
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kenkamishiro · 6 years
Omg Twin Star Exorcist’s mangaka Sukeno Yoshiaki tweeted that he got a copy of zakki:re. Ishida thanked him, and Sukeno responded with drawing Hairu. (X)
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And then to thank Sukeno again, Ishida posted a drawing of one of TSE’s characters Otomi Mayura. (X)
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(so cute)
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skyhopedango · 6 years
NobuCon ch101
So, after a string of cute but mostly relaxed chapters the plot swings into motion again... ever so slowly, but still. We have Mitsunari on the intro page, as this is kind of a Mitsunari chapter. (In the manga he still goes by Sakichi, btw, I just find it easier to call him Mitsunari.)
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So anyway, it’s July 1581, and Ashikaga “Technically Still Shougun” Yoshiaki is doing what he does best: he’s seething about Nobunaga. Because Nobunaga's star is still rising. His conquests are going well! His alliances are florishing! And he even held a huge parade for the emperor in chapter 98! (This parade, called the Kyoto Oumazoroe, is famous for being a very large-scale, very extravagant military parade that showcased Nobunaga’s immense military and political power.) 
And the damn man just won’t die! Yoshiaki flashes back to Goemon cheerfully informing him that he screwed up the assassination. He helpfully tells Yoshiaki that if he wants the job done then perhaps he should hire actual ninja. Hmmm, could this be a foreshadowing? Maybe, maybe not. In any case, Goemon has another advice to Yoshiaki: that perhaps Yoshiaki could just, you know, finally get a clue, and live out the rest of his life in peace and quiet. Because he’s obviously way out of his depth at this point.
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"Kubou-sama... It’s not so bad to just swim around in the fishbowl we were given, like I do. After all, no matter how he tries, a koi in a pond can never be like the fish in the ocean.” “What? What are you trying to say?” “...Never mind.”
After the flashback Yoshiaki has a surprise visitor: Ankokuji Ekei. Ekei has overheard Yoshiaki muttering about how much he hates ninja, and is very curious about wtf Yoshiaki has been up to. Yoshiaki is like a sulky teenager as he fesses up about the assassination attempt. Failed assassination attempt. 
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“If you send out an assassin then make sure he gets the job done.”
Ekei explains, for what must be the millionth time by now, that if Yoshiaki screws up he’ll get the Mouri in trouble, but Yoshiaki just DOES. NOT. GET IT. Like, don’t the Mouri want Nobunaga to die as well?! Huh?! And Ekei tells him, for what must be the millionth time by now, that the Mouri are doing him a favor sheltering him, and they’re not going to risk anything for Yoshiaki’s personal vendetta.
Yoshiaki sulks and changes the topic. So what about Hideyoshi? Has Ekei managed to convince him to join their cause and turn against Nobunaga? Ekei muses about his mission, and thinks that Hideyoshi might just be too poisonous for the Mouri.
And speaking of Hideyoshi... he’s still out there subjugating Chuugoku, and doing a pretty good job of it. But a bit too many suspicious things have been happening lately, what with the whole situation with Hanbee, and then the assassination attempt. Mitsunari, having been in the middle of it all, has some doubt in his heart... 
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Hidenaga notices the looks Mitsunari keeps giving Hideyoshi, and decides to have a little heart-to-heart with the young man. And when Mitsunari gathers the courage to get straight to the point...
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“Is [Hideyoshi] thinking about killing Nobunaga-sama?”
...Hidenaga just grins and gives this absolutely shameless “Kid, we’re the villains here” speech. Sakichi, he says, do you not want Nobunaga to die? Why? Because it’s “not right”? Don’t kid yourself, your mind has been made up from the moment you called my brother beautiful. ‘Cause don’t tell me you love him for his pretty face, he ain’t got one.
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“You’re enthralled by him for who he is. Just like me.”
And you see, he continues, people like Takenaka Hanbee were attracted to Nobunaga’s radiance, and died for it. But people like Mitsunari or himself are attracted to darkness. It’s not logical, it’s not something that can be explained - it’s just the way they are. So Mitsunari should accept this and own up to it.
