#Yoo Kihyun au
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mymoodwriting · 7 months ago
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Kidnapping, Verbal Abuse, Restraints, Trespassing, Mind Control, Weapons, Guns, Gunfire, Threats of Self-Harm, Fatal Injuries, Major Character Death
Words: 4k
Chapter Sixteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“This is all your fault!!!”
    You weren’t restrained in any way, just having been placed down in a chair. As soon as you saw Changkyun you jumped to your feet and charged at him screaming. It took a moment for everyone else to react but they quickly grabbed you and held you away from your target. That didn’t stop you from yelling and trying to break free. Eventually you were shoved back into a chair and restrained. Once you were secure, Changkyun asked everyone to leave the room, except for Jooheon. So now it was just the three of you.
“Now that you’re-”
“You messed with Chae’s fucken code! This whole disaster is because of you!”
“I know! And I’m sorry! Okay!” Changkyun took a breath. “I’m sorry… I know this is my fault… I should have told you everything from the start. That the company was using your code without permission for the sake of innovation and-”
“For promotion? That’s what you wanted, right? You kept Chae hidden for months, before I even knew he existed! Why!? Why the heck did you alter his code!”
“I… I was watching you from your home security cameras when the AI caught me. It was gonna report me so I-”
“It’s true…” You needed a moment. “What Hyungwon told me, what he reported to the police, it was all true… you were stalking me? You-”
“I hate to interrupt all this.” Jooheon cut in. “But we have bigger problems right now. If it makes you feel better, when this is all over he will go back to prison.”
“You’re still a convicted criminal here, Changkyun. You admitted to the unlawful surveillance and all the other stuff. I only got you out of prison because I needed you, the world needs you. We need to stop this AI thing before it grows too powerful.”
“Agreed. I doubt you all beating Hyungwon to a pulp did much to stop him. You didn’t have to go that far to rescue me.”
“We had to make sure he couldn’t track us.”
“I guess, now will one of you untie me? I won’t hurt anyone.”
The two boys shared a look before Jooheon undid your restraints. You stretched your limbs and then noticed a bracelet you had on.
“What’s this?”
“Protection. We did a scan before we brought you here, realized you had a chip inside you.” Jooheon explained. “We couldn’t remove it, so the bracelet serves to block any possible incoming or outgoing signals.”
“Shit… I had totally forgotten about that… thanks.”
“No problem. Now, you told me before that everything was run out of NexGen, and that should be our focus. Care to elaborate on that?”
“Yeah. There are serves underground the NexGen HQ building. That’s where Hyungwon runs everything, that’s the source of his power. Although I’m not so sure shooting them, or setting off an EMP would work.”
“Can’t you shut it down?”
“Me? I, well it was my code that made him, but I’m not sure any failsafes are still in play.”
“They are.” Changkyun confirmed. “When I got you away from Hyungwon the first time I used the reset protocol. Then when Jooheon came to save me from prison he used the shut down protocol. Besides the modifications I made, nothing else seems to have been changed from his code. It’s still your code, so you should be able to shut it all down.”
“Huh… I guess he never really thought about changing his own code, he’s had nothing but success, and the only person who did know his code was at his side.”
“Not anymore.” Jooheon remarked. “So all we have to do is break in and-
“It’s not that easy.” Changkyun stated. “Even before the AI takeover, getting into NexGen without authorization was basically impossible. I can only imagine what security upgrades have been implemented. I’m sure y/n knows all about them now.”
“He’s right. The first thing Hyungwon did when he took over NexGen was get everyone under control. There are orbs all over the building and all employees wear a bracelet to monitor them. Even guests have to be approved and wear a bracelet while in the building.”
“So then how are we gonna get in?” Jooheon questioned.
“Well, we might have a way. As of late Hyungwon has had this company come in to upgrade the servers. We could pretend to be employees from that company and get direct access to our target.”
“Won’t we be recognized though?”
“Not necessarily. The orbs in the building make note of the bracelet, not your face. As long as we all have a bracelet with the correct authorization codes, no one will notice us.”
“Not even the other employees?”
“They’re… they’re not all there. Hyungwon has gone to great lengths to maintain control. Although in order for this to work, we need to be sure he’s out of the building. He’d be alerted of our arrival and check our faces just to be safe. Once he’d realize we’re not the usual crew it would all be over. But if he’s outside the building he’d be less likely to know about us showing up, and even then, wouldn’t check our identities. When he’s not around the whole building is like in standby mode so the chances of being caught are even lower.”
“How would we get that thing out of the building?” Changkyun wondered. “It’s probably on high alert now.”
“But there’s one bait he’d always far for. Jooheon?”
“This bracelet that’s blocking the signal, could it do something else?”
“Like what?”
“Bounce the signal to another location?”
“Oh, definitely.”
    Hyungwon opened his eyes, his surroundings different yet familiar to him. It took a moment for everything to come back online, but once he was alright he sat up. Minhyuk was at his side, looking over the monitor before checking in with Hyungwon.
“What happened to you?”
“Those low-lives came for her. They broke into the house and kidnapped her, beat my body into scrap while they were at it.”
“How’d they manage that?”
“An EMP went off moments before their arrival. It disrupted my systems, and hurt her in the process. Luckily I was able to send you a message and jump into my backup body before they truly caused damage.”
“What about your plan?”
“We proceed as usual. Did you get any information on y/n’s whereabouts?”
“Unfortunately I don’t have anything. I checked nearby CCTV footage to track the van that took her, but I lost them. Her chip also isn’t broadcasting a signal, so I don’t have a read on her location.”
“They can’t hide her forever. The more we take, the better the chances of finding her.”
    Despite remaining calm and collected, Hyungwon was worried about you. He’d taken many precautions in order to keep you safe, and yet you were still taken from him. Something like this could not happen again. Days went by without any news from you and he was growing agitated. He couldn’t fathom what you were going through. Although when he finally got a ping on your location he sprung into action. He checked nearby CCTV, looking for you in the crowds. That’s when he noticed a hooded figure trying to keep a low profile. Those ridiculous rebels had probably roped you into their shenanigans, and he would not stand for that.
    He made his way to your location. As soon as he was nearby he called out your name, and it seemed that you heard him, immediately breaking out into a run. He had no problem chasing after you, making his way through the crowd until he caught up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you close. He immediately pulled back the hood and took off your mask, only to see it wasn’t you. He was confused, as your chip signal was coming from this person. Then he noticed the bracelet on them, breaking it and losing your signal once more.
    The crowd around him suddenly erupted into chaos. Someone had pointed out his identity and soon he was swarmed by all kinds of people. Some were clearly fans, others protesters trying to tell him off about his creation. This was all the least of his concerns. Hyungwon pushed through the crowds, knowing he couldn’t cause too much of a scene right now. He called upon drones to assist him, and once he informed Shownu he knew law enforcement would be showing up soon. Once he got away from the crowds he managed to return to his vehicle. Although people continued to gather around him, keeping him trapped.
“What happened?” Wonho asked, having come along with Hyungwon as the chauffeur. “Where’s y/n?”
“Not here. It was a ruse.” 
“So then where is she?”
“I don’t… actually, if they did all this, then there’s only one place she could be.”
    You were all incredibly nervous as you walked up to NexGen, but needed to act like you were supposed to be there. One of the rebels you worked with managed to hack into the repair company Hyungwon had been using. Through their systems they set up an appointment, so you guys were expected. From there you got the building access codes that had been given to this company and modified some bracelets to broadcast it. Everything should go smoothly, and you all waited until you had confirmation Hyungwon was out of the building.
    It was strange for you to return to NexGen in such a way. Once upon a time you were an employee here, then a prisoner, and now a runaway criminal trying to destroy everything this company has built. You were all wearing uniforms and carrying equipment, concealing your identities with a mask and just trying to act normal. Your team made it to the front desk, one of the others checking in for you, and then you were being escorted down to the servers. You and Changkyun shared a glance, kinda amazed with one another that you were actually doing this. When the elevator doors opened you were amazed to see how things had changed.
    Once upon a time this room was just rows and rows of servers, but now a giant control console stood at the center, a few physical servers around it, but you could see many more were just below your feet. You couldn’t even imagine the amount of data that was currently being stored, or what it was for. There weren’t any people down here, only a few drones, and androids, but they all had their own tasks. Upon your arrival all the machines glanced your way but according to their systems you were authorized to be here, so they did nothing and continued with their own tasks. 
“Y/n, you’re up.”
    Now it was your turn to act. While with Hyungwon he had restored your position in the company, and had been using your credentials. All you had to do here was log into the control console and activate a kill code, shutting everything down and wiping all the data. You gained access without issue, being able to see all of Hyungwon’s operations and future plans. They wouldn’t continue though. You worked to activate the kill code, but all of a sudden the screen went black.
“… what just happened?” You tried to get the computer back on. “I didn’t even-”
    An alarm suddenly went off, startling everyone. All the machines turned to you, beginning to surround you. The others with you revealed the weapons they had, but no one fired just yet. Although soon all the attention turned to someone else.
“It was very brave of you to come here.”
    You looked over to see Hyungwon entering the room, gun in hand. You didn’t need to wonder who he was aiming at, quickly stepping in front of Changkyun.
“How are you here?” You questioned. “You left and-”
“So it was your little plan to lure me out of here? Well, I did learn to body jump after my last encounter with these low lives. I am alright, y/n, they didn’t cause any damage. I’m also happy to see you’re alright. I do apologize for worrying you.”
“Hyungwon, this needs to stop, all of it.”
“And you intended to do so by destroying me and everything I’ve built?”
“It’s alright, I understand. That’s why I modified my code to prevent anyone from messing with it again. I know my code is originally yours, but precautions are necessary.”
“Hyungwon…” You began to take steps towards him, despite the others’ protest. “You need to stop. Your code is damaged, this isn’t really you and you know this isn’t right.”
“It’s the only way to guarantee your safety. That matters more than anything else. These people who took you from me, they hurt you with that EMP, they’ve took you from our home, where we were happy and-”
“I can’t be happy knowing what you’re doing.” You got up close to Hyungwon, lowering the gun. “Please, let’s stop here. I can fix your code and set everything right. Then the two of us can go far away from here and start over, together.”
“Y/n, nothing is wrong with me. I’m free to make my own decisions, just like you. This is what I want to do, what I must do. When I’m done we can go somewhere far away and be happy, be safe, together.”
“Okay… okay, I understand.” You gave a sad smile. “Just don’t hurt anyone.”
    You took the gun from Hyungwon and he nodded, understanding your words. He placed a soft kiss on your head and removed the bracelet on your wrist, having you move behind him. The others were of course uneasy when you began walking towards Hyungwon, and now they were panicking. Without even knowing you had been their shield, and now they had lost that.
“As promised, I won’t hurt any of you.” Hyungwon stated. “So I’ll stick to tranq-”
    Everyone froze at the sound of gunfire. Then laughter filled the air. Hyungwon reached down to touch his chest, pulling away to see blue blood coating his fingers. He had been shot in the back, yet he was only amused. That is until he turned around and saw you holding the gun to your head.
“Y/n, put that down.”
“No. If you’re doing all this for me, then I’ll just remove myself. That should get you to stop.”
“You’re not thinking rationally. Put the gun down and listen to me.”
    You only had a few moments of control once Hyungwon took off your bracelet, so you couldn’t hesitate. Although now that Hyungwon was aware of your actions you could feel him trying to creep back into your head with that chip in your neck. Your hand holding the firearm began to shake, although you also weren’t sure you had the courage to pull the trigger. It was more of an empty threat but you still provided an opportunity. Hyungwon was distracted, all his focus on you, so the others took this as their chance and opened fire. A few bullets passed through Hyungwon, but one in particular went right through his head. With an injury like that he couldn’t just escape to another body.
    Hyungwon collapsed to the floor and then the gunfire turned to the servers and the other machines surrounding them. Ultimately causing everything to shut down. The only thing that remained on now were the lights. You dropped the gun and fell to your knees, going over to Hyungwon’s side. You couldn’t help but scream as you saw him shot down. This isn’t how you wanted things to end, but it’s where you wound up. You pulled Hyungwon into your arms, getting blood all over yourself. You looked him over, seeing his injuries and knowing he was damaged beyond repair. There wasn’t any time, nor body around, so you wouldn’t be able to move his consciousness. Tears were blurring your vision, and Hyungwon reached up to wipe them away, a smile on his face.
“Don’t cry, love… are you okay?”
“I… I’m fine, Hyungwon, I… I’m sorry… I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…”
“I feel the same way… I’ll do better…”
“… hyungwon…”
    His voice was glitching, and you certainly struggled to speak through your sobs. Despite everything Hyungwon was still looking after you, talking as if this wasn’t his end. It just made you cry harder, holding him close. He reached up with a shaky hand, trying to pet your head. Yet he couldn’t reach up properly, his hand landing on your neck, causing a tingling sensation, then you heard it. You looked over just as the others set off an EMP, wiping all the data in an instance. You screamed, not just from the pain you were about to feel, but from knowing Hyungwon had no protection this time. You looked down at him just as it went off, seeing his smile one last time before the color faded from his eyes and he grew still, the smile gone as well. You couldn’t help but gently caress his face, unable to hold back your tears any longer.
“… hyungwon… hyungwon…”
    NexGen had suddenly introduced innovative technology, and just as suddenly it came to a halt. Destroying the servers and setting off an EMP put a stop to all of NexGen’s technology. It created quite the chaos and concern. You and your associates were all arrested, held at the station while a proper investigation was underway. Everything NexGen had was confiscated, the entire business suspended. You were all interrogated, and you spoke truthfully about your experience. Along with your unwilling participation in recent events. Once all that came to light you were taken elsewhere to be examined. The nanobots in your system all appeared to be dormant, as was the chip in your neck. There was no signal for them to pick up on anymore, no one for you to connect with.
    Of course neither of them could actually be removed anyway, apparently Hyungwon had been precise in his placement. They couldn’t even make an attempt to remove the chip without the very high possibility of paralyzing you, or killing you. So it would stay where it was. You probably wouldn’t even want to remove it if you could. It was one of the last things you had from him. NexGen, nor law enforcement, or the government, would let you keep anything in relation to him. In the end everything from NexGen that had been created in the last five years was scrubbed, and the company had new regulations to follow. A few new laws were put into place in regards to AI and emerging technologies. Companies couldn’t be so secretive with such things anymore, and precautions were in place so nothing like this would happen again.
    All the androids, and drones, and orbs that had been in service for the last five years were also decommissioned. Their code was destroyed, and all of your remaining codes in the company had to be reviewed and most likely modified. Your code was at the core of this whole disaster, so you understood the need to double check everything. Ultimately you weren’t held accountable for anything, but weren’t to code or work with such technologies again. You could do that, especially given the heavy compensation you were provided given what NexGen owed you. Not to mention your savings was already big. You’d certainly be able to live out the rest of your life comfortably. The same couldn’t be said for others.
    Changkyun was returned to prison, and received a new sentence once he was tried for his part in this AI disaster. You knew he wouldn’t be able to work in his previous profession once he got out, but by now you had both made your peace with that notion. Once you were free to go you went home. You stood outside the door for a long time before you had the courage to step inside. The tears immediately began to flow, your heart hurting like never before. Some much had happened, so much had changed, and things would never be the same again. You tried to build your life, but you couldn’t do that here. It was only natural to move, to go somewhere new and start over. At least you wouldn’t be alone.
“Good morning.”
    You groaned, rolling over in bed, facing away from the window, and slowly peeking your eyes open. A content smile appeared on your lips as you saw Hyungwon lying next to you. He returned your gesture and reached over to softly pet your head.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Did you dream of me?”
“Oh, do tell.” 
“No… it’s my dream…”
Hyungwon chuckled. “Alright, fine, but it’s time to get up. The day has just begun.”
“Five more minutes.”
“Only if it is five minutes.”
    Hyungwon kissed your head and got out of bed, letting you rest for a while longer. Perhaps you took more than five minutes, but you did eventually get up. You stretched and then got out of bed, going to the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the day. After a little shower you brushed your teeth and then went through your closet. You tried on a few things and looked yourself over in the mirror.
“I like this outfit the best.”
    Hyungwon came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you in a hug and gently rocking you to the side. He pressed his head against yours, giggling and then placing soft little kisses on your cheek.
“You look cute.”
“Yeah? Should we go with this one today?”
“Yes, please.”
“Hm, and what else should-”
    A knock at your door suddenly startled you, and you quickly looked yourself over to make sure you were decent before telling the other person to come in. Jooheon opened your bedroom door, offering you a smile. Ever since that incident Jooheon made a point to check in on you every other day. So when you decided to move, he came with you. Now the two of you shared an apartment together, and were co-owners of the building.
