#イケメン戦国THE STAGE
soraarchives · 3 months
ikemen sengoku the stage's 11th instalment is going to be the conclusion of it. i'm so not ready and disheartened 😭😭
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koganaru-bot · 1 month
『イケメン戦国THE STAGE~猿飛佐助編~』早乙女じょうじ&古賀成美のコメント動画公開! - numan
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soundstory-ss · 1 year
■公演日  2021年3月11日(木)~14日(日) ■劇場  シアターサンモール ■作・演出  伊藤マサミ ■Cast  歌野いろは:舞原鈴  源義経:千田京平  神谷聖:健人  ジャンヌ・ダルク:矢澤梨央  西部・メイ・義花:楠世蓮  ビリー・ザ・キッド:石渡真修  壬生野誠:早乙女じょうじ  斎藤一:伊藤マサミ  氷川桔梗:かおりかりん  明智光秀(イケメン戦国THE STAGEより):橋本全一  ロマ・クラリス:深桜ありさ  ネロ・クラウディウス・カサエル・アウグストゥス・ゲルマニクス:汐崎アイル  賤ヶ岳槍弥:本田昂也  加藤清正:伊藤孝太郎  徒花海斗:松岡侑李  シュバリエ・デオン:齋藤千尋  切馬夜人:SUMIO  アーロン・コスミンスキー:土居健蔵  帝・マリエッタ・鞠絵:窪田ゆうり  バートリ・エルジェーベト:山田せいら  三国王魏:田辺レオ  曹操:芹澤良  住良木和:浪川大輔(声の出演) ・Emperor Strikers  高田紋吉  林田寛之  望月祐治  橋本直也  打出菜摘  相ヶ瀬龍史  小野流星  花崎ほの香  雨宮光 ■Staff  脚本・演出:伊藤マサミ  演出助手:水沢まな美  舞台監督:森貴裕  音響:志水れいこ  音響操作:古川直幸、小薗詩歩、宮下奏  照明:島田雄峰  ムービングライト:紺野浩史  美術:宮坂貴司  音楽:今泉翔  映像:常光博武  殺陣振付:根本太樹、芹澤良  ダンス振付:山田せいら  衣裳デザイン・製作:小泉美都  衣裳統括:かおりかりん  小道具協力:儀間裕士  ヘアメイク:青山亜耶  ヘアメイク協力:今村千恵実  スチール撮影・デザイン:圓岡淳  フライヤー・ロゴデザイン:YOH  DVD撮影:SAIRO  制作協力:小野智美  制作補佐:山口由希/小島麻奈未/雨宮光  制作統括:舞原鈴  主催:株式会社フォーチュレスト 『イケメン戦国 THE STAGE』協力  主催:イケメン戦国THE STAGE製作委員会  原作:株式会社CYBIRD「イケメン戦国◆時をかける恋」  企画・制作・製作幹事:株式会社LEGEND STAGE  衣裳:株式会社藤衣裳  ヘアメイク:小熊清美 ■あらすじ[公式より] 「歌野いろは」はデザイン会社に勤める平凡すぎる女性。 承認欲求を持たず、とにかく目立たず平和に生きることをモットーとしている。  彼氏:アリ(2次元)  趣味:ゲーム・妄想 そんな彼女が唯一熱中できるものは「アプリゲーム」そしていろはは出会ってしまった。  なんでも願いが叶うゲーム  ―『EMPEROR WARS』― それは登録するが最後、始まるは死と隣り合わせのデスゲーム いろはに襲い掛かる異形の怪物。その時、いろはを助けたのは、蒼き衣を身にまとった青年。 名を…―源義経― 「行くぞ、紫の旅だ―――。」 進戯団 夢命クラシックスが贈る アプリ×偉人×バディ×トイ×デスゲーム 5本の柱で紡ぐ、新感覚のエンターテイメントサスペンス活劇!
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] イケメン戦国THE STAGE スペシャル 初夢!~ようこそ!くらぶ乱世へ~ (ikemen sengoku the stage special hatsuyume! ~youkoso! club ransei he~)
the show will be running from January 14th, 2022 to January 16th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ シアター1010 (Theater 1010)
Ogasawara Ren as Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) Yonehara Kousuke as Date Masamune (伊達政宗) Hashimoto Zenitsu as Akechi Mitsuhide (明智光秀) Takikawa Koudai as Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉) Amano Naotaka as Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成) Maejima You as Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康) Kudou Hiromu as Maeda Toshimasu (前田慶次) Yokoyama Masafumi as Takeda Shingen (武田信玄) Saotome Jouji as Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助) Takeishi Gorou as Imagawa Yoshimoto (今川義元) Harashima Motohisa as Mouri Motonari (毛利元就) Takenouchi Kageki as Ashikaga Yoshiaki (足利義昭) Kento as Naoe Kanetsugu (直江兼続)
homepage twitter natalie
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d-sakamaki01 · 3 years
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Ikemen Sengoku Special Stage 2022
Kanetsugu had his first dream of the new year
He battled for several days, until the new year
Because he was tired, he started to sleep
and he dreamed of it…
The dream of the rumored "Club Ransei" in the streets...
Ikemen Sengoku THE STAGE Special Performance
First dream! " Welcome! To the Club Ransei!"
This is by warlords, like a dream when you have a high fever
It's a chaotic moment
Let's, Show time!