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“You belong here, Sakichi. Didn’t I tell you? Follow your heart. That is the only right way to go... even when it’s ‘wrong’.”
Mitsunari staggers out into the rain, remembering Hanbee’s words about how some people choose to go against what is right, and how it’s impossible for others to understand what led them to that decision. The tagline would like us to wonder about what his choice will be, but since this is Ishida Mitsunari we all know already. 
I keep saying this over and over again but man, I love Hidenaga. He’s just so delightfully immoral and terrible, and is clearly having tons of fun being the way he is. Hideyoshi is pretty much the only thing he cares for, and even a large part of that is self-gratification and just plain having fun. He’s been Hideyoshi’s evil spirit since the time they first met (reunited, anyway), but he’s also been a demonic figure in the lives of Hanbee, and now Mitsunari as well.
Like, obviously, he’s a creep and a cold-blooded, murderous asshole. But he’s so damn fun. And it’s always hilarious when Hideyoshi loses his patience with him. In any other story he’d probably get his comeuppance eventually, but since this is based on history we know that he’ll live and continue being Hideyoshi’s indispensable, albeit dangerous and annoying, right-hand man for another ten years.
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] イケメン戦国THE STAGE スペシャル 初夢!~ようこそ!くらぶ乱世へ~ (ikemen sengoku the stage special hatsuyume! ~youkoso! club ransei he~)
the show will be running from January 14th, 2022 to January 16th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ シアター1010 (Theater 1010)
Ogasawara Ren as Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) Yonehara Kousuke as Date Masamune (伊達政宗) Hashimoto Zenitsu as Akechi Mitsuhide (明智光秀) Takikawa Koudai as Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉) Amano Naotaka as Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成) Maejima You as Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康) Kudou Hiromu as Maeda Toshimasu (前田慶次) Yokoyama Masafumi as Takeda Shingen (武田信玄) Saotome Jouji as Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助) Takeishi Gorou as Imagawa Yoshimoto (今川義元) Harashima Motohisa as Mouri Motonari (毛利元就) Takenouchi Kageki as Ashikaga Yoshiaki (足利義昭) Kento as Naoe Kanetsugu (直江兼続)
homepage twitter natalie
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tatortatshima · 27 days
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happy italian manwhore summer everyone heres the non filtered version just in case
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fangcyclonelunaheat · 11 months
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took some time to get this because of the fucking font lol
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iryomito · 4 years
SenBasa characters as movies
Something for this special event xd
happy 15th anniversary!!!
Date Masamune: Deadpool
Sanada Yukimura: Superman
Katakura Kojuro: John Wick
Sarutobi Sasuke: Fantastic beasts
Ishida Mitsunari: Kill Bill
Tokugawa Ieyasu: The Avengers
Chosokabe Motochika: Pirates of the Caribean
Mouri Motonari: Silence of the Lambs
Shima Sakon: Ocean eleven
Shibata Katsuie: the fault in our stars
Maeda Keiji: the new year’s eve
Maeda Toshie and Matsu: Fun with dick and Jane
Otani Yoshitsugu: It
Oda Nobunaga: the Godfather
Nouhime: Millenium Actress
Oichi: The Conjuring
Azai Nagamaza: Justice League
Tenkai: Saw
Matsunaga Hisashide: National Treasure
Fuma Kotaro: the artist
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: 300
Takenaka Hanbei: Angels and Demons
Tsuruhime: Howl’s moving castle
Saica Magoichi: Wonder Woman
Takeda Shingen: the Lord of the rings
Uesugi Kenshin: Stardust
Kasuga: Cinderella
Shimazu Yoshihiro: Last Vegas
Kuroda Kanbei: series of unfortunate events
Otomo Sorin: Sister’s act
Mogami Yoshiaki: the three Musketeers
Kobayakawa Hideaki:Julie and Julia
Kyōgoku Maria: Letters to Juliet
Ii Naotora: La femme Nikita
Itsuki: Jack frost
Mori Ranmaru: Home alone
Yamanaka Shikanosuke: The Jungle book
Goto Matabei: World war z
Ashikaga Yoshiteru: the great gatsby
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aeswna · 1 month
Sengoku A Live ~Translation ~
Main chapter: Season 1
- Chapter 1 episode 3 -
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A Fateful Encounter
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[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I'm intensely attracted to you guys. I'm convinced that you guys are what I need."
