#Yorimoto Minamoto
good-so · 1 year
✨Birushana character first impresssions/predictions memes✨
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I picked a wrong font for this, my bad lol....
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otomeminion · 9 months
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ohno i need this man off my screen
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misty-moth · 1 year
✨Ikémen Birthdays/Zodiacs✨
I decided to put the Ikémen suitors’ zodiac signs together, and put mini-summaries of each sign.
This also has all of their birthdays in order.
Divider: kgymz
Last edit: Aug 23, 2024
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Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
~Competitive but insecure~ There is nothing an Aries cannot achieve once they set their mind to it—no mountain is too high. However, you will also find them nursing a hidden imposter syndrome that can chip away at their confidence if allowed free rein.
-Ray Blackwell, Mar 23
-Vincent Van Gogh, Mar 30
-Oliver Knight, Apr 5
-Musashibou Benkei, Apr 7
-Sasuke Sarutobi, Apr 10
-Nico Meier, Apr 12
-Rio Ortiz, Apr 13
-Fenrir Godspeed, Apr 15
-Leonardo Da Vinci, Apr 15
-Motonari Mouri, Apr 16
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
~Loyal but stubborn~ Loyal to a fault, a Taurean is the most reliable person you can have in your corner when the chips are down. However, they have a stubborn streak a mile wide and can hold a grudge like no one else, so make sure you don’t cross them.
-William Rex, April 24
-Theodorus Van Gogh, May 1
-Sirius Oswald, May 7
-Minamoto no Yorimoto, May 9
-Nobunaga Oda, May 12
-Albert Burckhardt, May 17
-Luke Randolph, May 19
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
~Versatile but impatient~ Throw a Gemini to the wolves, and they will come back leading the pack—the air element in this sign means that they can adapt easily to any situation. But their fuse runs short and once they run out of patience with someone, there is no wiggle room for second chances.
-Arthur Conan Doyle, May 22
-Harrison Gray, May 30
-Kajiwara Kagetoki, June 2
-Vlad, June 6
-Seth Hyde, June 10
-Clavis Lelouch, June 17
-Osamu Dazai, June 19
-Dean Tweedle, June 20
-Dalim Tweedle, June 20
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
~Passionate but uncommunicative~ Behind the brooding fortress that a Cancer has erected to protect themselves are abundant reserves of deep, undying love and loyalty. Pity that few will get to experience it because they aren’t the best at communicating what is in their hearts.
-Ranmaru Mori, June 27
-Ellis Twilight, July 4
-Akihito, July 7
-Yukimura Sanada, July 7
-Kyle Ash, July 17
Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
~Confident but dominating~ Born to be under the spotlight, there is nothing that this lion enjoys as much as being the cynosure of all eyes. However, this innate conviction that they are always in the right means that they can often run roughshod over others’ feelings and sentiments.
-Silvio Ricci, July 23
-Nasu no Yoichi, July 23
-Kanetsugu Naoe, Aug 1
-Leon Dompteur, Aug 1
-Alfons Sylvatica, Aug 8
-Yoshimoto Imagawa, Aug 13
-Napoleon Bonaparte, Aug 15
-Adachi Morinaga, Aug 18
-Lloyd Grandier, Aug 22
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
~Perfectionist but self-critical~ Meticulous, organized and diligent, if the world were to end tomorrow, you would want a Virgo to lead the march into the new dawn. However, that pesky niggle of self-doubt in their head means that they are often harsher on themselves than anybody else can be.
-Edgar Bright, Aug 23
-Luka Clemence, Aug 24
-Matthias Ausprink, Aug 24
-Masamune Date, Sept 5
-Kurama, Sept 6
-Liam Williams, Sept 6
-Francis Drake, Sept 7
-Robert Branche, Sept 9
-Blanc Lapin, Sept 10
-Yves Kloss, Sept 16
-Sebastian, Sept 22
Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
~Empathetic but indecisive~ If you are looking for someone to lend a comforting shoulder during times of distress and truly put themselves in your shoes, ring up the first Libra in your contacts. This empathetic side of theirs can sometimes get derailed by their inability to make up their mind, compounded by a fear of confrontations, which means that you never truly know which side they stand on.
-Mitsuhide Akechi, Oct 4
-Tamamo, Oct 5
-Licht Klein, Oct 9
-Nokto Klein, Oct 9
-Zero, Oct 10
-Darius Vogel, Oct 14
-Louis Howard, Oct 16
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
~Intense but secretive~ The fiery, intense personality of a Scorpio can make any time spent together a wild, dizzying ride. But while they will go the extra mile to take care of your emotional needs, they remain notoriously secretive about their own—good luck cracking open the spine of this closed book.
-Comte De Saint-Germain, Oct 25
-Galileo Galilei, Oct 31
-Chevalier Michel, Nov 1
-Mitsunari Ishida, Nov 6
-Giles Christophe, Nov 11
-William Shakespeare, Nov 11
-Azel Radwan, Nov 13
-Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Nov 14
-Kicho, Nov 15
-Jonah Clemence, Nov 18
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
~Spontaneous but flighty~ There is no storyteller quite like a Sagittarius—they can have the entire room hanging on their every word. But while they can show you grand dreams, it can sometimes be hard to pin them down and make them deliver on their promises.
-Roger Barel, Nov 23
-Shingen Takeda, Dec 1
-Byron Wagner, Dec 7
-Harr Silver, Dec 12
-Jude Jazza, Dec 13
-Gilbert von Obsidian, Dec 21
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
~Goal-oriented but unforgiving~ Not everyone can conquer the world but if a Capricorn were to set out to do it, nothing would deter them until they had accomplished their goal. With a personality that is hardwired in practicality, they can often fail to appreciate nuance and are known to be unforgiving of others’ mistakes.
-Kitsuji Sueharu, Dec 24
-Isaac Newton, Dec 25
-Jean d’Arc, Jan 6
-Kennyo, Jan 7
-Lancelot Kingsley, Jan 11
-Taira no Shigehira, Jan 16
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
~Philosophical but detached~ A deep-thinker with a humanitarian streak, an Aquarian has grand plans to change the world. Shame that they left the party early though because their reclusive nature makes it hard for them to establish bonds with those around them.