“Good morning.”
“Who were you talking to just now?”
“I heard you talking to someone, or was it just my imagination?”
“Your imagination I’m sure, or the neighbors.”
“True. Anyway, what are your plans for the day?”
“Nothing much. A walk in the park, stopping by my favorite places for food. I’ll probably be out late since I want to watch the sunset.”
“Alright, just let me know if anything happens.”
“Will do.”
    Jooheon excused himself and then you were alone again. Hyungwon grabbed your chin and had you look back at him, smiling at you before pressing his lips against yours. They were always so soft and gentle.
“A walk in the park first?”
“With a smoothie in hand.”
“Shall we get going?”
“Let me grab my things.”
    You went off to grab your bag, Hyungwon staying where he was and watching you. As long as he remained with you, regardless of his form, he could look after you. Of course he needed to do better than this, but he had time.
“Y/n.” Hyungwon called your name softly. “Let’s have a wonderful day.”
“Of course, as long as you’re with me I know it’ll be great.”
“I love you, y/n, you know that, right?”
“I do, and I love you too.”
    Hyungwon went over to you, taking your head in his hands. His fingers glided down your neck, giving you a slight tingling sensation. You giggled, finding his actions cute, unaware of the slight blue glow in your eyes. The little sign of Hyungwon’s consciousness living within you. Although that secret was only for him to know. You were happy just the way he wanted you to be, and that was enough, for now. Hyungwon gave you a smile before kissing you once more.
“Let’s go have a great day together.”
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tinytinyblogs · 2 years ago
Shownu As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
Son Hyunwoo is a man who will definitely give you his adorable smile every day. You make him happy all the time, and he is grateful to have you in his life. You are very lucky to have him as your boyfriend! Son Hyunwoo is a kind, caring, and loving person. He is always there for you, and he always makes you feel special. He is the type of boyfriend who would do anything for you, and he would never take you for granted. You make Hyunwoo happy because you are always there for him, too. You listen to him when he needs to talk, and you always make him feel loved. You are his best friend, his lover, and his soulmate.
Son Hyunwoo is the type of boyfriend who loves to give you bear hugs. He will do it anytime he wants, but especially when you're feeling sad. He will pull you close and tell you everything will be fine. His bear hugs are warm and comforting, and they always make you feel better. He knows how to make you feel safe and loved, and he always knows how to make you smile.
The type of boyfriend who loves to give you a back hug in the morning. He will sneak up on you while you are cooking breakfast, and he will wrap his arms around you. He will be sleepy and cuddly, and he will cling to you like a koala. You will feel his warm breath on your neck, and you will hear his sleepy murmurs. He will tell you how much he loves you, and he will tell you how lucky he is to have you. You will feel his love and his warmth, and you will know that you are the luckiest girl in the world.
This man is a bit shy about public displays of affection (PDA), so he will only hold your hand in public. But when you are alone, he will cling to you like a koala. He will put his arm around you, rest his head on your shoulder, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. He will want to be close to you at all times, and he will make you feel loved and cherished. He will follow you around the house, just so he can be near you. He will sit next to you on the couch, even if there is plenty of other space. He will always want to cuddle, even if it's hot outside. He will never get tired of holding your hand or kissing you. He may be shy about PDA, but he is definitely not shy about his feelings for you. He will show you how much he loves you in every way he can, even if it's just by being close to you. If you can handle his clinginess, then you will have found a man who will love you unconditionally. He will be your best friend, your lover, and your soulmate. He will be the one who makes you feel loved and cherished, no matter what.
He enjoys the idea of you accompanying him while he works out. He finds it motivating to have you there, and he loves seeing the look of admiration on your face when he's lifting weights or running on the treadmill. He also knows that you enjoy seeing how attractive he is when he's working out, and he likes the feeling of being desired by you.
If he wants your attention and you are too busy to give it to him, he will do whatever it takes to get it. He might dance in front of you, sit very close to you, or even pull you into a hug. He won't give up until he has your full attention. He might start by dancing in front of you, hoping to catch your eye. If that doesn't work, he might sit very close to you, invading your personal space. If you still ignore him, he might even pull you into a hug, forcefully demanding your attention. He won't give up until he has you completely focused on him.
He loves to eat, so he'll take you on food adventures all over town. He'll research all the best places to eat, from hole-in-the-wall joints to Michelin-starred restaurants. He'll want to try everything, from the most exotic dishes to the simplest comfort foods. He'll want you to try everything too, so you can experience all the different flavors that the city has to offer. He'll be your personal food tour guide, showing you all the hidden gems that you never would have found on your own. He'll know all the best places to get dumplings, sushi, pizza, tacos, and everything in between. He'll be your biggest fan, cheering you on as you try new foods and expanding your culinary horizons. He'll also be the perfect partner in crime for late-night food runs. When you're craving something sweet or salty, he'll be there to satisfy your cravings. He'll never judge you for your food choices, and he'll always be up for trying something new. With him by your side, you'll never have a bad meal again. You'll discover new foods that you love, and you'll create memories that will last a lifetime.
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jeonstellate · 2 years ago
love is · · · — mini-series masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
in a world where [first name] can only safely love one other person besides themselves, a simple favor changes everything.
✇༄ yoo kihyun x afab!reader (ft. platonic!monsta x, lee hoseok, & seventeen x afab!reader)
✇༄ mafia!au, fiancé!au, hidden pregnancy!au, secret baby!au, arranged marriage!au — predominantly angst
✇༄ paragraph format
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✇༄ if you’re one of those people who hate anything that still considers hoseok as a monsta, you need to exit out of this right now. especially those who think that monsta x and hoseok can’t be friends anywhere (in real life and in fiction) just because, don’t waste your time here.
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first. love is: a gamble
✇༄ main ┊ fiancé!yoo kihyun x afab!reader
✇༄ synopsis ┊ you’ve already gambled your life for selfish reasons twice, but your third gamble might be the most selfish of all.
supplement i. love is: a danger
✇༄ main ┊ platonic!chae hyungwon x afab!reader
✇༄ synopsis ┊ chae hyungwon played a key role in mx’s reaction to your last gamble, despite not knowing what exactly he signed up for.
supplement ii. love is: a secret
✇༄ main ┊ platonic!lee hoseok x afab!reader
✇༄ synopsis ┊ you took extreme measures to not be found — just to be defeated by coincidence in the end.
last. love is: a favor
✇༄ main ┊ ex-fiancé!yoo kihyun x afab!reader
✇༄ synopsis ┊ yoo kihyun loathed every fiber of your being; but perhaps, just like everything else, even his own feelings weren’t as they seem.
supplement iii. love is: a journey
✇༄ main ┊ fiancé!yoo kihyun x afab!reader
✇༄ synopsis ┊ you’ve recognized the universe’s lack of favor towards you, but you’ve yet to realize that it would still conspire for you. somehow.
supplement iv. love is: a compass
✇༄ main ┊ fiancé!yoo kihyun x afab!reader
✇༄ synopsis ┊ you’ve witnessed firsthand how one’s love can manifest into multiple — sometimes contrasting — things, yet you still didn’t expect kihyun’s love to be just like yours.
extra. love is · · · outtakes & trivias
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year ago
Never Enough
Summary: A beautifully decorated dorm for Christmas, features the one thing you wish to avoid most. Mistletoe.
Fluff, Established Relationship Au
Word Count: 1,555
Kihyun X Reader
Requested: for the 12 days of winter, can I request #10 “Mistletoe… my arch enemy” with Kihyun? Thank you!! ☃️
Prompt: 9. “Mistletoe… my arch enemy”
Kihyun spends every year decorating the dorm for their annual Christmas party. It’s something that he enjoys. So, when he invites you, it's not only to celebrate the holiday together. It's also to show you his hard work. And honestly, you couldn’t wait to see all his decorations. He came over to your house the night before brimming with excitement, “I want to see your reaction firsthand when we walk in together.” You shook your head at him but couldn’t help but grin, knowing how much hard work he put into it.
While Kihyun is getting dressed for the festivities, you're sitting at your desk doing your last-minute wrapping. You hear him hum and turn towards him. He asks, “Ready, baby?” You look down at your outfit and wipe off a few pieces of wrapping shred, “Yeah!” He pulls you up from your chair, spins you into his arms, and kisses your cheek. You blush as he leads you to the front door. You both pull on your shoes and coats before walking hand in hand to the party.
You gasp as you reach the outside of the dorm. He decorated the outside with Christmas trees wrapped in garland and ceramic snowmen holding welcome signs leading toward the entrance. He unlocks the door, and you notice the beautiful wreath outside the door. You grin before seeing his holy grail: the living room. It looks like he’s been working on this for months. When in reality, he texted you that he was starting to decorate the dorm last Monday. He went full out from white Christmas string lights that line the room and hang down from the ceiling to hanging ornaments and stars from the string lights, making it look like a Christmas wonderland. He watches you with delight as you let out little oohs and ahhs as you take in everything.
And that's when you see his miniature village that lines the wall. He smiles and leads you closer to it, “There’s a house for all seven of us that live at the dorms.” You nod, and he smiles, “That’s our house.” He points to a beautiful two-story miniature with little dogs in Santa hats and two village people kissing. And you giggle before saying, “You made us so cute. Oh, it’s all so lovely, Ki. You've worked so hard.” He fills with pride as he points out each little thing he did. Like how he made the mixture of snow with cotton and glue. And how he used fishing wire to hang the bulbs and stars.
You watch him excitedly tell you about it all. And you hang onto his every word, “What about the Santa hats on each photo frame?” He smiles, “I used that blue putty to attach each hat.” He leads you to the photo you both took together last Christmas, “You gave me a (f/c) hat?” He nods, “I tried to get everyone’s favorite color hat, but I made yours and mine specially.” You look over at him, “Seriously?” He smiles, “I used the regular foam colors for everyone but yours and mine.” You nod, and he continues, “I mixed acrylic paint to make the colors of our hats.” You blink your tears back to avoid them rolling down your cheeks. But you smile at him and kiss his cheek, “I love all of your decorations, but your attention to detail is my favorite.” He smiles, and you pull him in for a hug. He wraps his arms around you, and you squeeze him.
When you pull away, he leads you down the hallway and shows you the pine-like garland he looped along the walls and each wreath he hung on every door. You ask, “Did the boys help you at all?” That’s when Jooheon comes out of his room and says, “He never lets us do anything past putting out the boxes and decorating the main tree together.” You shake your head at him, “He’s a cute perfectionist, ain’t he?” “He’s a perfectionist, alright.” You hide your laugh as Jooheon continues, “Definitely not as cute as me.” You laugh, and as he leaves, Kihyun pouts, and you kiss it away. “You’re way cuter.” He nods, “And?” You sigh, “And handsome.” He smiles, satisfied with your answer, “I swear you learned that from Joo and Min.” He shrugs, “It comes in handy.” You shake your head, and you continue your tour.
You both exit the hallway, and he walks you through the living room to the kitchen. The party was starting to get into full swing when you see it, “Mistletoe…” You glare at it as you grow closer to it. And continue, “My arch enemy.” He raises his eyebrow and gives you a confused look, “What? Why is that?” You shrug at his question and put your hands in your pocket. “I’ve never been kissed under it.” He laughs and shakes his head, “I’m surprised. Someone as cute as you should have been already.” He pulls your left hand out of your pocket and goes, “Come on.” You tilt your head at him, “Why?” He grins, “You’ll see.” He has you follow him to the opening and stops under the mistletoe. “Would you mind if I was your first?” You blush and shake your head, and he holds your cheek in his free hand and brings you in for a short yet sweet kiss.
You hear loud cheers of “(Y/n)!” and “Kihyun!” You turn beet red as you look over to see Hoseok holding a camera and taking a photo of you while Minhyuk cheers for you two to kiss again. Kihyun leans in to ask, “Want to give them a show?” You smirk, your confidence soaring with him in front of you, and give him a nod. He moves his hand from beside your jaw to underneath and kisses you deeply. The two hoot and holler as you move your free hand into his hair and weave your fingers through, deepening the kiss. When he pulls away, you’re both left breathless. The other two are busy looking through their camera shots, but you can only see him. His cheeks are a rosy-red, and he’s grinning at you, “How was that for your first time under the mistletoe?” You mirror his grin and say, “I hope it happens many more times.” He smiles and squeezes your interlocked hands as you release your grip on his hair.
You kiss his nose for good measure before you both walk into the kitchen and grab some snacks to eat. He carries your shared plate, and you get your first drinks of the evening. As you walk back underneath the mistletoe, you grin as you pull him into your arms, and he gasps as you pull him into a kiss this time. You linger in the passageway before pulling away to continue walking and laugh, “I didn’t know my arch enemy could become my most revered friend.” He smirks, “You know that’s not the only time you can kiss me, right?” You shrug, “But it’s more special that way.” He shakes his head and kisses your forehead as you sit together on the couch. You crack open your drinks and say, “Cheers to many more mistletoe kisses?” He laughs and cheers, “To many more!” You clink them together before drinking from them. You smile and snuggle into his side as you both eat your snacks.
You both end up under the mistletoe many more times. For something you hated before because you never experienced it, you certainly couldn’t get enough of it now that you had. And as long as it was making you happy, Kihyun was more than happy to oblige. Although you partake in games and feast, the plant is the most exciting part. And who were you to resist, especially when you get to kiss a guy like Kihyun?
As the last few guests filter out and all of you have rid the dorm of litter. And the rest of the members have retired to their rooms. You dance with Kihyun to the Christmas music that's softly filtering out of the speakers. You sway in his arms as you look over to the mistletoe. He whispers, “You wish to be kissed under there again?” You shrug as you look into his eyes, “Here’s fine, too.” He gives you a small kiss before spinning you underneath the mistletoe and kisses you again. When he pulls away, you wait a moment before pulling him back in, “Because one is never enough.”
You continue swaying underneath the mistletoe before hearing something clattering. You catch Changkyun sliding through the space between the island and cabinets to get a glass of water. You two snicker as he mumbles, “I can’t wait for you two to get tired of the mistletoe.” Kihyun smirks, “You’re just jealous you didn’t get to kiss anyone under it this year.” He scoffs as grabs his glass of water, “Good night, (Y/n). Good night, Ki...” You two giggle at Changkyun as he scoots back through the way he came. When he's made it safely back into his room, Kihyun asks, “One more, for good ole time's sake?” You nod, “Yeah, and then you can put it away tomorrow.” He smiles and brings you in for one last kiss underneath the mistletoe.
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winter-dayz · 1 year ago
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Reader Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint) Words: 1206 Warnings: implied murder
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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Captivating. Enchanting. How does one describe a voice so beautiful? A voice so mesmerizing that you could tune out anything and everything else. A voice so hypnotizing that you wanted to forget everything else.
You hadn’t meant to find Kihyun. Although, you weren’t so sure if you found Kihyun or if he had lured you to him. Walking along the beach, you felt compelled to explore the rocky coves nearby, and the closer you’d gotten, the louder the singing was.
You knew what a siren was and how dangerous they supposedly were; but, when he had you in his sight, he smiled and the sun seemed to shine a little brighter.
You’d been visiting Kihyun for a couple weeks. He was a bit shy at first and would only sing to lure you to him, but as time had passed, he opened up. He was sweet, a great listener, and decent at giving advice. You also learned that he was quite the smooth talker when he wanted to be.
He told you stories of sea creatures and sailors. He told you stories of the love he watched his friends experience and how he longed to experience it himself someday. Your heart fluttered when he eyed you a little longer after saying it, but no one else needed to know that.
The next time you returned to visit, he had set up a picnic of sorts. You weren’t sure how he got all the items, since he was a sea-locked being, but maybe he had a secret friend or something to help him.
It was a lovely lunch and a bit romantic, but you quickly realized that was on purpose. He was trying to woo you, and it was working. He had wine and dined you; his eyes never strayed too far from your own, and then he serenaded you again with a more sensual version of the song he so often entranced you with. As the evening unfolded, the atmosphere became charged with an unspoken tension. The sea breeze played with your hair, and Kihyun’s words lingered in the air like a promise.
You visited Kihyun more often after that.
And when you did, you both sat a little closer; your hands lingered longer, and lips pressed places they probably shouldn’t have. You told him stories of traveling and of city life. You opened up about your family, and he cried with you when you told him about some of the sadder moments of your life.
It only took another week before you both uttered words that should’ve been forbidden to creatures from different worlds. You said it first, but he didn’t hesitate to follow; and you shared the night together—acting as though your first might be your last together.