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ana-thedaydreamer · 4 years
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Imagine you told Ieyasu that you would like a selfie from him ❤️ He would blush just to take a selfie and send it to you cause he is a cinnamon roll ☺️
I saw Ieyasu's actor and I have to draw this out. For my friend @is-me-ahhuang
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ikemensengokufandom · 4 years
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Kenshin’s a child.   He can be a nightmare, yet he can be a sweetheart sometimes. 
Just don’t take his bunny or MC away otherwise that will be another story.
That’s what I like about him. He just needs more love lols.
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rierru · 6 years
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Here’s a kenshin doodle . I couldn’t get over how fluffy his haori is in the stage play . Every kenshin fangirl is either the rabbits 🐰 or the bear 🐻 😂💕
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liriel-mei-qin · 6 years
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Awwww.....my fujoshi heart is fangirling right now! lol 😆 
I ship it!! 😍 
@datemasamunemaiwaifu forget about nobunaga and kenshin. That’s the ship! LMAO  😂
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IkeStage Announcement:
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Uesugi Kenshin arc (to be played by Tachibana Ryumaru-san) has been decided to show from 02.22.2019 until 02.24.2019 at Ikebukuro Sunshine Theatre.
Haha, it's so near Otome Road that it is a strategic bait. Hopefully, I can move to Tokyo soon and jump to the blackhole. ✨😆
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koganaru-bot · 2 months
「イケメン戦国THE STAGE~帰蝶編~」に出演する秋沢健太朗さんと古賀成美さんのコメントを動画 - 4Gamer.net
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fuyushiro · 6 years
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Ikemen Sengoku the Stage ~Nobunaga Route~ 
Good luck!!  (੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧˚₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ 
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acrispyapple · 4 years
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Ikemen Sengoku: The Stage
Mitsuhide Akechi Edition
more details: bit. ly/2CLJKQN
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d-sakamaki01 · 5 years
Has arrived!!! ( ⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ωᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)💗
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[Stages] AUGUST 2021
♪ August 1st, 2021 ~ August 22nd, 2021 舞台 デュラララ!! ~円首方足の章~ (butai durarara!! ~enshuhousoku no shou~)
♪ August 5th, 2021 ~ August 14th, 2021 KingLEAR&MACBETH2021
♪ August 5th, 2021 ~ August 22nd, 2021 ミュージカル「憂国のモリアーティ」Op.3 -ホワイトチャペルの亡霊- (musical yuukoku no moriarty op.3 -white chapel no bourei-)
♪ August 6th, 2021 ~ August 15th, 2021 舞台『モブサイコ100』~激突!爪第7支部~ (butai mob psycho 100 ~gekitotsu! tsume dai 7 shibu~)
♪ August 6th, 2021 ~ August 22nd, 2021 舞台「東京リベンジャーズ」(butai tokyo revengers)
♪ August 7th, 2021 ~ August 31st, 2021 舞台「鬼滅の刃」 其ノ弐 絆 (butai kimetsu no yaiba sono ni kizuna)
♪ August 8th, 2021 ~ August 29th, 2021 ミュージカル「ジェイミー」(musical jamie)
♪ August 11th, 2021 ~ August 18th, 2021 恋を読むinクリエ 『逃げるは恥だが役に立つ』(koi wo yomu in clie nigeru wa haji da ga yaku ni tatsu)
♪ August 12th, 2021 ~ August 17th, 2021 舞台「One Night Butterfly」(butai one night butterfly)
♪ August 14th, 2021 ~ August 25th, 2021『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』 Rule the Stage -Battle of Pride- (hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rule the stage -battle of pride-)
♪ August 18th, 2021 ~ August 22nd, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SPRING 2021~
♪ August 19th, 2021 ~ August 23rd, 2021 イケメン戦国 THE STAGE ~連合軍VS“戦乱の亡者”雑賀孫一編~ (ikemen sengoku the stage rengougun vs ‘senran no mouja’ suzuki magoichi hen) CANCELED
♪ August 21st, 2021 ~ August 29th, 2021 Live Musical「SHOW BY ROCK!!」-DO 根性北学園編- 夜と黒のReflection (live musical show by rock!! -do konjou kitagakuen hen- yoru to kuro no reflection)
♪ August 26th, 2021 ~ September 11th, 2021 ミュージカル「リトル・ショップ・オブ・ホラーズ」(musical little shop of horrors)
♪ August 28th, 2021 ~ September 5th, 2021 SF時代活劇「虹色とうがらし」(sf jidai katsugeki nijiiro tougarashi)
♪ August 30th, 2021 ~ August 31st, 2021 朗読劇「学園デスパネル2021」(roudokugeki gakuen death panel 2021)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: イケメン戦国 時をかける恋 | Ikemen Sengoku: Toki o Kakeru Koi (Visual Novel) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oda Nobunaga/Toyotomi Hideyoshi Characters: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi Additional Tags: One Shot, Nobunaga's POV, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, mention of character death but it's not real, Pining, Pining Without Plot, The five stages of grief but it's pining, Feelings Realization, Tense hand touching and shoulder pats Series: Part 3 of Idle dreams roam far Summary:
Nobunaga wasn’t used to the lack of control. It was annoying most of the time, even infuriating on worse days, and always, always frightening.
Or, Nobu caught feelings and doesn't know what to do with them.
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