-Sariel Noir, Jan 20
-Alyn Crawford, Jan 23
-Leo Crawford, Jan 23
-Elbert Greetia, Jan 27
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jan 27
-Ieyasu Tokugawa, Jan 31
-Kagari Amagase, Feb 7
-Mousse Atlas, Feb 10
-Charles-Henri Sanson, Feb 15
-Kenshin Uesagi, Feb 18
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
~Whimsical but over-sensitive~ If you are looking to escape the mundane everyday grind, a Pisces’s imaginative mind can whisk you away into a realm of fantasy. Their kind, nurturing personality can prove to be a double-edged sword though, because their overly sensitive heart is easily wounded, further compounded by a tendency to play the victim.
-Keith Howell, Feb 20
-Victor, Feb 20
-Loki Genetta, Feb 22
-Ibuki, Feb 27
-Johann Georg Faust, Feb 29
-Nika Schwarz, Mar 2
-Ring Schwarz, Mar 2
-Keiji Maeda, Mar 3
-Jin Grandet, Mar 5
-Abe no Yasuchika, Mar 15
-Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Mar 17
-Rayvis Harneit, Mar 19
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aishangotome · 4 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 1
*Yoshino is the canon name for MC in Genjiden, so I will be using her name in place of player's name or Y/N.
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(Gather your spell power, break the bond with Tamamo... and open your own apothecary!)
Thinking of the ordinary and lovable daily life, I was inspired and looked straight ahead.
Yoshino: Thank you! Everyone.
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Yoritomo: If you can answer that clearly, then you've done well. --For now.
Shigehira: Are you sure you want to be so lukewarm? The enemy is that Yoshitsune-san.
As Shigehira-san said this, his eyes were filled with a hint of caution.
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Yoshitsune: I rose from the brink of death to defeat Lord Yoritomo. I surrendered my soul to something inhuman.
(Lord Yorimoto's younger brother, right?)
(However, Ayakashi... is trying to defeat Lord Yoritomo even by signing a contract with Kurama.)
Yoshino: Um, what kind of person is Yoshitsune-sama?
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Tamamo: I'm curious too. Even if Yoshitsune has Kurama's supernatural powers, wasn't he a force that was once destroyed?
Tamamo: And yet, you say you need Yoshino's power.
Tamamo: Do you really have no confidence that you can stand up to him?
Yoshino: Hey, Tamamo!?
(If you say that...)
The rims of Kagetoki's glasses glittered, and his sharp gaze shot through us.
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Kagetoki: It's not hard to see why a stupid Ayakashi who's been sleeping under a rock with a country girl wouldn't know about it.
Yoshino: Yes, country girl... you're not wrong.
(What sharp words!)
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Morinaga: Hey, Kagetoki. The two of them are offering to lend a hand, so you shouldn't talk like that.
Tamamo: Yes, yes, respect.
Kagetoki: Excuse me. Woe to the honest man.
Morinaga: KA - GE - TO - KI?
Kagetoki: .....
Kagetoki quickly took a step away from Morinaga and grimly kept his mouth shut.
(He's smiling, but maybe Morinaga isn't an ordinary person either...?)
Shigehira: We're getting off topic.
Yoritomo: Don't get hung up on it, Shigehira.
Yoritomo: Well, the one who knows best how much of a threat Yoshitsune was is you, as a member of the Heike (Taira) clan who fought him directly.
Yoshino: The Heike...
(Come to think of it, Shigehira called himself "Taira Shigehira"...)
Even though I am a "country girl," I know that the Taira and Minamoto clans have been fighting for a long time.
Yoshino: Why is Taira Shigehira-san in Yoritomo-sama's camp...?
Shigehira: I'd like to say that it doesn't matter, but I'll tell you this much.
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Shigehira: --because I fought Yoshitsune-san and lost.
I felt a flickering flame in Shigehira's pale eyes.
Yoritomo: Shigehira may look like this, but he is a man who is considered a great general of the Heike clan.
Yoritomo: At that time, the Taira clan was already in decline. While it's not as simple as merely attributing their defeat to a lack of military strength, it is certain that Yoshitsune scattered the Taira clan and dramatically guided them to their end.
Shigehira: I was supposed to be executed there, but for some reason, Lord Yoritomo spared me.
Shigehira: So after all that happened, we formed an alliance and now I'm in the Shogunate..... Got it?
Yoshino: Yes, for the time being.
(I'm sure there's a deeper story, but this isn't the right kind of atmosphere to ask about it.)
Shigehira: Yoshitsune, who approaches battle with a seemingly carefree attitude, is an extraordinary monster.
(So that's the story of when the Genji clan defeated the Heike clan...)
Yoshino: You mean he was tremendously strong even before he gained Kurama's supernatural powers... is that right?
Tamamo: It's a horrifying story, isn't it? He's a force to be reckoned with.
Shigehira: That's right. Not only is he a troublesome opponent, but he has also acquired supernatural powers.
Despite the furrowed brow on Shigehira-san's face, there was no fear; only a determination for battle.
(And the others too... they all have the face of a samurai.)
Kagetoki: ... At that time, under Lord Yoritomo's command, I also accompanied Yoshitsune-sama in battle as a retainer.
Yoshino: So you saw Yoshitsune-sama fight up close?
Tamamo: How was it? From Kagetoki's point of view.
Kagetoki: Yes, it was an insane fight.
Kagetoki continued his words matter-of-factly.
Kagetoki: Despite being a general while leading the vanguard, he ran to the front lines and swung his sword with such ferocity as if discarding his life...
Kagetoki: Sometimes, he calmly carried out daring strategies that seemed reckless.
Kagetoki: When the subordinates saw him, they followed him as if possessed by something, chasing after him towards their doom.
Morinaga: There was a rumor going around at the time that no grass would grow wherever Lord Yoshitsune passed by.
Morinaga: When I first saw him, I was utterly amazed by his graceful appearance and exceptional swordsmanship and combat skills.
(I can't believe the people behind the Shogunate would say something like this...!)
Yoshino: ...He's such a great person.