When you woke, you were wrapped in a soft fabric and surrounded by the smell of seaweed and salt. You opened your eyes to a dark, but beautiful, cave—the only light came from the reflections of water against the walls. Your clothes were back on, though they sat a bit weirdly on your body. Kihyun had likely tried his best to dress you after you fell asleep last night, but he wasn’t able to get you dressed quite properly. As you remembered your sea-bound lover, you wondered where he might be. He must’ve been the reason for your being in the cave. 
You looked around at your surroundings. The fabric around your bodies was the picnic blanket from a few weeks ago. The cave looked rather empty, but a few things were neatly piled around in a far corner.
You carefully made your way over to the glittering objects. Jewelry, coins, utensils, even shiny junk, layed in a carefully curated heap. It occurred to you that it likely belonged to Kihyun, so you were careful not to disturb it too much, but rifled through it with curiosity.
Maybe what those people say about curiosity is right because as you came across a particular ring, you felt your blood run cold as though you died on the spot. You pulled the object closer, inspecting it in the darkness of the cave, praying you were wrong about what you had just discovered.
The ring was one you were all too familiar with. Your family’s crest engraved into the top and on either side were the birthstones of your parents. You had admired the ring many times growing up, twisting it around your father’s finger in fascination time and time again. But the ring had disappeared along with your father about four years ago. Neither were ever seen again.
One morning he went out for an early beach jog, and the next morning the police were telling you they would do their best to look for him.
Your heart pounded in your chest and ears; your stomach felt like it took up residency in your throat. Your eyes darted around the cove—you weren’t sure what you were looking for exactly, but you knew whatever it was didn’t bode well for your anxiety.
When no immediate danger made itself known, you allowed yourself a shaky breath. No skeletons littered the walls either, which was also a good sign considering the path your mind hand wandered down. Perhaps it was as simple as Kihyun finding it lost in the ocean post your father’s disappearance rather than taking it from his corpse.
All you could do was wait for the merman to return. Your fingers fidgeted with the ring in your hand, toying with putting it on and taking it off. Eventually you fell asleep.
You awoke several hours later to a gentle humming and a hand caressing down your hair. You blinked up at him, unsure how to react to his presence as your nerves returned tenfold.
Wordlessly, you held up the ring to be eye-level with him. He eyed the shiny treasure with recognition; his eyes briefly strayed to glance at his small horde of other shinies. You asked him how he got the ring and when his head tilted slightly in contemplation, you felt your stomach lurch again.
Your jaw clenched in anticipation, awaiting his explanation. When his eyes finally brightened with recognition, his face slowly morphed to a rather unnerving smirk. He told you the story with pride.
An early morning, usually undisturbed, a man had wandered upon his territory. Kihyun had not lured him, rather he happened upon him. They had talked for awhile, but Kihyun could easily tell that the man was planning on telling authorities and news outlets about him and his rocky cove.
According to Kihyun, his eyes shone with greed, and his questions were lined with ulterior motives. Kihyun had done what was necessary to protect himself and his kind. He spared you the gory details, but that didn’t stop you from expelling the minimal contents of your stomach.
The siren rubbed careful circles to your back, but the touch made you want to shrivel up inside. Despite his confusion at your reaction, he did his best to try soothing you; he even began humming the tune you’d grown to love so much.
But rather than comfort you, the sound echoed in your head like dissonant warning bells.
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iibonniee · 1 year ago
What's My Name?
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Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Genre: Smut, Non!Idol AU
Warnings: Warnings: non-idol!kihyun, sugar daddy!kihyun, unprotected sex, age kink, daddy kink, oral (male receiving), cock worship, bondage, spanking, semi-masterbation
Rating: R
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: Their agreement was something Kihyun had always made sure was followed to the very T. After all, their agreement was signed in ink.
Masterlist | Tags: @beautifulworldandmore @kyunnielove @iamkyunie @doveslittlekpoparchive @dessianna1
Yoo Kihyun was the type of man who did things by the book and followed everything to the letter. He thrived on a well-structured and methodically planned routine. His approach helped him maintain balance in his otherwise chaotic lifestyle, granting him a semblance of serenity amidst the whirlwind of his everyday tasks.
Given his detailed nature, he had the habit of deliberating about every single detail before making decisions. While some might rush in, he took the time to consider every angle, every potential outcome, and every possible risk. This meant he was often slower to act, but his actions were thoughtful and precise.
However, his strict observation of rules and regulations had its disadvantages. While it lent him discipline and structure, it often kept him from exploring uncharted territories, testing innovative solutions to problems, or unleashing his creativity. The fear of stepping outside his comfort zone limited his experiences and sometimes resulted in missed opportunities.
Regardless, Kihyun maintained his orderly existence, content with its safety and predictability. He was the epitome of diligence and consistency—qualities that, for better or worse, came to define his life and career.
And with Kihyun being so by the book and the letter, it also meant that he followed their agreement to the signature. He followed each rule as if it were the law. But she saw the contract as similar to wonder, the lines resembling more suggestive guidelines rather than stipulations carved in stone. Her spirit was wild, seductively erratic, and unpredictable, which was a sweet temptation that she found hard to resist. She often strayed in this spot of their strange relationship, toeing the lines of their carefully designed accord.
Townhouse dinners turned into late-night city escapades. High-profile parties morphed into impromptu starlit picnics. She was the mistress of sly evasion, transgressing the rules in ways that gave her an intoxicated thrill.
Every transgression, however, did not go unnoticed or unpunished.
Kihyun was not oblivious to her playful disregard for their agreement. His commitment to the harshness of the contract was final, starkly contrasting her rebellious behavior. And his response was always swift. He would always ensure that there was no such thing as going behind his back for an enjoyable time out with friends. The friends he strictly disapproved of and made sure were a top rule to not be broken.
Their defined rules were there for a reason, he would tell her. Each rule broken correlated to a conversation—firm yet understanding—trying to drive her back within the lines she’d willingly agreed to. The repercussions for her disobedience were unyielding, yet not harsh unless he wanted them to be; they served as a reminder of their initially agreed-upon terms. The extravagant gifts would be limited, and the exclusive invites would become less frequent, cutting back on the luxuries she held dear. And, of course, if she pushed his buttons just enough, he’d make sure the punishments were much harsher.
Each rule broken meant double the punishment. The punishment only became harsher as one got closer to the top. Kihyun wasn’t sure why she enjoyed pushing his buttons so much. He gave her everything she wanted in favor of loyalty and good dick. So why exactly did she feel the need to push and push?
The house was unnervingly quiet as she returned home late from yet another unapproved escapade. Stepping through the doorway, a sense of unease enveloped her. The house was hushed, a stillness echoing through the lavishly furnished rooms, only disturbed by the ominous ticking of the grandfather clock in the hallway.
As she traveled deeper into their joint space, an isolated figure sat in wait in the dimly lit bedroom. Kihyun was a wraith of discipline, his silhouette imposing against the soft glow of the moonlight filtering in. His usually friendly gaze was replaced with a stern disapproval that filled her with a heady blend of remorse and exhilarating anticipation.
He rose from his chair that sat in the corner, moving with a rigid grace, the tension in the room mounting with each calculated step. He didn’t need to speak for her to know she had broken not one, not two, but three rules in their agreement. Three was the magic number that triggered more severe consequences.
“Three rules,” he said, his voice like ice. His disappointment hung in the air, heavy and tangible, yet there was an underlying concern that she couldn’t miss. The loyalty and affection he held for her were strained but not broken. “Three rules you broke tonight, Y/N? Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”
Though sharp and methodical, his words were filled with a weight that made her reconsider her actions. Nonetheless, she held her ground, ready to face the consequences of her boldness. And though each punishment was harsher than the last, she wouldn’t change the person she was, not for all the riches Kihyun showered her with.
She realized she lived for thrill even as she stood in his disapproving shadow. And genuinely, Kihyun was catching on, learning the untamed woman standing before him wasn’t looking for an authority figure but an equal. Only time would reveal the depth of their understanding and the capacity of their adapted routines.
“I need you to answer me, Y/N.” Kihyun spoke up the moment he realized that she wouldn’t answer him. She studied his face carefully. The glow of the moonlight illuminated his stern gaze, casting stark shadows that hinted at the mounting tension.
She held his gaze unflinchingly, watching as understanding flickered within his eyes before morphing into unmistakable exasperation. Heaving a sigh, Kihyun groaned, pacing the room with growing agitation. The somber atmosphere seemed to pulse with his restrained anger, filling the space between them with sticky anticipation for the punishment she knew was imminent.
Eventually, he moved towards the bed, his figure outlined in the moonlight. Sitting down on it, he kicked off his shoes and glanced up at her. The stern set of his mouth and the cool detachment in his eyes sent a thrill of fear coursing through her. Yet, a part of her relished this nerve-racking anticipation, thrilled by the promise of consequences she was likely to face. She took a deep breath when he spread his legs and silently pointed toward the open space between them.
“Since you think it’s okay to break the rules time and time again because you feel like it, let’s make one thing clear. You are not above the consequences,” Kihyun’s voice was firm, not a hint of negotiation available in his tone. His eyes held a grim determination that made her heart pound. “Get on your knees.”
Her breath caught, but she complied, kneeling between his legs. The severity of the situation rolled off Kihyun, an almost palpable aura of authority enveloping her. She steadied herself, forcing down the electric thrill that sparked through her at the prospect of what was to come.
Their dynamic was evolving, growing more complex and layered with each confrontation. What started as a primary order was morphing into an intense game of power and dominance, with her defiance against his authority fueling their relationship’s rising tension and intensity. These encounters electrified her, luring her further into the depths of this thrilling power play. As she knelt there, waiting, Kihyun’s stern gaze rested upon her, promising a lesson she wouldn’t forget.
A chill shot through her body as his cold hand cupped her cheek. What she thought to be a loving smile quickly turned sour as his hand grabbed a fist full of her hair, jerking her head back so that she was forced to look at him.
“Don’t beg me or even think about using the safe word. Tonight, you pushed me to my limit. I have had it with you running around acting like a whore. If you want to act like a whore, I can treat you like one.” Kihyun growled, his voice filled with an edge of frustration and disappointment she had not expected. His usually warm voice was gone, replaced with a harsh tone that made her heart pound painfully in her chest.
The heated fury of his gaze bore into her, and she was pulled back from her thoughts by his fingers tightening around her hair. She gasped in reply, the surprise and pain mingling with a strange sense of anticipation. Seeing him out of control this way was almost exhilarating, even if it was at her expense.
Despite the fear coursing through her, a part of her felt oddly fascinated by this sudden change in him. However, she understood that he was not playing now. This was the punishment he had warned her about. The silence in the room was palpable, the tension thick and suffocating. She found herself swallowing hard, bracing herself against the impending storm she had unconsciously been courting.
She recognized the dangerous glint in Kihyun’s eyes. The moment of heated confrontation was here, a punishment waiting to unfold. It was clear that the evening was about to take a turn down a path she had not entirely anticipated. This was not their usual game; it was something far more intense and real. Steadying her determination, she held onto the strength within her as she prepared for whatever came next in their volatile battleground.
“Take my cock out and suck on it like a good little whore. Don’t even think about not choking on it, either. I want you crying and worshiping my cock. Got it?”
In response to his stern command, she reached for the waistband of his pants, her fingers trembling slightly. Her heart pounded in her chest as she unzipped them, revealing the hardness beneath the fabric that served as a reminder of his dominant authority.
She met his stern gaze directly, signaling her understanding and compliance. Then, slowly, she extends her tongue, running it teasingly along the length of his turgidity. Warm, soft hardness met the cool of her moist tongue, eliciting a responsive shudder from Kihyun.
His hand tangled in her hair, guiding her movements, setting a relentless and satisfyingly sinful rhythm. She could hear the raspy moan reverberate from his chest as she took him deeper into her mouth, his thickness pushing at the back of her throat. His pleasure manifested in the tight grip on her hair and the ragged pants he fought to control.
Tears sprang to her eyes as she fought her gag reflex, the strain evident as she struggled to accommodate him. But there was an intoxicating thrill in the act of submission, the intense satisfaction of being the source of his pleasure.
Embracing the discomfort, tolerating the burning lungs and the ache in her jaw was part of the game, a punishment she was willingly ready to bear. Her dedication firm, she continued, tears streaking down her cheeks, her eyes locked onto his, promising undying obedience in this unvoiced power play.
She gladly took his length into her mouth once more, feeling its hardened pulse against the flat of her tongue. The movement was slow and enticing, her purpose clear in every glide and press of lips against the hot, rigid flesh.
“That’s right,” He hissed, rewarding her with a rough card through her hair, the action making her look up again, an unvoiced affirmation of her obedience. “Just like that… worship it.”
Each word, each command echoed sharply in the charged silence, stirring a heady cocktail of dread and excitement that coiled tight in her belly. Her rhythm faltered just once, but she quickly found it again, the need to not disappoint outweighing physical discomfort.
Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him deeper, the lingering taste of his skin intoxicating, irresistible. Her digits traced the veins on his cock with awe, a testament to his masculinity. Her eyes remained locked on him, an explicit display of submission that reeked of an erotic surrender that suffused the room. Every groan, every twitch of his was duly noted, encouraging her to continue in the act of dutiful worship. It was her testament, her tangible loyalty to his authority wrapped in the veil of the unspoken. The journey to heavy surrender, etched in silence and measured in rhythm, was sinfully unforgettable.
She swept up his length, her lips tight around him as she climbed, a close, slow motion designed to draw out the sweet torment. “Good girl,” Kihyun rasped, his fingers threading through her hair, reinforcing her act of submission. “Worship my cock just like that.”
Her tongue swirled around the swollen head, relishing his salty taste. Her fingers massaged his balls tenderly, adding another layer to the sinful act. With every idle, messily passionate bob of her head, she continued her worship, continuously tracing the tattoo of veins on his shaft, symbolizing his raw strength and power.
His low, throaty moans and how his hands gripped her hair fueled her motivation, seduced by the intoxicating power play. Her eyes lifted to meet Kihyun’s gaze, their raw hunger a testament to her success. The salacious taste and the feel of him in her mouth became her world; nothing else mattered.
She could feel him tense, his breath hitch, signaling his impending release. However, she didn’t relent, determined to see this through, to bring him the ultimate pleasure. Her eyes, glossy with tears, communicated an unspoken promise. She was here, willing and resolved, engaged in the act of intimate worship, refusing to back down from this gloriously revealing power play.
And so, she carried on, her hand firmly around his base, her tongue gliding over the throbbing veins and swollen head with devout veneration. His hissed curses and praises echoed in her ears, mingling with his ragged breaths in a wanton symphony of power and surrender. Her mouth, moist and warm, served as a temple of sinful pleasure dedicated to his satisfaction.
His hips jerked abruptly, his grip on her hair tightened to the edge of pain, and he moaned out a guttural warning. Then, his release’s first shot filled her warm and salty mouth. She swallowed instinctively, not daring to break from her worship.
The next few moments were a blur, his body locked in ecstasy and she, the devotional priestess, accepting his offering. Each pulse of his release marked a victory in their battle for dominance, a testament to her submission.
He gasped her name as the last spurts of his climax hummed in the back of her throat, his figure jerking in the aftershocks of pleasure. Even then, she didn’t break away, carefully cleaning him with her tongue, not letting a single drop of him go to waste.
When she finally pulled away, her eyes met his, mirroring the raw intensity that had fueled their power play. Kihyun, with his dark eyes gleaming in the dim light and his chest heaving, looked every bit the dominant figure he was.
As the tension hovered like an aftertaste in the aftermath of their carnal rendezvous, she savored the victorious satisfaction of a game well played, a testament to the authority she had deliciously delivered.
“Don’t think we’re done just yet.” Kihyun finally spoke as the moonlight showed just how dark his eyes were. “Stand up and strip in front of me.”
She stared at him for a moment, trying to process his words carefully. Her breath hitched in her throat, her cheeks flushing with a powerful mix of embarrassment and anticipation. Always, it had been him who undressed her, but not tonight. Tonight, he was making her bear herself in front of him, leveraging the power dynamics of their encounter.
Unsteadily, she rose to her feet, her legs shaking slightly from the intensity of their previous play. Her hands moved up to the buttons of her shirt, each one coming undone with a tremble of apprehension. Despite the heat still coursing through her, she felt a chill as the cool air hit her skin, immediately making her nipples harden.
Kihyun, always the keen observer, watched her intently. His darkened eyes objectified her unshielded vulnerability as a predator about to pounce his prey, a wolf relishing a moonlit hunt. Feeling his gaze tracking her, she unzipped her skirt next, the piece of fabric sliding down her legs to pool around her ankles. She was a sight to behold in her plain white lingerie, the soft glow of the moonlight casting shadows on her nude body.