I can't believe Yocchan would say something like this
A strong light in his eyes...
..I can't help, but to support them.
Even though the people I'm dealing with , are the people that I don't know.
[Date Masamune]"Well, it makes sense that you're obsessed with us. There's no way I'd sing in this situation."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I see, than do whatever you like."
[Date Masamune]"Eh.....?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Do what you like...is that okay?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I've communicated my intentions. The rest is up to you guys, there's nothing I can do about it."
[Oda Nobunaga]"I have no use for such fragile castle."
[Date Masamune]"I'm going too,--- Take care."
Two of them just walked out
[Takeda Shingen]"..... Ashikaga-dono, thank you for bringing me here."
[Takeda Shingen]"But I think I'll find my own path."
[Mitsunari Ishida]"My lord is also waiting, so please excuse me.----The proposal to conquer the world with song was an interesting one."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"........"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Please wait a moment!"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Do you really think it's right to leave now?"
[Mitsunari Ishida]"I exist for my purpose. To fulfill my mission, I must return to my master."
[Hattori Hanzo]"ah....."
Almost gone......
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Aren't you boys going."
[Hattori Hanzo]"..............I have nowhere to go......"
[Fuuma Kotaro]".....I don't care. As long as it helps me get through today"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Okay, we'll protect you guys"
[Hattori Hanzo]"eh...?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"(name), I'd like to stay in the guest room of your house please."
[You]" That place is Yoochan's house anyway, so it feels weird to be asked to do it again..."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Even though I say it's my house, I inherited it from my mother, but i don't know what to do with it, so I'm lending it to you."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"You're probably the one who mostly managing the garden by weeding and cleaning it."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"it's only natural to get permission from the owner of that house."
[Hattori Hanzo]"master...."
A spacious home that is also a keepsake of my grandmother.
( It's true that the room is not very tidy though....)
[Hattori Hanzo]"-------"
Ah, our eyes met.
[Hattori Hanzo]"Lord, the word 'anxiety' is written on your face."
[Hattori Hanzo]"We.....we are suspicious after all aren't we?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"I think I may have had a time slip. I don't really understand my situation, so it's natural for the owner to be worried about letting us stay at their house."
I'm making those child worry...
*[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Don't worry to much, about the kid unnecessarily.(Name),there was a sturdy lock on the separate door where you lived"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"My mother had it costum-made for security purposes."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I'll stay with you too. So it's okay don't have to worry."
Well, if it's only for a night... I'll feel save if yocchan is there.
[Hattori Hanzo]"so, can I take care of you?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Any adult who leaves a kid with a face like an abandoned do is guilty of seppuku in this day and age."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Seppuku!?"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"That's right...."
[You]"No no Yocchan, it's was a joking right?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"haha"
*So, early in the new year, I decided to take The two suspect of time slip to home.
Next morning
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[You]"Ah, Hanzo-kun, Kotaro-kun good morning!"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Good morning! Lord, Yocchan."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga"Did you guys sleep well?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ah...this isn't a dream after all, right?
[Fuuma Kotaro]"I thought that if I sleep for a night, I would return to my original world but...."
Probably my stomach was growling.....
[Hattori Hanzo]"it's reality... right?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Haha, well we can think about it after breakfast .Hey, sit down.(Name) Make some zoni for us"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ozoni! Itadskimasu!
[Hattori Hanzo]"Hmm! The zoni that Lord made is delicious
[You]"Glad you like it"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"mogu...mogu..."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Kota-kun, did you steal my rice cake? Hey,did you steal my rice cake??"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"mogu...."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"do you like mochi?"
*[Fuuma Kotaro]"....."
*[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Ahh, you've been making no noise while eating for a while now."