When I coughed in awe, Lord Yoritomo raised a corner of his lips in a sarcastic manner.
Yoritomo: No matter how critical the situation, a man like Yoshitsune has the potential to turn the tide of battle.
Yoritomo: In fact, some battles would have been lost without that man's help.
(Just by listening to the stories, it's hard to believe that such a person actually exists.)
(Yoshitsune-sama clearly had an aura different from an ordinary person.)
Just remembering that cold look in his eyes made me cower with fear.
Tamamo: As expected from the discerning eye of Kurama, he had predicted that Yoshitune's soul was not that of an ordinary person.
Yoshino: So we have to fight someone like that...
Yoritomo: Are you scared?
Not scared
I don't know
Yoshino: To be honest, I'm scared.
(No matter how powerful Tamamo is, Yoshitsune-sama seems to be more fearsome than I had imagined...)
Yoritomo: You're really stupid. Well, it's better than being lied to.
Yoritomo: It's about time to get some rest.
Yoshino: Um... what should I do starting tomorrow?
Yoritomo: You can do whatever you like. I'll prepare a room for you.
Yoshino: When someone says 'you can do whatever you like'... it actually makes me feel a bit uneasy.
Yoritomo: If you have any inconvenience, tell the maid. If you're bored, I'll arrange suitable entertainment, be it music or dance.
Yoshino: That's not what I meant!
Yoritomo: Then what do you mean?
Yoshino: I was just wondering if it's okay for me to wait for the battle with Yoshitsune-sama like this... And Yoritomo-sama said, 'I will hire you.' I can't just do nothing when I'm employed.
Yoritomo: ......
(Huh? I have a bad feeling about this...)
For some reason, Yoritomo-sama stared at me intently and then immediately had a look of amusement on his face.
Yoritomo: Oh? You're serious, huh? Well, if you say so, I'll give you a job.
Yoshino: What, really...?
Yoritomo: Yeah.
Yoritomo: Kagetoki. I think I received a letter last night from another country asking for reinforcements for the war.
Kagetoki: Yes. However, it is just a minor skirmish between two small countries. I don't think it is a battle that would warrant the Shogunate's intervention.
Yoritomo: I thought about abandoning it, but at this point, it's not a bad idea to ingratiate myself with them in preparation for the Great War.
Yoritomo: Morinaga.
Morinaga: Oh, is it my turn?
Yoritomo: Yeah. Take Yoshino with you and check out the situation.
Yoshino: Wait! Are you saying we're going straight to the battlefield...?
As I voiced my doubts, Yoritomo-sama smiled.
Yoritomo: You're the one who asked for work.
Yoritomo: They say practice makes perfect, right?
(That's true, but---)
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Yoshino: Isn't it too harsh to suddenly throw someone in like that!?
I was stunned by the tense atmosphere of the battlefield.
Morinaga: I'm sorry, Yoshino.
Yoshino: No, I should apologize to Morinaga-san... I'm sorry.
We were at the main camp where the battle had just begun.
Morinaga receives reports from his messengers, who comes in incessantly, and sends instructions to each unit accordingly.
(Apparently, the other soldiers have been told that I'm accompanying them because I'm a pharmacist...)
(I feel like people have been glancing at me for awhile now. I guess I'm out of place after all...?)
I thought Tamamo, who was in the same position as me, would be ordered to accompany me, but... he was tasked with providing details about Kurama's supernatural powers to Yoritomo-sama, and so he decided to remain at the Imperial Palace.
Yoshino: It all happened so suddenly that I'm shocked... is Yoritomo-sama always this forceful?
Morinaga: Except when he's pretending to be someone else.
Morinaga-san laughs so refreshingly, as if he didn't belong on the battlefield.
Morinaga: Hmm, but I don't think Yoritomo-sama sent you into battle just out of spite.
Yoshino: ...really?
Morinaga: Even the bravest warrior is terrified by his first battle. And, you're just an untrained town girl.
Morinaga: It's best to be familiar with the battlefield so that you can survive should the unexpected happen.
Yoshino: Ah...
Those words suddenly brought back memories of that night.
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Yoritomo: Are you okay, Morinaga!?
Morinaga: Yeah, it's not a serious wound. Just watch out for that wind... it's like a blade.
Yoshitsune: As expected of a fierce general, Adachi Morinaga... you've skillfully evaded it.
Yoshitsune: It's a bit of a shame to have to kill you. If it weren't for this situation, I would have enjoyed working together more.
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(That was the first time I saw Yoshitsune-sama's unusual ability, yet both Yoritomo-sama and Morinaga-sama remained calm.)
(That may be because the two of them have had many experiences facing danger on the battlefield before...)
Yoshino: Certainly on the battlefield, you can't always count on someone being by your side. I guess it's better for me to get used to it too...
Morinaga: As far as this battle is concerned, it is small. As long as we are in the main camp, we are not likely to be attacked by the enemy. I think this was a decision that was made with that in mind.
Yoshino: If Yoritomo-sama had said that from the beginning, I would have been able to accept it more easily...
Morinaga: That's the kind of person he is.
When Morinaga saw the next messenger rush in, he stood up and answered in a matter-of-fact manner.
(Of course, I still know nothing about the samurai or the people of the Shogunate.)
And a few hours later...
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(At first I was worried about what would happen, but before I knew it, the sun was setting...)
Morinaga: Yoshino, thank you for taking care of the wounded.
Yoshino: Not at all! This is the only thing I can do.
Along the way, I started treating the injured, and time passed by in the blink of an eye.
Morinaga: Thanks to you, it looks like we're about to win.
Yoshino: Really!?
(Thank goodness, I can get home safely...!)
But my joy was short-lived---
Soon after, an uneasy atmosphere began to spread throughout the main camp.
Morinaga: ...It's strangely noisy on the front lines.
As if to affirm Morinaga-san's words, the number of injured people had been increasing for awhile now.
(I'm managing to get by for now, but if it gets worse, I'll run out of medicine.)
(What on earth happened...?)
Scout: Morinaga-sama! It seems that the enemy has reinforcements. Their number is approximately one hundred!
Morinaga: One hundred? It's too responsive for that number.