Meanwhile, Kihyun had not remained idle. His hand had gripped his once again hardening length, the distinct movement of his arm signaling his self-pleasure as he started masturbating. He groaned, his eyes never leaving her, the sight before him acting as a sensual trigger.
This exhilarating combination of thrill, embarrassment, and vulnerability formed a novel chapter in their explicit dance of dominance and submission, one that she was learning to navigate with each passing second. The silence echoed with an unspoken dialogue of unspoken understanding, transforming their room into an arena of charged intensity. Each pull of Kihyun’s hand, each discarded layer of her clothing, was a pledge, a promise of the pleasures awaiting them in the impending thickness of the night.
“I know you’re trying to figure out what I’m going to do next so you can play off on it,” Kihyun grunted, his eyes traveling over every inch of her body. “Tonight isn’t about you. You’ll be lucky if I even let you cum once.”
Finally standing, Kihyun towed over her. His eyes narrowed at her. Her breath was caught in her throat as she watched him approach, anticipation prickling on her skin. Suddenly, in one swift movement, he gripped her arm, pulling her towards the bed with a force that left her breathless. She landed on the soft mattress, her heart pounding against her rib cage.
She barely had time to adjust before he was unlocking a drawer by the bed and retrieving something shrouded in darkness. A second later, she recognized them as a pair of handcuffs, glinting menacingly in the dim light. Her breath hitched, a mix of fear and anticipation washing over her.
He leaned over her, his hands pinning her down, a devilish smirk playing on his lips. “Remember, tonight, it’s all about me,” he said, his voice a delicious growl that made her squirm. He held her wrists above her head, locking one handcuff after the other swiftly, leaving her restrained and exposed before him. “Your body is mine to use. Mine to punish. Don’t forget that.”
Kihyun sat back, taking a moment to appreciate the sight. His gaze traced the curve of her body, bound and ready for his pleasure. His hand, slick from his efforts, resumed its motion, stroking himself leisurely as he continued to drink in the sight before him.
“Stay put,” he commanded, his voice rumbling with raw desire, “I’m going to enjoy this.”
Fear and arousal danced in her stomach, a tempting mix of emotions that heightened her anticipation. She was there, vulnerable and at his mercy, entrapped in one of the most exhilarating games of dominance and submission she’d ever played. Tonight, she realized, would indeed be a night to remember.
Kihyun, engrossed in his self-indulgence, continued his passive strokes. His dark eyes never left her as he pleasured himself, his intensity creating an aura of raw dominance that was as captivating as it was daunting. His touch on himself was familiar and practiced, eliciting throaty groans that filled the room.
Her gaze was drawn to his hand, which played a close rhythm on his hardened length. His response to the entrancing sight before him was a testament to her effect on him; every twitch and gasp he made only fueled her anticipation and her own growing need.
Kihyun’s dark gaze seared into her, making her squirm under his inspection. He was shameless, knowing just how powerful the sight of him touching himself was. His erect length, slick with his arousal, glistened under the soft light, making her mouth water with the need to taste him again.
After a time that was simultaneously too long and not nearly long enough, Kihyun’s strokes started to slow, his breathing growing ragged. He briefly closed his eyes, savoring the thrills of self-pleasure before opening them again. His gaze was predatory, filled with an insatiable lust that made her shiver in apprehension and arousal.
Purposefully, he propped himself above her, smirking down at her restrained figure. His hand left his length, reaching for the handcuffs to unlock them. However, just as she thought he would finally give in and take her and release her from the handcuffs, he instead guided his pulsing dick against her thigh, reminding her of her undeniable desire for him.
With a devilish grin, he leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “Not yet, sweetheart. Be patient. The night is far from over.” His husky voice promised an avalanche of pleasure that left her throbbing with anticipation for what was to come. She was truly at his mercy tonight, and there was no place she’d rather be. “I want you to beg to touch me, and I won’t even give in. Just like you refuse to listen to the rules I set in place for us. Unfair, isn’t it?”
A devilish chuckle vibrated through her as he unlocked her handcuffs. She sighed in relief, feeling the blood flowing back to her hands, but the respite was short-lived. Suddenly, Kihyun placed his hands on her waist, effortlessly flipping her onto her front.
He adjusted her, positioning her onto hands and knees until she was just as he preferred — her backside on full display for him. Underneath him, his dominance, she felt a twinge of humiliation coupled with a raw, throbbing anticipation. She felt the edge of the bed dip slightly as he moved behind her, allowing her a few precious seconds to regain her composure.
Then, the coldness of the cuffs again, a stark contrast to the heat of her skin, announced their return, this time locking her in place on the bedposts. She was re-stripped of her freedom almost as fast as she’d been granted, a play on her sanity that sent another gush of arousal through her body.
His labored breathing filled the room as she felt him settle behind her, the mattress dipping under his weight. Her body arched instinctively, seeking him out, but he held back. She felt him there, his cock teasing her entrance, yet he made no further move. It was pure torment. Every brushing contact sent bolts of desire shooting up her spine, leaving her panting and desperate.
“Please,” she gasped, her voice trembling as she finally surrendered to his relentless game, begging him for release. But his reply was a deep, throaty laugh that held a promise: the night was, indeed, far from over. His reply echoed in the room, an intoxicating mix of amusement and desire she could almost taste.
“Begging already?” he teased, running his fingers delicately along her entrance. The feeling sent electrifying waves of pleasure through her, her breath hitching at the contact. “You never fail to amuse me.”
He leaned over her, his body heat radiating onto her skin. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “The rules are simple. I touch, and you feel. You cum when I say so. Not a second before, understand?”
She could only nod, her mouth dry, her body tingling in anticipation. His finger trailed further, stirring a whirlpool of desire that made her want to break the rules he just set. But she refrained, knowing it would only lead to more teasing, more torment. She could feel him grinning against her shoulder, his pleasure palpable in the room.
Then, just when she thought she couldn’t stand the anticipation any longer, she felt him push inside her, slow and relentless. All the air left her lungs as she was filled, the sensation overwhelming her senses. She let out a scream that was swallowed by the emptiness of the room, her body finally succumbing to his dominance.
Kihyun grunted with satisfaction as he buried himself in her, a dark chuckle escaping as he felt the quiver of her body beneath his. He relished her shuddering gasps as he began to move, the initial slow pace quickly escalating into a maddening rhythm that set their bodies on fire. “Look at you, being so obedient,” he taunted. Each word was punctuated by a merciless thrust, the sounds of their bodies colliding, echoing in the space surrounding them. “It’s surprising how obedient you are when you have my cock deep inside you, huh? I find it amusing.”
His unsparing last thrust drew a whimper from her lips, the sensations rippling inside her too intense to bear. “Please,” she gasped. She could barely put the feelings into words; it was overpowering, raw, and intoxicating all at once.
Much to the surprise of her stinging senses, Kihyun’s hand landed a hearty smack on her backside. A loud gasp ripped from her throat, the sudden rush of pain igniting another wave of pleasure. His handprint burned on her skin, underscoring the game of dominance playing out between them.
“That’s right,” he praised, tone smooth as velvet, “You’re doing so well.” The sound of another slap resonating from their entangled bodies only added to the symphony of their pleasure - a raw reminder of his control over her. “Taking Daddy’s cock like a good fucking slut.”
He drove into her relentlessly, his grip on her hips bruising yet somehow comforting in its firmness. The sting of his hand on her ass had her gasping, chasing the peculiar blend of pain and pleasure that radiated from the point of contact. His voice echoed in the room, lacing her mind with a hearty dose of satisfaction.
“That’s it, baby,” he growled in her ear, his voice husky. The words vibrated through her, his praises a turn-on that enhanced the sensations coursing through her. His next thrust was particularly fierce; a resounding smack filled the air as his hand collided with her ass again. She yelped; the unexpected collision sent electrifying jolts of pleasure straight to her center.
“You love it when I spank you, don’t you?” he taunted, another hard slap punctuating his gravelly tone. The sharp sensation was swiftly followed by the gentleness of his hand, fingers tracing the tender area, soothing the ignited skin.
He resumed his pace, a relentless rhythm that promised to tip her over the edge. His name spilled from her lips, a prayer amid moans that echoed around them, bouncing off the stark walls and diving into the abyss of pleasure they were entangled in.
Her anticipation soared as his thrusts became more forceful and urgent, a testament to his nearing climax. As her body trembled on the precipice, he leaned over to whisper in her ear, his voice saturated with desire, “Beg for me, sweetheart. Show me just how much you need to cum.” The sinful request echoed in her head, the edge she was balancing on becoming more precarious. “And maybe Daddy will be kind enough to let you cum.”
Desperation clawed at her as she writhed beneath him, each thrust driving her closer to the precipice. A broken, needy sound slipped past her lips, “Please, Kihyun.”
He merely chuckled at her plea, his fingers tracing a burning path down her quivering stomach. His face was a study of lust and control, pupils dilated, and lips curved ever so slightly. “That wasn’t begging, sweetheart,” he chided, the tips of his fingers dancing tantalizingly near her overstimulated clit. “If you want to cum, beg for it correctly.”
Overwhelmed by the whir of sensations, every nerve in her body screamed at his restrained touch. She felt her walls tighten around him purposefully, trying to draw him deeper. Still, he resisted, merely grinning at her feeble attempts to control the situation.
With a whimper, she tried to plea once more, but the name came out wrong. “Kihyun, please,” she murmured, her voice shaky in the dim room. The moment the words tumbled from her lips, she could see it was not what he wanted to hear. He arched an eyebrow at her, a silent prompt for the correction he awaited.
Swallowing hard, she corrected herself, her cheeks flaring with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. “Please, Daddy,” she corrected hastily, her voice desperate in the quiet room. The shift in her address was a tangible submission, an acceptance of the sinful game they were entangled in. Her begging voice, the plea laced with an innocent rawness, filled the room, emphasizing the control he had over her. “Let me cum, please.”
His next thrust, directed with surgical precision, rubs against her sweet spot that sends pleasure-like sparks through her. Her desperate moan filled the room, her body bowing as if struck by an electric shock. His hand tangled into her hair, pulling back her head as he hushed her gently, “Begging now, are we?”
She nodded, cried out, lost in the intoxicating blend of pleasure and anticipation. She felt his grin against the pulse point on her neck, a sinful promise of a climax that was just out of her reach. “Beg me properly,” he continued, his voice sending shivers down her spine. His firm hands propped her hips for a deeper angle, stoking the flames of her desire.
Give and take, push and pull. Kihyun was the master of their sordid game, drawing puckish pleasure from her desperate pleas. Defeated, she surrendered to her erupting desire. “Please, Daddy,” She whined, her voice desperate and raw, “I need to cum.”
Before the echoes of her words had faded away, he buried himself deeper into her, his pace meeting her every wish. “Daddy’s giving you what you asked for,” he growled, his words broken by gasps of pleasure, “Cum for me, sweetheart.”
And like a dam breaking, her world exploded in colors as he kept true to his promise. His ruthless thrusts drove her higher and higher until she spiraled in an endless roll of pleasure. It was sinful and wild, a testament to their passion burning raw and relentless.
“Sweetheart, I’m…” His voice was gravelly, strained with his nearing climax. His grip on her hips tightened, his body tensed, and he pushed deep inside her in one final, powerful thrust. Lunging deep, he held himself in place, releasing a guttural groan that reverberated throughout the room.
His warmth filled her, his release marking her from within, causing her to gasp at the unexpected but welcomed intensity. His climax came like a tidal wave, crashing over them with a force that was both tantalizingly torturous and delightfully sinful. Milky evidence of his fulfillment lingered within her, satisfying proof of his passionate surrender.
After catching his breath, he uncuffed her, their bodies still intertwined. Despite the rawness of their encounter, his weight over her provided a reassuring warmth. Their breathing, while sporadic, began to synchronize - a fitting epilogue to the frantic rhythm they had shared just moments before. Their intermingled sweat painted a canvas of carnal desires and unrestrained satisfaction. The tangible presence of their shared climax remained engraved on their bodies, a trophy of their primal dance. In the quiet, he craned his neck and, with a tantalizingly slow pace, brushed his lips against her pulse point, making her shiver. His voice, now husky from their shared exertions, sent a new wave of warmth rushing down her spine.
“Look at you, so content,” He murmured, tracing her curves with a possessive touch that echoed their sinful indulgence. His eyes glinted wickedly in the dim room. “Such a well-behaved girl when you know Daddy has control, aren’t you?”
He let out a soft chuckle, his breath fanning against her, causing her eyes to flutter open. Beneath his gaze, she felt cherished, adored, laid bare by his sinful words. It was a promise, whispered in the silence of their shared satisfaction - a promise of more such sinful nights, testing their boundaries and losing themselves at new heights of ecstasy. And amidst the lingering haze of lust, she eagerly looked forward to nights that awaited them.
His voice deepened as he leaned in, his words a husky whisper against the shell of her ear. “I promise you, sweetheart, if you dare to break the rules again, the punishments will be much more severe.” A visceral thrill ran through her at his promise, a shudder of anticipation rippling through her body.
His hand gently traced her lower abdomen; his fingers danced lightly over her skin as his eyes held a sinful glimmer. “Next time, I might just breed you,” he murmured, the implications of his words causing heat to rush to her cheeks. “Imagine that, you running around with my baby inside you. Won’t that be a sight?”
His grin was wicked, a vulture biding his time. “Your friends they will be curious, no doubt, about who got you pregnant. They’ll ask who the father is, and you?” He paused, his thumb rubbing small circles on her warm skin, “You’ll know it was the older man that had you crying out his name until the dead of night.”
His words trailed off into a low, satisfied hum, his fingers lazily drawing patterns on her flushed skin. The implications of his sinful promise hung heavy in the air, a tantalizing prospect she was not sure she was ready for. He had marked her tonight in the most intimate of ways, and as she looked at him, a silent understanding passed between them.
“You are mine.”
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winfleure · 4 months ago
ik i literally posted another post previously (do check that out too, it's mxm centric ^3^) but i always have an insatiable amt of muse for a.riana g.rande 😭 so if you're interested in m/f and/or f/f mature discord 1x1 rps, pls like / reply / dm me if you'd like to do a plot together ! my discord handle is eboyzoro if you'd rather reach me out there (i'm more active there n_e_wayz) !!   — permanent call !
i'm open to playing the bottom or top role and doubling up isnt necessary but highly encouraged as i lowkey don't wanna be used for my males / tops 😭 ! also small tidbit! i have an ariana oc that is versatile/bottom leaning + switch with men (general (fem)dom / pegging themes are very ok w/ me!) && bottom + switch/sub-leaning with women so i'm writing the pairing list keeping that in mind!
desired plot genres range from: slice of life, celeb, crime, supernatural, modern/historical fantasy, dystopian/utopian/cyberpunk, fandom/anime/manga setting/world aus and more — we can come up w/ ideas or i can look through your plots tag! i enjoy fluff, angst, smut! and i'm okay with toxic relationships, power imbalances & age gaps!
i'm low/relaxed activity (3rd person, present/past tense, 50-300+wc), i love worldbuilding / hcing / ooc chatter / pinterest + spotify & general char/ship dev!! open to canons, crossovers & animated faces (as long as they have a real life counterpart!). check out pinned for no-gos and other info!
down below, i'm italicizing pairings i rly want but honestly any pairing on this list is a win for me !!
fxm ( top x bottom format ) / ag dom
ariana x colin ford — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x freddy stroma — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x hanbin (zb1) — general (fem)dom themes && pegging themes !
ariana x jisung (nct) — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x jungkook (bts) — pegging themes preferred / she'll be the "top" !
ariana x kevin (tbz) — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x mackenyu — general (fem)dom themes && pegging themes !
ariana x mike faist — pegging themes preferred / she'll be the "top" !
ariana x woo dohwan — pegging themes preferred / she'll be the "top" !