[Fuuma Kotaro]"No, there is a sound.."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"eh-----"
Kotaru quickly stood up and left the room.
[Hattori Hanzo]"Hey, Kota-kun wait up!"
Hanzo-kun also follow
*[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"it's not busy, but we'll go to."
Could it be intruder?!
To Be Continued....
Not all translations in this are correct..I have tried my mostly best to translate this so please don't simply steal it.
If it has any mistakes wrong in this translation please let me know , this is my first time doing this kind of blog..🙇🏻‍♀️
English is not my first language...so please forgive me . If there are a lot of typos, and if you see any mistakes, please tell me which paragraph and which spelling is wrong and I will come to fix it again
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murumokirby360 · 4 years
You sure are staring, Mr. Kitami. You really like that Z best!?
Yoshiaki Ishida to Jun Kitami (Wangan Midnight Maxi Tune (4 to 5DX Plus) Story Mode)
Devil Z is Reborn/The return of the Devil Z  - Chapter 7: Desire
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nekkyousagi · 7 years
shiki--ryogi  asked:
Sengoku basara for the anime meme!
1. The first character I first fell in love with Like so many others, it was Date Masamune. I mean he’s the first thing you see in the anime, and made such an impression on me, it was love at first sight! Even though he’s got his flaws, he continues to be my favorite character in Sengoku Basara!
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now Definitely Ishida Mitsunari!! When I first played Sengoku Basara 3: Samurai Heroes I did not understand him at all. Why he was so angry and violent? I really didn’t like him at all in the beginning. But after finishing and then playing the other games, he started to grow on me, and now I just love the poor man! He needs so many hugs!! Same with Hanbei and Hideyoshi. Playing SB2 and SB2 Heroes really enlightened me to their backstories and their reasons for the Toyotomi ambitions and their strange friendship. And maybe Katsuie, only because I feel so bad for the poor child.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t Akechi Mitsuhide :/
4. The character I love that everyone else hates I guess I have a few for this one. Hate is such a strong word...let’s go with ‘not many people like them as much as me’. But I really enjoy a bunch of side characters and ones who came from the earlier games. I LOVE Miyamoto Musashi!! Imagawa Yoshimoto is kinda funny, tho not my fave, he is fun to play as in the old games. Yoshiaki is funny too! And gosh I love Tadakatsu the big lug. I adore Kenshin and Shingen, and the random guys in SB3 like the tiger dude Utsunomiya and the Invincible Kanetsugu!  Also Ieyasu. Because so many seem to misunderstand him and his motives. But I have developed a lot of emotion for his character despite everything.
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer Not sure. Everyone has pretty much stayed where they’ve been for me. Though maybe I have started to see Kojuro as more mature than Masamune, and thus cooler?? The One Eyed Dragon’s place at the top has been compromised a few times...
6. The character I would totally smooch (>//////////<) Oh no! I’m too embarrassed to say!!! (probably Masamune, or Kojuro, or maybe Keiji because he’s a sweetie!)
7. The character I’d want to be like Magoichi Saika, she’s so cool and strong!! I love her awesomeness! Though I would not use a gun ever.
8. The character I’d slap Otomo Sorin (boy just calm down stop) and Mori (how dare you treat your people like garbage!!!)
9. A pairing that I love Nagamasa and Oichi (the happy ending)!! Kenshin and Kasuga (only because Kasuga’s route in SB4 Sumeragi gave me such a scare!)
10. A pairing that I despise Such strong words! I don’t really talk about negative thoughts on parings much.
Source: X
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jibuyo · 7 years
Do you know any details about Mitsunari's alleged attempts on Ieyasu?
These are those I read about.
Attempt no. 1
1598 - eight month 19th day - one day after Hideyoshi’s death, Mitsunari tried to assassinate Ieyasu. I’m not really clear on the details. (On the other hand it was also Mitsunari who informed Ieyasu that Hideyoshi died during this period.)