Morinaga: It's as if they received a thousand reinforcements.
(Does a thousand... mean that's how strong the enemy is?)
Morinaga: ...Yoshino.
After a brief pause, Morinaga turned to face me.
Morinaga: Will you go with the guards and get out of the battlefield for the time being?
Yoshino: Morinaga-sama...?
Morinaga: I'm going to go help our allies on the front lines.
Morinaga-san's words were filled with a strong will.
(I'm anxious to leave Morinaga-san, but under the circumstances, I don't have a choice.)
(Even at this moment, there are people waiting for help.)
(At least... don't let myself get in the way!)
I clench my trembling hands tightly.
Yoshino: ...I understand. Be careful.
Morinaga: You too. Please be careful.
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I parted from Morinaga and headed to the rear with the other soldiers.
I desperately clung to the unfamiliar horse and kept letting it run for awhile...
(Huh? It looks like a messenger has arrived.)
A soldier rushed in and delivered a message. The others immediately began to stir.
Yoshino: Um, what's going on?
I timidly asked a nearby soldier.
Soldier 1: Actually... we have received information that our rear supply units may be targeted.
Yoshino: Eh.
Soldier 1: If the rear, which is responsible for assessing the battle situation and supplying provisions, were to collapse, it will deal a significant blow to the soldiers currently fighting...!
(No way...)
The image of Morinaga and the other soldiers I had parted ways with earlier came to mind.
Soldier 2: We can't just abandon them. We must defend our supplies. Let's go!
Soldier 3: ...However, that would mean fighting while protecting Yoshino. And the fastest route is the animal trail, but it is far too dangerous for someone who is not used to riding horses!
(I'm just a burden...)
I opened my mouth with determination.
Yoshino: ...Um, if you can find somewhere to hide, please leave me there!
Soldier 3: But...
(My voice was trembling, but...)
(Other people are fighting for their lives. I can't get in their way.)
Yoshino: If there is a battle, it's just as dangerous for me to be with you all, and I don't want to cause any trouble by being there. Rather, I'd prefer you come and pick me up after the fighting calms down...
The soldiers looked at each other and kept quiet.
After a short silence, one of them spoke.
Soldier 3: ...Yoshino is certainly right. Night will soon be upon us and the battle will be over. It would be better for you to hide somewhere safe rather than staying with us. I will show you the way, follow me!
Yoshino: Y-yes!
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We entered the forest for awhile, and I was then guided to...
Soldier 3: There is a cabin over there used by local hunters. In case of an emergency, you can send out a smoke signal... I will come to pick you up in a moment, so please be patient.
Yoshino: ...Thank you very much. I hope everyone stays safe!
The soldiers disappeared from sight, and I finally realized that I am a human being.
(I'm a bit worried though...)
Morinaga: It's best to be familiar with the battlefield so that you can survive should the unexpected happen.
*flashback over*
(...Now is the time. All I can do is stay here and wait for the soldiers to return.)
(If anything happens, I can just send up a signal... it will be fine.)
Telling myself this, I headed for the cabin through the underbrush.
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When I opened the door of the simple cabin--
???: W-who is it...?
In a dimly lit corner of the room, a soldier lay in agony.
(It's a terrible injury!)
Yoshino: Are you okay...?
As I rushed over to him, my eyes fell on a flag lying next to the soldier.
(This is...)
(...There's no doubt about it. This symbol was raised by the enemy!)
Enemy Soldier: A woman...? Why are you here...
Yoshino: I, I...
(If by any chance they find out I'm an enemy... I'll definitely be killed.)
I instinctively stepped back and my back hit the door.
Enemy Soldier: Wait... I don't know which town you are from, but you can't leave until the war is over...
Yoshino: What...?
The soldier, who seemed to have no energy to move, was giving me words of advice.
(This person is...)
(Although they didn't know I was the enemy... they were worried about me even though they were so wounded themselves.)
(A little bit of medical attention might help right now.)
(But this is not something I can show Morinaga and the others who were risking their lives to fight the enemy.)
(What should I do...)
Enemy Soldier: Guh...
Yoshino: Um...
While I hesitated, blood trickled from the soldier's side and pooled onto the floor.
(I am...)
I took out a cloth that I had prepared in case of emergency and administered first aid.
Enemy Soldier: Ah, what are you doing...
Yoshino: Please stay still. I am a pharmacist.
(I don't know what is the right thing to do right now. But I'd rather help... than to regret it.)
After awhile...
(I managed to stop the bleeding for now, but he was still covered in wounds. I need to wash the wounds and apply medicine to prevent them from getting infected.)
(I'm sure there was a stream nearby. I could just go outside for a bit...)
Yoshino: Can you wait a moment? I'm going to fetch some water.
Enemy Soldier: Ah..yeah...
I left the man there and quickly made my way to the stream.
(This is...)
The empty plains were in a terrible shape.
The burning embers and broken arrows stuck in the ground were telltale signs of a fierce battle.
(I've finished drawing water, so I need to get back to the cabin quickly...)
I was about to hurry back when my lips pursed together...
???: What are you doing here--- fox princess?
(That voice...)
A strange massed voice echoes from behind me, the kind that you would never forget once you've heard it.
(That can't be... he can't be here.)
It felt as if the temperature around me had suddenly dropped, and I broke out in a cold sweat, unable to even turn around.
All I could hear was the clear sound of footsteps approaching through the grass.
(...I have to run away!)
I forced my stiffened legs to move and roll out of the way, but---
Yoshitsune: Freeze.
Yoshino: Ah...
He grabbed my arm with strength and I knelt on the spot.
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Yoshitsune: This is a much sooner reunion that I had expected.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama...
Eyes that resembled amethyst looked down at me.
(What a cold stare...)
I tried to turn my face away in horror, but the hand on my chin prevented me from doing so.
Yoshitsune: I had no idea that an unexpected enemy was lurking in the midst of enemy reinforcements that I joined on a whim.
Yoshino: When you say enemy reinforcements... do you mean the rebel army?
Yoshitsune: We haven't brought enough soldiers to be called an army.
(Now that I think about it, Yoritomo-sama said that...)