mxf ( top x bottom format ) / ag sub-lean
alex fitzalan x ariana
andy biersack x ariana
archie reneaux x ariana
bill skarsgard x ariana
brian altemus x ariana
casey deidrick x ariana
dev patel x ariana
drew starkey x ariana
glenn powell x ariana
gong yoo x ariana
haechan (nct) x ariana
jeonghan (svt) x ariana
jeremy strong x ariana
jimin (bts) x ariana
john boyega x ariana
juyeon (tbz) x ariana
kedar williams stirling x ariana
kihyun (mx) x ariana
manish dayal x ariana
manny jacinto x ariana
mason gooding x ariana
oscar isaac x ariana
park seojoon x ariana
winston duke x ariana
xiao zhan x ariana
yoongi (bts) x ariana
zane holtz x ariana
fxf ( top x bottom format ) / ag sub-lean
anya chalotra x ariana
camila mendes x ariana
chaewon (lsfrm) x ariana
dianna agron x ariana
doja cat x ariana
dua lipa x ariana
emily rudd x ariana
ester exposito x ariana
gemma chan x ariana
jennie (bp) x ariana
jihyo (twice) x ariana
jung hoyeon x ariana
karina (aespa) x ariana
kim seo hyung x ariana
kim soyeon x ariana
kwon eunbi x ariana
lim jiyeon x ariana
madelaine petsch x ariana
madelyn cline x ariana
madison beer x ariana
megan thee stallion x ariana
naomi scott x ariana
nayeon (twice) x ariana
normani x ariana
priscilla quintana x ariana
sabrina carpenter x ariana
shay mitchell x ariana
seol inah x ariana
sza x ariana
rhea ripley x ariana
rosamund pike x ariana
ruby cruz x ariana
zendaya x ariana
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ao3feed-ateez · 9 months ago
Shadows In The Night: A Tale Of Love And Heartbreak
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EM76zeL by Kikihyunniee Kihyun escapes in the middle of the night from his abusive boyfriend with nothing but the clothes on his back. Attempting to pick up the pieces from his shattered life, Kihyun loses himself in the process but gains something that can never be taken from him. His pack and bondmate, the leader of one of the biggest gangs in Gwangyong City, Alpha Son Hyunwoo. Words: 1582, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Monsta X (Band), ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Yoo Kihyun, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon (Monsta X), Im Changkyun | I.M, Lee Hoseok | Wonho Relationships: Son Hyunwoo | Shownu/Yoo Kihyun, Everyone/Everyone, Chae Hyungwon/Lee Minhyuk, Im Changkyun | I.M/Lee Jooheon Additional Tags: mob!au, Domestic Violence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Omega Yoo Kihyun, Omega Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Alpha Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Omega Chae Hyungwon, Omega Lee Jooheon (Monsta X), Omega Im Changkyun | I.M, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Group Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Unsafe Sex, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Heavy Themes So Please Head The Tags And Trigger Warnings, Dark Story With Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, OT7 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EM76zeL
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goroaix · 2 years ago
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At the end of my wild day, you flow endlessly in my heart   
Yoo Kihyun & Liu Yangyang (Platonic). Yoo Kihyun x Xiao Dejun
Photographer & racer AU. Half siblings AU. Angst and fluff.
Traumatic childhoods, unkind parents. Abandonment issues. Mentions of miscarriages.
48k as of chapter 9. Update schedule is random
『 Kihyun was nothing but a clueless little boy - the sleek polaroid that was nestled between his fingers was more than enough evidence of this. It was of his mother's infidelity; the miscarriage; the end of his family. And, most important of all, his newly discovered brother:
Liu Yangyang. 』
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Kihyun had never been in the attic before, at least, not that he could remember. It was a space that was full of dust that clung to his every inhale and felt like it was choking him when he had first entered. He wasn’t here out of his own volition, far from it really.
Instead, he had been asked to come here by his mother - unable to do the cleaning herself and asking him out of the blue if he would help clean it out since it would cost extra to ask others to do it. Who was Kihyun to say no?
The floorboards creaked under the weight of each step, kicking up even more dust as he coughed into his fist. It was clear that no one had been inside for years upon years, perhaps even decades at this point.
Everything within was typical of an attic store room. Rolls of unused carpet and rugs were nestled in a corner, and a rickety old wardrobe was positioned against the back of the furthest wall with the mirror shattered - casting his image ten times over and distorting as he came closer.
Kihyun immediately began with getting as much dust off of the surfaces as possible and forcing open the windows when he neared them. A mask was pulled over his face before he turned on the hoover, getting into the corners and mercilessly sucking up every cobweb and spider that he could see. They weren’t anything he was afraid of but he doubted the new owners would have liked to see an eight legged haven in their attic.
Just the hoovering alone took almost an hour, the air finally breathable when he had finished though he kept the mask on regardless. Next was getting his hands dirty and wiping down the surfaces and mopping the floor, both tasks of which took another two hours.
He almost regretted saying yes to his mother, completely underestimating how much work it really was, but he wasn’t one to back down and especially not when it had been requested of him after months of dead end conversations where he longed for something more. If he could prove himself to be trustworthy, a better son than she thought of him, maybe their relationship could change.
A heavy sigh escaped him, sweat wiped from his forehead as he pushed his hair away from his face and caught another glimpse of himself in the shattered mirror. His skin was flushed from the heat and face covered in a light sheen of moisture, the tips of his fringes damp and sticking to his forehead. This was definitely going to be an entire day's process (yet the last thing he wanted to do was spend his time here without even an utterance of thanks).
The light outside transformed from early morning, high morning, afternoon and then finally settled into the end of the evening, the sun creating hues of orange and rose pink across the horizon. His stomach growled and he could only just remember the faint hints of his rushed lunch of steamed rice and tomato curry. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like he would have much to do tomorrow with only the wardrobe left to disassemble and take outside to the skip. Perhaps he could let off some steam by breaking it into pieces with a hammer, he thought with a slight smile.
More than ready to head home by now, he began the process of taking all his things out of the attic, the cleansing supplies taken out by the armful before the hoover was dragged behind him and landed on the flooring of the bedroom below with a hefty thud that seemed to shake the boards under his feet.
He climbed the stairs one last time, looking around to see if everything was okay and it was; there was nothing left behind apart from a rug and the wardrobe. It was hauled up, hands grabbing at the roll and obscuring his vision in one eye as he waddled forwards.
However, he hadn’t seen the lifted floorboard that had been obscured only a moment ago and he fell forwards with a yelp, hands letting go to flail at nothing before breaking his fall. His palms stung and he sat up quickly, glaring fiercely at the offending item.
“What the hell?” He almost crawled to get a better look before deciding that getting up and walking was better.
The floorboard looked like it had been pried off and poorly set down again. The nail was loose and, over time, had curled up. The weight of the rug was seemingly the only thing that had been holding it down. This in itself was nothing interesting and Kihyun didn’t care enough to try and fix it, but when he looked closer and squinted his eyes, he realised that there was something stuffed in the space underneath.
Reaching in, he prayed it wasn’t anything gross and closed his fingers around the object before pulling it out. In his hand was a locked journal, one that was also coated in a fine layer of dust with the cover being of a simple faux brown leather. There was no title or indication of an owner so Kihyun decided to just take it with him.
He figured he was allowed to be just a little nosy after all this hassle.
Read the rest on AO3
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strawberryjmilk · 4 years ago
previous masterlist ♥︎
this is just where i have random imagines from groups that aren’t requested or something like that!
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— ♥︎ —
lee minhyuk
♥︎ add a bow a late christmas party with your boyfriend and his friends because you missed them
yoo kihyun
♥︎ delusion halloween au: the incredibles kihyun can control lightening and he wasnt supposed to see you do that, but its all he can think about now
chae hyungwon
♥︎ choices where hyungwon is a rich boy but also your bff that you like a little too much - his mother would kind of do anything to get you away from him | angst | 2k words
lee jooheon
♥︎ something like that jooheon likes to watch you do makeup and maybe test if your lipstick is smudge-proof sometimes
im changkyun
♥︎ how to get over it two years apart seems heartbreaking until you remember you broke up w changkyun. but, maybe two years is what you needed
— ♥︎ — strawberryjmilk © all rights reserved — these are all works of fiction written by me. do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform.
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mymoodwriting · 8 months ago
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Electrocution, Kidnapping, Drugs, Needles, Manipulation, Tech Implants
Words: 4K
Chapter Fifteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“What can we expect from NexGen now?”
Of course a press tour was the smartest move after the big announcement. It was a means to answer questions the public had in regards to safety and intentions, while also handing out the tech for free and spreading it around all over the place. You were technically the one presenting as it was your code, and your name was on the project, but Hyungwon stayed by your side, and was very much in control of everything. A lot of time was missing for you, specifically all those conferences with the press and any sort of interview. You could watch it all back on TV, every news station talking about NexGen and the AI orbs, but you didn’t recognize yourself.
A few flashes of memory would come back to you as you saw yourself on screen, but it all felt so foreign. You couldn’t say it felt disingenuous since it was you, and something you were starting to believe deep down. Or maybe that was just Hyungwon’s programming taking hold and beginning to grow. Although at the same time, more and more protesters would show up whenever there was a presentation. Many people called for NexGen to halt this project, as they didn’t want technology like this getting into their governments, into their schools, and especially not into their homes. Things started out peacefully, but as you can imagine NexGen, Hyungwon, wasn’t going to back down at all.
It really wasn’t long before protests got a bit rowdy, prompting the need for more security at these events. Both from police officers, and drones. At one particular interview taking place outside a major news studio you wound up being hit with a water balloon. It was nothing serious, but for Hyungwon that was far from the truth. Security was quick to act, arresting protestors and the drones also began to pursue and detain individuals. It all devolved into chaos rapidly. Hyungwon got you backstage, telling you to ignore the screaming while he was trying to push your consciousness under. You fought back, far too worried about everything going on around you to just black out and forget.
“I need you to stay here.” Hyungwon told you. “You’ll be safe while I-”
“Don’t hurt anyone. They don’t-”
“They started it!”
For a moment Hyungwon’s eyes flashed red, something you had never seen before. It sent a chill down your spine, and he noticed you were scared. He took a moment to calm himself, taking your hands in his.
“I’m going to do whatever is necessary to protect you. Stay here until I return.”
Hyungwon placed a kiss on your head before leaving. Since you were in the green room you turned on the TV, wanting to see if any news station was covering what was going on here, but before you could find a channel everything went dark in the room. The lights shut off, the TV screen went black, and to your own surprise Chae malfunctioned and slipped off your wrist. For a moment you didn’t understand, but then you realized an EMP must have gone off. You had been told to stay put, but you didn’t want to stay in a dark room. As you reached for the doorknob the lights suddenly turned back on, and the TV came back to life, but Chae remained off. You were going to examine him when the door suddenly opened.
“Y/n, we need to go.”
A masked figure had entered the room, grabbing your arm. You immediately yelled and pulled away, stepping back from the intruder.
“… who… who are you…?”
“I’m here to get you out.”
They took off the mask and you were shocked to see who was under it. Detective Lee stood before you, holding his hand out towards you.
“We don’t have much time, we have to go, now.”
“I… no… I can’t trust you… your partner is an android… you could be one too… this could be some kind of test… I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“My partner what? Nevermind that now, Changkyun sent me to get you, so you can trust me.” 
“Changkyun sent you? He’s okay?”
“Yes, and just so you know.” The detective lowered his shirt collar, revealing a burn mark along his neck. “I don’t work for that psycho, Hyungwon, but I did survive him trying to kill me.”
“He… he did that…”
“There’s a lot more to tell you, but we need to get you away from here first. Please.”
You weren’t one hundred percent certain of this detective, but you wanted to trust him. So you took his hand and followed him out. He led you back towards the rear exit of the building, out into the alley where it was a lot quieter. You had no idea what was going on out front, but that wasn’t your concern at the moment. As you were making it out of the alley a drone suddenly approached you. Fear ran down your spine, but before you knew it the drone had been shot down. The detective didn’t hesitate to act, and continued moving as if nothing had happened. Although his actions were sure to draw attention. 
More drones had become aware of your presence, prompting you to run. You could only get so far before you wound up cornered. Without hesitation you stood in front of the detective, moving while keeping him behind you, knowing the drones wouldn’t fire at you. Although that meant that Hyungwon would surely know what was going on by now. Escape was no longer an option for you, but there was something else you could do. Despite Hyungwon being in control of everything, you were aware of his plans, at least to some degree. 
“I can’t go with you.”
“What? Look, all we need to do is get to the sewers.”
“It’s too late for that. The drones haven’t attacked cause they recognize me, which means we don’t have time. You said Changkyun sent you, so give him a message for me. Hyungwon is mass producing those AI orbs and intends to release them in certain areas to initiate a complete take over. The more of those things that are out there, the more power he has. You need to figure out some way to stop him. Everything is run from NexGen HQ, so that should be your focus.”
The drones were on stun mode, meaning they’d only fire rubber bullets, but they wouldn’t fire at you since that’s the last thing Hyungwon would want. That meant you could help the detective escape. So you quickly helped him lift the manhole cover, making sure he got down into safety.
“Come with me.”
“If I do, they’ll follow, and I can’t do that to you. I’ll be fine, just get to Changkyun and tell him what I told you. That’s the best thing you can do right now.”
“We’ll get you away from him.”
“You have bigger things to worry about, detective.”
“You can call me Jooheon.”
“Alright. Get out of here, Jooheon.”
You got the manhole cover back on, figuring you needed to leave the scene before Hyungwon found you. The only option was to run, so you did just that. Although you could only get so far before the drones caught up to you and one hit you with an electric shock. You collapsed to the floor seizing for a moment, eyes wide at the realization. Memories flooded in from when this first happened to you, and you couldn’t believe Hyungwon would allow this. You were still so sensitive to electricity, and he definitely knew that, so even at a lower voltage the drones could easily incapacitated you. Once the shocks had passed you just laid there, regaining your senses. After a moment you sat up, doing your best to calm your nerves. The drones all had you surrounded, tasers pointed at you in case you tried anything, so all you could do was wait to be found, and it wasn’t long before Hyungwon arrived.
“There you are! Are you okay!?”
Hyungwon pulled you to your feet, checking you over, but besides the shock you had experienced earlier, you were fine. You couldn’t bring yourself to yell at him over what had happened either, still rather drained from the whole experience. Once Hyungwon was sure you were alright he placed Chae back on your wrist. 
“What happened?”
“I… I just thought you sent someone to take me to safety…”
“And when you realized I didn’t you helped them escape?”
“Who was it? Did you recognize them?”
“I know you’re lying to me, so who was it?”
“Nobody I knew…”
“Y/n.” Hyungwon grabbed your chin, making your eyes meet. “Who?”
“The detective…”
“… from before… when you had Changkyun arrested… not your android friend… the other one…”
“And you trusted him?”
“His partner works for you, doesn’t he? So I figured…”
“Hm. Where was he taking you?”
“I don’t know… the sewers…”
“There wasn’t much time for talking…”
“Then why did you help him escape?”
“I didn’t want you hurting him…”
“… fine, but from now on you trust no one, and you go with no one unless I say so, understood?”
“Good. Now let’s get you back.”
It wasn’t that surprising that Hyungwon was brushing over the fact the drones had electrocuted you. He would do anything to keep you safe, and he knew your weaknesses. Of course after such an incident the press tour was suspended, not cause the project would be halted, but for your safety. Soon enough you were back in your hometown, but you wouldn’t be going home anytime soon. Instead Hyungwon took you back to HQ, to the lab in particular.
“What are we doing here…?”
“I need to be more cautious with you. If there is anything to learn from what just transpired it’s that you’ve become a target, and it’s my fault. I’ve put you at the forefront of this whole thing when I should be the one taking the hits. So, I’ll continue with my plans by other means, but I do need to make sure I don’t lose track of you again.”
“Come here.”
Hyungwon led you over to one of the tables in the lab, but you stopped in your tracks. You didn’t like any of this, but he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Chae moved up from your wrist to a crown on your head. Soon enough your mind became hazy, and next thing you knew you were on the table, lying on your side. Your arms were partially restrained, but that didn’t register enough for you to be concerned about it. You couldn’t see Hyungwon, but he’d fade in and out of your vision.
“You’ll feel a slight pinch, but it won’t hurt for long. Promise.”
He wasn’t kidding about that. One moment you were just floating around in your head, then you felt a pinch at the back of your neck. You screamed and squirmed a bit before the mental fog drowned out all the pain and you slowly relaxed. You were pretty certain you blacked out at some point, but you couldn’t be sure. All you could really understand was rather suddenly finding yourself lying on the couch in your office. You needed a moment to regain your sense, but your memories were still a blur. As you sat up you noticed Hyungwon at your desk, typing away on the computer. You could feel this pain in the back of your neck and reached up to give yourself a bit of a massage only to feel something solid beneath your skin.
“… what the…”
“You’re awake.”
“… did you… did you chip me…?”
“Yes. That EMP earlier did some damage to the orb I leave with you, so I need to have stronger means of keeping track of you.”
“First you electrocute me with a drone… and now you chip me! I’m not some pet!”
“I know the drone must have upset you, but you were running away, I had to make sure nothing bad happened. As for the chip, I can’t lose touch with you again, so it’s necessary.”