Attempt no. 2
When Hideyori was moved to Osaka castle (first month of 1599), Ieyasu was staying at Katagiri Katsumoto’s mansion in Osaka (because Ieyasu didn’t have his own residence in Osaka). There was apparently a plan to attack him there. Considering the time period is almost the same as attempt no. 3...
Attempt no. 3
1599 - first month - there were rumours that Mitsunari wanted to suddenly attack Ieyasu in Ieyasu’s residence in Fushimi, so there was a huge uproar in Ieyasu’s residence and some defense (arrows, shields) was put up. (Edo book) This attempt is after Mitsunari and the rest condemned Ieyasu for his marriage. Around this time the other generals either entered Ieyasu’s residence or Maeda Toshiie’s residence in Osaka. Therefore, rather then Mitsunari vs Ieyasu, it was Toshiie vs Ieyasu.
Tokugawa side: Fukushima Masanori, Kuroda Yoshitaka (Kanbei) and Nagamasa, Ikeda Terumasa, Tōdō Takatora, Kyōgoku Takatsugu, Date Masamune, Mogami Yoshiaki, Mori Tadamasa, Wakizaka Yasuharu, Ōtani Yoshitsugu etc.
Maeda side: the rest of Elders - Uesugi Kagekatsu, Ukita Hideie, Mōri Terumoto; magistrates: Asano Nagamasa, Maeda Gen’i, Ishida Mitsunari, Mashita Nagamori, Natsuka Masaie, Katō Kiyomasa, Konishi Yukinaga, Asano Yukinaga, Hosokawa Tadaoki, Katō Yoshiaki, Tachinaga Muneshige, Oda Hidenobu, Chōsokabe Morichika etc.
This who was on who’s side comes from some book in Edo, the bolded ones are those who end up in the other group during Sekigahara. If the groups are truth or not, if it was just Mitsunari wanting to kill Ieyasu or not, I have no idea, but there was definitely something happening in the middle of the first month of 1599 between Ieyasu and Toshiie, between Osaka and Fushimi. The Jesuits say Ieyasu called for 30, 000 men from his own fiefs.
Kang Hang will also tell you that Masamune and Mogami would be in any attempt to kill Ieyasu he wrote about. 
Nothing happened during this time, they made peace.
Attempt no. 4
Now, I’m pretty sure there was supposed to be an attempt shortly before Toshiie’s death when Ieyasu went to visit the sick Toshiie, but I think this one was supposed to be done by Toshiie/his people. But you can definitely see “It was Mitsunari who made Toshiie do it.” I think something similar comes up in Bryant’s book.
Attempt no. 5
During the attack on Mitsunari, Sakon apparently offered to assassinate Ieyasu. There might be other times when he offered? idk
Attempt no. 6
This has nothing to do with Mitsunari, but you can find people saying that Mitsunari was the person organizing it anyway. One day in the ninth month of 1599, Mashita Nagamori (and Natsuka Masaie?) informed Ieyasu that Maeda Toshinaga, Asano Nagamasa, Ohno Harunaga and Hijikata Katsuhisa planned to kill him on his way to Osaka castle (this was when Ieyasu was definitely moving there from Fushimi; before entering Osaka castle, he was staying in Ishida Masazumi’s residence apparently). So Ieyasu took a lot of armed forces with himself and entered Osaka’s Nishi no maru with them with no one trying to kill him. After that he confined everyone to their provinces and Asano Nagamasa lost his bugyo position. After that, Ieyasu went to attack Maeda Toshinaga, who surrendered and sent his mother to Ieyasu as a hostage. (Was it true or did Ieyasu made the rumours himself? Who knows. He was the one laughing anyway, because he could enter Osaka with armed forces, which he probably wouldn’t be able to do if there weren’t rumours about someone aiming for his life.)
Attempt no. 0
I’m pretty sure that Mitsunari also had something to do with Nobunaga’s supposed Ieyasu assassination plan in 1582 :)
I think that’s it. 
We have mostly rumours, and there actually aren’t any primary sources that would suggest that Mitsunari wanted to assassinate Ieyasu. There are open conflicts, but it probably depends on a person if they think Mitsunari was behind them or Toshiie/Toshinaga was. 
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