(...Yoshitsune-sama is the one who can turn the tide of battle by himself, no matter how critical the situation.)
(That's why the war situation had suddenly worsened!)
Yoshitsune: Does your presence mean that the shogunate is coming to the battlefield?
Yoshino: It's...
Yoshitsune: Answer me.
The intimidating presence that left no room for argument sent a chill down my spine.
Yoshino: ...Yoritomo-sama is not here.
Yoshitsune: ---really?
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Yoshitsune: Then it was Lord Yoritomo's fault for letting his precious trump card slip from his hand.
Yoshino: Ah...
The tip of his blade was held against my throat, and I had stopped breathing.
The fear made my skin crawl and my body tremble.
Yoshitsune: ...Resent me, Yoshino.
Read Chapter 2 here.
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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royakahoshiart · 8 months
GUYS IM BEGGING YOU... don't draw the tbhk boys into the Edo period. Their age would mean that they would be a wakashu and you don't wanna know what a wakashu is trust me
Also little fact, minamoto no yorimoto (first shougun) had a wakashu, it's not clear if he did have any intimate affairs with him or if it was just a normal man and wakashu relationship (it's like dating your teacher)
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creadoresdebelleza · 7 years
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Takanobu Fujiwara: Posible retrato de Minamoto Yoritomo (hacia 1179).
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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During Idea Factory International’s Online Summer Festival livestream, the company has teased the localization of Bilshana Senki. The English release of the Switch otome game doesn’t have a release window yet. The Japanese name is likely to be temporary as well.
Bilshana Senki is a historical tale that takes place in Japan during the Heian era. As the Genpei civil war is taking place, the Yorimoto and Taira clans fight for supremacy. In this context, the daughter of the Minamoto, Shanaou, will also have to fight. One aspect of the game is that all characters are based on real Japanese historical figures.
Besides the protagonist, the main characters in the game include Minamoto no Yoritomo (CV: Furukawa Makoto), Musashibou Benkei (CV: Umehara Yuuichirou), Shungen (CV: Saitou Souma), Taira no Noritsune (CV: Kawanishi Kengo), and Taira no Tomomori (CV: Fukuyama Jun). The character designs are by illustrator Haneda Kouji, while Red’s Itou Ai (who also worked on Kenka Bancho Otome) is the director.
Check out the Japanese opening video for the game with the song Kimiiro ni Saku Hana sung by Amatsuki:
We’ll keep you updated with news on Bilshana Senki as well as any other upcoming titles from Idea Factory International.
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akihiko-march · 3 years
Ikemen Grand Prix 2021: Team Translations!
I know that the Grand Prix has passed, but I just wanted to translate the teams so that all Ikemen Series fans can get to know other Ikemen from other games! Images of Teams are screenshot from the official page. I will put the full name of the ikemen, but the website only lists their nicknames.
The order of names go from left to right, top row then bottom row. Enjoy! At the end are my personal feelings about the event, under the cut.
Glittering Spica - Pink Group
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Luke Randolph [Ikemen Prince]
Arthur Conan Doyle [Ikemen Vampire]
Minamoto no Yorimoto [Ikemen Genjiden]
Ray Blackwell [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Motonari Mori [Ikemen Sengoku]
Hijikata Toshizo [Ikemen Bakumatsu]
Eternal Arcturus - Green Group
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Ryo Akizuki [Ikemen Celebrity]
Sirius Oswald [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Leonardo Da Vinci [Ikemen Vampire]
Musashibo Benkei [Ikemen Genjiden]
Clavis Lelouch [Ikemen Prince]
Nobunaga Oda [Ikemen Sengoku]
Enchanted Vega - Yellow Group
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Yukimura Sanada [Ikemen Sengoku]
Adachi Morinaga [Ikemen Genjiden]
Soji Okita [Ikemen Bakumatsu]
Yves Kloss [Ikemen Prince]
Vlad [Ikemen Vampire]
Edgar Bright [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Passionate Altair
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Napolean Bonaparte [Ikemen Vampire]
Kujo [Ikemen Ooku]
Masamune Date [Ikemen Sengoku]
Luka Clemence [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Leon Dompteur [Ikemen Prince]
Nasu no Yoichi [Ikemen Genjiden]
Tempting Fomalhaut - Purple Group
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Comte Saint Germain [Ikemen Vampire]
Mitsuhide Akechi [Ikemen Sengoku]
Zero [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Takatsukasa [Ikemen Ooku]
Tamamo [Ikemen Genjiden]
Nokto Klein [Ikemen Prince]
Magnificent Andromeda - Yellow Group
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Minamoto no Yoshitsune [Ikemen Genjiden]
Licht Klein [Ikemen Prince]
Jonah Clemence [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Kichou [Ikemen Sengoku]
Louis Howard [Ikemen Oukyuu]
Sebastian/Akihiko Satou [Ikemen Vampire]
Noble Betelgause - Light Blue Group
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Haar Silver [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Kitsuji Sueharu [Ikemen Genjiden]
Chevalier Michel [Ikemen Prince]
Kay [Ikemen Celebrity]
Kenshin Uesugi [Ikemen Sengoku]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Ikemen Vampire]
Glorious Procyon - Dark Blue Group
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Jin Grandet [Ikemen Prince]
Alan Crawford [Ikemen Oukyuu]
Taira no Shigehira [Ikemen Genjiden]
Isaac Newton [Ikemen Vampire]
Lancelot Kingsley [Ikemen Kakumei/Revolution]
Ieyasu Tokugawa [Ikemen Sengoku]
Personal Thoughts:
First off, thank you for adding in the older games such as Ikemen Oukyuu. I was a bit shocked that games like Ikemen Yakyoku and Ikemen Live were NOT included in this line up, and the sheer amount of Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Genjiden entries in the lineup... Also, I count Ikemen Oukyuu and Midnight Cinderella as the same thing as a rebranding, so.. yeah, I get that they have 11 series of games, but I feel like they could've added the poster boys from Ikemen Yakyoku and Ikemen Live too.
The voting session was a real surprise, but I also was surprise by the character choices too. Anyway, good job Cybird for this event, and I hope the next event would be similar to the Ikemen Series Idol Edition in 2016.