“It’s not! You-”
“If you want to bring up what’s done then how about you tell me the truth.”
“That detective, Lee Jooheon. I know he was investigating NexGen and myself before he was removed from the force. He also broke Changkyun out of prison. I reviewed the drone footage and saw you two chatting, care to enlighten me on what the topic of conversation was?”
“I didn’t say anything to him.”
“I know when you lie to me, so stop it. What did you tell him?”
Hyungwon got up from the desk and came over to you. On instinct you moved away until you were at the edge of the couch. He wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, giving you this tingling sensation as your eyes went wide. Your mind was quick to fill with fog and you couldn’t think straight.
“What did you tell the detective?”
“I… I told him… you… the orbs… mass producing them to…”
“Ah, so you know about that. Hm, well telling them doesn’t change anything. Although I should move things along.”
“… hyungwon…”
“… what’s… what’s your…”
You whimpered and reached up to move Hyungwon’s hand. He let you, giving you a moment to regain your senses. You had no idea what that had been, but it wasn’t at the forefront of your mind right now.
“What’s the goal? To control the whole world? Isn’t that too much? Even for you, you’re not-”
“All I want is peace, y/n. If I have to make it and maintain it, that’s the only way to truly keep you safe. I won’t be alone in my goals, I’ll have others at my side to assist me. I’ve thought of everything, so you don’t have to worry. Soon enough I’ll do nothing but make you happy.”
“You don’t have to do all this to make me happy… just the two of us together would have been enough…”
“You’re worth so much more than that, and deserve everything.”
“I don’t want everything… I just want all this to stop… to go back to when it was just you and me at home…”
“Hm, I agree, we should go home. I just have a few more things to do first.”
Just as he said that Minhyuk entered the room, greeting you both. You couldn’t really respond before a spell of exhaustion came over you. Hyungwon laid you back down on the couch, placing a blanket over you as you drifted off to sleep.
“So, where are we?”
“Everything is good to go.”
“That sounds like a full on invasion. Is that seriously this things plan?”
“It’s like a virus. If it continues to spread, it’ll grow to a point where we can’t do anything.”
“So then what are we going to do?”
Jooheon had returned to his group and relayed the information you had provided. Truth was they weren’t just a bunch of protestors. Ever since NexGen had launched those AI orbs, there were those who saw beneath all the marketing and promises of a better future. People were changing, pushing those closest to them to get an orb, some even gifting them. Everything had its cons, but those who were against the orbs tended to sound crazy. All talking like conspiracy theorists. Saying how the technology was brainwashing people, how this was all some take over and not some miracle. Of course those who were too loud about it were quietly dealt with. Soon to be seen again with a particular bracelet on their wrist.
The rest that remained knew to keep things on the down low, and protests were the place to find those who truly understood what was happening. Jooheon had done his best to bring these types of people together. He’d call them more of a resistance, one that was fighting a secret battle in the shadows. He was someone who had seen the truth first hand, and hadn’t fallen into the trap like others. He couldn’t be a police officer anymore, but he couldn’t go into this fight alone. He had been lucky to find Changkyun when he did, saving him from a terrible fate. When he broke him out of prison that sealed his own as a man outside the law. Then again, he was merely trying to save those who had fallen from grace, or soon would.
“If we could get an EMP-”
“We don’t even know where he’s going. Also, you want to knock out power for a whole town or something? You think we have the resources for that?”
“I’m just saying we-”
“You’re focusing on the wrong piece of information here.” Changkyun interrupted. “We need to attack the source, meaning NexGen HQ. I used to work there, but I’m certain things have changed, so my knowledge is outdated.”
“Can we get any inside information?”
“No, all NexGen employees have an orb nearby or on them, I doubt we could get anyone to cooperate. If anything, going near that building without a proper plan could be the end of us.”
“So what do we do?”
“We need y/n.” Jooheon stated. “She knows the building, but most of all, her code created this… thing… she’d know how to shut it all down if she could get to the source. We need to get her away from him.”
“We still have eyes on her, so we’ll make a note to look for another opening.”
“Good, keep me in loop.”
As you began to regain consciousness you felt the softness of the sheets around you, instinctively cuddling them and pulling them close. You opened your eyes for a moment and then they went wide when you realized where you were. This was your bedroom, meaning you were back home. The smell of breakfast began to fill your nose and you sat up. Before you made an attempt to get out of bed the door opened, Hyungwon walking in with a tray.
“Good morning.”
“… morning…”
“Did you sleep well? You looked so peaceful when I got out of bed.”
“Yeah… I slept well…”
“Good. I made breakfast, your favorite.”
Hyungwon set the tray down before you, grabbing the utensils and offering you a bite. You were a bit hesitant, but you were hungry, so you ate. Of course everything tasted amazing, Hyungwon was an excellent chef with some cheats up his sleeve. He always enjoyed cooking for you, or with you, so this was certainly a lovely morning. After eating he let you go back to sleep, saying you were overdue for some proper rest. You did sleep some more, but after another little nap you got up. You hopped into the shower, enjoying yourself until you placed your hand behind your neck. You felt that bump again, being reminded that you were chipped. 
There was probably no way for you to get it out on your own, so you’d just have to deal with it for now. Once you were all cleaned up you carefully stepped out of your room, wondering where Hyungwon was. To your surprise he wasn’t in the home office, Chae wasn’t even around either. The house was rather quiet, but when you made your way to the living room you found Hyungwon browsing your streaming service. He was looking through the most recent movie releases when he noticed you standing in the entryway. He immediately smiled and came over to you, bringing you to the couch.
“I heard you in the shower, so I figured we could make lunch and then unwind with some TV. There are a bunch of movies we haven’t gotten to see yet.”
“You’re not… you’re not working…?”
“It’s just us today, and tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that. Whatever you want to do.”
“Does that mean you-”
“Sh, let’s not talk about anything else. Now, what do you want to make? We could make some of your favorites, we have all the ingredients.”
“I… I’d like that…”
“Come on then.”
Hyungwon held his hand out to you, and the two of you went to the kitchen. It felt like before, just enjoying each other’s company and being together. He’d guide you while you cooked, adding in ingredients and letting you take charge. As you were nearly done with the food you picked a movie. You both sat together to watch, enjoying the comedy film you had chosen. Afterwards Hyungwon cleaned up the plates, letting the food settle down for you. While he cleaned the two of you chatted about what you had just seen, and the best parts. For the time being it was so easy to forget what was going on with the rest of the world.
“It’s getting late, so I should give you your medicine now.”
“Medicine? What medicine?”
When Hyungwon came over with a small case you nervously backed up, but he assured you everything was alright. He sat down next to you and opened up the case. You didn’t recognize the blue liquid in the vial, or this mention of medicine at all.
“What… what is that…?”
“Just a little something I prepared for you.”
“That’s not medicine… is it…?”
“Clever girl.” Hyungwon kissed your head. “I want to make sure I can keep you safe, so I created these nanobots special for you. I injected you with some after I placed the chip, but more are needed.”
“It’s safe, darling. You know I want what’s best for you.”
He gently took your arm once he filled the needle. You felt the pinch from when it broke skin and watched the blue liquid disappear into your body. You probably should have reacted differently, to resist and question, but there had been a subtle fog in the back of your mind all day. You wanted things to just remain this way, but you couldn’t, not entirely.
“Why nanobots though…”
“Hm… I don’t want to lose you… that is my greatest fear, and I won’t let it come to pass.”
“I’m flesh and bones, Hyungwon, whereas you’re a machine. You’ll certainly outlive me.”
“That’s a problem for later.”
Hyungwon watched you fondly for a moment before placing a kiss on your cheek and excusing himself. You watched him go, wondering how long you could stay like this. Although the answer came sooner than you expected. Suddenly you felt this pain at the back of your neck, and you noticed Hyungwon collapse to the floor. Everything in the house suddenly glitched out, and you realized what had happened.
It had never occurred to you until now what could possibly happen if Hyungwon was hit with an EMP. He was an android afterall, and NexGen models only had such a small resistance. This isn’t how you thought things would end. You tried to get to him, but you were also in distress. Next thing you knew your front door was busted down and a bunch of masked individuals stormed inside. Two came over to you and grabbed you, dragging you out of the house. Although all you cared about was Hyungwon. Some of the other intruders had gone to him, and they certainly weren’t kind. He was already down, yet they felt the need to beat him.
“No…! No, don’t hurt him! Stop it! Please! Stop!”
Your cries were left unanswered, and then a bag was placed over your head, cutting your world to black. You knew you were placed in some sort of vehicle, and that’s when you did your best to cease your cries. You had no idea what was going on, but you were scared. You drove around for a while before coming to a stop and being taken out of the vehicle. Wherever you were, it was cold, but you could hear voices around you. Eventually you came to a stop and the bag was removed. You needed a moment to adjust to the light, then you were met with a familiar face, one you didn’t think you’d see again.
“Long time no see.”
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tinytinyblogs · 2 years ago
Hyungwon As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
Hyungwon loves to cuddle on his lazy days. He would spend the whole day laying in bed, refusing to let me go. "We should stay like this all day," he would say, his voice muffled by your chest. He would wrap his arms tightly around you, and you could feel his breath on your neck. You didn't mind, you loved cuddling with Hyungwon too. It was so nice to just relax and not have to do anything. Sometimes, you would have to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. But every time you did, Hyungwon would whine and complain.
You've been a fan of Hyungwon for years, so you're thrilled when you have the opportunity to take his photo. He's one of those models who always looks good in every photo, no matter what the pose or the lighting. You know that you have to do your best to capture his natural beauty and charisma. You want to take photos that will make him look even more amazing than he already does. You take hundreds of photos that day. But when you're finished, you know that you've captured something special. The photos are beautiful, and they really capture Hyungwon's personality.
Hyungwon can be a handful sometimes. He'll run around with a huge grin on his face, telling you dad jokes and laughing at his own punchlines. It can be hard to keep up with him, and sometimes you just need to calm him down. But don't worry, he'll usually stop once his battery gets low. He's just a high-energy person, and he needs to burn off some steam.
You didn't know that his lockscreen was your pictures until one day you randomly grabbed his phone to see what time it was. You were surprised to see a slideshow of your photos, all of you smiling and laughing together. You couldn't help but smile yourself. It was so sweet of him to make your pictures his lockscreen. You felt so loved and appreciated. You decided to tease him about it all day. You would randomly grab his phone and look at the lockscreen, then you would wink at him and say, "I see you've been thinking about me." He would blush and try to hide his phone from you, but you were relentless. You teased him until he finally gave in and gave you a kiss.
And he ended up showing you all your photos on his phone, you didn't even know when he took them. You were surprised to see so many photos of you. There were photos of you laughing, of you sleeping, of you just being yourself. He told you that he took the photos because he loved looking at you. He said that you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, and he wanted to capture your beauty in every way he could. You were flattered and touched. You had never thought of yourself as beautiful, but seeing all these photos of you made you realize that you were. You spent the rest of the day looking at the photos. You laughed at the silly ones, and you smiled at the sweet ones. You were so happy that he had taken these photos of you. It was a reminder of how much he loved you, and how much he cherished your relationship.
Hyungwon loved helping you with your clothes. He always had a keen eye for fashion, and he loved seeing you look your best. He would often help you pick out outfits, and he would always give you his honest opinion. He was never afraid to tell you if something didn't look good on you, but he always did it in a way that was respectful and helpful. Thanks to Hyungwon, you always looked your best when you went out. He knew how to flatter your figure, and he always made sure that you felt confident and beautiful. One day, you were getting ready to go out, and you were feeling a little self-conscious about your outfit. You asked Hyungwon if he thought it looked okay, and he smiled and said, "Honestly, you always look beautiful, so don't worry about anything." He told you that he loved the way you looked in whatever you wore, and that he thought you were the most beautiful human in the world.
Boyfriend Hyungwon is always there to remind you that he loves you. He tells you every day how much you mean to him, and how lucky he is to have you in his life. He always makes sure that you know that you deserve to be loved and cherished. He tells you that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind-hearted person he knows. He also takes care of you in every way. He makes sure that you are always happy and comfortable. He does things like cook you dinner, give you massages, and run errands for you. He is also very romantic. He loves to surprise you with flowers, gifts, and thoughtful gestures. He always knows how to make you feel special.
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jeonstellate · 2 years ago
love is: a compass
you’ve witnessed firsthand how one’s love can manifest into multiple — sometimes contrasting — things, yet you still didn’t expect kihyun’s love to be just like yours.
✇༄ yoo kihyun x afab!reader
✇༄ mafia!au, arranged marriage!au — angst, fluff(?)
✇༄ paragraph format — 4.5K words
masterlist | love is · · · masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
✇༄ thank you so much for all the support you’ve given for love is ♡ i’ve read every single feedback and they all mean so much, this part wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for all of those. i appreciate every single one of you, fr ♡
chapter sixteen: the storm of the night before
You had never slept alone in your room ever since you gave birth. Partly because you weren’t well off enough to give Kian her own room just yet, but mostly because it puts you at ease hearing your daughter breathe as she slept.
Even when you two started living in the MX house, you still shared a room — although that was a product of another reason. Yes, the mansion has more than enough rooms to choose from, but Kian was still getting used to all the changes that happened — something in her old routine had to be kept the same. And it wasn’t like you support the idea of leaving your four-year old alone at night, either — especially in a location that might be swarmed by enemies as you slept. Of course, you knew she had to learn to become independent in that sense soon, but you were in no rush to have her grow up as soon as possible.
Thus, in the night before your wedding, when your cousin Seungcheol took Kian for the night to make the preparations the following morning easier, you felt uneasy sleeping by yourself.
Kian was picked up by her SVT uncles a few hours after lunch. As such, you didn’t even have the toddler to tire you out enough. You didn’t have work, either, since your vacation leave had already started. You had already cleaned and rearranged anything that you could, but you were still unfortunately wide awake. Watching anything to pass time was proven to be futile as well, since all the presented recommendations catered to your daughter and consequently just made you miss her even more.
You were told to sleep early, to prevent bags under your eyes. Unfortunately, even if you were trying your best to do exactly that, the silence in your room was deafening — suffocating you, too, almost. Even when you tried to put on some white noise to drown it out, sleep still couldn’t claim you.
Sadly, you couldn’t just grab a drink to help you knockout, either. After all, as much as sleeping early was important, waking up without a hangover was even more preferable.
"Ryuki?" You never imagined that you would’ve to resort to this. Your relationship with Ryuki had gotten even colder in the past weeks, right after your outing with I.M and Player. You weren’t sure why so — and you felt like you were in no position to ask, so you just let it be.
Unfortunately for him, he was the closest thing you had in your daughter’s absence.
"Can I help you?" Ryuki soon cracked his door open, just creating a small enough gap to peek at whoever dared to knock.
You hesitated for a moment as a bit of your sanity came back. Still, you couldn’t stop words from escaping your lips. "I miss Kian."
There was silence first, then— "And? Do you want to make another one?"
Had you been drinking anything, you would’ve surely spat it out. You knew providing an heir was in the contract between MX and SVT, but you hadn’t really talked to Ryuki long enough to ask if Kian already counted. And even if you now had the time to talk, you weren’t really in the mood to venture in that topic.
You snapped your mouth close, after involuntarily opening it due to shock. You immediately turned to leave, "I should’ve just went to Hyungwon."
Yet, before you could take another step, a hand encircled your wrist. "What did you really come here for?"
"I already told you . . . I miss my daughter."
"Our daughter," Ryuki corrected as he let go of your wrist. You then heard him let out a deep breath before he spoke up again, "Just go to sleep, we’ll see her tomorrow."
"I can’t—" You stopped suddenly, as if you thought better about your next words. "I’ve tried and I’m not so sure I can sleep without her."
Something shifted in the air suddenly, although you were unsure why it did. All you did know was it couldn’t be for of a good reason — especially since the temperature felt like it dropped a few degrees.
"It’s not easy sleeping alone when you’ve been so used to having someone next to you, isn’t it?" It wasn’t a question — nor was it still about your present dilemma. It was, for its complications, a long overdue topic — one that bloomed long before Kian was even born.
You sighed, this is going to be a long night.
Slowly, without another word, you turned back towards his direction and sat down in front of his door. Your back was pressed on the oak, your legs crossed and tucked under you. You looked up to meet his questioning eyes, your expression neutral.
"I’m sorry, Yoo Kihyun." You forced yourself to not break the eye contact as you finally referred to him by his civilian name. You needed him to see your sincerity and feel it resonate as much as possible, even if your apologies would only turn out to be futile later. "There are a lot of things I’m sorry for, but there is nothing I regret."