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otomeverything · 5 years
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Otomate recently announced a couple of upcoming new titles as well as new info and confirmed release dates of their previously announced games during the Otomate Party (2019) Event held in Tokyo International Convention Center, Japan.
There are currently twelve games (both old and new) that were recently announced coming for the Nintendo Switch.
  Heart no Kuni no Alice – “Alice in the Country of Hearts” Wonderful White World & Wonderful Black World
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
This was originally a QuinRose game published by Prototype back in 2007 both for the PSP and PC systems. It was later ported as a mobile game in 2014 (Android and iOS) and then to the PS VITA in 2015.
Fun Fact: An English patch was completed and released for this game back in 2018.
Story (VNDB): Alice is realistic; especially about love. One day, she is taken to the world of heart, which is full of danger. For example, an owner of a hat shop is a gangster, and every theme park worker carries a gun; almost all of the people are dangerous.
She somehow starts to enjoy her life there, after she is forced to take a drug which prevents her from returning to her original world. Will she find a way back? Will she fall in love?
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
Parasite Cupid is a love comedy otome game about a protagonist who’s a bridal matchmaker that’s also *secretly* a cupid (goddess) at the same time. Her goal is to help “five parasites” (five ikemens) who can’t find true love.
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
No further details have been revealed for this game yet other than all the ikemens are “yokais” (non-human, demon spirits). Seiyuus (Voice Actors) include Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Takahiro Sakurai, Yusuke Kobayashi, Ryouta Ohsaka.
Fun Fact: If you love the art for Bad Apple Wars, you will love this game’s characters designs, as it’s created by the same artist Suou.
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
Otomate teases us with a brief description of this new title as “A Story that starts with a Bad End”. Besides that, no further details have been revealed for this game yet.
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
This will be the first fandisc of 2018’s hit Otomate title Piofiore No Banshou. This fandisc will be written by Kazura Ringo and will be directed by Asahi Takamura. Both are the same screenwriter and director of the first game.
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
The game is developed and supervised by Ichi Column, the popular game studio known for their hit Hanayaka Nari series. No further details have been revealed for this game’s plot yet other than that its setting will be in the Meiji Period (😂just like how the title gives it away lol).
Here are all of the characters, full body screenshots below:
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Watch the game’s trailer here.
Rejoice! Our favorite title, Amnesia Memories finally gets a Nintendo Switch Port. This game is confirmed to release September 12, 2019. Furthermore, the game’s first and second fandisc, Amnesia Crowd and Later, will also be making it’s way to the switch console. The bundled fandisc is set to release on October 3, 2019.
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Watch the official announcement trailer here.
…And if the previous title didn’t satisfy you, get a load of this!
Collar x Malice and Collar x Malice Unlimited will be storming its way to the Nintendo Switch Otome market in 2020. In addition, an anime adaptation of the series is currently in the works! 
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Watch the game’s new trailer here.
They’ve actually pre-announced this game during last year’s Otomate Party (2018). Sadly, this title’s release date was pushed back to 2020. The game was designed by the famous Japanese Illustrator Satoi. This artist is popular for her famous works such as Diabolik Lovers series, Re: Birthday Song series and Ozmafia.
    BILSHANKA SENKI ~Genpeiden~
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Watch the game’s new trailer here.
Just like Olympia Soriee, this game was also pre-announced during last year’s Otomate party (2018). This game is a collaboration between Red Entertainment and Otomate.
The story premise takes place around the Heian period during the civil war of Genpei (1180-1185), opposing the two clans Yorimoto and Taira. Most of the main characters are inspired by real personalities of the time. The heroine is the last daughter of the Minamoto and is named Shanaou, birth name of the famous General Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
Seiyuus (Voice Actors) include Makoto Furukawa, Soma Saito, Kengo Kawanishi, Yuichiro Umehara, and Jun Fukuyama.
    Gensou Kissa Enchanté 
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Watch the game’s new trailer here.
To end this roundup with a bang. Here, we have more deets and a confirmed release date for the game Gensou Kissa Enchante. The game premise is about a young girl, Kotone Awaki (protagonist) working at this non-human café in a separate world.
Fun Fact: This game’s scenario writer is Nao Kojima, who’s widely known for his famous works: Hakuoki, Code Realize, and Variable Barricade. The game’s head illustrator was also by Japanese artist Yuuya. You’ll find some of her works very familiar if you’ve played the titles:  Hanayaka Nari series, Dandy Shot “Pub Encounters” and Jakuo no Lyla.
Seiyuus (Voice Actors) include Kenji Akabane, Yuichiro Umehara, Kaito Ishikawa, Yuki Ono and Junichi Suwabe.
Interested? Take a look at these CG screenshots taken from the game’s trailer:
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Does this game makes you thirs– er, hungry or what?! 😂 Gensou Kissa Enchante is confirmed to release on October 10, 2019.
    Disclaimer: These games are only confirmed in Japan. Source: Otomate JP Official Website
  New Upcoming Otomate Games for 2019 and 2020 Otomate recently announced a couple of upcoming new titles as well as new info and confirmed release dates of their previously announced games during the Otomate Party (2019) Event held in Tokyo International Convention Center, Japan.
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fmp2georgematthews · 2 years
History of the Samurai
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The strongest of these Landowning clans the Minamoto and Taira challenged the central government and battled each other for supremacy over the entire country. Minamoto Yorimoto was victorious in the battle and set up a new military government in 1192 led by the shogun or supreme military commander. The Samurai would rule over Japan for around the next 700 years. 
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jibuyo · 6 years
Taira no Kiyomori (personal notes)
1156 - Hōgen rebellion - a civil war between two different successors to the throne - Sutoku vs Go-Shirakawa. Sutoku was backed by Fujiwara no Yorinaga and Go-Shirakawa was backed by Fujiwara no Tadamichi. The first armed conflict in Kyoto, both sides were supported by members of Minamoto and Taira clans.
Minamoto no Tameyoshi (head of the clan) supported Sutoku. Minamoto no Yoshitomo (Tameyoshi’s son) and Taira no Kiyomori (head of the clan) supported Go-Shirakawa. Go-Shirakawa’s side won and Tameyoshi was executed. Minamoto no Yoshitomo became the head of the clan.
Taira and Minamoto clans became top warriors classes, but in 1159 their rivalry culminated in another conflict, Heiji conflict, which ended with the Taira clan’s victory. Yoshitomo was betrayed and killed by his vassal. Some of his sons were also killed... but Kiyomori spared Yoritomo, Yoshitsune and Noriyuki and banished Yoritomo to Izu. Like this Kiyomori established the first samurai-dominated government in feudal Japan.
In 1167, Taira no Kiyomori became daijō daijin as the first member of a warrior class.
While in the capital Kiyomori continued with the established system, he was more progressive in his own lands. He opened the trade with China and was building new harbors. 
But the constant presence of armed men in the capital caused the dissatisfaction of nobles and many small incidents occurred. The power shift from the traditional nobles to the Taira clan caused Kyoto to decay, which was also accompanied by fire and earthquakes. No one would repair the city and shortly famine broke out as well. (Kiyomori was living in Fukuhara, a new place he built for himself.)
In 1177 there was a conspiracy from Fujiwaras against Kiyomori, but Kiyomori learned about it and executed the conspirators. He went to Kyoto where he removed many high standing officers in the government and put Go-Shirakawa into an interment.
In 1180 he made his 2yo grandson an emperor = Emperor Antoku.
However, the fact that Kiyomori continued with the old system not fit for the new warrior class, caused the land owners to be dissatisfied, causing rebellions which were getting support from monks as well. At this time, the Minamoto clan once again rose up.
One such episode is about Minamoto no Yorimasa (a poet), who was living in Kyoto, who was seen as loyal by Kiyomori. He and prince Mochihito, son of Go-Shirakawa, conspired together against Taira, but they were unsuccessful and had to escape to Uji, where, in front of Byōdoin, Yorimasa committed suicide. Mochihito was captured and killed. It wasn’t the end, though.
The Minamoto in Kantō, under the leadership of Minamoto no Yoritomo, rose up. They were supported by the Hōjō clan (different Hōjō clan from the  Sengoku one) and now they established their place in Kamakura.
Kiyomori didn’t really pay too much attention to the happenings in the East, he was more concerned with the monks near Kyoto. Because of them he made the nobles to move into Fukuhara, which the nobles didn’t really like. He also burned down Tōdaiji, Tōfukuji and Onjōji, which caused the monks to hate him even more. More and more people were joining the Minamoto...
In 1181 Kiyomori died.
In 1183 Minamotos entered Kyoto and the Tairas escaped back to their own lands around Setouchi; they took Emperor Antoku and the three imperial regalia with them.
1185 the battle of Dan no ura, Minamoto no Yorimoto’s victory.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 years
The teams for the Miraculous Team i could think beside Tomoe Gozen are: Yorimitsu Minamoto aka Raikou, Suzuka Gozen, Tamuramaro Sakanoue, Tsuna Watanabe, Sadamitsu Usui, Suetake Urabe, Hougen Kiichi, Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, Kintarou, Sei Shonagon, Yoshitsune Minamoto, Yorimoto Minamoto, Yoshinaka Minamoto, Douman Ashiya, Seimei Abe, Hangaku Gozen and Yaobikuni (Note: Shikibu, Gozen and Shonagon are just the titles not the family names)
Maybe. It could certainly be interesting
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aegeanfarm · 7 years
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I investigated about the “Kurokami” piece and I found some things that might be interesting. Here you go:
“Kurokami” means black hair, and its the name of a geiko dance piece that tells the story of “Princess Tatsu, the daughter of Sukechika Ito, and how she was forced to give up her love for Yorimoto Minamoto, who was climbing up his way to become Shogun, in order for him to marry Masako, who was a daughter of the most powerful family at the time. The songs portrays Tatsu’s desperate loneliness sleeping countless nights alone with only sweet old memories with Yorimoto. How tragic that years passes regardless and her most beautiful black hair turns grey with time, like snow falling on the ground.” source
I found this comment of a person who might know more about japanese traditional dances than me, so I’ll quote it so you can learn just how difficult “Kurokami” seems to be: “[...] But she doesn't reach to get sufficient skill to express the complicated intimate emotion as requires this difficult song "Kurokami". She lacks experience in her life not only as Geiko but also as a mature woman. Kurokami is one of the most difficult songs to express in dance. You may agree with my opinion if you may compare her dance with manner of dancing by Tamasaburo or Han Takehara.“ source
And here is “Kurokami” danced by Tamasaburo [please click it]. I need to say that before watching Tamasaburo’s one I watched a lot of videos and yes, it was far more intense and just different, how she moves and her expressions, what she transmit... wow.
The thing about all this is... Kasumi is the one dancing this piece, and it’s her forte. Our serious Kasumi, the woman who can’t stand men and doesn’t understand romance or love, dances flawlessly a piece about a woman longingly missing the man she loves for years. I want to imagine Kasumi dancing it but I think I might have a heart attack.
It’s so ironic how they choose this piece for Kasumi, this is super important. Just, how Kasumi can pull off expressions like Tamasaburo in that video? Can you imagine it? Kasumi hasn’t fallen in love with anybody (until now she hasn’t mentioned anything and her dialogue affirms it)... Who is she thinking of while dancing “Kurokami”? What is she thinking? Why did she choose that piece to master and call her “forte”? Did she choose it or her parents or governess?
And she says “...perhaps sometime.” as if I’m not going to die just by looking at her dancing this now that I know all this. This is incredible. This is what I love about Kasumi’s character.
Also: If someone is Japanese or knows more about this and there’s something wrong with the information I listed here you can message me and I can correct them! Thank you!