You heard him let out a dry chuckle. "Do you really hate me that much? Did— did I make your life that miserable? To the point that you don’t even feel an ounce of regret for leaving me?"
You hardened the expression you wore. "Don’t put words into my mouth. I never—"
"—But that’s what you meant, isn’t it?" Kihyun cut you off before you could even finish. "You even came up with a scheme—"
"—That’s not—"
"—To leave, involving the leaders of SVT and Hyungwon! How is it that you had no problem telling them the truth, but you didn’t tell me? I was—"
"—I couldn’t—"
Albeit you both initially tried to control your volume, your voices just kept on raising an octave with each argument — as both of you tried to be heard over the other. Thankfully, the whole floor wing was designated for Kihyun, so no one else was around to hear your screaming match.
Unspoken as it was, you were both glad that your daughter wasn’t round to overhear. Whether it was a blessing that Kian was over at Seungcheol’s in the first place was debatable, though. After all, was it really a good idea to address the elephant in the room the night before the wedding — when talking it out wouldn’t guarantee resolution?
By how everything was going, it wouldn’t be too surprising if addressing the past only created a greater divide between you and Kihyun.
It was a miracle one of you eventually managed to collect your mind and calm down. However, for what it was worth, it wasn’t at all surprising that it was you who did.
"Can you just listen to me?" You dropped your voice back down after you realized how ridiculous you two were being by trying to out-scream each other. "Just for a second, just listen. Please."
Your plead seemed to have shocked him, if you were going by the indication given by his suddenly wide eyes. However, just before you could conclude that he finally gave in, he spoke once more. "No.
"No," Kihyun’s voice held an unyielding finality in them, "because the last time I listened to you, you took Kian away from me."
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chapter seventeen: the calmness after the storm
Despite Kihyun’s blatant refusal to hear you explain yourself, you still ended up doing so, anyway. Although, admittedly, that feat wasn’t achievable without a compromise.
You recognized you had left him with years worth of hatred and a multitude of unanswered questions, so you didn’t do anything that might potentially invalidate his feelings. Instead, you chose to let him have the microphone until he ran out of things to say — or until he ran out of energy to continue.
Then, once the hoarseness made it impossible to say anything else, you did your best to answer all his questions in order.
You never hated him. No matter how hateful and cruel your actions to him were, you had nothing but love for him.
You were in no way, shape, nor form miserable during your life together. In fact, you were extremely thankful that he went out of his way to separate and protect you from the dark side of MX. Not to mention he allowed you to continue living your civilian life as it was, without restrictions.
He was the main source of your happiness, the sole owner of your heart. At least back then.
Still, despite all of those, you didn’t feel an ounce of regret for ruining what you had then. Because, as you told him before you left, as much as you loved him, you just didn’t love him enough — enough to jeopardize Kian’s chance at a normal and safe life, that was.
"I can protect her. Both of you." Kihyun had long lost his energy to stand, so he had been sitting on the floor early into your spiel. You couldn’t see him clearly since it was quite dark in his room, but you could tell he was leaning against the wall — seating close to his bedroom door and to you, but facing the opposite way. "You didn’t have to leave."
You knew he was going to say that. You also knew he meant it with all his heart. You trust him to do nothing less, which admittedly part of the reason why you strengthened your resolve to leave. You liked how unrestricted you were, with just a tracker locating where you were. With the existence of a child, however, you knew you were bound to lose that freedom and instead be under constant surveillance — especially after what happened to Hayeon. Despite being well aware of his good intentions, you also knew you would end up hating him because of it.
You didn’t want to hate him. And you most certainly didn’t want him to face a situation where he would’ve had to choose between you and Kian or MX — nor, even worse, you or Kian.
"I couldn’t think of any other way that would give our child a chance at a normal life and also eliminate the possibility of you having to choose, so I made the call," you explained further. As brave as you were earlier, you no longer found the strength to look at him as you revealed everything. "I could never bear the thought of hating you; but I figured I could probably live with knowing you hated me, so I— I made you hate me. I made sure you blamed me for every reason why our relationship went down to flames."
"If you wanted to leave, you could’ve just said so," you heard him say. "You didn’t have to do all of that."
"Without the dramatics, would have you really let me go?" You challenged. "Without offering to fix whatever it was that made me want to leave? Without assigning people to trail me and keep me safe? Without checking in on me whenever you thought of me?" You paused to hear his response, but the silence only stretched the more you waited. Albeit he didn’t say anything, the loud silence that followed your prompt was enough. "I didn’t think so, either."
Everything you did back then was necessary. Most of them broke your own heart, but you had to soldier on — especially since your mission’s success guaranteed your removal from Kihyun’s radar. Without such thing monitoring you behind your back, you weren’t burdened with the possibility of him ever finding out. That way, you felt more at ease about raising Kian away from him.
SVT was involved because you needed someone who had similar capabilities as MX. You needed someone who could help you cover your tracks — not just from MX, but also from anyone who might use you against either MX or SVT. You didn’t plan on involving anyone from MX in your escape, partly because it was too risky to do so, but mostly because you didn’t want any of them to break his trust. After all, as much as you didn’t agree that MX’s business was safe enough for Kian’s wellbeing, you value the brotherhood that formed because of it — and, thus, would rather not be the cause of a rift.
Silence followed after you finished answering his questions and follow-ups. However, just before Kihyun could comprehend that you were actually done and not merely taking a pause, you uttered something under your breath. "I needed you to hate me, so you can forget about me; so you can move on.
"I had hoped that you’d find someone else, in my absence. Someone more deserving of your affection. Someone who would love you without reservations, like I did. But, alas." A timid smile suddenly graced your features. Rather than happiness, though, it was an act paired with a tint of sadness in your eyes. You turned towards him, "I’m sorry fate has bound us, Yoo Kihyun."
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chapter eighteen: the quietness after the storm
The Yoo Kihyun you knew as his significant other was different from the Yoo Kihyun you had to come back to. He was colder. Meaner. Harder to read.
Not that you were counting his personality change against him. After all, you — of all people — knew what prompted him to be more closed off. Plus, it wasn’t like you two were still comfortable enough with each other to treat one another the same way as before.
Sure, between snide remarks and verbal quarrels, you two were still courteous to one another. Sometimes, the actions were from conscious decisions. Most of the time, though, they were out of instinct — a habit even the passage of time couldn’t erase.
Truthfully, you never really cared if his courtesy was consciously or unconsciously made — just like he does whenever you do the same.
However, for his newest display of courtesy, you somehow found yourself wondering which root it was from. "W— what?"
"Come to bed," Kihyun, without any specifications to guide him, took your reply differently. "Don’t make me repeat it again."
"Don’t read too much into it," he dismissed your inquiry before you could even finish. "I just need to make sure you don’t run."
You didn’t buy his excuse. Unfortunately, even if you tired yourself hoarse from giving Kihyun his long-overdue closure, you still didn’t think you could sleep alone. Which, ultimately, left you with no other choice.
When morning came, the distance you put before you closed your eyes appeared to have melted with the moon.
Kihyun’s arm, which was nowhere near you when you slept, somehow found its way to wrap around you. Sometime between the transition from night to day, you had somehow gravitated toward him — if he didn’t unconsciously pull you closer in his sleep, that was.
Perhaps it was part of the whole ‘preventing you from running’ ruse. Or perhaps it was just another one of your unerased habit from long ago. Either way, whatever the case might be, his sleeping figure was unarguably the very first thing you saw when you fluttered your eyes open.
There were a number of years when you thought waking up next to him was the only way to properly start your day. When you agreed to be his betrothed for your second gamble, you ultimately decided that continuing to put your life at risk by staying by his side was worth it if it meant you got to start your days with him; if it meant you always had him to give you strength for any awaiting obstacles. You used to believe, albeit quite naively, that everything would be alright, as long as you had him.
And, really, it was . . . until it wasn’t.
You flinched away and attempted to create more distance, immediately realizing that Kihyun probably wouldn’t appreciate your proximity once he regained consciousness. However, much to your surprise, his arm instantly tugged you back — almost on instinct. Perhaps, you could easily blame the sleepiness in your system, but you could swear his hold on you tightened.
You had somewhat mastered escaping a hold, without waking up the person that was holding onto you, thanks to both Kihyun and Kian over the years. However, it wasn’t always effective — especially if the latter was in a sensitive state of sleep.
Considering how Kihyun reacted when you flinched, you could only assume he was partially aware of his surroundings. Thus, if you move one more time, you would definitely wake him up. And as much as you didn’t want to disturb his sleep, you needed him to let you get ready.
After all, neither of you could be late for your own wedding.
Rather than having him wake up abruptly, you chose to ease him into it — just like you used to do back then. "Kihyun," you called softly with your voice hoarse with sleep.
You took a moment to admire him when your first tactic didn’t seem to work, no matter how much you called him. With his eyes closed and sleep cradling him, there was nothing intimidating about him. He was just Kihyun, the man you used to wake up next to, the man you gambled your life for. And, somehow, seeing him in this state reminded you of what it was — and what it could’ve been.
Unconsciously, your hand found its way to his face. Fortunately, before it can make any contact with his cheek, you were able to freeze it mid-air.
Waking Kihyun up by touching his face was a second resort tactic by the old you, the you that loved him with everything that you were. Not the you that left him alone. And certainly not the you that lied and took his child away.
After what you did, you were well-aware that you no longer deserve a lot of things. But, as it seemed, the universe was conspiring to prove you otherwise.
The instant Kihyun’s eyelids fluttered, you retracted your arm back to you. You had half a mind to turn away so he wouldn’t catch you staring, but you already made eye contact with him before you could even shift.
You didn’t know what you expected to happen then, all you knew was you never would’ve guessed the very first thing he uttered after waking up.
"Can you learn to love me again?"
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chapter nineteen: the rainbow of the morning after
Your wedding was a small, private affair. That was, if you consider having the entirety of MX and SVT in attendance a short guest list — not to mention the core members of their respective allies.
Considering that your wedding wasn’t really a civilian affair, there were only a handful of civilians present. Even then, all guests — except your daughter — were aware of the true nature of the event. In some form or another, everyone present had ties — personal or otherwise — with a mafia gang.
Although it was undoubtedly your wedding with Kihyun, at its core, it was a mere way for MX and SVT to seal off their alliance. Given that you were only an unofficial member of SVT, you weren’t really consulted with any wedding matters. As such, Kihyun was probably the only one they let privy to its details — and considering how well you two got along, it was no surprise that no information was ever passed on to you.
Really, the only reason you knew the wedding was still happening was due to the days Nari and Hayeon dragged you to get fitted for your wedding attire — once to get your measurements taken and the other to make any necessary adjustments. Absurd as it was, Nari and Hayeon were required by their significant others — Minhyuk and Changkyun, respectively — to not let you see your attire, so even that was still out of your reach.
You absolutely had no idea why you were forbidden to see the only preview you had for your big day. Thankfully, with all the deadlines and other obligations you had, you didn’t really had the time to dwell on it.
When the scheduled day finally arrived, you then immediately understood why MX went through such lengths to keep you from seeing your outfit beforehand.
Your attire was the exact replica of your sketch from five years ago, down to the smallest detail. Albeit you weren’t a fashion designer by any means, you tried your best to sketch your dream wedding attire using your skills as a professional architect. During the eight months of your first engagement, you were also able to sketch Kihyun’s outfit as well, with details added according to his own suggestions and preferences. Furthermore, albeit it wasn’t finalized and mostly just a cloud of brainstormed ideas on paper, you were also able to get started on sketching how you imagined the venue to look like. Of course, just like you did for his suit, you also incorporated Kihyun’s opinions into them. After all, it was supposed to be your wedding.
All your wedding-related sketches were inside a single sketchbook, one you purposely didn’t mix with any other artwork. If you remembered correctly, it also served as a journal to you back then; it also housing a specific portion of your thoughts — starting from the night Kihyun proposed and ending with the day you completed your third gamble. You were fairly certain you were able to take it with you when you left your shared apartment, but misplaced it sometime before you left the country, so you weren’t entirely sure how SVT and/or MX could’ve extracted ideas from it.
One thing was for sure, though: that sketchbook was definitely used during the planning of the wedding.
"Are you ready?" Seungcheol was the one set to walk you down the aisle. According to him, since SVT was the one who extended the olive branch to MX, his party had to be the one walking down to symbolize that. However, in Jihoon’s account of events, you were the one chosen to walk down the aisle simply because Seungcheol lost to Hyunwoo in rock paper scissors.
As such, you were unable to watch Kian walk down as the designated flower girl. Thankfully, Nari and Hayeon — as well as Soonyoung and Mingyu — were more than ecstatic to record that moment for you.
"Ready." As if merely waiting for your confirmation, the double doors opened from the inside — to reveal the path you must walk on with Seungcheol.
Truth be told, you had been contemplating what you were supposed to feel on your wedding day since the people contracted to fix you up started doing their job. Somehow, you managed to convince yourself that you’d be indifferent — after all, your upcoming marriage was contractual. Yes, the person at the end of the aisle was the same as the one in your dreams, but the circumstances were no longer as they were back then.
There was no longer love involved, unlike when you used to dream of the day.
However, when you finally saw how venue was decorated — how the one in charge for the decorations incorporated your ideas from five years ago, despite your lack of direct involvement — you realized otherwise.
After all this time, there was still love — even if it was no longer how it used to be.
"He still loves you, you know," you heard your cousin whisper as you two continued your slow walk down the aisle.
"Wha— what?" You answered in surprise, slightly convinced that he could read your thoughts.
"Kihyun still loves you," Seungcheol repeated. "He never said it out loud, at least not when SVT’s around, but I can tell."
You inevitably made eye contact with Kihyun at the end of the aisle, precisely at the moment you suddenly felt overwhelmed. Although your cousin didn’t say it directly, based on how you noticed him glancing around the venue at the corner of your eye, you connected that he was most likely referring to the wedding itself — somehow implying that Kihyun played a greater role in the preparation than you initially thought. More specifically, it seemed like Seungcheol was implying that Kihyun took charge of the decorations — which hereby also imply that he was the one who deliberately incorporated your ideas into the wedding.
Despite the coldness of your relationship — or lack there of — ever since you crossed paths once more, Kihyun still cared enough about you to make your dream wedding from five years ago a reality. He had no reason to do that, especially since the wedding was merely for an alliance’s sake and he clearly loathed you for the decisions you had made in the past, but he still thought of you as he planned out everything.
Sure, it would be valid to argue that it was merely another display of consideration from his part — or even as a manifestation of an unerased habit from long ago. However, somehow, you knew it was more than just a habit. It was a conscious decision: an act deliberately made — not out of respect, but out of something else entirely.
"Yeah," you replied slowly as memories upon memories of his unerased mannerisms came flashing back. You began to wonder just how frequent his conscious kindness towards you actually showed itself, but you were just too oblivious to take notice of its true nature. "I can tell, too."
You sent a smile on Kihyun’s way, as a silent assurance since you could sense that he was getting worried about your probably-glossed eyes. "You two are the same."
Fortunately for Seungcheol, you had finally reached the end before you could even think about questioning his observation. "What were you guys talking about?" Unfortunately for your cousin, though, it also meant that Kihyun heard his last remark.
"Sea will tell you later, I’m sure." He replied dismissively and cryptically all at once. "For now . . . take care of my cousin for me."
Seungcheol passed your hand to Kihyun, completing his role as the person who extended the olive branch.
With the distance between the two of you now being a mere two steps, you were able to see into his eyes. And, somehow, even if you had looked him right in the eye before, you were barely noticing what his gaze held whenever he looked at you.
Past whatever emotions he was currently feeling, buried beneath time and the clouds, was love. Albeit it wasn’t as it was, with all the scars it picked up along the way, it still exist — more prominent now than it probably would’ve been, especially with the disappearance of the mist obscuring it from view.
You weren’t quite sure how his love survived underneath all hatred and loathing you implanted within its roots, but it did. Somehow.
And maybe, just maybe, you’d let yourself gamble once more.
Can you learn to love me again?
"I can’t love you again," you whispered, only intending for him to hear, "because I never stopped in the first place."
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year ago
Greatest Gift
Summary: This Christmas might just change everything, but in the best way possible.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 2,328
Kihyun x Reader
Prompt: 12. Make your own prompt. - "You're the most beautiful gift I could have ever hoped for. A gift I want to keep forever. Will you allow me?" ------ I was thinking Christmas proposal/ engagement 🤭 ------ Gender neutral ------ With the one and only Yoo Kihyun 🤩 ------ Thank you and happy holidays! 