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mvikle · 7 years
Note to self - Visit of kamakura
Itinéraire conseillé
Gare de Kita-Kamakura > (3 mn de march) > Temple Engakuji> (15 mn de marche) > Temple Kenchoji> (15 mn de marche) > Sanctuaire de Tsurugaoka Hachimangu > (2 mn de marche) > Musée des Trésors Nationaux de Kamakura> (8 mn de marche) > Gare de Kamakura >  Déjeuner et shopping > (5 mn par la ligne Enoden) > Gare de Hase > (12 mn de marche) > Grand Bouddha > (10 mn de marche) > Temple Hasedara > (5 mn de marche) > Gare de Hase  > 16 mn par la ligne Enoden > Gare d'Enoshima > (15 mn de marche) > Ile d'Enoshima, gare de Katase-Enoshima > (7 mn par la ligne Odakyu noshima) > Gare de Fujisawa
S'y déplacer
Kamakura Enoshima Free Kippu
billet de 2 jours pour une circulation libre sur les trains des lignes JR, Enoden Railways et Shonan Monorail de la zone Kamakura / Enoshima, ainsi que l'aller-retour depuis n'importe quelle gare de la ligne JR Yamanote (à Tokyo) ou la gare JR de Yokohama.
Enoshima Kamakura Free Pass
Billet à la journée pour une circulation libre sur les trains des lignes Enoden et Okakyu Railways de la zone Kamakura / Enoshima, ainsi que l'aller-retour depuis n'importe quelle gare de la ligne Odakyu entre Shinjuku et Fujisawa. Pour plus d'informations
JTB Sunrise Tours
Adresse : JTB Global Business France - 29 Rue du Louvre 75002 Paris Tél : 01 53 45 93 30 Site officiel
Gare de Tokyo > (55 mn par la ligne JR Yokosuka) > Gare de Kita-Kamakura ou de Kamakura
(45 mn à partir de la gare de Shinagawa / 27 mn à partir de la gare de Yokohama)
Gare de Shinjuku > (1 h par la ligne JR Shonan-Shinjuku) > Gare de Kita-Kamakura ou de Kamakura
Kamakura est située à une heure de Tokyo en train. C'est une petite ville côtière, émaillée de temples à l'atmosphère feutrée. De la présence du gouvernement féodal qui y prit ses quartiers en 1192, elle garde aujourd'hui un héritage historique de toute première importance. Le meilleur moyen de découvrir Kamakura est encore de partir à sa découverte par soi-même. Les 5 grands temples célèbres font ici doucement glisser le promeneur vers le 12e siècle, en pleine période de Kamakura.
Le Temple Engakiji, fut construit en 1282 pour commémorer la mort des soldats japonais et mongols morts pendant la tentative d'invasion mongole du Japon. Le Temple Kenchoji construit en 1253 est d'inspiration chinoise. Le sanctuaire de Tsurugaoka Hachimangu est situé près de la gare de Kamakura. Le « Hongu » ou édifice principal du sanctuaire s'ouvre sur une vue magnifique de la ville de Kamakura. Le Musée des Trésors Nationaux de Kamakura propose plus de 2 000 trésors provenant des temples de Kamakura et change ses expositions tous les mois. Mais c'est le Grand Bouddha de bronze, bien sûr, qui attire à Kamakura le plus grand nombre de visiteurs. Le Temple Hasedara, célèbre par son édifice principal en bois et son magnifique jardin de style japonais, règne par sa splendeur sur toute la ville. L'île d'Enoshima, petite île de 4 km de périmètre, flotte délicatement dans la baie de Sagami.
A voir
Temple Engakuji
Fondé au 13e siècle, c'est le second parmi les grands temples zen de Kamakura. Il abrite une célèbre statue en bois du Bouddha, et sa cloche du temple est classée Trésor national. L'accès au temple est très spectaculaire avec sa volée de marches encadrée par de grands cèdres.
Proche de la sortie sud-est de la gare de Kita-Kamakura.
Temple Kenchoji
Numéro un des cinq grands temples zen de Kamakura, il est aussi le premier à avoir été constuit dans cette ville.
20 mn à pied de la gare de Kita-Kamakura ; arrêt de bus Kenchoji à partir des gares de Kamakura ou de Kita-Kamakura. Site Web
Sanctuaire de Tsurugaoka Hachimangu
Avec plus de 9 millions de visiteurs par an, le Sanctuaire de Tsurugaoka Hachimangu est le symbole de la vieille capitale. Le sanctuaire a été fondé par Minamoto Yoritoshi, ancêtre du shogun Minamoto Yorimoto l'instaurateur du gouvernement féodal de Kamakura qui régna sur le Japon de 1192 à 1333. Les environs du sanctuaire regorgent de lieux d'intérêts: le trésor, les jardins avec des étangs et les restes d'un arbre ginko gigantesque dont on disait qu'il était vieux de 1000ans, avant qu'il ne soit frappé par la foudre le 10mars 2010. Il faut gravir 61 marches de pierre pour accéder au bâtiment principal du sanctuaire.
15 mn à pied de la sortie est de la gare de Kamakura.
Musée des Trésors nationaux de Kamakura
Le musée rassemble des œuvres d'art importantes liées à la riche histoire de Kamakura, dont cinq Trésors nationaux. Le bâtiment principal, construit après le grand tremblement de terre de 1923, prend modèle sur le temple Shoso-in de Nara.
12 mn à pied de la gare de Kamakura ; 3 mn à pied des arrêts de bus Hachimangu ou Daigaku-mae.
Grand Bouddha
Le Grand Bouddha ou « Daibutsu » est une statue géante de 11,4 mètres de haut et de 122 tonnes qui médite en position du lotus, sous la voûte céleste. Il est fait de plaques de bronze assemblées sur une structure creuse et il est possible de pénétrer dans le monument. Il fut achevé en 1252 grâce à Minamoto Yorimoto pour rivaliser avec le Bouddha de Nara qui était alors plus imposant.
10 mn à pied de la gare de Hase sur la ligne Enoden ; arrêt de bus Daibutsu-mae (bus Keikyu Enoden).
Temple Hasedera
L'élement central du temple Hasedera est Juichimen Kannon, une statue en bois du boddisathva Kannon aux 11 visages. Avec ses 9,18 mètres, c'est la plus grande statue en bois du Japon.
5 mn à pied de la gare de Hase sur la ligne Enoden ; 3 mn à pied de l'arrêt de bus Hasekannon-mae (bus Keikyu Enoden).
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