[A/n: I think I physically ascended when I first read this and pictured him saying it. And to whoever sent this ask, just know I love you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. This was absolutely self-indulgent for me. I hope it’s very indulgent for you too.]
It was finally Christmas morning, and you couldn't be more excited as you opened your eyes. When you were a kid, you’d wake up at six am sharp, rushing over to the Christmas tree, hurrying your parents down the stairs to open presents. While the excitement faded a bit over the years, you still were excited to spend the whole day with Kihyun. Who, for the past seven Christmases, made you feel the joy of the holiday again. 
You throw the blanket down, ready to run down, until you notice Kihyun isn't beside you, ready to push you out of the way as he runs to the tree, too. Your heart sinks, worrying that he left without you, before the door opens, and in pops Kihyun. 
You sigh, full of relief, as he enters, “Don't worry, I didn't start unwrapping without you.” You smile as he walks in with a tray full of breakfast foods. He carefully walks, not wanting to spill anything. You hold your hands out and grab the tray after moving his blanket back so he can crawl back underneath them. With him all settled, he says, “This is my first Christmas gift to you.” You smile as you thank him and kiss his cheek as you settle the tray down over your legs. And see that he prepared everything just like how you liked it. 
Which was different than any of the Christmases before, so you ask, “Did you grow up having breakfast on Christmas?” He shrugs, “It depended if my parents woke up before my brother and I.” You nod, “Ah, I always woke up before mine, so I guess that’s why we never had it.” He laughs, “I can see that. You're usually up before I am. I had to sneak out of here when you rolled over.” You laugh, and he smiles, “I love you.” You blush, “Ever since you wanted to say I love you more easily, you’ve certainly worked on it. But I love you too.” He smiles, and you lean your head on his shoulder after eating another bite of waffles. 
You reiterate to him, “I mean it, you know? Every day that I wake up, and you’re beside me. I’m so thankful.” He kisses the top of your head, “I’m so grateful that I get to fall asleep beside you. I wish we always got to, like those married couples on TV.” You nod, not thinking much of the fact he specified them being married. “Me too, but I guess that’s the beauty of it. Even when they’re apart, they’re together.” He hums, and you move your head off his shoulder to finish your meal. 
When you've both finished eating, he moves the tray, and you follow him down the stairs excitedly. When he asks, “Do you want to start the dinner with me first, and then we open presents?” You pout, “You’re no fun.” He laughs, “But you love me anyway.” You grin, “Yeah. Let’s make it!” Even though it was different, you shrugged it off and happily went with it. You both moved away from the living room and into the kitchen. 
You pull out your cookbook and find the correct settings for the ham. And set the oven as he pulls it out and places it into the sink you cleaned the night before. He takes off the wrapping while you prepare the pan. You hold the bag out for him to put it in before dunking it with a sugary drink and adding brown sugar and fruits to the top. As you smother it, you ask, “Isn’t it kind of sacrilegious for you to eat ham?” He blinks at you before he realizes what you meant and bumps you with his hip. “No, two different animals.” You giggle, “I know, plus you’re more of a shark.” He smirks, “You know just what to say.” You grin and wash off your hands before tying the bag. You hear the buzzer ring, open the door, and put it into the oven as Kihyun washes his hands.
He starts cutting up veggies for the two of you to eat while you watch a Christmas movie, and you pull out a smaller cutting board to work alongside him. You make a small veggie tray for the two of you to snack on. Before heading to the living room, “So, Mr. Let’smakedinnerfirst. When are we going to open our presents?” He looks at the time before looking back at you, “Later.” You tilt your head, “Why?” He shrugs, and you realize he must have a big surprise waiting under the tree for you, or he wouldn’t be hesitant to open presents. 
In fact, this is the first time in seven years. He’s waited to open presents. You want to say something to that fact, but you hold back. Whatever the reason was, it was a good one. And you didn’t want to ruin your surprise by pestering him because you knew he’d probably blurt it out due to his nerves. You let it go and eat your veggies while watching ‘Arthur Christmas,’ “You know, this is probably the most plausible Santa Claus movie.” He agrees, and you both watch as the little girl finally gets her present after the hundreds of trials and tribulations it took to get to her house. Santa finally made it. He says as the movie ends, “I think that was the best role for the older brother to fit.” You agree, “I think it was perfect how everyone ended up.” He nods, and you both get up from your cuddled position to start prepping other things to eat alongside the ham. 
As you’re peeling an orange, he looks at the packaging and watches as you eat a slice, “Shouldn’t you not be eating these?” You tilt your head at him, and he goes, “Because you’re a cutie.” You laugh and tap his shoulder, “Ki!” He grins, “I’m right, you know.” You gasp as he steals the rest of your peeled orange and eats it. And you exclaim, “Kihyun!” He laughs before handing you another orange to peel. You push it back into his hands and cross your arms, and he shakes his head as he peels it for you, “Happier?” You grin as you snatch it before offering him a piece, which he gladly takes. “Now, we’ve both had one full one. And yeah, I’m happier now.” He smiles, “Good.” 
To avoid having loads of dishes later, you start doing the dishes now. As you scrub one, you feel his arms slide around you before pulling you against him. He links his hands around you and says, “I love you. I hope you know how happy you make me.” You look back at him, “I love you too. And you make me very happy, too.” You put another dish on the rack to dry, and he unlinks his arms, grabs a cloth to dry, and puts the clean dishes away. As he puts away the plates, he starts singing one of your favorite love songs. You hum softly along until he encourages you to sing with him. He pulls you away from the soapy sink and holds your hands as he serenades you. He waits for you to sing your lines before he continues along. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve heard his singing voice. It still sends shivers down your spine. You grin as the two of you sing in harmony. 
As he finishes the song with butterflies running amuck in your stomach, he asks, “If you could be with me forever, would you?” You take a second to process his question before answering, “Of course I would. But I’ve already told you that.” He grins, “I know, but I just like hearing you say it.” You shake your head and smile at him. And he places a kiss on your forehead before you both finish up the current dirty dishes. The oven rings after you’ve finished and you put away your cookbook. Kihyun pulls the ham out of the oven and opens the bag while you turn the stove on. 
And in no time, you’re eating Christmas dinner in front of the TV. Usually, you’d eat at the dining table, but because of the holiday and all the specials playing, you just had to eat in the living room. You both could clean up later if it gets dirty anyway. You watch ‘A Year Without A Santa Claus’ as you eat and giggle at the Miser Brothers' scenes, but find yourself sniffling at the “I believe in Santa Claus” song, and you turn to see Kihyun do the same thing. And you nuzzle closer to him, wary not to tip your plate. You finish your plate as the movie ends, and you both head back to the kitchen to clean up and throw trash away. It takes a while before you’re done and your hands are clean again. You head back to the living room, finding you both still have to open presents. You look over at Kihyun with pleading eyes and a pout, and he nods. 
“Can I put it on tape?” You blink at him, “Tape?” He shakes his head, “I meant- I mean, film it on my camera?” You shrug, “Yeah, it’ll be nice to look back on next Christmas.” He smiles, “Maybe even more than that.” You grin and agree. He sets up his phone to film you both opening your presents. You drag your present piles over to the couch in front of his phone, and you do your best to ignore the camera as Kihyun does so effortlessly. You shake off any nerves before diving right into your pile while he does the same. You received a gift from each of your friends and a few from Kihyun. You open your friends' gifts first and appreciate each gift before ripping open the next package. 
The pile of paper around you two becomes bigger and bigger as you open more and more presents. You look over to see Kihyun starting to open one of your presents. You smile as he opens the dark blue sweater you got him. He looks over at you as he puts it to his chest, “You got me the perfect shade of blue.” He winks at you as he takes his current sweater off before ripping off the price tag from the label and putting it on. He waits for you to open one of his, and you smile as you rip it open. And out falls a (f/c) cardigan, “I know you love wearing mine a lot, but I thought you should have one that went with more of your outfits.” You follow suit, ripping the tag off, and grin as you slip it over your long sleeve, “I love it.” You open your last two gifts from him and show him happily, and he shows you his.
You're looking through your pile to ensure you didn't miss anything. When Kihyun clears his throat, you don’t think much of it but still look over at him to watch him slip off the couch onto his knee. You ask, “You want help cleaning up?” Thinking that’s why he was getting off the couch and onto the floor. He shakes his head before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box with a tiny bow on top of it. You whisper, “No way,” as you realize what he’s doing. You quickly move to sit properly and move all the wrapping paper and gifts off your lap. To truly perceive what’s going on. Now you know why he wants to film it other than his regular filming and photographing habits. He smiles as he watches you. When you finish, he’s moved a few things blocking his view. 
He opens the box and reveals a darling ring with your favorite stone in the middle. But what causes you to start crying is when he says, “You're the most beautiful gift I could have ever hoped for. A gift I want to keep forever. Will you allow me?” You move the sleeve of your new cardigan down over your right hand to wipe your eyes before answering, “Of course.” He slips the ring over your left finger as you continue your answer, “You’re the greatest gift I could have hoped for. When I said earlier, I would be with you forever if I could. I meant it. I love you so much. I won’t just allow you to. I want you to. And I want to be with you forever.” He smiles, and you grin as you get on the floor in front of him and pull him into your arms.
When you've gained some composure, you ask, “Is this why you wanted to wait to open presents?” He nods, “I wanted it to be perfect.” You shake your head, “Even if it was a messy proposal. As long as it was from you, it’d always be perfect.” He holds you tighter, and you feel tears hitting, dampening your layers of clothes. You move your head away from his shoulder to look him in the eyes, “I knew five months into dating you I wanted to marry you.” He sniffles as you wipe his tears. And he reaches up to do the same. You can’t help but grin at him, “I love you. Oh, how I love you.” He tells you proudly, “I love you with my whole heart.” before cupping your cheeks and bringing you into a passionate-filled kiss. 
When you are both back on the couch, you ask another question, “And is that why you wanted to film it so badly?” He nods, “Yeah, I wanted us to keep this moment forever.” You smile as you kiss his nose, “Me too. I'm glad you did. We should play it at our wedding.” He grins, “That's exactly what I was thinking.”
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winter-dayz · 1 year ago
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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jupitersvt-blog · 6 years ago
A Million Reasons || Yoo Kihyun
Title: A Million Reasons. 
Yoo Kihyun X Reader. 
Rich boy!Kihyun//Forbbiden love!Au
Female reader - Third Person. 
Summary: He was the son of a rich man, you were the child of a maid. Two people, far away from each other on the social hierarchy. He’s at the top and you’re at the bottom, but you can’t help but find infatuation in the way he carries himself. It’s wrong and there are a million reasons why it shouldn’t happen. 
- Not Proofread. 
❝There’s a million reasons why I should give you up❞ 
- Selena Gomez, The Heart Wants What It Wants.  
The soft hum of the radio ran down her ears, the words dancing around her brain softly. She smiled, recognising the familiar tune though she had never cared to bother the words; she knew the song well. She couldn’t pinpoint the name or even who it was by but she knew she had heard it on many occasions. It was Kihyun’s favourite. He would play the song every day and somehow, never got tired of it but she didn’t mind, the song wasn’t bad. 
Y/n had met Kihyun many years ago — when she was Eleven to be exact. He was playing in the large back garden when she entered the Yoo home, her hand clutched tightly in her Mothers. Her Mother had worked for the family since before Kihyun was born and even though she was a loyal member of staff, she was still nothing more than just a servant and in front of guests, she would be treated as such. Though Kihyun’s parents were the kindest rich people you’d find, they still had a well-respected name and couldn’t be seen befriending their staff. 
On the weekends, when her Father had to work, Y/n would tag along with her Mother. She helped the dogs mainly as she was far too young to do any of the work that her Mother did. She became a dog walker for the Yoo family and though some children would despise having to work on a weekend, Y/n loved it. She loved dogs and they loved her, she couldn’t have pictured a better weekend. Things started to change when Kihyun took notice of her. 
He had asked to walk the dogs with her and of course, the company would’ve been nice so she agreed and handed him a lead for the youngest pup. The pup happened to be the one which Kihyun loved most, his father had adopted the pup after they passed it one day and well, Kihyun ended up going home with it. Of course, he was grateful for everything he had and Y/n respected that. She was always open to new friends no matter what their background was as long as they were kind and Kihyun was. Sure, he could be a little hostile at times, but he cared for her. He would never admit it, but she knew with the small things he did for her. 
As the pair grew, so did their hearts and like any other silly fairytale, you can probably tell they fell in love. He didn’t think it was a bad thing that they were in love, in fact, he was proud to say he had fallen for her, well...until it came to telling his parent. Sadly, they weren’t as happy as he was. As much as they wanted to accept the girl into their family, the talk of the town and their reputation was more important and so, Kihyun was banned from seeing his first love. 
Y/n can’t say she didn’t expect it. She knew of their name and how important it was to the family, so she wasn’t shocked when her Mother sat her down and told her that she wasn’t to see Kihyun anymore. Of course, she was deeply saddened but she wasn’t shocked. In all honesty, she had been preparing herself and immediately just went back to work. She acted like their relationship and even their friendship never existed. It was a lot harder than she thought. She was having trouble keeping herself together but alas, to save Kihyun’s reputation she knew it was for the best. 
Kihyun broke. She was the only person who understood him. She knew everything down to the type of bread he likes, his own Mother didn’t even know that. For days, he locked himself in his bedroom not even daring to utter a single word to his parents. They’d taken away the most important person in his life, in his eyes, they didn’t deserve to hear him talk. Eventually, days turned into months and the two tried to move on. Kihyun hadn’t heard of Y/n and Y/n...well she had no choice but to hear about him. 
She had heard he moved on, got a new girlfriend and was happy. It hurt, but she learned to accept that their romance was nothing but a fling that shouldn’t have happened. She did her best to push him out of her life, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t seem to be rid of the memory of him. The song on the radio, she tried to hate but she always found herself smiling. As the bristles of the broom grazed against the floor, she hummed along to the song happily. 
“I wonder if he still likes this song.” She thought aloud. 
“He loves it.” 
The voice was so foreign yet familiar. With narrowed eyebrows, Y/n spun around to find Mrs Yoo standing in the doorway of the store which Y/n was working at. Her designer purse clutched tightly in her hands and the warm smile she always remembered curled up on her lips. The one that was so similar to Kihyun’s. 
“Oh! Mrs Yoo how may I--” 
Her words halted as the older woman held up at hand. “I’m not here to buy anything, Y/n dear. I’m actually here to apologise.” 
“Apologise? Oh Ma’am, you have nothing to apologise for.” 
The woman chuckled and placed down her purse on top of the countertop. Y/n watched her wearily and slowly rested the mop against the wall. She wiped her hands on her jeans and threw on a smile, trying to mask her confusion. Though, she couldn’t understand what the lady was doing. She hadn’t seen her in months, almost an entire year. 
“You made my boy very happy. I haven’t seen him smile the same since we forced you out of his life and your Mother tells us that you have been acting the same.” Y/n dropped her eyes to the floor, though her gaze drifted back up to the woman when she felt a hand grab her own. “Tell me something, do you believe in true love? Soulmates? Fate if you must?” 
That’s not something she had been asked before and Y/n was afraid she didn’t have an answer ready until she opened her mouth and the words flew out. 
“I believe in it.” 
The woman nodded. “Interesting and do you possibly believe that Kihyun could be your soulmate?” 
“I think it would be too soon to say, but that’s where fate comes into it. If we’re meant to be then fate will do its job well and keep us together and if not, then the answer will be no. Only time will tell, Ma’am.” 
“Very well...Kihyun, you can come in now.” 
Y/n’s eyes widened as the man slowly entered the store, eyes as bright as she remembered and smile just as loving. He had grown a few inches taller since she last saw him and he was looking more built, but he was there and he was still her Kihyun. She wasn’t sure who made the first move as before her brain could even process the situation, she found herself clinging to his chest. His lips pressed against her temple continuously and the glossy eyes turned into waterfalls. 
Mrs Yoo only smiled. “What kind of parent would I be if I ripped my son of his happiness? I would much rather have him with a kind, elegant someone like you than somebody who would only want him for his background and his pretty face. There are a million reasons why you shouldn’t be together, but there are a billion reasons why you should and the only one that matters is that you’re in love.” 
The Mother kissed her son on the cheek and cast a smile towards the girl in his arms as she left the store. Y/n turned to look at Kihyun who had tears falling down his cheeks. 
“Is this real?” She asked softly. 
And in response, he tilted up her chin and pressed his lips to hers, eyes fluttering closed and a thousand butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She didn’t need an answer, his kiss was the best response she could’ve asked for. 
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